The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 23, 1892, Image 3

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CislSb Publishing Gcr.jmy
Bkim Ciuap.-Wx lota n
Whlte'a addition, nWbmluwi tot on
Mela itntt, Independence. Geo, E.
BrV - "! ' 2,48
K. Dvl, of Monmouth, exhibited the
following prise wlnuere t the Oregon
Bute Fair at fcstom, last week; Draught
mtree, reur year old and over, Nettle,
Bret prta. end Jenule, second prise.
He also took Bret prise 6 M beet pair
of fwtu how. Good (or lMk.
Masonic The Independence chap
ter, Iteyei Arch Masons, will be in
etiluted to-night In this city at the
Meeonto halt. Pwtt'
Iwrlalo, Grand High Priest, and other
distinguished Masons, will bepreeeut
nd Institute the chapter. All lteyal
Arch Masons we cordially Invited to
b preeent aud participate lu the w
No rwtACUtso.-TlM elder of the
Calvary Presbyterian church of this
aty are wy sorry te announce that
Ui Rev. Dr. Owyoue, of Baleru,
writes that U will be ImpoeslbW for
hint to be bens next Sunday. We are
torry for thte second dlsappolutmeut,
aud M thni could be uo other supply
secured, there will I no services Id
that church next Suudey, The
superintendent also authorise u to
tat that there will be do Buudsy
school next Sunday. Dr. Towosend,
the regular peor, will begin his work
the following Sunday.
In Jail rom a l4rmMis.--Tbere ar
rived at the state prison, last Tuesday,
from Vale, Malheur county, John and
William Bailey, brother, sentenced to
Km t Ufo-tlme sentence In the Ore
ion state penlteutlary, convicted of th
erimtof murder lu th eecoud degree-
They were sentenced for th murder of
William Humbert on April otii. To
murder created greet excitement at th
time, and bad It not been proved at lb
trial that th IklU'y were Intoxicated
whu th crime wu committed, they,
oodonbt would hav been found guilty
of murder Id th flrst degree.
Tub Folly or NKUutor. Neglect
U th great cause or failure. Suwm I
to erery man' reach If he take paiui
to tuemxl. We uiiwt fi our Uk aud
work with our might to mwiuplUh It
Your ganten due not grow up In wel
becauM It might not be otherwise, but
becauae you neglect II. The tchoolboy
bail and goe to th foot of hi clan be
mum he doe not take pain, The r
uon la crude and rambling aud puU
the congregation to sleep, becauae the
pMtor allowed hlmelf to be diverted
by other thing from tb work of care
ful preparation. "Diligence lnure
uccea.'' alackoeat and neglect mean
Inevitable failure. To know how la, of
eooree. much; but to do the bret you
know, and keep diligently at It, I the
beat way to learn how, and tb onlj
lure road to uocww.
TheGb8AtTvnnbl.-Tu city of
Denver I deeply iutereeted lu the great
tunnel that la being dug under Mount
Kelno and Gray' Pk, alnwl alxty mlk went of that place. It la to
be 2i.W feet, or nearly five mil, In
length. It i about one-third exoavat
ed, aud the company In charge i
piwhlug tlie work with all powible die
patch. Contract have been made for
electric Dlauta to be ued at both end
of the tunnel, and with thl valuable
.1.1 It U nnlpd that the tunuet will
be readv for railroad track in lee than
three year. With the completion of
this ir mat engineering feat the trau
eontlnental route will tw ehortened by
mile. That Denver' commercial
IntereaU wUl b enormoutly benedted
need no deraountratlon. Moreover,
tb tunnel, It la believed, will cut
through a number of rich gold and all-er-Droduclng
vein. The proprietary
company ha already begun to take out
ore, a carload of wulcn recently aeanjeu
fM In gold, silver, and the ton.
A little rain ihla week.
Many Granger In th city.
Bklntter k Co. shipped MO hamU of
nour last week,
Get your tablet, luka, book, alatea,
p.nga, pen, and prnolla, at Wheel
r" book torw.
Forty ton fimt-ela bated hay for
al by O. P. Walks Uttwa mile aouth
of Independence, 4Mt
Klentaen e dodfeltef Itraa, ablpped
SW Iwrreut of flour from their mill In
Taluiag but week.
Heveu head of work oxen for sal,
lu.iulre of Ui Falla tlty stag driver,
or J. M.ljrry, Fan City. 4-4t
Truth and virtu can do Waa good In
th world than their tale and well,
acted semblance caa do vlU
Freeh fish every Tuesday and Friday.
Ice every day at U oeuta. IX 11. Boyd
tou, ojipoalie Kate grocery.
8L I'atrick'a Fllla. Tltey are the
beat physio. Tbey also regulate th
liver and bo we la. Try them, as oenta
per box.
A aix-ronm hout for rant, at $8 per
month, aud aume furultura for aal at
a rare bargain. Call at thl offlc for
Cbamherlatn'a Couth Remedy.
fatuous ftir lu cores of bad ootda and a
a preveutiv aud our for croup, M
cent per buttle.
Chamberlain' Palo Balm, a general
family Unltuent aud especially valuable
for rbeumatlem, inrelna, burn and
fruet hltoa, M cent per bottle.
There were SSI student matrloulated
thl year at th normal ashool on th
first day , aa against SIT last year. Th
prospects art good for 500 students this
Prof. IV L. Murphy Informs us that
the Monmouth public school will begin
next Monday, Meptemher 39. All stu
dents will govern tbeuiaelve accord
Whatever uphold a man's self respect
Incline htua to setMwproverueul, and
to appreciate fully hi good point goes
a long way In helping him to cur his
Chamberlain's Eye and 8klo Oint
ment for tetter, aalwheum, aoaldhead,
ecaeuta, pile and chronic eore eye.
26 cent per box. For sate by all
medicine dealer.
