The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 16, 1892, Image 3

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-ISSlKt) Y
tfltlDAY, mtRMUEtt W, Witt..
Tlio poet of Um'twoplo, tho gentle
Quaker spiritx Whitti'r, .has potuV
fully passed away at th RvkxI old
agetf four mxw aud four.
Ilia fooultlM w preserved to
the end. Only a fVw days ngo he
wrot noma tines ou tlui ooooalou of
tho birthday of hi friend aud
hrothr r HHt, ' Pr. Holnuw, which
had all the characteristie charm of
his vurse. liulwl, ' no pool ofro
cent time has uuuitaiiied to such au
ftdvaiuxxl the noaf approach to
hist best work that has .mtu-kqd
"Whittier'a oMiouat poema during
the past ten yean. , ,
Whittivr was not great poet,
but ho was a "sweet sdnger.'V lie
wrote from the heart to the heart
His vejrse hus tbii ehtrm aud - also
the stretath of duplicity. " He was
not afraid to write welry that the
plain people could txmipivhintd at
the ttrt reading, and that they
would love to repeat and fdiig. The
rhythui of liis verso was so char
acteristic as to render it easily dis
tinguishable. This artistic form
was the suitable medium of expres
sion for a mind semie, a spirit
hopeful, a heart warm w ith human
amotions aud active with all im
pulses of goodness.
. Other American poota may be
more highly regarded than Whit
tier; Bono has Ueeu better loved.
Tub Polk county woman who
thought she could continue to draw
a pension from the government for
.) BtlfY..,'.,.! it thrt llttUt
of a hushaud in the service thereof,.
attfr she hail touna some one to
take and carry ou decedents unex
pired contract to protect and sup
port her, has been in dieted by the
United States grand jury for fraud.
Tension-drawing widows will do
well to muk'ea note of the fact
brought out iu this case and refraiu
from rt'marrying.unlessthey ate at
least reasonably certain that the
venture will (stand them in t-Sa
month. Whatever idiosyncrasies
our good ruclc.Samuel may indulge
ou the pension question, he W not
quite ready to assume the respond
v.:tit f(li umitwirt. or t lit monthly
L'liltJ vnv -"- I I " - - - "
endowment of erstwhile soldiers'
widows who have repaired or sough
to repair matrimonial damages by
remarrying. It is gratifying to note
that members of one class of pen
sioners arc expected to draw pen
sions with reference to their needs
aud uot for the glory of the nation.
It is also a satisfaction to know that
the eoveruuieut indorses the plain
proposition that when a man takes
a contract to support a woman j
marrying her he should do it.
Him lrMvt'rUn church
in iiinrninir. AU kindly III
n.. il.o U'hllH tfoue for your getl
ertvl merchandise. Everything In kept
Ti, ..l,l. ni tin at taut made it en
i vu York fit v. Then are a
uuniberofeaseaaud several deaths re-
The partnership tMretofre exWhig
between It. 11. Wilcox and L. M. Mat
tuon, kuown by tho tlrm name of It. II.
vUcm t-V. 1 turn oy by muiual
eomintdiiwlVrt. 4- H. Wile m.
wniM Hll debts the firm ts now owing,
Ind Ml Mil. due the Hrm are p.yabto to
U It Wilcox. It. II. UOX.
iiu'Vi . L.M.MATWUH.
1 Pill MOT.
Everything in t:3ss fir a
M of Pleasure. Frclit,
anil Recreation.
Fhm nil th Infhrntfttlo w can
gather, the fttlk County lUtrlet Kalr
immilaca an ti)nyahl time. On fli
aith of HentrmOxr thl fair eMnimeiumi,
ftiid th viior hilk county huld
to U MM It prove a uih-uuxi uo
era. viaiteu UU) air kcouihh mm
i'lmihky niornhig, atut were ptauwo
with l ho nrtwrvw maklmt toward
mtviluK thu wttiiu of thiw atteujtng
the mill
Tho pavilion, )xw) nwt In area, la
uearly iHniplctwl, and will afford m
pU HmmuHtatlon r all who wish to
UUpUv, and (oium1 (tir priulum, fa
brhwof any deterlittlon. , !
Four well have tiwni bored, one 117
ft deep, am) It U hoixnt that there
will la a nlontlful autnuy of water to
satUtfy the wautsof peoiile and atw-k.
The Knout mi 1 wi lu huiKih,
ia eaui)l) or mnumt nrtivn numirti
xhi and U to aitnatiHt aa to
thom (kxHievluK ttw aaina a fair view
of tho travk and the aurrouudtUK
etaiutry. '
The track on which tb trial of
ied aro to be ntada, l in ttna eoudt
tum. It I a regulatloo track two
inlubM and twu turua ami In our
luditiuent, U the bl fiwt-tUue track
iu Orvxt; aud well It way be, for
laws um f mouey hv been ex
iaiulHt by the stockhohlera In brlnif
Inir It aa iur a powlblis to perfeettou.
The Judtpw tndl well armnnl,
and atUrU ample aoeoniUHHUtlou r
judge and reporter of tho rea. -,
KwrythluK nwiwary to accommo
dated want of the -oiil In pMnt
log with a liberal exiwuditure of mou
ey, and a fast active hand eau owrate.
We fouod three eamidna outllUou
tho vrround. with tirotmbly alamt twell
tv-tlv meu contrulllUR them. Tlu
twentv-tlve men are connected with
tablea that have hor Iu tralnliitt-
All MMiied Iu uimkI Bi.lrlU, aud all, we
prvitumo, were ooulhlent of eouilug olf
vletorHJU. when ofleaalou reiulrwiu
Howe tweuty-rlve norwe nave wen
Intraloliiif. Mr. Htwlea ten lior aw
at thuatitte fair erjuiul. we tWuk, at
thl time, but will be prviwul Uere wneo
,.n r r.ilrinitiiL Ollnn are alteudluit
tlio state la r. uut win muru wiipu u
tins Incident oci-urreti mat eveuiiiK,
ii irnMini(i. which waa aomcwhat
aniuatuKt vet at Itie aame uiuo pruvu
the dexterity of frank. Frank' ulky
nale the fuuee like a ImiIUhhi in the air,
but he came out victor bma, auJ left hi
ulkv at lie backmitu tuoti tor
Stiuids at the head of nil blood med-
iclncs. Tliia position It has secured
hy-its intrinsic merit, sustained by
li,c opinion of lciuling physiolans,
- nd by the certificates of thousands
who have successfully tested Its
. remedial worth. Xo other medicine
go effectually
Scrofula. 1)H. t!rop'". rlicumaUm, C
tiwrli, atil ll irtlior blixxl dUeasei.
Tlit can bo no question an to tho p
rlorlty ot Ayef San. ilKirlllii ever U euWf
blood-purinuM. II tlii a not cam, the
deiiuind lor It, Instead ot lucrcwlng yearly,
would have cnaw it UnK KB". Uko 1
other Mh1 mnllc-lnc I f"ll 'iame- -y.
I NlcHr"n, l)tum;M, 75 Chelae at.,
.(ImrleltOWIi. Mas.
