The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 14, 1892, Image 3

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What Our Keener Finis of In.
teRlst to Uur KwdVrs.
Haawar) at lk Kmo of Ik Twl) TW
aa lfln iil)-ltrM r Utviwt
JcaawT, Wllklna, flWvi, U la
town ou ImftliifM.
IVwuljr Jul ltutvh,f HUkrvall,
was lu tuwa lo-la'.
Ml IVarl UxHr wwa in IVrilaud
ou th anvritoon trntn.
S. IW, lw Newport capitalist,
imM u on to-day tmln.
tbK Wvlts, th jovial hop rlmr, of
IIUVII ttH, WS III titWtt to-day,
Tli lMrt llithl company i riv
Itilt ttw) dyuamo himw a coat of jaunt.
Mb Nclla Stmiti-r ha gom to New
port, to Uv In family of W, K
J. It. lNvjTk the morning train
south, wit w did ul ltu IiU vU'm-
MIm Ann lk'U, uf Ankm-v,
making txr hoitn with lit family of
J. F I km! Ionian, fbrmwly oftltl
county uow nf (iwwl Hotitc, Uuit
county, ih In town to day,
It. Ohm, who ha hewn splt'iulU!
farm out of oak grub south of.Mou
tuottth, wa. lu town to-dny .
I?. H.Oriit,v(inatrr at the county
!, wa inspvctlnif, a rvtutn ty
the wtnitcr-KtiKral, the pustoRir
her to day.
ttuaiiie on tlu telethon Iin In
thia city ha an incrvad that four
nir wire (torn ISmland are mm to
he phMvd. ou tba tail'1,
J. llardcuhrook ha hirniil lib rvl
tlvuev around, on the corner of rVvcnth
ami Monmouth strvH, and I building
quit an addition to It.
Hi, Irvine, clerking fur Walker
Itruat,, the grocer, had citilial-lik-lug
htnl ou exhibition to day, manu
factured out uf uoUtoe ami cabbage
O'lkmnell A Irvine have had nam at
work totky rvmriun the anoullng ou
tlx) bltf sehoolbiHliW, Owing to thr
height of the building It I unite hii
Mis Ijwie ltobertaun htui had a life
i portrait ot her father, M. A. V
ItotnrtKn, ximtI hy V, H. Whltw
kr. It l very llf like ptoturv, ami
well exwuU-d.
J. B. KuowltM, th r.ilwr of nu
pvtii'hitt on lila farm twlow toti, rw
porta tlw pnwtvifU now gil for
luiye crop nrxt yt'ar. Tvt ylnltl w
mall thU yctir.
H. V. llliig ami wlf have
moved to Imh-pviMh'tiw, from thu
LucklatuuUs ami art IIvIiik III th
bHi! nrar Dr. !?' rtniilwu. Mr
Htlni will tutly uohr Itev. Cojilry
for the in I ii In try.
M. C. Ituawll ami family are Kt-tllng
muly to move uext Monday to Yaiilua
bay, where Mr, Ituawll will lu
cwttle ruUinu ou fnu titer. Hr
will return In the rln hut leave lib
oim to run the furui.
W. t", Huut, a hainliwinie young
traveling man, while out buny rliling
one clay thin week, allowed bin hore
to fall through a brilge,;badly bruUlug
the hop, mill frlnlilfiilng hietuuinny.
He wan driving with the rein In ot.
(1. A. Well and J. It. lied ford, two
of Hueua VUttt' rising young men,
were In (own to-day, and agree to
reward the reporter lllie rally If be will
find thein xouie young lady to eauw a
ttotlee to be plated In be inier of
their marriage. Altentiou, young
V. A. Patleraoo hua iu hi xiti!oo
au luterejttiug bit of card Ixmrd. It I
ticket to the I'olk oouuty fair, held at
IMxlelnlMW. Itcoet one dollar, and
the pin hole ae atlll to tie Keen where
it wait pinned on bin cout, a niulrtl
by the regulations. It, wa tbirty-two
year old.
rtewart t'relghton, foreman of the
coiiMtmctlng foreeof the loiig-dMutn
telephone company, had bl men com
mence work totluy bringing wire
from Independence ttl)nlla via Uiek
reall and return. All uieniiige from
Dalla will pun through the telephone
office here.
lmlliw Nut.
Columbia day will lie appropriately
ohaerved by tbe school here.anniHted by
Oilliam lot G. A. It.
J. J. WlHcman, II. E. Hell, nd Win,
Thoma, of thi city, have gone over to
Neatucca to gather clnrim.
Judge Daly and It. F. Ikill arcolf for
the mctropolU tukliig in the cxpollioii
which 1 attracting o many Dttlliutltea.
X. F. Oregg, of thl city, thl week
received the ad new of the dentil of
hi aged mother, In Ohio. She wa
eighty year old.
In the mutter of the Geo, Whlteaker
road, a tbe three viewer bad fulled to
meet at the appointed time, and the
report had not been filed a required
by law, It wu diHiiiiwwd by tbe com
uilmdoncr' court. In the change of
the HiuBhaw and Purvlne private
road, J. M. Davis, Itoa Powell, and
Eugene Morrow, were ajoluted
viewer, tomeet with Hurvcyor Uutler
on October 2lth.
It. M. Wade A Co. lmvejiwt received
a large atock of guna from the Kut.
Forty ton flrt-cliiH baled buy for
aale by C, P. Well, three mile noulh
of Independence- - 4,,-4t
Gun of all varletie at Jt. M. "Wade
& Co'. AIho a big supply of am
munition Jtmt arrived.
"I would rather truHt that rumllolno
than any doctor I know of," nay Mr.
Ilattle Muw.ii,' of Chilton, Carter
county, Mo., In ajieakliig of Cham
berlain' Colio, Cholera urn) Marrhutt
Remedy, Thia medicine can alway
S Rnlarn. Oracon. W. I.
A Ihogh bmlnem tralnlnn Khool. En.lnr.el l,y . buil.m and protelonal men o. saiein.
Five Departments; Business, Shorthand, Typewriting,Pcnmanship,Englhh.
ScboollDKHlvnlbv entire year. Students adruitMd al any lima.,(;oiituiiilii(infn.imlun)fi
lie deluded Uk.ii, rveii In tha iiowt
wvjitiaiid iliiugeniim ihmw, tor
ehlldrvn and 'adullm and r ivnt
iKHtlea Mr M by all medicine dv-alern.
Kn-ih flub everv Tn.t..i. .....I 1.-..I.I....
