The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 06, 1892, Image 2

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J. . N. KL'l, lOITOA
,rKi ic
On Viwr t
KU M.mlh .
Tli" M.mtlw "
tn tlx tlm- will uwriwl w AH vw
h.wwv t.fy wtii..i). win i oml
ft at lit nO o( tlv " l"
V I tw All .mmwnlottntof utllllt
iVth Whit Rum twli U lmltlmi
"w Ut Mk Uly IMUtohUn IX1.
Klt,l IV-' l tvl'wn
divv, wwm, m awMuil-vlM uitur.
FRIDAY, MAY , lssi
(-amln IVHUrnl
Riiilllct JJaltowU imwUim, Jim I.
IVimH-mtlc Nll"l lmvutku, iam it.
Ht pillion, jun .
rrUrulUI lwlloo. Kovomlw ft.
A vote fur Judgo Bennett for u
preme judge, right kind
of suftYago.
The first number of the Khiimtlh
Fall Erpmtt, by David B. Worth
ington, io iu polities,
eight page folio, neat and newsy,
a to liiind, aud w duly register
the X.
Hox. . K. lliLYKr, the nomi
nee ou the iVtuoenttic ticket for
district nttoruey for the Third jtidi
ciul district, was iu Independencv
Wednesday. His ability as a law
yer, his sterling integrity, his
clean record in tlie p;kst, just the
man for the place, appeal to nil
parties for support ut the polls next
June, sumeient 10 give nun a
rousing m;ijority for the office ot
district attorney of this district. No
one will regret having cast his vote
forW. K. Bilyeu.
lost U Johnson, eoiigressman
from tlie Cleveland, Ohio, district,
a Democrat who announces that he
w for absolute free trade, and for
no tax whatever except a tax on
the value 01 lane. Ami tins is
right. Where is the sense of tax
iug personal property invariably
the product of labor when the
cominuuiiy, ami mat nloue, gives
value to land! Jf the community
makes land valuable, why not take
that value not the laud, mind
you for the community's benefit!
The boast aud pride of 1'olk
county is her public schools, with
the state normal at its head. Pro
fessor Reynolds was no failure, but
was efficient, active, and iu hearty
sympathy with all the public
school work of theeounty and state.
Professor Charles Stinonton is a
graduate of the state uormal school
at Monmouth, aud is one of the
most efficient and active teachers in
thecouuty. lie is no failure, but
has his head aud heart in the work.
Such men cau uever fail. He
should have a hand-wme majority.
The poor old Omjon'utn occasion
ally rests from its arduous lulwr
of abusing everything and every
body not in perfect accord with its
opinions, and takes to exploring
new fields. While rambling ulxnit
on a uew text a short time ago, this
remarkably able journal sagely
stated that national-bank notes are
not money. Perhaps not; but
we would think twice before
we would leave many of them lav
ing around loose with no one to
watch them, especially if the Oregon
ian'i editorial writer w ere likely to
happen that way.
The Polk County Observer, in an
article last week entitled "Wells
for Sheriff," says of Billy Wells,
its' own candidate: "He hails from
no particular section, recognizes
none, lie is a citizen ot tlie coun
ty," etc., etc. Xow we have nol
aught to say against Hilly Wells,
but when the Observer, or Hilly
or either of them, go so far to get
votes as to disclaim his home ami
whereabouts, and tries to spread
all over the county, then we say
there is something wrong iu Den
mark, and we had better cast our
votes for Billy Kuykendall, who
has a homo, and does "hail from
some particular section" of Polk
county, and who lives in such a
way that the people always know
where to find him.
Tiik Sunday Oirgonutn in reply to
our editorial paragraph of . last
Friday's issue, in reference to the
"English workingmen returning to
the protective system, Bays:
We protect our industry against
the lower wages of the old world,
' keep our home market as far as
possible for our own producers,
and expect to sell abroad only those
commodities which we can produce
better than others because of supe
rior facilities. English working
men do not want protection, and
our workingmen will not have
free trade.
That is just it. It is all right to
"keep oar home markets for our
own producers," but with our"supe
rior facilities," were it not for
barbed-wire protection, we could
enter the markets of the world and
compete, and thereby give employ
ment to producing workingmen
that are now idle because the man
ufactories ot this country, many of
them, have shut down on account
of the raw material being pre
vented from shipment to oursliorcfl.
