The Best Newspaper 1 tk vn thai gitv (St most MM feAet ComHir tk WEST StbS nrt jvijw in Jf tonntg. HA As an Advertising Medium THE WEST SIDE Takes the Lead in Polk County. VOL. IX. SECRET WH'tKTl BA w V "ft ,WY Monday eight in .Vemnto halt. All durnlg brother. inmd . HUAIH MI UAH, M, W. W , iMMoK, Heonrdrr, , VAI.I.KY UMHtK NH. I. I. VO, rHiMi la Ma wile hall vrv Tliiif.l UK, All lM.1 ,vu Atrvlutlv iuviimI ... .1. W, W. Wlt.MAtt4. Heviwarv. tAOM ltHIR. Na. Mk A A. M. Hiatal eunHtiuntca- IkMW ml Halnnlay evening .41 r w nm ntun eaeii m.mtii unl wn vwki ihrurir. it. W.Khlnn, W.M. W.t'.Utun, wjr,wnnry, I VMKH U'IKIK NK . K. u P, www vwy W wdHwtlM v lug. wy W'dnda wnlitt. All Knight vi.lllngourflly rfrdilly Invited kt tend. I). H. UruHint. 11 tl HI IR MMIfH K of H. . PHYSIO ANS 1) UN TISTK Y DR. J. K. LOCKE, Physician and Surgeon,' nana VI tu, Oreaoa. LEE & BUTLER, P1YSICUSS ISO SURGEHS. -AUOr- U.8. EXAMINING 8UPQEONS. Ofrwe, wt iii of turn au, ISPKfKSimXCB, ... OUKUO.N DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Rosldont Dentist All work warranted to gtv the heal Of aaUaOWUutk INl'KI'EJfPKNt'K. ATTORNEYS. i GEO. A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In nil Mat and federal court. Atwirscui 01 uiie mrumitcti. Office over ImieprmWnc National Ilk. )dM"d". Ores). M. J. Daly. I tiMey. H. C. IW. D1LT. S1BLET 2 EiKIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW W. kn Ih. onl mk of ahMmr t bo. in Polk eneaty, IWilu. toMnwu tutoi.bc-t, .ml MM, to lua. Na siutmm as W CHB.nMWIuJ Wilwn'tbkKk. Dallas, Oregon. A. M. HUULKY, Attorney and Counselor at Law, IndvprndviMW, nr. B. f. Baohin. W. H. ilolm. I0NMM, I HOLMES ATTORNEYS AT LAW orrtcK 1.1 mm mmck, BtnHai anil Oitttri, ait KM OH on Coiumfvtl Hi. ' M ISCELLAN ROUS. Mitchell & Bohannon Muiuftclarvni of ' Sash and Doors AUK) HCKOIX AWlNO. IuiUiM . . iBdciwndrse F. H. Morrison, Bid nil Charges reasonable, and flral-otae work guaranteed. DALLAS, OREGON. BANKS. Commenced Business March 4, 1889. Katabllbd tT Katloaal Authorllr. TUB- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of Independence, Onvm. CaalUI Stook, Swralua, $50,000.00 $14,000.00 J, B. COOPER, PmUlenl, U W. BOIIKRTHO.V, VlrelYwildent. W. a HAWLEY, Caobler, DIRECTORS. J. 8. Cooper, L. W. ItoberUon, Uwl HelniHk O. W. Wblleker, W. W. Colllne. A leneral banklnf bnlnM lrnwwtd Kay and Mlleexclianv on all luimiil polnu. , . IMixmIU received u Wet to check or on wr-tin.-te of depiMlt. (V)l fwtloii. made. omoe bourn; a. ro. to 4 p. m. THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank Capital Stock, $50,000.00. H. HIIWC'lIliEIlfl, AIIH AM NK.IM)N. W. P. CO.NNAWAY Pitelilunt. Vice Prmtldunt. Cuahlitr. A general banking and exchange buxlneee itranaacled; Inane made, hill, discounted, com mercial credit granted: depoxlU tnceived on current account euhject U check, Interent jiald on time depoelta. BIItKCTOHh. Araa McDanlel, IC. H. JftHpcrmn, A. 0)dmn, H. Hlntcbberg, A. Nolwm, T. i. Lee. I. A. Allen. AC0RP01UTED UNDER THE LAWS OF OREGON. MONMOUTH, OR. , a. MAfirtnw P. I,.CAMI'HKI,I, IRA C. POWELL. , Prmldent .VI'cl'rc. C'alilr PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. DIRECTORS. .A.Macrdin, P. I,. Campbell, J, B. V. liuiler, J. H. Hiump, Juaeph Craven. I.M.Himpvm V. H. 1'uwtill A general banking and exchange hualnem; Uannactedi loann madi); dcMWIw received uhject to check or on cerllllcateof depoell! lnterwil nald on time depoll. , , WKIre proof vault and burglar proof Hftfe, . ecured br Yale time lock. Office Hon r: I a. m. to i p. . $2.00 Per Year. CALL AND SEE US. We buy for cash, and we buy to sell. We buy direct, and we buy in quantities. You will always find our stock complete. We sell at (me price, and that the lowest. We treat you courteously. A satisfied customer is Ojir coiiKtiutt aim is to give you tlio bwt good nt Imlton nrlcw, nmlce your intvrtwlK oiii Your t'lliltl will ho CMTVrHl MM cluanlv ami imliMo om vfim-ilf A fonitariNon