"Two y0" "R" I "!UI 'r,,llW,'l w'tk
-rlieuin. It was all over my body, and notli
m ho doctors did for me wa o any
avail At tort I took four l.otlle. of Ayert
avaiL a -jMiHiletely tared.
1 call , llneerely reafflmaaad It a- ft -piendld
uZZZ"-J. Burt, Upper XmwIcs,
v Mmnnwlck.
' wu afflicted with a levcre
' ease ot
Cir doctor recomn.cii.lcd Ayer's Baratrlla
u being the bcrt hlood blood-purlller within
- Si. Mwricnce, vVe gave her lhl medicine,
TSta curl wo.. tho re.ult"
Wm. 0, Jenkins, Uewoeso, Neb.
uw,an m. hnv I WAS troulilcd with a Wood
disease which manifested Itself In sores on
the legs Ayr's Harsnparllla being reoom
1118 '. , . . '.t . nn,i .or of bolt es, and was
;UXU,I have never .Ine, that time had
a recurrence of the complaint." -J. C.
m. . tynmll. Mass,
" ."I was cured of Scrofula hy the use of
;vrSarsa,.arllla."-JulmC. Berrjr, leer.
field. Mo.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass.
" BoldbrtUDraiirliU. Prlol; slibottloM.,
I irlven in the navlllou on ridy
eveuinir. the Ski. Tula would give the
younn folk a U we of kkmI cheer aflvr
COI11 pICUOIl Ol UH'ir lll!mn !'".
The. motor line win navw iruou nw
u.nin.r anil IrHimiRinmiou lariu ira uv
" - . , . , .
lawn MoliliioittU antl inuriHnuuw,
ami fvcrvtlilnir ou that, llua will tw
coudui;tt-d to the aiiliafacllon of the Ihso-
ol. far aa trlct attention to uuiy
and the want of the jwople aw con
Wn found a st.'am ntiiiit) In constant
oiH-ratlou utwn th Kr""",1,, nJ 11 '
Iiof!tl lliav uieiuppiyoi
emtul to ine ociuaiiu.
JJowcltlwn and farmer Of Polk
M,mitv. nut f.irth overv elHrt to make
r ... ..... i.
till fuir a mm i'i iim pa nun
ailorura with plctun ana iiounom
lut.rlin.. Mini i aa will lo u.i eiiimnmiiwni
mtliH vluw. ltth women of l'ulk
nittkeidliUv of their hnmll
anil thus add to tho tlltvn-t ol
ihu umulon. We know that if the
women nmku an vlUirt, thoae nbrt
u lll lu rniutnmi With ailOtlWM.
Home hare anid county fair have al
vara fulled of SlliHVWt U-t U prove
the falaity of such assertion by niakluK
the lime of our fair an eiMa h In the
hhuorv of l'ulk county of which at all
tiinea we may feel promt, l'ulk county
ti, l.-Kt nuintv In theatate. and bvi
people eoiiiuiriH!f favorably with thoae
r an v other county lu enterprise, eu-
eruv and iutelllnence, hould make our
diairlct ralraliuieof rejolclnit and a
time of mutual la'iieflt and Improver
m. ut In all that oouatMutea Nucha
nlitaaures and aKrlculiura advauco-
iiicnt. Come to the fair, determined
to enjoy yourselves, notwUliHtandinu
the vruaKlmmoi pemiiiuaui; aireurnu
The time 1 proiiittotia.iiarveai wover,
thettraln, lHaved ami now atleiia a of recreation that will give chI
to your future labor, uome un; come
with Hiiillliigcouiiteiiancea and make
our district fair a K"anJ auccea.
A Womlur Worker.
mm tv.,,.it triiinnaii. a vounir man
i ,.f itnVtlniriou. Ohio, alatv that lie had
i.,. urn .,r the cure Of two proiiuiieiu
phyaiclaiiH, tkiui uhcki tneir iroaimeiiv
until hewaauot nhle -to ct around.
They pronounced hi caae to be con-
.ml liwiirul,!.. He WM 1MT-
iuiufwlto try Dr. King' New W-
....., r,.r miiRUii niioii. eouaua nu
cold and at that tlmo wn not able to
Ho found, before he hud uncd half of a
dollar taittle, tliat he was much better;
he ennt llUiMl to ue It ami i wt-oay en
Joying wod hcalU.. If y.u have any
w friiaranieeaaiiHiiiiiiiuii. jhi w
free at any drug Uro.
Monun.nit tn Hr. .las, Kelnay,
a .fo Ik on foot to erect over the
(travesofthat (?khI man and his wife,
r.. iiait... wmeterv. a uitahle inoiiU'
" , .. .. ... A J.......
..... inurripr iiH an un aim u.w
invlU'd to contriliuto and
.K -" .111....
nil timllPVS S 10U HI IMS He III IU eini.-i
i.. t w frail or It. C. Craven, Dal
Iiih. ' Contribution have already been
nmde n follow: Kelaay eaiate, ji awi
u K. Hwlft. 1: Henry Wood
iw. K..inri. 1). V. McCall. Mr. M
,J........ .... : . ,
J ., 1 earn.
Flint, wfddhiK, paper. .
Hecond wedding, atrnw.
Third wedding, candy.
Fourth wedding, leather.
Fifth wedding, wooden.
Tenth wedding, tin. ,
Twelftn wedding, linen.
Fifteenth wedding, crytal.
Twentieth wedding, flora .
Twenty-flab wedding, silver.
Thirtieth wedding, pearl. -Thirty-fifth
wedding, china.
Fortieth wedding, coral. ,
Fiftieth wedding, gold.
Beventy-flfth wedding, diamond.
thlny-ray Notice.
TSTntlee i hereby irlven that thirty-
day from
Htnoky weather.
Funny weather.
Clem thelrwt.
l C. ratiemon, the i-opular coufw-
tl oner. ... ..
lluyymir clul book of n.
Nornud ltidcut are arriving
lld voti hear tlia inarahal any, tilinn
The iiornuil tehnul at Moiintoutlt
qmiim licit I Tuesday. (
M. O. INvttor tnovwl lnt theltavld-
on rualdcuce ou C alrcct, tlUa.WW'll.
ir.uv. .u nt!N'r.rW imrtleulara
call on M. A. Wee, 1 miCHn.Uuet, l
Itvnicmher th IN'lk cwmty fidr xf
giua next Ttasday. -1 ' ' w
0OIIH. ' '
ii.itu. t,.i.iiiyii fVoin our town arc
attending the tt htlr at Haleiit thl
week';.,,' -j .
it .m vvu.ln ..k Co. w ant tt aniti
attaHlthattlieykwTliolhloil but the
tMiatw love. ' .
For a upjIy of cfiohai winter onion,
apply toltri Mlddlclmm, iu isonii
Iudcieiideoc. '1l
tiet viiur tablet. Ink, laa,,auda.nclu, al Wlaw
ts booktor. ,'f
A iphhI mpply of paper now on Und
at thutonW Call ami trt your pie.
Cheap for vah. ' , A.
