The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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The Host -Newspaper
V'f eae V"" ' ' ant
f,Y.hrt tti'tra, (VatHie A HA'ST
7liV ait pnr in llk roMNty.
A an Advertising Medium
Takes the Lead In Polk Count.
$2.00 IVr Year.
Five Cents IVr Copy.
NO. 20
A"tv t W,- tM"TRNI)KKrK UUMtK
Nil, U2, ki vr Monday nlttl In
Uanutie hall. All iaunrnlna tirn-,.r Invited
loatM-ttd, W, I', IMNN VW AY, M.W
Itl.Altl Mil l VK, UvAinlor.
I. MV F itwta lit Ma
inle hall rot Tliiirdt
veiling. AH tMd Fellowa
cordially invited hi ata
IV A, l.W'rt, !,. .
V, II, rVH, Heetvtary,
IAON l.OtHiK. N. SSkA. r
A A. M. Niainl eunttitnttli'a-
none mi Naiurday v.eiitu on
r eel tmm ea.-h nt.titia
tttd Itwt -ka lltervanfr, tt.
W, Klllllll, W . M, W, t VMIU
H""oi:h I.oIHIR NO. K. of l
vr WwlHMtUyovwilH. AUKnltltta
vuu liit our tit jr are v"!'"?. . 'il u A". "l
lilAlH VII1KH K ..IH AH,
MS. J. K. LWRi;
rhysician and Surgeon,
Buana Vlata, Oraaoa.
l,, W eat thl Of Maltl
INtKl'ttNlKNCf!. - - OUKUOV
Resident Dentist
Alt vuk mnlnl h gl U tmk
Uf MIWHlliW,
Will praolk In nil atate and fedral
eourt. unit over Indepemlvnc Na
ll.umt Itank.
lndpedtea, Oft"-
Jao. J. Daly. J. B. H. C. Itaeia.
We Hat Ike imiIj 4 ii DM runt hka ill l"ulk
emniC. K'liiMo ablrla rttraialt. UBt
nIWj I, ti.u.. So cHiti,(l rhafllt ufl
Uw, l iiIh-b, iu.. 4 ui'l 1 'A iU.ii' blor.
Attoniey and Counselor at Law,
OdlvK iK'IviwmlHJt Nl I Hank.
Imlr(rnili'ltCT, lr.
U. K. IU.uliui,
ej-iHii, i mm
Ill'l U i II lM HlAK-K,
on Cummf tl lt.
Mitchell 8c Bohannon
MaBuUnlarar "I
Main street, Independence, Or.
Two experiencd workmen in at
tnd4nce. I5AXKH.
Commenced Business March A, 1889.
K.Uhll.l.r.i bjr NalUmai AutliorUy.
of In'UiniiDn'. lir(fi'ti.
Capital Stoek, $50,000.00
Surplus, $14,000.00
J. H. COtll'Kll. U W. KOHKIlTOOSf.
1'rn.l.lrnl. Vict lrldnW
W. It HAWI.EY, Cwhlif.
J. H. Cooper, U W. KulMrtaon, Uwb Helmlek
a. W. WlilUnkff, W. W. Collin.
A gmiral tanking buln lrnoi4
Miy Mid will xchiui on nil Important
I u.i.lta rwi-lvw) llhlnst 10 rhl'k or Oil 0
rii uia i,l uimil CollMitluiin made.
Oltlrc hour.; a. m. to 4 p. ill.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A lilt AM N HIWIN.
Vice Prililnt.
. Ciuililer.
A wnprji! Imuklftg and enchiingo bnlni
tranwu-U'il; lonim in lull!, bllln dlawHinted.eom
mcrela! creillta grantwl: dpll received on
currnnt aiwunt aulijirl Ui cliM'k, lnlrit paid
on tliiio d'xiIU.
JimIius M'-Imnlfl, II. II. Jiu)crwn, A. J
(imidman, H. Hlrwlihfsrit, A, Nolnon,
T. J. U. I. A. Allen.
.A. MAHtl'M
V. l,.f'AV1l'liKI,l,
.C101I1 lur
PAID CAPITAL, $25,000.
I. A.MiUTiiin, P.I.f'nmpticll, I.M.HInipmin
J, II. V. Butler, J. H. Mump, V, H. l'owell
Jom.pli (;ruvnn,
A KcticrHl baiiklnlt and eji-hnniin bimlnnmi
tranaifitiMl; iian Hindu; di-ixMlta rmmlvwd
nliji!t U tUmk or on nnrtllluaU) of dupoiilti
liitnil paid on tliun dniollJi.
-Klra proof vitult and burglar proof niife,
wurd by Yale time l''k.
Olll: Ifoiirn! 8 a, m. Pi t p. m,
Farmers and Merchants
Insurance Co.
Capital Stock,
w. r. pa.
J, U tvwa.
Vl,- I'rwlilvnt,
M, HaNHkMa,
Am I Hwrlry.
Hon. H. a, Htmlian, fhlf Ju.lliw of tit Nupiwiu tVurtl linn, Jolm Hiirnull, r Am.iiMi
Jiiii,ii( lliMuirmliirt( Hun. 1. K, WValln-rlurd. Alloriioir, H'" Hlun ltn.
J, U tian. I'rmHleiii t.lnn lmulr Nailnnal Haiiki W, r. Il.l, M.-n lwuli
U, V. Bint awn, fapllallati M. Klrnilwrg. Mn-iiMli J, U. ttrlUinan,
tplta)Ut U rolojf, i'tijralt'lan,
IVuilum hHHtlpta itlnw orKimlnution, .... f.ri,'-'iiH.i!0
lAtumw jtftld luw oi-KUiilxHtlon, ...... IMl.O'.W
Surphw tw BtHHirlty to iHlloy holilont, .... 21.VKM.87
MM . U, hi
Wc buy for cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy direct, and we buy in quantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
Wc sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat you courteously.
