The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 22, 1892, Image 3

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It Kt BV
Vest Side Publishing Company
FMIWY, jn.Yaa.wua.
' A RnM.K.-One Friday nigh I h
t sight, hl'h ' ftdmlr
saw the laud rolled up In Mini nil In ft
flame of Hi. Aiwwer! A brick kiln on
rtn. ...-,--'
Monkv to LoanOu ip! Improved
farma wily In emu from wo to tSV
at six r win per ftumiin. C. IV
Well, three mile aouth of liidcpen.
deilO. - (f
KoH SAL. Two small tract of land
near Independence mostly act to fruit
trees; also one ten acre tract with gtssl
building, hop yard, aud orchard, Iu
quire at thl office.
Kink Mosvmkx'W. UhiU lleliuick
purchased of Ollitliire A McAdatn
till week f "tit monument tv place t
tin' head 'f hU father grave In the
Muuumlh cemetery. Also, lr. T. J.
Lee tut ordered ow that will wad H
tuwii out to place t hi daughter
Ft' grave, whose remain rent In the
Odd Fellow' cemetery ft few mllo
sooth f 1 ndeianideuce. The are
certainly valuable token of kve ftllll
respect for the decried one.
AN'kw LotHiK.-Mr. II. P. Heard,
of IVrtlaud, wa lu the city lnt Friday
ami Saturday In lli Interest ot the
Improved Order of lted Men," ft se
cret order having ft wttudcrful growth
ou till coast Just t present, Tweuty
live pate face lgned petition for
dinner, uil the now tribe will Ih In
tltUtl In Independent In about two
week. A toon ft the charter arrive
the "ilrvat luooholi" and ft larii
number of "Uh Men" from IVrtlaud
ml Salem will be ou baud with tlivtr
scalping knlve.
JOIN THK WOODMSS.-YoUllg people,
and especially those who have little
dim grow log up who are iIi'wmUnt ou
father and mother for support aud ed
ucation, should take warning kwt they
should be suddenly taken ftwy ami
tli lovwl null iuiuHvut ontw li ft with
out ttveau ornupjiort lu thb col J, wlil
world. A moit) trlfl (lavd wiwion
lty with lurttrlry onlor would
kw th rwku oihi Iwyoud dan ger
frtiu wnt. Join ttm WwkIuiou of
the World and ihervby provide for your
(fttnlly In rftM yon lmuld ftiil otlwr
wl. It k Mtfe mid rvltul'U'.
BASK HaU The rub (twine U twn
tlie IudieiHliK,j ud S lo tram lt
iSutiday wki won by the lutU-r wilh
oow of eight to Hwn. Thero w
jjood crowd out mid the gsime w uu
unually Intrrttlns, the talll-i stuiiding
very clow nil the wy through. Hut
for ft few td urmn on tho part of the
hmne team, which they have not beeu
ludulgiug In lately, they would have
beaten their opponenta. However,
they will have another chanoe ft week
from net Suuday, July Slut. The In
depeiideue nhw will enxti Itata with
Ufayette tiext Sunday at the Talmage
TheXkw rKisrirAL.-rrof. C. A.
Hitehcut'k ud wife arrived In Inde
pendent lat Friday. The rrofer
in the prlneil of the Independence
rublicacluMtl, and cornea from C'leve
htnd, tliio. We are much pleawd
with 1'rt'f. HitchtiRk'a view aud
ii,.thii.U nf Kublie-M'hool work fur
as we have Uvii aide lo , and e
art of the opinion that a hearty otp.
erotioit iivi)ii the purl of the director
n.l nitroua will wcure to u a K-hil
of whlch,we limy uil he pnmd. The!
rroftiir tx-eupnn tme of Mr. V. F.
(rewy'a houR. Let all extend a
hearty wehtime to the lrif.-r ami
hi w ife.
Tiik 11 ASK Ball Hti'i',- In winw'
queuceof the Independence and Mon.
mouth bualnvaa nien'a bae hall game
renultlng aa It did laat Friday, vl., thir
ty to eighteen In favor of Monmouth,
Independence wan tuck fur the twenty-dollar
aupHr, which wiw to be given
in Monmouth for forty pernona. The
feaxt waa preaI at .Mr. Jordan'a hotel,
where the above-mentioned uuniU-r of
men partook heartily of the abundant
good thing the landlord had prepared,
and we munt aay that It waa more tha
waa expected for theamounlexiiendcd,
and ft Jolly good time waa had. Home
oftheboya any they wlah they would
play again.
Tiuhtlkh! Tiiihtlkh! Yea the fea
tlve thlatle. The marahal aonie days
ago gave onii'lid notice to all property
ownera to cut down all the thiatlea
atxmt the Bremiwa and In the atreet.
m.i vim (In iut he ordered you? Of
coiime you did not: you are not built
that way. You are the iiio fellow
that ahouted ao loud for the cow ordi
nance to paivt. Now if the old town
now did not keen your part of the town
oinnn. thla little city iti aix month
would "aniell to Heaven." For gKd
new ake, cut down your thiatlea and
clean your atreeta, ormove to the moun
tain. The irmrahiil will nttend to thl
bimineaa himaelf iua few dnya.however,
IlCTt'KVKo. I-hhI Monday morn
log' train brought back IJiair Miller
from hi vWt of nearly two moulha to
tils finn-ntM In KevtfHvillo. Mo. He
met with no aeriou accident on hlaen
tire Journey, but perlmpa avoided aome
only by accupying the acuta on the up
per aide of the car while rounding aome
of the great curve of the Hock lea, aa
hta enormous avoirdupoia exerbid
quite ftn influence on the train. Upon
allirhtlng, he wa given three cheer
by the boy, who aeverul In numlair
had secured plug hata, and, for a abort
time converting themaelve into
twelve-horae team, drew one of Damon
& Cook'a llueat carriage to the dcjiot
for hi special conveyanoe to the hotel.
but ere he had reached hi destination
he had escaped hi eacort, Wayne Wll
llarn, who, like HIicrifF Kellcy, waa
more Interested In the fun tliutl In tho
prisoner. Tims he returned to almost
his Identical starting point umld great
pomp and splendor. During hi ab
sence he visited sovurul sections of the
country, and gave California some ape
ciul attention, but found no pluce when
weighed carefully lu the balance, all
thing considered, that would tip the
Ileum over tills. He also stated that
the money market was in a very slrlu
gent condition in the Kast as well as ou
this coast, but looked for better times
soon. He had ft pleasant trip and we
welcome hi return.
tfeetha inw
parlor aulteat K. An-
Harvest hat and glow at Shelley A
Cotton pant for harvest wear t
8helley A Vanduyu'.