Kh every day at wnta. U It. J toy ft
wm, nppoatte Mn gMivry.
M, i-niriea-a nil. They aw the
wpnywo, lliey also reguliile tb
liver and Uiwel. Try them, inmta
ltMiiitiienivd mining thia aftermmii
in nrnel
" Mrkliind.of Hlektiull, wan In
lo u to-dny.
ti.O. t)rav, of Monmouth, look Hie
anernoon train for Ton laud.
Mm J, K ('.HiiH'r took the artermxiu
twin toward INirtliind to-day.
Mr. and Mm, ThleWu, of lilekreall,
weregueaiaof .r. Itutler to day.
A, V. Htniita, one of Aiille'a promi
nent eitlena, mhhIii (own to-day.
tr, IH-ke, nf lliieua VUta, returnel
mini lirtlitud Unlay and aiopped oil
J. It, Font, lately living In I .Inn conn
ty, h tnkeu up hw reHldeuee In Mon
K, VattMeer anuoutnt thlaweek
the diwolutlun of iini'tuerxhlp of Fergu
iam A aiiMeer, Mr, anMir iHiittluu
lug the buiducMi.
A. Hull, who advertlwHl In but lm
wamiuit to rent a hop yunl, hu Joined
with NV, II, Murphy, ami will net mil
twenty aeren aoiilb of town.
Stephen Maala vl.lled the frni of
Mm. I1.,S Wallutw lu tliUoo.iiity, where
there are I-,iimi Mar treea alone, ami I
loud lu bin praUn of Ha Uuty.
Mm, Win, MiiiIImiii enme In fnun the
farm to town to diiy ou foot, and killed
a phtaMiut on the way, Hhe uuikii
prm-Uoul ue of her kuowhHlge of gnu
I lie way uur townxiteople ciuur
erowdlug oil' the looming train, Port
laud ha uncniittt to complain that our
leplo have not atronliud the exil
ttoii there.
K. 1. tiwlnn, mho hi one of the molel
farmera of I'olk enmity, living iieer
Uiekretill, wa in t rn u to-duy. lie low
Jlldl flilliibeil utiM ing 1(10 a nn ol' kiiiii
un-r fidlow laud,
i'haa, Htaaht, who tun lan living In
t'riHk oouuty, b deeidt-d teom to
Imb'tn'iidenee, and I looking aMiind
for a hoiixo wlib-b be will buy and will
make IiU Inline lu re.
J. W. Kirk Inn I attended the rare at
Vancouver lnt ve-k and U bind In hi
prni.--of tlleexivllent armugeuielit of
everything. I le the lte fair limit
uKeuieul inu g-t "pointers" there.
J. M. Htark, the proprietor of the
Little Talnee hotel, took thime Iwaull
Ail twin of hi to I'ortlnud, to ituHte
for the prle at the Portloud expooltloii,
We would like to ee the pair of twin
that will gaiu the prliie over Mr. Stark
The merchant of Imlepeiiileuee
whtMu getieruity and enterprise have
made It jnwnible for every fumlly to pro
cure a complete llbniry trm of i"ol, are:
O'llonnell A Irvine, hardware; Sluek
ton A Heiikle, dry goods, clothing,
imiii ami nimea, inti ftirumniug gtHMH;
T W I'Mtm, groeeriea and eroekery;
VV ll Shiirumn, meh bant tailor; F M
Oaten, laundry; W It Whltenker, phi.
tograpber; W H Wheeler, "tamk ami
stationery; F It U-wia, meat market;
Daiium Cook, livery, feed, and sale
viable. Ton much cannot be wild lu
commendation of buolnc men wb i
trlve to enlarge their liulnei by metb-
. ...... . i
ml WHICH are III otiee Kenerou aim
o beneficial lo the communities lu
which they live.
l)tl Nolp
('bain. IU1I U ut I'ortlnud.
Honi.iil Dalla,Oetoher 7, to the wife
of Clay Noiwin, a mi.
Horn, TburMluy, Oct. 7, to tbe houe-
hold of lrof. W. I Hey Hold, a noil,
Mi-wr, Warren Dunn and J. 11. Hole
urtwm are erecting new reaideiiot here.
Crider Hn. have mild their farm
near town to a gentleman from the
Ih-v. K. V. JiK'kn will preach hi fare
well nermon at Hie Metholit church
next Huudiiy.
Hereufler the Dalla Maccubee will
mwt every Thursday evening and uot
once a month.
Rev. J.W. Craig, the South Metlio
illt minlnter, I now at Albany attend
ing conference.
Mr. C. M. Connaway ha Unm ou a
vliiit to her wm Hurry, who la alatlon
agent at Whltcnon.
Thereare alKiut InO ciuiea ou the eir
cult dix ket which iwuveneaon the llrnt
Monday In U'tfeinla'r.
Owing to the alweiice of Judge Hur
nctt, the opeclal Htwiion of court wu
potjoueil until Friday.
The plaHterer are now at work on
Faiil' brick, and It will not be long
until Itl ready for occupancy.
The Chnutaii(iian w.ll, after their
long vacation, meet with Mr. J. J
Duly on next Tuesday evening.
The room to I occupied by Judge
Hurch In the court honae have liecu
treated to new furniture and otherwise
Mr. C. Ilaworth, who, with hi fam
ily, came to Dalla from California liwt
Mprlug, have decided to return to JIol -liter,
F. J. CVad ha about flnlahed Die
llncHt realdence In town, and hi part
ner, I). J. Hi ley. I "t w,"'k on tmt for
hlinwilf which lie ay will be floor
JamiM Magor, proprietor of the Dal
la hotel, bad thu uiiMl'ortune to have
bin lino new buggy Huuudied up on
Wcdnewlay, canned by a runaway
The county court adjourned Thurs
day after traiiKacliiig the following ImihI
iicmm: Tlie time for the collect ion of de
linquent taxc in Hchool diMtrlct No. 67
was extended tlilrty day. Treasurer
Cpcr was credited with eanct-Ied war
ratitH,'l, 704.(111; school superintendent
receipts, f7,4.' atate treasurer re
ceipt, H wu arranged that
the court meet with Minion county
Stalst. Prlnclnal,
unurt at 1 o'clock ou Oetolair Ullli and
examine the Sulci n bridge to decide
what remli ahall im matte. Material
ordered for a crima walk wexl of the
court lioue.