All frauds, like tb wall daubed with
"untempered mortar," with which
men thtuk to buttress up an edlflae,
alway tend to th decay of th ytem
they are devised to support.
Mia Macaulay ha a very competent
assistant thl season, in tb person of
Mia Horned of Portland. Her busl
nesa has so Increased, that ah la unable
to attend to the demands longer alone
All Democrat visiting Portland to
attend the exposition, are requested to
call at th headquarter and confer
with the members of th committee In
regard to matter In their respective
T. E.O. Youn. veterinary aargeon
and dentist, late of Newborn, has lo
cated permanently In Independence,
The doctor comes highly
When not properly cared for, lose
its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh, and
dry, and falls out freely with every
combing. To prevent this, the best
and most popular dressing In th
market it Ayer'g Hair Vigor. It
removes dandruff, heals troublesome
humors of the scalp, restores faded
and gray hair to its original color,
and imparts to it a silky texture
and a lasting fragrance. By using
this preparation, the poorest head
of hair soon
Becomes Luxuriant
and beautiful. All who have one Wed
Aer'i Hslr Vigor, wsnt no other dreMlng.
Oslbrslth C Htark, DraKSl. fhsron
Grove, Ky., write i "We believe rr'i
Hslr Vigor to be Uia bei prepsrstloo oi the
kind In th rasrket, snd sell more of It Uisn
of sll others. No drug stors to complete
without supply of It."
-I t,te uied Ayer's Hslr Vigor with
great benefit snd know several other per
sons, between 40 snd M yesri of sge, who
bsvs esperlenoed ilmllsr good results from
VM nse of this prepsrstlon. It reitores grsy
hair to lu origins! color, promotes a nw
growth, gives lustre to the hslr, snd slesnies
the soslp of dsudruO." - Bernardo Ocbos,
Madrid, Spain.
After Using
A aumbor of other prepsratlons without
any satisfactory remit, I Snd thst Ayer's
Hair Vigor to earning myhslr to row."--A.
J. Otment, General Msrohsnt, Indian
Hesd, H. W. T.
"AVer's Hslr Vigor to the only prepsra
tlon I eould svsr Snd to remove dsndruff,
- fcnmnri and DreVSnt IMS 01
hair. 1 sen confidently recommend tt."
J. C. Butler, Bpencer, Mass.
M wlfs believes thst the money spent
.!,, Hslr Vigor was the bet lnve
'afent she "er A, It
much sstlfsctlon.-Jsmes A. Adams, Bt.
AususUus. Texai.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
IK J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mut
Sold by sll DraggUta sad Perfumers.
Hi office I over lb Independence
National bank.
An aTter-dlnner speaker said, in his
csrefullv-prepared littl pech:"Dlck
ery is th humorist, and Tbacn
th attrtat;" and then, trying to cor
rect the blunder, said: "Er er Thick
. . . .... , . i. ...
ery Is id satirist, ana iwcseua u
Just how an alteraUv medicine
cleansea the system is an open question
but that Ayer's ftarsapartlU doe pro
duce a change In the blood is well at
tested on all sides. It Is everywhere
mnaidered the best for blood
What a sad face h hal It looks
as If It might have a woeful llfe-htato-ry."
"It baa. rihe was disappointed
In love when young. 8hha nver
been able to get over It." "Did b JUl
her. or die, or what?" "Neither; he
married her."
It doea not follow.young man.because
vour are smitten with a young lady
that she Is dead In lov with you. The
mosquito ha a strong and abiding af
fection for th human race, but who
ever beard of IU being requited? Bos
ton Trarueript.
You cannot be too particular about
the medicine you use. When you neea
a blood-Duntler, be sure you get Ayer's
Bareaparilla, and no other. It wlD
rninele with, purify, and vitalise vry
drr of blood In your body. It makes
tb weak strong.
Mrs. Nettle Cooper was the doner of
rfllnl,iiia suddIv of grape to tb
Wkst Bidk office last Saturday. Tby
were sent to her by hr father, Mr,
Chapman, from California, ana were
bus ones. Bh has the sincere inana
of the entire fore.
We have for sal a number of full
blooded Bhropshlre eheep. which we
win Mil for ten dollars oer head. These
are a fine as any sheep In the
Anyonewlshingtngeia eur
weft to call on or addrea J. O.
son 4 Hon, Parker, Oregon.
Aa a Mineral rule. It I beet not to
correct ooatlveness by the ue of saline
or drastic medicines. When a purga
tive I needed.the most prompt, effect
iveand beneficial Is Ayer' Pills. Their
tendency Is to restore, and not weuseu,
the normal action of the bowels.
No person should travel without a
box of Ayer's rill, as asaie auu
speedy remedy for conetlpatlon and all
irmonilajrlt es of the iomacu
n . .
bowels, they have no equal, ana, uen.
skillfully sugar-coated, are pleasant to
take, and long retain tneir virtues.
tf vou have n't got a big dog the
foiwino- Idea may Interest you,
Spread newspapers loosely In the hall,
on the stairs,
to be followed by a communion servlc.
At I In th afteruoou, Hunday school
AtT.Y.P. B. CK. after which th
evening sermon will be preached. At
th morning servlc those who wish to
unit with th church will la gtvn
an op o tunlty to dotM. D. V. Poling,
Annual temperanc sermon at th
Baptist church next Habbath nuirulug.
Text: Drink no longer water but use a
Uttl win for thy stomach's take, aud
thin often Inftmiltle" Pint Tim,, A,
SS. All cordially Invited, especially
the who art apologist for wtuebluber
and saloon keeper.
Mies Maoaulay kindly luvlte th
uullea to oall at her millinery parlor
Haturdav. and see her pretty display of
rail nillfluerv. Mhe will hav her tliml
wintere opening uunng ne weea ui
tne rair. aii are ooruiaiiv ihiw v
attend. Prices are no object to Mum
Macaulay, for ah endeavor to please
iter customer.