TIm ball game the coming Huuday
prtimUw to he of much Interval.
UvunaiilHtr Wtelley A Vanduyu'
great rvtliii tl.m sale In elothlng.
t llev. t will hold tltvln aervle
in the FvangvllfMl church uext Huuday
morning. All oortllally luvltetl.
A letter frtmi Hon. K T, Hatch aay
that they ore nil well nd getting along
nltx'ly. It ftlao report Hoe weather lu
He called her"ugel," "aweellHurt,"
"vt," through many ft courting day,
and after h had married him, be
nitwtly called her "aay,"
IKi not go home without first get
ting one of thvaw loveream bucket 11
of loe eramat Mr. W, H. Whlleaker',
next dtair to the poalortloa.
O'lHimicll & Irvine have the con.
tract for furnishing the granger of the
comity with binding twine. Farmer
will please make a note of this.
The nsherniatt to the brooklet Idea
Aud f the tiMUtlet Ilea lu wait,
When he return to our surprise
Just a before he he lu weight.
The beat spring medicine I ft do or
twoofMt, I'ftlriek' pill. They uolouly
phylo but cleause the whole stein,
mid purif)' the bkaal. Foraal by all
ui cdtclue dealer.
1 have a tiew parlor suite, lX plecva,
carved oak frauia, altk tftpwdry aud
plush, Ult atyle aud color. If you
a ant a parlor suite you will do well to
tee thl one before you buy. F. Aiwtlua.
Of Course you wut to be well ptaded
ou the larlft question. The lue of
the coiulug campaign will he tha tariff,
tend u ft two-eeui stamp will w will
end you the otily oomplet work ou
the tariff question ever lasued.
A lady wluwn hair eame out with
every eomUng, waa Induced to give
Aver Hair Vigor a faithful trial, Khe
did u. and not only wa the ha tif
hair cheeked, but new ud vhirou
growth soon succeeded that which had
iVm't t dicouraged about eowuia
till you have glveu Ayer1 8rirllla
ja-rslstent trial. SIX bottle of till
medicine cured the eomplahit for
(UWgeH. Thomaa, of Ada, Ohio, when
alt other rvincdlea falUtl to aflord any
Owing to the Inclemency of the
weather, the lee cream aortal, given by
the Udiea' Aid Hislety of the F.vaiite.
leal church, wa not very largely at
tended. Nevenhelesa a very na tal aud
pleasant evening wa enjoyed by those
Meeulay A IMwrtaon wish to call
your allentlou to the following Item:
All those kuow lug tbctuwlvca indebt
e.1 to the firm to call and aeltle up, ft
the tlrm dlsstdve partnership the 1st of
August, and all ftceouuU must be lu !w
fore that time.
"Your husband," ssKI the caller ym-
pnthUingly, "was man of excellent
tiualltlea." 'Yes," sighed the widow,
"tie wa good man. Everybody aay
iv-1 was n't much aimiuted with
him nivself. He beloiiawl to acven e
ert-t sts'letle."
While the thermometer 1 hanging
around the Mllng point In the Fast,
aotl opw lortw w. ......
time lu the surf or lu tee house, her
In Oregon it la esd enough to make a
tire mornings and evening conducive
tootle's comfort.
The Institute and summer arhool
convened in Monmouth lust Monday
with fair attendance. ",M war is
la-lng done, ami It promisee to result
In much profit to the teacher. A yn.
opslsofthe work being done will b
given next Week.
Mistress: "KlUa, thl Is strange
state of atndra. Four o'clock In Hie r-
ternoon, ud the kitchen in this state
of confusion with nothing ready." "O
you see, mn'atu, your daughter waa lu
the greater part of the day helping me
with the cooking."
Mlas Cora Huell very pleantly en
tertained few of her young friends t
her home Wednesday evening fti lo-
gomachlst. This Is very eutertaluing
If close attention I gtvon. Alter in
dulging lu thla amusement for couple
of hours, delicious refreshments were
partaken of. The rty then tendered
their obligations to the amiable hiwtea
for the pleasant evening's entertain
ment, aud took their goml-nlght leave.
On the coming Hunday morning, Ju
ly 24, Wi2, there will he preaching ser
vice at the Christian church, conduct
ed by Itev. 1). V. Poling. The pastor
will sing solo, which will precede me
sermon, lu me evening iroji".
sacred song, consisting of anthems, by
the choir of the Christian and Evan
gelical churches, assisted by others,
will he rendered. Itev. and Mr, l'ol-
wlll also sing a duet. The pub
lic I cordially Invited to attend and
participate in these services.
There Is luck In odd numbers and
combinations. There nre v letters in
the name of each candidate on the
dciin:ratlc ticket und the letters 3, 4
and 6 are the same In both. Drop 1, 7,
8, 0, and Cleveland stands "level."
Drop 1, 2, 0, and Stevenson is - even
.. . Ol .. O OI.....1" llliml''
SO. l ucre are "",
and a "clean" great "deal" besides in
Cleveland;" thero are seventeen "son
nets," "sons" or "vew," "noses,
"nets." a present "tense" and "no non
sense," "rest notes," and "even tons"
of "votes" in Htevouson, and with both
of them we "can elect" the ticket,
The munagcrs of the Portland expo
sition are exerting every ellort to in
duce exhibitor to nloce on exhibition
at Portland such samples as they In
tend to display at Chicago In 1803. A
successful competition at Portland will
be of great advantago In such cases,
and particularly in the case of canned
irooda the tlmo Intervening win no
safe guaranty against defective scaling.
