The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 15, 1892, Image 1

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7TlV. IN Wl'KN HKNtN Iau'miK
A NiV ft!. novi. vry MiuI,y ttMilit tn
Mutant MU AIJ lm"i( .hii.'ni !
. Bj.VfW Ml..yjtt.wytiSN
' VAI.I.KV umhik- .
kKiulv ti,llviy V it M.
evening, Alltur mr.,tK
'iknmtly i . tVllowa
M A UiU .Ml 1.1 .!
V ,' II. t' iv. Imf, . X. w
..... .. . w
,f ik, . a, r
7 Iml eoiitimmlvf
' imtN? ovenm uw
ituum em'li tmmiti
tk tliwajier. tl.
.v, M. W, '. Win
IUMKK .HH8 M . , K. ul l. Iwl
I vwr VHlikMstf vintu. MIKnlulli
wiimf wurutiy ortllnliy iiivumi hi t
. IA XV. JU'tl.Mt.i.'.C
m' y tU K K ..I It , H.
DK. J. K. LOOK.-;
rhysician. and Surgeon,
Buen VIU, Oregon.
mmm m surgeons.
rwii wlr In ikll It KrMMltMt Yiitti In
pr. j. a joiinson. .
Resident Dentist
All urk tmfrenlnl l Mta boil
Will practice in ail (( and fed ml
court. Oflteti over hnU'K'iiUuw Na
tional Hauls.
lndiKC. - Oregon.
Jim. J. Daly. J, B. !. M. C. (all.
W bar ii oolr f ttmr hank in Pt.'.k
cuni,, MuU Ulr. i (uruMhwi. ami
stun- t Uavn, Su rMiti-H. f.arxd wo
Uau. Utfiwtv nxmu 1 ami I A ilaun ulw Ik.
A. M. 1 1 1' It MS Y,
Attorney and Coun.'lor at Law.
vmrv. Sett Jp'Bdrm St'l timak,
lndoil. Or.
U. F, Uunbiuu,
W. li. ilitlluMt,
(li t U K t IK -H H HUH K,
Bivwn8it (intt Oxirl. Airu cm
Main street, Independence, Or.
Two experienced workmen in I
(ntlance. BANKS.
Commenced Business March 4, 1889.
KttAMI.hnl by SmUa AutUortly.
of loilopcndimr. 0rftl.
Capital Stock,
J'rvM'-nt. Vic l'moMimt,
W. 11 II AW LEY, Cwhler.
J. 8. CU0r, L. W. IbbrlMa, lwl ll. lml. k
0. W. WhltBttJcw, W. W. Ollliin.
A goBcral banking biwIiiM trniwlr1
Il" Mil Bu lmlign on nil ltiiKirtJuil
pot n in.
Ih-frmHn rivelved iililpi-t tncbjfk or on ft
tlU'iite of &fm' U ('olliwtluii mailo. '
omen hour; B . in. Ui 4 p. m.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
11. irn:iini-:K(),
Vic Crml'lrnt.
A ift ii enil bunking anil etoliimxn biinlnenn
tranuM(l; lMn ramie, bllln
ItiemlBlcrudlUgriiiiti'fl! dnKltii nmulved
current unrarant ubjc't U oliwrk, liiU'nml pnld
on time doponlu.
Jmhan MuDnnU'l, II. It. Jiwptrriion, A. J.
OooUinan, II. HlrwhbcrK, A. Nulunn,
T. J. ten. I. A. Allen.
I. A. MAf'WTSt
PAID CAPITAL, $25,000.
I. A.Miwriwi, P.T.(.'nmphell, 1, M.HItnpon
J. 11. V. Hiltlur, . H. Hnim p, K. H. I'nwiill
Joiutpli Criiven,
A Kfncral biiiikln Hnd cxnlmnurn liiiHlniwii
ti-niiMiu!Uiil; Iohiih ihikIm; rli'iioMltii riiclviMl
miliim U) clii'i'k nr on (wrllltaite of diipiwlt;
InU'nwt Willi on Llin ili'pimlu,
if-I-'Iri! (iriHif vuult iiml liurgliir proof mifii,
Riiritd by Vale time Ionic.
OHli;e Houra: t a. m, to i p. m. 1 ,
.... i
farmers and Merchants
Insurance Co.
Capital Stock,
i), P. HmwmK
Viw I'noiilonlt
Aw nvrvtry.
