The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 16, 1892, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
fa m that oiee ft Mont nml
SIDE with ng tHifwe in l)k eutiNff.
As an Advertising Medium
Takes the Lead in Potk County
$2.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 45
-"T-" - ' ' ; , .ji
nvi. u, ntmi vry amniiajr Mtanl lit
Mwwio halt. All Mirlii eriiier IiuiumI
, -, HI.A1H Mll.l.r.K. M.W
W , tl, oK. ttivonlet
rft ifrtt -i.
. I O, . r.. lunu In !U
mk hull evvry Thiinul.
Yt . W , li.UM, ravnwv.
.V. U. Mated iittiititiiio
mm i Kniwuiny ewiiiu w
r mmum mil moon 't ntuiilti
md twtv M llienmnrr. il.
. nuion, , m, w. I". tvuna-
way.iawrviarj1, t
IIOMMt t.umiR MV , K, uT l to-!
II iry VIii.a,v wetting.,
YWIUIJ. eUt I'lly reritlH;r llivtll.l hi (-
IM..IH Nl t.l T fi fc ol II. f M,
11 1 YSICI A X$ttKXTI8TltY-
rhvsician and Burgeon,''
Bitea VlU, Or on.
OOtc, Wh( id of Mam i
Resident Dentist
All murk wtamtnled to ilvt lb tatal
Of MlUjiH'tKlU.
Will practice) tn kit state and fed-ntl
court, aiwii-imm or iiiip iunuimi,
UrtU'e ov-r I tHli'umitUmce NHtioiml Irk
M. J. Daly. J. K. tW.y. H. C. tkia.
W tutra the ootr m nf nMratH bxJi in PulV
nwttr. IWwhU litruu lurui.l.l. Mid
Ktuw In lu. Hu rutawiwliia hr4 ua
m, iimw kwm una umm uiuvs,
Dallas, - Ofqow.
. A. M. 41UKLEY,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Onto Vil lndxadMi l I Ilunk,
Indfiwndnic. Or.
B. T. UoDhwn. W. H. IIuIih.
omen it rii' klock,
""iTI".. " L, s tMta. or
Mitchell & Bohannon
Hlwiufularvrt of
Sash and Doors
Mimlrr.i .... Iodppndrni
F. H. Morrison,
mm id Bin
Char9ei raaaonabl. and flrt-ola
work guarantaad.
Commenced Business March 4, 1889.
KaUiblUlicd by .Ntkal Aulltorliy.
of IndepfOdmce, Oregon.
Capital Stock,
W. U HAWI.EY, Cwhler.
Vice I-rwldenl.
J. 8. Cooper, U W. IUibertm, Uwl Helmlck
O. W. WlilUker, W. W. Cln.
A rcniTl bitnkinf btwlnww tn"Mtl
Buyt ud well exchange on all Imporlwit
ix-ponltn rwwlvd nulijMt lo check or on cer
tificate of dooiwIU Coll!lloM made.
Oincn hour.; . m. to 4 p. nt.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
Vic president.
. CBuhlcr.
A general banking and exnhnngs bulne
traniuu:ld; loam made, bill, rtlwmntcd.ixiin
merclal CTedlt grantdi dnjioidts resolved on
current account ubJoct to check, InUtrenl paid
on time dfixwtt,
Jrnha. McPanliil. H. II. Janpemon, A.
Goodman, H. Hlrechberg, A. Nelon,
T. J. Xax. I. A, Allen.
POLK coin II.
. h. MOrlUH Prexlrtcnt
P. l,.CAMI'HI.I,l, Vl-., r"'
IltA C. J'OWKIX Ciilr
PAID CAPITAL, $25,000.
.A Mwtrnin, P,I,.f'amphell, f.M.HImpnon
J, B. V. Jliitlr, .1. II. Hluifip, K. H. Powell
Jonfluh Craven,
A genfral banking and exchange bualnnna
trana-.ll; Iohiih made; dniKWlla received
miblect to chck or on cerllllcatoof depiwlti
IliUTesI Dald on time dnKwlla. , ,
-Klrc prr vault and burglar proof afe,
aeimred by Yale time lock.
OlU Koura: t a. m. to 4 p. m.
