The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 29, 1892, Image 2

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1 1. N. KU. IDITOR.
Vest Side Publishing Company
rAVAWin is ivr.
ua Vmt . . . !
IMtM.mtlla ..... ,l
Tun Mouth . .
All mirrliui and rtonlh nulhva not anw
Inn n,v lln4 will b tuwrtr.l (It AH
v Hun til tx rliarwsl nv wiw vt tin.
nLIUmvy hwutmttma will W vlmtiptl
at Uie intia r By wioa r linn.
Al tmnutt vnnntili-ilmr ptiMtoMtna
T Wwrt Sii. anil nm nil rvmtllanm
paraM lu llt IXilk lAnmljf rultltahlng OHM.
IWIlrH at h Vual-orttoa In Iiuli'twii
du, Orvgun, m aacumW'laaa mailer.
For Ptvauleiit,
Of New York.
For Vie President,
Ol Illinois.
For PtvaMentlal Klin-tons
V. M. rtvl(t, of Jftt'kMiu.
tieo, R Noland, of t'latwop.
Holwrt A. MtlltT, il Jitokmni.
W. F. Uutolier, of Haker.
K ar sorry for Mr. tVnegie,
He was only makiiijj!! a ton on
hissteet, so of course he wan com
pelled to reduce !ips.
Is tho following sentence aw all
the letters' of the nlphalwt : "IVk
my box with five down liquor jugs."
Hut ilou't take the sentence to heart,
liettor go on a good old tear and be
done w ith it.
TK OrrooHMH says "the tariff
is not a tax on theeouutry, because
irou and steel are ns cheap in A titer
i mas elsewhere in the world." If
so what is the need of any tariff at
att on those products?
It? the Kopubliean organs believe
that protection make high wages,
w ill they please explain w hy free
tr.ule Eogluud pays higher wages
than protected Uermuny, France,
Italy, or any other high tariff
country in Europe!
Ik, as the OregvitMH insists, every
until has the tight to employ an
armed force to defeud his proierty,
then representative civil govern
uient is at an end iu this country,
and anarchy prevails. When the
sheriff is superseded by the hired
assassin .the whole country over,
ours w ill not lie a republic even iu
name. What think you, free-born
Americans, of such a monstrous
doctrine as is taught by the Oregon-
-We admire a frank, clear-cut
Republican newspaper, and the
harder it bits the better it suits us;
Cutahybrid newspaper, au ''I'gypt-
tan mummy' a man or newspaper
that has not grit nor grace enough
to lw a partisan, lets not bravery
nor honesty ( political) enough tolw
n patriot. You never know Mich a
newspaper; you never can trust it.
As an educator it is not reliable; it
is just as liable to teach that the
earth is Hat as a pancake, as to
teach its rotundity.
Wilson may lie insane; if so it is
the kind of insanity that deserves
death. He claims that he nevei
saw his victim's faie. He should
bavean opportunity to gae upon
it in the next world. Marion Coun
ty Jfemocral.
We differ materially from the
Jhmorrat, We do not think from
present indications that ho "ought
to have an opportunity to gaze
upon the face of his victim iu the
next world." We believe, that
Mamie Walsh will be in a different
department iu the "next world"
from where Wilson will be.
Tl,K It0"EHt s' musk bo enforced by it minister.
The Homestead strike is a very A private oltleu cannot take it
view of all the' into bin own LamU nor hire other
private cltlneim to take it into
The administration orgnn nays
that in electing Harrison the Amer
ican people "declared w ith all the
emplutsis at their command that
they approved of protection with
all their hearts." Oh no! Mr.
Jlarrison uiu not rccieve as many
votes by nearly 100,000 as G rover
' Cleveland, the tariff reformer. And
with the emphasis of 1,, 100,000
majority the people declared at the
very next election after the McKin
ley bill was passed that they did
not approve of thissortof high and
trust-creating protection. It is let
ter' to be accurate. AVir York
Tuts was I'rtisident Garfield's
idea of protection:
I hold that a properly adj usted
competition between homo and
foreign products is the best gauge
by w hich to regulate International
trade. Duties should bo so high
that manufacturers can fairly com
pete with tho foreign product, but
not so high as to enable them to
drive out the foreign article, enjoy
a monopoly of the trade and regu
late prices as they please. This is my
doctrine of protection. If congre
pursues this line of policy steadily,
we shall year by year approach more
nearly to the basis offreo trade,
because we shall be more nearly
able to compete with other nations
on equal terms. I am in for a pro
tection which leads to ultimate free
But tho Republican leaders of
more recent years, leagued with the
monopolistic millionaires, have re
versed this doctrine, They are
retreating trout "tho basis of free
trade." They are for a protection
calculated to make a thousand mil
lionaires and masters) and a million
men more poor and weak. I
bud affair. In
evidence thus far taken, w
must say (hat t'ariieglo had no
good reason to mcalo down the
wagea of theskllled workmen, nine
lite net profit on every tou of steel
produced is from fl 4.00 to llfl.00.
