The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 09, 1892, Image 3

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Vest Sib Pc-!ishing C::;i:,
We took a rUt to tb IMekrcall
Wedttesdsy. Thing wow very hvwly
about there. MeDaulel A While had
Uaoii In already 100.000 bushels of
.train. rr two weeks they bed iw
aged T,000 bushels per day. They Imtl
Umght nlMtit W,0t.. bttahvla al Wty-
live wuts s-r buahel. They ere mak
tug lii barrel of Hour r day, and
shipping tl (o lVrlUivil as fwt as made
They are mi enterprising unit, and live
hi the heart uf a rich eud productive
Vut friend J. II. Neemlth had gone
to Neetucca with 1)1 family for few
ds of enjoyment, ltd owns a flu
farm one ut tb first settled upon hi
We met with Judge lUirvh aud hi
oil Nat, aud enjoyed a few moments
la frlettdly ecu verve with them. The
Judge, we think, will secure the appro
bation of tin- people til hi ofllelel ca
Messrs. r'omiau A Ulbeou are doing
good hUshleS", Slid llV It fill nlock
of goods ou baud.
We paed ou, after a short stay ml
lUckrcalt, and called at th resldviteeof
Mr. Seth ltlggs, who met im with
entile ami hearty granp of the hand.
Setu live ou aua own the laud for
merly owned by lite lather, T. J. lUggs,
who died about twenty year ago.
Ill mother, bow sewuty-ihrve years of
age, U living with him, tuid U enjoy
log comparatively good health, Tht
"old folks1' cam to Otvgun In Ktt,aud
Beth ww bora upon the farm on which
he now renldus, III brother Cans live
near hhu, Mid both have beautiful resi
dence and rich Mid fertile lands.
We (waned ou to thebouneof J. W,
Kdgar. Mr. Kdgar livceou tbe much
of Mouroe Miller, and appears to be
prospering la bU labors. Hanging
from the wall of one of the room we
beheld two hnmUume frame contain
ing the photograph of I'ucle t'ry
Kmbree Mid hU wife. These picture
called to mind Ui first time w met
with Mr. Eiubree, iu IStJ.uo (be Unki
ot the Idi'rvule. lUiIlvd wheat waa
aupplkd to u lllwrnlly, and we par
took "fit with the aietUe of an
emlgrmut. Undo arvy and I)vid
Juhitwm, of lmU'iH-inlonet', are the only
two urvlving emlgratita of 1M4 that
To correct the conttiptttd habit,
nmore tick 'headache, reliev
dytpvptia, to purify the blood,
cure jaundico, liver complaint, and
blliouaneaa, Ayer'a 1H1U are no.
equaled. They are an excellent
after-dinner pill, a-misting the pro
cess of digestion, and cleuulng and
strengthening the alinientarv cauaL
When taken on the invasion of a
cold or a fever, they effectually pre
vent further progress of the disease.
Being sugar-coated and purely veg
etable, they are the best
UMtleln. lor old and jonnf, Arti't Ml It
an lnUUpoubl lo otaivit, taltun, unp
in, niara, and travelon, and u (Terr
wlwn roeonmeBded by lbs medical Ira
lernttT. Dr. J. W. tlaioe, rluuM, W. T.,
wfitM! "Ajn't Vllltm Um moil Henly bl
aaecd ta UteUr lofredlenU, of nj I know 01"
For mora Uua twenty yean 1 have ned
AreCi FUla u a eomciln tot torpidity ot
IheMomaeh, II ear, and bowel. and toward
ol malarial aiucka, and they hara alwaya
dona perfect work." E. t. Uoodwia, rub
liaber Aawmt; 8U Landry, La.
"I was laailer of a aalllag vatael for
many years, and saver tailed lo prtnldo a
supply of Ayefi Itlla, for tlia oa ol both, nffl
eers sad Baa. Tbey art a aala and rallabto
and alwaya glira aatUfactlon." flarry
Koblnaoa, n K. Pearl at., Fair llaren, Coae.
For a long tints I was a eulterer from
stoauen, liver, and kidney trouble, aad
baring tried a variety of remedlea, with
only temporary relief, I befan, about tbres
awotbs aro. the uas of ayer'i rills, and
already my health la to nock improved that
I gladly teatlfy to the tuperior merits of this
ealliartK." Uanoei J org Fertlra, Oporto,
Ayer's Pills
ratraaao at
Or. J. C AVER & CO., LoveB, Mast.
Bold by all DrugiKta and Dwl.ra la Mxltcin.
Opp. Opera House,
Independence, Or.
r j . ""111111111
y Salem. Oregon. W, I.
A thorough bdilnsaa training achool, Endorwd by the bmlneu and prolaulonal man ol saiara.
Five Departments: Dusinea, Shorthand, Typewriting tPenmanship,English,
School io MMlon the entire yaar. Stadanta adroiltad at any lima. Cauloiua, containing Information, free
I have in stock a nice line of clmirs, bedroom lets, and piece furniture, wall psper
and pictore frame mouldings. Give me a call.
we call to mlud. May their declining
Years ba bkaaad with all uril.l mum
bereaner, Mr. Kdgar has a Bui fhwk
at. V-1 . - '
of CVdswold sbvvp, of which he
luatly pjroud.
We called on J. W. I-eonard, who
lives oa the Crowley farm, Me was
busily eugaffvd Iu hauling his wheat to
the warehouse. Mrs. Blots, a sister of
Mr. Laniard, with hr husband, now
In Colorado, will soon Wave that local
ity far Oregon, where they eipeot to
make their future home, Mr. Leonard
will In a couple of weeks remove to his
tract of laud near Taliuage.
V, XV. tVa'k, who Uvea near Mr.
