The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 29, 1892, Image 3

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IsMI'lill BY
FlUtUV, Al'lUMlMW.
Wti.l. Kominu ami I)Hit.umi. They
arem It. If you ut a Wt'll !
will give good imlWlVlUm gi In Itall A
Moper. They IH make II, tly
hvbeen In I ho hulne for tliti(
Yar,amt undommtul II better than any
tme tNs They are rvMnlllis and
vou can rely on them. Their juice
re lo and reasonable a theKwt.
NtlUnwthm guaranteed, ! 41
ANiw I'lBM. K F. lturvh A Km
tav ttltod UW H Vl-(Ht ooioe
n Main street, four dmr south of the
Kiwi National hank, and have entered
the butiie with much good property
on hand. If you have properly or any
kind, lanu land, town lot, '
rnnohe,'toil, tut It with them ami
they wilt give UHHUt attention. If
vm wish to buy, Interview them,
ihev nn without doubtult you,
ami will dwut It no trouble to show
you property and give you price.
CtiNTaun-; t.Kv.l'hewmlraet tor
mtildiug sixty tMea ou the fair
ground w awarded to fampoell
Sou forthesum rt.tvthit Monday.
Work on theaaitc wilt be commenced
Immediately, that thbi tt ,er
improvement m the ground will l
completed In tfd 1 1 oio lor I Up lair lt)
coming fall. IM !! the eltiwn f i'"1
country work together that we may
have grand display on thl oeeiwUm
' and thu place our county In the front
rank of lite euuutle of the state tn thl
a It t In many other rc-peet. A fin
display In all lluea will I big adver
tisement for u.
Hum VV.iC KkhmTu the Infurma
Uon we can gain, there ha Nen
twenty-live thousand head of sheep
out ou the nmrktH tin U tt f
Jniuwry, frtHi tliVwl SUU of tli
WUlMiwitathlch vTtttt It )r
hwa wouUt luin u one huiutrwt
thouut;i totlr to m dwtribuUHt
among tho iwo,t. A fitr im w wn
mvrttn, om?-fourth of ttmt nuiuU of
nhwji Imvw Ixvtt put tm tlw mirkil ly
two imn of lntoptnUMH. TUI U
Ini! tb fwt, twvnty-tlvo thouimmt dot
ar htui U out tu iwuUUoo ty Itw
two int-n n'ferrwt to.
C'MVm'M JfljTHTl MIST -Til
iMmwniN nwvttuit l the lWy
Urinn ctturvb TuUy vnUiit w
Urslv ttirut.Hl. ftlurof tti
wulnV uUrUinuMut wm tlt xt
cUm ty Mm. ttaio kijtrKrn the UtiW mx Ht their rt
in wav that prove Mn. tl to t
ilnv ttwUet. Ttie utlcm wiw (!
tisliiwt, ul thw 'Uu JtMfUW,
tti kirut rKrtn i(, rtvlm
Un ami tung by ohrmH thlltn-n
wir rvu4'rxt, )f lu nit crwHltl
HMIUlrr. AftT tluwffVXCMl rim
v mt of mr nnuUtcr nmU htrt
tnlkii on the tcmiwwnw uiunMlon,
hull wr IWenwt to with InU'Wwt.
Tit wlh U K-n.rlly rxprrowxl ttmt
M i. I Uti w ill itirMo to ifiw I'Ut.lto
ttttrrtaliiuu'lil by UT UIN lu U
Fti.t. Ttikit VV.lf ttwelty nrhal,
or the trwl owiinllomr, or the nma
ovrr, or whoever tnU lo ucb
thliii!, ha. lr'l of th "inttk of
buumu klmlm-." in UU ul, .'
haul tiu of tiil of Rravul ml nil
tntlitwtiutiwon tli north niile oft.'
cttv t, near tli corner of nmtn,
Whn not nlUtl with taniut wU'r,
which lu Hut Of Mtlflt WOUllt Hit
glue fwtory to liinw, they onUtn
we)! b of rich mud of Bbout h eon
ttncv of IVrtlftnd UwnlliiKbouw
aoun, In which the numertww horww
tirti them mum to tuk UfHsttt In
iUmpltiR, wiHtlully wurti ukIowbi
iMuwInif. And theu there re kt of
other bok ou ths buiJiut treet lhl
need ttltlnir '
tioiOO V.At Wit II T'Ut' .. J. '
Ikiyd, the uisuwr of ihe AbwImd
t'olony Comnnyloeted t HrtntUll,
itn( ham bit upon now) Uu for
dvertinlngthe horthjultuml hiimi'
ofthbttaw. JtebiMt puruhaKwl M
oftireifm'ieholi'ii.t itllver prune, nd
UbBvliigtlH-m neatly wrietl lu towue
paper Mid lm t.d In niU euveli
Tb.-a' U only one pruua tn eaeh en
velope, but the prune are an lnrg that
they will average Uut twenty to the
pound. Mr Bvd will atart Kat In
fow day with the find lot of aw,!11
prune, and dlntribute them thnuitfh
llllnoia, ludintia, Ohio, ami MU hlKHU.
H lint Uit oWi.noo prune eJlitn'ted
f.r, and will wtid for nira aoon a
the wipply Klea out. in thia way
Fjwtem people will N enablwl tow
for tlteuixetvea what Oregon raUe In
the line of frult-0"-joM.
A lUll-WAV I MMAIH.-Vbere
the rtouthero i'aiiftn Itailway vntmm
the Vtan river, "IVxaa, a lowering
vladuet U Uing built to rarry the
trnck ItW feet alKive tlie nurfaw of the
atreatn. There la but one vladuet tn
the worltl !hat U higher than thla,
namely, the Iw viiuluet, In ltolivl,
which te mifwi lilgh. The
bridge la being built by the I'lio-nii
llrldge Company of thla city, ml the
ptM-arancv of the alrueture Mid the
method onto erection l taken from
E)iurliu) AVhu. The viaduct l
2,11 f"t long and counlaU of K an,
Iternatelv 3 and M ft long. The
channel of theatretim bitipnnml by a
cautilever 1h5 foet long. The bridge
la uported by ttteel towem rising froin
the bottom of Die canyon, tlieprlmipul
tower being IUJ feet higb. Ttie con
Mrui'tinn la unuwially heavy, a the
brilgfl Ih Intended for the iwe of heavy
freight train. Fiiutm Uil ll'wW.
lllltn Iil.
T. A. Wann ha been upending the
latd week in Atitoria.
K A. Weater made a trip to Aatorin,
.r u' nil liiiMimiMM.
IIIV liinv .'I " I
J. M. Yooom ittw mtUl hi livery ntubw
.... i i - i 1. 1., it. .
at nuienia mm una jiiuvku iim mmuj
(ieorge Jtall'a littlnann, Alferd, ba
Xieen very aicK Willi tne pneumonia,
but la noW out of dimmer.
Ma J. T. Jtlrka i hiIII very low with
grippe. Her mm, Win. Jiirka, from,
buver, i down, moulding her Utilde
4 (in... u ivnoc!i'(l nt the bund
enterfiinment Biid drama on the iiiitb
They exHet U give It at Miiermun
IhIitoii. urolmbly Aluy the 7tli.
A Hiirprlw party waa given at J. V
l'eiice'o, In honor of Mltw KtlltVa aix-
lTIII.I 1,11 unieij , ... ......
evening About twenty of her friend
were in aiimmiuiun aim nrau im
pre-cnt of a iM-nuUrul gold ring, wnien
ane appreeiuuiu very mucu. i,
Vnitmirmi. Or . Anrll 2fi. 1802.
To the Vhairmrtn of the, Prohibition
Central (mimiftre of I'olK itountyi lb
ri.,n.ii,,iHnr t.hiit I'l vimI IIih rintnl
nation for county avhonl auigtrlnteiideiit
' on the I'ndilbitiou tliiket, I do reniect
fully decline the nomination, for my
name woe proponed without my knowl
edge or consent. ,
Lk.vaO. BtJTt.KB
We have mode arrangement with
n. u..n i.'r,.n,.lw(i (Ml whereby we can
give you I lie l!!y (Ml for one year
and the Wmr Hidk both fbrtfl, or we
,111 it,a w.u.uiv Cull and the
WkhtHidu one year fir t'IMl The
fw la one of the ik-mi; newHimei
the count, and thla oiler aiioulu le
taken advuntiigeof by anyone w lHhlng
Whea Baby win ilrk, gre hnr Cartorla.
Whan ihe tui a Child, )ie cried for Cutori.