We buy for cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock' complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest. ;
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is. our best advertisement.
Oyr coiwlttnt aim is to gtv jou tlio tMt wda at bottuii'iirln."
nmk vtwir intnMfM miML .
Your iliilil will Ih rn'ivwl na fliwty ami jwlltelv w yourwtf.
A coNiparlmn of our atylm aud prlwa will wmvluw yu tlmi . roiiahould
imv tm ujv
L. KELSO, Independence;
The best place thianitla of Portltiml to buy Druga, Btatlunety, Jwwelry,
ami iiouka w at ,
t. Uhs rur1. vtll
! AMUMts, (ML Com OaJ.. feb. lam
Vt buy. 11 mrt all. m aa afaM k. n
Vltva Halm Uiat twauukl ani an b I.
I ynua, Two UiltlM ol pMlur Kuaau'a Mum
Tauw rwibtrk! Mi bwltk, ftud be li axiw a
aigiu xwotu tltt,
!! Mated Nlaerr.
Iks fatsomu, Oal., Jantiarr. m
I was Imlml bf Mrarat pliraioHuM atnas I
raws to eured of iMIotwy, bat Uw atutek b.
tains wars violent and uIimmt i al ttoa lake paa.
lor Komi !:' Narw Tuala I (m! dalightad at Bif
unimiMHienv HM I inowa of Utls raoMdy
tmn ga, I euatd bam tated muoA tulearraud
IrWtUMeal of lulud and body.
Mna w. rsTiaa
rilrlA. "abl tVmk Koreoaj
V Um m " . mat rv to anr,
llirr Ki !" , al DUaia
I lltaiaj ' madkiUM ( of obars.
.Thia rmtwlr kM Jwas jwoid by ttn knmed
raax ta, 4 furl w..u, IimI, iur lei, aad
ao sntwvd adr Ml lUiwUua or lb
K0CNIQ ME0.0O.. ChloagOi III.
SolilbrOntffnMiitilMrtlui. filr
Tba rainier rrliy Oea.rally Agrae
That 6a khuald May h Palbllag
Wblch ll Illta-Judgmenl I Ca
Mble of Culllratloa and Will laapra.
"How do mwiI boy pldtursar Colin
Caitiplal Cwwr rtwiiU4. "Wall, I
nppoaa tba majority irf eullooturs con.
mil the ailvli e uf a ilNtlnr or toiua ar
tint, ami yt tliurs are tlioae, nut pre
wniiuut cimimuuMjurs, altlmr, tliut know
Kutal tiling when they It, and
evince nniwuaj wlsilum in tbnlr imr.
cbiuwa, To tumo, however, self rellanco
M tiiruatliuf on a largo scale In uaint.
mirs nas urtivea raumr illwutroiw
wnuiwit, Ttt otUwr day a co lection
ih.I by a ttian thirty or forty year
ago was s.,1,1. j here was lmrlly lialf
(luiiyn good thing In It, simply because
he bought anil he did not know what he
we jettln. .
"Art In Uili romilry Urrubmllv wak
l" np. I'erhajie the CentwuiiliU might
ue CMira ins American ItomUaaiince.
We know iuthiltoly mure about art than
our itriiJiareis did, aud with oppor-
lunltiea tnurejMitnif from year to var It
Is fair lo euptHjeo our children will show
a still mure inarkwl lutprovement In
testa. Ureater facilities fur traveling
have done much to bring about a change
In our little world, and the tendency of
our art la rather toward the comoitill
tm than provincial Naturally, time Is
reutilred to enluoaU the tmblto ' tosio
klutig ariUHo Mum. ,
Our Jwdry IVpartmant, of which Mr. 0. A. Kramer ha ehit is tn o a pAOifro LHlTtml,
, I . . w w r . , .,,..,,.1 .-.'J m...... ........ U UUt 111
accoiupllahiueitt unruly plwutiro to
the eye, but that It Is a part of educa
tlun, of clvillittttlon. It will rwrnlre
time to rltxo this. Exhibitions are
vMted and the majority like to look at
picturo with an admiration rather
ephemeral. Whim the picture Is out of
sigui me uutimaaion Mgoue. A ttn a
general diffusion of art paintings will
be nought not solely beotu they aic
jeal to the soiuwe, to pereonsJIty, but
for their artistio (iuallUi; uot simply
beosiiMi the subject illiutrated is rather
a pretty Idea, but the work is
tin Imli ally a gmal art pnaluction.
