The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 26, 1892, Image 2

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Ikt Ittl, tOITOH.
i Month!
vbrM Maalbt
K marrlat nt dth ott not
lino will b innwlml fmv All vr
r linn will b harml Dn vnw jt lino,
oeWVr etoltiMrv twulutlona will k vtiargml
tor M Um mi ut ! wnt pr llu.
. Atttrsa all nmiMnltlon Ihr puhttoathtn
T Wrt ttiia.aitd mk nil rwiiUUmv
yi m um ivi iuuqr rubiisnlim Com.
Httttl at tha ISwkomo la IndcwH
, Onion, M aaeou&olaaa oiallar,
FRIDAY, AUtiUST 28, 1802.
' For President,
Of Kw York.
For Vie Proddenl,
Of minola.
For Presidential Electors,
V. M. (VWljt.of Jackson.
to. K. Nolaud, of Clatsop,
Robert A. Miller, of Jackson.
W. F. BuMier, of Baker.
The atngrle tax will put an cud
to trouble between labor and capi
tal. CORFOB&L Tannku will stamp
Illinois for Weaver. Wonders
never cease. ,
Skn d to us for a copy of "Pro
tection or Freo Tnulo." You
should by all means mid the book
before elect loo.
A tinob of honesty altogether
unlocked for prevailed the recent
article la the OftyoNM which
admits that a tariff doe not raise
No doubt silence is golden, to
be sore, and that is the rensou why
the Orryosw does not display a
job lot of ignorance about the single
tax in Ilyattsville, Md.
Oeorob W. Belt, formerly dis
trict attorney of this district, hits
been nominated superior Judge by
the Democratic convention which
recently met at Spokaue.
If Independence would follow
the example of HyatesviUe, Md.,
aud abolish nil taxes except a tax
on laud values, this would be the
most prosperous city in Oregon.
TllE people who are gathering up
the shells from the seashore, and
Incidentally cutting their feet on
broken shells, and taking lite at
the approach of harmless crabs, are
quit numerous just now.
We received a copy of the caU
logue of the Corvallis public
schools with the compliments of
Prof. Blanchard, and would say
that the arrangement is excellent
and a credit to Corvallis and the
principal The mechanical work by
H. rape jr., book and job printer, is
OoVEKSOtt Fesnoyek Monday
filled two vacancies in the state
board of agriculture by appointing
David M. Guthrie, of Dallas, to
take the place of Thos. Richmond,
who met death by accident in Polk
county some weeks ago, and Samuel
il. Holt, of rha'uix, to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation
ofD. B. K. Buick, removed to Gcr
I-.- .. - 1 L
If there is anything in protection
j& all, it should bo laid as much
between cities, countries,and states,
as between nations. Where is the
sense, you protectionists, in allow
ing canned goods, harness, boot
and shoes, flour, foundry products,
axe handles, lumber, printing, and
numerous other thing, to be
shipped into Independence free ol
duty when we can and do uianufiic
ture them ourselves! Why not tax
all outside good, and thus build
np the manufacturing interests of
We are sorry that some of our
Monmouth people have taken an
exaggerated view of our Btrictures
last week upon newspapers trying
to live in small towns. We had
no personal reference whatever
to Monmouth, and did not
state one word except that
which was strictly true as relates
to newspapers in a small town; but
would say, if there are those who
misconstrue our remarks, and are
determined to make us say what
we did not mean, they are at per
feet liberty to do so, so far as we
are concerned.
The telegraph brings the news
that the authorities of the state of
Idaho, in conjunction with the mili
tary power of the general govern
ment, will break np the miners'
union root and branch. This is
news indeed. It has now ceased to
be an effort on the part of the gov
ernment simply to keep the peace.
No matter who was in the right dur
ing the late Occur d' Alene trou
bles, the question has now resolved
itself into one of the right of work
ingmen to organize trades' unions,
at least so far as Idaho is concerned ;
and the government says that the
miners shall not organize, Does
this look like freedom! Will we
stand idly by and eee such out.
