THE WEST SIDE.1 -IH8UKD BY West Side Publishing Company FIUDAY.APML 2, 18D2. , Shok Lkathku. A full assortment of boot-aiid-shoo leather, soles, calf ami kl skins, for sale at lkwiiicr A Craven's. Commcr. Tho 1 iitlepondcnco-Mou numlh motor lino Is a pitying property. - It would xs a bolter '' "K property extended to Snlcm, and tills can l done If the right sort of efforts are put fortli and tho proper Inducement offered. Stalinmaiu Fiu'itGkowkk'h Mkminhi A meet ing of- tho Polk county fruit grew er' iWsoclution wilt bo held at Monmouth, in the normal building, on April Ml, at one o'clock p. til. All who are I nterestod are requested to lo pres ent. 8. V. Dovuiity, Secy, PlONKlsm AtTNT10N!Th0 om.lnln and all Interested tu the success of the l'olk County Pioneer Association ure requested to luwt at the schoolhtitlse in aiomm.utti, on Saturday, April 30th,nt 1 o'ehak p. tu., to lake Into considers. tlon the time for holding our next an nual Minion. 8. Staats, President. PKKACltiNd. IU-v. A. F. UU has Iwii called lo Dallas, to intHlerato a meeting there for tho Presbyterian congregation to extend a call to ltev, Mr. Jaeka to become pastor of that ehureh, and consequently will be ab nt next Sunday, ltev. J. It. N. llell will nil Kcv. Mr. Butt's pulpit In the niornlng.uud there will N? noservlce in the cvcnlngat the Pnwbyterian cliureh. A, Fink Col.T. A, D. Atkins breught lu hla fltio colt Tuesluy, which waa one year old on that da. It la a beauty, and shows Indlcatlou of miik lug a stopper, beluga full sister U) J. W. KlrkUud's "Nettle K." Wo com mend tho Interest our farmer are taking lu the better bnHnlltig of flue hor , and can nay that Polk county is fast coming to the front in thbt re jeet, Staktkii i i'. Steam was raised In the White Star flouring mill hi Tab inuge a week ago yesterdayand grind lug wax commenced the following day. J. M. Stark, proprietor of the Little Palace hotel, got the first barrel of DiHir ground by this uevr inlll.paylng therefor f Hand report thnt It is flrxt clas. Mr. Klcinscu understands the buslmw and will furnish flour of the first grade to all lltnuo w Ishl ng It. None. Feeling that we a mem ber of the Yonug Men' Clubarc being imposed uisit. by some who do nut wbh tu become nietnlsvra, I take this na-aus of stating (bat bone but liiemls-rs or tluwe Invited by a mcmla-r are allowed In the rtxMiis, monthly dues are pnld by the member for the rent of the same and otherwise keeping them up, brtice we do not think that the whu are not willing to become members, should even w ish to take the privilege. W, H. Parrsns.!;, President Asoriuii Uki Sim-vtaxr.-W. W. iVreival shipped to Portland last Ffi dsiy freiu thi place two ear IrnuU of mutton sheep and one hinulred and forty spring Imnlsv The price the sheep d.i.hrs are paying for these spring buiiifper head, and It srem lu us that the fanners in this valley rwr hiinly could reatiw? a big prodt by raising lamb at that price, it being as much a U hl In the Kt, where, In raising sheep, they have U feed a large pinion of tlieyer, while hre there Is very little feeding necessary, and hem we make It as simply a tige lion on our part, that the farmer give Ibis line of their wrk a little more aUenllnn, a we think it would pay big. In fuel, mist all kinds of stock Miing would realUeour farmewa gi"l profit, ej (ally invt, a our bulclier are constantly empllnliig sbmd beef bring m scarce anl m high lu price. Nw FiwM IihT Lr;K.Dr. Butler received, the lit U Inst, a letter from lr. T. J. In which heitaUa that he 1 In d health and enjoyed his trip back twtbe tiietr.tHU of Hie United Stale hugely, reaching hi destination without any aeeblcnl. He lHetidlng the polyclinic and pol-graduate course, and Ih fi-et well repaid for Ma trip even with the knowledge lie ha al ready received In the surgical line. He attend" twelve operation In the h.-piul dally, and It will yet lake him five week to finish Ma course. He has, a yt,ri' dorn wiuidisighl-eeelng, but had the great pkwaire of hear ing T. IH.WIU Talmnge week ago Sunday, and also visited U monument ,f General Grant, a dwrllon of h!ch we trust tlw doctor will furnish our reader through these columns when he returna. Ilk addrws k l!2J and 2V Twentieth alreet, New York City. A"Tiir, l'iHAa.Thi wek aimther buslneiei trauiloll was con -aumuiated In I nd.fwiidence which shows thai our town U aleadlly I'M" grclug, and which glwull another olid ami ulntll hustiic flrin, nana ly, 3. 1. Irvine purchasing half Interct III J. F. O'lmni.ell' hard ware and Implement busluesa, Mr. O-lamnell has already demonstrated totlw elltwnaof Polk crtiiity that he is a "rustler" In Ihia line, and kimws how lo make the hardware bu-lneaa go; and with Hi addition f Mr. Irvine, whu tuwde Intrteluction through our paper tyu, hehMbeenln lill.l llfeSMI ill liidi is-ndcnrw liefore and .. i.i ir . i,i.Iiis man of irnven iiiih-i. Ibe first order, the t fl"" will have the rwnltlou at one of Mug one tf lh m H.Un. Hal lMisine Anna of the entire county. The Mw firm will fmd.i4 ttie bu.l hert In Ihe future aa 'J1. tlie Last, bV Hi l"''u, ,,V" nu. k of hardwar, tinware, eu lery, and, that y' get whatever you call ft In " ... . ... ... ti..iii.iiii or le a witumii aenoioH ,. lst for It, ami at prl Itttr'l lines, now ! - v ,l, pleH-el that Mr. Irvlnf ' ' e..,e,e. bn.lnea. In mt n. Wwer SH'K lapa o - .. - lli-r.t share of the lronge oTl Uto . ..... u t are coo- iHsipie o. mo p1""';.