THF IWFQT Qinrif'..vH7Mn- ro rut: ekoxt. arrtrranssa J. R. N. itu, tonon. KWKll 10 West Sida Publishing Company SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PVY HI,K IN AtlVaXt'K, Oil Yr K.IV M MX Month , Tlirvv Muiulu All matrltun. ttmt iHhmIi tint bw ltv ltiiattU 1k itiKpriiM rrw. All ivr W Hum will lw olmii;iM Ho ii'iin x-r Un. rWtaty olnlnsirv mxttiuhvu will K vlmlgwl Ur M lit WW ut fl tvnla r Uii Ail Iw-wnll iml,ttmn IWir tMilillPSllitn t t'a Wtwr Sit, ttt tiinkff oil romitiHixw lavtlli t,i lite IVIk tViituj k'uMWIiUig Cum. U.sst'tiMrwt t th li-it1W In 1 mli-iii di'ttiv, dntit, tu MKMUiWitua iimlt.-r, FRIDAY, MAY 1.1, isdi. Cuming llltll r;nt, ttaptitillv-un Ntllitil Cviuvrtilloit, Jun T. lmoenill Natkninl tVitvenllnii, Jim 11, MUt lwlliu, Jim . rilttiitlitl Ivellttn, NovnmiWr . a sum: at om:h Alt jmtamj witi;; th WEST S WE from mm tilt Jiity trill itir tvMMi&r tl it inriMioH to tutwrit. Alt may ivsf u.ti(ivt( thttt mmcm th$ taniVi tht x, no toll irilt follow, IM HHfil fA.if fittk! MY M'itf Jttf ' O huy nkmiVt of flit tiHf tiiu'm, ll totf W tlw WEST SWE from nm till Julit J, IS'M, tiinJ Ihr HUH A ft SOUTHWEST for our tpitr, nil for tl htr iimy of HEMOi 'KA TIC m'eETIXOK Senator 15. M. Yoatch wilt ml iltess the eituen.s uf Independence and vicinity nt the opera house, Thursday, May l!, at I o'clock p. hi. Mr, Vcatetiwilt address the people of Dallas on tin same day, ut "::!( p. m. Captain 1W1 will addies.- a pub lie mooting ut tin opera house, Independence, ou S it unlay, Mv 2.S, ut 2'ehH'k in., and at lall.u oiv the s,tm tl.iy ut 7:;su p. m. At.t. tig re that T, L Ihitler nuike one of the luvt surveyor 1'olk eoiinty over hail. It U un less to ;y more, aw Mr. Hutler will eotitimie to lo lmsinesH at the old stand. TtlEUH will tie lit presidential electors in the eloetonil eollej; to le voted for this fall, and the sue cesisful candidate for president must receive '2--i vote. Ir is useless to vuumerato the many reasons w hy'you should c;ist jour vote for Hot). X. I,, llutler for senator, irrespeetive of party atlU iations. Why does wool not take a rise under the McKiuley protection lull! The Republicans said it would. The price is steadily declininj,'. lil the Republicans state the facts, or did they want to catch vutes! They are now catching cold. Some people are disapjKaintcd lM.-canse we do not ''eat crow." Some politicians said we would. We admit that weareti.uite fond of a certain kind of orthodox fowl, but we never did eat a mess of "crow" and we never will if we kuowit. II. M. Lin&s on the Democratic ticket, and Isaac Rutler, on the Re publican ticket, are lacforo the voters of the Fourth district for Justice of the peace for the next two years. Choose the one laest suited for the position. Tit Kit E is no more important office in the gift of the county than that of county judge, and no better qualified man for the place than Hon. S. T. Iiui ch, of Dixie. He is an old pioneer, and hm been valued always as an upright .citizen for his unswerving integrity. No man is more highly respected than S. T. Rurch. Li. nx county is out if debt and has if US, 000 in the treasury. Linn county has been Democrat ie for years. Marion county is t? 1 1,000 in debt. Marion county has been IJepubliean for years. The tax levy in Linn is only about half that, of Marion. Can't the voter read between the lines? We believe that a writ of mini iVimus or Hotnething else ought to be served on the Mn-itn Cmnhj Jfemorrat f.r inflicting such a travesty upon the good looks' of Hon. W. 11. Rilyeu as it did hist Monday. The picture is simply profane. Mr. Rilycu is a fine looking gentleman, and deserves no such caricature. Si'EAKiNO of the recent Demo cratic convention at McMinnville, the Tdrphoitc Jlyklrr says: "Judge Shaw wits introduced and in a few words had the attention of his hearers. In personal appearance Mr. Khaw resembles Judge Roise. He is in the prime of life, and the rosy hue of health is found upon his intelligent face. He is a man of few and plain words, but