The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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The Best Newspaper
la th m lArtl git9 IK weal h.I
freaAeaf OnsjNir fft M'i'sr
SIDE vilK nay Htr ' VMt foemr.
As an Advertising Medium
Takes the Lead in Polk County.
Five Cents Per Copy.
NO. 33.
$2.00 Per Year.
Nil, II, meet ery aianuay nigm in
Maaoele hall. AH ymriiin hrutiier Invited
twattead. W.Y.UtNNA.WAV.M.W.
III. A I H M IU-MI, Recorder.
I. S IK K nrnu In M.
amto ball every ThuradaA
evening. All t kid fellow
ettrd tally Invited to
It, Ca.vaa. IWrtMary.
A A, M. mated enmutunlo-
Hon. n Haiurdny evening on
r beltire mil moon ea'n mown
mil mi wk tlteroaner, II,
. Hhlun. W. M. W, I'. tVne-
way , oxvrviojfy ,
..tutu I. null.' Nit. M. K. wr r, nteeia
II every Wedneeday evwiln:. AtlKtibjIile
Physician and Surgeon,
Butna Vtata, Oreaen.
Of., Weal klit of Statu Ntn
Resident Dentist
All work wermnied to W h beal
of aaltaAieUuu,
Will vwtk In nil Mate unit federal
court. Abstract of title funilahed.
twice over ludeiniulenc National H'k., Off
Jo. J. Daly. J. H. C, Ke.ia.
We Haw lh oaljr eat f ahatraei book is PoU
eounly. Hallabie abiKPi ruiaiakad. and
taotwy hi leu. So curamwalon ehrml uo
Wo. OtSce, tooeja end W lux htok.
Dalta. - - Ofow.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Office Next Independence Nat l Bau.
a r. Bonhaiu. . Holmee.
orricK im maun mmr-ic,
BetweenHtat and l-euH, RAtKM. ON
ou tuiuiurrvlal M.
Mitchell & Bohannon
Maaufaluran of
alao mhoi.l n.tvrixa,
MoiBMiM ImleiwitdMiw
Main street, Independence, Or.
Two experienced workmen in at
tendance. HANKS.
Commenced Business March 4, 1889.
KtaWIhd by National Autoorlly.
of IndpndTOC, OrerH.
Capital Stock,
HrenldfiiU V loe Prwldeit
W. H HAWIEY, Cliler.
J. H. Cooper, L. W. Rbrtam, LewU Helinkk
O. W. Whlleaker, W. W. C''l"n.
A ctombI banking bulne ranaart1
Buy aud iell. eohaiif e on all
polt receWed nuhliwt U) ehwrk or on etr
tlflrateofdfpiwIL (:illectli.ii made.
0(B( lionrr, a. m. to 4 p. m.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
Vice Pnnldont
. Culiter.
A fneral banking and exchange bunlnem
trannarted; loan made, bill dlMounUid, com
mercial credit iranted: dopJltii received on
current account nubjeot to check, Intoreat paid
on time deponlta.
Jiwhua McDanlel, H. H. Jupenmn, A. 3
doodman, H. Hlmchberg, A. Nelnon,
T. J. Urn, I. A. Allen.
. A. MACIttlM lildont
P. I..CAMPHKI.L Vlce-l'rea,
JKA C. POWEtl. .......Caiihler
PAID CAPITAL, $25,000.
I. A. Mftcrnm, P. I Campbell, I.M.HImpeon
'I'll I,. T H Ul,,, V U P.urull
' ' ' Joaeph Craven,
A gennral banking and exchange bimlniwH
traniiHi:U)d; loane made; dHiMwIU mcelved
ubj!t to check or on certificate of depoall;
iiiwriwi nam on nmw
-Klre proof vault and burglar proof afe,
aei;urnu iit ihbhiiibiw',
OtlloeHuuni! a. ui. to 4 p. m.
Farmers and Merchants
. Insurance Co. .
Capital Stock,
r, nuinon,
Vim I'rwililrtiL
J. I
lluu K. . Himliau, t'hli f ,llliv of Hi Nii,niii l oiiri ;
I...,.. ll. H.,UI.MUIM , It.... I k U H l..fl ,..1
i, n, , intnan, 1 ni.f juaiit) of ine piiiwiiip iimn; inn, jiiii intnii,
J, L Oman, I'rmlilrnl t.liiu (miii National llanki W. K, Htd. Mn liai 14
U. '. 8Iiiwui, M, Hliilwr Mondtaiili J, II, UM.muu,
l'laaiuii U r'liWjf.ThynK'tau.
iiuhiin rtHi'lpta itun oipiniwlliui, .... Jl'i.1 08.
I I I.. ... ... lit! I,
T w.mi tufclil hIiiim. uinmnl lith
ui jilu.i m MHiiirity tvi jKilioy Imlilcm,
Wc buy for cash, and we buy to sell. v
We buy tlirect, and we buy quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our coiwtunt aim in to give you Hie lxt jjihkIh t button jiiIihu.
We umk your lutvrtwta omw.
Vour t hiUl will Im nerwl iw clnply ami poliMy iw yourwlf.