Secondly, we do not believe that
Krick ought to have employed
riukoi ton men to resist the strik
ers, thereby, in the Hrst place,
ignoring the powers of the great
state ol IVntisylvaula; and these
same lawful powers were tho only
ones in the cud that could aud did
control tho riot.
That the men whose waged were
sealed w ere meti w ho would suffer
for the necessaries of life, is uot
true, but were nieu who received
from LHH) to l.VV) per annum net
tor their labor. However, these
same luen only have lrom eight to
uine mouths' steady labor during
the year.
Strikers have a right to quit work
but they have uo right to prevent
others from working by fore. The
real bottom cause of this strike Is,
a foreign'corporatioit as soulless as
a horse, came to Pennsylvania, and
by protection from this govern
meat, which they ought never to
have had one tnluute, and instead
of employing Americans they im
ported foreign laborers by the
thousands, and now these same
cheap laborers have caught scent
of the flesh Hta of tho well-to-do
sud will have no reductions
of wages. They are men who
never knew anything but opprca
(Hon; and as uotte bear rule so
heavily as those not born to it, they
soon became overbearing them
selves. Mr, I aruegle to. are
only reaping the ft uits of their ow
Mr. Frick was wrong wheu he
refuse! to treat w ith the ageut of
the Amalgamated association ami
would only deal with the men iu
their individual capacity, refusing
to recognize a union of working
men in any aeuae. Xow Mr. Frlc
was only an agent himself, and the
government or individual purchas
era, with its sound reasoning, could
refuse to deal with Frhk, and only
deal with the individual stock
holders iu their several capacities.
thus Ignoring the right of uieu to
form a corporation and transact
business in its mime,
Laboring men have just the same
right to organize into unions to
protect their prices of labor, as any
other ot initiations of trust hav
to protect themselves.
With the man at the head of the
Hemocratio ticket w ho is most pop
ular with the masses; who liest de
serves iHtpuhtrity because he has
dealt fairly and faithfully with the
people throughout his whole career,
the Democratic party enters the
campaign full of confidence and en
thusiiu m against opponents w ho fail
in enthusiasm because they have
forfeited tho confidence of tho
In Mr. Cleveland the Democratic
party has a leader w hom all Demo
crate can trust; whom all Ameri
cairn in all parties can trust, for
whether they ngreo with him or not
they know that he is a sincere, can
did, manly American; a man of the
people, full of sympathy for the
niiisses, with a genuine aversion
for classy; uot rash iu forming
opinions; never given to Jumping
at conclusions, but teuauious of his
purposes when convinced that he
is right, and willing always to
sacrifice his own fortunes to his
ideas of w hat is right and honest,
of what is true and manly, of what
makes for the welfare of all Amer
icaiiSi As the Democratic iiomi
nee he stands for clean politics; for
a free and uubought ballot ; for lion
est and economical administration.
Let all Democrats prepare for a
heated campaign In which every
Democrat must do his duty. It will
be a campaign of education, of is
sues, of principles.
Whoever approves of the employ
ment of Pinkerton Hessians for
such a purpose as that for
which the Carnegie- Company
brought them to Homestead, is an
enemy of our nystem of govern
ment and of the supremacy of
the law.
The underlying and es-cntial
theory of civilized governments is
that laws are made by tho people's
representatives and, executed by
the people's agents. If a legislator
or an executive officer abuses his
power, ho is responsible to the poo
pie who clothe him with authority.
If a Pinkerton Hessian violates the
law be is simply a criminal in the
borrowed disguise of an officer of
tho peace.
The Carnegie works, let it be ad
mitted, were in possession of the
locked out workingmcn. It is per
fectly true that property maybe
defended, even to the point of
killing tho assailant, by the occu
pant and his servants, but no one
has the right to gather within the
precincts of his property an armed
mob for tho purpose of meeting a
mob's asault. Only an absolute
break down of government can
excuse such a course. The law
According to Mr, Fl ick's testi
mony the Carnegie company did
uot intern! to rely on tho officers of
tho law. They hired ami armed
Ptoktu tons at once. They lutetidod
to meet mob assault with mob re
slstauco, , This was au outrage on
tho law, att lusult to tho authori
ty of the state of Pennsylvania,
Tho self respecting commonwealth
should at once mako th employ
ment of these Hessians utilawful.iut
New York, Massachusetts, and
Indiana have done, AW York
tho slightest effect upon wages.
