The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 12, 1892, Image 1

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    The Best Ncvspa)cr
h t cue that girt fa t utl
frctM (Vwporr fa WKST
SI OK With r i" IVoV Cottaf.
As an Advertising: Medium
Takes tha Lead in Polk County.
92.00 Per Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 40
MV IH, III'VU rrv MuHilaJ? MlslU In
luiiu hMii, All .inUi liiMUum Hiviunt
HiattMid Wl. VIU MIM.Mt, M.W.
V. , II, lK, "l"',,r,,,'r.,l. .....,-.,
Wfi.'x "" vu.TlI7iitiill: NO,i
titZT '.'' M-
S.f StJlJii, OSomti'imUi-Nwtv riuip..l).
lMTjr?iM Jov.-iilits. AlUMd Ml.
VT J-l,,,,,iiiVy inMtwl li el
lend. tlSO, W, HHIXX, X, U.
V, W, V.'tUUHiH-roai).
t.N 1.IMHIK. So, V. A. r
, M. niaied, iiiimMiloa- im nuirl,vMHimi
r Iwftiw tvill minM month
tit .1 lnii !- til"""""'"'-
iV , xhlim, W. M. VJ . l tuu
HtlMKIt I liKUK N ,';. M'7"
avwv WediwadaJ i.'iilii. All Knliihl
v.ltlit..uri.-li w.;;rtili.v 1M'",,V,.?,'
I,,,,! l.M, t,oi ,tius,v. v.
HlUH Mil It-It K i't II .
Physician and Surgeon,
Buena Vla, Oregon.
(WlM, Vt ld of Main t
Resident Dentist
All wurk warrant.! to l" Ui bwt
f Mtl.tHl'lltUK
Will profile l nil t"l end M-rol
court. Alwtrnrt of ll(U fumlahwl.
OHUv over Iinlt'i-mW'iioe National ll'k.
Independence. Oroon.
J no. J. Duly.
, StbUy. H, C. Bakta.
Dllf, SIBLEY s Eim.
W. haw lh ' aUlracI t""'1" '? ''""j
mint,. IMilU lu-i liimwlwa. ad
won... I.. Ivaa. N KMiimi-l'io ,l;ttrl ue
limit. 1Hii. t wl "'
A. M. lll'KLKY,
Attorney and Coun.lor at Law.
IMn 'ti fnili-iwuilrurw Nul l (tall.
B.r.B.mhm. W. II. IWlme
urtue is m n nuitu,
B.lwrrnSlnto nn.l Oourl. AI r l. OH
on liimmPti'lAi
Mitchell & Bohannon
Manufucinmra nt
aiao m-koi.l hawimi,
MiBtrwt . .
bath m mm shop.
Bain street, Independence, Or.
T0 exporioncotl workmen in at
tendance. BANKS.
Commenced Business March 4. 1880.
K.ilRl.rd 1 Ni'i'il Aiil'.rU)f.
of lnili'"iiili''. in-r'".
Capiul Stack,
. $14,000.00
j h. (XMii'f'it, u w. koiii:hth.j. Vl
W. It HAWt.EV, Cinblw.
J. H. Cwpor, U W. lUrlmm, t'" IMmick
O. W. WttlUkr, W. W. Col"""'.
A kit1 bnkln tmln lro
u. ttd H'lln ctan on all IiiiihtimiiI
V"l'MttM rlvd .ut.lwl to "li"-k or on wr-
umt hniiri . m. to 4 ! m.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
ft, HltWHHKIUt,
VUw frmldont.
. CiMlilur.
A gi-nprnl Imnklng ftnit nxuhiinijn tiuln(m
Uanmu'td; lmn mttiln, hllln (llpwvmnlJKl.min
merclul crMllln Kmntd: d,.KilM rwelvcd on
current acxKinnl milijiwt Ui I'liwk, lnlJ-rnut piild
on time dcpiwlln.
Jwntm MIanlBl, H. H. Jiwimrwin, A. J
Onodinnn, II. Hlrwnrd, A. neiwiii,
T. J. Lc. I. A. Allen.
I HA C. I'UWKI.I,....
1". V leu- I'm.
. ChhIi lur
PAID CAPITAL, $25,000.
I A MiuTiiin, IMlCiuhpIioII, I.M.HImnmn
J B, V. Iliilr, .1. . Kliimp, K.H. I'uwill
Jinmpli Craven.
Aecnnml Imiiklnn lind rxclmnun liualncm
troiiHw:ld; miwliii di'iMwlin n'oolvni
iibjwt Ui nhiwk or on rurllllnnU) of (li;iwlti
liitiTint nald on (linn dnpiwim,
-Klre priHif vault and Imrglnr pnmr mfe,
juuiiiriid hy Vale time loitk.
Ollc Ifoiirn:
Farmers and Merchants
. Insurance Co. .