great thoughtj.wiUi the ability to express them in terse terms not beyond the comprehension of the average man. A largo number of the prom inent lawyers of the state have learned what they know in Judge fJhaw's oflice. Among them is his opponent, who, boylike, has the egotism to think he knows more than his teacher." nw jittio eioetiitit w mm up piiani-ltittg, mnl tlio tuw of tlio I Hniioenil ie t Icket depends alone up on the Democrats themselves. We have a ticket in the Held that com mauds tttclrespcct of all, lemocnit it ud Republicans alike, and the only lYuuisito faar dticcm Is for leiuoerats to do their duty, lay giving their standard Waivm hearty support, and standing up manfully for them jnnd their prin ciples. Let there Ih no kicking, no refusal ol support on account of supposed personal slights, but let one 'and all bo truetothe faith, true to our nominees, ami u victory will be smiuM lhat. we may lao proud of. Our candidates are men of nhlli ty, possessing all the iualitlentions iHHHwsary for the performance of the duties that may lata required of them. We will say nothing disparag ingly of the Republican nominees, but we can truthfully say that (he names composing the Democrat ie ticket are Una names of men lae yoa.d the touch of calumny, and whose record will hear the cltasivst scrutiny, without, the least taint of reproach or political dishonesty lHiiag attnchiHl to them. No local quest ious ana agitating the luUulsof the peiaple this year, (at least none appar on the sur face;) then, let us go determinedly to work, make battle for our own candidates and principles, and "Old 1'olk" will bo where she should ever have boon, In the van of Democracy. Inuring aloft its standard triumphantly. Thk olhw ot county assessor is a verylthaukless one. Whenever he starts tan his rounds the people net suddenly very imku We need a man tor position that w iltexer else a ihhiI judgment ol his own, and one which will give a just rela tive value of all property. The people say that J. W, McDowell is the risrht man for that idace. So all should vole for MclKiwell. Tit k Deiutacrats tor some reason have no iiouiimv on their ticket for coroner. However, our friend Dr. Ketchuiu will lae willing no doubt to otlteialc nt the funeral ol our eiiiMuients, uitlmucii tticv may w suluewhat closely related to him politically. We have thane the same thiiiff several tunes in our past history, and acted as under taker too. CU'TUX ItKI.I, who Speaks III Ktigene on the aftenuaaui of the Rlth, made the following remark at Newport, referring to Yaipiina bay improvements: if protection is a good thing, and you do not desire to trade with other nations of the world, or win the commerce of the seas, why mat chase up the harbor and depend tisaii the art ill cial and contracted "home market" for the fruits of the Ulnar of the farmers of the Willamette valley that seeks mi outlet from your magnificent harbors! If otherwise, break the shackles that now en slave commerce, and Die Hag ot every nation will gladden your vision and build up commerce and prosperity to bless ami enrich ymi. A. . RHNSKTT, 01 Wasco, tor supreme judge, is an able jurist, and not a stain 011 his character; (ieorge K. Chamberlain, of Linn, for attorney general, is the first iucunilaent of said office, and he has faithfully discharged the duties of the same and should be elected by all means: J. J. Mhaw, of Marion, forjudge of the Third ju dieial district, is just the man to succeed Judge Roise; he is a man of experience, ripe and clean; W. R. Rilycu, of Albany, for district at torney, is popular, able, and just the man we very much need al this time;' and W. C Cooley, of Lane, for member of state board ol equalization, is well versed in the general value of Oregon real "slate, mill would do good service 10 the taxpayers of Oregon. All these men deserve your voles, and every man should go to the polls and east a vote for them. Wiiii.k tlio offices of sheriff, clerk, and treasurer, are largely clerical in their