r4 The lfest Newspaper I ih tme thl giir Ih mot timl fWsAfwf HtMr. (isW fft WISSV SlUK itk tISf iHIXT H fVffc COwrlf. As an Advertising; Medium THE WEST SIDE Takes the Lead In Polk Count. VOL IX. $2,00 IVr Year. INDEPENDENCE, l'OLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1092. Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 39 XiV 8J, ( every M,nnln, Mstil In Mmohw hstl. All fcM'nt 1MVU"1 tuttmt. ' M.AItt MlU.t.ll, M,W. YAl.t.KY IaMmKNii.,, Lj, 1. O, O, P., iihwU In M Mi- lti.ll pmr i nuii l.,..lili. All 11.1,1 t'..ltu F-'C V enedleltv Invited l. Irntt, l.i. W. HiuNd, S, K W, W", Wu (.(, tfcsrMr) , t,0 LOIHtK. , A. r A. M. Misled autttiiiilttt- iin on iirdy viiiiti r twinrv mil ihii encn numui ,lld tftenwiVr. li. V. whlnn, VV, M, V, I". lmu. jf,svfvlMry, II OMKIi l.tUMIK NtK . K, ofl. vtuiti ,mr coy rewr.ltU,v iMviid l ( In,,) C,!. UiCmIUSV, I'. Ii, HI UI Mil i m iv " IM l YSICI A NS-J )KNltSTHY; IMi. J. K. UK'RK, rhysicLin and Surgeon, Bwena Vista, Oregon. LEE At BUTLER, PHTSICUNS AND SURGEONS. ,' lAI-Wt; U. S. EXAMINING SURGEONS. NlWESlKNl.K, - OHKiWNi DR. J. R JOHNSON. Resident Dentist All wurk mnln) to five lh brat Ul MllIMrlKUI. ISIWKXUKNlT, OUKtloS ATTlHiSEYS. GEO. A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in nil stale and federal court. AMncli of title ftinilli.sl. IHTWvW I ndepcinleiicti National It'k. lndpndno, Oregon. Joo. J. Duly. J. S. Stelny. M. C. Kin. DALV. SIBLEY S E&KIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW We h lh onlj "I srwtnwl botik. in euant. HHbt ltti tutei.hnl. mJ duw (. I.n. X" fmmil..n ohni.il uo Dallas, Oregon. A. M. HUKLKY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Om-: Nt IndriwttilfBw Nl'l IUo. In.lpiwmlrii.-.. Or. H. K. Il.mum. W. It. IMiiim, lONHtM. t NM.KS ATTORNEYS AT LAW ttrril RIM HUH ll HUH'K. BwnMll unil iVutt, Al,t;, OR M ISC'KLL A N" KOUS. Mitchell &i Bohannon Sash and Docks a wmu t l W I NO. Mam.trwi . . lmWoli'iir BilH 1HD BARBER SHOP. , E. T. HENKLE, PROP. Main street, Independence, Or. Two experienced workmen In at tendance. BANKS. Commenced Business March 4. 1889. KtllfchMl by NtliKl AuUmrlljf. -THK- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of Indrpenihrae. Orrim. Capital Stook. $60,000.00 Surplui, $14,000.00 J.rl,CK)l'KH. U W. IIOHKUTHON. t'n.ldint. Vic l'rwiileit W. II 1IAWI.EV, Ciulil.r. DIRECTORS. J. B. (wr1 1.. W. ItidiertMin, lwl Hi'liiilrk U. W. WhHker, W. W. CIHn. A (Mirrnt bunkliiif biiluwK Iriiniiifltcd Huy Mid ellfit-liiig U ImporUMit '"iJ'pmlU rerelvcd aulijert lo rliv k or nn iT (IDrMcif (UkwH. :ll-tlmi mii'le. , ottti hourn; V a, in. to 4 p. in. THE IXDEPEXDESCF. National Bank ! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. ti. HirtmiiiKun, AltllAM NKIO.N. W. P. t'ONNA WAV I'rimUlunt Vice I'rtmldnnl. . (bullion A ifMii'nil kanklnu and excliiinu" l)HlnMi ti-aimwlfd; lin niiidc, hllln dliiniiiiilrd.iJ'iin- marelal crndlle Kmntrd: di'jxwltn nwelvea on current amount nubjprt Ui nlirrk, lnlrot paid on time rtepoi.lt. DIHKCTOIIh. Jnehua MclmnH, II. H. Jiwpcrwm, A. J Oimdmun, II. Hlmcblierir, A. Nelw)n, T.J. Ie. I. A. AIImi, NCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS Of OREGON MONMOUTH, OR. . A. M Af'KlIM I'renlrtMit r. I.. i:A M I'HKI.I, i.rre, IRA C. POWKIX CUHliler PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. t DIRECTORS. I.A.Maernm. P. fcfampliell, l,M.HIiiipmn j. 11. V. Jlullor, J. II. Hdirnp, K. H. I'nwull f I A 1 l Jimnpli OmvHii, A Konrrat ImiklfiK and exfthanife IiuIiihh irniiMu!Ud; l"Kii intidc; dfinwllii received aubjiwt Ui I'he' k or frllllcuUHif di'inwlt; Intrrml, nuld im tlinedpMlu. -Flrn proof vault ttd burKlur proof wife, cmircid by Vale time Iwk. V!Dm llmim V a. in. to 4 p. in. Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. Capital Stock, W, r. limn. pmildvnt, J, U twl, TrvH.uror, U. K. Minn!. PmmIiWiiI, Aw t Hwrviary. lion U. H. Kintlmn, ( lilrl JikIIiw f tlw Hiiirm CmItI: tl.m. Jnlilt Hnnivil. r A.h'UIi jitnlUvttr llii.Haiin.mil imrls Hit. J, K, Wwtltrnrl, Aliurnnv, hii Hiiirt lli. i. Ll, PrraMent lAnn t'Miilir Nmlimal luiiki I. r, ltd, M..ivl,ut( U, V. Hlmpwa, l'liiuii M, Mlxmlwri, M. lmtit; J, II. Mrluitimi, 0tlllii I., rpjf, l'b)li'tii. Premium mt'lptit 8ihh orptulwl Ion, .... Jl.'