After au albday act-to ileiday the
Jury In the case uf Wood v. Diet
could uot agree, and they were dl
charged, It will pmbably he tried
agatu Monday,
Seveiul cam of typhoid ami acarlel
fever reiiried here, Ml IknlhaMn
iH'Vlll I still very low with typheld,
but I now a little belter, and the
family of A. V, It. Hnvder are down
wlih scarlet vcr,
ChunilicrlitlH'a Cough Himel,
famouii for It cure ol Uel cold and u
prevenilve and cure lor umup, fin
cent Hr Uittte,
It, M. Wade i Co, eonlluue to be
large deulcm lu alovca.
In one of the newt Isutlfnl cillcaof
hiutberu Mexico, Morlla, the cupllid
of the state Mlchvocau, the H-oile are
ou the verge of starvation owing to a
lot id failure of crop. A diarate mob
of poor broke open a IUkI store Sun
Hev. A, K Copley will preaeh lu the
city bull at Monmouth next Sal.lialh al
II a, m. Sabbath selusil at It) a. in.
The Christian church al Monmouth
la w ithout a pastor, although! mm are
being made to 111! the vacancy Sun
day w'hoot every Sunday Hflcriiuoij,
Itev, K, C, Jaka, of the Preb) lerlau
cliuivh t 'tullu, preached bin fare
well w-riuoim.lii the M, K, cliuivh tbeiv,
last Sunday tsith uioi'iiliig and even
iug to a large audience.
The communion acrvlcv Iu the Kvau-
gviical chureh lut Sublmth were very
lmprvtv. The Sunday aclus.l I grow
lug lu Interest. It. W, Huxtliigs, i lie
UHriuteudeut, aiiilts hluiM'lf well,
Them aril! lie preachlug next Stinlattb
evening by the uulor,
Ih'V, J, A. TowiiMMid, of the Presby
terlau chureh, iKt'upled IiU pulpit mortt
lug iiiil evening. .No wrvln- next
Suuday, a the past, a- will attend pre
bytery In Wisslburn and the synod lu
Albany. Sunday school, J, l Slm-k
loll, iiK-rllitend-lit, ut li !."..
The llaptist chureh at Italia, of
which Hev, M. F. 8, I teuton I pastor,
tioios serviixi at prt-Muit tun once a
month, The church building I un
dergoing repair, new Moors, m-w win
dows, and walla baudiHimely decorated
w ith tvmst piilicr. Suuday school i
held at l p. III. and I well attended.
IU-v. C, p. Smith, of Portland,
prenched the 11 ret wrun.n lo hi congre
gation lu the Christian church Suuduy
morning-he baa ts-eu called to thl
iailor,ite - and hi bearer were w ell
pieiuH-d. Coiiiiumihtii was partaken
He auuouuHl a uni ting Mombiy eveu-
lug to organise a Christian Kmlcavnr
wa'lety and a pmyeruitlug Sunday
school at Ino'cha-k,
Dr. iHity, who baa Ikvii working lu
the Christian cliureii Tor many year
lu Polk county, relgucd bi itilornU-
at I hd las, last January, on accouutof
falling heahh, and I now ls-d
lHillas, and ha Uot lasll ahle to sit up
aiuce Ial February, exwptlng a few
inouieiits at a time. Dr Ik.iy wasau
energetic and auctvwful worker, and
the chureh mime hi act lie and ear
nest work.
Tlie Congregational service nn Hun-
duy, IM. Ulli, were very interesting and
well atleuded. The Suuday school wa
the largmt lu uumla'r since the organ
Uatlou of the H'lety. The young ieo
pie's ws-iety ut B::tti In Hi evening wa
colidlleled by .dr. A, J. Pitts, and was
ofa very Interesting nature. At
the pastor preached lo young men on
'Putting away childish tiling," Hie
coiigrvguiloti, although uncomfortably
rowded, ild very clime altentiou to
tlie reinark of the discourse.
IIi iivIi bI rain of the season to-day.
H 0. Stlnglcy, of Huena Vlta, was
In tow u to-day.
Tom Wann, Hying near Moumouih,
wa In town to-day. ,
If. D. Sluata and wife, of Airllc,
were lu town to-day.
W. P. Connaway and wife left to-day
to attend the exposition.
W. O. Cook, the furniture dealer, bsik
o day's train for Portland. !
K, H. Cattron, a rustling farmer near
Monmouth, was lu towu Uwlay.
W. II. Murphy, the potato ralser.of
this section, left for Portland to-duy.
0. U lliiwley, the euterpriaitig bisik-j
Her, of Monmouth, wn in towu lo-ilay.
The new liism carriage and hisik-aiid-!
ladder truck atrived on Unlay' train,
OuHaturday C. June, of Hlckreall,
was presented by Ills wife with a baby
i'iiu statu assiK'lation of the Haptlsti
hurch meet ill this city commencing
October IS,
K. 0. Cultron, tho giiilu merchant
of Moinnouth, took to-duy' train for
the metropollH.
Hon. F. S. Powell, one of tho best of
I'olk county' many good farmer, was
In town to-day.
Oliver Smith and bride are already
settled lu thu house on their farm on
the Iiiickiiunule,
()eo. W. Hhlnn and wife, and Miss
liatilu Jones, baik to-day's train fur the
Portland exposition.
Mis Lou Waller, of Monmouth, left
to-day lo visit her Ulster, Mr. A, J.
Wiutcrs,ln Portland.
Allen W. Hutlcr, aged seventeen, son
of Frank llntler, at Falls City, died lust
Monday of typhoid fuvar, s
The Messrs. Fudge, of Waltsburg,
who have been visiting 1). L Hedge,
of till city, left for home to-dny.
Chas. Oshorn, of Cooper Hollow , wa
rnudu luippy Hunday morning by tho
the birth of a line boy ut hi house.
J. It. N. Hell bid hi friends go,.d-hye
to-day and told them he wu leaving
direct for Denver, Colorado, on busi
ness, Luetic, Infant daughter of J. A. Ve
iiess, died this morning ut 2:41, Fu
neral to-morrow" In liuona Vista at 8
o'clock p, m.
A meeting of tho board of trado, and
all business men of Independence, I
called for next Tuesday evening, ut tlie
iy null.
A very handsome piece, representing
a printer' frame and cases, elaborately
decorated wllh fruits and llnwera, wus
prepared by tbe skillful bund of Mr
and Mi, HiiNik a au oiuameut for
tlie prealdcnl'i bible at the preaanaaiwh
alloii couvention.-The Dalle t'lirenl
Itev, J, M. Parker witli ii bride, ar
rived in ludepvudiiiice to-da, U in-
haul tuukltig hi ieniinueiit houia iu
- .'"M,ttlle Oily, Ciai oouuty,
Jiiiiic Alexander, whoac flue farm
is a mile or o smiih of towu, relumed
imdny with Mm. Alexander from
three Weeks' trip in California.