or our rtylw diul rh MU5 IUI U!. L. KELSO, Independence. READ The In. plaw this bUIo of Portluml to buy Props Rtutloiwy, Juwvlry, nml Hooks in t THE PIONEER cr BUSTER & Our Jwelry PtunrttUMit of wUiolt niil Rtul Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, SI - verware, Rqwiiring a wiii!y, tuul tliimtolic mm Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Remember, our motto is Quick Profits. BUSTJER & INDEPENDENCE F. ANSTINE MONMOUTH WALL PAl'KU FURNITURE (1001H DELIVEUF.1) MONMOUTH F. ANSTINE I bv in gtock a nicn line of chair, txxlroorn wU, nad pne tumiltire, wall pnprr and picture frnmo motiklinge. Uiv me a H. M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR -AMD- UNDERTAKER, IN DEfENDEN'cfe, OREGON. A lull and complete line of Funural gcxxli Alwayg on lluad. rnn nnn mkaity h ornit Mwnne. hl II I ill KorimrllrulHr.iiii(liilliiwai. 9UUU,UUU.dreM Dnninl V. Iluelty, WMl.log ton. New Jonwr. X hi I a h o P3 d o 12 0) 4-1 fi Id J LxJ LJ "5 "O c ns tJ0 as CO ts as -era 13 OS CO BEATTY'S RG1NS: Are the beet. Wrlle for ealelogne, Ail- Irnw l)umi V. HM- ally, WuKhinxton, Na JfrMy. MONMOUTH'S Hew Broeery ! W. J. MULKEY, Porp. Satisfuction Riiariintocil in pricos and coodH. Block fr(h and bought for cjwh. Fitir tli'aling and good bargains. , , VUEFj DFXIVEFtY at the hours of 9 to 11 a. in. and 3 to B p. in. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1692. our best advertisement. will vonvluro yon tlml you hIioiiW THIS DRUG STORE SHELLEY. Mr. 0. A. Krnmnr lnai cIhcl-p. id pmuiUtft Canes, etc with jmiinpttuwrt ind Witisfucllou, Sales and Small SHELLEY, f l'ICriMtE FltAMES PItlCtM wain call. 0. A. KRAMER, With Buster & Shelley, wants your watch repair ing. Satisfaction guar anteed. BEATTlS PIANOS Waeliingbin, Nnw .Inrmix, In ocorywhnre. Kor cntelog stldrniw Dnninl U, llimttr, HEAL MEltIT Pills? NO 1 1 If you tnke pllle It l becauee you have never ' ' tried Hie SillNl ftworlia o nicely, cloannlng the liver and lililncVBj aiiLiiHH mild pliynlu without chiih Ing phIii or ali'knHea, and dm'. notnUipyou from eating aud working. To Try It la to baooma a friend to It. For Kale by your dnigglMt. maw 0 veTci HI. Ulna Itaaea 'urtdJ. VHI tig Awiaau, tJaL Co, Oal.. M. 1M. My b, 11 inwri tM, n to itHM by m, Vltu ImuuwUvM ImmuM an, an Va Mhool fa t Jrw. Two liatUvt of I'utot KtMuig'i Nerve toou nhi w. BMtiUt, aud ae li aow a- HUlUg kMIOUl HUM. WICIABt 0-OONNU ('nld Have Nave4 Mlaerf. numrnut, 01., Jannary. ta, tM tnawdbjr Nveral ubvaldaa altiee part lo W eaml of eiUy, bit lb aitaak be. n more vlulml and ufWtMr j (lue I lake Caa, tor Kwmi' Mmv Toaia 1 feat delighted at mf lutiwreuwiit. Had I iuua of Utlt ffmtt ago, lenuld b taved muoa ail eery and aerrtHUMtt of ulud aud Uo.1 r. MltH W. 1'KTItHA ValHable Hook mm fferem M.e..e. wit ftmm (a ear tdlrM, ne hmw li.U.KW r.a .tM) filH, tiite HtedMne rtee ul cimrae. Mie Ttti. nrantr liw br h Manerad ahr au.nie.ui r.ut iiim ma. tuo u mm ia lntiWHwrHHuirMuvii i we KOENIC IWS3.CO., Chicago, !l. (,V by ri,?f ) t. n l per IlirttK P f.t" SASH Is WR FACTORY. F1U&HIR, Successor! to S. A. PARKER. SUGAR PINE AND CEDAR DOORS A SPECIALTY ALL SIZES SCREEN DOORS, -: THK i- Willametle Real Estate Co, IlltlqHMUtt'lHM', OtVKilll, Tntniini'U it jfi'tifral lU'ttl h'jluln lUinl- llreat, ltl)'iailil at'll rrtitwrty, Pllwlll J iiniirniicv inn) iUh a Ktlirul ('uHvoyniice HukIiicwi. I'nrllin Imvliitf ItiiiU fur ml will rl d.I It (o their ai)vniiUiK to List Their Property With thin CmnpMiiy, na lhry are dully M lHUMg ll.le ill mini fnMt, lima pliuv lti iltimlilo prtijH'rty tfiire Hid tvrb tU'iilA of the rjwt. JAM1X fllllHO.V. J. W. K I UK I.A N 1 1. I'rtnldoul. 