A satisfied customer is our best advertisement.
Our tHHiHtiuit kttu I to giv you the bt good at .button jirltt.
0 nmke your tutorvHW ount,
Ynnr rliliif will bo ik'rvisl an flit 1)1 V
A ponnarl!nn of our stylwi ml prlwB will ronviuco you tlmt you alioulil
UttJo with UH.
L. KELSO, Independence.
The lt pint thU ulilo or PortlanJ to buy Drupt, Btiitlotiiy. .K'Wflry,
nuil Italia U Ht
Our Ji-wt'lry IVpartmeut, of whb h Mr. O. A. Kraiiwrluw tlnt,
full ami rtiui'l't.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Sil
verware, Canes, etc.
lU'iMilriug a iH;lttlty, ami dinpatcliwl with prompt mw uud Mtiif.irlioo.
h& Mk, Pais!; bggii
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small
t4aarlelaa aooa
radaMark. auk ahairiaa.
Prtaof Uiiaana Aall Halrlaan aarMiia, m
olwMainilf anadaaual. Tku aaaruMail
oauiaa w. invlu jm la 4 -at wllfc aa
a.a4bvoar. A4rM OUIIM OHIMI
rrrr.. rr'z
taiiara ar anaawaa .aj.r, w r
aaraill uw w Maaaw aa aMi aaiaaa
IP,B II . hU
at tua M tan aa a wiik .
-ABO a
A full and complete Una of Funeral good
Alwayi oa Hand.
Luther Groundn
Dealer In
Tf .1 y, ..tiAa.iuurnrA UnUnrA.
IlriJWtMl, HIITOIinniv v...nw...,
stoveH, end other niiwllancotm ar-
tlt!l(, Cttim lilt) lHM!IIHOII UI nin
public to IiIh One stotik of the above
artiHia now on hand.
ir:u ..nln..u ttill Anmnarn ftivfirahlv
inn yi ii-ti ,.., v . " 4
with prict in any other locality.
ry. . .1 ...... tin anil 1ti fvlll III.
sittiHficd with pricri, quantity, and
Maniifucturar and dt-alor In
Sash, : Doors, . Mouldings, : Utc.
Kull tm of Olmia, all alum, kopt onnalnntly
on hand. Hpfdlal ral on conlraiita.
KaUiry on K. K. atrwitlunar dunot
ooataonlyW.IHI pnrlllil aipiara fnat. Makea a
good roof for veara, and anyone nan put It on.
Muud aUtinp r "ample $ fulJ Prt.fmilnr,
Oum Klmilfc lloodnn Company,
IIH and 41 llroadway, New Vork.
Looal A." wnian
IIKA'ITV'B Oruana at bralnf.
tf .I....I- .ml nuljilftirilft ad-
r,ir imrii.-..-..-. "--T- - -
I.UUIlMiraaa UHIIIul t. iwavu. n
4, tt. Vitn ,
hrM-r. ami Mnir,
K, A, Mh.mhi,
I H-hli-r.
Utlil iMilltoIV Hri VOUrHl'If.
hi S, Sialic,
la raapJa4laf .olalloa wt u Mirld'allr .pllll oa lb k.a4
ua Maic atrM4 II w aiMi.fa th.l lh m nm
Klty raiwA W l oar. ,hii lat. u4rril tftir.liu, citha
rktl and KirMI to. bNn lit. ilw.a4 tli.t w. at. nu tmriwltM-lug
II Uirvu.bmil Oi. ia aMili nun ol Im'i Aali-lialrlua,
, tk kti, tf w4 wptf lb. muioK lor a twm aiinau aJ ilia
k.l,il...l"ll aiaiWalHHanUillahuapaIBjurr alwij
JLYtm kliwwwa. II launllkxnruiiiar .r.iu.,i, ...r iu4
Kr a Ut tntvm. Tbwanl. o L A i iV a bo ba.a ",1
likkairatair FAt'K. KB K aad A Ilia aiil lu aiiia.
!u KBIT LIS W Itff ! a4 apamlalaa banl ot bait oa Uiall aart,
riealaaa aooa la Uaa.a'a Aall-iiairiaa
iaiaa ar nad.rlna lu laiar anmia an u.r latpumbinir.
, or a, kh. .lib f.a'-'' H-Lli i?'i"Ti
la UaM'l ABll-iiairi
bj Bowl ad auaiabl imart
k.iua .uar.niaaa.
- - - - -OH-. ..,.Hrlaa,
llauUki .1 m
With Buster & Shelley,
wants your watch repair
ing. Satisfaction guar
anteed. LA GRIPPE
Hy iiBlnan.llwidiiidianil I.lvnr oiirc,nnd H.
tl,Coui((iure,ttiilli'iielwl foi inilda. Tliuy wore
iiand two Vdftra ko diirldif la ifrliii opldcinlo,
and vory mittwlng liwtliiMmlula of I Imir pownr
ovor that dlaaaan are at hiuid. l'rlim, Nlii and
7(w per bottle For ame ny an arii.'iimw.
Waahlngtflii, Nw Jarany,
In oannvnrywhiiro.