Htephea rerrie said! "The world is fill
of good ph turw to be bought for tea
anuable prii-es, but unfortunately many
thmi.tiinl of Jul I iir, many furtuue, aro
wnt for nutiMium, while good work re-
nmlns unsought and uulioiighL CoiU'
mon amine is hnupy canilal in picture
inlying as tn any other business, (.hie
ran hardly provide a snt number of rnliej
to be oWrvod In buying. Many books
have Own written on military science,
yt the world has seen comparatively
few fine generals. Judgment rub the
world, and In picture buying one person
' QAGfJ ft
full ami tHMiiplclo.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Si
verware, Canes, etc
Rqutlriug a aiHHslally, and disiwlchtnl with jxtimptticm ami aatiafuctlon.
hl& Pii:1; h$:' l, tzr h SCREEN '
Willamette Real Estate Co,'
Iih1ch?hcIi'Iiiv, ()rigiti,
Tmiiani'te a giHicrul li. rtl Katato Dual
tiuvaaml wll rfiirty, elli-cle
i tXHtiniiKt. mitt nt a gfiieral
I'onvcyBlli-o lluallli-m.
saw too wora marshal he became oW
an Ainencan marshal, as the
city marshal became known, was ihowa
around with a frt deal of considers,
"" " renniman Uocllneil to
eept a feaNew Vork Buu.
Maron Harland's Endorsement
ao. I
Ralawaklag lluaab. .
A company engaged In themanufac
tura of explosives in this city has for
sal now small bombs about the site of
frankfurter sausages, with which It Is
said the farmer can bring down email
showers of rain whenever he sons clondi
over Ills laud.
The constituents of one bomb are di-
vmea into two parts, liquid and solid,
which art both separately nonexnloalva.
These can be kept separate until the
time comes to use them, when they are
uiiavu. .
The solid part is about an Inch In dl.
ameter ana eight Inches In length, and
is wtaptwd in cotton. These, bombs ar
piaceu lu grooved tin boxes, each hold
ing ton. A small tin measure, contain
ing tne liquid part, aooompanles each
pox. it is graduated to show the ouan
tlty needed to SAturste the bomb to the
exploding point
five or fifty bombs may be need. ao.
cording to the amount of rUIn needed
or the detonation required. How the
farmer is to know bow much .dotonatlon
is needed Is a dubious matter. The
bombs are tied in a bundle, a time fnaa
is attached and the whole lot discharged
rom mortar anu at me passing cloud. Imported plaU-s
vvubhot viuuui Ulien pass I ivnrk niaiif
w.v. uiw vaiiors anu uiscmtrge ineir
contenu on the barren mountain sides.
In such regions, It Is said, the bomb
will be particularly awful. New York
Royal Baking Powder.
(Extract from Morion Harland's Letter to theRoyal Baiting Powder Co.)
fl Aisffj CnjMo 1aS&
and by Imported
Do you keep nieii on the free Hut and
succeed In making laborer believe
(but they are protected by a UrlrT
on what they oousume?
why Is It that labor In unprotected
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small
A Loag laa of Wlro,
It U claimed that the longest span of Industrie always get bolter wages and
lophon wire is serous the Ohio river, i... .....i i ,i.. ii
h,.t PrU.,.o..ll. 11 a..,ll ""'" uu k, lauof .u
Portaii.oi.tJ,. If Th. !-. .1.1. ,..,i PW'leClwl IlldUHtfll-S?
sin the river from a pole on the Ohio re ln nv
side, weastirina 108 feet above eround. protection sgalnet the ihiuiht lalor of
to the Kentucky hills on the opposite Kuropej but, strange to say, lu Euroj
side, the distance being 8,779 foot be- the low-wage countries nil have pro-
twetmpulee. Th wire is made of steel, tectiun agalnat the high wage country
and Its sit is No, 1? gauge.-Philadel. Kgulld, Have you got a good arg6-
p.ll .lgT. , ,..v.. ... ,1,1.