Urol her Scott nays, "out- working
met. will'not have free trade." The
workingmen of this nation will
have five trade, ttnd year's
ballots thundered the laet Into con
gress and Into McKiitley'a ear.
Our knowledge of some few things
is not so badly mixed as Brother
Scott seems to be at times,
Tim letter of Senator Slater in
reply to II. W. Seott in the Oirm
m last Tuesday, Is masterly and
unanswerable. The Republicans
said that the tariff on wool would
raise the price. Now since Cleve
land's defeat, the wool growers
have had protection on their wind,
and to this day there Is, and has
been, a steady decline in price.
We challenge anyone to show where
protection raises prices ou farm
products or ou wagebill the United
States. mmmmmmmmmmmm
Recently v noticed, a commit
ideation In the Wt (Vmmji (Vwenvr
purporting to have lieeti written
from Monmouth, with the heading,
"Who is its lVenlt'' and signed
"Normal." The first paragraph I
notably unmeaning and ambiguous.
The remaining part of the comma-1
ideation has but one objeet.nud that
is to ''whip In" recalcitrant Re
publicans who have expressed a
desire to send a mail to the legisla
ture who has beeutho best friend
the normal school ever had, aud
did more for it. with his Demo
cmtie colleagues, even as far buck
as ,';,'' than all the Republican
representatives ever sout to the
Oregon legislature.
Normal" says this bill (refer
ring to the normal -school bill)
originated in the senate by Polk
county's senator, Mr. Hatch,
and although defeated ou its first
consideration, was immediately
taken up and repassed and sent
to the house, where the lullu
ence of the senate carried it through
that Iwdy without a struggle.
Now we would not pluck "one
laurel" from the fair brow of Mr,
Hatch, but "Normal" fore us to
ask the question. Who prepared
and wrote that bill that Mr. Hatch
simply introduced In the senate!
We will answer, A Democrat. In
theabovcuiiotation from "Normal"
he says that the "bill railed in the
senate," but was immediately
taken up ami repassed. Nov ho
secured this reconsideration! We
answer, A Democrat. He says
"that by the influence of the senate
it went through the home without
astruggle. Nothing could le far
ther from the truth than this last
statement. There never was a
bill that passed the Oregon legis
lature which required such a strug
gle, and all the opposition came
from Republicans except, from one
Democrat iu the senate. Now the
truth is, both Republicans ami
lleinocrats worked together fr
this great institution in our midst,
aud if we were to look for the real
parentage of this school we would
find the bloml of both parties
tracing through its veins. Ke
publican parentage, indeed. If
we were disposed to follow up
the facts relative to the progeul-j
tureshipof this school, "Normal" j
would bo given the lovely prize
for at tempting to write an article-
seriously, and made it full of holes j
set with transparent gbtss When
you write again, frost your window
paues,soeverylKidy cau t see inside.
Here is a sample oflus tiausparen
cies. lie says: ine senator we
elect next June will have a voice
in the selection of a United States
senator m four years." I hen he
ippeals to tlin issues of the nation,
its freedom, its Kcpnbpean princi
ples, ete., etc. Now we say frank
ly, that any partisan extremist,
Republican or Democrat, who
would for one moment be chained
to his party in the present tense, so
tightly that he would neglect a
present duty, and one of mure than
iii!i:i:uy i:n,i iiIiiik" to the whole
state of Oregon, and Polk county
in particular, for the ulterior pur
pose of voting for a United Stales
senator four years hence, is a man
whose partisan bias unfits him for
any position within the gift of the
people. The narrowness that char
acterized one Democrat, and one
only we are glad to say, iu the last
Oregon legislature, is the same
kind of narrowness and political
time-serving demngogcry that;char
actcrisscs that article written by
onelsigiiing himself "Normal" in
last week's Observer. The man
that goes to the next Oregon legis
lature as Polk county's senator,
and the men that go as representa
tives, will bo worth a thousand
foldiore to Polk county's interests
than all the United States senators
combined, that ever warmed seats
in congress from Oregon. A man
that does his whole duty deserves
the respect and support of all w ho
are tne direct oeneiiciancs 01 uis
public acts and public labor, and
nothing but base ingratitude will
withhold it. The same line of ar-
guinentthat our Republican friends
employ in behalf of Ringer Her
mann for re-election to congress,
applies in every point with equal
if not superior force to N. L. But
ler for re-election to the Oregon
legislature. We challenge any
Polk county Republican to show
the contrary. I
r jrjniiK
1 he remark is found frequently
mmiiiig aroun.i hi Republican
papers that " the McKlnley tariff
lowered many duties, and took off
many, but raised a few and made
tliein Btjrong for the purpose of
protection." This Is innocently
and Ignorantly repeated and be
lieved in many oases, but it was
started by some one who did not
tell the truth. The fact Is that the
t .1.- I . i ...