8Tvlitry, BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of liidi'iwiiiUmws lmviiic a stwtm eii(;inf, n brick imifli inland wvcntl turn of llnfwt flay, Ih now pnnitMl Ut ki-cp on Intiid a lino qiutllty ol lirirk, whirli will lx sold at roiwou ftll prititt. ; The New Holton House. M. A. Dudley, Prop. ' Cor. Fourth and Alder streets, Cntrnlly Inniled. Ni.wly furnl.bed and re fitted. Vrwi bua to aud (turn all trahm and lenniere j ivun.arNa.i9Mi CJ'ORE A new and Complete Trmlment mn.utlng ol HupuoalUirlra, illntmniit In ('uiilea, nU.i In l x nml I'lllnj a punitive cure iliremer. II ul, hili'rniil.bllii.l.or liliiK.elmm. je, reeeiit, nr Imredltary plliw, and many other dlfteae Hint Timiih) weaktieNNe.. It lit alwny. a greut tient'flt Intliegenerul heiiltli. The Drat dlaioiverv iif u nieilli Hl dure remlerlug an nper. nilon with Die knife iiuiieeeHNiiry lierenner, Tin. remedy Iiim never been known Hi mil. tl a box, 0 fur f.1i Bent by mail. Why autter fnnn till, lerrllilo iIIwiim. when a written guuruiilee la iflveit Willi 9 luxe, to refund llio mnney If not i'ii n il. Ketiil iuiii) fur aiiinple, (liiiirun. tee Lmieil by Wotidard, ( lin ke A (,, whnle. enlenud relnll ilriit'iilli,"li'iiul..l'"rlliiinl,(lr, Kor .Hie by I'atiei'min llnie, mill Hunter A Hhelley, FRANTZ BROS. Proprlotore of It Dealera in 1ESSE0 L Shingles. Lath, Doors,-' Windows, Loch, Hinges, Kails, Eto., Eto. EVERYTHING IS FIRST CLASS. PRICES REASONABLE. A Supply of Lumber Kept ConS tantly at Suver, :; IIiihkin, Hcnlon eoiinty, ()r.,l April 17, InIpJ. IienrHIr: Wo beg to cull your attention to the liu'L llutt wo urn now iimpared Ui fill nil order, fur Itiniher In iiiiiulltleH to unit our oiiHloinora. We Imvo more dry wawmed lum ber now In the yiinl limn ever hnlnni, (Mir Hlxii'k i'orti ih'Ui'm nil lilmlmit liulldlng ninterhil, riiHllii, llixirlntt. ei'llliiK.wuluwioMiig, teiilng, il a I ii nml moulded mixing, nml ill no a ItllH IIMHIirl llldlll Of tllllllllllMKH. our .IiIiikIoh urn of the vnry best, and are fiiBt galnliiK liivnr, Kvhii (he inoat riudldloii. find no tiiiill, und huve no heHltiiney In reo iirntill'llillUK Ihein. We hnve h number of nnrlonila of line fenc ing pleknm nml plitaierltig liilh. ' In your vuliinil ordure wn beg an Intermit, anil alini'l reiuly to giinrnutee entlrn aitlNl'ii" llnn In prion und iiuillty, Wrlle im for prlee card. We urn, your to cnimnnnil, FHANTZ IlltOS. N. I), Ilullilpm' hnrdwiiie In aloek, nil. JORIMKI ic ' GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1061 Market Kt.,litii, (botwren Ot-h .Ml ;t i B;i ) Go mid lcam how w onilurluily you are mailo nml how to avoid nil kiicss anil ilisca-sca, Museum 'enlarged wllh lliousandnof new olijecla, Ailmisnlon 25 cts. Private Ofllee, 91 1 deary St. Dlneaaei of man : ulrlnture, Inm of mmihooil.illtnfinea of the kin and klilneya quickly cured without the uae of tnorcury. Treatment poraoually w by letter, Henil for book. ' Twe Itorlee ef La.ay Mlaera, A few of Uit many itorlea that ar UA& of ulnar' look wtU enable the reader to onilnretand how and why the IinkU of whole ooiumnnltlM may be turned in Mining reglona. Jim Whit. Inteh, the dleoorarer of the WhlUatoh. Union mint, near Helena, led a typical we tern intner'i Ufa. The mine In que. tlon Ut now owned In England and baa prodnoed W,000,000 In gold. After Jim WhlUatoh bad told the property for 11,500,000 be went to Mew York "to make m much money at Vanderbllt, lie wat a rare treat to Wall ttreet, which fattened on htm, and In ona year let him 0 with only the clothee on hit back, lie returned to Montana, began "prof ptcting" again and dltcorared a wine for whlob he got tmouQ, 11a went to Chicago to rival Mr. Potter Palmer In wealth and returned jutt at ha did from Now Yark"fott ttramied," at be would have oxpmeed It lie made ttill an other fikrttine and went to Ban Frauclaoo, where he died a poor man. Another Lowtt and Clarke comity minethe Dram Lutnumn provide an other ttieh ttory, U wat dlaoovered by an Irith Immigrant named Tbomat Cnuw. Although b owned It, be eoold not get a tack of flour on credit, He gold It to an Engliah tyndicate for 11,000,000. But ha remain on of the wealthy men of Helena. Julian Ralph tn Harper. Bow Oplaw le Gathered. It 1 a aort of garden cultivation, th