The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 03, 1892, Image 2

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I. R. K. till. EDITOR.
West Sida Publishing Company
r UII H IH AIY!.a.
On VMf
i Mimtha
AU mrrltwml.Wh Mv ttt rxiwwV
tit v ltm will m-ri.'l tv. All omt
Hv lliuw mil tw i'Iviikh1 tlv iviita (wf lilt,
S.h-i..iv utimiiu-. rmIMlm will In 'liH'lJ
! Hi raw v flvewuu iwr ttm
VI tr ill .m n niiitovtumf r iMMt,itllii
ti Tu Vkv Su, ami mukr all riMiilllnmK
lvitila lo lit imih iiwnijt 1 uhiihiii( v.m
ISlt!rl nt Ih IW.ntfUw In lniUwtt
a(iiivtunviiiu mmiauH-mn manor.
l-'UUUY, JUNKS. 1S!1
Cntttini; I'.illtlt1! KvriiU,
Ki-lulIUun NuIIoiik) cuvt-utit,
IVtiuvrutlr National f.'ilivtttu,
Jim 1.
J tin it
SihIo elivtUm, Juno t,
1'itwliiwillttl uvllm, Ntwpmlwr.
.1'' jt'rMH ivvWio; A' U7.XI'
.iVn mnt till .a',v. Mi7 pl(vf
rrnt '( if 04 hmtttthm o (tWWtf.
All Mly iW iUMN-i f.W Mrti'M ttfj
onrr Ar nttr, m WW ()' WAih",
M Hntil that timt " WiV 'Mi on fl
mmki-Vt f frrt (noA rojiirw.
He . W Me U7XJ Nf'iV
'atam.. warn vt:.r, .. Nt
jjrw, it.' .;' for ;n'r $.'.
Sulvsoriho :t onoe.
Mu. Hen Mr. Kfjt.whlelit
This is m tit i t to s'at ltores
while we :reet'--si'st Ui strewn.
E nsk in uut.vsof a j;!iriouH ut
ritism, ill Imlooetuleiieeot'lelir.ite
IntU-tH'ti'l.'iii-ti tUiv this year! We
s!ul4 not jj tlMi'k on our nuttie
Tm: kMvat inti-n'Ms t' I'uik eoim
tv an li.niL'iitir inu twIuiHV. He
C.irviul tt'tom votisenil to the next
legUluttuv. We uhm our strong
t un it.
Tin: more Uoii. N. l llutler Inis
iKfu usked to explain liU let jo
litieal work f.r Tolk county ami
the stoU ofOivui, tin" lu ijiliter it
sihint'.-. His rHtirtl is one not to
lx sislnvmt'tl of.
I). i Siikkmas, rutmiinf for
county rink of Msrioii. ou'Ut to
Iw "snw'J umlcr" by i thons;unl
vott-s. if all report are true, uml it
not iif that ho c;hi not deny them.
Voio for W. II. K'an, a worthy
and clean man.
J p each memlH-r of a bne Iwnd,
in the umU of the H'i formaiHis
out of a vain desire to appear ver
satile, had changed inMruinents
with his next nei-jhlmr, hat a
discord mid what a failure would
have resulted! Iio ntout to do the
work for which you are tilted, and
for which you are called, l'lay on
your own instrument, wheth'-r it
U a jew's harp or a trumpet.
A T.KY not ieealde fact is that not
a newspaper in the statu has auht
to say ujFiiiist A. S. ltennett for
siiprt-iiiejud-e, ortieore ChamU'r
land for attorney general. While
on the other hand it is still more
noticeable, that P.; A. More ami
Lionel Webster for the same re
spective oiiiees on the Republican
ticket have been, from the moment
of their nomination, explaining
their pat records. Something
wrong. Not a p iper in the state
seeuis to be giving a hc.irty support
to More or Webster, ami us to the
latter, every paper of any standing
is opposing him.