.iiciviiuey uiw raised urn average
and the great majority of duth in
every schedule save two.
Of HIM articles or classes, yield
lug more than eighty per rent of
the revenue from customs, the law
ncreased the duties on 2:15, left It
unchanged ou fifty, aud reduced It
ou only fifteen.
For the first time tn lite history of
civilized governments, an act was
constructed upon the avowed theo
ry of reducing revenues by In
creasing taxes, it was meant to
shut out forolvu iftiods! not, to
buildup home manufactures lit the
iutetest of the pwple, but to favor
and foster monopolies aud trusts.
If it has fulled to do this, It has
failed to accomplish the pur
Hse Intended. If It has ac
complished its purpose, the peo
ple are taxed higher than ever
One of Uiom two conclusions must
Ih true: Either the McKlnley law
is a failure, or it Is a law authorls- j
lug the plunder of the teople,
" 11 1 "i
(it.oNKt. l.vuMisoix, In the
exhulicrauco of his rhetoric, once
remarked that the 4dcul home Is In
the country, where "every field Is
a picture and laiidscajn-j every
laudscajMs a poem; every (lower it
tender thought, aud every foret u
fairy laud." This leads a sour
country editor to resjMmd: "Yes,
yes; and every kicking cow an epic,
and ev ery overturned milk Jtall an
elegy, and every kick a tragedy,
and every tsilky mule a jeremaid,
and every foot of mud a threnody,
aud currying horses and doing the
family chores In the dim vista of
a four o'clock lantern, with the
thermometer twenty degrees lielow
zero a howling nuisance, ,
Tub decision of the supreme
court declaring that the attorney
general's term of office expired this
June, was political iu the extreme.
Judge I(ord aud Heau decided
for the expiration of the office this
year, and Judge Stratum dissented.
This attorney general's term ofi
office is fur four years, like the
governor or socreiury of state,
and George F Chamberlain, of
Albany, was appointed to till thut!
office until 1S'.M, but our good Re
publican friends needed tile office
in their business, ami contrary to
law and precedent they will at
tempt to nullify the plain spirit of
the nlal lite.
W'K are sorry to set Mm .Wrm
SlulrnmiH m ring -ridden its to Istw
to the corruption of the Minto
Sherman crowd. There Is no
mote unfit man In every nsct
for the clerkship of Marion county,
than that man be found
in the slums of the capital city, if
all reports are true, ami they mutt
lie, for the Sttitrtmitn dares not deny
them. Silence is irolden. when one
wants to appear contemptuous and
Is wholly unable to answer thes
11. M. Links for justice of the
peace, aud V. V. Williams for
conslubleof the Fourth district in
Polk county, will be the proper
thing for the voters of said district
to do, and elect these gentlemen to
fill those offices for w hich they are
well qualified. It would he hard to
find two better fitted men for these
t wo important offices iu the county,
thau the men above named.
Mh. lli'itcit, the Republican
nominee for representative, was in
luilepcwlmoo interviewing our
citizens last Tuesday.
.InxiK Hiiaw for circuit judge
the Thinl judicial (list rift, Is the
the correct idea.
The Wi:ht Hiik has given all
party camlidatcH two publications
We can bo found four doors south of the
First National Hank, and would bo pleased
to have you drop In ami see us; and if you
have anything in the real-estate line, we
are the persons you are looking for. This
is the best portion of the Willamette vulley.
People lire beginning to learn tho fact, and
are coming this way. liecuuso of that fact,
wo are here; going to stay! keep our eyes
open and rustle! If you have property to
sell, list it with iih. If you want to buy,
we can suit you.
We will iusiire your property, or do your
It will be to your interest to call and see
us befoio you list or purchnuo property
free of charge. Now we think It
only fair to carry only the miuu-s
of those candidates on any ticket
whoshall desire us to do so, and for
a consideration ut our regular rales.
This Is the rule adopted by the
other papers Iu theeounty and state.