These exhibits will be carefully stored
In the exposition building free of cost
until such time as the exhibitors desire
to forward thorn to Chicago. This
..n.nnuiimn iflves the opportunity of
mullmr (lift tWO exhibit at a minimum
m iut an ,1 otfrvone who has an Inter
est In home Industries should take ad
vantage of it. Let every part of the
I state be well represented at both fairs.
ORRIION moot. ClUl.tlKKN.
t h . or Ik -tl l aaalloi !a
Whkh IllslrlbtiUna Wilt ft Md.
The state land board" will meet 111 ft
tew day to make the apportionment m
Interest on the Ut irreducible achiail
fund for distribution ftiiioug the aihool
district of thl lte. The per cwplta
last year wa $l. but ft no eslluiate
have len made ou the amount or
chtkd fund on hand In the state
treasurer' office It cannot ho conjec
tured what the per capita will l until
the board nieeta. Ut year the total
number of school children lu the late
wa tt.(U5i, ft against 11 1.T70 thl year,
which I an Increase of 11,141 Below I
glveu the number of person lleen
the age of four and tw nty ) ear resid
ing lu the different eouutle:
(XiailUM Msls. riii
3. M7
4. T.VI
1. Wil
2. N7B
IUker I.IU
lU'llloU...... .l.NIO
Claekaiuaa, 3,M1
dalaop 1,4 W
Columbia. wsa
... 601
... U
... Uu7
.... iws
... iM
Curry ..... ....., .
Douglas , ,
.. m
.. 4U I
. 4il
. 3.1U
I jilt ,
Linn .........
Malheur 400
Msrlou,,.,,. 4.1KH
MorMW 741
Multiiouish, ...... U.U
.... 40ti
... ma
.... m
Ysiulilll 2.S7-J
Total 67, HB 64,007 111,770
rafulual lnKkiri,
The fact that teaching In the public
school I rapidly rising to the dignity
of a profession, If It haa Hot already
reached that ptltln, I showu by the
large uumUr of student who arm seek
ing professional training In our tte
normal chiala The attendance at
Monmouth last year, the largest per
haps I u the Northwest, wa made up
of representative from aliinwt every
county In the state, beside ft gtssl ag
gregate rcprvmmtatlou from Washing
Urn, Idaho, British Columbia aud
Alaska. The average achisd director
at beginning to demand well-tralucd
teacher, and clearly enough that
a good teacher at f"0 1 ail Immeasur
ably better investment than poor
teacher at ). He look now more to
result than to wage. The school at
Monmouth I rapidly increasing Its
facilities for work aud bringing up to
I lie highest standard It course of
trrttnlng. New member have U-eu
atlded to the faculty and new apara
tu supplied in all the department.
There i a rapidly growing demand for
the graduate of the school and lu ev
ery way It prospect are of the bright
est. IUM tlsll Si Mela.
The Mo J'rn Is evidently not
pleased with the nmnner In which the
Hcloboy playetl their last game of ball.
In reference to tlie game it say: "latsl
Hunday the much-talked-of game of
hall between the Independence am
Bclo club took idace on the latter'
ground In thl city. For aome reason
the 8vlo boy played ft very ordinary
game, especially lu the third inning,
when they allowed (be visitors to score
six runs, owing to so vent I rank error
made by the Hem's. Fcrha the home
team put up the best ball they could,
but the audience did not think so, and
a gssl many think Ibat the Mo boy
purposely threw the game. hen a
Koine l advertised, the ball club In ef
fect I under ft contract with ita audi-
sura to nlav tttxsl Eiuiie. and when
they fall to tlo so they are guilty of olv
tabling money under false pretense
and Injure the future prosrlty of the
club, so far aa gate receipt are con
cerned. If ball playing in Mo is to lie
a success as an amusement, different
work from thl must be done. If for
gitiubllng, then perhaps thl last game
waa the correct thing. Iiidoudeuce
won by "core of ten to lx."
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive sealed bids for
the filling of Main street at tho south'
west comer of fractional block No. 2,
(opnoslte (lisKiinnn A Douty's store.)
The first deposit can be filled In with
either gravel or dirt at the option of the
contractor, but the last si xteen Inches
must lai of gravel, the top layer to lie
covered to tho depth of six Inches with
fine gravel only. Bids received until
twelve o'clock m., July 2th. The
city council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids, ny order or ine cuy
council. J- T. Foal),
Dated July 22, 181 12, City Heeorder,
)r, Vrlns's llsklna l-owilsr iiii)roi
Armjr, Nsvx anil luillsn
IrMi t utstit.
( G'i Ir'ntm In Icr-Or van.)
The purchnslng agents of the United
HUtes tlovernmcnt have ordered near
ly one hundred thousand pounds of Dr,
Price's Baking powder In the first five
months of this year, 1.402.
The government exorcise great care
n sulectlug It supplies of all kluds, re
lectlng everything that Is not of the
best, and the very mot mat u nas
adopted Dr. Price's Baking Powder I
proof that It has found It the best of all
the baking powders. Ut. rrioe s is pe
oullarly adapted for export, as nelthor
long sea voyages nor clhnaiio cnaugcB
affect It. this brand keeping fresh and
sweet for years while otner oaaiug
oowdent deteriorate rapidly.
Jt Is guaranteed to the government
to be a pure creom of tartar powder,
free from ammonla.alumorother harm
ful substances, anil Is also tho only
baking powder prepared by a physl
clan of high standing.
On Fiiib. J. H. Cooper's brick kiln
Is now burning, and contains 600,000
iirieU. In about teu days these brick
will be ready for delivery, when all dc
mands can be suppllod. These brick
are of excellent quality and will be sold
at reasonable prices.
Children Cry for Pitcher'? Castorla,
Mrs. Jamc (lllaaiu went lo Portland
It. Hlraohberg wa metropolis vis
itor this week,
County Judge 8. T. Burult was In
towu Wedueaday.
IsancClaggnt was on the sick list adsy
or two this week,
Miss Clara Fisher, from Corvalll, I
visiting lu Uil city this week,
T. Fennel and family and Mrs Hosier
lomrled for Newport yesterday.
