The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 02, 1892, Image 3

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Your Cough
Has not yielded to the. various rem
dies ytm have boon taking, H
troubles you day and rttght, breaks
your iwt and reduces your strength.
Now try Ayfi Chtrry Ptctoral,
before th bronchial tube become
enlarged or the delicate tissues of
the lungs sustain fatal Injury, At
an anodyne and expwtoraut, this
preparation hat no equal. It soothe
the irritated membrane, promote
expectoration, and inducts repose.
The wont cough
Can Bo Cured
tT ! in ot Aw' Cherry rvchwttl Pr,
J. Uorthut, Carrwl (v, Va,, ntmi t
e Ayr' Chrr)f IVtrl In mjr br.fllp.
and prunottiH- It to tM uiwo,ua4 m ro
ty lor Mi tad mtu."
Ahwr th. ittpp fotith. This was my
i(wmi hackta. dry south, ltk en
Imhmui tfekllM la Ui throat, toping mt
awk alf hi, nut dlaturbtni th ewttoaoM.
I trhwt a (rant aiunhar ul eouin-eur,' but
ttwy tT at ooly Wmjwnuy rtkr. AtUul
I soaetaM to U. Aw" Ih.rry ftctund,
at Mart I has a ball a bottte, I aaa
My tm aUliM stop. I eswiiuiwd to i.
peer, and Boa camhlr ryU urLu
A. JL Slnnaaa, GMfataas, N, Y.
By Using
Ayers Charry rxtond. many hart be
sev4 froattaial tUaea.
B. IK EMasroekt, Canterbury, K. B.,iaytt
la tte winiw! was 1 was a tomyor at
tartar la Baenuaaalo, Cat. Rin ouulo.
erably atBOMd, I took a bad oM aMoav
aad arlta a twrlbl Dough. itrMsmral
rn din, hut ttwy tailed to cur nw, and it
ni thoufht I wm (oln( Inla a dwjlln. On
tt adrfc at i (mod. 1 two to u ATfi
Charry retorl. and feM than hU a txxu.
eoatptoMly ttirU ma."
Cherry Pectoral
narxau t
Or. 1 C AYEI A CO., Utd, K&s,
U ay at DnnMa. FrtMtljaUtoulaa,.
The partnership heretofure sxlstiug
between 11 H. Villvax and L. M. Mat
toon, known by tbe flrtu uaiue of It, H.
Wilcox A Co., has thin Any bv mutual
oonaeot dlMolved. K. 11. fllooz as
aumea all debts the Arm la now owing,
and all bills due the Arm are payable to
R. II. Wilcox. It. H. Wilcox.
Hept 1, lHwi I M. Mattoom.
Salvia. Oraiaa, W. I.
A tboroack bniain. tralninf acbooL Itidccwd
FivDtmrimtnts: imsitiess, Shorthand, Tyfxwrtlmg.PtnMaiukiPtEnglitk,
School In anal ua lb aiir yw. SlJouadmliidalaarilaM. CaUlocu. eaatainia. tararnutloa, b.
rntM Um
Of the PoIk County Dis
trict Fair Association
will occupy this space
next week.
Hew Goods, have arrive., and is
we are too busy to mention all
tbe latest novelties, please come
in yourself and see the Hindoos,
Rota, Belgian Serges, etc., in
different styles. .
There are too many articles to men
tion everything" therefore we lovite
you to call at oar place of business
and convince yourself. We will
gladly show you all the new desiffus.
ed Rosendorf
v Ths cholera ta ieglng In Europe. It
has not yet monad the United Bute.
There will be preaching at the Pres
byterian church ueit Sunday monlng
oy twv. tufii. au ooraiajiy
Invited. ;
NV have received the Tenth Annual
(takiirueor the state normal school.
Lack of space prevents tut extended
notice tula week.
1UU A Hlotwr lunt completed a well
ft W.J. Mulker.of Monmouth. At
a upin or seventy bet they round an
nmiDuaove oi water,
I), a Tavlor will be aaleaman at
theatueiofMattmu AUo, lite ladles
win i pwima at tuts news at Mr,
Taylor kuows how to wait ou his
Ho for the Pair
We would Inform the publlo that w
wiu run
Durtnt the State rale.
Will leave the noetoflloa every mora
Iub at 7 and R:SO o'elook, ami will leave
Ntiera at 6JH ana e:au o cim-a. rare,
l. JS round trip; single trip, 75o.
PVeeHetere ef
Dealers la
, C::rs,
Mm, Lc:ks, F.::?s( tiils,
Kte.i ate.
I Supply ef Lambee Kept Cea
etantly at Saver.
Huastira, Bnmn eum,Of
Drar Hln W. hra lo nll your atltnttnn m
tlw Dull uutt m aaw prouuwa hi an an
orUra lot lumbar In quantltl fen ault our
raatkmivn. w nv mow ary aanauaM mm-
br now la lb. yard than w bhw.
(Hir atari uttiiruM nil ainaoi winging
matcrlaJ, ruaUa, Bmwlof . iwillna.walnanitltif ,
tiiplo(, nlaln and muulilrd eaatus, and alau
a flu MrtmMt ol mtntliUnia.
dur ahlna-lm ara at th ry boat, and an
htat (nlnlna fetor. Kvan lb nul AulldMu
and no (null, and nava no bwltancy la rw.
nnnittdln( lbm.
W nava a numbr of rlnd of Una Baa.
Ing picket, and tlanrin lath.
fii your valued ntr w bg an tntanwt,
and aland muly la (iiantnlva eiulr Hl.fao
0n In in and quality. Writ ua Sr prig
S'. B.-Bulldfm' hardwai la "Uick,
Srauv, PrtnelpaL
by lb baaintat and pnlatiaaal axa at SalMa.
