The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 26, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL. IX.
$2.00 IVr Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 42
5vV ti, iiwl' every Monday tiihl In
.Uaaoule hnll. All n)iuiinni( brother Invited
Malttl. Ht.Alli MIU.KIt, M.W.
W.vm'ook, Hwordor,
iiufu In Me.
hull tcxvrf Ttiurla
4S sSS' a,,..,Oiu Alt ittl.l kll...
-Z?(.i.illTv Invllmt to ah
ttt. (ittm W. MtHKN, N, u
V. V. Wtu.utla, Hwrwary,
l.OS LOIX1K, N.v , A. r
A A. Mi MUtrxt nvtlllUMltlva-
Hon on Haltiittay evening tm
w lMn Itill moott eavb inotiih
nut lw wli llirwnwr. U.
tv. Miitiin. W. M, W. 1', Utana-
HOMKIt UMHIK N. W. K. f I, uteris
averv toettnenlayeveulWaN All KtllllU
vtMim our viiy areeordiaUy invited el
i,n, It. c. lnruHHV,0,U.
iH. WW MIM KH K f , .
I'll Y.siCl A NS OBNTlsSTKY-
Wl. J. K. LOCKE.
rhysician ani Surgeon.
Buana VIW, OwteA.
okim, wmi tiit r Mm
Resident Dentist
All WW warranted Ui live Utt beet
Of MlUdM'ltUU.
Will practice in all atnte and fvd.-rat
court. Atwtrart of MtWj furnished.
Office ovpr I mlependene National B'k.
lmHnftin, OwM.
Jwj. J. Daly. J. ."a.bUy. M C. Kekia.
W th fllp tnf M nurt books i Polk
maty, IWwbla .btnu-i rttrnialMkl, l
Ut lin. Ka wtownwloo hri oa
loan. tHfi, ivutn. land WOeuaa Uu.
Dallas, Of"'
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Ontlmc Next :di.alea.w Neli Man.
B, r. Hon ham.
W. H. Holme.
omcK in mn ulock.
fUtwwntltale amllYHirt, SALEM. OR
oa Ottumrretal HI,
t'H Watautartarait of :-; -v
ttiuatrtreet . Indepaodeaet
Main street, Independence, Or.
Two experienced workmen In at
Itndanca. BANKS.
Commenced Business March 4, 1889.
Ktbllld by NtVwJ Aothortty.
u( Iialvpodnica,Orgnn.
CapiUl Stook, $50,000.00
Surplus. $14,000.00
W. H lUWXBV, Chlf.
J, a Cooper, U W. RoborUon, UwU Helnilek
O. W. Whlllier, W. W. OIHnn.
i hHiinMui lrmnitartd
Buy and wilt exehuif on Important
'"li'lllwIU rwelved uhl(nt to check or on Mt-
tlncaui of arpim' I. I lliln m"
om hournj 8 . m. to 4 p. m.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
Vine 1'ranldenU
. Cwliler.
A general bankln and eicbange bnnlnena
Vanaactd; lan raade, Bllin aiaooun ,,"
wdtta uranUid: duixwlta received on
current account ubject to check, Intercut paid
on time depoelte.
Jonliua McPanlel, H. II. Jairion, A. J.
Goodman, II. Htrcltlirr. A. Nelimn,
T. 1. Lee, 1. A. Allen.
, A. MAfmtTM
","... Vle-Hre.
PAID CAPITAL, $26,000.
A Macrnm, P. Ti. Campbell, I.M.HImpunn
JB:V?ll"tloV,.f.B.Htu.!ip, K.H. Howell
Joneph Craven.
A nnil banking and cxdiatiKfl biilne;
tranwu.d; lan made; ?.y,0lt" Z??.
aiibjxft to "hek or on nertlrfoato of dcpoelti
liiUTMt . oald on time (IP'mIM.
-C-lri proof vault and burglar proof Hare,
tenured by Vale time lock.
t)fllc Hour: . m. to 4 p. m. .
Farmers and Merchants
Insurance Co.
Capital Stock,
0, H. MtMMOW
Vl Hfttldetil.
M. HaMiiaaa,
J. U IXiwaM,
H'. IV M. Htrahan, I'hW Jnttltw of lb Hiiirin (Vuirli Hon. John lliimelt, x.Anwll
Jultf lbeHprmetmr; Hon. J, K.