Capital Stock,
U, p. NiMrwtN,
Vlr I'rMlttunt,
Aw IHwtMtrf,
J. U tHwi,
H.'ii It. M, Ktralimi, flilnf Jii.iln nt lli Muimiii .nrl I linn, Jutut Ihirimtt, -Awnttltitf
iisiiiiih titpniiinittttYMirf : nun. j. i, w wnnwriiirn, Aiiniiii.y. nii pi'iihiut, ,uih.
), UiMumi, l'rtilut l.inn Omitiy Nttiinl W. r , llwul, Sur. imiiH
U. K. Mniiwm. Vh'IIIMi M, Mrnilwrg, Mnn'lmiili J. ,,
I'm.lUll.U I.. Kill... riiKli'lmi.
I'lviuiuiu rtHtiiiln hIikh oitunUution,
Iawmk tmitl h!iuh oiTunlrittlon,
un pins u.h (HH'itruy to pulloy IkiKIoik,
UI & EISI, hi
Wc buy for cash, and
We buy direct, and we buy 111 quantities.
You will alwavs find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our ioit,itint aim is to jjiv you tlio
e jiiitue your uin'rwin otitn.
Your ihilii will t twrvwl iw rhrotily
K fonnHirisou of our htyh ami jirit",H ill ooiivliut you thut you hIiouUI
t mile with uh.
L. KELSO, Independence.
Tho Ut jUm thin Hitlt of roitluuil to buy Urnpt, Htatioticry, Jowplry,
uiiil liookit in ut
Our .lewt'lt.v iViuirtim'iit, of whli h Mr. O, A. Kramor liiwt t liur(;S Ih
full ami fomili'lc.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Sil
verware, Canes, etc.
UlnlritiK tt tHH-liUly, ami dwimtfliwl with iroiuitiHii ami atitJHfiu'tlon.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small
. .
" .'X si r i T
u''.': 4all IUIMM tl im tMtlVHl( to
.... . ul,..liia
mint lr...n ,rf.,.(l..n.. H.n m.l.r MWI- ''''' " .i.hi lm.rd .1 ."7 '"!
,,,,1.1.'. ..M,.,ir Thi. to h-"1 K,' " (lit ikfa onl .'"t
.mum.. W. invl.. r.l l" rtl wiik n. Mid HI ""I"" J,..I cifcctwtl ATI, O. Vim "
r Ullur. or .llKtiL.1 Injur, to r prrh.r. r..rr D""'" MQ. ..H.B.iriii
A full and complete line of Funeral gootli
Always on Hand.
arnn nnn iika'I'I'vh ormmiiii tirKmj.
9UUU,UUU.dr.M Knui.l V, llwlty. Wwlilim
tun, Nw JnriKy.
any, WulilpUin. Nnw ; Jrwy.
New Grocery!
W. J. MULKEY, Porp.
SiitiHfiictlon Ktiamntewl in pi'lotw
find kooiIh. Block frmh and lioitKlit
forciJHli. Fitir dealing and good
ItitrEiiifis. , ,
FUKKf UKLTVEKY ui. Uto lioura
ol 1) to 1 1 a. in. und 'A to 5 p. m.
KH-r. unit Wur.
.... Jt'J.'i'f.HO
I;::::!",::, :::;"
we buy to sell.
btt gooi! nt IwUon iirlotxt.
uml lHililely tw ottrmir.
.. 1 A. . to., aJMIUaMiiv aitlli-d uti lit hand
I,U IH. .lr..l..l lli.l .1. Hill
&n.i Ai.nt. iiLBiiiiuf. tat . fv ntinm .I'll ih.
k Ji?VJ.Mn m II hy i'- "I""! l'i)i" b"!
h".. riTJi. rTi.,.M ll lunlk. .li ul"'. .r.lH'0 u it
!. d , JV.,,"'. I.. l-.-d "ll".l. B.rk,
Hn,tf1hl IIP tlHlir Iiv- I
-Wr V.I.I., 'S?.!5.rT.,,
. m . f I
With Buster & Shelley,
wants your watch repair
ing. Satisfaction guar
anteed. BElin'S PIANOS
WwhiMUia, tt"f .Inrwiir,
In iimniYrTywIinrn.
Kr imtiilnii nditriiti
IMiilol V, Dwtty,
Pills? NO 1 1
If J'OU tiiko pill. It I" Imr-aiiae J" n,,vr
trlud lli
tt work ho nlrnly.iddiinxlnii llio llvrrand
kldiiwvui "t an a nihil ii,vhI without oniia
tiiK piiln or alukiiiwH, and due. nnHUipyou
from eutlnu and wurkliiR.
To Try It Is to beoome a friend to It.
Koranic by yoiirdrnitglU
A FerlVol HMaa.
