The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 17, 1892, Image 2

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J. . I. UU, tOITOK.
Best Side Publishing Company
OmYmt ..... tsUV
MIX Month . . . .
Thm Wvwthi .'
All mn-l urn) dMlh nolle mil mwl
fcig Iiiim wilt t mmnst n-o, All vr
nttiiMwUl t ,hrx-,t nt xr llni.
VwM ohltuikry iwauluiton will Iw vlutrgvtl
tor UU rrnlm or Av wnt wr Un.
AttrM Kit smnulnlwltitti f lililrll"l
to T Wart Kn. Mitt m-ko all rriiiiilHii
rbl t Om IVlk tAmiujr rlilllilin v'uhi-
ltIMr-t M th lNwLorlW In Imtrpon
Inm, Unvw, m wunttal-M umtior.
CMlf rllllmt KoiiU.
Iouvrllo NatloniU tXuiwnll.ui, Jim 111.
fmiaulli loUon, Nowmbor .
I ' i
Jackson county vlitl lUclf credit
by electing Charley Nickcll to the
next legislature. Here Is our W"
Charley; lukfl.
Skw Yokk's vote 1 nmwary to
elect Democratic president, but it
U not neowstiry to uouitnnto a lm
oeratlo candidate. It is j list as well
to bear thlw in mind.
It makes one feel mi to read the
refrains of the Newport Timr over
the Republican defeat in Itetttoti
county. Cheer up, lro. Davis
there is abetter time coming.
Mttfl. Blaise is reported to have
telegraphed to the, young hopeful
at Chicago: "Pa will accept," Kin
menu is bcginulng early to assume
a succession to 'Tritice Hush."
TUB Otohm is trying very
hard to p;iteh up the rcnls made iu
the Republican gnrtueut. It is of
no avail; it is clear there luw beeu
a decrease iu the Republican vote
all over the state.
WHY did not the Republican pa
pers speak of llorrasau "import,"'
as they did of Inh four years
agot O consistency, whither biw.t
thou flow n ; and what kind of a
' jewel are you, anyway!
Tug citizens' ticket is up again
in Portlaud, and the deter mi tuition
to down botft Simon and I-otatt is
stronger than ever. The Omjonian
la Rtrongly for the citizens' ticket.
Lebtn me rvhl, Messrs.' Simon atul
The Falls City posters for the
Fourth of July will b out next
week. Everybody is now talking
of going to Falls City to celebrate
and cool off, and get a breath of the
pure balsam air. Ho! for Faux
City. Take the motor line, it runs
every hour.
A WOKTHT contemporary declanw
it would have been "peculiarly bad
breeding" for Blaine and Harrison
to have exchanged the ordinary ofil
cial courtesies at parting. It would
then, be the height of discourtesy
for one of these two creat men "to
support the other for the presi
dency." The tin plate liar is exposed by
Brudztreet$, which, as is well known,
is a non-partisan and a very careful
business paper. It says that the
total tin plate manufactured for the
nine mouths ending April 1, liM2,
is five and a quarter millions of
pounds, which would not supply
the home demand for twenty-four
"Neveh before iu the history of
the country," says the Orcyoninn,
"haa there been so great a decline
in the prices of the necessaries of
life as has taken place within tin
past year." This must indeed In
gratifying news to the people who
have invested their money in the
manufacturing! enterprises which
are necessary to produce these
"necessaries of life."
The late Senator' llorr, of Mich
igan, also late of the New York
Herald, was an import the Iicpub
llcans employed during the cam
paign just closed in Oregon. The
latest returns from Oregon, and
particularly from Multnomah coun
ty, place the Democrats under ever
lasting obligations for this act of
kindness, as the Republicans have
duly returned the compliment ten
dered them four years ago in the
distinguished imported orator, Col
John P. Irish, of California. Hon
ore are about even, except that
Irish is much the better speaker of
the two.
i Mtw. Leahk made a good point
in saying tnau it was unnecessary
to Introduce testimony from mem
bers of the People's party as to the
condition of the industrial classes
in this country, "for," she said,
"it is only necessary for me to put
Republican or Democratic witness
es on the stand, and they will do
all the 'calamity howling' neces
sary." Tn this connection it may
not be amiss to quote from that
good Republican authority, Hon.