4. I. VVwun. Piwldent
nt i.inu tviuniy
I), t Bliil)MUU,
piiaiinii M, Hienuwit, Mrtimnt
lpllIHi U Kulfjr, Phrah'lau,
rrvrntum rwiit siiiw oriwnUution.
Imm ttxliX sluit ortftuiUutton, , , , . . , (NI,t)SA.8t
Surplus wt juvurUy to jhiIIoj holtkm, .... 343,008.87
' MilHISM,Idipb,Iipiia,Diip.
We buy for cash, and vc buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our eotmUnt aim 1 to Rive you the txwt gomis tit bottom jirlct1. ,
wakfi your Inlorwtit oura.
Your diilJ will lw oorveU us ehtymly
A (ttmpuriiiou of our stykw ami prlcra will couviuttt you tluit yon Hhoutt)
tratl with nx
L KELSO, Independence.
Tho lnt A-Mt thliilt of Portlnml to buy lrupt, Stationery, Jewrlry,
ami ltooks in at
Our Jewelry IVpartmeut, of which Mr. 0. A. Kramer ltw clmrgo, I
full and complete.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Cutlery, Sil
verware, Canes, etc.
IlejMtiring a n:iulty, aud disiaU'lil with jirtunptutiw and wttisfiu'tioa.
Prescriptions Carefi) Compounded.
Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small
tin i wmina boob
A fuU and complete line of Funeral good.
Alwayi on Hand.
Arnfl nftn BKATTY'H Oranlat beraln.
ihllll II tl II Kor perl loiilara and o.tabiittieail.
tUUUlUUU.dreM Daniel K. Ueattji, Wwhlii
ton, New Jennyr.
: d
a UI
I -
ft 4.
Are tlie beet, Write
for eetalogne. Ad.
dreat Daniel F. lie-
attr, Wlilnton, Hem Jriwl
lew Grocery!
W. J. MULKEY, Porp.
a.,tur(rfinn guaranteed In Driftes
and' goods. Stock fresh and bought
M l AMi.M.lrt. M. M bottle. " "'" Jf'S L,rt. JI 'luLw .
B.,d-.M.Mlremdi1l. TbuadvenhMMnlle k"nl nd Ji V'J'., "J, ,i
mm. W. it. yw. tn d-l with n " K ,"i,",.,''"',Mi LTf u ATI O V'
IHiiW f .mr lH-f ( il.r Port om. to lloow II" rtllv. ry ' ' J" J " " '
S7fallr.or.llhe.lli.Jriaatoicha..r. ' .
forCIWll. JJIlir uunmig 6wv.
baffiS' DELIVERY at tho hours
ot fl to 11 a. in. and 3 to 5 p. in.
J. 0, WHltaHAH,
Svy. ami alngr,
Wwilhernird, Aliomey, Hiaie (totiaow! lion.
Naiiimal liauki w, r, Kwta, wwimnti
K. Hi
M, tilernlwi't, Mrtlmnt J. U. VSillmaii,
. . ... 'jr.2(W.60
and Milltety iw yoniwlf.
la cnniBKMiiit oixii'w a fn m v'"miy oim un u.r n.oa
in4 on wamt ll4 II M il.ra that ll. ItMr c w
tt.iwty rti)rt tV .1 mh il Mil. onU.ttl p,tarIM, . .. it,
InatlH.nJ aiiml bu Mli lh drmand OiM i liur4i. li'it
li UtrtMiaiMMit Ut. ttodrf Ui. luuu.of Aalt-llaiilwe.
t lb. fc.lrevr and ptT '' wlim lf a frw .inal m( it.
h.(.liiM. m ll b iniiH!iilnwi ili.lil.iiiuotltiluO ai-ra
onllrfor wttt rw. Ii Hunllk nj( ut' pfiiMi vtt I an 4
wu! hair e! w-ir t At K. M l K ail AI(M eUt lu .
tr.NTI.Kl KN lw anaol ).fwii fcmnt or l.iroo limir .
in vuei ,n-..w,i,.-r -" -
With Buster & Shelley,
wants your watch repair
ing. Satisfaction guar
anteed. . ' : '
II kn I I I I inn ixtmei x, mnuj
Pills? NO 1 1
If vou take pllln II l beeau.e you hare never
' tried Hie
IS. Hi 111 CI
rtworlm o nicely, nlnunsln the liver and
k dnnyii aiieana niiia inyi -Iiik
pain or eleknene.and doM not atop you
rrom eavoia aw
To Try It la to beoome a frlond to It
For iale by your druggl.U
A rerftei mioooaa.