Our fair iiroiule to ! one af Hip
bwt ever held In the valley, noHxwit
lngttielate ftdr. ? '
llev. I. V. l'ollna 111 iwvaclt J
Dixie next Hunday nwrulng, Ail
cordially Invited. ,
. The navlllou at the fair- grounds I
nearly eompleled ami wm w rvauy . mr
uecu(ancy uy fair tune."
Heven head of Work .oxen for wile.
rnoulreofthefatl CtT atage driver,
or J. M. Tarry, Fall tlty. t
Fnh fish every Tueailay and Friday.
Ice everv dav at 1 1 cent. U II. wyd-
tou, oiM4l l'jte' Rnai-ry.
MnuIUchartl Kltig,of (rini ChrUtl.
Tex, own Tuii.utw acr i laud ana
tW,tltK) head of cattle ami hone. .
ii,.iiui r,,r ami furultucc for wile.
H worn liouw; rent is. A pari or all
the rurnlture for mile al a irgiu. m
ijulre al thl ofllce,
At l'nin-k'a 1' a. I Itev are ine
hi i,h valo. Thev mImi IvkuIbW the
liver and bowel. Try them,
per box.
n,ninh,.rlnlli'a Condi tiellllily,
faiiHiu for It cure of IkmI cdd and ,
a nreveutlve and cure lor croup, w
cent lasr Uitlle. , . .
i'l,.,' 1'iiln Halm, a iteueral
ramllv liniment ndttllly vahiable
fur rlieiiinaltoui. apralna. hum and
fnt bite, 8U cent lr laiUle,
Frank MeKnlght. f McKnlahl
Itnu In from Tutlmail. l,ltin
wiuuty. Iwt week, villi! w wriui
irottera, for the rolk County ratr.
Tim font brlitmi luxt atwive the
hrldire I cotnplelwl. U la a llit-el
hri.lue nd wove tho autllolctiey, anU
, l'll..t..M I,, null.
Ua'norny oi iiwy . - ,
woiK. '
fM.NIIll wrlaln' ami Hkln Oint
ment for tetter, nalt rheiiiu, aoaldlitad,
eiTxeiua, ue and chroiilo wn) eyw
45 cent ir Imix. For aale by all
medicine dealer.
We are rry to ay that the lwr
K Inter, a usual, will more than UKeiy
deprived ortlie prlvlU'K' of attendltig
the fair at Kalem any thU week. ' Just
our luck," tliough.
J. M. Mark I lavlmr a new aidewiilk
along the fhuit ol the J.ltle l'ale
tel ou V atriH't, .Many or me pmsny
nwner of our town hoiild take the
bint and do likewise. -
Weareirlad to learn that Ml Aggie
Wlnniill 1 havliur eminent smitw
with li..r aelinol at Huver. I'erlstence
and devotion are hi way element or
ucceas, In any pursuit In life.
We are directed lonnMinw officially
that the public m hiad will la'tfln next
Monday morning at 11 o'cl.ak hi the
Atklmt lstriet. all the ciiimreii
govern theuisi-lve hctNirUlngly.
kll MhiiIv hnai a t-rv ctillllX'teut
awtl'slant thl season, In the person of
Mia lkrnell, of l'ortluna. iter ntist
iiPM Im so iuerenwd, that ahe t unnlile
to attend to the denmtnl longer luue,
tt riHtilrHl OOO jilekera to gather the
hnn cron irinuinry w juiena i iia.
The picking will all t througlt Ihl
week with no In from lice." 'I'll yleli
this setw.n I a little ladow the avtritge,
H. A. Ibigstlale la In our city thl
week, endeavoring t awaken iuienwt
..,,,,111 i ha IiiihIikw to eaiuuiiHii a imu-
rr "- .... . . i l
Ho library. This la a ooiiuneiiuaiue
work, and should meet witn a tuariy
pport. ,
1 11 T..u.l va...,lul Minn f rvlne'a
residence in North In dependence nd
ocenple one of Hurry l lirisiiun
.. .... . . . tM..i., ...hi
House on V wreci. hit, in iiih wu.
move- back to town the Inst of the
W. H. Campbell, haajuat flnlslied an
leellenl loilioue for II. Hlraeliberg,
,wiii,,r tl mil. A mi ni r. ijiiiuiitii'ii
ha finished a beautiful n-Hldeiiec for J.
Nf. Mitchell, of the II rm of Uoiiaiiiui a
Kl.lcr C. P. Hmlth. of rortlatld, will
preach in the Chrlatlnn church next
u,,,lu i,w,rtiltiir ami evetillltf. Hl)(V
did mti'slo will be prepared for flic
ocohalou. Ail are contiuiiy inviii'u w
thene service.
Thurathty nioriilng' Ilenderaon Mur
phy biniiglil mm to town, the atnlk of
wlitch tiit'itaiiivit twulv fwt ulna In
die Iu length, Ureat la tha "Atlierl
can Jli.ttotn,' for corn. tMitwlntw, and
bop. I le sliniilil place thl corn ainnni:
Him exhibit of our county fair, next
week, tut he would surely get II rat premium.
H. V, llun h lr" I on the Juk llt thl
week. -
' Mla Maeatilny kindly Invite Hie
ladle to call at her millinery parlor
Hnturdav, and see her nretty illaplav i
fall nillilnery. Hint will have her llual
winter opening during ttw week of
the, fair. All aw cordially Invited to
Htteud, I'rlwa are no object to Ml
Miieaulay, for ahe endeavor to please
her euatonier. ,
The ilcmand for Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholera ami Dlarrluea Itemedy la
sleudllv growing, from the fact that all
who give It a trial are pleased with the
result Mini recommend. It to their
nelghlHira. We feel aura that the rem.
dv cannot ta reeontmemlwl (on
highly Wagley rlmead, druggist,
Newton, Iowa. Fur sale by all inedh
..... . i -
cine iirnivre, t
Tliers haalMHMi a'cuullntHnl tetulency
to bow el disease here thl aeaaon, ay
tl W.Hhlvell, druggist, Wlcklllle, Ky.,
"aim au unusual n.'iuauu l i nnm-
latrlaln'a Colic, Cholera and illarrhwa
Itciuctly. 1 have ii tour uouie ni
it thla, niornlug, Koine remarkable
etirea lav tievn ettwtwi ny u ami in
Sll cat It ha tiroveti tuncmtaful." For
al by hll nietlldiie dealer. '
oi witiild rather trust that medicine
than any dmttor 1 know (lr,,, aay Mr.
llattiu Mason, of Chilton, tarwr
county, Mn., m swking or t nain'
iri,.i.i'a t'n in. t ho era ami tuarnue
UiuiHtv. Thl uiedleine can aiway
Im depended upon, even lu tits nioat
severe and tlangenitM caaea, tailh for
children and ailull. S ami fill wnt
IhiUUhi fur le by all uieiiictue eaa.r,
I.lttla Tommy lan at the aclentlfic
aopraius who oa-n h"r mouth very
Mlil.. anil ilm trills anil ninny uiuvi
wonderful thluir. wave
hi Uitou excitedly Just ta-lilml her, anu
t im milan uela ulll r tltl louuer, r in
..iu. I,,l,iv can aland it HO longer.