Tti tUr, a, Aatoluettt aaratlo, TM., vrlUt
illuHl aw ll. to Indira. 1 Ullul t'.M
fcum Nwra Ton I. It a Hrtt iuw.h (or
iy iiim lw ti.i mfttrwU truw hmi Mlntvl
aMMiwmMl ui'l, 1 IwM Uk MUrMUaaa
atuu tokina Um TiiiiMi,
lmta, Oal., NorwntMr, Ut.
Alxillt llvo jrwr. uu I Ukwt tir at on.
aiulit l" Iw Oi.l ilui., .Urn. ttma Uw mum
MtiN tut tun. mil, llalua iwul I Bad to
work lur a living, aud oa aoauuul at in. diMW
luiUHly ttaulMt ina to wwfc tur Utam. Itoit mm
oil aliitn.1 all una. to .m rt an I.IM. bul
Inn. I Uwk I'a.tur Kuonll Mn TuuK ban,
ttad unly a .IliiUl attack kiiIiIii una umnUi. and
b..ii ni. Minnia lA'VUHHan,
Hit laid tit.
Mr. t, P lliwln. of l rvut, Natr Mulaa,
rlt"". I' ur'i.l Imt ot Uui . n4
at faator kaua .nana IwaM w$ itrvUM.
I Talnahto Him aa Damaa
M.aaia. nl rva w wr Mnaai
....1 bM. IMIIMI. M.
lilt. HiMltrUM fiaa irf ahama.
im vmaia
Tl. i few I
d tor ifca kwnraaa n.uiv
.i m . . i . iHli mi hm Ufa ua
iw i.rvp.1. a hum Uu mraiiUMi WW.
K0tN!0 MID. CO.. Chicago, III.
.!rtiiririiiri.t,ieiBuHia, afera&
mil, iHimtloarnra.
Successors to S.A. PARKER.
F. H. Morrison,
Chargti raaionaale, ana1 flral.elaaa
work guaranteed1.
Willamette Real Estate Co,
IitiU'iwitiU'tnw, Urviiou.
iTinoMti'tn Kfiicral 1U1 Ftatn llual-
iiipi, luiya ami atll l"nlrty, I'llrui
luaiiniinv anil ilimi a Kurral
t'uiivryiiiir llualmva.
I'nrtlm hnvliiK IjiiiiU fur aule will
tluJ It to tli'lralvatitnK to
List Their Property
With till. 'iiminy, a lliry aw dally
-llillnii llalaiif liiinl mat, ttiua lai
Intf ilnilmlile jirn'tly U-fore the rtnl
iloiilaof Urn l'jut.
J. V. K I KK LAN I, I'rwUltuit.
Of 1 nuViH'mh'iioo, Imviutr a (uti
tMi'ini', it lirli k itim liiuoaml wvtnil
twifrt tif fiitoatcliiy, lt ttow nrvtukml
to kiH-jt on lutml n lino qtntlity of
Hrirk, wlilfh til I Boia ut rpttnou
The New
Holton House.
M, A, Pudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth and Alder streets,
Ontrallf Inralait, Nnwly fnmUliprt and rr-
niii-d, Kruv uu. to and inmi an imnmaiia
1)11. JOHIt N !
I oat Mart,., t.,a.n rranrUro.
(holm. n .Hi a'ul .1 ' t ; I
Co mill learn iow aoiniciluilr
you i made and how to avoid
nUkncmaml itlwaiic,, Mincum
enlitcj with Ihounnndtof new
iiliicfn, Ailmiision $ ct.
J'rl.ala Offira. 1 1 W at. MmMI'I ol
Btnu: atrliiturn, liaa ut niiihiy"l,ihian.ii of Ih
kill and kldunyi niiliiltlr ouwl wlihimt Hit
paa nt inomurr. Tru.t IU9l)t .or)Ullr V br
Ivttur, Umid tor book-
Geo. ' Slaughter, Ppop'r,
All kinds of -fresh' fish
kept constantly on hand
orHnpi)nllorli'ii, ilni.iiiAiit. In t'niiMiiWm, alw
In lion mid I'IIIhj n iMWltlve nuriinirailar.
mil, InliiniHl.lillnd.or liMllnK,llclilnK,uliroii.
Id, riHHHii., nr iii'riiiiiiarj iniim, ,.,,u iummj ,..
dlm'ttKiH mill foiimla wi'aknwM'. It l alwnyii
a in'oal lii'iicllt lo I im hnnltli, The Oral,
diwovi'ry of a mndli'Hl niirn rimdrliij( uu onor.
Ill ou will) Ilia knllo unnniMWHury hcri'afKir.