When bocanw MM, iha olnnj to Ciwtorla.
When Ue bad Children, ilie ( uunn Caitorla.
ltetUT Weather,
Time Improving,
Unite n wind atorm lat Hahmlny
night and Hunday,
H, V, Meam. of MoCoy, waa In town
day or wv thla wwk,
UUcy tor riMint Kunday wlllt
friend in Independence,
Mr, t Jlly Iioiwn, of Hbs la vUltlng
Willi tlw fiuully of W, II. Wheeler
thla week.
i ,n,m ,,11'm inT'liM,i ,ii y
completed hldene In tiuth lndeHu
laat iMotmay,
freimenlly hear nf "lurimelntt."
rwly admit that "raoeboNng' It
t tu to u. ;Ak W, O. C. Uut
W fro
but freely
new tu
4 .mi.I ,if Mutlt Mlrautl Im Im,!,,, Int.
proved by the nrfHe mud taing re
moved and iMVerwtl with eoat of
gravel tuxtead.
l,... ....I l.. .1... .....
,i..iiiiv, mill w
tr, of tirtlnod, eame U on THaday '
train to vUlt her brother, W. W.
.k.itti . ... ,
i noania, a nw nnya.
church Halurttay, Aprtl lu. in,
A ,1 ,... ........1 .J . .. . . t .
All m iHi'uiix'r mv muraim iu i
prv-nt w ith their fnmtltc.
The Kuluwt for dlMMiaaton In the
Hvaugollml pulpit on Sabbath even
ing iVM) la' tiur lbintlou to the Iirluk
Tmltli.." A. H. C.inli.v. luwtor.
- - , ,
Hunter A Shelley are mill lu the drug
trade and "do n't you forget It." Drug
pur and whohwoma alw aya on hand,
I 'mo and e u and he happy,
We heartl nne of oureltlien ay that
the wind atorm laat Hunday i much
Mll,tl,.lul llltkl kfllu U'llttlllHt IH KllllMMtf
tiiat he aliuvt wanted tn gu Itnck.
Mr. 3. J. McUanM prwwnttHl the
editor of thla paper with a hetoitlftil
miiui hi i gi nerHi or iter muo u on
jii, iiKgnti.uear tminw. iuany umtiK.
IU'V. 1), V. iVUng will preach at
Dixie on thla coming Sunday morning
at It O'clock ud will preach at that
point each attentat Sunday hereafter,
llnll A Sinner bored a well for IHivId
il.hlttM, lii V.irlli I ii.ti'iiMiiitmtett IliU
wk. Theaa gentlemen nmicratand
Ih'elr biwucj and alway give perfect
Il.u IumI rilllll IHtult.,!!!, Itt ll.HlA HP
two of Hi, fatriek' pllla. They uol only
..1 .!.!... ul .1. .!,..!.. ...1.....
ml purify the blod. For aalo by all
inetiiein iieaiera.
rrofcor Wanlibum, of the Htate
Agricultural College, baa enannueil the
ll.u.,1 r,.llll.l M lit.! llllll VlMfA lltll,
vine, aud irononu'' them lo tie
genuine bop toe.
Oliver U n't you think MbuJcnnle
ymiitg laly of very nitue! taMc?
Hilly I do; I Uik tier to npirtbe
other night after Ihe play, and her re-
1111 iaca cum me ri,
li.ta.n t,ri Mii,iintMal murik.
It, -'I' 1 1 ...... ....... ' -1 . "
IL.i, iI,1m HMwlt Httd m ir,Mliiiiitf 11 llntt.
ettuw article, Thua another worthy
iilirirln ninrk Ihn era of tironoerttv
of our prgrtlv city.
t bet Vail Mcer, or tilt city, lanta
An bor veivrdav morning with
paxmixlle eolle. lie had two ottered
1V fr him ae vera) time, I lit t
Imloeil unfortunate for t net.
Judg Mcl'addcn, of Coivallk Juilge
Wulverton, of Albany, Judg Italy, of
Unlliw, aud Judge McCain, of Mo
Mtnuvllle, arrived on Mombiy' train
lo reume the HimeblH-rg lUutley
Th k-i,l,.litii t, Pvthla liav htitli'lil
the eiiwU-ry, In einjumtln with more
Uud on each able of It, hurt whiUi of
.Monmouth, and ar having It cleared
and otberwlMi put In condition for a
iwxit'i nurying gnamti.
ittB nrtl.M r..PrM illlltf MltlirtH-lule I llfr
One cake ent to the W rxr Hum ofrice
by Mr. Maittenam, ml here again
extend many eongmtulntlon aud
hearty thank. More we.bllng, more
eake-the happier the hungry type
vi r i,,H..p!i. l,l'" IlitU d iiiL-liter.
Hertha, while walking Iwekward down
it... n..Mi.t, tit lutrn Monday
evening, fell aud dUloeated tier left arm
- , 1... -iu.,u fir fk II. ltllller M
called, who act the fraolure4 limb, and
the la getting along nieeiy.
IWtor may dlil. r In opinion a 10
ii.a nan r 1 lint fi.llnir nf UmriHir and
fatigue at prevalent In theaprlng; but
nil ngree to what I the tart remedy
for it, uaiiH-iy, Ayer rpwmriii; u
make tb weak utrong, lid eltcetUttlly
ri'tuove that tired fwding.
. iu, ftmirUliix lii uninnrtlon to
therlchne of theaolt, o the human
Ih.1v thrive In accordance with the
quality of It bbaal. Hence the IHi'e.
tty of keeping the vital llnld rich and
pure with Aver' HrBpirilln, the Uwt
blood medicine you rati find.
Ml Alice Va, of Woinaira Home
lil,.,, mm-ImI fur flremoi. will meet
the young people at the Itnptlat church
thin evening lu their maial and bub
nea meeting ami win remniu a iew
day, tn her work, nd 'ak In the
J . . . . .. .. 1 ..1...- i.... n
Knptlat Cliurcil ruunay rveuiiiK,.ujr 1,
, ... .h.ll m t,u ul,ii iliiiniieil tit I M,
e iiniiTiM' w . .. -.-
in the "tore of K. V. Wood, at Mclvee
t. va u lill Im waa aailimr
to c Mr. WwhI, little girl came lu
with an empty imltle, uuaueu i nam-t-.-rlaln'
I'alu llalm.and anid: "Mamma
.......ii Miioilwir laiiil,, nf tliut medicine:
heny It 1 the tart mwlUine fr
rheumatlm ane na ever u-n,
cent Uiltk' on ale b all medicine
I. irui-rluin . nfMuver. wa III town
lht Friday aud n-ieinliered the
M,,.n l.u ealllnir in and nettling the
MihM-rlp'llon to lli jiImt for a frhuid In
the fjwt- tie luiormeii u uiai ue
hiwl the mi-fortune to lone in nne
....III..,, "I'rl.l.. i,r tli Went." which
died the day before, by tang anagged
son wim pulling with him and another
t,i,ru a tt rviiitiiittv nn'vnpiii. a hit
tump rolled over mid atruek him n
hove ueaenneu.
Mr. J. I'. Itlalzo, an cxUiihIvc rcub
eaUte dealer In 1H- Molne, Iowa, nar
rowly eaeaped one or tne aovcrew at
i,.b ,st niuiiiiiiiiiilii while In the north"
e n part of that atulo during! a rcoeut
tillz.iirci, nay me ","M"
vt 111, ln,,t iuh'iihIhii to drive aever-
i 1 ,,"
al mile during the atorm, and wim no
thoroughly chill'H llial lie whh unamc
mill IiikIiIh of an hour lifter
hi return he waa threatened wllh aw-
iiui'k nf ntieuiiioiila or lung fever,
l llll,a i.nt in till! ncuriKt lll'lIlT
tore and got a bottle of ChanilM-rlnln'
Cough Jtnmetiy, or wnii'ii ne 11110 1111
heard, and took a number of large
doaoa. He any the ell'otrt wa wonder
ful, and thai in a anon. uuin n
, 1. 1.,,. himIIv. Tin Ui'iit on
taking the niwllnlne, and the next day
waa able to come 10 in jiiuimn
Hlalze n-garila lila cuie aa simply won
derful 60 cent laittlna on sale by all
medicine dealer.
i'1'rnfoatliin nr r TrilT"
iiinli.pulBnd thetarifl'
TTn,": rif ... .1,11.
(llieNllou boo yei in ""
pl.iMt qtKwtlon when rlglitly preaentjMl.