Wheeler's Is the place lo buy school
lluyyour school books of W, It.
IVIk oountjr has a flue crop of wheat
aud hops this year,
A full line of school books and school
supplies at Wheeler's.
The ateam laundry rails for and
dellvem all good free of charge.
We make a specially of school Iwoks
and school supplies. W. It. Wheeler.
Ppectal rstea niaileon ramlly waali
logs at Independence steam laundry,
Parties In need of school Inaiks will
do well to vail at Wheeler's book stare.
Block ton A Heukle have the finest
HueofKeuU' aud ladles' Ilea In ths
Oo and are that Hue dtanlay of new
sohool booka ust reevlved at liuaUr A
Hlieiieya. sis
Uet your talilets, Inks, books, slates,
snongea, iens, and peueils, at v ueei
er's tMKik store.
Tlie steam laundry is kept busy
these dnya. The good work doue there
is lite cause or il
A big IVtrtland tyudiiwte has bought
the DiMttl or tue cwiem eiecirio ugut
sun power ooiupany,
It w ill be a s hsme to leave that
"hole lu the itrouiid"ou Main street
uuui me nur cornea.
Marsh Merwln expects to store 60,000
a a m . a I. . S I . S 1 t.
ouaueis or wueai in me jrivuunun
warehouse this season.
Fresh flah every Tuestlay and Friday,
toe every day at 11 cents. 1), It, lloyd-
ston, oopiMlte Ksles's grocery.
Itev. Mr. and Mrs. Copley's Infant
chile died this week. IUiv. Mr. Mmpp,
of lVnlnud, auendea tlie ruuerai.
We mav have missed some neraonsis
this week, aud If so, please excuse us
as everybody lias been ou lite wing.
Try Btronx's restaurant, v estacolt
Irwiu, proprietors, wnen in iNtietn,
Meals, first-class In every way, 26 eeuts.
Mr. D. It. Tavlor and M. V. llaldwlu
will wait on customers, and try to keep
eveytxMly good naturedand pleasant,
at lite Bakery.
No Inferior work Is allowed to go
out from the Indcpcmicuoe staaiu
laundry. Prloni are reastmable aud
delivery prompt.
Tha Ittrmlier bk some of our Items
of last week bodily, and frublUbed
ihem as ordinal, llrother, give credit
where credit Is due.
Kllevdreen left for Portland this
smak. and left aeveal uienietiloes In our
town, as gentle reminder that he has
been sojourutug In our midst.
Itev. II. C. Hmlth, of Amine, will
nrrarh at I ha t'lirtnllsu churcli Hull-
tlayi September 4th, morning aud even
lug. All are cordially luvlu-d.
Henry Waller had his picture taken
by the new waler procean f the Im
proved kodak Wednesday evening.
Ask bliu about It He will tell you.
Cl II. Mntloon will manaini ths bust
neas of the new grocery firm of Malloou
a Co. Tbe old gentleman Is as spry
and polite as many thirty years his Jun
ior. Tbe Indpoendcnce steam laundry
people will treat you "white" if you
sail on them. It wight not be out or
nlace to sav that ViHir lluen Will lie
treated the same if you leave It with
J. A. Pickerel, one of our butchers,
brought lo a fine lot of beef steers
Weduemlay. lie res t vm moun
tains next week, aud expects to return
with the finest lot of beef cattle ever
seen lu town.
Tbe new meat-market Arm of heal
A Hmlth, uear the pusionh. Is an ex
cellent one. and iney win lurnisu mmm
of the luctHit shks ever nut In the
market In mis caiy. r ree delivery.
Andrew Heath, Oranton, Wisconsin,
writes to the Wstr ii tbst he would
like to locate near IudeMndence, and
ttint be would like to iut a farm before
buying Anyone having a farm to
rem should write to Mr. Heath.
Many peeple, not aware of the dan
gvrs of conatipatlon. neglect the proper
remedy till tbe bablt becomes chronic,
or Inflammation or stoppage results.
Adiswortwo of Ayer's 1'lllsln the
heidiiulug would hsve prevented all
W. J. Wlleox, our enterprising
grooeryman has sold out to Maiuxin A
Co., and will proceed to settle up bis
buslneaa. We snouiu oe sorry hi kw
Mr. Wlloux frwn our city, and hope
Ibat he may find some other business
In wblvh to engage.
Tbe only radical cure for rheumatism
Is to eliminate from tbe blood the acid
that causes the disease. Ibis is
thoroughly effected by the persever
ing use of Ayer's Hamsparlllt. Persist
until cured. The process may be slow,
but the result is sure.
We have for sale a number of full
blooded Hhropshlre sheep, which ws
will sell for ten dollsrs per head. These
are as fine as any sheep In the slate.
Anyone wishing to get a start will do
well to call on or address J. O. David
son A Bon, Parker, Oregon. Mt
At a reoeut meeting of the directors
Monday, Bept. 12, was sot for the open
ing of the publio school In our next
ma will nulillah a Hat of aunOllt
so that each pupil will know what he
needaat tbe ope lining of school and can
be ready Tor business me una oay.
A man nearly seven feet in height,
and wears pants 87x37, coat, 44, sod
No. 12 boots tried this week to got a
round fit In CnrvAllls, and foiled, hence
be said "I will go to Htockton A;
Henkle'sln Inedpeudunce and they
will fit me." Ha came, and was fitted
out front top to toe.