11111.10 M'KAKINU,
AlllMiaiit fur ll.iu, II, M. Voalvh,
Duintrtlv Mumlitv lur tutigrwm,
SnlimliV, May Till, A-lilumt T W t. Ml.
Mi.inlnjr.llili, JiM-kxmvlUti I i. ill.
Moii.lnr, Vlli, Mi'itliiut 1 m,
Tu.w.Uv. ImIi. u.,l,l Hill 7 ;u (,, m.
WtHluoulny, Hill, liiunl.. Cum 7:4) m. III,
TliiimlitY, liltli, It.wiiiihi 1 It, in,
r'ri.ln.v, Lull, ih.khmil p, m,
hitlimlu) . Illli, ImmIh a li. hi,
MmuliO, Will, vWvbiii. T ,m, hi,
TliimtUy, Imli, lmli.i,.-,m ii,
I hin,y, I vi tt. IihIIiw 7 ,l , in,
Kriility, li Mi'MmiivIM I !i p. m.
r'riiluv, lull, l.ul-ovi'H i ,n ii, hi,
Hrtim.lii-, dU) r't'iimt Oniml ,i in,
suim,u,v, ai.i, iiiii.iMMuii J m p. iii,
M, , n.lin, if l, origoii ( nv T Hi , m.
I lli-.,ln,v , llrl V 1 ,l i in,
W r.lhi,liii , liaili. Milt rit.iii ?,i ii, iii,
1'llrln, Jillll, HmIkiii 7 ,l u, m,
k'tl.l,,. 11, I .hi .. ...
Mniimlay, ii,m.m ii, m.
M.'iiiiuy, in, I ri,Bii,,n I ii p. in,
lii..hir. Il.l, Allmiit, 7 nil '. in.
Wiiliio.,lilv, .lllllv Ut, ltlvllavlll?ia)u, m,
l'lHir..iv, M, lliinl.lnim ii ii, in,
l-'ruUr, ikl, Jiiii,,ii.mi Oil) I n ii, hi,
r'rl.Uv, M, I .luT-iK- T at ii. in.
HhiiihIha , IUi, ( -.iiiiv dnnij i, ,t
B. ,..... . . -.v-w
this moii tn rtiit mm,
"The lnit eiiirmlle, nilut nuil
relelillowjiiurnill til Alliel'li Wbell ll
M'laool toHivuiiiiUiih nnv iireiil ulijeet;
I run (entity to II rvmlv luiiiiitiiltv.
ciiiiiirv!iciiliiii, mid n'pilteiiis)."
(ion Jliumlim. .
(i enii tell our Heinitillenu hmleni
ieeret suit mir iH'iniH'rutlu frlviuU s
plwv of mn ut':
the II Dili I Intcintii to mul Wilt elect
Klitither iK'iiitM'rnllo ireliliiil UiIk
Vtiur. AM 11 I Iri.Vi.r t tn,l 1h
Wlietlier the IW'UHierttlh! enliillilalv
Ii ul I im Mhtvr ('levvlttud, n-jirtwiitliiu
the cum of itirlll retorui, orsiiv one
of iiiiiiiUt itf oilier leliiM'rttlle li-Hiler
w liutii U'i'liH'ttsl. rtihix-M'iiiliniRll tlif
eleitieuU (if iiHIUun lo l(imlilt
wnlsiii, Thti II iiWi will W fiireuiiwt In
hU iiiirl. The next prtwliletil maul
U lS liin rut.
Hut while it..liiK (hU Tl ll'.w)
will vivo lo It Heputilli-MU render.
U ilid In Ihertsvm cmiiiiIkii, n fultir
aiul Mtrr h'lMirt of lteltullleU llieel
Ihk slid isslit tit the irr.liUnitlnl
itinvitM thiol the oruntiii (if their ou t)
prty print. Jf A H'- never ettlnr
new: It ilntitfnilim'Vi'iiU,
Thr H'iM't 1 now riiilhiK nn vh
t,K of uvrr .1.10,1 urn rople ihiy. It ha
made net itverui;t Kuln of ;iti"m tt) titty
ilurlnu tito 'm.l y-r. It w III elreulntv
next yer, mi the Iwsln of Dili luereHM
only, t lent I J),ooo,iio isiitof the
ahltiit, Klmuifest, and lt IVioerrntie
iipNtsr evtir (irinii'd.