I that man hlltlnirlhe lady with hi
tick for?" "Hush, Tommy: he wn t
hitting her." "Wull, then, iiiauima
what make the lady cry ao?"
I,u,r little Helen rolinrd will lJ ttVwtl
on our t red no more aa ht ha tanin,
ahu waa wheeled hack and forth lu
Imr enrnauo by 'tender hand
M.miUy her spirit anareii away acroa
the river of ih-alh, and Tmlay her re-
. . , t . I.. , 1.1.1 t..ll,.UM. -...-
i-enietcry. For nlmt ten year Helen
i.u.i I.. ii mi Invalid and bus demrAided
ami Mlvd the constant care and. at
teiitmn of a loving mother, who will
sadlv uilsn hef from the family circle.
11..U,.. waa ami! ID year and died
fnun a eomplicallon of alluieiit.- frtiM
, U wa. In It way, a teatlrmmy to the
intltieiu'eot litis eouiury i,
In the ureat national cougres which
wa held lately In Caletitta, and which
,.iin,,.i..,l ilnilv hv aonie six thou
sand native, KuVlixli waa the only
language which w found to be ulla
1,1.. to la. UMtt fnrexixsillloH and dehate
Another notable thing In that emigre
iiiiiv nlMi lie nameil. Among na nmn
ly.h. wuiueii. lamie of whfHii
,u.i.. lir. IVuiteeu!. who wa present
ua one invasion, nienlhtna In -one of hi
h tterabomo that he heaw a iay ue.
iiv.t misHt ailiulral.le aia-ech. te
talnly the world move. ' ;
A Maa, Vat All that.
Kiinin narrow- llilndwl laHple with i h mim of a mustard ccd and
w ith venom Ike a snake, are laiama
of the "war nwinl," ami trying to
prove that Ihl and mat chnuniate was
a l-iipia-rneau wi "" -war.
Ill the Imhc of nreiudlelng h few
,w-,..l ..r ihcir cIiih to cnt their Vidcs
sgtJnat them. We would like to know
what It matter what a man ladteved In
thlrt v vear ago? It I what he believe
tit ilaV thai concern ua. n innii in...
have lajcn an Intelligent, able, praell
r,..l iimnihlriv vear nun. w ho I a rav
lug Idiot or half-wilted Imlaadle U) day.
'ipirhead"lhlrty year ago might I
an vacevdlugly us..ftil cilliten lo-dav.
A caterpillar nun mue uwnw ...
ohanghig himself into a i.uiut i viii
much Icfw time man iniriy yen, i una
wHude who are aiway going Uu-k to
. ., , ...,-.. ,.....i.,.it..
prove oiiieiiiniK, ....... ..-"v .
never have cominon scomi enough to
olerve that U Ihey wouio pi oaca uir
enmiuU they would Hud their ancestor
to have Iweu a Ioijii nuue, inuiy, apwo
i...,.i.ri,.i,vll... tlcsli-eattuir creature.
win. ii... iMwt of men we are little
eoneernediltlswluitthey nr today,!
what Ihey will! be to-morrow, that
arr.i-l u moat We have left far behind
ii the Ulternes of thcs.0 evil day of
Internal warfare; the cause which
borught them iiiam ti arc no longer
iibleetof wnsldernilon or lilacuaslon.
inhere I a man left In tho country to
expresst a doubt that the rMiiith wa
wrong In the past, or that tho Mouth la
lovul al prtwent, we do not atyle him a
Ik'iiiiK'riit, or a inpuouuu r
eopiajrhead-but he la either au Im-l..-(lo
or a deiiiMgogue, and for pmo
ii..i.t urixise ll nuiller very little
which. Tbiiswiniplclcly ha It come to
liaaa that the old otieatlon at laaiie l
I .1 .1.. (... l..u... U-l.u.,1 .till
IWCeil Hie pariuw niw t..,-.-
or mi ml and tncimiry.-AVwf Ongimmn,
l.K CiHitair Fu.. returnwl from Has
FranclauiH lust Wednesday.
l'lllk I'altena.U ha a atilf hecli till
week, caused by a big boll.
Wm. Well wa sown from lluotia
Vlla, lust Friday, on hualiiea. .
Mra. W. I. Connaway went to Dab
la Motiday to vllt relative. .
J. 1. F.minelt. of McCoy, wa one of
the huslue meu ou uur triH!t last
Halunlay. ' ....
l'rof. i. W. Hnlllmau. of the tute
normal cIiihI, at Monuinutu, la very
Ick thl week.
, Mr. Pattim. In North Indcllldcnoo,
ran a pitchfork Into hi foot till week.
rue wuuiiu is luiiung ,
M Ian' Aggie Win null went to Huver
Intake cluirgeof the chool at thai
pirn,'. W wish her ueee.
Mark llohnc. from McCoy, called
on u Tueadny. lie wantwl soiim jaiat
um ud knew Just where to winie.
Mi.' H. tJauthorn anil daughter.MI
Frankle, of Corvalll, vllled ffltd
hi IiideHinduiie over last Huuday.
Hon. II. F. Ilurch I Imnrovlng hand-
oinely ltice ths surgical oaratlifu hU
ptiyiciaua purioriium ou uuu iai weea.
William Milton fell from a ktulrway
St Willomaih, last Tuesday night,
while htwmllng a dance, braking uolli
arm. , '
A. M. Hurley returned from a two-
weck'tav al Newport Monday. He
la a little improved In health, we are
glad to atnle. ,.
W. K. t'ressy and lady left on Inst
Mondv' train fur their vllt eaat.
1'hey wilt be absent several nioiilh.
we say turn vninyf, proitwaor.
We learn that a child of ClmrUy
Ctjo)ier, on llig Luealamuts, wa
btirniHl to death a few day ago. The
child wa alaut seven year old.
T W. Itolierlon thowed hlnilllng
eountenani on our treet Wediieadny.
IW I more at home In Jndeiau-
ileni'e thau any whereeUw on earth.
It. W. Hmlth. the plonwr merehanl
of liideueiuleiiw, 1 down from Wall
burg, Washington, on a to in
many friend here thl week. -We are
always glad to see him.
Isaaa llulter end family returned
from their wijouru al the HU Hprlnga,
Ttitsiluy nfteriMNUi, Mlsa Jkwue gulued
ten pound and aciinlred a complexion
somewhat maitiblliig the red man.
Mr Dr. J. K. Iwke Murue! from
her visit to her parent, Mr aud Mr,
Jttlite tJllsa.n, III 1'orilalld, Weilnefr
dav. Kbe rttrta a splendid vlall and
that her folk are getting along niiviy.
W. R FerutiNon's young son met with
painful aivldeiit thl week. He fell
frnitt hi lather nicycie iiiio a imeii
aliingaide the walk, IJnlle s deep cut
beliltHl tne ear reuu irin iu nm.
Dr, Ketchum dresstHl Hie wound.
A ihlriwn year-old son of D. 0
(Julek wa playing wlUi a five-gallon
i.Mi. of water and a fire lat Hutuliiy,
w hen the can exploded, and "the boy j
whs fearfully burned. We Have not
Iwrmil the full extent of his injuries.