The demand for Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholera and Dlarrluea Jtcmedy is
steadily growing, from the fact that all
who give it a trial are pleased with the
results ana recnmuiHuu n iu umi
neighbors, We feel sure thtthe reme
dy cannot bfl reoommeimeu wo
highly. Wagley Hmewi, druggists,
Newton, Iowa. For sale by all medl-j
cine dealers.
There has been a continued tendency
to bowel dlxeaaa here this season, ssys
G. W.Bblvell, druggist, wicmiiie, iy.,
"and an unUHiml demand for Cham
berlain's Collo, Cholera and Dlarrhma
Remedy. I have sold rour nonius oi
It this morning. Home remarkshle
cures have been eflcotod by It and m
all cases It has proven successful." or
aale by all medicine dealers.
"I would rather trust that medicine
than any doctor I know of," says Mrs.
Hattle Mason, of Chilton, Carter
county, Mo., Jn speaking of Chanv
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhma
Kemedy. This medicine can always
be depended upon, even In the most
severe and daugerous cases, both for
children and adults. 26 and 50 cunt
bottles for stile by all medicine dealors.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
famous for Its cures of bail colds and as
a preventive and cure for croup, 60
cents per bottle. -
Chamberlain's Palu Balm, a general
family liniment aud especially valuable
for rheumatism, sprains, burns aud
frost bites, 60 cents per bottle.
Ht. Patrick's Fills. They are the
best physio They also regulate the
liver and bowels. Try them, 25 cents
Chamberlain's and Skin Oint
ment for tetler, salt-rheum, scaldhead,
eczema, piles and chronic sore eyes.
25centa per box, For sale by all
medicine dealers.
When Baby wu tick, w gsrs her CftiWris.
Whan thawas s Child, sh arled for Cutoria.
Whan ah beoam. Mlu, ihs clung to Caitorl.
Whan sbs bad ObUdrao, ah g ae thsm Cutoria,
Hon. (. A. Bmllh's child M Improv
Judge Iturly left for Newport
Mrs. A. J. Hunsaker la Improving
mine siowiy.
Mr, aud Mrs. Fred Douty are home
rroiu i ne seasiue,
Oeo, Whlteakar and family are home
irom toe springs,
Mrs, K C. Pentland Is the guest of
an ana at . i
Airs, j. w, nuster mis weea.
Pink ratlersou aud his mmtarci are
, an at utaiie now in good spirit.
Joe Hublstnl and family returned
from the ly, all lu good shape.
Mrs Kdwards, of Klmlra, is In the
city, the guest of Miss Llllau Van Mser,
Mr. It. Wing, of Lewlsvllte, has
been greeting friends lu our city this
Mrs. Wheeler and daughter, Miss
Ksile, have arrived home from the
soda sprltiga.
Mr. Martin Iluller, of Corvallla, and
daughter mm mine, were uere visit
tug this week.
Usury Patterson and family, and
Miss Fanny Baott, have returned from
meir uuiiug iu me iniiuniaina
Mlas Lillian Con ns way received quite
a hurt last Friday by failing down the
stairway. Bhe Is all right now.
Bherman Parker aud family arrived
homerroin thewidasnrtnn this week
and Hhermau Is fueling quite luiproved.
A. V. It Buyder, of the wide awake
znoMtviif, and l , A. rariey, oeputy
sherllfof Dallas, gave us a Hying visit
L. Ctlllmoreand family are now
home Irom the mountains. Mr. till
more Is a better looking matt than he
R. Bhelley and family, Thoa. Fen
nel! and family, and others, returned
from tbe bay this week, and express
themselves as having bad a good time.
J, J. Ruroh and wife, of Dixie, were
In ItuM-prmlciu Saturday. Mr. llurch
made tbe nrtnler haimv. and the print'
r will make him happier every r rldsy
in return, . . ,
Mr. and Mrs, J. R Conner and daugh
ters, Mtaace Maud, Dora, aud Pearl, all
arrived home safely last Monday from
their exteuded viait to the seaside and
other places of summer reaorl.
Our old friend W.J. Dentorest was
In town hut Baturday. His friends
were triad lo see him. for Jack la now
a full-fledged granger, and bla muscles
stand out like John L. Bulllvan a,
Mr. (Iwirge Hankie ami his son Clar
ence went lo Portland a few days sln
to see what emtio be dons for me laiter s
eyes. Dr. Holt Wilson prescribed me
uaeofcertaiu glasses, aud tlareiice's
eyes are doing very much better under
this trealmeut.
Isaac McFJmurry aud wife, of Wells,
have lut returund frmu tbe soils
springs and both are much improved
Mm. AlcFlmtirry has ao very much
Improved that the rheumatism with
which she was aflllvted has nearly ail
Hon. A.Holmes, of McCToy, was In
town Baturday, He had some of his
little ones with him. Alex Is one of
the solid men of Polk county, and Is a
tieeeiMful farmer, it Is wlllt a feeling
orglwlneaswemeethlm, as It alwsj
call to memory bis respected father,
II. at. V. I inline.
Ilnhta'. Ara lea Salv.
The beet salve In tbe world for cuts.
bruises, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sorca, fetter, chstiied hands, eliliblalns,
corns, aud all sklu eruptions, and posi
tively cures plhs. or no pay required.