A tximjmrlKim or our 8tyli auil jirliw n 111 iHnvlmt you thut you nhmiltl
txiule with uu.
L. KELSO, Independence.
The tH-nt pliuti thin ilo of Portland to buy Oru Stiitlomry, Ji-ilry,
Hint lkHikit is nt
Our Jew-dry lVriartmenf, of whirl Mr. t). A. Knum-r lu fluirj;i', in
full mnl comilt-t.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Sil
verware, Canes, etc.
Impairing a njiwitilty, ami diwtfhiil with prompt m uiul wUtnAM'tlnn.
bp, Mm, Paints, k& H I, Sialb, k
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small
A full kod complete line of Ftinartl goodi
Alwayi on Hand.
Luther Ground:
Dealer In ftiiftfltiHware. tinware,
stoves, end othor niirMwllannoiis ar
ticles, callH Uie atceniion oi win
mirillc to his fine stock of the above
article" now on baud.
His prices will compare favorably
with nrlna in fttlV Other locillit V.
Come and see us and you will be
satisfied with price, quantity, aim
quality. ,
ini-iimrvm r i ... mi I.. .ira i n . i i d in."". - - ?
for particular, and ctjilimui ail
inrau Uanlel f. Ilwitty, Wmliln-
tun, New Jaraar.
t- -''i. t it th. hlr " " ih'innior.'"'. ' inmiil". i" n.
f , Lj. KH ttlil..H,l ll,.lllilw.t I4iilrtr l,.llt l ,
tv a yT.i'M"H""J- IU.UI.IUI.I.I...IIIIWI"'!.'";1"1""-'!
fl).lii;My .V.a X. pure. TlB.h.h ..t I. A ll 1 1 ho h.v. I,ii .!., .d
'SfV'lVf ?r' V u h""ii..irr.:. KadAllvi aiiili"-riia
TiJl i V1 ) Vf!.NTI.r.W Kl. l .. .rimi.i.. iMrd hair. Ilwl. awk.
&lmm&i'' Undaeri! In !.' Antl-llali ! '" " .)r
I iwl. JHarK. WHO Fi..iof. nr rrwimu, ......... - - ,,-..,,fv
Prtcnf AeU Jlalrln II. aar battle, -"i In n.iili. t,r,r"1'' W,,' ! , , .
poi,d.n-.iriciinH,.t.eil.l Thi. adaniniil I. b,.ni irt .o.itht to " v 7 f. , 7m i i
eontaln.. We Inatl rn l dat with o. .i, y..n .III fln-t ...WIiIuim;;""" '''' "J,,
di-d.r. AiMn-iQUttn eHIWIOAl.eO.,174 pa Ureal, f "W'"" t,X '.JJ , rae aouf lt-r ior f.i IHH w liaww ' di'" ' ,,'"'' '
ffallur.or.llht..llJarrlaPrrha.-r. B.rr bottl. guaraolwl.
rtClll, . -ill p.ol wild . etl.k OHBHa, Itraroa ''" ."i'L aaaui.
aaBBBaaali ( uu le aalaal troa ant tntk ord.t. Hood aalarf uf Ooiuimiu w !"
LU ii .
j, a tt-mttM,
hn' , hiuI Muitr
K, A. Wtl.xmt,
l a-liler.
In 4lt)utltlllM nlUlli'O ft pf f'T'tl(t' .MUrvJ . n I! - I if. J
It ibnfulnnii Ui rtJ oiJwf iltw tkit t iluvrii A hi I-Itaii lu
aimrii ant iniiuvnu9(ii,
With Buster & Shelley,
wants your watch repair
ing. Satisfaction guar
WfiMiiiriitt'tri, Nt'W .liirimy.
In iirinfnrywlir(.
For miitil"K Mddrtwn
Da tm-1 t. 1 limit)',
Pills? NO 1 1 ,
If you tnko pllla It l bcniiita'fl you liavo nover
trlud the
ft. wurka ao nlnnlv. nlimnalnir the llvcrnnd
kldnnya-, nc La hh h til I 111 pltyalo wllliotit mntj
ItiK pain or .lirkniwH, and ilium not (Hop you
from tmtliiK unu wiiiuiiik.
To Try It la to beoome a friend to It.
Kor aalo by your druvulot.
..a. ' I'ltltM
le lltllo urrU Hrr. VI
CanauiA, la,, July, IwO.
I waa tuffncing to yu. rrotu ahika la wf
twa.1, a.) miHh no Uial l Uuim I dl'lul !
to tanitar, I kluk luailhMua. from uiaii; dnta,
Nl 4ltt r rUl anUI 1 kx.k I'muk
Kuenla'e Nf Tiwle i U Meuud d.M rllwl
me and botUx evrl lu. H, W, I'KCK.
Ilrallblrr ibN I!r.