The demand lor Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and DiarrhoM Itemedy Is
steadilv erowins. from th fact that all
wno give it a inai are pivswu wu me
rwaulu and recommend it to their
neighbor. We (eel sure that the reme-
v cannot oe recumnienoeu urn
ilghly. Wagley Mmead, druggist,
Newton. Iowa. For sal by all medi
cine dealer.
There has been a continued tendency
to bowel disease here thl season, says
U. W.8hlvell, druggist, wiekiin. ny.,
and an unusual aemauo ror v uaiii'
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and IHarrhiva
Kemedy. 1 nave som tour inmiesqi
It this mnruimr. Horn remarkable
mires have bean effected by It aud In
all cases It has nroven successful." For
sal by all medlolu dealer.
"I would rather trust that medicine
than an doctor I know of." MUT Mr.
Haiti Mason, of Chilton, lrter
county. Mo., In sneaking or uianv
bariain'a uuno. i;noiera ana ijmrrut
Heiuedy. This medlcin can always
be deueoded utx. even In the m.t
esver and dangerous ease, both for
ohlldren and adults, and M cent
bottle fur sal by all medlcin dealer.
"Tommy, how did you get th back
of your neck all suoburntf' "Pulliu'
weeds lu the garden," -nut your nan-
Is all wet, my ton." "That persp'ra-
tlon." "Your vest Is on wroug sld
out, too." Put It on that way a-pur-
k" "And how doea it happen,
Tommy, dear, that you hav got Jakey
Du Bol' trousers on?" (Arter a long
pause:) "Mother, I cannot tell a He,
ve been vawunmln'."
Littl Millie's PP and grandpapa
were Republicans; and a election drew
near, they spoke of their opponents
with ever-Increasing warmth, never
heeding Millie's attentive ear and
wondertug eyea. Oue night, however,
as th Utile maid waa preparing for bed
eh cast a (earful glano acre u
room, and whispered In a frlghteued
little voice: "O, mamma, I'm afraid
lo so to bed. I 'in afraid there 's a
sp- -----
Democrats In the closet."
The receipt of the American board
for the month of May wer53,710.5iae
against 3,3i.T5 for the corresponding
month of ItWl. The Increase oi ia,ww,
78 li shared by donation and legacies,
lh donations being IM.791.0tJ lustead
ofl34.W145 as last year. Comparing
the nlu month of th financial year,
there to till a falling off In th totals,
which are KU.eW.W for this year aud
$.28,02.M for last year. Donations,
however, show an advance from smi,-
J16.23to3H819.M. WORK r TRAIN ROI-
Kasmas Citv, Sept. 21.l'weHingtr
train No. S on th Atchison, Topeka A
rJaute F rallnwd, east bound, wa
wrecked early this morning three
aillc west of Usage City by tridn Mb.
here, who hoped to plunder the express
oar of I.Ouo.ihk) being transported from
UisCltyof Mexico to Huston for the
Mexican Central railroad. A wrecked
train, four men killed, and 35 meu,
women aud children Injured, are the
ouly results of tb attempted robbery.
Th robber stole th tools from the
section house at Ilarulay, three mile
west of th sac ue of th wreck, aud re
moved the fishplate which Jul tied two
rails together. They selected thatop
of a grade, going up which th train Is
likely to slow down, thereby lessening
tli chance of so badly wrecking the
train as to bury beneath the dubrl the
treasure they were seeking. The
precaution were unavailing, as what
they sought to avoid occurred. When
the train reached the spot the engine
left the track aud most of the cam fol
lowed it, piling oue ou top of
another, and making an awful wreck.
The express car was burled so that It
required two hours' digging to got at
IU Fortunately, although th engine
was at tli bottom of th pile, the
debris dldu't catch fire, aud thus an
awful horror was everted, a many of
th Injured would, lu tht event, have
perished before the reseunrs could have
reached them. The engineer, fireman,
spree measeiigwr, and a guard, were
crushed to death in the wrecK. 1 Here
were about 2o8 passenger on the tralu,
but uoue of Ihem were killed. Hcveral
are badly injured, aud some may die,
Tb f 1,000,000 was secured by Major
Llewellyn, live tock agent of Hie
Hani F rd, and turued over to the
Wella Fargo Company. The railroad
company baa oflwred l00 reward for
the train wreckers, and several ptsus-s
are searching the country.
t'balera Is
Mare Cases
r Asians
Dew Vnrk.
rill do
and In various likely
If a burglar Houia get in
the house, he will make enough noise
to arouse the Seven Bleeperfc-Zhofi.
Parties from this vicinity fAtradlrji
.i. ..,i..nii. Mr at Portland, will
a. ..I n.uon and nlcelV TUm
rmiois and board at 28ft Fifth street,
,.., nnth nf the nost omce.
fnrmnrlv nf Inde
nendenoe. Is hostess, Itetes fl.25 and
3t.60 per day.
There will be service conducted by
the Congregatlonallst on this coming
Sunday as follows: At u a.m ..sermon
. n . it f C . . ftflnrfnal.
Btiem, urnon, '"! " -r - , , ..
AuiorughbiiInMtrlnlngecnooi. noc.r.. 7 -'"- ---' eolith
J'wevtparmems: - .m,.l.ln.,B,-orm..ieo,frM
Ccbool in MMionlheenUreyesr.""-
W. P. Creasy Is over from Newport,
this week.
Win. Kerr, of Parker, la apendlng a
week In Portland.
D. O. Quick's sun, who was burned
last week, la but very Utile better as
Itev. Brallb. of Portland, preached
two excellent sermons In the Christian
church last Bunday.
Tavlor Halteck. of Monmouth, eed
dentally mashed a finger off above the
first joint this week.
Dr. Pickle and wife, of Medford.were
euests of J. W. Buster last week. Also
Ml Pickle, ef Portland.