II is guaranteed to give pence satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, SK
oenupertxix. For sale by any drug
On tlie sleep of the SOlh sun, Bturgeon
moon, U, M. ii. wi, uepuiy ureal
Iocuhonee K. J, l.aiiu, or j'ortiana,
arrived In ludepeudunce, and bid the
oale fncee repair to his wigwam for
council. At the hour appointed the
mace dance began, beaded by liuty
Lsdd acting as great sachem, assisted
by the following red men noting as
great chiefs: F. C. linker. Ksmiskln
irloe, 0. J A. A. I'-IIIB, OI IMHl VIOUH
No. 41, of CHfrula; K. II. Ansden
slid F. It. Baylor, of Chinook No, ;
Itcorge K Ootst, of Ksmlakln No. 8;
P. B. lJiugwortlty, of Chlmiok No. 6
Thirty unities were ou the charter Hat,
and ail except ulne received the several
degrees of the onler.
At it p m. a recess was aectareo, ami
the brothers marched to tbe Little
Palace hotel, where a bountiful feast
had beeu prviared. Upon calling tbe
tribe to order the name "Catapoole" was
selected for the new tnlie, whereupon
Deputy IjkI'I dcclnred that Calapoola
tritie No. 10 wss duly and regularly
Instituted. Bticceedlng this the follow
ing brothers wereelecled to lite elective
slumps: M. O. l'otler, sachem; r At.
Oaiea, sr. ssgumore; Bcott lxiughary,
r. sagamore; IS. t. tlurcll, jr. keetier
of records; W. It. Craven, kecstr of
wampum; U. l(, I'stterson, nnropnet.
A dtsensaliun wss granted by the
great chiefs creating II. K. Patterson
a past snchein snd prophet of the tribe
The orucers were men amy lustaiieu
Circling the wigwam were seated
the following visiting brothers: K. J
Ladd. deputy groat incoiiouee, or
Mlnnclmliu trlt. No 2; Past Bachem
K. H. Baylor, Jr. Bngamore K H.
Ansden and 1st Katiuap P. R Lang
worthy, of Chinook tribe No 6 of Port
land. Past oachein A. A. Kills, of Red
Cloud tribe No 41. of Baoramento, Calif.
past sachems F, C. Iluker, and (leorge
K. OwkIj J. Bngamore W. B. Low, aud
Itros. Dr. T, II, Bmllh, H. liuchanan,
F. C. Meredith, U. W. Water. Jap.
Mlnto. P. Claggett. and W. J. Irwiu.
all of Kamlaklu tribe No. 8, of Bnlcm
The lodge has eighteen officers, five
elective and twelve appointive. The
latter will be appointed at the next
regular meeting' This lodge starts off
with the very uest prospects oi asuccess-
ful career. This order Is one of the
very best of the fraternal fumily,
Our snace is unite largely devoted to
ad vertbwmenti this week more so than
we like. However, we have Improve
ments in view wliicli will give us am
ple spsce. ,
Foil Hai.k. Two small tracts or land
near Independence mostly set to fruit
trees; also one ten acre tract with good
building, hop yard, aud orchard, In
quire at this utiles.
Dr. E.G. Young, veterlnsry surgeon
and dentist, late of Nowberg, has lo
cated permanently in Independence.
The doctor comes highly recommended.
Ills orlloe is over mo independence
National bank.
For sale In West Independence,
eight blocks from main street on Mon
mouth street, nrst nouse on icic across
bridge going west, rour iota, a tour
room cottage, with barn and other out
buildings, partly set to young orchard
and small fruits. This Is a good bar-
Sitln if taken soon,
Inquire at this of-
The undersigned desires to rent a
farm of from one to five hundred acres
of land to cultivate ou tbe shares. He
has teams and all necessary modern
machinery to do first-class work. He
hits Just sold his farm at Fulls City,
hence the above proposition. Address,
John I. Montgomery, Falls City, Polk
county, Oregon. - 41-4t
I will leave Independence about
September 16, and would request all
who owe me to come and settle their
accounts either by oosh or note as I
am compelled to pluce all uusettled
accounts in tbe hands of a collector
after Beptemlier 15. Please be gov
ereud accordingly. E. K. Kbknum 43
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
A uieetl ng of the directors was held
Monday, August a. A note of fil.eli
for Indebtedness was renewed, and the
Interest thereon ordered paid. A bill
In favor or the Wwrr midm for print
ing notice, or f,lO, was ordered Paid.
After a thorough discussion It was
decided, lo accordance with tlie school
laws of Oregon, to limit the age of at
leutianosin me nuuuo scnoois to six
years. Parents having children under
that age must wslt till their children
ere sis years -r age before arudlng
As the blackboards needs reparlng,
it was ueoiued to uive mem an a watt
or slating, aud to replace those or one
Mom with adamant boards.
The bigh-eohool course was discussed,
and II was agreed that the course
should be sustained for one year, and
tor a loiurer limit If a euttlutent number
or scholars deserved It,
After adoption- the rules atven below.
defining the duties of employles, the
uoeru anjouruedi
I. He ahall orenare a oourse of study
sou mass suuu changes in it rroio
lime to Ume as the uroirresa of the
evhmu shall demand.
t He shall determine the standard
of prontoiloii, s
8. Us shall make a report at the end
of the year to the directors with his
recomineuuaiious for me ensuing
1 He shall fill all temporary vacan
cies caused by alwence of teachers, and
shall reKrt such abseuoe or any tardi
ness or delinquency to me directors,
o. lie sunn .tioici teaciien meetings
ss often at needful, aud shall atteud
tlie meetings of the directors and re
port tlie condition of the schools from
time to time.
M. He shall Investigate and dispose
of all cases or misconduct or or disci
pline relerred to him by any teacher,
or brought to his notice by any parti n I
or guardian, and on a koow ledge of
the circumstances, shall exercise full
discretion lu the sstthiment of the case.
subject In ease of expulsion, to the
approval or me directors.