Carroll D. Wright, of the national
labor bureau, who, in his report
on "Industrial Depressions," pub
lished in 1880, says 7.5 per cent, or
about 1,000,000, of the workingmcn
and women of this country, were
at that time in a state of involuntary
idleness. And in the same report
he estimates that in the most pros
perous industrial periods, at least
2 ior wut r kls force of
urn wtuury is uimilo w liiut m-
ploy mont. cttpwittUy com
tiu'iul Mr. Wright' ivmrt U tlt
(tiryoNMiit, it iuiHr which IiwIhIii,
liu tlio fsiooof tlioHtullsllo.i to tW
contrary,, that there U "work
enough for all."
Ai t. iu all, the Australian system
of vot ing is a great suecoss, in that
it protects the voter in tlie exercise
of his franchise; and on the other
hand, the IhkmIIci' is afraid to trust
A voter w ho will sell his vtU; for a
man who is so devoid of honor as
to sell bis franchise for a few dol
lars, is so dishonest that even the
vote purchaser will not trust hlui
out of his sight lest he might sell
to the other fellow. llcnidcrt, as he
is entirely alone when ho makes
out his ticket, the vote-buyer must
trust wholly to the seller's honesty,
and as the buyer knows the seller
is utterly devoid of honor, of course
he will never trust hint out of his
night. The new luvllot law hits
come to stay.
.i &ri:oxn ticket.
Nothing but purblind pat'tUun
whip, or jwrty eal bordering on iu
'sanity, can but me that the Minne
rtjndis Republican convention litis
put forward a very strong ticket
iu the nominations of llenjttmlii
Harrison and Whltelaw Reid for
president and vice president. Har
rison is the strongest man to day in
the Republican party for president
of the United States of America.
Now if the Democrats at Chicago
will put a strong ticket in the Held,
one that can carry New York, then
the Democrats will have a good
show to wiu. Without New York,
in ur opiulou neither party can
The parties in this eouutry are so
evenly balanced that New York is
always not only uncertain, but is
uceessary, and Is therefore a tight
ing ground for each party.
The people's party Is an unknown
hut very dangerous quantity iuthls
presidential contest. It is against
I the Republicans iu the North and
the Democrats iu the Smth. Har
rlson is personally known to the
people of the I'nited .States In his
inttilio relations, utid uo serious
charge can U laid at his door.
Whitelaw Kcid is a greater scholar
and an abler man than Harrisou,
but is not xised so well iu his
makeup. Reid is far superior to
Levi 1. Morton iu every particular
except wealth.
Ot course Mr. Held has a difil-
cultyou band with the uuion print
ers of New York, numbering eight
or ten thousand voters, which will
hurt him considerably in that state,
ami will correspondingly weaketi
the ticket. His attempt on the
evo of his nomination to bridge the
chasm, was made to order, aud for
the occasion, but the trouble is
there, as you will see later on.
Nevertheless the ticket is a strong
one personally, and the Democrats
will le under the necessity of put
tiug forth as strong a ticket, which
they can do by making wise selec
tions; and then the battle will pro
ceed. A st rong, conscrvnt i ve ticket
by the Democrats will make a vie
tory possible for the Democracy;
otherwise, otherwise.
That man Webster whom the
Republicans put upon their Htate
ticket for attorney general, is the
same apology whom the fool Dem
ocrats assisUsl to the office of the
circuit judgeship in Jackson county,
the same man who never had a case
iu the circuit court at the time of
his election, and he is the affable,
thin-skinned ideality, whose con
science is more sensitive than his
skin, this is the man that attempted
to gag the press, and because the
editor, Kaiser, of the Valley llrcord,
reviewed his imbecility and down
right injustice, this same Webster
arraigned him before his court nnd
lined the editor ami ordered him
to jail. At the earliest possible!
moment the supreme court of this
stale reversed Webster, and set
Kaiser free. Wclwter's own county
gave two to one votes against hiin.
