THE WEST SIDE.! West Side Publishing Cqmpanj fuid.vy, .ugist &, mi. Wivreik-A irood blacksmith auo" horwhHr can find employment at i - ISilk county. OiwiMt, In quire of W. NV. Smith, lwlvllU SlMt Nkw DimK,-J, lumper haa Jut burned UU kilu of 3A00i brick. They are the Is-st brick ever made in ISdk county, and are now ready for delivery at remmabu price, v Haniwmb 1'knkm- l.ul Friday hI Monmouth, the teacher prtwuled KxSupt. W, I. lleymKls,aaniaik of appreciation for lit ojuvllettt wIukM work, a hundiomi' gold watch charm, set ltl exquisite ruMt The I'm feasor will always hold dear thl 4oken of IVgaad, HROK8 111 Utns,--Dlek Wilson' team started hg It alone from Skin ner's mill Wednesday aland noon, and Urn further they went the sootier they 4 wanted to get there. They run aero the railroad, and over into Henry Hill' barn yard. Furik Wilson grubbed tho line and altemped t stop them, but wnly succeeded iu getting a kUk In the ril. several of hieh ere broken. w are sorry to wy. Dr, Ketohtim dressed the wound, which though wry painful, and severe enough to confine Mr. Wtln to hi ld ftr some time, are not necessarily dan gerous, CTrr, th.AB tj llKAk it Tin many frletuhtof Mr, W. A. Uihuorv, of the class of III, O. a M. S,, In ludtq-eu- dene. Monmouth, and other titles of the Willamette valley, will be phased to hear of hi nomination fur superlu teiidcut of k-IkhiU In Clarke county, Washington Mr. Gtlnmre ha been teaching t aucouver this past year and although only twenty-two year of age l rtwgnbit'd a oue of the U'illn it teacher lu Washington. He U, w nil MueiulttT liliu, y't the tww jolty Will, Heltetlun li XovemWr Ut a- urol, Msyf he gtt Hirre l tho Wi of evvry iiormalitM lo Owgnn ntut Nu ingtoti, Nkw l4At TO !i,i:m v hail the vwy Brtifyln Infommtion from J. H, 1'iirhrr thijt win-k, itrltr on tl wt'st Mul of thw ww riwil that U-imU from lutlt'iwntk'Uiv loSiUfitt, thut lil nwil lit uowokiu for tmvvL Mr. I"rkt r hn th tlmitk of thin itmimuulty for ht eiH'fx'tic work lu ownlnij thl iww t our cntitnl rlty. Th ttnui ta JuM ten ami om half uillv to fWui fnru thl jtlmr, ami ( called tho Jrt jwt Hill road. Mr. Moons tU iU'r vlnorou the Hitifut end, him mnd Khm road ther lm. Mr. I'urber ftl much Indebted to the etiter(.rUUijj eltl of Iii'l.-ieu.lemv lor lbt III" tributtHt to umixt In oH'lllut! U) thi Hew hlgbwuy. IUbhkh 8rMi' IBut,-Every otitw and awhile the rubtwr-Uiii muii IH-r ou the mvne and uwdn In paiiuliitf of? hi wanton the uuwury busiite) man. The tiuii(nt r jmid for ut a ood round figure, ud a few week, when they Income blurred tuid iioklyliHiklmt knd they ttre tlieti thrown'. tjuite a numtwr of thews can b fouml lu tho rubbljh lle i f Euen. It bt eheaiwr and bi'tter to gvl your letter heads, bill head, nuvvl 0HH, eli'., irluted ut ll ivliuliit' priming ntlli and ive much dlsgiwt and wor ry. Kubber iuinitHil k'tter head, bill head and envelope, have a eheap and dirty look not at all eoniplimentnry to the firm usl n them. luitim (hutnl. iJifrnxwi'i.-tiiKo Ywiroit!4.-The VtTj Hikk wa honored by call from Irt- j fetwor ititMH, prenbUml of tho Htate Arieulturol t'olh'Ke, wid from Frof. J. H. Homer, of the mtiiD Inxtltution, litxt W'ednemhiy. ilr. Horner In al ready well-k now n an one oft ht foro most educatorn In Oregon, iu he. Inw been Ideiitillwl with achotd work In thin state for a number of yeum. Vtv Ident HUh U lately from Topektt, Kainuut, where he wimi wiperliiteudeiit of that city's M'linols. Ho Ik an engng Ingeonvermdlvnalixt, ami one can not but feel that lu NelectliiK hint tho b rnrd of regents iihmIb a eholiw that will redound to the credit of the college and state. The writer wiw a resident of Towka for a number of years, and knows from personal knowledge the esteem in which tho eople of that city hold Mr. liloss. Jloth geutletuen left on the north-bound train. School i)iTKKT No. W. Mr. Wal ter Butler closed his sehool III district number 4, on last Friday, July -MHh. A larae crowd of the patrons of the school and from the surrounding coun try gathered at the nchool-housc, bring ing with them largo basketsful of eut ubles, which, at the proper hour, wifro spread on a large table under thu tlr trees, where due respect was paid to them by those present. The crowd then repaired to the grove, adjoining the schoolhouse, where the program, consisting of recitations and songs by the school, was carried out, after which diplomas were presented to Miss Miner va Barney and Lorelta A. Hart. The young men of the district then engaged In a game of base ball with a nine from Lewlsvllle. Kverybisly went to their homes well pleased with thu day's pleasure. Mr. Butler has been engaged to teach the fall term, Fine Lk(ti!KE.-Hoii, J, M. Jtloss, president of the ritalo Agricultural Col lege, lectured at Monmouth last Tues day evening before the summer school of teachers beiwg held there under the supervision of Hupt. Reynolds, and many friends of popular education were present to listen to the address. The subject was "Our Civilisation," and to sav that President Bloss treated the ' subject in an exhaustive way would not be saying too much. The president is a flue spuaker, and his articulatiou Is exceptionally fine. Professor' Homer was present at the Institute ami ren dered valuable servii. These gout lu men were on their way to Eastern Ore gon to engage In agrlcultural-lnsUtuUs work. The college these processors rep resent Is doing a noble work, and its prospects are very bright for the com ing year, We are pleased to see the active interest these gentlemen are Ink ing in their Institution of learning, and their ellbrts will be attended, with suc cess. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. LOCALS. Hot for the m ldi to-morrow. The river la getting down to bed-rock Only $:t,2A to Ympilna and return Willi pais In end low vttricty at F, Aiistlnv't, Aetlv prvmrHlUin tot threshing arti iiw lu progn. , N'unieiMUs sidewalks about the city R sadly lu need of r' pal IX Jim UirsehlwrK Is eating a hop dry er on his land mirth of town, Ticket for thu Yaipilim excursion on tl l the First National Hank, Head "Protwtloit or Free Trlld.,, W muid It ftir a IwimvuI iti. A. 1. Ilouney la building larg hop house oil his plaiv near Bueim 'lta. HUnmion'd that utaek fever h nuele Its appearuiiv Ml Hoda springs Pitt will start a new black iuith shop on Mailt street next Moil- Ho timuy KHipli gtdng to th mutt and every w hern vis that W give It Up us to personals, ' Muipliy A Mndlsou hav start! Uieir thrwhliig outfit i'hey go tv?r th Mit formerly traveled by Ihiinon Kev, It, U Mieltey l making tut' proviueuts In wild about his itwideiico that r iiulte notUvabl and coin uiPudnt'le, The regular nuarterly nm'llng fir the M. K. Churvii Naith will U held in that ehurvli lu this city over next Saturday and Huiiday, Htocktou k Hen Me arv rweh lug an liuuieiM ktis'kof fall gooda, You will iu finding what you want lu their large stock. J, W, Jiunw' tiaiu Ustk llwly splu over the tuldgw to North luuviwuuVucv last Monday. Nuthlng hurt. A traetlou vtiglutf caused tho mitaway Frank Keiuu-dy and lkve Htpl- ton, iu cimnpauy w ith Mr. and Mrs. lllatiehard, slartiHl for the cln?s Wediiwatay tnorulng. This Is no Jok. , U, Hhelhy nturuei from IVirtlaud the tatter rt of last wwk her h had Ikh'ii for a wwk or two having his y tieatwl. U l cotmidemtily im proved. T, H, Huntley and m bought forty acres of ttw It K. llurvh farm, south of Ituleieudeuw thk week fnan F, A. IVtU-rsou, manager of the IVik (uuty lutud Cunipauy. Thu finest display of tropical fruits ever rn'ii in this city a displayed in W, U. Whivler's w indow Wedumlaj. lllalr Miller U the artist wins giant uitelleet evulvwl the pleasing vthvU Dr. H 3. Young, veterinary surgeon aud dentist, laid of Mcwtwrg, lias lo- catil permanently In tudepi'udeuco. The doctor wine highly recommended. lllsofllce la over tlie Iitlejindeue National batik. W are sorry to learn that Win. Mor row, lu the lida nelghborhoml, la yet sulflrliig badly from the ointit of an otU Uitrd getting lu hi laryiU. He will not ilkcly be stile to do anything twfore next fall. Mrs, Bertha Move has the thanks of the Wwr Sun fur some of ttw fluwt blsi kts-rrie w have mvn this season. They are large, sweet, and Juicy. Sh will supply auyoiw wishing th twrrlw at live wilt s-r pouinl. Fwd Ihaity says his firm sold binder recently that was so exeelleutly maile that when Hie team ran away with ll tiolhlng was broken necpt a small pinion eiwliug otiljf a few wuta. Of course Fred Is a second Washing ton. Mers.1,el'gusoii A ValiMecr taks this method of Informing the general public that they now have on hand thu very best sawed cedar xts, any slw or length, and largo supply of first class lumU r. Call and buy at reasonable priw. 8tt--t We shall Issue lu our next week's tiumbera ultrly compiled business dl -rvetory of Polk county nicely gotten up, containing a good write-up of thecouu ty ami the business men. We are in hopes the business men will ixitroulxe this enterprise liberally, Johnny Ford, our elTlek'iit city clerk, Is getting quite a reputation as clous player. While blindfolded he can de feat almost any of the local players. It Is a wonderful feat to play chess when one can not at the board, as the moves must all ,be made entirely from mem ory. A separator belonging to Heliulck A Tom broke loose from the traction en gine Just at the brow of a hill near the Harry Christian place, and the ma chine ran down the Incline. At the bottom It tlms-d over, and wiw con siderably smashed up, but not to an extent sulllcieut to ruin It, On Sunday, August 14, the Itidepen Mince ball club will play the Salem Oiants ou the Taliuago grounds, and on the 21st the Itcd Hill nine, of South Salem, will play the homo teum, on the same grounds. Manager Irvine says the games will be very Interest ing, and Green says he will pitch rigid Into them. if you do not' find the usual amount of locnl news for a week or two you must remmis?r that we are short bund ed. So hold your wrath, ami If you ure unable to keep It bottled permanently, wait at least until our local man gets back, when you are at lilsjrty to Inflict any sort of torture that will give you the most satisfaction. The, fighting editor of this paper went to Salem Wednesday "to see the governor," he said. It Is somewhat remarkable that so many people have business with tho governor on the day John Itoblnsou's circus Is at the capital, We say this In fear and trembling, and our only hope that our life will be snared Is that the afore- mentioned fighting editor will not see this Item. ' Mrs, Htlne opened the Christian House to the public Monday. The lui tul is located near the depot, uud Is very attractive In appearance, both In side uud out. Everything Is neat and new, and without doubt the house will be very liberally patronized. Monday an elegant chicken dinner was served, and a goodly number of people were seated around the board. Mrs, Btlne has gulned an envlulilo reputation us a hostess and will surely meet with the success she so richly niorltH. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. We an not resuislble for the follow ing. It li from thu sn of our occasion al contributor, mid Immediately after "etllislng" H h itindu a hnmk for a drug slow lu search of some qtiluliiiH?) TltH WIHTtt HOI'SN rAMtl,V, Ih'iuiy rMthe huby; lvl tends the Iwr tlicy say, Johnny runs the Holiday school; "And the itovcl has to pay," The preaching lust Sunday nl the Prwbylerlaii church by ltev, Town end, of Turner, was highly edifying to the large congregation attending. The Presbyterian friend and all others, duly appreciated th work of IUv, 1). V, Puling and his wife, and others that kindly assisted lu th music. The elegmil appearauc of the Work from the hideis'iidem steam laundry Is rtmturked by all who have scut their 11 lieu ther, With now uud Improved machinery and skilled workmen Mr, (fate I premred to compete with any laundry on the coast. 'Oh, If 1 had only taken this medi cine earlier lu lift, what yrara of suffer tug It would havo saved me I" was the touching exclamation of one who had hewn cured uf rheumatism by the ue of Ayer's SMmipartlbt, Score of such mtm are ou rvcird , As au after dinner pill, to strengthen the stomach, assist digestion, and cor rwt any bilious lendeticles, Ayer's pills ar considered the best, itcitig sugar- eoated, they are as agrwabln as any ouufectloii, and may Ixt tukeit by the uitstt delicate. alcrnieloiis at m cviils eu ari rather costly hixurle veu for Oivgon, an'ially when It would take three or four of them lu satisfy the avwage -r- Soll, The water eoiuatty ha just com pleted three additional wells, making seven In all. Ball A Hlor drilled them. The water I yuw and sweet The cannery Is in full blast canning tsTrlin. Some of the Uncut black -1st rieaever swn In IiidesHileiice were bMUghtrto thecauuery this week. The ba ball games which were talked offer Saturday and Sundsy, be tween the Independence and lafay- ette teams, failed to tnaterhilUi. The deuiuiid for flour at thu Skinner flouring mill lu this city l au great that the mill have le. n run ulght ami day for I he last two' w eek. It has bivii at least thrw weeks slinv a new aitterprliMs was iwtabllshed in In oVpttiioViic. Cait't we acarv something up? Upv, M, J, llallairty ne will preach lu the Calvary F.vangeltcal church on Sablwth, Aug, lith, at li o'clock a.m. The warehouse al llw Talma jt mills I almost complcM, The niauager, Mr, Klemseii, report business gssl, Tht new nsid to Salem will prolmbly rcdv tlicVulk of tlm travel, as It l considerably the shortest rtiule, I lev, l. V. Poling will preach both morning- aud evening at l'uleoii this coming Sunday, July T, li As ssin a barvrat is over, the farm- era shoulil luk to tne improveiui'tii w the road aud bridge. A good crowd will sHnd Sunday at Yaqulna, taking advantage of the ex- tirslon to-niorrow. It is lime you wit for that tariff hook, two oeut stamp and your addn will get it. Note the marshal's cow notice, ll may ave you a few dollars' costs If you wad It, The llehnlek bpdhers had quite a smash -up with their thtvsher the other day. Prescott Vetless's saw'-lnlll has not been muniiig thl wwk, Try the Independence steam laundry. Ileiiiemiieriiie excursion unaquina. tti in. U..J i..i a.,ii i lien at iok ihhi", , nvh i I was taken with a very a.vei attack i of dlarrlioa, I never had It worse in my life, I tried many uld-tlme rwniw dleasuch ail Blackls-rry Wine, Pare goric, and Laudanum, wit limit getting any relit!. My attention was then called toChaiutwrlnlu't Colic, Cholera, and lMBrrhna IWmedy by M. It. C. Tlusley who had beu handling It there, nnil In less than five minutes after taking a small dose I was entire ly rellcved.-O, (1. Iturford, Harris Creek, Amherst Co., Va, For sale by all medicine jealera. Krwilnllmo "I t ololilni. llAI.I.OK FltlKNIlHIUI UllKIK, ) No. ll, I. .(. F,, Dai, i. ah, oh., July lK J Hhotiikiw; We, your committee an ptanted on resolutions, oeg leave to re Krt as follows: Wluymu, The (Ircat Creator and Preserver of the universe has seen IU lu his Infinite wisdom to remove from our memlwrshlpmir worthy t'asttJnind Thomas 0. Hli'hmond: and IFViW'is, The loss thus entailed upon us is keenly felt, not only In the lodge room, but In every walk of life: t herefore. Is) It llmilvtd, That I'ricniiHhip Lodge has lost a member whoso deportment among his fellow iiieinls-rs was in every wnv consistent Willi me uac gs oi our noble order, and t lmt his loss will lie keenly felt by us all. Krmtiwii, J liar, uro. iiienmoiiu was a (Itivoted DUHiiltnil, n loving uuii uioui gent father, a kind neighbor, and a faithful rriciui, Jinmlvrd, That these resolutions no sjircad tln our lodge Journal, a copy tliereor miner tno war oi ounisigo io oe furnished the family of our departed brother, and they be furnished our county papers for publication. H,Mlm-il, That the charter or this lodge be dritHid In mourning, and that the members wear for thirty days the usual badge of mourning. ltoHpectluiiy suiuiiiiicii, if. H. (iHAN'f, C. tl, (VlAJl, A. V, It. Hnydhh, Committee. July Weal her. Thos. Peitroe. signal service observer at Eola, has scut us his report for July, from which we make tho following ex tracts! . Mean temperature for the month, Sn.7; highest, 8fi, on thfl ltd; lowoat 42, on the 5th, 7th, and;iith Greatest dally range of temperature, illi0, on the 7th. For the past twenty-three years the average inean teiorutui'e for July has been Wi.lT; this your It is below this figure 4.4. The total rainfall dur ing the month was a half an Inuh, whlcU Is slightly above the average, Wliea Baby iu nick, we gav hsr Caitorla. Whon nils wm s Ohlld.Sli orlail for OMtor;. Whn she bwme Miss, she olang to 0Uiri. When she hud Olilldraa, she gtte Uioin CaiUirl. PERSONAL t MENTION. tlisk'A, Smith was attending court iu Jktllaa Tuesday, .Mrs, W, It, Whllcnker was ou the sk'k list this