rtlt rhuwplMi Kl Im Qua. May I cll ittttMttkm to th caao of I wortliy nmn who U In prinxn (or mint ing tu attempt of landowner to mtM Mi J Inolo tit laud of th people? Tb e I rvfor to It thai of th Rv. F. Uayda YililiiM, who U InoarvwraM Is Uolloway Jail, and hiu now Wu luipria nd fur wliol uuuiU loua b kmvl down a wall which had li built to lnclo what bd bwu front tiui tmnummrial an cpon ioi, ealld thft Ablxy plain, wher th pil ttod Id play football ftiul otlir framr. TH tnjuatlo if Mr. William' Imprl dimwit I. that lnttit of bluir pwpwly triad and U It U found tbat h ha don wrong md to pay for tit dauta h Itiu don to th wall of tuft lord of tin minor, h hM biu mil to prlaoa with put trial on ft chart; of contempt of Vonrt, ftnd thaw a may rvmalii month ftftor mouth, aooordiua: to Um eaprtatof th court of uuu Uroeli. Thl power of committal to prton for an Moduli period on luch ft fanciful charg a con Hunpt of court m to in to l thliif aarurtng of th proceoiUiijt of tit court of th itar ehamtar, which wna aboltalved for it arbitrary acta by th brrath of popular Indignation, lu my tnorauc I thonght ther wa piwatxl by th rpr aotitattrv of th pavpl, tot thlr protec lion fwui arbitrary hujirlaoimMmt, an act vailed th hba eorpu act, whloh pr vutd ft man from Ixunjf caprtoloualy linvrtoned for n imiBuit t4m with' out fair trial if h hat We guilty of any crim. But hr U man a KnUiuan and ft ttilnMor belli treated at it h had boon guilty of robbery, Cor. Lon don Chronlcl. . a.at Kcwatria. A tmn can of tnaauity ba recnt ly cou tolmht at PalUtun. Th un fortunate wnn U Charte H. Morrta, thirty-two year of ag and an wjwrt accountant U ha for ft long tim bMW known at a man of utanyccn trioitiM, and ha frvquwiUy Nmu mad th ohjwt of practical joke by (porting won. It i thought that eonntant Joking and tiVMing bar Iwn ft potent factor tu impairing hi mental facultte. 11 ha uroral timw lately loft town lor few da)-, totuetlrav on buoiuwa, avuietiiu on lilcatur, aud bvfor lar tug canard to b publUheit in th local pawr taragraiih to th ctfort that h "had givn to Now York to ftttond ft evo renrion of th raK)ickeni at th Fifth Ayvuii hotel." Atwut two month ago invitation wtr cut out announcing that h wa about to marry ft well known yontig woman from suother town. Th invitation wr Uuia fliio, but on th day of tli wtHlding Morri remalnvd In town, denying that h had any thonght of marrying. II U contitlomt a flrnt clan accountant, and aprwar to b at aauo a any on r icopt for the action. Albany Jonrnal ToMad of Tun of Oil. Oil I to b nued a fuel lntead of coal in all th big furnace at th World's fair ground, Th exposition company will pay th Staudard Oil couiiiauy ier- enty ceut a barnd until 1803, aud then bar th privileg of getting th oil at th lowet market Pri, not to cd W( cent barrel, 'f h contract will bo for pcrhap the largeat quantity ever old to one cotuumer. The lowett timat that ha ever been mail of th mount of coal that would be burned at Jackaon park daring the exposition wa 73,000 ton. On thi bum ttil.WO bar rel of oil would b need, but It I prob able that th amount will tie largely In exceat of that estimate. Cleveland Her ald. DlTorcwd fur Tolling Mm. In the circuit court