He deserved this rebuke, and he
got it well. The press of Oregon
will not down at the bidding of a
pitti fogging judge, while it not on
ly respects but protects the judi
cial ermine when worthily worn.
This has been distinctively a news
paper fight, and the people have
upheld the freedom of the press,
Webster is the worst defeated man
in Oregon.
KIMTOlt wkht midi;: Allow mo
on behalf of the Farmers' Alliance
and other citizens here to publicly
congratulate Mr. J. O. Staats on
his election by so large a majority,
Mr. Btpts had the courage of his
convictions, and dared to advocate
on the stump the exemption of im
provements from taxation. This is
in line with the position so bravely
taken by the Wkht Bum;, and
shows that the man who will come
out squarely for genuine reform in
taxation will meet the approval of
the people. As Hon. L. B. Cox
wrote me some timoago, "The time
for speaking under one's breath on
public affairs has longsince passed,"
and the man who deals out nothing
but time-worn platitudes during a
campaign must expect no hearty
indorsement from the people. He
may get iu by a strict party vote or
through the weak ties of his opto
ttent. The people want and
will soon demand something meaty,
the People's party lielng merely an
expression of popular discontent
with the shifty politicians who
frame the platforms aud run the
machinery or Die old part lea. Many
of the vagaries of the People' party
if adopted would paralyse enter
prise aud enthrone land monopoly
iu an Impregnable position; but its
platform docs not dodge the Issues,
Is direct ami to the point, and hits
grnit plausibility with those earnest
M-oiiU w ho are Is'iiton roforiii,Pvcii
if they "kick the lieehlve over" iu
the reforming process.
The vole for Mr. Hermann shows
that the )topl did not go Itock on
hint lieeause of his vote for free
silver a manly thing In him lit Ute
face of the OecyoNMia'i persistent
assaults on flint coinage.
Mr. Htaats can of course accom
plish little in behalf of his tax-re
form scheme while Oregon's foggy
tMiist I tut Ion stands -411 the way, but
let the subject once lie generally
agitated, and the people will sweep
away any such old time obstruc
tion that stands Tin the path of
progress. Wam.ack Y ATI.
During the iist ten days occurred
the arrival and reception of Presi
dent John M. liloss, of the Htate
Agricultural College, The reoep
tlott was the greatest ever given to
any teacher iu Oregon. While it
was announced as luformal, band
and orchestral music of the hlgh'St
order was furnished, ami a battticl
was tendered to all. President
ItloHS comes with the highest rec
ommendations, aud since we have
"fought, bled, and died," for the
cans of education in general and
the Oregon Agricultural College iu
particular, aud lave time and
again rejoiced to see some of the
fruits of this service, it affords us
much pleasure to give the follow
ing information concerning Presi
dent nioss: He Is a classical gradu
ate of one of the best Kastern col
leges, and one who inspires others
by contact to Intellectual growth,
lie is a matt of broad experience in
the educational field, and one who
shows that he knows how snd what
to do. He is unassuming, prepos
sessing iu appearance, and know
how to meet men, as did his worthy
predecessor. He has been sujsrin
tendent of public instruction of
Indiana, has been superintendent
of schools of several large . cities,
aud has filled important chairs in
two collegiate Institutions previous
to his election to the presidency of
the Agricultural College,
Tit R convention which nominated
Mr.Chamberlain was for Cleveland,
The nominee is a strong ami avowed
anti Clevelandcr. He has carried
the state, and it may lie policy for
the Chicago convention to be for
Mr. Cleveland, but nominate a man
who can get the votes in November.
VuiUaud lHqmtch,
O; Bro. Noltner, go aud put your
head iu an icehouse. You know
that Chamberlain did not get one
solitary vole lieeause he Is "anti
Cleveland." He is not an avowed
anti Clevelandcr," either. When
you half doen "anti Clevelanders"
in the state of Oregon are dead,
do n't yon know enough to keep
still, or go "where the woodbine
twineth," etc.!