Ml Malad Adair, of WaUnn, Is visit
ing Mends In this city this week.
Mr. and Mr. I. Vanduyu am on ft
visit lo friend ftiul relative ben,
D, B. Taylor nd wife aud Mm
I'rlmie ikiltweutto the bay Wednes
Mrs. Frnuk of AlUuy, 1 visiting her
daughter, Mm. Al. Uoodmaii, Air ft few
week, ,
Mla Omah Huiltli left for IHir laat
Vt'wlnewlay to taud ft few weeks !
King relative.
Mr.Julluiiil Ml Hophlft Wolf, of
Hllverttm, spent ft few day In town
thla week visiting friend.
Ocurgo W. Dodder, wife and little
wui, of Altmny, are visiting with friends
lu Independence thl week.
Ml Mln Huelat and her grand
mother, of Halem, wart visiting Mr.
I kilt, of thl pla, laat Tuesday.
Jaa. (HUou la repreaeutlug the Inde
laindeiieekHlge lit the Uraud lodge of
the A. O. V. W. lu fteaalou In Portland
thla week.
Mis F.IU Hhupp went to Albany
ftalunlay, where ahe will vUlt friend
for short time, when she will return
to her home lu Portland.
Mia Bel Butler accompanied Mr.
and Mra. 1C W. tiaqwr when they re
lumed to their home lu HarrUburg
yesterday. Hhe will vlait Kugene be
h,re she returna.
MIm Corn Itobiuaon, who ha held a
position 10 ine UOtsi naiooriisu
liltal at Purilaud for some time ial,
ha charge of the hospital lu Pari, Tel
aa, where she went laat Hat unlay.
J. Cart Dillingham, special ftgeut for
Chamber' New Knoyclopedla, unl
work of several renowned ftuthora, I
now cativaMiug thla town aud Mon
mouth, When lie oalla Uu you, give
him ft hearing, aa he ha aome fine
Arthur Hpauldlng, who la well nd
favorably known tu thl cily, died In
Corvalh Wednesday, of consumption,
and wa burled lu Buelift Vista, yeler-
dav. Hi many friend In thl n-ellou
will greatly nxm to hear IhUaftd in
telligence. Dr. K. J. Young, veterinary aurgeon
aud deiitlat, of Newberg, Is now III our
oily and will remain some time In our
midst The doctor i highly okn or
where he ha been practicing, and ftll
iM-rwou having horse needing hi ftt-
tenllon will do well to give the desHoc
T. M. Stiver I home from hi trip of
twnor three week through several of
Lhe southern state, He bring back
Uie uew that tliere are splendid pna
laajt for ft gsl cmi In tht section
this year, and that though rinaueUlly
at present niom-y la caree ahuml
everywhere, limea will no dmibl pre
awiil brighter apMranoe ere long.
Politically, he Uil u everything I all
rlizht. After further Investigation he
UilnksTexa will undoubtedly go for
prohibition, hi dispatch to Hon. F. A.
Patterson to the contrary nidwlth
staildlug. t lr, M'm at II.
Bell, IMiaw, aud i, went to JftftU
tie theater. It wa similar In many re
sishMs to our own Kuropean vaudeville,
or variety ahowa. There were wroat
liug uiatohe, awortl eombeta, and Jug
uling, Ikdl, as usual, wa eoonip-
uled by hi latsrot, aa he feared If lea
alswrd It might be stolen, and he prised
it very much.
After each performance my friend
would remark: "Wa n't that clever?
Wonder whal be 'II do next?" He
kenl aavlnu It over and over again till
we other were tired of hearing It.
Finally a Jap did an act which oon
slsted In keeping about ft dosett lighted
torchc spinning round In the air. To
enhauee the Interest of the spectator,
1 simissai. there was ft small keg of
ituniHiwder ou the stage, and the flam
lug torches fluttered over It. Well, Uie
Jap made a mistake for the first and
utsl-tlme In his lire, Mid dropped
torch fairly into the gunpowder. He
wont out by way of the naif, with ttie
blitzing torches stirrouudlng hint like
halo. The audience, Including our-
selves, waa blown almost through the
door Into the street. Well, we were
ready to leave by that time, anyway,
But issir Polly was missing.
could n't bear to leave her laihlud, so,
bracing up our courage, we made our
way Into the wrecked theater, ihere
sat Polly on a piece of wreckage, loon
lug over her shoulder, and wondering,
appanititly, what bad become of her
bill feather. When she heard our ap
proaching stepa she turned toward us
and remarked in tones or almost pain
ful Interest: "Was n't that clever?
Wonder what ho 'II do next?"
Hevstis, Swsst 1tsvii,
A mini with ft painful expression of
countenance sat ou a dry-goods box.
''Are you 111?" some one asked.
"Have you lost anything?"
"Never had anything to lisai."
"Wbut 's the matter, then?"
"I 'in sitting on a wasp."
"Why do n't you get up?"
"That waa my first Impulse, but
got to thinking that I was hurting the
wasp as badly aa he was hurting me,
and I concluded to sit here awmie,"
IrMt Timet,
A Nr Invntmant,
Is one which Is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory result or In case of
failure a return of purchase price, , Uu
this safe plan you can buy from our
advertised Druggist ft buttle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. It Is guaranteed to bring relief
In every cuae, when used for any affec
tion of the Throat, Lungs or CheBt,
such as Consumption, inflammation of
Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping
Cough. Croup, etc, etc It Is pleasant
and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe
and can always be deponded upon
Trial bottles free at any drug store.
TMK Krh.jreftTll.
HIartllua wa the tiuouuniut
bout 11:80 Friday last, say tu Dlls
Tmnnrtyt, that inessouger uau
brought Into town the Intelligence:
"Tom Ulobmoud Is dead. He fell ud
brokt hi neck, down ftt hi farm."