.'.HiS.tU) lAWik jMtid KitUH orgitiiixnllun, . . . . . IMI,(ls,l,H!l Surulu iw mtuirily to Mllcy lioUicrtt, . . . . 24S,JHrt.7 MM k EM, Lccal Afeni:, Indendcace, Qrtsci CALL AND SEE US. Wc buy for cash, and we buy to sell. We buy direct, and we buy in quantities, You will always find our stock complete. We sell at one price, and that the lowest. We treat you courteously. A satisfied customer is our lest advertisement. Our constant aim is U Rive you tlio Iwt ihhim ttt Imttori jritm We imiko your Interval um. Your fhiltl will t sorvwl iw fliwiply iiml imlitely tw yutitst'ir. A tHiunivriMin or our itml priwa will ctmviuw yuu thttt you hhoulil tmtlu with us. L. KELSO, Independence. READ The best le this or Portluiul to buy Irupt, HUtluwery, Jewelry, nml IkMika in ut TUP. PIONEER DRUG STORE . or BUSTER & Our Jewelry Department, or which inn ami romiki. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Sil verware, Canes, etc. Resiling a Hooemlty, ami t!iMjmtrhel Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Remember, our motto is fronts. BUSTER & SHELLEY, INDEPENDENCE. & 1 iihtui!r iM.ili-lr f l. MTI KM KN . .i.bL.i.. t rnn1 "I 'iiwii , a nil' riinn pw. w . w. ........ . ...... i. hI .Vf.tl.iil I. MIMl mnn nf lmM Tbi.edenrlwtti.nl H. M. .LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AKD UNDERTAKER, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. A lull and complete lin of Funeral good Alway on Uand. Arnfl nnil DKA'ITY'H Ormrn. Int ImrKiilun. ihllll HUH Kur mrt li ulnr. Kiul rtji.n ml QUUU,UUU.dr.H Uuuiel F. it.ui.tly. Wwdilnr bin, Nnw Jenwir. DC DC u X hi 5 a U O TJ o u PQ - (1 OS CL3 I a. 3 ill iai.i. m il A Am the limit. Write III It I I X U 'lM r..roHil.iK... All. ULHI I I U UIIUHIIUdrtl)HiiiIF. Il- Mtti, WiwdrlriKt'W, Hfvr Jniiy. MONMOUTH'S lew Grocery! W. J. MULKEY, Porp. BiitiKfitction guanuilod In prices and goods. Hlock Irtwh and lionet forcftsli. Fair dealing and good ImifiiiriH. FHISB DELTVERV at tho lioui-n ot !l to 1 1 a. m. and 6 to f) p. m. PLEASE GIVE RIE A CALL ft!'i iri'ii. umiii r.llit-.lii. v.. wvim wiiil l.ifli-.l ltn n. .ui, Ti.i win "l4i-ltJijAT,. n V .., fn . nd i...i.r ouiin CHiaeiOA. co.. 174 o. tri. 9.1"'"!'. ,?, J,S , ; . 07:,ni: $500,000. ( i, il. Wwim , Kiot Mntr, K. A. Mukmi, I'K.lilvr. THIS SHELLEY. Mr. (). A. Kramer him elm-go, Is with jmmiptiie ttml witisfiietioti. Quick Sales and Small HEW DISCOVERY y ACCIDENT In nmililln Uilll !' w'nllf f Mini n I.iiJ ind.ui .lilB !lnillH ilittJ lli.l ll l.mi lli.ll riwvl l ! uiir l lhl.lltlul I n ...il,. mrkioil iifi iM bi ih Opiiiana ii'i i' u.ii.,1.1. ti.f Il lhnnliiul ui wufld tiiilMti nm ul (juu' AullllliUi, IT IS PER'ICTLV HARMLESS AND " . BO SIM PL f ANY CHILOCANUCIT. Iav lb. bei. n.r and t.tir biiiiui. fr frw miuut.. id ih iuimiuhii br mi'iii'.'ii ilium ii'ihmiiui i ii .m,lir.l ii .iwrwuru. Ii townliknanr oti.er .....ll. u..r .; f,'. . ui. nin 1lip-ni"t. l.AIlf.lK'li' i.i.,.d At Mtl K ami A 1111 "' " ' !! liomrt ...r, mln inl of linlrim ili.lf B . .... .... A..ll.ll.nlli lili Ii il' .! Mnrf.riii Ii. luliire n.ili tm.f iroiMM'i ikui.i. n,. n. hnln M 1I n"i" uii-" . luilr. rli' l''lli. u. ,rnn, .. - rtii.i, I......... , . - ,. n i d In rf ai.fd II I. bi.nrrt and fi(til I I till. I'lll .Mil 0. A. KRAMER, 1 t With Buster & Shelley, wants your watch repair ing. Satisfaction guar anteed. BEITII'S PIANOS WililiiKtin, Nw Junmy. lit ttiivr(wlii!rft, For mMt)"f fttlilrttw Dun I el h Himtty, JIEAIj M Kit IT Pills? NO 1 1 If you Uko pIllMlt U bonnimeyou Imve nnver iriuu tun :.!, rtwork no nleely.nleniiiiliiK the llvprnnd klilneyei iuMj. n.M ti mild iliynlii without wuie Iiik ijiiln ur Hh'knnn, mid duf. nut yim mini eaiuiK uuu wuriiuiK. To Try It la to beooma friend to It