week. Mr. Thus. Esle la now recovering from her late illness. s Marlon Vamluyu and wife went to the twy Wednesday, Mia, K minor Is iniioh tadter and Is now Improving nicely. Ik my Bannister, w ho has been (luwn with maluruil fever, is Improving. Mr, Wash Shepherd, of Iowa, is visiting friend lu this neighborhood, Mrs. K. T. Heukle and (irauduia Irvine went to the Soda siiriuu this wei-k, , ; I,. t ltell went hi Marsiilieid Tues day, He will rustlcuui for a inunili or more, I Kelso and wife weilt to Watcrlisi Hprlnga Wednesday, to lie gone aland ten days. F, 11, lwis Is quite sick with mala rial fuvr. He I some better, we are glad to any. Mr. Mark Potter aud family left for Newisirt Tuesday to be gone month at the sea side. J. H, Cooper uud his daughter, Miss Maud, went hi Newport last Saturday aud returned Mouday. Hon. It, F. Burcli, "I'liclo" David Joliustoii, and their families, all went lo the woda springs this week. Mrs. Noic Butler and daughter, M is Ihrnlv, n tuniMl fioni a very pleasant Visit to Harrlsburg, Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, (knur Heliute.of Salem, were vt!uttg their parent, Mi. and Mrs, Peter Cisik, of this plaw, last Sun day, Mimsra, A, Nelson and A. It Atkins with their families went lJ the Mac, kensle springs thl week to Ut gone otiie time. Dr. aud Mrs, Iskeof Itueita Ylsta, were lu town last Monday, Mrs, U k remalued over ulght with her parent, Mr. aud Mm, James Oibaoii, I,ee aud HollH'r Ihdl left this week, the former for t'tssi tsniiity to be gone a mouth, thu latter with Messra. lord Potter, Iks', Palteraou and Clareuee Heiikle, lor lower Smla. A, M, Hurley and wife and W, E, Cn-my's family returned from the springs last Saturday, .Mr, Hurley was not beiiclHed by his trip, but must of the cmwd enjoyed the outing Mrs, Frouk, of A!tatiy, itr-lu-law uf Mr. A. J, tksHlman, I hr visiting friend and relatives. We ri'iiieinlsr Mm. Fronk espwlally a mm of our old Jackson tnainty Irivtids, It I pleasuit to revive old liimnalid lliwt old friends. Miss Mamulay, of the firm of Macau lay & Hobcrtwut, ha left for San Fran cUoo to attend the full opeulng lu milli nery aud aloto buy her large and ele gant stock uf millinery, She will also bring back with her an experienced trimmer to assist her hi Ui work next to(i. Ml lay will return sUait the llrst of Hepteinber, t in in n Miner.. Alt niemls'r of the Presbyterian church of independence aw re.iiested lobe pn-seiitat the Presbyterian church Sunday, August 14th, to take some act lou to secure "a iwstor. Service at Ho'clm k a. iu., conducted by llev, J. It, N. IW'II, Cougrvgatioual meet ing immediately after, JAMM (ilttMiK, Ork ofSinshni, tHR OH.l,0!S l-At inc. Tli tniijr HIm Arilelr of Imw- ,urlln. Hhlm, Or,, July 3H,-Th Oion tPacltlo Itallwsv Coninany was Incur - - l'm'w' ,'w,''y ''v ''',,'lum ,,,M,ki Wallls Nash, B. W. Wilson, g. Job, ami Abrum Haekleiiian, with a cailtal uk of l,ma,(Kj, The object 1 to build and maintain telegraph, tele phone or phoiiophone limn from Y qulua bay to a point ou the easteru boundary of the state, with the right hi extend It to Boise City, Idaho; to build and oarat all kinds of water craft; the termini of the main lino of said railroad within the state ofOregon hull bo at tide water ou Ysqultia bay, In Denton county, and at a point on the eastern boundary line of said state; the terminus of said navigation Hues shall In Yaqtilim bay and San Francisco, the mouth of the Columbia river and Sun Francisco, Portland and Sail Francisco, ports ou Puget Hound mid HattFraiiclstst, the headwaters of the Columbia and the mouth uf the same, the head waters of Snake river and the mouth of the Columbia, the head of the Willamette and the mouth of the Columbia, and Yiiqulna bay aud such forclgii and domestic ports us the oorM)ratloii may desire to rcaith, The principal office will bo at Corvullls, I have no hesitancy In recommend ing ChaintKirlain's Colic, Cholera, and Dliurliioa lU'iuedy to the public, as I do to my friends and patrons, 1 used It myself after other well-known remedies hail failed, und It cured me In a few minutes. I recommend It can didly and cheerfully upon Its merits, not from a fliiauclul stand-point, be cause I have others In stock ou which I make a larger profit, hut because Cliumherluln's Is the beat remedy I know of for bowel complaints. There Is no doubt uboiit ll, It does tho work. Jiuiies Forgy, Druggist, McVeytowu, Pciiu. For sale by all medicine dealers. , Wlist Killed drsiiley, When Orcelcy was running for the presidency ho resigned the editorial, for the campaign, to Itcld. 'The morning after the election ho entered the olllue ngulti to take editorial churge of tho pit per which he had founded, and which he prized mom than he did his life. He wrote un editorial review ing the 'campaign, Held, to his con sternation, Informed him that it could not appoiir, "What," gasped Greeley, "an article of nunc catniot appear In the Trilmncl" And us the old man sunk back bewildered iu his chair lteid handed hlni a nolo, signed by tho Tribune directors, stating that Greeley's services as editor were henceforth dis pensed with, aud that he ( Held) would continue In charge. Greeley left the oltlee never to return. Ilewnsabrokou hearted man. Less than a inptith after ward, tho grout liiimanlturlnn, patriot, und "friend of the people," was' dead, Now Is the time this Is the ommrtunl-ty-i-ro punish his nssusslu. Will the people do it? Jf the printers of the Untied States lend the way, they will. San Framtlmo Star, ItlMl TliK MrWMV UfKMIiKa 1IKI 1,4, As Kttiit al Hi ksebsreh Kind Tliel tlrlns MHit M l.utlof Hssrls, l,ssl Tuesday a the sun