7. lie snail msu me sciiooi work
ana have general oversight and su
pervision or It, shall aid and advise
the teachers, ahall be tbe executive
officer or the directors, and shall make
ail neetirui ruise in addition lo those
adopted by them,
1. Thev shall be present and open
their respective rooms at 8:10 a. m.
and 13:30 p. m.j they shall serve ttielr
rwpective turns at yaia, nan, auu
basement duty, as assigned.
g. They shall make all tbe reporta
retiulred by the slate school laws, and
such other reports as tbe prlucipal
msy require.
s. 1 hey snsii mage out ai me is
ginning of each terra a programme of
daily exercises, which shall remain
nermanentiy upon me board, ami a
copy of which ahall betHwlcd on the
outside of tbe entrance door,
i They shall give careful attention
to the beating aud ventilation of their
A. They shall require write u excuses
fTisn parents or guradiaus In ease of
alswuoe, tardiness, or dlsmlsalal before
th i'Iisw of ilil.
0. They shall attend all teachers
meetings called by ttie prlticlal, and
shall ln resK)tiible for the presitva
lion of the furniture and tlxiurvs of
their rooms and of any artof the
building which they may have lu
7. They shall make ramful prenura
tlon for the daily exerolers, mnlnUin
good onler and discipline, devote them
avlvce faithfully to their work, and
endeavor to advance their pupils
menially, morally, aud physically.
A faithful compliance with these
rules shall lie a condition of ihelr eo
gngement and retention.
lll'TlMOr PtTIIA
1. No pupil ahall I allowed to re
tain connection with any public school
unless provided with books, slates, and
other things required to be used In
olaraes to which he is assigned; but no
pupil shall be excluded for this cause,
unless the teacher shall have given
one week's previous notice to his
parenta or guardiaua of the articles
needed. Indigent pupils limy be sup
plied with bonks, etc, at the expense
of the district, If the dirclors so onler.
2. F.vcry pupil Is required to attend
school punctually and regularly; to
conform to the regulations or the
achool; to oiiey promptly all tha dlne
tlona or teachers; to oUt-rve good onler
and propriety of deportment; to lie
diligent In study, respectful to teachers,
and kind and obliging to aohoohnnk-a;
lo refnlit entirely fnun the use of tiro
fnnity and vulgar laugtinge and from
tobacco In any form; to be clean and
neat In person and clothing.
3. Any pupil who shall, In any way.
cut or otherwise Injure any school
house, or Injure any fcns, trees, or
outbuildings, belonging to any school,
or shall write any profane or olwiceiie
language, or make any obscene pictures
on the school premises, shall be liable
to suspension, expulsion, or other
punishment, according to the nature
of the olfense.
1. The Janitor shall comfortably
warm the building before the opoulng
or the school, keen the heating ap
paratus In good order, carefully guanl
the building fmm Are, thoroughly
sweep tbe rooms, halls, and passage
after each school day and dust same In
the morning, clean (the windows and
keepcellngM free front cobwebs and
dust, close all windows and lock all
doors at night, keep nuthouses clean
and In good order, and make minor
repairs and preform such other duties
ss may be required of him by principal
2. He shall be custodian of the base
ment, and when same Is used for play
rooms will report to principal all mis
demeanors. He shall have the same
authority ss any teacher, on the
grounds, In baseuienta.or balls,
If you wish a fine trunk or traveling
bag you will find It at Htockton A Hcu
kl?s. .
I, the undersigned would respectfully
but positively notify all persons In
debted to me, whose accounts date
prior to January, 18U2, to come for
ward and settle at once, or else I shall
be compelled to place said notes and
accounts In .tlie uauda of my attorney.
Costa will be saved by heeding the
above notice. All persons knowing
themselves Indobtod to me since Jnn
uary,lH92, will also make settlement as
soon as convenient. J . ll. uooi'KU,
Aug. 16,
1802, lNDRI'KNDBNt'K, Or.
M A RT I N It LO DO KIT . J. E. Mar-
. tin and Miss llertle Rlodgett, all of
Dallas, I'oig oounty,uregon, wcpteiii
ber 1st, 181)2. The Wkst Bidb tend
era congratulations.
0'DONN15LL.-Born to the wife of
J. F. O'Donnell of this city last Frl
day August, SStllh, a girl, weight 8
pounds. .
At tills time the mother and baby
are doing well, and J. F. is singing tbe
cruel war Is over, and the bloom Is on
the rye, everything is lovely, and the
webbed oipcd is suspeaded altltucll
nous, or words to that effect.
8LOPER. Lut Ida, aged seven years,
daughter of Mr. Viola Bloper. died
on Friday. August 20, 1802. The re
mains were interred In the Monmouth
cemetery. The many friends of Mrs.
Bloper extend to her their deepest sym
pathy. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,
Till Fa i ii. Ths grand stand at thai
A.I. I- ....... I..., ..4
f.5u""" y .1."
"ill ..Ile! "w r tiiiiii J.- aY'T. T.T.f
ed chief, marshal and superintendent
the pavllllou,
BpkoiAI, Mkktino. There will lie
SNH!ial convocation or ludeieiideuos
iantcr it. a, ai mis evening, wora
lu M. M. degree. Memlsirs are request
ed, ami sojouruiiig companions invited
to ne prcsuiii, iiy order ii. is. i uiei
sen, It. P. U. A. Bmlth, secretary,
A Cu AM.KNOH Our reporUr dial
lenges oomparlson, llols-rt Bteel, of
Lucklainute precinct, threshed 2010
bushels of wheat from seventy acres,
aud 2000 bushels of liarley from 20 acres,
aud has ten acres or onions that will
average over 400 bushels to the acre
We dare tlie man who can beat this to
ooiiie totbe front. .
