tMaswiears' Imnm tiwMaay. j I)i Oeraany th taw ot CMnpttlaory InranuMM talMt old ara and Infirmity, (MMd la June, complet th pro irtmsM ot hgtaUtion for iinprvvina the. condition of the working elaaaea which h (set forth in th Imperial rescript of MU. It tfftota mot the 18,000,000 iwopla, gtvtag tuam aa Inalienable legal claim to mpport la raaeeof Infirmity ad In old kg Th tamraao U compulsory la all tu- Austria! oaoupaaoa upon perttoi over litsM yr of m of DOth MIM, CUrte sad tndsna'i armrtlce who do aot earn nor than 9300 a year also urtloipat, oat asatstauta and appren tice la dnutgtta' ahopa ar excluded. Sumption from compulsory tnturaneo la mated to Mnou who work fur food, ckrthe and lodgtug only, and who teeem no pay, or who ar wily la tern Horary mloymat Th pension tor old af wrtd from about twwtyffr doUan to fifty dollar a year, and la granted to every Insured paraoo who has ooinpieteu ui mvuuu year, trratpttittT of hti ability to tarn a nvalihood, provided h dot not already draw a pewum for lnonuity, in in : ImMy pensioa variea from about twen livwTvadollantoovara hnndrwl dol , lan,a4tovD4tmtpctivotav,to parsons who ara penneaeuuy incapaev tatad from srnln a living. In order to eeuUiah a claim to a pen ion under th Gorman law, oontribu tlooa. retrulatal by th amount of arn- tan. muit b paid for a prtflbd period. Th maanj of paying panttont ar obtained by food contribution now th imperial treasury, added to regular payment on th part of th employer aad mpioyeo.xouw uompamon. Th BIm4 Ctrwslataa KldljN Medical worker bar mad many cu riouaanwimenta, bnt none more won derful than that by which thy w tatnedth exact tint required for the , blood to make on entire trip through the system, which all student of phyw- ology know meana a complete circula tion through the long, value, arteries and general capillary arrangement. Pmfeaeor Dal ton, Hering, PoiaaentUe, Mattenod and Blake hate been the chief tnTetttxator In thla line, the tint named ha Tin become more eminent In thia nertlonlar branch of rewarch from havtac the emrieno of the other to fortify hlmeelf with. All the old school anatomiat believed that a considerable time elapsed, aay from three to nine minutes, from th tim when the blood left the right eide of th heart, traversed th whole tyetem and then attain re turned to the atarting point; uaiton na ahown that the time la much ehortor than wa formerly generally suppoiwd. He aayai "Doaen of carefully tabu lated tetta of thia somewhat wtreordi- nary anbject ahow that th blood of man make a complete circulation once Terr fifteen to twenty-five encomia, ac cording to the physical condition of the object experimented upco. St. Lout Sepohuc, Twe Cpltaphs, Remarkable are two epitaph, th firet of which i aaid to be upon a tombstone In th city of Sacramento: "Here I laid Daniel Borrow, who waa born In Sorrow, and Borrowed little from Nature except hi nam and hi love to mankind aud hatred to redakmat who waa nerertbe 1m a lentleman and a dead (hot; who, thronch a long life, never killed hi man except in aelf defense or by acci dent, aad who, when he at but went under, beneath th bullet of hi cow ardly enemie in th taloon of Jeff Mor , lie, did ao la th anr and certain hope of a iloriooa and eeeriaenng Horrowr Th other, which belong to a MeTada borytng place, la a noteworthy achieve ment in thia Una. "Sacred to the ' Memory of Bank Honk-the Whitest, Biggeet-hearted, and Beet-known Stage driw of th Wt; who waa kind to All aad Thought 111 of None. lie Lived in a Strang Era, and waa a Hero, and th . Wheel of hia Coach ar now Kinging en Oolden 8treeta."