1, U iWAN,
linn, H. H, Hirnhnn, I'hlnf Jtilli uf I lie Muinwuiv Ciiiirli Hon, Jntm lliirttvll, -AoWl
JuiUfl tliiivhi tii-it tloit.J. K. NVmihi.rAitil, Atiiirucv, mm riiUirt Ituu,
4, k (Wan, inwl.liti I Iiih n. uiiiy Nmiotiiit lunhi W. V. Ht.l. Mvnlin((
'. MluiMn( i'liUiii M, wlnrnlwrii. Morvluuilt J, IK vt rtutiimi,
I'miiininii U 'wiry, l"(,iiin,
Pivmlum iwolptsKimorpinUution, .... Jl'.'.'tW.llO
Iakw, ituitl niuiv orcitiiUut Ion, . . ; . . IW,(WA.W
!SrihiH hh Kooiu ily to policy lioliloi-H,
H I B, biijc; IiilcTiiht, Orcp.
We buy for cash, and we buy to sell.
We buy. direct,; arid we buy in cjuantities.
You will always find our stock complete.
We sell at one price, and that the lowest.
We treat volt courteously.
A satisfied customer is
Our coiuttaut Him U to tfivu you th
intike ymir nttw! mint,
Your i hiltl ill U si'vtx as t )uitivly
A oommr(.Hu uf our t) U ittul
I null Willi ih.
L. KELSO, - Independence.
''Mi " '
. Monarch , t V
and V, A
Montauk nAi
Watch Cases WVV
. Forks , ,
k Table spoons
Dessert spoons
T9 OnnnnQ
All Rogers Bros.' Goods. None better. We have
. them in the extra and triple plate.
H. M. LINES, ,
A full and complete line of Fuuural goodf
Alwayt on 11 And.
Luther Wis
Dealer In ,
Hard warn, quwumwiiro, tinware,
stovos, cud othnr iniHcclliuicoiiH ar
ticled, ciiIIh the ultt'iiliiHi of llu.'
pulilio to liia iiunHtoi'k of thoMliijvu
urticlcH now on liuud.
If in jirici will conimnj favorably
with prices in nny oihur loculity.
Come and hco iih ami you will ln
siitlHfliid with jiricc, quantity, and
quality. - -
' ' MimiiriuMurnr mid dnnlnrln
Sash, : Doors, : Moulding, : lire.
Full nlodk of riliuM, nil lw, knpl flormtimlly
on huiiil. Hpnilliil nttimon wmtrwrtit, ,
KuvUiry on II. It. airartiiMnr diipot :
J, 0. Whiwkax,
K. A. Mii.niiH,
our best advertisement.
Ut k'" t Mton ricH.
tun! imlilely tvt yoitrwlf.
vv ill otutvHUf j ou tlutt you uliotiKl
"Wl.v A
jt a '11
IlkAri'V'H Ormnii kt lwrln,
Fur pnrtiouliini nmi muliim!" Atl-
ivvvn iriM itanixi r. iiratiir. wuiiuir
ton, how Jvrmt
J. H. Dull It
Neatly Dona. '
A Specialty.
Wood Working and Car
riage Painting Done in
First-class order.
Livery and Sale Stables,
Honmoutb. Oregon.
. ffuvliiK ptirehiiHwl tho Intercut of
Oi'dfgn liiMiililiy In the Monmouth
I.lvct'v find Hnio HlublcH, I tMillolt a fair
nhitro of the patrotutKe of the pulilio.
I tun prcpitriMl to furnlHh kimkI tonnm
and VdlildcN ut nhort notion, titty or
night, and nil truiiHlcnt oiiNtom will ro
w iv due fitluutlon. Hond In your or
do, ' '
niHiH uiily ( purlllil iitnr fci'l. MiikiM a
Kimil rout tor yi'iim, unit nn vonn I'lin put It mi,
Hnnd tiiinp tor kiiiii pin nml full purl Imilnrii,
Oiiin ICIfutlln Itoollnn Compnny,
iih nml 41 llroiulwuy, Niiw York.
Looal Aganta Wan tad.
MNimnm Vnn4. iv
1 a itul t tmMf ui I mm lMrt Kn.
ai' Hem Tuukt lta Um Imt iuivmi h
llMplniiuoH, kii bUn tbt It U nUy kaMt
ru luttuawrtiif kuwutiif m. riMMK, I'm.
tar, at, amrla, KntMiwi r. 0 !',
IM Van, Nira MmIw, Julf M
wtaa I ruti( My iummw 4 a m
Ut uti it ! m hm hwuui Immum 1
m arjrta and twt hoar. nar I bwl Um tint
ol kaart dl.iaw, I'm tor Riui("t hrn
Tual baa ituu um kiina guud jul im tuul Um
Mird alTwl, WKIt'KL A Ul'KltlM,
ftNuaaa far It) Yrara.