-; ,, .11.1,1,, Unt that you will I "X ' f"' f treated when baling With them, and .a iirverbuve cause to re gret IL Children Cry "for Pitcher! CMtofla. LOCALS. Tho bottle la empty. Who drained it of IIh uonteuui? AhU your neighbors to buIwwHio for the Wkst Bum and tlius nmku them happy. PutterHon llros seem to be the fountain head or drugs, chemicals, and good cheer. We hear reports from all quartern, of sauNiaetlou with tho Democratic ticket. That ' the ticket to win next Juno. Tho Htcum laundry lu this city Is turulug out flrst-clasH work. Take all your hiuucmltng to them und nave much hard labor. Patterson llros. Istho most tony linn In town, the latest ornament lo their store being that of havlnir the llcsir covered with a (Inequality of lcnollum. I lie best snring medicine a dose or two of St. Patrick's nills. Thevnotonlv pnysiolmt demise the whole system, and purify the blood. For sale by all medicine dealcra. Maurer AAcsbllnnui have opened a new meat market on C st reet, oppiHlte the Little Palace hotel. They will keep on blind all kinds of lYcsli meals, sausages, etc. Try tlieiu. Look at t). A. Kramer' photograph in this Issue and see If you do tint think he is a flno-I.Miklng Jeweler. Take him your work, a repairing with him Is a specialty, and bis price are lu accor dance. The machinery for the htsip factory arrived on lost Monday' freight, and will lie placed lu position at once. Mr. Culver think they will haveevery thing in running order in a week or a little over. Say I you fellow that have not paid your eclnsil tax will have some fun paying sheriff fee lu a few day If you don't stack up Immediately. Only a few day ol grace left. J. 1). Irvine, District Clerk. tf I.. Dumou is grading the road lead ing smith to liocita Vista precinct. This will muke a vast Improvement tu the condition of the road, and the example should Ik? followed by all the supervisor In the county. J. K. McCoy, on account ot the wet weather, has not made the progress he exected, but on the return of working weather ho w III su fulllll his contract, aud have the race course in flue condition. rtii. ri.itr.kail ...tiitmlMii.ii,.r urrti...t In I iiiti.iM.iiil.ioiw lo lli.ilr niK(ih,l eur Tuesday afternoon atiout four u'ebsk and remained over nlulil here. Thcv are on their acini annual lusjHt'liou lour 01 ine numsuis. Tint Kiiaft.r si.rtliui tin C'lirtitlliiti churvh last Sunday evening aire quite appmplale. Tlie "l)jeu tiatee" rcr rvwiitel by Ihe little girl In white was quite unique, and the music rendered by the choir wa excellent. The larifiwl arch ever ninstrucUil for any building, that uf the muiiu fin tkirir's bullillne at the world s fair irrtiundkL u un eiiiiiiiU'tuit MotiiiaV. It la an immense span and ho a height of it 3 feel and awldthat the tsuMMif 375 feet. That parrot 0.1 the upper srch of the Fvuuell sinter's rvntauraot l a great talker. It can also slug und ahlstlc quite distinctly; lu (ant, It i the bent imltutor we ever saw, furnishing much amuwmvut for the little folks and ome of the older ouesaa well. Afiur suturing horribly fr year frmu scruftita lu It wonit form, a young sou of Mr. 11. L. King, Tun Fraukllu l, Ulchiui'ud, Va , wu rwently cured bvlheuneof Aver'a sursaiiurllla. No o;h r uieiliclne inii appriwtch this pn p oration a a cltviusi-r of the IiIimkI, Thi.ra am nriioarilhui aud sarsaii- arillas; but If you are 110I carelul lu your purvbaw, Ihe disease you wish to cure will only in tuteiislllisl, lit- sure you gel Ayer Sarxaparllla aud no other. It I compounded from the llouilura root aud olbercoucclitraUid alterative. l'mf. MeAilunu ha liurchosed Mr. K.iokl.' Interval in the marble works of thi city, and busiuiw hereafter will be si.Hhicte.l by M i.r. Ullumre ana MeAdaiiM. Tlnsie wlshlug a la-autiful monument or anything In the marble it... t ill 11. ..I it 1.1 their besl Interest to mil upon this Brm, ha ted on lull- rnd street. We have made arrangement with 11.. x.11 FranciscM tUU whereby we call give you the lHlly CW for one year aud the WfcT HI ! tart 11 lor or w Will tend you the Weekly tWf and the Wwrr Slim one year for lb ..., ll iewsiaisr Oil the coast, and thi otrer should be lukin advantage uf by anyone wishing t flrst-eiasa dally r. Mr. W. II. Whlleaker I filling up a port uf the building formerly occupied ly Mr. WliiM'HUtfr ir nm w d coufeetlotiary store. She ha Just received a la-aullful mnIu fouutain.and wlllUpreHireu w ' the thirst uf ail who wish mild, wsd drluk. Clgaraand everything usually earrlwl lu flrsl-cbwa coiifisitioiiary tore will be kept on hand. 1 ..i-.lltiir man w hoehallocd to I In the .lore uf K V. W.ssl, at MeKrea IbaMl,.yh",,,,WM "'J lu.-iMr.Wsal,ll girl mu with ancmpiy lttle, iais.iu nam ta.rlalu, Pain Ilahii.andaaldi "Mamma want another bottle uf thai mwllclnei .1 . it la the best medicine fr rheumatism ahe ha ever uaed. W cent bollk uu aaie r dealera. The Brst vehicle manufactured fel the Corvalll. Wagon and Carriage Faebry wa flnlsheil aud put tog. Iter i'.-utav There are atsiul SVai carta, bliggbw, ' "tage, ll' vt f eieupletloii, ana in a - IheiUnany will la. able to supply the urgent demand of the 0n market. Order, are eoinlng l every day, and It begin tl.k "'"H11 ll"J,Wl" be able to dlepo, nf all Ihe vehicle, they can riianufai5ture.-(breiW Jftnw. ' . ., ..... . I.I , u ..Ire Imrsfl t-Hik another freak Wednesday afternoon and tried U. runaway w in ir. ami a.. ....-. wi", weri in the hack. Me rail down w"" " . 1. ...... I 1 is imrner at ,e Tltt . TaTiw I ...el. and tH.l to n i to A WeblH;r' bl.-k-m,xlU hl' '' "V ,,y. TXAu tl m k'n. ami "ir-MU abhiwwB.B. , MOItMAL DADItT 1I,NU, Tho Norinul CudeTIlaiid. of Man inoulh, will give a concert lu the nor- ....... a ... mui cniiMtt, on Saturday, April 1)0, The following programme will be renucroui 1, March, Uuuslstory,. A. Llberutl, H. Overturn, The Oomiuornr Ululey. Hviltllluiliv I rti . Inlln Mola. JMiie Hilu of HihiIIuikI, Kurninr. In if. W. 14. ('runny. 