at Beatrice, Neb., Saturday, William Trnetdale wa grant ed an abeolute divorce from hi wife, Amelia. The petition reciting th charge on which divorce wa aued for i th most enrion one ever filed In court It recite the fact that the wife U an incorrigible guip, whose tale tell' lug propetialtie and icnchant for go- tiplng render life with her unbearable. ' TmetKlale aver that in the three yean be ha lived with hi wife he ha told 10,000 lie. "She cannot toll the truth," he declare in hi petition, "and while it la in the uature of dieao, 1 beliera it incurable. Hence 1 ak relief in a divorce." Cor. Philadelphia Pre, H la nutll 'rorl to II I.ondml. ' A young boy nanitxl Oilun, In com pany with on or two othw boy, wa on th wwer dock and diaroveretl er- eral bottle in an old iron tank. la on of th bottlu wa a whito ultnca, Yoong Oilnon' cnrtoity wa arooMxi lie produced match and, lighting it, dropped It Into th buttle, 11 held th bottle in his right hand, and no looner had the match itrnck the bottom of th I bottle than an xploion followed, blow ing th bottle to atom, filling UUnon'1 hand with th fragmunt of th glaai and aim nearly blowing th thumb off i hi hand. New Haven IUgitr. Taken la. A woman with a baby In hpr arm ap proached an Innocent looking young man who wm Bitting in Coutral park yintonlny. She anked him to hold th baby while he went to look at tb menagerie. A alio did not return the young man think ahe must hare been token in by the boa constrictor or the rhinoceroe, but the iparrow cop to whom ho confided bia iiiiplcion la of the opinion that it wa the young man who wm taken In. New York Kvening Bun. A Rapid Water Whaot. In one of the Coumtock mine new water wheel la to be placed, which I to run 1,150 revolution a minute and hare a epeed at it periphery of 10,803 feet per minute. A greater head of water than ha ever before twen applied to a wheel will be used. Exchange, A anlalila'i Gloom Vlatr or Marrlaga "I am aa happy a though 1 wa going to lo married," was one of the queer Kmtonceaof a note left by Vito Miraglio, who committed taictde by ahootlng himself on Tuesday. Philadelphia Iteo- ord. Tlae capital inveHted in California'! vineyards is W,000,0O0. Two hundred thousand acre planted In young vine are producing 800,000 ton of grapes and J7,oou,uw gallons of wine yearly. One of the largest camellia tree in Europe Is now in full bloom, near Dres den. It was taken from Japan 150 years ago, is fifty feet high and has en annual average of 40,000 blossom. Miniature boars' tusks and the shells so much affoctcd by gypsies ore both of very ancient origin. What they signify can be easily found out by anyone wbo care w inquire. Compraia Heater and Slorlllier. A useful appliance has beon Intro duced in hospitals In the shape of a com press heater and sterilizer. There I no moistening or wringing of hot cloths necessary. It does away with the nse of rifled flilk or witton. as It cunnnt trot hal. clothes and will retain heat longer than n the ordinary compress, and the com presses may be applied to different pa tient without washing, as they may be jtaftilv afarilizAil nnl fraAd Antirelv frntn germs. New York Telegram. Street llallwar Figure. The extent of the etreet railroad In terest la the CnlUjd. BJS'.TSKf-hi.et' I inaUd lrviui vi'kI Whkh"taUi5af tlir m s,?83 mil of inch roftdt to 3rUon, having 831,503 car ftnd m oytng mn, Th total nombr of paMngir carrlut In on jut wal I.OS8,OtO,iK9, being m,m rr mil of road work ftnd Vim )r car.