For milo by your druggUU . A m IW .7AwXV i - if a' lM vlo1 A MATVlUb MMRDT fO . Fplloptlo fibs Fallluf Hlrkneu, lljUr ' Im, KU Vltiu Danr, HerTvniittu, Iljporhanilrtit, MvUncbuUa, la brltjr, SlecplewiMM, tlaeta, Unla awl Hpl- Ml Ifaaioeil. Ttiti mndlolna In dlrnet action upon tha nerva eonUra, allyln all IrriUbill- Ilea, and Inomaltig U Dow and power of nerve fluid. l li trfcilf harmloaa Hid loavi'l no uiipleaeant effecU. FBE1 A Titlimbln tn.k m Nareima IHMNtam Will ( lO l .U'llM, nd Inmi. illMto nn .'Ml lrtla 11,1a uimlMua ! ut tUrm. ttii. rM..tr ku wa ymnni W " ";ree4 Hw V.ni. ut r.irt W.n.., Ind. .uiu t uti iw vtHii4 uuirt hie amoUiai w U K0CNI0MCO.CO.. Ohlonso, laid br lrrlU rt t t" llollte. SASH I DOOR FACTORY. FERGUSON & ! iEfl, Succcjsori lo S.A. PARKER. SUGAR PINE AND CEDAR DOORS A SPECIALTY ALL SIZES SCREEN DOORS, MADE TO ORDER. l F. H. Morrison, UlldllliE Charge reaaonable, and flrat-alae work guaranteed. DALLAS. OREGON. : TIIBt- Wiilamette Real Estate Co, lluli'iiiU'U(V, OrvKuii. Triuini'ta a nenenil Itral Ute Uuai- liiwi, I'liynaml 'll rniiH'n.V,eIliHl iiwurnnxe ami Ure a i iiit1 Ctui vry anew Itiiolnw. Piirtlm IihvIiik IjiiiiIb fur auto will llllil It t. tllelr ilvlltti to List Their Property With thl Ciiiintii.v, tu Ihey are dally evnilliiit IUU tif liunl rat, time plait lug iltlnlile pniirty U-fure llio ri ili ule ul the hunt. J A MM (I I IIS N, J. W. KlltKLAMl. I'real.reul. rVfivtury. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Independeneo, lmviiiff a Hleam engine, n In irk nnu hiimuiid Heventl lureH of fluent flay, In now prejutred to keep ou hatul a lino timl!ty of Itrit k, which will lie Hold at mtruiti. Ill ile Hoeri. The New Holton House. M. A. Dudley, Prop. Cor. Fourth and Alder streets, t'enlrally liK-nit'd. Niwly fimilnlii'il and re. mu d, Vimi lam In Hiid frtim ell trutne end .liiiiiiiim Kit. JOIIIIAM ti i' GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY IDA I Mrkrl HI. .Rail I rmirl.ro. iwi..'ieih. i,i .i , i. i Co ami Irani Imw vumlerluily yuu are made ami huw to avuiil ii Viich and diir&nci, Mu.eum 'enlarged wlih llmuundiof new dlijccu. Ailmlsfiinn 2J ci. l'rlt Oniio. II 1 1 (Iryr4t. lllnriiiMi. ul mini '. Ktrltdiird, Iomi of nunhiiod,dl.eii.i'fl of the kln nnd klilm j. iiili'kly euri'd without the lien of niiiriMiry. 1'rtinlnieiit porH'iiiilly it if lutliir, Hvnd for btiuk. NEW Geo. Slaughter, Ppop'r. AH kinds of fresh fish kept constantly on hand OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE, MAIN 8TREET, INDEPENDENCE, flAPANJ2BE5 PJJLE CURE A ni'W nnd riiiiiinlnte Treatment ennelaMng ul' Hi i ikh U i i-t 'H, uliitniiiiit III (Iiilwiiliw, iilwi In llnx ami I'IIIk; n nmltlvn Kiirn liirexltir. mil, liiliiiiiiil.lillnd, ur liliiidliiK,ll'liliiK,elirnn lii, riH'imt. ir liemdllitry iillim, mid iiiiiny ntlinr diNtiJMMIN lillll IlllllHle WfllKIIIIHHlK. It In ItlWHyN it Ki'i'ul lii'iit'lll til the Koniiml lii'iillh. '1'hn Hint (IIKi'iivc ry ut a iimdliiil niiriiriindtirliiit mi nnnr. it 1 1. ui wlih tlm knlln iiiiniii'iiMiiiry liuri'iifH'r. I'll ih ri'intidy lute iii'vur lemn known M full. II ehox.llforWl ei'iithy until. Why eulltir from Hi l tiirrlhln illBtuimiwhmi awrlttnn if uiii'DHIi'O In Klvi'ii wlih U boxiiH lortiftind the iiiiiney If mil iiiirnd. Hi'iul ul inn l) for wtin pie. Ilimriin. I rn Innuml liy Wmiiliinl, Cliirku A I'o., whiilp. nk iLiid rut nil U l ilKif ll B,olitiKt.,I,url litml.Or. T. L. BUTLER, ::,:;: Surveyor uiM Epccr All enlle promptly anewered, AililrcH. me at Dalliw, I'ollc notinty, Oregon, FISH MEET ACTING SAVES LIVES. COUNSEL FOR MURDERERS EMPLOY THEATRICAL METHODS. Mew Lawyer Wba Itefead Criminal trie la Meke aa Impreeelwi a ike tyaietlil f Jarywea ome Nuleble Cm Wbeea Lewyari lMHmlel. For year Ii ha boon generally known among lawyer thai ai! aorta of d neur al aud theatrteal ilevtoea ar eonelaiiUy reenrted to tn order to tav th live of Mtiaed i-treoiu. Hut Mr, Wellumn wa Ui Drat Jinieeoutor to mak tha oltarg In open oonrt and quota