4. Ml'llll'V. UdllMlH. Uf 111.. Tn.i.l.ln. ..f 1 1 on lliiMUi of July, K0III..M111. ., , ,, , '". v .num. nil Hold, The I Inn Ii. Matt Tliitclii'liir, H. W. UiiuHliiy. WIiIhIIImh Ounrlt'Mn. Mwlluy, Messrs, I'liwi'll.Jdrilioi.Tuloiii, mid Mllllluiiliif.rv. 7. Kuiilmiilun Snlo, The Hlumil II rooks . (lllltlir t)llit ' Mi'mhi'm. Mulknv mui ii lilt I ItlV It. Wall, hcoiiii Hliilil, v'ti liuniii, t'AltCK. "TllV C.IOWIIKII ItllTKl,," Uy J. 11, mill. A wiinixly Hknlt'li In one act, Htilli Uoiklns, A ymikee holel kwiiiir m ,:.;-i,r.:::,::,:":.;:r-rv.--:-; l'- Y. Murphy. '..j ...'i I'liiKit'iiviiuiT, IV IIUU'IIIUHII, Ii. H.Tnliim. Mike Mi'l lynn. IiIIiiiiiiii, H'. MiiiilKoiui iy, I i'ln IVuiKii't'ii, A (Hilnreil umi I limiitii . MlnnMiilllii IVrklas, A lone an' oiiHrtwl. eil Icmiilii, J,o, Mt-Inuisti. The motor will leave tiidciidoiice at 7:15 p, ni. Dooi's open at ?; concert at H. Admission 15 an I cents, Captlan J. II. D. tlray, of Astoria Is In receipt of a letter from a grand daughter of Captain Robert limy, the discoverer of the Columbia river. She writes that she seriously contemplates visiting Astoria on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the discovery of ihe Columbia river by her grand fat her. She has In her immscsnIou at Itimton, says Ihe Athirlun, her grand father' old sea chest and mirror which were lu the good ship Columbia, and will bring or send them here as In teresting relics of that historic vessel. She also wishes to know if Captain J. II. D. Cray Is a relative of her grand father. So fur a the captain knows, bo Is not. Mr. J. P. Illal.e, nil extensive real- estate dealer In IV Moines, Iowa, nar rowly cseuS'd one of the severest at tacks of piicunioiila while In the north ern urt of that state during a recent bll.xard, says the Suliinln) Jirvirw, Mr. lllalne had occasion to drive sever al mites durliig Hie storm, aud wo so thoroughly chilled that be was unable to get warm, and Inside of an hour after bis return be w a threatened with a se vere attack of pneumonia or lung fever, Mr. liliile si'iit to the nearest drug store aud gut a buttle of Chamtsrliilu's Cough Itemcdy, of which be had often beard, and tsk a mimls'r of Urge loses, lie says the elTeel was wonder ful, and that In a short time he was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine, and the next day was able to Ciime to Ikn Mollies. Mr. itlaixe regards his cine a simply won derful An cent Ixittlca 011 sale by all medicine dealet. . ...... TIIK WIIK.Il IIIH 11., "The most energetic, resolute and rclcutlews Journal lu America when It set out toacnitnplhdt any great ohjii't; I can testify to Ita ready humanity, cnmnreheiisi'on, and wrsstence," (VlIM (llllllMI. We can tell our Hepulilbnii readers a aivrt't and our Iteuincratic friends a plmi of giswl new: Th HWM Intends to and will elect another IVmiK'rattn president this year, as it elected Ornver Cleveland lu Whether the Ik-niocratlo eandldale shall Is? Drover Cleveland, representing the cause of tarifT reform, or any one of a nillliU-r of other Ik'tiusTallc liwlem who can Is-elected, ft'preseiitlng all Hie elcliienta of oppiadtiiin to Ivepublic anlsm, Th H'ocA will be foremosl lu hUsupsirt. The next president must be a IVlii'sTiit. But while doing IbU 7'A HVd will give to Ita Itepuhllcau readers, as It did In then-cent camiwlgn, a fuller and Is'tter rejsirt of liepublleall meet ing and ssnvln in Ihe prrsidetitlal Calivasa than the organ of their own iarty print. This IIWol never colors new: It photograph event . 3Tie II 'arlil Is now printing an aver age of over !o,( eiiplca a day. It has made a net average gain of Stl.ono a day during (be past year. It w III circulate next year, on the basis of this Increase only, at least l,(,tKl eopleaof Hie ablest, strongi'sl, aud beat Democratic newspaper ever printed. The HV'if I recognised a dis tinctively the newspar of the eople. It Nlleve that to ls the highest Journalism which I diilli-ahil to the public aervlce. Th li'oWif put heart ami conscience Into It work a well a brain. It I the handmaid of Justice, the lunraveler of mysterli-, Hie delccterand Ibe (error of crime, the friend of the friendless, the hell of the poor, the strength of the weak. llelllng that Ita power eomoafnun the people, It give Iwek to them freely whatever service 11 luflm'Ui'eaud IU resourtH enable It to render. With a I'crfeeteuuliimcnl, Ihnniugh organlwitloii, capable direction, and a deep deleriiil nation to move on and up ami up lo higher Ideal ami greater achievement, Tho IWI wlshe It multitude of reader a llappr New Year, and confidently hid them lo expect from It during 1HH2 even more wonderful thing than 11 uaa Bin-any aeinipllll'd. MiiTii ie. The Isiard of dn.l directum uf dis trict No. 2U will hold their regular meeting In the director' room of the Independence National lawk l o'cl.s k p. in., Friday,'f 2, Hl, and on Friday at the aame hour of every four week thereafter. Slgneil, tf , . Board of Dlreelom. H.llK KTO TArATKH. Dallas, ()., April la, mi. 1. I..,f..l,e ulven thai on and inline P !.-.-v 1- after May lt, Wi, Ml taxe remaining unpaid will ne.lcliaquem, ami imp -.-wntag W.I-WKl.lii, ja.l Shcritr of Polk County NOTH'M Of l.iasnl.t TMIM. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between IMmm and 11. A. Konkle.niarl.le and grsinte dealer, ha thi dy Ihh-ii dissolved by mutual oousent, Mr. It A. Koukle ndlrlng, he having all ' (itrst In tlie buslnea hi Vrt I. l, M.'Adam. Messrs (llluioreand MeAdaui allThe UabllltUw of (he old (Inn ami ,,l.l.ll,Ui,ldue.