-Htt-bnrg Diiatch, A Lfat Oalla, Llttl Willi Papa, when man tak up th taw It mean h atari In bttng Uwyor, doMnt ttr Hi FatherYe. "And whn he' Juilg aud lay down th law I that wlir h quItaT But hi father told bliu It wa tin k wa in bed long ago, (Cat ftM WaahlngKm. Th TilittM to go Mit of door lu rough weather I not Mtrotig, but we are, many of tut, ooiiimI1ihV In lac Muglt weather fro inciilly. whl oh aria from ft olilll axe tMHHiltar to no cmn of the yenr. Tin I true, therefor there iliould l In th chwtt of evvry hmuw hold what? NotaiiuiitncdltwteilUiu ulant, atwdutvly devoid of auytlilitg but au exoltlv action, but toulo com bluing, In the etlbetlv form of an In. vtgnmut and au alterative, the quality of delctiae againat change of waallivr. Hwtettvr' Sloiuacli lUtler ha thre or ftmr rtiertl that no other nrtlol of It t'hu MiawMe. Not only doe It rvllovo the complaint which It vn tunllv euro. It forUde th ytiu giilut th Ud ettivta of change of tiuiHratnr, fhtally and too often tliown lit th cteailly fttrtn of In trim; It produotv n radical cliauir In Ui wakciil coudltinu of a ytltt lecu llarly liable to Im attacked by it, aud It teuiM to provide agnltwt th dangtr r u!(ln from an luuverlliedfondltlori nt th blood and ft dtiarxlerd Ut of Ui liver and Uiwel. Mwiily' ruM ai4 Wrfaa, Hon. Ifcnlcl K. lteatty, tit great nr ;nu arid piano inauuntcturer, I build ing aud shipping more organ aud iilano than ever. In l70 Mr. lteatty (eft home a penntlem plow-boy, ftnd by ui liidomitabl will Im Ua workwl hut wavupMia kovllaofttr, nearly 10u,t)00 of iWtty'aorgMU aud plane at tic INTO, SothlngaeviimtodlaheartfU hint! oh Uaclo laitl in til way that would liav recked any ordinary man forever, he .urn to au advertlemetu ftiidcome ait of It brighter than ever. Ill tutrumenta, a I well known, are wry popular aud are to b found In all tart of the world. We are informed hat during the next ten year It In euda to M'll du.uuu more of hi make. That mean buoimw of f.t,oui,otio if average them alf Idumwh. It I ! ready the lurput biuUnem of th kind in ex'Utenoe, cieud to ltajtlel K. lteatty, 'aahlngton, New Jersey, for caialogu J1S. UEUKDER & SOU, DRUGGISTS. We huve InKt ottonott a new drug doro in Monmouth, which wehftv tUttnl up with a cotiiplcto lino of dmpt ami druKiMtn' auuilrlcH. Our tuck lMtntrt,frwh, bright, ami new. 0r retwotwblts and oj itur uciuiug uu wuikmwwvw incut, wa hopo to aocuiti a nhare of jour jmtromtKe. I'mwrlpUou bo curutttly comiKiuudcd. Monmouth. Oregon W. G. SHAKMAN. lueiUldlll lcllIUIl C STRCCT, OPfOSITt FOSTOFtlCt. Suits in Any Style Made to Order AT KKAMSAHLI RATE. THE CITY RESTAURANT Tviot Oponod. EE-AJLS Th liuw him own nratly funilhl with the Util Uie tuaraet atrorvi. I n:lfmiy South Main Street, ELLA FENNELL, Proprietress. PorlflM th BLOOD, Cant COMTIPATIOH, INDIGESTION, B1M0LSSISH, LITER COMPLAIMTH.MOI HEADACHE, COLDH, FIXt'LES, all If rECTlOSU.aal 0ISU8EH ifilBIMQ tnu a DISORDERED ftTOIACH. Tfu