The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 12, 1892, Image 2

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I ft, ft. lilt. tOITOH.
Vest Sills Piilisfciiij Cccjmj
Ona Your
ix M.uuha
Thraa aluulita
All marrtaca anil doalh nntk-M Mot
tn Mir Hum will h iurtt frt All r
v llnM will h plianrmt Mva uvula hmt llu.
mwWj obituary rw.ihm.wu will b ehai4
fiw atlhamtauT flvtvanta par llua.
AillrU Mmtuitnttathnibr publication
ta Thi Wtorr (tana, and maaa all nunlllano
pajrabla to Uia la t.unlj Vubllthluc Omu,
KlalPMt al tha ISMUintaa In Indapan
dBv", at avuul-olaM niallar.
Fur PrlJtut,
Of Nw York.
0 Fur Vk PiMkUut,
A. K. 8TKVEN80N,
01 llltuola.
For rrrwUlontlal Ktoton,
W. M. (Vlvljt of Jariwon.
Ibta. K. Nolan i, of CUtlaop.
Hubert A. Milkr, oi Jaokauu.
W. F. Hutclwr, of Ikfcw.
Ci-KVELASD, theWwtarn man,
will swp the country. There will
not be enough of II miaou for
returning board toholj a poat-inor-tern
LiTUKK Rknhox, the fatuous
tfitnperauc orator, who pa!
through Oreou a little over year
go, died racently. His life was a
eadone. lie could not reektthe
tempter. Wa fel the profouudeol
sorrow for such men.
The National IVmocratio Cen
tral Committee could not have
made better selection for chair
man, than W. T. Harrlty, of Penn
sylvania. With such a man to
direct the organisation of the
campaign, success is aliucwt cer
tain. i j
Tub Republican party lives on
metnorien. The Democrat party
under Cleveland's leadership has
its face turned toward the dawn,
aud bathwt Itoelf in the suulight of
promLie. It U the party for the
young man who is about to cast his
first vote.
It may be iutermtiug to those
who claim there is "no law" for
negroes iu the South to know that
in proportion to the population
there are more than twice
as many negroes sent to the
SHUT Tit R Qjm
So far the, campaign has been a
decent one, and there seems no
likelihood of any change for the
worse. TheAJaxof Indiana and
the Coluiubald of lluflalo have
joined the conflict of prlnolple.
The combat Is intelligent aud
bloodless, but a determined and
deadly one lu raipcct to certain
economic questions. Mr. Harrison
is a cleau man, and so is Mr. Clove
laud. Both are gentlemen of the
first order of Americans. They
represent the lntolllgeuM and
morals of the country in every
respect. Both hare beeu president
of these United BUte aud each of
them made a good preakleut. As
has been often said recently by
men of both political parties, the
country is safe in the election of
either Harrison or Cleveland. This
la true. The two great parUo,(aud
we might say the three great par
ties, for the third, or People
party, is forcing more vital legtsla
tion at the preseut momeut than
either of the other parties,) are
differing about the modes of admin
isterlng this govern incut. Now we
are so optimistic iu our viows that
we believ that either party could
mount the throne at Washington
aud run this country all right
Our horoscope does not reveal any
great political calamity ahead; but
we do see just a little ahead of us
some changes taking place to merit
the rising demands of the present
age. All exigencies will tie prompt
ly met, and we say that the greatest
good that could possibly come
to this American republlo at this
time is, to now close and bolt the
gates at Castle Garden and keep
them closed and bolted for the next
fifty years, and perhaps forever.
Castle Garden has bred every strike
and every monopoly ou the Ameri
ciui coutiuetit. Any party whose
political wurucltv does not erwu
this great qucetion aud provide a
remedy which is easy aud safe,
should not be entrusted with the
"ribbons in hand" of this great
government. Every foreign-born
citizen now in America should
have the same protection as every
native-born American, but in order
to protect both in the future, it is
absolutely necessary to now stop the
iollow upon our shores.
Theouly protection the United
States ever should have had. or
ever needed, to be able to hold
, Puro Blood
hi slMKttutvly nwauary In ordar In turn pa
fMtlhaallh, lluad'iNaraapartllalilliaiTfat
bktml purlfer, quickly otiiurtii temltila.
Mil rhrum, and ail oUiaf linidlmii mimuM
arnica allara Ua k!.U and umlrmui Uia
baalUi. II aim bttlliU up Ilia (jrilrnt,
aaraa djw'l aud alp, baadaeli, ami
rotul llial Urd teallng.
Serufula fHra.