(i()iiM(m(i K A. KuNKLit PERSONAL MENTION. Wlllliini Davidson nqmrts hoiw aver aging four feet in height. John Kurro report pen In the pal almoHt ready for table use. Who cun beat them? Messrs. II. lllMihberg und W. II, PattcrHou spent last Hiinday lu the mutroiiollH, T. M. Hliver, our popular depot agent, niiulu a IiuhIiichh trip to Portland this week. Henry Kelso und Lay ton Hnillb went to Corvulll Saturday to lie gone a few day. A. ll.Cherry visited his former home, Silverloii, this week, und report time lively In that city. J 11 1 1 ics Hclmlck reports a delay In tils tile making on account of hi horllicr's Inillspwltlon. J. (). Davidson, of Parker, wa hi Saturday, lie report a lino Increase of hla Shropshire lambs. J. 8. Cooper went to Portland Tue day to attend the grand Democratic rally oil the vveiilnguf that day. Charles Boyle, sou of Dr. lloyle, uu emigrant of 1k;I5, was lu town Sutuday und seemed to he enjoying himself, We are glad to see S. V. Parker ublu to be on the streets again, and tnipl he will sisin rcgalu bis former physique. J. C. Ctsipcr was In town yesterday and to-iliiy and say the work on the cannery w ill commence a sisui as the weather will penult. John C., who by telegraph has been taking stci toward matrimony, was sadly dlsapsilutcd Saturday by the iiou-arrlvul of hi liminoriilu. Wort! from Miss Lillian Cooper say she bus somewhat recovery! llio Use of her viH'id organs, and the pristped Tor her full rccove.y are luqs'ful. John While, of Oak drove, was In town Saturday. He rcKirta Demorral Jubilant over the nominee of the convention. David Maxtleld, after an nlisencauf four mouths, has returned to Iudesu- dence with the Impression that here is the place to proier and enjoy life, Hoi., Ii. F. lliiriii came up on Fri day eveiilug'M Isstt, He will now become a rimiuctil resident of the city. We extend to Ii I in and his cordial welcome, Messrs. K. !. Kyle, nominee for state senator on the Itcpuhlh'ttu ticket, and Hugh Baldwin, nominee on the lK in ixTitilc (Irket fnrciiuuty clerk, were In ltidcN'iideit Ibis wci k, lk'al (Inllhcr, f.ilher of our towns man, Is In the city. He Is looking over the city and mill probably dstite and go Into hiivliiee here He Is a genially illspmed gentleman. Minim. Hurley Alt 5. iitnl.T and I'ete iiiloiii, of Monmouth, ami I'n il Daily, of this city, left on .Mniiil.iy aflrrmsm's train lo attend the Ik uiis-riilli! coiiveu llou held lu Piirtlalld this week. I. C. Clod feller, steungrnpher and lsskke-r, has reii'iiily tlttcil up a neat A Camplsil' hardware store, and solicit Ihe pntmn age of this' wishing eorresqvondeuoe, copying, etc., done. Our city 11s without a mayor a few day tbl wn'k, M. Merwln ami mother being In Portland, visiting relative. Marsh also at tended (be IVmm'ratlo state convention which convened In that city Tuesday. W, A. Wash, of the llrmr, made a call at the ofllce of the Wknt Silk Saturilay and hii( a few nilniites In pliwsnt.t converse with "ye editor." Mr. Wash Is a pleasing conversa tlona'lst, and we vujoynl his visit. Come again. W. M. Hunter, of McCoy, was in (own Saturday. He Is a Hmhiiighhrfd Itepiililli'sii and will support Keyl with a dvsH-ration that ought to bring wuivcsw But alas for 1.1 hope. Pul ler will lake the palm of victory. Hunter Is a good, whole-aimlcd man, Mrs, lavld Whlteaker yesterday pre sented (he editor In chief of this pn r with a couple of most beautiful mil Mile grown by herself. One of them wa exceedingly large, mensuring TxlU Inches, with a stem .1.1 Inches long Mr, Whlteaker will jihwe ai-cepl ourluoea' thanks. .. liMifnsts t'snnnl lie tar4 lly Im-sl application, a they cannot reach the diseased Kirtloii of the ear. There I only one way to cur e deafness and thnt t by constitutional rcmcdic, IkwfniK I caused by Inflamed enndl. lion of the mucus lining of tlie I'us taclilun lube. When this tulj I In flamed you have a rumbling sound or luiH'rfecl hearing, and when It Is entirely rhed, dcafiirsa la Ihe result and unless (he liiflam(lon can W tak en out and (hi tula, restored to It nor mal condition, Inuring will tw de stroyed forever, Nine ra out of (en are caused by calurrli, which I noth ing but an Inflamed condition of Ihe mucus siirfiM'i's, We will give loo for any ease of drafnea (causcil by catarrh) that can not he cured by Hull' Calurrli Cure, Send for circulars; free. F. J, CiiKNKV A Co., Toledo, 0. lrSold by all Druggist, 7'kv KX KtTHIXU.IC, I will sell at public auction, on Sat unlay, April 2!l, INWi, at the farm two mill's north of ludcpeinlence.the follow lug personal pros-rty: i cow, I bull, I threeycar-old twr, 10 yearling calves, 2 colls, 4 young horses, x mu of work lioraes, 8 umitile wt or Harness, I isilatn plow, II fourteeu-lnch plows, I Hlallloii, I mower, 1 wagon, and ti t wiey ear-old sIists. All sum over fill. Ix mouth' lime, with appmveil MH'tirtty; auiouuts less than flu, cash. Mas Susan Jonkh, F.xeeutrlx of the estate of W m, Jnnee, jJ2ai deHiased, " ATTKNTHIN, All member of the Kvangellcal chundi nf lid elty are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs, Jennie William, nn tbl evening. ltev. D. V, Poling will preach In the Christian church on this coining Sun day evening at H o'clock, Ynu are wel eome. Messrs. Latighary, Cook, aud Poling, will sing a male trio, Tliere will lie an excursion up or down the river not later than th last of May, In be given by the ladle of the l.'....,,.'