Tb. Rev, A. Anlolne at Haftwlo, Tn., wrIKf I
A. tar m I eta able to Jiul, 1 tuluk la.i
fcooala'i Narre l'oole U a iwrtat iaeueM tut
aay em who hae. uttered from a moat juainrul
BMrvuullaea I UIL iCaal ilk. aivaail aitaitt
attar laalua Uue Tunia.
nanvaa, OeL, Nowmber, .
Alxtut yaare aao I waa lakaa bi iu ana
alaht tor Uw nrat Mum alitea Uiea Uimt aatoe
altaear fur Uire yaare, Haing wr I bad to
work hut a II una, and oa euouuul vl b UlMaat
vUhIji aaufaHt urn to wk tor tlmu. Mad limn
an alnai.t all h" la enr eat eat MW. but
eliiM I took f.U KoMtlD't Narva Tuna) bare
bad only a tUlit ettavk oilliln uue iiumib, aud
UH lalll at.
Mr. Jt. It. Ouaria. al Ua Teu, Hew Matleo,
wrti. i I'wtita an aarnrliKMl bare ut Ui. tm
t Vaelor kuMUa e tiwta I'uiie a aif btuikai.
L lllj j Fx .. eonl (twa la .araednai
aa Warwawa
Tkit rwwdr ba. ima jniara or we iwMnaa
wu4 Kwu. ul frt W.u, lad., .laae W4 aaa
uew tHvivJi uaitrr bta auwtioa by uia
K0KNI0 MKO. CO., Chicago. "L
W,Htyli'irtlttl tx-rto'tla. eBS
rt t a a) a "
Successors to S.A. PARKER.
F. H. Morrison,
UWICI id U!Ll!il
Charge! reaeonabla, and flrst-alasa
worn guarontaaa.
-i TUB:-
Willamette leal Estate Co,
ImlttpeiKtautv, Ort-Kun.
TntiiwM'tk a B'iirl Keal Kalato lluel-
urea, buy all tl at'lla rrtMrty,ltUrU
liMtiraiuw and ila a pMicrul
Coiivoyauea llunliiiwe.
Partita ImvliiK IjiihU for aido will
tltitl It ti tht'lr advmiUifrv to
List Their Property
Willi thl Company, m thpy am dully
atmlllit lleta of littitt raxt, Mittt plno
Iiik ililmlile nrH!rty twfure tho
tlfiile of the fcaat.
J. W.KIKKLAND. lrxl.U-ut.
, . Hocwtary. -
; Of Indeiiendonefl, having a steam
engine, a brick nutchlne and several
atre of finwt elay, J uow pwpariHl
to keep on lutiul a nne 'quality ol
Briek, which will bfl aold at reaaon
able prict.
The New
Holton House.
M, A. Dudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth and Alder streets,
Centrally lonated. Newly ntrnlehed and re.
nili'tl. V'rue bu. to autl from all IritUx aud
III. Jl.tltitl A I t M
Oft! Mark.( M .Niu T , am
(btte !'' .1 t I t I
Co and learn how miileiltlii,
)ou are nrnile end how toavoit.
i' Itnem and disease., Mucun
cnlii gt& wlih ihoiitnmlsof nrw
ol'jeut. Ailmimion it, CM.
Private Oltlne, 1 1 deary Kt. Dl.nnwi ol
invii: Irlcnirn, I ot m rt t It .) , I Ittfl in', of Ilia
kin and kldneye qiilfkly enml without the
iimoJ memuty. Treatment jwra.nally it by
letter, bead (or book.
Geo, Slaughter, Ppop'r.
All kinds of fresh fish
kept constantly on hand
A new and Oomnlnta Treatment eoneletlm
orHiippiixllorlcii, Ululnient In l'npiili, iiImii
in nox aim i out; a pimti ivw whih itirt.Aii.
mil. Inli'riml.lillnil. or lilowlliw.lli'hliiir.Glimn.
