The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 06, 1892, Image 3

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West Side Publishing Company
Flill'AV, m ay a, m.
W M'KI. - Konr hundred m! hen
Vtili.vevh f.rrd Inanity poultry.
"i.?l l M' Httwx, lndciendeinv,lr,
l.vsn mw J vi.k. -Ten acre of finely
l.m.nivcd laud, with l biilldiuir,
votintf orchard and Imp arl. Ab'
ien acre MMv Improved, partly wi
to rlx'I'V fn'" ,,',, " niljniniuii
depndeiitv Inquire al thl clue. IT
Ot IttMdV Uii).-TuMUrU
klndiie of Way lie William the Junior
rvprtrof thl Mer wa treated to
drive to Ihe county ent lnl Niturdiiy,
Wv found the rmd unite rouuh t
pl!iee,nevwdncd by aiuall chuck hole
w hleh. nllhutiifh not very dvn, rr-udei
le I
It more or hwa low driving, and we
think that If the varhai mad Uwrvl
or of the county would lake H In hand
while thev him drvlim up. tltvy would
he very easily Improved, M " w,,ud
not lake much gravel comparatively lo
fill no the hole mid fid the road
In aplendld condition. W Idle there w
called uiHiti W, F IhdUm, who.
though not a strong a a few week
ago, I titifvtitg wkhIii, mid when
warmer day come they think Ivt will
luirov umeh mow mpUlly.
MIK Tl.M IH ilUY Mill.
In onu4Uiit with au luvltutlon
fhitu 1. M. Kleuwen w v lulled the
Vhlte Star lUdler Mill nl Tltne
Tuesday. We were nhowu thwush
ly Mr, KVinwit midesn ay tlmt Mwm
mltU rerttuly ixmilet wwiy
to lie found In the ntnte, mid U' lornmed
that they Imd Jut gitteii lu K"il run
lih( order. Follow tut; we give hort
deritloii: The Uwmoul 1 tolld
renient mid enoreto, with brlek wall
thr-e feet IiIkIi- Hero U (milled the
nmitt line nhwft.forty two Rl Unitf, mid
nil theeWvutor UkU.
tin the flist lbor, whleti U the roller
orKrtndlii( tl.r, will tw found five
Uouhle t ortrolkn tU'- luehr, mid
ue three-hltth rv'Her ftr grnhmn mid
clui. AU on thl tiKir thre U one
jm Hutld jdrttfonil nonie, Oiie Hew
roiubttiHtloii Uiim nk whlt'h will
Hieim mid we!h W btwlM K one W,
jiomnl rtour wale, one brnu mid one
tlotir jmeker.
The mvmit enntiilun el(?ht iiiirovvl
fliHir drewwrMhe dustliwi nirtrtem,two
tirm"iti .tnm,r for cleaning the
wlietil, mid flour, brun, ild wheat
On the third lVt nmy l found one
lunmived gradliiK reel, three vorte
dut eolhi'tont, one Monitor nwivlntf
uirlor with a c!i-lty of hnulluK
Sim Id t.un bushel r hour, one K
ceUtor tili'er.mid tweiiiy-twoelevalon
eMendiuij frni Uwinenl to (op, all
dul iriHi( iiicl lur l oil lluUhed.
The flulnhltm lumU'r for all tbew
bliw, ekvator. etc, U all pine or
led wood, ;h.i Uiit Unit the t-t mate
rial obtainable ha Iwn Ud In the
Coiiitruelioii of the mill.
The mills arv run by a ,1fty hon
jKiwef Kuwi ll engine wit h Uly liorw
jmwer teller The U ll llll Wall leather,
provided with tk'Ht'iiera. The belK'bt
of the building l fifty three fwt. The
tit of lhee liulU ha r'aehel nearly
:t,om, ami It I ail enterprlw that tbla
VielnllV n ul I feel proud of.
Mr. "Kl-ne'ii iur.iriinil tw that he
now had plenty of wneal on hand and
win niumtitf teatllty. and iimld furuiith
fluirof the rtrt ipV.tity and lu any
quantity on ahorl notUv.
w. t: r ( rtii.t MS.'r Imin r. furuh,
MrM vii.i.b, April Jt.
ltr.n t'nvnuiiK: I tane to you
with my lirt elreular letter blddlnu
you a li.iiriy You have
Utn railed upon to bid fun-well to
Mix I'homa. who ha luliK and
faithfully a-rved you In the eao ity of
atate nuperinU-ndeiit of Loyal leinper
an I.eK4on work May I tk that you
will extend to lue, her auert-'ir, the
aiiiue kiml nvmpalliy and co orutlon
that I ant iire you ume her? I rome
to you Irom the Hunllower alate, where
I occupied the name ponltlou In rerfurd
to the Wval TriiiHraini l'tfioli work
which the niute olllu ra have kindly
Klveii me hen-. And It ive me a aort
of a "homey" f.i lln to fHiiiitemtj
Hnnllnif out lettera I nhall make
very fesr rK'omincndatlona at prcaeiit,
(leeinlmf It w ise to reTVB micll to the
bi-KliiuiiilCof the new year, at which
time, uliould I atlll (wupy thl posi
tion, I nbll hoa that we may plan
toircther for grnm woik for our chll-
drcii. Inelomil you win nun w7
an amendment to county oinMllutloiw,
which I want to ur you to present
at your next annual mcetliiK, itlvlnir
liotlre that at the next ni'tliiK you or
wmieone In your phwe will uk It
paJNiirn. I" tl' imnlltlliie let U IITKO
that you will If kmIiI -rfect tho or
pinlallon of county Iiyal Temia-r-ance
I,e?loiiK. A recominenilcl by our
national lender and outlined 111 a
recent nuinla-r of fninn Snjnnl.
Will you not line every ell'ort towcure
full reirt Irom your county, lu an
Kwerto lixtof ipliwllona Inclowd, and
any other matlerx you may din of
lnien.ul, mul forward to me by May
lutli? Let me urirn you to pre the
matter AiitfWtrd by t.lne Ueallona
II Kill your local HUierliltetldelit. Let
tin not fort our 7 p. m, hour of prayer
fur our work and workera, and at that
hour rciuetiilier your comrade,
Aha VV. I.nuui.
No. of lyul Temperamic Leiflun In
your county.
No. of IIM'tlllicrH.
No of Hold le r of honor.
iv i... i .iiviJno vour county?
Niitned ofcoiiipanlcHiind local HUier
IntendcnlH, iiIho tlaio of nriranlwitlona.
rlave von held liny county picnic
nr convention for Loyal TVnioriini;o
w mil Imw you done to aeciiro county
Loyal Tom!raii( Legion ori?nnl.a
tion? Arc you t'ri:oiirngliig your "mercy"
Arc you cncoiirat(liiK your children
to one honorary memlierMlilp carda
wi,.it ure vimi dolnir for world' fair',
Have vou received Anna (Jordon'a
llaveyoil HcntautoKruph card, and
"'u..!!!!'.!'!,! in Willurd fountain?
, rjn.iil aunarinUsiiduiitH taking
Vhlt ItlblKill?
i,,u ,,r (WiiMtli:t taken"
Total money Hcnt to Htalu troimiiry
in rcHponw to Mr. TIiouihh'h rwjucMt.
'l'l,,.l jMw.I.. II ,.f enlllll V COIIMtltlllloll
ulitill tti' iiiiii,iiiti'fl tie at 1,1 1 in the fob
l.llltlllf lllllUll tllllfltlft VI' '
Atlil oiu! di'ittimto for finch liOVul
T.rimiTiui( liiiii In the county
whli'li nuvM a Hum ciiml to oimj aut
vur me nilicr. ald deleirute to be a wd
,n,.r if honor, actuall v eniraircd In the
work, and nliall be tiomlu ited by the
V. C. T. Ii and cl(-ctd by the Loyal
Temperance Legion.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
- .