nm and kissed the dcwdrot of Ilia morning, aipt drove the darkness of night away, so at least to two happy souls, as thu sun stood at high meridian, an event was ushered in which drove buck all doubts and fiftrs of (he past, and these two trod the stepsloim of a new future, aud met the smiles of a rising day with lioK.ful tie and pleasure. Exactly at twelve o'ebs k in., at the bride's residence, Dr. Frank 11. EaUni, of Portland, Oregon Its! Miss I.lllhin Cooiicr, of Indepen dence, Oregon, to the Hymeneal altar lu the presence of relative and fiieiids, IUv. J, It. N, lk'11 olllelatlug. The bride was dressed lu d irk-brown cloth, traveling suit, with gentleman's light cloth vet. The groom worn the con - vetitloual suit as usual. Dr. Eaton Is one of the leading physicians of our nietrojsills.lstheaoiHiftlen, J,H. Eaton, a rctlrwl officer of the army, and the dia tof Is spoken of very highly In all department of lit school of materia medlea, Dr. Eaton Is very eftleJeiit a a lecturer before the studenla In the tale university, and now tills the chair of oculist and auiist In the rued leal depart nienl of the saiiK university with distinction, He was formerly of the Willamette I'nlversity, and profes sorof chrinUlry lu St, Helen's Hall, He Is now also on the stall of visiting phylclan to ihsGissi Samaritan Ho pilot. Miss Lillian Ctssir is the daughter of J. 11. Copper, a highly ressetwl citt n-ii of Initeis'iideiice, Mlwt I.IIItau Is a lady of splendid at'cumpllshmcut, imich care having ln-eu hcslowetl iijm.ii hcredileutlou, Shelooketl very heautl ful a site stood umler the areliw ay, taking the nuptial vows, and which vow of herself and husband were ie;iti'ni In heaven, Much might oe said C"Ull inelitarv of the nride aiurgrts'iii but the atsive will suffice, TJIOHK 1'ltl.sKNT. Tins present were ltev, J. 1!, S. Ik 11 and w ife, Mr. and Mm, J, ll Coop er, Master Pearl Ciisr, Ivy Cootier, Mrs. Julia Matney, Mm. A.J, Cisqa-r, Dr. and Mrs, T. J. 1, Dr. sod Mr. O, D Butler, Mlwa Fie lUilrti'li, Nell M Hill. Mr, aud Mrs. Kennedy, Mr, aud Mr Mattlsni, Mr. 5r5J. lt"- etidorf, W. 11. Hawley, Willis Hill. tmk rnrsiKM. HelrliHim, from the war of INI'J, a silver ladle, by Hie mother of the groom, Mrs, Oeii, I jiIoii; silver spoon, ,M1 Margaret N. F-aton; Silver and gold U(,"ar howl and en-am pitcher, io n. and Mrs I'jttonfsllver butterdish, J. H. Otopcr, old-go!d trtat pin, by mother of the bride; gold and sliver salt and jsqqs'r act, Ml Metul Holsrt ou;goid and silver wilt dishes, Dr. Kenneth A, J. Mackenzie; sliver berry spoon, Mr, Ibslcrlck Maketuie; silver ten set, Dr and Mr. T. J. Iee; china M, Mr d IW'tidnrf; silver cake knife, Mr, W, 11. Hawley;ilvcr knives and fork, (SiMslman A luty; flue palntiligof Spokalia Falls, by Sister of St, Mary'a Academy, Portland, palulcd by ihemsclvcM; iniirriage tvriillcale, ltev. Hell, There are other costly ptwiil which w ill ts re'vlved by the bride and gwom on their return from their bridal tour lu California, by Dr. 0. 1), Butler and w ife and others, TJie spread was hi rj ", and Mrs, Ccssr merits the thanks uf all present for the very excellent dinner served, ThoWfcST Hi iK otlli-e kindly acknowledge a bountiAil supply of cake, and only wishes for more wed ding and more cake. Dr. Eaton and hi bride left on the aftcriiism train for San Francisco, via Portland, lo 1st alisent alilit six week. The Doctor will lecture at the Stanford Cnlversity while III California. The very lat wishes of friend follow them, aud the Ww Sil'K hojs'S that the winds of ad versity may blow softly Um them, and that the hrcews of proH-rlty may uttendthem, EATON- fOOPElt.-At the home or the bride's uirvnls nt DidependeiiiH', on Tuesday, August 2, tfi. Miss Dtlilaii Ctsiperto Dr, Frank B I-ion, sin of General I jtton, of Portland, lU'V. J. U.N. Ih-ll olllcliiting. The bride Is a daiiKhter of John D, Cooper, a leading ludi'is'lidetitv clll ten, uud the Kiooui Is a nromiueiit phy sician of Portland, The brldo and groom have got!" to California on their wedding tour, and while there Dr. Eaton w ill deliver a lecture ut the Stan ford Cnlversity. The Stnhnmnn joins In w ishing them great prosperity and unalloyed happiness. Stutfrniiun. THIS SATiOJiAI. tlAJIK. lmli.emlioi(ie llrfests Selo ia tli lluioi (It-ttutot, Last Siuidiiy fully l,6tK) soplo went hi Tuliiiage to witness Mm base-bull game ts'tween the liides'iideticc h'Uili aud the chiimplous of I.lim county, From llrst to last (he Interest was very greai, ami an uniiou in prououuemg Sunday's game tho best so far playe n this city, The Intention was to play for fifty dollars a side, but for some rea son best known to themselves, the SSio boys did not cover tho iiioucy that the Independence team had on deposit. For the first few Innings the Selos led, with a score of t wo to nothing, but the home team hud not got warmed up yet, They soon got ill their work, however, and at the close of the score stood tight lo fotir In favor of Indepen dence. Tho work of both tenuis was very good Indeed, and the huge audi ence appreciated It. The home nine now claim the championship of the valley, and will meet any club who wishes to try its skill uguliisl them. There is talk of arranging a game be tween the Indepondouoo and Solo clubs to bo played In the near future on the Salem grounds, . . Happy llooKlei's,' Win, Tlintnons, postmaster of Ida vllle, Did., writes! "Electric Hitter, has done more for me than all 'other medi cines combined, for that bad feeling mining from kidney and liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer uud stockman of the sumo place, says! "Find Elootiio Bitters to he the best kidney