The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 08, 1892, Image 4

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    HOW TO t'KMMIVK HKAt.lll.
Oueof tto Ul way to krt') In mnl
health, my the Monthly'a, l
not to think nt worry too unu-h itlnml
it. Ifyuu fvvlsuviiK and wi-ll, dun't
tniaglm- that tome tiiKldkm dim--
may t awtly aUaoktnjr yur oon
Uuitlon, Many ivple atv llko tl In
exj wtomi-d traveler, who aivxhiiiKly
luquttvd akmt tm tynittu of n-u-alvkiu-asi,
and ,.ow Im ahoutd know
when h httil It, One gom-mlly known
h-n lit? la U'k, and fivtitmtly timuy
ljwmWy alarming ay uipUwn irw,
urion InvwrthjatUm, to tovtiliiar l
fivlly natural ikvuitmuv or tw'wry
tight tinimrtaneo.
Eat and drink what you dowirt, a.
Ion aa It aim with ytt. Your
atoiuache know pretty vrull what it
ctut dlgwit. Plain, miitnUs food U itir
bio, asagvnertd thing, but thoUisurh
of Unstable, tn nuHlonuloit, will ttono
Alcoholic bewragt aiv not tU for
habitual uv They an- trut mvdK-liica,
and should only lie used tike any ot!ur
Htietne---uuderthedviotor nliy
an-laa. As regular U'Vemiw they can
do no good, but w ill aluuwt wrtalnly
do harm.
Take all the sleep you can get, but
iiiietnber that th mwmry- amount
varies greatly fur ditVownt- peraoti.
Sarnie nttiM aleep tit ktvut tiln lunim,
whit other thrive under six. Only
do n't rob yoursvlf of what you really
mwd. Tb "mWutisht oil" l terribly
exivualv tlhimiuant to bum either
fat purpoaea of tabor or study.
Always treat a common 4d with
great rwneeL Ninety uiu tlnuta out ot
n hundred it will get well any way,
but the hundredth euld, if la-gleeled,
inavlead to hroitehitla, pneumonia, or
couautuptlou. It t beat to tako no such
If yon are hk euousti to need any
medicine at all, t-yoiid the sun pi
reniedle familiar to ail, you ar aiek
enough to need the initvuttaiic of a
i?y all means take as nmoli exerei as
you ran, and be In the ovum air as
much a ptwsiMe. Outdar lift' I the
natund eotidition of mankind, ami the
ruore one ran liw of It, the U tter.
The praelh-e must not be carried to
fxtreutea, however. There are many
days when one U tnuih Ktter otf in ft
warm, ciMufortable, welbveutiluted
bou than tr'iK to take outdoor ex
ereiw lu a mid tutor torm, or under
a July sun, and no one ever atretmlh
ened his eoastitutlou by ntceptiur with
hi UhI-hmhu window open with the
utitidtt temperature at wro, or allow
lug the auow to drift lu Mam hU pil
low. Fnwh air, tuultht, (?xk1 and surthi
ent ftaid, pure water, outdoor exenise,
temiwraniv In all thing?", and a ebeer
fut dUpcwitlon, are the chief rwuietliiw
in nature' dispensatory, ami are
worth more tnau all the dnijai and
luediclnea of the shop. Ir. Holmes
haa truly wild that If nine-tentlm of all
the liiedioimw, jwient, prnprietary.
and otherwise, lu the world, were
poured into the ocean, it would be all
the better for mankind and alt the
worse for the Ashes; and the l ent phy
idau can do little without good nur
itiK, and thus aid nature iu thmwlug
rullllea Mk airane Boafvlluwt.
Ilecentlv the New York THInme
made tliln statement:
"Shallow men used to inuutiiie that
he was oppuned to reciprocity latnuse
be waa resolute for irotcctioti, M
early aa any man lu public life he aaw
that the two must k toether, parte of
grand whole, or neither could wiu
complete aud laming victory."
y To th the New York II 'ttrtd made
this reply:
"Indeed: How happened it then that
Mr. Blaine waa unable to et even a
aiectful hearing for the reciprocity tdi-a
before Mr. MeKinley'n committee; tliat
the McKinley bill pasted the hoinw
without it, and that Mr. Blaine wao
only able to jret it adopt nl in thewimte
by Mna"hhiK hia hat and doelurini; llmt
the McKinley hill, an It atood, wnuld not
make a market for another liuhel t
wheat or barrel of pork, la it the duty
of ao onrou to falsity history''"
The Kepubllcun party In Mv its
best to recover loat ground. It me the
wisdom of freer trade, and ita declara
tion of priuclplcs la "protection and rec
iprocity." Hnre'y tlnwe two words an
"strange bedfellowa," but litiiw l In
Ihe habit of making ntch. Euxt On
An tuainne of th MUlendltig (;harrt9
of ClrcumaUntlal l:vliUnr.