Leonard, received us cordially, and ex
preened himself Weil pleased with the
YKf eiit'K. Mr. Fawk has a beautiful
farm, aud the laudecape presented to
view from htsdwelltug Is very plctu
cMiue, Tlie neigiiUirbood of which
Oak drove schuoltiouss Is the eeuter,
one where hosiltallty Is met on every
After dlutug, we sped onward
Bueua Vlata, which we (bund almost
k'sertetl, It appvarlng that alunajt all
the people tied enwaed the river to the
bop yards, and were engaged ta pick
ing, aud making ptearatlons for the
further picking of hops. We were In
formed that there were about 109 acres
lu hoiw Iu this vlclulty. 8uch being
the case It will not be long before large
atuouutaof mouey wilt be circulating
We found Mr. Bhlves at his ware
house taking In grain, of which he has
a considerable amount already stored
He has a new cleaner which works to
perfection, and his patrons seem well
pleased with bis manner of conductuig
The merchants at Bueua Vista seem
well satisfied with their bualuees pros-
pcota, and make no complaint of bard
lime. Mr. Jeter was making prepar
ations to keep some supplies on hand
at the hop yards
A. J. lUchardsou was at the Foley
prluga, where for a couple of weeks he
has been rusticating,
Miss Florence Alexander will take
clianre of the achwd here this coming
winter, to commence early In Septem
ber. Mies Florence Is a daughter of
James Alexander, who Uvea near here,
and la a recent graduate of the Mo-
Minnvllle college.
John Hunter, who has been worktug
with Itaruiou's thresher, has been con
fined to the bouse for two weeks with
some malarial disease.
Mr. Smith, an Insurance ageut, has
been sick here htr several weeks, but at
prevent Is Improving,
Miles Porterflold baa a flue field of
bo. There 's money In them, Miles,
Ta Reform Saeiely.
We recently received the following
through the mall, with a request that
we prlut It:
lieallxlntf the very ureal neceealty for
the reform of bumaully, and bellevlug
that this reform must be brought sbout
larwely by Individual self-refonn. To
this end we luatltule a society aud
adopt the following preamble and rrwo-
lutions ss a Dents from wiilcn to work:
IfAwiii, the reformatory efforts of
humaulty. thus far, have been mainly
devoted to trylug to eliminate evils in
others, by external appeals In the form
of apeechea, writings, aud arguments,
to prove the efficacy of certain meth
od or theories to reform the race, while
thone advancing them seem not to Un
iterm ami that reform comes from with
In. and muat be evolved for one s self;
and that only through self-reform can
one help to reform the reoe. lie It
Jirmjivtd, That ws, the undersigned,
constitute ourselves Into a society for
if refomi, to try to live lu harmony
Ith all life.
liitolvrtL Thsl we shsll endesvor to
so guanl our thoughts, that we shall
only evolve K'X"' oues; that we will
neither think nor speak ill of s not lie r,
no matter bow great the provocation;
ud that we will strive peralnteutiy to
be the embodiment of love and good
Hrtotvrd, That so far as lies within
our power we will not leave any effort
untried, nor let an opportunity pam vo
help our fellow beluga.
i e
The Itemoeratle ftiala Ticket I'ednun-
illy Kleeled.
Lirrt.1! fhK K, tSept. 6. Partial re
turns received up to midnight from
all over the stats are to the effect that
the election has been quiet. A full
Democratic vote seems to have been
polled, hut there Is a great falling off
In the colored Republican vote, owing
to the unfamlliarlty with the Austra
lian ballot law and general Indiffer
ence. This was enpecially noticeable'
In the large negro counties. The Dem
ocratic state ticket, beaded by
William H. Flchback, for governor, Is
undoubtedly elected by a large major
ity. No approximate estimate can be
mado to night.
Fob Bali, Two small tracts of land
near Independence montly net to fruit
trees; aim) one ten acre tract with good
l,i,ll,llmr hnn vanl. and orchard. In
quire at this office.
Stalut, Principal.
. Wheeler's Is the place to buy school
" oooss.
Uuyyour school books of W, II,
The stste fair at Halem owna next
A full line of school books aud school
supplies at Wheeler's.
The public school of Independence
begins neat Monday.
l)o not forget to send lu your sub
scription to the Wkt Hipn.
Hpeclal rales Air family washluga at
the ludepeudence steam laundry.
Oarlaiid and Universal staves lu eud
less variety at It, M. Wsite a IVs,
"It matters not so much where you
are, as what you ers,"-fMAo ,vnr in
Wt make a specialty of school Uatks
mi school supplies. W. 11. Wheeler,
PartUw lu need of school btaiks will
do well to call at Wheeler's book store,
tallies, iro aud ses Hliellev A Van'
duyu's elegant slock of (all aud wlutrr
Riocktou A lleiikle have the finest
llueof k-cnts' aud ladlea' ties lu the
tfo and see that fine display or new
schmd Iwoks ul reivlved at Hunter 41
Nbelley'a. 4l4t
II M, Wade Co. wstit It ntuKr-
sltaVt that they keen uotliiug but the
oeai Of stoves.
For a supply of choice winter oulous,
apply to KB, Mlddleham, In North
Iutleieudeuce. 4 .11
(let your tablets, luks, hooka, nlates,
pongen, pena, and pencils, at W heel
er's book store.
The Wnrr Kins office Is turning out
a large amount of Job work thla mouth
It ball ft rat clam.
For flrst-olass aiwuimodatloii, go to
the IJttle falace. It has recently been
entirely remodeled.
Jordan Morris Is havlug but new
residence In North Indeendence
pushed to completion.
Heveti head of work oxen for sale.