rages perpetrated in the name of
the law simply because it is the
wish of a few millionaire minoown
era of the atrip of Van IU DeLash
mutt, of Portland! This is danger
ous business, this juggling with the
people's liberties. If there are
cr (initials in the Cuur d Alone
country, punish them; but do not,
if you expect the republic to stand,
go to the length of saying to all
members of a branch of iudustry,
"You must disltand your organisa
tion." Aud why, pray, is not the
mine owners' association disband'
ed! Is wealth to Iks openly spared,
aud labor to be openly t rampled
upout It would seem so. Aud to
think that this great republic this
laud whoso proudest boaat is its
freedom tihould lend Ha strong
military arm to such outrages as
For a quarter, of a century the
Democratic party, out of power,
struggled aud fought a losing fight
for the presidency. Its history
during this struggle U an epic of
self sacrificing heroism a record
resplendent with knluhtly deeda
and valorous effort. History can
not produce its companion piece,
It Ntands alone In courageous fealty
and unquenchable love for prinei
pie. Juton successive battle was
defeat, yet its beloved old banner,
bearing the marks and scant of a
hundred battles, would hardly go
down in the smoke aud fire before
its gallant champions would raise
it aloft again aud shout, louder than
trumpet blast, their defiance and
challenge to the triumphant foe
and every four years, everywhere,
from lakes to gulf, from sea to sea,
the mighty coulllet was renewed
the terrible buttle re-fought aud
re lost by the Demo jracy.
Such is the record down to
lu that year the Democratic party
met iu national convention at Chi
esgo, and adopted a declaration ol
priuciptcs, broad, sincere, and free
from all mere expediency aud poll
ey. It chose for its standard bear
er a great citizen of heart and head
aud sincerity, equally as broad as
the declaration of principles of
which ho was the chosen exponent
With this declaration of principles,
and this sincere, manly man, the
party went to the country, ami won
the victory over the most brilliant
statesman and popular man iu the
Republican party. Aud thus after
twenty-four years of travail coulllet
and defeat, the Democratic party
elected, inaugurated, and seated, its
first prcsideut nlnce Buchauan.
From the time of the inauguration
wbeu Grover Cleveland, sweeping
aside mere precedent and form
stood at the east eud of the capitol,
ami HK)ke to the American (tcople
without manuscript or nieuior
nndum, or note, his inaugural
address as president of the United
.States, to the time iu December,
18S7, when he sent to congress that
wonderful, manly, courageous, and
immortal message, confined to the
surplus aud the tariff, on to the
end of his term of oillco, all men
stood with eyes wide opened to the
fact that the hosts of our Demo
rratic larval had a uew leader; thai
a statesman combining the wisdom
and courogo of Jefferson and Jack
sou, hud his powerful hand on the
helm of the ship of state; and that
no substitutes or deputy presidents
were needed or desired.
Cleveland being thus successful
in ISM, what was the cause of his
defeat in 1888! Cue cause was
New York, where conditions entire
ly different from other states pro
nenled themselves. New York is a
peculiar state; perhaps it would be
lietter to say.hns had peculiar Dem
ocratic political nc. Its Democrats
demanded, and have demanded since
WA, the nominee for the presi
dency. We must have New York to
elect, therefore wo must have a New
York man at the head of the ticket
In 1888, demanding a New York
man as usual, after getting him,
these New York Democrat politl
claim elect their governor and
defeat their president. These men,
so imperious aud exacting iu their
demand for a New York man,
defeated one of the greatest men
theirstate ever produocd,and traded
him off for a slwrlff, for a mayor,
and for a governor. . Local spoils
aud home mudo ofllcial pap were
more attractive to them than the
national triumphs of the great prin
ciples of their party. Now what?
These same people demanded n
New York man for 1892, aud in
oraer to aeieat ucvcianu, a wnoio
nation's choice, and Hotting aside
the manifest aud unquestioned
wishes of the overwhelming majori
ty of the party throughout the
union, they called a mid-winter con
vention in violation of all party
usage from the beginning of the
government, elected their delegates,
and instructed them to go to Chicago
and present to the convention as
New York's choice, one of the very
men who, in the opinion of thou
sands of Democrats, helped to
defeat the national ticket in
1888, and who at the most could
hope to do no more than to prevent
the nomination of Mr. Cleveland.
Under those circumstances, what
was the duty of the Democrats!
The great question before tho
American people to-day, the ques
tion that overshadows all others is ,
In If rvt Fm-Wl&
SwrlUng' C'ltrW.
Ts esmartalils tAwt ( Boa4'l Rsim.
tartUa l In tullimlnf mm IIImItUm Um
(xiwm et tbli wwlltlut om til Mm 4U
mjm. :
- Ut M run old, kd whU
Itntentt on kit rlthtle! WowUitktM,
hick fmutrtetett Ik MtttclM M Ikal hit
I wm draws Vf M HiM Ml Mr
cUtK Unocd U UNllim, wMck tl
thtrtwt ft!?, kl Mi tot kl kUk M
fULly. 1 ooiuitUrti! kla
A Confirmed Cripple.
