The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 10, 1892, Image 2

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Vest Side Publishing Company
rT4t.a IN AUVArH'B.
ntTMT . . . . ).
l I lluniha l.i'
ThrTC Muulht M
All maiTlaa and (loath ntlia vw4-
lM a llnaa will b in.orltHt Iw, All vir
llnw will ha lirrcl ftva wita wr Una.
MMur oouuara maumitmta win
hritUMnMot Avuta (xmt lino.
A.l.traa all r nublloitilon
to Tm Wvrr Hipa, ami nmk all rititnii
pyyU to Ui Ivl luuiy miuuttiug txuu
RMtatara.1 M tha lVaWorttc In Iiutooii
Imm, orojwn, aa aawuid-vlana iuaiif.
FRIDAY, J I'NK 10, 1.HU1,
.....i1 '.. .
Camlag lotlll-l Knanta.
RpuMlcu Nathmal IVtiYvnll.m,
Puuwntlo National Cuuwutlon,
RuU liKUtM, J una .
fraalilaeual dwUtw, Kovomtwr .
J una 1.
J mi ill.
Jtl tHTMNi mrivfoa th WEST
etWE from now till , wHI yltva
mntuUt it an invitation fa kiw,
JIB may rM xnml that tinlm thrg
vnkr tk Mprr, no bilk will follow,
04 until thttt um trill out a
Uiry number of firt imjt jm
F rill .! tho WEST $WE
from m till Julg J, L!tf, ami thr
jrw, all for tht loir prut of
Wonder if "Normal"' ever wiw
, a boomerang before. Dsilliw Trans
eript. '
Moke good will HrviultI this last
weeuou nor than any vWhjudu we
have ever mn.
About threo fourths of the imhiii
ty offlcvci in the state were won by
the Democrats last Monday.
Henry Hktrley of IKmgliws luw
been eleeted Btnte senator by 2tH)
Minority. Mr. Reekley ban two
oua at Moumouth.
We could not git the Allium-'
and Prohibition vote ia time for
this taue. The full official returns
will be giveu next week.
PoUTH"8 are settled so far as state
and county are concerned for the
next two yearn. Now let all of u
turn our attention to the upbuild
ing of the material and social inter
ests of our county.
The many friends and relatives
will be glad to learn that 8. T.
Jeffreys was eleeted representative
from Beuton county by a hand
ome majority. Tommy Is worthy,
and the honor conferred is the re
ault of application to duty.
TaE result of the election com
pletety justifies the predictions
made by the Wkht Side during
the last two weeks. "The more
vou attack onr public acts, the
brighter we will shine." The peo
pie have decided that we were cor
The last few legislatures of Ore
gou have been overwhelmingly Re
publican, the last one having
majority of seventy-two votm
The Republicans will have only a
bare majority on joint ballot at the
next session, which is not at all
THE Tranncrivt at Dallas has
come to hand, and we find it a six
column quarto sheet. It is bright
aud newsy. The reason of its ad
vent is a local fight between it ami
the Obtener. "Lty on, MeDuff;
and condemmed be he that first
cries, hold, enough!"
It is a good thing that we eleeted
a Democrat to the senate from Polk,
for the strong Democratic complex
ion of that body makes it necessary,
if we expect'any favors from that
direction. You know that our
representatives should be in har
mony with the majority.
"Pkices have steadily declined.
Wages have been generally main
tained. Prosperity seems to have
come to stay," says Mr. IngalW, re
ferring to the effect of Bill MoKin
ley's bill. Ask some of the pro
tected manufacturers who paid good
money to have the law passed if Mr.
Ingalls is telling the truth.
The People's party cast over 15,
000 votes in Oregon last Monday.
Aa the Weht Side said of Mrs.
Lease's speech here, "she made the
old parties wince," so these votai
last Monday have caused a deep con
cern to come over the spirits of the
Republicans and Democrats. The
Oregmlan said editorially yester
day: "Altogether the result is one
which, If not foretelling the disso
lution of parties, shows that the
foundations of parties are profound
ly Bhaken." Just what we have
believed for some time.
A Democratic cyclone struck
Oregon last Monday morning and
raged all day. Many "fences" were
blown down, and many houses of
anticipation were literally torn to
fragments. The wrecks can bo seen
in the pathway of the storm, doing
the most damage in Multnomah,
Washington, Marion, Benton, Polk,
and several other counties lying in
the line of the hurricane. Much of
this destruction is permanent, and
the wrecks will never be rebuilt.