Dr. Htaultv waft dUpetohed W tu
scene, aud fleet-footed steeds bore ths
wife of the uiifortunle msn w me
... .... & .l 1....
aceue. Hut, ftisi m "
proved too true. Nr. Ithuiood wss
dd. Without' moment's warning
he ustl Iweu pluuged luto eternity, and
hi spirit hftd Ukeo Ita flight to the
thai who gave IC
The ftocldent Utt cued hi death,
ft given us by those with Mr. Itleh
uioiid, wa about a followsi In com
nsuv with Hurvevor Butler, James und
Ueorge Magers, Heury Zuuiwalt, his
sou Ueorge, nod Mr. Orctmrd, Mr.
itiohiiuiiiii wss liehilmr to run the
north line of his farm beivrevn his land
and that of Mr. Orchard, alaiut U aud
ft half mites uorlh of Delias. K was
climbing ft Ova-board feuoe, aud threw
hi weight on tlie top Isatrd, wiilcb
l.nJiH leiilnif I, I in full backward to
tlie ground. He fell ou hi head ana'
boulder. Willing baud ranted him
and laid blm tenderly on ft grassy bed
a few feet from where he had received
the death-blow; but he never spok a
word aloud, merely ludloatlug In an
Indistinct whisper lht b wnnted
wftter, This waa ftll; and bis eye
closed la death. As to the Immediate
cause or bis death there la ft dlflareuiw
of oplnlou-ttoiue claiming Uit hi
neck waa broken and other mat some
of ths main arteries leading to Uie
brain were ruptured. Be that s It
may, be fell, and the result wa
bis death. Ilia remains were
brought to his home In this city aud
laid In slate until Sunday at S p. m
Mr. lUuhmond waa ft member of Jen
lilng Lodge, Al us worth Chapter, A.
F. aud A. M. aud Friendship Lodge
I. O. O. F. It waa hi request before
death that he be burled by the Maaoulc
order, aud It waa so; hut through luvl-
tallon of the Masons tlie Odd re! lows
lent their presence In the procession.
The proeeaslou that ftocoiupaiiled the
remain to Odd Fellow cemetery waa
aid to have been the largest that ever
turned out In Polk eouuty. FJgiityr
four Mftauuft and seventy -ell Odd Fel-
lowa headed the proclon, which waa
about one mile In length, there being
132 carriages following. Beside those,
evenly two vehicle were already ftt
the cemetery. Ulghtly estimated,
about 2.UUU people were In attendance to
witueaa the beautiful aud touching
Maaonlo fuueral eeremouy and to pay
their laat miecU to oue who bad so
long beeu neighbor end eompsnlou.
Thomas Ueorge Itichmoiid wss boru
In Kentucky, In IKS; went to Illinois
when seven year old, and remained
there until 1HAU, when be came lo Cali
fornia; from there he came to Oregon,
lu lift!, and came to Polk oounty alsiut
thirty years ago, where through good
management he haa amassed consider
able wealth. Mr. lUctimond was
widely kuowu throughout the north
west, having for year been ou of the
leading spirit of the State Agricultural
rtoelety.ftud ft greftt lover of good tock.
He was the father of aix children: Net
tie, wife of J. It FJlla,(deceaed;)Allle,
wlfsofJ. H. Townaend. Mamie, wife
of Olho Wllllama, Minute, wife of J
M. IMmau, and two aon, Ueorge nd
Fldle. The last flv remain with the
mother to mourn the loss of a loving
bustmnd and affectkiuate father.
We but voice the expreaslou ol thl
community when we say: Uood bye,
kind neighbor, generous brother, and
hosnlUbl friend. Hall! and farewell.
Hunday morning, July 17th, 12, at
S o'clock, Mi Ktlft AhUugh tiled at
the home ot her parenu on Mill treet.
thl city, and while her death wa not
unexpected, It eal ft gUanu over the
commuulty. F'or some months past
she had beeu confined to her bed, and
continued to grow worse from dsy to
day, though loving hearts and tender
hand sought to check the progress of
the craft that waa bearing her down
tlie stream of lime toward death's door.
KUAhbaugh, waa born in Logan
county, Ohio, and was aged 25 years,
6 months and 15 day. With her fa
ther and mother aud brother John
aud Dave (who remain to mourn her
lose) she eame to Oregon In 187.1, aud
most of the time haa rcalded lu Dallaa,
i..r. ir nohle traits of character and
amlablo disposition have won for her
the kive, reepeul aim esteem oi
circle nf acquaintance, who now
deeply sympathise with those o sadly
bereft of the mmpanlouahlp of ft loving
.Lioirhtitr and lister. IteV. Summer-
villu conducted the funeral services
and atSo'ohs'k Monday her remalua
vim ilenoslterl In their last resting
iiliuw In Odd Fellow cemetery. F.Ha
Is imue: but her noble qualities will
linger In the memory of many to re-
lillll tllHIO that the world is better for
her having lived In n.-vuuiu tran-
It tlta Children.
Mr. C. H. Bhawen, Wellsvllle, Kaa.,
says: "11 is wun pleasure mm i skik
of the good Chamberlain s Colic, uioi
era and Diarrhteft Remedy has done
my family during the last fourteen
venrs. In the most obstinate oases of
siinimur comniaiut aim marruu-u
... . j i
among my children, It acted as
charm, making it never Jnewasary to
cull lu ft physician. I can truthfully
suv that In my ludirmcnt, based on
venrs of experience, there is not
medicine In the ninrRot mat is na
Miual. For salo by all medicine
- i
The fumllv Bible of Ueorge Washing
Uiu'a mother, now owned by Mrs.
Lewis Washington, of Charleston, W,
Va., lias been battled for exhibition ftt
Mount Vernon. It has coverof home-
smm cloth nut on bv ita original owner.
The Washington yt says that the
book Is wonderfully preserved tor Usage
and all or Its pages are nun uiiaci, ex
ooot the first live or six, that were torn
out and placed In the cornerstone of the
Murv Washington monument lit f rod
erlcksburg. Va, The tlrst eutry In It is
nf tho marriage of Augustine Washing'
ton and Mrry Ball In 1731; and tho next
Is of the blrtnor ueorge wasmugion
February 11, 1832 (old style.)