It tlimil tnUkt klmtaClHelnnitl fnt
iu titwtallun, mwotltii hit In waul k
iu tw Ink off. Mid Vtaa tl'Uif klM
HixiiCa Ktnatwrtll In txilw ilubl
ini(Utlt, TtiiHllltttwutii hln tpii.
Ill, mill tiinn plM v.l bom di
hntwl (mm in tiirt, Wtcoullnwdwllfe
ll.ra H
SunuiiMUlll, M II tm4 b
hlinauniurhtnnd.tnd ihtdUnkuM
i avrattiifHi, mm miuiinH
W itiMot!i out, nl U
St monOit k Iii1 rliMl hit IM,
I u now Miiihr m lmpi
tviuwudd, W. V
Hood's Sarsaparilla
hr dnin'' B J 1,1 h. f4
100 Domi On Dollar
the tariff question ''tarlffreform."
You mention tariff reform and you
at onco think of Cleveland. lie is
its incarnation, He made it the
question of the. hour aud the time.
He so prtsouted it that it will never
down unt il settled, aud settled right
as advocated by this mighty apostle
and loader of lkuuocracy. The
duty of the Democratic pat ty, then,
was to scud its representatives to
Chicago, and nominate Grover
Cleveland, with the approval of
New York if possible, but In any
evcut to nominate Cleveland. N
other man in America does or can
so reproseut the great question to
be settled. No other man can
receive tho enthiwiastio support
from his owu party and at the same
time draw so largely from Ute oppo
sitton aud from the Independent
voters. For the three years and
more that he has been in private
life, Mr.JCIeveland has in truth at
traded more of the popular respect
and approval, nndhiw been more in
the popular eye and thought, than
any other citueu of the republic.
Grover Cleveland is nearer the
hearts of tho American people than
any living man, He best repre
sents the issue to be fought out
Every obligation ofprluelple, every
suggestion of gtss! politics, says
elect Grover Cleveland, and the day
will dawn w hen hope will rise and
peace and prosperity will prevail
throughout this great country,
vote for ,the Chicago nominee,
Grover Cleveland.
FituM ( Republican standpoint
it is doubtless simple justice that
protoctiHi American manufacturer
should pay a duty of from twenty
five to fifty per cent to the Canadian
government and after paying It
sell the goods to the people across
Um lino at less than they charge
citizens of this country for the
sumo identical aitiele. Of course
the Americans don't as a matter of
fact pay the Canadian tariff; the
Cauaduin pays that; but the manu
facturer sells for enough less than
the price he uhargo us to make up
for it Now as he dttcs not sell at
a loss, It is certnlu that under onr
tariff laws he is allowed to and
does discriminate against ciliens
of the 1'ti I ted States, aud in favor
of Canadian citizens. And yet
some people say that a tariff is a
great thing for this country!
Tub Democratic party has begun
its preparations for an active cam
palgn. But tho Republican party
makes no sign. It is tired. It has
been ridden so hard by the bosses
that it wants to rest awhile, and it
is doubtful whether tho interval
between now and November wll
give it a sufficiently long vacation,
liut perhuw tho senators and rep
rcsentatives in congress, with tho
collector of customs at Portland,
can t arry the state. Oregonian.
When not properly eared for, loses
Its lustre, become crisp, harsh, and
dry, and falls out freely with every
combing. To prevent this, the best
and most popular drosslng In the
market Is Ayer'i Hair Vigor. It
removes dandruff, hcnls troublesome
humors of the scalp, restores failed
mid gray hair to its original color,
mid imparts to it a silky toxture
nnd a lasting fragrance. By using
this preparation, the poorest head
of hair soon
Becomes Luxuriant
nd lieaiitltul. Alt who hv one tiled
Ayor'i Hair Vigor, want no othor drrmlnn.
(Jalbrnlth & Stark, DriiRKlnu, Sharun
Orove, Ky., wrltei "W liollev Ayor't
llalr Vlicr to lie the bout prnnnratlan of tha
kind In the market, and !! more of It than
ol all othera. No drug itor la compline
without a tupply of It."
41 1 hare mod Ayer'i Hair Vigor with
groat lioneflt anil know aevnral other pur
loin, between 40 and 60 yeara of age, who
have exirlned similar good reaulla from
t!ie line of tilts preparation. It reiUirea gray
liulr to Iti original color, promotes a new
growth, glvva luatre to the hair, and cleaniei
the aealp of dandruff," Ilornurdo Ochoa,
Madrid, Bpaln.