Cyclones generally do much dam
age, but they purify the air.
all xoni.r.
Tim Kittle uf lmll,ttook idmv
last Monday, and the DemuoratM
in Polk county did their work well.
The opposition was strong and well
organised, especially against Mr.
Hutler lor the state senate. The
WkktSiiuc oonfiwscH to a little
pride in the result, when such de
termined opposition set in against
it. The OivyomuN with its uliiiiii
tons presence and strong prestige
came to Polk and assisted in the
tight. The 8alem itutmun also
crossed over the river and sought
the defeat of Mr. liul ler. The Ob
rw worked the "Nonuar' rack
et to ail extreme worthy a better
cause, and at the last moment, the
new jwiper called the jtVnnrfif,
poured forth volley after volley of
IU highly rhetorical vffusions,
made up of words generally used in
spring poetry, and yet the Wkst
Sihk step by step showed the mil
nius of the opposition from legln
uing to end, and the voters of Polk
county believed It, and voted ac
cordingly. The success of the
iHMiioeratie parly has come to old
Polk to stay, as is fully shown in
the last two elections. Our de
feated candidates are worthy men,
and indeed we can truthfully say
the same o their successful rivals.
Messrs, Kuykendall and ISahblu
are men not only well tUulitiHl for
the positions to hick they aspired,
but are ccutlcmcu against whom
not one word of object km can be
urged. Hilly Wells was running
for his second term, and when
man has given satisfaction us he
h.w done, it is next to impossible
to bent him, hence his huge major
ity; aud the same is seen in the cum'
of Mr. Frank Hut ler for surveyor
on the 1 H'ltioeratie ticket. Old
Polk did nobly for A. S. Hcniictt
for supreme judge, and for W, U.
Itilyeu for district attorney, ami
also for George OiamU'rlain for at
torney general. Irt the 1 lemocrata
now give us an honest administra
tion, and thereby justify the eoull
deuce the pt-ople have rejmsed in
K. TtMtx:-lt is an admitted
fact that, the great bulk of business
is done on Utrrowed capital. Near
ly all the lasting and sult.uitu!
improvements made by iiulivid
uals iu our own city has Istii ou
borrowed capital. Now, if some
plan could ls adopted by the act
ive, energetic, go uhead men of the
county by which they could get
money at a low rate o( iuterent, say
2 per cent per annum, it would be
a greater benefit to the country
than all the reforms that have Ixvn
olleretl, and would relieve the
debt oppressed fanners and busi
nessmen and give them a chance
to work out of debt and save their
homes and business. We ail know
that there is scarcely any kind ef
business that will justify the pay
ment of S jn-r cent or 10 per cent
interest per for money, and
that farming and etock raising w ill
not pay 5 per cent. Snator
Stanford, of California, has intro
duced into the Toiled .States senate
"A Hill to provide the government
with means stifltcient to supply the
national want of a sound circulating
medium." The main features of it
are tlutt the government issue und
loan to the people money ou real
estate to the amount of half its lie
tual cash value with interest U the
rate of 2 iwrcnt per annum. This
plan brings the government iliiectlv
in touch with the people ou one ot
the most vital question!! Hint . alfeet t
their welfare and almost their exist
ence. In introducing toe lull, sen
ator S nuford said: ''That more
money is needed to, carry on tho
business of the country is conceded,
I believe, by every intelligent per
son; therefore, to con II no ourselves
to coining gold mid silver, materi
als! limited in qiiaulily, owned by a
few individuals, nud over tvhiili
tho government has m control, is
to fail to meet- tint nation's waula."
One of tho causes of this urgent
demand by tlm people for free coin
age of silver is to got more money
into circulation; but that, would
fall far short, of meeting the wauls
of tho people. Usury is the curse
of this nation, and no plan has yet
been proposed which appears as
feasible as the one oll' by Sena
tor Stanford to relieve tho people
from the exaction, oppression, iiml
legal robbery, pcrpel rated on Hie
lalsn'ing and producing classes by
tho money, power of the country,
Individuals aro not to blame for ob
taining as much interest as they
can; but it is a species of robbery
(legal in form) at best. What an
impetus would be given to improve
menU and business of all kinds if
money coiild only bo obtained ou
good securitylat '2 per cent per an
num. Aud4why can not this lie
done! The government is abun
dantly able; tho security is ample.;
then let us have tho money, ('an
anyone give a reason why the gov
ernment should not loan money to
the people at 2 per cent per annum
when it is loaning it to the national
banks for nothing and paying tliem
Interest on the bonds deposited for
sceurityl And the banks loan this
same money to the people lit 10 per
cent per annum, provided the peo
ple can give them good security.