7?it- II'.hViJ In recitKhlftst m iIa
tliirllvi-lv tlit inn aMiMr of I In' fieopli..
When not properly rnrtsl for, lose
IU lutre, Us-omcs trine, Imntii, suit
dry, niul fall out, freely uiUit-vury
retitliliut. To prevent this, the heat
ami newt popular drawing In the
market I Ayer Hair Vigor. It
remove lUmlnifT, heals trtulleniiie
Ii mount of the M-alp, reatim-i fatlixt
ut (tray fmir to It orlglnul color,
tout iiiimrt to It a oilky teiture
stul a lusllnir fmgranre, Ily mtltig
this preparation, the ;ooreiit head
of hair om
Becomes Luxuriant
rut tttautttul. All wlin hn ant itttxl
Ayef Halt VlK"r, nl nn uihcr drxMlng,
t.all.t allli t (UArlu, IiiuckUU, Muruo
Ofot, Ky, mt "W ImII Avofi
llltlr Mt to I Urn bt nul9un ii Ul
kind tn Ilia Hiktliri, ml ,.-M rhi ut It tlian
( all othrn, ,Vu diti ioio tunt'leW
Itlwiil iiii'l'ljf vl W
"I ha uwl Ayr Ilalr Vttr IUi
fn-at WiM-Dl ami kiM.w p,.(n oilior ,r
auin, Iwlttrtio W ami M jouli at c, oliu
liao FtvKilriu-rl Imll.u h1 traulli ttvm
!' DM ul tllU ltnrmtliiti. MMbitra lJ
ba)t la IU atiDlniil eolur, rmuuilM a mw
frumih. llvra Imlrr in ttm hilr, anil dramri
Hie tralp ( UauitluO." DotiuKltt Ovliu.
After Using
A number other ixtratlntia wIUmxi!
any Mtlitarturr tr.nll, 1 fliu) tlul Ayl t
Ilalr Vlc.if U i-aiiiii tiijr hair lo grow."
A. J. tHm-iil, lirnctul Mo reliant, Indian
llnail, N. W. T.
"AyiT'l Ilalr Vlpr l llw only pripr
llutt I Ctmtil rr flnj to r. moia dulnlnilt,
euro llohlm bimiiira, and luaa ul
Uil'. 1 rati cinrhlrnlly rmumnwuil IU"
J. C. Ilutlor, SMlirpr, M.tat.
"My wlln 7Mltvt that Ilia mmijr twnt
ir Ayrr'ii lUir Vlgtor wiu llio Im-.i iin-rt.
uiviil h i-vrr ninln, it haa jitni her to
miK-h antltaillitn."-Jiuura A. Adami, St
Ati(uilliK), Total.
Aycr's Hair Vigor
rani-aunt) T
Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
H..IJ bf all DruisUU and l-.rfum.ra,
S.E. Cor. 1st and Taylor,
n e
0- g
It MlfVM that to 1st the hlgheM1, which la dtHlhitUst to the
Th ll'itcM puta heitrt mid eiiiiwleiiraj
Into II work tw well nn hmliin. 111.
the imiiiliimM of Jtwi,, n,w
ol myltirleii, h ileteeterand llm terror
oferlmt., tlm frltul of llm frlentllewi.
l ie lieln of tin. p,Mir, tht) lreii((lli tif
the weak. ItenlUIng (hat tin iwer
eoinefftim tlm mople, It (rlvea Uck
to them freely wliNlevvr ervli0 U
iuuiiettee talitl 1 1 reMiureeii enulilv It to
Willi a perfect vtpilpnieiit, tliomuuh
ohiHiilMttlon. espithlti ilirwilnii, and a
tleep ili'teriiiliiutioii U move ou niul tip
ami up to holier tileul and uresler
Hi'hlevniii.,iu, Ttir H,rM wUhea lla
nitililluitt) of rt'Mileni a 1 hippy New
Year, ami tsuillilenlly ttlttn them to
exict fmui It iliirlng iMOij pveti more
wiinili-rfnl tl,luK lhn l ,m alirmly
Wb have niadw HniiiiKemenU with
llm Han l-'raiielneo ill whervhy wtreun
Klveyuuthe iHtlly Cn fur one year
ami the YVkkt Hu.a Isitli for ti, or wt
will neiitt you thn Weekly Cult and the
WKsrHiHK mitt year ftir iflO. Tlif
( WU out' uf Urn IkwI iniMaiiaam tin
the eHil, alitt thla ullur aliulllil U
taken atvuiiiaKof y anyone wMiIiik
a IlixU'lam tlulty mier.