X III. rmiifdy b I "VIT linrii known to (nil. II
a lion, II or mi aonv y man. y "jr mn u.
thl. tiirrlhlu dlPMi wlirn a written guarnnlM
In Kl vim wllh 6 boxiw Ui rurnnd tha moii.y l(
notimnid, Hand taitipltiranmplo. tluaraii
tup Iwtimd by WnndnnVfllarke flo whola
mhIbiuiiI rotiill druanl.W,olmn(lii.,rorllBiil,0r.
hi Surveyor and CM I:;:::::
All calls promptly nntiwernd.
AddroNH mo at Oallna, llilk county, Oregon,
Til I
'aS A
I hail jiutt ttitnrned from a long trip to
the Uultmt HUtei and waa alttluj In tny
cliamlwra In ltnd ttreet, AUrrdiyiti,
"nniHiic the pipe of prn and feoltug
full of ainltr toall Btanklud." itwaalo
the tniinth of Novamber, In the year
1H75, I waa Tory glad to get batik to tSe
dnar an lil Uranlta City, for I hail not
ben at home for thru yeara. I waa
looking furwaril to rwiimlng All my old
frlnndahti aud womturing where I
tbotiltl boifln. Fata tattled tha qnaaUoo
tor we. The double rat-Ut-lat of tha
poatutaa aoundad on tny front door, and
nty good old hottavkieper, Mr. Duthll,
lirmiglit ma a latter In a well known
handwriting, It waa from nty neit beat
friend, Also Di.twy,
'I have ittet heard of voor arriral,
dtar old fellow," It read, "aud ahall be
dneoty offeitdwl If you don't come to te
me Brat. I am In charge of the Inch
Luiiallo aeyltiiu. Thlnga hare praepored
with mn, you one. Work, however, la
Tery .lark. I hare only aotue twenty In.
utatea at pmwnt, ao ooisa out and epnnd
a few daya wtui me. and wall try to
have a good time together. Dy the way,
I have my old trtah aurvaiit, Mike Drady,
with tue alill. I have InaUlled hi in aa
bnad wardrm, and barring aa accaalonal
uil.uke or two he atwompllahea hla dn
tine In a ntaaterly faahloa and look!
after my welfare aa of yora at tha tame
time. We might put np an old time
juke upon hi in. It would be fan. I will
meet yon In tit gig at Inch t tattoo to
morrow evening at 1. Don't fall. You
need nt reply to UiU, but jtut crane.
Your, aa In the old daya, Alec"
(if course I wouldn t fall, and It waa
too lafa to reply anyway, fur here It waa
I o'clock In the afternoon and be ei
pocted ma by 7. Tha tetter of oourte
waa writ urn the day onfora, aod "to
morrow" meant baiay.
Mike Urady waa a great, brawny Iriah-
man, devoted to Aleo, who bad found
bun a poor, elarvlng wait, had taken
bitn In, fed and clothed htm and made
him hla body arrvaut, Talet, aecretary
and general fartotnm. TUa great heart
of tha irtahman hatl warmed to hit bene-
f w-tor, and he loved Alec a dug lovet
hit maatnr. He had grown ao with
Alro'a life that neither could do without
the other, lkaidne, there were two very
tirung bond which snited thee men
more cloaely even than grail lode and af
fetlon. They both loved biuum and
When I jumped out of tie rat at Inch
tallon my dear old chum lAaoey waa
waiting for ma on the platform. A boy
waa hiddtng hi. bora outaide. We did
not waata a great dral of tlui over con
gratulaliona, for It waa a cold, dark
night, and wa had a drive of Ave inik
to make. Wa were toon In the coay old
faahlonrj gig, which all country doctort
In (treat lirtuin are to fond of, wrapped
up In our ruga, tha boy had left the
boree'a bead and we were trottlug faet
ahum the froaen country road.
Now about tha joke w ara to pot up
on Mike, i aald, wnen ne naa gnoe
timie dutunre. "What are w to doT
Then Alec, the cotifonnded raaral, on-
folded a atmpl llttl plan. When Hike
came down to the door to meet ut the
doctor would tell hlw In a quiet ton to
thow tue Dm hone and take ut to my
mom. Mike would never iwoognlie me,
for I bad grown a hraltby beard which
completely dirtilad me, and ha would
take mo for a new patient The joke
wonld he tinrucnae when he dlacovered
hit tuUtake. The arheme teemed a gtort
out one and I entered Into It with avid
ity. W bat a fool I wa not to am!! a rat.
Why, I knew that Alee Dlaney waa the
bitfgvat practical joker of our da.
Well, all turned out a w anticipated.
Mike earn to the door and amitted nt
out of oar wrapt and Into the grateful
warmth of tit big hall. waa In no-
wiae altered, but a Alee bad aald he
did not recognise me.
Mike," aald DUuyand I did not
notic the wtttkot bit titi later optio a
he taid it "take tlilt gentleman over
the hooas first, thow htm every polite-
neat and than to hit roomt by that time
dinner wtil b ready. W are hungry.