JI.aiierNon wants to horrow hiiv
" i
a thousand dollars from the scho tl
fund (which Is a fund rtovidod by
the government and placed under
the control of the state) lie makes
application, mid describes the land
which he oilers for security, ami
pluecs a value upou it; the
sehoollMuu'd hits it examined and
valued, and loiin ouo half the
amount the laud Is valued at. Now
what is to hinder the general gov
ernment from doing the same thing
with Its own fumlsf and this would
at once increase the circulating
medium sullleleutly to moot the tie
mauds of the business of the coun
try and bring joy and prosperity to
thousands of A nierlcan homos nud
fnnillles that have been slaves to
usury for many years. And this
government would then truly lie "a
government of the people, for the
people, and by the sople,"
Jolts iU'KXKTr.
Till-: Oivpimi'iiH cites a statement
made by John J. Ingalls regarding
the effect of the McKlnloy bill.
Hero it is so far ns It itdatc to pri
ces and wiigesi j'Piices bavestead
ily declined. Wuges have Ihhui gen
erally maiutained. Agriculture has
tlourished. Money is abundant.
The rates of interest are going down
and pn perity seems to have come
to stay." Ingalls is the man who
made such frttiilio effort to Ik re
elected to the United rAtatt senate
from Kansas by posing as the chain
piou of the farmer and w orkiugman
after he hud Ihtu for yejirs a noted
supporter of monopoly. It was
this same Ingalls who in a speech
in the senate tit the hist session re
marked that If the count ry contin
ued In ils pii-scut channel, the
proud boast .that this is "The land
of the free and the homo of the
brave," would soon Ui cbaiijjed U
The laud of the rich and the home
of the slave." Hut such talk did
not avail; nud now Mr. Ingalls is
softsoaptug the Ucpuhlicau party.
It is curious to note, in passing,
how -greedily papers of the Ommt
iWa itk simp up everything, with
out regard to reliability, hlch Vol
ces their false cry of lower prices
at d higher wages as a rsult of
higli tarllls. The fact that these
Mine nmnufaetuiers sjM'iit thou
sands of dollars to eifecl the pas
s.ik'o of the MeKtuley law is a suftl
cietit autwer to (Iiom w bo claim a
high t.irilT makes etieap gisMls,
I'tsuj "Neiuiat," that travesty
upon hotiorablo journalism, that
hidden away personality, who
would not tell the truth when he
could, has been told in tones of
thunder by a majority of more than
a hundred voices of honest men,
We do not Ix lieve in your style,
mir ,i w,. u-lieve your statements."
This is of course gratify log to us.
Hereafter we would suy, if anyone
wish to conduct a jmtsoiiuI dis
ciission, Ihi man enough to show
your "parentage," and wot seek
the cover of darkness to play the
tricks of the coward.
ttf iui(ilUirli , (nittiH'iii In K iimiI',,
ill II (tii'l nil; it wmvp riifirpnT
mil, iiii.Tiiiil.lillii'l.iir lili-,'.llii,li-IOiiil.i'rviii. i aa , HariUIum, Juuelluil I II), living aud kit
i., r,w"'it(, or iii-rrihiiiry itiin.i, vind many uttinr : g;ia
liwu-wi. ami fi-ninln wt-ukn.-iiM. II l hIwhvi,
rt Hrt-itl Iwhm'III lii On tfrtii-rill lii-dllti, 'I'ImiUI
tlii-it-rv iif a iiii-ilirnl riif. r.-iiilt-rtiiic an inr.
iiiWiu itli Hip Null- iiniit-i-ry licrinni-r.
I l.ik lu.. ii... !M..'i. kiKiwn In full ll
iin.rirB: miiij -mail. wnyuitit mnu
UiU li'rrliilf fllwa' wim-ii a wl-lllt-n KilttttiliiiH
tuii'it a Mh fl Ihh in ri-iiitnl On- iimiM'y If
tl. . riiri-il. Kt,n iiiriiiiti fur mainili. Iltltimiu
u.- l.,iii'ii l.v Wi-iiUrtl, rhirkn I '., wh-ilt.
uli-iuiil fi iiiil ilriit' i.ix.-.. .1. i, I 'i i rl luiiil.l r.