(UH MiktHMi, t'L, Holotr, laud,
II 14 vrr onrirful at nw Uial I ban aot
toanae ntlttaa hw Mtuma ood 1'a.tur Knmlg'a
Ham Tun m baa dons nw, I aitwt tf Uial
.Tory .(KMiliful etriMlmiwl, and gar Hi ra.
ft4lllig llvi, aud I hwl Iwllar and bMllbM
Uiau arM bvlwta, Aoeept in; UsUll Uuuikt,
A faluabla llook am Narvmet
LULL llwM Ml liw. to ainrwl.lim,
f K T Mo.' ll ran .'iilata
I Ilia La ihl. Mi..U in. I uT lra.
. .!, .7 r Iit-lj. .i w and
tuw ,t4.wvauuiirlil.urwUva or lw
ROtWtU W60.CO., Chiao, III.
M.I lrml.l 1 !' av-llsa. 0 ,'irf 1
Hew Grocery!
W. J. MULKEY, Porp.
Hat Mart lull KmitiiiiliHHl in rlrt
uiul fiKMW. Sum fc irtli mnl ImmikIiI
for Fair tlfalioj; uiul gom!
Vm: DKI.1VKHV nt tliPliour
ot t to 11 a. in. mnl :t to A i, tn,
PLUSE GI!E 1 1 till.
F. H. Morrison,
CHr9a roaionable, and flrat-eleii
work guaranteed.
Claggett's Ferry.
Till ItuMli U IiMVl'V ft-Hlflril (hrl thlMiiinf.
ttUtf't br,ntu tttwfrrn nl iuliwtiUMV
mtm. Li t ..rr.
Willamette Real Estate Co,
I ii(li'wn.i hit, Otviii,
1'rnliitm-lK Ki'lii'ml YMuU' IttltJ.
Him, dtiya nml arlla frulMTly, i-llti'lli
Itiaiiriuiiv ntul tli it (f'"i,rtt'
t 'triivrynlirtt l!uim.
I'utljifi liavtnir lunula fur nli will
titlil It It. tl lrii.lvaitMi- (o
List Their Property
Willi IliU ('tiiiiiiiuiv, mi lliry niw iliiily
'tiilltiif liata of Inml I'n'l, tltiia plm'
I UK ili-Hlmlik' ('hnnTty la-fori' tho nl
ll.'lllll t.f tlitf luwt.
JAMI' (iillSO.V.
J. V. Kl UK I.A.N It. 1'rwl.l.lil,
Of ltitb'teiiilimri lmvin' a Mi'iini
ui(;iiii', a bni k inut liiiwttiitl m'Viral
itfit-H uf fltit! Hay, In now pri'uivil
to kt-op on lmiitl a Hum ipmlity of
iSrii k, wbii'li will bo nol'l at ivswou
alilt prli'Mi.
The New
Holton House.
M. A. Dudley, Pop.
Cor. Fourth and Alder streets,
I VnlrnJIv loml"l, Nwly ftinilahml Hud rev
n 1 1 il , li'Hi bua to and Inmt nil triilii. and!
fm$,yJ I .UiirUi't st ,K in I , aiti'l.i'ii.
li'.,,, a u a M ... ,
Conn! Ii'ihh limv w wiulcrfiilty
inn rc moilo oml liuw to avoid
! I .... I .1
a, " KITMftll'l lUM-'lH, ., li,-uill
lj'iil.i llioinAiiiUof new
olijcci, AMininiiiit 35 ct,
Ol1lv, 1 1 I Henry Nt. Ulwnn-a. ol
r' ttn f.l ..uf inniiMiMMl,(lla' iw. of tlio ttiliii j iitili'kly ciirml win mil Hie
, uf intirritrv. Tfi'.itiiijiit pnrii nail or bf
t,'", 1.,'n-l (or biMitt.
"k"-r NEW""
fish mm.
Geo. Slaughter, Ppop'r.
All kinds of fresh fish
kept constantly on hand
A now anil (loinplctK'I'i'i'iitiiifiit nmaiidliiii
orHtippiwItnrlca, (ilnliiKiiit. In ('iipmiliw, nlwi
In Ikix mid I'IIIh; punltlvi) miii. li.r nxlor-
mil, I I .rii i 1 .01 1 n il. or i.ii'imi iiiK.u. n itin.iM, rmi.
In, r 'lit, or hiM'i'ililiiry tillin, null nmiiy oilier
(I IMI'llHI'N 1111(1 ll'llllllH WI'ILH 1H.F",,., l.l.nni'i.1"
II irif'lll ih'iu'iii iii MH'ioiti'itu ii,'
dlHi'iivcry of h niwllciil niircrimili'i'liiK nil oiwr.
iitlon with the Unllii iitiiii'i'i'saiiry lii'i'i'iiitr.
I ll M ri'llli'iiy linn nrviT iii'imi mii'wn ,u u.ii. ri
a OIlA, I'll fffl .I'll!. 1',. llll.ll. n li.T "Uiu l
Ill IN n'l I I nil. uiriii.i' win-1 1 i. w 1 1 , , i , Hull' ' '
la itlvnii with (I Ihixii. to mtiiiiil the money If
mil. curiMl, muni a(iniii ntr mi', f,,,.n,,,
tllll Ualllill by WlHllllU'll, I'lltl'llB V Wliol".
uilvmiil ri'lMlhlrnKiilHi,iili'Uiil.,l'iii'lliuil,r.