A new" KepnbHeans who care
more for politic four years hence
than they do for present achieve
nents in the interests of Tolk coun
ty, say that the main issue bcfoie
the people is the election of United
States senator four years hence;
theretore we must vote for Mr. Keyt. j
All right. Mr. Keyt has the quali-
tication to vot't for tho United States i
senator; but what we don t iikois,
these same Kepubliean tacitly ad
mit tbi-i t ) be his main fjimlilicatioii.
If it is true, then lie is not the man
to represent us; if it is not true,thi'n
these Republicans are not sincere,
In order to be sure you are righ, vote
for N. L. Hutler.
a.s, iu:yNi'.rr.
Then! are two Republicans on the
siiprcnie bench of the state nt pres
ent, the, only Democrat retiring.
This branch of the government
should bo iis free from politics
a possible. Were we even willing
to concede that the respective can-didak-8
before the people were equal
in every respect, the voters, irre
Bneet ive of Dart V, should elect the
DtMiioeratic nomiaee. In matters
of legal ability be stands in the
front rank of his profession. As nn
honest and honorable citizen ho is
CHteeined by all who know him.
Aside from the fact that he is the
Hupcrior in legal ability to his op
ponentjit is bad policy to make the
bench political, and were there two
Democrats on the bench to-day,
the )h.pntch would discountenance
the nomination of a Democrat, as it
did in the case of the two judges in
this district. We have politics,
enough without reaching to the tri
bunal as a final resort. Judge
Honnett ought to bo elected, and no
doubt will b'.-rortlin1 Jii(tlr!i.
The caudldutm have "pokeu at
the various prwincU m the coiiuty.
each one ptwentlin; hi rtNiHHtWe
meritts ami the people have lml
fair and I m partial opportunity to
judiiwto the rtal pittlltleatloi
of the various usplruiitM, and iM'fore
another lsmio of the Vw ioK,the
Oolial will have passed, the ehe-
tioit will lw over, And all jiersomi
and iwrtltw will have ttlHl down
to the regular pursuits of life, and
serenity ami good-will we hojie will
prevail. We have made a fair,
square, elwui tight for our candi
dates, and have no apologies to
make, As to the comparative
merits and abilities of the ditlereut
candidal esf we are perfectly satis
tied that the iVmoeraU have
strong ticket, a ticket worthy the
sutTrageH of all pui'tien. Kow go to
the polls and ItHtk over the tick
el well, ami aAer an hontst and
eatvful examination of all the inter
ests eoiuvriied, If theu you find
tnat tne iHunoeratle uomitus are
not as much entitled to your suf-
Irages, why, then we ask you to
east your vote accordingly. We
belie, e In a free, uutrauiuicUsl ex
proHsioti at the Iwllot box.
117; m a rorxn m.v.
Since ''.VWuinlV last wtsk's
letter in the (NVrivr ehowa how
complttely the XT SlDK
sipieh hed lii in, and since Normal'
third rate I illingsgate hasremlered
In m a laughingstock al! over Polk
county, and since he admits that
he U'long to that clasa of Kepitlt
lieans which lie allegts are only on
a par with that class of Peinoerats
tcprvtteiittHl by the "Jamt and
tjnautrilts of Missouri," w ho aways
shiHit tlieir antagonists from am
tu:sh, and since his Hophomorlc
ranting only exhibit the weak
ness ofhii Hsitiou, which position
he has entirely abandoned, and
since he had Mter remain at "Jer
ictio until tils ttcaru grows, ' we
can only dUmis this novice, whose
only stock In t rade in D dUs, where
ho lives, is egotistical iRiuibast,
duly Inherited, and for which he is
scarcely responsible. This ueo-
phyte's pomp sity is only equaled
by his ehcekities by supposing
that he could obtrude the personal
sphnui of others against Mr. Hut lor,
and yet remain unknown to the
public. We would advise this
"catspaw," who exhale the mspl
ration which comes from others,
(some who do not live in Dallas)
that if he and hi inspirators will
only listen they may hear a slight
rumbling of political thunder com
iug, as it wen, from a clear sky,
when least exseted. Aud now
since Normal" has not dared to
attempt a refutation of fact., cold
facta, indisputable facta, which the
Wtxr 8n.K adduced In reference
to Hon. X. L Jtutler's public sor
vices, mid es'iecially the inoro Mr,
Butler has opportunity to demon
st rate his excellent work for the
entile Interest of Polk county, the
more apparent the weaknessof his
umioiienla become. After all, we
can but a knnwltslge our indebted
ness to "Normal'' for the splendid
oppoi tuitity he has given ns to show
the superior ability of X. L. Hutler
over all opp'siuou to represent
I'olk county In the next legislature;
w hilo at the same time, we cannot
admirethe motives which prompU-d
theoiediiiight by this invisible at
tenuation of little matter and less
mind. A few more effusions by
this abnormality will make the ed
itor of the West Hi ok feel like
petitioning the next legislature to
have his name changed to Smith or
Jones, or to some other name,
which would prevent any possibil
ity of any HiipiHsusl relationship.