oonaUU'iicy? I)o you have the same
trouble 'on Marx, or do the fuels there
( arljl. W oald Talk,
ProrVsaor lllackie has aald of (Wlvlm
I ..1...1...1 i.t. .i..- ii... i. i - I fit tlm imitivtlva tliMirv
. ni,ii,iv., mi I'll i tJik mil pow DO I I ' - J
I'hrllin tinvinir Iuit fur anle will
(In (I It tn their advautnge to
Llfit Thftl Prflnftrtv I" m"ra iciful tlian another bm-ause
eoa w w sjajawa) W jaw W Jf I
With this Company, as llwy are dully
1'ililliig iiaiaol In u I onal, Hid plaiv
nig iiiwiruiiio pruiien y Ik-Iiii Hie
JAMRS oinsox.
W, KIIUvl.A.M), fnwldiiit
riacivs woin
1)1) IPI U A Tlf ul 'l," lg they will come
l K 11 K 1 ' A l I ) H11- Lot people boy what tbey
UIMVJU . iXlLJ, "1 have not thought much alaii
Of Imlfiwmli'iioo, liuviiii; a Moam
en L'l hp, n brii k inarhino it ml acvonil
urrtit of llucel cliiy, Ih uow jircpuml
to kiH'p on hiuiil a Htm quality of
llrick, wlilcli will m mm at mwoii-
able primi.
The New
Holt on House!
M. A. Dudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth and Aider streets,
I have in slock nice line of ebair. bedroom i'u, sad piece furniture, wnll pnpr r
and picture frame mouldiugs. Utve uie a call.
(Vntmlly localwl. Newly fiiriilnlird and re.
niiiil. Vim bit lo aud froiu all train, and
full and complete line of Funeral guodf
Always on Hand.
raft Ann UKAITY b Owamlat irain.
h i II II II KoriiartiituUrenndiiatalosiiead
UUU.UUU.dreM Daiiiol K. Uimttr, Wanhins
ton, Now Juraey.
OC y
' Is
" !iJ
With Buster & Shelley,
wants your watch repair
ing. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Waabinston, Niw .Inrmijf.
In uenvory where.
Vor catalog addrm
IMninJ V. iiiiallr,
l,y, WmihlnKln, Nnw Jeriinr,
New Grocery!
W. J. MULKEY," Porp.
SivtiHfuction guaranteed in prides
and goods. Btoek fresh and iMjnglit
for cash. Fair dealing and good
bariraJriR. .
FKBK DHL! VERY at tho hours
ol 0 to 11 a. in. and 3 to 5 p. m.
Pills? NO 1 1
if you take plllii It Hi hwane you have never
' tried the
rtwork o nl(!nl.v,nloanln the liver and
kidney! acl an a mild pbyaln wllhoul flatm
Ing tmln or ulili ni', and doe notntapyou
from eating" and workliik.
To Try It I to bsoom a friend to It.
' for Halo by your dniigl.U
,t iMwwaani
A new and ('oiiiiileteTrcitliiii'nt. ooniilallne
nfHiipwHorli i (ilniMii'liI In 'Khiiim, alMi
lit ii, is tiiiii I'm.; a (MMitivn rure ioretr.
nal, Inlnrual. blind, or liliwlltiK.lii'lilnK.olinui.
n i'ii I. or hretlllMrv itinw. and umnv nthcr
dl'a.(Mi ami ii'innle wi'iikiidi.imi, H 1. alway.
a aomi iM-iumi tn me gnnnnii immiiiii. j ne llinl
(llmovi'ry of a incdlriil iitre ri'iiilitrlna ait oimr.
ailon wlln the knife ininwpiwary hrroiifli
Tin. remedy hue never bwn known l mil. h
a bn. for IS: .unl hv Muni. Whv.ultcrftmn
(hi. terrtbto iit.eae when a written atiarnniee
Ualven Willi 6 boxen to refund the money II
not eu red. Hund .Ininli for .iiiupln. Imuran.
U'M luiuied liv SV'ooilnrd, I'lnrke A (H.whole-
aleand retail ilruinii,iiiiliiiii.,riirlhiinl1or.
Proprietor of
Dealers In
Shingles, Lath, Doors,
Windows, Locks, Hinges, Hails,
tto., tto.