Kur onlalnk Hildrima
Diuilul 1', UmUf,
EjillpHtlo l it, Falllui MtkueiM, ll;tor.
bv, tit Yllu Udiii-e, lSorouim,
lljpiM'liomlrla, nrlttnrliplld, In.
brlty, Slerpli'MUoas 1"
ilucki, Brain ami Hpl
Bid WvttkufH,
TMi mcilli-lna but dlrm( artlon upon
Ui iirv rftiU'ra, allnrliK all IrrlUltlll
tli't, and IniTOMiiiii Ut l)w ami (Hiwor
of nerve fluid. 11 l artotly baruilun
and luavoi no unpli.aul tiftiMU.
A Tlulila IIixt an MarrmM
lMMMi iMiit ia Ui air ad-liaaa.
4 ihmu1 iii.iii. .an au uU4la
1,1. u.imIU ma II ul rHataa.
Una niiolr aa twa unKt4 h ilia thwraail
kti, k.u., ul frt w.nio. luil , aiiira la aad
eavtt vvav uaoli uia uiriwuMa v,
KOENlO Kim. CO., ChloBtfO, III.
W.I Hy I'mMftats at S tw- ItutUa, 0 .r $$,
fur rtiiltiftT Ail
Atv liu i4 ; it-
Publl.had Dally and Waakly by th
Kantat Domoorat Publlahlntf
Company, Topaka. Kaa.
Exolualva Owner of tha f'raaa Nw
Aaaoolatlon Talaraph FranohUe,
Bottt Mornlnij and Aftornoon.
25c Por Month.
00c Por Year.
Subscribe- for it Because :
II ratiUlM ail U lalaat lalctfrapa Bc la full
In torn) unlumna ara iwrnjili-ia and rlttK
II la iiil.ii..l al Hi hum f apltai-a "I
an,ii.. n.l piuiUliu ail dial l vt tin" i !'!
pailiif al lh Hlaw aHial, and ol kuea tpami
lulnn..! ihruiiiiiHi Uittil
i. iilif auuwripiiua irio la iml about to
UlUU Uil vl ii( ollicj ut aauana,
Advortlso in it Bccauso:
lla tuMwr'ptlnfl (irk ft kt I Han a pwinr a
patif,it,lif i wiirkty. ikMnr.l an,whr lit Ilia
,M, tlta H a aiilMiiiiU4i U.l Utat aiakaa II
lua emelUaln allun id knwa
We oaii drill you one Unit w ill lie a
"Joy furi'vpr. ' t hitvo
the onlv
In Una anMtKii, and If .m ritipluy u.
yaiil will ii. ! Itk ilk i. a iliwiud lioii. ilh
wltfit a. urn ilinniifli.
Wfll-a of any nli, through quirk
wind, gravel, or Iwilrink. jaiivp
OhIi it at J. I . Ponm ll h.
MlCtl nw THE lOWtST.
lew beery!
W. J. MULKEY, Prop.
S.itUiiirtlnti ii;iniuli'fil in priced
,llnl nml.H. Slurk I'n .sli mill ImiiiIiI 1'iiil' lli'lllillK lUliI (0i
YIU'A) HKI.IVKUY ul the. hum
ot !) to 1 1 it. in. itnd M to Ti p, in.
PLEASE m 1 1 cm.
F. H. Morrison,
Chargaa raaaonabla, and flrat-elasi
work guaranteed.
thgttt's Ferry.
The piihlli' l lnTi'liy rioillli'd Uml I hi niideT.
alunrd Iihm liiiuuhl I lir. h-rry ul ii,rp,Miiti-iii'r
and will I'p iiltviiy on liiiml (u iit'tmtiniiMihiii
the iravHIhg piildle at thr iii"l n-u hh'
riilia, I. i'i,.inKi i'.
-: T1IK:-
Willamette Real Estate Co,
Inili'lH'iiili'iii't'i Orcgnii.
TriliiHiti'tn ii Ki'tiernl Ui'iil l 'nt ;ii i ltiihl
inwH, liiiyaunil hi IIh I'miivrty, ellinln
lllHIirillICO llllll lIlH'H It Rl'lIITlll
('iiiiveyiino JtiiMliifNM.
Pitrtlm lmvliuf LuihIh for wilo will
Hml It to tlii'lruilvaiitiiKU to
List Their Property
Willi UiIh Cimnmny, iw they am dully
wiiilliio; HatH of litiul piimI, tlniM pliic.
liig iliwlrnblo irnii'ii,y licforo the rrwl
dpnta of Eiidt.
J. W. K1HKLAN1), I'lVMliUint.
Of Independence, liavliiKa Htoiun
enjjlne, a brick niiic.liine uml Hovoral
aereH of fluent clay, Jh now prejmred
to keep on hand a line quality of
Brick, which will bo sold at reiwon-ablopriocH.
v y
A triji Amiuij the Fanners of
this Vicinity.
Nrw Arrival Comlnifi l" Town
BoDiiiln, an! tveryone
l.nat Miiudiiy tivi'iilii, It'ttvloK Moil-
iuihiiIi to tlui lomli-r imirt,li ofilio
Surllinrnl J'ifijli, WW etiuU'd on a
Jmiiit liilii llio ipiuiiry to mt any
iWiua iiuiM lip khIImti'iI tluil would If
uf interval to tin n-iidi'iTt of iliu Wmt
flliK, We liaiked uvvt tln Vital llelda
nflthiwtiiK wlii'ut, Bint intli'l lloir
mllier alckly itpi'NriiiiH, chiummI liy the
nwill imIiI ruin. Tlieae llelda did tint
Imw IIib lleulltiy dark Hrmm itiir tliey
Imd iiiiu ni'Mitli nfi, Ilut (Ihijiiii luta
never fulled to reward the liiiluatriuoa
toiler W illi an atitiiuluiit return fur lila
litUir, and w hen the uvulnl raya of the
aim ouix. inure UmiIii o'er I lie IiuhI,
our llel'la Will HKIllO KaatllllK tlirlr
Miillled Miqanralieas ttlid aa III (lie .nt
a Outlliliima I'ruvliteiieti Hill lileM lla
wllll itl.iiml.iiil linrvent.