Otnuim HAMBURG TEA 0 put up in XSILOW WRAPPERS vilK FaetimU Siowuw of XM 11 FRKBE. MDMOTON Oa AT. am ramie wa, AtD BT ALL BBVMilaTt AMD ftJBtMTBM. THE FOR A SHORT TIME I WILL OFFER Jlluwn wiitcr Mn, beautifully etched Table wtbt, four piew ,, a , Waah bowl and pitohet, hnud painted , Fruit dislie, Tiirion tyle (!nke atand Miwun fruit jar (quart) per duieu ,, Jelly glasses per down Crnmb trny and brnsb Copper-bottomed waah boiler Mrs. 1'otts's mcktil-phited sad iron, Elegant dress shirts, worth 81. W Quick sale and small profit is our motto, First National G-EO.' "W- USEBDD, -Proprietor. GENERAL REAL ESTATE DEALER, Monmouth, - Good grain and stock farms town property Those having property 1 I ." ' 1 PIONEER MEAT MARKET F. B. LEWIS, Daalar Choice Ignest market price paid for pork, etc. All bills must Open Sundays from 8 to 9 a. m. delivery to all parts of the PreC Main street, General Directory. vattao tt. ':!; Prldut Benjftjala Darritua Y-l,riait.,.,,..,.,Uvi I. Morton Sea of 8Uto...M John W. Vuttot cteaof Trftary,, ,,,,,,. Ctuia, Fotr foatuiMter 0iirl..,Johu Wnmkr Hecof lulenor... ...,. Ma W.Nobl Seo, t War , 8teval).lkiM Hen. of Nvy.,,..,,,lUnJuim V.TiMt)' AlbKucy Oeurl W.H.H. Miller He of Agrionltiir..,..,Jroiub lluak Com. of Education, W. T. llarrto Coat, of l'nlou , O. It. Haunt TTn or oaaooH, Governor,. ,,,.8ylvM(r pMtmyer Meo. of Htat.. ........ Uo.W, Mellrld Treaaurer,.,, .....I'hiL Metehaa Hupt. of t'uh lu.... ILMeMlmy Atty, tleneral Oo, K, Chamberial Stale Printer fraak linker it m J J"1'" MitelieU U.B.Hentof jj.N.lkdph Oongreaanian, lt dial.. Winger Hermann .. W ' w. RKIII ( W. P. Ixxd 8uprm Court 11 8, Ueaa (r. A. Moor Nupi of Fenitentiary,,.,0, 8. Downing Hupt of Ay lun UU Ilewtod (O. W.Ootvlf It. 11. Con. hwbert Clow A. N. Hamilton Work .rnwk Miller tr.U lteed, IW Flab Ooum irt-ttCempbeU (Oeo.T. Mjr.r Food Con.. , W. W. Dakar Circuit Jud&e ...Geo, II, ItnrMtt Untnet Atty ........J. MoCeia mui ooum. Stale Henttor.,.,,. N. L. Duller 1U,-oUUt IxS'SSS Conuty Jndg 8. T. Uareb Connty OommUwon.r. . u,1- Hherlfr W. 1 Well Olerk , B.F. Mnlkey Treeaurer,,,, II. 0. Ootper HotioU Hupt T. O. UutehitMoa Aaer. ...Olyd lleiketl Hnrveyor... ....t. I Butlw Oorouer E. L. Katehnnt mtriuipiHi. Mavor M. M.rwla Iteourder .J. T, Ford Manbal T. Funll Treeaurer K. T. tleekle crrv cuuaiit. I F. A. Ikmty in IK. K. KreogeJ ...... ...--i I A. 8. Loeke neoona n ra j 04t-0- ThtwMtftrd U Wlli0B CHUOh niHtCTOK. 1 J. IVtrnalf' Dulriot No. IB) i O. W. Hhluft (W. K. Qnmt Clerk D. Irvtn CHURCHOiRCCTORY. Fimmt BPTtwt.-Mauday Hchooi at 10 o'clock a. M. Preaching every Hnndty at II o'oiock . m- ftnd ftleo every tioo.ijr vening. Yonng peopl'! awatiBg oae honrbcforMrvielnUivuieg. Prayi leatinc vr Tbnreda feeing. Kv. A J. HitaaAcaa. Pator. Calvibt PBtTt. I"reachlng anrvice vry Monday nmrnmt at 11 ftnd Im la the evening l 1 o'clock. 8nndy rtetuMd at 1'J o'clock, immediately after reaching. Prayer avwiuig every Wedn- dv vetnnif. M. H. luam 8owm .-Preaching v ry flret aud third Monday. HunUaj Hebool at 8 o'diuck la the ftrternaon. Prayer meeting every Tbnreday evenrog. lU-v. J. M. rtaiaa. i-atior. EvMOucft.