The city council gave J. K. lltiWmid
ilic contract for filling the Main streel
acims from Wade A Co' store, and bv
bus nearly completed thu Work,
J. A. Wlllirew, living ou the Luckla
mute, Inform us that Hold. Steele, his
win, tathcr, I having a wry serious
time Willi acalurrhou one of hhtliuudi
W, II, Wheider, the Issik seller, ha
gone to Portland with Mr. Wheeler,
and will select lit slta-k of holiday
good", besides seeing the Night uf the
M.O, potiernnd kC. Ullmore, of
Hits cliy, are detegatw to thu grand
lislge Knights of Pythias, which meeis
at I.ugeiie, ami will uot return until
Fred, a sou of I), 0. Ijulck, of Suver,
w Im wa severely scalded some four
week ago, la sllll sull'erlng Intensely
uoui his wound, his left side, arm, and
his fiioe, sllll lailug a raw sore,
Messrs, NculA Smith, the butchers
here, are killing llfty beef cattle each
week, lawltle thlriy-llve sluH'p, thirty
hogs, and fifteen veal. It kis-ps Mr.
,Vml rustilug nearly atl the llius
iiihi,ilng shs'k,
J, W, Hosier and John Young, with
their fuiulties, spent Hunday with
Jolm Vernon' faintly al the farm
near Hick r all, There Is no harm now
iu waying that they fared sumptuously
ou China pbeasaiil.
Ilaxbtt, the pilgrim printer, visited
tin oitUv Friday ami Saturday, and
wa given work. Hi must 1m)hvu
Uur life, w andering around from one
priutiug-uttlce to another, never hav
ing a uniue. He Is known far and
Thu ludeia'tideuee tile factory ha
jiil completed buruliig a kiln full of
tile, iiiul they aieamt baud of a fine
uiialliy a any we ever sw, The
inoldtug hsuii Is alacktst full of gnsMi
tile and the work of burning will go
steadily ou.
1 1 i tsisy to read the signal service
Dug. When It I raining, thebiack
IbiK are up; and when it I clear tlie
white llig are up. Sigual Servhv Clerk
Connaway says he kept the while
Una up during the heavy rains of
fair week Is-eause tlie hisw became
(angled and he could not get tlieiu
down, ,
I) O, tjulck, of Suver, was lu towu
to-day and reH.rls alt uf the tree In hi
extensive nursery at Suver In tine con.
illiloii, free from luxi-i, and that he
Iiim a large luworliin ut of apple, pears,
prune, s hi tn, cherries, and also small
frulls, for saW, w litoh he I prepareil to
hip to alt M-nHMi on short notice. He
w ill mall hi cainlngue and price to all
those making application.
II D. Osiper and sister, Mlm Path
Cuoper, are building a very comfortable
eleven room house ou thu farm lust
north ol towu, ll 1 almiMt completed.
Ou the right nf the hall down stair i
lilley Csis'r's hulncm olllee and
lisiplug aartuieut, and ou the left
the double parlors; theii follow dining
room ami kitchen, also a bed room.
l'hew are five bed rooms up stulre.
lu the U'M Si UK of Sept. IKMli
llroilicr J. It. N. Hell, who ha so sue-
ivsKfully piloted that Journul the past
foil rlii-u months, tmU us gisid-byn. As
a ciKWorker lu the vineyard of Polk,
We have always found liro. Ik-ll honest,
forcible and loU-ul (barring his politic!
ou ull qm-stions, and we regret to have
Iiim leave us, though he turns the W KM' j
Sii.Kover tutu competent bunds. Mr.
K. C. Peutlaud usMume control and
management this week. He I kuow u
to be one of the ts-st ncw piin-r men lu
Oregon; has given hidcpemleiiueagisid
insr ouci, and Will do It agalu. Yule.
lire, Hell; welcome, Hro, Pcntlaml.
Dalla Transcript.
IlKlUa N.iltf..
Mrs, Olis Hiultli Is ou a visit tu Mr,
ami Mr. J. D. Smith.
Felix Noel has taken In 15,HU0 bushels
of wheat at Ills (touring mill.
Surveyor T. U Huller hu built a re
Icnce on (lie hill ul the south termiuu
of Main street.
Mrs. Minnie Dolman, of Siileiu, bus
Ihtii here on a visit to her mother, Mr.
I. J, Hlchmond.
Mrs. Ida Pcrcival ami children, of
your city, are visiting her mother, Mr.
K. L. Iehuhmutt, in this place.
Mulr & McDonald huveseviral teams
busy hauling tan bark from the moun
tain to their tannery at thl place.
A crayon social was held at the Chris
tian chureh pal lor Friday evening and
netted the sia-iely a snug little sum.
Mr, C. II, Cbapmaii, tbe undertaker,
and wife, will, iu a few days, leave on
a business (rip to their, old Ohio home
to heiibscntnhout twu month
The i pedal term of court wus ud
Journed last Friday, and the argument
iu the famous Hirschlarg-Huutly uase
will be beard before Judge Hurncit ut
chamber In Halcm on Thursday, Octo
ber l.itli.
Thu lino residences of N. M. McDan
lei, D P. Htoull'er, and F. J. Coad, are
now ready for occupancy, and, with D.
,1. Ktcly'H, will liu four of Ihe IIiichI lu
the county. All will bo lighted with
Mr. J. It, Miller left Saturday for her
home al Port Tow nseiid after a two
weeks' visit will) friend hero. She
was accompanied by Mr. and Ml', W,
S.drant who will take their well earned
vacation from poslolllce duties.
Tho cruel murderer of Dr. Crouln Is
said to have been found, and hi name
Is Thomas ( looghcguu, alias, Thomas
Clormaii, now confined In the peni
tentiary at Salon. Olllcials from Chi
cago will take him there and be will
be tried for tlie murder.
Our merchant believe lu giving the
women something to do by the employ
ment of them. In Fonton A Toner's
mammoth dry-goods store Miss Fihmu
Hlack Ih m-Hlstlng. In VV. C. Hrown's,
Ml I Initio William 1 Htill employed,
whllo Miss Nora Craven I handling
tlie yard lick for her father. Mrs.
Shutt la clerking forN. M. McDauM.
Mr. Hoydslon and Mr. Faullaru help
lug tliulr husband In the grocery and
hardware businesses respectively,
f OoiicluUest on soconil pagn,J
Soiiit'thintf About Raising Hops
in I'olk County.