Ktrullliirf nlwiiil tT a lliuv, we up
iruaelul the rvdilelioe of Ihe I 'ertlwill
Hrna , and Imlnii liiillixl tty Ktlua, w e
elieeki-d mir I'tiutliiK-iivl iiii'liill(.:lii 'l.
We elilerinl llie hoiiae and wrlelin-1
ttirdUilly tteli'oupd Ly Ida lfo mimI
uiollier. lOwivliiii a lieiirty liiv(lt-
lloii to ri'imilii over iiIkIiI, we irliM l
the Mid'lU fnoii our "'ny. alnlitnl lilm,
nod were at am rhjeytiiit llie IhhiiIIm!
Hi, -a i nor kind Ik t Ulld linalt-n..
The IfrUMill Itfiat, liave ttUml :i
it.'ir in nftiin, lllid ha vi l-"i aetea aunt
tner fallow I ill. I. Tliev live till llie
ildiv ow lie-1 tHellly llvf yenia bi, I')'
J.HH.. A. Allen, hot new "ttiiedl y Mr.
Melvluuirry, Tliee ymioit men hy their
liulitry and mmoiny UI
elite a iiiih Ii lei. We were
hii u '!iiii hitiehtidiie (H'tihlea imd
itij itia ilikeil 11(1 hy t hiill oil the
alutre of l"ke M It'll tU It ,ttl- f-ltlii l!
liiivliiij U'i'li rvahlelii tif Miehl(;un.
I'ht ai K lua lire ,nelly reltiia I
lilin, hv ttie tturill itvi-rviill.iti,
H;tvlu x lt the ulKhlilti Ihlattttly
K.'HtTinw nod liiwi'iliitile fitmlly, tnl
liuvlim .rlnki'li of M Bm id, auhatitliltul
hivitMitf.1, wu Utnnle otir wtiltMia
terd Blot alarltd III the (llleelloii it
1 Itui'tui Viata. tiiMiur way to Ihe no
elelil and i"iilliHU illy, tte lijtja-il ill
lll liolimMif It.ti Sllllk'I.V. IH.K.tBl
the l,..r, were adiultUil, and i-ut an
hinirtn pleaaulil cuivefae wllh lihn
uud hi liiiwi ealliimhle wife. Mr,
Siiuitly l'vr on (he farm of litvhl
l,iliii.,n. Tlila fnrtu euihrrtiiM 'CO
iierea, tirtil W n tin.' thillilllott laud ehtitil
f John It, JtoniuU, wlm wan the tuttf
Imd eel tier on It, and mi early plomt-r
f tri iiii. Mr. KtiiiHly lum auwn to
((Hllll aeri-a, and will aUllllller ftih
low t W aerea. 1 te lliv lied u to g.i and
".ik til til iniile;" we did i, ami
Mtw three of the liuiff"! ami Ilnet
iniilta in llie eoinity. They wmihl
avenw aladlt l,7nu Jioiiiid e.trh. He
lajtlatly rotll of thelll. The fnltiilv
weltf intri'lilly III H' hiitltli, tml
they Initl not elllllely ri'enveml I'imiiI Ihe
I'll'ii la nf ihe grln' We w lh them
a Mady reinvery uml eiilillntiiil en-
J.iynietit nf heiillh. The aim in hiiv nl
Mr. HHiikIv. John Xhiiw , livea ii.ljnlii
hit! hliu on the ul. I William M.'t inili
(ililiv, now ow tied .y A. J. Kiehitrdnili.
I; ttuild ! hiirelmwd ut jiai. itlnii
(lulliefurin luljnlnliiK Mr. shuw
Uvea John Sentl, fmlil liUntn. 1 hja
ta it fiiim ami wita formerly owned
hy Newt Ii,, hrotlu-r to Wllihini.
All llleae fitlina lutve the niUH'iiraiiee ol
U-iliK in llie lunula of thrifty mid til-
lllall'loua iilllatlldilli'll. Now II Mhnlt
ride, and Huemt Vltn liaima In alht.
Arrlvluii lit tile ttiii'lolil elly.we eltleled
llie atore of l' t t ier, ami looked
iiroliml to view lla enlitelila. lie kee.a
oil Imml drum and fitney nrth'lin, atnl
h iliiim; a fuir hiHlneaH. J. II Alexander,
ijow iIoIiik bii'lm? In Monmouth, wit
a few inoniliH win it uiitiier of Mr
Yeter'a. J. I., t'oiitu, Ihe enter'ii-iiii!
men hunt, here, with jjeiilleiminly
I'lHirteay wnlta UmiII hla euxlomerM,
Hllll InindaoVel' Hlielinaed gutals with
Ulval dexterity.
Wlille at llueiia Vlti, Martin Wll-
llllllia lllid 11 anil of John Ylldte (lie aloelt lliiin of lteiitnn county
eit'iiulii. They were miiUlnn iirinue
lllclitH lo tiiiteher mid fiirtil-h lieef In the
aiirriuiiiiliiii? eiuinly on an exieliMlve
acitlti. 'T will ho ivmeniheivd that
John WlldHitiid (1. II. Smith have la-en
two nf llie moat exteimive Htm'k ruisei'H
within IhelailimN of Wealeru On'gnii.
lhleiiu "ltil l Hiiro of unod beef.