Inquire of the Falls City stage driver,
orJ.M. Ferry, Falls City. 3t
Place your colletHIng lo the hamls of
Smith A Iturch, ofilce over the Inde
pendence Nsttoiisl Ilsnk.
Fresh fish every Tueadsy and Friday.
ce every day at i centa ih . iuya-
lay at 11
siou, opposite Fstee's grocery
Our towu was visited by a street fakir
this week. 1 (e thinks there Is no doubt
but that Harrison will reelected.
Try Htrong's restaurant, Weatacntt A
Irwlu, propitelors, wneu in uniem.
Meata, flrat claaa In every way, '2 cvuts.
You will Iw sure to find among Mis
Mscsulay's targe selection of mlllluery,
uat what you wstit st your owu pru-e.
li n't forget to go to Mlaa Macau lay 'a
for your fall aud school Imts, fr she
will le able to give you lust what you
"Tla dlaeord within, that grates so
heavily In life's song; 'tis we, not they,
who are at fault; when others seem so
Ht Patrick's Pills. They are the
beat physio. They slao re,uUt the
liver and bowels. Try them, 25 cants
per box.
The Union Parltta Is the only line
ruuulng two dally through trains tie
tween the Pacific Northwest aud F-at-
ern cltlea.
t'hnmlierluln's Couiih ftelitedy,
fatuous for Us cures of bad colds and as
preventive and cure for croup, fto
eeuts per txittle.
All tboae hsvtng collections to niaks
III do well to place their accouuts
with Binllh A Burch. They will give
them prompt attention.
Tbe mother of Iter. Robert Fulton
rary, of t'ougukeepsie, i. x., la toe
only autvlvlng child of Robert Fulton,
the Inventor of the steamlioat
Chnmberlnln's Pslu Ilallil. a seneral
family liniment eud especially valuable
for rheumatism, sprains, burns and
frost bites, 60 cents er bottle.
O. I). Rider has raised MOO buabelsof
beat this year. This Is shead of any
one man a prtHIUCtloil we nave nearu
of this yesr. Hnng umie of It to the
Independence was vUlted by quite
galeof wind last Monday afternoon,
aud It apparently wss endeavoring
hard to rain for awhile, but It waa uu-
Chamberlain's Kys and Hkln Oint
ment for tetter, salt-rheum, acaldhead,
ecxema, piles aud chronic sote eyea.
25 cents per box For sale by all
medio) tie dealers.
In the great HgliUwelght prlxe fight
between McAullmi and Hilly Myer at
ew Orleans list Monday night, it
took MoAulllfe Just flfleen rountbt to
nock bis opMincnt out.
11. F. Jiurch Jr. has ssstMiated him-
II with attorney (l.A. Hinlth, and
they will make s sjieclalty of collecting,
ss well as . attend promptly to all legul
Business placed with them.
"Why should the aplrlt of mortal tie
proud?" Well, that depends. There
every reason In the world for those
mortals to be proud who lake their
linen to the Independence steam
T)r. E.G. Young, veterinary surgeon
and dentist, late of Newberg, has lo-'
caicd jiCrmunently lu Indeieudcnce
The dtK'tor comes highly recommended
His omi Is over tue iuucicnucuo
Nntionul bank.
A. B. Cherry, with Pitttorson Bros.
Is fi rut clans at mending and regulating
wsU'hes. If your watch is out of order
take It to bun and he will promptly
ascertain the trouble and adjust It
cheap for cash.
To rise In the morning with a bad
taste In the mouth and no appetite,
Indicates that the stomach needs
strengthening. For this purposo, there
Is nothing better than an occaalonul
dose of Ayer's Pills tukou at bed time.
The prospects for a large attendance
at Monmouth this ensuing year are
very flattering. We learn that the
school facilities will be equal to tbe
occasion, but J more room Is needed
badly. A new building Is indispen
sable. We must have It.
- We have for sale a number of full
blooded Shropshire sheep, which we
will sell for ten dollars per head. These
are as flue as any sheep In the slate.
Anyone wishing to get a start will do
well to cull on or address J. O. David
son A Bon, Purker, Oregou. 43-4t
Hullow and leaden-buod complexions
soon give place to the loveliest pink-and
white, when the use of Ayer's Barsapa
rllla Is persisted In, and cosmetics en
tirely abandoned.' Nothing can coun
terfeit the losy glow of perfect health,
which blouse those who use this med
icine. "
l it j... Qry for Pjtcher'j Castorla.
Qo to Walker Bros, and gel a sack
of salt, and when you gst home, a kind
physical nistsmpsyohialt will have
taken place, and you will have a sack
of rice, Two of these metamorphoses
have taken place recently, Ask the
Walker liroa. and they will explain
tits above.
K. T Henkltt, whose barber chop Is
ou Main street, oppualle the oners
oouea, m aiways on iiauti. ss rear uiar at
a clock, to attend to vour wants in
slisvlugaud halirutllns In first cUm
aiyie, air. iiensie is au out Hand at
tbe bualnesa, aud thoroughly uuder-
aimitM lilt proieamon.
A couple of the young gentlemen
our town went over to Moumouth to
alteud dl vine worship last Hunday even
tug, and after escorting their lady
mcuils home started lo Indeiiendenoe,
but owing to Moumoutb'i rapid growth
got lost, aud tbey consequently did
tint get home till after the turn of the
The demand lor Chaiiibsrlaln'a Colic,
Cholera and lHsrrhos Remedy It
steadily growing, from the fact that all
who give It a trial are pleased with the
rtwtihs aud recomiueiid It lo their
neighbors, We ttol sure thstjthe reme
dy cannot lie recniiiiueiided too
highly. Wagley a Hmcad, druggists,
For ssls by all medl
cine dealers.