Mr J, t, kho Hii rru Jmytuu, Ijtm
Co.. H.nJai 1 tnn l4 an w-v ot Ukwtar.
rlbl tpumaama 1 Hut rwhit Ruwil t Mart
IWa, altaoaga I feM Umm at vaart.
WirffHL ahiaaha IWfe aa Hnm
m llm m Mt na an aa.inu.
rill I !'' ' ( vwi aiw 'io
I laaWha lM anaalMMi DM ut tiltamo.
.11 wnnily if htaa jiwtiaM4 iba tl.vroJ
aai. X.aiiut. l f.rt Wtttw, tnil. .iwltiuJ
HMantwn4ndUla4UwU.i bfiiia
oMbthW4naiwriutii e&xt.
aWMdlM Hll,.f
Xnl.ilu.t Wrll
fr iminltMiii- Ail.
Jiaa Dauiol f ll
ail j, WwblnaiiMt, No Jii.
Publlahad Dally and Waakly by th
Kanaaa Damoorat Publlahin
. , Company, Ttapaka. Kaa.
Exolualv Ownar of tha Praia Nawa
AaaoolaUon Talagrapri rranohlia.
Both Morning ana Aftamoon.
25c Por Month.
m0lS 50c Por Year.
Subscribo for it Bocausoi
nanbluiBUKkha Unnk bmIh full
It la twbll.hnl ai lha hum l'ailil- aiir nf
ift.lllWi.1 aiwi aoMlAlna all Ihai mU ai im, nril.
aailna M Um kiaia t'ariil, ma of audi tvttvui
lulnMt IhfoiMtMiul tha aula.
Ita itailr auiimMiii ! ta on l iboul M
Hi 4 Uiai at M) vtltar till) la tutuuu.
Advertiso in it Becanso:
fla aatwrtiinaa arte of ! than a tenia
Pl"f, dall; or wafcir. dallMriMi anhra In U,
Mia. alma It l aubaerlpOrti tat Uuit aiakaa II
Ut MnrUalnt laaotiua ml lnuMia.
Wo mn drill you nno that III ! n
"jny fuivvt-r. t iittve
tho only
In ttila atrtlopi, antt If yi. rnipt,.? u ymii
)rd hill mil look Ilka it ilnriinl Unu lllij
wli- n r kit ttimiiii,
Wt'lla of nny h1.o, tlirouirh iinick-
fUtiid, iiruvet. or lieditit k. b'ave
ordetn tit J. F. O'lionui'irH.
Ball S Sloper, Independence, Or.
M O N M o U T H S
New Urocery!
W. J. MULKEY, Prop.
Sal infiit'l Ion iruaniuteed in prici'M
and j;oods, htoek IithIi ami hou'lil
forcimh. hair tleulin ami ptcl
KKKI'j DKMVICKY ut Hip lioura
ot 0 to It a. in. and .'1 to 5 j. in.
PLEASE H HE 1 till
F. H. Morrison, :
lira d miwt
Chargaa raaionabla, and flrit-elan
: work guarantaad.
Claggett's Ferry.
Tlio itntitln hi h(triliv tintlfluil f tint lhf imili-r.
ilKiM'if iiM iMiuifta lUn ferry t lhtUni.iiiiiw
Attn win nn mwHyM uii imnti in HtiMuiiutiHii'
Mm iritvftiiiig pit mm in um inum rtn"iiiihif
r a Lift, I.ri.AntiMr,
" -i tub !- ' : '. ";
Willamette Real Estate Co,
, IndependoiHio, Oregon,
Tntnmtelk (fciionil Itenl l'Xiile IIiihI-
iiiwh, biiyMand ullM i'roinirt.y, ellt'iitk
JiiMiiruni! and Uihh a itunvrnl '"
I'imvcyuiii'ti KiihIiH'mh.
I'linled iiuvlnir I.hiuIk'i for milii will
II ml It to their ndvnutiiKe to
List Their Property
With Hi Ih Compiiiiy, m they uro dully
Mtiulliiif llntd of land eunl, 1 1 1 iih pliui
ltiK deHlritblo property lx.'fora tho 1'i'hI
duuta of tho KiiMt,
J. W. KIUKLAND, I'lvnldenl.
e)Oiid('iicfi, havinga Ntenni
eiifrino, a DrltiK iimcluiioiinil Heveral
aort of fliiOHt tday, Ih now prepared
to keep on hand a fine, quality of
lSrlck, which will bo Mold at roiiNon
ablo pricos.
The l)Kil;iy t lie
a Great I eature.