Nil HsIiIh !') Hi-lUr lk Wsral UUls
tlw UorU Mi.rlh SI.ishi
a t'i.
The rapid Incieios'lii acreage ami tho
iMilisiMiueNt Incieiom lu Value ut the
hop crop of Polk county, culls forth
some Interesting fuel and figure ou
thu crop of the present year.
It lakes time ami I run bin to gather
thu Information w hich we present our
reader thi week, but Wm. Wells Sr,
has taken that trouble ami has furnished
this par with the data. According
Ut an estimate baaed ou au Intimate
aopiiilutuuce with the fact, by J, F
drove, of Dallas, there are now planted
lu hui, old and new yards, (i:Kl acre
and the aggregate yield I !I,!WU bales,
which at INU jaiuiid to the bale make
a total yield of tmi.DJii pounds. An
averago price of 'M ceni a pound
would make the amount of money
paid Into thl county reach the
sum of H.ti.jol. There are only iibout
forty Imp raiscra lu thl county at
present, which would make au Ineoma
of .1,(lixiaplce,aud au avcrae;of sixteen
aertHi hi each one, or alsiut lw an acre.
Since thu cost of raising a pound uf
hoM Is only utsnit eight cents a pouud,
the resulting profit to these grower Is
M,i!nOja year. Counting the iKipulutlou
uf tbe euuuty at lu.uut!, It Is ovir7
Ui every man, woman, and child. Siuce
nearly the whole oust of (he crop Us In
lalsir imlilvatlng, ilhig, picking, and
trying- It may safoly la said that au
averagu of flu lo each person In Polk
county I the result of tliuuuu crop.
There I foisl for reflection lu the
(lim-s. Polk county I the homo of
the hop vine, and w hile w heat laud I
worth only f io and f,"g) au acre, hop-
yard land sell at t3) and tan an acre,
The follow ing are the name ofh,:
raisers I u Polk imiiuty, together wlili
the iniiuls-r of aerisi ami yield of baK
of liojut of 1HO (siuiida nu ll!
Win, Wells Sr., la acres, l'il lailcs,
an average of li'si pound to the acre,
Jia Miller, 15 acres.I'Ji bah, au gver-
age of Hlo SHiuda to the acre.
Henry IS-mUiii, la aeitw, Wl luiliw, an
avemge of l l'si hiuuiI to the acre.
H. 0. Miaire A Ham,, U auri, UO bale,
au averge of IhiiO pound to thu acre.
Well Hm., 1,1 aorea, tun bales, or an
average uf Fust suuds.
Mlleal'orterfleld. I1 acres, IH) bale, or
an average of iwi jmiii nds.
A. P. Homtey, 7 ore, 1'.' bales, an
average uf Inso ptaiud.
Wm M. IXtvbUiii, H acre, Wl lisle.,
or au average of II.''. pound.
Hoc. Itcillfe, ttucres, iKI bate, or n
average of lids) pounds.
jolm, 8 acre, an twiisi, or m
average of llNl iMiuud.
It 1) Cisisr, I'J acre, l:l'J ImU, or au
average of ltisK jaiund.
J A llurtou, .Hu acre, 241 butt, or au
average of Ihia h.iiii,U.
K C Merrill, itl acres, 275 bale, or an
average of ItloO pound. '
Hank Alerwlu, 4 acre, il Imlc, or au
average of I Ilk) H)iiiiI.
Henry Hill. 'JO aens, HO Iwlm, or au
average of 720 aiund.
K P Dove, PI lU-res, ,Wi) bate, or mi
average of I.l'Si muihIs.
Putnam Hrw, W acres, 2o0 liales, or
an average of I Vk) K.und.
Hen Hayden, 12 acrea, HO Iwlca, or an
average of IJOO pound.
H Hiiydcn, 10 acrt. (M) taih. or au
average of ln0 pouuila.
It F Mason, IDncrus), 00 bale, or an
average of inso pounds,
Hill A Viaikuin, iriiHinw, HH bales, or
iin average of 1HI0 pounds,
Farley lima., H aci, 41 linltw, or an
average of 1)70 pounds.
Milium A Yoakum, o acres, 2.1 bales,
or all average of loot) mhiiiiIs.
YiMikum a Grant, 8 acre, 44 tiales, or
au average of IHH) hiii ml.
J 1'' droves, ll) acrea, 100 bales, or an
avcrnge of 1 124 hiuuiIs.
HWCIIIIord, 20 acres, 120 lades, or
au average of I oho pounds,
TJ Morrison, IH acres, 121 balm, or
au average of I:l(Wi pounds.
II 11 Pluuimer, Nacres, 45 bales, orau
average of till,') jsmud.
11 Morrison, 12 acres, 70 bales, or an
average of lOot) pounds.
Culler, 10 aeres, 4A bale, or au
average of HID Miuuds.
KAt.lJ ClTV.
Ford Klines, 8 acres, 4:1 bales, or an
averago of isTi pounds,
J W smith, 6 acres, Si bale, or an
average of IHH) pounds,
Illng (Chluumnu), 35 acres, 120 bales,
orau averairc of.H05 ihiiiiiiIs.
Ijcc Wun u (Chinaman), 12 acres, 75
bale, or an average of 1125 pounds.
We have no figures from qultea num
ber of yards lu tlie county among which
are Included those of Hcitrdsley, McNu
ry, Hhodc, Gilliam, Grant, Haker,
Higgs, Walcolt, and others, '
It will be noticed thut about an aver
age yield through tho county Is HlH)
pounds to I ho acre, which is a low av
erage. At the price of twenty cents a
pit.nil, that 1220 an acre, lb'12
an acre profit, Interest at ten per cent
on land at $1820 au acre. ' In aplto of
these facia any person can go along the
river bottoms, where the best hop lands
are, and liny ucre and acres at 10 au
aero, and iu some cases even much
cheaper, If a farmer raises tlilrty bush
els of wheat to the acre, which, we will
say, cost him lit) con la a bushel to raise,
lit) can only, by selling ut"u cents, a
high price, realize a profit of $18 au
acre. It takes Just 7,1 acre of wheat
land to equal thu profit ou out) acre of
hop laud and that, too, when hops
sell at 20 cents a pound. Wl.ulan enor
mous prollt there Ih lu imps at :I0 and
40 and 50 cents a pound, and once,
you remember, they reached $1.10
a pound, The time Is coming when
every foot of land In Polk county will
lie cultivated, Home In grain, some In
hops, and the rest in fruit.