Ak Ham llawley Imw UihiII cImww. ' f ho beat prmtuced durluu the en
i,. v..i i...o.. i. i.. .i.i. ..i... I tire winter, all aunhtltilua their nurta
v -, ' -
..llll.... ..1 1-.
IMI'VOIl nillllf, W III Hill Villi
miuiiH llli'liu.
. ,, . . . ,'
Uomidai .a liiaip flM.tory,nake
Inail: II It iiulle ft aluhU
j. L aiier ha a fuivc of hand at
work In lib lion vanl thl week.
Uev, 11 1 Hhcllcy will preach In the
..... 1. . . u ... I
Christian church neat Huttday morn-
lux and evening,
The A. O. U, W. took III acvcu new
nioniUr laat Monday night, A splen
did Institution that-
Uoyle lim., of Kalem, have the mm.
tract for building lit new bridge imh
the Klckreallat lvrry.
The foundry U nwumiug pnipurlloiit.
I'he building, which U alutoat com
pleted, U covered with corrugated mm,
A d,iclialinr a cow and a scared
------- n
',illrt r,lllll,)K dowu tho walk for
dear u io in one or w inugnauie igni
taut week.
Due of J, F. Hubtiard'a truck team
UKik a plu through th tr'Ui Wedite
tiny. Notaaty hurt nor any damage
A. Ik Atklu told III fine mare. Mob
lie, till Week tu a jreulloiuall lu Kalem
for4tKi, Mr. Alkln l a lovr of tine
hore tliwh.
Itev. I. IVart will hold illvlmmrvlcra
tu the KvaiiKvlleal chundi next Hun
day iiiornln. rubjt't, "They lacked
I u the 1 liver."
Ml-. Alloa Maoatilay returned from
lrt land the latter part of hit week,
mid w e are plcawd to aay I much Im
proved lu health.
Mi l'Mie UoU'ttaou rwelveil her ere
dentlaU fnuii lion. John Wmiamaker
thl week to nerve a M.tuiat4ral thl
pla.e. Mm Fle U now a full fledtcvd
buiuM man.
The lt prlnir nuHllclne la a doe or
two of ft. I'atrlek pill. They not only
For aale "byj all
ami piirtfy the blood.
iiuttli Ine dealer.
J. F, Fryer I coiialderably Improv-
Imr Id MMldciice troierty near the
llttf in re-iueiiw pminy i wie
weal end of C .treet, by a brick
tore 1ioiim, wootUhed, and other uiit
The motor eitiiliiek fl the track Ut
Huuday evening aluit T p. ru,, and It
required aoiue Utile time to replace II.
It wa done however, In time to make
the iMtial trip.
1. l Howard Jk Son, of Halem, Ikhimi
mover, are now In lndeaudenc, and
will I for about leu day. Anyone
wanting work done lu our Hue, call on
io. at the Little 1'alacw hotel.
A young lady of Jcfterwm, Wet
Virginia, declare that he wa all run
down la-fore taking Ayer' Sraparlll;
but that uow he I galulug atreiiKtll
every day. Ayer' Haraaparlll I rr-
talulv a wonderfully efrecllve tonic for
the feeble and delicate.
Vcwr. Ferguou and VatiMi-erhave
lenmnl tho h and door factory
formerly owned by S. A. I'arker. They
intend to emp It lu ueh a manlier
to tie aide to do any and all mud of
work lu their line. If lu need of fin
Ilnlohing work, call on them.
The mini ho called araparllla a
fraud, had gool reaanit; for he got
bold of a worthies mixture at "reduced
rate," He changed hi opinion, how
ever, when he lan to take Ayer'
r(apaparllla. It uy to lw careful,
a hen buying medicine.
Mer. Well and Whler gave au
exhibition of Ihe merit of the Meeker
hop prayer In town Wednesday, and
to the mlmU of all It va perfect
tuiito. It I lmplo of eontructlon,
and one mail and a liore call pray
from leu to fifteen acre 'r day.
The excumlou under the auitpU-e of
the F.vangi'llcal aoelety will l given
Saturday, May Sstli. Fairfield, lit
mill- Iwlow Halem, will be the point to
which the excursion party w ill go. The
hill will tie out lu a week, and full par
ticular will tie given In good tl
Mm W. H. Whlteaker ha her candy
and confectionery atoro neatly fitted
up, and It now prwwnt a tnot tony
and Invlllng ap-araucc Her od
fotinlain I one of the handomet we
have ever wn, and the aoda water I
a good hi pniH)rtlon. do and give
It a trial.
Tho work of moving the old achool
houe to the comer opposite the det,
to lie IUUhJ tip and uaetl for a Imard
lug houe, wa coiiiniciiml by 1). C.
Howard A Hou, of Kalem, laM Monday.
Andv WIUxiu I moving .the rcaldencc
that occupied tho jxailtlon to another
part of the block.
W..rk nn the cannery ha la-en com
menced, and It will lie rapidly pimhwl
to completion. Wearc authorized toitate
that It will lie completed ami me nia-
hlncry, which haa been onhwl ami
will l hero lu a few day, no in run-
iilmr order for thl acaaon' crop of
vegctuble and fruit.
Hon. John ILmklc. of rhlloumth, an
ex-repreHotitatlvo of ItcnUm county, wa
l tur iv n r.-w iiuva II1LM wcea. "
hunt ha ha no d out III bUHlnea 111
tercNt in. I'hlloimith and I thinking
aomcwhat favorably of locating lu In
dciniiidctice. WecxUiiidUi hlmacor-
,11, il u i-iiine (o enter bUHlluwN III our
Tho A. O. U. W. order of thl city,
..f uibli-h M. A. C. Itolx'rtaon, (lirccum'd,
uiim a member, presented hi widow
with an order for tho tiKH) laat Mon
day evening. The pnmiptncs with
ul.lrli thl mutter wan attended to
HeHkn well for thl ordur, miowing
i.i.t II. In a ourlHlillig conumoo,
being able U) meet IU obligation o
A MiMtlier wa calling tho attention
..ri.Mriitilii bov to the moon, which
ub lo lai aeon clearly but pallidly
the curly afternoon. "Why, you can t
m-M Hie iiKKin in tho daytime!" replied
the youiiimtor. "O, ye,you can; mere
Il k over ilia treea." The llttlo fellow
and loollto admit tha fact tlmt
bo aw It: but he added: '"Taln't
lighted, anyhow!"
A (JuiJNTBY Pa KTV.--YcHtcrday even
lug quite a number of the young peo
ple of Indcpeudunce iWMi tnbled liymu
iiulI coiment near the mwtolllco and
wulkcd to the residence of the (,'oxr
itrni.. ftlmut ono lullo north of town.
It was a nioHt dcllghlful evening, and
the walk wa quite refreshing aacr a
i.,.r,i ri.iv' toll. ViirlmiH game worn
participated In, nl much merriment
pi-evalled. A liiinim;r wt-iu ipnw
vcroly brained and othorwlHe Injured.
Vmi,- lH"u' fdefllunanl at
MotiliiiHith hint Siiturdav vniilmr waa
..... , .
by ri'lliH'tluu tnueh en-dlt tiMin
M ... ...ini !
vii i.t hit im,nii-,v, i.i. i.r-
if eourm'
wa well tin to the Ktamhird, The eon-
eludlnn feature, the fan entitled "The
t'rnwdod Hotel," wa!iilli funny and
well playml, lirlnitliiK forth a aleady
peal of lautthler.