St. Paul, St. Louis,
And All Polnli
Suatnara from Portland to Ban Kranciico
livery 4 Daya.
l-'er niU- iiml K"i'i'! lnfiirmiitliin cull on or
W. It. lli iti.iii'Hi., Aunt. Ui-nl, I'una, Agl,
.'l Wiixlilniiliin HI..
I'llll TI.A Nil. OIIKUIIK.
ffi IBIS
Kin R i ! mi
I lmvfl in Htook n nine line tif olinim, liwlromn sots, nml imioo furniture, wnll pnpor
nml piotiini (niniii mmildinKH. Uive mo n call.
Wit KM this great iiuarrel be
tween the liepublleauchleftalim 4s
fully uudeistood and explained, it
will probably lie discovered that
women were at the bottom of it.
The hull w ill have their "say,"
If they can't vole, and It is suspect
ed that Mrs. Hlalne and Mrs. Har
rison do not kiss when they meet.
ItVKlh Uf W ill, lUu,
Wllllnm lialtun, a well knowu sml
hHTtoil eitUou of tlm county, died st
Halliw, J una ikt, IHI2. lie luul for
mIkoi t nine uioiitlm Uvn uftlleted with ft
uIm'um) which Ilnwlly tcruilimleil lu
litmlcsth. His Unly was eonvryed
frm Pnllu to ni iir All lie, w hom he
whs Interred lu but I gviierully culUnl
the KnulUlt gmveyanl. U w
limit of luilouiltnblo w ill, sud nli.inl
Ui InrouiU of Hie denthly nieweiiKer
w ith A spirit tlmt imiiubt but the l
erees of I'rovlilenew could overeiiiue,
HtfdUstwIth the hiiikcIihimiii thut
"ull wiw well," Hint Ihst a Kivhd ht
swalted him beyond the grsvu. lu tin
nenr ruliii wnenis-cl to iv u ox
tended hlo:ruihlenl ukutclt of hts life.
We herevKteutl to the U'itvd out's
our buitrlMl nyinimlliy.
" i i 1 1 i
Stands tit the head (if all blood tned.
li'liu s. Thin position It tun snirwl
ly Its Inlrliwlo merit, sustalutHl hy
th- opliiloa of leailing t'byob'liiuit,
i'.ml by th ei rtllli'Mte of thoumiiul
who have nucceiMfulty tentisl lu
reiuetllal w orth. No other mcdiclue
o efftvtually
SvrluU, N'lU, lmili, iliiiinatiiiii. r.
kit ill, una all ml,, i IiIihhI illniwr.
"Ylivi rii I" hoiurtl.-ii m u li uiw
rloiliy t yr' SitraiilU ur ll Swr
tlmnl m05rs, II tliW lui Uipvauw, Ilia
dttliui4 lr II. Iititwiil lit (i-lvalii( ftf,
wutilil Kn miiamt l-mf ann. Ilk umuy
Mhnt IIh1 niiulli'lli" I f'M lu,.
K, U M'kimn. piuffitui, S i tiU l.,
ClUtltMIUWII, HlltM.
"ton fftn ( I InwiMrtt llh mlU
rliamn. II mm all nifur ir jr ltty. ua Im'Ui
m ilia d.M-i.ii dirt fr M ou ( nr
!. Al U1 1 1'-'k (mir Uilllr. Ajfl
Sn4illl.t, Hint n ri'miapii-ly rurrd.
I ran liuvn-lf rrnimmend II M ft ittu)ul
l.o.Hl (nir!n-r,"-J. S. !lt. l'lw hwrnli;',
Mnw munmlrk.
' M)f tlOi r M l!lil-rj Will) KTer
Our dil iixsiKitiH-tiilr.l Ajfifr'i Sr-miilll
iwiub ih ho Iiiiuhi iunnrf ulna
lilt riiwOciii't. We r br linn Bwdirlim,
and ft r.-uni! In urn u Um trull."
W m. iX Joiikuw, ici', Slv
W ten ft Iwj I ; Ifiiiililml llli it bhw4
llMitu hib manilr.i.ii iiwll In x-rrt on
Ilia fs. Arri't sm iiaol: Iwlng rw.