nature, yet the office of sheriff is also an executive one. The sheriff should be a man quick to detect ami apprehend the wrong-doer, and to execute the law, and to use such judgment as will entail the least possible expeifse to the taxpayer, yet to leave nothing undone in the strict performance of hisduties. Is not W. II. Kuykeii dull just such a man! His steady grow th in popularity in this county goes strongly to prove this propo sition. A good comfortable major ity for Rilly Kuykendall is already assured. The clerical qualifica tions of Hugh Raid win for county clerk arc admitted by all, and his close and economic application In other pursuits in life plainly indi cate that ho should be the next clerk of 1'olk county. A. Caiu is the honest, every-day man for county treasurer. Ho will be elected by a handsome majority, Ho is fully qualified for the posi tion. Now comes the question of school superintendent. This ollice relates to the educat ional interests, of the county, and iu many rospids Is I he greatest one entitled to eon slderation, yet the one least spoken of j and I he pout est paid laftloor la theeouuty, is the scluaol miportti tetident, as it relates to the amount of work done. I'rofcsaor Churhw Nimonton Is not only well qualified to do this work thoroughly, but is the proper man Intake up the work whoro Ms worthy prtMlotvsstar will leave it, and continue to raise- the standard of schmal work In Rolk county, that will make a reputa tion for the elti.oii and school people of which wo all may be proud. IM the voters mark well the fact that -Mr. Himonton will do faithfully and well this noble work, and nil should mat only help him at the polls on elect Ion day, but during his entire Itietiuitaency of office. The taxpayers of the county should, and generally do, lockout for thelrowu Interests with regard to the llnanclal manage meut of county nlliiirs. Mr. Henry Uyeily for county commissioner, with his two colleagues, Messrs. Simpson and Rurch, would make a county court in which tho people w ouhl have the greatest conHdciice, Henry Ryeily has 11 knowledge of county alluirs which would be of great Interest to every titan or woman that pays one dollar's lax. Vote for Ryorly. "Xtaiuiiav who knows anything could suppose that Kngllsh work ingiut'it th-siro to return to the pro tective system," says tho (rioM, Rut the laughable uud ridiculous thing about it is, lhat ten or twelve linos further on Mr. Scott falls into his own trap by saying: "There must free trade, (in Kiiglaud, consequently, ami low triiirn," This is logic for you! Analysed, it simply means that free trade makes tow wages, ami lhat Ruglish workitagnum are in favor of free tiwle. What nonsense! In Amer ica, says the Ocr.niiidti, working men want luotiflion Immmusc it makes high nages; in Kiiglaud workiogiiien aaant free trade In cause it makes low wages! lint this is just like all the rest of tin protect ion arguments, ami if tin (hrtmni will only continue (o talk high tariff it aaill make a great many free trade votes, ilrolhcr Scott may know much. t,we have many misgivings on that score however.) but he mixes thing' sadly. THK Illinois Democratic coiiveii tioit has taken its place in the pro cession. Ill 1111 exceedingly abb platform it declare (hat the t.irifl Is a tax and a burden, and w hen "levied upon the suggest nan of private greed to promote monopoly and extortion, to build up the for tunes of a few laeiielic lai'ies and favored classes at the expense nl the general welfare, it is le.tvenc with injustice and oppression, 11 burden intolerable to freedom, am inconsistent to every principle of sound government." The plat form indorses President Cleveland, and without reservation fully and completely improves bis mcs sago of I.H.S. The delegates to national convention were instructed to vote its a unit in accordance ill) the deci.Mon of a majority of tin delegation; and as about two-third: of the delegation are Cleveland men, this L'ivcs the vole of Illinois to the only Democrat