Tlllf FROM t'Al.irOHKIA.
iMOKt-isxiiKsi-ri, June 1,1, 12,
Mil. I'.ni tdh: I have lieeii riiiiil-
i-i 10 wrue an account or my trip rrom
Sun Jow, Cal., to Hi In (mint, an I will
oblige your reader. I left the above
named place at three n. m.. 1-rlday af
ternoon, and had s lovely trip through
the Hunt Clara vallev. the country
limkliig the bent: the hay all cut, grain
in llmt-eluwi ortler. flower grow nar
promiM-miUHiy along the road and In
the tlchbt, making a kaleldoaeoplo view
to the eye, a the train fleer along st
riipld ieel; and at each elation there
wiw Noiiiethlng attractive to ewe. Ar
riving In Hn i-ranrlMco at Ave p, lu
weencounten-dairaleof wind which
threiileneil to Ui-tliollh our head gear,
and blow u Into the middle of next
moon with one blat: however, we rat
lied our force, got Into a home car. aud
In s Mhort time we were st our diwt I na
tion, urrouiided by friend. Next da'
we went to iioiut-n Uat rark. wit o
I ever new, no matter how many time
one viHii it, J no cut ranee form the
hill Ntrcct cam Is through a pretty
K otto, then we come to a lAkelet, lu
which arc black anil white wan, pat
Iiiimh, din-kit, etc nil of which children
like to feud. Then there I the ring
win-re the wooden animal go by nm
chlnerv, and the youngster ride
around for a nickel; there are goal
uruwing cMrniiKC, ilonkey amid led.
and other nmum-mcnta for the Juve
nile. The entrancing munlo by the
bund I one of the grcutoMt allurement;
then the exnitmlte llower. rolled
wulkM, gmen biuik, and comfortable
Keuta, are all temptation lo while
away ft few hours each week In till
Kden. Since my lantvlMlt there a few
week ago, they have an Inimemw ataU
u of a buHC-hall thrower, mouiited on
a high iM-doHtnl, which ImrntKllntely
ciuciie me eye; uicy nave siko adiicd
a hull'ulo and kid, which to nmny In a
novelty. HutiMiiy afternoon we went
by boat to San Kufael, nnd I wa truly at the growth of the town since
Successors to 3, A. PARKER.
t hsd lst own It, ltlit ysis sun, I
renewed my ncmmlutttntw with tlitt old
F,ptooial church, which hs now
nmny winiimiiliinnnfitlin'reiit deiiotul
nut ltm, ml 1 Mtcslu miw Mt, Tsitml
pst elnd In ifiwn verdure, looming
ty ward, sua MimiKlit m toe ilsyi jon
uy, wnen mr nmny minium i
dally, V left llicw wit Ii a bunch
tivautinii nowum at tuur p. m., bcUIiik
throiiidt cnmAurlalily lo Urn end of I lie
mule, and after s dl
nuer si Hi
aireot, rUd
awhile, ami heard Harlow Davl leo
turn in Urn evtmliiK, Monday innrn
hut, at ten o'flhiek, tht slcautwr "Wil
lamette Valley" ulimincil from the am
wall, mhHIoii 4, with your liumhla aer
vant on lioard, at nil nf the (Heweu
gvn, f which llicni were only aoven.
Vt had a very mijoyalile Crip, the
an being tulltshu, the auu kIiIii
Intt bright and warm, lli wlud favor.
aliTv, and w went hwIIiik along
without any dUlurbltig vleiiixiit, and
w were miatilmuiti In n-fUKlng lo jwy
tribute to Nepluiie. W aaw nuuicr
mi wlislea, aud un tiny a shark fid
Inweil u for limine, I irniuiiie be want
ed a film fat eat which wh on board,
nraonteuther Illlla Udhll quite sa tra
der, Th ft-w iiiUMU'iiKi-m w ho met oil
thi steamer hariiioiilt an well that
w were nleknaniml "Hie tlappy Fam
ily." Th ufllentw wn kind aud at
tentive, th fare good, and no fault
emild be fmmd with any one. We ar
rived at Yaqulua at unoti, Wvdnnwlay,
took lu the town, but did not pntnl it
nsl; gathered wtlmnii Urrlea and wild
Itowera, and dlmuverel that wry few
people were vUtlllng NBWri aa yet,
I lie weather being uueeaaimihle.