A Supply of Lumber Kept ConO
tantly at Suvor.
IIohkinh, Ilenlon eonnlv.Or.,!
Anrll 17. mill f
llcnrHIr: We hef to call your allenllon lo
inn nii'i iniu wn are now nri'iiui'i'U lo nil an
orner. lor iiiiiuwr in iiiiiniiiina to Hint our
fuiHioiiien. We have more dry Meiuntied linn
ber now In the yard Mum ever tiulorn.
niir Kloeli ivitiiiirlHi'M nil klmUol ttti lid Ins;
niiiiernti, rtiNiie, nooriiiKi oi'iMiitf.wtiniNeiituiif,
U'IiIiik, pliiln mid moulded I'Hnlng, mid alo
a line HHH'irl liionl of mniildlnuH, .
Our hIiIiikIihi are or the vnry beKt, and are
niHt giilnliiK fumr, Kvuu the iiiont mxllcllmni
llnd no fault, and have no liaallaney In ren.
ommeiiioiiK iiioiii.
We hnva it number nf nnrlonda of lino fnno
Iiik pliilcelM iiimI pliiHiei'liiK Inili.
In your vnluud ordure wo lieu an Intermit,
end aland ready to uimrnnten en Die ail Mix
tion III price mid qiiullly, Wrlle ua for price
ouru, we are, yuura to Hoinniiind,
KHANT, l)lt08.
N. H. Ilulldera' hardwnro In atoek,
Hit. JOIIIMIN & i '. H
1051 Market Nt.,Jiii Vt aiieliien
(hetwio'i St.h a nl ,t . r a )
Go and lcnm how nnniicrluil.
you are rnailo ami how to nvuiil
sir Uness atul disease MiU'Ciun
eulavged wllh llionsamliiof new
objecu. Admiaslon $ ctt, '
Private Olllue, 9 1 1 Oeary Nt. JllnoaHoa ol
men! ulet!ire,li of maiibcKid,dlseineaif th
kin and kldiieya quiekly ourud without ths
lino of mnrmiry. Truutmuut personally ir bf
luttur, Hund fur book.
spirit of suiwrlor InUillluenc dJctaU
but purchase. "
Thomas bskiii would like to have
people buy pictures Ihst please them
and apiieai to their taste. "The major'
tty are afraid to buy what they like;
they must nave aom one else s advice.
Well, tf tbey start with bad art. rr-
bajai before long they will coin to the
about buy
ing picture," said Mr.Fmlerick Watigk
"We artist are more chiefly concerned
In trying to sell them, it is the privi
lege of the artist to paint picture which
api-al to people! which they nuderstnud
and want to have fur their own. Uut
he sliould have a high standard, and he
cannot succeed If he lower It to catur to
the popular taste. He I fortunate If in
working out his Ideas he -plcaso the
publio and yet does not lose his lude
pendtmce uor forfeit his originality.
lis wurk may be appreciated by Iutko
number, but It Is always certain that
some tow will reoogntio hi endeavor
and will want to buy it.
In the Old World art 1 accessible to
all. Th Luxembourg and the Louvre
an Mlcd permanently with the uuiatur
plcc of all age, the beat that have
been duiio. There, too, the spirit of
union U strong among artist. They;
gather together aud talk of everything
pertaining to the art world, conto,uoiit-
ly they live entirely in a cotigeuial vll-
mate and they grow aud devolop lu an
easeutiully art atmosphere. ImpreeaiuU'
Uui? Ye, thi is the great word nowa
day. Many have an idea that it is
synonym for yngucly treated and par
tially niiflnlalieu picture. Impreanion'
bun claims to record fact a observed
by the art Int. Sincerity to nature it
it aim. After all, there i nothing
to beautiful a truth, and the nearer
wo get to it, aa we find It in nature, the
better artist we are,"
'Mirny American buy pictures," Mr,
F. do li, Richard rcHpoiulud, "because
they have accumulated money, and
picture are the proper thing to have.
Generally they know very little about
it, and a dealer doe the work for them.