I dare eay he may like a bath. "
YU, aorr, I will attend to him, and
be did attend to ma.
Wa went all over tha building, np one
ttaircaa aad dawn another, along cor
ridor, peeping Into roomt and viaiting
the billiard room, recreation hall, read
ing room, dining ball and everywhere.
I noticed a peculiar action on the part
of Mike, but I put tt down merely to hit
ordinary precautionary hablta. Ilecloeud
tTery door behind ut. And he never al
lowed ma to gut out of hit reach, lie
alo eoewed to keep a very careful eye
uon my every movement, But thit I
put down to the habit ha had got Into
from k,K long among lunatic.
Th44 fegun to uotloe another tome
what atrantre thing. WbeneTer we met
a patient Mike tpoke kindly and gently
to him, but when wa met a warder or
curat Mike teemed to throw out a hint
to be mora than ordinarily watchful,
and I taw two or three timet that the
keeper took a clote look at me, at If
tiling roe tip. I ttand nearly tix feet
and am a fairly ttrong matt, an ugly cut
tomer wheu thoroughly aroueed.
I'rceotitly I found that Mike and I were
pot alouo, Two of the wardon were fol
lowing u everywhere.
I waa getting ravenoualy hungry and
toiuewhat tired. Our five mile ride had
given me an enonuoui appetlta, and I
began to think thlt thing of wandering
all over a big house without my host to
"peraonally conduct my tour" wa a
tompwhat atrnnga buaineaa, and not
Suite (u aooonlanot with, tha anolen,
aottliih ruloa of hotpitality. 80 1 turned
to Mika and titidi
"Well, don't you think ifa about time
we found my room? I'd like to get a
wanh and eo down to dinner."
"Thafa all right." ha aald. "Yer
room' on thlt floor) ye'U be ther In a
nilnnte. and mavtie I'll help ye watb."
There wax a little abruptnee in hit
manner of tpeech that I did not quite
like, and "thit floor" waa right at the
ton of the bouse in the lnnauo quarter,
right away from the doctor' part ot th
bulldlnr. - However. I did not know but
that there mkht bo tome means of
reaohlrtg th doctor't apartmenU by go
ing along tha corridor.
t'flera yon are," tq M(e, "no. to.
I'Hut thit it a patient' room," I tald.
"Snroly Vr, DUney doesn't intend to
put me in here,"
una doe, though, and ye'll find yer-
Alf entirely comfortable. Yell find all
ye want and the attention will be per
fect." "But I don't care to ttay in thlt part
of the honee. If Dinner haa no better
accommodation than thi for a triond he
hiwn't met In three year, I'll get out and
eo back to Aberdeen."
"And I think youH conclude to ttay
where ye are," tald Mike with a funny
little chuckle. ,
""Uom,miw, you'd "bettor begtu"lo
nndraat quietly, fur that bath la waltla
It began to dawn opoa me that Mike
really thought he had got a new patient,
and I laughed out loud at the joka.
"Why. Mike," I aald, "do yon moan
hi tall m you don't reoognlu your old
friend? Yon aurely ar not soder to
unpreatlon that I am a patient. " .
"Oh, that' all right I raoognlaa my
old friend very well, and I haven't tald
yt waa a patient Only I'm Wiling yon
to harry out of tharn clothe aod Ink
ya'ra bath."
"It la about time to ttop thl fooling."
( aald. "Now lot in paw; 1 want to go
down to your maatet. , ,
"YH Hud there't no fooUn abool II
bow, and I want y to nndaratand that
tit matter on thi flora la oallad Mik
Urady-Mr. Mlkt Brady, Xaq. Mow
Uk oft them clothe."
"Now let m paati fvt bad anoogh of
thia," I aald quietly, tut 1 waa getting
vary not, and I foltmyaulf turning whlu
In tha face with auppreatad paaaton,
Tha affair wa getting beyond tha limit
of a joka, I ttopped forward a though
to poah by him. 1 ;
I bad beau ao abaorbed In tola little
eontroverty that I bad quit forgotUn
the proximity ot tboaa two kawpan who
bad bean following a ao cloaalf for
turn time. A I atopped forward, Mika
Hepped back and ottered a llttl tharp
whittle. In on tnatant I fall myaalf
grabbed from behind and I wa la th
powerful graap of tha two men.
I atroggled and fought Uk eagad
tiger, but 1 waa a halplea a baby,
and there flood that dunderhead ad
Hand, Mika Brady, trailing at ma la
calm victory and making ma nor and
more angry and mad.
Mad? Yott That wa UI n thought
I wa mad, and ha knew to perfection
bow to aroo all th rvil paatlona with
in m. And ha meant to do It Th
two keeper knew no better; tawy war
under hi order.