There is no figment of the lmaginv
tion if it in at all within Die limit of
poaaibiliticft more curious or (strange
than ome tiling that actually happen.
The followiug in an instance iu proof of
A few years ago Frank Millet, the
well known artist, war correspondent
and Btory writer, pnbliabed a abort story
in a leading inanzine which had as it
principal featnre the myaterious killing
of a Parinian artist in hix own ettulio.
A web of circuumtantial evidence led to
the arrest of a model who had been in
the habit of posing for him. But through
tome chain of circumatancet which tiie
writer of this baa now forgotten, the
murder if murder it can bo called
nu fonnd to have teen caused by the
diacharge of a firearm through the force
of capillary attraction. The firearm waa
used by the artiat aa a atudio acceaaory,
and waa hang in finch a manner that he
waa directly in line with it. Ita dis
charge occurred when he waa alone in
hi atudio.
The story waa a vivid and Ingenious
flight of the imagination. Now for iu
parallel in fact.
The Albany Law Journal tells of the
arrest of a man opon the charge of kill
ing hi couain. The dead man waa
fonnd lying upon a lonnge abont 8
o'clock in the afternixjn with a 32-caliher
ball in his brain. The counin, who had
an interest of $100,000 in his death, waa
alone with him in the boune at the time.
The discovery of the real canue of death
waa due to the lawyer of the accused,
who took the rifle from which the ball
had been fired, loaded and hung it upon
the wall, and then marked the form of a
man npon a white sheet and placed it
npon the lounge where the man luvd
been found,
Then a heavy cut glass pitcher of wa
ter waa placed upon a shelf above. The
temperature was 00 degs. in the shade.
The pitcher of water acted as a sun flaw),
and the hot rays of the sun shining
through the water were refracted di
rectly npon the cartridge chamber of the
rifle. Eight witnesses were in the room,
and a few minutes after 11 o'clock there
was a puff and a report, and the ball
atruck the outlined form back of the ear,
and the theory of circumstantial evi
dence was exploded.
This is interesting, not only because
the real occurrence is quite as strange as
the imagined one, but because the fact
came after the fiction and paralleled it
so closely. Detroit Free .Press,
1 Ktitl Hjl.l
My tilv U Ul
Tliol annua my Mihtr kwc
I ti'ti tit ! m tlx-? git liy
llnl itlitilr KtttlltuHl Valtnt ?
liul uhr uritui bi k lujr kwr ,
Y me lun j
1 1t wtM' 1 awaa
TIU ot mjMimtnr kivw, i
Ynri hv I but tl la rattti 1
Ok. lill I m aa wrlti cla
M k)U( !! Ml lor Uivorf j
W ith wpwy bwl
flm r?wu
"(tow l llif wtflnr towr," ,
TtM tn i la BHiniain,
Ot wri ni rftroly Kiw
Tvtt f ay ltai twa Uiv, j
Kro tlto'n mt Jir
ShMt ihm tmt
Hiint h'lt. ' -. aijr ken.
OVr mmmUIH, lilll amt rlntln atrawn
iMwUitaun'ilMt, twtlim twaua ,
Ttma almll iy iwul fm yr
Tk Sliitiu rivaj",
Ta ii aiy ) kt kiwn
Rul aUlt 1 watu-k, bail wl to vaU.
Wkll ikt my krt mar tiaavo Ut laaia,
tv uiy iti-ivwfiwt lvr,
lljma Ik ttuntlek la Yaulta ittad.