tain' Unee to forltff hi aj legation. I Ui pracUoa right or wrongf i'erbap Ui imiel Moving part of Lawyer William K. Itowe'eeltant auiu mlng up on behalf of Anul Walden wa whor he heaouKut th juryman to oonalder her youth, her beauty and her nelpleeanea. When Pranoi L. Wallman, aelUnt dUtrtct attorney, began hi eiiminiug op hir th proaeouUon, h urged th juror nut to b moved by bl advvraary't motional apial. He called Mr. How an afltor. II aaldi "If you bad aeen him, aa 1 have, go beblud a woman defendant and pinch her to ma her at?reaio and eoarouM ynipathy, you would not bo muoh In. Btienifid by bU theatrical dUplay. "Whom did Mr. How pim-l.r 1 naked Mr. Wellman. "Kll Neletin." wa bl prompt reply. "Yon recall that tt bad abut her lover dead becaue ha waa iarking bl trunk and preparing to leave her, Hlie waa on trial for bar Ufa. Mr. How got her no quitted. "When b bad gut to that part of hi dimming up whera he called opon th jury to 'look at hnr,' EH wa tilting bo lt I nil a table, her fac toward th jury, but reeling In her hand. Hlie had hewn weeping for amiia minute, but now ill wa oonipoeed. " 'Look at that faor pleadnd Mr, Oow In Impaaaloned tonea, I!trwU rapidly behind bet. Again he cried, Look at that fat-eT and aa he did bo he elaed KUa' aoft wrtet tn hUitrtmg band and wrenahnd , bar anna apart. Tli woman aereained with in and terror. "That aereain waa enough to frees th blood of anybody who heard It ' 1 cannot help thinking that It bad much to do with tho verdiit "I do not aay that It I wrong for eonnee) to employ theatrical methoda in defending their client. I think it la part of the duty of the proaecutlng oflloer to eipoee this ort of thing to th jury, "Fredeiirk U. iiouae wa defending a man named Decker In th general aea aloft, (tucker had a clothing tor in Ibuter ttroet. II arranged a candle o that when It burned down to a certain point at mldoight It would eet flr to a lotf bagging aoaked with keroona, toil to burn tha itor and earn Ilecker big amount of tnauranca, Firemen quenched tha flame and o aaved tha Uvea of aeventy-tli men, women and children who wr ileeplng In th tene ment above th tore. "When Mr, lloua itimmed up h wu tn a quandary, iierker couldn't nndentand one word In KnglUb, there for bow oonld th poor devil weep at th proper moment. That little diffi culty waa tolved all right. Docker reeled bl face In bla hand and peeped through bl interlaced Anger at hi eloquent do fender. "Tblnk, gentleman,' eaJJJdr. llouee, 1f you eoiiil tbl wretched man to priatm you will puntah tho innocent little our.' At that Inntatit Mr. Honoe drop ped bl handkerchief. "Wowf cam a atirlok from Decker. It began like th (cream of a catamount. It died away In a long drawn wall and choking aolev Decker1 tear wer like (bower. Mr. Decker' and the little) Decker' tear wr a cloudburnt. Human natur couldn't (land IL Juror No. 8 wa a nlc old fellow, retired from btni neu and living at bom itirrounded by oni and daughter and chubby grand children, lie broke down at th ooond drop of Fred Houto'a handkerchief. At th third drop of th cam uric the jnror'a tear gmbed out beyond tha railing. Aiuwering niflle and gaep cam from two other juror. "It eem hard to behove, but It U a matter of record that In the fac of the clear evidence agatmit Decker the jury itood thro for acquittal and nine for conviction. Tha tear and howl and th little Decker laved the guilty man, And In proof of hi gull tint me add that Becker wa releaaed under 3,5U0 ball, but h ran away, although th cam wa won brought up for rotrinL "Often the queetion of makeup teat the couneel tng manager' ability and ingenuity. Ther wa Alphonao Bteph anl, th young man who deliberately murdered Lawyer Clinton 0. Reynold for not nrrendoring 8Uphanl't father' eatnt fat enough to bo atpiandorod. Th dofetme waa insanity. "Perhap yon re-all tlie Stophnni who cam to trial. Inateed of th handsome, neatly dneed rich man' ton, the jury aw a wild, unkempt creature, a