Now ther flatbed acroat my mind th
hundred of tiorie I bad beard aad read
of perfectly tana perton being aaot to
lunatic atylutu "to get them out of the
way," and how, after abort tpell of
"careful treatment," they had become
literally raving lunatic. Would Mike
Brady drive me out of my mind?
By a big effort I na trained my anger
for a moment, and attempted to (peak
"Now, Mike." I aald, "thl jok U
about over. Pleaae aend one of the
men for Dr. DUney, and b will toll you
wbatamtatake you ar making. lam
hi old friend and hav come to ttay
with him at hit gueat II will be wait
ing dinner fur me."
"Now don't let' hav any mora of
that talk. 1 know all about you of
eonrte, you're the doctor guett Yoa'r
ail hi guett. It I a little way b haa.
And ye'U b going to ty quit a long
while aoceptin hla hotpitality. Yon'r
going to begin at once. Are ye going to
take that bethr
"I am not"
"Then we'll hav to giv It to you," ,
In a moment 1 wat thrown onto tha
bed on my back, aud while tha two
keeper held me Mike oommeaoed to
dlarohe me. Then 1 began to (truggl
detperately aud about at Hi top of my
"Well hav to gag ye if y hoot, my
friend," tald Mik. But I atroggled ail
the more and thonted louder. "There 't
no one will hear ye, and well toon put
a ttop to that ttruggllng." He ttapped
out of th room and returned In a min
ute with an armful of ttrapa.
They were going to ttrap me down
The horror of th moment waa almoet
wort than the agony of tha thought
that I wa lu th handa of three Igno
rant brute to whom avery aane effort I
mail wat a further proof of my inaaa
Ity. I wat becoming weak from exertion
and want ot total. Then I understood
Mike' object In taking mo th long
walkover th building. He had been
tiring me out Bull I kept up my
ttmgglea and aboutlng.
With wonderful rapidity, thowing
bow well and thoroughly Mik had ao
quired hi dutlnt, a ttrap wa thrown
acroat my leg and buckled tight to tha
bed, and another acre my cheat hold
ing my arm to my tide and almoet
choking me.
"He'll ettl down directly," I heard
on of the keeper tay, and in truth I
had almoet exhautted mytelf.
I began to feel tue room awimming
around me.
Would help never comer
My throat wa parched with terror
and my tongue almoet clove to th roof
ot my mouth. I managed to gatp a
prayer for "Waterl for Khxit tat,
water!" And then I forgot my trouble.
When I cam to myself I wa lying on
a comfortable bed in an elegantly fur
niilied room, with a bright fir burning
In it, and Aleo the tcatup who bad
brought all tha trouble upon me waa
chafing my handa.
Later on in the Tentng, over a ptpt
and tome hot whltky toddy, brewed in
old college fashion by Mika hlmeelf, I
joined in Abe't laughter and learned how
ha had come to look for ma In tha very
nick of time to aav mo from a 1 trait
jacket and to explain to Mike Brady that
It wat hit old college chum and not a
new patient that the blundering fellow
had mistaken tor a madman. -New York
Row the Wand. Dane
The tertka rejaltt pantomlmlo dance.
Each couple ha it own turn of leading.
Tha cavalier placet hit partner in front
ot him, facing her, and while the band
Veep playing and th company tinging
on ot thoas peculiarly itlrring Wendith
dance timet he tett about adjuring her
to Brant him hi detir and danc with
him. Bhe ttanat ttoci ihii, ner arm
hanging down flop by her itd. Th
cavalier caper about, thonta, ttriket
hi handa agalntt hit thigh, kneel,
touohea hit heart-with th mora dra
matic, fore th better. At length the
lady give way, and In token of content
ralaet her hand.
Briskly do the two ipin around no
for th apaea ot eight bar, after which
for eight mora they perform aomething
Ilk a orou between a chaste oroitei
and a its. and to on for a llttl while,
after whioh th whol company join In
the same performance. A a finish th
cavalier "ttandi" tha band and hit part
ner torn liquor, and a marry round
danc conclude hit torn of leading to
th aooompaniment of a tun and aong.
ronoka. (elected by himself. Wettmin.
iter Review,
A Real Mica fllrl.
"Why. my darling," exclaimed Mrs,
Worldly to her eighteen-yr-oid rose
bud Maud, "why in the nam w goocc
net can yon want to marry that impe
cunious young fellow Harry J oven tat,
when ther is that charming Sir Crcesns
Seneotus, a man of dignified maturity
and countless wealth, who Is dytaff to
waa you aire. Betsaotua, ana woo
wonld plae my Jewel In a magnificent
"How eaa yon talk o, mmmr re
plied Maud, looking down and bluibinf
a few line of solid nonpareil "It Is
true that Blr Crown w rich and Barry
I not) but then Harry 1 young and Bir
Cronrus I old. Now, Harry Is roong
andh n acqntr wealth 1 while Blr
Crcatoa Is rioh, but b cannot aoquirt
youth. Do yon catch on, mamma, aa
to boy tayT Mlnneaooll Journal.