IMviuutnt lm fur Kattta
A pleasant game for an evening at
home, among a few reading people and
tlieir neighbor, ia cl!el "yuotUov"
A cant with vme appropriate tine may
aiinonne the evening to your frienda,
and for an hour the hoatera or aouia one
else aitfned the duty may read ipiota
timia, the guesit giving tiie author,
Well knowu line thould lie written on
alipa of pair Jid put lu a pretty ribtwn
tvanket. The guwta are aeatmt la aiirele,
and after the first quotation one la given
a lntmiie to nam the author, If h
fail, the reader give the rid lit nam
and Svk 3 reada the next qnoution and
pujaaea to hU next npijjhttor.
To give variety an author's nam may
be given, and a point is made by tit first
one who respond with a tpiotatioa from
that writer; or a ubj t may tie given
and appropriate quotation called for.
The one making th greaNit nnmtier of
point win the game. Another Kama
that rails for quick thought ia called
"Ubirrvatlon. On the crd given to
each perm ia a list of ten article that
he ia given ten aeeonda each to An
evening devoted b curew, after the
fashion of torn of the clubs, is li both
delightful aad protltahla. Each gueat
brinpt a curio aad tell the history of it
tn the mm manner a geographical
club sometime vane it eveuiDir by
having each member bring a picture of
tome ot where he ha traveled and
give a little talk about it. New York
rightist t aallualla Ilntaakuakar.
In rfptti to oltinacy in dreea
makers for carrying out idea I had an
amusing experience. My sister' stay in
Pari was too short for my dressmaker
to undertake all h wanted made. For
the best thtujr we went to a big draws
maker, wlwse linirtance lie in great
pretension. Among the thiua ordered
there was one for which I wanted my
own way. The woman exclaimed: "But
that ia not practical, Yon women have
ideas, but they can't be carried out
"Well, if it cannot be carried out 1 wilt
be responsible for poilt cloth if there be
any." I knew she oppod it brcaaae
the idea wa not her own, and that it did
not go to swell the bill with yards of
lace, feathers, furs, passementerie, ete.
She consented at last; the dree waa a
great success. A few week after I had
occasion to call on the dressmaker, and
what waa my surprise to find several
dressed in the sbowroum with my idea
Very practically carried out, and what
Wa my greater surprise, when the Wom
an came iu, to find she wa wearing my
idea practically demonstrated on her
own back. Brooklyn Kale.
"You can never pot too much water
tn milk if you always put It through the
cow's mouth." This is one of many
analogous aphorisms by Professor Bob
ertaon, the Canadian dairy commissioner.
The druiiiftst 1 no lunger a manufac
turer of hi compounds, and has ban
ished mortar and pestle to be a dispenser
of the product of laboratories wber
whirling machinery tiie work.
linuatlWa of I lilnaMi Trsitxa t'uloua.
The trades uitiona of Chin resort to
terrible remedies iu order to carry out
their ends. I heard of a case lu Shang
hai where an employer did something
contrary to the rule of the guild of his
workmen. His men'd, but bo re
fused to accede to their demands, anil
they concluded to make an example of
him. He had more than luO men work
ing for him. These at a coHc rtl sig
nal sprang nvm him aud commenced
biting him. They had leader, and this
leader would not let one of the men go
away from the place without showing
his teeth, and if the teeth and gums were
bloody he was allowed to go out.
The plot was gotten up ou the basis
that there was do cupital punishment iu
China for biting. They bit the man to
death and the matter came to the ears of
the government. There was a little
fnsa aismt it, but the guild was a strong
one, and only the man who took thn first
bite waa punished. The punishment of
member within the guild for acting
contrary to it rules are equally terrible.
Frank O. Carpenter in National Trib-
si ? j, I.. H. M t W U. - -v 4 t - -
1 :j -i-fr ' v. if;.: "'- v
v M J ' A i ! -'tl !. j a4 ft "J
, t, j ; j' 3 K -Hi- i -V iu!-' '
it 1 r1- w s ' t - 4 t r rt wt - . i '
i. . s.s.4 Vfr 1, f-i Htk ' i. -M t - ,-ki f
1 . 1 . "i ',f,rr, fi'- (i'iM"5 ni'n i
pni, f 1 . , it. si iotit'1 mi-t.s.t r iii o' .,,'.