Caliban in nglineiw. Htophani't hair had been untouched by vhcar or brunh fur month. Ue bad not hathod or ahaved. lie (till wore th clot It wi ha had on when ar routed. Ill linen wa in tatter and almost bliick. Ill outer garment wore greasy and emitted with accumulation of ipllled food. Htenlmnl wiui a good actor, Not a word aid he ipeak to any on. With large blank eye, a deep and mournful a Edwin Booth', he iterod gloomily at nothing, Lear wna a model of Rimlty Im-buIb him. There was mora or lee teatimony to uliow thnt Stephonl had fallen off a pony very many ytar ago and hurt hi huud, and that lie had alway Itoen high tempered, like any spoilod child. No one had bothered altout hla alleged Ineanltv, tliough, until after he had killed hi father' old friend. " 'liimine,' wa the jury' judgment after lUtoning to the tuitimony and watching the gloomy makeup of the prisoner, Thoy found hlra guilty of murder In the socond degree, and he wo ttmt to priaon for life. Today he 1 a neat, well behaved and abort hatred con vtot. New York Herald, Prayer tJnan.wered, A misHkiiiary had taken his wife with him to India, There she died, and the brokenhearted widower received Derails lion from the missionary board of his church to come home. Here lie promptly consoled himself, and with his second spouse returned to the fluid of his former labor. Dut fate was still unkind and at the end of a year he was once more be reaved. Again he besought the permis sion of the board to return homo, but this time they gently bnt firmly tie., cllnod, saying that they did no, oelj Justified in the expense, of giving him, two vocation within, two, years. T;hey suggested, delicately, however, that if his desire wit to reoonn hltnsejlf for hi I recent iom it waa ptNMTbl for him to dnputls a friend to eecur for Dim new partner of bla Joy and sorrow. Tlii h accordingly did. The day th ateainer wa ilgualed tha bridegroom elect went down to meet it, oeninpauied by a married friend. When Ut latter returned h wa potinued upon by hi own wife, who demanded all tha articular of tha meeting. "Did Dr. hutlth seem much ovnromn when b ui Ml Ilrownr waa th first ques tion. "Wll-ye- llttl." "Waan't he overjoyedr " Well ovrjoyd I not lut th word, tierhap." "Why, didn't he aay h waa deligbtedr "Well co rn it exactly," "Hut, at I nut, h seemed pleaaedr "Well-1 don't quit know." "For mercy' sake, toll m jut what he did aay and do," W.ir-withevi-dent reluctance. "When h saw her he wa at th other end of th deck and he wa pointed ont to him by th friend ha bad traveled with. Hmtth looked at hnr for a minute, and then b pd hi hand over hla eye and I beard him murmur, 'Red hairfor th third rim and after o much prayerC 1'ltUbnrg DUpatoh. Hie ttekak. Much of tha luiulo ning In eity ohurcbo would aoaroely be character ised a "sacred" if it wer heard any where except In tha bona of Ood. And titer ar oma odd people who vn in thl ag of progree ootutder that such music belong rather to th concert room titan to th church. I'amon Know waa on of thee peopl. and when he "exchanged" on Hunday with an old college friend who wa set tled over a large city parish he wa both mated and shocked by th vocal die play th anthem with which the member of th choir electrified the con gregation. "They had fine voice, my dear," he explained to hi little wife whn be wa aafely back In hla own horn, "and 1 preauin they wanted to (how them off, aud (o took advantage of a Urn when their pastor waa away. 1 thought at first ot rising aud requesting them to deaiL Then 1 felt that perhaps it would lie my duty to report th matter to Doctor Oreen. "Dut 1 finally concluded that, a it wa undoubtedly first offense and caused by an aluioet pardonable vanity, 1 would tlnal gently with them. 8o I waited null! they bad finished, and then I rus aud said, 'We will now begin th religious service of th morning.1 "And I feel tiro," concluded the lm pi minded pastor, "that they felt my ntbukt and will not let such a thing occur tgoliir Youth's Coiupaulon. Tke "rirel EdHlo." Crate. 