and liver medicine; imuiu mc fed like a noV man," J, VV. Gardner, hardware mer chant, same town, says: "Elcotrlo Bit ters Is just tho thing for a man who is all run down and do u'C care whether ho" lives or dies." Ho found now strength, good appottte, und felt Just like ho hud a now lease on llfo. Only fifty cents a bottle at any drug store. Try Bli'ong's restaurant, Wiwlneolt & Irwin, proprietors, when' In, Suloin. Meals, first class In ovory way, 25 cunts THE WEEK. jvi.v at. Henry llude. living la-ar Salem, dropSHl dead. , O, C. Uiiuulsoii, of Halem, fell down stairs and broke his neck. Phil, J. Daws, a Healths ssloonkeeper, was shot dead by a h-afer. Near Wyaton, Out, a uall over turned a pleasure yacht and six jiersons were drowned. Forty thousand iiidm are needed lu South Dakota to harvest the Immense wheat crop now ready. Tatsinia , Portland none, atTacoma Seattle 3, Spokane 2, at Spokane. Seattle has first phue. At Gaylord, Mich., a boiler In Hart- nell A Smith's shingle mill exploded and four men were killed. Private lams will sue Major (General Hnowdeii, Colonel Hawkins and Lieu tenant Colonel Htreator for 110)0 damages. The Carnegie reinismy has decided to pay the Anialganiali'd asstsilatloij' male, but will not, they any, reoognlw the association, Twenty -one oonduelor of the Wash ington street and Htssjtid street electric lines in Portlaud were arrested for stealing from the companies. 1 he girls lu the central station of the Indianapolis telephoneexchangs struck against obnoxious rules, and talking over the wires Is now Impossible there, While crossing a bridge with a trac tion engine near Uke I,ahih, Or., the bridge gave way aud the engine and men fell alsjut twelve feet. Frank BoW will probably die. A fur trust with a capital of $10,000, kt is the latest. As the principal busi ness of the trust will he In seal skins, ll will not lw necessary for we of the common herd to lose much sleep over It, It Is now nsirttl that the dreaded Asiatic cholera has broken out In Yera Cm, Mexico, Thl would not ba surprising, as on ac- mum or its location that city Is pecu liarly suoceptible to such diseases. In lean or (tie milliner or cholera casta decreasing, as reported last week, the disease seems to tie making greater ad vanciii than ever lu Asia aud Eastern Europe. It has broken out in Poland, lu the cholera-lnfecled districts there were 2,Mi3 new cases ami 1.4H5 deaths from July 23d to Iftlh Inclusive. Of thoNC attacked oue-half die. Jri.Y Portland ft, Taixmia 3, at Tamsua. ( will have forly majority lu the new parliament. it is announced that a French com pany wilt complete the Panama canal. Martial law will be continued in Slnadioue county, lduho, for several mouth. In New York forty aix jierson died from the heat; In Bnsiklyn, twenty- seven, Must of the factories In New Brunswick, N. J., have shut down on account of the beat. Near Itackboro, Telin,, Andrew Ileal- sou aud John W, Ellis outraged Mn, Win. IMlke, after tying her husliaud up so that he could s what transpired. A iiioii lynched, the jtair. At Plawn ille, Cal., Jacob Alcara, with his thrwycar-old son lu hi arms, throw himself In front of au approach ng train. The engineer reversed 111 engine and clupvd on the air brakes, stopping within six feet The man and child were Iwdly Injured but both will recover. Five huudrcd Italian laltorers at work laying pi pi's from the gssfieldi to Cbicngo, ipilt their camp snd bxik his siwion of Slur CUy, Indiana. The lu habitants fled. Windows were broken, feint's torn down, aud stores and sa loons looted. The station agent was stripped and beaten and hanged to a tree by the arms. He huug for an hour before luing cut down and may die. The mob Is still lu kmch1ou. Ji i.Y 80, Two new smallpox cases have ap peared tn Seattle. ' The usual revolution Is about to be resumed in Veneuela. , Tucoina H, Portland 4, at Taooma. Sikane tl, Seattle 1, at Sjxikaiie, The Wayne Iron Coni)any, of Pitts burgh, signed the amalgamated scale to-day. Private lams is a boy of eighteen. His attorneys will bring two suits against the militia officers, one ou be half of the boy and the other on hi father's behalf. The Glasgow, Scotland, trades' coun cil has passed resolutions that "thank Cnruegic that while enrolling bis name oil the scroll of fame beside that of Ju das Isciirlol, he has provided the world with an object lesson of the actual rela tions between capital and lubor." It Is said that threatening letters have been received by those highest in the management of the Carueglo mills, BlliHwedlv t nun anarchists In svn.oa. '"".thy wltf hy with Bergnmn, Two other men, Kuold and Bauer, thought to be ac complice of Brrgmnn, wore recently urrested, and their ball was fixed nt f2,i HH) each. In tho mills there are 83 men at work, S,(HK) less than the requi site number. Tho strikers claim that they will Induce nt least half of those now ut work to quit before the week Is out. 3vi. 31. Chiilriiinu Frlck Is practically well of his Injuries. Fifty deaths from the heat Is New York's record to-day, , : Chris Hlch, of Halem, Oregon, was drowned In the Willamette while but u- lg. ' Archie Partridge, of Spokane, Wash., wns drowned at Missoula, Mont, while fishing. t Henry Pnpc, post master at Jackson ville, Oregon, who was stricken wltii paralysis recently, dlod. An-elghUyeur-old boy named Parker was drowned In tho Willamette nt Ore gon City while bathing. Portlands, Taooma 2, at Taooiua Seiittlo 1(1, Spokane 6, at Spoknne, Se attle und Portlund ure tied for first place. '' '" ' : Neur Ht. Paul, Minn., rrofessor Kobe Jumped from a balloon while 8,000 feet high. The puruohuto