There has been a continued tendttnev
to taiwel dlnease here thlt season, says
ii. w.mnveii, ortiggiat, wicRiim. Ky.,
--sun au unusual aeuiauu ror v nstu
lierlaln't Colic, Cholera and iHarrluva
Ihnnetly, I have sold four tttles of
It this morning, nm remarkable
cures hsve beeu eflveted by It and In
sll caaes It haa proven sucieaaifu," Fur
aaw by all niwllolns dealers.
Last Monday tiluht st New Orleans
jck AicAutiiie kuis'ked out Hilly
Myers, light weights, In fifteen rounds;
ou Tuesday niglit, Dixou louloretl)
snrx-seu out MHeiiey iu eight rounds,
middle weights, aud on Wednesday
ulifht. Jamea Corbet t kuis'ked out
John L Hulllvau lu tweutyiue niunda,
heavy weights. All tlieas Dgnta were
fur the chsmptoushlp of the world.
"I would rather trust (list medicine
thau any doctor I know of," says Mm
llsttle Mason, of Chilton, Carter
county, Mo., In speaking of Cham
berlain's I Olio, Cholera and l)larrhaa
Remedy, Thin medlclns ran always
be depended upon, even iu the inmt
aeveresnd daugerous cases, tioth fr
children and adults. 2ft and 60 cent
buttles for sale by all medlclue dealers.
Our reporter has had frequent Inquir
ies mad of bin) as lo the prospeeta of
exhibiting stuck at the Polk county
fair. We will say provision will be
mstleftirtlte reception of shs'k for ex
Dilution; so come on witn what you
wlah to place on exhibition and make
this, our tint elTort for a county fair, a
lira ml success. I'ulK Is not oelilnd any
county iu the state in the production
nfatock and cereals. Hurrah for our
Polk county fair.
Cooper A WotH-r wlah It distinctly
umlempstd that they drill welts fur one
dollar per fl In I iidcpemlence, and do
not charge one dollar and a hair per hxit
for the gravel, as repreaented aud
charged by our competitors. We have
not agreed to charge auy more tlisti
this, snd positively refuard to advance
(lis price, when reouesteil u do so ly
them, as a cotiibliistlon. We sliall
always msKe your welts st the lowest
nojMihie prltv, ami guarantee satutfao-
Miaa A. Macaulay, who recently inr-
chnaed her partucre liiUimU In tlielr
millinery store, naaiuai returned rnm
s month s sojourn in Hau Frauclnco,
where she has been carefully nelwtlng
her fall and winter sImk. Hhe has
brought with her one of tbe largest
and lineal snicks of gtXMlt that haa ever
Keen brmight to this city, Mlaa Mao-
aulay detervee much credit aud a ill
eral artronage for the esriiest endeavor
she makes to pleane her cuatomers.
ritieatwres no exts'iiaeto make Iter
bitaltieaa a succeaa, and the ladles al
ways know Junt where to go to get the
newent and nnt sly Hah hats at prices
to suit the times.
Ki.t.c towai. vora, tses.
I'nJcr the uew apportlooment the
slates will lie entitled to electoral
votes this year as shown below. The
atatcs giving plural it lis for Cleveland
In iHNt are printed lu lu inow; thtme
giving plurallllcs for Harrison, In
Roman. The near i tales are printed In
Kbrlo. Mar.
AhUHima II
tie ot
ArkniUKU 8
California , 9
Coloruilo 4
lmnretintt 6
Muwnr. , 8
Florida..... 4
(kitrgm 1,1
I ha no , 8
Illinois 24
Indians IA
lows Ill
KniiHAS...., , 10
Kentucky. 13
LouMann H
Miirylttnd H
Miiwwt'husetts., 11
Michigan 14
Mlnnemtta 9
.Vi'momW.... , 17
Montana 8
Nebrsaka , H
Nevada. 8
New Hampshire 4
NeivJmry 10
New York 80
North Dakota , 8
Mnrlh Carolina 11
Ohio 4 21
Oregon 4
PcniiHylvanln 81i
Rhode island 4
Hoi'Tii Dakota 4
.Soufi Carolina 9
Tcnwuiwe , 12
7'rjYM 1,1
Vermont , 4
Virflnla Vi
WrM Virginia a
Wahiiinoton 4
Wiwonsln 12
la, i i 8
Wyomisii II
Total doctoral vote, 441; necessary to
choice, 223.
The IcglHlaturo of Michigan has
passed a law requiring election of 12 of
the 14 electors by congressional districts.
Hcven aud a half acres of hind in
Monmouth, ou Indcn(luce street.
Fair house and baru, 230 bearing fruit
trees tipples, pars, peaches, plums.
This pliice can be bouuht at a bargain.
Inquire of M. Nkihols. 42
Tbe partnership heretofore existing
between R. II. Wilcox and L. M. Mat
toon, known by the Arm name of II. H.
Wilcox & Co., has this day by mutual
conaout dlsstilved. K. H. Wlloox us
lumes nil debts the firm Is now owing,
and all bills due the firm are payable to
R, II. Wilcox.
it H. Wii-oox.
Bept.1, 1892.
L.M. Mattoon.
Whan Baby was ttok, wt gsrt har Ctatorls.
Whan ihewaaa Child, iht orled tor Oaatoria.
Whan aha t-aeamt Mlaa, iha olnng to Oaatoria.
When tht hsd Ohlldran, aha gart them Castorla
W. II, Hswlcy U back from Mt, Neho,
fresh aud fltssyr. i
Iou Vsnnortwltk- returned from
Newport Tuesday,
We are glad to chronlols that Mrs, J.
M, Htark Is much better.