In, recent, or hereilltnry tilloa, and many other
dlHMUie. and lionitle weuViiieiHieii, It In alweyn
a ureal heneltt to the general hwilt h, The llrel
dleovery of a meilleal euro roridtirlnif an oner,
atlon with the knife unnoeeaMiry hereiifter
Thw remedy ua never neon anown to iu.ii. i
hn ernrtK. antitbv mull. Whv mu Her from
thin terrible dlHeaiie when a written Kiiarnnlite
I. alven wlllt e boxee u renina me money n
noitmrntt. Hnnd .tamo for xamnle. Utiivran.
t bwuod by Woodard, (!lrke A (!o whole.
milDHiiil retail orug(iiii,oieiiii.,i uritann.ur.
County Surveyor and Civil Engineer
AH eall. promptly atuwored.
Addrewi me at Dalian, J'olk county, Grog-on
ifajlu. (iwaar Wee the rirat to liafart
Wbeat far the A mi a mm. a I aad Balar.
lalnuteat f ha Hoataa faaulaea.
Knilaad law tveral In laafj.
The nrat glrkffe even lu Europe ilnoa
tit tertiary epoch waa obUlueJ from
Alexandria by JuUua Cawar aud ex
hthitad al th CI romialan iariiee to crowtle
who aipected from ita name, "oauielo
parti,1' to find In It combination the
tiae of a muuel and the ferocity of a
papthar. I'llny, who tlnaoribe4 It, echoed
(lift public dlaappolntmtmL "It wae aa
qulvt," he wrote, "a a ilioep."
The trade probably reaohed IU mail,
nimn after It hooaui th faahloo to
hi lilt oouibale of wild beaata at Hotuei
yet even then giraffe attain to have been
ecartse in tlie popular aliow, tlioitKb
Poinpey oould exhibit BOO Hone at a
tlnw, aud tli Kutporor Tttoj, at tlie dml
loAkion of ht new Uieator, cauaed the
laiiKhtvr of 8.000 wild beaata. Either
the number of wild animal. In the prov
ince niuiit hav Uwn Iteyond anytlilng
alnua known, or the Itoiuan governor
moat bav iiaod tlieir dwiUo power
freely to oblige their friemla.
Dint ar th beet collector, and
from the fall of the Human emplr till
th arrival of tluiee placed tn the toolof
loal gardena tn lasui the rare apiwar
atirea of th giraffe tn Euroj were In
each Cft due to th nmiililcenr of
ewttorn tultaii and paahaa. The prlm-o
of Daniawu gave one to tlie Kniperor
rretUrick 11 In ISIS, and the aobUn of
Egypt proauuted another to Lorwixo tlie
JMaguiQtient, whlt h Ihwaiii (tie pet of
Florenc, and naed to be allowed to walk
tn th ktnwt and take Ut preeont of
fruit and cake extended to It from tho
balconiea, from thl time theglralTe
wa not wen In Eurojie until In Mie
paaha of Egypt aent four to t'oimlnnti
nil, Venire, England and Franc re
Th giraffe aunt to England we In
had health and eoon died; but the Pari,
elan went wild over the paaha present.
It had epeiit the winter at Marttellli-a,
and throve there on the milk of the cow.
which the h bad tout over for it
um from Egypt The prefect of Mar
eellle had the arm of Prance emlrfuid
ard on IU body cloth, and It entered
Pari eacorted by a Oarfonr negro, llaa
an, an Arab) a Marseille groom, a
mulatto interpreter, th prefect of M
aetlle hlnitwlf and a prvfeeeur from the
"Jardin de I'lantaa," whtle troope kept
hack th crowd. Tbouaandaeam every
day to aee it, and wen and women wore
glove, gown aud wale too t of the
color of it .put.
But th tueoeaafut axpenditur by
wbkh, tn M. Thibaut procured a
atoek of giraffe tor th Zoological ao
oletyowed nothing to the prtronag of
the paaha of Egypt beyond permlwion
to enter th Boudan. The caravan left
the Nile near Dungola, and thence
paaaed on to the dvaert of Kordofan,
There M. Thibaut engaged the aervico
of th Arab word bnutara, whoa .kill
and courage were of uch aerviuo to ttlr
Samuel Uaker tn hi xpedlUun tlilrty
yean later to He ourc of th Kit
trthutariee, and tn two day they lighted
A female with a fawn wa Aral pur
pied by th Arab, who killed the ani
mal with their aword, aud next day
tracked and caught th fawn in the
thorny nilmoaa acrub. For four day
the young giraffe wa aeourod by a cord,
the end of which wa held by on of tlie
Arht at the end of that time it wa
perfectly tnine, and trotted after the
caravan with the female camel which
had been brought to eupply it with milk.