would not work. Ho wns driven Into the ground to a depth of ton feet so great was the force of t he full.' ; . ' -v " ; ' , At Spokane an Indignation mooting attended by over !,000 jwoplo was held, the object being to denouuee tho treat incut of the Conur d1 Aloue union mulct's nt the hands of tho atiite and federal authorities, ItoSoliitlons wore passed bitterly donounclng the mine fnwners' assnclatloo, the governor Idaho, ami ail wuo were in any way connected with putting duwit the out- break I'rosprotors lo the Olvllfe Indian reservation, Washington, have wen quite numerous, su much so that the Indian are up In arms to drive them off. The latter have fired the forests! and will even go so far m to klit the whites If they do not leave. August I, In a railway collision at Edwards- vllle, III,, three people were killed, The Akro'm, Ohio, Iron Company signed the amalgamated scale to-day, The president ha signed the bill Hrti king the hour of lalsirers employed on public works. The election in Alabama resulted In the usual Democratic victory. The ma jority la 80,(W0 or more. The Ironworkers at Hamilton, Onta rio, have won their strike, and all the mill will start up with union men, An Insane German named Mtrobel, at Oarvanxs, Cal., terrorised the nelgb borhood with a revolver, , A deputy sheriff shot and killed htm. The eruption of Mt. Etna has Dot de creased lu the least, The people living on the mountain slopes have left fur place of safety, Crops are destroyed A part of the Starr block, on Front and Plus streets, Portland, was partial' ly destroyed hy lire. The lose will reach $21,000. W hlttlor, Fuller 4 Co., and Wadharn A Co., are the heaviest Riser. A freight train was wrecked near Cold Spring, Ohio, and tlie naptha with which four of the car were loaded caught fire, A large crowd assembled, when thirty tanks of gasoline, which was In the train, exploded, injur ing some law people, twenty of whom will die. C. I). Maxwell, living war Klmlra, Or,, had a row with hi divorced wife, II. Yates a brother of Mrs. Maxwell, interfered, and Maxwell attempted to procure a pistol. Mrs. Maxwell under took U get a shotgun down for her brother's use, when the gun was acei deuUlly discharged and she was fatal ly Injured, Aimwra Cholera ha appeared In Moscow. At Beatrice, Neb., 1.1,000 people lis tened to a tariff speech by Gov. McKin- ley, of Ohio. Iu the lams case, Colonel Htrealor was arrested on a charge of aggravated ult. He I out on $.VH) ball. A mad bull near Schenectady, N. Y'., so terribly gored Martin II. Smith that he tiled in two hours. The man's side were torn open from his armpit to his hi. It is said that the Carnegie mill have ,300 uoo-unlon men at work. About twenty-five members of the amalga mated association went back, but have again jolued the strikers. A party of fifty-four laborers arrived In Home stead by special train, and refused to go to work, saying that they were de ceived as to their destination. FYick. Lovejoy, aud Potter, will lie arrested on charge of conspiracy. At'ourr. 3. One death has occurred from cholera n Ht, Petersburg, Portland 6, Seattle 3, at Seattle. Ta ooma 11, Spokane none, al Taconia, The wall paper manufacturers have formed a trust, with a capital of $30,- WHI.ISSl. It is announced that tlie Paris cham ber of commerce will furnish the mon ey .for the completion of the Panama canal. An artificial lake covering four acres, iu su Paul, burst its banks, and several houses were demolished. One woman was killed and several other persons will probably die. rV'njtary Lovejoy, Vice-President Irishman, and Treasurer Curry, of the Carnegie company, were arrested on a charge of conspiracy. They were re leased ou $10,000 ball each. In Northern Wisconsin nearly all the saw-uiili men are now or soon will tie ou a strike. The men demand that ten hours shall constitute a day's work, Instead of eleven aud twelve, as at present. Hultitoa I !). Wallace Y'ate has been rusticating at Ncstucca the 1 st two weeks. , Mrs. Frank Oould has been very low the past week. Dr. Smith has been at tending her, Mr. George Spotwood has bought a new Doertng binder. L. II. Helgerson has moved his fam ily here from Ncstucca, He has bought a lot aud Intends to build soou. Hen Haabrook is building a dwelling house on his place. Mrs. Atkins, his mother, whose husliand was killed a short time ago at Tillamook, is stop plug at her brother's, E. H. Conner. Two more Democrats arrived in town last week. One at Frank Gould's, on the 25th of July, and die other at Geo. II. Bull's, on the 20th. Of course Frauk and George have broad smiles, "Two years ago two or my family, a young man and a girl, hnd wry severe and dangerous attacks of bloody flux," says Mr. John Cook, of Pilot, Vermilion Co., 111. "The doctor here was unable, after a week's time to check oi relieve cither case, I then begau to use Chambcrlulu'B Collo, Cholera, and Dlarrhwa remedy, Improvement was soon very soon, aud my children arose from what I feared would be their death-bed. It is a grand, good medi cine. " For sale by all medicine dealers, For Sals. Two smull tracts of land near Independence mostly set to fruit trees; also oue tun-acre tract with good building, hop yard, aud orchard. In quire at this oflloe. Money to Loan-Ou good improved farms only in sums from $500 to $5,000 at six per cent per annum, C, P. Wells, three miles south of Indepen donee. , , 80-tf Found, A lady's sack coat, lust Sun day evening. The owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. On the 2d day of Jflly, 1802, I was appointed administrator' of the estate of Bethuel Dove, by the county court of Polk