II. K, Wblteaker aud family retursed
from (lie bay Monday,
John Oreenleaf Whlttler, tbe Quaker
post, aiso last weuuesdsy.
Mlases 8adle and 1 hi! tie Rutlar are
visiting lu Dallas this week.
M. rim. ...i ..r t.......,i.,...u i. I..
..... uii.nitu, .ri a 1-MIIPJ .lltfl.,l H.l
and sieaks of locating among us.
F, 11. Lewis la now out on the streets
and Is Improving nicely from his late
W, M. Hterting came down from
Corvallls aud spent a day In our town
this week.
Mrs. D, U. Taylor cams In from
Newport last Tuemtay and ksiks hale
and hearty.
T. 0, Oravea, of Moumouth, mails a
buslnens trip to Portland Monday, re
turning Tuesday.
Doc Htiilth, of Idiwlsvllle, reports
thst all Is "peace aud harmony" In bis
section o the woods.
David Scars, of McCoy, the Demo
cratic, war home of Polk county, was lu
towu last Wednesday,
Mrs.O.W. Wheeler, of Lebanon, Is
vlaitlng at her sou's, W. II. Wheeler's,
In this city this week.
Alex. Davis Is hack from the beach,
much linprovetl In health. The oxoue
of the tcsslde did htm much good.
Mrs. D. R Taylor aud dsughlrsr-
rlved on Tuesday's trnlti from their
ouiewlist extended trip to Newport,
Mlas Mabel Wells returned from her
visit to Mr. aud Mrs. Kit Young, of
Portlsud, Isst Wedueedsy. Hhe had a
very pleaasnt trip,
Jesas T. Wllklns, late of the Mo-
Clslleo House In Itoseburg, sieut Huu
day In our city, and was the guest of
ye editor part of bis stay,
Ralnli Hheltev. who hss beeu visit,
lug rvlstlvea near McMlnnvllle for
three mouths pant, came home yneter-
oay, jis nail a itnau pieansui tune.
A, H. liocke and lUmlly returned
from their sojourn at tbe Yequlua bay
but Tutwtlsy. They enjoyed their
lay by the sounding sea moat hugely,
M. Rosendorf, an Independence old.
timer, but now ol Purtlaud, Is making
his semi-annual vlalt No one h
more friends In these parts than
Mike" Rosendorf.
The tihyalclans of this city performed
a very critical surgical owrallii Untn
Hon II. r . Jlurcn tola week. I lie uv
tlstit It doing very well st thin writing,
and particulars will he given next week,
Mr. snd Mrs. J. A. Veness's little
bsby eirl la, we are iclatl lo ssy, eoiield-
eralily ImpMved from her recent sttack
of ctmlera Infantum. Tbe little one haa
hail unite a severe stiell, having Iwen
sick over a mouin.
Rev. Huilth, of Portlsud, preached
In the Christian church last tiumlay
morning and evening, The Rev.
gentleman, though quite young,
preached two' excellent sermons to
large congregations.
W. 0. Cook, the Indefatigable furni
ture man of our town, took a flying
trip to Portland a few days since to
replenish his stock of furniture. Call at
once snd get bargains. W, O. means
business up to tbe hill.
We learn that Mlnses Anna Stockton
and Nellie 1 1 111 arrived safe and sound
to tlie Htanford Cdlveralty. Their
examinations began last Tbtirsdsy.
The young ladles are delighted, but
the university Is crowded to over
flowing. J, L Rogers and wife, of McMlnn
vllle, are at Rev. Hunaaker's. Mrs.
Rogers is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs,
Hunaaker, and has been at the bcdnlde
of her sick mother for several weeks.
We tre glad to say that Mrs. Hunaaker
It Improving nicely.
Ilou. J. B. Cooper and wife left on
the south -bound train at Halem last
Sunday evening, the former for Ban
Francisco, to be absent until about the
ISth nit.,the latter to Kugene,to make
arrangements for tlielr daughters to
enter the state university at that place.
W. E. Crenncy and family will leave
In a few days for New Hampshire, to
be absent six or eight mouths. We
hope they may have a plenntt ut jour
ney, and safe return, and will mtna
them much during their protracted
stay. Johnny Ford Is Mr. Crewtcy's
legal agent during his absence.
R, 11. Wilcox Is now collecting up
his old accounts. We hoie that this
gentleman will make his collections
speedily and again ciulmrlt In business
In our city. He Is a Mrst-clans buslnens
man energetic, lioneat, ami level-headed,
and j lint such men as h are necoenary
to the upbuilding of any thriving
Dr. Towtmend, of Turner, has so-.
oepted the call of the Calvary Presby-i
terlan church, of Independence. He
will be here to bcglu his labors the
first of Oetoher. Rev. K, J. Thompson,
of Corvallls, and F. It, Owynnc, of
Salcru, will All the third and fourth
Sunday" of this month, and Rev. J. It.
N. ltell will preach next riumlny
morning, end will hold sung service In
the evening.
flood I.nokl.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending on a healthy condition of all
the vital organs. If the liver be Inac
tive, you Iihac a bllllous look, if the
stomach be disordered you have a dys
peptic look, aud If your kidneys be af
fected you have a pinched look. Secure
good health and you will have good
looks. Electric bitters Is the great al
terative and tonic acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
bolls and gives a good complexion.
Hold at any drugstore, fifty cents per
I will leave Independence about
September 15. and would request all
who owe mo io come and settle their
accounts either by cash or note as I
am compelled to place all uimettled
ancounts in the hunds of a collector
after Beptemlier 15. Pleaae be gov
erond accordingly. E. E. Kbknokl.43
Tbe undersigned desires to rent a
farm of from one to five hundred acres
of lund to cultivate on tbe shares. He
has teams and all necessary modern
mauhlnorv to do iirst-oluas work, He
hot JiiHt sold his furiu at Falls City,
hence the above proposition. Address,
John I. Montgomery, Falls City, Polk
comity, Oregon. 41 4t
'Thore Is no room lu the ecu lu rim
to cons'crate a f.illure. Time has Its
soy the, but no trowel. Talmadye.
