The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 22, 1892, Image 2

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West Side Publishing Company
Oii Ymr
IMx Miutta
Ttirv Mvwitba.
All murrlnffo ami 1WI1 noli.- mil mcmxV
1m n IHuw till tm ttim-rimi m. A n
v intra will ! -lmrv-,t Hv mM Hf lln.
obmmry mkiluikuit will Ik i'liria
Kr m lit rt of tlv ivma iM Im.
M Ipm lt (ntimnunliNilnftir imHIlpnttim
In Twa Wckt tua. il mitlto all rmHinm
IwyaAtl u Ui 1I Cvmnlf l'vil.Utuu Own.
py. m
Roclalonmt M th WaUXIW In 1iIowb
For rnwldoiit,
Of Now York.
For Vice PwaMont,
0( lUinoh.
Thkkk is sonu'thinjt iu a muiu
' Weaver ami Field areaumpwllve of
IuXATIOJ lHNNV:i.l.V tiiui been
uoiutuated for governor of Mitme
sota by the People party.
Tuk oflU'ial minority of Geo. K
Chamberlain over Judge Wehtrter
for attorney -general of Oregon is I'M
TiiR Kansas Probilitiouista have
decided to make an out and out
fight against the three political
TllK OirwH .VAool Journal has
been purchased by I. O. Kuotte,
ami will be hereafter published at
Thk political complexion of the
next Oregon state legislature will
be as follows: Senate, Kepublicaiui
18, Democrats VI. House, Kepub
Ucaua&i, lVnioemts24.
Sixty editors were recently in a
smash-up on theC. IU & Q. railroad
and not one of them was hurt. It is
said that each one of them turned
and struck ou his cheek.
Mr. Gladstone dotes on tea, but
wants it made by his wife. Mrs.
Gladstone, of course, is a good cook.
Did any man whoso wife was a poor
cook ever become great!
Ji'fHiE a town by the appearance
of its newspapers, and you will not
miss it far. Look in the adver
tising columns and you will sec the
bmiiiuts luen represented every time.
The difference betweeu a revenue
tariff and a protective tariff is thus:
A revenue tariff is a tax collected
from consumers for the sii'roit r ok
the uoveknmext only; a protect
ive tariff is a tax collected from the
consumer for the support and en
richment of private individuals.
It is announced that YVhitelaw
Ileid will take no part in the cam
paign. It is well; he does not ueed
to; the workiugnien of this country
will attend to the campaign with
out Mr. lipid's help; aud we haven't
heard of one yet who will vote for
him. A workinginan who doe,
votes to cut his own throat.
Ma. Kicumunu was a prominent
man and a member of the state
board of agriculture, having but
recently been reappointed by Gov
ernor Fennoyer. He was a pioneer
of Oregon. Mr. Richmond was
brother in law of J. II. Whitley,
of Salem. He leave an estate
valued at from flO.OOO to $10,000.
jt was only a lew months ago
that Andrew Carnegie was on this
coast, explaining to the newspapers
the benefita of the protective-tariff
system. Especially did he explain
how beneficial it wan in keeping up
the wages f workingnien. Now
he has wade a sweeping reduction
in his wage schedule, and hired
Piukerton assassins to shoot down
his employes striking for compen
sation that is sufficient to supply
the necessaries of life. I his is
surely a tariff object lson.
Rei'Uiu.ican papers of the rad
ical stripe speak derisively of Dem
ocratic and Peoples party papers
which "hold the mirror" up to
Nature, as'"caIaiiiityjhowlc,rs." J5ut
the InUr- Onmn, a Republican pa
per of the conservative sort, has the
hardihood tostate: "There are 3, 000
people in Chicago on the verge of
starvation; men, women, and babies,
old age and helpless childhood.
They want money, and a scheme
that does not offer this necessity is
unjust. Save them from the loan
Bhark and the pawn broker."
THK "FROTRVTElf SHKBK the word and gifts of charity, and
Iu liia latest report Undo Jens- then God and men will blew you
miaU liusk has much to nay of mush
rooms and toadstools; and be la
quite eloquent over the auljeet of
making it raiu by shooting off the
surplus; but of the number of abeep
wo have iu the country, and the
price of wool uuder the McKinley
bill, his silence la discreet and deep.