Mm J. A. Wheeler and duJahtcr,
Mia Katie, went to Portland, yester
day. Mr Wheeler will visit with
friend a few week, when ahe will re
turn home. Mis Katie will remain
during the winter, aud take a course In
music. "
J. 11. Ford, from lllack Dog settle,
nieut, l.hut wnmty, wa on our atreeta
last Friday. It wa hi Ural vlall to In
dendemw hi nearly a year, and hi
many frleinl were glao loaeslilm
He report very gisal crop lu his
Henry Allen, of Corvalh. returned
from a four month' trip to New York,
Wednesday. Ilesuv everytaaiy inai
I able I leaving Die city and ll'k
linrtuthe country aud monnialn, on
account of Hie cholera. We had Mler
liaik a little out or It will he here next
Laat weea Justice N. M. Newjairt
, l.awn-lice Comiiton, the
iilue-yeaWild on of H, tl. Contplon, of
Mo, to the niform school, on com
nluliit of hi iiarenta. The tmy wa
wild Ui ! incorrigible. Pretty young
fur a reform school. Albany y'iina-cit.
John Yndnir and family ami Frank
Morris and family returned from the
ltelknan Hnrlniffl thla week fat aud
hearty. Urn. Young reiiorl that he
tun! the biggest time fishing and hunt-
Inirnn record: alo. he renort some
very narrow ewaiaa with hi life.
Tim many friend of Mia Alice
Havaire. a well a a uunilar of t lie
si'IiimiI children, of ludc mmiteuce, will
learn with ivgret that he I aullering
with an attack nf oungeatlon of the
lung anil wilt not bo able to amiiuie
her dutle in the tiidcHmlence ihiIiiic
ehtaht for several week. Mr, llllch-
cocli, however, will fill the vacancy
until Mis Kavageia uftlclentiy
covered to take charge.
I Foit PAI.S.-TWO small trad of land 1 -Bi.WjiitioiJ.
' ...... .....4......... tl.. ... fvilll. . .. . . . . l i.
nwir junca'iiiieinw wnnuj I, mil falllrdiiv at ne ooiw-a, n
trii also oiia teu aore tract with gml tJ1U(,lvril HIHt (n t,e principal' room for
liulldlng, hop yard, and orcham. In nirt,runi,a) ounoernlug tits opening of
imlre al llils ollh. , , , t ehol. The couran of study wa brief-
. tlocai-TlaryNorlh In-' '- "XaXX
wu. iueui ia r'im w i-1 M'"'ur morning with little oonruion.
w iii, bii. ....' .i-T" ... .
viiiiiiige. M. Merwinls lu charge, and
will give you (a-rfvet satisfaction.
TitR Fkuky.-J. (J. IJaur sml John
It, Ciaipur puadiaaaal ths ferry boat and
al! aiuiurU'iuihcc thereunto latlotiglnjf,
the imnnhlae, ett; , th wei'k from Mm.
one, tiaytng tncrcror i,wi,
cash right on ths bhaik, Thi.rcrry
Hlisall Ju
will tie kent lu the best eonditlon, and
all patrou atlcndml to at once. , (
To DkhTno tmb CoAsr.-The naval
nwm association la prelrlng for the
next legislature a bill to establish an
adcuunlc eouat giuird in this state., 1 he
NiMlatlon reiKirU rapl'lly growing
Interest In the nioveiuetit and they
anticipate no.dllltculty In securing a
muss of lgnalure to the pntuosml po
tltlon prayiiig the leiflajalurtf to create
an authorlwil uavsl reorvc.-f',-
Nllfa, '.' ; '
A Jllfl 1Isar'.--A large black bear,
which ha been killing beet for some
time paat In King's Valley, wu brought
to bay by T. O. lie vena, hi aim, aud
dogi Kuiiday, KeiiU'inla-r 4lh, near til
place tn the above-mentioned aeltle
inriit, P, . Hush wa sent for who
brought hi .rllle and w It li uuerrlug
aim put an and to Mr. llrulti's sheep
killing. Mr. Iteveus brought una of
the monster's paw to our oftlce last
Friday, which miionirud ix luchs.
After Mie htilnial.wasdniaid It weighed
nearly ;!ihi pouud. Unite a laar In
deed. " ' .; ,' f
An Ushai-K JtBioiiB. Cunahlerabls
coiiiplnlnt la Mug made in regard to
the unsafe condition of the bridge Just
outli of ludoiamdonce. The. county
court hs condemned it In older to
waive Iheli1 resMiisllilllty', and the road
Nupervlsor has (aiated notices a to Its
aiiiilltlun a Umu or two. hut still there
la noauttun taken to rena r It. If we
are noi inlstakeu, it I the duty of the
count v eniirt to rtuMilr all brldiic with
, .... -
a wn over tweniy feci mug, aim u
l in-v no not n 11 X un one, im'
should Im ii.uilo reiKiulhle for alt acc-l
iieuts that might be usutineu uiere-
froiu. . 't
I'trat lUiWKt tlf.-Tliencw puuia
at the water work ul to pump water
In the reservoir In 8outh Halem blew up
HntiM'day niornlng.-caiisliig eoiiHldera
hle diiuinge, which will la) retired at
mice. The nu mi Involved lu this
wreck had fust becu 1'Ut lu at au ex
pense of 11,11. They have a pump
ing eaiiaclty or 4,(XW.tiuo gnllona every
twenty-four hmna. There I a million
milium of water in the reservoir, and
thl will Im held lu reserve lu case of
tire. The two old pump will iihh-1 all
demand until the reimlr are nmde.
I'.scli ot tluwe puiii ha a capacity ol
a.taat.iSMl gallon M-r day, otie ladng
ruti by steam and the other by water.'
Amit'T ItiiniT.A convict of the I u
illuua jM'iiltciitlury hit the mill on the
head when In answer to s question a
In how his downward course la-gau, re- "I rying lo oeai s: wun a in rea
rm1," now many peopie in an
hramitea of buaiue are trying to U'at
l!:tu with a tlirce-iulnute buslut. The
mini v. ho ha a small enterprise that 1
latvlug him, ana gis-s into aem, i
vainly endeavortug to perform the
same feat, and tho young man who re
ceive a small salary and Knda more
money for l cream, iarfumery, etc.,
nsiii Uglu to realliee that he 1 trying
to lient i.Vi with s three-minute salary.
i here are thoumitiil of innnle tuaaiiig
the name mlatake the world over. ,
null can la found lu her old place of
bitslne. with the 'I he fair. Mi Ha
iimt rmivinl a fine line of millinery
goml man I ni.-ago, wnere ne niatic
arrangements when coming from the
Oist Ihla spring, with llrsl-clas liouaca,
In iiurchiiMe her itiaal every season.