Tho Cravt and lh Gay aides of Lll
Blmicled In a fU-nilable
1IIK Nr.T HfimlllKN
Onii uf Hit' unnift nml ntnat mptilly
KMwInif riiim'inif Or'tin, ntiil, In
fiK'l, uf Uu I'ui'ltlu Nurihwi'iii, iii ilia
hull linluxtiy,
lttnij;iil.ltiK UiU fiint, Itwt yitir, In
(jiiiiliix'tioit with llm iVirtltind luhia
trlnl ICxiBislll'm, tho hurileuliiirwl iW
parliiHul vnw kIvpii dotilitti lliw aiumiiit
of aptuw II wvr iKH'iiphiii lii'tnii', iiiurh
to Hid tuitUrnollou uf thti horilctiHiir
Ut, Htlll of tllrMMltiltl lllllUHt!itlllll,
The ituplny uf wtfttlih In I lint ilepHri
tni'ut In hii Bur,i.'(ii mnrkml nili n
Hint, twtvlny fruut tlu ltru iiumU'r
uf Fjmliiril vIrIIuIH who Ml li'inli;! tlin
tkNil(li)ti. It ilid a wurlil of hmh,
and tliw i lli t'l in Mill ht ltiif felt till aluiiK
Hit' lilii'. m
I'ot lllilt i-r' t'ml(lll Whll'll
ttlll fXiHiit lilt U in"litfr . aoiitl
tluiinl liy llio ritciillvw eoitiiullti of
dm i'X(wlilili, I Imvo rriiu''l to nilll
f.irtliur futi'iiil (lie nr.n uf (lie frull ?x-'
hllilt, and nil mi' itirm-liy uinl In u
lt In uinkiiij,' lli'li"iiUiilliirl itUplny
of l"'i t"!, niul Ul we fciva
avvr lml.
A yu kiiuw, i-vcry Ihliijf In lh liur
tti'tiHni'til litiv liiti'tnliil fur I'liliuK",
tmil U' h ian' IliU )i-nr. Whi'lhtf ! liiii teliHl fur our to-
iiliiii iiluiic, or Juliiily fur lh Wurlifa
ruluiiil'lnil ICstlMtalliun lit Clil.'iitfo,
Un it' 1 Ik ituili't Hint Hi" r.illMoil Hint
tritiiKirtitliii Iliii III nlvti 0 Hie
U'lu'iil of a frtv rir. Tolliln ii.iie.a
itii'lt It jivr nip iliiiair tuiold Hmtra
lilliila pluivl hi Hii' I'l-rtlntid i'l
ti'iu, and ultiiiinti'ly liili'tuliil fur Ihv
H'l.i lil 'a t'.illllltl'lull Kmi.xIiIuu.
Hurt.f mir exhit.t.u, i Kivpn
i fft'i lutiV' III HlB lwit.m llllliilli.
; uhlli to I lili'iil'o
I 1 .
Kvt-ry fiti-lliiy In tha
in jy uf p;i-kin iind itupni klnif, will tw
(Uteliilvd luyuti. III fiH't, tteulti-ryutl.
fh iff eliarit a uiftf rt'pnlury fur yiir
rlttei pihiliil,
'l lli' ml iu! ;u'i- uf Hili tirraiiri'iueiit
um tiiiiif l. You ran computr ymir
ivthllill tilth other; uliuuld llnTu Ihi
any ilefitJt In thf wnyof nrriinifi'tni'iil,
yuii can rvmrdy Hii iii ln-fo rtu 'liltii!
I'lilinK'i, nod im mutter huvr i-xit lli iit
thuvxtillilt may btf, you ran liupnivp
tiHu It H will give ymi a alinilile
rxivrli'iiiv, no thai m hen yutt do arrive
In I'blniK'i, you will know Jimt wluil
tu do and how t do it.
Kur the liiulli'illlllfnl d-'l'iirtilli'llt, Hp
plli'iillun f-r p:i'V lll t hwlved
ii.ivi , J'leiti' let u hetir fri in yuu.
It. v. Mrri u:i.i.,
Serretury ami uitrrliiii'inleiit,
I'lirtliioil, Onyou.
. wm-n "".
. flrrblra. . : .
Hullir pei'l'le urn IkiIii ftvrkli'd, ami
othet hnvc freeklntlhriiat upon lliein,
Th'! furiiter rhiM inlht n neecpt
(lielr fni'klt a n iliiH.t!iitluil uf I'ruv-
lilonee. for nuHilnir emi I dmip fur
Iheni. The latter enn nUaya get rid
of their tlfllletiun l)V llslllK It eulllill' of
drneliuin of Mil nmuiuldiie, will) nil
uuui't' uf (leriiuiii filuiii', (hi' txihlliuti
inUi-.t llli a pint of dWIMed w titer.