It is parsing slrungo that a news
paper would allow itself to insinu
ate that the Oregon Pacific Itail
road company had an ''inside cir
cle." pressing lion. M. L. Pipes for
Ui() ywMA j,,,,,,,, j,y
Hon. II. H. Bean being elected to
the supreme judgeship. Xow we I
happen to know, anil are alisolute
ly positive, that (!ov. Pennoyer
was not in the le:ist induenwd by
any railroad corporation in his ap
pointment of Judge Pipes. We can
safely say, that if all the allega
tions made against Judge Pipes
from certain quarters in Benton
county are as untrustworthy as
this one made iu the 2'ihic last
week, and wo believe they are,
then a blind man can see that the
whole of this opposition is personal
screed, ami should not be enter
tained for a moment by anyone de
siring to vote for an honest, able,
and efficient judge. Judge Pipes
did more for the railroad employes
mono hour than all the chronic
croakers ever did or will (to in n
whole life-time for the relief of
those needing help. Vote for
Pipes, and you vote for an able
judge. Ho is one of the nhlcnt
jurists in Oregon today, (lov.
I'cnnoyer never made a bettor ap
pointtnen't. Lkt the voter hear tu mind when
milking up Ins ticket to vote, that ho
must erase the names of all candidates
hct.diK's not wish to vota for. Itcmem
ler to murk out the names of nil you
do not wIhIi to vote for, as If you fall
in this particular your vote will not be.
Knmrn Wkkt Hiuki I wish
ptue in your paper to say a few
words ngurllng Uie candidacy of
uieiion. it. at. vealcu tor congress.
ou hare alwayi evinced dispo
sition to treat everyone with fair
ness, ml I am sure that you will
allow me space In which to give ft
few reasons why Democrats should
support Mr.Vatch as well m all
other candidate on their ticket.
It has been wild frequently that
Democrats us well as Republican
should vote for Mr. Hermann, the
idea intended to be conveyed Itclug
that, on account of Mr. Hermann's
experience and acquaintance with
the routine of legislation at Wash
ington, he could do more for the
state than any new man. Now 1
am willing U) grant that Mr. Her
mann has done a great den! for us;
but I am far from Mug convinced
that he can do more for Oregon
than could a new man, provided
the new man Is a Demmrat. It Is
unreasonable to say that ft man who
must of necessity get all his sup
port from the oppoeltlou can get
more favorable legislation through
congress than a man can who votes
snd works with the majority.
Such an argument In favor of Mr.
Hermann might do If there were a
Republican majority, but with the
present overwhelming odds iu fa
vor of the lkunoerats, a iVinoorat
le representative (row Oregon could
do far more than Mr. Hermann.
On the silver bill, Mr. Veatch
would vote for fo coinage, as did
Mr, Hermann. As far as the state
Is concerned, Mr. Veatch would fa
vor every measure that Mr. Her
inaou favors, and would ho much
more successful Iu getting them
through congress than Mr. Her
mann can hope t) lie so long m the
IVtuocmts are iu the majority.