If people purclniHO pictures to flatter
their vanity, let thorn spend big sumi
and buy high priced pictures. If they
buy for plousure, let ilium buy what in-
tcreat them. I remember meeting Ed
win Forrimt after a sale, 'I've bought a
picture,' said he. "X'hny tuld me not to
do It, because Very likely It i not origi
nal. Uut it pleiiae ine, and 1 should
buy it if It vera by somebody I never
hoard tell of. A picture pleading to the
eye in a source of educntiou for the time
being at loiiMt. Advoree critlciam may
lead a man to scrutinize it and study it
uiore chmoly thun if ho had bought one
he did nut like half ao Well."
'1 think I should lie inclined to buy
what I liked personally," was the opin
ion of Edwin HwiftBnlolt, "not forget
ting that the pictorial ' qualities should
not be lost sight of in the deeire to get a
pleading subject Good bundling, the
proper planing of values and meritorious
color, allied to a sympathetic subject,
will tend to keep our interest In a paint
ing alive," Philadelphia Times. .
A City Mar.hal Abroad.
One of the city marshal who took a
vacation recently and went to France
found what a big man a marshal over
there is and how much a marshal's
badge amonntB to. Ua started to go to
several places of public interest in Paris
at an hour when they were not open to
the publio. 1 At the entrance he wot
stopped anu told that the place were
closed. Ue titid that he was an Ameri
can and had only a short time to stay in
Paris, and that If he could not got in
then it would be too late. That made
no difference until he happened to put
his hand in his trousers pocket for some
change with which to try to bribe the
attendant. . His coat was unbuttoned,
and hi arm pulling back the lapol
showed hi big city manlial' badge In
blue, gold and gilt, with the word "Mar
shal" on it big enough to be read ten
feet away. , A ooq a the Frenchman
would talk talk-talk, and glv nobody
chanc to put tn a word! On night 1
actually shook bliu. Ills wire hail been
trying all the evening to aay something,
Uut there, was not the smallest chance.
I took hold of I) tin, aiid shook blm, say
ing, 'Let yonr wife ijieak, you monstcrf
Hut It wa of no u.
Will A.k
Apropm of the announcement by
Kdianu that it limy be pumiblo to con
verse with tbe Inhabitant of Mars
a ueu mat piatiei m August spproacne glwuj wyrkg u,e
lo wltblu about iK.OOO.otil nille of our dentlnl campaign?
Illlllli'ie eitucrv, tiiaiur nu'iviiury ua
I t'hcapucsaa curoe?
1 low do you iiiuke It appear coiihIh
tent to enoounigo Inventions to make
things cheap and protection to avoid
the curve of cheapueaa?
Wouldn't It bo bettor to destroy ma
chinery, railroad and ship In order to
preveut cheapness and to provide more
employment for labor?
1 it pomlble that trade Is beneficial
that !, to both parties?
what I. your rehiedy to prevent
wage reduction, strike and lockout
in protected iudiintrie like the Hotne-
inldrtt of a pre!-
prt'imreil a set of question which he
hoK the Inhabitant of Mar will
kindly answer In time for catiiialgn
piirpiM' here this full. McKlnlcy'
aianilute faith in "protection," with Its
reciprocity safety valves, a the pro-
meter of civilization and the forerun
tier of the millennium bus led him to
attempt the novel plati of going to
Mh r fur campaign material. The fol
lowing are me of the qiieetlmis now
rendy to tire nt the unsuspecting
Miirmiiiiui tatewitien
I am Major McKlnlcy, author of the
McKlnlcy tarllf bill of course you
have protective tariff there? Ye. 1
iipMwe so; l.wiah to aa. a few qiien-
tliiiia lu regard to protective tarlllk.
Are ttttwo big mark which cms the
aurfm-e of your planet at right angel
at Interval of every few hundred
mile really cmmls to facilitate com
iminlcatloii and commerce, a our free
tnitlo aelriuioinort stippuMo, or are they
Imiiieiiso tnrlir walls to obstruct trade
and fimtet home Industrie?
I)o you muke your tariU'wall strong,
hlli, and absolutely prohibitive, or do
Have you ever Increased the number
of your millionaire more than 10,000
percent lu any thirty years, a we
have done?
Do you allow any but millionaires In
your cabinet and senate?
I)o the poor there really make laws,
or only obey t hem?