My nHld buy, ad 14 yaara, ninVrwl
tarrlUI troia irtiila aunt m lilt U-s.
wUIcb timad llll Uwy al ma Unit lurmad
ana grtal tun trotn lh aalt ui hU Ira up la
hit UtlKb, patlMlly anvarad wild a-l, and
UKhatini uiallpr couUnually. th muwlra
bacanwauutiaflrd aa llial lilt Irf w diawu
ap aud aa twild hatilly walk. Wa bird
avaryUtlni wa aould haar l, wllliuul tumta
nlU a basaii fltlna him lluud'l Sa
tilla, 'In ul 4 mmuh. alw aa had laaos
two-llilnlt oi a IxUUa, Uia a(i anllmiy
hMlwt, hla Hi I pr(wiiy tit.iiihl and na
Can Walk aa VV a Kvar.
ntKid'i Srtaailla la Uia il imltla I
ar a tuf Mmtulout humur, tt hat dutia
Ma work awraUmn aUl'llly.,
aUSPMia, ktnkdala, Hllaw Cwuuty, Ton a
Hood's SarsaparllU
SaMhyaiaatitia. fliMitwSt. rpwla
0. L MOUU A WK. AavUiacaMM. Uatll. Ma
IOO Doaos One Dollar
least prosperous where low prices
prevail," aud that the great login
httive act on which it proiHwes to
make the presidential canvass has
reiluced prltHj that our people
were before "suffering from low
prices," and Utat this great MeKlu
Icy act has glveu them lower price.
The JtysWicn remarks: We
are not now engaged in inquiring
luto the truth of either of these an
tagoulstlo propositions. The qiies
tiouweuowadvauiH is, Where does
the I'publleau party intend to
make its II mU staud as lietwtHui
tlne two proposition! For we
rcsHH!tfully lHg leave to represent
to Its leaders that they cannot ride
both horses in a cauvaM for vote
among intelligent coiixtitucticiett.
They canuot, effectively, as one
party organ has been doing, show
that the McKinley bill Inw mluwd
the pritHof tneMs pork and other
farm protlucts, and theu cull
tlie attention of farmers to the de
sire of Caudidato Cleveland for
cheap produce for his break fan!
table. They cauuot claim that
higher duties ou intiuii fuel u red
gtwds reduce price, aud higher
duties on wool, cereals, jKtatMH,
and toliaeco, raise prioe;tliut is
to say, they cauuot do so w ithout be
ing finally exposed to the people a
the ooudurtor of a coufldeueegitiue.
penitentiary in the Northern as in
the Southern states. Mr.
census discloses this fact.
The ferocity with which the non-
uuion miners of the Cxrur d'AIene
district were chased to death by
infuriated demons, while striving
to make the beet of their way out
of that region, would be a disgrace
to savage warfare. It is but just
that those miners who slew their
fellow beings and destroyed val
uable property, should suffer full
penalty for their atrocious crimes.
For upwards of thirty year the
Republican iwrtv has directed the
i . . i ... . .i -
uer own agarnsi uit worm, was ami o lho ,..,tio U(Ui u t.wmi
a oarncaue agaiusi me seris oi 8ible for all of the Wislatliin that
omer nauous. e nave Deen Uie wellt the statute book during
dumping ground long enough. ,w i, ti, tf..,,i,i,t!m. iU,hv
ti...ij.i,, . . ... . . . - - i I '
ivntuB inn element, ciuier iiinortni? or
capitalists, which go to make op
the better Bide of the other nation
are welcome here, aud all such that
are here are as thoroughly Ameri
can as the native born; but the
refuse of other nations, their mafia,
their abandoned, their socialists,
we do not want Wo say again,
close and bar the gates of all the
Castle Gardens which allow this
influx of onrnatiou's troubles.
has for thirty years been carrying
out the principle we might say
of monarchal rule, and the Ameri
can people are now reaping the har
vest of trusts and monopolies; a har
vest of tramps ou the One hand, and
la harvest or millionaire on the
other; a harvest of laws which inter
fere with the most sacred rights
of the individual. At the begin
ning of thirty years w had almost
the greatest commerce on the face
of the globe, and the American
flag wnssetMi lloutiug from number
The great bulk of the revenue of The shifts to which the advocate of ships upon all the waters of the
the United Stake is derived from of protection are reduced In their deep. After thirty yean of inou
the tariff. According to MeKloley, efforts to harmonize the effects of opolwtle rule, there is scarcely an
the foreigner pays this tax. If the McKinley bill with the promise American ship upon the was.