who can In elected. The Cleveland tidal wave rises as it rolls on, It is said a high tariff makes high wages. This is the way it diM-s it: a little more than a year ago there was a high tarifl tan sugar, and In Independence w got ten pounds of the granulated article for one dollar. Raw sugar was put 011 Hie free list, and the moment- the law went into effect, the price dropped from one third to one hall. .Now we get. iiitecn pounds lor one dollar. Most fami lies w ill use twenty pounds per month, which under the old tariff would cos now (lie same t wenty pounds will cost only "fl..'l.'ti, So here we have as the direct re sult taf free sugar a net increase of (10; cents per tuoiilh in t lit) t wages of every head of a family. .Now if free trade in sugar has increased wages, how can anyone claim a tariff inakesl wages higher! Will the sadly mixed, (hrijonutn please explain! Hon. H. T. Ji-:rn;i,Y!s, of Cor vallis, is a candidal) 011 the Demo cratic ticket for representative of Rciiton county. Tommy is a Rolk county boy, and has the best of antecedents. The voters of Kenton county will do themselves an injus tice if t hey do not elect Mr. Jcll'reys. Wo have known him for many years, and have known him inti mately, and wo say willioul, the slightest hesitat ion, that ho is hon est as tlio tlay is long, eminently caiable, thoroughly educated, ac tive, and persistently energetic, ami if ho were running in his native county we would give him a rous ing majority. That was a curious lino of rea soning which caused Editor Hcolt to gravely announce his conclusion that American woikingmen want protection because it, makes high wages, and English workingnicn want JVeo trade because it makes low wages. This is the first tune wo ever litMirtl aiiyono seriously say that a Jworkliigmau of any tint ton wits lit favor of low wages. Wis accept the .NfufWHuia'i crltl eism upon our "Ignorance" of Marlon county polities, We shall try mid keep still In the future. Foit representatives of 1'olk county, W. Myers ttiiilJ. O. Ktaats tiro men of experience, ami have the liitercsls taf Rolk county at heart, as well as the Interests of tho whole slate. Wh are extremely glad to see that all parties have come to real ize that It Is useless to put any but good men on their resaeet!ve tickets. Wo can say for 1'olk county she has gmad men all around, W, W. Wiu.UMs, 011 the Demo cratic ticket, and W. 11. Mur phy, 011 tho Ivcpuhltcait ticket, are offering themselves ujaon the shrine taf their county for con stable of the Fourth district for the ensuing two years, 1 Hon, lUNtSKU Hkkmasv got larger appropriations for the state of Oregon at the hands of a hundred andjforty tanta Dountcratlo majority in the house this year than ever l-fore. Strange, is n't it! The Democrat are the friends of the ptsiplo. " ""'.a A I M t Mt Kltlt tl UK. I.KK, N kw YiuiK, May 8, IH02, Ywtterdtty t went Ua lltta fiimitu Clioy Ulsud, It waois.ii;ihttl I I'timc Uu-k In tsiiie.r lnitir ftliiniBt uv.-ii. I then went in Old Trinity church, down tit (he nwtr part taf town. It lit 11 liLturU'ii! t-liim:i, over Jiiyeatmiilil. Wbitl mtwtly tiilen-Htvd UHi.Wiui,thv nmveyitrd -wlntt U eom iiionly culled elum-li umvi-yitrd. I lliiK'crvtl bIoii tlioe, niul rndumiiy ot it tiltnpti 011 tint tiiiiMlom. Dan ierit, A1111I0 tlrtKH, wtut tuirtcal 111 hwl, tivr l"io yi-itni iat'. Th touits tone ever In r rv U tilill In ituoil Istf of p rvitllnii, Tlirrta r othent tlmt tliu eletiietiU Iinvv wuril the In MrlitloiM my o llml ( etnild not muI l In-lit. (iuu. Montgomery, who tut killed In go. -Us-, CsiiikIs, during our wnr of I lie Keln lllnii, U burled In a ni. lii- In thn M ull of lliu i-liiin li. An iii-eripllonVti a loajj inurLlo sluta tell nil nUiut lilin. We luel t npli'inllil tiny tt tiny, Jotui Wyllie, ho wmte un nurKt-ry, lii'timsl. taf eon is he l (!!, but tliejiersouiacl of the limu l illxtqipnliil Ills'. He U very tall mnl thill, Hint valll not weigh over 11 isaimln. 