As to the tariff question, there
would te more or less difference be
tween the two men, for while Her
mann favors the Ittlquitou Mi Kin
ley law, Veatch would oppose it.
And this Is what the people are
clamoring for. They are tired of
jwylng the McKlnley prices advo
cated by Mr. Ilei umuu aud the He
publican party. It is a slur on a
man's intelligence to tell him that
a tariff lowers prints of manufae
lured goods, aud at the same time
makes wages higher, as Mr. Uorr
did at the Republican meeting in
this city recently, and as Mr. Her
mann does whenever he discusses
the tariff question. The voters of
I'olk county have seen sugar de
cline oue third within the lost two
yearn because of the removal of the
sugar tariff, and when they see
such a mult follow the abolition of
a duty, it is ridiculous to talk to
them of high tariffs making cheap
er good. And the poor old Or
yoiiiVin sometims tells us that high
tariffs only tend to cheaen gowls
to the consumer; but generally Iu
the next breath it howls alsmt tak
ing the tariff off from wool Ik-cuumi
its removal will cause the price of
that commodity to decline. Sir,
Veatch doc uot preach any such
rot as that. He knows that tariffs
Increase prices, and he dot not te
lieve the people of this congressional
district are such idiots as to Mieve
the OmjonUin ami Mr. Horr w hen
they say that a tariff cheapen
good to the consumer and at the
some time raises the workinguiau's
wages. Mr. eatcli knows Hint if a
manufacturer sells cheaper, he can
not pay Mter wages even If he
would; and the Orrgoniun knows it
tM, but neither Mr. Scott, Mr.
Hermann, nor Mr. Horr, Is honest
enough to admit it
Xo, Mr. Editor, there Is not one
single point w herein linger Her
maun has any advantage over It,
M. Veatch; but on every point Mr.
Veatch would, If clcebsl, have
much advantage over Mr. Her
mann. As to the ability of the two
gentlemen, there is not much
choice. It is not a question of abil
Ity, for all admit that the one is ns
' able as the other; but it is a quca
lion of expediency. The question
is, Which man can do most for Ore
gout There can lie no doubt that
Mr. Veatch can and will smire
more legisfation looking to the do
velopmeut ol tne state limn can
Mr. Hermann, for it is only iiittu
ral that a Deinocratio congress
should listen with more deference
to a friend of that party than to
one who is unalterably opposed to
Democracy. Yes, Mr. Veatch is
the man. He is with the people
on every point, and the people
should by all means give him a
hearty and successful support.
In passing, I wish also to call the
attention of your readers to the fact
that unless a Democrat is elected,
the supreme court of Oregon will
be wholly in the hands of the Ke
publiean party. It is very unwise
to have every judge of the court of
last resort ot one political faith, for,
ablo as Hie judges may be, unless
there is at least one who is of a
different political complexion, the
decisions are bound to bo colored
by the polit ics of the judges. , To
be sure, there are many coses where
politics would cut no figure; but
there are many more where politics
have influence; and no one will de
ny that it is not only simple justice
to all parties, but a great safeguard
against corruption in office, for the
DemocraUi to have one Judge in our I
stute supreme ourt, Many cases
grow out of elect Ions; umtiy more
,,uiiticttl uIIkh! there
ctn Is no Just decision In Mich
rtlK( lho ju,gwiw 0f one to-
lltlcal faith. Vuu have Bit oppor
Unity, voters, to elect a Democrat
to the supremo bench of Oregon,
snd no matter w hether you are Re
publicans or Democrats, It will lie
doing yourself a great wrong If you
fall to elect Judge Bennett, who, as
a lawyer, ft gentleman, ami an hon
est man, stand the peer of any
mau in Oregon.
Ami theu there la the uewly ere
ated office of attorney general,
liven the Republicans admit that
(Imrge IS. Chauilsrlalu Is entitled
to hold that office for the next term.