A New Kind or Iniursnns,
For twonty-flve cents you can Insure
yourself and family against any bad re
sult from an attack of bowel complaint
during the summer. One or two doses
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ud
Diarrhoea Remedy will oure any
ordinary case. It never falls and Is
plcasantaudsuleto take. No family
ouu ultord to be without It. For sale at
20, aud 50 cents per bottle by all mod
Id ne dealers.
July 14.
On oftse of smsllpoi has appearwl In
Taonumt, Portland t, ftt PorUn4
Hoaltle 4, ris,kne 4, ftt Heattle.
(Jenulne Asiatic cholera I Musing
much alarm In Pari.
In Oklahoma n M. K. A T. express
ear was relieved of f W.OnO by train rob
A lone highwayman near Tangent,
Or., held up John Luper nd hlssoo.
He w not captured,
Nothing of Importance hsppened In
the Onur d' Alen oountry. Martial
law la still maintained.
Wilson vainly attempted to suicide
by pounding his head again tha wall.
A guard 1 oonstantly with blm.
A farmer named Cross, living near
Walla Walla, was swindled out of 12,000
by the time-honored gold-brick racket.
lu two of Carnegie's mills in ruts
burgh the mu went on a strike because
of the oompftuy'i refusal to oonror wun
tha Homestead men.
It Is said that there re but fifty four
case of smallpox In Vlotorlft, B.C. A
rigid quarantine la maintained by all
the Pugot Hound oltlo.
Tlie federated building trades union
of Philadelphia have waolved to boy
cott Carnegie. The member will uoi
work ou auy building In which struc
tural I eon mad at the Carnegie mills I
Luclen Hartley went to the bouse or
hi mltna),lu West Bay Clty,WI.,and
found the woman sitting on the door
step ud the flvt-yeftf-old boy of the ! vine near. Jlaxxiey sooi av
boy, shot the mother In the hip, tod
then fatally shot hlmeelf. Tlie wo
man nave birth toft child four hours
after the ehootlug.
JlXY 15.
Profiwsir Ioul Pasteur U faUlly III.
At Heatti a colored butcher fell luto
vat of boiling water. He will die
Uuder tlie guard of Uie regular army,
j0 non-union men were returned to
Wseduer aud set to work. It take
Ifiuo to 3,000 men to guard them.
All I quiet at Homestead. The men
will Inaugurate geueral boycott
agalual Uie Carnegie oompauy's out
put, and will meet with hearty co-o)cr-
atloti all over Uie Colon.
Near Fjuilon. Waah.. lUchard Be
waa killed by J. E. Hendrlck. The lat
ter claim that be ahot tu self defense.
The Taugeut, Or., highwayman wa
captured In baru, by four boya. He
turns out to be an ftwawaru eouutry
bov. aged seveubwu. He said his borne
was hi California.
Jl-LY 18.
Prof. Pasteur, reported to be dying,
la recovering. He had the cholera.
Mr. J. Harkneas, of Franklin, P.,
nve birth to quadruplet. All are do-
lug well.
At Bukersnelil, ( al., freight train
ran luto some cattle and ft brakeman
and four tramp were killed.
Thomas H. Carter, commissioner of
the general laud office, la to be the
chairman of the Republican national
L. Whltselt, llvlug near Roseburg,
Or., waa thrown trotn hi bone aud
dragged almost to death. He Is still
MU -.Uia ha been In violent erup
tion for some time. Htreani of molteu
lava threaten several village on the
mountain slope.
Hlx case of smallpox were discovered
In New York. The disease U slowly
being gotten under ooutrul In British
Columbian cltlea.
The only thing of Importance In Uie
Cteur d' Atone country waa ft proclama
tion by President Harrison calling up
on all law-abiding dtlaens to retire to
their home. The soldiers continue to
make numerous arreeta.
The Carnegie company have posted
nolle that the Homestead mill will
start up July The notice
rails ou all former employes who did
not take part lu the recent disturbance
to come back to work. Personal letters
were also sent to ftll but bout forty of
the men. The letter and posters
caused no excitement, aud the men
aay no one will go to, work; that non
union men cannot be secured In sum
dent numbers to operate Uie mills, and
that even If they could they would be
unable to produce the nickel steel for
which the mills are famous, aa It re
quires the highest order of skill ftnd
great experience. The men al Carne
gie's Beaver Falls mills have struck.
July 17.
Four sous of C. Ball, of Princess
Ann. Md., were drowned.
Tacoma 7. Portland 6, at Portland
Seattle 6, Kpokane 6, at Heattle.
Robert McKay, of Juuctlon City, Or,
suicided. A business failure led to the
rash act. '
Two lathes were killed at Attica,
Ind., by ft tridn. They ftttempted
cross the track In a buggy.
Ella Holdrldge, ftgod fourteen,
Toimwanda, N. Y., forced three little
glrle to swallow rough on rata. They
will die. .
Homestead Is quiet. Rumors of non
union men being engaged to work In
the mills are rife, though as yet there
are no new developments.
July 18
The smallpox epidemic is abating.
Congress will sdjourn on the 26th
In railway collision In Canada, sev-
rnl nursons were killed, aud nutu
ber badly lujured.
There Is nothing or luterest to report
from the Our d Aleue oountry. The
soldiers are still lu control
While drunk, David Lester, a militia-
..... . . I V . I I.. w
man at nomesteau, sutuoeu nwi
Calhoun fatally at Pittsburgh.
The Democrats have selected Win.
F. Harrlty, of Pennsylvania, fts chair
man of the Natloual Committee.
A thrcahliigmnchlne boilor exploded
near Baoramento, Cftl, killing two men
aud fearfully injuring three others.
Carter, who captured Wilson, is not
exptotedto live. Bloodpolsonlng from
the bite on tha finger by Wilson dur
ing the struggle when Wilson was r
rested Is the cause.
Representative Broderlck, of Kansas,
Introduced a bill to prohibit the,trau-
nortation from one state to another of
. . I A. AL- t 1.
armed men not belonging w ine mili
tary force of Uie United Btate.