MeaiH'r. L, r, (lilinure, M. Merwlu,
It. 11 raturwoii, and II, M, Line,
went fUhliiH UP in Hif IvIliK Valley
country lal Kalunlay and returned
Monday at noon, They rcort having
had only tolerably (tHl uivraa,
but thouulit If they could have re
malned ouircr (hey would have
brought liouiu ipitte lrlii of (Mill
ftif their nelithlior and the huiiitry
prlutera. A It wa nuoue fell lu the
creek and nolhliiK worthy of particular
mention tai'urrwl except that Henry
ifotexclt."! a time or two,
tmk rot nr noi at r,
I'ollowlim la the bar dket for the
May term f circuit court. There ate
fifty avven cam In all:
Hlabs va. K. Kellow, larceny.
hlale va. IC 1'. ltoer, violation of
loutf and aliort haul elauwi,
Watt v. 11. t'.,llce, awutt with daii
irentua w impon.
Hlalo va. Hale Itm kclilo, MdllliK
ll.pior to it minor.
htate va V Cae, larceny.
8lle va I. M Duncan, two rlinruea of
rllliitf Inpior without ltivue, and one
uf aellluii to a iiilnur.
Flat v Wm lleaii, awutull with
datiKeniua weaion,
lieu Wlmlwir v II Hlmpklti, eject
llieuL ltobt Fonl etate and J M U'veu A
(-vUeo Whll.iiker and It H lurn,
action at law.
Jacob and 0 M llnm n v Fanner'
Supply ieNt Co and J II llartmati,
forei lourv.
M A llce v (leo and Mary K Mc-
Cautey, cUlly.
Jcuule tudt v J H Cuna-r, recovery
, . , ,.. y
"'I- "f 1 t J
I J M I lUtllllf 'm .111.1111, Iwll.
J 8 CuoHr v Jennie lb It, cta bill,
Jennie IWIt vitleo Whilvak.-r, re
covery of p.mrMtloHjnf n-al prop-rty.
tbnl Whlteaker V Jennie Ik-It, CM
Tem'rauce liouae v llau'.ird Fow le,
K Hayter, awlguuieiit,
M K Shaw, aUniin-iit,
pin-! MotinwvJ M Wle, equity.
Teiup-ruee Inline v Hanford Fow le,
J A Yen.- v Jiio llodim tate, eou-
Nvid Mi.-Hoii va J L Hhellott, dl-
Ilatllo Whllney v. H H Mcl'dd. n,
lU'litley estate v II Hirebl'rK,
action at law,
J H Mw ui v W V. and M K ld-
toti, aetloti at Ian .
L lU'litley, nliiiuni-lit.
It TopllU v K Wliinul, action al law.
J M fWn v L It Martin, rorvelmure
A V M.all v Will liavhWn, action
at law,
A A Hall v (l D Itld. r, ap al fnun
justice court.
Ad Itow ndorf v J A Hyar. action
at law.
X O tKtf Iter v J F O'lmunell,
action at law.
Frank Ituller and l W (iardner v
m-IiooI dUtrlct mi V, action at law.
t'ha Allen v Marv Allen, dlvorre.
J l XunnvT A llulchluwm. action
at law.
8 N Hubbard v l.euora Hubliard,
F. K McKintcy v H Llllot, action at
Jotte At'o v K M Young ami F.IIIT
Young, action at law,
H 8 HIiiiwoii va Ira ,V Miller, action
at law.
Maun. Hadl.-rl 4 Co va (illllain, A
tlrlgg, action al law.
Jacob Hindi v Uiul Haab, dlvon-e.
Mary L llaxket v T I Lucaa, action
at law.
Anna Itrlner v X A itrlner, illvitrce.
Nettle Xlcltol v Matblew Mchol.
W (i Xeaillllll v W L Well, r. plev-
David Maxfleld v tcamcr It ('
Young, action at law.
8mllh A Hall v Irvln A Cann, ac
tion at law.
M M Fill va Jacob and Fitima Han-
en, forvcloNtini.
lieu Wlmlwir v Thoma t'olllumiu
and tan-al Hoolh, action at law,
Homer Hill v state of Oregon, re
J a ('ollln v lnteof (iri-gon, review
0 II (irlgg v J M llutlcr, ;actlon at
Jno Vermin v J no Hyar, e'liilty.
Imiao Ivcn v L N Wood and
Hurnh J Wiaid, lon'cUwurw.
In theeHtaleoftlllla 1'rlcc, order for
will) real property.
lu IhocHliiUi of H II HlgirH, llnal
recellit filed, giliirdaln dlih urged.
In Mm iMlatuof Jii'iiiM HurriH, order
for wilu of real proia-rly.
M A Whll man calatc, hearing of
llnal account net for Juno 8. IHIW.
M t, IMelninUoii ralale. hearing of
ilni.l 11 1 .-.. . 1 1 1 i,, for Juno 7. H'.i-.
(1 W Hlcliardmm catatn, hearing or
llnal aivoiint net for June 7, INI)'-',
I,.,,, ..r i hoinaH e ale. licarimr 01
final account mi for June 0, lHlil
HuliHcrlbo now and get nil the cam
paign new,
mknt. The entertainment given by
Hupt. lleynolil, nNHlatod by 1'rof. Jnck
aon, of tho Independouce achool, wa
very Intcreatlng niid laitlriictlvo, and
waa woll attcmlwl. Many of llui pio
turua were of ancient ruin. Tho lead
Ing Couture, were tho "Hock oC Age,"
uhleh ilta-a Iiwl nir credit to tho author
of that grand old hymn, "Hock of Age
Cleft for Me," and a number of hcciic
from all nartH of the world. One-hall
of the proceed will bo pont for good
literature for the publlo-mdiool library
of thl city.
A Fink Fim-v, Our follow town
muii, Wm, M. Kay, returned thl
week from ft Homcw hut extended trip
to Htoekton. Vl While tliuru ho pur
clutacd a Ally for $800, mid ho yon niny
uow look out for aoiito rapid, travudng.
He report tho weather tlmro a being
rainy, and they am ulao hiivlng Homo
heavy front, yet tho garden mul veg
etation iroucriillv I woll along. We
welcome him homo again.
J, R t'oocr left for (Jorvnlll on biil
ucm lut Haturday.
J, f , OllbatiKli I contractor ror II, F.
I lurch' new roaldoui'c.
Lou, lolrloii caino up from l'ort
land on lut Tuewlay' train,
Mark Hotmea.of McCoy, wa lu towu
Monday looking a happy a ever,
Mill, W. II. Wheeler ha becu quite
ill for evcraldayiut warorry to
John Hlnllhrd, rt-prtwcntliig the Oa
wego nurvcry, waa in towu thl week
taking order.
BMIn Lllllu Igail ha (qwlied a
dremmaklng alutp at the realdcliee
of II. M. Line.
K, T. Heiiklc'a family have lautt
quile vlck but are aomewltut convalea
cent at prex-ol.
Nat. Hurley, of Kalem, wa In lndi
jieiiiliMiiT one day thl week lu the In
leivt of the Htanilard ewlng machine.
Mewr. J a. Hterllng, of Corvaltl,
and Arthur Cooper, of McMlunvllle,
will vUll fl lend III ludclH'lldcUiHi for
a few day.
J, F, O'lVmucll moved Into the real
deuce nnwitly vacaUil by Ihtvld Whit
eaker thl week, Mr. Whlteaker going
Itack onto hi farm,
Johnny Ikdinunou and family re
luriusl from Newport Tucudny where
they lmdH-u vWtlng with ft lend and
rtiatlcatlug for a tiitai,
llw.rge Harrl, bnither to Mra, K. T.