.'.u: , ..1! - I'll A Fi : '?i.l't$,sulL'V ..11. H J'.l it, 1. Hi
.... Ml t. , 1 H V
L'f n m- U.l'U.l'K'iTriii fi'Ilriif YVLWr ',',' it t. I .
:h i'.m'Jm-: tAnt'-wt of kill l. klihUfl.
AniNQTON a CO. Aosht. 9m Fes-acifO.
ler, ! iRi':tt't'.if as-; ji srrr..
Monmouth, - - Oregon.
Good grain and stock farms and choice fruit lands;
town property of all kinds.
Those having property for sale, please call.
F. B. LEWIS, Proprietor,
Dealer in
Highest market price paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc, ' All bills must bo settled monthly.
Open Sundays from 8 to 9 a. m.
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
Main street,
Piatur-a't r.,wf tit A.IJttaliuawl.
There Is an tiitenwllng collection of
cats in the cellars of scold storage ware
bourn on Front (iict. The leuqs ruttira
if tlnwe cellars vnrie from 14 to Ull
dctflh Fahrenheit, ami the rata and mice
were so destructive that three years ao
twelv cwta were caiiuht and placed iu
them. At first they had to b closely
ivtilliird. but they soon adapted them
el ve to their new conditions of Cold
aud darknesa, aud tmw seldom venture
tnto the liRht and warmer atr. When
brought up they at oium attempt to re
turn to their cold quarters,
Five ot the original twelve remain,
Their hair ha grown very thick and re
mains without ehntig through the year.
Two titter of kittens have been bW m
auiHHwsiv year, all having very thick
hair. ' The room where they were found
wa at temtieiatnw of 81 deg-4'hil"
del phi Ledger.
k WM Tlaawt Auyaaay.
L had been trotting her little feet
oft walling upon the elder member of
the family, aa little children crii. At
last, wearv fnm alippliig down from bet
chair so often, and out ot patience) at th
demand made upon her, she exclaimed,
"Well, I gii 'a I get tired a anybtaty, if
tis only a smalt tiredr Nw York
The Intelligent foreigner 1 highly
amnaixl at the indiscriminate way iu
which KngtUh nadleme us this word,
regardless of the nmulier and sex of the
performer whom they wish to applaud.
A tenor ia, of course, bravo; but a
prima dona Is brava. More than one
male artist can only tx bravt, and it
there are more ladii than one on the
stage, and no man ts to be Included in
the applause, they should be hailed a
braveat least accordiug to Italian
grammar. Note and Qwrw,
The art of longevity, alt the world
over, I a regular life, temperate in all
thing, with abundance of pure air and
water, and freedom from anxiety, ear
and worry.
lrit a frails.
They slay multitude when they are
the product of neglect of Incipient
dlsase. A "alight" eold, fit of III
digestion, blllouslniss, or Constipation,
each ur any ( t beast "minor alltueuta'1
jadvamvlti nmiiy en1 with "league
destroying strides," Hive them a
swift, early defeat with Uustcliere
Womach Bitter and avert the danger.
Alarnethy administered an alarming
rwtmke to the man who tufornuHt him
that he had "oiilv a wild!" "Only a
wild." repeated the doctor, "What
; wirtitd ye liave the plague!" ttbeu
nitttlsm and la grippe are easily exllm
j gnWmhle at the start. Why then al-
: low tliem to get up a full head ofsieam?
Put 011 the biakm with the 'Bitter.
The genial warmth which this superb
, metliciue dittiiwis through the system,
the impetus It gives to the circulation
of the bbst, Its .lhlng and strength
eniug ctl'wt uju the nervous, sptcinlly
reeomuieud it Hi the euftvhled and 4ck
T ts the great specltle for malaria.
llrMta'a I'Unua aud Or sua.
Hon. IanU t F. tWatty, the gnat o
gau and piano manufacturer, la Inilld
lug and shipping more organs aud
i.laiioa than ever. In ISM Mr, lUstty
left homo a la-nuilesa plow-boy, and by
hi Indoinitalde will he has worked hi
w ay up so a to mil so fur, newrly psi.tssi
of Bcalty aurguna and plums since lo,
Nottihig seems to dishearten htm; ot-
atacle laid In tils way that would have
wrecked any ordinary man forever, be
turn to au advertiavitaeiit anil cornea
out of It brighter ttian ever. Ills
lustruiiieiits. a I well known, an1
very popular and are to he found in ail
tsirts of the world. We are Informed
that during the next ten year he in
tends to sell 11.Ois more of his make.