111 t'.inii, stl.m U.very light: he In bnlil lit-.nUil, mid eniiunt talk Well. A I oiily biivu tatta week suds Imlf inure, I ttlll not i(et to do liiuoh sIk-Ii" m-ii, iw (wo Htindit)" srv sit 1 liiivii, met 1 m 111 utiirt for lioiina wkui i my time I laut. I mat eoiillileiit I will nissuiqillsli nil I cuiiiw here to do. Till llro. Itell liln iinlUv of me Imniglit teller from every where, even frtun ( iiluiore'it briiUier 111 'IVxiw. If I lliut time I WoilhlM liil him letter for tin- Wtsr Silm every ttts-k; hut sit ex iv pi Suiiilny Is occupied, mnl llutl tiny l mint rnmiiie mnl wrlle IIiimi ucttr mnl ili-ur to me. I hitve vUiteil Titliiuigi'' church met ht'itrd bhn ilellver s tllitcourae Imiii nil ortbiHlox stiiiilMilut; you 111 11 tuit call hi 111 grueil. I ! vUltctt the li.i-i liiT ebureh, which tvnn a utir- prU' to me, lll linleeil s very tin lirclenliium nirlr, 1 lu-urd l-i'iiitau AhMt jireiieb llivre, Hitttirduy iiIkIiI I, In eumpitiiy II lilt nimils-r of ilixv tir,lllnsl it ili-ti'i-live.itlnl tt I'lit ttiMllgh (lie fiiliiiuiH Ilowery. (If nil the nlliti, IIimI forltld! NegriNn, Cliliiitineii wlillm, and ltulUim, sll living In one until room! Wo then vlxl'.ed Hit) At liiimlirit Court, w bleh Jla lieef half tvln-n ((Iris tlilrUsui mnl fourttsm ve ulil Were to bcrns'lt ilrlukliig Ks-r; suit I gia-sM that is not all If the truth were k mi mil 1 will li'itvti fur home 011 lite .Hill, uud w ill arrive 011 the IMth. T. J. I.KK, IIAI.I.sroN ITKWS. Mrs. T, J. llirks, who has Ufiivery ili k, Imtlotvly recovering. A new Klrl luw urrlved ut the housta of Will Rnyfollette. The llttlu Hlriin- K''r arrived on the llrst day of .May, Mls Jitne (irllllth him Ixs ia slightly under Hit) weather the hint Week. The entertainment given here April 1 wit well Htteiideil, itml wits ipiltu s ic':i.miit nt I'm 1 r. The ilitmittle chili, ni't'iimpitiilisl by the lliillsloli build, went to Slu-rldiill, Suliiriliiy, May 7, mnl gnvo the driimu 'Ulllled "Out In the HtreeU" to a fair niiillemv. They vxNct toglvenuother iititi-rliiliimcul here Juno 4. Mm. J. 1'). Dickey 1 iiultu wick, mid her iviiiveiy n coiihIiIhiimI iloiilitful. At (i meeting held lu-m Krhliiy even liigltwilN ili'i-lili-il to have tliti plcnlo at this pliice 011 Hitliiriliiy, Juno 4. A gniiiil time In exiieeted. ( nril r Thiiiika, V'u tukti till iiieitim of oireriiig our miiHt Hinccro uud beiti'lfi'lt tlnttiks to ill tliiwu who so nobly mid willingly when the lire alarm neiiled forth IU ilii.-iiillul moiiihI mo curly liiHt Hiiuday iiiiiriiing, allied us in snvbig our good and ri'Hliiiii'iinti iitensllH from being con Hiitneil by the Ihiuies, Weulso extend niir iiipl'echilloii to tin) ulllzelis of n lUipeiuh'iicu and vicinity for their lib I'liil piilrouiiKe to our iVNliiuriint, mid regret that satisfactory arrangements could nut lie intuit) llml wis might con tinue buHlni'Ns In your city, as our stay In your midst bus proven must pleitHiml. to us, Tub Kunnkm, Hisrrnns. I'riiNliylt'i-lioi (iiini'l-itl Amieiiilfly, PoiiTi.AND, Ouikion, May 1, isir.'. Tho meeting of the Prushytcrhin (iiuieral Assembly, which Is to Ik) held In tliu First 1'rcsbylerlnu uhurult of Portland, Oregon, May Will to 81st, promlHCH to bo of extraordinary Interest. QiiimUoiid of supremo Importiinee will lie wuiMldcred, which will make this iiHHciubly meuiorabhi In tlio history of religious thought, and every minister mid liiynuui will want the fullcHt ami most accurate account of tlio, prtaoood obliilliablia. I'liil Murnlnfi Ort'ionidH, tho leading dully of Portland, ituil of I he J'uclilc Northwest, will publish every day a vorlntlliu i-eH.i t of Un) HuN'iuhty pro etwtltiiK, prepitrtst by itu expert and experli'iieetl iiwenihly rejioi'ier, the llev. John II, laevlim, of New York, wmIhIih! by aetSiipetelit tHiriw ofU lang mpliem ami tysi avrlieix, Ail the grvnl ili'lmle tan rvUnlnil, mnl tliS estteatefDr. HrlKtr tul Union Heital intry, etc., will K Klv'i) In mil, Hint ymi win know eauetly what I wild. Tilt) tter Will tm lllillliit, wUgt' imld, to any nddniM In the Culled Hliite (luring the itewlomi taf