L. W. Robertson and wife, of Port
land, areou a visit to their cnuaren
and frieods. "Lou" doea not get any
older but seems ss spry as a eat
James Olbeon came up from Portland
Tiiiwdav. and remained durlug the week
Tbev are getting along very mceiy
and Ilk tblr new horn very much
L O. LauKhlln, a promlneut grocer
of MoMlnnvllle, I visiting hi
Shelley, of Independence, this weea
u. T.,i.hlln will remain with us
several days.
Mr. L. M. Mattoon. owner of the
bakery here, wa down Friday, to look
after his Interests, but found matters i
such excellent condition that he went
back to bis railroad position on Satur
A. P. Bonrie, of Ban t rancieoo, wuu
has been here looking after ms ibuu
Interest at Parker, received a telegram
last Saturday and left for The Dalles
to be at the bedside ofhlsdying Droiuur,
O. K. Bontle,
The Misses Elva aud Lavllla Huma-
son. step-daughters of Frank Dekum,
r a t it 1 It,
tb banker, of rortiana, wit imsmuniu
to attend school at Holllns Institute,
Virginia. The Wbst Bibb has the
promise of a letter from these young
ladles at some future time.
r-ar.i.ln (4. Wlnirate and wife, of
Astoria, have been on a visit to Mr.
and Mr. H. B. Thielson, of Dixie.
We remember the captain, last year
..i,un h and the editor of the West
Hide ran a race with the railroad train,
and. strong but true to say, we beat
the train.
Prof. C. H. Jones, a graduate from
th. etate normal school, was here visit
ing friends last veek . He Is engaged to
e . .. t Lin
fourth the Carlton sonooi, oi samum
county, as principal of the three de.
mrtments of the large school there.
Charley has made a grand success of
school teaching.
vr n. 1m and daughter, Miss
Mvrtle. very royally entertained
number of the young people at their
home, last Baturday evening, In honor
of Mis Omah Smith, of Dufur, and
Mi- Tattle Robertson, of Portland,
who bav been visiting with them for
several weeks past. A merry time wa
enjoyed by all until a late hour In the
..,i,in.n,.n nt various games. Re
freshment consisting of cassava, lem,
onade. and cake, wore then passet
irVilinii. of which the young peo
pie heartily partook. They then all
wished the young ladles a pleasaut aud
safe Journey home, where they will go
... ,
tnis weea.
New Yobk. Heot, St.-Two new sus
pected cases of cholera were reported to
the health board to-day. One was from
08 Cherry street, where Mary wurpny
was found sick with cholera symptom.
8he was transferred to in hospital.
The health authorities regard this as a
very suspicious case. The other us-
peoted case come from Mul Juculhu'
boarding house at It First street, from
which Cuachman Iouli Wdnnagen
wa removed Hturlny night. Another
boarder, a man named Henry huge),
la suspect. The nuarauUne was raise!
from seven housee to day where ciioiera
ease, or suspectcHi cases, nu wvunv...
Anautetwy wasmailothis afternoon
on the Uslyof rtieJo aii, me
Chinaman who died at H Molt strwt
vestenlay under suspicious clrcum
astauce. The Inteellnal contenta from
the body have been snbjwted to an ex
amination. Mary ("ouerty, the young
girl who I at the reception hospital as
a suspect, will be discharge to-morrow
She has not bad cholera.
The health detriment received tills
afternoon from Professor llrlgg the re
sult of the becterlolnglca! examinations
made In the case of John Kuox, fire
man on the lemh!p Nevada, and
Louis Weluhagen. The reHirt stales
that both were cam of genuine Asiatic
cholera. Another case of uieoiod
cholera was reported to the board of
health thl afteruoou. The patient Is
P.trtrk Hlewsrt. a boiler maker el"'
ployed In the Irooklyu navy yard
Mrs. Gntppola died to-uiglil, it is sus
pected from cholera. tMte was elew'd
with vouiltlug aud diarrhoea during
the afternoon. At B o'clock she died
Cortland Van Rauseller, of this city
who was a passenger on the stMtmshlp
Normanma during her recent trip fnmi
Hamburg to thl port, and who, with
the rest of the Nomiunnla's cabin pns-
eengers, was deiainea at quantmuie
and sulswqucntly transferred U rire
Island, has begun a suit for damagva
against the Hamburg American Packet
Company for I0,000.
Tuesday, the oncnlng day of the I'olk
(bounty DislrlA Fair, there wu not a
vry Isrge attetidatiee, but Wednesday
It wss considerably lncreaid,the cloud
having almosteiitlrely cleared away.
The arrangement of the dlspluy lu
the pavilion la neat aud unique, show
ing every article on exhumum to a
gisMl advantage. There Is uot a very
large exhibit of farm products, allhongh
the fruit, vegetables, cereals, etc.,
on exhltiilion, win evrtniuiy corn-
pure welt with any to be found lu the
Shelley k Vanduyu's and Btockhm
Henklo' display of their dry goods
slores were unique and elaborate, aud
they were each undoubtedly trying to
excel for beauty of arrangement.
Mltheli A Ibihannon and Ferguson A
Van Mer had a good representation of
the work done lu their restieutlve aash
and door faolorlea, W, O. Cook bad
a gool display from his furniture store
Klemsen A Clisirctter Bros., though
their mill has been running only about
six mouths, had au excellent display
of flour aud various kinds of meal,
P.O. Quick hud on exhibition this
year' growtu orpcucit aim prune
branches Hint wtts marvelous, 'ihey
measured nine feet and a half. Miss
Kniiiia OKiulllette has a lurge and tine
exhibit of her art work. W. II.
Wheeler hits hi book store wot! rep
resented, McAdsms A Co. have a
good display of their marble work
W.H. Whlteaker display some or tlieod
oil crayou work executed by Mrs. T. L.