1 this hankering after first edition but a mere craze or fashion? In which ewe I would venture to predict that when U book loving and book bnylng public our begin to consider eriowdy what it is that really constitute the value of any first Million the ridiculous and artificially enhanced price of such Issue will fall. Upon this public weakness, whether fostered by sentimental or any other feeling, the bookseller are now trading and ar In the habit of calling attention In Human capitals in their catalogue to first edition of almost every conceiv able book of ronrwe at the same time adding a correepondliigly Increased (rice to books which ar bardly worth purchasing In any 'edition. For Ui prtiw'iit groat demand for first editions th keen compeUUoo among English (peeking people from abroad fur any book of special vain now offered for sale may tie In a great de gree responsible, aided by a large claa of unreasoning being who buy book merely because they are first editions, and who by dint of their long purse ar able to "nmli In where angel fear to tread." These are they upon whom ordinary book lover look with dread, and the bookseller not alway with approval. Notea and (inert. A nil of Com.peedeaee. A remarkable oorreepondenc has been published, ending in a true Irish fashion. It begins; "Mr. Thompson present hi compliments to Mr. Simpson, and beg to request that he will keep his doggs from trespassing on his grounds." "Mr. Simpson present hi compli ment to Mr. Thompson, and beg to suggest that In future h should not spoil 'dogs' with two gee." "Mr. Thompson " respect to Mr. Simpson, and will feel obliged if he will add Ui letter V to the last word In the note Just received, so a to represent Mr. Htmpson aud lady." "Mr. Bimpson returns Mr. Thompson' note nnnpened, the impertinence it con tain! being only equaled by It vulgar ity." London Tit-Bit KKOM Ol K HErOHTKK. Mnmlny morning we took a stroll west of Monmouth to take a look at lhrni, and see what progree was being nmdo In harvesting. We found the farmer generally busy running bind er and securing the products of their lalmrs for the jmst year. Hprlng crops we found light, and full crops not at proinlalng as I ununl with Oregon, J, K. Pnvl litis the best field of oat thnt we saw, nnd A. W. Lucas the best pieoo of full wheat. The Doughty have as tine a young orchard of prune trees es we have soon for many a day. They were of vigorous and luxuriant growth, and bid fair to be very valuable to tho proprietors In the future. As we returned to town, lu passing the normal building, sounds of enchant ing nuiHlo riveted our uttcutlou, aud caused us for a moment to reflect on the present ami past of Monmouth. We are proud of Monmouth, as all cltl ton of Polk county should be, Tuesday we took a ride south of Mou nioulli, orodriod the Lucklamulo, and found farmers everywhere busy iu their midsummer litborB. Since cutting grain commenced lu the Luoklamute valley, farmers are more hopeful of a fair crop than tbey hnd been for some weeks past The Collinses were nil out in the Held, as all Airmen were, nnd we did not spend nn much time with them as we might have done had they not been so busily engaged, Mr, Wheeler had a fluid of full whtttt whloh he thought would timko forty basnete to the acre, but we ftft.v W no whent that Ih WW jwtfcr& will exceed In yield that of Tom Wnnn, ou the Craveu place, near Monmouth. We ' have heard from most of the counties iu the valley, ami from reports old Polk will this year show a bettor yield per aore than, any oounty In the state. Now to return to Monmouth. AI though farmers are busy, a fair trade Is kept up by our busluns men. Friend Doughty, of the (Mmrver, waa In town thl week, aeomnpauled by Marshal Grant, of Dallas. No doubt the Marshal secured Charlie from inter ruption from rivals, Jauuei Tstom Is pretty actively en gaged lu the Insurance bualuoa Uieae dry times, lie