Children Cry for7 Pitcher's Castorla.
Farm roa Rknt. For partloulam
can on b. a. ifloe, tnuepenoence. ts
Ixerr.-AKninhtftf Pvthtnn nnihlum
charm attatihsd to a black silk vest
chain, Finder please leave at shire,
Itors.-The warehouse lu North In
dependence Is prepared to store.
weigh, and rblp hops to the bested
vantage. M. Merwlu Is In charge, and
will give you perfect satisfaction.
CiiAtTKK Mkrtinu. Independence
matter it a, m , win convene inn
evening for work. Mark Master degree
All oompanlonlons will please lake
notice and be preseiiL
11. R.TitiKiJiKN, High Priest.
Rktchnkk. K. C. Pentland Is In
the city, aud his many friends will
leant with pleasure that he is going to
remove hit family back to their old
home here at once. Mr. Pentland Is
rustler, and he and bis good Isdy think
there Is no place like Independence,
Tiir Foot Hhiixik. Andy Wilson
knows how to move till nirs when he
set his bead to It, aud as a result, he is
niaaing good Sieed in building a uew
stum of the foot bridge aortas, the
bayou which lesds to North ludepun
deuce. This will tie a sulsitautial
structure and one badly needed.
Tn a Fair. The grand stand at the
fair ground Is now completed, and all
bauds are now working on the pavll,
Ion. At the last meeting of the board
of directors W, W. Williams was elected
chief marshal ot the fair, and R. II
Wilcox was elected chief marshal aud
suierlntiideut of the pavilion.
Owu Watkb. An analysis recently
made by Dr. Ames, of Albsny, of tbe
water of the different cities of the Wil
Inmette valley, says that the water at
Independence Is the best and purest of
any. Quite a feather lu our capand
L. C. (llliuore, proprietor of the Iude-
penitence water works, should feel flut
Caho or Thanks. I. tbe under
signed, take tills method of extending
lo my friends who no kindly cared for
me during my recent llluens, my most
sincere tbsnks, and especially to the
members of the hook aud ladder com
lny am 1 under many obturations for
their prompt alien lion to my wauls
aud needs. A. A. Davis.
A Paistino. W, O. Cook called our
attention ytmterday lo a very artlatic
painting In hit show wiudow, executed
by Mlas llcrth Catron, of Moumouth.
The paiutlhg IsaPaiMtell scene, snd
Is very delicately touched by the fair
arttnt. The frame of white, wltb
gold-bromied Hues eroawlng each other
at beautiful angles makes the whole a
picture of beauty.
A Nsw Firm. W. A. Vannortwlck
aud C. II. Kodie have formed a co-
iiartuershlp to conduct a flmt-cliuw
barber bualncaa In the city of Indueii
denee. Hatha, halrcuttlng In all styk-s,
and shaving, will be made a specialty
Everyone knows "Ous" la tbe one who
can excel with the sclnsors aud ruor,
while Mr. liodle Is oue of the best
barbers In the state. It does not mat
ter who Is elected president, so long as
you get your work done at Vannort
wlck A Rodle's.
To II k Marhiki). Rev. J. M.
Parker, the xipular minister of the M.
K Church Koutb ootids place, left.Tues-
for Freauo, California, to enter upon a
life of matrimonial blbm. Mr. Psrker
will lie married to Miss Relic C. Haley,
nelce of Judge Haley, of California,
next Wednesday. He and his bride
will return to Oregon In about three
weeks, and will attend the conference
to be held at Albany, October 6, 1K02.
Many oflVrlngs of good wlahes will
follow this happy couple.
McMiNNVti.t.a to Nkkti-ita. The
Initial step In building a wagon road
from Raker creek, lu Yamhill county,
to a (Hilnt on or near the Nestucca
river, lu Tillamook county was taken
yesterday when the McMlnnvllle aud
Neetucca Road Co. was Incorporated In
the office of the secretary of atate by J.
C. Cooper, E. E. (ioucher, aud Wyitt
Harris, of McMlnnvllle. The capital
stock Is fixed at f 10,000 aud they also
retain tbe right to build such other
branch and toll roads as may be deemed
advisable Slalmnan.
Tub Nkw CkI'KCH. We learu that
the contemplated new church building
of the Congregattonallitts of this city
111 be a fine structure. It will lie
erected In the southern part of the
town, near the motor Hue, on a lot do
nated by Mrs. W. W. Williams. The
edifice complete will cost $2,500. At
the preliminary organization of the
huruh, there were betweeu forty and
fifty pcrnons united with the society.
The sutwcriptloti paper circulated by
Mrs. T. J. Lee and Mrs. D. V. Poling
met wltb excellent HUcoena. Rev. 1).
V. Poling will be the station pustor
This church sturts out under the moet
favorable auspices.
K RKNOEL. Rom to the wife of E,
E. Kreuglc, a boy, hist Thursday.
Weight 9 lbs. .Rro. Krcngle Is happy
as a lark.
AN8TINE-MORROW. Married at
the residence of Mr, and Mrs. David
Murtln, In Monmouth, at 8:30 p. m,
Wednesday, Heptemtier 7, Miss Wlu
nle Morrow to Mr. Frank Anstlne;
Elder It. F. Rotincll, oltlcinting.