Home of these question may seem
trivial or even (Illy to your advanced
mind, but plcoee do uot neglect to
reply promptly on that account, for
we waut to enlighten the free traders
here before November, and some of
them do n't yet understand first prin
ciples einh a protection taxes the
a a donation to the children' home
to be established by the exposition.
This I the first child' subscription.
A part of the material for the New
Hampshire state building has been
lilpped from Concord, N. H. The
shipment consist of 132 pieoea of Con
cord granite, 102 block of Conway
ttoiie.and 11 barrel of moulded granite
fur the fire place.
English music and composer will
not be unrepresented at the World'
Columbian Exposition next year.
Among those who have accepted an
Invitation U attend I Dr. A. C. Mac
kenzie, who will conduct a perform
ance of hi "Rose of Sharon," or some
other work.
One of the feature of the California
exhibit at the exposition wilt be a
pampas palace, 20 feet square, which
will be erected in the statu building.
The palace I the contribution of Mr.
Harriet W. R. Strong, of Whittler,
Cab, who is a large grower of pampas
plume. ,
It la proposed that one of Montana'
contribution to the exposition, to be
made by women of the state, shall be a
fountain made of natural ore. The
design will be selected by open com
petition. It is suggested that the base
be made of native mineral, the bowl
of silver, and the cup of gold.
In Pike county, Illinois, the Identi
cal pistol used by Aaron Burr upon
the dueling field when he killed
Alexander Hamlltou have been found,
and will be exhibited at the World's
Columbian Exposition. Tbey will
make good companion pieces for the
articles once owned by Blennerhaatett,
with whom Burr afterward associated,
which are to be placed on exlbition at
the world's fair by the Ohio Historical
Mr. Squire' Opal.
Aa Individual Few People Can Afford to
(lt Along Without.
Do you want to know the name of
one of the lkut all-around household
doctors, and certaluly the cheapest that
can be found In this country? aeks the
Boston Ilirahl
It I Dr. Lemon. Yes, an ordinary,
our, yellow lemon, which you can buy
you leave reciprocity bole In th back M 8rowry wr ww wms
door for the benefit of foreigners who '"tfrfl are " of u'e tn,n Dr-
will o,.ou similar "cat hole" In their Lc,Mon wl" u0 ror ou lr J0" 81V lm
WB,IH? the chance. a hbhdutv on wool to uew blm luto a glass of water
make It dear and on tluued plate to f morning, and drink him with a
. i ,t ii. in i .
make It cheap?
Do you take duties off of sugar be
cause they are taxes upon the consumer
and leave them ou steel rails because
they are taxes upon the foreigner?
I , suppose ciu'li division on your
planet let In a few foreign goods-jiist
to give foreigners au opportunity to
pay Its tuxes. Can ull countries got
rich In this way? What one oau?
Do you ever admit that the consumer
pays any taxes at all?
Do you encourage manufactures by
putting a duty on raw materials?
Are your uituiiifiiuturers grateful for
the protection they get, or do you have
to "fry tlio fut" outof them every oune
Have you a "Fat Fryer's Guide"
Hint Ih. a list of protection millionaire
manufacturers like our Now York
TrUtum has published to aid in raising
campaign funds?
Do you not find that competition will
lower prices faster when- restricted to
iinnll countries thun when spread over
the entire planet?
Do your protected manufacturers
ever form combine or trusts to prevent
competition, restrict production, raise
prices, lower wages, and bring your
whole protected system into disrepute?
Do these trusts then begin to sell
goods 25 or 0 per cent cheaper to for
eigners than In your "protected home
markets," depending upon the. tariff
to prevent home consumer from re
importing those goods?
Do you ever aid manufacturers In sell
ing clieupcr to foreigners by paying
drawback dutles-i refunding duties
paid on raw materials when such mate
rials are bolng exported In a manu
factured form?
Can you keep the farmers In line by
giving them all the bogus protection
aud 'shoddy reciprocity they want,
while their farms are declining In value
and nro mortgaged to death?
Do you succeed In getting the people
to believe that you are mnklug nearly
all of your own tinned plate and em
ploying thousands of American work
men, when you are reully ranking only
1 per cent ol an, auu tuis mosiiy irom
little sugar. Ho will keep your stom
aeh In the best order, aud never let Mr.