Applied two ur llih't' tlnn'ii ilny, nfntei
une of our coiiieinpofiirU"!, II will eure
Hie uumt i'liwuf neiiired fuvkk-a on
ninril. ,irntijli Ami riron.
,il itf tin to Hi. ritlllaail.
Sr. rKVcafiil'iui, If.tfvli 11), The
euinnilltit' on relief fur Hm ehlldreu of
Hie (iiiiiiue-tilrii'lieit peiMiuta ri)rtil'l
thtit In iiiiiny dlHlrielN the ehlldren
vmro puoily iiotirlfihed Hint they
wen; too feehlu to uudert iktl Hip lun
walk, whleh In many liiMtuneea re
ipilren mi lnnir'N time, to the kcIukiIk
w here the mnip la detilt, out. The tin-
furtunittiw have Ihhii rt'dueml to enlln
the uiiwt uuwIioli'.'iiMiie mid dli;iiiliiK
1 1 1 1 n Ki finiii whleh iiiiIiiuiIm would re
vult, Ineliidlng llllhy ni),"i niul (iliiull-
tlew of eiu'lh, 'IVni'lielK In thu pulilie
chimin have reeclvud no aiilnry iiini'e
IiinI full, ttnd are In ithuoMt hm had a eon-
dllluu nei the elilldii'li.
W o Tliniiulit MuH't-y wna AIhiII.Ih d.
l''AVj:n'K, Mo., .March LU-Tlnvo
neKroet) wen) Mold ut public mielloii
hum to-dny under tho vinfraney art
which provldcM fur the pohhcmhIoii of i
icrn.iii mild in ii purcliuner (hii'lni; a
term of aeiilencH (I. W. TnUcron
Henry I.ei, and Otto Willluuin, nil
culoriNl, weio eouvli'ted ol vnitraney
mid the Kherllt decided to take advan
tage uf Hit) vagrancy aet, mid advertise
them fur mile. Thu nnlo wan nttended
ly a gt'eat ttrowd, Includlnt; many ne
(trucH, wliu wei'o hlKhly lnllnant and
could aearwly Ihi pvnuiadrd that nla
very hid not returned. Patterton wh
kuueked down to a farmer fur $2", I c
hrounhtouly $"i,anil Vllllaiii.i1adeeii'(i
Ip old iietfro, went for $1 to eattlo feed
er. 'Hie neuroit tire creally cxerelned
and threaten veiiKcaneo. .
Uiumr Ti'iiinli Imia,
Ludlerous nilHialtesare uftcii made
liy the lnuiH)iinltliiii of wnriU, nvlliilIcn,
or letlei'H, hy Hpeakern, mid ninny a lliio
hit of oratory In titoiiy rulnud liyn mis
take of UiIh kind,
How could tho kiichIh at the tahlu he
tsxpeeted to "keep their fuWn "tralglil"
when an arter-dlnner speaker Raid, In
IiIn oarefully prepared llttlo Biweh:
"Pickery Ih thehuiuorlMt, and Thack
eim Im thuialli'lHl;" and then, tryliifj to
correct llm blunder, N;dd: "Kt er
Thlekery Ih the aallrlf, mid Daekeim Im
tho humorlHt."
Or liiiiiKlne, II one emi, tho fcellritfH
of tho chagrined mlnlnter, who Hidd wife, and made tho happy couple Joy
"tot ami Jlltlo," In tho pulpit, and In oiih In tho thought of the past, and
iryltiK to oorrtH't liinitwlf, mild "lit and
Jul III',1' 1 niiiul no alao, thti fwlliiK of
thuaawliodld not darn to "laiiiih In
And It la wild Hint a Itultluiort mln
lulrr wild, niuat linprewilviily, "Ha
turiiiil Ida eyehfta aluhtballi up to
hea viui,"
No one could liuaulua what a onrtaJn
aMHkur invHtil when lt mid "llhldy
dlddy," and then topped, aud after i
iiioiiieiitof eulifilalun, mid "Dlddy hid
dy," and then,wl(li aearlet fae and
coldly pKinphliiK hruw, gaid out
"Dlddy hlddy Idihly duo," Then be
had In ait down and rt awhile ttt-fura
hp could aay, "lid he hldileu7"
"Jluw la your wlla toilayT" akiKl a
huly of a ireiittetiian aha met on tho
Imrw eiir. "Mho la aoiua helter, thank
you." "And haa her liittaiiianaimy
tory lam left hr yt?" "liur liitlmiia
tury riieiiitintUoi luui left hvr," n-pllwl
the neittleinail.