Wlille ut Hueiia Vlala, we heart I
aniiie lultt of hiilldliiK a llouriiiK mill
there. TIiIn, ifwiriiid mil, would be
nlii! of (lie (rreateal elileiilie(i for the
restoration of the city to her former
KTeatuoHH, when hIio wuh an inilrant
for the locution of the neat of tfovei'ii
mcut, of tlio Nlale, Sbo now present
a Homcwlial dilapidated appearauee,
lull witli a Kood IIoiii'Ihk mill, theeiier-
Hle of the peoiln would bu fully re
newed, and Huemt Vlala would be
known I'm' and wldo us a niiinufue
tilling point of no iin.'omtlderiible
value. A. J,, bcHtlr youi'Melf, and once
more put the Hlur of progreiw in thu aa
cemlnnt. A. J. ltlcliiiiiUoii hIIII iihivcm around
Ihiena with (HaHele activity, ready al
any nionient to grasp the opportunity,
whereby he may add to Ida liicrciinlnn
wealth. , 11" buvH and h1iIih wheat
whenever that cominodlly Is offered to
him at market price.
It being a Hoinnwhat uupk'aaaut any,
and the streeta piVHontlng a rallier do
Herled appearamw, ' wo concluded
to leave for some ether point, but
not before calllnir upon our friend
Ilutfh llaldwln, tlio Jieiuoeratle can-
dldiile for county clerk. We found him
tiuerful, and hopeful of hlx election
The esteem In wlileli he Is held here by
the colillillinlly, la a flliiriiiite that lie
piauef Irnlla of l hnrnri r highly poill-
lueiiiliihlii, l(t la a in phew of )r, T. J., Ida mother and Irte If brother
and alaier, livliiu Ik un ami mianl In
( lit'iroti, and havluif a (jmid ediientloii,
and wlthid piHuuwaliiK hoiiealy of I'liur
iteler, tht) piwllliin of enmity cliik will
tat uiiatl aaauivdly awardml him hy tho
(jiBid jwtiple of iHilk,
We found Jauiea Wheeler, the old
plninair, euJoyiiiK Ida nrdlmiry kimmI
healtli, Hp hua liiid Ida eld oieliard
well t ri I it i ui'. I , which aoda liulell to lla
U tility of u.niiriiiiiv. Jin la a llttleap
prelieiialve of bia pencil ureliard U Iiik
injured by thu Into froala. Ilia Que
thick of aheep whell aliearcll H 111 hl lliK
hllll a aiiliu liltle llicilne. He hll
atnl enjoy hiiuaelf, tuke lng eay,
never fret, never eroaaea lh bridge
until he ut la to It, and then If the
bridge bitiaka be luukca iiimUier one,
He la holiest ami a emroii ut IjiblHir.
All with whom wit hnvn inantt lu
I'nlitiii't In term of piniaeof the
Wlnf Slut;. We will now, Imvliitt
ii tiiriiid to the phtee from w hrmxi we
ataited, foiilliiiie our .MomiihiiiIIi tiote
M. .111111111111 atAllia to pnaaeaa
ittliui'lluli at Ihla time lluill any other
tuwti in the iHmity, Heitiifly a diiy
piiam'a tlittt, t In ri. In not Willie jicraoil or
h r..i,a iiHiilitii Iii itnd iiiukliig Impiir.
lea aUiiit the price of lna, or lniUlrltiii
iliivriilni furiii fnl' aale. We Ititve
hud all ell imiMililitla, ililllii the ptift
Wil li, to lititke am h llnjllica,
Now time la up, ami Kuver iiiohI la
vlailed. We Uallltle tiur ioliy ami
miike heitdwuy fur llitit city, llluatrloii
ill the iiiiiiiiU of 'ok etuiiily. W e ,t
by Ihe hoiiet)f W Idlitin luvldnti, one
nl the ru be:d and la at t'llltivuled furilia
III I1('kii. Win, iMvlilaiiii hml Jnt
rtiurm-il li'.mi nut na v l(a ami una
eurlliK for Ilia liliv ajmil of liofaeN, uud
hi nlhi'f apt In! pt-t, w hom everybody
klitnn and apeiika of ill h fina uf pralav.
Mr. Iluildaoli ttilka aolltt! of at liinn lil
farm, and Intv.Hiii; a term of
ill., I, Ilia for the U ni lll nf Ida wlfi
lifitlili, c IhhI no linn. I.i il.illy on
the rMtl, au liit.ati'iie'l on In Stiver.
Mere tte found nnr filt lnl It, t'ttde, I
hind lln-ciinlrt i1I...kii; uf n..l
the S nip fit i ki, a K" "l!y ciitw. .f
pen) lt, and ',i. i. lo tippltrlute hniit'ty
ill otln-ra.
Mr. Me 'lulu, M litely filieii of the
tlaiv, met u and enti-ivd Into a dicif.
atoii nl lite nilllt'itl ailuiitlnil. lie laa
until prvlly well p atttil, uud Ilia predle-
tifnt e to the uiww.of Ihe la .ten ittt y
III lltla jin t iiii t (.ive tta titU. lt ebtvr
Wu hoa. when they go ti tlie
(Miila tin y w ill la' ipiirk lo Itpprt lit lul
llie ipiitlitl. nl loll of ciimliilulfm, ' Mr.