--Chamberr Journal. trt tat the riurut. In Ilartford there I a inwwwion of treat named a follow! &iwrd, Hmlth, Grand, Flower, HwIpu. Edward Smith ought certainly to have a grand Bower gwdtm to occupy aomany itm-ta. Melian' Monthly. Horace Greeley once dMcrilwd a very' tatuottt literary wonmu of th hurt gen-' ration a "a great woman aud a greater, bor. ller talk wa uioeaauit." I It I a cuiious faot tliMt Hie late Eal of Yarboroutth aliould have married a lady named Hare, and the pnwmt on a lady named Fox. llmUjr't I'Unn ntf Omn. Hon. Ihuilel F. lUmtt.v, the gn-nt or- gau and piano ummimctunt, I imiiki lug and ahimung more ortm and uaii tlian ever, in if7u air, imuiy luft hiiiiie a txmuitcN nUiw-tiov, and by 111 Indomitable will hit hit worked lf way upati aa to acil ao tr, nearly 10,tKt of Realtv'annmn and u antMalnee 1IK Nothing aeem U tllahturteii him: t ataclea lid In hi way that would have wrecked any omiiwry mau rowvor, no turu to au advertlaement and conn out tw It brighter thnu ever. Hut inatruinenta. aa la well known, are very popular and nw to iw nnnrn in an nnrta or i it wnriti. m are inioniitni that durliiir the next tn year he ln- lumU to mill 'Hm.otHi more of III make. That meana a bualneaa of taWw V w avenige them at SHweaen,. u i ai readv the largo IhihIih of (he kind In existence. H eml to Daniel V. Ih-ntty, Waalilngton, tw Jeraey, fortwlakiguo W. TAYLOR, GENERAL JOBBER. tlo (iimlcnliiir mul lioune clcuu tug, mul itiitko a HinuMulty of clittit lug Hint myinn 'itrHt, wlmlow t'lcnnluu, whttwtutliliiK, otc, latitve onvit at Y. O. Cook's fvmilturostorp, Independence, Or. E. L. KETCHUM, M.D. OilUv urn! hwiiloiii. minttfnt Itallmad and Mmiitioiith nutt'l", INDCCCNDCNCK, OBCOON. jural & so;i, DRUGGISTS. Wo hnvo iiiHt oimmhmI now ilrtia alow In MmiiiHititli, which wo hitve fltttMl tin wllh it oiHinileto lino of tlriiLit anil drtiiririst Bumlriw. Our Htofk laturi.frH. lu-lichUiutit now. t)ur mim will Imi rtnaonlK anil hv ftiir lUmlinir nml courlmlmit- nwnt, we hop t4 wvurc ft litt of your pntrouugtt. I'reHoripnoiw ho tnimtoiy oihhiiimuhi. Monmouth, Oregon The uudondrfiiod would nav Hint we are iivtnrd to do nil Minis of 110 At the nitwt ntiiia1ili rulca, a call. (live lie PITTS & MILLARD, Auixtttttfd to K. tt. Kranl, Independence, Ore. W. G. SHAKMAN, Merchant Tailor! C STRUT, OPPOSITE POtTOfflCE. Suits in Any Style Made to Order AT HK.tatIN AHLK KATK. Of CUQCNC. Kelt wslnn betfina nn Mmdny, the UHb dy of Meplomber, INy.'. Tulllonrree. Four (HinrmMi; oIhmion), isiilifto, lit erurv. nml a atlorl F.UfllUll flonwe. in which Ihrro w no I.aUn. (rw-k, Krvnoli nor tleruiau. The F.iibIihIi I iire emt. ueiitly utiimiMMi otinree. For ealitloguee or other information, addrten, J. W. JllKNltOK, lreulebt. The Oreiii State Normal School o : r J. n w boaro or rcccnts: Kiiliiiflnlil. I'nwidont: V. Ihiili-r, S-cjctry. Fx oflloio: III T.x et-lli-mr (lnvirnnr Hylveter l'ennnyer II. m ! II. Mi-Kirov, ttuiwrtnliinilcut ruhlieliwlrnetitin; llou.ll. W. Moltride. s...r.,i,.t i.r Minl: Him, JnoouYoorbtt III. ii. A, Noltiicr, 4. V. Wlni, Hon. W II ltolmtM, Alfrtnl Lory, lloti. 