That was the intention of the Re
publican legislature which created
the office, and the Republican state
central committee advised that no
nomination for that office ho made
by their party. The reason there
Isftny question about Mr. Chaut-
IsM'lalii's term of office was because
clerk of the lust legislature made
an error iu engrossing the hilt cre
ating the office of attorney -general,
and this error w as not discovered
To comet the constipated habit,
remove tick headache, relieve
dyspepsia, to purify the blood,
cum jaundice, liver complaint, and
blliouimess, Aycr'a Pills are un
equaled. They are an excellent
after-dinner pill. auUtlng the pro
em of digestion, ami (-h'AUfting and
stnmgthenlng the alimentary canal.
Wlirn taken on the hiviuton of a
coM or a fever, they r IT eel null y pre
vent further progress ot tlmiliwase.
Being giifmrcoatcd ami purely veg
etable, they are the best
AMdklM, (or ol4 and rounf. Ajet'i rill
II llHllWHlil U MllillM, UlliH, wuap
ti, RUnr, and trawlrrt, ll II iij
bora torotuttwmtctt b jr III WmUeal lia
leinllf. ttt. J, W. IUjiw, I'akHi, W. T.,
wrili "Ayor't I'tllt Uu mt iit)r boi
MH4 In Uwlf tngrtxUonU, ot any I know ol.'
tat man tluut 1111? rt I tn itrl
A iff rut a ronwmo fi torpidity f
Hi Mtxttafh, llrer. and buarlt, and to wild
( MaUrtal atlwat, "'l ttwy tut alJ
dim (atfort wotk.' K. I". (ioodalo, ftitt
luiwr ImkmI, si, Landiy, Xa.
"1 U maab-r ot a Ullla( VMacI tur
Muiy yan. nd itnr lallcd la prutht
unity ol Ajrf tUU. lur lb al buUt nlM
t and Rwn. They i tl aod rnbi
and alr fl MtUta'thin." - Harry
KuUauii. M X. Iarl tL, Kalt lla. Conn.
For Innf Urn I wm tutarar from
tunach, llnr, ud kattwy troublr, Mid
katlaf trld a varlvly ol rrnwll, na
sly laaimrary rllt, I bn, alwul Utrmt
laaaOtt alro. IIM l td Ayrft ritla, and
alradr ay kaub U to aturh imiMnwd thai
I gladly tUly to lh u(tior mniu ol Uita
eaUiutW." XUnol Ju( lrUa, OlU),
Ayer's Pills
raAn r
Dr. J. C IYER & CO., towtJ, Mass.
aid ty til tranlu ad lm la Unit. la.
On a!e to
St. Paul. St. Louis,
And Ait r. Int.
Steam. frtm rurttanU In San Kraitciaco
Kiy 4 Vy.
W rip mnt uvoeml liiitirniHll'iii i-hII un tir
w, ii. Hi Ki iom., Ami. rinii, r.. ai.
Wnliliivliit St.,
run n.A tn, onMii.rt,
'liyraM Tratna Uara rorUand Calif.
Tssxn rnorur
lilllf. M, I Tv, I'lirliHIld At. 17:8 A, M.
Iiva I'.., I l,v, Altmiiy Ar. evHa.M
:I!IA.M, Ar, Han Krin-Ii l.v. 1 7:(i r. M
Abort train lUm nnlr at Inllowlnr ttatlnni
onrtlt ill Hiiliiir(: Ka.l l'nrllainl, onynn ( lly,
WmxItiurn.Kaloiii, Alliany, Taiifiiiit, Hlitililn. Hal
Mr, ll.iritburn, Juuulluo City, Irvlni aud Ku-
Roseburg Mail, Daily.
Piirllimd ... H-:m a, m.
liiiH-titira; 7:t A, M,
UiMnliiira ,,,.lt:tn r. M,
I'ortliuiif ,,4::l A, at.
Albany Looal. l"iilyptiT,i Humlny.
Alluiiiv H:lt p.m.
I'lirtlmiil l()::M M.tit.
I'ortlnmt fi:( p.m.