(Is Ih Wuy In I'nraitlw,
Let us hope that the people who ha
bitually disregard tliulr health will
reach that desirable place, and avoid
the locality which la Ivoadealrubleas an
'eternal h'snleoce ou ancouut of the heat
and surrounding generally, Hut while
we tarry In this vale ol tears, why should
we voluntarily endure tho torture of
uy'pslawbeu a systematic use of Ho.
tetter' Stomach Hitter will rid us of
the atrocious malady wblub-unlesa
physicians art very much at fault
tui. U shorten tho tenn of our exist
eiicu. Heartburn, blllousue, const I
pntlon, almost always accompany this
oimplalut and ar syinpUimatloof IU
These are all extinguished by the Hlt
Uts, which also oomiuer ruinuletely
, malaria, rhcuinatlsui, nervousness, and
debility, since tho appearance uf "la
grlpi" It hussliowuaslugularinasU'ry
over thUformldablecoiiiplalut that ha
carried off so uumy of uur brightest and
As AuMOiibl ol lUgl Haanwaau
lag Sis TlinuMnd Mnibr la
Tbe Uaplist Htute Aasoolallaa meet lo
this oily onmiiituiiiiiig Thursday after
mam at tl p. in. Next Wednesday tbe
minuter' uniou will onuveiio at 'if. m.
Addr.w)!- by Hev Whlteaker and F. K,
Scbolleld, In tb evening au address by, H. D. tlisnt, of Portland. Tliurs
da) loorultig sddresseo by Itev, 11 M.
Hobb sini O. W. lllaok. At JW D. m.
Hev, T. (1. Hrowusou, of MoMuuivllle, 1
will preach lb annual sermon, followed
hy eieieise or Wtniau rureigo Uar
lou wH'luly. In the eveuiag Itev. A. J.
Ilnnsiikur will read report on foreign
uiimlon rullowMi by addresses by Itev
(, T, Kllis, of Dakar City, and Itev.
jiiuic ttiiilitirwmt, secretary ut A men
oan llaptist Missionary Union. Friday
t iu a. m, ll. w. i iinioo will rixrt on
Hiinibiy seliisd; address by ltv. A. A.
William, and discumion led by Itev. K
(I, Wlineler. lu tbe sfteruoou deuoinlua
tionai paper, sxeroaa. of Woman's lisp
list Hutu Misiouary Woeajty, sad the
hum nusrioii, will ooeupy tb liuis. In-
teiesliiiv reinnrka will be mad and re
port read by Miss A. E. Vosa,ltev, L. J.
Ttiruboll, Hev U W Voiiuel), Itev A
Weslertmrg, sud others, lu Iboeveuiiitr
tbe lonili (wntmmiid of Hie dixv.very uf
Amriea will be honored In addresseo by
lfu tl.A.vmi O,.. If U I...I.I. ....I
Stale Missionary 0 M Hill, uf Portland.
Saturday, Young People Day, will
oomiiienoe at Ilia) a. m. with a sorvio uf
prsyer, sud hiisiinsi session brifiouiuii at
vm, liiiniiK rorvniMia addnwse liy U
H llilc, O V Coliow ir , Miss Hose Turn
bull, sud Itev O W Hill.
During Hi sflernoou lutermtiug tuple
wilt Im diaouiuHs by Mi Pciuung'on,
MM Jiosry, w W orooks. snil Mrs J
I to lit. Tlie iin y will close with sililmavw
hy Itev H MoKillop and K D Orsnt
Diirinii lli entire seMiou speolsl uiusio
will be turuisliiHl by lueuilwr of lbs na-
l.'tu ciiuicli.sud tbe msle-ipisrlelUjolioir
or iii Aiixiiiy cnureu.
Sunday al U;i0 will be held a Sunday
ebis.l rihm nittilliiu and add reus by N
S Dyuert, Itev L T Husb, and Mr F, 0
Wbeeler. At 11 -l s. iii. a seruioo by
U. v O Parker, sad at SHU p. ai. by Itev
O A WoimIv. la the ovrniug a sermon
by IteV It D Orsnt.
Mondny moruiug the oducstional work
will Im nrew tiled by Hev K Nortlirnp.
TIims sessions will bo full of interest,
ami no doutit will be largely atleuded.
Tl.y TrasM! Soma linpaHaal Hln
and Adopt Hsaalittloa frablb.
Illiif Oamullnc.
City oonaoil oonvened io regular ses
sion (JcU.her Bib Special ooranntti
res.rtd the purchase uf I lis following
sppsralast Olio W aterous Aerial book
and ladder truck, with forty-foot oxtou-
iou ladder aud double-serew-power ele
vating spparatus, owl, $075; one Wsler-
oiiso i)oe curl isn. 1, cost, 8ii; two
bnws liiHr play pi (wa, etc., ttc, $2100;
b.tul, WH(10. 1
Contriiotor J E Hubbard iimlriioted to
cunplele lbs filling of streel t'lnterseo
tiou of Muiu snJ Moumoutb streets.
On ruotiou tlie following resolution
was sdopted:
VVhkiix, There has been aud is now
iniicb ooutplniut in allowing gsmbhng
Hiiiues to run in on violation of Ordi
n sue No. H; and
WiiKiia, It cems to u that a better
state of affair should exist; therefore.
Hkhoi.vkii, That the marshal, bis dep
uty, aud the uiithtwatohraau, be and are
hereby ordered to itnmedmtely (top all
games running in violaliou of said ordi
on nee. Aud be it further
Hisolvkii, Thut tbe marshal, his dep
uties, sud lbs uigbtwatohmso are hereby
ordered to arrest aud bring before tbe
reeofthir atiy psrson or persons fotiud
violating siiid ordinance.
Sundry iiooounU allowed iu the sum
of tWXW.
J. M.
Stark's Nlna-Mi.nths-Old Twin lil
Klrsl I'rli at lb Kinoslllon.
J. M. Htark, the proprietor uf the
Litilu Palace hotel, came home Tues
day, one of tbe proudest and happiest
men In Polk county. At the great
baby show lit Portland Monday after
noon, where 2tH) babies were laughing
and crowing, a picked Jury decided
that his beaithy twin were the beat
on exhibition, and he wa awarded the
pil.e, two Hue caasimcre gowns,
awarded by tbe firm of Old A King,
Portland, Oregon.
Ili.tii.iii In Oanmnd.