1 Hulcy, Hun. J. J. lUiy. The 8lt Normal i a liv clnd, rap- Idly growing, ami coiilimimiy biiiuk : f,!iltll for tint ajwelal Iraming or tenntwM, l' gnulunlc are in ilpmand to till gued ptiuu. A m nf eilily pr eit in llcndiitic w ml lil par. An enrollnifiit of WW I aniieipaletl for the nelt yr. New meoiliora lie buen adtliid l lb fticiilly, and mtditioaal appamiiw bM btru aupphed. F, R. Neale. H. A. Smith. livJ EALE 1 1 PI J v i ITU DEALERS IN EAT FIRST-CLASS We have established a Meat Market in the stand formerly known as the People s Meat Market. You can depend on always Imding THE VERY BEST Of everything in our line. Our market will be kept neat and clean, and patrons can de lend upon courteous attention and lair acai ng on every occasion. Our Market is always stocked with the best FRESH and SALT MEATS, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, etc. All Goods Delivered Free To alt Parts of the City. Harness, j, g. Itet proprietor f Saddles, Whips, is, Oil Robes, and Brus & aii iThulH Dane at IfriMOiuible IUIJ. Arents for the u. r. wan. All bill tllUKt tm Nettled l? H ", wl ! I at-u moil'"- ii Indcindcnw.JcK mus.Xm. iiurlby, ICniiaerjt rMcy.Oooda Kt w tBdjienDfl lUtio! NnaraaoMca. ' " SeKntiae Arloaa BEfiTTV Calehrat1 ORGANS AND PIAN08. For t'ataliui atWreea, DANIEL F. BEATTV, Wwhington, H i. From TKMIAL-nr IJtTEIWOB I'tilSTri Uie j f l titt W. tlt a4. Gl. SMVERUD & CO 3 -Si, 11 CHARLES .HOTSL Leading Hotel of the Northwest 4 oiaioa aTaiT teee4 oilOMTa, oto. a,r iu.ii uuxn .t i.r w K rjEf, "K L S titnimt $mtmn imi imw(. T".nz:. r. r,v.i l'VLluJU,Kl Ufwlmir, Mm tu. Klriroit. HyArnMr li.aiif,i-in'". U.HKI f-lanmiil n.tu.i i"J wllh lh ll"e- VT "j C. W. KNOWLCS, PBOFHIKTOH Cur, Front na Matnwn, PORTLAND, OREGON. EAST ANO 80UTH Ml 1 1 H is the DINING-CAR fXL'll'. It rui i Thi-o' gri Veil buld lr'i. Every Dy In t):e Yr to ST. PAUL end CHIC AC O rii.HHUf Dl NINO 'AI M M!IH'1, riilliiwH Mii'wing Uxni Klwiwra ol liit ijiiiii'iit, TOURIST SLEEPING CAR8, iet llml ;'" ciiriH-ii'il. ; till in lii'li ttriiiiiiin'(la i'Hi re both frwfam! fiirnlaliwl f'r lioklcrH of flrat or my oiul elww ticket, and ELEGANT DAY CiCKES. m MtlklM Ml" Ul-t ...Ml." ' ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC HOUTt SHASTA LiltfH. Uam Tlu lf rurtUnd DIlr. TtSrtET lb bit f "f b a anuwatitntwr, 1 gill0yif IsHttr 1 axi-h Ht alfia f M' .iiuiurabiii4ir ii)i ' II M . .n u.wft.imT. .... " n". JjO I'. M. lit P. X. It A.M. T i",v,""'"'"i"nrlliunl Al. .v, Altmny Ar. Af. Kn Kfum-limi l.v. 1:M A. U. : A, H. 7;lir. . tW.llll-.r... - '--l .1.-II. II'. lMWii'".p."'""'' UiT5 " " ' "-r""r I . .. : ... im ...trf. but ludtt 1 Conlinucus Lies, C: with all li::s, mm' UH ctir.g Am.r.lli. 1lrt nd u:.lnlmilM Int . ...I l-e ...ill, but luiltt.iri- .,..!, ; .,.4 .., ... KrnW j IW-. f " " ' t. i.,t. i .r.ui i! i.. v.,.-;. !, nj only It fullowlii tHno nuril. ..I K(Mll'orUnil.MWot IV. a ...iLUf u. mia, Aiiy. i i.i'H. aiwWi. lii, JuiKiiua VIWi "u .M. Bossburg Mail Daily. I .....Ik.l ... .h r.d.t, vn.l.iiMI M JM II.., i"'"- - "". - 111 Ji. ri m iu it .... . " " " " :z , ...ii r n Jr ..inf... . 1W1I.U s .. " rurilM. In uvte uiruuaa . THBOOGH TICKETS A. D. CHARLTON, ANil.lrn OrnfnU r'irifT Ait, (in. Ul Jr'iral. .Uwl, a V tulimglun, PORTLAND, OR. JAMES GIBSON, LOCAL AGENT Independence, Oregon, lnvn. riirMmiil .... 