Ilenkle, of thl city, came down from
l4tt-ru Oregou lorn hi mother, who
lolckal Monmouth.
Charley lbiU'rlauu, who ha been ale
cut in the lCat fur aoiue lima tudy
lug iniMlelne, la lu our city. vUlllug
with friend and relative till week.
He I lu 8aletll for th prtwlll.
Will Line received hi Japanrn
wlneU-rry vluea yesterday from the
0egti inirm-ry. He ay Iheae are
the lht ev-r broiighl to the country
and are a far uierlor lierry to our black-U-rry,
rapU'rry, etc.
IKIIM. AltHIV AI-. et.Aia
Tl.iir.a..rll .-VV It HUtlwt-, lilb-.a
,-iiy,il ll.tlr, ki J,ri,,,li H Ib.wanl, lw
ItAwriiiMi, lw ll-wt-r, K f Willi, llraiil
llatmlt. A P llraitlmry, II W (-'(Mter.
U.i.l. I. II ( imnitHir., vorvallu, l ai. Al
!.", I' N Soul... Haw Ki l""l H V Hakrr,
.o i.if, J K M.1f,ilMt Will, Kalwii! A a
)wtMli,4 II JiNs IIUUI.iCi, Jine TwU.111,
KihUy.ApMl W. -J A VaM, lliw-
Ilii, Julia llan VUi, II II Itowwil,
f II Itiupctl.JM.a I J-di". I'oriUaili Julia
Vole-, II I1 Waller, cliy; K a lllllani, l l
UI.H I'liiliei'l. Jertrwii A "lniilu, Al. U1'iiW-ii. Iwryi W I H- auliln.
iiiw, I'. K Muiay, i'r.
Haiui tjr. Ah'I' tirlf Jf AHIa. II K lllle
in, J i iill(ii. 0 It lrr, ll)f lllr.
rtt,Tliuln J tlnwn. Mi-MlBBllli !" II
ll,.yi, Jimp K ll-.rl.Hri.,! A Au.Imww,
N ll.inil.iw Klv, A lln.lni-lil, Huoii Vtria. MJf -11 Ti,ir, Ki yi'i,
1 V Mtikir, l'rU"i. r-t K l'""i.
M-aeUy, M)-St.- XI Jilu, It Jonulni.
IMrilaiel, W'm, Wll, 1 A Vvu-m. Hua Vl.
t. A lolio.i, AltHoiy. J J lt. bit II, ..!
il ii, J II llofli-j', A lliinw.ll.llu a IjIi
Naldlii J iii' II Bttrt. M.'MiliHvlllo, I if
l,,, Ml ,ii.ui.,ri.. Ainu".! Mr, V a
Hilary, r.
Tuwl)r. My .. K iiRmh. Srllutli C
II HiiUf il ll. frank Wiai, A n-t.y i K
AtiK W K Ih. Kme II
llil.hhY.I t K,ill,l II I '-r, llrl.ii
.V r.iiit,lik Vl; J W I illMkOalt.rllyi J J
i'lrll, l.'tirlll.
Wvl.inila, lf r.- '. r nmni, J ."',
IsnUaHa i1 A Kii, lla.klH-! II M nixna,
liati.l VV afiinr. 1 ..rvnlu-. II Vnyi J J il-
(, M. xl.uiiMII.,, Jin, II uaiilmlHiin, aalnm.
Mrrlt Win.
We d.-lre to aV to our clllu-n. that
for veil r we have l'ii at-llltig lr,
vlnu'a New iMwiiverv for eoiwumo-
ikui, lr. King' New Life I'M. Ituek-
leu Arnica rvilve ami i-.i.t iric inner,
.....l I...V., limiill.-d n-nn-illc that
m II n .11, or thai have (ilveti ueh
nn vehuil Kallaiacuou, lie no not
....i,..i.. ... .,,.r..i,i.v. iIiki.i eirv tl.. i.i
iK'-imit- a, ....,...,,'-- .
anil we aland ready to refund the ptir
cliaae lirl.-e. If aallafaclory rvaull do
not follow their Ue. The reiliedle
have won their great popularity pun-ly
on their merit. All drugglal.
nit V a stnrr:.
Timdity wa a bright day In lailtaa,
and there waa coiitderable life and
activity among the elllxoti. We baik
aliHiknl the woolen -factory building.
Il I a huge elructtilK, IIOxtlOfiTt, and
all B-.ldlltoll of 7,5 feet will be added to
It, It I now framed and It will aooii
lie ready for the m ichlnery.
A. V. H. 8nydcr. imairlelor of tho
Job olllcv, prweuled in with a copy of
hi work, "Flower Harden of America."
We hem tender our thank.
Charlie Houghty, of the OWner,
wa In Halem on btlltie.
Alice V. IiowU, daughter ol Hanly
Hoi man, iil to the beyond thl
week, Hhe wa agiil alaiut acvenlcetl
John Hernthal, proprietor or inn
wagon factory, ha piwcn mini inor-
btl ken, and I nutulicred with tho
Dan I. Htouirer I creeling a hand
some n-aldcu.v building, with conendo
cellar and brick fouiidallon. It will
haa beauty.
A. H. Lyleaud bwthcr, Will, from
KiiHtern Oregon, were In towu Tuea-
.Indue HtotiU'cr inform ii there are 300
acre In prune within n rudlii of two
mile of linllii.
William HuvldHon and Junu1 Hel.
mlck, of the Lticklaniulc, were In bwn
Ttieadu) on'biiHlnc,
IVter Cook, of ludencndcnce, Citlite
lu Tueaduy, accoinpunlcd by Henry
Lang, of Portland,
Pierce ltlgg wal.lngjup tho city
thl week.
Politic lu-ru ntH'lii to lai of little
cotiHeiplciicc, Theiiliulghly dollar and
their own iiewonul ullair engage tnc
attention of tho tiooplo.
Mix I Initio Wlllium gave u aiixiK
at the llfo-alwi picture of her father
mudo hy her own hand. It I a
beautiful piece of handicraft, and dis
play artUtlo ability of a high order.
W. 1'. Wright wa out aurveylnga
mad to the rock quarry. Uwokthk.
Il.ieltlen' Anile Halve,
etin lu,.i aiiK-t. lii tin. win-Id fni eufu.
hrulaca, aorc, ulcer, Malt rlicuni, fever
Hiirc, tetter, chapped hand, chilblain,
corn, ami an mkiii eruption, ami pom
tivcly cure pile, or no pay required.
It iHguitruntt'cd to give perfect mill
faction, or money refunded. Price, SiC)
cetila per box, For aale by any drug-
Wm.ii IbiuiNd and Dm Mil no. They
are In It. If you want a well Hint
will glvo good HallHfuctlou go to Hull A
Hlopcr. They will make It, a they
have been In the IiiikIiickn for eight
yenr,iiiiil uudemliuid It In-ltcr t hitn uny
line cIho. They are rcNpoiilhlu, and
you cnn roly on them. Their price
arc a low and rciwiinuhlo as the lowest
HutlnfucUon guaruiitccd, 25 41
llrldgeiairt la biaimlng. Dalla ba
again coma to the front with Uie
pMinlae of a railroad to tly Hon
Hut li-t u tint he too lulillnnt or over
aanguilie, lor remeuilatr thl year W
iiitiat elect aoinc count v ollbr, and we
cannot but renicmlwr our aad ex-rl-
cnee of two year ago. "rromlae, line
pie crut, are eally bniken."