...!!,.,.! aiuili.fv nf I iiilnliMlutenea Full iirtloului'i1'Seck' NN'MT runw. Children fry for PttchrtCttorla. BUSINESS LOCALS. Sweet pickles nt Walker Bros. New lot of prim) baking powder at Wulkcr Bro. Fine lino of toilet soup Just received at Wulker Bros, Garden cultivators, plow, and drills, ut It, M. Wudo & Co. I'llinpH, pipes, filling, mid plumb ing, ut KM. Wudo & Co. Fur the finest candle and confec tionary in tho city, call ut P. V. Putter hoii'm. If you wish to buy trash do not go to Stockton & llonkle'g us they have only the beat. P. 0. Pnttcrson always kee) on hand a full supply of Havana und Key West cigar. Headquarter tor the largest and best stock, and lowest prices In carpenter;' tools, is at 11 M. Wade & Co. Stockton & Heiikle had their bunds full lust Sulurday uttondiiig to the wiintM of their numerous customers;. Try Strong' resluurunt, Westacott & Irwin, proprietors, when in Hulem Meals, llrst class In every way, 25 eenU. Stoves! stoves!! stoves!!! They must go regardless of prices, to make room for the big spring stouk of It. M. Wade A Co. Ladles, It will pay you well tocnU lu ut Stockton & Heiikle' und see their elegant line of dress gwxls, It I Just splendid. When you build your liouso you van reduce llio ea by purchadlig your nails, hardware, and tinwork, from It M. Wade & Co, Patterson Pro, make a flue display of clocks, wuti.iie und Jewelry, In connection with Hair supply of drug and medicine. When you want a well leave your order with ' (iixKlnmn A Ikmty, und Coos-r & Slosr will drill it for you a lienp as anyone, Stockton A Heiikle bought their clothing, hN, bats, glove, euspend ers, und sumo dniw gissls, direct from the manufacturer fur cash. Send your laundry to the Salem steam laundry. Mr, Huff, driver of the Salem stage, will take It for you. cave order at the upis-r livery atuble. I Jiillcs, If you wish to see something guy und handsome lu the Hue of sun shades and parasols, do not fall lo call at SbM'kton A Henkle'x. They have them. Stis'kton A Hcnkle are Justly proud of their large and very hundsiNiie slm-k of dnm goisls, ladles', gc Ills', and cbll Ireu's flue slus's, men's, boys' and rbll In'ii'sclnthlug, all lu Hie lutest Myles and Isst of goods, When CiMijK-r A SlnsT drill you a well they do not endanger your pro.'r ty and life by (Ire or explosion, or burn your wim w ith a steam engine. They guarantee satisfaction in Hie future they have given in the post. When you want a well drilled, give the contract to CiiMr A Slnper; they have drilled more well than anyone. They understand the buslnea better, run give you better satisfaction, and ynu can dojieud on them, because they are rciqsulble. If you are at all particular about the looks of your collars, cut!, and shlrla, you will send them lu (he Salem steam biuudry, where they will be turned out will, a glossy finish that I elegance Itself. Price, very low. Ieave order at Hie Salem stage twit. (iisslmau A Duuty twglu already to mill a larg Increase In their hanl ware busiueii sliuw they have luivirKs rated with H, M. Wade A Va, Their prb'csare reiluivd much lower and they ha the largest stock. When you want aivthing In (Vlr hue m them; (hey can save you money. Tliere Is no place lu Oregon w here a Isiter meal I served than at (he res taurant of Westacott A Irwin, 271 Com mercial street, Salem. Courteous at tention, a line meal, and Ihe popular price of 155 cent, have made tbl house (he headquarter of everyone who ho (wvasion to dine lu Saletu. ........ MilTKI. AttlllVAUt. umi rt Thursday, April 14.-8 M Nicker, St. Paul; P I. McKeiule, M D, H 1) !, Hols'rt E Wlttwer, hirtlaiid; C A Anderson, Winks-k, Wash; Ollle Houston, Sclo; W C Darren, Dwlla. Friday, April 15.- Iloiace IVdllna, Buena Vista; J It Uke, cltv; I. Mills, O O IlixUm, tl Mowier, McMlunvHIe; The Culler, F P King, Ooorge A Blake, Portland; Win Fals-r, Allwny; O 1' Hoddy, Marysvllle, Cat; W A Wash, Dallua; D W Si-ars, McCoy; B Oallher. ThIimIii; Hansen, Parker Valley; C Hick, II C Stephens, Salem, Salunlay, April ln.C A Bixbv and wife, C Fisher, (bsirge A Blake, llarry WimmI, PorOaudiJ1 A Veness, Huelia Vista; C It Parker, M S MeCnv, lain Nlehol, (1 Miller, city: Oliver Smith, CS Smith, Fails City; James Talom, S Slaata, Moiiinonlh, Sunday. April I7.-W A Scott, Oak View; Y F Phelps, Ores Valley; Iewt Maluey, J Brown. I inli'is'iulenee; John II Oauteutsin, Salem; t haiice Hansen, Parker; W Dcimey. Monday, April 1H.-A Present t. (1 Young, Wm li Yatee, Sabui: M F Dixie; A L l.ovy, Nelson Stivle, Ch W Fransur, A Hamburger, Portland; Ollle Houston, Sclo; S C Par ker, city; C Hansen, Parkers; II t) Weiithel, llawsou, San FmmiwH. Tucwlsv, April 10.-1. 1. White, J J Dotta, 0 W Fneder. A L Nash, IV.rt land; (I WiVdvlg, (Irani Psa; A T Uirnuithal, San Francisco; K T man, Cincinnati; W T Hammond, New YorkjN II Hurley, H K-Howard, Sa lem; Nelson Steele, Taylor; Hugh llan n. W B Boa, Mill City. Weilneailay. April i.-K C Abu.lle. K II HIiimIcs, Sn Francisco; ( leo w (Iruiiitl. I. K Dyer,. INirlland; tl F AcshtliUNii, II D Valler, eliy; tl Van Misier, Falls illy: 11 M Showaller, Butler, Ind; John I.eonard, John We lev, Salem; J W Kte, and wife, Tovll ville.tir;W F I vie, TuyliNr; iUa.rge Ik) Ihird, Parker. J as, lbilsrts commenced tbl week oppoalte the waler-wnrka, Main, alreel Hie erection nf machine shop prior to (he const met Ion uf a foundry, thus adding another enterprise to the iiiarvh of progress of our elty. More will b given In regard tu (hi worthy enter prise lu the future, ....i... .......a.. .1 mm tliirklsa'i Arnlra Halva. The Ih-sI solve In the world for cut, bruises, aorea, ulivra, aalt rheum, fever sores, teller, chapped hands, chilblains, com, and all akin eruption, and posi tively cure plica, or no iay required. It I guarniiUHnl lo give arfeet aata facllon, or money refunded. Price, U5 cent per box, For sale by any druggist. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For congressman, First district, 11. M. Veutcb, of Linn. For congressman, Second dutrict, J. H. Slater, of Union. For supreme Judge, A. 8. Beouett, of Wusoo. For attorney general, George . Clmiuberlniu,of Lion. For preaidnritiRl eleotor, Hubert A. Miller, W, M. Colvig, George Nolan, W. F. 11 toiler. For oirmiit Judge, Third district, J, J. Hhuw, of Murloo. Fur prosecuting attorney, Third district W. 11. uuey, 01 L.IUD. Fur member stiite board of eqalizatiou Tluril dittrio W. 0. Cooley. cf Lane. 8TATI CKNTlUI, OOMMITTKB. Baker, flaorge Cbundlor; Benton, 3. It ivinrkiey; Ulnckamas, J. w. jjraper (lliilsop, IT. Wise; Columbia, 8. A. Miles; Cooae, K. O. Flntinngan; Crook, T. M. lial.lwln; Curry, J. K. Hawkins 4'.MiH'nt, A. Ak. 11UD1 liil.U , .iiiini.., W. Binebart; Oraot, F. I. Mi'Collum; 11.. ....I... i ui....i.i... ri;n.... n Jlaraey, A. A. (Jowmg; Jackson, W. II. Parker;. losKpliirie, C. K. Chanoelor Klamath, C. T. Silvers; Lake, W. A. Wilslilre; Lane, John It. Campbell; Linn, J. K. Wentuorrord, Malheur, E. II. Teat; Marlon, John Gray; Morrow, T. J. Matlock: Multnomah, D. B. Mnr tiliy; Polk. I). W. Sears; Sheridan. W. N. liariiett; TillamiM.k, K. F. Holph; Umatilla, 0. II. Carter; Uoion, . F. Wilson; Wallows, A. 0. Smith; Waoo, II. M. Kuril; Washington, H. Ii. lloui- tou, litmliill, J. W. Jhiker. COUNTY TICKKT. For senator, N L Butler. For riqiresi'iiUtlves, W Myers, J 0 Stout, For county Judge, 8 T Burcli. For hcrltr, WH Kuykeudall. For clerk, Hugh Buldwln. For treasurer, A Cain. For school superintentlclit, Churle Simonlon. For commissioner, Henry Byerly. For assessor, J W McDowell. , For aurveyur. T L Butler. The Justice of the iK'ace and consta ble are a follow: Host and West Dallas and Bickreall, F H Morrison, j. p.; Ja. liiiu-k, c, Lucklamute and Bridgeiort, C K Slants, J. p ; H tl Hasting, & Salt IaiVc, Douglas, and Jackson, J Syren, J. p.; W H Andrew, a Suver, Moiinuaith, Buena Vista, and InileH'iiili'nce, II M Line, J. p ; W W William, c, Spring Valley, Kola, and MiCoy, J M Lyun, J. p.; W J White , c COt NTV CKSTBAI. (VIMMITTKK. L C Parker, F.ul Dallas; A C Mulr, West Dalla; W V Oilmore, Houtn IndesndeiHv; M M Merwln, North ltldeieudcnee; F A Wester, Jackson; J K Miller, Monmouth; I M Simpson, Lucklamute: P W Haley, Buena Vista; N Gardner, McCoy; S T Bureh, Bickreall; Cyrus Purvlne, Douglas; Tho Itruuk, Fila; W W Townwnd, Sail Ike; J (i Toner, Spring Valley. R 1 1' U B LJ CA N T 1 C K E T. Forcoiigresman. First district, Dinger Hermann, af Douglas. For congressman, Second district, . W it Fill, of Morrow. I.1.,. .,,.l l,w,i..ra l .'l ,. . ..... ... ... ..'.m, JFCpler,HK Miller, I) M Dunne, jtcv. u at irwin. For circuit ludge.Tblnl dlslrlct, George 11 lluruelt, of Marlon. For prosecuting attoriM'V, Thlnl district, Jume Mci'alu, of Yamhill. For supreme Judge, Frank A Mistre, of Columbia. For attorney general, Lionel H Webster, of (XU'NTY TICKKT. For state senator, K L Keyt, For representatlvee, DO Quick, K P Gwlnn. For Judge, I F M Butler. For county eomuiiioncr, O Greeu. Ft sle'rifT, W LWell. Fur clerk, Prof B F Mulkcy. For Ireasurer, II B IVsiper. Fnr uirlnlendent, T O Hutchinson. For surveyor, J C Iteronl. Fur asHcMsor, (5 W BeckelU For eonmer, K I. Ketchuni, niOFLE'S PARTY TICKET. For presidential elector, Nathan Pierce, W 11 Galvanl, S II Holt, W U Burk'lgh. For supreme judge, Dunham Wright, I niou county. For cnngresMinan, 1st district, M V liurk, Marion county. For congressman, 2d district, John C Luce, Grant county. For dlstrlci Judge, Sd Judicial district. i r iictutrix, i.iiiu cvuniy. Fur district attorney, K II Deulon, Marion county. For member of ihe board of equallaa- iion, Charle Miller, Marlon county. rROluMlorflCKET. For iipreiiiejudge, Benjamin P elch, of Multnomah, For presidential electors, A W Luc, Dr W F Amu. Geo W Black, N H Cay lord. IlKM.H'HATIO MUTIIK. The candidate for office on the Peru ocrallocounty;tloket, and the eommll teemen from tlie.dltrerent preclnet,arw notified to meet at the courthouse, in the city of DeJIas, on Saturday, April 80, ll2,atl o'clock p. ni. Let titer lie a full turnout. IC. Pakkkk, Chairman lVmts'ratic central ooiumlt- U-e. Wantko. Four hundred giaal hen. Will iay cash forgisal healthy pouHry. SS-Tt V. M. Bhown, Indendence,Or. Land iiikSalw. 'IVii acre of finely Improved land, with good building, young orchard and hop yard. Awu ton acre highly Improved, partly eel (u choice fruit tree. All aiilotnlng Iiidepndence, Itiqulre at till utile, 17 Wkaa Bshr wa akia, we e ase Oaslert Wlwa thaws CbUd,ak rM h Caatoria. What sh kaeanw MM, th elung to CWsMria. WliUlbka(MJraiU(rlraCaakiHa, THE WEEK. Ai'Kif. 14. AniinililHtH In Spain are again active. The Mississippi flood uru subsiding. Eii win JiiKilh, the great actor, Is very ill. A hurricane In und around 1,'inntlllit, Oregon, aid cotmldemlile uuinugo to day. Portland wua defculed ut Spokane to. day by a score of 7 to 5, In eleven In nings. O. W. Dunbar, editor of the AhIdtUi lawn rant, recently convicted ol libel, wuh pardoned to-dav. The state Jtcpublicun cuiivcntion of Wasliiiigtou will aend un unlnstructed delegation to the national convention. The Oldenberg lunded 2,483 Imml- gruut ut Bullluioru to-day. Tills Is the lurgest number ever brought over atone time. The state Democratic convention of Nebraska fuvors Cleveland for president. The Democrat from Wyoming will send un unlnstrucled delegation. Arthur Wright, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy of Kiddle, Douglas county, nils state, during a ouurrel liiHt nleht utubbed and killed Chester Fugue, un- other schoolboy. The executive ooniuilttee of the Geor gia tu to Alliunce unaiiimoiiHly udonUfd arnsolutlon Uiut all AlliuiicVs which hnve indorsed the People's party move ment must promptly rescind such uo tlou or surrender their charters. Tlie licpublicun atute convention of Mleiugun fuvor Alger for I'resident. oui me ueicgule lo tlie isullonul con vcntlon go unlnstructed. Oelegate to the Nutiouul convention from Florida ure Instructed for Hurrison. Several men coniiaOled the engineer and llrcman of an IliinolsCeiilral truin to go to the t'xpri-HH car und call to the messenger to oiien the disir. when