McKinley had not been a fool or a of prosperity they mado before its Now, "What are you going to do
knave he would have introduced passage, are well exposed by the about ill" Let us make a deter
bills into the congress of which he Springfield Krpubluvn. It is well mined effort to bring the American
was a member, appropriating known that Itonjamin Harrison's people back to the fundamental
hundreds of billions of dollars for keynote of the campaign of 1888 principles upon which our govern-
public improvements. Then we was tnat "a cheap coat makes a men t is based, and to arrest the
coold have all had a chance at the cheap man," and that this was course iu which we have len
money the foreigner is obliged to taken cp and harped on by the drifting now for years towards oli-
pay us. Trainers of the McKinley legislation, garchal institutions. Let us put
7 1 he report of the McKinley ways forth an effort to point out the
TliE foremost Republican of tbeailti uiertn(l couimittoe dwlartnl that iniouiticw of the uresunt tariff, to
nation, McKinley, is authority for that country Is least prosperous show tho laborer that iuttnd of
foreigner wj.ore iow nHces and low waires helnir tirotaetad he I robbed, to
m I 1
prevail." Also that "our people show tho American farmer that
already suffering from low inntead of his Imlng benllted, his
not be satisfied prosperity Is blighted. Tho prin-
fliat will result einlcsof tho KHublican party em-
McKinley him- bodied in the McKinley act arc an-
system of tagonlstio to Democratic iiiHtitti-
the statement that the
pays the tariff tax. If this is true
there is no good reason why the
congress of which he was a member
stopped at 1,000,000,000. Why
not continue the appropriations
and erect government buildings in
prices," and will
"with legislation
in lower prices."
SDlfdiiclared "this wholo
every namier, improve every river cheap things is abadge of poverty." tioim anlagonislic tolhefmidainen
ana naroor, pension everyoouy, And Henry Cibot Lodire said on tal law of the land and toevervthini!
.3 in.-. i m tif t I I
ana speno money use iin y ny llie 8tump t)mt cheapness or chcai) tending to promote the welfare of
not, pray, if the foreigner pays the K00(i were un-Amorican. Mean- the people ou the eve of a prcsi-
taxi timA the imnortera of forfiit'n uhhU duntl il i.liwtinn
a . . i a uiiiiiii
IT lias Dcen recently saia py " , , , Tub D.unomuU of T,mn1,.,lf
n I.. . I . . ,......
uie lunoeeiio iteniiitnciiim ny sur
find.) says: "Tue f inkertons are
the strongest and most rabid Repub
licans of Chicago and New York
William Pinkerton and Rob
crt Pinkerton are both Re
publican stand-bys, and no man
in Chicago can exert more political
influence than Billy Pinkerton,
It is to their interest to be Repub
licans." Readers can take their
choice and believe as they choose.
been recently said
nnarlff all ttlA ftpnilhl IPAtl
"'J r r-i l,i, ll, ,.,1 ,1.,l.-
. . Tt i a. - tv . i, mi iiuauiv it uuua uuuui liiin ruiiiin
Wiat trie nnKenons are wemo , Ll npiRn f.imurMi (;hnthinMi
but the New York Herald passmcauon, nu uomesiio man-.
ulacturers using lmnortea ana
Thlo Space Reserved for
Successors to Goodman & Douty.
eounly ywtertlay, which has here-tofoi-e
Uhmi overwhelmingly Itepub
lieau. The Republican will lw
taken by surprise all over the
country next November. It is just
what the Iicmoertit have In store
for the Republican. Iet them
Pkimpknt Hakkihox made a
gMHl apiHiiutment wheu he made
Andrew D. White, president of the
Cornell university, minister to
Russia. Mr, Whit is well worthy
the honor, and will honor America
at Ht. Petersburg.
Til K summer school at Monmouth
dosed hist Tuiwdny event ug with
a fine literary euteitaiumeiit
and social ri'iiulon. This whmd
has lceu a success, and luiuh
praise Is due to all the iimuugera
for the iuterttit displayeil in sup
porting such an eiiterprhe fur the
IsMiefit of the teachers of Polk
county. Ivspe'lul mention should
lie made of ex HuHriutendent Rey
nolds for hisnhlesnd faithful work,
MoNKV TO IxUM-Oll SIKhI iltl Mvt
farina only lu aunia fivm .io0 lu -',U'0
at alt ir will wr aitmim. V,
Wflla, llih-e iiiIUw amitli uf lul'iu-
uelico. m it
Fob Mi.s. Twu aumll Irneta uf land
nenr liiikiNMHleniw utinlly Ml" rnill
lnv; nlmMitie ten arm tract wild pxl
nuiitiiiiK, line yarn, ami orennro, liv
ijiilro al Itil ultltv.