It take money and work lo hulld
rallmad. neither of whleli aecui to I
over abundant In . We have
giHH atone and plenty ul It here, and
will hall the day when you, men 01
Dalla or IndeiMindeucn, will aid u to
develop cur hidden wealth. Hut lo
talk to u ral road etc. on the eve 01
election, uiaki-aj u;recall the day that
are gone,
What we do want I a wagon Mad
from Fall Clly via the new church to
liidetwiideiiee "jind Dalla. Thl I
aolliethlng which will U'lieflt all of U.
Wa llliden.tand the matter I l-llig
talked ot aouie; now do n't let thl maU
terend 111 lalk, but when the jadllloli
U elrciilaled, come aquarely to the
mark, each and everyone, and Join
bmi.1 on road. Thl I oue of the
i,.......l..l r,,u,U ir nor iNiiintv. and
... ..-M-"- .- ...
one which will u-neflt the county and
risluUIKl to II luium nri-i.iii.-n.
a .u,,,lli,.. mihi. uJu. .-liHii.ied til lie
In lim ahire of F V. Wal, at McKee
IbM-k. l'a ay white lie wa waning
to. Mr. Wind, a little girl cam In
ulii.. i, .,n,i,tv l ill lii. luladed llHIII-
U'rlaln' I'alu llahtLatid ald; "Mamma
want another Udtle of that medicine;
.he any It i the lt inwllclue for
rheumalliit h haa ever tiaed " W
cent laitlle on aale by all medicine
The !iard of lud dlrm-tor of ill
trlcl No. 191 will hold their regular
meeting lu the dlnt ior' room of the
llldenelideniw Nal tonal bank at 4
U'eloekp. m Friday, OetnU-r 2,
and oil r riilay l ill" tnnin ii"" "
every four wwsk thereaner. rdgned,
tf inmru ill iMieemia.
For aale III Weal Iiidcindetiee,
eight bb K from main atreel oil Mon
mouth trt. foiirloU, a four nanii
eottuge, w ith barn and other outbuild ing,
iNirtly act lo young on-hard and
amall fruit. Thl I a ! Iwrgalu If
UkeuaiHiii. Inquire at ml utile.
1 .ur I l-i.
f I.i ,.f l,.ll.,r. rt,..i.l.illli 111 Illdi'tH'll
1,1". MI " ,
deli.w lawUilUce Ulielaluied April SO,
t, . ,, . . . ... ,.. .1... . .1....,
C Jl UOt Cail.l lr HI wnjm mrj
a 111 iw wlit to Ihe ib-ad-lelter ollbw.
l'Brili lalliinf for Ilu-M k'tler will
pbwae ay "advertlaed "
iuriili, Moiim. iiiiriin, , w.
Uiim. II. K
, unilii.ll'iniii, ,
ll.-alll .. U.
M..t,ili,,m Aitilinaw,
l.un-ilalc, 1'. 1.
Ml, ll,,lTl., Julia,
hu,l,-i., J a, k. rt)
VV imam, Hatlun 0,
Ik.lia. J.J.
It, H.I, J. J.
farkar. W. K.
t,.l,r, IWutt,
m i, u it. A, It.
-lira. ,'w
lii.iir,J. U.
lin.i. Mra. Vl,la.
miicliw, Itrtmv Anil.
rllllli. Mra. Julia.
liwniNli, Xlr J, A.
Vtlil'-l, Mlu Ulioil".
M, ,,v, Mr, Mmr).
Vat. U, llertl. r, r. (.iiliaaiia,11. Ml" rK-llv.
MIlW, HMWi M,, Mix Malwl.
(I. Itmii iiihon,
Hweet plcklal Walker Hn.
llljou coiifi-ctlotiary next door to
New lot of prlw Uklng powder at
Walker Hr.
Fine llueoftolU-t ip Jut nwlved
at Walker Uni.
Udle' oxford Ilea In all lylc, call
lie found al hhelley A Vanduyii'a,
lee en-am, aoda, and lnixru-d clgr
of all klml at Mr W. H. Wbileaker'.
For Ihe lineal candle and confec
tionary tu the city, call al P. C, Patter-
The latl tyleol paramil at Shel
ky A Vaudtiyu. Tln l""! valta-a lu
Ihe city.
If you Wlalt to buy traah do not go to
Kl.a ktoti A Hetikle a ihey haveonly
Die beat.
P. C. Paltenn.U alway kee on
baud a full supply of Havana and Key
Wwi cluar.
Onlv a few of tho (luldell liale
cook lM.k U-ftlat T. W. h'Mi '. Call
and get one free.
Ladle' en-am bna-aded novelty ull
.t o...i1..i A, V'.ii.liivn'a. JunL the
thing for graduating coatume.
If you want a noliliy uuiineruu, go
... hii,.,ii.,v A Vuiiitiivn'a. Thev can
pleaae you In price ami quality.
HtiH-kton A Henkle had llieir hami
rull hwl 8alimlay atteudliig jto the
want of their uumcmu cualomcw.
Try Ktnmg' h-latintul, Weatacott A
Irwin, pmptletont, when In halem.
Meal, llrst cla lu every way,a"tvul.
Ladle, It will pay you well to call In
i Miiu-Uinii Ilenkle' and eo their
elegant line of drca giHal. It I Juat
Pattemoii Ilni. make a Hue ttlapiay
..I ,.,L. u.-iili,lia nod lewelrv. Ill
connection with their mipply of ilrug
ami meuieiiie.
Stockton Ilenkle iKiught their
clothing, ahiH. hula, glove, kuiend
era, and aome dn- gin!, dlMK't fnim
the utantlliictun'r forcali.
You can get a gil cigar aT. W
Fj.iea' for Ac. and vou can get a line
clgur for HH'i and if you want aome-
iiiinir uiiv mi inc. lie nil a tor inc.
r-end your laundry to the Kalem
Kleiim laundry. Mr. (loir, drlverof the
Salem alugc, will lake It hir you.
I .euve
Iullw, if you wIhU to mn -fuuiothliiR
u.t.i ituii.UoitiM hi tint It ii a nf mm
ahade ami paraaol, do not rail to call
at, Stockton A Henkle'. They have
I 111 lllH-Ulll t t tf tint tlinm and
.fll ii.,,,,,,v ....
........... i,.,i,,, H,i-.i 1 u-lll iniiii'le irtve
I J .ni i n---
giMid away lor thirty day for ili cm
iluf block. And do n't you forget It,
T. W. i :te.
Do vou like toamoken giMid cigar? If
you d'o call at T. W. IOhU-h1. Ho ha
the laigoNt and moat complete aaaort
incut of cigura In Utwu, loth In fie, 10c
ami l-lc good.
Hay! you fellow that have not paid
your" Hchool tux will have ome fun
paying ahcrlll' fee In a few day ir you
don't atuck up Iniiuedlately, Onlv a
few day ol grace, left. J. I). Irvine,
DlHlrlct Clerk. tf
Stockton A 1 luitklu are Jtmtly proud
or their lurgc and very liaudaoiuc slock
ordnw goiMl, lutllc', gent1, and chil
dren' 111111111', men , uoys auuriiu
ilii,naeliitlilnir. all lu tho latent styles
mid beat or giaid.
If you are at till piirtlctilur about the
look of your collar, cull, and shlrta,
you will aonil them to the Halem steam
laundry, where they will he turned out
wllh a gloHHy IIuIhIi that I elegance
llaclf. Price very low. Lcuvo order
at tho Halem ahige barn.
There I no place In Oregon where a
belter nieiil I served than at tho rc
lituruiit of Wcatncott A lrwln,271 Coin
merelul itreet, Hulcm. Cotirteou at
tention, a lino meal, and the popular
price of S!5 cents, hnvo mudo tbla
liouso the headquarter of everyone
who hit ocetialnu to dlno In Halem.
Whoa Baby wa alok, w pia hir Owtorla.