tin) bmciii bly for aaeventy eent. Hentl your or der st oiitHt to tlio Monthly Qrryimlnn, Portland, Oregon. Si-IhhiI KiilrUlliiiinl. Tim LewUvllle i'uhllu Hehisd will kIvds free eiiterlslnnifUt nil Hatunlsy evening, My ill. A nipper will la t wrvinl. fur which two b Is will I chsiged, Tbt pnaeetsU will 1st Uned for (he nebtaol lllimry, Tim following l tlic pMgi muni for the evening. wumi ....... Sullf. TH Uwlinil lfci.,. ICmiBS Turner, When I'm It Wihiimi ... fmir IJlMe Ulrw. Ilwllnlluit .,..,.,...,,....... .. l'r KM Tin. nmm Mens .,. ,...... Tlirw Uttlo UlrU. (Iiilllyur Not Diilliy ,..,.. K((M"iilr,'"'y' Ait Auamoiar (.'tile , IVrii Jl. I'lmriwlw, Hull, Trln, ... . ,. Mmii(l W liOiint, 'n W i.-r, mnl rtuiiiileMwntt. I'lll. t llimwkiwiltiii ..... Mvrll Buillll. IWH-lmiiiiiliiit .,....,,.. .Kfniafc Hm'liiiit. Ttlu..... .......... Tim My yitwu.', TtitSlili.iKlllt ......,.,....., . Civile Tutttpr Th fixilUh l.lltl MlitMI , AU twl. SllllllrHllrm Kmiliel Sliwl. laiiBt Ilugal Wliifi'dt, annul swwna. I'M,!.! wlllt Win ............... J'l I' The blillB llleyil ltM,., Mlliltl ll. Selu,. ..,,......... .,..MIII MWMia. ln.i.m ,,riimltl!t KWii.t'r llfllii Jmi mt Jutinihftii, Hon. Siil'jwr. IT PAYS To 1m t-autlnii In tlio rMi-e ut ntetlU elito. Many r InjMnst ty trj-luu (wrliiwnu wiilt coinjKiuiiiU urMrtlsit tu It) tiltHHt I'ttrltlnr, U10 rltiilj'l rtHSimiiieieltillen et uliiili Woulit iu U) 1st tlinlr "ehta)liBt." lining ito tip tt( wurlliltM, Ibuiiittt Set lw)t Imrnilisu, IniirvtlU'iiU, llirjr umy -U 1st "i-tifitp," but, lit the etut, tiny toa il.-ir. Tit utiMt ridlalila im .Iu lii ma c.uiily, mnl van 1st n-mil"l l iDiut entle (il'". ottty win-it tlio tumult, tur llii; i licntlat l.aiull. Ilia raw ltmlerlat In lntfc'o ijitnulltlv. It It rivuuuij, tlivititure, I 'j To Use O Ayt' SilttllU. th vliiitli!r'tlnsiB'nl ut tiK'h o lmlll, ImlMaln, tijt the J. C. Ajinr I'M. floltt III rrtii lli- thou ftrllrlm f ili'lu-t In UMslttliikl (nirtiw. " It it unir In in llml not eihor ihjt ajitm S'i .trut: in Jii' in is markm. It wuilo i-.MiuUr, il,cir ntttt lie .'ti'l. ihey wuulj itftut nm nf otliMa tut II la ihiI Mtlr III brat, tul, on n.r.'Uiit n In r,m.vnlfl.-. Itrniflh kI 1'iirlty. II In U nMt wsiitoiiiifal." inttw r. Pulty, ltut 1 1.1, W MhiHtiuii it., I'luatUi'iKe, K. I. c. A. I.. Almonit, Imimm, t.llwrtf, Vs., wrllrt: " txUiU( ill)lki4IU In Uit ell? uewiltM) Ayer's .tnaiiill. I ht mid It tor elihtem ln, ! he Hi hltirl rotJtfii lur II biMtllugquiilaie." "Alih'ittjh Hi tiirttiulat it known to Ui limlc, 1 lii-10 rail b nu wirmtiittl luiliAllun nt Aysr'a KaitacaflU. W Hlwul hating th itiirnMui lai-iliiirt ut tho J C. Ajinr t o . a w 1oihimiIiI lir uilior rlii- to ful lojoilH-r u,-ll raluablo liijrrUlciiU, t Ui tew cuat at Ajrer't Sarsaparilla II al Ut bead u( all limlUtr i ('-tln."-Matk A. iutvt, ta iat a diugiitat, u lanibriilKO it., K, Cnililil, ll. maravan T Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Miss. MuUI tjr all liranlat. 1'llw 1 i til IxtUlM.tX iA S t-c c c o 12 ' V fui" ts 4-1 B3U OJ J rs DC u LJ S3 1 o h 3 a c (0 HALF-HODR SERIES Lacras tVND aanamao at Vnlfona h atjlt, tin, ami Umlinj. HAM' HOm) WITH THE BENT lit MOItur ADTIIOKN, Fmir vnliiniM. Crown Iro, Cloili, till lop, Unit cull, 10,011, 1 hntMiutriart cnlt, lij.oo. Tht w-lactloni In IheM valumtt tmhraar mm t4 thn chulcftt writlnut of Ilia Iwat AmcricHti, KnaliOl, ami lurrlKii liuitiotMa. Tliay an aitilv with tsvlWni JuilKitiBiit and tatta. Mirny tra fninmii. other m coliiiarMlivelr unkngwn, but til art moriluriuua. IIALF HOIRaj WITH AtfivltltAN 1IINTOKT. Two volumn. Crown Bvo. Cloth li.oa, Halt calf. ft, . ii,v-,iiivra van, fu.yj, Kmmlly valuahlt In thott who with to rtfrtah ihtlf rvctifltirllan uf Amrli:tn hlttory at a whutn, anil lu Ihott who to rtad uu on unrllctilar tuujt:la. 1l It at uialul In lit traatlllant of tht cvtnlt of tha hut ihlrty or forty ytara aa In III ibacripikni of Hit vtrlout leunidl and Iraillllunt eimctrnliiu tha llr.l hihtlilianit of America, For youug atudtuu It mutt bavt abundant