Are the hunt. Write
for ciitnloiittii. Ao-
I ria I Inn ml F. H"
ill t y, Wiwhlneton, Nnw Jiinwy,
' S.E. Cor. 1at and Taylor,
rill,itiU)trae, whom Ilia Uaril. bar 01 Ird
mine, ,
Tlmo cbaal In'plrar uf Iholr (ihnleMt lay
Ih-Uiti k, arHil llil. Utile kin, 1 pray,
t'uwortby, irl thy nuw will aot rfuaa
IWIom, ami yat li btrtn'iii.tlll may uaa '
1 lis olfnrltid aniallnr koaria eon Id raat away.
iMHiM ttoiuaaia ,verty uiual pari
It tturk.linp aa a temple II nnut vliiaiaa,
And ui . and wnralilp mu.l be nilnalad Uiof,
Ike ImwiiM blulMllne with (Ii. foraaaanuika,
Jlii.1 bttay hntira Iw lularoiorwl with prayer,
And aanrim' ami anr.lce, la one alnika,
Mu.1 .lay lit vlrtltu and Ilia food prapam,
Until iia iirill.w In a lalairor'ei'bak,
-SMUiaui Itk't ttliua l New York World,
I waa prw-ili'ltm inmlli'iiie bt tlin time
In UntWhaiti, a lttt)f trtii(illii town
tlx uutna antith of BliftloJil, in York
lilro, r.iinliunl, In til heart of tlio Houth
Yrkliir coal tllelrid.
It la artmith olaMtnf tmijiin with whom
ft iltilloral IirtU'lilbitiiT !"bWJly liaa to
ili-ni in atich dlatrii't, tliuufc-h tbr are
Mii very IjIi; awvlla in iho nnlmbtMir
bind Ui Im aura, Htill, M la alwaya tlin
raw In Ufa aiming tlin niiiuWt and nitiet
tincitull, ciifl atiintitiiiiea 11 tula a gi-utle
Hiii-It a awwt excitlon waa liltla K)ln
t'llilorllill, to Wbuae) boilaiu- 1 Waa called
pmfiwl.inally on lh ecuiii of Nov. Si,
INTO. It ia a Ionic wbllo aytii ami 1 dotitit
nttU'b If any of llm iinrwitte connoctil
Willi Mm litilo attiry I am aUml lo fll
(.hiittld any of tlmm etilt U aorvivioii)
will rnminmlwr I)r, Newman, At any
rnlu, in a otio of tlnaw who know tun will
be hurt, ami the uim rain auninat
wliom 1 alinli hava miuli to any U ao
iiman and eontninjitllilii in uty opinion
that I t-ATv llUlo for hla.
It waa a Mmr liulu hoitm I wu calM
to in tltttrt-b elroet, where W.lf 'a wronla
llvwl, but very ttifjrtii fnun tha dirty,
raMraaly krpl nittatji and email houx
in the vicinity. Hut I am not g"lti to
wwiry yon with a dwntription, I waa
IW't Uy tit ilner. old, kllldly fai l Uioth
or at the ilimr, wbern, ta-forn taking tun
up .talra to I In titty room wnore lay hr
atifffrtntr dnnKhixr, ahe told me amne
Uiimr of tinr lileiory,
KUlit waa mily jnt tunicil iiliii-Uwu,
but aim had already madti horaolf a repu
tation wlili lt waa hniiurablo and ru
nntilint;. Tim ytwtn before, wlien juat
turiie-l alxtwn, Muif a pMty and woll
iliyid iflrl, with more tlian the avrr
a'n amount of iitU'lilxonce. ihe bad ob
tnmtl an citciiKrmimt at the lia-ai tltra-t.-r.
wlmr alie had appeared In the rliar
at tor of Jnilo Iaii in Andrrw Ualli
day'i adaptaliun of Hlr Wnltnr'a
liiiy.., "The llwirtof Midlothian." Hht
bait attrncUHl a grrat dU of attpntion.
11w loral fttrtvapnndnnt of a lndon
Ihretrtt-aJ juiprr, The ll irtirt, thou Ute
pnipprty of 8t'php Kike, bad epoltfn
IiiKltly of hr, and more than one Lou
don mutavr had vl.itcd lUithnrltam to
ai br act. Thorn wire Ua lt cum
pant In thiian tbtya.
A ni' n if the many young fidlowa who
had bo'.iiitn infatnaM by ht-r lattty
waa mi" Horace Williuiftou, tb; !Mm of a
phyaii-iau In K)trrti"ld. a v-ry riob man.
Tliia yuuiijf matt' il.'iiliou were vory
marked. Ho ubtnhtoil an lulroltlrtlnii
to lite yottnit iftri wtnu, Hint tliroUh'h
tin-in to Kino. Aud tlmii lie l'an a
K-rltine t-imrlbip.
lu every way la. tuaituiT and appar
ent objtM t were ii-iolly btmoraUe.
Only one tut urf be umlltoil be did uot
Lake hr to bia own houte.