After Using
A number of other preparations without
any sntlatnctory result, I And that Ayer'i
liulr Vigor Is causing my hair to grow."
A, J. Osment, General Merchant, Indian
lIead,N, W.T.
"Ayer'i liulr Vigor Is tho only prepara
tion I could ever find to remove dandruff,
cure Itching humors, and prevent loss of
hair, I oan confidently rooomnieud It."
J, 0. Butler, Spenser, Mass.
"My wife believes that tha money spent
for Ayer'i liulr Vigor was the best Invest
ment she ever made, It has given her so
muoh satlsfaotlon." James A. Adams, St.
Augustlno, Texas.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
rasPAnso tr
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Miss.
Bold by all Druggists and Ferfumtrs.
Successors to Goodman
HARM is supposed to bo several
hundred millions of yeara older
than the Earth. The people there
should, as a result, be much more
Intelligent titan those of this planet
Probably they view with feelings
of contempt not unmixed with pity
the social conditions down bore,
where some men are given the right
to the exclusion of all othera to the
only thing from which we eau sup
port life, namely, laud, and where,
as a result, we see millionaires on
one side, and suffering, pauperism,
starvation, and crime, on the other.
Bomk members of the tuluorV
union, in Idaho, committed crimes,
and the state aud the military power
of the general government say the
union must be exterminated. Borne
members of the printers' nnlon,
the plasterers' union, the carpen
ters' union, in fact, of all unions,
have committed crimes, aud to lie
consistent the power of the govern
ment should be invoked to dis
band litem. In the Coeur d' Alene
country several mines employing
union men were closed by order of
General Curtis, of the United States
army. Will the government now
take steps to close up the Portland
Orfgrnian office, the New York
WorU office, aud all offices, factor-
The dUllnsuUhrd and eminent
Dr. G. Jta'glit lolbrcj,
Thirteen years' irrlenc In tlx fawplulsof
irniiM iuiu raris.
The gresteat of II v Ing physicians snd
Dr. George I
formerly )f neon's ltonlt, London,
Will Villi
SoptomToox 3rd.
AT Til
Little Palace Hotel
and etui be onnsulted tree of cbargo,
Thmui Illustrious Dlivslclana ran nam vour
mmsult tlivin this iliiy. It will it ynu notli.
oim-iuM w tniiuiaotiiiK uumtiiin. uu una
inn. ami niny save ynu years oi suiiorin ana
iwruaiie your um,
$1,000 IN GOLD
Ulven fur any cniw they take and
i-uniiot pure.
And another $l,ttn Hit any rawe you ever beard
in mat tuny unuttruKia ana rnuea
to relieve.
fcfjiiikjii,d Old Men
Who may be sulTurlni from youth rut fhlllea
or UieeaiumMMofiiiaturad life, should oonmill
at inn ", hnfore It Is loo late, theM veteran
rwimononi, vno nave no enuais in me
uiltna Hiaies, as liuy rmi ana will restore
tiu to PiTfwt hoallh when all othera have
are nJuvnatil and manly vliror realred by
ineir new ami woiiiitiriiu inninmiH or treat
ment. No Injurious drnas iih.mI. Worn-out
huslnriM men, nail lor advice, esiiwlally II vi
are auirerliig frrnn NKHVOl'S 1)K.III1.ITV
foiling power, of any (IImhmm of Uitnye, nr,
kidneys, or bladilnr.' IIUMII) IHHKAHKH
iivitii, (.iiiifuv iii i ik" t uvniiH sshhiiiwh, miiiii
il.. 1.... ....I. .I.!.,
cured In llin shorlrnt (line by viotnble rnn
nlli'H. tiniHrrh and ooimumptlon positively
cured uy meir new uornian iiietuoa,
Who sufthr from nervous nroslmtlon, sleep-
leaaneiis. demwiidenov. Indlmiailiin. oonslln
tlon, laasltuile.
dlsoaaiis imwii
dlsnaaiis perulfar to thxlr snx, can eonsult
ains in tne run' or aides, ana
I hone pliyslelans In the utmoht ouulldene,
Remember the Date
Sptna"br Gxd.