Ullvli d, l,k a llUlularr t Ixiltlv. aiul m
rumL ho n.'ti-f mnr llisl Uin had
trciirtoiu" u( lh r,mi!aitil." J. C
TIi.iiiiiimi. UbII, Uui,
" I a niiil uf SrmfiiSa tjr Uie ue of
Aynr'i Sani'atlH,"-JiliitC. Ilcojr, lircr-B,-ia.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
raaraaaii r
Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., LoieS, Miss.
i4 by 4lf lr.Kii. I't l j ia WUi, k
Iipraaa Tralm Ur Mrtlftod Calif.
1 o r, . i l.7 I'l.fiiumi" " a-. , r .
i3 e. H, l,v. Allniiv Ar,
IA.S. Ar, Sail Frmii'lMt Jitir. M
,VIits tralm tli'P ouo at fi!ltitii ti1-u
nmiti ol HiimIiUii; Xal I'lirtlaii i. Oriit"ti
W u..ll..i... . m iU.l 'l....l.l ltlt.l.U llMl.
i m l f .'..
IS.rtlan.l ,,. a I) A. H.
U'.xilillig ..7miA. ,
Itii.ciiiiK ,,. k:ie r. s
Ciirllanil .,, iu a
Albany Least. Iaili.-ii Suinliiy.
Alimn II i.m
A rffvti "
VII. imy ,,,, inn
-iirtlllllit III 41 n.lll
I'D MM AN Bt'l FliT SI.!;i:ri;KS
' SctDiiil-class SliTbiiiir Car,
Mmx t it u I Ht ih-Hi'ia, MUiti'DiMi U r
pr.'wi triiliin,
W(t Bide Division.
IJetween l'ortland and Corvulllt
MAIL TRAIN DAILY (lirapl Kuiiilar.)
PuriTaml A r.'iira Ar.
Cia-vallla l.r.
II II a. M.
U ID r. m.
1 it p. w
13 AA it. hi,
Al Alhan; and Corral 111 ooaDKt Willi train! ia
Urmnn raoino luilMaa.
Portland .,.-Mr. a.
UrUiuiirllla 46i. a.
MrMtnnrlU 7r. M.
1'iirtlaiiil . a. a
fl -for tlrllaani1 Information ntfftrrl I ng ratal
maia, am., aau uu wiuuaair'a uaut at OiU.
Aaal. av M. A l a. A1
l'Oltrt.ANIi, lllll'XION.
At tlm iMMt, WrliM
fr rHfrttfiKtm, Ad.
iIPimw Diihint V ll.
utlyt Wflnhlntfton, New Jorwiy,
rnroics MQiiT
rashly, its he imunlly speaks, that
"KveiylMMly mlmils llliiine's great
nblllly,'' mi Knstern exehangn dis
agrees wllh him lu these terinsi
"On theconlrury, very few men of
Kouinl Judgment iidmit Mr. ltlaiue's
great ability. Mr, Hlalne is prole
ubly tho most superficial public
character that the public has ever
known. Ills wisdom is the foolish
ness of past general ions, His di
eovi'ili are the exploded follies
nud crimisof his pteileecasors, He
Is a circus man, i fakir. Among
tho blind the one eyed mail Is king.
The Ignorant, bigoted, and tin -thinking
nawse t hat now comprise
the main Issly of the Kepiiblieuu
party believe hint to Im smart Ihi-
I'liilBe he fools them, and lieeitumi to
their dull nils his tricks me not
easily uiulerstaiuhibhi, He never
hits contributed u idea to govern
incut; he never has drawn a mens
lire that anybody remembers, inn)
his HiMirhcN und letters limy lie
Himrehed in vnln for a thought that
Is either new or elevated. He is u
sieeturulur performer to the
groundlings, and the eiiiptlinw ot
a man's head may 1st measured in
most cases by the volume of Ids
ynp 'when lllaiuo's iiiiino Isiueu
tioned,' a
L hi
a C)
hi ever Mjf is anxious to hear from
Minneapolis. It's Blaine we think, but it's
no difference to us wbo sets there, you would
think this a free trade establishment if on
would get our prices on goods. We landed
a car load of groceries in- our establishment
last mtni the wa they re going; we will
have to crder another car load before the month
is out. We have got ten thousand pounds uf
flour and we want to sell it. i5 tons of gro
ceries, 0 gross tf California Relishes, a thou
sand pounds of Sinclair meats-nothing better
in the meat line. Yes we've got everything:
you call for in the grocery line.
Ours is the place to trade,
We will buy anything you
bring us.