Weaver, nwt Whiteakur. and N hale A
(lalllgber, of Halem.have ou exhibition
a set of their flue pianos. All lu all,
with the artistic decorations, the pavil
ion prewutea pretty appearance for the
first year of a district fair, and tiext
year, with the pavlllou eularged, there
Is no Jguod reasun why the exhibit
should not favorably compare with
that of the state fair,
A list of the premium will be given
ss son u as awarded.
... : l
a voo
W hav traveled over tit southern
end of th oouuty, visiting friends and
liar uf Ilia Hseeii
st lmW.n
r snni,
Tuemlny. the first duy of the races,
oiwntd wlh a flue rain, which served to
Isy the dust. At 2 p. m. tne air cieareu
and the sun came out. The events of
the afternoon passed oft" pleasantly, and
were wlliitwaed by a fair cmwd. The
track was very slow, as the jH-rfiirm-
aiioes show. Altus was a favorite in
the dash, but made a poor showing.
The other contest were won by favor
ite. The Judge were Vn It. Delsh
mutt, R W. Phillips, and J. W. Kirk
laud; tlmekeers, C. W. lller and B.
B. Hsyden, and clerk of the course,
C. l'etilhind. The sumiimriie wore:
ltuuiilng.thrue fourilisot a mile dash;
puree, -iw
Jones's b.m. Patricia, years, by rU
J'aul-Whynot, us (wuuus.... ..
Bam Plummer's b. h. Alius, by Billy
llollngtir Btella Walker, i-jii..
, Ualbraltb 2
W. L. Whit mow' ch. c. Ichlstr, 2
ycara. by Coloma-Bally Uulty l
tHHitid I'-"' 8
Time, 1:10.
Trotting, for Polk coiiuty two-year-
olds, two lu three; pun IM-
Mark Itureh't g. f Filly, by oi'x-
wood-dam unknown........
Morrison 1 1
C.cide's'blk. m. Huiiia Vista Ikus
by Altago inaugurauou
Woods 3 2
IVter Cook's b.f. May, by Dick
Flaherty Cleo Masou............
,, Hteele 2 8
J. M" Blasts' b o Trymont, by
Kennedy 4 4
Tlme-SiM, 31.
Trotting, 2s class; purse, fiiO
C.Bnrrow's b.h. Multnomah,
by Altsniont-Helle i'rlee
,,,, F. Burrows 2 111
Herman Schneider's b. m.
Lucy linker, by Allamout
-t.Gcy Mistier 1 3 2 2
I). Jensen's b. g. Dicky
I.ynne. by Kdward Kver- ,
ett Tremout ............
Jenkins 3
Tliiie-S!:l!'i, 3.-I7J, 2:17,
S 8
Cleveland, O., Sept 2l.-Wlmt
will undoubtedly prove the most dis
astrous accident In the history or the
Pittsburg, Fort Wayne A Chicago rail
way, took place this morning early
near Bhrcve. The fust eaatbound ex
press train collided with the westbound
freight, both running at run sjseu
The collision occurred ou a sharp curve
and In a cut where neither crew wus
able to see the other train approaching.
Immediately after the crash flumes
burst forth. It I believed only two or
three of the dead were killed out right,
the others having been pinned down
and slowly roasted to death. Thirteen
burned aud blackened trunks were
taken from the wreck.
Mrs. IlsrrUon st tlis While Home.
Washington, Sept. 21. Mrs Har
rison arrived at 0 o'clock this morning
and was taken lu an ambulance at once
to the White House. Dr. Gardner snld
Mr. Harrison stood the Journey from
Loom Lake much better than he an
ticipated, and in fact she reached homo
safely. The trip decidedly oheerd her
A fire at Rockaway U'uch, L. I.,
caused a loss of fH(K),(H0.
Mrs. E. L. Shaw, of Oregon City,
took ether to lessen the pain Incident
to having a tooth pulled. The drug
caused temnorary Insanity, aud she
committed suicide.
Two brothers named Whltmoro got
Into a row In one or the saloons tins
week, and one of them struck a vicious
blow at the other, which wus dodged,
and the striker's arm was broken.
dispatch from Topeka, Kalians,
... , 1- t.n....
savs trial several teo iu luum u"
been attacked by a disease resemuiing
Aslatlo cholera. No esses have proved
fatal, but there Is considerable excite
II. .nil. at the emt !' Itselu
The second dsv's ruoes of the Polk
county district fair iswmti oi p.eiumui.-
ly, with delightful weather, aim
iiiiii.h.lniimved track. The attend
slice was about 1,600, the belling being
very light. Vanquish could have gone
in 2:30 ou a fiwt track to-day. Sam
Canto was substituted for Hawk behind
Belle B. In the third heat of the special
trot, but would have been shut out if
the distance had been waived. The was a pretty scramble, Piippooa
auntchlug victory right at the wire
from Joe I)., who was a hot favorite
with the talent Blondio, Challenger
Chief, Susie B., and J. S. C, are to go
lu the special Biitimlny. To-day sum
maries were:
Running, three-eighths mile dash,
purse, f 100
W, W. Forcivar b. m. l'lqqioose, oy
Regent, ill) list ,
g, Joe I)., by
Mitchell 2
Liunvr D., liy
lllcu Dudley Hlicrnmii 8
Time 0:35.
Trolling, spcclnl.'three lu five; purse,
Wltch Ilswl farm's blk. h.
Vitnqiilsli,, by Hambleto-
nliiii - Mambrino - it(H'k-
wood Sawyer 2 111
C. F. Blltcr's b. m, Hello M..
by AdlroiidauK- HocKwoon
Hawk 1888
J. W. Bailey's .li. h. King ,
Pntuhen, by Miuiwrino
King -Rosy Mambrino
Mosher 8 2 2 2
'." " Tlme-2:301, 2:301, 2:87, 2:30.