Fahwru.. Misses Anna Btockton
aud Nellie Hill, two of Independence's
raireM and mM accomplished daugii'
tern, left for the Btaufurd University
via Portland and tbe sea, last Mondsy
morning. These young ladles will
take a hill course lu that great Instltu
lion, and we predict that they will add
tumor to ineir parent auu mis com
uiunlty. Jhm foyayn.
A Runaway. The people of
Monmouth, were considerably excited
Wednesday, A team belonging to Mr
Fisher ran away, and lu their flight
ran Into the one-horse buggy or it. r,
Whlteaker.sadly demolish lug one hind
wheal. Mr, Whlteaker's wife and child
were In the buggy, but were not sert
ously harmed except by a big scare.
lie sure anu lie your uurses wueu
you leave them.
A Nokwai. (IHADUATK. Miss Rarsb
Wlmberly, or Ibsaiburg, stopMd off one
night last week, me guest or Mrs. jonu
K. Miller, at Monmouth, on her return
home from Portland. Miss Wimberly
was also In our cltv a short time Bntur-
day niorulng, but did not have time to
call at the wimt hipk oftlce, for which
omission she is hereby expected to
psy to us a fine of lO.ooor write ua an
essay on "Darkest Africa," or upon
some other matrimonial eubloul.
To Tit MKTaolHibis. Mr, James
(iibeou ana family left for their new
home lu Portland last Wednesday
The many friends of this family regret
their dctrture, and earnestly nope
that they may see their ' way clear, as
others have doue, to return to abide In
Indiqivudence at no distant day.
When all have settled down lu their
new business we shall be glad to lei
Iiidcpendeuceltes know where they
can be eutertalued first-class at reason
able rates.
Kkki-m Young. We were amused,
and, In fnct. delighted, at the young
newiof Mr. (). llutler, of IJun county,
who was visiting here hut week. The
old, or jouug gentleman, we should
say, was not only spry, but could get
around bla boys atld leave them In the
shade. Tbe only man that could keep
up with It 1 ii. was the lean editor of the
Wkht HtliB. He will vllat us again lu
November, and ws told him that be
would "go home next time with a dif
ferent tMIng to what he had before."
(Vinokkoationai. CiifKCH, Mon
day evening a meeting was held at the
Christian ehuivh. business prepare
tnry to the formation of a Congrega
tlouul church was transacted. Another
meeting will be held at the house of
Mrs, Williams, on Friday evening. All
lulcrvNted are Invited to attend. A
councilor thechuKhcs or this district
will lie held Beptemlier Nth. At tlist
time the church organisation will be
ellected. Fuller particulars will be
given ucxt week.
IIi'biskxs CiiANOKK.-Mr. C. H. Bo
die, of Tillamook, bought the bath
house and barbershop of K. T. Hetikle,
In the liauk block. E. T. ilcukie pur
cIismkI the barber shop of Mr. O. B.
Voting, opMMite the iqiera bouse, where
he will attend to the wants of all who
may call upon him in his line or busi
ness. Mr. il. A. Vsnnortwick will re
main with Mr, Bndleat Mr. Henkle's
old stand, where all who may go there
will receive all tbe attention heretofore
shown them. Ixxik out for uew ads. lu
our next.
Capital IIihinkkn Cou,kok. We
wish to call attention to the advertise
ment of the Caplhtl lluslucns College,
ofBalem, Oregon, which apxars lu
this issue lor me timt time, nils
aehiMil for the past three years has Uhmi
a branch or the rortiniiu ltustnesa t.;oi
lege, but ou butt July 1st, was pur
chased by W. L Btalcy, who for the
last two years has been Its resident
principal. Prof. Btalcy la an exjsj
rlctioed business educator, and proposes
b) maintain a school at Bnlem which
shall tie second to no other similar In
stitution on this coast, In offering to
young men and women a thorough
b'.!lncM training. We have had the
the pleasure of examining his annual
catalogue, which Is a model of neatness
and a strong endorsement for the school
We would advise any of our readers
who contemplate attending a business
college, to investigate tlie merits of the
Capital Itusiucss College thoroughly
le lure going elsewhere. Prof. Btalcy
Is always ready atld glad to answer any
That's What. The thistles are
blooming, love, They fringe the walks
of the town In beauty, and the high
ways and byways with glorious luxu
riance. In shaggy borders around the
low, green llclds; across the pastures
where the great trees bend in the sweet
winds, and cool-volced streams flow
through; along the yellow lanes where
the cattle coma slowly home with
clanking hoofs, and mild, patient eyes;
In the neglected fallow field, In many
of the rich places, and In all of the
waste places, In great feathery tufts of
rich, royal purple, the thistles are
blooming, love. Bee how the warm
winds creep In among them aud die of
very love of thcml How the sunlight
trembles in little broken flecks upon
their swelling bosoms. By and by
their souls, like the dandeilons, will
float away Id down; but now they are
lusty and swelling with vigor. That 's
what 's the matter, love. And let the
muse whisper softly lu your dreamy
car that If the folks In this neck of the
W(s)d8 do n't soon wake up to the situ
ation and do something the thistles are
going to carry this county by a large
majority. Transcript.
Csril ut Thank..
I wish to extend ray heartfelt thanks
to the kind friends who so nobly ex
tended their sympathy and help to me
during the slckacs and death of my
little duughtor, M rs. V. Hlopkh,
, l.slter List
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In Independence post oflloe. Aug. 81,
Raines, John Beebo, II, L.