-Prrfteblna every Bab- batb eieooi in fteDoea nnnaay w u month at Independence t 7 P. at., and at Munmonth in th pnblie aohool build ing l 11 a. m., by lb paator, Ma. A. ti Oori.IT, CaaiTUa.o8aody Hobnolevary Hun day al 1U o'oloek. PrMehiag lb Ant nd fteeood Hnnilay or toe montn morn ing and evening. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. W. K.L. Hhelley, 1'Mlor. ALL HOTJES throuKhouu Th Ull will W irad a nan oi aolleltod. your )trotiatr arpl Independence, Up. FAIR. THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS. ,. 1 00 6S 78 85 at 1 15 60 25 1 75 per let 1 75 , 1 00 (lire ti a call. Second door south ol I Unk. - Oregon. and choice fruit lands; of all kinds, for sale please call. 1 1 I " 11 . '! .1 Proprietor, In IVieats fat stock, beef, mutton, veal, oe settled monthly. '-' li Independence, Oregon. Q-StfABVE THE PLANO BINDERS A General Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. W. J. CAMPBELL, MGR. Clodfcltcr Building, Cor. C and Main sts., INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON. .ri Prescott & Vonoss, m. .raoruiroM or Independent Saui fllill. MAtrvcreataJ tti TIR AND HARD WOOD, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER J A. W Maagr. Ill EFHK STABLES. Stylish Turnouts Always in Readiness. Having lately purvlniwd tlio cntlro iubumt in tho ulaliloe of J. K. Jout, we are uow Mtor protMUXHl the public, we are now limiting, uMantlal liiimivoirnU. Tfiuu Traveling men a etMialtr. 8 At. CM 8TAQC rl rt.lljr ! rTl OUr liiaiiiliar at 4 am i ! um M lnU(ndiw,liiMi 1 1 m.i rf DAMON & COOK, Proprs. If you Furniture Bedding, Carpets, Wall Paper or Picture Frames, CO W. O. I Ic has the best and most complete stock his side of Portland, and will always treat you right. Wall paper trimmed free of charge. T. W. ESTES occmor I J. Dlr Groceries Glassware Queensware Tobacco and Cigars I have no band a latin lot of tinned cheap, Also, t lot of Very flu lamp, that Remember the old MEN! WHY ARE YOU I I i i n ii 1 iv v t saw ii j;ihaaiiiiaW' a i in i n ntn mil " mmrr in raivtirr .s wa hav a relief and cure la Yout lenorance of (Iect tad Tltality which la rtm tb clement thui Mrtngth and vigor will foU car or money retutultd. yj. ! n r I TJ I 1 , - a- 1 vi. oaaoin aaciiiG .a afttr all other treatment 22 Zl .it j 7 TS..'wl w mt,, and Irom man, ol Sfi THE f IF. 1 a complete galvanic Battery, mid into belt ik mm ".a "in n wui.aiijr , mo Dovo wenkiicssei, and aaanav Mrunaa. i ney ar rraded In itremrth to meet all atair-a of walm... in ,, th woft cae In two or three months AddreJ. ' 8ANDEN ELECTRIC iiUD & CO. I a. VtXUa hj jituu m Independence), Oregon, thnn ever to tmx't the doiuntidH oi am! are lu-epujitii; to oinko ntnity UmruiM by tho day or imuitli llh.hoKton (Ulsin iot r.lltl-Hr. Hl Iiiili.nilrnw n.r hi t .tn. t e.Mii luibvitduwft.r rail, riijr i nu. want TO COOK D. Irvlnt, In food that will be sold lv the nilan vnrv will be told very near otwt. stand of J. D. I. II FWKTfWia TWtf Ca ANP SUSPENSORY TO WHO ARE mm'BAc.K Kidnev Troubles. Nervousness OLEEPLESSNE55,FbORMEMORy & GENEIL.lLLnEALli, tneeffectiof abuiei. In our Bwrvelou Invention, which require, but oi by xce.e, or poure, you may hv. unduly lafltplfllt and (Inn nna. n,.a drained, whTch reared KdteaTh' low at one and n a natural way. Thl. I our plan and