L 1 ,..n,U nrraii(lilllflll lO (five
vou the Wbht Hint! one year, the New
York Standard till Jxwmber 2H. and a
copy of "I'roUKUlon or Free '1 rude," all
for IS. The book la the bout tmallon
the turliruueation ever publlHhed, ami
1 recognlwd a audi not only In
America, but all over the civilized
world. We oiler the unabridged edi
tion. Try till plan. You will find
tho Standard mm of the ninat nbly
edited papr In the worhl, and the In
formation to be derived from rending
o protection or Free Trade?" I worth
more than the price you pay for tlie
wholo, J
Wantkii. Four hundred good hoim,
Will pay ciihIi forgmal heall by poultry,
2.1-ft 0. M. Hji3JL!ll!n-
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Hum VUI Itw,
lU-rta Jeter went to McMlnuvltle lal
Krtday to iend a week with her ller,
tlramlma WelK mIui baa Iteeii In
very iMior health for mms lime, wv are
glad to report la ome Iwtler,
Mr. Wm. Itavldmii, who went to
Tacoiiia fr her health onw tlura ago,
Umueti U'tter, wo learn,
I.lttlu IVnrl Hnyder 1 Jut gt tllng
up from aevere ntiack of tjphold
Moiinw KmiiU Udown with a il
uf fever, Uing a rcnult of the grlpi.
The wet weather la working quite a
hardship ou aotne of our tanner. H me
w know of "l III have from one hun
dred to one hundred ami tlfty acre lo
put iu.
J, 11. William oiM'iii meveinblny laot
wwk near AHwny for rvorctrtiou and
The worxt atorm of tlw caon ii-Hd
here lit Huiittit-. The wind Wit r,'
iMnUnt by I ho who know of wn h
thing a going at rorly mile an hour,
11 11. Jeter ha UiUght hlli"lf a
tvlUh tMttlng buggy liore, and In
tern! buvlng a new buggy, ami give
warning' to all local trolter to loek out,
a he intern! to take no diit I hi iim
mer, ,
J Miller ha twoof theUnr colt uf
the on, lrel by th floe tiyih'
dale, Urd ligie. Mr, Miller will
ikely have them al the lair ltn la",
aud w ill lake the wecp-lnhe over all
lr, Nahny that the atorm hurt
Hundav waa our etpiluoxlwl aiorm, or
t leant II uim 'eiiUttt to knock" out
anything we have had thl er.
Jeirillveu and family have mnviai
In from Aiwa Into It. I HuH a lou-e
nml will remulit during the piliig.aiid
will eknr Up ui of !il(liul ne
bought of W", 1, lllveu.
IU'V. Ibilelltlue, the Hew KvangellO-:
al mlnUterof thl charge, will move
llltolowtl ataill,
Your wbb-awake, ruilllng reporter,
H, K. wa tier iiedy. Wt were
awwv aud I did not ee blm. t r
again, H. K, and we will give you ome
Alba ItlclmnUm wa here lit-l week
from I'ortlaml, and reiurnxltlitwwk,
her mother glng with her. All ha
many frtemi lierw w ho are ever glad to
c her.
' iiakI-i'i'isi Miii,.ia,
l.,Hk out for weibting In tlw part
Th mvut rain have topprl the
farmer' wora fr wvrrnl d.
lid liven killed a fine big gmw one
dav hurt w wk. hd I lite I ma hot.
it tl. tWburn.ourenlenirUiug bliick-
tnlili, bitiiluc U giu lu bi line.
J. T. Huntley and J. K Ofbuin;
iiiiiiUk rlvltig taiiuv trlii to Halem
one day lt week,
Our wttmil i i.Mgrtuwlug idedy, there
Wng aUtiH'ii 'iioira enrolled. Mi
.Muile Steven i t m her.
Obrleii brother are nearly through
with their firming for thi mummi'
only having ihw nmtv day' plowing
ahead of tliem.
The Ui- have orsiuiiol a li-.lill
team, and they will oi lie ready to
play agaltml ail elulw, barring none.
The teuiil Will go by the name of the
Oak I'liiut I'kiw U. j
tine Sunday morning liot long
one of our itterpr!log furnier aeiil
Id little ly out to urfve in tne mK.
mid told wirprl be found tho Uty
engagt! lu playing gam of e;ird
with omeother noy mine i.ii anan
n-luilhue. Had habit, boy.
Dvalnau Canonl b Cnmit
Itv l.-al anilleatlil, a they mnnot
reiieh thed(rwd pottbHl of the car.
there I only one way to cure deufne-
ml that U by couotlluttounl uielli
IHnrue" 1 rauwti I'V luiuimeti cuoui
timuof tho niueu lining of the !".u
InchlBii tui. When ttil lul I In
lUmed you have a rumbling anuud or
linia-rfivt bearing, am) when It I
entirely chord, deaflnw I the rewult
nod utile the lollumntloil can l lag
en out and thi tui rrinrel lo it nor
nml condition, hearing will be do
utmyed forever Nine www out of leu
are caiiwd by eaianh, w bleli I noth
ing but an fnflametl inmhilou of the
Iliui'lK urface.
We will itlve lion for any cae of
ib afueM iiitux l l',v catarrh) that can
not he cured by ilali lalairh t uiv.
Si-nd for circular; friv,
F. J. Clil MI V Co., Toledo, t.
t-tTSobl by all Prilggtala, IV
ri.., iiKait hii.tcm'IIi'. reMilute and
releiithnajmiriml In America when )l
toui iiiaiwmpiKo io iiitui oiyn,
I run t.-.illv to it ready humanity,
poilipreheiiiim, aud rlleite)."
tV'tiY llnmuun.
U .H.i, i,. imr lleiiulillean reaib r a
aeeret and our I vuiia-ratle friend a
plmti of good new.'
il urtd Intend tn and w ill etin't
another IMma-railu president thl
year, a It liei'ieil tlrovcr t levelniui lu
VVI,i.ibr I be tViiiiwriitli! raniliilale
Hi i ill I l tlmver Cleveland, reprwienllng
Hie t?nui oi lanii n oniii, oi io
of a numlH-r of -other IVmoeratic leader
who can U-elecleil, reprewtilllitf all the
element of oppiwlllon lo iiepuhlle
allium, The )Vmld will lie forcinoat lu
hi upitrt. The next prwident inimt
tie a 1 teiiKH'rat.
Hut while doing till The World
will give lo 11 Hcpublicall render, n
li ,11.1 In tin. rei-viit eaitnviilL'tl. a fuller
ami U tter report of Itepubllcail meet
ing ami aiaii'iiea in me prenieiiiui
canviw tliau Ihe orpn of llielr own
party print. The U'urtd never color
new: It photograph event a.
The H'Wo I now printing an aver
age id over 3U0,nno eoplc a day. It ha
made a net average gain of JHi.tMiO a iluy
during Ihe pant year. It w ill circulate
next year, on the hied of thl lncrcae
only, at Uiit IWin,XHi toplof the
ttblcHl, troiiget,and l-t Democratic
liewnpaper ever prlntctl.
V'if World I recognized a dl
tinctlvelv tliencwHpa rof Ihe K-iple.
It believe that to the hlgbe!
joliruallHUi Wliicill (leiucaie'i mine
public aervlce.
Tim World put heart and coiwclcuce
Into It work a well n bruin. It U
the haiidiualil of JiMlh-e, th" iiinravelor
if mvHierie, the detecter and the lerror
of crime, the friend of the fricndlc,
the hulp m the mor, inn ata-ngiu oi
i. ...... 1 l!iiilliiir Hint it DllWcr
uir it. ... ...... ... . - ,
come from the jaiople, It give buck
to them treeiv wnatcver mini
Inllucnoe and It renotircc ctialilu It to
render, , ,
viiti. a eoiil iiMieiit. a tliomiurh
orgauljvtlon, cnpahlu ilirentlon, ami a
deep determination to move on boo y
.... i.i lil.flinr IiIimiIh and ureater
nchlcvemeiit, 7Vi II V' wIkIic It
multlluduol reaiiem a nappr f
v.... i, I eolilliletlllv bill them to
expect from It durlng'lWia even more
womieriui ining ninn a uw
)AI,t.AH, On.. April 1,'t, 1H1I2.
Xotlee 1 hereby given that ou and
after May lt, iHlia, all taxe reimiliilng
unpaid will bedelmiiuent, and lliu per
oentago ad.lcd. - W. I.. Wkixh,
ffii-.'it Slieiill' of J'ollt County
r atk THKAximmraHK.joNii notice,
TllKAHUKV DHI'Alt'l'MHNT., April IH, ltflili. J
Notice In -hereby given that there
are tumU on' hand aulllcient to pav all
ouUlauclltig ulale warrant Indumed,
"I'n-aented, ami not paid for want of
fund," prior to and Including January
8, 1MI)2, and tliut all audi warrant" will
be paid on irewnlatlon tit, llilMolllee.