Brlggs, T. W. Elklns, Lora,
Kdwards, Fred L. Mann, James,
Hugh, Rolicrt, Patterson, W. B.
Hlxelovo, F. N. Ward, Mrs. Lou,
E, O. Robkiitson, P. M.
Pronounced Hopclo, Yet Snved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E,
Hurd, of Oroton, 8. D., we quote:
"Was taken with a bad cold, whloh
settled on my lungs, cough sot in and
finally terminated In consumption.
Four doctors gave me up saving I
could live but a short time, I gave
myself up to my Bavlour, determined
If I could jiot stay with my friend?
,- 1 1, T IB,, old 1, aiuAnl ...
bove. My husband was advised . to
get Dr. King's New Discovery for con
mmptlon, coughs and colds. I gave It
.i trial, took In all eight bottles; It has
cureu me ami mana uon I am now a
well and hearty woman." TrM bottles
free at any drug store, regular size. 60o
andfl.00. ' ' x
ll - ' "
Monmouth was given IU name
I wnocttnj rnm Munmouin. Jiunoin.
of, ldV
elated the ad vantages or education, oon
celved the Idea of laying off a town and
erecting an Institution or learning,
Among these early settlers were the
Davidsons, tbe Butlers, tlie Luuttw-s,
ths Murnhys. B. B. Whitman, and oth
ers who were the original founders or
the town, and who, many or mem, do
nated a part or Ihelr laud to become i
portion of the original town.
John E. Murphy, au eminent mln
later of the Christian church, first orlg.
mated the movement ror the establish
meut or a college at this point, aud we
readily call to mind with what energy
and spirit he entered into the work.
For many mouths he traversed the dif
ferent noun tss or tbe state so n uns
aid In behalf of the contemplated edu
cational Institution. He wo somewhat
successful, and the Monmouth Univer
sity wss the result of his efforts. It
wire mat name for some few years.
when Its name was chanired to that oi
Christian Col lego. When tbe name of
the institution was so changed, some
or those who had donated laud for tlie
formation or the city, and for tbe ad
vancement ot education, took exoep-
lliuia In tl. I,.m. U.A , ...I
thought seriously of engaging In litlga
w w,.w tiia,u v. ihiiuoi auu
uon to recover me land donated, on
tbe plea that the nurnose for which it
had been donated had not been fully
carried out. and that theoriirlnnl Intent
oi tue ronmiem or me institution bad
beau departed from. Rut nothing ef
rective grew out or this dissatisfaction.
and tbe Institution of learning contin
ued to prosper, until to-dsy the Oregon
Bute Normal Bchool at Monmouth
stands as a monument to the spirit or
iioerauty ami enterprise or lis early
uuiiuora. ,
The first building erected under the
auspices or J. K Murphy and these
earfy settlers, was the large frame
minding mat stili stands on the college
grounds, though removed from tbe orig
inal wunuon.
Now comes Prof. T. F. Camnbnll.
father ol our present professor, ana en
ters tue neui or action. Moon ne la im
pressed with the beautv of tbe tilaoe.
snd Us prospective advantages as a neat
lor great educational facilities. A large
and commodious brick building must
be erected; he puts bis "shoulder, to tbe
wheel,' aud with untiring enenrv and
a determined spirit, which are his great
est characteristliis, he puts forth efforts
which rmull lu the erect Ion or the pree
eut hsndsome brick building at Mon
mouth, now tbe property ofT and con
trolled by the state. Yet, T F. Camp
bell, though the moving spirit, wss
not alone and unaided iu this work.
He had to sustain him In his endeav
ors such men as A. W. Lucas. J, B. V.
Miitlor, David Btumn. John Wolverton.
aud others, who contributed liberally
and iu every way possible supported
Itl in In bla movement towards the ac
coiupllshmciit of the desired oliject.
Moms or these liberal hearted men have
passed fnim tlw ainue or action: but
their tiamv will be honored long year
after the baud that pens these lines lies
pulseless, stricken by ths unerring shaft
that pleat's all mortality.
we tiilsa me once raiulliar races or J,
It. V. Butler, David Htump, J. K. Mur
phy, snd B, B. Whitman. Tl.ev have
passed ou before; but the memory of
their hearty co-operntion in the ad
vancement of education at this place,
will ever be grecu In the hearts of those
who survive them.
In pn-aeuting these thoughts to the
readers of the Wkot BlPB, let us not
forget to mention tbe name or Uncle
r.lljah Davidson, who, lu years past,
with stalwart frame, and with stento
rian voice, summoned his hearers to
obey the oommands of the Oospet. He
wssa true i;nristian, ana he bus many
friends and relatives In this vicinity
who revere bis memory, .
J. B. V. Butler was one of the earli
est merchants of Monmouth. He too
has passed to his reward, and his ear
nest efforts In Mialf or Monmouth and
or education have not yet lost their In-
nuence among us wno sun piou me
wesry wsy or life,
Monmouth Is now on the highway to
a blight and prosperous business and
educational future. Let the state tske
pniper action, let our next legislature
do Justice to itseir and the people by
fair legislation In behalf of our normal
school, and Monmouth will soon stand
rnrth ovr all our broad land as the
brightest spot tor a happy and peaceful
home, and for educational facilities un
surpassed by any locality lu our beautl-
rui and tert lie valley.
Let us say to t hose In search or a good
moral town In which to locate, ( tune
to Monmouth; come and be welcomed
by a kind aud biwpltable people; come
where health and peace prevail; come
where industry insures prosperity.
Come to Monmouth. Rki"ohtkb.