Tlitinalay mortilug, at neven, we lmrd
ed the earn, aud arrived In Corvalll al
half aal tu, aud feund the tltua very
long until we got on the Wewt Hlile
traiu for thla town. Mv feeling were
utrange aa 1 uearml the U where I
hail an long remdiHl;Joy In anttetitlug
meeting my former frlembi, deep aor
row that 1 blunt collie alone, and not
When not properly tared for, loe
its lustre, beeoutes crisp, harsit, and
dry, and falls out freely with every
combing. To prevent this, the best
and moat popular dressing in tho
market U Ayer'i Hair Vigor. It
remove dimlrufr, heals troublesome
liutiiors of the tcslp, rvatores faded
and gray hair to Its original color,
and Impart to it a silky texture
aud a lasting fragrance. Uy using
tills preparation, the poo nut head
ot hair souu
Becomes Luxuriant
and beautiful. All win a ooee toted
Ajm'i Haa Vlrf, want ae oOkw drvMina.
UalbialUl A SiuM, Imitiuu. Sluuua
ttror. ky., wmi "We blls Ajr'
Half Vlful U t Ui tm ewiUoa ut U
kins la Uw auukiil, mil Mil atunn at i itiaa
ot all oUwn. So drug tture U umpirta
wltbuut a tutipljr ot It."
"I aara UMd Ayrf Hair Vigor with
great bo twill ami kaow irtmt etlwr ew
aunt, twiatoa to and M ywni ot tt, bo
tare ipefimie.M) umllar gu4 rMUlu truai
tt UMot UlU (impaniUaa. It enttunw gtay
hair to iu oiiimul eolur, erotiHSe a bow
(towUi, (Km lutlr Iu Uw balr, and etvanot
Uw rii al dandiuS." llia(ile Ovtwa,
After Using
A auathor t oUwr prvearatkwui without
any Mtutecturj mull, I Smt UmI Ar
Italr Vigor It Muting air bair to aruw."
A. J. tHnwtit, Otiwral Maivtuuit, laUlaa
llMMt. ft. W. T.
Ayr( lUlr Vir b Ui only pR-eara-IU
I enulil tw tint la lnoi datntrut,
cure Itrhlng tkumort, kiut eremtl la at
tialr. I eaa emtitMilty noatuwa4 II."
J. C HuUr, SpaMr, Mau.
My wife bltM Hut U money I pom
tar Ayri lllr Vigor Um bi ihmi
ttw nt auui, It aa gl Sr as
wiwk aaUtfMUaa.'-JuwM A. AUtK, St.
AuguMlna, TsiM.
AycPs Hair Vigor
Dr. 1 C IYER A CO., lm Miss.
gVSS f H t)rtgtU ag rwruawn.
lirM Tnlat Ur ForUaad Pally.
Tit) r. a.
nm v. m.
1.11 A. M.
I.v. I'urlUinl At.
I.v. Allwnr Ar.
Ar. San trfli I.v,
t-u A, m
itm v. m
Abort train Hue only t (nllovlng auilntu
nnnoi i.iivri; kmi iwumm, i'iveu i in,
Wnulburn.Msloni. Allwir, TMifvnt, hll. Hal
Mr, Hmburg, JuucUuofliy, Irrlng ud g-
Rostburg Mail. Daily.
Pnrtland .... : A.,
ltrhurg . , . , ?iu a. a,
Itiinehiirg ,,,.t tn r. M
IVirtlnnil i,
Albany Leeat. Pally eaeepi Hiimlny.
Piirtliiit......) p.m.
Albany IMUii.m,
Allikiiy ..,IM p.m.
mrtiiuiii ... !;:'. in
Second-class Sleeping Cars,
For tli wwniiimnititlliin uf inuuKiiann linlillng
wwhiiUdIm Hokum, M, liil to x
prm train.