seventy-live mile north of New Or leans, i hey then robiied Die air, secur ing nlHiut f.t,(ss. Jt is said that Secretary lilaliie will Join rrofeswir MuldiKiu physlml train ing class, ill r. Muli Iimiii Is u success at iruiuing prize lighters, and there is no reusou why he will not succeed lu making a new limn out of the secn tarv oi state, j ills i no joke. Al'KIL 15. Bluck siiialljKix is raging In Polund. The itepublican convention ol Georgia instructed for Harrison. Fifty-two I n mutes of a French m-n Itelltiury died of cholera lust week. Two prisoner overjKiwered and bound the Jailer of the Chehidl, Wash., Jull, ana (wciqieu. The house of the Ohio legislature was adjourned o that the member could nl tend a prize liht. 1 he sugar trust hu shut down the Spreckles refinery at Philadelphia In order to keen price up, and liti em ployes are idle. Indiana delegutee to Hie national Iiemocrutlc convention will suiusirt Cleveland. If Mr Cleveland I not nominated they will turn to Gray, of Indiana. Mrs. Willis, who recently came out f cond heat 111 the baliv cose before Judge Sleerns. of Portland, bos moved for a new trial, 1 he child iu dbqmle i still at the buby home. Some (line ago an old German named Bloniiiuck went to live with Alla-rt Zllinsii, at Johnstown, Pa. The old German became heliih-ss, and Zitman c1.u1.hhI him to the lloor aud left him to die of cold aud starvation. The IhmIv wa found two dav Inter by a doctor who called out of eymiiulbv; aud the doctor also lound dial .itniau liad lockml his own children, aged seven lid uiue, In the rtsmi with the dead tjody. The children were found lying in lllth on the tloor, and cninil by the luliiiuiHii imunieiit. .Itnmn t strong ly guanled to prevent uu Infuriated mob from lynching him. A r hi i, 10. It l said that a general strike will lie ordered on the Bending railroad Mon day. At SiHikane to-dae the ainm una 7 to S In favor of Portland At Tacoma the (Kvre wa 8 to 2 lu favor of Seattle The copper trust tins cIosihI down a part of the Anaconda smelling rdunt. at Butte, to limit production, aud 1,000 men are out of work. Win. Bisllnfl ' house, near Seattle, wa burned, aud the body of its owner found lu the ruins. Hi life was In sured for t-Aimn, and it is thought that lie wa murdered. Thousands of Chi nauieu are swarm ing to the line between the United State aud British America, The Chinese exclusion act expire by limita tion on May a, aud otsilte are prepar ing to come into (he United States at Hie earliest possible moment, Al-KIL 17. The Democrat of Kansas u state convention will instruct for Cleveland Spokane defeated Portland In a mire of tf to 8. The cre In Tacoma wa 4 to 14, lu favor of StiaUle, KillUi Spaul.liug, of Pittsburg, Pa apxl twenly-two, will marry J. A. hervher, aged seventy. Of course It is for money. CopcUmd J. Snaiip, the head of the commMon desirtiueut of the North ern IVillo railroad, wa arres.eil for emtaMling aeveral thousaud dollars from the conqmny. The cattlemen trouble lu Wvomlng la becoming more eerlou, and a detach ment of the regular army Is on Hie ground lo pnnerve jsnuv. There are o niauy coullicUng reimrts, that It is hard lo tell jusi w nal the troulile I ats'Ut, One party claim (bat the other I stealing cattle. A "Sunday Kuforoeuient Iagia'" at SloUX City, Iowa, closed all business house, slopped trwl rare, and Insugvr-' ahil a veritable "lilue-taw" reign. tue league l cotrqioaeo: in part of sa loon Keeiier w iione uusines was ruined by the enforcement of (be prohibitory law. They ay they w ill give the Pro- hlaalasteof their own medicine by en- ftirelugevery Sunday' -cblng law. Aran. IS. The tiuineniu sailors' unions of the United States will consolidate. Theonler to eloee down the Aim- oonda smelter at Butte wo rescinded. Henry Bochen, an old citlxen of Stoi'ktou, IMiforula, drowiiMi him- nr. Near Newark. N. J,. Ihe American Powder Company's wok blew up aud killed seven men. Ball; TawmaS, buttle ft. Scuttle and Sikane are tted for tirst idaiv, aud remand aim Tttivin are lighting It mil to set who imu kctqi at t he foot of die iiu At tuts writing they are both there. i a n.ul.i.,v r.riii...,.i.,i.. i,., l.. arrested charged with stretchliiB a wire across Hi Soul hern IVillo tiwck In a tunnel uear Ihwbuiv, and then with aasaultlug P. IV vine aud Fva IVily, who were thrown form a railway veloc ipede by the wire. Al'Klt, IB. Kenosha, Wisconsin, wa vlnlted by fHN,tiO0ilrlo day. Ihwwell Smith. inwldeut of tho (Vafw:y company, died to-ilay, Th Statulared Oil I met la reaohlna out after the liatural-gie. well. The steamship Kniimas of Jaiuu ha arrived at Vaneover with eniallptix ou ooaru, An anarchist plot to munhr (he hov king of Spain ha been dlmsivered by Hie Spanish aiilliorltlisi, An American comiianv has. It I said. iwirehased Hi Island of San IViulmro. ht 3,SUt),0iXl. The "eomoauv" I lu a large part the United States. Callfurtila suttered aewrelv frem earthquake ihock toilay. The low at aeavllle t alsut 1140,000, Dixon also auttbred severely, and oonslilerable luniiigc was done in Murysvllle. Wln ti.TM, Nevmlu City, Merced, Oakland, Uiihh Valley ,Hli)cktoii,aiid Hucrameiito. A slieriPa xmmi liroke up ft bull dog fight und urntHted about 200 men prenent, ut Anoka, Minn., after a free llgJit in which u number of persona were serloiwly Injured. The iii lirlngHcu urgeemeiit was rati fied to-diiy, The moiuH Vivendi is to stund until the mutter in arbitruted.arid If the decision of the bourd of arbitra tion Ih fiivoraMe to the United States, Kinrlund is to pay ua damuges; if ugalnst us, we ure to puy durnuge to Kngluud. Frauds have been unearthed In the custom houwsutSun Francisco, Chica go, und New York. Tlie ocheme woa to huve one sample of merchandise, notably