Aa Uncle Rusk la no more inclined
to talk about sheep than McKinley
we are obliged to go back to the re
porta of his predecessor for infor
mation of the deadly effccU of lie
publicanism ou sheep iu Ohio and
Iowa, liy examining th atntisUca
of the Department of Agriculture
from the administration of Andrew
Joliusou until the year of llarrl
son's election, we And that uuder
Johnson, iu LStl, Ohio hud 7,1511,
K sheep, while iu 188S it had ouly
4,0GWd. lu 18tS7 Iowa bad
2,3!HM-J.n; iu 1SSS 540,700,
these t wenty one year of high-tariff
taxation on wool and woolens, Ohio
lost o;3,6a sheep, aud Iowa lost
1,N?.?H. Uncle Kusk withholds
the flguctvs of lossa under the Har
rlsou admiulstnttiou and the
McKinley bill, but as the price of
Ohio wool has been lowered by the
increased use of cottou aud ahoddy
no one will bo likely to conclude
that the nntnber of Ohio aheep
Increasing uuder the bill. In 18A9,
uuder what the Republican call
'"Democratic free trade," medium
Amerkau wool sold for 59 oeutu
while receutly, under the McKinley
bill, Iloctton prices were 2tt oenta for
Ohio X, 30 to 31 rents for X X and
This shows what the aubeti
tute of very coarse wools and cotton
aud shoddy uuder high taxes does
for wool prices. Aa the tariff baa
Wh'u made lighter and higher, the
number of sheep lu Ohio, Illinois,
Indiana, and. other state, has
steadily decreased, while the peo
ple of these states pay for imitation
woolen garments of coarse wools
mixed with shoddy, a higher price
than they would have to nay for
tlie Ut all-wool goods uuder
Democratic tariff. Let the voters
of Oregon ponder over these facts,
consult all statistics for half a ecu
tury, and they wilt Hud that wool
has always brought a better price
under a low tariff.
Where should a latmrer'a future lie
fairest and bo most speedily en
Joyedt IH us nnhwltatlngly au-awer-iu
fiwHlont'a laud, America.
Jil.AlXK'S j.wo. Fha sew Ada mh, though
inclined to be a Republican gener
ally, tells in the July Forum why he
will vote next fall for Mr. Cleveland.
There are men in the country whose
opinion might be more valuable,
but the reasons he gives are mostly
sound and strong ones. Briefly
summarized, he will leave the Re
publican party because he is alarmed
at the extravagance, the protection
extended monopolist), and the loot
ing of the treasury to pay unworthy
and sometimes fraudulent pension
claims. He is sick of it all, and he
wants an honest man with an hon
est policy.
The Republican party, iu convcu
tiou at Minneapolis, after notntuut
tug the strongest man they had for
president, committed political sui
cide by nominating the weakest
man they could fiud tor vice presi
dent. YVhitcluw Reid stands to
day with a record as a persistent
enemy of organised lubor. He is
aristocratic and uu-Americau in
his ideas. Iu the cauitMtiirn of
Illaine vs. Cleveland he pretended
to be a warm friend and supporter
of lilaine, but he would not do one
thing necmsary to liluiuo's election,
uamely, to unionize his newspaper,
the New York Tribune. Now this
enemy of united labor, this false
friend, IHaino's logo if not his
lirutus, comes before the working
men of this country asking for
suffrage. No, Mr. Iteid, you may
have purchased a committee of'HIg
0" of New York, but all ol the I).
O. Mills millions cannot save you
from the thunderbolt of negation
which will be hurled at your head
by united labor in November
next. I'urtland World
The "labor market" in which the
laborer is treated as a mere com
modity,Kubject wholly to the laws of
supply and demand, should not be
The man's labor is his life; the
price of his labor should not be loss
than the cost of his living, as a man
should live.
To great depths of degradation
has the greed of gain reduced the
laborer. Specious words are spo
ken to hide away hideous crimes
against humanity. "Freedom of
contract," "freedom of competi
tion," may, una otten uo, mean
direct slavery for tho lalwrer.