This fact, uud Flick's refusal to
give the cost or profits, prove that
there was no excuse far a reduction
of wages.
If there is a party in this country
which can claim th honor of hav
ing originated the American free.
School system, that narlv Is the
" : u m " w Democrat lo party. It was Thomas
prvrv inair proiocuiiu in an mm.
l " 1
l.itiOK SOT ritOTKt'TRlk
Tho Republican party has pre
tended to protect nearly every-
thing, from a steel mill plant to
beu'segg; but it has never taken
the least step toward the protection
of American labor, except with
their mouths and pens. Au Amer
lean workman, skilled or unskilled,
In any occupation whatever, is
suliject to the competition ' of la
borers of any nationality who come
lo tills country.
Mr. Cut tiegle, for example,
is protected by a prohibitive
tariff on his product. Not
pound of the stuff ho make to sell
can land in America, and by form
ing a combination with other man
ufacturcra iu the same Hue, which
has Ihh'u done, they can fix the
price of those products, not to ex
coed the cost abroad wltli trauspor
tationaud duty added. Thus he
ha become authorhed by the law
to become a great robber of the
American people. And there has
been no protection uot the slight
est for the brawn ami muscle that
makes his products. He buys his
tabor in the cheapest market, shares
no part of his enormous profits
with his workmen, yet demtiittbt
that 03,000,000 people be denied the
right to purchase products, as he
does labor, in the cheajMt mar
kets. Protecting Carnegie is uot pro
tecting the workmen. Protecting
products hi uot protecting lalor.
The Repubticau party has never
given labor a particle of protect Jon.
Mr. Frick refused to I u form the
congressional investigating com
mittee what was tho lalor post of
manufacturing a ton of steel In tils
mills. lis said it was not a fair
question. He would give no testi
mony ou that subject. He said it
was a "trade secret."
It is the secret by which he makes
euormoiut profits on his products,
while pretending that it is neces
sary to reduce wagm and Im
ort pauper lalwr. Other and
competent testimony, however,
showed that the Carnegie company
is realizing a nst profit, over all
cost of labor and material, of from
$12 to 113 per ton ou all their man
ufactured steel. This gives Carne
gie uud Frick, individually, several
million dollars a year profit.
The cost of labor is only a fraction
of the tariff, so that a reduction of
the tariff one half should not have
0ft1i- nod mltnM, tnrovrof IUIIni uiS
, Munmouiti iri,
Wk kuow little of the merits of
the Cu'ttr d' Alette trouble, No
reliable reports were ever published
regarding the controversy in that
country. Rut wo do not Mlove
such affairs would be osslble were
It not for the laws that make it pos
sible for a few moneyed men to
monopolize natural opport unit lea,
luthe lust analysis, what right
have those Idaho mine owners to
say who shall work in the mlmw
thoret We Mlove that au all-wise
(iod gave-this oarthto I of his peo
ple, and that it was no part of his
plan that some should inoiiopiillce
tho choice parts of tho earth and
dictate tho terms on which their
brothers might he allowed the
privilege of making a living.
To correct the constipated habit,
remove sick 'headache, relieve
dyspepsia, to purify the blood,
eure jnumlice, liver complaint, sud
bllioiiMHMw, Ayer's Pills are uiu
equaled. They are an excellent
after-dinner pill, aiuUttng the pro.
em of digestum, ami rleteusing and
strengthening the alimentary canal.
When taken on tho Invasion of a
cold or a fever, they effectually pre
vent further progress of tliedlnoane,
living sugar-coated mid purely veg.
ctttUle, they are the best
ftttdlelno, lor oil ftl jrounf. Ajtor'f Pim
r la4Uiftull to iI.iioi, ujtoia, outip
tra, mincrv iml tintpiern, nixt uo erj.
hr nmmiKK'iKlo.l li lli amoral
loinliy. Iir. J. W. llaiK. t'tloutx, W.T ,
rtli "Aiof t I'm, mi Uw MhuI tuir ImU
uewt in Uwir Infi' mi) I Kimi ol."