But K rigara. Will Tell the SIM of Ike
Olttar I-laea.
Tbe following remarkable calcula
tion on th capacity of Heaven, which
baa frwiueutly bwo published, but I
outioalty In It way and weu
worthy ' a nlaoa among our other
"wonders," Is taken bodily from Horn
baugh's "illeanlnga for the Curioua."
Tbt baal for th calculation, which
will furnlah much food for thought, I
found lu Hevelallon, xxl, 16; "And he
mratured tha city (tbe New Jeru-
taletn) with a reed, 12,000 furkmga.
Tb lengtli, tbe breadth, and tbe
bright are equal
M ut tee. Twelv Uioutand fur
long, 7,9at,000 feet, wblcb, being
Cubed, I MS(OH,000,0(i01000,OW,000,(MX),.
000 cubic feet Half of tbU we will r
erv for tb tbrona of (lod aud tbe
court of Heaven; half of the remainder
for atresia, leaving a balance of 124,
ll,272,000,(IUO,000,(aTO cubic feet
Divide thl by 4,000, tha cublo feet In
a Mom It feet square, and you will
find ther 1 ttllt enough lea for SO,-
2l,N4?,7AO,(IO0,0O0 room.
W will now tupptM that the world
tlwayt did and alway will contain
9U0.o0O.ouo InhabltantM, and that a gen
eration latut S3) year, making In all,
Z,570,uou,iw ior ecn oentury; tnai
the world will ataod ooe tlxiueaud
eenturiea, making In all 2,W70,000,OUU,
OuO Inhabitant. Then auppoae there are
100 world equal to thi in point ol
number of Inhabitant and duration of
ymra, making 2U7,tK.0(),OUO,juO, then
Ilea ven aocordiog to Uto meaturement
above, It large enough to allot 100 roomt
each sixteen feet square to each human
Wort a.d Olrla.
Hoys may be bad (and sometimes
girls) for (1) ordinary amice at
wagea; (2) upon ludeuture, (to work,
altond school, aod be brought up tome.
what a your own; and (3) children
may be had for legal adoption.
8uA. Or. Iloyt'and Glrla'Ald Society,
Portland, Oregon.
New wheat will toon be coming In.
"Pa-Jat- Beaad.
Bom time ago In a talk with Wm.
Blackwell, the well-known banker of
Taooma, lis Informed Uie writer that
be heard a lady who ought to be a pret
ty good authority pronounce Puget
Sound a If tbe word waa spelled Fut,
with tbe accent on the last lyllable.
Tire lady in queatlon was Caroline
Richlngt, tit noted Ringer and actrew,
daughter of tbe late Peter Rlchlngs, one
of the bent-known old actors of ante
bellum days in thbt country.
More than fifteen years ago, when
Mr. Blackwell waa keeping the old ho
tel on the wharf at Taooma, Caroline
Rlchlngs stopped there one afternoon
and night on her way to Victoria with
her company. Mr. Blackwell my that
wheu the Arat saw tbe Bound she stood
In admiration aud raised both bands
toward the water as If welcoming it
and said: "Ho this la Fu-jcf Bound,
named after Peter PuyW, my grand
father, who was with Vancouver when
be dlaoovercd It" Peter Rlchlngs, tbe
father of Caroline, waa named after his
distinguished father, Peter Puget, Van
couver's young lieutenant, and wu an
officer In tbe British army. It is said
he got Into some trouble about lS30and
left for the United Btatca, changing his
name from Puget to Rich I ngs. He re-
ambled both Washington and Frank
lin In facial expression, aud was fre
quently oast for thoae parts In patriotic
aute-bellum drama. Olympia Tribune.
A Fatal Confaaaloa,
The weekly Buitctin of the American
Protective Tariff League, to break the
force of the evidence of the ineffective-
none of protection to raising wages ac
cumulating on all bauds, oonfesseethat
"wages will be reduced and advanced
from time to time In obedience to laws
beyond the power of man to control no
matter what kind of tariff we may
have, just as the price of wheat or beer
may be high one year and low tbe next"
After that, the few worklngmen who
are yet protectionist may well ask
themselves why they trnln with that
crowd. The sole ostensible reasou for a
protective tariff has been, in these later
yeara of MoKlnleylsiu, the maintenance
and increase of the wages of American
labor; aud we have been so often told
that our higher wngee are due to pro
tectlon, and that more protection would
make them higher yet, that some of us
have almost come to believe that wngee
really do ndvauoe and recede in obedl
euce to humau taritt laws. But now
comes one of the loudest shouters for
protection, with the assurance that all
thlslsamlstako, and that wnges are
utterly beyond human control, no mat
tor what kind of tariff we have. After
that, OAQdot should compel the protec
tionists to admit that since tt Is beyond
the power of man to control wages, it
would be better to leave their regula
tion to the power that does control
Used in Millions of
thuiu. But thl they will not da
Though protection can't control
can control fortune. Though It can
not increase th price of brawn, it can
augment tbe Income of greed. Though
It expose labor to tha wrong aid of n
one-tlilud competition, It can plao the
monopolist snugly on the pleasant
Ide thereof; aud while it can do that,
thre will be work for tbe tariff league,
and a mUwIon for it weekly Bulletin.