Th Arab wr txcellent nurae, and
taught th young creature to drink milk
by putting their finger into It mouth
and to Inducing it to uck.
Fonr other which M. Thibaut caught
died in th cold weather tn tlie desert.
But h replaced thro Of the and
brought four, including the first taken,
down the Nile to Alexandria, and then
by ihlp to Malta. "Providence alone,"
he wrote, "enabled me to nurmouut theio
dirfloultiet." From Malta they wore
brought to London and lately lodged in
the Zoological gardena In th dimmer
of lHSo. Tlie largeat wa then about
eleven feet high, the height of an adult
male being twelve foot at the ahouldtir
and eighteen foot at the head. For
many years, a we have etild, the giraffe
throve aud multiplied. They readily
took to European food, and ate bay and
frenh gran from the toll rack with
which tlieir tble were fitted.
Onion and ngar were their favorite
delicaoie, and in icarch of augar they
would follow their keeper and lip their
long prehennile tongue into hi hand
or pocket. But they alway retained
a liking for eating flower, a reminis
cence jwrhap of the day when their
parent feasted on miniona blossoms in
the desert; tome time ago one wa aeen
to stretch it neck over the railings and
to delicately nip off an artificial rose in
a young lady' hat They were most af
fectionate creatures, and, as H. Thibaut
noticed when in charge of them in up
per Egypt, would shed tear if thoy
tnifuiod their companion or their usual
But the development of the lachrymal
ducta, which enable the giraffe to ex
press it emotions in this very human
fashion, is less obvious than the won
derful sixe and beauty of the eyes thorn
selves, which are far larger than those
of any other quadruped. While the
mahdi's power remain unbroken at
Khartoum, tliore ts little probability
that the Soudan traders will lie able to
supply any giraffes to occupy the empty
house in Regent's park. London Spec
tator. A Lively Welt.
A Bellatr, O., dispatch saysi "There
is much excitement in this section over
a wonderful well on Pawpaw creek,
near Salem, a village on the Cleveland
and Marietta railroad, fifteen miles south
of Summerfleld, Noble county. A well
wo drilled to the depth of 1,400 feet
about nineteen years ago. Oil or got
not being found it was abandoned. Sov
eral years later water and gas com
menced coming from the hole in great
force, which threw the tubing out. That
gave it a chance and it washed out a
large cavity, forty foot in diameter.
Six or seven years ago it ceased to flow.
Jacob Mart, about two years ago, filled
the hole with logs, stone and earth and
built a large barn on stone pillars, one
of which stood in the center of the
"Recently gas burst up alongside the
pillar with a roport like that of Minn
dor, a large (low of oil and water fol
lowed, and bnfore a half hour passed
around the pillar began to sink and was
soon out.of siifht. In twniitv-aiKjtf j'
The United States Official
"'''"' '' :"''';':-: -' '" '''" '' '''"': 'V. ' '"'-'. "' . ';'' .'-''.,. . ' '.-;! '
Investigation of Baking Powders.
Made under authority of Congress by the Chemical Division of the
Dep't of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, and recently completed,
Shows the Royal Baking Powder
to be a cream of tartar baking pow
der of the highest quality, superior
to all others In strength, leaven
ing power, and general usefulness.
The Royal Baking Towdcr is thus distinguished by the highest
expert official authority the leading Baking Powder of the world
main om tmrty-nv rt tn atametar
and no on can toll bow deep wa
formed and was filled with water, which
la conalanlly tn motion, and tb earth
far several feet around it also move np
and down. It U believed that th wall
I an outlet for a subterranean sea of oil,
ga and salt water, and thai It t in th
Alaxburg oil and coal Held. Thousand
of people visited it aud ar afraid to
make an investigation. Th oil, when
ttjiarated from th ga and water, it of
first clan quality. Tb roar of escaping
ga aud the underground grumbling can
be heard for mile around.
Mars Appraaehlag Uia Bartk.