There is no freedom of contrat:
when the alternatives are to work
for a nominal wage or to be hungry
aud listen to the cries of famishing
children. There is no freedom of
contract for the pale-faced irirl of
tho "Hong of the Shirt," This is
the result of the uncontrolled labor
market. The employer, intent on
seeks the cheapest offer
of labor. He invites competition
among laborers mat Uie otter be
still ' lower. Foreign labor is
brought in to cheapen the home
article. Women are substituted
for men without regard to health
or maidenly modesty. And chil
dren are cheaper yet than women,
and they are drafted into the dark
ness of mines and the fetid air of
factoriits when their little forms
should be basking in the sunshine
or beneath the smiles of a mother's
Give tho laborer his righto. Let
him work; let him receive for his
lubor a fair wage. Allow him the
opportunity to which as God's
creature he iu entitled, to be a
man, free and self-supporting.
First give him justice, and then
when misery comes unprovoked by
social conditions, where sorrow
falls upon him whether from misfor-
I tune or frailty, approach bim with
The following was a plank iu the
Democratic platform of LSG7, and
it ia good Dcmoerutlo doctrine to
"We denounce the present tariff
levied on nearly 4,000 articles as a
masterpiece of Injust ice, inequality,
aud false pretense, which yields
dwindling and not a yearly rlslug
revenue,' has impoverished many
Industrie to suhsidUo a few; it pro
hibits imports Uiat might purchase
the products of American labor; it
has degraded American commerce
from the first to an Inferior rank
upon the high seas; it has cut down
the values of American manufac
tures at home and abroad; it has
depleted the returns of American
agriculture, an industry followed
by half our people; it costs the
people live times wore thau it pro
duce to the treasury, obstruct
the process of produet lou aud wastes
the fruits of labor; it promotes
smuggling, enriches dishonest offi
cials aud bankrupt houest mer
chants. We demand that all cus
tomhouse taxation ahall be ouly for
Camji are coming lu at a great
rate for "Protection or Free Tradef"
Bend in your orders, gentlemen.
When the present stock is ex
hausted, as it soon will be, we will
get plenty more. A two-cent stamp
ia a very small price to pay for a
book that is reeognited as the only
complete work ou the tariff ques
tion ever issued. Bend for a copy,
aud when you receive a large
envelope with the legend: "Public
Document. House of Representa
tives, U. 8. Part of Cong. Record.
Free," on the upper left hand cor
ner, and "Tom L, Johnson, M. CI,"
ou the upper right hand comer,
remember that it is the hook the
Wkht Sidk Coin puny sent you.
Bomkiiouy has suggested that
the government should make it its
business to (MM-ure good w ages, and
at once the Oiyjonmis is up in arms
and says, "Whnt about loc!''
Well, If Mr. frkxitt would remember
what he writes for almut fifteen
minutes he would fiud that he has
said (and, strangely enough, told
the truth,) time after time that
the government is and has been
looking after the losses for mure
than a hundred years. The last effort
to protect manufacturers against
loss amounts on an average to sixty
per ceut of the value of the article.
111 i
Wk are by no means responsible
for the views enunciated by our
many corresoudeut. They hold
many opinions to which we do not
subscribe; yet we thoroughly lie
lieve In a free press as well as free
trade, and all persons have a right
to be heard, uuder the usual rc
strict Ions of avoiding pcraoilhli
ties. TIioWkktSiok has always
been, under the present manage
ment, free to all parties for the dia
cussion of the great questions of the
day. Write your sentiments and
send them iu.
Jl isiK T. A. MclluiDK, the new
ly elected circuit judge, is holding
an auiournod term of court at Hills-
boro. He is teachiug some of the
itnesscs a wholesome lesson. One
man came to the stand the worse
for liquor, whereupon the Judge
fined bim ten dollars and ten days
In the county jail. lltluboro Demo
Judge Mc Bride is badly needed
in the Second Judicial district, if
onr otiservatlon of drunken attor
neys and drunken witnesses are
not at fault, and of a recent date.
t j
Hon Fokd killed Jesse James,
and Edward O'Kelley killed Hob
Ford, and on the 12th, at Lake City,
the late O'Kelley was sentenced
for life to the Colorado penitentiary.