Mr. Wlunull aHsurc the publto he
can mil giaal thirty per cent cheaiar
than any other millinery store in ure
sou. and aa ahe irna been ill the hual
ihwi over twenty year, we au kiiow
that alio I a fli-Hl-clua trimmer. Hhe
w islii evervtiody so como and exam-
hie her uiaala and exueediugly low
nrlcea. lftre ourcliaidnir elHewhere,
lNin't foritet the location,' third door
south, from me first national Dunn
Fink Tiikatkk. L. It. Htockwell,
proprietor of the Htockwell theater, lo
rated on Powell Street, opposite the
lialdwtn hotel, Han Francisco, baa en
tlrvlv reconstructed It at a cost off.),
(wu. It Is tlraf-;iuw In every particular. well lliilitinl, well veutllateil, and
1 healed hv the under tloor system.
The theater 1 built Independent of the
nimruiiciii uiiitnini; nun i inereiorv
aiMiiluielv lire nruof. Tho Brand eu
trance i In the center of the front, and
the nnnrotich la a mnasive stone arch
sixtceu fH't wide and thirty fcH In
deith. It contains prlvuto boxea.
twelve prom-enlum boxes, soveu logiw
In the'iitcr of auditorium, separating
the orchestra and dress circle aeata, and
hll a eatlng cuiaicity of l.iUHl, divided
about 5(H) to each floor, The stage I
large ilnd coininodloim, forty-ionr feet
ilato the doir law will
strictly euforccd in tho city of Indepen
dence. T. Fknnku.,
uon City Marshal.
Dated September 10.
f , ".. -. kt t Ci t mo. Prinrinitl. w
Dr. E.O. Young, veterinary mirgeou
and dentist, late of ewlerg, Ha lo-
raited pcrmanenliy in j micpenueni-e.
The doctor comi' highly recommended.
Hlsolllce i uvor llm Jinleienileiice
National bank.
'"Mamma, what's twins?" askwl the
niallest child. "I know," reiillfd the
l,l.,r mm. Iicfiiru the lliotlicr IHiUlil till
wur, "Twin I two liable Just the
utilllA AlO. Three lmliie are triplets,
four liable arc quailriipcits, aim live
babies are centl)edi." "
Oucst (altoinpllng to curve); ."What
kind of chicken Is this'" waiter
"Fat s a genuine riymoutn noun, win.
Guest (throwing up noin nanus;
"That explain It. 1 knew hiidwiihiu
old-timer, hut I hud no Idea ht) dated
buck to Hie 'Maylloyvor.' '
We have for aule a number of full
bloixled HbmpHliIro allcep, which we
will sell for ton dollars tier head. '1 heae
u Him ua mi v Mhceii In till) flute.
atu wn . j I ,,, ,
Anyono wishing to get a man win on
it'll II tn null nn (ir nl(lriHH J. 0. Plivul-
Hnn. Parker. Drciron. , 4U-4t
The CotigrcgatlnniillHta will hold ser
vice this coming Bundny In the M. I
i,,ni. .. fnllmva: -At 8 o'clock, Bun,
day school; at 7 o'clock a Y. P. H. C, K.
,ih hanrminiuHl. after which the pirn-
tor will preach. To these service the
n,.l,lln nm HOtdlullv llivltcd. V. V.
Poling, Paster. "
llpartlfsrrnmthia vicinity attending
the mechanic's fuir at Portland, will
find p eiiHunt and tiioeiy lurnisiiu.i
I . . . . L li'lCI.. blwu.if.
riiniiiH ana ooum in a,i enm
.... i,i,.1b nun Hi nf the-nost olllco,
Mrs. James UltiHon, mrmeny m muir
nendunce. 1 hostcHS, ltate 1.25. and
$1.60 per ay. '
T), Bi BoydHtOtl HUS JUKI opueii uu
. .7 bnainess tralnla achool,! by Hi. bu.inea ana proi.s.... -
BveDebatlmcnts: Justness, Shorthand, TyPewUingSenmansMp":
NVhereiw, by a Joint resolullmi an
priiveilJunclit, 1'2, It waa resolved
hv lh m'tiale and hotiao of representa
iTu.m. .,f the Culled 810 of America In
ni.ntrre ncmlled. "Tliat tho preldent
of the C lilted Slate l3 authorised and
directed to Issue a priMiutuailon reeom
nieinllng the lieoplo tho olwerviiuce lu
..II ih.,lr liKial lllcs of tho -tooth ninil-
versitry of the uiscovery oi iiienca, un ,
October 21, lHti'A by puhliu demoiistra-1
tloii and by suitable exercises lu their
(ii lioolaanil other place of aaaenitby."
NuW, thcrclurc, I, Jieiijiiniiu nai n
son, president of the UtUU'il Htatiof
Aninricn, In ptirsuniuie of the aforesaid
lot lit rcaulutlon, do hereby appoint Fri
day, X'tober 111, Wa, the four hun
dredth anniversary of tho discovery erf
America by Columbus, as a gc;'n
holiday for the people of the Unlti'd
Hlates. On that day let tho people so
f,.e iim ruiHHllile. ccaae from toll ami de
vote themselves to sucu exercises as
limy bestexprm honor to the dlscov.
erer ami their appreciation of the great
achievement of the four onntletcd
...... nn-i.,11 nf Aiiicrlean life.
.. -- - ,
I V, nm urn . oral n nmiiire ns ui
,i,,,.r i,r Ki-nirres and ctilluitteniiiunt
Tim avHteni of uiilversul cilucftiion i
i, ..n'f iiim the miiHt prominent and
salutary feature of the wplrlt of enllght
It I necullnrly apitropri
i.. timi. the sellout bo mailt) by the
people Ihe center or tne ntiys ucmou
stratlon. Let the national ling lloat
over every sr.honlliouae tn ine couniry
,,..,1 thn 'irclsc lie HllC.ll B shall hll-
prcas upon our youtn ine pauiouu
Unties of Ainorlcau cltlcitHhlp.
, In tho churches ami iu me uun'i
l,.f,i.a tf iimri.iii blv of the people let
there be expressions of gratitude to
Divine Providence for the devout fnltn
of the discoverer and for tho Divine
cure and guidance which htw dlrecUid
our hiHtJiry and so abundantly blessed
ourpcop e. . . i jib
untomt my hand an caused the seal of
the United Wttilos to rw uiiixcu.
Done nt tlie city of Washington this
21st day of July, In the year of our
I r.l niin thllUMind olufllt huildl'ud ttllll
nltity-two, and of the independence of
the United Httilcs Hie one muiureu ami
ai'vcntenth. Bknj. Hakiuhon.
divp to the curtain lines, sixty-live f.n.l , th; st(l!tf burn".'
wide, and aixty-aeven fivt high. The "
accoustli and dtHvirntlnns are gorgwnis , ' "cro 18 J'" l",ioe yr
, Tlis Nfw hnreh.
On Thursday hnrht of last week the
new Congregational society of this city
wn publicly reOugiilW'U,iiiiU weicomeu
Into church union by ltcvs (inppand
Waver, of Forest lirove, llev. J. U
llcrshncr, of Allans, ItcvC. It. Curtis,
of Portland, and Prof. W.:. Knwtner,
of. Corvalll. These gentlemen came
In an olllcln! capaclty,and aflu Inquir
ing Into affairs concluded to establish
s church of the "Pilgrim Faith" In la.
dependence. The exercise were held
lu the Christian church, and cotiriated
of addresses by thealHive naniedentlo
men. Itev. Hlaver presided unit iwi
itiii.iral ihivntional exercise, and J. L.