Intercut on tlieae warriinl will not Iki
allowed uflor the date of thl notice.
I'lilfi Mkthciian,
24 2t Htate Treasurer.
V.i C. IVullnml wm In Itio tity thl
Week. ......
J. V. O'lionnell went to hirtlaiiil on
bulmw ) wterday,
I). F. Andrew wa In I'urtlatid
few day thl week.
Henry Kcyt, of IVrrydale, waa in
tow u till Week Vt-ltilig relative,
Mr. H, F. Well I vhltlug friend
and nialive lit 1 mtcntlcuce thl
Mi. T T I.oy Biultwo children, nf
Hiilley, Idaho, nrv vl.ltlng herller,
Mr. Connaway, of thl city,
F. I, MeCalium and mother, nf John
(lay. tlrnut county. Mm vlalllug lr.
I'rudeu aud ramlly thl wwk,
J. M. Hlaal. In t4iwti Haturdiiy, rw
)irt hi throe Altamout coll lu flue
eoudil Ion, and will eoutirt for prim
al Ihe fair.
II. 0. Hiwllng, of the firm of Ha!
lug llhi,, Alrlle, wa hiking ill lone,
pcmlcnce Hal unlay. Ileiuocracy in hi
prei Itiel la all O, K.
M. Mrfry A. H. I.eae, the woiiuin
wlio kum'ked out John J lugall. w ill
niik In the lnletet of the I'cnplc
pnily In Ihl city May inth,
J. II Smith, of l,ewl.vllle, watln
town Haiurday with hi family ou
their way to Ntwirt, 'llwl thew on
account of the lekue of Mr, IHivId
l,el. H
Cor It'iU'rtiwin, w ho went to Hurt
hind lo tTVe a nurne lu the hiwpllnl,
liii Uvn quit tick for the pat thr
week, we aw luftirmel. She, how
ever, I pimo Mier at preent, w are
glad lotai.
I). V. I'ollng returneil fhuii t!l
VrtllUi iirxt iv, whither lie bad gone to
H...M In din progmmmettf the anniver-
wiry of Udd ) elioM In ld lu tbilt city
Monday evening. Jll teporl la ttmt
they had a grand Una.
Mi. I ir. ,ce and daughter, Myrtle,
went to Portland Monday to ml a
wwk vMtlng friend; thence they will
go lo thifur, Wn-oo munly, to vllt
with her mother a few week. W
w i-ll I belli pleanlit lrl.
t, I', Touipkln, of I'orllaud, tr,
ha returned from Jaokiam county. HI
health I much Improved. 1 lining hi
ojouru tn Southern Oregon, balm
become tulcreled iu a gmnll quarry
lie M!r that there I atone emaigfi.
no. I it ili.i la al iiiinlliv. to fence III Ihe
utitte of Oregon. Ill licahUartcr are
at the Jlolteii Houmv
Mr. J. M. Hovd baJiwt arrive.) from
near Fort Sooit, Kn, and I wil
pleiiMil wllh Oregon, lie got tired of
now mul cyclone. He nimrt that
lliu cold weal ur there ha killed Ht"t
of (he fruit. Price there range a fol
low! Hcef, on fit,;t tot will; bog,
I win: com. si wni; butter, A wni;
eblekvn,f1l'rdoen;egg, l eent;
..... i ..... . i mi ..i.i..
fivl, Natural gnm at our comer grncer-li-
I iniwtly f . '
I.C. Cl.Klfctter, lenographer and!
typi'-wrller, U'ft on Monday' ilnwu
tram for Walt Walla., Vber
he ill acecpt a itioti a alenogra
i. her. In the iifltee of a fnrelv'ii I. mil
ml Imuraiov rmiany, Mr, Chut-
feller i iioM-rviutf young man, ami
well ipmUtied to till Riaii pxoiilon.
and we ho be limy la ni.iiinill
with K1I.1-I-.M and pn-iK-fltv tu all liui
Ulld.-ilnkllK. I he S l.-.tMI'K follow
a a welcome vlliur
Tim t'lilnii f.i.'llie kvnteltl W ill M'll
round trip ticket at reibirwl rati-,
I'ortlalid 1 A'lorla, for the Columbia
Ceuleiitiiid to U held at Atort May
loin, inn, ami r.i ii.
't'uit ateoiuer llmlv U'lwwll I'ort'
laud and Alorla; k nve I'orlland 7 a.
m , aud ll;i p. m
Mrril lln.
We delre to ay to our cllitct', that
for year w e lui've tan Selling lr.
King' New Iliovery for eouump.
lion. Ir, King' New lite I'lll. Huck
leu' Arnica Snlvw and Kleelrle jtltter.
Mini have never liatidM reuieilU thai
ell well, or that have given aucb
uulvcrwl alifacllou. We do not
hollale lo gilnmun-e then) every lime,
and wetland ready to refund the por-fha-eprico,
If unllnfactory r-ult do
not follow their uw, The- remtlle
have won their great Hpulrliy purely
ou their merit. All drugatui,
The lrl of chi dlrciior of dl
trlct No. 3 w ill bold their regular
meeting lu the director' molil of the
indi'ieiidi'iice NAtioiuil bank at 4
o'clock p. in.. Friday, tMoU-r 2. Wl.
and on Friday at the name hour of
every four wwk thereafter. Signed,
If Hoard of lilivctor.
oiilil A( K M, a,
An urthnaue lo provid for licmiaing.
regalnliug, lining and rretiwuiliig the
nUoUiii'itutit, nml i, and vinou II
ipioi, and i. jH'ulmg all ordinance,
and part thereof, iu no fnr aatiiey Coll
thot with Ihlanrdinauc.
Thf fit iipk nf the fill o hidrjH mhiim
tin nriioiii woWoii",
Hiction 1. That no ieroa, or perami,
liull be perti'llted lo nell er lu ny man
lier duo of any apiritunu. malt, or ri
Uoui) liipior, in tlie eily nf ludepeudence,
111 leu iiinntitii' tliuu one gallon, wilh
uiil llil having otiinineil lui'ime there
for, fimu the mty of lmleimidenn a
hereumtlcr piovuled.
See. That every pernO applying for
h beetite to mil tin!iioii,tmilt, or vuiou
liquor, ball pay nilo Ilie Irewmry thr
Minn of t(NI per annum, ami in the amc
proioriion for a le pi'iiotl; or S.iio, and
III llieitnlH proportion tor li period,
fur a Itreint to nelt only malt biinor;
iirovideil, however, that no licen ball
ba g-atitcd for a le period llian ix
See. H. That every peraoti npiitylng for
hono to wll Npirittiotii, malt, or vi-
nulltt r.ieiiivilltf linmiMM fur
ilie muiic, luili cxiH'iilD to An id nly of
liiiieieii(ience, a uouii, or iiiiiieniiKiiiK
in tli penal um of M with two 01
more niiltii'ieut Hiirclie, to Iw NpproVed
by Ilia city council, couilllloticd thai
I pvraou or pewnin will keep an
... 1... l,,.i!MA niul 1I111L Im will not ner -
nut any gaiiies piolilbited hy the law of
Oregon, or liy any oruiiiainoi iiibouj in
ludepeniieueo, 10 n ooiimiiiiau, puiyeu,
... I ,,n In nr iil, 111 1 the nxiin. Iininwi.
11, ,.,i,,i.., ........ ... - ---. ,
bililding.or premise where neu liquor
ire mild, mcjioaen 01, ur epi lur biiib,
.,,..1 11,1,1 li u ill ml mll. ilihimM of. or in
...... .,,,.!. ni.riiiit tho auto u riliKixmnl of.
any pirituomi. mall, or vlaoti liquor, to
any person or person" 111 mi inwin ioeu
11...,. uf in iniv niitmr or habitual
iTuinii. ... rf - - ----
druiikard, and that ha will not permit
.11 , .1..., 1.- ..n ...
ii,,, Biinm tn nn untie; nun iiiiir 110 win not
lu.nmi nnv linrHiiii iiniler tlin age of
twellty oiifl year, m inner ur reiiinni
alxiut tlie plane of bnine; and that be
Will l)Ot Open III pinou 01 Uliniiienn, ui
,i,i, mil lliu Mime tn be (moiled, or (il. or
ulve away, or caime or permit the mime to
ba aold or given away, ny pirmuni,
mall, or vuiou liquor, on the tlral day
..r iu,. W.I..I, iifinniwiiilv nfillnd Humiav.
and Hint he will atrietly comply with nil
tlia requirement 01 ineiiiwaoi vuemiop
of Oregon nnd Ilie charter and oity ordl
uancwi of the city of Independence with
reApent tn the ml of iirituoii, mult,
ami vinnn liquor, nnd of gaming nnd
li.. a 'Clint ilium HiA iitiiilimint lira
nwi ........ - ,
(hieing to the oity council Hie receipt of
tlie proper twicer inr uie iniiuiiiim rur
w,.1.l 1.1 Htu iirnei.illiiiy and fllitnr
T.,,, . ... " . "
A gnml mid anltleleiit linnd, nnd the ap
proval nt anl numi ny ncii oouucii, uie
enunnil slinll order tho recotilcr to iHaii,
li,M,,ua I,, annll nillllilllLllt.