"I wiHildllkaotiii ulna and MtlliM,"
Mild a lady at a inall-wan counter of
a itoaloii tlry-Kooti atora. "IkK ar
duii,"jid tlid cterk'lilna and IKHHlleiT"
"Ohlplii and nivllea, I tiieaii,"
...... ... '....a.
I-t no one furet that Moiiiiiuuth t
In I'ulk roiioty, and that It la Hi
ktvtdleat plaea In our Uautiful valley.
A. VV, I,ticaa haa n-turnod from at'
teudlnn tha rndithltiou cuiiventlon t
rurtliiud. lie aH-ok In hlitli term of
Hie moral atiuoaphore that piTvuM the
hull In tt hii h tho tfilivelitlon M held.
No lohnmi, no whlaky, uot even tha
aiuelluf It; all waa lovuly, and not
one leiiipltit Ui tartak uf lha for-
hhhleu frull, Y am of lha uplnkin
thut when the I'mhthillon triy, aa a
puny, earrte the atatuof OO'ipm, the
mllli nlinii will ImvewuiM',
J F, O'Jkililiill mi la low n lnt
wick, liiikliiK aa haiuluiiM) aa ever.
Come twain, ih ar air, and luako a
uug,r iy.
Jmiih Wiamirvt-r, of McMlntivllle,
una In lat wiH'k mvurtng the
pn.fiiim M-rvlc tf lr. Tarflah fur
relU-f froiuaehrotite aftllctloii. lleex
prewd hhiiwlf a highly pk'awil with
the prow Hi and liupruvi-nifi of Muu-
A p itlli iiiaii wMiIiik to buy pmierty
In re cuiiiplnlmtl a little of th hl(h
price aaked, "Oh," mild Hi m-ttkr,
the prorty will ilotihte In valuv in a
few year. "Vm," aatd lha would t
pttrehiiM'r; "hut hat will It lie worth
(o hip when my wlfo I a w idow T"
luv. , Y. Toil up; and wife went
takinu a buggy ride through the town
and ctil'iirli lat week. From their
molllutf rouuliiiane wa jiidtftd they
were nitieh pa-awl with Hie Mirnamd
Inif hero. Your h-porter tmAy ai
knowlwtifiii Hut auH'rir nuwlcal talent
of (111 Imlidwiliie ooupla.
The Junior mriiiU r oftha VitKii)K
ptihllKhliiK firm, took Hi llm ilithta of
Hi city Ut wiH-k, AVe wer Utile
fearful Dial a eontlniiatlon of our note
would ipeeillly rvaw.
(1. Tvdru aiidaou AlUrt wera do
Inn M-nne tnolloK In town Monday ,
i; i:. Ilewlti.of Hie II mi of Hewitt A
Ski, hm recovcrnl from hU n-wnt 111-
lllliuii Hyatt aud family, of Salem,
are here on a vlait to th xir'uli of
hi wife, Mr. and Mr. 8. ft Vhl
man. May Ihey have a very enjoy,
ablo time. '
Arthur Wood and wife, of Portland,
are on a vUlt to rt'lntlve. Arthur I a
KrundMiii of H. H. Whitman, who
mlaed lit in from turly i-IiIUUuhhI. lie
la the nil of I'.; YH,d, our Knight of
the LiimI. .
HieuklnK Willi Mr. Nlehulii Motidiiy,
he alluded to the improved time. We
fnrty wineedeil that fanner and other
niiiHiir to Iw tietUr etinleiitiil wllh
their Hlltiiitloii than they havej been
for KHiie year pant.
MelAFrnmo ahipped laat Moiutay
to the Italian tannery neurone hundred
ttocf hide and aliecp pellH. What lav
ciime uf the tleah otiee limldo thut
Kmieniic, aympathlxliig with a com-
plululiiK public, hw. put a Utile traw
and briili In tha mud hole between
town and thu cemetery.
IIui iih Aalift'lUT nr altlpptng (lour,
mimt all of the produot of their mill, to
Salem, One of tho firm punning throtiKh
tou'ii Informed ua that a new and aub
taullal dam would he put In, In the
prliiKi In plaeo of the onu wahed
out hy high water lat winter.
We wlidt whiHiver la eleetetl to Hie
K'Ulnttiro to bear In mind Hint Mou
month, ln'liif tun edueatluiial center
of folk oounly, we will look to them
to we Hint any lexlHlatlou toudlnir lo
Hit) adviintiiKO of the state normal
ncliool will receive their aiippurt. Ikuii
ocriitM and Itepubllcium alike aliuuld
note thu fact.