poppy plauU being grown In llttl atjuare or blt Intenected by tiny wtv tar channel fur Irrigation wherever thi U poaailde, The growth of the plant I carefully tended, and at length th Urn eouire when they bnint out Into Bower, and the field look like a thnot of ailver a th white petal of th flower glittr-u tn th morning dew, Thte beautiful petal are the Ant produce of the emp, fur the women and children of th cultivator' famille come forth and pick them off on by one and carefully dry them, to that they may rv eruvwarU at tlx covering of th manufactured cake of opium. Then th popple, with their bar capanl heoda, remain ttandltig In th open field until It 1 conaldered that they ar rtpfiir lancing. The cultivator then come forth In th evening, and, with an liiipletueut not millk the kttlve of a etippiug iuatrument, they tcarify th eapeule on It tUlee with deep inclaiona, to that tho juice may exnde. lu the early morning the cultivator rnipear with a temping knife and their earthen war pot, aud they aerape off th exudiH! jut- and collect it In their pot. And till 1 crude opIum.Wack wotxl't Magalne. A Tragi Ktadergartea Kplaeda, A certain kindergarten it bleated with the attendance of a very original youth named Richard. He la a very bonrnt little hoy and highly mpected by hi parent, but th other afternoon when b cam bom he acknowledged frankly to hi mother that a punUhment bad been IntUoted upon him at th kinder garten. "Why, what hav you doner "Well, yotl tee, he antwered, "John ny and I got tired of being good, and we mad op our mind that w would jtut get our bead together and holler ont Ilia very nanghtieat word we could think of, both together." The mother wat tuexprtvwibly (hocked. Johnny wea another very nice and well bred boy. Dut the managed to aeki "Well, what did you aayr "W iiiat c reamed out 'Bedbug!' at loud a wconldr , l'rotiatily thi tragic epltode ha never had It duplicate In the hlttory of kinder garteiilng. Iloeton Trauacript A tnake Thai la Foood In Many ytaeea, The eommon make, which bear the cleutilla nam of Tropldouotu natrti, I one Rpecle of genu (Tropidonotn) hlch extnnil over Europe and North America, and from northern Aaia to north Auatralia, there being seventeen or eighteen Indian ipecie alone. Our common make may erv a an example of the largeat family Into which terpente are divided the family Culubridie of which there are upward of 103 Rpecle in India alon. Thi family contain moat of tlie harmltM make, and It it also 11 Inttrated by a tiuall make, Coronella auttiiaca, which (Mine year ago wa diMcovcrcd to be an liihabitant of Dorwit Rhire and Hiunpahire, The Coronella feed exclusively on iltanlt, slow worm and lumll make. Though hannle, It will bite. Quarterly Roview. fureala ol flreevs. In ancient time Oreece poeeeil aliout 7,600,000 acrot of dmiae furett, and thewiui comparntively rich In timber until about Wty yew ago. Much of it hiw, however, now disappeared. Phila delphia Ledger. TIIK glNOI.K.TAX DOCTH1NK. Tho "elngle-Ux movement," led by Mr. llonry Oeorgp, ha lietm ad vann ing ruplilly of Into In vnrlou pnrt of the world. It, I very strong In Great ltrlltUn and Irohtnd; It hiui many ad herent in Cuimilii; lu AuHtralia It hit an active support in tne pariumieui and lu tlio puhlio prcw, and in the Unit ed Hlitto It I becoming fin Important motor, a wan uliown by tlio coufurenoe nt New York upon tho occiudon of Mr, Henry Ooorge'i return from a trip a rou ml the world. It will probably be a long time If, Indeed, It ever occurs before the Ooorgo doctrine Is applied In It entirety In thi country. Hut the IgiiB tiro multiplying that it partial application I nut fur dltnnt. Tho din cuHHlnn begun a dozen years ago by Mr. George bn had the etrect of Inviting tho public attention nil over tho world very nharply to tho problem of taxa tion. Intelligent men lu thi country and lu Europe and in Australia have been tmpreawd, a never before, with the fact that the