'K A.. HiutKlitinr.. .. A. M, The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. rtlla4ilptla rru.u. Philadelphia preUel are a thing by thenuelTe: that la, the gonuine Phila delphia pretael la, but nnacrapulmu aaanafaetarer bare bees making imi tation with machinery which have erred to leeaen the high itandard raised by th repatation of the homemade pretaeL The pretael eanie over with th Dutch, and It 1 etill fonnd in It original parity In Lancaeter and Bork eonntlM, th Inhabitant of which hare been to many generation in thia coun- try that they ar enable to (peak their mother tongue, xney nara not oeeo her long enough to learn Engliah, o they make their pretael a they were taoght, and talk the language which they bar maanfaotured. New York ' Ban. "; , IWMmd Are TalnuM. . Few penon know how very neful agenda pror when employed a ma nor. Applied to th root of vine. fruit tree, roeee, eto., they tiniiart a rigor and rapidity of growth which in perfectly urprUdng. No one who is o lucky a to have a garden ahould wanto thl valuable form of manure. It i an Moellent plan to have a large tub, and , nut the eoapeud and dirty water into it till required upon the garden. I'hila- j delphla Ledger. MdllD Lk. Medicine lake la a wonder that draw many vkitor annaally-fabodyof water that doe not contain a living thing, and at certala hour of the day in full of a jrelatinoo. spongelilte inbetanoe thut ink and leave the water clear. At the lake are two mountain, one of pure obsidian, the other of pumice etous in layer. Potter Four Corner. The Fowar of Ob.rTtlon, The Bank Clerk If a ihame the way ome men rob their employer by loafing when they're paid to work. There' a bricklayer on that new building acron the (treet who hasn't done a stroke for an hour I know it, because I've done nothing but watch him. London Tit- Bit. Out of thirty-two oltie with popula-' tiont muring from 200,000 to 60.WO all but on ar using the electric rail way system. Bight or Wrong. Which will ye have? It doe aeem aa if some folks prefer to have thehisi condition of tbe liver rather than thu first. They perpetually dose them aelvoi with purgatives totally with out virtue as alterative of liver trouble Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the miccessful candidate for the pnople'n Ahnlce. and vet. popular arm well . known as it Is. there are unfortunates who kwn on trvinir the drastic renw die of former days. Itmto the ln- filltirent nortion of the nuhllo thut the well-known and long tried protties of the b ttera anneal, iteason snouiu lm guided bv experience in the matter of medication. "The best ituide to our feet is the lamp of experience," said a great patriot of the early revolutionary imriod. and the exclamation Is preg- nant with truth. For ove a third of a century the bitters dally has mot with the indorsement of people suffering from liver complaint, malaria, consti pation, rheumatism, debility, mid troubles accompanied by dyspepsia. Latterly it has declared itself arid been thoroughly approved as a remedy for "la grippe," A diploma from the school ntiiU one to tmtflli iu auy county in the lal with uiil niriuer e inmioniiun. Normal. Normal Advanced. Ihwine-. Mue, nd Art JVpartineula. Kpeeial tdvanUgua in Vocal and luilrumeotal Music. . A tear at cbol lor fMU. Tutlioo reiiiwu id numm, nun v......... ....... per term of Uu weoka. Board at Normal Pining Ball, i- t'r ! inrowuru ' 11 ..... - L 1J .... 4 ....I l.l..,.,., nrimila flimillH. 