Oftliw and mhlvitw, ou'imrirf lUllMad n.!
MuuiiiuuiU m-u,
The uwlertlfttit'd wuuhl my tlmt we
are rfnl to ilo all kliula uf
At tha mit nMinllv rntea, titvt ua
a mil.
utctnart 10 K. I. Kf.njlt.
Independence, Ore.
I do gardening and hoiine clean
ing, mid iniike a sm'oiulty of clean
ing aud laying carict, window
denning, whitewashing, etc.
Irf-sve orders
furniture store,
nt W. O. Cook
Independence, Or.
Noil wmiiin lieina nn M-uiJay, ttt
IUIU tlaf UI fHl'Hl4r, isia
Tuition tow.
rmir emirant; elaaaieal, acienliflo, lit
erary, and a alitirt KtiirlUh emir.
wUioli ihtre in im IjiIui, tlm-k, Kivnch,
tiiT li.niidti. Jim J.iifc-lmli la nm-oiiii
uctilljr aliutinnuKiiim. for rHlHlufuea
or uumr iiir.iruirtiinii, stiiiretM,
3, V. JuiiywiN,
la modern pharmacv I. umhmbted.
ly. Ayer's Cstlmrtlo J'llls. Except
in extreme ess, physicians havo
siMUuliHHHl the une of Urastle purga
tive, and recfimmend a mllilr, but
no lew effective nnHliclne, The favo-
rite U Ayer't Pills, the iiijwior
medicinal virtues of which havo
iwn certified to under the official
iu. or state cliemiats, as well at
by luwU of eminent dis tort and
pharmacists. No other pill so well
supplies the demand of the general
public for a safe, certain, and sgroo
lle family medicine.
A)ri.,i I'lIU tr , b, bwJic M ,r
hmI i and In Bijf Juilgiwnl uu lur natial
rouwiljr m
Ever Devised
I hart uwd I hem In my family and rutd
Uimb to bt utl among ny frlatuli and aa-
I'luypt lur meire lluu iwanly jnn. To my
c.'ruin knnwldi many curt at th follow
lug eomblalnu ha Imn enmplvuly and
l-riotiirniiy nurmd by Hit uta ul Ayvr'a Pllla
aiuna: Third day chilli, dumb acu. bllloua
tir, tick hi-wlarha, rhpumailtm. Bui.dya-H-Mia,
cuntiinailim, and bard culdt. 1 know
lint a lautlcrata nt ol Aynr'i I'lllt, eoniUw
ul tor a lw dtyt or werat, at Uia nalur
at Hit mmvlaint miuirril, would Im found
an alimluM curw for Ui dltorderi I tiata
Samvd lHya."-J. ), Wilton. Contractor
and liyli.lcr, Sulphur Sirlng, Tolas.
"fortlghl ywrt I wu ifllltd with eon
lliuiilon, wtilrh at tail Ixictmt an bad Unt
Hi dooton oouid do no mora for me. Than
uvgnu iu ua
Pi rib
anil toon Uia Imwult raonrarcd thtlr natural
aim rrgiutr annon, to that now I am In
rrilant bralUi." wm. 11, DaUuonU, DoneL
"Aynr'i rillt are tha twit cathartic t w
im-d In my praotloa." - J. T. 8arki, M. I).,
YtHlilo, lud,
raaraaao ar
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Miss.
Hold by ill Dnidbti .td DuUrt la Mtdlclnt.
liiL'her taxed raw material were
obliged to do the same. Aud so
conditions under the McKinley
act came up handsomely to theory
and all went well until the votes
were counted in 1890. Then
there was a radical change in
base in tho high-tariff party. Its
leaders denounced the higher-price
theory and condition as a Demo
cratic lie. They then began to
Iwbis sneech at Lincoln. Neb., claim that the higher tariff made
according to the Oregonian report, wr lower prices, ana have been
Oovemor McKinlev said that the trying to prove it ever since, as
Republicans were in favor of tax- witness Mr. Iioswell O. Horr1
Ino- tha lwonlo of foreii?u countries speeches in this state. The senate
instead of American citizens. lie finance committeo was set to work
Bays the tariff does that. If his in the same line, and finally the
assertion is true, what consummate Minneapolis platform put forth
fools we all are. to be sure. Why, this declaration: "We assert that
all we have to do is to make them the prices of manufactured articles
pay a little more aud then from the of general consumption have boon
t.hAfnmltt-n ennntrlea nn.r. reduced under the tariff act of
give everyone a pension large 1890." Upon this platform stands
enough to support himself and President Harrison with his decla-
family. Where is the sense of ration that "a cheap coat makes a
working ourselves to death, when cheap man," and within two short
we can force the peoplo of foreign years we have the icepubucan
countries to pay us millions ofdol- party through ite chief spokesmen
fartt declaring that ''that country is
a MHUHWMJ araaww a - - - mm r-
We have ample Warehouse
room, and will store wheat
at most reasonable rates.