Heo. 6, Jf any porwin duly lioemed to
eiigngn in tho aale 01 uptriitimi, man, or
vinous liquor m the city nf Indepen
dence, or any penwn In Ina employ, shall
aell, give nway, or In nny maimer dlpne
or. uraliall miner, pnriim, or iniuw 10 ur
.,1,1 oivim nwiiv. nr iu anv milliner din
ruined of, any apintuoii, mult, or vinoiin
liquor, ,10 liny iiiinnuai uiuimiuu, m no
any intoxicated pcrwin, or to nny minor,
. ui.nl1 tjiifTtti nr nllfii. nnv
UI nilllll lll. n'.t.w. , -, .".rf
minor to viait, loiter motind, or frequent,
I, l ..l.n,. nt Imalnaaa. or Imll tWfnilt.
iiirnr, nr ilkiw, any game or gambling
1,1 im Mitnliietnl. bUvnt. or earned utt lu
or Mlaitit Hi room, hotnat, building, or
preinme wiiera il liquor are oio, or
hall keep upn, aurfer, peiinlt, nr Uow
i,iiiiLiivar in tiad hi ulaoe
of biiiiiip where uoti liquur I old ur
kepi fur li oil 111 nriuaui mo "!
eoniniiiiily ealled Hunday, or halt ll,
uiv nv. or 111 anv manner dl'pn of,
or milter, permit, or allow to b old.
given sway, or 111 any manner .riii
uf, n th 3rt day of tli week, enmuiouly
m.ll.wl Hiiu.luv. In ur bIhihI ill tilae of
tiniiii ny apirltuou. mail, or vinou
liquor, iliall, upon oonrieinai iwmii,
befur tli rwirdr' court, be pimlaliml
. a... ..1 ,.,, t.M limn inn ilolUr nor
mor limn fifty dollar, or by imprison
ment in III eity jail lor wu man ut
.1.... ..... ,.., limn Imnnlv.Hv dnv. or
by bolli ueti On and tmpritoutnent, at
lii iilM'rcnua 01 me oourt,
Sec. 0. That Uton th emmelloti of
m,.u ... ...... hiiiiid ..r ilia vinluiiiiii of any
of the pruvwloiM of Hoc ft of Uii ordi'
uiuiee, in ony oouiimi pipy, wi'.n'Hi
retok Ilia lleen of ttcli aroo ao
f.......l ..iniiv. I,.,! niiiili mvmmtloll iliall
iinin n7i ... , -
o, ,., ,nuOHLn In ndiev III lier-
oU to wlmiu the aaiiM w graiibal, from
,1.- uimllii i,ru!rll,.l li HM. 6 fur til
viotatmn of ny of It provlnkm. or tor
11 BOlloti po th lauid f "tJ t'rt;
for any violalion tit it whiuiouh.
Mi. 7. An ooiaon who tlmll ell. II IV
j.k 111 ttnw ffUfttinnr dlalHM uf. Or
almll keep for ! or uffur to tell, giv
wy, or m uy manner uwpo oi,iimu
the erpol iiinu 01 in eoj i
i.v mrlliiiiiia. ruall. nr Vllioll
liquor, mtlioul flttt bvu.g obtained
llonui ror Dial purtMtae, ib .:
uanee provided, hall, Un ooy!lhin
1 i..,r..f iha rmmrder' courl. b
puiiMlml by fin of not le than ttfty
dollai aor more than on hundred dol
lar, ur '7 Impriwiuiueut in lb oily )u
....1 1 ii.Mit iMi,iv.nvii duv aur imir
than flfly day, or both itieti tin nd Im-
prtmmnwnt, t Hit option w in nuuri;
-U..I. ,l xvxrv ilia nr lllllnwa! uf. 01
uffer to ell or in any maimer dirpo of,
ny apiriliiou. malt, nr viimtt laiior,
Imll eoUKiiiuui a aqiarte mdiiinl
violation of th proviaam of tin areiioii,
iaaund fur tlil of
pit ilium, malt, or vinoii liquor, uedet
III plOVWUWIl OI HO IUICntw, pnilil
Im trnnnbrred without the Mpmat r
(uiMinu of tli city mniiieil,
u. it Ti.,.1 ..11 ....In. mm. mil nurtaiit
rii'i k iii.i .w.,.....- ,
ohlumia, in xi far a they eonllart wdb
Una nidiiiiMic, b aud ttit ai ai here
by reiwaled.
.... . .... . . . .......
red tl eou noil aiaren ga, . u. imr
J. T. Foan.
IteeordeT llf III Oily of Initindem.
Aiiproved Siart'ii 'fft, w.
M. Maawm, Mayor.
Swwt pickle at Walker Ilrna.
New lot of lrt taklng a"ler
Walker Hm.
Km line of toilet in Jut pwlvwl
at Walker Hn.
llanleii eulllvator. plow, ami drill,
at It M. Wad C.
PiiiiitM. nli. fining, auu ilumt.
lug, atlt.Nl. Wad A Co.
I ,ll.-' iitfiiril tlx In all atvle. can
be found at shelley A Vaiiituyu'a.
l.,r 1I1.1 ftlli-at enlldlc Ullll CollfeO-
ilonary lu the city, fall at H. C. I'ate
The latest ly km ol arnol at Sbel-
k-y A Vaudtiyu'a. The bet valtH lu
the city.
If vim u In l.o v Inuh lid not HO til A HeiikUa they baveonly
the l!.
I" I' I'. 11 mIuhv kwit on
hand fulUupply of Havana and Key
Wwl cigar.
Ilnlu few of I bine Ouldell little
conk lnwki leftjntt.'W, Ft'. Call
and get one ftv.
ll..,l.niiirlerai li.r IIih lartfeat and hct
li k,nd kiwirt pricwln canwiiter'
. . . . . . , f . . 1.. a. 1 ...
tool , 1 RI ik t ! a 1
1 jntliw' cream brta-aded novelty ult
at Shelley A Vanduyu'. Jut the
tiling lor graduating roiune.
If vou want a nobby uuimeruii, go
loShelU-y Vanduyu'. They can
pleaM yon lu price ami qiiamy.
Stwkton A lleuklo had tneir iianu
full lat Saturday attending Jto the
want of their iiuiiiemu euitMner.
Trv Hinuiff' rvntmirnnl. WralaiYitt A
Irwin, proti lutorw, when lu Sak'in.
.Heal, nrtii etaa 111 every wy, ivuw
Slove; love:: tove:i! iney mum
go regard lew or price, to mK naau
for Ihe big aprlug alotk of It, M. Wate
A Co.
I Jidk. It will nay you well to call In
ut HiiH'klnu .1 lleiikle and e their
elegant line of drvw good. It i Jut
When vou build volir botint vou can
awtiLM itm r-.M.L l.e iiureh&titiir Vitur
indl, lianlwarv, and tin work, Inau R
M. Wade A Co. '
l'litiemnn Itrvta. make fill dUl lav
uf cltK-k, watcbi-i and lewelry, III
cotinerllun with llwlr mipply of drug
ami inruiciue.
When you want a well leave- your
ml.,, ulili f l.Mailiiimi A Ikiidv. nod
C(Mir A Slo-r will drill It for you a
sneiip a auyoiiw.
SliH'ktoti lleuklo Uiught their
'lotliliiLr. hi. hat, tflove. UM'lid-
er, mid aoinw dr giKKl, direct from
the maiiufaeturvr loreiwtii.
You can get a gd cigar T, W
FuV for So, and you can get a tine
cigar fur Hk", ami if you want aoiiie
thing way up tine, he ha It for lfit
rend your btuiidry to the Salem
t en in laundry, Mr. tiotl.diivcrorthe
Salem alage, will take It for you.