For mat Hutu loKiiiy tn h utJ
AW I'llt ortwiim l. inrptdny f
tw Uiwuvli, llti.r, twit hoiU, Mot lo ai J
BwlMlal ullai kt, ttl llioy !
d.uto poilixti .nk."- K, f. OtRKltttu, rub.
"I wm iRMti-f ol a mlin( Tn.ri fur
Many . miH nr tallnl hi mnuu
uppiy at Ayar hiu, luc Uw m at boitt .
Mi uS men. TtI ui U( wmI ivitatil
n4 ! f( klltlwUtA.' - llarty
MulMMun, H K. tfurl t'tli lltu. Cuoo,
tat S lont Um I iifforvr trvm
ItonuteR, tow, whI IthiiKiy limibl.-a, axil
twIOf UIvS tarlrly (it frlimtlrt. Villi
eul UBUKimry rslil, I ls. ni-mi Uiiv
moam kta. Um um 4 Arf I'llia, awl
ajnutdy mi Mailt) la to Biuch lmfnl lhal
I gladly tMUty la Um aupnrtor tmoia u( on
ldartle."laoil Jfa iira, (iutt4S
Ayer's Pills
racriata t
Dr. J. C AVER A CO., lottB, Mjsj.
Salt! by all Iireaylau U"l iU la ainlxism
I do gardening and house clean
ing, aud make astiectalty of clean
ing and laying cartx-ls, window
cleaning, w hitewashing, etc.
Ix-ave orders
furniture store,
at W. O. Cook'
Independence, Or.
Ket nhmiou twmna on M iiulny, tin
turn imjr or h4'iemi)iT, lsw.
Tuition free.
Four ctmraea; elHMioiil, h-iimiIiI1o. lit
rrnfjr, sud a eliort Kugllali oniirne.
wlncli there U nn I.ntiii, llni-k, Frenpli,
Dur liiTinnu. IDS ImiuIikIi ta ire-rmt
oeully btuineaaoiinriie. Fur raiiilnk'ni
or atuer Himrtnniiutt, niiiirma,
J. V. JuiiNKoy,
Parlltes tke BLOOD, Cores 0.1STIFATI!V, nnitiEKTION,
PIMPLES, ellSkll lPfKCTI0.XS,.nlJPlSEAM.1 AlilMVUfron
with racnmiU Signalur, of Ell II. FKKSt,
oi,d nv all rm wtiiwTH as i tiKocrnu.
StDINQTON a OO. Aotara. San FaMK-iaM
Jviot Opened..
The house ha been neatly furnished throughout.
wiin tno is-st Uie market nllonls. A almra of your imtromaro
li rmpeetfully Hollulted.
The (utile will lie eproail
South Main Street, Independence, Or.
ELLA FENNELL, Proprietress.
If you want
Furniture, Bcdding? Carpets, Wall
Picture Frames,
He has the best and most complete stock
his side of Portland, and will always treat you
lght. Wall paper trimmed free of charge. '
Jcuorson, tho founder of the Homo
emtio parly, who drew up tho find
school law ever adopted in any
Utto In tho Union. That law wits
passed hy tho legislature of Virglu
la. Tlmwhool law I u every stato
this day is merely a mndlllration
and more or Um a copy of this Vir
ginia iaw written liy Jell'eriioU. lie
fore you chargi) the Democratic
party with iinfrlendlineiw to the
little log school houHO, )ipuhllcutt
friends, think hard upon this one
Important fact. '
ludlsmiiwiiig political umwlluns.
let us Im perfectly tolerant uud
fair. All patriotic citlyens are
perfectly willing to listen and think
till thono SilhJeelM,
Weak Women
Cat lh.ew.Wte
SaraParilla. la tww at rte
hu.U.a tbM wb. aal!f If
ta ii.e Hi. t '''L'"
klriml, MtelallNl lwt"
irtmihanihl U atrtea ,
whoi. ayiua, 1' hw-
Afar IS Tear
for II yaaft my aaniart a
harUul rtiitaraia, FT I .
I-ala NOl) P1S a.f, " "V
..all, ."J I, a.l inVli!!ml
I,,; a 4ua.e t-Ol.
I. t.ltlr wall, tat Maiy "
n wall aa wall aa ... " .Ja'i
iwn yiaiii'lmi, nh C. Mw"" w
WUukaalal'iunau. V
'Mks a New Creatar
M kara Iwn ff n??