Trotting. Polk county horses, three
In five, purse, f300 "
it. D. Cooper's blk. g, Black
Diamond, by Bashaw,... -
,... Morris 112 1
J. Stump's blk. g. C'oiille, by
Imuiguratlon Sawyer 2 8 12
J, M. Staals's b. g. J. M., by
.Kennedy a a 0 o
(Julia Urasoleat Wblltlsr.)
Whsn on my dy of lir lbs night Is fsllliis,
And. in tlis winds rrom uiuimued epiwes
substirlliers to the Wwrr Bidb, nd find , h,.X;,W(, out of drkn ,,, :
thatpaisir receiving the cordial In-1 My foot to iti uisuown.g ,
dorseiueut of III people. W failed to , Tliou who bust msde my noine of Ills plcst
ment with many whom wa would like
to have seen, as hauling wheat, finish
ing up threshing, aud hop picking,
have caused tlictn to be absent from
home; but those with whom wehave
met have gon down Into their pockets,
brought forth the coin, settled up old
accounts, aiidoontluued their patron
age of th Wknt Bidh. New subscrib
ers bav not been as plentiful as w
wished, but considering tb number of
paper published In the county, the
W kmt Si UK ha a most generous sup
port. We expect to be on the wing
until winter fairly tcte In, so, frieud,
have your purse out snd the coin
ready when you see u approaching
W like to work for the Wkht Hii)K,lor
uearly all oouctid that it 1 the best
PKr In th county.
At Alrtle we found our friend We,
who dislike the Idea of paying too
many compliment to the "rlcb,"Well,
We, your poor friend are not entirely
forgotten; your eltbrte are directed In
assisting the pour, aud the West Bide
will ever be found advocating the best
Interest of the laboring man, in what
soever occupation he may be (engaged.
After a residence of forty-seven year
In Oregon, We stand to-day fearless
and upright, with s heart as big ass
mountalu, aud a hand charitable to the
extent Ol hit slillltles,
Sharp Bevlui killed a huge bear near
Alrlle last week. It weighed 860
pou mis, and eight gallons of oil were
extracted from the carcass. The wheel
of activity about Alrlle can now be
well greased, aud the city move along
In Its steady line of progress.
Charles Lauk tree, who wa a short
time ago knight of the anvil In Mon
mouth, Is now here, hammer In hand
ready to supply the want of his pa
irons. Strike while the iron Is hot,
The Hastings Brim', business Isle
creaslug, and the demand upon
them cause them to largely re-
'enlsh their stock.
Mr. McTurner w found busily en
gaged In his dally labor; yet w had a
few ml nultV pleasant converse with'
him. !
We spent the night with Mrs, Isaac
Staat and her daughter Mrs. Will
Dalton. Old time were discussed and
westit a must enjoyablo evening.
We lea lu the morning receiving from
them a hearty Invitation to "call
The next place of olsiorvatlon was
Dallas, where we aaw the Iron front
Mug put lute the Faull building.
That building will vlo with any In the
county for commanding appearance.
We found Dallas livelier than we
had seen It for many a day. hvery
thing betokened progress, thrift, and
lively busluess future.
Our friend W. C, Drown, Juet re
turned from his Excursion In the moun
tains, seemed to have added dignity
aud weight to his majeetlo proportion.
The slirht of Lindsay Bobbins
brought to mind hla early effort in
teaching us vocal muslo. If we had
the same voice and musical Wont be
had lu former years, we think weoould
yet make our fortune.
J, J. Williams wear a Deauurui
Cleveland hat, which o well became
him that w mistook him for an aspir
ing presidential candidate,
At the hotel, Mr, tilbboua, hostess,
w partook of a dinner which for sum
clencv and excellence could stand
comparison with the best hotels In the
I .mi. (iood solid food, dainties, and
extras, were piaceu in auuuiiauce
row us.
The Dallas woolen mills ere worthy
a vlxlt from friends and strangers. It
stands a monument to the enterprise of
Dallas's cltlnns, and is an iudlcatlou
that the future of Dallas Is a premising
We made but a short stay in Dallas,
and therefore fidled to gather such
Hems of Interest aa wo might have
done had we more time.
On our road east from Dallas we
found that most of the farmers had
completed their harvest labors. On
passing the place of George Whlteaker,
we counted thirty-nine lut turkeys
Iy nut Its tetmtil whsn Its walls diwsyi
0 lvs divine, O Hulper svnr imml,
JM uiuu my sirmigiu sua uty i
lis nr mis wlwn sll slw Is from tne driftlnK-
Karth, sky, liuine n loturs, any vi iiwiy
Mud .lilne. '
And kindly Iwws to my own uplifting
i lis Hive wiiKin ssawura iiimu.
I hsebiitthM.nKslhnrt IM thy Nnlrlt
lie with nis then Ui uiinfurl and uiiliuldi
No gsu, uf wsrl, n brsni'li of imlm 1 merit,
no streets oi amuiug gmu.
HulTles It ir, my gmd snd 111 uiir koiii-d,
AUU Willi itirgiven inruugn uiy wmuuiima
I find mywlf by hsnd rsmlllsr beultoned
Unto my nttliig viium.
Hums bumbls duur among thy many mso.
Hunts htillsrlug slisds whom sin and strlr.
lug sum,
And nnws fiirsvvr through beaven s grwa
The river o(Uiypsfle, ,
There, mini the ninslo MUlid about me
I rain would learn the now and bnl
And and st ls.1 iHinmln thy trees uf I
Tbs tils fur which 1 itmg.
ee i
We attended the owning exercises of
the state normal school, at Monmouth,
Tuesday morulng, the 20th Instant,
Professor Campbell led In devotional
exercise, after which Hon. J. O. Staat
addressed the student In a teu-iuiuute
speech, which wa received with much
applause. He touched upon the bene
fit of education In a manner that ap
peared very Interesting to the students.
All the memlier of the faculty made
short addresses, which proved Interest
ing to all present. Hon. John White
spoke a few moments, aud then It. Shel
ley, of Independence, addressd faculty
and student In a very Impressive man
ner, dwelling upon the past and pres
ent educational facllltic of Monmouth.
