r t SM.trMU.Ml t Bern, DmMImi .11 wu th dully pctcl f Uw bM of tux which kUuiqUUkI : JUan Bwfh to th pwl rrto which , tea fnOf maj hU nam NDOwncJ. ml um rtlt of tiM ftboM U sol conflued todrajUMa M1 toanutpra, Th lt MM mhI tndlOMMM t wwaltn. and tsafcioa to tit troattusrit of tor ar folto m QMMptaawu, and for ofavtuua . 9mmm mch nww onpardoinsbl, Th nor, which ta on of th mm! . NMitiv knit faltaat of a&imal, it grttil to b eommisnrawd a h r ' pwn ta th fsahlunabls drim of Gmtrl wfe. H U trtatol m part of th how of th parade, uJ h U it th . tostcy of th owr, who bay horse aot booaas h tik them or know , anjtfcinf about Uitu, bul beu h ' nwl h u qttips, and h ahu don thm to th car of groom and eeactuura, who ote tim U to pnxluo ftittoN'Mwwircffwl til a their riIs. for "stylish" affect th hare in roblwd of hi natural onuuneai and defon, t us ittakd and trad and tortur! by a hiraw which eoeambsr hi nv . tan) etkon and foroe him Into an arU loUt "il. Hani so inowMUr and kUl dlrscUd to aa auxiliary animal Ilk th him boold aim to dslop hi natural apti tad, ' U should b treated a a ha Bum and akiUfttl jtardrasr trataatr in our modem landmap gardening, Got . at a tr wt maltreated by th fab and morbid taut of two centuries ago, Soon remarks do not apply to th lov er of ham who oar fur them with aympathy and Intelligence, who compre hend their practical hlplnM and ' aoknowledir their faithful swtte. Such krrwr permit in their (table no "fash- ton" inreoted by ignorant and inhuman (room to produc "Myliah actkw" to lmprt similar tgnorano and folly. Harper" Weekly. ; The Little Oheet. The IV plan U th nam of the old Revolutionary homestead. It i a great, rnar, white, itune house boilt in th cantor of a tbuoaand acre. Th muter of it wa childlma. HI UtU boy hd died a week before, and be had gone away. Etwj night a liul flgnre in Whit with a light was en flitting from window to window in th old library. When th aerranta, led by the gardener, assembled at th library door the light and the figure would dixnp pearnoiaeNHlyandimnltaneouly. The tight and Igor were nTr een in any other room of th old mansion, and now it wa remembered that the deed heir . had tpeot more tim in th library than in any other room in th hotue. When th matter returned, toward th end of autumn, he wa informed ol Hall. He hid behind th tapestry night after night, and on night he wa re warded by ateing a little white ftgtit-e , glide in, light a candle, climb np to otic of the highest shelves, take down a rarv old book and begin to pore orer it It wa th gardener ton, and he it now th lord of "Th Poplar, and the no-, blast landlord in th west of England. Kw York Herald. BeaMr riaww 4 Orfiuw. Hon. Daniel F. lleatty, the great or gran and uiano manufacturer. I bulk! log and shipping more orxnna and piano than ever, in lain Mr. limit ten home a pennlleNs piow-tioy, anil r, hi Indomitable will lie ha worked hi wav un so as to mil so far. nearly lfllMKM of Beatty't organ ami planus si on 1ST. Is'uthlnir seems to dishearten him; oo- tacle laid In hi way that would have wrecked auy onliuary man forever, he lurus to au aitveruseiueut ana eunuw out of it brighter than ever. His instruments, as is well known, are Tory popular and are to be found in all part 01 in worm, we are tumrmeu that during the next