Dr. 0. D. Itutler 1 building a new
residence, aud of course It Is known
that the house In which he now Uvea
will he vacant soon, and he says be
thinks he has bad au average of three
applications a day for It, for the past
two weeks. Hu ha engaged It to Mrs.
((raves, who will move Into it from
A boy ulHJiit fifteen year of age la
wanted at the Wbmt Hi dk office to learn
the printers' trade. This I a fine op
portunity for a boy who wishes to learu
a good trade
Goo. C. Peterson, representing the
Oregoiilun Encyclopedia liiltiiniilcn,
will be lu Independence for a few days
longer, and may be found at Mrs.
HIIiio'h hotel, or the store of W. II.
Wheeler and O'Donnoll A Irvine.
All person knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of Heamer A Craven,
will please call and settle at once, a wo
need the money,
Khamkh A Chavkn,
liemember to oall at tbe Normal Book
Htore, Moumoutb, If you need anything
in the line ot sohool books, school sup
plies, atbletio goods, etc
Ni.tlu to THxpuyera,
Notice Is hereby given to tbe taxpayers
of the city of Independence, Polk oonn
ty, Oregun, that tbe mayor, recorder,
and marshal of said city will sit aa a City
llonrd ot Equalization at the oouuoil
hull on Weduesday aud Thursday, tbe
10th and 20lu of the present month, at
7;i)U o'clock p. 111., for tbe purpose Ot
i ousidsriug all deinuuds for corrections
hi assessment or valuation of property
mad Hytbaoity recorder lu the recent
asaesstnent of said oily.
Dated this tho 111b day of October,
lwfc JT Four.,
City Iteourder.
V. 0. l'attenein, the popular con fee
Huyyour sclnsil book of W, II.
A full lino of school books and school
upplluo at Wheeler',
For tho most choice ooufectloiiery,
go io t u. 1'aiterson .
There I a laatullful Hue of children'
hat at M la M acautay 'a.
Call on MlasJdacaulay and price her
uau iHiiore going oisewueru.
Sss,-lal rate for family washing ut
tlie iiiuepeuuenoesteaui laundry.
P. C. Pstterson ha Just received
big supply of fresh candle of all kind.
Wo make a elalty of scIkkiI Usiks
ana cukii supplies, w.ll. wneeier.
Candles, nuts, oranges, lemon, bv
uauaa, graMi, cigar aud tobacco at P.
C. Patterson's.
Try Strong's restaurant, Weataoott &
Irwin, proprietor, when in Halcm,
Meala, Unit class in every way, 26 cents.
You will 13 sure to find among Mlas
Macaulay's large selection of millinery,
lust what you want at your own price.
Do n't forirct to go to Mlas Macaulay's
for yiajr fall and school hat, for she
will bo able to give you Just wbut you
There are laundries and laundries,
but when you want your linen dona
up lu flml-claa order, send it to the
Independence steam laundry.
"Iu the Spring the Young man 'a fancy
Lightly turn to thought of love,"
Hut the glrla will fight shy of thnee
youth who fad to take their linen to
the ludewudence steam laundry.
There la no place lu Oregon where a
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Westaeott Irwin, 271 Com
mercial atreet, Salem. (. Courteous at
tention, a line meal, and the populur
price of 25 cents, have made this
house tho headquarter of everyone
who has occasion iodine In Salem.
ttsatty' I'laaos aad Organ,
Hon, Daniel F. Hcatty, the great or-
f an and piano manufacturer, Is bulbi
ng and shipping more orifans aud
plain than ever. In 1870 Mr. Hcatty
left Iioiim) a lamullesa plow-boy. aud by
Ida Indomitable will he ha worked hi
way up so aa to sell so far, nearly 1 00,000
of Healty'aorgans and phi tin since 1870.
Nothing seems to dishearten him; ob
laclua laid lu his way that would have 1
wrecked any ordinury man forever, he
turns to au advertisement and comet)
out of It brighter than ever. His
Instruments, a la well known, are
very jsipular aud are to m found In all
part of tho world. We are informed
that during the next teu years he lu
tends to sell 2H),tHK) more of hi make.
That mean a business of $20,ono,ono if
weaveraire them at $100 each. It I al
ready the largest buslnnts of the kind
In existence. Send to Daniel F. Heatty.
Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue
(Oontnimtwd fauslnea Unn-h 15, aW.J
mm 111 m
Al tndeMnlemw, In thwHutle "f Orpaoa, at
llit ei.M 01 uimiiim, niUHi.Dr a, im,
Iiana and dlaniunla Ilim.CI 14
Ovvrilralla, mh-uhnI and uu.M-nn-l S,?J0 71
V. H, IW.inU lo acciirv i-ln illll,,n.... I'J.'.O W
Hut. from iruvrd iwrvt Hriiui., J, I TV g!
jaie rroni Mtaie bansa and bunki.ra . Jrtl 21
Hanklna-lHiiM. ninillnn. anil HU'rs 17 .IW Kt
I iirrviu immim and lase uald.... 17 at)
l'r-iiililiii mi I'. M. Ilonds J,2fi OU
C'lKM-ka and i.llivr mall linn ),0 7S
llllla of olhrr uanka 15U 00
f rarili.nal Hix.r lurn-iuy, nlckfla
nnd wliU 4ft 21
Dom-i . u.noi 16
Irf-ani-iniii-r aou . iw ui
lU',l. ni,ll,n fund wllh I . H. Trr .
nrrr 16 err wnl, uf i-ln-ulsllnnl... VT2 to
Tola) . JKBJK 4
Cspltal tek raid In . S0.M W
Hiiriiiua lunii.. ............. ui
ndlvldrd nnillla IM. W
Nnllonul lunik iii.nuuluuidlug... 11,21 OD
Dividend uniwld 2,IJ (l
IlidlvldiiaJdi'piialUsiihJwt tncliwk. 41.11 71
iriiind pcrtnii-aliMnfdi-iKMlL 51,1117
I Mln lo oilier Nallunal Hanks . 14,1'JS W
UuloHUilnuiluiid bankrm X,.M Itl
Total . tlt,IM 48
Hlal of Oregon, I
imuiiiy 1.1 iMik, 1
. W. I. Ix.nnawHy. i-ualilrr of III slsiv
named bnnk. d noli'inulv swear Dial Ihe
kIm.v liil.' I I rut, to III beat of my
kiK.wledgo wid bi'lli-f.
w , r, in a w a j , vnaiutir.
riuhMirtlH-d nnd svruru to befnre me thin I'll li
diiy ol OvU, imi, UKo. A. Hhitii,
H, Hiascnaaan,
AHsxa Nkim.n,
lllaulllo Xotlm.