Muslo wa rendered that charmed the
ear, aud echoed through the chapel In
melodious tones. This was the open
ing day of the normal for the coming
scholastic year,and there were about two
hundred aud sixty students In attend
ance. It Is expected that the number
will reach four huudred ere another
month elapses.
Monmouth Is still on the move; ucw
buildings are being erected, people are
moving, house to rent are being In
quired for, aud everything Indicates a
nruanerous coming year. Kuslncss bus
largely Increased and our business men
wear amlllng countenance indicative
of lively times. The time of Indolence
and want of thrift lu Monmouth Is past
and her future beams bright with hope
aud promise.
The town Is lively this week on ac
count of the fair.
(.1. W. Bobbin's ch,
Hhc mum, iritis..,
V. Garrison's ch.g.
roosting on the fence, and could not
but think what a fine time the teuaut
would have when Christmas comes
around. Better teach those turkeys to
nxist a little higher,
At Buena Vista scarce anyone was to
be seen. Hop picking caused the town
to lie deserted, but when those hops are
picked and the checks cashed, Buena
will again put on nor wontca uveiy
From Buena Vista Speed Bevens
sends his meat wagon all over the sur-
) rouudlng country, supplying neignoors
wllh fat and Juicy moats, Speed Is a
PERKINS PAK80NH. Married, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
in North Yamhill, Yamhill county,
on Tuesday, September 20, 181)2, Miss
Emma Pursous, of North Yamhill, to
Mr. L. 8. Perkins, the genial drug
gist at Hewitt A Son's, of Monmouth,
Itev. J. Campbell officiating.
Ouly a row relatives and friends were
preseut.who extended their hearty con
gratulations, and a long aud happy
married life.
Kltrl Illttere.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known and so popular ss to need no
Hiicclal mention, All who have used
Electric Bitters sing thesamq song or
nniiui A nurer medicine does not
i. ... . - - r --- -
exist and It is guaraiitced to do all that
lu nlnimiKf. Electric Bitters will cure
ull diseases of the liver aud kidneys,
will remove plmplea, bulls, salt rlicum
and other aH'octlons caused by Impure
blood. Will drive malaria from the
system and prevcut as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For cure of headache,
coustipatlon and Indigestion try Elco
trio Bltturs. Entire satisfaction guar
anteed, or money refunded. Price 30
cts. and $1.00 pur bottle at any drug
win or liuus uevens, an uhi eewci ui
Polk, but now residing at v equina.
Hinis is well known all through this
country as a man upright, honest, and
generous, He came to Oregon rrom
Buchanan county, Missouri, ana is
consequently a thoroughbred Democrat
We must make a visit to lluds ere
long, as we should like onoe more to
hear him talk of the deer aud bear he
has skluued and eateu.
We passed through the American
Bottom above Independence, ana it
looked somewhat dltl'cront from what
It did in the winter of '61 and '62, when
Israel Hedge and his wife found
lodunient lu a huge fir tree, about for
ty feet from terra Anna. It was a fine
place to pass the Uignt tree irom tne
raging Hood, but probably they would
uot like to try another such night's
lodgment. Rki'obtbb.
BttoklenJsAriiUis salve.
'ipi.n iiKut wilvfi In the world for cute,
i.mU.M .on, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
annm iMi't. oluvoued hands. ohllbliUns,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posl-
fivu v nnrna 111 um. or no imr rciiuucu.
It. la, iriiiirntlLoeu to Kive uuunuv Btnn-
factlon. or money refunded. Price, 25
cents per box. For sale by any drug
gist. , ;ti .
Notice Is hereby given that the board
r ammOjiilim lor Polk county-Oregon,
will meet at the courthouse in Dallas,
in said county aud state, at 10 o'clock
a m .on the 17th dav of October, lam
mill w lllooutlnue In session one week
for the purpose of equalising and cor
rectlnir assessments.
Let those Interested take notice ac
cordingly, changes will be made
after the adjournment ui tne uomu.
45-8t N. Gabdnkr,
Assessor, Polk county, Oregon.
Wheeler's is the place to buy school
P. C Patterson, the popular confec
lluv vour school books of W. H.
A full line of school books and school
supplies at Wheeler's.
For the most choice confectionery,
go to P, C. Pattereou'.
There Is a beautiful Hue of children's
hate at Miss Macaulay'.
Call on Miss Macaulay and price her
hate before going elsewhere,
Bneclal rate for family wakings at
the iwiepeuueucesieaiu launury.
P. C. Pattereou has lust received
big supply of fresh candle of all kinds.
We make a siieclalty of school books
. ... li tt-t.....l..M
anu scuooi supplies. . uectet.
Partite In need of school books will
do well to call at Wheeler's book store,
Rtivktou A Henkle have the finest
line of trents' and ladies' tics In the
Candles, nuts, oranges, lemons, ha.
nanas, grapes, cigars and tobacc at P
V. Patterson's.
For a supply of choice whiter oulons.
apply to It. S. Mlddlcham, in North
Independence. 4-Mt
Try Stroug's restaurant, Westacott A
Irwin, immrletors, when lu Balcm.
Meals, first class in every way, 25 ceuts.
You will be sure to find among Miss
Macau av's arae selection ol millinery,
Just what you want at your own price,
Tin n't foriret to no to Miss Macaulay'i
for vour fall and school -hats, for she
will be able to give you just what you
There Is now a biir rush to Stockton
A Henkle's for the new noods of all
kinds lust arrivlmr. Come running
but do n t mil, ior we are irymg hi suj
ply all.
Ladles. If vou wish a beautiful ker
chief, Just drop In at Stockton aud lien
kle's and they will show you aline that
will make you smile.
Gentlemen, if you wish a good all
wool suit of clothes for ten dollars, just
catl on Stockton & Heukle and they
will please you.