systems of taxation which now prevail are unjust, compli cated, partial, and oppressive, For one thing, those who read and observe and think are becoming more strongly con vinced that the taxation of personal property everywhere, and under a!! circuitiHtuiiues, Is a fraud. It Is a fraud because It never Is, and, In the nature of things, It never can be, equally en forced, It is a fraud because It oilers a premium on dishonesty, and puts hon esty at n dlHiulvantago. It Is a fraud bi oiiuse It (llKcrlmlnates against the poor ami those of moderate means, and in favor of tho wealthy. The tax on per sonal property ought to be wholly re pealed. Puhlio Benttmuut is not yet rlpo for Its repeal, but, at the present raw or progre, it will t era many yean, Th beat thought of th Urn la tending alto very Hrongly against taxr on ootwumptlon, popularly known a Indirect texe, and agalnat taxe on Improvement on real Mtata. Then I coining to he a clearer pprehenlon of tn fact that all tuob Use are taxe on production, which Interfere terloutly with the prorxMe of trade and indus try and ounttltute vary ertou burden Ukii the community. In many large eeutemofpopluation there ha been a revolt against th absurd policy which impose a fine or penalty, In th form of a tax, upon the man who Improve a town or city and give employment to labor by arect n a butlnes block, or mill, or residence, whll It offer In duoement for the withholding of land from the market by laying only noml nal taxe upon It ao long a It la left va cant and unproductive, although it la appreciating In value from the growth of the oouiinunlty, by the Improve ment mad by more enterprising peo ple than it owner. In Chicago, New York, Washington, and many other cities, th demand for a large Increase of taxe upon th land held for purely peculativa purpose ha proved too ttrong to be resisted by tb assessor, and It wllf oon result that uch land will be forced luto lit market because their owner will find that they cannot a fiord to hold them and pay taxe on tliem. Here w hava (ubstantlal and beneficial result from Mr, Henry George' propaganda. There can be no doubt that the hightax doctrine I growing In favor In all English-speaking countries, and w believe there are many now living who will ate II general adoption. Whether tbla will alto In volve the appropriation by tbe ute f tho entire rental value of the land, at nrtilsaind In "1'nurmaa and Pnvarf v " will depend entirely upon th necessl tie of the ttste. Th prospect 1 that th yteru of private property In land will remain a 11 la, fur aome genera tion at least, but that all taxw, at least for state and local purpose, (ex' o-pt sui h a may be derived from the sale of fruehle,) will, In the near fu ture, be laid upon laud. -Indianapolis iVnfioff. TUB IIHIOO TKIAL. What I Dr. Itrigg to be tried for? Tld 1 a question in verybody'i mouth, yet comparatively few know the kpeciflo charge against hint. All know that be la accused of heresy; that Is, teaching doctrine contrary to the standard or the Presbyterian church. Dr. Urigg' celebrated Inaugural ad dress, delivered on th occasion of his Induction Into th chair of biblical the olotcy In Union lemluary, was tbe ooctv tlon of hi arralgnmeut on tbe general charge of heresy. Tbe formal charges and specifications presented by the presbytery of New York aocute him of proclaiming .the following alleged er rors, which ar contrary to the stand ard of the Presbyterian church: First Dr. Ilriggs declare that "there are historically three great fount aiu of divine authority the Bible, the church, aud the reasou" thu making (he church aud Ui reason each to be an Independent aud sufficient fountain of divine authorty. Second Dr. Brlggs affirm that, In the case of some, the holy Scripture are uot aufflckiut to glv Uiat knowl edge of Uod and his will which la nec essary uuto salvation. Third Dr. Brlggs affirms that aome may turn from the supreme authority of the