Whoa ahewfta a Clillil, alia cried for Owtoria.
Wlion aha biama Mlu, ah olung to Cnttorl.
When aliehad Ohtldraa, ilia gave Uiom Caatoria
For eongreatuw. Flrt tllalrlcl,
It. M, Vestch, of Linn.
For aongreanian, Second dlatrict,
J. IL H later, of Uuioti,
For tiprtti jiiitg.
A. H, Uenuelt, of Waaeo.
For albirney general,
(leorga 1',. ClininlierlHlii.of Linn.
Ynr tirnalitruidkl rilifllOr.
Itolicrl A. Miller, W. M. Oolvig, Oeorge
Nnlati, W. r. Ililtclier.
For circuit Judge, Third dlalrtcl,
J. J. HIimW, of Marlon.
For priMweiillng attornny, Third dwtrlct,
, W. Ik lllleil, of Lllill,
For tnetubur aluld board uf eipilUktlou,
Third diatrie.,
W. 0. (Vadey, t f Lane.
1). 11. Murphy, olmlruiatij C. N, Walt,
For aeiiator,
N L llutler.
For reprewutaMvea,
W Myer, J O SlaaU,
For county Judge,
8 T llurcli.
For herlir,
WH Kuykeiidall.
For clerk,
Hugh Haldwln.
For treaaiirer,
A Cat u.
For w-lnail utorihb'iidciit,
Charle hlliioliloll
For commlaalouer,
Henry liyerly.
For a-or,
J W McDowell.
For aurveyor,
T L ISutler.
The luallii-a of tlie peaiu and coimta-
Idea are a follow;
1'jw.t and Wot Dalla and Hlrkrvall,
F 11 Morrlaoii, j. p.; Jan. Illu. lt, e.
Lucklamiile and llrldgeimrl,
C K HlaatM, J, p ! H 0 llatllig, C,
Hall ljike, Douglaa, and Jaekami,
J Hyroii, J. p.j W 11 Andrew, e.
Huver, Monmouth, lloeua VUta, and
II M Line, J. p i W W William, C
Spring Valley, Kola, and M'oy,
J M Lynn, J. p.; W J White, c.
L. 0. Parker, chairman.
Mr. J. I. Hlaie. au exleiinive n-al-
ealate dealer III Iv Molue, Iowa, Uur-
mw ly twa-d one of Ihe aevereal al-Uti-k
of iiiieutooiila while lu the north
ern prl of Unit atale durlugl a rvul
lilliuuinl, aay Hie .vifii,v iteruw.
Mr. llli.ij' had la-caalon lo drive never-
al ml Ii- during the atonn, and wa o
thoniughly cbllleil that be wa unable
to get warm.aud Inable of an hour after
bla relurii be wa llireuteued wim a
vere attack of pneumonia or lung fever.
Mr. Itlalie pent to the iieareal drag
at. ire and got a Ixittle of ChamUTlalu'
Cough lu-mely, or widen tie nan orieti
luard, and tk a itumla-r of Urge
doartt, llenavithe ell.'cl wa wonder
ful, and that In a abort lime he wa
breathing quite t-oally. He kept on
taking the medlellie, and Ihe next day
wa able to mine lo lie Molue. Mr.
lilale n t-nMa bla cute a almtily Won-
ib rful oil n-nl U.ttle on aale by all
tuedli lite deuleia
An urdiualiee for Ihe prevention of do
tun. he anmiiil runiiitig al large within
the corporate limit of llie city of lode
Iendeiie, Oregon, and providing fr
Die taking up and impounding and aell
tug of Ihe anine, and repealing all ortli
naiiw and pari of ordinance in cod
flict herewitli.
37i jimpk (f Iht city iff rKiw-mr nce
o or-iiHM tu fiMuu't:
8liou 1, So horaee, runli, culllo,
aliit-p, gnat, or awiue, lmll ba allowed
lo rim at large or to tie herded in any of
the atrerta, alleva, or ptlhllO place of Ibe
Clly of ludeprudeuee: Vol (, Hint
auimul iK'iiig unven mrougti me city
to aud from pan I ii re, for ihiptiieiit, or
other purpoac, ahall not lie regarded a
rutiuing al laige uuuer lina M-etion.
H.-C. 'I Any animal or animal, do-
acrthed in Heo. 1 of thl orduiauce, found
running at large within the corporate
hunt uf t lie Clly of independence, aliall
be tnken np by any tnihce ofllcer or by
any person, and delivered lo the city
mantlial, aud by him kept in a g'od and
afe place; and .Id auitnnl ao taken up
ahull lie provided with proper rooU and
water while no cvii lined.
Keo. S. It ahall be the duty of the war
luil after the taking up of any ot the
above named auiuiala, lo immediately
pint printed or written initio in at leaat
three publle place of Ihe clly of lude-
iwudoiioo for leu aucceaaiva day and
that oiie or more tioticea of the tame be
publiHliml in a newapap'r of the city,
giving a iltwriplion of aind aiiiuml orati
linala o taken tip. Hitch notice whall al
o alnlo the time, place, and lei in upon
which mud annual or antnmla will beiadd
if not claimed within the lime provided
for by Hee. 4 of tin ordinance
Hec. I. If any anliuid o takan up be
uot reclaimed and coal paid by the own
er or pe roo enlilleil to potiaion there
of within ten day after the in nit jug uf
autd uotice, Ihe marahal shall proceed
lo aell Ihe atuo at public Miction lo the
luglieat balder for chuIi iti band at the
day of aale, and afler ileditctttig coals
aud eiH'iiw-of taking, keeping, nml ud
vertiaing Ihe same, lie ahall pay Ilia bl
ance thereof Into the city treasury, and
make a reHirt thereof, with a descrip
tion of the animal or ninta.ii ao sold, aud
tile the aauia with the recorder.
Ho. 6. It the owner or pcraoti entitled
to ihe poHseaaioti of any animal so taken
tip iiail at any lime previous to the aale
thereof prove the animal or animal ao
taken tip to lie Ins property, or entitled
to the poiwcitsioii of Hume, lie ahall be en
titled to the aame tipott paying hi the
marshal the charge thereof, which ahall
lie one dollar for taking up, and the ex
pense of keeping the aame, and hi legal
fee for Hiliiig tiollccs, aa required lu
Sec. 8 of Ihia ordinance.
Heo. 0. If the owner of any animal sold
under the provisions of this ordinance
shall id uny time within one year from
the date of sale make satisfactory proof
if the ownership ot aiud animal or ani
mal to the city council, ho shall be en
titled to receive the proceeds of aucn sale
on deiKisil in theoity treasury, lint if no
audi proof lie made vvilhiu one year from
the dale or anal sale, me pi-ocecui de
rived therefrom shall beeorue the proper
ty of Ihe city.
Heo. 7. It stiall tie tno unty ot me city
niarshitl and other police ntnocri to
strictly c uforoo the provision of this or
Hoc. 8. Tins ordinance shall not take
effect until the 1st dry of Hepteniber.ll-Wl
Heo. 9. All ordinances or parts of ordi
nances In ooiilhct herewith shall lie re
pealed from and after the taking effect of
tins ordinance.
Passed the ooitncil March 22, A. D
I8U2. J. T. Folio,
Heoordor of the city of lndei)tidenoo.
Approved March 25, IKD'2.
Signed M. MaitwtN,
"I'rntaetliin ar Kroa TradeT"
Vii,i fui .iim.ili. iiiidiirriitinil thet.tirtd'
question; uou .-i, it m "ii" "i niv buh-
,i.. i i. ..f ti,
plcel qllesitotis w noil riguiiy pi-csouieu.