That hienns a businesa orr.U.Ooo.oiit if
we average them at f lot'cueh. It Is al
ntwly the lurgint luisinos of the kind
In existence. iseud tolnliiel F. Iteatty,
Washington, .New Jersa-y, lor eatulogue
rv . . & LSc-'"j
it MlfMTtl l)U flf
ttfirMtr tttltk f IMlfr II I Ml
I tat ft'.' (IT WW iS--t MM
r Ift . t4 !
tanritntlff, 1
le. I H4 -h nn ! f-rnvr t ! pi' tli-V I lit 11 H
InvMlmaH -i H Op Utttl tlsvu.ij I mv " lfi't
nil f ala-l rnlf .m ,i j,.i,..e.rt, wV (l 4
by (.b.UiMpj, er, lvt ti.aj l,fal.l ir .(Ht hfft
gnlftfll rttt MWU t nrh p'i" t tsoiUHl f'f tl!,
-it.r'aa ! tat-l4ii' '; jaarMf Dl ltf lUli ll
. at,4 !, 4rit. wrr I llta UoW l!tl '-4
th HOiOII i-rpMtlfH' t It t !. (lHa- Mtftt
-.pwtr v.i Uf. ai.'I . ffttlf ptnmi m. thai I l- il
('!) rnn IUrWllppMhif eh ji fl f
inllr0, h I I! rii ; - ) I I i ( i H i'l.
I I 1 It liO J!. iin lot '..(ir-ta-t.asiHr f f
tn -Uf h. t I'Hry 1 ' rtkii t(n'.lf it iiwiirmi tf
t.f fir (i-.t"itrt"'..etn"t"f MWer At iHi V9 ran
to lb ttiufctariit (( ! hum, eia"tr t ar.
f H--ra t - ty AftfirnK fie Ja. l llil twf tr V
r ft da mi -'! Iff l-t i:i ")tt t- - ?.-!, t lfdo"
i)Ot . -- t rut iri'r4 - i..i'"Mi r 'l, !
rn:;i-'"l'""j f t'F S1 fult ll'li t tlitllfefat. I f
to Is-rt t t !tt tin u(!iiHMl W tit AH t mm
p ;r . tx'W iai it lto .lt -tt.t-it f , M tttatrte'l Vliil
ni'tm n t I.-'. ('', Kiiiinrn HtiUh-.-B tti-mttj mt --tl
-ir S , i to iF'f'a iH""'( 1'H kit frr,
Mrititn!ii I'm' lw Uf .tif f intm ,
llMlivU V I Ut I mi iliititl, MttlMr.
Independence, Oregon.
' nf
s V-I ,
A General Stock of Shelf
. and Heavy
Clodfclter Building, Cor. C and Main sts,,
t. raaaxwt.
MatrM Tf u
I k, Wuaaiaa, Mangr, - Inlnilrnc. OrKn.
Stylish Turnouts Always in Readiness.'
Ilitvltiff httly jnwlrnw! the t
Jinn. i an- now Uttt-r Mviturttt
Uu itililic, ita wo ftiv now tu tkiiiK atut aw iinriUK to lk wmty
Kiibatiiittitti inipruvi-'iu'iitji, Tums lawnU'il by tht thty or imiitib.
Jnviliti(f tni'it it utM-clulty,
AI tM SSTftr.r-- H in-mlit riallv
tniim ra)ilal'ltt fi'f I vl l-"mt. w l 111,;
Ui. Ill .- iU.t."'ll.i .-. .... flf I J" If , llWll"
We t'itu lit fmitiit four ihton aottth "f U"'
Flint Nuttotiiit Iktiik, ami wimUt In-'il
to li tvi- yim ilrn hi utul aw mi tun! il' yuu
liitvu Hiiytliinc iu tins mil -eMail lint-, w
ntu tin jM-nwita jiitt ari liHiklttjj fr. This
ta tli lwt jioriititt of tin- Willitmi'tti' vu'ti-j,
l-Hll HID 1.K jjilllihlg t ll'Hlil th' fiM't, Hiul
art t-aJitiiii tltiM wuj. lU-finisi' of tlitit fact,
w art? lint-; gdii! ti )-hiy! kiji utir trjis
tit-ii imil iiblli-! If you Imvi jiroju-rty to
adl, IM, it with n. If you want t' losy,
wt- mu suit you.