The Wkht Hidk extends hearty con
gratulations mid wImIics the happy cou
ple many years of unalloyed UIIhs and
OREEN-WIL80N. Mr. Fred Green
and Miss Laura Wilson, both of In
dependence, were married last Hun
day week at the residence of the
oftlolutlng Juatiou of the peace, II. M.
Ry an oversight we fulled to print
this last week, but it is not too lute to
tender our hearty congratulations, and
wish that this couple may move quietly
over lire's sea, and enjoy uniillnycd
FOSTER A DDISON.-Married at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Addison, In Yam
hill county, September 7, 1802, at 12
o'clock, Mlxs Annie Addison to Mr.
George B, Foster, Jtev. J. T. Watson
There wore about forty present, who
all Joined In wishing them a lung and
happy life. A delicious dinner was
served. The following Is a Hat of the
Hot of silver knives and forks, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Addison; glows cake
plate aud munlard bowl, Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Scott; silver spoons, Mile Addi
son; pair towels, Miss Lucy Foster; sil
ver napkin rings, Charley Addison;
gluss water set, W. J. Scott; silver but
ter dlrh, Mr. and Mrs. V. Scott; syrup
pitcher, Willie Scott; cake basket, Miss
Sarah Boott; silver spoonholder, Mr.
and Mrs. John Fishbauk; fruit dish,
Miss Callle Foster,
tb niuua suoou.
w as noticed last week, schools com
nience Monday Hept 12. The follow
log supplies will be needed at tbe be
t ginning of the school year by the sev
I ernJ unuli. lillmr auiinllm will be
ueetled lu some of the grades later In
the year, The Directors will furnish
all the luk, so uoue used be brought:
First Urads: - Mate wltb covered
frame, slate pencil aud sponge, lead
pencil and psper.
(Second Ursde. New National Read
er No. 2, tracing book No. 1, drawing
book No. 8, slate with covered frame,
slate pencil and sjionge, lead pencil and
Third Orsde.-New National Third
Header, Fish's Arithmetic No. 1, Lsli.
gunge tablet No. 8, No, copy book
pen and Holder aud practice paper,
uauson's ripening Jllank, slate or pen
ell and puiier.
fourth Uradu.-New National Fourth
Reader, Fish's No. 1 Arithmetic, Mun
tclth's Elementcry Geography, Man
son's Spelling liiunk, No, 2 copy book
with practice paper, aud Jtarues's Lan
guage Lentous Part I. As both (tarts of
this book are used, it wlil be cheaper iu
tbe end to get the complete book
Also, slate or pencil aud paper.
Fifth Grade. New National Fourth
Reader, Fish's Arlth. No. 2, Brooks's
Mental Arlth., Karnes's Language Lee-
sous Part II, Elcmeutary Geography,
Complete Speller aud Malison's Spell
lug lllank, No. 8 copy book and prac
tice paper, slate or pencil and paper.
Sixth Grade-New National Fifth
Reader, Fish's Arlth, No. 2, Drook's
Mental Arlth., Hill's Grammar, Com
plete Speller, Comprehensive Geog
No, 4 copy book aud M miaou's Spell
mg Rlauk.
Seventh Grade-New Nalloual Fifth
Reader, Fish's Arlth. No. 2, lirooks's
Mental Arlth., Hill's Grammar, Com
plete Speller, Compreheualve Geog.,
Malleoli's Spelling Rlanks, No. 6 copy
book, and practice paper, pencil aud
Eighth Grade.-Rarnes's Urief U. a
History, Hill's Gram., Finn 'a Arlth. No.
2, aud Rrooks's Mental Arithmetic
Additional work will be analgued Ibis
Pupils will ansemble at the usual
time and lu their usual places by
grades. Tbey muat not forget their
prumotlou certificates, snd It Is urged
that all scholars be present at the open
lug of school u n lew detained by sick
The six hardware and Implement
bounce of R. M. Wade A Co. have
bought seveu car-loads of ttoves for
their full trade. Their Imleiwtidciiee
uouae received tueir car-load lunt week
and It Is componed of a full assortment
of cooK and heating stoves lu all the
latest denlgut and patterns. They now
have the bent snsortmetit at reawmahle
prices of any houae hi Polk county.
This together with the advautage thev
have twined lu buviuir iu such larire
quantities, certaiuiy places thum lu s
poaitlun to sell sUives an cheap as auy
house ou the Pacific Coiuit. They buy
uothlug but the best of troods and do
not html lute to places positive i:uaraii tee
on everyining uiey sell. They have
also bought a liirire stock of Van
Rruut steel frame drills and seeders.
wltli many new Improvements, also
tbe Rlack Dlamoud steel frame spring
tooth aud dandy dlak harrow. All
t bene, together with the celebrated Gar
den I Ity steel aud Oliver chilled plows,
witn a inn tiocs oi repairs, makes a
full aud complete hue of first class
goods. The independence bouse is
uprated by Goodman A Douty al their
old aland, wtio are always ready to at
teud to the wants uf their many cus
tomers lu a courteous nmn tier. Read
tlielr ad lu this insue.
Ruitklan'a Arnlra Balva.
The bent salve lu the world for cuts.
wiHin") iwi.itj, Hill-in, nan lurui'i, IUVCTI
sores, tetter, chupped hands, chilblains,
corns, auu an skiu eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or uo pay required.
it is guarauleed lo give perfect sat s-
factlon, or money refunded. Price, 25
cents per box. For sale by any drug
The undersigned do hereby give
notice to all to whom It mity concern
thaton the loth day of April, 1802, tbe
copartnership heretofore existing be
tweeu D. R. Taylor aud R. H. Wilcox
Is hereby mutually dissolved, All ac
couuts payable Immediately.
D. R. Taylor.
R. H. Wilcox.
Iudcpeudeuce, Polk eouuty, Oregon,
Sept 5, 1802.