ten years he In tend to sell 200,000 more of bis make. That mean a biMi now of I Ji,0it,imi if w average them at f 100 etu h. It m si ready th largest tmstmv of the kind In existence. fse (id to Daniel F, ltcwtty, Waabington, Vw Jersey, for catalogue Aarax the l)p, lo lb Tmr Vint, On steamboats, cars, and stage-coaclica Hostetter't Stomach Hitters Is carried a the most Important Item In the ma teriamedloaof the traveling pulillo. It, deprives vitiated, brackish water of its nurtrui properum ami exerrnwe navor, counteracts the pernlulous effwt upon tne stouiacn oi bail or muigestinie iwni, upon the stomach. It is a tlnedftme aeainst maiunai aisomera, nuinnt uit etl'ect of excesnive hent, cold, end damp, relieves sick headaches, and is an incomparable cure for coativentws and biliousness. The fatigue of trovvl often tells most disastrously upon luvn Uds and eonvalesceiita, occasloimlly to such an extent as to jeopardize lifn. Persons lu feeble health, appn-hiMwive of bad effects from travel, will, if pro vlded with the Bitters, be far lea like ly to have their fears realized. GENERAL REAL ESTATE DEALER, Monmouth, - - Oregon. Good grain and stock iarnn and choice fruit lands; town property ot au Kinds, Those having property for sale, please call. PIONEER MEAT MARKET F. B. LEWIS, Proprietor, batt In Choice Meais Highest market price paid for (at ttock, beef, mutton, veal, pork, etc. All bills must be settled monthly. Opea Sundays from 8 to 9 a. m. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Main street, Independence, Oregon. .-"'"MW-Hawl laHi. mi niuwb- lnrins tka Rl.nnn fiifwa f'HVwTll-iTinv nii,'ifi.i; Btt,ltl?SM5SS, UTKR f AwPUITM.SM K HtmiAriir, CUi U I'lU'LES.nllShll iPlf:CTltSS,n4 DISEASES 4Kl.sntffrua aOlSOUDERSI) UTOIACU. Th OmniH It A Mil VIM TEA is VhIu i YKIWW II7.UV .'.i ith rwimi7 SijmUHr of MM II, FKhSl', ilKIMNOTON a CO, Acmht. t( riuwwA I IRE WITH 1 "tl B. F. BURCH & SON. We ian lm fuuiul fuur tfmir south of U First Ntttiotml iliitik, ami would In plw to hitvo you lrup lu nmt un; uh1 if you have itnythliij: in the mil ct;it Jims arc tho jh'i-jiis you an- looking for, Tim in the Int-t Krtiou of th Williiuicltf vullry. l'wp! nrti iM giunitig to learn lh fuct, ami re coming this way. Uocitu' of that fai t, we ar hw, going to stay! keep our pyw Ihh Hitil rust It;! If you luive jirojH'tty to wll, list it w ith it. If you wuut to buy, wo can suit you. We will iiumrt your juojHrty, or lo your PolUH'tirtg. It will Iks to your itilt'rwt to cull ttil w us U'foto you or jniith! uruiiwly flMihr. A. SUAnVERUD CO. THE PLANO BINDERS A General Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. W. J. CAMPBELL, MGR. Clodfelter Building, Cor. C and Main sts., INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON. l . vtvtm. Proscott Veness, -rnoiRirroj.jor IndcpcndciK Saui niill. nsfrrr sts. - .ssi. is FIR AND UAIID WOOD, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER ten HlKiM l,NAtllKM.