word of God, and And that knowledgetof him through the reason. Fourth Dr. Brlgg affirm that tbe temperament and environment of men dotermiue which of these way of ac cess to God they may pursue. Fifth Dr. Brlggs la arraigned for questioning the full Inspiration of the Scriptures. Sixth For asserting that Mosea Is not the author of Pentateuch, and that Isaiah Is not the author of half of the book which bears his name. Seventh Kor teaching that predic tive prophecy ha been reversed by history, and that much of it ha not and never can be fulfilled. Tho final allegation, which tl embod ied In charge second, Is that Dr. Brlggs teaohe of an Intermediate existence after death, or a second probation. Dr. Brtgga claims that hi view have been misrepresented, yet a careful read ing of tils Inaugural address will sos tuln allegations. His defense before the presbytery was strictly technical, and the case was disposed of on a tech nlcal point The same technical defense will probably be made before the assembly, yet there seems to be a determination of a large number of the ooinmlssionors to force a trial on the merits of tho case. This would prolong the session of the assembly unless there is some authority for constituting a special court. The empire of China, according to the 0twiatUehtr Loytl, covering an area of 4,000,000 kilometers, now has a pop ulation of about 350,000,000, or about clghty-elght Inhabitants to the square kilometer. Ho Nan, It declares, Is the most thickly populated province of the country, having about two hundred and ten persona to the square kilome ter. Shan Tung follow Ho Nan, with one hundred and seventy-two to the square kilometer. Tbe boundary terri tory of Thibet number the least people of any district of the empire, there be ing only three persons to the square kilometer. New York Tribune. "Longevity? I should say longevity did run in the family," said Mrs. Sprig gins. "Why, John wa six foot two, Bill was bIx foot four, and George had more longevity than any man I ever see. He was six foot seven it be was a foot. Mrs. Btllron: "Mrs Strucket affect th antique tn her bouse decorations " Mrs. Dsggctt: "Yes, she told me tbe other duy that she was hearbroken be cause Bhe couldn't get the shadow of the moon for the parlor window." Five Cents Per Copy. A Simple: Problem. The value of a baking powder is in the leaven ing gas it contains. If one brand is "stronger than ; another, it is '.a because it goes Royal Baking Powder has .beeir determined by the official chemical tests to be 27 per cent greater in leavening strength than' any other brand. Its actual' value, to ''the consumer is therefore 27 per cent' greater than, the others. This is equal to 13 cents per pound. If, therefore, other powders are forced upon you, see that the charge for them is 13 'cent? per pound less than the price of the RoyaL aaltery Kelae lor I'M a. a rrawutloa Agalatt thulera. The following rule were prepared for the itate board of charltle and correc tion of Oregon, by W. E Carll.M. D., and W. E. lUnehart, M. D.. member of tbe board: Remove all source of putrid emana tion, whether from sewers, privle, vaults, cellar, Inhabited room,or stag nant water 00 aurroundlng premise. Have water examined microscopi cally by a competent physician. If not free from organlo matter it must be boiled before using, a Impure water Is by far the most common origin of the disease. Drink a little water as possible, aud none between meals. Each Inmate should receive at least one bath of the entire body per week. All underclothing should be washed and boiled one per week. Perfect ck-aullness of womsjand free ventilation are necessary. Over ripe fruits, tainted meal, and cold cooked food should be avoided as much a possible. All food should be cooked and eaten warm, nieales served regularly, and no food should be eaten between meal. DISINFECTANTS. There should be a liberal use ol disin fectants, namely: Chloride of