Notice Is hereby glveu that the
oo-partucmhlp heretofore existing
between L. C. Gilmore and L. W.
McAditm as proprietors of the Inde
pendence Marble and Granite Works,
is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent, L, C. Gilmore retiring and
transferring his Interest to L. W
McAdtuu, who assumes all nubilities
ft lie former firm and to whom all
notes aud accouuts are pnvable.
L. C Gilmokk.
L. W. AlcA dam.
Independence, Polk county, Or.. Sep
tember 6th, 1802.
Notice Is hereby itlveu that the un
derHlgued will receive sealed bids for
the delivery of one hundred cubic yards
of dirt and fifty cubic yards of gravel,
tlie contractor may at his option
deliver 150 cubic yards of gravel, all ot
which is to ce deposited lu the sink on
Main street al tlie intersection of Mon
mouth street. Rids received until 12
clock m Tuesday. Sept. 1JU802. The
city oouncll reserves the right to reject
any or sll bids. Ry order of the coun
cil, dated August 2(1, 18U2.
City Recorder.
I, the undersigned would respectfully
but positively uotlfy all is'rsons lu
debted to me, whose accounts date
prior to January, 1S02, to come for
ward ana some ut once, or else 1 shu
be compelled to place said notes and
accounts in the bands of my attorney,
Costs will be saved by hecdimr the
above notice. All persons knowing
themselves ludubtud to me since Jnn
uury,1892, will also make settlement as
soou as convenient. J. R. Coopkr.
Aug. 18, 1892, In pkpkndrnok, Or.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Itemalim in doubt, bat there Is
noqaostlon alsmt the POKTLAKD
open September 21t and
clow October 22d, being the beat
Exposition ever bold on tbe Paclflc
Coast So liir m Oregon is con
cerned It wJll be the forerunner of
tbe Exposition at Chicago in 1893.
The principal attractions are tbe
magnificent American Band, of
Providence, E. L An art collec
tion valued at $350,000, and em
bracingiwmeoftbegreatest pictures
ever owned in tbe United States.
Immense Horticultural and Agri-
cultural exhibits, the result of the
combined effort- of almost every
county in tbe state. A mineral
exhibit exceeding all former years.
Stock Department showing
tremendous progress. ; To ' then
t . 4
are added a larger number of exhib
its than ever before, including a
magnificent electrical display under
the combined Tbomjwon-lloustou
aud Edison Companies. All man-
ufuctures in full operation. Govern-
meut models of Battle Ships,
wonderful Hall of Mystery.
wonderful ."Little World."
product of a mechanical genius; all
nterspereed by novelties incident
to tbe popular special days. Every-
thing new aud nothing dead.
Greatly reduced rates on all trans
portation lines, i
There It a bean tiro I Una rf nblMiv,n'.
baU at Miss Macaulay's. 4
Call on Miss Macaulnv anrf nrl v.
bau before going elsewhere. ;
j-i00 u,e Van Brunt stl frame
drills at R.M. WadeACo's. :
Bhellev A Vanduvn .hnn n.
line ot drees trimmings, Do n't fall to
see them. .
Bhelley A Vanduvn have ton' mnnv
ties to make sneend nipntlnn tt all n
them. Go and see and be convinced
that their prices and styles are correct.
There Is now a hi it nh in uh.ii..
A Heokle'g for the new goods of all
kinds just arriving. Come running,
but do n't fall, for we are trying to sup
ply all. , r
Ladies, if YOU wlah a. IwnnHftil v.
chief, Just drop in at Stockton and Hen
kle's and they will show you aline that
will make you smile.
Gentlemen. If vou wlah a mwi n.
wool suit of clothes for ten lntlrn Inaf.
call on Stockton A Henkle and tliee
will please you.
There are laundries and laundries.
but when you want your linen done
up lu first-class order, scud it to the
ludepeudeuoeisteam launrlrv.
The suow-whlte fleece oflMary's lamb
would be considered the very opposite
of whiteness if compared to the linen
from the Independence steam laundry.
r-end your laundrv to tha Rnlem
steam laundry. Mr. Goft; driverof tlie
ssaiera stage, will take It for vou.
Leave orders at tbe unoer llverv stAhle.
In the Spring tbe Young man's fanov
Lightly turns to thoughts of love,"
Rut tbe girls will fight shy of those
ouths who fail to tuke their linen to
the ludepeudence steam laundry.
The new stock of shoes, hats. drew.
KikhIs, aud furnishing goods, now ar
riving at Biot-KtoD & Heugle s, are the
best aud cheapest ever brouirht to thin
market. Call aud see our roods and
get prices and see If our statements are
uot correct.
If VOU lire at all nartieulnr almnl Hi.
looks of your collars, cutis, and shirts.
rou will send them to tbe Salem steam
laundry, where they will be turned out
with a glossy finish that Is elegance
Itself. Prices verv low. Leave nrrlnm
at the Salem stage barn.
There is no place lu Oretron where a
better meal Is served than at t he res
taurant of Westacott A Irwlu, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a nne meal, and the popular
price of 25 cent, have made this
house the headquarters of evervoue
ho has occasion to dine In Salem.
Independence and Monmouth Motor Una
For sale in West Indenendemw.
eight blocks from main street on Mou-
moutn street, first house on left across
bridge going west, four lots, a four
room cottage, wltb barn and other out
buildings, partly set to young orchard
and small fruits. This is a good bar
gain if taken soon. Inquire at this of
fice. , :
7:00 7:80 '
8:10 &..,
:) 10.HO , - -
11:15 , 12:80
1:80 fclB
S:46 4S
6:iO 5:15
6:16 6; i .