8,1. .VI Mir Wvk. 1'I1- i.t..i .,,,,1 i,....iii,f,.i I.U..IM.I,. Knulnnin. Kirst term nwna Hniilenitier M ror oataloitue addreaa 1. CAMl Ufclili, A, J., rreiueo. Or J. SI. TOW l.LU A. St., Vice i-reaumui. THE CITY RESTAURANT Jist Opened- MEALS AT ALL -H-Otrj&is Tlie house ltna Ih-cii neatly furnWieil througiiotiL with the bent the nmrkut attorn. A snare oi Is finpoctfully aollclted. The table will be areail your patronage aepl South Main Street, Independence, Or. ELLA FENNELL, Proprietress. FAIR hE3:o.G-tlio Following: IBaxg'alrLQ I.ailien' IiiiUiriKirnii riblied vet.ta.... J.aiUw' Jtr.ey riiibed Vi-wls Ludit'H' Jersey nlibt'tl veeU, with slvovo,,,, All silh vt'ilhiK, (r yard Clothes bnii-luiH Hair lirushea Hllk liaiiilkerehli'f Crumb tray mid brunh Jolly Kliisw, pr dozen j'ure innii i.incn kiwcim, inx.wt. We to lf.oto ,.,.,.!ircto ....911.10 ... .11 .15 .III .as .25 .45 .25 I have Just wclved a lot of ribbons, which will be ollerou you atvery mw orlces. It will M yoii to call awl examine tnwte goMw. 1 . 1 1...... ......... i.-i..i v..ii......i ii...t ntlvJillKI lmir iiimu J nni. iimn'imi j.i.ii. G-EO. "W. IPropiiOtor. J. ZEE. MOEAU, GENERAL REAL ESTATE DEALER, Monmouth, - - Oregon. Good frrain and stock farms and choice fruit lands; town property of all kinds. Those having property for sale, please calL PIONEER MEAT MARKET F. B. LEWIS, Proprietor, Choic Dealer In M paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, bills must bo settled monthly. veal, Highest market price pork, etc. All Open Sundays from 8 to 9 a. m Free delivery' to all parts of the city Main street, Independence, Oregon THE PLANO BINDERS A General Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. W. J. CAMPBELL, MGR a Clodfclter Building:, Cor C and Main sts,. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON. a. raiaurrr. I a, vink Prescott & Veness, raorwrroas or- Independent Saul mill. MAKorAcrt'ssiu u. ai.aa M riR AND HARD WOOD, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER 1 1 i Wantaa, Mungr. In(li'iendeiict Oregon, T. STES Succr: wr to J. O. Irvlr.., Dealer In Groceries Glassware Queensware Tobacco and Cigars I have on hand a law lot of canned roo.Ih that will bo sold by tbe onae very ohimp. Also, a lot of Tory One lamps, tuat win ue aoia very near cons. Remember the old stand of J. D. I. Arrlvn. riiNM.!nir ..,.. e. liirtliiil .... a.m. Albany Leoal. 1'iuly xei" Humlwy. IAVff lSirtlmi.t,. ,..b p.m. Allny Arrlvw AllHtnr (Hinii.m. I'nrllHiut ... Id U.m. ULI.MAN BUFFET SLEEl'KRS Second-class SlwpiiiK Cars, fur the wiiiiiiiolll.n ( (miawiikxih lioldtDI irt. train. Vft Bide Division. Uctween Portland anu Corrauia Kill. TRA1B PAU.T(IMH8Blr. Him p. m. r . a. II l 4. a. U ir. tr ar. Ar. Ponfinl ladtipnili.nce l'..rlii 1 p, i 111 m p. At AltmiiT b4 ConrnlUi cosuael wllh trkliu al Otin FmIB Raiir. Walker Bros., Successors to Henkte 4 Walker, Carry a compete line of TABLE LUXURIES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, STAPLE AMD FANCY GROCERIES. We aolioit a ahare of your palroeage. CXpgSS TRAM DIET (Except Sund'y) Uava rortlAttd ,.,4 r, a. MrMlauftlle - THB0UOB TICKETS TO ALL POUTS LUST AM SOUTH. Arff. MoMlniiirUle Tr. H I foitUkinl ... IMFIDE1E BTABLES- Stylish Turnouts Always in Readin ss, rwr 1110, I. SOKHL. imL IK i A rmm. tf JMUri.ANIi, (HIKUON. Having ltdv purcliased tlu ontii-ft interest in the stai)lc of J. N. Jom8, we ui now liotler ri p;irt d than over to meet the demunus oi the mililie, as we are now niiikinz and ar pivjmring to make many aiilxvtiuitiul iintirovenient!!. Tv;una boartliil by (ho day. or i TraveliiiR men a