Int lhal M..IH.I. "-' '"""'''.'i rni
),.M . aaM.rtll.. 4 I CJ
Ilia tttm eraaU'4. '
WaiHu, Uaaa,
Hood's Sarsapaniia
VIS br Dromfta. fil'm?'Zt
tnly hy I! I, HiOU tO.. rOiaila
vw.ll, Wak
IOODot On Dollar
From to-day until August 10 we
will give everybody a chance to
wear "good clothes" and "fine
dresses." I must do this in order
to make room for my fall stock.
A genuine
Don't delay this time, for you don't
get such bargains very often. Every
article reduced right down.
You, grocer, you
dry -good merchant; jou, practical public,
oiikht to know that quality fixes prlco in
JKWKLUV iw in the linen with which yon
tire more familiar.
And yet,
when tho notion utoro offers bracelet and
car ring aud what not, at half the Jewelers'
prieea, yon hcmlate-and ait? lost!
4 a
There is
no line iu which you arc so hoH'Uly Ignor
ant of IntriunievalueaMlti rolled plate jewelry,
ltuy of the seller who KNOWS the value of
the goods he sella.
We guarantee
our goods iu knowledge cf their real worth.
Arc headquarter! in Polk County for
BBSS i IB Oft Bffl BWH ffl
to, rW h
roL rap.
Im the Oliver Chilled id Steel Plows.
' - 'til to d Mbh HkBtar Hi uJ fair.
ilia all rlM ! AKTrH U "'", b'"r'" rllr aina ut aani( Owat.tva
Ilia ail rum wa. .HnaillOafcrf-min and t.u fmu
Scfccal Bitb, Tablets, lib, anil School Supplies.
frnm W. II. Wtwoler. I' imta l t.lM t ll llu.1 If rm aflet lh Min o.. llHf
a ill .iu4 all Jfw la BJ Owlr aid.
Independence, O.
(Our stock of jewelry lor
tho Holidays was laittght
. direct front tho factory In
the Kast la-st uionth, , It
will be, tho laigivst assort
ment ever in this city.)
Patterson Eros.
The Oregon State Normal School
board or regents:
llciijiimin SclioflelJ, PrMidont; J, a
V. Hailcr, Sporntary. Kx offlolo: Uia Es.
eeiuiuev itiivernor Hyiveatar IVnnovar:
lion. h. H. MoLlroy, Hiiperintemlmit of
a uuim itiNiriionoQj tloo, (. W. MoHrida,
n.'iiim.iij- 111 oinui! 111)11. ilrtOllUVlHirtKHyii
lion. A. Niiltimr, J. (. Whit,,., Hon. W.
;; "i iiiw, Airrea ly, Hon. P. W
lliilny, IIoii. J. J. D.ily.
Tho Htiita Normnl in n liva afl,fil BH.
Idly (trowing, nnd eominmilly addiiig to
ill) f.ioililli for Uiu riuhjIiiI- trmmn of
teiuiliurij, tin KrHduntea Br in deniHiid lo
nn k,hi iniaiuoim. gum or aiuhty per
v.m. HiuMiiinin-p wrh made Hint yenr.
aii ennininent or ouo in mitioipnlod for
um iiem yenr. imhw nmnilwra linre boen
aildiMt to the fnoulty, nnd additional
iijiiiiiiuiH una oeen iipiliod.
The Leading Normal School of the
A diploma from the school antitlo ono to touch la any oouuty lu the state with
out niritiiT Miimliintion.
Noriuul. Normiil Advniiwd. Jtiwineiw, Miibio, mid Art Dnnnrlmnnt. b.,i.i
adviintiiuug in VomiI nnd TtiNlrmnnntiil Mimic,
A ywir lit m;liool for $101). Tuition reduced to 80.2ft Normnl. and 8ft Hnhnnrm.i
per term of ton wcnM JJonrd nt Normnl Duniitf Hull, 81.50 pur week: fiifniainJ
iiinmii, 81 per weok. Uomd nnd loiUm, privato fnmilina, $3.60 pnrwetk. Bean,
tiful nod henltlifiil looalion. No auloona, Pirnt term opena Hejitember 20. For
oiitiilomie nddrefla P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B.. President
Or J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vioo rrcaidont. ' ' eB'uen
Tour attention to our line of clothing,
which has been greatly reduced by
our IS per cent reduction sale, but
fie are still able to satisfy our cus
tomers in this line, as veil as in
Summer Dress Goods, White Goods,
Gingbis. Parasols, Underwear, Hosiery,
etc., etc.
I hae in alook i nlnn Una f i..j . ... ..
wo" picture frame mWldinB.: Give me eail ' B"a P'tM rurn"Ure' W'" PapC