Leave order t the upper livery atabie.
Ijid e. If vou WinhtOce Millietlllllg
gay nnd ImndHoiim iu the Hue of un
luide nnd pitramd, du not fall to call
at Hlocktoti A Henkle'. They have
no arv-miiil. nf the bard time and
money Mug aonroe, I will nearly give
giaain'away for thirty day for caah on
the block. And do u t you forget It,
T. W. .Htc.
iw, vim tlkn In Hionkea ltinhI clurar? If
vou ducal nt T. Vt. l'.Htca. lie una
tlie largcHl lltui niol iimiiiein wwon.
iiicltv 01 cigar in town, 10111 111 or, iw
and I'm mind.
Havl vuu ftilowa that have not paid
your ciiiHii ijix win uav "nine um
v. , . . i. ....
paying alicrill leea in a tew nay 11 you
, I. ... 'I ui....!. III, l.lll.l.lllltlllllu lllllV H
liui. v "in. ,. . . ............ . ......
. . .. ....... . I..1". I l
lew uiiy 01 Knur icu. . in me,
hlMlrint Clerk. tf
ut.uiLri.iii .6 1 11111LI11 nw iuttllv iiroiid
. ,.n n. .. .. .w .... (...-. w j
uf their large and very liaiidHome atnok
nt .IriHiii .ftiiulu. linllea'. ireiit.'. And chil
li re n 11 line hiu, muir, nny- ami cuii
ilrcn'Kcliitltiiiu'. all In the futCHt atvlc
UlKl uchi 01 gooiin.
.. . 1 ... . 1 ..
When t'oopor A HlnMr drill you a
well Ihey do not endanger your proper-
tv nml life liv lire or ex nlmloll. or burn
your wood with anteum engine. They
guarantee wiumuiciiou in uie luiure u
they have given In the past.
When you wnnt a well drilled, give
lliu contract to Cooper & Hloiair; they
1 .1111...! II.. ,1..... ............
nave uriueu uniiu wenn until mijimo
They underHtiitid the huHlueMS better
mm irl mi von heller MitiHhictlnn. am!
you can depend on them, becaitae they
are reHtainHtblo.
f Iniuhimn Oititiv beirln aliendv to
reall.e a largo iuureaav m their hard
ware hniilneH aiiice they have IncoriM).
rated with It. M. Wade & Co. Thulr
price nre rcdiiced tnunli lower and they
have the Inrgeat HtcH'k. When you
waul anything lu their line nee tliem;
tliey can wive you money,
There In no jilnoe In Oregon where a
better meal I nerved than at the rea
tmimnt of Wintiit!ott& Irwln, 271 C0111
merulal gtreet, Hiilctu. Coiirtooiw nt
U'titlon, a line meal, and tho popular
price of 125 cent, have mndu thl
limine the hctulquarler of everyone
who haw occuhIoii to dine In Bnlcm,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
For eongreanman, Kirut llMrlet,
It. M. Vealeb, of Linn.
flit ootlgreaiiman, Hecoiid dwtrlol,
J, II. H later, of lii am,
A. H. Dennett, of VVauo.
For attorney generl,
Oeorga K. Lino.
trl hrtMitiltttitllil tn(or.
ttobert A. Miller, W, M. Oolvig, (leonro
noiBU, vt. r. uutmier,
For circuit Imlge, Third dUtnct,
J, J, Hhaw, of Marlon,
For pronpoutiiig attorney, Third duttriot,
r tir I, tt.l...... ff l..u
VVi lh lillVH, 01 lliun
For member at hoard uf tinlUntion,
Third ttitrlc
0. Cooley, of Latie.
D. 11, Murphy, eliirmaii 0. ti. Walt,
, . neoretary.
(WNTV Tlt K 1ST.
For aeilntor,
N L HutU-r.
For repreat'tilutlve,
W Myvra, J i) Slaal.
For diunty Judge,
H T Hureli.
For liorlfr,
W II Kuykeudall. ,
For eb-rk,
Hugh Haldwln.
Fur traurr,
.- A Cain. -. . -
For clnil ilrilltelldcUt,
CbarU- Siinoiitou
For eommWoner,
Henry Hyerly,
For nor,
J W Mellowed.
For anrveyor,
The lukllcr of the peace am) eoiiala-
ble are follow!
Ftnml Wet Ihilland Itlekreall,
F II Morriaoit, J. p.; Jan. HlacK, e,
I.ucklaiuuUi and IlrMgepnri,
C K Htaat, J. p i II U llwtlng, 0.
Halt I-ake, Dnuglaa, and Jekon,
JHvnm. 1. p.t W HAnilrew1.
Huver, Monmouth, Huena Vlxta, and
II M I,lne,J. p W W Wllllwii, C
Spring Valley, I-il, and McCoy,
J M l-ytin, J. p.i JV J While, c
. L. 0. 1'arker, ebalimsn. ,
For rongrctiiau, Flrt diatrlct,
Illnger licrmauii, af liougla.
For congrvwoian, H-cind district,
W H Kill, of Morrow.
. .... II. l.u.,..u
ror pmniieiiuiii .viii'ioiw,
J FCpler. II II Miller, I) M Hunne,
llCV, II Al WWI11.
For circuit Judge.Thlnl district,
(iiHirge II Huiuelt, of Marlon.
Fur pnwecutlugatioriiey, Third dlttrlct
jim in v nio, 01 iHiiiiiiu.
For aupreme Judge,
Frank A Mourv, of t'olumbla.
For attorney general,
Lionel It Velter, of Jsekaon.
For tnte aenatrtT,
1 I, Keyt, -
For n-preaontntivm,
DO gulvk, K 1 Owluii.
For Judge,
Frank Huller.
For county entiiiiiuloner,
O tlreeii,
W L Well.
For clerk,
I'mf It F Mulkcy.
For trenurvr,
II It Cwia-r.
Fur auta-riiltelidellt,
T 0 llukdilnaou.
For aurwyor,
J C Itewird.
For a-ior,
V W IkH'kelt.
For coroner,
E L Ketchum.
rnorib's 1'akty TicKirr.
For prewldentlal ek'Ctom,
Nalhan l!lerv, W II (ialvaal, 8 II
Holt, W O Hurk lgh.
Fur uproine judge,
nunlmiu Wright, I nlou county.
For congrwiiian, 1st dlstrli't,
M V Itork, Marlon county.
For eniigrewmian, 2d district,
John C Luc, tir,aut couuty.
For district Jmlifc, M Jtullclal dlatrlct.
j V Jieminx, i.inu couiny.
For district attorney,
K H IX'nton, Marlon county.
For member of the board of eqiuilla-
Charlc Miller, Marlon county.
For atipwnie Judge,
IVnJanilii I eleb, of Multuonmh.
For pn-sldctitlal elector,
A W l.ucn, Dr W V Anion, tleo W
lllack, N It Caylord.
coi'ntt Tiimirr.
For enator,
(). W. Hkinner.
For representative,
8. W. Hicliaidson, 0. T. W uite.
For county judge
Hnbert ilowe.
For conimiioner,
W.W. Miller.
For heritr,
Fred Smith.
For clerk,
John Montgomery.
For treasurer,
0. 11 Cobb.
For school anperintctulciit,
Mis Iamhi Butler.
Fur assessor,
J. M Hkiufe.
For coroner,
Dr. rarrish,
urn. v K LACK.
Thursday; April 2t.-G Hlngulat, L
MDver, HH Wolllsom, F.d Solomon,
Portland; TW Hlnck, McMlnnvllle; I
M HlmpHon, LewiHvillc; MP tileesou;
nt. lOlllH; j w niciviiiui. n y i.hiuit
on, Dallas; K Cretwr, Taylor; Chaa
Hheythe, King Vnllcy,
Friday, April 22. .1 O Ilmwn, E T
Nlehhng, W H McCarthy, II H Mo
Kven, KF Willis, A J Thompaon,
l oriaildJA 11 etc 1, Aioaoy; v u
antrwife, Hornea Collin, J It Luke, T
V Parker, City; A H Itleyen, Detroit;
U J Stonier, l) it i rony, mucin.
hj..,....l.... Ai.vll 01 Wm lulvie
ruiiuiuiir, a,.ii ... ,.ii, ......,
A II,,.. iv I .1 M11 IH vim . J T .fume. L
Mntnuy, 0 F McCoy, City; Clin An-
demon, 11 Jl warren, iniipa; a jw
UilVW, UM JUia rcai", naieiu,
Biitmay. Apru - 1 i.iioug wm u
j v nunilicy nun w 11c, Aioany.