In ordi'r to tie mar tlie man wbo had
cwnplotely won bfr beArt, ahe rvfuat'd
inure tliau one lucrative unYr to K) to
London, where abe would have at once
Uwn on the bltih nad to fame, ami no-
cpt'ii an rti(!Ki'iiHiiit at the Hht'tttnld
Theater lliyal, which beluK rluee to her
own home ahe could alao wadi vory
eaaily. lli-re her opportuttitlea were
widor than in Kotlinrham, it ia true, and
bore ahe anii-eedml lu increaaing lir al
ready btK'b reputation. She remained
in Hhrtllold two enotie, playing dtiriitK
Uie eiiiiun.T a aerina of travWinjr eit;at(
menta tbrotiKhout the mirtborn couutiea,
Then isaoue a pMpoeai from a (front
London tiiannuiT wlili-h waa ao mini
Unit ahe could not afford to nutfloct it,
llor aued mother wont witlt her to the
cityofamoke and fi, and in Septem
ber, 1873, ahe made Iter ilotml UiTore
Loutlon audience at the PHm-eea' tln
atnr. Irwi titan a mouUi later her health
entirely kv way aud alto found it
neowry to throw tip her etitfatfouimit
and rntuni with her mother to the little
home 1u Kotherhnm in which abe bad
breathed her eurltmt breath,
8o iiiit(!h her mother told ue, then
took mo np to her tlaiiKUter.
Did 1 any juat now tluit ahe waa itlfTiir
Itilf? That waa hardly tlie oaee, Wte
waa dying of rapid conamnplion. 8he
waa too weak to atiffer much phyalcally,
but the broken huiirt waa giving her i-x-
qniaite tortnro,
Huch ii lovely girl i bavo rarely awn.
Brown cnrlintf hair iwept back from the
weet fine and lotiK dark laeltea ahaded
the blue iiray eyea that were all tutitlll-
Kence and Itad been wont to till her an
diencea with blind eiitlmidiuiui.
The Utile room in which ahe lay wim
illlod Willi delicule fumiiiine knick
knacks, reminiscence of her favorite
roles, aouvcnlni of her profcmionnl
frinnda, nil iitTaiiKed about the iwin
with thotthtfttl love by her
etrlckeii jtiotbcr. Bui moat Internating
uf nil waa a nitlicr curioim thing btitig
liiK above IftT pillow on the bedpost by a
narrow blue ribbon, It waa lomethlng
tluit would lit tract the Attention of tlio
leuat obaorviint.
A lnre g"ld aplit rinj, elegantly
clutawl and evidently of antique manu
facture, to which wiui mmpendod a com
mon copper Engliah penny piece. The
combination was ao incongruous, ao
ltidlcrouM, that I could not refrain from
taking it In my band to examine.
"Oh, plcHHO don't touch that," ex
claimed the dying glrl( "it la all I have.1
Then there was a atory to iti (
When I hud prescribed a simple palltiv
tive for the nicking cough and hnd given'
inntruotloim for other simple treatment,
I went down strttrn agaiu with tlie
"Yon saw the penny and the ring,
doctor," ahe wild, "and yon wondored.
In it not aof"
I oonfoNHtid Hint I had felt a little curl
oua to know it liiatnry. And ltere ii
whnt tlie old womiin told mei
Tlie old gold riug had belonged to
Elsie's grent-grftiidmolher. It had once
boon a thumb ring, Klsio looked upon
It im a aort of heirloom, and had carried
it with her aa a wort of talisman since
childhood. One day, after she had
known Mr. Willlngton a few months be
fore they were engaged to be married,
the young man had laughingly pulled
from )tia pocket a peuny throngh which
some foolish person had bored a hole.
Eltfie waa Jut about to appear in a new
character, so Horace, in fun, remarked,
'.'.Tbon take this penny a,ui keojy it tut
meal you wui loivnr tun in a part no
long aa you keep It."
Elale eutrfiKl Into Ihe apirit of tlie
the thing and aald, "Now, If I could
only get my own tnliumtn pht 1 would
bang tlie penny onto it."
"That ia eaaily done," aaid Horace, aa
he took the ring in hi hand and ad'
mired 1 1 hnaiitg. "1 will take it 10
Kraut', in HheftHd, and have It aplit."
Accordingly be took the ring, and in
a fewdaya returned It with tlieponny
battglug to it. JCUIe faatomal a ribbon
to It and worn It around her neck,
A la I that ring and that penny were
the parallel of the oharactora of the two
ktoii to whom thry bwl b4ougd.
The one ure golil, ri'llm-d and chnaed
by a mater band, tleatlm'd to t liroken
by the owner of the baaer metal which
entered the golden heart aud broke It in
two and b ft it.
When ahe went to London Willlngton
followed Klaie.'atiil there, amid the fol-
liea aud ii'll"ioetiia uf the grent Baliy
Ion, be rame out in hla true color, a
conaclencelea, Itiveleea aiiiUndrel. ll
anema unnatural and nnlrtie that a man
could delilierttti'ly lay plana, and take
yeara to mature them, for Die rttin of a
young glrl'a life, lint an It waa with
WtlllHgUin and Ktie Underbill.