Charlie Leonard, of Independence,
wna out Monday, doing wino work ou
hla uniig Utile farm aboliung Mot),
J. W, Fulkoron,who ha been living
In Monmouth a few nionthn, exprvnMcd
himself ua highly plearied with his
lluatlon, lie certainly Is admirably
situated to enjoy nodal and educa
tional advautiiKt'.
Will Miidlnou haa JumI had keven
iiorvaoflaud grubbed by Chlnanien.
Hu had out) hundred oordB of wood cut
from It.
Solomon Htump brought In eleven
lino hogs drcHitcd to bo ililped to
1'oi tliunl Tliai's thu way fur fmniera;
always havu "'Uiiethlng to dell.
William Maanii, Tl) yeaw old, said
Tucmlay: "I can Jump tin and crack
my heels together twloo before I touch
Hit) ground." (loud for Mason,
Charles A, Miller, brother to John K.
Miller, wan In thia city Wednesday.
Tho wife of (!, F. Qulmby, who hits
been qulto 111 for aomo week, Im Im
proving, A happy time and ono to lie roiueni
hercd, wiw had at the residence of C. T
Jordan laat Tuesday evening, 11 U'lnir
the Mill omilvomnry of hm wedding
tlay. I'i'lemlH culled on lilmnulf and
taut litem a poiitliiunnoe of liiippiueM
In tha future.
Mr. Waterhotifto I nulling up a
lion adjoining lha ihotogrphg allery,
for tha aHiommduHou of our artlat.ainl
tila datlVlM who ha I expecting from
11, lIiwkiiH and wife were In town
WetltMnday doing tome trading, m
The Odd Fellow will move Into their
new hall, over Aloxauder Kou'a drug
alum, Hit week. There they cnu Ui
a (aid aa they pleaae without luterruji
tlou. ,
Tho html ur of the town haa In -creaaed
at teaat 100 r oetit within the
laat year, aud la atlll inmiwlng.
I), M. Hloaii, of Albany, now ha
been lu town aoine day during Hie
pawl week. There U a prohnblllly that
be will nmk Muiimuutli hU future
btaiie. -
A.C.Talom, now of Albany, a count n
of Jamea Tatom, came In ou the motor
Wetliieatlay ou a vUit to Jim. They
have not met each oilier fur 41 y,'ir'
Mr. Tatom ai-rved in the Mexli-an war.
We ahoutd like to hear him and Jim
yarn awhile.
Will sladlaoii and wife took the motor
for Inde'lidenco Weduenday, 'Hiey
will remain over night vWtiug friend.
11. Newman, of Albany, wua looking i
around town luft Weduevday, llu lu-i
....i..i iu...i ii. .,ri..iu I....... !
ijuifu auuui niw ,itvvuiioifi win, j
lleckk'y, the livery niatt, la putting!
up a hed U !.y M fn-t,to iivoiumi date j
hi Inereatiiig livery huttltuw.
We called at Hie oflhx' of the JS'urth' !
B'eaf JYnfrtm, and found "e filiUr" j
aerlhblliig away with liidefiiiinlile ln-j
du(ry, il ri'port Vmjrt, u'k
Tha Ik'iuoenit met ill prhuary cotivvii-
tlon ami vleeted di k gulin to the county
couveuikm. AOuui iiiiny-nve were.
preaent, ' j
The aotitid of the bummer la heard
early and lile. Thi give Indientloii j
that aunielMMly laeartilug hi tfunrtl.
Do n't forget (he I'ulk county til-1
trlet fair, KepteiuU-r 1 the time fur
A. J. Whlleakt r w a a vlaitor to the
city Thurnlay,
lllltii, the rettl-iftate agent, walu
town the taut of the week looking
around to aet what he could ee.
Mr. J, F. O'Donnell van viliiug
friend in the city Thursday.
CUlIuir ami family, went to Mo
Mlniivllle Friday to lie gone day
on a vlit to friend and relative.
MUa Molllu (ileteiitanner, a atudetit
In the normal wchool, atartetl to her
home In WaHhinglon Tbumday. A
large IiumU'r of the atudeiita atteiideil
her to Hie car, to we her safely otf aud her a pleakaut trip home.
Again Gaught
Misrepresenting Facts.
The Royal Baking Powder Company has resorted to so
many tricks to forco its way upon tho public, that whenever
any cry of fraud is raised
tho Royal Baking Powder Company, '
Ii it any wonder 1
The Royal has recently printed a statement purporting
to be an interview with Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist
and analyst to tho Food and Dairy Commission of Minnesota,
to the effect that the Royal Baking Powder is all which the
company asserts it to be. Tho statement is made that Dr.
Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to tho Food and
Dairy Commission, mado the representations referred to be
fore tho legislative committee at tho last session, which ex
amined various baking powders.
1st. There is no such person as Dr. Benjamin F. Drew,
stato chemist and analyst to tho Food and Dairy Commission
of Minnesota.
2d. There is a Dr. Charles W. Drew, who is state chem
1st and analyst to tho said commission,
3d. Ho denies the statement in question of tho Royal
Baking TowJer Company, generally, as follows:
1st, Tho statements in no sense represent his attitude
or his utterance,
2d. There has never boon, either in the published re
ports of the chemist of tho commission, in his testimony
before the legislative committee or elsewhere, any implied
endorsement of the Royal Baking Powder as superior to
other brands. -
3d, At tho session of tho legislative committed before
which Dr. Drew testified, an attempt was made by the attor
ney of the Royal Company to secure the statements which
tho Royal Company has since printed, which attempt failed.
4th. On tho contrary, Dr. Drew did say thero were suffi
cient grounds for objection to tho prosonca of ammonia in
baking powders to justify tho legislative committee In tSWm
mending that all such powders be required to announce upod
their labels tho fact that Ammonia was oils of the Conitit
ents; and Dr. Drew further expressed to the committee tho
following emphatic opinion; "I would not recommend such
powders to. my patients, nof would 1 use them la my own
The Price Baking Powder Company makes a Pure
Cream Tartar Baking Powder, free from ammoniaj
alum, lime or any taint of impurity, and feels it owes a
duty to the public as well as to itself to lay bare sucll
trickery as the Royal resorts to in trying to wheedle the
consumer into using its Ammonia Powder.
I). L. Keyt, miidldato for reprwienta
tlveoii the Ilejiublican ticket, nuvle
aiiort tuy In town Thuraday.
Home of our dtlm are rwpaJntinf
their dwelling iuwm.
Dr. I'arrlxh tsain up from Perrydal
Thuraday, where ho had been on pro
ftfwlomtl biialtiiM. Tho doctor baa
many calla from adnrtanoe to attend on
patlenU aflllcUKl wllh chronic dlaeaaea,
T, L. Uutler, aurveyor, ataid In town
Thuntdny night. Ha had been doing
aotiu! purveying aliout tho fair ground.
Eugene C'attrou returned from Port
laud Friday. lie bad tho dlalingulahed
honor of helping to nominate Hermann
for emgnm,
Mli linker and Miaa Burton ad -drettaed
the ntudctiU of the normal laat
Friday, Kducatioti, and aiming high
In life, were the subjects dlacuaaed.
They ar,'iultted themaelvea hamlaomely,
and gave pMiuleof developing high
order of talent. IlKl-OBTCK.
vrichailn la Not H4ltry.
I am not jirepared to aay that I be
lltjve in the theory of lmmeIlaXe hered
ity, I (hi not think that it neoeaaarlty
follow thut beeauae father or mother,
or iK'lb, are vk-loua, their clilld will be
tho name. I cau give proof to the con
trary, otk'tmlto my own aatlafactlon.
We have had children In thia homo
who were jut ai bright, gentle, well
lielmved, and Intelligent, Many chil
dren I haveeveraren, andtbeparentaof
(lietto children rmpt!.-tlvety went aa
wreU'hed andtnlfjerahle'aa ever lived
ou the face of the earth.
I re.!l a child who came from the
:uuia lu liaxter atrect wboae father
ia-iit a gttod nirt of hi tune on lilack
wel!' llniid lai'uum'of crime, and that
he wa a drunkard goe without laying.
The mother wa aa bad aa tho father
and yet the child a girl waa a dell
tut and viiNltive a child ae I have ever
aceu. .
When he came to tbia inatltutlon
he rcuuled at once to the better aur
MUiiUlnga In which abe found beraelf
phu-nl. What became of her? he la
now the wife of a highly reapeclable
pbviflati uf ibi city and haa a family
of bright and beautiful children. Now
if, Hi-Curding to the modern philoso
pher, we nay wlckeiluewi la hereditary ,
the mother of thine lovely children
fhoiild have lieen a laid woman. H'if
fi'tjtii l-'.ltitrtutrti, ltrridrnt o fAe Ire
I'uitn tl)uxt uf Jmluttry, in the J rule-
fulfil III.
Holt Fulkerton, now living In Mon
motith, waaarrattcd aud taken to Van
couver In by United Blatee official
fur alleged dUJoyal utteranoea. it cre
ated much excilcmeot at tho time In
Folk, and came very near Involving ua
In languinary atrlfe. Ha waa toon re
leased, (he chargea against him 'not
warranting hi detainment In custody.
tho public instinctively turns to