The IhUMln haa rendered a grateful
service, however, In assisting to make
the wag earners of tb country under-
Und th truth that the fight between
protection and free trade I essentially
a fight between protected rich men and
d capo! led poor men; aud tt 1 entitled
to our earnest prayer that fat may
always be plentiful and Its frying-pan
never empty.-Now York Standard.
Iallaa Moua.
Dallat it tti II Improving and her peo
ple twin disponed to engage In any en
terprise that promise beneficial result
to th city.
We miss tbe familiar greeting of T.
O, Richmond on our vialt to Dallas.
In his death a great loo I felt In th
bushiest and social circles of tbe city.
That loss we might aay 1 Irreparable.
The woolen mill will aooo tart up,
and when that event occur a fresh Im
petus will be given to tbe business In
ternet of the town. It will be tb
mean of retaining much money In tbe
county which would otherwise have
got) elsewhere.
An lucre in the Are service of tbe
city Is now being urged by tbe business
men. A good syatem of water work
will add much to the safety of the city
from the destroying element
Mr. Fsull Is contemplating the ad
dition of a second story to bis brick
building. Thi would add consider
able to buslnesa fadlltiea.
Tbe Dallas foundry U) turning out a
large amount of work. It la filling or
der at fast aa men and machinery can
W. C. Brown, with hi genial smile,
still waits on his customers, while Mis
1 1st tie Williams, with true womanly
taste, arrays her lady customers In ele
gant fsbtics, thus adding to the beauty
of the Dallas female sex, already known
far and wide as most attractive crea
ture. W.E. William came In from Alrlie
thl week. He baa not lost much
fleeb nnce we last saw him.
Fred Touer has just returned from a
hunting trip over about theSiletx coun
try. He reiorU tome game in sight
and some lost so view, thus escaping
tbe aim of his unerring rifle.
Blah Creek had the pleasure of en-
terialnlngsome of the Dallas people
this week. Miss Mabel Hutton. Mr.
Andrew Holman, and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Holman, having paid that lo
cality a visit
Mr. H. Forrest has taken charge of the
Gibbons barber shop while Gibbons
will run his hotel for all it is worth.
Mr. George Stanley and Miss Lottie
Sites were united In marriage Wedne s-
dtty the 3d.
Miss Mabel Hutton and Miae HatUe
Williams have been making a visit to
Mark Holmes w as In the city this
week greeting every one with that
pleasing tmllo so characteristic of him.
Charles aud John Belt received a
visit from their mother this week.
Mrs. Belt Is a resident of Salem. Bhe
la the relict of Dr. A. M. Belt, who was
tbe first Grand Master of Mason in
A family from Missouri are visiting
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Townsend. They
speak well of Dallas aud the country
In general.
Dr. Farley aud wife have gone to Cal
ifornia, The doctor's health is some
what impaired, and he goes for health
aud recreation.
The tan yard owned by Mulr-4 Mo-
Douald has been improved by the ad
dition of a slxteen-borte engine aud a
uew boiler. Leather will soon be
The uew county officers are now fair
ly Inducted into their respective office.
Judge Burch presided with dignity
this week over the business of the pro
bate court. The following businem
was transacted: Wm. Conner estate!
petition filed; will approved and filed.
A, B. Chandler aud 8. A. Riggs or
dered to give boud as executors. 0111a
Price estate; final hearing set for Mon
day, Bepteniber 5, 1892. W. E. Dalton
estate; order to sell property at private
or public sale. In the matter of the
Tetherow guardianship, annual report
approved. In the case of the adoption
of llomaua Westerford by H. If. Jas
person, petition presented and granted.
Mrs. 8. J. Richmond was appointed
administratrix of the estate of T. G.
Richmond, deceased. M. M. Ellis, W.
C. Brown, and 'William Faull, were ap
pointed appraisers. Julia Rowe was
appointed administratrix of the estate
of W.J. Matney;bond approved. We
think Buroh will make a fair and
Impartial Judge, and that Mulkey, as
clerk, will give satisfaction to all re
quiring his servlse. As to Billy Wells,
his past services as sheriff1 give assur
ance that his future services will be cor
respondingly honest, Just, and com
menduble. RttPOBTER. -
Homes 40 Years the Standard.