Plotiiy of ipl tltere are living yet
wbo n'lucmlier lite atireeaa of the young
ai'trea on the Prlnrnja' Uird, and who
remember with aorrow Imr auddtm do
pariure and death.
Willlngton ntccoedinl in hi diwigna,
then left tier, aa H w afterward known
be bail left otliera, to dnmp and die in
to go from bad to wiiran, lie cared noth
ing. KUIe'i aeualllve lialtire waa too hli;lt
atrung, Wte eonld not urvive the di
grniie, even though it waa npimrent only
to berwlf. II it b-art broke, and in the
early week of Ikx-omber, when the nar
row little I'hori h lret aud the roof of
the ueluhborlng eotbigea were ryireriil
with anow; when the timid robin hnd
become no tiitue aa to fiy to the window
of human habitation for the food uf
charity; when the world waa beginning
to prepare its annual f-llval of "jaw
and good will toward men, the poor
little acln-wi, who wa a delicate flower
ill the midiit of a lifn of uettlea and
brambb-a, willn-re.1 and patd away, to
be tran lanld ill Hie gariien that U
kept furevt-r beautiful bytlnwo augel
wboee duty it I to Mxdhe and Comfort
thoKe poor waif of humanity wbo are
net ilrung euouitii to overcome Im in an
il y' blow and buffet.
What becnuu of Willlngton? I have
Revcr heard of bim elnce. Komrwlnwe,
pwbably, be hold an honoretl Mition
on earth, for be waa rich, and wealth on
earth cover Innumerablealna, btiteurt ly
when hi time cnmi-e to go In thai bourn
from which no traveler ever return, he
will Im mt by the dark rncording augel
Wtth ft jiasre not yet blotted out, ou
which be will I ehown
A Penny mmpendod friin a Pure Oold
Itiug.Tracey L. Itobineon in New York
Marblnery and fanning.
In the country tlie farmer I now imp
plied with plowing and n-ajiing ma
chine, bindcra and grain sower. A
mail Willi ft team ot horm or )idte of
oxen did good work once in plowing five
acre of eoll in two day. Now the three
gang or double furrow plow doea the
same amount of work In one day. The
ateatu plow baa in aomei'iiee tttp-Md-d
the double plow, and made it Jmetulilo
for one man to do lu one day what he
formerly did in thirty day, or, iu other
word, one man plow for thirty.
Once the farmer nowed the seed wltile
walking from tide to aide acroa the
newly plowed ground; the ed I now
placed In ft hopper on whrn-bt, child
motinta the Imx, urnim;.' tlie tram, and
iu one day a great a quantity of seed is,
tK-ntterel over tlie surface a it formerly
m)ttird ten men to sow. All the way
through, from one end of lite farm to
the other, machinery ha lightened the
labor of thoe who work the farms;
planting corn, sowing grain, planting
Hitntoo Mild gathering the hnrvnet ia
now done by machinery. St. Lout Ko
public W. I', T. I . foluinn,
Mr. Margaret Hllyeii, the state trea
ntvr, gave a report of the tlunmva,
aliov. lug Hint we na a atnle union were
in advHiiciMif iiiitny otbcm, having no
debt on build, mid a bnlntice lu the
ttvumiry of one hundred dollar to nice!
the 'Xn'lica of tlie elnto cotivfiilloti
mid other iicctiinulaliiig tlelilM, Wc
bud Ix't'ti Informiil tlmt wo were badly
iu debt and very likely to have a great
struggle to meet our foinltig ilcnmmU;
we felt like singing "Praise (lod From
Whom all Ult'smiiga l''ow" v. lien wc
heard I he good new Hint our president's
salary hud been loot, and all other tic
uinmla paiti oil. Mix. BUyvii mid lite
lliiaucc liad lncriiied to three times
their proportions of three years ago. It
was decided by the convention thai
local unions should hereafter pity tlie
mitlotml dues, which are ton cents a
nicniU'r, tttiil will lie thirty-live cents
to Iho stale treasury lnti'iul of twenty
live cents hs In the jmst. This, with
county dues, will stand forty-llvo ctoils
from tlie tlollnf's dues to tlie locttl.