Molldiiy, April i. j J miiy, jauiaa;
Jaa McCain, Frank J JViuih, fttoMinn
vllln! O W Hear. McCov: EW Veat.
u M W Whllo. Tllvln? W P
Smith, Portland; U KTresk, W 0 Hnu-
tKirn, Con stroiiiern, imviti v rony, c
A I'rescow, siiinni; jonnny voKea,v.ivy.
Tuesilay, April 20. V M t)llhert,New
YorkiD M Woodruir, Han Jose; O A
Itixby and wire, h W White, (I A
VVI.II11 Porliiiiiil- If Af Drew. A A
Ilaworth, ItossonjJ KHlbley, Dullaa;
J Hrown, A l'inkson, Andrew John-
ton, Cltyjj A venes, uuena vwia,
A ulrlkaou the lb-tullng rollrnml I
Ji. Curry' rcsldcne, near Itosthurif,
wim burned, f 'im,
lUwImrg lino let the coiitrnct for the
erei iloii of a city Imll to cost 7,ii,
The residence of T. E. Fldrldge, nenr
t lrval, burned to-day, Um,vym.
Al Oakland.Cal., (Tin. Harrity imete
four attempt u mil hiiiw ir, nut did
not ueeoed.
The Jinocrl of Indiana have In.
t meted fur t levelanil, with Uray a
wound choice,
l)ariliquake h''k were again felt In
central Callforiihi today, and tiiutii
dnmngn was doik,
At HrookfWld, Mo., Frank Janim
oommlttcd lulcldo on aioouut of a quar
rel with Id BWeet-hcart.
Mr, l'umell, widow of the lute Irish
tender, will evict the tenant from her
ealat fur 11011 payment of rent.
At Hvraeune. N. V.. Kruest Itantishot
hi wife and child and hlmwcif, Ibibp
and wife will die, Jealousy wim the
Prominent oDIclal of both thi coun
try and the Island of Hail Domingo
dlatdalm any knowledge of the pur
chuaoof that Island.
Seattle and Hnokntie are tkl for first
plice, ami Portland bring up the rear.
'I'll,. lt,.Ml t.llult U..-. 'H,..U.,.U i l..l...
f, ........ . " H". M..r,,.wY, a 'l V
land 3; SHmaue 11, Seattle 2.
Juegn It. JI. Marr. U-fom whom
th iiiemla-r of tho run II 11 were tiled
In New Orleans, dlnnptieHred yeslerday
Horning, row play 1 usvu-a.
Lulu Wilcox, for year a nun In the
St. josepii eonveiit, Hartford, C01111.,
cnHiled qulUi a Kciisalion by laying
aide the veil to Join a comic opera com
Faith cure ha (.'litlmed another vic
tim In the is rsoii uf .Naliiio K Auder
on, of PurtJand, aged three mouth.
"lM of faith" wm the alleged rviwoii
for her death.
Mr. Phil Armour drove wveml non
union kllllr from her liuilisintl In
Chicago, telling them that they should
l. in iN'tter UtiHlueiM) llian taking the
place of union men.
At I.1 Moluea, Iowa, Jniue Cis-k-
aoii klilil hi divorced wife and W. T,
I la vis, nml then commuted tulclde.
A woman who wa present during the
killing bus become a raving maniuc.
There 1 110 longer anv doubt that
Itudlof! iiluii d aili ud body IU liiahoiiM-
and theu II nd the premise, at S
k a mi Iimt wiik, to tiviimlle InsuramM!
ooiiqaitiic out of C-"'.,tssi life Inniruncc.
At Portland to-llluht Thomn J, !-
luger. of Chicago, played elinVniueb
lilk line biltlard to Jue Wnteriuau't
atrulght rail, 4i pout WaU'rinnii
led witii S.K1 to luu, w hen t iailnger ran
IM, and after W alernmn miiwed w lib a
run offlv, Oaihiger made the forty
four be iieeiliil to win the game, ami nt
tlw request of Uie i-iulors continued
to play until he bad piled up i)o
billiard, Ia n be lo play any
longer. .
A rut 1. S3.
Victoria Vmlliull will l a candi
date fur president.
To-day A.I.'m immigrant landed iu
New Vurk,
Oladstone ba w rltlen a kiter muio.
lug wouiau stitlruge.
Coutil.-s Leo 'I'oUtol, wife of the fa
mous author, died lo dny.
Mortimer I'Wi, m-ar Tiuvma, shot
hi w ile and then bimwif. lie died;
be may ncover.
A falling wall at Kuoiviilc, Tetiti.,
burled six ineii. Three are dead, aud
the other cannot reoover,
J. C, Mason, ex-iMsdnimter of Tilla-
uiook, wa arrcMled by the (siwtal au
tliortiie for clIiUw.lcuiciiL
F. Harkuiwi committed aulcide nt
Hp.ikaue. . He twice demxted from the
army, but Isiwuo dei-pomliiil lutvnisv
he waa enpt tired.
John Crawford aud Pat Aldrldi, of
O.ark county, Mo., quarreled, and
Crawtord shot, Aldrich, whereupon a
011 of the dead mail shot Crawford, kill-
lug him Instantly.
Judge Marr, who inyntert.itniy dixaii
arcil at New Orlciins, I now thought
lo buvtf f.iU- n into the river, an he wu
butt wen walking along the ttlipttcry
levy beyond the diM'ks. It wa tlri
iii(hiihsI that tbemalla, whom he bll-
terly opKed, Jiad kiduuppe'l Mm.
llo wasaevruty va: oM.
A niitlonal ilver eonwnlion will l
held lu Wanhlugton May '.iHh aud 27lh.
A cholera euidemlc Is raging lu part
of India, and I rapidly Hpremiiug. lu
origin ha been traced to llllli.
The ntcanishlp Conemaugh, with a
cargo of Hour and provHon for the
sinning liiisl ins, mtiieil to-day.
Haw balU Porthaul lit, Taeonia 12,
al i'licoiim; KmIIIo tt, NM)knne 5, ut
Siknitc Seattle stands tlrt lu the
Iciigue, I'oriiuiui luhU
a 1..,. ,. i.i. i, u-, nr t...,i-.
. n,i, ., ... .41.UI1. ... w ...
soli vllle, Oregon, waa sawing, rolled
and caught hi leg In eui-ii a way as to
tear tlie tUwh oltiroui the knei to the
ankle, He died from Ion of blood be
fore aid could reach till 11.
Itev, Dr. Joseph Hilvermnn, a Jewish
Itahbi of New ork, 1 nt tlie head of a
movement which will revolutionize
many Jewish church customs, t uie of
the boldest steps will Is) a crusade for
conversion among Christians,
Samuel Mel tree, of Peoria, Linn
county, was a delegate to the Hepuli-
lli'iui tilaiu convention, at I'ortlaml.
He has not ls-en mrn aiiice April Uth.
and his friend fear he was murdered.
lie wa known lo have had four or five
hundred dollnra 011 hi person when
lift seen. 1
Hen ry Harvey and John ToUu, of.
Oklahoma, loved Mary Wilson. Tnblc
waa a hard cumc, and Ms Wllsotl lovid
Harvey. At a dnneo lobln hot Har
vey through the lung. All, Wilson
drew a revolver front Ilnrvey'n jHicket
ami shot Tubln through tho bmln;
then she called a minister and married
Harvey on the spot, so as to lie able to
mime film bettor. He will recover, and
Mis VYIIaou will not be arrested.
A Htu, 21
The fltwnlcnf hotel, nt Port Angeles,
Wash,, burned to day. Lnes,h)tK).
John Hand and sixteen head of
horses were burned to death in a barn
at San Fmucisco.
At Fayettcillo,.Mo., three men and
one woman were sold at auction, under
the vagrancy law. They were colored.
A race war Is threatened.
C W. Mitcutip, olimrnmn of tho tuv
tlomd executive oommittet of the
Farmers' Allniiice, has called a secret
meeting of tho atnte executive com
mit tet of most of the Southern state
The object of the meeting is to take
steps that will perfectly harmonize the
workings of the alliance In tho several
Free-coinage mon, rcprcsrnlliig twenty-one
states, favor an etl'ort ou the
part of the frce-eolmigo convention,
which meets lu Washington May Mil,
to Induce one or tho other of tlio old
parties to Incorporate n fre-llver plunk
In its plallbrtii. Thla falling, they
will lake step to organize it new party,
the Uisls nf which will be all those de
voted to tho free-colimite cause. Hen
ntor Teller will he their nominee for
pnsldetit, and L. L. Polls, of the Finn
era' Alliance, for vh. pivsldcut.