Kashas has ten votes tor presi
dent, and four year ttgo Harrison's
majority was almost H'AOtHi. Two
year, ago, however, the I'wiples
party not only cut this "beastly ,
Tun Htatk Flow in. -Tim Mule
(HHihl of ImriitiilliHii ini't si JtiMul
River recently, mid ilui liig tlieiuieilMK
Urn Oregon gnqie, Imllitt'inillii in our
Valley liin.ln, wi M'lecled fur the dlule
flower. Tilers are I wo ihcIih, lliht,-i
uvu majority," as it is laceiiousiy w,uifutium sml Mwnmwi, Th
termini, down to nothing, but flower l very miihII m) grow In ileime
auowed it under by 10,000 or 15,000
votes. And this Uie People party
did without help from the Demo
crats, tor Uie latter had a full ticket
in the field aud polled their usual
vote. This year, however, the Re
puhlioana have uo earthly show to
witt in Kansas, for the Democrat
have Indorsed the Peoples ticket,
which will lose the state to the Re
publicans by from 50,000 to 75,000
vote. 8o you cau count ten vote
loss thau you thought for Mr. liar
rlsou next Novemler.
Arwmxof Mr. Itlulne, a Mrs,
Cynthia Smith, has ts-eii summarily
and unceremoniously dismissed
from one of the departments, al
though she filled the position comi
tently aud creditably. Theltlaluea
are all gone, or going, out6f official
life. The Harrisons will go next
IT has bceu pointed out that only
two lueu iu American history were
nominated three time for the presi
dency by Uie Democracy -Andrew
Jackson and G rover Cleveland, An
drew Jacksou was elected twice,
and we believe that will be Uie fate
of Urover Cleveland.
' '- ! 'I ,!
A LOCAL high-tax organ admitted
on Buuday that the tariff does not
affect Wheat. Tomorrow it will
probably point with prido to the
"protection" afforded the farmer by
Uie tariff on wheat.'
TllK must Haltering criUcism of
Cleveland ever primed was that
"For four years he saihnl the ship
of state on a summer sea." Would
to Heaven we were ou that summer
sea now. ' '
SUinlrt nt tho lu ud of all iihh hiihI.
h im-. This Hitoii it iHtin4
by its Iniriniiie im ril, upttiliiH If
tiie opinion of trading .h)slclitnn,
will by the cert ideate of tlimiMinla
who liuvtt niccesnfully tmlcd Its
remedial worth. No oilier iudldue
to effect ii ally
ruluU, ML, Uiri'lc. ikvuiimliuH,
Unit, una ll iilhrr tiUwU diiMM.
" TtHr mh ho no qurttton M la tlx u
rt.Hlly ml Ayxfn Mdruiwilll war ill aUwr
bloud puilllst. 1( tltl i Di Oie rmm, U
4auuU lur It, liula of liKtm.iin jruly,
Wtwlil h4 txiw kHi( u, lAo ta ftuuy
Uwr bluwt MKHllrim-t I rmiltl titmr."
CtiarlMlnam, Uvu,
"To J e 1 .- trouklril wall Mil
rliMi. Il tru all oi-r mr My, iul hall)
lui Uw itxctnn did l- f we im ol m y
(OIL Al Lut I timk four lullk , f Afrt'l
SuuparllU. ih w:m ruoliilrl)r ruiril,
I nil itwrrrlf r'-rt'iiiitwml II u a niktnli4
tilJ-uflllr."-J, S. i-utl, Vpr Knulcli,
w lliuiunu k,
"Hf lilt'-r iu kStlrlnl IIU ( tenn
tdi. ul
Oul doctor rtSMimnwixIml Kjrt't SurMullla
u Mitf Out Ixwt hlund IUmhI purlflM llhln
hl atpvrtoiKMO. V v CM o tirf llilt nmllrliHi,
aul runiiliie tun llm rt-.ull."
W ia. O, Joukiiu, wm,, Nvb.
" WIm-ii ft Ixiy 1 Wit,! Willi a
whkh nuuit(iali4 llwll lu un
Ui t- Alfor'l Snniiiu,ll Iwliif rwtmt
nvtMlrit, I Uwk number f bolllvt, una u
eurwL 1 bat nor Ultra Umt tinw hail
ft rtwurrrnr of lb ttmiplalnl." J, C.
TtoBiptun, Lowell, Mum.