There are laundries and laundric
hut when vou want vour linen done
un In first-class order, send it to the
Independence steam laundry
The suow-wnlte flew ofiMary'slamb
would be considered the very opposite
of whiteness If compared to the linen
from tho Independence steam laundry.
t-'end ydlir laundry to the Salem
steam laundry. Mr. 0', driver of the
Hiilem stiure. will take It for you.
Leave orders nt the upper livery stable.
In the Spring the Young man's fancy
Lightly turns to thoughts of love,"
Hut the srirls will flifht shy of those
youths who fail to take their llneu to
Hie inocpeuucuoo Bieuiu muuuiji,
The new stock of bIiocs, hats, dre.s
goods, and furnishing goods, now ar
riving at htaoKion t i-ieusie s, are uiv
best snd cheapest ever brought to this
market. Call and see our goods and
get prices and see If our statements are
not correct.
Tf vnu are at all mirtlculnr about the
. . - - . ,i ..... i ..i.i..,..
looks or your cotiare, cuns, mm boo ia,
mil will send them to ine Mtiein sienui
miiidrv. where they will be turned out
with a glossy finish that is elegance
Itself. Prices very low. Leave orders
at the Salem stage burn
KciimiuH In doubt, but there 1.
iioqueal lon about tho I'OUTLAND
which opcint' SeiiUjjnbtr. 2M and
owjh October 22(1, IkjIii tlio beat
ExpoKitlon ever Lcld on the Pacific
Coust. Ho fitr aa Orccon in con-
cernwlitwlll botlib forcruunor of
'. 'f 1 r- S f f --! fX' K
the Exposition at Cliicago In 1893.
he prlucJpul attraction)! are the
luaKiiiflcont American; Baud, of
'rovklciice, 11, I. An art collec-
Hon valued nt f.'WO, 000, and em
bracing some of tbcfc-rcatect pictures
over owned iu the Ubited Btates.
Immense Horticultural and Asrri-
tilttiral exhibit, the rcKult of the
couibiiuHl elTuite of alinoht every
oouuty in the atate. A. mineral
exhibit exceeding all former years.
Stock Department r showing
trcincudous proreHH.' To these
are added a larger number of exhib
its than ever before, includinif a
uiaguifiwiit electrical display under
the combined Thompson-Houston
aud Kdisfm Companies.' All nian-
ttfucturt'8 iu full operation. Govern
ment modclH of Buttle Ships,
wonderful Hall of M"ystery.
wonderful "Little World," the
prouuet of a mechanical genius; all
interspersed by novelties incident
to the popular special dayaw , Every
thing new and nothing dead.
Greatly reduced rales on all trans
portation lines. J.-
The partuc whip lieretefore existing
between it. 11. Wilcox and L. M. Mst-
toon, known by the firm name or It. H.
Wilcox to., nas tnis aay ny mutual
consent dissolved.' It, H. Wilcox as
sumes all debts the firm is uow owing,
and all hills due the tlrm are payable to
it. H. Wilcox, -us H. M. W tUXHC
Sept. 1, 1802. ,; ., L. M Matixws.
Ttilrty-Buy ' NeUcf.
Notice is hereby given that Ahirty-
days from date the dog law will be
strictly enforced iu the city of Indepen
dence. ;; .T. Fennel v.
City Marshal.
Dated September 10; 1S02. "
Seven and a half acres of land in
Monmouth, on lndendenee street.
rair house and barn, 2io mining rrun,
trees apples, pears, peaches, plums.
This place can lie boiutht at a bargain.
mpiira or , At. jiohoi. , f
Dt'B NOTICE. ! ' i
Tho undersigned would respectfully
retiueBt that all persons knowing them
selves indebted to him to come forward
at once and make sett lenient, and
thereby save cost, as he will, after tne
expiration of this notice, place said ac
counts in tne nanas or tne collector.
Mi debtors, take due noUco.and govern
themselves accordiugly. , ;
4i-4t , I). B. Taylor.
Independence, Oregon, Bept, 12, 18W-.
There Is no nlace In Oregon where I
better meal is served than at the res
taurant of Westacott & Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a tine meal, and the popular
price of 25 ceuts, have made this
house the headquarters of everyone
who has occasion to dine lubaiem.
Notice Is hereby given to all property
owners to clear the streets of wood and
all kinds of refuse adjoining their prop- '
erty. The fair begins next week, aud
arrangements are being made to have
clean streets. Attend to this at. one.
Thomas Kennell,'
City Marshall.
. ,"i .a
inssOLl'TlUN NOTICE. )
The undersigned do hereby "give ,
uotice to all to whoiu it may concern
tluiton the 10th day of April, 1802, the
copartnership, heretofore "existing be
tween I). B. Taylor and It. K. Wilcox
Is hereby mutually dissolved." All ac
counts payable immediately, it
D. B. Taylor.
K. II. Wilcox.
Iudeis-mdence, Polk county, Oregon,
Sept 5, 1892. ' '! - "
Notice la 'hereby giveu 'that, the
co-partnership heretofore existing
between L. C. Gilnioro and li. V.
McAdum s proprietors of the Ibde
peiidcnco Marble and Granite Works,
is this day dissolved , by mutual .con
sent. L. C. Gilmore retiilug ' and
transferring his interest to.L. W
McAdum, who assumes all liabilities
of the former firm and to whom all
notes and accounts are payable.
L. V. McAdam.
Independence, Polk county, Or., Sep
tember 6tll, 1S02. v . ? .;,: A '
mm ,
For sale tn West Independence,
eight blocks from main street on Mou. ,
mouth street, first house on left across
bridge going west, four lots, a four
room cottage, with barn and other out
building, partly set to youug orchard
and Biinill fruits. This is a good bar
gniu If tnkeu soon. Inquire at this of-
We have a few old papers still on
hand. Cheap for cash, ' ' ! ' ;
win If
a king
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.