Th month of August next it expected
to bring Important, if not wonderful
aud sensational, development in tlie
ttndy of our mysterious heavenly litU
kinswoman. Aug. 5 next Mar will ar
"vs at a point directly opposite this
earth, which it reach but one in fif
teen year, when tb distant between
tb two planet will b reduced from
Hl.OOO.Ooo to 83,000,000 mile. Upon
that night a thousand telescope will be
leveled at th planet, which will repos
in refulgent beauty in th southern
kie, and a thousand eye will seek to
piorc th veil of diatano that conceal
th knowledge for which fjeiene thirst.
Wonderful result ar expected by
reason of th marvelou improvement
that bav been mad tn Mtronomica)
Instrument within fifteen year and
tine tb last fboit favorable observation
wa made. With th powerful lente
and th photogrphio appliance of to
day it will b If th far away visitor,
tempted by curiosity, had drawn nearer
to tli earth than ever. Although Mart
will be 83,000,000 mile away, th pow
erful Lick telescop will magnify her to
a six a if viewed at a diatenea of but
17,500 mile. Washington Star.
Ceanl Narfcwt BlMaarek and tb. Itallaa.
1 met at a recent entertainment a gen
tleman who bad jnst arrived from Italy,
and who bad gone much Into Italian
ociety during a prolonged stay tn Rom.
He told me that Count Herbert von Bis
marck, when he lately visited that city,
contrived to make himself very unpopu
lar by bis arrogant and aggressive man
ner. On on occasion be pushed so
rudely against an Italian officer of high
rank that the personage thus assailed
gava vent to his indignation in very for
cible term. Without a word of apol
ogy tb insolent Prussian retorted an
grilyt "1 am Count Herbert von Bismarck t"
"That, air, i an explanation of your
conduct, but it is no excuse," was the
response. Parts Cor. Philadelphia Tele
graph. The Soda Water Baaaoa Open.
Soda water fountains are blossoming
out all over the east side for th sum
mer season. - There teem to be more
soda water drank there than anywhere
else in the city. Price ar one, two
asd three cent a glass. Th highest
price is for a new flavor which seems to
be fashionable on th cast ide, though
it ha not yet apparently become known
elsewhere. It is spelled in different
way, but the usual spelling seem to be
Aramatartene rose, This is th cost
liest flavor that there is. Another popu
lar flavor, which ell for only two
cent, ts rosberry, according to the soda
water spelling. New York Sua
A Seventy-live Fool Diva. ..
At Arctio Spring Floyd Williams, a
twe!v-yar-old boy, climbed a tower
seventy-five feet high and, reaching tb
last turret, dived off into the river.
The descent was made tn safety, and
the boy after coming to the surface
twain around for several minute. It It
regarded a a marvellous act. The tower
wa built expressly for Profosaor Leuv
enmark, the famous diver, who gov an
exhibition on Bnuday by diving from
the top, and who was said to be con
sidered the only man in the United
States able to. dive safely from such a
distance. Cor, Indianapolis Journal.
Teaeher of One School Forty Years,
Mr. Carlos Slaf ter, who for forty years
post ha been the principal of the Ded
hum High school, will tender his resig
nation. There is much regret that he is
to leave tho school. The Dedham High
school wa founded in 1801 and in 1853
Mr. Blafter became it principal. From
early manhood Mr. Blafter ha been an
educational Instructor. He was born in
Thetfbrd, Vt, July 81, 1825. He was
graduated from Dartmouth in ,1840.
Beaton Herald.
Th. Fl.h Caught the Man,
While capturing a larg gar In the
river Monday, a fisherman became en
tangled tn his line, was dragged from
his skiff by the fish and nearly drowned.
Help arriving, h wa rescued and the
gar landed. It weighed 153 pounds.
Velasoo Cor. Galveston News.
Snow and Apple Blooms,
Wheu the apple tree in Franklin
county, Me., were in blossom on a re
cent Sunday, snow claimed to be from
six to nine inohe deep covered the
Rangeley district, and a man rode in his
sleigh through the streets of Phillips.
At a Fa.hlonabla Dinner Party.
" Gent (on the right) The weather,
mademoiselle ,
Lady I have already discussed that
subject With my neighbor on the left
Gout (aside) The mean scoundrel!
We had arranged between us that he
should talk about the dinner and I my
self about the weather. Humoristischt
Th. la.peetloM of Milk.