" I M eurwl at rVrofuU by llio ux of
Aynrn Srlll. " C. Iwrry,
DolJ, Ma.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rairtiiii r
Dr. J. C AYER & CO., Lowell, Mm.
Bald by til DniftUu. IMm l; an bouiM,t.
Neil H'Mlon tMitfint on M iuiliiv. Ibrv
mill ony oi p'iinnut)er, jsr.',
Tuition free.
four eon nana; olniwipnl, m-ionliflo. lit
ernry, una sliorl r,Uillnii inmrnn, in
wlnoli lliere in iki Lntiu, Oreck, Fri'm-li
iiordnriimn. Tlio Knlinii Is pre-rmi
oeouyaiiiMiDeMifloiini. l or CHliilouin-i
or ainar inroruiniion, sihlrttut,
J. W. Joiinbos,
cluiileni, Tim berry, llm tlttl iiKUlvtltl rtuc
ft'Htiireof tint plitnt, ii wNxy Klohule
stsiut tlm nix suit alnix of A
Iwrry,, sud generslly of s dull blue
color. The fnllsK, however, Is very
lirweeful, swiiinra very tirllUmit imlorn,
varying in Inleimily nt ilWt'eiviit H-rl-tsl
of the year, iind enti lw iiat'd for
tlmtrtlv iur..wn wlili llmwt elfM.
Tli liii Itw lf la very low, not more
Umu fiv or alx Iim Iii-m In hi'liilit, rnol
alsiiK the tlili kiima of u ii onlliiary fi-nH
noll, The long, narrow l.'nn-, rom-
IxaMMl iif ai-vuml pniln of lirlnlit Kh-i-ll
iesllels, with till mid luriiilind limili t,
Inliceohito hi ouliliii,of w ti-Miirr tlilck,
tollKh. Mini li'itllii-rv, ni Ih'm1 ul. oik
their li;v hy iiillneroiift lmi i Inoiia
ivriMiwa, HW ii.hhmm iihwI (imri-fullv
IU full II kn inuiiiirr, nihI the tM iillly if
ilieir form and iln-lr iiliiwitig HrmiiMn.
nieut never full lu illicit III" WnriiHl
la r-wMiKitliHi, fMHrU W"l l'l"MH el
..,M.,iMii"( ii.hi' siMfMin t"'""""
lli lull l utollva- Yuli 'l 'l"
iwullar In alrtihttili i"l .My - II
4ra,.. .tllU I Mi wily i'lklM. ul I whleb
cm tily tm .iid, "e "."
oih-r tnmiirinra rtin l"!r aotm, mi
da In iim1 h gix"! rauli at 1
lluml'a Hramirlll
I'puiillar In IU mwtitlnal mull. H'' ftpwHHtilialiM i-nraa bliliw m Ml
kiMiwii, and M ia won lli 0H "I " Tli tb
al lilixNl iuMllr r dlaeoieiwl."
fwullar Is ll "IH-'J ' M hamJ.
tlmre U lii'ite t UV H(t"l " l
liwvll, wb- II 1 ''. ' "' " w1''
iiii..,(i mihii.-i.
I'w-mur In II' I'Mn-mnntil rrroid f
ii, .i.I, mi itll"f -r.srntt l bi aliaaww
tm h uiaiiiy la tbort lai "
I i'peullur U llavlf.
IVculiir Hi llm ormllity mul rlt-ftn
Hi-wuf ll txlvxrtlnluiC. IU wirlbula i
li,ually bolus "i d by Silll'.
ivculur In lli wy a
tftil. .-, b"UI '" ""
Hood's Sarsaparilla
UI fey 4iiil.W. t.Ur. rr.-M.l
Uy U I. HOOK CO , Ai Iiik-ww, "
Dosor Ono Dollar
From to-day until August 10 we
will give everybody a chance to
wear "trood clothes" and "fine
to make
I must do tins in
room for my fall
A genuine
Don't delay this time, for you don't
get such bargains very often. Kvcry
article reduced ri'-ht down.
Is your Watch Non-magnetic ?
fun iiSESTrI
wUh FaotimxU Siaualurt of EMIL FRESE.
4H.D BY Alt, DHIWillTW SUP WfttorKIt.
If you want
Paper or Picture Frames
Furniture, Bedding
He has the best and most complete stock
his side of Portland, and will always treat you
right. Wall paper trimmed free of charge.