tnliuceo, examined, and on that exuiiiiiuillnii the whole coiiNlgnnieiit would be passed through tho custom house, when in fact tlie remainder of the consignment wum much more vul uuble. Ai'ii.20. The Wlllis-Huggin buby isgick. Buse bull: Tucoma 6. Portland 1; Se- uttle 0, Spokane 3, The Kansas Democratic state con vention Instructed for Cleveland. At Mincmvillo, Pu.. twelve men loat their lives by the uccideiitul flooding of u coal mine. Orville Griffin, residing nearWulla Wullu, Wash., und un old settler, wu killed by the kick of a horse. A Portland & Willamette Valley train run over und killed a man near Portland, lie won caught on a trestle. At Peluluina, Cul., a whole family wna txiistuied by someone plucing strycbiilnc In the tea. Two niuydie. It wus thought that the Chinese ex clusion act would expire In a few duys, but it is new Unit it will remuin iu for for two years more. The lb-publican of Pennsylvania, while Indorsing Hurrison, senu an un instructed delegation to the nutional convention. Iu MaoHachusetU) about the same course was pursued, while the Keiiublicaiis of South Curolina In struct lor Harrison. The Orrtoniaii'H diHpatehes regarding t lie Loulhiaiiaiicctiou are so mixed and uiiHutlnfactory that it is impossible to tell the rcHiilt tliere. Two Democratic, two IU-puliliciin, und an Alliance ticket were in the Held, und each party suc ceeded iu electing a ;urt of its ticket. Evidence Is accumulating which sliows that Win. Badloll, supposed to have ix-cn burned In bis house near Se attle, himself procured a hotly, placed it in (he house, aud then tired the prem ises. The olijeet was to fraudulently secure tlie iuMUruuce on Kau loir life. Dev. I. Peart will hold divine service In the Evuiigilicul churvh next Sun day morning, and at Monmouth lu the evening. On account of the recent injury, of Mr. Gate, the giqel temperance meeting to be held to-nlgnt at the Prwbytcriun church, will be postponed for the pit-scut. John Kurre, living a few mile south of I udejieiiiliiia', brought to this office yesterday morning a hop viue of this scuhou's growth that measured ten feet und eight Inches. Polk couuty still in the lead. A Safe InveMuiaut, I one which is guaranteed to bring you aatihfucUiry reeulta, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery for consump- tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, wbeu used for anyffection of throat, lungs, or client, uch a con sumption, Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, aphtha, whooping cough croup, etc, etc It Is pleasant aud agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be dciamded upon. Trial Uittles free at any drug etore. STATK TllEAK KI.K SSKCOXD NOTICE. STATK OF t)KMO!. ThKASI HY DKl'AKTMtNT. est. y, April Is, ltiC Notice is hereby given that there are tuinls ou hand sufficient to par all outstanding state warrant lndoreed, rresviitod, and not .iwnl fur wautot fiuidK,'' prior to and including January 1 VC and that all such warrant will Ih paid on preseiitu lion at (his office. Interest on (heee warniuls will not be allowed after the dale of this notice. Pun. Mktsx'ham. 4 -t State Treasurer. "Tha (jBinV-Ha I'roblrm. Mr. A, and Mr. B, have to cut down a mighty tree. The time 'twill take Mr. A. Bib mighty tree alone to day, is sixty mlmiles etandunl time. Be neath B'i blow, the bulk sublime goe to the ground In half that time. The jucstiou now we ask of thee ia, how long 'twill take To cut thia tree if both ts'gln one on each aid? and thus their tabor do divide? The yum. will give an elegant Ma son A Kisch or Stctnway flue toned upright piano to the first person an swering Ibe above problem correctly; an elegant gold watch for (he secoud wrnvt answer; a China dinner set for the thlnl correct answer; an elegant ( silk dress )iattern for (he fourth correct answer; aim many ouier vaiuauie irirAs, Valuable sixvlal pria will be gvwn for the llrst correct answer from each state. Kach ivreon answering nmt Inclose flfleen V. 8. two cent stnuips tor "The Canadian Queen Oalop," the lutest and most popular plooeof ilfty-eent eipyrigh(evl uiuslo uwikhI during the jiast year, just out, togelher with s copy of the Vumieon talniug full particular. The object of ottering these prise l to liicnuse the elreulutlon of ihe (,iit., which alreaily I the largest uf any circulation lu Can ada. By sending to-day you may se cure a valuable prle. Adiiree the Canadian ,imvm, "X," IVreuto, Can, ' TIMK TAHLK. ladeMinilvtt( anil Hunmnulh Matur Llae Ijmvisi Iava IndelwinliuitW. Miuimouia. ;vi tisii am fcsa , sai vtiw JliU ti.i I'.VI ifciA A 4mA . IaU k;lk ETC QUARTER rrcvmit;0rf eJJ rj A xw, nrar wum Ui II la bow Uaker Vilv, a a man who hm W CENTURY beeonit klimlilml wall lhreourca4 fft tkwMimmof.lMletaitilnr. YhinauoAjU la iw vtixtt tha Mr. Iha Strwatt, oat of the rralthlrM sml iumI liiSurniial ((Uaras la la cuunee. In rrntil hMtrt ha aara i -"laailbrca uiH-iUii (Win ivilna in niv hack and funeral kkl. ay cutilsinl Kir a.we Uiue aa.t ha4 nant siany rrnintwuwaKtmlsiirbut tvuiwranr rrth-C Toe pains in mv htk kail hrvomr as ac wrr I hsl 1 wa prrwnlr.1 lria llr.lliig to my wwtk sad could .n nHvrantkiut wiilHu Hi uaof a can. Heat, hig, llmmuh fis-iul, of (he wcusiWHtil carta (. av,l hy tVrfra Kl.lny Tra, I was Ih JuorU K try a and ftwiu thai wry rt w I found laataat relief, aud Krfor u.ln katf tho eoalrau of th boa tha (uin. In niyWk rn.trety disapneand. I hae rwry Isllk iu the viiluea of th Orefoa Kktuey Tea. snd can rousetrutloiuly revommrad It to aiy niettds, 1 woukl net ha wUbowl U Sr auvthiug" UreaxMt Kldnry Tr eurra Wkathe, hKoatk aenc uf 1 riur, urkk dust aniimriii, burning er painful srnailldn while uriuatlne, aud all tiis Uuaa of th k Klnrv or urinary otiantof ell her sea.