KHi'inlty. SALEM STAGE-WuiM nit a imuy 'ef line iwm-iwn nmrm una rnu, iijr. twTlWIi. lilv for lnT.'vni!iHi.',i h.iii.; h ntt liul.iidinw (nr Sulmn hi, em lor Indupeiiili'iiiw.iiumi) tu 1 p in.; I-hk Indi-pviiueiH fur t'alU Clly aU p.m. I('B twli'in month. Sla? Frum On sale to i a mm irisi. kmms P!L fa ! mm A 1 V II II 11 .1 U . St. Paul, St. Louis, And All Point! EAST. NORTH, AND SOUTH. THROUGH SLEEPbRS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, AND DINERS. Steamer from Portl.nd to Sun FraacUco aviy unyi. TICKETS TO 1110 FROM EUROPE. for ral and (iiuuinl Ini'ornintlon cull on or AauiiwH, W. It. llrui.Him., Aunt, ttnl. Prnw, Agt. ' 351 WiultltiKton HI., l'oitTLAsii, Ouicaoa COOPER t PATTERSON, AGENTS, INDEPENDENCE DAMON & COOK, Proprs. If you Avant Firrnituro, Beading, Carpet:, Wall Paper or Picture Frames, GO TO Kor nl by the iinclmti irntMl. ill I mul Kiir8t Oruviv Or.. lftf... It...... ... U. ....... ...... L'.inut l.u.tnr 1K..IW.. .nin.i .... ....m . ..... llrove, 4ii.XM HtH'lH. 'JK.Oi lour. 10,(W peachm. lino oiitirruw, iuinmw,itinMit,arn)m, ihih'k- Fruit Trees. wuvor.Vtuh nmt.v,Or,,4UH in miihiiiimhh w sun nt pun'Hwwr, ni nwwju- Huvor. IVlk onuniy, Orww W. O. COOK He' has the best and most complete jstock his side of Portland, and will always treat you right. 'Wall paper trimmed free of charge. ;.;".MENT. TOY ARE OXJ WEAK? W. E. GrOODELL, LECTHE lEUr SUCCESSOR TO H. D WALLER, VKA1.KR IN AND SUSPENSORY FOR, AND tSEMlM EM r I t ' - .,- ' AAV WHO ARE DEBILITATED AND SUFFERING from Nervous Debility Seminal Weak ness. Losses DrainsImpotency or jiraOT:-LOST MANHOOD. KHEUMATISM, LAME dack. Kidney roubles. nervousnes; 5if eplessnessRxMemqrVs General' IllHeaith 'IMm effecti of abusei, xct$e, worry and exposure. For such t uffereri In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force iVr ' electricity and thus caused your weakness or luck of force, if you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at onco and in a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free! sent by mall, sealed. , .' Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vlifor, fulled, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly whom we havo strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDBN ELECTRIC BELT Is a complete ealvanlc battery, made Into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and It gives soothing, prolonged currents which are Instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suapenaorjr. the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, oi Money Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cure the worst cases in two or three months. Address ' 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, ORECON. we have a relief and cure In your Ignorance of effects and vitality which la system the elements thus strength and vigor will foU cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden'i Electric after all other treatments S testify, and from many of V A TH B "A ' ' Hi n n 113 i " mm' XHW fiOOOS AIJKIVIXO EVKUV WKKK. My aloi'k is now mora complete than evor U-t'ore, Shall lie pUasod to have all the (iiisloim-t'H of the atore coutinue tradluir, and hope to Induce many l trade who never did before, In connection with my uioiv l a llli SHOP Where boons and shoes can be reptiiivd or manufactured under tho mauaKemout of JM. A. BAKKli. Itoruviuber tho name and place, W. E. GOODELL, - Main Steet, independence.