treatment, and we kbuuum a Send (or our Illustrated Tamphlet. (re t wnt bv mall. ait ' 8 ranle8 Sf,!.V!.!:LrAtV!le,J,.M'towd.,ho" .t nealth and vl,mr. ' " iwu ujr iiuuurcui 01 caae I lrouc lout th I Statu whn U i 1, whom w. h.v, .trong letter, bearing tmMZi no. STlMnnM or crv-n.v . to aa to b eaally e eA.lltf ttrnrn llllrlnia ,rl m, nt u.1 They ar er.ded In atremrth to mJtJZZfV mb. Pta, of CO., 172 First 8t., PORTLAND, OREGON. Harness, Saddles, Whips, r iiiq .aMftV a m v e Robes, and Brushes. BUI.1ER & CUE CHARLES HOTEL Ixadintr Hold of the Northwest Ktre etonf, draiille lcvl..r,elwlrt-Ml, ttt imitruiHm. riewiy I tr muimImI. d.l rmimtraiit mnmnnl wlih (! baua. une liunarKi ana iinjr cmih, C. W, KNOWLCS, 0fICT0l,1 ;, fnm an Mwnwa, PORTLAND, OUfGON. EAST AND 80UTH SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. SHASTA WNE. tiptw. TmIb Uav fwrtiaa UllJ. "TtwiST T T Ttssr t0r, , ten r, n, .lt A, . T.7riv;t"ii;s" t.V, AllMMIV Ar. Han r"rui4co I'll a. a. A.M. 1,ir. m, trt tilo tktf milr t tollovtat H"t nnih t Kuutmi: Kwl I'anlan. 0ua HO, Wtnlbufn.kalom. Alnanr, 7ifiil, Mwlda. Mal M,, llailtatMU. JiUM.Uua CUjr, li'Ui aa4 K Rostburg Mail, Daily. Arrtva. lOwhiita ..lnr. X. Iv.rti.ml aa a. a. IVrtl.ml ti,. Itiwlmr ,,, Till a, at. Albany Laeal. txoiy rt HuaJajr. Arfi A (lr ...' P.m. iv.riumt ... Ufa.in. ttniland . . P.m. ..... ,ia.m. 1'ULI.MAN BUFFET SLEEPERS Second class SkTjmijj Cars, Pr Ui imil(hin of paamin hntdtnf mudla llrka allarlwd U, vl .t uallia. Wm( Bide Division. ItctwR Tortland and Corvallla MAIL TH AIM DAILT (trap Had. fJST n ut. U i r. a. """orila!.4 llrtWtu4fftl(l cirtalli TaTFiaT l.av la. Ar. Aa A I Alhaiir 4 rrtiU asaMM llk trktaa f oia l aoiaa HaiuiNVh uracsi run dult (Eapt8oBd la fofilan ..,4r. M. HrMmaTtll .. Atrlfs. ' MeMlutUi .. tbrooqb ncirrt to iu roan tur aid iooti. AV-rnroriaaitaa wiorMOmwawralatwMa ., aaii aa auaMr aaat at lailiaaa A xoaatJia, t p. aooiaa. a.aVAla.4a IMHTI.ANH, tiKKtKiN, On sale to til, L:::fc,C::f; St. Paul, St. Louis, And All Palnia EAST, NORTH, AND SOUTH THROUGH SLEEPhRS, RECLINING VnAIM UAKo, AND DINERS. Steamtr from fori I and to 8a Pranclaca amy 4 uaya, TICKETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. Ktif rrtU nnd tttmrriil Inltirmniln iim fHIMira), . II. ItrMl-Hi Hi, At, (Jwil, IVa, AU an waalililitUtu 8t, 1'OKTI.AHH. OKKtlOR COOPER I PATTERSON, AGENTS, INDEPENDENCE Trees. rr aula by th .iniii'm kiip.1. Ml n.lllll v. tlr.. uml ,i,ht lln,uH ITnilll I'FtttIM iniwn Ui.ua ..... . Iruve. ul anulni. i ill) ivM,r In ii iwrriw, iii.lwrrli, rnailM.rrliw,almwlwrrlM In i)iiiinlllli In anil Ilii- iiiin'linai'r, al mumi ulilc Utiiu, Aililnxui, l. t, Ul'H'K Huvur. nil county, Onnon. WEAK? DEBILITATED AND SUTTeInG Mil M TICKETS rHOMlMERVOUS DEBILITY SEMINAL WEAK' NESi LOSSES DRAM; iMDriTPMrv ah, 11 -K"i"-,iiMrviull, uKy, LOST MANHnnn Khfi im ATI CK I Itic a trial to convince th moat .lent al drained your .T.tera ot n.rv 7o. i. t'. " lore ...J 1. , . . . uaponsory, th to tularin a WnnUn n.l,. . ' i.i.m. . T7 or or en, nd will cur J. I UM, Pfpritiot af CitjTrd aid Transfer Co. it. ..II..,. ,.r Un Kinil Ihiiie at iimisoimliliJ Italr Agents (or the 0. Y. Boats. All I.IIU niM-t liaarttM Uy th Kl tat'll OKiiiui. MRS. A. M. HURLEY, UilliawyiFwicyOoods Hast a latMiMi Htll " MfOMOB, 0O 4 lonarw ww Aaaacy tr 5i iW aUttobr kM . Caa W abaaUw rientific Jantan mtrntimUam a( aw artaa aata" ' ' tMaat almlaihia af aai vurio. atuMwiutJr i" Mil aaunil k Hk, laai il Ml jy.Mtt, at, Ala rraMi "- ,amim, aa .a, W'.l nw ... r-' " ,IM ami alUW W 'l a. Mwf MM l a m to.uil, .laa wi..u, a, . a f" . a, aka vu. v. , -a a. (toaMaH!"' l a a.