Notice Is hereby given thattheco part
nership heretofore existing between A.
C. lieamer and W, H. Craven, under the
firm name of lieamer A Craven, la this
day dissolved by mutual consent, A. C.
lieamer retiring. The business will lie
conducted iu the future by W. H. Cra
veu A Co., to whom all moneys due the
old Arm are payable, and who will pay
all the firm' indebtedness.
48-tt A. C. Hbamkk,
W. H. Ckavkn.
Iudcpeudcnce, Or., October 1, 18i)i
When the hair begins to come out m
combing, It shows weakness of tbe
scalp that calls fin Immediate atten
tion. The best preparation to arrest
further loss of hair and restore the
scalp to a healthy coudiUuu ia Ayer's
Hair Vigor.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Is The Best.
Firstly. It is the oldest Cream of Tartar Baking Powder
in the world, and has stood the test of 40 years.
SECONDLY.Its makers have never succumbed to the
temptation to introduce ammonia or alum in their goods, for
the purpose of cheapening the cost.
Thirdly, -It is made from the purest Cream of Tartar,
refined in the immense plant at Jersey City controlled by this
company, by patented processes used by no other refiner.
Fourthly. The governments of the United States and
Canada have endorsed Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder after
thorough examination, as have also the heads of our great
universities, prominent physicians, boards of health and the
public. It is used in the United States Army and Navy and
in the cuisines of the most select clubs, hotels and private
families. ' ; , -
Fifthly. It is just what it is represented to te, viz- a
pure Cream of Tartar powder and can stand on its record
wHhout any bolstering up by means of fraudulent certificates,
or resorting to any other tricks practised sometimes success
fullyby other makers of so-called "absolutely pure" powders.
SWlfljr UssmrtMl by Tl(ratk to lbs
Wt aid, Thursday Mima, by the
tonui.arnlal Klw, uf
WHXAT-Holdar ar out selling freely.
Mlbjut advauce io limits. Prices
paid bero are higher tbao situation war
rants. Heceipbi np to average. Quote
Wall Walla 11.15 to $1.16 per cental
Valley $1.22'l' to $1.29, according to sixo
aud location of parcels oiftiicd.
Bil,tr-Good, datawd lair, f Feed
barley flM per top offered. f
Oars Ilusmoao fair and prioM firm on
best qoslilna. Quote No; 1 while (f
iiio tad 44o per bushel. Gray, 40o and
HonMovemeut slightly 00 tho in
oroano. Trading is far from active. Buy
ers bare been oomplld to advance,
rjmall lots secured lite to JOo per pound.
Sellers boldiuu off for 25o.
Potato Demand only local, no ex
port Inquiry. Poor aud juforior plenti
ful, tud difficult to 'sell. 3 Qnoto 6O0 to
7Do per sack; ocninoo, 6O0,
Wooli Quiet. Quotations nominal,
Mo to ISo for valley. Or, .,
Hurraa No change io the situation.
Quote fanoy creamery, 8O0 and 320
per poood. Fanoy dairy, 87jc and 8O0.
EoosFresb Oregon ranch, firm at
27jo per doastt. Eaatero ooioing in freely.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe co
partnerahip beretoforocxisting between
W. E. Ferguson and E C. VanMeera
proprleUirs of the sash and door factory,
i tliba day dissolved by mutual consent,
W. E. Ferguson retlrhiK aud transferr
ing his lutereat Ut K. C. VanMeer. who
assumes all liabilities of the former Arm
aud to whom all note and account are
payable. - , W. K. Kkholson,
K. C. VanMkkh.
Independence, Polk couuty, Or., Octo-
oer 0, witt.
"Have who can T' was the frantic cry
of Napoleau to hi army at Waterloo.
Have health aud streugth wbilo you
can, by the use of Ayer'a barsiparliln,
I advice that applies to all, both young
aud old. Do n't wait until disease
fastens ou you; beglu at once.
According to this mouth's statement
of the secretary uf the treasury of the
Culled Htates,. the interest-bearing
debt is now VM5,oai,17U. Debt bearing
no interest vi7,w7u,H48. I u tbe treas
ury are stored In gold bars and coin
-M,m,m; silver dollars, subsidiary
oolu aud bare, 46t,?J5,773. Tbe In
crease In cash balance over August la
2,743,7M. ' "" -"'"
llucklen's Ariilra aalv. '"',
The best salve in tbe world for cuta,
bruises, sorea, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all ski 11 eruptions, and posi
tively cureo pile, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give iwrfeut aatia
factiou, or money refunded, Price," 25
oeuUperbox. For sate by any drug
gist. -
' Xalin. f lllsmlstlss. .
Notice I hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
D. M.Klemseu, JS. O. Clodfclter, ftnd
D. H. Clodfelter, under the firm name
of Kleniaen & Clodfelter Uma., k this
day dissolved by mutual conseut. The
business will be conducted In tlie fu
ture by Kletuaen A Cbrlsliau, to whom
all moneys due the old firm are to be
paid, aud who will pay all Indebted
ness. D. H. t'UILIKKLTEK.
ii-4t D. M. KL8M8EN .-j
, N. O. Olodfrlteb.
Ki.ku.skn A Christian.
Indepcndeuce, Or., October 3, 1802.
One hundred English flower catalpa
tree. Emjuireof John C;lirewn,'oue
mile north of Independence. C.;i
The monetary conference ot tlie lead
ng nations of the world ia to meet
ieither In Brussels or Dresden, on the
21st of November.
loans nsgotiated on chattel and
real-estate security. Notes discounted.
Thomas A Johnson, Halem.-Or.
W A N T K D Good markeUble aniT and
neani on aubsc-rli.tlon hi tills ollli-e.
WANTED To rent a if nod hup yard of 12 or
iu sorea, in any pari 01 rout onaiiiy,
A. Hall, care of this oflleo.
W AM'KIK-Olrl to do housework and take
rare nf lilldren. Apply al roaldenoe of K.
Hlnilley, lndeiiendenee. &
WASTKP One ton of carrot or other root
on.g for cow feed. Apply at this ottloe.
WANTED Cordwood ou 'sabsorlptlon. at
thl olllce. .
WANTKIV PureliHiier firsewlnir-ma-liln.
Ciwl In now. W ill sell for Address
A, win inia omoe,
KOH HALK New sewtna-msehlns not used
a month. Cost $115. Will mll fin- $;io. Also
new slor; oust M: will tak t.U Address
A. E, Davla, Independeuco,