Are hcad-quartcra in Polk County for
paB ui m w m, dins, ui wm
Barbed lire,
Stoves, and
Bain Vagdns, the Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows,
d Km; Ms Kb id Ssfa
Il l. all rltfhl lu Un AH I K ti drrtlam. bul If f willjf of Mlt( Utn. fou
will rarrt iM ft liUi lumilil ud lu fuut
School Booh, Tablets, Inks, and School Supplies.
ft..n. W. II. tt'llT. Ii ii-t no to uU ll.ol If i"-k fU-r li duUan now, Ibrjr
til louk n f uw Un you wml U.'ir il.
Independence, 0.
Tin' bImiVC liloVl'llii-lltH lirtvc lion limcai-lic I'M-iiJivlm-liI), Itml mmliiill
ItALANCK ami II AIliSi'KIMi, Tlu-v ,tiHd- ull iln tui'iitnuf hlii-l
fining watclum, lih tin- AMMTIONAI, AiV AN TAliK r k-inj:
tliorounlily NOX-M AUM-;TI! ami M IN-DX YIU.AULR
$10 and upwards.
Independence, Or.
Tour attention to our line of clothing,
which has been greatly reduced by
our IS per cent reduction sale, but
we are still able to satisfy our cus
tomers in this line, as well as in
Suner Dress Goods, White Goods,
Ginghams, Parasols, Underwear, Hosiery,
etc., etc.
The On
it iff
i jy "i t
Im t mllilafcf
lionjitmiii Sclidllflil, Tnii'l(tit; J, I).
V. liiillur, .S'oi'i'tiii.v. V.x ollltmi: tlm Ex
rnlliiuy (lovtrnor Mylvonter 1 Viiuoyor:
linn. I II. IMol'.lroy, Hiiiniitpnil.Mil of
fulilic IiiHlriiolioni Hnu. (1, V. Mcliritlu,
ncnrt'iiiry or mhio: lion, .lacol) ViMirliciw,
Hun. A, Nultmr, ,T. V. Wlnti-, Hon. V,
It Holnii's, AKri'd Ln"y, Jloti. 1. W.
lUloy, linn. ,T. J. J ,iy.
Tlm Nhito Noi-iniil in iv live Mionl. ran-
lilly Krnwititf, ninl (iinrimiiilly mliliiiR to
it" f.Kiilillim for llm Npoohil Iminiiitf of
ii'iiinioii. iih Krmiiinti un. in ilciimml to
llll Hooil poHitioiiK. A emu of niijlily ir
cnit m iilloiiilaiH'i' wiix miulu iiwt voir
An tuirnllniont of WKI lx iintii'iimlc(f for
Ihi' iinxl yiuir. Ni'W miMiilx-in lnivobtwn
milled to tlm fiionlty, uiul mlilitionnl
iiiuniiim Iiiih liti'ii Hnpiuil,
The Leading Normal School of the
A diploma from tho milioul Biitilkw oim to timoh in nny ouiinty in Ibo Btnte witb-
oiir, iiimit'r cxnminiiuon.
Normul, Normiil Advnncoi), JIiihiiiohm. Miihio. uml Art llnnnrl l,WMl.u. Km.,,!.,!
ftilviuitiiL'im ill Vni'ill uml I nut riinirnt ill Mnxiu,
A yenr nt ai-liool for Sl iil, '1 iiilion rmliiooil to S?ll -'J Noniml. nml ,"i
portiirm of tun wmilm. iloiir.l nt Nurnml Dmitiu Hull, pr wtwk; furniMlicil
looms, 1 pur week, Uonnl uml loilmn, privule fmiiilioN, Hf;l,ll) pur win k. llmtu
tiful uml lii'iiltliful lociitiou. No tmloimu. I'm Ht Imni oiwim Sni.tnmlini. on i.'...
ontiiloKiie Bildiiw P. J,, OAMl'JiKLL, A. 11.. I'rcHiilunt.
OrJ. M. l'OWKLL, A.M., Vioo VroMiilout.
I lllive iu Rtook A nktn tinn nf nlmii K.,,1 .... ... i .... ' n
uii pioturo fruuio tuouUliugB. (live me a onll.