Herslmer followed lu the prayer or sou, William Miijtia, ami her remains
t.iw..rniilnii and reeouttlUoii. The. were intoirwl In the K. of P. cemetery,
church was welcomed with the union near Monmouth. A largo concourse of
The attendance III most of th grsdes is
light. F.verylhlng Is running smooth
ly, the new teacher seeming perfecUy
st home In their new lawltloii. Mrs.
Tuck lis charge of the first giwde, the
little ones aiming to setnsi lor in nrsi
time. Mr, t!. A. HltchoocK has cuargs
of thesMsiud and third grade. In place
of Mis Havage, who Is sick. Mb Wav
sge hoiw to he tn sctxMil tn a few dsys.
Ml Mary i;oiuu tias me muri.ii ktuuv
lu her care; thl grade has the fullest
enrollment so fur. , Ml Lena Hutler,
ou the cind fhair, U-aehe the llflb
and sixth grade. Mr. Iong a slt
sut and Air, Illt.-hoock a principal.
have seventh grade, eighth grade, auu
high school lu charge.
The repairs on Uie building were An
Uhed lu time, except the blackboards,
which will receive a ooal or suiting on
Halurday. The excellent' condition In
which the building has been kept I a
high compliment to the teachers of last
'1 ners is every prospeoi ror a success
ful sud prolltublo year of work. An
eirort wlll he made to prepare au ex
hibit for the Columblau exposition, at
Chicago, '
Wheeler' I the Place to buy school
book. . . '
A full llu of school lawk and school
supplies at Wheeler's. ,
For the meet cholco eonfectlonvry.
go to P, C. Patternon's.
There I a beautiful line of children's
hats at Mls Mscaulny's. -
Call on Mis Macnulay and price her
bat before going elaewhere.
Look at the Van Itrnnt. steel frame
drill at it. M. Wade A Co's
HsH'lal rate for family washing at
the ItideKudcnoe steam laundry.
(larland and Universal atove In end
lea varjety at H. M. Wade Co's. '
P, C. Patterson has lust received a
big sup)ly of fresh caudles of all kinds.
Ws make a specially of schosl books
and school supplies. W. H. Wheeler.
Pari lis In need of school book will
do well to call at Wheeler's book store,
ijullcs. bo and sou Hlielley A Van-
duyn's ekaut stock of full sud winter
Hhakton & Hcnkle have the finest
line of gents' aud ladies' ties In the
Hhelley A Vsnduyn show a great
line ol (Inns triinuilugs. Do n't fall to
see them.
ChihIIcs. nut, orange, lemons, ha-
uniui, gmrn-s, dguis aud Uibacco at P.
, I'attcrsou'H.
Try Wrong's reataurant, Westawtt A
Irwin, proptietnrs, when In Halcm.
Meals, first class in every way, 25 cents.
You will he sure to ilnd anions: Mia
Mttcauliiy's large selection of millinery,
usi what you want at your own price.
Do n't foruct to go to Mis Macaulay's
for your fall and school hat, for she
will be able to give you lust what you
Hlidlcy & Vanduy n have too many
lines to make siat-iat mention of sll of
them, do ami see and be cotivtneett
tliat their prlci-s sud style are correct.
There I now a big rush to Htockton
A Hankie's for the new goods of sll
kind Just arriving. Come running,
but do n't full, for we are trying to sup
piy an.
Indies, If you wlah a beautiful ker
chief, Just dmp lu at Htia kton sod Hen
kle's and they will show you alius that
will make you smile.
Gentlemen, if you wlah a good all-
wool suit of clothes for ton dollars, Just
call ou Stockton & llcukle and they
will pleaae you.
There are laundries and laundries,
but when you want your . linen done
un in first-clatis order, send It to the
Independence steam laundry.
The suow-wnlte fleece oDfury's lamb
would be considered the very niiixmite
orwhltcneas lr compared tome linen
from the Judewudence steam laundry,
Kend your laundry to the Sclera
steam laundry. Mr. Golf, drlverof Uie
Salem stage, will take It for you
Ieave orders at tho upper livery stable,
"In the Spring tho Young man's fancy
Lightly turn to thoughts of love,"
Hut the girl will tight shy nf thoae
youth who fail to take their linen to
the Independence steam laundry.
The new stwk of shot, hats, dress
irooils. and furmshlntr wxxls. now ar
riving at Htockton & jlenkle's, are the
best and cheapest ever brought to this
market. Call and see our goods and
get pi Ices aud.see If our statements are
uot correct.
If you are at all particular about the
look of your collars, cull's, and shirts,
you will send them to the Balem steam
laundry, where they will be turned out
with a (.'lossy iuiihii mat is eicirance
Itself. Prices very low. . Leave orders
Ik'inainH in doubly bat there I
nofiuohtion about tho PORTLAND
whlch o'Hjtw September 21t and
clo October 22d, being the beat
xiMwition ever bold on the Pacific
Coat. So for an Oregon t con
corned it will be Uie forcrjinuer of
Uie 'Exposition at' Chicago in 1893.
The principal attractions are the
magnificent American Band, of
rovideuce, R. I. An art collec
tion, valued at .'150(000, and emy
bracing some of tbegreatest pictures
ever owned in the United Btates,
Iminenae Horticultural and Agri- -
cultural exhibit, tbo. result of the
combined efforts of almost every
county in the state. A mineral
exhibit exceeding all former years.
Stock Department showing
tremendous progress. To these
are added a larger number of cxhib-
its than ever before, including a
magnificent electrical display under
tho combined Thompson-Houston
and Edison Companies. AU man
ufactures in full operation. Govern
ment models of Battle Snips. The
wonderful ifall of Mystery. The
wonderful "Little World," the
product of a mechanical genius; all
interepersed by novelties incident
to the popular special days. Every
thing new and nothing aeaa.
Greatly reduced rates on all trans
portation lines.
........ Oft. ..Ml ntl.l ...MM.rilf I. UN, ....rCTlU.I.H I ,...' . wm
..vv........n .v I I. . 1 . "... ,!. .
and handsome, and San Franclaeo can " "Kt " . "'p
...,u ..r.,.w. ,.f II,.. Iln.t llmtr. uiuimnu. ,.nuinunii,,.,i vwu
.. i... l T .. 11...1 s:,.,,..- vvi,m ll, a liiereiai siii'ci, unii. v,uuiujuu w
II HIV v .. ..-vw.vo, ,,,... ... ..v . ,, 1..,. ...... K. .v..r...l..
not f.i lo V t. lis crrullll . wuvhhi, H iii.w uk-iii, nu.i mw
theutre '
price of 25 ' cents, have made this
house the headquarters of everyone
who uas occasion to dine in saicm.
Stt In. ia iirhv 0-lven to sll nronerty .
owners to clear the streets of wood and
all kinds of refuse adjoining their prop
erty. The fair bcglus next week, and
arrangements are being made to have
cleau streets, aiicdu m wis at u
City Marshall.