Alliniiy H::te
Second-class Sleeping Cars,
Tor I lit? ai'i'iiminiiilatliill nt iiMiiiniii' hnlillng
Rin-IMMI-Ultian lll-Ht'll., hihuiivu uj 11a
iri' tnillK.
West Side Division.
Detwoen Portland and Corvallls
MAIL TRAIN DAILT (Iioupt Bunday.1
I 'M p, ni.
1:411 p. in.
H dfi ji, in.
11:11 a. M.
13.10 r. a,
At AlhanT and Corral Hi oonaaot with tratna ol
Oration I'Kitllo Hallmad.
rortlanil ,4:40 f. M.
MoMlnnrlll 7f. M.
ItOailuilTllltl. 6:dJa.M
rurtlaud , ...:' A, M.
For ticket and Information mrardlnrat
man, at., aall on oouuaur'a anul at lailaDsn
Muiiawr, AJL kV J. A faat A1
BEirrrs orsans
Arntlit IwHt. Wrllu
for oitliiloiine. Ad.
w.i,mutn, nw J.r., "
until idler the leglslal ureudjimi ncd,
As to Mr, ('liiimlai'liilu's(ltiiess to
discharge the duties of the office,
t here is no quest Ion. Ho Is one t f
the foremost lawyer of the slate,
and la au upright, honorable man.
During the year or more he has held
the office he hua demonstrated to
the satislacllou of Republicans and
Democrat alike that he I eminent
ly capable of successfully transact
ing all business that come before
him, ami in view of the fact that it
was only because It vu understood
that he was to hold the office till
the general elect inn In 1HU I that he
gave up a literal he private business
to accept it, It is no more than fair
that he lie elecU-d, as ho undoubt
edly will he. JAP.
The als.iv correspondent gives
our Republican brethren a dose ot
their own medicine, concerning ma
jorities In (Hmgrcttsca and legisla
tures. If you take the dose In the
case of Mr. Keyt, you must lake it
in reference to Mr. Hermann, to be
consistent. Kj.
Democrats, lm careful how you
vote next Monday. '
5 1
!! Arriving ever day.
We are strictly in the business, and don't
u forget it. le have got some candy
now, and if p don't think so, just step
in and take a look at tbe piles of cones
and buckets. We can furnish picnic par
ties an kind and quantity.
In a fei. days wc will have the finest !ire
of pickles and sauces ever brought to In
When yon want a good
hardly worth while to say anything about gro
ceries, for everybody knows we 've got 'em.
flllH Hllrn I" trylntr III" ItHtnl on etM.kltt-, pint, cnkin, anil t.rttul,
IIIIK KUniK Mini you M li UKcttltiR there Kll nlit'ti It cotnin
UUII UUIVL1I to l.rt-tt.l, cnki'j, t'lw. We Imvo nlit fri'Hli vtKt'tttlili-a
every nioriniiK, Imt ytui ititiat ciiiiiet'iitty or tltcy will I oiie la-fore
tUnucr. We hu.'e nriti-rcil n l.ln l"( .'f uttmir which will lie here In ten tlnya, iiikI flflflin lW WjfW IjftV?? w" l" ,,l,,,lp " ll"
oi.ic-t to you to buy NUuM flM Wlii HUAW 'm,r ,,,,',r ,,r u
knot'kftl ili.wii, w hich Ih the -licnjH -I way to Imy them, ami when
you wititl llit'iu eoiue nml jtct tliotti, ih wc Imve mailt. nrnitiKcliifiitH
o get tlit'itt In imy uml till nic. Ytuim rcitcirliy,
W. E. GrOO D E E 3,
aaiaMa,ataftnMniMl.j M 111 A I I M
... -
la. I ' 3
1 B
Mv Block Ih now more cmunluU) tliun ever before, Hlmll ho in l.nv
till the tmHtomem of the store continue trtulliiK, uml hope to liuluw nmny to
In. clii wlm never illit Liclotv. In coiiiieetlint with mv Htm-ii tu n
VVliure boewtt und shoes cim bo mpnlrod or
JU'inonibcr the mime and pluoe, ,
Our Hortto
A dollar' rlB lot MIr" H "j
ol IIO.-1 1 a.f!ll-. Tbl .norflrtr. to S armwitraM lrl Saraaparllla
and othr H iwwa tsils wiwli,
ltd I nroBxtinwd by !" ' ""-
nit law! pr..ratll id U' "" f
duKtal, II l H"Mllr trrttli
mtallclnal Wll l ' "' K "
r4 by, I'etp-suettt
vVHr l Ilrlf,
d(MWr4 by II pr!,prliS.r ft on4'l
ara4rllla. and inowlt l " '"'
aln. IU pwmpl fumi o h W"
nova all Impuritl'. ' ""''
all fbMi, .., bull, plwpl
nd all do );"''' rll"l "
Impnr ll4 r low Mto !' ''" .