The only Uilng of Importance In
Homestead waa the arrest of several
of the strikers on the charge of murder
ing two of the Plnkerton men who
killed during the riot. The strike
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,
has alraadv anst the Carnegie and the
state of 1'ennsvlvsnU over $IW0.W.
It cost Uie state , P"f at! v
keen the- militia t lIomeWftti,
every d.y the mill stood Idle mews
haw of f.Vi,0W to the Carnegie.
July i.
Tha Dmnocrst of Kansas who ar
opposed to fusion will put ticket lo
U Held.
At Jackson. Mich., ft negro repeated
ly outraged Ella Maddos, ftged fifteen.
He was unceremoniously lyncueu.
Ir. Charles Hchndder, ft son ln-taw
of Heufttor W. M. Kvwt, coinmltwu
.1,'i.t,. n.w Port. I.. I. He was
llvhtlv Insane.
Word oomos from Cumr o'Aicn mat
the miner' union to eullreiy Droaen
on. It I ald that almost every mem
ber la In the military prison.
Morris Moss, of Victoria, was last
seeu ftt Rock Creek, In the Kootenai
district, on his way home. He had
io.txxi with him. Foul nlav is sus
- ...... IM
Port land 4, Hpokftne 8, ftt Hpokftne.
Ftw ftt Myrtle Point, Or., ceused ft
am of 116,0110.
Tbt number of siiiftllpox cases In
BritUh Columbia la decreasing.
Lightning struck ft schoolbulldlng at
Brickeuhead, Ua., ftnd three people
wen killed.
fhejury In the Frank Hosier mur
der case, at Ktockton, Cal., returnea
verdict of not guilty.
It to Just learned that Rev. J. C.
Read, pastor of Uie First Baptist
church, of East Portland, was drowned
In the Willamette river Tuesdsy even
ing while bathing.
The Carnegie company ha only six
ty-five men at work. The Amalga
mated ftsaociatioa will have Chairman
Frick, BeoraUry lovejoy, nd the oth'
r niftuager of Uie Carnegie company,
ftrreatod ou charge of murder lu Uie
A rat degree.
Musro IUmu.
The fruit crop In thla vicinity 1 go
ing to be light
Spring grain In thl part of Uie coun
try will be abort.
Our force of physicians wa Increased
to three men thl week.
Dr. Cain Is making ready to build a
residence on hi lot lu this place.
A Urge amount of grain was cut
down lu this vicinity duriug the past
Hchool ckawd Friday until after bar-
vest, and Uie small hoy to feeling good
on the atrenglh of It.
The town I crowded full of old bro-
keu-down machluery, which la being
mad ready for harvest.
Thla eclion wa visited with soak
ing rain Friday night, much to Uie
chagrin of haymaker.
Thl week' crop of drummer wa
uuuaually large. The tow n was full or
the epruce-luoklug cbsps.
The past week ha been a very buy
on for Monroe. A vast amount or
merchandise wa disposed of.
The crop of youug bird in thl vicin
ity bids fair to be ft Urge one and the
buntera are Jubilant accordingly.
Itev. II. 8. Wallace's Utile girl, about
four year old, died Thursday night
and waa burled Haturday forenoon at
Hlmpaon's chasl cemetery.
Low TOM.
Blair Miller.
Latwr List.
List of letter remaining in Uils post-
office, uncalled lor July 10, 1S92. In
calling for these letters please say "ad
Adams, Wm.
Bevau, J no, 8.
Chamberlain, Ueo.
Cady, John
Heathwlck, W.
Miller, George
Pettyjohn, Wm.
Hmlth, Albert
Young, W.H.
Fisher, Mrs. I. B.
Barnett, Tho. W.
Croriey. A. W.
Gilliam, Phillip,
Inaley, M.tfl.
Nlckell, Cbaa.
Hageman, Mr.
Wood, L. (2)
So. BeudCom Co.
Baker, Man Lixtle
McFadden, N. a
Wbltelock, Barah
July 18, 1892. E. Q. Robkrtson.
IDnmmenoM buiineM Mueh H, 11M.
At Inilsiwnclenc, In the Hist of
lo eloe oi uminw, j i.t n. u. .w.
ln. dlaonutitii ... UTlrm 1(1
tivardrsns. seeureil will unseeured.. SO
I'. H. lloniU u "X'lire rirrtiisiion.
Ihi froiu sininivid rmervs sgpnuu.
tuts frtiiit ollur Nsllousl Ututks
ii..iiir.hiiuiu.niriillitnsiil nt'rs
11..VO ou
69 H
4,7ie s
l"urientBMSiaait lses psia...
i.a u
Prutnluntson t'. . nonun.
ChK'ki snd olhsr wtsh Hems
llllln of oilisr bsiiSs -.
inualonsl jisixt currvuejr, BlckeU
!,me an
77 to
Hprrls " 10,841 "
IVStlsmpillMI IUIIU whu n.o.
urar t6 vt ut ot olrvulsllon.)
0!ltl Uw P'il in W'0n) 00
Hiireltia fmut ?'
lln.llvlilnri nnifltl vl
Nations! Ilsii Notes outstanding... '
T,..ltvl,liiiil di'lMwlls iiiijwi hm'uih; w
(w.t.Hnrf MrUiliutt(l ot
Dim to ntlipr Nslliuisl llHhks S..W3 t
i-eosit w,i no
HnUiHitBsuk and bankers , M
Mutes aud bills re-discounted........ 13.UU0 00
..K17,U7 08
Stale or Ort'ipm. !.
County of lilk, ""
I W. H. Itswluy, esshler ol ths above
named bank do solimiuly swear tlmt the
alsivs souoim-iit Is true to tlie bent or my
kuowiedso aud boiler.
Hubscrllied snd sworn lobeftire me this Hit
day otJ uly, ltfUJ.
ri, m. ii nun,
Notary Public
J.S. Cooraa,
Correct AM
For sale
in West
eight blocks from nmlu street on Mou'
mouth street, four lots, ft rour-room
cottage, with barn aud other outbuild
lugs, piu-Uy set to young orchard and
small fruits. This is a good bargalu If
taken soon. Inquire at this office
Indepsndeno and Monmouth Motor Lin
Wtaea Baby wss alek, w gav asr Cattorl.