-! l NMnat al.(WM " aja. M.IaMa,a llvaia "'" Ma a.na4 l.MMil M4 I '"' aalaaM. a a ii w ' aa""" aa to M Mwf u M a4a hmmMt, kt u, ubMMi i4mnt mm t All aM J a . Ika . u,4 II. 1 U aw. -a aaaiMM aaa aaHif aaniaa ) !' a u aa a. i tf r-a aul mm. - m Mt. if 1 t-i ,- au r- to"a -- IHimwnllMall 1r all ,. l. ! f 't la Imi, I a.ul Mwana a aH ra " la ". aMwIaala l a K.M.X4 aka m l. fttm, r.Ma mi m ,wmm la aJa a.a M ,Ha M aVa. it ra. a,.ll I ,.w W. aa aa. ai ma II. MaiMa tav. BWa ramaaa. Mate, rxavaaBBBaaw Id nnnrrtTw rar-4iijift rvauaaaM mt. Hmm far. The Peoples' Meat Market. ' B. F. ANDREWS, Prop. Wa have rwntly wtalilinlntl a fimt rla nifat markH, on C stm-t, OjtpoalUi I.IUlo l'aliM Hold, and kp 011 batid all kiuria of FRESH and SALT MEATS, SAUSAGE, etc. Everything First-class. Free Delivery Walker r . ai Successors to - Carry a complete line of TABLE LUXURIES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Wa aollolt a ahar at your patronag. HUES GAS GASOLINE EBIS rf" ST,f 5 MJ m""" -uiijf i.rss to ran it. for Stmoiicitf it n,. .. m..u iilnly to tit out W4 - .I . p&rt.r, nd is thot-fbrt to t out at order titn aar etW Oa ar Cuolin. Bpyr fcui-t sxKDjrojTjzxosTiuTSD iiEsaunrnc cmcvuut to to Mm. -cat PALMER& REY. vi Mid. fir. W . . E. SUCCESSOR TO H. O I'KAt.KU IN KHW 0001)8 AUKIVIXa EVEKV M'EHK. My to,k 1 now mure cmiploto than ever twfi.ro. HI,U i pleased to l.nve M tlio cMiHton,, f tb. toro continue tnullr,,,, and u,lH) to ,luluw to trade who never did liefoni. In conuecllou with my .low I RJSPAIB Whore Ikxws and hIuhh ran Ih. rypnlivd oi ' of iM. A. HoiuomU'r the tmnie and pluw, W. E. G00DELL. 1 OEflTTV'S Clbra1 ORGANS AND PIANOS. Kr Ctill"aiK', Mr;, DANIEL F. BEATTy,Wahifigt,n,R j, KrmiT TKHMINAl. i.r INIKHifi rolNTMtlt iiupoic 11. 1 la III Hn tola id i mm id m it is n. diiMng.car mm. u run Tliiough Vt,bul l Tnin tery Day in t!sa Yr to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (N(, 1 tiaJige i rai (iimmmm1 of DI.MXO I'M1. tiii aurjiw4, rulliiiiiu Iiawin(( JtiKiiu HltM-jwr ! liUt i"uiiuiil( TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, lSt Hint ao I KJiwdrurtixl, and in wtiii tt (Dtn nhmU Iohm are totb frtwand furnlaliwl for liolilrra tit Ant or ciul fhtm Ik-ki-ta, anil ELEGANT DiT COACHES. I Continuous Line, Connecting Willi all lines, Afliirdin diwl and alnrrup(Hi amw. Iulttt.a4l aUlM.r fraa.rvatla.lia ratt W acwf4 ID adtaana lliruugb auy aml rt the nd. THROUGH TICKETS SSa tHfm, t putt tmarl mt ny I kr rfT5- it iti u A.ti)-' IVutt UiUtmmiUm rgT(i. Ut riM, um tk twiit, rwim, tuid miHrt 4 A. D. CHARLTON, Aaalaiaiii rotM-mal l'1tt A(a, o. Ural !, W aliii,fUo, PORTLANO, OR. JAMCS GIBSON, LOCAL AGENT lndpnne, Orgn, Bros.. 11. 11 Honk l & Walker, ' "O dirt. ! . . GOODELl WALLER,- H Wear of li SHOP Jnitnufaott.1 uuder tho nmnagen.eut HAKK1L Main Steet, Independence,