West Bids Dlvinlon.
Between Portland and Corvallig
MAIL TRAM DAILT (lieapt Banitay.)
L. Putlluiil At.
Ar. Ilwiileiiae Ar.
At. OorJII L.
Tlop. in.
1Mb. m.
U tftp, ro.
il HA.
1 10 r.
Al Alhanv imi ComlUa oonnaol with train ci
ongua ramiM baiuum.
BZPICSS ma UOt (Except Sund y)
j- j irrWa.
fortUnd ,4:Mr, V. MftMtnnvUi 11t. M.
MoMlnnrUl I U A. a. I Portland .,.. t. a.
mouob ti01cti to all foots
East aid muth.
IFui Uki aa4 ratonattloa Mganltng ratat
ad, ala.. 011 ajmui t i.l..
a. xouuta, a i booim,
gat. AaM. . A Imm.
Portland, oiikoon.
On sale to
St, Paul, SI. Louis,
And All Point
from Portland to
Kvnty 4 Dy.
Ban Franctaco
Fnr mte an4 aentral lufiirmaUun call on or
W. H. Hum, Bum,, kmt, (tnl. 1'uhh. Agt.
H ffanlilngtou Ht
set tht nutilllsr form waiting to giwt
in hut with him It U well. I nave
I wen m cordially mid luuii!lv re
calved that 1 look forward to a bpV
vWt smiiiiK my iUoudsm sxmwIhos,
and dIimII lmv many KmtlfyluK rrml
tilx-enem to OHi-rv lutek with m In ('!
Itornls. 1 tlml numerous clmuuwi lo ¬
th U'ller In Iiiwii, mul liuiK'wmm trixxl
by tire rpwnll
When 1
left here I
uvr ex iwetiM
but 1 find
mat we knew ma wlial s day may
bring forth, for then waa aoon-thlng
liuiellel ma to eoine, and a eoiinlnot
drawing at my heart Rtrlnir from till
illrentlmi, wliloli cxiuhl nut im oonlnilleil.
hut which in out hav lieeii vaued
thnHigh aorim talUman or aheklnali.
tul 1 Ami that 1 anall - tw Indemnified
by my trip,
Friend of yon, Ihy loving irreellntr,
KiMithe th heart timirewd hy tare,
And we 'II ho fur fulum trieeilnga,
To lnp Hi band with kindly ohevr.
W aufter when our tie are broken,
Th lioiiui uiwt rohlwdj our male hrta
With folilwl hand aud wortluuHken,
V waet th crow la hard to li ar
Hut loving word, Kiul mlle of w el
Can lift th eliiuu and help u toemlur
'I'll aurmwa, and th greateat trial
Whleh time along oau fully, aurvly
Mania K LAtlANHiKt'H.
j n
Id d
id S
5 -E
The Plumed Kniebt of Reclorocitv was dawned at
Minneapolis. We missed our guess, and it 's
Harrison. ALU SiMEE to us. It 's free
trade and protection both at our house. This
looks like an acrobatic performance trying
to ride two horses going in opposite directions,
bnt it 's easy enough done if you know how.
Our doors are wide open, and we 're selling
goods at free-trade prices; at the same time
we protect you against high prices SEE.
NAVIGATION will scon be suspended on the Willam
ette, and San Francisco competition will be
shot out for some time, and in order to be
pregared for the FRUITING SEASON, we hate
here by July 10.
So remctnlMT, we can' t hs tuulormilil. We will
not try to oiiuiiwrato our ImiKitlim, lint we are
dt't'ldwlly in the grocrry Imsinww. M' 'vo
got the runtling fever, nnd wunt your tnuio,
or r.h much of it un oslble. Oi vo us ti lul
aud bo convinced.