The undersigned do hereby give
uotloe to all to whom It may concern
that on the 101b day of April, 181)2, tho
copartnership heretofore existing be
tween D. B. Taylor and K U. wiioox
la hereby mutually dissolved. AU ac
counts payable Immediately.
D. B. Taylor.
. ' . It. H. Wiixox.
Independence, Polk county, Oregon,
Bept 5, 1803.
Notice Is hereby glveu that the
oo-partuemhip heretofore existing
hetween L. C- Gllmore and L. W...
MoAdani as proprietors of tho Inde
pendence Marble and Granite Works,
is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent, L. C. Gllmore retiring and
transferring his. Interest to L. W
McAdam, who assumes an iiaoiuuea
of the former firm and to whom an
notes and accounts are payable.
Ii. v. U1LM0KE.
L. W. McAdam.
Independence, Polk county, Or., Sep.
tetuber 6tb,1692.
For sale hi West Independence,
eight blocks from main street on Mou
mouth street, first house on left across
bridge going west, four lots, a four
room cottage, with baru and other out
buildings, partly set to young orchard
and small fruits. This & a good bar
gain If taken soon. Inquire at this of-
The fair next week.
flour anil feed store on miiiu Btruei,
opposite Hustcr & Hliellcy's drug store,
' !i i. ii i-iwimor than anyone
'aiitisflictiotl, Mr,
L,, i.,,y n much HH'ilt'd
.., ,,l li. our niiiiat,. Olve him ii call
and he will do Just Ion to h
On Peplemlr 0, 1HD2. at half past
two o'clock, Mrs. Mary II. Fuqtta died
at Parker Ktatlou, to the home of her
bv Prof. Kawtner and llev. Curtis,
whose remark were well received.'
l'ho reverend gentleman' remark were
hill of practical thought and fairly
hrlHtled with giwpul truth. Itev. Hlaver
then expounded the covenant, and In
well-chosen worn wisueu uie eiiun n
UihI speed " The visitors compli
mented the choir for lis excellent ren
dering of sn authcin- The coniriiet
for hi Hi nir the church w 111 no iciou
Kiitiirdav.Henlember 17. The plans and
specification can be seen at Hit; home
ot kcv. ruling.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Hy the Prenidoiit:
John W. Forrun, Bceretury of State,
. rim sai.k.
.Hewn and a half acres of land in
Monmouth, on Independence street
Fair house mid barn, !Z30 healing fruit
trees apple, pvur, peaches, plums
'ci.iii nliuw cun be bouuht at a burguln.
tin hi ra of M. Nichols, 42
KAU. Horn, to the wife of C. A. Kim,
of Huena Vlstn, Friday, Hepteniber
0. 1WU!, an clghi-MHiiiii gin.
RUKF. Near Huena Vlala. Saturday
Heptcmber S. 18112, to the wife of-
Cleorge Itetif, a boy, weight, eight
.. DllK. MOTICB,
The undci'Hlgncil would resect fully
renueat that all persons knowing them
selves lndchted to him to conio forward
at oneo and uialie si'ttleitient, and
thereby savs wwt, us he will, after thr
ex nl rat Ion of this notice, place said no.
eoiinta tn in A nation oi lie no ueetor
Alldeblor. tnkodiic notice, and irovem
tlicttiHClvcs aaHii'iiiugiy.
45 4t ; I). B. -Tayloii,
Indepehdonco, Oivgou, Hupt. xi, imi
Notloo Is hereby given tliat the bnnrd
ofetiuullkatlon tor Polk coitiit.y,()ngoti,
Will niect at the courthouse in Dallas,
In suld county and state, at 10 o clock
a; m on the 17th day of October, 182,
and will continue In session one week
for the purptme of eqimllJiig and oi
reeling iiSHi'HHinctits, '
. Let those Interested take notice -accordingly,
a no! change will be iiuuli
after tho adjournment of the board.
45-!ll N. (lAKDNHIl, ..
, AsHeswir, Polk county, 'Oregon,
friend and nclglilMir giitheit'd at her
funeral, which wa condueted by Ilcv.
1), V. ruling, ot inucemieiice. a
mnctal sermon wiui pruuuhed from the
word, "I letter l-the day of one's
lentil, tlmii t he day or one 8 titftn.
After the sermon a lonir line of car-
rlaues containing tho relatives and
friends followed the remains or this
lepartcd Mothei iu Israel, to their last
renting piupc.
niary jioiiiutay waring was noru
February 15, lNttf. In Ureenuu county,
Kentucky. Hhe dlwl .Seplutnbcr 0, 181)2,
In Parker; Oregon, tilted elghty-sovcu
years, six nioutlis, and tweuty-four
day. ' ,
(She wtis ninriied to Hlnhnrd J. Fuqun,
oil January U. 1881. Ill KeuiucKy. Air.
and Mrs. FiKttia siient live years of
tb.'lnnarried life in their native state,
wheti they moved to Missouri, ana Irotn
n.em to Kiinsus. in-i,K). nere mey
resiuca umu mey crossed mo puiiu
i.. tho "Hunsot Lund." lu 1864.
w . ,-, , ... ... ...
Their union wns nicssea wun eigni
children, six or wtinm tiro buii living,
two hnvimr died, one wmio ine iiimity
lived In Mlsaourl, tlie other lu Kansas,
rim -bovs stilt living are wiiiiam,
Thomas, ami. ljcoiiuru. i lie gins are
mm. litrtuii liOiiunury, ivirs vv. vv, v oi-
Hns, and Mrs, James lllltorbrand." The
,inmi lire (Jeoriru M. and Harali.
Mother Fiuiuu had united with the
MotliodlHt church lu her youth, at the
age of sixteen years, and died in the
triumphs of a living f ith. She lived
to a ritie old age, having pnssod almost
four score years and teu, and her
mourning friends huve the comforting
nf the blessed MiiBter to admin
ister to their bereaved hearts, "Blensed
are tho dead who die iu ine j,ora.';
Children Cry for Pitchers Castorla.
- Iliicklio.'a Arniiia Salve.
The best salve lu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fever
wres, tetter, chapped bunds, ohllblultiH,
M.riiH, and all skin eruptions, uud posl
uvelv cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect anils
I'actiou, or money refunded. Price, S!5
cents per nox. l1 or sale oy any nrug-
gist. ,
'She machinery of the law has not been put to work
too speedily against tha fraudulent use of ammonia and
alum in Baking Powders. Both health and the pocket of
the people are demanding protection." The legislatures . of
New York, Illinois and Minnesota have, taken this matter
of adulteration up, and especially that of 'Baking Powders,
'it will bo in the interest of public health when their sal
is made a misdemeanor in every State in the UNION, and
the penalties of the law are rigidly enforced. There is no
article of human food more wickedly adulterated than that
of Baking Powder.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pur
cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free
from ammonia, aium or taint of any kind' of impurity. It
makes" the sweetest and lightest bread, biscuit and cake
that, are perfectly digestible whether hot or cold. It costs
more to manufacture Dr. Price's than any other baking
powder. It is superior to every ot'aer known and tha
HMUUH4U V W J J warn
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is .re
' ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Aliim, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been ques