Met hllll ait) a be baa fifteen pupa- lint
1 here are only alaut I'Joe utiahtda of
wheat III the Wiilv hniiav here, (.tut lllitt
U-lolia to Wolverlou,
W. tlil lla left for Itttllalnl) Oil Moll-
day. Ilia Itiotln r llvlliu llit-re iaaerlotla-
ly III, iiiiil he nmy be idiite aevelal tiny a,
Jallitw W ltet ler, liephwiv uf the old pi
oneer of aitiiie limue, hua removed Vt Itli
hi htiuily In W"iiliinKt"U, hitvlii) ell
Killed lo utirk in a itnw mill in thtil
" I'll aee yoll inter,'' aitld a liormul
attlddtl I l.ti!il,i.v liijjht lo ahamlMiiiut
"No, t niore," ahe liiiiriiiun d,
"do li't any thill; it 'a nearly I- o'eha k
Andrew ihe laruelite Iceland here
Thurily uml Krlduy evening. lli
doai-rlpiloii of Ihe w umh rliiK of llie la
l:n 111. I of iitmorbiug ilitel't at. lie la
ii pit lattnl fpniker, Mild ia llntt'iied to
wtth elo'tti uiteutloii.
I,, t lt.a-lr, of I'nril.iii.l, wit in
tow ii I Ilia Week,
Mr. Skinner, of Ihe liiili a-mleiici
llmiriiij! mill, wit (l.iiiiK tiiiaim-aa lu
i he city Tlniiwhiy. lie la alive and ne-
tlte na (o Hie VtitiiU ol Ihe city for
I,. I'. I law ley 'a hew alnreliiaeto will
aiaiii la-rcmly for oeeummy. It in u
bitmbouie and eoiumiidinua biiitdiiiK.
I'ltihiilily llie forly aeveiilli man bit
I akcd our opinion a to Ihe pmhiihill-
titatif N, I.. Butler' election. Well,
to la-explicit uml pivciMc, we think
llulli r w III (itke a acat In our uel
lalntiiiv, mid iK'iform lila ihitlca to tin
foil tutlhtfat'tioii of hi conatltuenta.
There are a giai.l many people who
alwltya want a hew tamper to Ikioiii
aoinetlihid or wum-hiiily. The ta-nt
way to Induce" paper to latum tiling,
w Iiko work and boom the paper.
This rainy, alormy wcutlit-r -inakes
a "Wcbi'ool" reperier proud of bin
country. :
W, J.Mulkey him hicn electi'd to
the po.tllion of laKw grocery man of
Mouiiioiiib. He wear thv'lioiior with
much (jriii-e and dlKidiy.
(, W. I'la.-lt-r, of 1'ortlainl, wan in
town I'llday.
111'. Stanley came up Friday evening
and remained over lilgllt.
licv. V, S, llt-ntoii, of Didlas, eaine
up on the narrow (taiiKctui his way to
Aiillc. I le pl't-aclii-H at a w-hnolliouse
m ar there Sunday.
Mi Klikwood, Mls West, and Mr.
Mooi-ch, dollven d their plccea Friday
niornliiK. They itave evidence of inueli
mental culture.
l-'our "tiwi'et slxlecn's" wen1 welched
at Mulliey'. abue Krlda) afternoon.
Their combined weight waatsi pounds.
They each preseiitcd a pfctuiH) of ex
tpilslte fcudnine lHauty.
W. Helm, of 1'rlnevllle, waa In
town thin week, lleiapiirchaalutrand
eolleellng entile to drive to Eastern
Oivgon. lie piiNtiires Ids cattle near
Koilavllle until he eun c(omn tlie iiioun
taliiH. Jell Fryer made a vUit to aiid took
dinner at Will Madison's, last Tuesday.
What Jell' don't know about sheep
ca n't ho learned In the dictionary,
11. lturnett'8 daughter, seven or eight
years old, has been quite alek, but Is
some bettor at present.
W. It. linker, of Lewlslnn, Idaho,
registered at the hotel Tuesday.
J. M. Ill-own, of Portland, was In
town this week.
10. 1', (iwliiu, cundldido on the He-
publican ticket for representative, was
In town Wednesday, . lie was full of
life, probably with the exjioolatlou nf
receiving illatiiigtilaheil Itoliora oil the
llh of June. Hut, alii, abut! hi ho-a
limy lai blighted,
Mrs, W. ('.Tllton la on a vWt in her
liiother, Mr, Jb iiihri-e,
M. Wbllenmli we learil lniapurrhiwd
twelve acre of html Is-tweeti ludea-ll
detienalld Molililoiltll I'lircluiae price,
J. K. Miaiie, oftluj Itnptlat ehtireli,
tlt'llveivtl ail eXtiellf'Ul tlia'oliran Wed-
iiewluy evening
Mr. Cox, who recent ly arrived from
Nehraaka, givea Ida Hue thoriiiighhn-d
Hiiuibletoulan dally cxcrelae lothtrl.
Mr. Iliidley, a geutleiiiiiii from the
ivial, think of tiH-aliitg here, ami en
Uniting III blialniva,
Mr.. Harris, who for aoiiia limn ha
btH'll Under tin- care of 111'. Ki ti'lilllll,
I Improving.
Jack Veiieaa, the Irrepfiwdble, wa In
town Wedneadiiy, mailing around aa
tboiiK'li lmirtaiit eonwipiema'a hinged
Uxn the IiiaHioftiuie. Jack receive a
hearty grwliug w herever be gia a,
lr. Staiiliy, of li.tllita, vt'iu lu (own
Wedneailay Viaillng hiaaevefitl patient
He report Will HitlUiu a Improving
dally. He took Will a almrl biigy
ride one tlay litat w tn-k.
I'rofeaMir iliirjy, of H.bivllle, I on a
vltl to Ida brother, Hie fdllor' of Ihe
Aor'A'C'' Voicraa,
Frank llutlt-r, tt'poblii-Hii i-uiidldatt-
for eiillllty judge, wu Viaillng fllellda
hereiilaiuta till week.