Wt will illMllr ynitr ptipiH,V, l' i!" "!'
It will lii to your inU'l'ot to fall utul
m ta-fiite you list nf jm: i Ii.l i- jir"n-ity
cUvm hen-.
1 m ntaa Aa
ludtaaur to j D. tr vine,
Doalar in
and Cigars
I liava mi IiiiihI a liuo lot of ciiiiinnl khoiI tlmt will tin wH lV tlm ciwc vimv
clit'iip, AIho, a lot of v-ry lliiti ImntiMi. tlmt will im milil vi-ry uwir rust,
Remember the old stand of J. D. I.
m 'Va V, a., a inn n l am
1 W'lr :wn
ft f tivr- n. n ' " '
we have a relief and cure
In your Ignorance of effects
ana vitality which U
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol.
euro or money reiunacu. Yj
ur. banoen a fciectric vr t
after all other, treatments S",
testify, and from many of VhjS
XA 1 !
Is a complete galvanic battery, made Into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, rind It glifc soothing, prolonged currents
Which are Instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electi-io Suapcmaory, the
greatest boon ever clven weak men, and wo warrant It to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, of
Money Rofundod. They ere graded in strength to nieot all stages of weakness hi young, middle-nged or old men, and will cure
the worst cases in two or three mouths. Address
it ia 1 w
-a.v.7. - ,- . r 1
I 4. Vl'iH-a
Si Voness,
- m or-.
Sam mill.
.imi. w
i intunttt iti tlm alaWi-a nf J, J.
lliaii -vnr t tmi t the ih-nwuila i
altMrr tin lwiti Ctli-wi an I alia I'll
ln 1I-I1'I.H.-I4 i' I'M S al B.IU ,
I r...!
l " l. ' I"
1 a-
ilSW 'W T-T YfW WWW MV WW Vviw? ttH1 Maw
m i ' ; m
ii r r . r v
iuurn &!;i,'A-i;t-'j
T JrJF "'' Jf7 1 ff ,'"-v -'wooa.wi, n-iiavi,li-irt-i ii-iv I Ul-,
ifii5- f'Su Lost JM ANHopD. F?h eumati s m, Lame
J illflW " v. rfrnpti ,,f abii. vrAaaii. wnrrrr nnil varnnaitri. 1?nr ,, ofr.
tiie effects of ftbmes, excesses,
tn our mnrvelous Invention, which requires but a triul to convince the most stapticnl,
or by excesses, or exposure, you mny hve unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricityand thus caused your weakness or lack of force. It you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
heno for our illustrated Vmphlets, tree j
Belt Is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vtor,
fulled, in can be shown bv lulniheilH of caaen thmiinluiiit this Sw.. nlm u.nnLI ,,I ,.H
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt,
1. 9
! Mil. if. ! I MIH K 'l'" H-w'tl 'Mi-Ill
l..t I.... 1 ..,.,1 .h, I. .iii.ri. .1"-. ralr inn! ;
! It') Uln,fiiriili I''-!'"- 1 .Vt'l.i-'"-'
I - '
I a a
land Brushes.
wm i mi.
I.i'.t.lmjj liitd 'l tlic Nonhwi'M
I -it. HtOrmilU' li.inl.T.tflf 'rlrl-'-lla,
lint-. Hi! iiiii tttii ii,,r.nrii'riil ' if
Iiiiiu.Ij.h1. til l.ullltol, aaa
Il n,i l' ". , ,, ,
ti.nut lunluali' fiuil" li-l f" "'- l"Haa
(IIH- hhU.ll.--t kllil . liliiv nima.
i;,jf, ftuid a 1.4 Wimia. n.
scjnw wane bowl
K.ptaa Irl!i lt fuilli4 I'al'.J,
la f. a. 1 i-. I-'TiIbihI A',
k j , ,. , 1 Ar. -rttl I 1 .11 I '
j'. .
I . a
! ij r, a .
t'. lia i.a i l.