. H. WILCOX & CO.,
-r v v H w w w Vr Tl 0 nnk.fcn)
My HliMik Ih now more cmnplnUi than ev..r ln.fore. Hhall bo pkwd to have
nil tho ruHlnnmm of tho Htoro wintlnuo trwtlnir. nn.i limm tn in.ii., ... ."7;
tradu who ncvor did hulom. Jn commotion with my tort Ih a '
niPAiii shop
Whuro booMH mid hIioi nin be repaired
of M. A.
Jti'ineniber tho naino und plaeo,
our r.iotto
"A rtallar'a worth l "llr"
nt llnod a -nrill- tM mMm
lil.lilr WHSilraud mtU l tor-lrtU
Kit Mhai wall kHuwa iubl ramadlaa,
aud It pronuauw4 bf aiparll Ui
mi IkmI irjiairllo ol M ' "
4ii4. II ooix lu ullar mfi
M4lelnal warll lha M M
fttvl bf Coi-Miiatlult, rniflt1 u
1'ccMlUr to IlwH
itmrara4 br th tvl n"?'
larwnlla, an-1 k U M
lna. ia irompt aviiloa oa l
notaa alt liuHlla, tail Kf a
all rttawit. aoraav. bulla. Hailai, all
and all dlma or urartluai ariilai Hem
Impafa tiliaal of kw tiala ot Ito "
"I liaa labaa Moml'l SaraapaOH
tui II to la bNrt blu"l rill I
tafutwl." Mas. it. rM, Ailmra, Cat
TO !" Mfilleln.
I har iu4 ! bllll H"04' -uw
wllla tut lii.1lait. - lwl'4J,
irMl dal. t UOuk II Ulha bl adlalo
!i UdliaaUo Ml dyaipalav" M A
UtiPiavtL, lu hntlh rilU '".
Jim, Lai. K. . lWwl W waf
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Inld bf dracttafa. Ill all I f. .f1!'
mi" If O.T UOOU A CO,, AtwU,aiHa,
Lunall, Maaa.
IOO Dose OnPolr
Successor to 8, A. PARKER.
U Wow i ta Mb
or lnamiriustiiroil under tho mamnreinent
ItAKKll, ummn,oinem
Main Steet, Independence.
O'DOKLLc": n
Are head-quarteri
Tinware, msjf riijs.
Biii Wagons, the Oliver
thing OS! m R)
Il U all rlatltt k Ua.k AH"Klt ih .lla, but If r rtlr dMlmtui uf aairlnf Uma, ywj
ill rn 1- a IllUe Hnllil anil tmf four
School Books, Tablets, Inks, and Scttil Splits.
rniin W. II. Wbarlar. II fit!' o prirhrt m lU l'a If I" Wa aflrt Iba dulton torn, !
ill luuk alirr )ou Ucu yuw uaad UmIt awl,
Independence, O.
Has reopened his Barber Shop at the old
stand, opposite Patterson Bros. Drug Store,
and has fitted it up better than ever. He has
employed a first-class workman from Portland,
and will run two chairs. All patrons willFget
the benefit ot an electric roller brush. Call
and givc3ita trial.
JA aaffoWa ar XJtr(e Spr to em far. ifaJnar m tmtdl er dtrt.
Mo OouhJt or talm Xiplcatoat, to troqumt with U warmliablm tprk.
,Jt Oil ItU -BfoautjeaJJ.' Just licit t tit Dumr. turn Oa VTti, aaT
if rami all (Ujr. v
Afww wttM m"tp'grmi ot Oajoka tia Af ctij Xacim, ia f 'lain
aaa(ir it COSTS LXS3 to roa It
. rorauopiieirr tt Bt ti. Worlt Uthut.vnr prt ai i UaAt i
iir f ft Mf ot onfap (Jlaa ay othar Ott or OuoUm Sagim w tutit.
sooitroit'ju,vsTjuTa ttncmnivx cocvLdMjro
UfrurM W PALMER; & REY, arfhribO
Those knives, forks and spoons
are getting to look pretty old,
and we know you have often
wished for new ones. Do n't
think you can't afford it, for the
prices asked at PATTERSON
BROS'. Jewelry Store are so
reasonablemuch less than you
have been used to hearing
that it will not be a drain on
the purse to purchase a few.
Your company will be pleased,
and you will feel better satisfied
if the table is well set. We
heve received a number of new
pieces ot silverware this week.
in Polk County for
Chilled and Steel Pins,
MS. ! U m O