The WKsr Sum l ludetile.1 to I. V.
M I'.iiili-r In tin-Mini ofil.ium il.iin
agea for the pllhlii-ittlwU of hi Inline u
a eamllihile for eolinty judge oil Ihe
iupuliSiciiti ticket. He til ill that kind
tif a K iiea-rnl.
Hheimnii I'lttker, of Jmlc-tidi mv,
W a III tow tl llii week. He Will prob
ably ere long take a ramping II in
the tiintllititili for tlie iH iiellt of Ida
Tlie Imlel reglater allow all lllcreaae
of travel during Ihe punt w eck. When
apriug fairly opeiiit, we rxpeet Molt
Uiotlth to 1st erowdeil W.tlt vlaltura.
Tin- IHtle daughter of Jay liutler waa
biirlctl In lite Mimuiouth ceiia-tery
Wvttm-aday. 'T wiutsitd to give ht-r
U ii. nit. Im..ii. On- ali;t .t Itiad,
Vt'ltrraall l htltflil and fair,
kiiua full i-il II,,...- mil,. Imiida
Will imliii. ol rlrlnry Ikt.
1. t), ki ihcre ha U -n m juauy
lie t.'l-l alatiit hini alm-e he laraiui' a
ealididiile, that he tali'l gi l ertilil at a
The eoiuliig mull will never get
them. He Illc hi kite too high.
Mr. Jlell and family, who recently
tiiiiie here from Nebraska, have laim
quile alck for the .t.t few day. Mr.
Ilell ha reetivemt, but Willie of hi
children arc alill mili'h iltlLaaed.
l'rofeMr lUynolda came iqi on the
narrow gauge Thiiraday evening. No
Ulan ha allow It more eflielelley lu tillliT
than lite prifi-a.or.
A riprvw-ntative of the home of
Wtidhniiii & l"o , of Fori iitml, tta Iweli
doing the tow n. He go" from here
lo Falls Cliy.
Mlaa 1'itdlHUg, who has been H ri
oualy ill for tUive iiionlba, 1 still con
Illicit to her riailu. Slie is atdl very
weak anil lu-lH-(.
Lew Wttiua-rmau, of I iiirinl nil,
Ohio, rtgliteivd at, the Moiinioutb
1, N. Hlair and son are haiking
nrouiul i i'h Ihe Intention of piirehar
mgl iii l if gn. d opportunity oiler.
Mia J.iiMba, a H intent ut the oormal,
Is iiii!c ludi-poMil al preaeiit. lir.
t'Mnl -.v h- In riit'einlitig physician.
l M. Klcmsi'ii, proprietor of the
VA bile Mar lioller Mills, w us In town
rhu;-s!ay. lie Is no.v pn-paretl to
anppl) Hie demand in this vicinity
for exlra ginal Hour.
tine of the n'udeiita reei-ivcd a bud
out over the eye this we-k, causing
the upper eyelid lo drop down. lr.
I'row ley clo-ed the t ut with u few
Ktilth.-a. The student is imw lining
The fluid exainii n'.ioii of Ilia senior
clam has ended. Thirty-eight of tht in
piuwed the i-xaiulnatioii with credit lo
Ihemselvea and their teacbcis.
Tliiw. Williams, of Aillie, passed up
on I lie narrow g:m,;o for home Thurs
day. Tom say his section of country
Is all right for the lYiuocracy.
Our lust item is F. S. Fowi-ll came
Into town saying be would raise the
vn;;i s of the weather elerk If be would
give us a little more warmth and sun
shine. IvKI'OHTKK,
A timid Ward lot- Hie llutilitir,
There is uo business mail who de
serves more kind treatment fr.uu the
public than the butcher. His work In
behalf of Ids customers occupies nearly
nil the day and part of the night. Of
course, with him It is a matter of busi
ness; but how many other business
men open at daylijdit and close 'ong
after the supper hour, lit older toae
eeiniuudate the public? ' Very few, in
deed. In fact, the people are obliged
to patronize some at ores at the hours
which best suit the proprietor. Then,
too, there Is mi other merchant who
has as much to contend with as the
patient butcher. No ether i-lnss of busi
ness men meet with so many people who
want aoua tiling for nothing, or who
Imagine they are not gettimj value for
their money. Of course, everyone likes
gond meat, but It is n't everyone who
will pay a reasonable price for a good
article, and the many complaints made
by housekeepers (otheirbutchersnii this
score Is enough to nmke the market,
man battlhoadod. Of course, ho could
explain that a fair price will secure
choice cuts, but he knows better, for
every one of his lady customers insists
that ahe pays outrageous prices and
that she can do much bettor some
where else. All this he has to take
good natmvdly, amtaoml his fair cus
tomer away ploawd, fn the spring,
when given goods are beginning to
come Inlo market, there Is a demand
for early fruit, and vegetables, and the
niarketinaii lays In a supply lohlsmir
mw generally, fer most of hlHcusiomew
waul to my him tin than In had to
pay himself. When he baa lamb they
want pork; a hen he baa pork, they
wail t unit ton. If hu hua aome nice
ham, they want anuange, and
w licit be ha aaiiaage, the want
witii-riniloiia, or aoiiutliliig cImj they
know he hua n't got, A butcher must
regulate Ida auppllea by the demand,
simply la-eaiiaa he want to kii'p freab
and choice ati k on band, and meat,
you k now, won't keep like augar or tea.