lime, carbolic add, or common charcoal, free ly distributed In cesspools, drains, clos et, and In' all places where water or waste of any klud may have accumu lated. To disinfect bedding and clothing, Immerse them In a hot solution of cor rosive lubllmate (mercuric bichloride), one part to one thousand. Suspected casus should be at once iso lated and the above rules faithfully observed. Mr. Gladstone's cabinet is rich In men of experience and ability. To say nothing of the premier himself, no English government of recent year ha included a group of itronger men than Earl Rosebery, foreigu affairs; Sir William Vernon Hareourt, the excheq uer; John Morley ,ecrotary for Ireland; Mr. Fowler, local government board; Martinis of Rlpon, the colonies; and Mr. Bryce, the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. Three of these men at least, Earl Rosebery, Mr. Morley, and Mr, Bryce, are known wherever the English language Is sopken the latter two as men of letters, and all throe as statesmen who are also scholars and thinkers. Were this a cabinet with a secure tenure of office In prospect, and a reasonable chance of carrying out the policy It might devlao.ita outlook would be very flattering, and England might hope from It wise aud active leadership. It cannot be said, however, that this ministry la likely to have a long career. Mr. Gladstone, despite his marvelous powers, Is very old; his task is a com plex one; his time cannot but be short. JIarper't Weekly. "Wasn't It Just awful!" She married a poor dry-goods clerk 1" "Yes; but Just think how handy he will be to send down town to match goods," Uriel Directions for Spraying Fruit Treea. One pound of good purls green In 250 gallons of water. Add about 6 pounds of soft or whale oil soap to every 50 gal lons of liquid. First spraying, six days after all the bloom has fallen from the trees. Then spray every 15 days up to within three weeks of gathering fruit. Keep mixture well stirred while using and spray until tree drips. The parts green should be mixed In proper proportlous with a little water, (If good It makes a smooth paste,) and then added to the bulk of the liquid, to which the soap has al ready been added, and thoroughly stirred lu. Use a nozzle which causes a fine spray or fog. Bulletins treating on all topics con nected with agriculture are issued by the experiment station. These are sent to any address In the state free of charge, , , i . .a... , Melentlflo and Fraetleal Knowlege, Someone has truthfully said that all knowledge Is comprised in two classes. The first Is that effect of mind which I the result of ourloslty, that species of human instinct that prompts us to In quire the reason for everything we see, every action which takes place among others, among all living beings, among the elements and among the celestial bodies. Mankind being endowed with reason, the next Impulse is to apply the knowledge ao gained to some upeful purpose, to produce some benefit to ourselves. The first of these two classes Is called "sclentlflo lnvestigatlon,"the second Is called "applied science," For Instance, we notice for the first time a light from which smoke arises, we in vestigate, we perceive heat, aud that it produces a disagreeable sensation. These are tho first sclentlflo facts. Wo apply the knowledge so gained by resolving never to touch Arc. This is applied NO. 46. worth , more , per . pound. j -4 ' further in baking. tieuce. We bave employed curiosity to And out the facto. We now employ caution to guard ourselves agalnatdam age, and we determine never to touch Are. All knowledge so gained la by this process. We may be told a thou sand times that fire will ' burn, but we feel that that is only theory. We want facta, and we obtain them by a course of sclentlflo investigation. We uae the fact and thus gain experience', knowledge, at first scientific, next practical; and these two condition! make up tbe , sum of all