..a rf "I'd r-i i-''a-. . m.
A . 1 .... . ., ll" ... la- i'l. " l I '
aa.. h. n.w.
ju.m11.-1. nl, ir: hij .
t Anna.
ti ... i,.i- , 11 r. a
i -.,ni..i.i . , .
Mll -- " i I 'I",
al' , i---1 tn
I" -..!. I ' -' 'I.
ti l A. M.
I ,a.
a Albany Leval.
I l.rilvr
t--.-i'-i-..t .-" :
HUMAN IH I'l 1-1" M-M.lLkS
Seamd-dit-'' K-cj'!ii Cars
fur tl niiHf'4ai!iH j na. huMsitg
Wct Fsile iMvinUm,
Uctwci ii IN.i tl nt Hint ("orvatttt
Uk.U TiUlS Mttf iB.lj. ,
j f ;"Tt .r ' " fii'j"
aTT"ji . ( '
ar. i 1 ! f w
I t. I IS I- 10
11 i . a. if. ia.wi-iv.i"i-.i
1; ttt.m. I a ataiH
( attMuit A CiwiU tuaaaaH M Ifaia
l.f,a- I ai'Mt ai;.ri.
txransa mn ciai tEw.timi.i'y)
t.. I "!,
r.-' I .a lit- ' rM'-iu, 1 .
M.-MiBiialU 14 ,. HVHinad. IB a,
TU,touoa twin to aia powrs
cast iaa BUITIL
jFf-f II' a anil lnI..fM rtr4tn ralaa
n i-a, vs., u ua uuwia a ul 1 iu4,o
a. go is 1 ilk a. t r. hir, .ajM. V. t. t'aaa, Ml
IMU 1 1 M'. 10. 1 HON.
t i& 6 a al 4 I Lai
II Paul, St Louis.
A a A!) tviat
', mm ax! sunn.
Strai!.-a f...m r,i:0.,i .1 to 'an l-'fa-n
1' ) 4 I'. ) a.
V'ii' ml,- itlnl r'tir-riil liiirmtl,Hl -l,ll nil (tr
ml.h 1 ...,
W. H, 111 ill, IH ill,, A1. (li'Hl, Ya, Aijl.
il WiwIOiigt'Hi fi-, ,
"iH.tMi. (liua:i.N
Fruit Trees.'
"MUrr, tenuity, i u, mill itvt titVn,l St',,
11 iitK'n. IJt'i'tt M J H,IM't llU l-OITut
t iru i. liVKiOtltn-lon.t f 'riif, llHUklpriu'lipw,
itUa fhoi f if h, miiiMTfe, itpf I i4, h, tMrn-i;.
hf-Mir, ooili'i't'l', t'UHptvf ft'lt'i,.! r itVtsri'rt('.
ill ntuihli'.' I" mtU Ihct pun'tmi-f, lit r-'ituti .
tiTt I'olU ootittty, OlVtjnn,
aa.' .1
iiM m
if .a va a tva
a t p n; rt
..i.u.i; a ..i
from Nervous Debility! Seminal Weas-
worry and exposure. For such sufferers
sent by mail, scaled. ..." ,
Merchant '
C JTf.ttr. CflOUiC iQilOttltt. j
I'l Any Sil-: M-lc tri)rJT
U'.iiil ti ll ..... I
it I I I S I I
1 i.rm'?n 0 riiij
a. amm
1 !!- till wlHi n h....i.M In'-
iiiti'il 11 f
liil!;:- 'ill-! ili;Vi'-.' alll'illl'-n.
I, ..,,.!, I.i-ti.til. Mfi't II'-'. :
ji l.tiril- ilu.ifainl iiiiislH'i al. ' 1
im-i.l, wi luijM- In 'rn.' i' h aii-i- ' K
jinn- ji.iii ;;i', I'li'ii'liJ-i!"! ' j
I'liriili-iy i-iiuiiiiiiii1i.I.
Monmouth, Oregon
.(4. eolrnlifle Amrrlw
vt- , Anracv for
r a "
rV.i.. " iis.iiailUTk. . fa.rcrtU i si smaTi'sl al- Anic;.
hMt iH-itr-it lra wMt I'l U- t lrf-inmtil tawl'srsl
iuV a.W 1 g itc f.tvb ttV t UUg Wt UM
r.if'itl, vil(U(lf HHMi(rth. b'i ' (-'JI(its.-nl
It-au f'-i1 t- ssltt.-t It, U
Proprt(or of
CityTriick and Transfer Co.