-A ftlll sssortlllfllt of lHsi-iMl-lts Umtltrr, atilvs, mlf and kl;i skins, Airulout IWsincr4 Crawu's. Harness, Saddles, Whips, Oils, Robes and Brushes minimi W. C. SIIARMAN, , Merchant Tailor C ITWtT. DMOIITf POSTOrilCI. Suits in Adj Style Made to Order AT HKAMOMAMa R4TK. A. Wttsvuui, Usngr, Indrptndrnrt, Owtton. HEDGE SABLES. Stylish Turnouts Always in Readiness. ILivlug 1itt.ly ituirhtifM'il tim i-ittlr int(rit tu tlitt sliiltli of J. X. Join, ' m mw lKtttr prciiiiriNl tlum rvir to ttuH tlir iliniiiuul 01 Ui iitiir, ns an nf umkiitg ana ar im'wring to mine many Mutisianltal miirvvi"ui'iit Tiiims tnnmhHl by th tltiy or month, li.M-ltni? tiu-n a sjKH'lalty. SAUM ST AGC - "lfl naiijr ( lino waMMma mi rn i n, ' in f Ti 1 II, R,r ti,.T.-iM ii.)tu- ttl 4 Ik m . !,, ln,t-twiulrttrv fc,r Hnlf,i i . ULlll. I hitw !' M luI-iif an, !,. at 1 1 1U.4 lvi lM,l iiacn, M nlli t itjf i 1 1 tit. DAMON & COOK, Proprs. Ue MIm4 M t.MM-4itf t MIV1 Ml IUt.if 4m 49- 1 fc Vft tUJ 0 , W MkIi pM " lf 7 itrtH aM.iii wM m- m " !" - t-4i l(ialM MMftklS1V i4 M9 t P Nl MW kiff, W1 fw"y jusmisw- r-"" - - t ft hiymp. . "ik m .a " ll.f alMtU u4 ttt ; paMtlHl I mtiut 4 l 1 sliaNds H-.it-H-t-vo'; H-v I lM. ft 4 l lir I wrisMttJiMtp W Ml (flllir",f"w7 u m4 ..- 11m m 9t m rwm wm w. w mm, isr tv4 (tll r Alt M ' 0 Ww. r. (Mi MMMa tatt i,b t i f i n. kIW A i. Hft rr-4, Mte. st. charl: HOTEL Leading Hotel of the Ntrthwesl tf rv rvif . Hydraulic vittsbir, aivrtrtc twit., ua all m-mntii minivmts. ijr Itutii.liMti Benljr iwitilwti W (fiii(-,l. Ut4 ItMnuwl nwiin'bit Willi lit how. Mttv bantlir .oil tty rwHu, C. W. HNOWII5. BOPHItTOB CM, f nwt n MatrUaS, PORTLAND, OREGON. T. W. E UaUKtfor ta J, D, IrviM, Dtalsr in Groceries Glassware Queensware Tobacco and Cigars I have on hiuni a Intirs lot of cwmhI bwmI tlmi will be sold by Ids f rury olieup. Also, a lut uf vnry tine Inmi, tlist will tie suM wry near cit. Remember the old stand of J. D. I. m ' i' i" m ' , r"".-(f IMf Pur.'-- IU'w., MHHT . WHYjclLREjyOU WEAK? AND SUSPEHSOhY FOFL milnW from Nervous DtBiLiTy Seminal Weak ness LOSSES PRAINS.1MP0TCNCY OR;, manhood. kheumatism. lame idnev Troubles. Nervousne5s S GENERAL iLLnEALTH Ju CI B7' P)) i7 5 lure rtHef ami cure In your Ignorant of (!ct iiul Titsiily which I sets, worrr and MMiar. For tuch tultnw. In our msmloui Inwnllon, biih mmm but a trial to eonic th most sWrtlesl system the !wnt thu f tltslnrtl, wbicb sr twulrml lot vigonwn itrerteth, yoa will raw tin csuw, sod Iwslth, t!h sua l(sor will to - .y;- .t; lo at one .mi In n.tur.l This I. our tia nd trlmnt, sod w tuarante curs or moitey refunded. glt& Send fur our lllimrsiwl I'lmnhlns. Inm 1 1,1 h m.ll. u.ii Dr. Ssndro' Electric -f 5. BeI ' 00 tprliwnt, w hiv rettiwei tboutsndi to robort health and vW, testify, and tium many li. I i I 44 iiii,,i, w ti,s trnKTO ifluiHiui to minm neaim sna Ttgor, " ''if V'V'i-'v -c 'lc1. e 1 by hundmli of ram thnHi;Hout thil Suit, who would fLily " .;.'V-fr whom kav .ttvog letter bauiof tsstiroooy to their rrcotsry slttr using our Belt, THE '-m DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT U t6ir.plte gatrsole tatlery, nuil Into a belt to s. to be w.lly wwn during work or st nwt. snd It git nothing, prolonged currtnt. whkh sr intunlly fell ttirtjugluHit ill wk parts, or w forfeit $5,000. It hst an Improvwd Elsotrlo Suspensory, th rre.tt Iwiium glvsn weak mea, snd warrant It to cur sny of Ih sbor wesknciM, and to snlsrg itirunlttn liml., or parts, of Money Unfunded. 