Ho wo have tnndc nrrniigcniciits to give
vou the Wknt HiIk one year, the New
York Standard lill DiremU'riH. and a
copy of "Protection or e re Trade," nil
for iji:!, Tho book is the best treat In on
the tnrlU'quoitlmi ever published, and
Is rccogtiiMid a such uot only In
America, nut an over uie uivinzeu
world. Weoll'cr tho unubrldged edi
tion. Try tins piun, o win iinu
the Standard ono of the most ably
lulltiul iiiiiuii-H In the world, and tho 111
formation to la? derived from read lug
"Protection or Free Trade?" la worth
more than the price you pay for the
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Ai'Hib 2i.
OltnHevlcr, ofTekoa, Waall , wlldd
ed by bunging bc"ue hi awn theaii
r fuaed to marry him.
All theaawmlll lu the vicinity uf
t Cnane. Wlaootialil, ( IimmiI doWU lo-
iluw ...lit ' ftt. ..ii.H .in i,.il nt m..,.,1i.V
Ill New York two ple were
burned lodealb, and two other were
fatally lujutcd by the burning of a ten
elliellt lioljan.
At Mwire Station, Ky., a freight
train nil the lnilavill.i A Naliville
railway crashed Into the rear of a u
eliger train, killing two.
Al M'sll, a farna r living near (Vr-
valll. blew lim lop of hi head off wllh
arllle. HI not known whether It
wa Niilcldo or an accident.
The New York lb-publican noiiven
tlon will a.-nd Mi aara. HlM.M'k, Piatt,
DeH'W,aud Miller, delegate to the ua
llonul Ib-publlcuu convention, They
are u ul tint rueUtd.
Ohio lU-pllbllcali -lid a delegation
iiiially divided ImIwvii tlie two fan-
ttoii or me party in tiiai mate, in
Mbmourl the itcpubllean iiiairuid, for
HarrlKoii, a they ulao do lu AluUma.
Juckaou Mrl-'arluud, ag-l llfle.ii,
and llcrtle Llllaou, aged lhlrt'ti, of
I'arkeraliurg, vit lrglina, were mar
rlwl lo-day. They were nodeieniilmul
that they dually galuul thccoina-til of
their parents,
A tornado In Chicago damaged (he
mauufuctun-' and llbt-rul art building
of the world' fair to the extent of $11,-
000, The atonn wa gut-rul through
out the lake ri-gioti, and much dumuge
wa done to snipping.
Coleinaii lilaekbiiru, a colonil nuir-
den-r of Harrlalon, Ml., wa hanged
for thirty lx minute, on April anh,
aud wiu proiiounivd deadiiy three phy
alclaii. While en rotile lo the grave
a ule wa tn-ard lu the coffin, and
when It waa opened the loan Wu
found to be breathing, lit) I almoat
well uow.
The Philadelphia theater tiro wa
more lerrlblu lhau at first nqxirtwd.
Hlx -ple are uow known to have -r-lulled,
two boy and a mail are retort
ed uilMaiug, and over tifly M-ron were
aoevnly Injured tlmt tin-y are In the
hiiital Thuiua tv au aeior,
eiu".l fnau the theater, upiaing
lila wife Hail pn-cetleil litm; not tiuiiiug
her, he relumed, and lth met their
Al'lill, It'.
In a wn-ek on IheOn-al Northern,
near Sand Point, Idaho, seven men
were killed. No iMirtieulur.
The French autborliim am biking
pneaUtloii to prevent ib-moutratloiia
ou the pari of the amin-Iiist on May
Kclda Kvait. agitl seven yinr, of
Seattle, wu run over by a Northern
Pacific tiaaaeiiger train. Jler bead wu
coiuplelely aeven-d.
I'rid Atkins, the civil engineer in
barge of Ihe Astoria cud of the Port- Astoria railway, wa drowned
hy ihe eti nixing of a fmt.
At N'orih Yakima, Wah., fifty or
sixty men took a Ciiiiiamuu from Jail,
atrtp-l him.ainl unmen-liuliy wtiiii-l
liltil III) ulacasiia at-a. lie haa Ixt-ll
Insulting aehiHilgirl.
lk-legat.-s from 2V) trade' union of
New York met to unite 111 ono olld
body, and work In harmony in the
future against organized capital. These
delegate n-pn-eui l!s,ixm men.
llctwccii Ibwburg and Myrtle Cn-ek
wn-iken. phioiHl an olntruetion on the
track. The Itom-burg local Was
wrveke!, aud the engineer aud tin-man
were badly Inluretl. The company
oiler a n-wanl of fd.taW for the arnl
and couvlctlou of the i-ri'trtiior.
Al-lill. 30,
Ferdinand Ward wiut released from
Sing Sing.
Siaikaue defeated Hcnt tie by a acore
of l.'t loS at Seattle to-day.
In Chicago 2,no0 boiler makers will
trlke forau Increase in wuge.
An unknown uegro outragi'd an
eight-year-uld girl at (in-enville, Mi.,
and waa pnnnptly lynched.
;U HI. Inils, In the Inaugural haudl-
Cap race, Orcein li-llina- won second
money, I letter Shelter won llrs-l.
During a bli;li w.-hoil picnic near
Chaltuiisga, Tenn., Weldou Sanders,
IWilic ( heney, and Itiniuhc ltarr, were
t Nashville, Tenn,, 'M iik-ii took
Fpli (irijtanl fnmi Jail and lynehtil
him. (irlxxard wa one of the iiegri-
who, It lssup'd, outniginl the llrmv
girls last Thursday. This is the second
lynching growing out of thut alt'air.
A highwayman near IHaii Andreas,
Cat., emptied a shotgun loaded with
buckshoi into a stage. Miss lbslclsino,
a passenger, wa killed, the driver wa
shot tlinitigh the lungs, and the iiiea-
enger wa taidly wounded. The rubber
did uot get anything.
The object of the wreckers who
placed the obstruction on the South
em racinc irat-K near itosenurg, was
lo nib the din-ctor of the Myrtle Creek
Mining Compauy, who were knowu to
lai ou the tram w ith several thou.siiud
dollars in gold.
May-day paaactl off quietly In France
and stiuiu.
Thn-c acn in Wiiiiilwg, Miimtoba
were burned. The Una Is very heavy.
William Tudor, of San Francisco,
threw himself under au engine, and
wu crushed to dentil.
Pmf. Vogel, an eminent Herman
chemist, aavs he has discovered a pro
cess of photographing hi colors.
Louis lluumciftcr, solicitor for the
Hun Francisco Catt, shot liliiisell
through the brain because of business
A negni uprising aiKiu tinny iiiii.v,
from Nashville, 'iciiu., Is n-porliil ii.-L
the outcome of Ihe lynching ot Kph
negro uprising alaiut thirty tmUv
llrixxurd at Nushvillc ycstcrdiiv
Ncur Lincoln, Nob., a culvert w as
wuslied out on the II. & M. K , and a
piuscugcr train rati Into the ditch,
killing the llretimn and two tramis.
Several ullicrs were Injured.
May 2.
In Chicago 400 plumU'ra tiro striking
ror nine hours.
A quart X mill at Mound House, New,
burned. Loss, 100,000.
During a lire at Lead vi lie a wonum
and child were burned to death.
HoracHhocra nt (Hikliind, Cul., were
gianlcd nine hours with tcu hours' pay,
to avoid a strike.
lu the granite quarries nt llloucester,
Mass., 2,0iiu men arc striking for nine
hour, nt 2f cents nn hour.
At Holllster, Cul., Minnie Tracy,
aged fourteen, committed suicide be
cause her aunt scolded her.
In Savannah, (lu., a strike In the
building trades has brought all the
building work to u standstill.