This Is lieliig tlo i it- iu many of the
slates, iind .Oregon (bn's-not w ish to
li the. last on the list. In advance ttnd
bnmdtm her work. This year we will
also be culled on to help in the mission
ary Hold of tenns'l'iince, aa culls for' help
are coming not only front Alaska, but
South America andothir nations. Wc
wore told In convention of tlio murder
of Dr. (Hiai lcs il'Mwnrtls, a missionary
from tlio Ki'ltiwIs'JehurVh, by wicked
moil lu Aluska,'for trying to put down
(lie terrible tralllo of strong drink
among the natives of that place. Oth
era were shamefully trctitcd for the
sumo ollbuHo. Wo oxpoct to send a
lady thoro from Ortigtni If wo can And
ono Willi courage and oiidumtico for
that hard place, as stsui us wo possibly
tain. Wo wore Informed that a young
lady from tlio Newborg Friends' church
wits preparing to go Tor their church
work, unit might possloly work Tor us
also. California has scut ono blight
girl, Miss Jessie Akeriiinii, iim a round-
the-world missionary for tlio world's
union, and alio tins donc grandly and
is yet at work, following liijtho path of
dear Mrs. Lovett, who him boon out
eight yours from her plwisunt homo,
among the strange nations of t lie earth,
working fur tlie Muster.-
The report of prison niul jail work
showed that much gootl bad been ac
complished by our visits, prayom, sing
ing, and talking, to Una shutout from
the world through sin. Odd boy
neclullv. bint been taken there who
never knew what he had doim, but aald
through drink lie had i-oiim there fn
life, III crime was murder. Thou
sand of mother are weeping over lost
Isiys, wnrau than dead, yet we, tho o
pie, permit this lirart -breaking, soul
destroying bindneaa to go on. Man)
thousand of page of llternltiro, mid
Mowers with rVrlpture ti-xU, have been
given lo tlioatt Iim situated, and many
nil have I n saved through tlio ef
forts of tliu N hllii Hlblsiu women.
May the good work go on In thla do
part meiit ol saving the Insl. The re
,rl of flower mUioll has also liocomi
one of our U'Ht Hum of work, nml tin
gisii) done with tliese Utile silent rnca-M-nger
has la-en wonderful not only in
our state JUit uvi rywhcre.
Tlie ri'srt of the Iteftige Home
show thut many girls have been rea
cued and saved; mnmi havt gone l
lioiuca of their own, aomo who liavt
lat'ii, entloril through falee promise,
from the prntictloii of home tiavo been
scut to their parents; they were glad to
get bnck again, andder and wiser, and
vie trust Is'tter, girls. It would make
your heart evebe, dcur slUra, lo hear ol
the many way token to allure and de
stroy the girU ao young and uuusct
Ing, some of them not twelve years old,
and oitlcnsta. Many of these girl havi
gone down through strong drink -pretty
faces, wnin jnf thi'inaudj noun but
what have proven they were worth
saving. Tliefgreat sorrow of our heart
I we have no building of our own, and
khe plant) is so smuil many have to la
turned away, crying aud begging foi
a shelter. J low we have wished wi
were rich enougli to buy ground and
build a large home where these girls
could be taught a trade and learn to
Itork and lie giveu aomctliltig to earn
a living lib. Many of tho union
have contributed Irult, quills, aud oth
er things neevMary to tlie comfort ol
the Iniiintes, thti helping those in
charge of the home to put some mono)
away iu (he bank for A building fund,
and this year we are requeeted to give
entertainments and ralMo money to
build a i tillable home. Hclf-dclilul
gifts ami free- ill ofl'i-rlng would help
this coum so dear lo all While-Kibtsm
The (S'rmiil who w III stoop to write
an aiioiiymoiM letter is singularly do.
Ilcietit lu intellect. A sensible xraon
will pay no more attention lo such a
letter than he would to the whine of a
cur dog. Anonymous tetter writing
is regarded by Intelligent people a
cowardly, disreputable and contemp
tible, and no one but an Ignoramus or
a conceited of would pursue such a
xtinkedike lui thoit of stubbing another
in Ihe back. It Is a practice Indulgeil
In solely by a clam so del humhI and de
void of common sense that they have
not the genius to nocmptsb. their pur-
pii-e in an ofs-n manner. It is Uie
mi-lhixl of the coward, who may well
lie compared to the bdek-etubbing hlgh
biudcr, tience its wvere deprecation
by decent -ople. Orryim Itfrnrrvtr,
lie did n't read the pnro, for they
bad n't any news; at least they did n't
coincide with hi espeetul views; and
when became to tow nonc day wtlli erll
Icistn ri', he climbed to mi electric
lamp to light his ancient pipe; he had
n't read tlie uiH'm but bo knew Just
what was lst; lie slnuily touched the
wire and tho lluld did tlie rest.
ltuslnesM lu town at ptxnent is fair,
somewhat ts'ttcr than the past mouth'
W. P. Irt'lntid and son Claremv, and
T. A Ireland and wife and two daugh
ter, started for Knatoru Oregon last
Dr. Crowley has Just built a snug
Mr. Whltconib is building a neat
cottage near thcTalumgc race track.
William Motxlcr, recently from Illi
nois, mid who bought tlio II. lllrscb
IsM'g plaiHi, is not so well satisfied With
bis situation as he might be.
Mr. Owiim came into town ttvday
with unite a load of door aud window
frames purchased in our ncighlsirltig
city. Let aomo enterprising mechanic
wake up and start a factory for the
milking of such articles here.
John McDniilcl went to Tucoma, hud
week to visit his mother, who is In
poor health.
J. L. Murphy and son have returned
from Soda Springs,
Jordan, our hotel man, has returned
from Knatorn Oregon.
A letter from Doll Ireland, dated
June the 7th, says ho lias token up
school at the lllg Meadows on the
Dcs Chutes, There wore forty or fifty
iippllconts fur the school, but tho Mon
mouth graduate came ofT first best.