IC II, Carman at Monmouth,
E, II. Carmen, who has just closed a
successful series of revival meetings at
Lafayette, has come to Monmouth aud
will commence meetings Friday even
ing, Beptemlier 2d,
lie is a native of Illinois. Has la
bored as an evangelist for the past
eighteen years in various states of the
L n ion, witn limned success, tie is an
independent Oospel worker, not labor
lug under the auspices or any denomi
nation. He seeks, as do alt the leading
evangelists or the preseut day, among
them D L. Moody, Major Whittle, 11.
Fay Mills, etc., not only to rescue the
perishing, but tostrengtheu tbe believer.
Many of tlie sermons aro illustrated
by large paiutlnga. He will lie assisted
by oilier Ooapel workers. W. R.
llawkes. of Tacom.i, late of Boston,
will lw there to aid In tbe eflort, accom
panied by his daughter, Miss Lillian
llawkes. Mr. llawkes, who has led a
life of trust In God for over twenty
five years, will relate a few of the re
markable answers to prayer for spiritu
al, temporal, aud physical blessings,
tils existence has beeu similar to that
of George Muller, of Bristol, England,
and Dr. Otitis, of Boston, Mass.
A large tent lias been erected next to
the poHtotllco, and meetings will be
held every evening, commencing Fri
day evening, Beptomber 2d, at 7:30.
The meetings will con tin ue every ulght
ludctinltely, and will be held Sundays
at lis. m,,8p.m.,atid7:48p,m. From
Monmouth they expect to visit inde
pendence In about two weeks.
Seven and a half acres of land in
Monmouth, on Iiideiieudeuce street.
Fair house and barn, 230 bearing fruit
trees apples, pears, pouches, plums.
This place can be bouutit at a bargain.
Inquire of M. Nichols. 42
In Bulletin Supplement No, 6, page 33, places
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder ,
, IN
Prof, R. C. Kedzie, of the Michigan State Agricultural College, who
personally superintended tbe examination, says: "With the exception of
Dr. Prics'S Crkam Baking Powdrr, which is a cleanly, pure, whole,
some compound, conforming with natures own formulas of human diet
we found every sample more or less tainted."
ilost Perfect Made.
Domains In doubt, but there it
oo question about tbe PORTLAND
which opens September 21st and
closes October 22d, being tbe best
Exposition ever held on the Paciflo
Coast. So far as Oregon ii con-
corned it will be the forerunner of
the Exposition at Chicago In 1803.
Tbe principal attractions are the
magtilfloeiit American Band, of
Providence, B. I. An art collec
tion valued at 1350,000, and em
bracing some of the greatest pictures
ever owned in the United States.
Immense Horticultural and Agri
cultural exhibits, the result of tbe
combined effort of almost every
county in the state. A mineral
exhibit exceeding all former years.
Stock Department showing
tremendous progress. To these
are added a larger number of exhib
its than ever before, including a
magnificent electrical display under
the combined Thompson-Houston
aud Edison Companies. All man
ufactures in full operation. Govern
ment models of Battle Ships,
wonderful Hall of Mystery.
wonderful ''Little World,"
product of a mechanical genius; all
interepersed by novelties incident
to the popular special days. Every
thing new and nothing dead.
Greatly reduced rates on all trans
portation lines.
SB !HS--SB- a
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive sealed bids for
the delivery of one huudred cubic yards
of dirt sud fifty cubio yards of gravel,
or the contractor may at his option
deliver 160 cubio yards or gravel, all of
which is to oe deposited iu ine side on
Main street at the Intersection or Moa-
moulh street. Bids received until 12
o'clock m., Tuesday, Sept, 13, 1802. Tbe
city council reserves tbe right to reject
any or all bids. By order of the coun
cil, dated August 33, 1812.
J. 1. rOKD,
City Recorder.
On the 2d day of July, 1892, I was
ppointed administrator of tbe estate
f Betbuel Dove, by tbe county court
of Polk county, Oregon, and I have
qualified as such aud entered on tbe
duties of my said trust This la to no
tify all persons having claims against
said estate to present them to me duly
sworn to as the law directs, at my res
ilience on me Willamette river near
Hall's Ferry, within six months from
date hereof. E. P. Dove, ,
Otas Administrator of said estate.
business" locals. ;
There Is now a big rush to Stockton
A Heukle's for the new goods of all
kinds Just arriving. Come running,
but do n't full, for we are trying to sup
ply all.
Ladles. If you wish a beautiful ker
chief, just drop in at Stockton and Hen
kle's aud mey win snow you a line mat
ill maaeyou some.
Gentlemen, if you wish a good all-
wool suit of clothes for ten dollars, lust
call on Btockton & Heukle and they
will please you. -
The new stock of Bhoes, 1 hate, dress
goods, and furnishing goods, now ar
riving at Stockton A Henkle's, are the
best sud cheapest ever brought to this
market Call aud see our goods and
get prices and see If our statements are
not correct. , , ,i , ,
If vou are at all particular about the
looks of your collars, cutis, aud shirts,
you will seud them to the Salem steam
laundry, where they will be turned out
with a glossy finish that is elegance
Itself. Prices very low. Leave orders
at the Salem stage barn.
There Is no place in Oregon where a
better meal is served than at the res
taurant of Westaoott A Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a fine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made thla
house the headquarters of everyone
who has occasion to dine in Salem.
Iudopendeno and Monmouth Motor Lin
Leaves Leave.
Independence. Mou mouth.
7:00 , , 7:90 ,
6:10 8:111
:) llttO
11:16 12:110
1:10 2:16 , , :
8:45 ' ' 4
5:00 - B:IB
8:15 6:90 . ;,
iV 1
No Ammonia.
No Alum.