Dyspepsia, whom it hate cordially, get
Into It.
If you have dark hair, and It seems
to lie falling out, cut otT a piece of the
doctor and rub him on your scalp. He
will stop that little trouble promptly.
Riuccae him Into a quart of milk,
aud he will give you a mixture to rub
ou your face night and morning, and
get a complexion like a princess.
Pour him Into an equal quantity of
glycerine, and rub your hands with the
mixture before goiug to bed. If you
don't mind sleeping with glove on,
that Is better still, and helps the doctor
considerably In his task of'whitening
your hands. In the morning wash
your hands thoroughly In warm water,
and apply the doctor again pure, but
only a few drops of him this time.
You must not keep this up too long, or
your hands will show such a dazzling
whiteness as to make all the other
young ladies In tho vicinity Jealous.
If you have a very bad heodnche, cut
Dr. Lemon Into slices, and rub these
along your temples. The pain will not
be long disappearing, or, at least,, in
growing easier to bear.
If a bee or un Insect stings you, olap
a few drops of the doctor on the spot,
and you will flud yourself the better
for It.
If you have a troublesome corn, the
doctor can again be put to good account
by rubbing him on the toe after you
have taken a hot bath, and cutting
away as mnoli as possible of the trou
blesome Intruder. Beside all this the
doctor Is always ready to sacrifice him
self In the cause of Russian tea slice
him in without sugar or In the pre
paration of old-fashioned lemonade,
than which no drjuk is more whole
Altogether Dr. Lemon is an Individ
ual few people can afford to get along
World's Fair Note.
Little Claude K. Cowen, less than
two years old, sou of Dr. N. H. Cowen,
of Morgan Park, 111., sent 100 pennies
When It became a fad lu Washing
ton, during the last session of con
gress, for the ladies from the different
states to obtain for wear, if possible,
some Jewel which should be distinctive
of their uatlve state. Mrs, Squire, the
wife- of Senator Squire, of Washing
ton, wanted very much to And some
stone native to her own state which
should outshine the Montana sapphire.
Colonel Frank Parker, of Walla Walla,
a veteran scout and newspaper man,
found for her a beautiful specimen of
the Washington opal, a precious stone
which has only recently been discov
ered in the state of Washington, and
has never been found outside It bound
aries. The stone, which is worn as a
finger ring, is about the size of a pea
and regular in shape. Its groundwork
is a cloud-white, translucent chalce
dony, through which pass innumerable
and very fine straight lines of pure
opal. New York Advertiser. .
The Chinksk Casks. The examin
ation of three Chinamen, whose cases
were continued by Judge Gilbert; on
Saturday, was resumed yesterday in
the United States circuit court Two
of them were allowed to land, and the
third was detalued till to-day, in order
that the notary who made out his cer
tificate might be brought Into court.
He will without doubt show his right
to laud. The unfortunates who have
been In jail for about two weeks, have
no recourse for damages, but must be
sallstlod to have regal ued their resi
dence in this country, and Messrs.
Dunbar & Co., who have bad to pay
their expenses, must pocket the loss.
Of some fifty Chinese who arrived on
the Haytlan Republic on her last trip,
sixteen have been refused admission,
and will lie obliged to contribute to the
Income of some of our best legal talent
In order to prove their right to remain
hero. The patient and long-suffering
heathen is marked for a victim, and
must be spoiled like the Egyptians of
old. Oreganian,
Markets affected. The cholera
excitement has had considerable effect
upon the markets of the world, prices
dropping under anxiety of panic-strick
en holders to realize, xne produce
market of Chicago have been seriously
affected, and without any real reason.
The Chicago Tribune, after a careful
investigation, declares that a senseless
fright bos' taken possession of dealers,
and adds: "It is not proven, and it
may be said to be not probable, that we
export a single pound of food less as a
consequeuce of the cholera visitation In
the Old World, though some buyers
may hold off awhile because of the
trouble aud derangement of business
circles, which are extensively feared
there. It may be worth while to think
of the matter in this light, and to sup
pose it likely that the bearish attacks
of a few speculators will not yield them
a profit if they they stay long on the
short side of the markets or produce."