oounfy, Oregon, aud I have aualltled as such aud entered on the utlos of my said trust. This is to no tify all persons having cluims aguiust said estate to present them to nie duly sworn to ss the law directs, at my res idence on the Willamette river near Hull's Ferry, within bIx months from date hereof. K, P, Dovr, 0t;w Administrator of said estate. of a HAairaoiiK orrm. a Popular !iiutrii Hams 4 wmim i ri.iitiMt rt. r u I aaliwriiwr, The Wtxr Sihr has fs-rfectcd ar raiigtmients by which we offer free to our readers a year's sutmcriptlon to Wwmmkiml, the popular Illustrated monthly journal published at Spring- fli.l.l ll.l.. 1t' ...IO ..!.. . . -f ...I. uiiiu, ttw win hit jear ssuo scrlptlon to Womankind to each of our readers paying a year's sulstcrlptlon lo the Waw Hi uk In advance, aud to all new sulsarlbers paying in advance. Wonuwkiml will find a Joyous welcome lo every home. It is bright, sparkling and Interesting. Its household hints and suggestions are invaluable, aud it also contains a largo amount of news aoout women In general. Its fashion department is complete, and profusely illustrated; It lias a bright and enter- taliilng coris of contributors, and the paper Is edited with care and ability. Its children's leartmont makes H'o- intinkind a favorite with the young, and in fact It contains much which will Interest every member of every house hold in IU sixteen large, hsndsomely Illustrated pages. , Do not delay In ac cepting this offer. It will cast you nothing to get a full year's subscription to Womankind, Sample can be seen at this office. Uituir I.ll List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Independence post office, July 30, 1H02, Bauer, J. C. Davis, Doras. A. Love, Val. E. Cooper, 8, Hurls A Son Parker, F, M, Smith, II. A. (2) Sherman, John Sterling, Ceo, Steel, J. W. Wellman, W. IL Coffin, Nellie Slater, Mr. Susan Smith, F. J. Smith, E. Stanley, II. G. Taylor, W. I). Tcthcrow, James Buchanon, Miss I. Gray, Mis Ally Woods, Miss Melviua E. O. IU)BKkT80!t, P. Jf. August 1, 1802. Can't II HatB, Loohridge Bros, received bv exoretas Tuesday, a box from J. M. Stark, of independence, Oregtui, containing two buuehts of oats, two or wheat aud a limb of cherries; the wheat heads are about Ave Inches long and have three and four grains in a mash; the oat heads are about fourteen inches in length and well filled. The cherries were the finest we ever saw. They can be seen at the bank. J'uattee 06 mw, (111.) Mr. Stark is wide awake to the best Interests of our country. If more of our cilla-us would do likewise aud send samples of our products to their friends In the. I'M, much good would come of it. . Hurkleu'a Arnica slre. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 2 cents per box. For sale by any drug gist. COW NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that all cows or cattle of aay kind found on the streets after 6 o'clock p. m. will be impounded. This is positively the last notice aud govern yourselves accord lug- Signed, August 1, 1892. T. Fkn.nkll, 39-4t City Marshal., COME AKiU 8KTTI.K Luther Grounds having formed a partnership with L. B. Franier, want all old accounts settled by note or cash. Hardware and machinery costs money so don't fail to come forward and settle immediately. 39-4t FARM FOR SAI.K OR KENT. 8. IC Crowley offers his farm at Oak Grove, near Kola, for sale or rent. Mr. Crowley can be fouud at Moumouth when not ou the farm. 39-2t BUSINESS LOCALS. Shirts and collars are washed aud ironed In a truly artistic way at the Independence steam laundry. Special rates made for family wash ing at the Independence steam laun dry. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. , I have a new parlor suite, six pieces, carved oak frame, silk tapestry and plush, latest style aud colors. If you want a parlor suite you will do well to see this one before you buy. F, Anstlne. Send your laundry to the Salem steam laundry. Mr. Goff, driver of tlie Balem stage, will take it for you. Leave orders at the upper livery stable. Stocktou A Heukle have had a splen did sate of clothing this season, but ' they still have a few summer suits that they will sell very cheap. Call and see them. Au elegnnt luster is given to linen at tlie Iudopeudeneo steam laundry. You can not afford to accept second class work when this house will give you the very best at au extremely low price. .. If you are at all particular about the looks of your collars, culls, and shirts, you will send them to the Salem steam laundry, where they will be turned out with a glossy finish that is elegance itself. Prices very low. Leave orders at the Suleui stage barn. We feel proud of our side of shoes this season, as we started In with a very large stock, and now we have scarcely anything, but will be stocked up again in a few days with a splendid line of the very best makes direct from the factories. Stockton and Heukle. There is no place iu Oregon where a better meal is served than at the res taurant of WestacoU& Irwin, 271 Com mercial street, Snlem, Courteous at tention, a fine meal, and the popular price of 25 cents, have made this house the headquarters of everyone who has occasion to dine iu Salem. TI M IS TA11LE. Independent) and Moumouth Motor Liu I Leaves leaves Iudtnx'ndenoe. Monmouth. 7:00 7:30 8:10 8:25 9:311 10M) 11:15 rim 1:50 lift 8:45 4:115 Mi) 5:15 8:15 (SitO A GOOD BARGAIN," For sale iu West Independence, eight blocks from main street on Mon mouth street, , four lots, a four-room cottage, with burn aud other outbuild ings, partly set to youug orchard and small fruits. This is a good bargain if taken soon. Inquire at this oflloe.