"I ba lM H"t' Si'itta and
It nil II V b Hi b-l " l"""1 1
rwul." Una, II. rne t. AHimrs, Ul ,
The Ileat Sleitlelnn.
t liat M ll titllt II'"''
pvllla I. li.illStlU. 1 halH
,r.l d-al. I IW... H toil.
lor Iii.IHpIIu and rt)itta." ' Mh. . A.
UeiiNwi., l "m "f!h
Jo,Cl K, B. iMrlilt'ly
Hood'3 Sarsapnrilla
,,!,( h drucritiat IU "It '"T I- ''('"
iVoly br '." UWU i ., AVOw ...
tuw.ll, M.
100 Dosot Ono Dollar
Successors to 8, A. PARKER.
51 W
cigar, we )t got it. It's
A 1,1. KINI1 OF
Foot far of Extra Quality
nmnultiotureil umlcr the nmnitirenteul
Main Steet, Independence.
O'DOttLU Mid
Are headquarters in Polk County for,
mm mm ms,
Harduare, r-. Barbed Wire,
teund t'feQ Buckeye
Tinware. ' Pflnps.
Bain ragons, the Oliver Chilled and Steel Plrcs,
s v-s i,r .'-, im
It h all rlalil lo limit AFTKH 0i d-illara, t.l II ) r rmllt- tb-altott of aalit lhm, fou
n-irMia lin.rl'rf.ilitiitl tu)' )ir
School Books, Tablets, Inks, and School .Supplies.
troirt W. II. Wtiwlt-r. It nfl rm tr.i.rt in ttH thai if " l--li e 0 4ll om, tlw
will uuh aiirr itt at" ti yu nv4 Um.r aid.
Independence, 0.
Mas r .'opened his Barber bhop at the old
stand, opposite Patterson Bros. Drug Store,
and has fitted it up better than ever. I le has
employed a first-class workman Iron. Portland,
and will run two chairs. All patrons will jret
the benefit ot an electric roller brush. Call
and irivc it a trial.
h'a Ita ttorit of Zltctrie Sprk to euv f -r. ATain do tmU or dirt
' doubJt or jfttit Explosives, to ftvtieat v.'i:h fJ urrw:.aii tptri,
It Oils ttavit AutomMtuNkUy. Just JJ-it i Cut-oer, turn O VZoui. a
it run ail diy.
Jt runt with ebtaptr gmdo ct Cacoliao tiaj ccr ctor- Eacia. tad Icoat.
QUect:? it COSTS LECS to run it.
rr StmpUeitf it Coatt lio T7a-U t-s rart.!. ai it tiwfta
iilr re ft out of ardor tana m? otic Cat cr CasaUa Eagia wtr but.
Fhose knives,
are getting to look pretty old,
and we know you have often
wished for new ones. Do n't
think you can't
prices asked at PATTERSON
BROS'. Jewelry Store arc so
reasonable much less than you
have been used
that it will not
the purse to
Your company
arm you will teel better satisfied
if the table is well set. We
I heve received 'a
pieces ot silverware this week.
m, mm, in wm
forks and spoons
afford it, for the
to hearing
be a drain on
purchase a few.
will be pleased,
number of new