. It bu been proposed, and tn om
parte of Ui country th law already
provide, that th entire milk applying
business (hall be open at all time to
inspection. Bach Inspection shoald In
clude examination into th condition and
situation of well in relation to all sur
rounding buildings, their proximity to
standing water or pool containing or
ganlo matter, th condition of barn at
to warmth and cleauline, th kind,
condition and healthfulnnst of the cow
from which milk it obtained and th
nature of th food given to them.
Inspectors should be at liberty to con
demn a unfit for milking any cow suf
fering from chronic disease that might
be conveyed to man by the na of their
milk. Youth' Companion.
Tnrtl tt(s
Turtle egg ar an acquired taste with
most people, although they are not so
with bears. They hav a rough, yellow
yolk and a whit like any other eggs,
but you can cook them tor a year and
the white part will remain liqnid. No
tice a curious dimple in tlie side of each
on, If yon squeeze it out tha dimple
appear on th other side, and yon can
never get hold of a turtle egg hich
baant got a dimple fat it Interview in
Washington Star.
Oil far Heavy Maettlaary.
For lubricating th journal of heavy
machinery, either rape oil or sperm oU
is the best to use in mixture with min
eral oil, as they have the least effect on
bras and Iron, which two metals gen
erally constitute the bearing surface of
an engin. Age of Steel.
Mr. William P. Murphy and II. M.
Lmouroux, his son-in-law, of Balcm,
were la town Ibis week. They had
the purchase of real estate in view.
There I a probability of their locating
on a farm uear here.
Hew Mulky and George Uoothby
have gone to the Belknap Hprlngs,
Hew with a view to lay iu a eupply
of vt'iiiiKin for the winter.
- Galne Fisher and wife were vialUng
the city. Mr. Fisher is well known as
one of the most efficient livery men of
Autttliie any, "bring on your wheat
and swap It for a bedstead or parlor
furniture whtle they are ohenp."
Mr. Win. Madison and Miaa Allena
Mullen iniule a flying visit to Salem
Mr. Ik-ckloy, our livery mauhbas
returned from Roseburg. He had a
pleasant visit
Dr. Purrlsh and family are making
a lengthy visit to Ncstucca.
Heacock's mansion la assuming fine
proportion. It will be a magnificent
Grounds & Frailer are doing a fair
business those so-culled dull times.
Our friend, Engine Cattron, had a
tumble front his haniniock and unfor
tunately trod on his finger, lacerating It
so as to cause him considerable annoy
ance. Mr. Wilcox bos finally duecumbed to
the fell destroyerafter suffering years of
excruciating misery. His remains will
be interred at Aumsvllle.
Robert Hutchinson, of Ouklaud,
Or., brother of our school superintend
ent, is 8ieiidlng some days among
frlond hero. He has taught school iu
Douglas county, for several years.
The A'orihwent Progreitt ha sus
pended for the time being. Want of
support from the friends of prohibi
tion is oue cause for its suspension.
Large quantities of grain are being
stored at the White Star Mills
granary. The famers are saved much
tedious hauling by storing at that
F. 8. Powell was iu town Tuesday.
He reports his wheat thirty-two .bush
els to the acre, and his son's thirty
five bushels.
Max Haley's cook wagouand thresh
ing outfit passed through town Tues
day. Threshing for this season will
soon be a thing of the past.
The followlug pereous received cer
tificates entitling them to tho position
of public teachers in our schools from
the normal Institute recently held at
Monmouth: Mary Collins, Dallas; Mary
L, Stanton, Salem; Alice M. Chapin,
Ella Carponter, Ruth McDevltt, Grace
Chapin, Dallas; Mrs. Mary Tuck, Inde
pendence; Ellen Sykes, Salem; Hat tie
Sears, McCoy; C. A. Hitchcock, Iude
pendence. Second Grade Miss Hattie
Williams, MoMlunvIlle; Lena Prescott,
May Mager, Salom; Florence Alexan
der, Independence; Eurnesta D. Sloan,
Nettie Berry, D, J. Stelner, Minnie
Cobb, P. J. Mulkey, Dallas. Third
Grade Miss Ednelle Collins, Dallas;
Belle Hibbard, Marquasis, Or.; Johu
H. Stlne, Alrlie. W. J. Teemster was
examined and his papers sent to Ben
ton; Mrs. L. L. Grl 111 u, papers sent to
Washington county. Tho following
received state diplomas: Miss Hattie E.