IH-ll wiys that Cliarllo Staata and
family will start in for llio valley the
2()th of Juno, Ho will bring iu bis
Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is
Superior to all others.
No great efforts are made by other manufacturers
to procure and ttse pure materials.
It is true that one! other company has the facilities,
but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to ttse
ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price
Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure
baking powder.
No other article of human food receives greater care
in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr.
Price's Cream i3 surely a perfect baking powder. Free from
every taint of impurity. No other article used in the
kitchen has so many steadfast friends among' the house
wives of America.
wool to the IirowsvUla fwtory. Mov
I ul lots thmwand to the svpoare Inch
up his way.
M. Mason waa In town last week In
the Interest of Wolfe Htm., of Tort
Norn Butler, daughU-r of Henry
Holler, haa Immiii quite ill from malig
nant aore throat. At present writing
.he la some Is tter.
Our tinsmith baa btMin In the country
nine day thla week working for Julia
-4tump, putting bia well aud pump la
new and good altns3.
O. V. Andrew, from North Dakota,
registered at the hotel thla week.
Friday morning Kan ford WIIImuim
reoeived Intelligence of the death of
one of hla brother' children near Fall
William Hyatt has moved from H-
tern ft Mon mini lb, and will operate
the farm of H, H. Whitman, duOKttaed,
Cliarli Mclubmh, 'one of the junior
chins, baa beeti quite ill at the residence
if I'rof. Murphy.
IU)V. Bunnell and Prof. Murphy took
trip to Fa I la City last week la hope
if Indulging In the luxury of feasting
uisin the shining trout. Bro. Ikmnell
haa ki.'ii apH-litc, and got away with
the biggest share. Verily Itro. Bonnelt
la a Jolly gnrsl soul with whom to Uke
t tramp In the mountains.
K. Ii HewiU, U H. Perklnajand 11.
Alexander, ntu-nded the HUto I'har-
tiaci'iltlcal Aas(K!lalioiiat Ralem. They
had a splendid time aiidpeak la high
term of tlie hoepltiility with which
they were received by tlie Balum
Iruggist. , .
Dr. i'arrlsh put ft abowy oottt of
paint on bis fence.
Three gentlemen from DakoU were
In town this week viewing the altua
don. They were well pleased with"
Monmouth, and may possibly locate
if) this vicinity.
Mis Maud Hill and Frank Loughary
were united In wedlock htat Thursday.
Frank la son of L. W. Iouhary,U an
Oregon-raised boy, aud la fortunate In
-curing ao (air a brhie. We wlah the
happy couple health and happinet
through life.
All that waa mortal of Mr. Harris
was interred in the Monmouth ceme
tery Friday.
S. S. Bust, from Oakland Iowa, ha
boon looking around here. He baa
travehil tlirough the Ewt aud WeaL
and thinks Monmouth and surrounding
country tlie most pletureaque locsJlty
he ever saw. He may make hie home
with us, aud engage In business. We
say come right along and enjoy life aa
itcan l enjoyed here.
O. C. Ikvk baa been adding to the
ueat apearauoe of bis dwelling by giv
ing It ft new ooatf of paint. A few
pounds of paint aud a litUeoil will add
to tlie beauty of several other house
about town.
The past year of the state normal
school at Monmouth baa been &lp roe por
ous ouo, more ao than any year preced
ing it, am! the Indications are that a
future of coutiuued siicces Is In store
for iL It U now recognized aa one of
Die blading institutions lu thestate.and
ft healthy and attractive location ia
bemuulng known uot ouly in our
own Btate, but wherever educational
interests command the attention of the
leople. With due attention frpm our
legislature our school will soon seat one
thousand atudcuta.
John Bums aud wife were In town
Friday doing some trading.
W. J. Mulkey to aUll In the lead in
the grocery buaiueaa, He ia working the
"taritr for revenue only" and aim to
protect his patrons from extortionate
The bridge between Monmouth and
the cemetery bad better be repaired
before a claim on the county for dam
ages is presented. Whose business
Is it?
Mr. GiKHlrich, from Yamhill, Iain
towu with his estimable wife. He
recently purchased property aud will
move here this ooiulug fall.
The. property of 8. S.'Wbitman
dci-easetl was appraised last week by
appraisers iippolntts.1 by the county
court at $10,6U7.!K).
D. 11. Holman, of Dallas, registered
nt tlie hotel F'riday.
We hereby announce the name of
Eugene Catron as our choice for presi
dent four years hence.
The exercises iu tho normal chapel
were unusually Interesting last Friday.
Miss Metcalfe, Mr. Hembree, and Miss
Column, addressed the students and
visitors. Tho subjects discussed by
them were: "A good bye,"- Mis
Metcalfe; "Bicycles," Mr. Hembree;
"Laely Jane Gray," Miss Coleman,'
They presented tboif thoughts to the
audience in a most effective manner,
and were loudly applauded by all pres
ent. The future will prove that to
bo a graduate' from the Monmouth,
normal school will be an honor ac
knowledged by all fur and wide.
a... ,rW.t)ii