When ihtiui Child, the oried for CMtorla.
When the became Hiss, lb olung to Outoria.
Whaa tha had Chlldrsn, she gtr them Cutorla.
rinnkKNor ',
HiisfMkter flh, tMtm Jahm phttUfti
r Jut Mk'l CiMBf .
John P hllllos. wlm !!,! .1 u,.r
Valley, 1 ag 1, aged seventy-eight years,
w,wrT 0,n Wlliahlrt, Kngland, K
""'""' '26,1814. lie wa. ai.n.ithsl
to ' Cftblnet-niski.r uon . ...
From , rJomerseUhlr. 11 Lad four
broV .wr aud one sister. His ,.u...
dhyiaUjutthecliawof hi aimreuthn.
W.p, and be made her coffin at ber re
liet. He cam to New York In WA,
In comany with s minister from Flor"
Ida, who had been to England In search
of mechanics. Hs lived in Florida five
years, duriug which time he worked
on so arsons! ht Chattahoochee. gov-
eminent work for defense during the
ncminole war.
He came to New Orleans In law,
where he married Kllzabetb Ilibbard.
on February 11, 1830, who now survives
him. Thence to Ht. Louis, Mo., two
weeks ftfter, where be lived six yeais,
leaving there for Oregon lu April. 1816.
bringing his wife and two children
with ox teams, lu company with Joe
Meek, as leader. Arriving at Oregon
City In October, he sint the following
winter there. Early In the spring of
18M they moved to Ht. Paul, Marlon
county, where he aud Thomas Roberts,
a man who crossed the plains with
him, were employed to finish tlie sis
ters' school and Catholic church at that
place, It being the first church ever
erected In Oregon.
In July, 1W7, they moved to Spring
Valley, on the donation Und claim
wnich he held until bis death. In the
spring of 1849 he went to the gold
mine of California, In company with
J. I). Walling and other, returning
In Uie summer of Uie name year. Kluce
that Ume he ha lived on the home
place, where for year be manufactured)
with hut tools, out of rough lumber,
ash, doom, cofllns, aud household fur.
allure, which was sold to the peo
ple for miles around. At present there
are several beautiful pieces of furniture
In the house, carved out with old fash
ioned tools, such aa the pioneer were
compelled to use.
Mr. Phillips always felt very grateful
to Thomaa lioberts, who saved his life
while criming Snake river lu 1845.
The current was carrying him away
from hie team, wheu Mr. Robert rode
out to blm with his pony, aud together
they got the cattle turned In the right
direction, thus saving himself and hi
wife aud children, who were on the
He reared eleven children: Kurah E.
Dane, deceased; John E. Phillips, Zeoa,
Or.j Elizabeth YleCaity, Umatilla ooun
ty, Or.; O. W. Pbill!)), deceased; M. J.
Martin, Tyler, Wash.; M. C. Rlebard-
aon, Independence, Or.; Charles Phil
lips, McCoy, Or.; Mrs. Amelia Basey,
."iulem, Or.; Samuel Phillip, Zciia, Or.;
Mm. Cornelia Claggett, Everett, Wash.,
snd Mis Hannah Phillips, at home.
He leaves thirty-nine graudcblldren
and nine great-grandchildren.
John Phillips wss typical Oregon
pioneer, and his neighbors and friends
respected bun highly for bis sterling
qualities of manhood, among which
wa his kindness to the poor and un
fortunate who braved the perils of the
wilderness to reach Oregon. Retiring
In his nature, Mr. Phillips never es
sayed to push himself in politics, nor
was be in the least greedy in pursuit
of thl world's good. His motto was
"Live and let live," ft merciful and
humane principle which he followed
In all his dealings with his neighbors
unUl his death. Kind, generous and
conservative during his life,, he made a
good father and a kind husband. No
better eulogy can be pronounced on the
character of any citizen than is con
tained in these few words: "He was
an honeet man." So passes away an
other of Oregon's oldest pioneers, rljie
in years, with record for good all his
life, meeting death calmly ftfter months
of paUent and cruel suffering. He waa
one of those brave men who blazed the
path to the Great West, whose praises
have been suug in prose and verse by
Miller, Sluipaon.aiid other talented na
tive sons. His remalus lie in Uie little
churchyard at Zena, beside many of
his old pioneer friends and neighbors,
where the aea-breese from the Pacific
stirs the foliage of the sturdy oaks of
the beautiful hills bordering Spring
valley. May he rest in peace until he
shall receive the reward of a well
spent ud useful life In the world to
11. U. U.
Buckles' Arnica Sslrs.
The best salve lu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sort, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skiu eruptions, aud posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 25
ceutaperbox. For sale by any drug-
Wall paper lu endless variety at F.
Ladies, go to Stockton & Heukle'a
aud get a ulce drees pattern of lawn or
hallies for 50 cents.
Try Strong's restaurant, Westacott &
Irwin, proprietors, when In CMilcm.
Meals, first-class In every way, 25 cents.
hend your lauudry to the Salem
steam lauudry. Mr. Golf, driver of Uie
tSalein stage, will take It for you
Leave orders at the upper livery stable.
Stockton A Heukle have had a splen
did sale of clothing this season, but
they still have a few summer suits that
they will sell very cheap. Call aud see
If vou are at all particular about tho
looks of your collars, cutis, and shirts,
you will send them to the Salem steam
laundry, where they will be turned out
with ft glossy mun umt is eiegttuce
Itself. Prices very low. Leave orders
at the Baloiu stage bam.
We feel proud of our sale of shoes
this season, as we started In with ft very
large stock, aud now we" have scarcely
anythlug, but will be stocked up again
In a few days with a splendid line of
the very best makes direct from the
factories. Stockton and Heukle.
There is no place in Oregon where &
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of WestaoottA Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a tine meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made this
house the headquarters of everyone,
who has occasiou to dlue in Salem.
Kotlee to 8hiKle-Tl Msn.
Please send your name and address
on a postal card to W. Yates, state sec
retary 8. T. P. A., Ballston, Or,
A '