atlracllvtlltta. IIAI.I-HOI)Kt WITH THR BEST AMl:itl4'ABf AVTIIORN. Compli-tt In four crown Ryo volitmti. Ckiih, it.oa. linn i:u, f 10.00, I Itrat-quurtert call, Mr. Mnrrlt hua collacltd a aretttr amount nf In. llrwilvt ami Inttroatlnir naiUnii-niailtr than can lia ftilintl in almott any other fulir volumat lhat Can ht aelartrd from a library. The bail aaniilat from every American author of nott In hlilory, poetry, art, fktlnn, nn I philoaophy an Krniined here, to that tha madtr can Cuba up any one of the four vuluuiet and, turning at random, can find tnmcthlnK particularly nicrlliirlout to tmertaln and Inilruct him. Such hooka hare not only the tplca of variety alionl tbaui, but limy are lull of aolid and uathil Inlormatlun, IIALP-HOITIM WITH THK BUT fOKKIHlV AVTHOHM. Four volume. Crown Ivo, Cloth, silt ion, IW.oo. llall call, fio.oo, 1 lii-et-riunrtera calf, lij.ou, It It the only collection afTordliie a aenenl mitww of repreaentallva lorelxn worka, 11 opent a way 10 general readrra who are not HnpiHa to Income ac quainted with the tuialiilea and tlyle of tht matter. nieraa nf Biirlelit end ttin.larn writ... .n.l M...k with (he mutt deliuhtllil tuttruUuutiit, a dtec ami WMiin Kiereijr uunure. For lata 1V alt Dnnbaallara. or will ), .n poit-pald, on receipt of the price. J. II. ttrriNOOTT 0OMPANT, I'llhllaliort, ;ij nml 717 Mnikai Ml., Philadelphia, Scrofula J Jt Wont Furm-WhlU M welling" Cured. Th mntariabl affM Ot !!' Mrlll In lb I..llwli.l g ibli iadlin ! " llU4 MO. a Hrann,T rn I4. h hlw "V llnl com. nn hi. Hbl b bl lilnh .tiitrtM-Kxl th. na-la.Mthalbl o(M ttratwa UD l nlt thr dam latin! lnf. M dl haritxl frlr, but did not Ulu hint taia rtallf. J sontlilartd blot ' A C'onflrmtxl Crlppla. I e,a al-iul total hit W,f",'",'";,' U a oiwratlu. imtlng hit lf woMli Jl ..Ht a Sartrlll In iir.u,th. Ih. UM-ll-ln. "JiZ tlio, ami n 'l e' bun war di. f har.4 tnim tbi ,.., Wf wntlimej Ml ,k!i Saraaparllla, at It f" ' J.,li.hliniin.m'bi.-I.anii lb'iH'J) 7rm Ibawr .""l- ' ""'"1 V"l few txoiilha fie bad r'li",,!' 11. it now .wHn.iiUr lLfJriip jnilN I. K' ali aa, Ktibatr fWM, M tciiaauod, W. Va. f Hood's Sarsaparilla Udd h dmnleia. flj til tori. Frpart4 JWll 'TtloOU i I, ASrUao4l Eiwalf, Maa. - 100 Doses On Dollar Gknkral Directory. CSITSt) Preai.loiit , .. VlOca l'reaiilnlit Heo, of Mini Hr.of Trwwiiry.... Piuttiimatnr (loiiofttl Hon, of Interior,.., , Hetv of Wnr Hut), uf Nvy rraTei. ..lloiikniialUrrUoo ,.,,,Ul I'.MortiiD . ...jinn U. lilahit i.Clnt. Fotitff ..Jolau Wminninknr John W.Nohle ....Mown II.KlhiM .lleiijnmio F.Trno Altorui'jr (If iinrl . , . Kits, ut Aurimillurn,, Ctim.uf J-Mtionliou , , Com. ut I'oiialixia... ..W.H.II. Mtlltar ..Jerouiinla ltuk ,...,V. T. Hurra O. U.lUotn ht1 tar taWKHaii, OtDwriiiar Hyltr Ponoyr Hrt). otHWW (1.W. Mollridc) Ttvaxurtar 1'hlL Metohnn Hunt, of l'ula. lu E. It NcKIro)) Ally, (loniirnl Gtata. E. Clmmtwrlniu Ststa I'tltatiT Frmik linker , ( John It. Mitchfll l-.n. niwor. j j N (iiiri)iunti . , Uiuiinr llerminaa ( It, 8. Ktrnho HupniiiCnurl, ......... W. I'.Uirtl j It, tt. Horn Hiiptof iWtmlu.ry,..., H. Howniug Hunt, of Ayhim I L. ItowlnnJ ( O. W. Coltitf 11. It. fioiiia. i ltottfrt t'ltiw ( A. N. Clt-rk Front. Miller ( F. RmI. I'r l Uh Coin It. at-nmpbell ( (li. T. Mjcro. Kunlt'olll , W. W. llnknr Oiroutt JmlkO It V. Uolnt l)itrio Ally Otto, (1. Uii,hra foi, oui-nrv. Ij.rit.utitii JaW. Ouiity Juiltfu.... J. HtottnVr County Coiumi-ionur. . "fi! Hlieriff V. L. WrlU Clrk 0. O.Cimm! Trpniirtir It It. Turopr Hcliool Hiit-riiiU'iiiliit , ,V. I. Ih-ynoUt Aattir , N OarJuer HtirrKyor T. Utitlor CorotiiT V..L. Koioliutu IKinU'KNlaKNt'll. Mnyor M. Mfriii ItrHSinlnr J. T. Font Mnmliul T. FphiidII Irt'tuturnr t. Hankie l ltT IXiCXCIIh Flntl WiirJ . . HrootiJ Wrtl (It. J. Wilon K. F- Kreugtal I A. H. IK-ke I Jllllir (litaaoQ TbimWnrJ j MrrwiU VilD atH.Kii, iiiMM-roaw. h O, Oilmor) Dialrlft So. "". V, Hlilim ! W. K. Crmmy Clt-rk J. T. FcrJ church directory. Fiiiht lUrTtiT.