OnUol-town natlent treated with nnmlllna
suneuxa throuiih eorriisiiondunee, Medlnlue
sent surely and free from observation Ui any
fiart of the eountry. Wrllo fur symnlotn
ilank In 1111 out, and a letter Hilly explaining
your dim-line, Klvlna advlne. eUt,, will be iu-
lurnea iree. Auuress an loners pnuuiy 10
40() Ocary Ht. Han FrnnolHco,
Space Reserved for
lea, mines, etc., operated by union
workmen! To be consistent it
should. ;
Tub Oregon Press Association
will meet on Tuesday October 4,
Wi at The Dalles. Every news
paper man In Oregon should be
sure aud attend tills coiulug ses
sion. .. w ,..uiLj-i.m.miM -'
Wr had the pleasure of crossing
Albany's big bridge lest Saturday,
and say truly that it is the finest
wagon bridge we have seen in
Oregon. And the town Is as good
as the bridge.
t -i ,. .i... .i
Mb. Blaise, when he waa writ
ing history, declared that "The
leaden of the Democratic party
had guarded the treasury with
uuceasing vigilance against every
attempt at exlraviiie and cor
ruption." I .,. .. 11. -i.i M -
Tiik professors of the Lick obser
vatory confirm Professor Schiap
mill's discoveries of the canals on
Mara without reserve. If the big
lens would only show us the style
of .the Marslan canal boats now !
Solid Gold
Gold Filled
Silver Filled
The ...
We have ample Warehouse
room, and will store whfiat
at most reasonable rates.
We will furnish sacks
Come this way and see
WWW 1 1
you. we ass your attention to our warehouse,
Storage, Purchasing, and Sack business.
& Douty.
Try Strong's restaurant, WssUwott A
irwin, proprietors, wnn in rmrnm.
Meals, flrrt-Bhua In every way, 25 ceuts.
Hcnd your Uumdrr to ths Salem
tun laundry. Mr. Uofr, driver of Ui
Halem sum. will take It ft you
!sve orders at Um upper Uvery stable.
Oftio and rldnn, norm of ttellruiul MS
Muumouui twasna,
The undrlgned would say that wt
are prepsred to do all kinds of
At the moat resaonalde rstes. Ciivwu
a call . 1
iMCMwr t E. K. Krtagt,
Independence, Ore.
Largest stock to select
Newest Goods
Lowest Prices
We will purchase
wheat at the high
est market price.
as cheaply as anybody,
what we have to say to
1 J a
Are head-quarters
S23 19 ES ISBIi
Biia Vtgeis, tfce fcrtiiJ id Steel to,
Terr ittentiii to car lint of Mai
dick has been greatly nhti tj
cir IS per cent retetin sale, tit
ce are still able to satisfy car cus
teners in this lioe, as well as in
Soer Dress Ms, Die fids,
fiirghans, Parasols, tlnkear, Eisiery,
etc., etc.
I hvto in (took a nina tin n ).
and PKtur (ram moulding.: o m
The Oregon Stale Normal School
apparatus tins been supplied.
The Leading Normal School of the
A diploma from tha school antitlesone
Mormal, Normal Advanced, Bnsinesa, Muaio, and Art DenartmenU
adyantaires in Vocal and Instrumental Muaio. ' " AP"ment8. Special
a year ai scnool for 818U. Tuition reduced to 86.25 Normal, ami K ShnofmT
per term of ten weeks.
SS&VS looatioB No8Bloon,,p PateaT,n. For
Or J, M. POWELL, A.M., Vice Treiideut. 1 BUL' A B" PrM'd0D1,
in Polk County for
EittiJ I'ire,
lj ...l. j . ... ..
T. e5L ' F mWn' W" p,pM
Benjamin Sohoflelil, Piwident; J. B.
V. Butler, Secretary. E officio: Hm Ex
cellenoy Governor Sylvester Peonoyer:
Hon. U, MoElroy, Superintendent of
Publioluatrnotion; Hon.G W. MeBrida,
Secretary of State: Hon. Jacob Voorheea,
Hon.A.No!tner, J, 0. Whit, Hon. W.
H. Holrnea, Alfred Lacy, Hon. P. W.
Haley, Hon. J. J. D.ily.
t The State Nortnnl ia a live school, rap
idly growing, and oontinnnlly adding to
jta facilities for the special training of
teaoliers. Its Rradutites are in demand to
nil good positions. A nam of eighty per
cent lu attendance was made Inst year.
An enrollment of 500 Is anticipated for
the next year. New members have been
added to the fnonlty, and additional
to teach in any oonnty in the state with-
Dining lfn i kn V"" 'ZC'"..""