AtTaeonm the eore was Tncnma 10,
The nianufiicturers of luootnotlvc
tires arc forming a trust.
Mine owner of Wallace, Idaho, are
trying to bri'iik up tho miners' union.
CongivsHiiinii Chuk, of Wisjuonsln,
lias Introduced a bill grunting w wom
eu tho right to voto.
An infant sou of Geo, Stlmn, of
Albany, afflicted wllh wboopiog
eoitgli. choked to death.
Mayor Fellows, of Hcranton, Pa., and
P. A. Hamdt, editor of th Tttryrmnvt
Hint city, will fight a dul with bars
01. U W pohlhvl trouble.
A tlie Healing dispute wm only bn
I we-11 America mi r.ngiami, vnwei
owner will sull under other flag,
which will exempt t hem from aelzurv,
they think.
Hie Semite piisNrd It olitltut to
the t iiliips exclusion bill which recent
ly passe I tlw house, ud cll for
confi-reiice. The eiiU) bill continue
In tuim the iM!ent law.
The Heading Mllrowl ootnblnatlon
ha Isi-ii In existence Hire week, and
ba thrown 60,WU eol miner out of
work half of the time, beide depriv
ing 12,110 worker of other kind of
baifot their employment. It I re
stricting the coul output U II to til
vkiic prion In the near future.
M. Vrey, a restaurant keftsDrof Park,
delivered Alian;hlt Itavachol to the
police, on March aotli. To-night the
nlace wa totally wrecked by dvuui!te.
ami M. Vrey m badly Injured that on
of his legs bail to be amputated, and a
Hhort time tutor be dhd. Several other
people were tujureil, but none fatally.
The forty-five men who went Into
tbu wild of Wyoming to exteruilnU
the oiitle "rustler," have arrived In
Cheyenne, wtdiler but wiaermen. Tliey
still claim that the rutkrr thieve,
ilieextiriiiluiitlon would have been
ou the other side had It not been for
the (.'tilled Stati- tmoT, who arrived
in ilino to av the invswler from an.
Pari I grently excited over the an
archist outrnge, and many jieople are
II. K. Taubeiieik, chairman of the
People's party uutlonal committee, '
Hint parly i opKed to fuaiou with
1-HI11 rot the old part Ii. .
L. It. Adam and J. W. Perkins, of
Marsh field, were drowned In the Co
'jiillle river the evening of the ZJd.
i liey were iutoxlcaied, and uiaet tbelr
The latent "faith cure; victim I Mr.
Henry Throckmorton, of I'ortUnd,
agtxl 'Z. Jju.k of faith" wa the
cause assigned; but the real caUM wa
the lack of pro(ier nuHllcal treatment '
In a never caae of typhoid fever.
Itavachol and Simon, the French an
archist, were sentenced to life Im
nrlsoiiment. The other on trial were
u..jiiltte.l, A law wa reerutly ptawd
making the destruction of a building
by ityimiiiite a capital crime In France,
but tlie lury evidently were afraid to
enforce it.
The flliiiol DeliKKTaU adoiited res
olution ttmt If the national convention
shall deem it expedient to coma Wait
(or a candidate, int y w ui aupporv joun
l'uliiu rjsliould the uallouai couveu
tti.ti favor au Kifrii man, the dcle
gati I nun HliuoU will vote for Cleve
land. AI-K1L27.
At Stuttle to day tlie score was: Se
attle 0, Spokane 1.
The woman-ouiVr&ge LIU was de
feateil in the KnglMi liou of com
mon by a vole of MS to I&.
W. 1). Until ft, of Victoria, Tenn.,wa
killed at -Albany, Or. He waa struck
by I he engine of the overland expreas.
The Colorado Itcpubticaii conven
tion elected uniustrui ted delegate to
the iiatiouttl convention, but uppoev
ihe nomination of Harrison.
Iklua MtUbell, aged eight years, of
TacxHiia, wa kiux-keddown by a cable
car and dragged forty fwL She w
horribly mangled, auu cannot poswuiy
A Are in Philadelphia caused a loa
of fl.tMi.taiu. Mauy people were seri
ously injured, but none fatally. Tlie
Ttmt kwe .iro,uou. i ne nre ongi
naied In the tirand Ontrul theater.
New IlaniDshlre Itcpubllcan send
an uui list ructed delegation to Minne
apolis, a do also Ihe iU-pubticau of
New Jersey, w hile the Hepubllcans of
.MLHtNiurt, Nebraska, ami Jdaiue, m
truct for Harrison,
The I'nlon PaciMo tockholders met
In New York aud elected oltloers and
director. There was considerable op
poflliou to the tioiitd management,
nut the election risuilleil in a victory
fortiould. S. H. H. Clark, of Omaha,
a elected nrcaident. Among the di
rector are Jay Clould, Huswell Sage,
Sidney Dillou,' Frederick L.Anie,aua
uther well-known tiotild men.
Fi:illtY.-Iu this city, Sunday April
24, 1HW2, William Ferry, aged about
60 year.
Mr. Ferry wa kirn In Michigan, In
IHIW and died tn North Independence,
.Sunday, April 21, LS!i He leaves a
w ife uud mx childreu to mourn ms
losH, live being hero and one still in
.Miciiiguu . lie was a kiiiu nusuann, a
lender faihcr aud a good citlnen. The
fuuerai w as conducted in the Methodist
church by the pastor, Tuesday, lit H
o'cltH'k, alter which the rvmains were
Interred in the Odd rellow' cemetery.
We extend our sympathies to the be
reaved family.
BUTLF.Il.-In Monmouth, Tuesday,
April 2d, lsyj, at I o'clock a. m., after
a week's ill net, Edna, infant
daughUirof Mr. ami) Mrs. J. B. V.
Hut icr, aged 5 mouths.
Tlie funeral vrvlve were conducted
by He v. A. F. Lott, of thia city, at 1U
u clock a. 111. Wedncadny, the 27th, the
remain i.lng laid to nut in the cem
etery south of Monmouth. Kind par
ent, weep not, for Edna i not dead,
but slccpclh, and in this your sad hour
oflM'iviiveiiiciit, look utitoihliu who
hath said, "Sutter the little children to
....... ..... t..w,i.l tl,i n.i tn
vi'llic uill,, ii,iiii uiv,,, ui'v, 1.'
of such is the kingdom of beaveu."
Iliirkli'ii'a Arnlra Sulve,
The best salve In the world for cut,
bruises, Si ires, ulcers, suit rheum, fever
sore, tetter, chapped hands, olulblalns,
corns, ami ail skiu eruptions, aud posi
tively cures plies, or no pay required,
it -1 guuruiileed to give perfect sat is
faction, or money refunded.. l"rlce, 25
cent per box. For sale by any drug-,
Lax d kok Sale. Ton acre of finely
improved land, with good buildings,
young orchard and hop yard. Also
ton acres highly improved, partly set
to vholoe fruit trees. Alt adjoining
ludepnik'tioe. luquire at this oltloe. 17
Iiiilopnnduno otl Moumoulh Motut Liu
I .PAvnn
r mm
ij- n
Chen net.
lied la li.
kcr coutt,-, ore- rr? n
Htm, near what M
U bow Baker City, ft fPNTllRV
t nina who hm LiCi 1 I Ufll
bfcome iikntlHed with Uie wsoinwa anil fl p rt
IcTCliipment of ihat country. Thinia AVlU
U no ether thno Ktr, John Stewart, on of Ihe
wealthiest and most Influential citiirua la the
wunty. In recent letter he syi : " 1 had been
unrtcrlng from pains in my back aud general kid
ney complaint for aonie lime, nud had used my
remedlea without any but temporary relief. The
pain in mv hack had become ao severe that I was
prevented iroin attending to my work and could
not move about without the use of a cane. Hear
ing, through a friend, of the wonderful cure efc
fected by Oregon Kidney Te,I waalnducedtotry
a box, and from that very first done I found laitant
relief, and before using half the content of the
box the pin tn my hark entirety disappeared.
I have every fnlth iu the vtrtuea of the Oregon
Kidney Tea, and Can eomclenUoualy recommend
I; to my friends, 1 would not be without it for
auvthtng," .,
'Oregon Rl.tnev Ten cure backache', Incontt.
ltence of I lue, brick dust sediment, burning or
oalnful nensation while urinating, and all affee
ilona of the klrtuey or urinary organs of either aes.