Deeming, the KiigUsh and Austral
luu murderer, was sentenced to tic
hanged the llrst week lu June.
K, H. (Ircgolin, an old pioneer of
French rralric, was run overturn Riucu
by the Koscburg local nt Ocrvais,
A rumor is current that Cleveland
tin been naked to Hiitiounco that he
will not bo n presidential candidate,
and to favor the nomination of Chlcl
Justice Fuller.
Wyoming-may send a woman dele
gate to the Hc'pHbllcan national con
vention. If one Is elected, it will la
the llrst t ime in the history of the coun
try. The highwayman who shot luto a
stage near Han Andreas, killing a young
lady and tatally woumnug tno uriver
has not been ciipturcd.
Tho confA'reiice committee ou tin
Chinese exclusion bill has reached ai
..,rHiU,lllilllt lllill tllM lllll ..'111 1,l',,ltlll
go to tho ' president to-morrow.- Tin I
I bill i a rc-enct merit of the pmtcnt
law, with Miveral importmit amend
ment. -
A train on the Lewlavllle, New Al
bany 4 ( xilcaifo, went through a bridge,
and the engineer, fireman, aud a
brakvmuli, were killed.
The city election In Hfxikane riauilted
In a vhojry for the Ix-mocrat.
A tornado In IH-Kalb county Mo.,
killed Mr Hmrp and Mi Hoyd.
Many building were wre. keL
Prealili iit llurrlaoii' nomination la
now aurial, a a majority of the dele
gate are already Iiistrurbd Cor blm.
Thoma Walsh, of Chicago, murdered
Mr. Idijilx-th Walsh, aud then hor
ribly mutilati-d her Issly, cutting It
ahmad. to hUHln.
A cyclone ten nill.-a noutbeuM of
Toicku, Katma. kllk-d Jmih Mitchell
and Injuri-d several other, braide
doing great dumuge to property.
Mav 4.
Nllarawiulll,at Portland, burned,
Ik-moerat of Wisconsin aud Mli hl-
gau lustrui'ted for Cleveland.
The Itepubllcana elected their entire
ticket In the, St. Paul city elcrtUill.
In all twelve people have died on ac
count of the Philadelphia theater fire.
Katie Midoiic, of Portland, aged four
ycunt, wa killed by the hi, John mo
tor. Ibuw ball: Portland It, Spokane H,
at Portland; Scuttle U, Tacoma 0, at
iVath ha ended the litigation over
the WllhVHugglii Uby. The child
wa burled bMlay by the Irnby home.
and two parties of mounit.-r, neither
awgnizitig iiieotin-r, were preacnt.
Ilrmarkalil Itoaclw.
Mr. Michael TurUaTn, Plalufleld, III,
muke the tuU-meut that ahe caught
odd, which settled ou her lungs; ahe
wa treakil for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told
her ahe wa a tiopulea victim ofonu
HUinption and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist tuggeated Dr.
King' New Discovery Corconauuiptlon;
be bought a Ixittle and to her delight
found hena-lf benefited from first dose.
She continued It ue and after taking
ten IsHile, found herself aound and
well, now doe ht-r own housework
and U a well a ahe ever waa. Free
trlul bottle of thl great discovery at
any drug store, large bottle 50c, and
fl no.
COOK-ltoru to the wife of W. O.
( V.k, in thl city, Friday, April i,
lstc, a ten and one-half jsiutid boy.
Mr. Cook and I lie buby are getting
along nla-ly, but the clerk in the
furnllure store tell us that Will la
barely able to hobble down to the store,
and that he is now seriously thinking
of moving to the elate metropolis, aa
our town ha suddenly grown too
aiimll for him.
St I' I. II I M KM) l-.ST'S It KI'OKT.
County Huperiuteudetit ltcynold
ha mude hi n-iort to the stale -auper-llitendeut.
The followlug ynopia
will be or Interest:
No. children reported,3,4.'M; laat year,
S,2D; iiicn-aM.-, 221. Average wages
ltld nude teacheni, f 10 per month;
average wage paid female teacheni, IV)
per month, an Increase of SI. Eatl- value of achool houwea, $.51,875,
an increase of SThi). I-Mimated value
of school furiiiture, mas, globes, etc,
tlO.Snl, an Incn-ase oC J2.42S). Four
sclKHilhotuie were built The county
sttierlnteiideut niiulcevcuty-ix visit,
ami traveled 1,003 miles in the per-
fonttnuee of official duties. Forty
eight district are supplied with un-
abrhlgcd dictiouariea, an lucivaae oC
eight. Amount of mouey spent Cor
school purposes, $H,HS.51 About
thirty of the school are gra Jed and are
doing good systcniatlc work; and the
remainder arc tiartially graded and are
doing much better work than was done
U-forc the grade work w aa inaugurated.
There will probably be forty gradu
ate from the publie-ecliool course.
Ijud year there were eighteen.
In 1SS8 there wcry 2,550 school chil
dren. The average wages of male
teachers waa f 12 per month; oC Cewales,
S;t5, The value of achoolhousea waa
$29,170; of furniture, uinps, globes, etc.,
fsl,tMt. Twelve schools were supplied
with unubrldged dictionaries. The
whole amount t.peut that year for
school purposes was $25,923.94. Four
years ago but few teachers held state
certificates; now more than a third oC
thejteaehers have them.
This comparison shows that our
schools have Improved in a very gratify
ing manner during the last four years
au improvement of which oiirsuper
iiiteiidetii and every rewldeut of the
county may well lai proud. oi--Ohio, City ok Toledo,
LitahCocnty. t
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior purtuer of the Arm ot
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business lu
the city of Toledo, county and state
aforesaid, and that said tlrtu will pay
the sunt of one hundred dollars for each
, m1.y Cllsu of c.ltal.rl, that canuot
, , , .
1h) rlm'a the use of Hulls Catarrh
Cure, 1-bask Chknky,
Sworn to U-fore uie and subscribed in
my presence, tins cm nay or .Decem
ber, A. D. IS80.
notary ritblie.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Scud
for testimonials, free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O.
fciTHold by nil druggists, 75c
tn.leiiviKteuca and Monmouth Motor Liu
I leave
tndi'iN'adenoe. Monmouth.
. 7:00 7:W .
8: Ul fc
9:.'I0 ltttM
lt:lft I)
. 1:M i:l6
8:1ft 4:ii
MO a:t
rtiereact- At T H T3TCD
ilcdiiilla- UUAtl 1 LU'.Ore-rr n
ton, neivr what
in now Bftfccr I
in now linker Cily, rCNTl IDV
a lauu who has since
I I will
become Ulcntilkd with the reaoiireea and 11 f O
U-vdiimcat of that country. This man flVlU
u no other thno Mr. John Stewart, one of the
wenllhicut aad moat iuftneutlal dtiiena in the
xtmitv. In a recent tetter he says ! " 1 had been
luflrrlutr from natus i my back and geaerat kid
ney complaint for aoma time, and had uaed many
muetllea wtthoirt any but temporary rellet The
liaiiw In my back had tieconic ao severe that 1 was
Di-erentcd itom nttendlntt to my work and could
iiot move about without the use of a cana. Hear
hifr, through- Mend, of the wonderful cure ef
fected hy on-Kon Kidney Tea, I waa induced to try
i box, and from that very first dose I found iastant
Tllef, and before using half the cootenta of the
tax the patna In my back entirely disappeared.
; have every filth lu the virtues of the Oregon
Cldney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend
to my friends. I would not be without It for
Oregou KUnt-y Tea cures hackache, incontl
noe of l ine, brick dust sediment, burning or
uinfut sensation while urinating, and all affeo
,ois of Ihe kidney or urinary organs of either se.