1 hey sr grsded in lirangth to meet all .tages of we.kneu in young, lddl-gtd or old wen, and will cur the wont tutct In two or Ihre month. Addrct s 8ANPEN ELECTRIC CO., 173 First 8t.f PORTLAND, OREGON. l!1A. FIFTY SUITS that at a eduction of 15 OWE HUNDR must be sold by July 1 per cent. Men's, boys', and youths' clothing. Ajso, men's pants and summer overcoats. Wow is your time for bargains. Come early while the stock is large. We must make i. n & n DRUGGISTS. We have jtutt oimnl ft new drug atura in Monmouth, which wa have Md up with ft tHHiiplnt linn of lock U init,fnh, britfht mu m. Uur nrlrst will m rMontn, un by fir dwtlltig taiid cuurtcoiw In'nl ttifltit, we h to 'tir lir f jour iHttrotmjr, l'rwrliiiloim rurotoljf Miinjioiiiiilwl. Monmouth, Oregon lokMdie AawriMi , Aaey for MTV'S Clbrt1 ORGANS AND PIANOS. For Catttlifurii, adilnws, DANIEL f. mm, Wmhington, N J, Qimt Imtm mkwMM ? MM WW Mil l7 U Muwaht lw Um ssbtt. s Buutw (,naMs m w t ElUHIiH, J. E. 1 nbbard ' lrrlUr f CityTruck and Transfer Co. Hauling of ail Kind lhw t lUwi)itlilo lSutrc A (rents for the 0, P. Boats. AU UIU must b sKIUhI by th imh at rach ui nit h. iDdcpfnilcncc, Oregon. MRS. A. M. HURLEY, liaiiacrj F&ncj Qoods Xt I ata4Hie Wsthwal twk. Uoarsarxsca, Oao. Frrmt TKHMINAL w INTKIUOU I'OINTH th Ull PACIFIC R. R. . it Hi (in to us It I Ih DINING-CaR koute. It ruiin Tliroujfh Vtslibuled Trains Every Day In the HW to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO iNtM'JjJlfltftt o tfr Cimijiwii of DlNLNfi i'AlW tm snriawJ'l, l'liUnum I'fiininj; lioiiiii HltN jK'W t'l hitl tjtiijuniitf TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, lkt timt tun Im conklrutittl, aul in which H' toiiiiiKMlii lftiis am Unh fni'ttix! furniMhiii for bohlf'ra f flnst or t omJ thu tstkctH, and ELEGANT DAT COACHES. 1 Continuous tine, Connecting wit!) all Lines, Affurdlns dim snd UM!(rrurlr4 tIm. iiIIiihJI i,')Mnr rr-Mf-tatli'nt t'mti It MUf tu a4iuf llirtwylt nf u u ilw rJ. tUNa TICKETS sSS I K,n,., tn b. imwJ at a,,? unrtunin, iut Uil. ouiii,y fail luiitiiati'in ,-,.ul. ill. twm fi.iiv.if Ijwll,.. nwlM. mtiA .rfl,.. ,1 U,i.liilnl.l,,tu itluu Uf (pnl,ur A. 0. CHARLTON, AwMam n-nrtt fummtrr Acnl. Ku, lit rirrt UtmU cur Wwliuifbm, PORTLAND, OR. JAMES GIBSON, LOCAL AGENT, lnssndsnc, Oregon. M Ik THE PEOPLES MARKET GEO. HOYT, PROPRIETOR. We have rwtmlly ftttalilishtnl a first diva ini'al market, on (' atm-t. ojuKiniie Little lulr Hotel, and kttj on hand I1 kinds of FRESH and SALT MEATS, SAUSAGE, etc. Everything Firit-clais. Free Delivery Walker UUia Successor to Hettkle & Walker, Carry a complete line of TABLE LUXURIES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. W ellolt a (hsre of your patronsos. If you want Furniture , Bedding. Carpets,Wall Pauepop Picture Framns GO TO room for new goods. COME AND CONVINCED ELLEV VAHDUYRL w. o. coot He has the best and most comoete stock his side of Portand, and vi always treat you lglit. Wa paper trimmed free of charge. W. E. GOODELL, SUCCESSOR TO H. D WALLER, DKALEaiN MM BOUTS AND AI L KINDS or inr' Mfef E& Duality KEW GOODS AlilllVIXG EVERY WEEK. My Uck Is now more oomplote than ever beftm. Blmll b t ), v. all the customer of the store continue tmllnR, aud hope to Imlura umny to trade who never did before, In couneoUou with my store Is a RI1JPA.IK SHOP Whore booss and shoes outt be rcpnlivd or mnimfm.tured under the munnjreinent " At. A. UAKKW. Ileraeiuber the ntune and place, W. E. GOODELL, - Main Steet, Independence.