knowledge. Science Is the foundation, practice the aupemtructure. There Is probably nothing made by man that 1 a thin a a tbeet of gold leaf. It I nothing more than a film, and it almost as light as air. Tbe soft, ness and tenacity of the metal, two opposite attributes, which It possesses ( to a remarkable degree, render possible , an operation that would reduce any other metal to powder. The thickness of the leave varies. Some sy that the thinnest have the thickness of but 1-2.50,000 of an Inch. So thin la the film of metal In the leave that they are transparent. But Instead of the beautl-fuljgolden-yellow color wblcb gold I, be lieved to possess, when held to tb light they appear to be of a rich deep green. Every one of the thin square-Inch e of gold that the beater begins on makes sixteen pieces of gold leaf. Including the waste, each Inch la beaten out Into leaves sufficient to cover an area of 400 square Inches, which Is larger than a gentleman' good-sized hankerchief. A gold bar, when beaten out, will car pet a ballroom. JVcu Orkani Time Dftnovrat. According to tbe statistics, there were nearly three million more girl than boy born last year. According to the old Idea this would indicate a period of peace, covering the mature year of these children. This "sign" Is, how ever, scouted by more practical people, who see In this difference of Increase la the sexes su Indication that nature, who never makes mistakes, find It necessary to put a check on the mod ern boy, and proceeds to do It by plac ing him in the minority. Physiolo gists are still to hear from on the sub ject, being wise enough, probably, not to venture an opinion on tbe premises. Oreyunian. A Queer Way of Marrying. In some parte of India an extraor dinary marriage ceremony Is performed. The bridegroom, bride and priest drive a cow and calf Into the water, and then all three lay a hand on the cow's tail while the priest pours some water on it from a brass vessel, by which act the couple are Joined together forever in the holy bonds of matrimony. The priest claims the cow and calf, together with all the money the happy couple may give the Idols to propitiate them, as a recompense for his trouble, Lo, The roar lUeyellat. The Chicago iVeu' is denouncing a policeman because he clubbed a bicy clist. In Sacramento the citizens would garland the officer with roses. Sacra mento flee. In Oakland they would nominate him for sheriff. Oakland Timet. And in Los Angeles tbey would not only nominate the tbe cuss, but would get right in aud elect him by a unani mous vote. Los Angeles Timet. The standard coins on the coutiuent are: France, the franc; Spain, peseta; Italy, lira; Holland aud Austria, flor in; Germany, mark; Russia, ruble. Belgium aud Switzerland use French franc for a jjlone of 20 sous. Each of these pieces Is, like the American dol lar, divided Into 100 parts, called: ko peck In Russia, pfenning in Germany, kreutzorin Austria, cent in Holland, and in Italy, France, and Spain, by the word meaning hundredths. Mrs. Prye: "Dear me, Mrs. Blunt, how Is it you continue to hold your age so well? I declare you look as young as you did twenty years ago." Mrs. Blunt: "I don't know, unless it is that I escape a great deal of care by attend ing to nobody's business but my own." Mrs. Trye: "Yes, that maybe It; but, poor thing! you can't find much plena ure In living, can you ? " Bob Burdette never misses tbe truth very far when he says anything, as the following paragraph will show: He says: W-hat this country needs is a ' class of rfbrmers who don't have to stop every ilfteen minutes and explain a little distressing crookedness in their own records. This is what Impedes the progress of our mighty reform eo liko thunder. "If it hurts you, dear," said the sur geon, as he' applied the splints and bandages, "cry all you want to. You will feel better." "Thank you, doc tor," replied the little Boston girl. "I never weep. It wrinkles the face."