Coburn, Marion; Lnretta Smith, ' Polk;
Emma K wan,' Jackson; Xsn Cooper,
WWo; Nellie Carnahan, Polk; B. L.
Murphy, Polk. State certificate, W. J.
Reynolds. With such an array of
teachers, the "young idea'' will certain
ly shoot lu the right direction. We
are Indebted to Prof., Hutchinson for
these n aim's.
Hews Mulkey, in laying in delicacies
for hi hunting trip, took along with
hi in oue email box of crackers, and
two hundred pound of salt. This will
save him if he dot s not save the venl
son. He has promised us two bear
cults '
Harry Wing came in on the narrow
gauge from Portland this week. He
hastened on to his old stamping ground
above Alrlie.
Mr. C'ot'kki's house and barn, just
south of Monmouth, looks cosy and
commodious. It put us in mind of
old time when we saw white house
and red barns dotting the farms in New
All the way from Texas come Mrs.
Rex ford, to visit friends and relatives
Mr, Frame aud Mr. Hosner con
template building fine residences iu the
near future. Put 'em up and have a
happy home in Monmouth.
Mrs. Sails, with her son and daugh
ter, are visiting the family of J. E.
Miller. They are from East Portland. .
Mr. Grant Wolverton, of Spokane;
son of John Woiverton, of this place,
is on a visit to his parents. Spokane is
booming right along.
The telephone office is at the drug
store of Alexander A Son. Go there
and whisper to your "sunflower."
Professor 3. M. Powell, B. L. Mur
phy, and Misses Smith, are trying the
effect of soda water upon their cor
poreal systems at tlie "Fiuley Springs."
Clarence Ireland has Just returned
from tlie bay. He bad a pleasant time.
There are thousands of people there,
and no beds for late comers
Mrs, Klmpton and two daughters, of
Kansas, are on a visit to friends and
relatives here. Mrs. Klmpton is a neioe
of Ira Butler. This is their first meet
ing for thirty-nine years.
They sat in the hammock at twilight,
And the old folks thought they behaved,
But I, being near, heard her whisper,
"Oh, Jack, you ought to get shaved."
The Polk couuty pioncer'B reunion
will take place at Monmouth, Saturday,
September 3d. Pioneers and all friends
to pioneers, turn out, and let 's have a
highly enjoyable time.
One of our citizens was arrested and
put in the lock-up at Salem one day
lost week. Blackmail, it is asserted,
was the object causing the arrest.
Mr. Cattron has let out twenty-five
thousand sacks to De filled with Wheat
for his warehouse at Monmouth.
Mr. Esler is in town this week nather
ing material for his history of pioneer
life in Oregon.
W. E. Dickinson and J.W. Maloney,
of Taconia, were viewing the city this
Watermelons are now in demand.
Wheu you thump hit with yo' fingers
aud hit gives a heavy soun', like sum
mer rain afulllu' on de dry an' dusty
grouu', jes' git yo' Barlow ready an'
prepare to make a swipe, an' carve hit
straight an' steddy till hit opens red
an' ripe. Then fold yo' Barlow care
ful, an' lay yo' melon flat; put one half
this side o' yo' the other half on that;
then take de biggest in yo' lap, au' tear
de heart out so; an' smack yo' lips an'
praise de Lord from whom all blessings
flow. ."
Do n't forget the Polk county dis
trict fair now close at hand.
; The Murphy & Madison threshing
outfit ceased work last Friday. They
will cease work for one week, waiting
for late spring grain. In fourteen days
they threshed 25,000 bushels.
Prof. Spillman, one of the parties
who went to make the ascension of
Mt. Hood, has returned. We hear
that they reached the summit, "peeped
In the hall," and bid it an eternal fare
well. Prof, Campbell remained over in
Ira Smith returned Friday from the
Belknap springs. He reports having
had a "way up" time, but missed his
political bible, the Orcgonian. f i
W. J. Mulkey has cucumbers for sale
warranted to not double a man up
with the colic Try them, with a dose
of Lee's pills.
J. E. Hosner and wife, of Tillamook,
formerly of Wisconsin, are here mak
ing preparations to remain and attend
the normal school this coming winter.
They have been teaching in Tillamook,
and now desire to go through a com
plete normal course.
The West Side comes aud goes at
will, and works for the dear people
Still, Rm'ORTRIl,