,- i f nil KimN I"i'
llr.wiitiiil'li' lUti'.
Afiit jur thf 0. 1'. 1'iiuN.
All l.i'.li linlt U-aa-ttlnl l tl'i- llHilM
t'iii ll lli -litll.
Inl j''fi: ! c, tJri-i n.
? fa!'. raa X? fl'4(
I U.;luT MaJF Uwtfaaai
k tli'U.a4i1.t Jiallullftt t attt.
titnaf aat-aMs', Uak
mm A
Wo liiivt" iivi-uily 'jititiiistiiHl a l: rt uwat tnaiki-f, on C at nit,
ii(jui!u I.iUJ litliM:e llulvl, il krp oo Iail ll kiudsuf
Everything First-class. Free Delivery
Sun r-sf r$ lo i!t
Carry a complete line of
W solicit a har of your patronage.
Rttfri of r.VfB'0 Spaj to ears ituv do mi'or dttrfc
Ja oW or pJ-1wj,.u.i'. jo ftnjuunt w-itft ti nnrwiahl cpark
r OU Kwi -iufaajaCicaJJjr-.' usf itfir fi Bmmn; tun U WTii."aaf
it run ail tfay. 4 .
Jt run with ebper of OajuZtna tia juyr Ciw xWo. uf 'ww.
CunnCy ,t COSTS fo rua if. "
iiaiTta 2f' M TOu1 ?,rt j, aarf i tAW J
xir t0 ou '' tia aar or.V-r- C oj Oawoiia afia jwtr fcuilt.
Sai frafiitofcL
w. i. goo;dell
u 1 IH
i i ii I at
(f'Vf-' Fci 1:,: i to p.j
M'AV (Sodiw aiuuvixo eveky week.
M.v Mm I, Li nmv uu.iv wuii..l,-ttf than cvor lit-lore. Shall bo pU-iwod'to have
nil thi) oiiHtimu-M or the storu i-ontlnuc tr.uUn, mid luipe to Induce many to
trado w Im in-vi-r did bolbiv. I ti eotiuuutlon with my attiru In a
Wljpt'o boiwH ami shoos m tio n-pniivd or ninnuftietured umli-r the nituuigeuicut
of M. A.
lii'tncniliiT llio linnio and imo,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Steet, Independence.
- Ctirt
l-nr ('atili-xm, n)'lra,
:i'tniti.r. ttAm,'aiiiii;ii,
Hrt-i t at i V 4 f . i.i t Vfl'1 II II ,11
j'tilNTf the
pacific I. P.
"l"""' v"tv
Ifll W lfc
riis Through Velibuled Traini
tvery Dy in th Year to
!Su,-!ianiii! mm
riiii.'it of J)LSI.V( CAIiH im
hui inaavail, I'lillmmi drawing
i:miti Hli'i-ii-ia laical
U hi ttiiit run la ftinatrtiHosl, aud
iusihiili (MCtmiiiHMlifioitii lire
taitli fiwamt fumialiwl for
liiiliti-m of firal r w-cia
otid thm lit ki-ts
1 Continuous Line, Connecting
with all lines,
Akiii aiiaa-l art!ftlMTr4 tmU,
'utimaai aUir frilona ma Iaaaira4
iii aa .. ii.r.ilj mtf ul i( Uic rui
i-iku In Ainr.
nt, nslatiO. anil
r ur.-iai, mtl 1 f'liri liar. S nr t iitYlia,
..i il. nMiiini lull li-ltii.m r'i.
Hlt Il'iir- 4 lrll... f-rtllma. mn4 raiiaf
laiia. Iurnll..'l m aj l-lnHKHI IM ) Mal,uf
AWM 'nfl l'-ri- Atrial.
Nu. tt Ural alnwl, mr Vi aal.iufvat, ,
lndpnanot, Ofa9.
nkle & Walker,
PALMER & REY, tnl PortUnt, Or.
fj u ft ti m y
in i. u ri si kii
1 f I
tVst AND
N H H M ll