Q Size ladies' watches, k smallest
American watcb made. The move-'
ment is just the size of a half dollar.
New screw filled cases, 15 and 18
size. Thinnest screw case ever
"Something new and neat." 1.0. II. W.
, Masonic, Odd Fellows, and X. of P.
lapel buttons in solid gold. Call
in add see them.
The Oregon State Normal School
We will purchase
wheat at the high
est market price.
We will furnish sacks as cheaply as anybody.
Come this way and see what we have to 6ay to
you. We ask your attention to our Warehouse,
Storage, Purchasing, and Sack business.
iifiijiimm HolionVlil, rrtwiiimif: J, n
V. Jlullor, Hwrntiiry. V.x (lllloln: Hm l)t
Pi'llnipy 0(ivimnr Hylvwtr l'annoyar:
Hon, 1,. H. MoKlroy. Huiwrintomlnut of
i "lino niHirtiMioii; llou.lK W. MuHrlde,
n,in"mr,v in nuuu; lion, J.tP(il) Vimrhopa
Him. A. Nultner, J. (1. Whit,., Hun. W,
ii uoimi'n, Aurnn i mi's, linn, r. W
llakv, HoH.J.J.D.Uy.
TIlP Sllllo Noillnil il ll liva bI..,1 .,..
itlly HiiiwinK, mill Honiiiimilly mljilig to
lis U'ililliw for the apt'olnl training of
..iu iii ii, im MinuiiiiN'H nro in (liminml to
llll kiuhI poHiliiiin. A nm uf niuhly per
u i.. in iiiunmiinw wiih liimld li,Ht Yenr.
in eiiniimii'iit or (KMl Ih iinhiMpntoti for
inn ntixt yeiir. Wlw mtinlxrH lmve boon
inldwl to tlm fiimilly, iinil mlditiouiil
iipiniriiuiM uiih wou mippliod.
The Leading Normal School of the
A diplotun from the sclioul antltloa ono U teuoli iu any oouuly lu the ittiite witl
out further rxiimiiinlion,
Normnl, Normnl Advnnoed, Jlnauuwa, Muaio, und Art Diipartmoulfi. SDeoiiil
advnotiiiiui in Vodul mid IiiHtrumntHl MiihIu. v
A yonr lit aoliool for 81fi(). Tulliun reduwd to i$(1.25 Normnl, und 8"i Sulinormnl
per term of toil weelu. Hoard ot Normal Piuintr Hall, S1.0 pur wei-k- furiiiHliei
roumi, 81 pr wank. Bonn! mid Io.ikuik, private families, p,,r week Doim.
tiful and lienlthful looutiou. No aiilooiia. First term opens September 20 Vm
cntaloj. .ldre,wi!LL( CAM, mLl, A. k, Vi.ldont.
Are head-quarters In Polle County for
BUIOB 1 1! IM, M, UWL i WM
Hardware, r" lr
Steves, and ffiBat.ey8
Tinware. - -..tep.
Bain Wagons, the Oliver Chilled and Steel Fl
Mg Msiw BR, ms& mi m SsL
It I all rllil lo I"" AtTKH ll MIt, ll If r ara rralljf dmtmu of aavlof Uwm, oa
ill Fiwta a IIIU ("r.-.llJl and buy yuur
School Books, Tablets, Inks, and School Supplies.
sewinb diesis, oeems, mo fines,
fnm. W. It. H'liMilor, 1 1 r1 no pn-phH lo (ll Ibat If tl k aflw t dollam now, Utrf
m 111 Mfc alter full ulin yuu ua Utelr "!.
Independence, O.
Your attention to our line of clothin?.
which has been greatly reduced by
our IS per cent reduction sale, but
we are still able to satisfy our cus
tomers in this line, as well as in
Sner Dress Goods, White Goods,
Ginghams, Parasols, Underwear, Hosiery,
etc., etc.