The making of ri-frigi-ruUr ha now
U t-ii brought (o ja-r fist Ion, and a
Itni-ht cooler will tiiahlo butcher
to keep hla iiicul lu llrat-cliia conditlim
for a great W bile, but a but her khoilld
! eiiitbltil Ui aeeura frtath aupply
every day or an, a It will bo more aut
lafuetory to both hlmaelf ami bl tratlic
Take It all lu all, the lot of liulcber
I not a happy one, bul the majority of
tliiww lu the bilallieaa know how to
make the Imatt of It, and auctved lu
litylug by allitle fora rainy day. They
deserve all thekiict lu the world, and
if they read Tl llutvlu.r It will help
limit to put up with the I rouble of
the buaiuem,
The one hundred and fourth general of llie I'reahyterlail cliuivh
f Ihe I . K. A., will meet in tl, First
Prttiyteritnieiiiirch, Portland, Oregon,
Thtnwlay, .May ith, 1WA and will t
o ned w lib a M-rmoii by the retiring
moderator, tin-lt-v. W. Henry (ireen,
1 1. 11, 1.1, . 'I lia uiideraigued, roll -slitutiug
Hit) committee on tiaiimla, w ill la- prcaciit at the ehiimh, mi
May I'-'tli, at KM a. m ., to receive the
cr-dont lata ofcoiiimiMioiiera.
i. All pajier (sin Heeled with lh
buaiiiewt of tb general assembly,
ui, died on or U-fore May ".should heaeut
to the atuted elerk, IfVI (jillrt avenue,
I iiieliinrtl, O; after May 9 to 1'ortlaud,
i I'ttcrs, with reference to the en-tertitlnmt-iit
of eomnilmloiiertt, abould
la sent to the liev. A. J. Urowti, 1). 1).,
chairman, Fofllaiui, Oregmi.
William Hkmiv Hoiikkts,
WaUsI l lerk.
Wiu.WM F.vka MtatHK,
lVrmaueut Ck-rk.
t..tarn trr(wn ruunllea.
Wim'u w e(tib!!alud iu 11, and
emliraeeil all Ihe eastern sjrtlou of the
state, its 'Indian name originally
meant "burn oimlti."
Sherman, named lu honor of Hen.,
Sheniiiin, w aa taken fro.u Waaeoiu 1SS7,
(iilliiiiu, aUi formerly part of Waa
itt, orpmlMsi In lsVi; iiuinwl furOen.
t orueliiw tiiillam.
Morrow-wa a part of t'matilla; or
gnuized in lss'i; iiauitsl from Hod. J.
I,. Morrow, a pioiiwof I'matilla.
t 'oaik, i-siiililisiitHi in lH,s;i; named hi
honor of lieu, (ieorge Crook.
Klamalh, ereate.1 In 1VJ; named
from it grtsat lake.
Lake, in ISM; so named from It
malty lake.
rant, In Octolier, named in
honor of t !en. U. S. Grant,
Harney, In Ihsh; ininied In honor of
lien. W. S. Harney.
Wallowa, In I)'; out of Union.
rnioii, organized In lA.
linker. In WC named in honor of
Col. E. I). Baker.
.Malheur, in Ins"; mime 1 a French
word meaning misfortune.
IV nt j;tt hi the habit of It. It's
tlie fa-leal thing to do, and the hard
est thing to atop, lu the wide, wide
world. It ruins your temper and 1
spoils lite shape of your mouth. Try
ami we the good rather than the disa
giveable in Hopl and your surround -lugs.
You would n't go Into a friend'
hii-iM- and find fault with what she
has ami her way of living; by what
rl;ht then tin you find fault witht hose
w ho are more than friends to you the
people of your owu blisHl? If there Is
a grace that we are all stingy with, it
is (hat of giving praise, and yet It la
one w itli w hich we ought to be lavish.
Why should you tell your friend that
her tmniiot Is U'coininjf when you havo
never Said this to your sister? Why
should you go out to tea and praise your
mighlair's mulUns wheu you have for
got ten to tell your mother how good
bus always are? Why should you
aiiuouiiee how much Mr. llson over
the way knows, w hen father is a great
deal U-tter informed luau, and it never
entered your little head to whisper
quietly to him how much you appreci
ate his wisdom? You keep your ability
to discover faults for the borne, while
the eye that should look for virtues la
tightly closed until you go out. Do n't
wait until sister Is far away lu another
kind to tell her how helpful, how pretty
or how courteous she Is; and do n't
wait until the weary hauds are crossed
and tlie long sleep baa come, before
you let mother know what a beauti
ful blue are her eyes, bow tender la her
heart, and bow dearly you lovo her.
Tell it all now, wheu the walk through
life is hard, and the sunsliineof praise
Is yearned for to brighten it, and to
warm and encourage the pilgrim by
the wayside. lhfur JK.ymtih,
I'rojiortltiua of a I'erfert Matt.
Tlie height of a person with a "per
fect llgnre" should be axaetly equal to
the distance between the tips of the
middle linger of either bund, when the
arms arc .fully exteuded.
Ton times the length of the hand, or
seven and a half tiipes the length of
the foot, or five times the diameter of
the chest, from one armpit to the other,
should also give the whole length of
the body.
The distance from the Junction of the
thighs to the ground should bo exactly
thesame as from that point to the crown
of the head. The knee should la) mid
way between the tlrst-nanied point and
the ground iff the heel.
The distance from the elbow to the
tips of the middle finger should be tho
same as from tlie elbow to the middle
of the brwwt.--.AVfe York Home Jour
nal. : '
. A young lady from the rural districts
entered a dry goods store the other day
andftsked fora pair of stockings. The
elerk politely asked her what number
she wore. "Why, two, you blasted
fool! lo you stqqsise I am a centipede,
or have got a wooden leg? How many
do you suppose a two-legged hairpin
like me would wear?"
ton, Nnw Jiirany.