-Hiiiiilny Hotaool nt 10 0 dock A. at. 1 rcnclilliii evory Huinlay nt 11 o'clock . ni mnl also eyrry Mumly (TCIlllllf VlllllllI HM'ilo' lUIHltillit one hour tx'fi'ri-anrvioriii tlifwriiiiitf. l'rnyer mwtliiii oarcry Uiunklnj ervuinii. All I oorihiilly InyiliHl to ntlt'inl. Ukv. A. J. llrttiUKKR, I'nator, CbVBItr l'llRHHTTKIIIAii. IWohlllS atirvii rvi'ry Hunilny tiaornintr nt II nntl hI.o iu tli avtuniiK nt 7 o'elork. Humlay Hclinol nt 1J o'clock, iuiuiPtimtt'l.v after nrt'iiclmut I'rnyer turt'tuiK every W ptliii-- tiny rvi'iiinif, A oonlial iiitiIhIkmi ti li-iiilml to Hit, twcciiill,v itrntiKtir vwitiug tho city. Ukv. A. F. Imrr, Faattir. M. E. Ciit iicii MtuiTii.-Prnictiiiig vr (try I! rat nml tliinl Hiauthty. Hmnliiy HdIiomI nt H o'clock In the nfliirnoon. rrnynr niixttini! ptitv TliiirtnliiT ovonliiij, Alliiiitcd. lU:v. J, M. Paiikrii, rwatur. F.vanoki.Icau. IVaoliliitf every Hub laittli ojivnt tliu leoond Huinlity in Hie month nt Juiltitiotitlt'iice nt 7 l. m.. nml nt Aioniiumiii in tint imblio toiKHil build liiK nl II M. 111,, by tlio pimtor. liatv. A. 8, CtaPbllT. ClIIIIHTIAN. Hlliulnv Hfliiwil nvnrv Kim ihiy nt 10 o'oliH-k. iVtanohiiig Una Bm mnl ncr-oml Muinlii)! of the uaoutla mom iii nml evoniiiB, 1'rnyer mttitiini 011 WoillHWllllV PVt'llillff. , IIkv. li, L.Shbu.kv, rnator. PublUhud Dally and Weakly by tha Karaaaa Damoorat Publlahlnii Company. Topaka, Kaa. AN 8-PAGE 48-COLUMN NEWSPAPER FOR Exolualva Ownar of tha Pratt Nawa Aatoolatlon Talasrraph Fraraohlaa. Both Morning- and Afternoon. DAILY 25c Per Month. V cent I WEEKLY - 50c Per Year. Subscribe for it Because: d" !PtolM " latMt ""waplt new in full lla loonl onlumnt tra oompl.t and MltitMe, an,J. P"1;11""."! tint Htnt Cavpltai eltf ot M,i iiml niiii Uliij an thai eliua of rniwa Tor lirl ii Uim nt tha 8tt Capital, and ol tuoU t iieiul Inlnnwt tliroiiidmiit the fltntta, tw tt. I?, Ji" "''"onptlnn tirloa 1 only ntaout )- Advertise in it Because: III inhaorlptlon prtoe of lent than a penny a paiHir, tljill, or wofkly, dellwretl nii-whirTln llii wnrlil Kivea u a aulmorlptlnn Hat hint mukM It UismlvMUiliigniouiumoI Itiuiwu, ULddxaaa, TOPEKA, KANSAS. I ONE V CENT J Are head-quarters Hardware, xr Barteii Ik Bain Vagotis, tbt Oliver Ittoiqg Siulcrs sjid mnnriv LOOKING AFTER THE DOLLARS. It la all rlhl to bk AKTfW lb t"llr. but If aim r rmlly dr-lmtt of ln Uwtfi, jotl will rann-ux illlla fortnight and hujr your School Books, Tablets, Inks, anil School Sopplies. SEWING UACBINES. 0RS1HS, AND PIANOS. frulii W. II. Wbrolw, It furoda no timpbH In U-ll that If ymi W-k after th dollar now, thry rill lunk alitr yuu whoa you navd Uieir aid, CONFECTIONERY AND TROPICAL FRUITS. W. H. WHEELER, Independence, Or. L L VAN NORTWICK Has reopened his Barber Shop at the old stand, opposite Patterson Bros. Drug Store, and has fitted it up better than ever. He has employed a first-class workman from Portland, and will run two chairs. All patrons will pet the benefit ol an electric roller brush. Call and give it a trial. HERCULES BASfiASOUNE ElltlES Jft? iJrroi or Eltctrio Sprk to ear far, 1,'aJtu do tmrll or dirt He douW or tilra Xxplotiona, to trvqueat frith V muWisil tpr! tt OUt tttmU AutomattemUr. fust light th Uiintr, furs ti VTla, aouf it nia ail day. tt nu wfa a chpr grndo cf Ottolm tout sy ether i'ar.'n. aatf 'ooa ur it COSTS ucss to rum tt tir StmplioJtf itDoutttht VTorld. tt hu otrcj. parts, tad it d'rftv Jmst likalr ro ft out of anfor tana aar otSer Cut or Cuolia Eu&o wr bvt SXM)rOR ZLLOST1UTXD bESOUTTlVS CZHCCZJJt TO ttllrialm tit PALMER & REY, mMattf. m . r. EYE GLASSES flold frames. Tlio hiU'Ht stylo, with bar spring and cork guard. Will not pinch the nuso. Wo warraut tho glasses to fit the eye. IMS 60 - PATTERSON DRUGGISTS AND INDEPENDENCE, In Polk County for tbille. and Steel Pbs, Mciutar a.Rli3 aju Scxsrs. SIGHT IS PRICELESS Cheap 8wctacU are dear at any price If jou are iu noetl of spectacUa, our jeweler, Mr. Cherry, will take pains to properly fit your eyes. - QThe racing sensou is at hand. Yon want one. Call and let us show you some. BROTHERS, PHARMACISTS, - OREGON,