I hove in itook nice Tine of oliuirs. bedroom suta. sad Diooa fnrniinrfl. wnll nn,.
nd picture triune moulding, tiive ute a
Our Motto
"A 4ollf orili " .Nr" l tt "0,ts
t UooH'i Mlr,l- a4U'Ui I a
blgtily uim'I tm. iprtll
nt oUwf wH igtlil umbwII,
au4 pro'" ky iiMU Wi ""
and bwl l''il of tli l4 V I,r
duml. " loMltar w"'k M
awdlolnal '" h
land by a CuaMMatluu, -r.p'rtloo, ni4
t'w' iveulla to Itaelft
flirr4 kf M"l"",r '
VHtriil W1 kiiowa tt '" m,ai"
lM H fe'P llo ob
aw U I't"Hll. and orofala,
(All rlwui. '" f Itnv". " baiaogj
o4 aU dlMAM ' m iIihh arl'l Iroai
Iwutir Wue4 km i ol lh y.
"t Bv " H"f garMit'111 BI
t4 It W k U kt I-.k1 purlllM I kYg
tw uwl." kin. It. Kiata, Aabura, CL
The Ht MiHllnln.
I k koltMof Unni't k"
Mrlll in ' . II fc kl
giwl 4!. I It btli t" mM
lu luillll"n 4ytpla" "a M. A.
Ut)nAi.. rum ktrt. M
juM,Cal . "! "!
Hood's Sarsaparilla
sat WViZ WssS
100 Dose One Owu
4Hwn4 dmiletTmtn iUiimg
;.I. V,.T-r-l.'.Ml ,; ';"
lo. rW,il,e Hnrmtlury n "''J
a irtl L.n-nt o el t""'. t nr.t
Si!?vr il '' 1 1 ' n-tel'-Hiif t".
1 Uw rritimly b wyot ljti gin i" in". II
a U. M fci r aiait. M,rt"' n,'.m
linn tirrll.1 dlw U a wrHJ" guanoiiwj
UllrMi ll " Ui rttmiiu
nel rami. rMil lmp r "'"I1" un-
Am Uw l-l, Wrli
W nui'r'
in hmmI r, n
itr, wwiiiimi"- Jw,
Of SUGAR, to be delivered
Are head-quarters in Polk County for
ram i m im
Stoves, and
Bain Wagons, the Oliver
F PMRfl V T"- . . ,T
It I all right tw lik A T It tl '"!. ti H ynn n ry y nf tn thrni. '
wui ruvtm liiiw lifilil JtU l.ti )uur
School Books, Tablets, is, and School Supplies.
. sewing Memo, oecus, w ras, ,
frum W. II. Wliwlrr. Jt ln-S " pmt'tirt I" t!! '' yna I" '' ' ! Hw, Ibrjr
5,,U . miur Jfa bM T"U tomi ll md.
Independence, O.
Has reopened his Barber Shop at the old
stand, opposite Patterson Bros'. Drug Store,
and has fitted it up better than ever. He has
employed a first-class workman Irom Portland,
and will run two chairs. All patrons will pet
the benefit ot an electric roller brush. Call
and jfiveitja trial.
Xo Pttiertu or Zltctrie Spurk to ctrti tar. UTiicms no imtU r.r dirt.
Xo doubl or aJ! Explosions, eo Avgarst with ti unrvllM ipri,
Jt OHM ttwdt AutomattCMjly, Just UzZt ti Ewnvr, tan VZJ, uut
it rum U fjr. .
Jt mi mth ftaMM fiwdo'cf Casoaa'raa ajr eUtnr af tad ;caam
qaomtif it COSTS LESS to rua it.
Tor Simplicitf st Beats the TSurH. 1 Lf t&S wpj. ptrts, U thntr ios
to git out ot order ti4 nay other Cm of Oasalin Eec:o now biUZL
szmJjrvR jUsUstiutxo iissciurTrrx orctlam to
tu franctad PALMER, & REYf tetei t
Is It,
The best makes of watches, at proper
prices; guaranteed according to their
various qualities; some very low in price,
to suit thin pocketbooks, but of fair qual
ity notwithstanding; some very fine, very
beautiful, for those who can afford the
luxury of the very best.
Independence, Or.
w, cm. bh ira
Barbed Ire,
Chilled and Steel Plows,