(iold frames. The
latest style, with Utr
spring ami cork guard.
Will not pinch the
nose. warrant the
glasses to Ht the eye,
We are now better prepared to sell you goods
tlao ever before. We bare increased our stock
until it is complete, and our conservative methods
of buying enable us to give you more for your
money than you can possibly get at other places.
We do not trust Tom, Dick, and' Harry, or every
person who asks for credit; we only trust those
who can pay their bills on presentation, and con-
sequently we know just what we are doing, and
do not tax our customers with high prices to get
pay for bad accounts. So when you boy from us
you can depend on getting the FULL WORTH Of
ThiH in a very plain Htateinent of facts, and is certainly
plain to everyone who reads them. We invito you to com
pare, our prices, and bo convinced of tho practicability of
conservative business methods, which are always to your
interest as well as to our own.
Grocers and Bakers,
Tho Druggist
la lotrall, Vk. -"" "
W4I mr ot Hl' Umftin thaa ol tA
tht Ul jurtflsr F ImtM")
r. o. iooi.).ai I Kill awfatrf Hud i"'
harllla than all otliiNr bluud .rlll.
A. W. !). C.l Ho' "
Si si! othf raa.rlll.
0. r, likaauaaam Wll mutt ot
araaiiarllla ibis ' y Hullar.
MaMTt wi With Ui ' u
llwMl'a la I tn I ol t kin
r. K, 0.t A Co.l niwa'f Mrtrlll
iOi.tiia A Hovavt IIihI'i ar.Hrllla U
ons sf Hid lwl tiiKllflii") w It' ' '
InttmaMa ry
f. f. M'-mt I Wlt llx M
lliwl'a NarMrtII M ut nyllilt' tlmUf.
0, A. Dwaat Mil'l to lb "" H'w
aaniaiHirlll ol Ui day.
iair Otaaa dimUt !" lmll"-
TliU '.utiriiy at bom. Ho U
Rarurllla and Ul ifrltori ba b""
kituwu l"f y rxf, OMiild Buimmllriu If
lb tawllrluo did But ymn hirl. Ami
thaw laeW huld wrtaluly .ln"i l"Mi
la trtbef mkiIimm ol tb ftaaw Ui aV
aarMMUIll W '"!, rallnbl au-dtdin
Hood's Sarsaparilla
.Id bf drtiKlfl"'. ' '"' ! ''"'I'''
"J by " , t HOOK A CO.i iKulbwatl..,
taiwall. klaaa,
JOO Dotot Ono Dollar
Cheap iMctaclei are
dear at any price. If
you are lu imsjiI of
apctaele, our Jeweler,
Jlr. Cherry, will take
pains to property fit
your eyes.
The rat ing season Is
at hand. You want
one. Call ami let lis
show yon some.
Have a "clear title" to this space.
IT !
Independence Steam Laundry.
Is now ready to do all work lu the Ijaundi-rleg line lu a mat and fint-
class tmt inter
Our delivery wagon
ill cull for
nee and Monmouth.
We will be responsible for all goods
Prices as Low as any City.
F. M. GATES, Prop.
Main St., Independence.
It U nil right In liwli A KTKH Hie rtollara. hut
, oil! ow allot,
Books, Tablets, Inks, and School Supplies.
from W. II. WIim-I.t. It (i.w.h no m.ti in trll thai if rnu In... after Ui..i nuw thrj
III kwk alirr uo hen mi nrrd Uwlr aid.
Independence, Or.
MAURER & AESHLIMAN, Proprietors.
We Imvc! recently established a first cliiss meat market, on C stmt,
opposite Little ralnco Hotel, and keep on Land all kiutls of
Everything First-class. Free Delivery
If you want
Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Wall
Paper or Picture Frames
He has the best and most complete stock
this side of Portland, and will always treat you
right. Wall paper trimmed free of charge.
Stylish Turnouts Always In Readiness.
Having lately purchased tho entire interest in the stables of T v
c.i t . 7 "VU,D "uw "'m"K huu are preparinc to make manv
DAMON &, COOK, Proprs.
and deliver woik loth in Iodepcn.
Hatiufuctlon guaranteed.
If jrwti am rHr d,imui of aavtni Um, rt
ftimijtlit and tiujr juur