Insure everything you can think of against fire. A married sister of W. J. ouard now living In Colorado, will start for Monmouth this fall. That's right; ooine along, all you who want bread for sure, aud not halhstonea. Mr. Oros la erecting a nine snug barn to shelter hi oows the coming winter. Grandpa Mulkey waa uot feeling well th fore part of the week, but has since Improved. HI advanced age render him somewhat feeble. The pocketliook advertised lu last week' I'tnyrrM as having been found, belongs to a Mr. Vaudorooort, of East ern Oregon. J. O. KUutt will have bread enough to last him through the next session of our legislature, Joseph Drown passed through town Tuesday with 114 head of beef cattle for the Portland market. TheKulght of Pythias have two hand employed in cleaning up Uie owiietery south of Monmouth. It Is hifjied, now that that order owns the cemetery grounds, It will be made to preseut a better appearam than It ho for year past Prof. Dry ant, of Kali City, returned from Portland Tuesday, The professor t rttireuUiuletic tn bla praises of FallaCity. Wbatabouttbat motor line? Jesse Derry visited at Will Madison's lat rtunday. Mr. Ham Collin re turned with blm to Dallas Monday morning. Jee Is a sou of Bam Col lilts' sinter. Morehead Is building a large addition to hi (lore house, In w bleb he will re side. Dr. Crowley received a letU-r from R. K. Wlngate, from Balem, lu which he say hi sister Is doing as well as could l eapected umler the circutnetsnces. After arriving In Hah-m one of her limb bad to be reset Hhe expressed thank for Uie kind and faithful atten tion to her by the doctor when first setting her broken II ml. Martin Luther threw his Ink bottle at the devil. What shall your reporter do with his pencil when new Items are not obtainable? 8. K. Crowley baa returned from the Hungry Creek mines. The company are taking out large quantities of quartz, and they are lu expectation of reallxlng gold lu paying quantltle soon. Fisher and Campbell are still there hard at work. llevs. Daly aud J law are conduct ing a gpcl meeting here, with what success we have not as yet learned. Mrs. K. A. Mellon, of Hulcm, is giend log some day with friends aud rela tive lu our mliUt, lillly Caster aud handsome Dulclnea were buggy riding Kunday. Dilly Is partial to Ijemmuus and lemonade. Alexander A Bon have numerous call upon them to attend at the soda fountain this warm weather, llarley dishes It out with no spsring hand. Hilly: "Let me get you a glass of lemonade, dearest." Cynthia (blu.ih lug): "Lemon do not agree with me." "Oh, there I u't enough of lemon iu thl to do you any harm." Tho poor youth' hruln began to whirl, A he stood beneath the suu's fierce glare; Dut he winked at a pretty Mon mouth girl, And she from him with a tare. I Will Madison has as good a water melon and nitiskmelon patch as can be found In the country. Of this take due notice, and govern yourselves aeoord InRly. , One-armed Rob Wllllame, of Alrlie, thl week, had a horse and buggy stolen out of hla barn. Sheriff Wells started in search of the thelf. Win, Dyers baled about twenty tons of timothy hay, on the Will Ireland farm, for J. E. Hubbard, of Independ ence. The removal of the livery stable from one corner lot, and the blacksmith shop from another, gives one an opportunity Can't Cook How many a young wife's heart has been saddened by hearing the above remark I And yet how often the words are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are in question ! The reason is plain, yet it is "like telling a secret." Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. They cannot ba misled into using any of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow complexions, when mother did the cooking. The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says a New York paper, which appear among those who work in ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore head. This gradually extends over the face until the com plexion has ' a stained, blotched and unsightly appearance Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs. j s ; Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re- ' ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact the -' purity of this ideal powder has never beeU ques' j to build upon and Improve two of the mMt desirable lots In the city. With handaiirae'buslness houses on tlxstetwo corner hits Monmouth will be beautU fled and oomiondlngly benefited. Thursday, Will Madison commenced to cut eighty acres of fall wheat for Lyman Damon on tlie Ira Hinlth farm Just south of Monmouth. Professors Campbell, Reynolds, and Powell, were engaged In a very ex citing game of lawn teunls, Thursday. The learned professors exhibited great agility In the course of the game. Hon. J. O. Htaats, representative elect, was In town this week. We think he will make a good lawmaker, W. J. Mulkey aud Kugeue Cattron re turned the last of the week from their lulling excursion. Tbey retxirt TH) fish caught. Kugene fried the fish, and Hilly was equal to the task of jiulUng them where tltey would do the most good. Goodrich, of Ysmhlll, has com menced work on his new residence ou the lot recently purchased by him. A. Jones, of Halam, was in towu Wednesday. K. D. Mulkey was visiting the city Thursday. Nlc I says "beef I beef," and all who want It ftrsKlass call ou him. C. V. Murphy, thl week, In feeding the wood-saw, had one of his fingers badly lacerated. He barely in band toeing his whole huud. Robert Durness has just returned from Houthern Oregon, where he has spent the last year. Fall crops lit that section are good, but thinks there will be but half a fruit crop. He Is well . pleased to be again among hi old asso ciates. Miss Aleua Mcllen, a teacher in the East Kalem school, and Miss Jennings, made a call on Mrs. Lillle Madison Thursday. All engaged lu target shooting iu the evening. They had a lolly time. last Thursday eveulug the members theW.C. T. L'. gave an lot-cream sociable for the benefit of the home union. Alt the teachers tu attendance at tlie normal partook of the Icy feast C. V. Murphy furnished the luxuries from the rear of his palace car. Fred 8mlthof McCoy, was shown the surrounding country last Thurs day by Agent Morau. He will probal- ly I u vest In real -estate here. Mrs David Wltiteaker was In town this week. She spoke of the probabili ty of havlug a sociable m the Cochran cliureh Iu the near future. Harry Nelson was in town Wednes day. In fact, everybody wants to see Monmouth. In the case of the city against Niel, Will Dawsnu acted as prosecuting at torney. From the taleut he exhibited at that time, If It Is well cultivated, he will take first rank among the legal fraternity. Tlie Monmouth girls are the wittiest, the most vivacious and talkative of any to be found In the state. They are a wise as the serpent, and as harm less i the dove. One evening last week a young Mou- moulhite aaid to his ladylove: "See that my grave is kept green." Her an swer was: "it no use to mate an appeal like that for under all circum stances everything will be green around you" Hon. N. L. Duller came up from Dallas on Friday's train, looking hale and hearty. Among the subscribers to the West Sidk Is one who pay his subscription when Cleveland la elected. It will toon be due. , Solomon Istac, of Medford, was iu town Friday. Chaa, H. Morris, the No. 1 watch. maker aud jeweler, added his name to theWusT Bide tubscriptlou list this week. Dlackberrles are plentiful iu town to-day at 25 cents per gallou. A lecture was given by Professor 8plllmu.ii In the chapel Friday evening, after which Professor Reynolds was presented with a flue gold locket and chain, by the teachers of Polk county, In token of their Appreciation of his services, aud of their high esteem for him as a friend. The professor, steps high this moruing, and imagine he is the happiest mail In Polk, Sum-as to you, professor, Rki-ortkk, as Mother Did!.