The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 08, 1892, Image 3

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    1 iwf!w!,
West Si Publishing tew
Smr lratiim.A full aortnwnl
of boot-and-shoe leather, aolea, calf ami
kip skins, (brash? at IVwiiw A Craven',
Losr.-On amalt gold lotiket, con
talnlng small picture of Mr. unit Mr.
O, V. McLaughlin. Alao a whale
bunt buggy UIV Tha Under, by
leaving turn at tht office, Willi
suitably reward-
LaStmmi'Ai.K.-'lVa acre of finely
Improved laud, building,
young orchard aud lo yard. AIo
Ion acre highly improved, partly set
In choice fruit tree. All adjoining
Itidepudenc Inquire- at thl oftlvws IT
TiikCannmiy. Mr. Cnr, trf Mo
Mluuvtih', our cannery tuau, wm In
(.wo Monday, and ya that m th
lumber ) mi the ground and kit thing
roa-ly, he wilt begin Mm erection
of the cannery building ucxt week.
TUU I good news, and tht tulcrprla,
)U)! proprietor will uh the work to
MtnWthm Hi an early day,
su,t Orr.-U. Ik Taylor, of th (Irm
of Taylor Wilcox, haa sxdd hit Inter
est lu hi grocery nd tmkery hiislue
tu Mr, Msltoou, who will assume
charge with Nr. WUcox next Satur
day. Mr. Taylor will take a trip to
l ulimrula and rest awhile,. Wa b
lAk for th ucw firm tli continued
popularity of their predecessors,
TAU.tlHAM.Markta Pmlth, Mon
' day morning, brought In a bunch uf
orchard gnts, averaging three feet In
height, aud headed (Hit, th growth of
till spring, It being now only tlt 4th
of April, This speak well ft Ui
fertility of OWgon dk Ye. to-day
Oregon ran brat th world In th til'
pbty of luxuriant grass aud ewala
Forsake th froten region of th East,
mitl come kin) tmt by experience tli
truthlulmwsofth above assertion,
HkKKY WaTKIX. The public to
Imk-pendeuoe has been rvgaled by some
of the most uuiqtw mid Interesting leo
l an by Harry Watklu tint It has ever
been It good fortune to hear, III ser
mon er U1 to hi lecture n4 hl
tuautierol putting lhltnr luumtiyro
upwts to jtullrly woniWful. Any
one having Hint! heard till kwoulc
kvturvr wlllturvly wut to go again.
We only rv'rvt that w hve not niuw
to pttnU'tiUrtw conrvrulng lib riuoiui
mxt kt-turf. We wilt have umr to
my about tliiu lu U future,
Thk Motor Link. The motor II u
rarrkn) ZM iwnMiigvr lat wwk, Ui
ltirgvt mimlHT lu tint aui Ivugtk of
Uru to IU liWory. Wnth Sllh of
hut AugnM tolb prwout, MM) more
imrieiettgur hart bn carried than
during the wine time but jvar. Last
yvM thr wtr uearly eO.UR) paimn
giTs Ciirrlnl, aud the excewa, m far thin
year, ho that tht 11 oa wilt rarry
about 10O.0D0 HWngtr tbla yr, Tht
riiU'rjtrislng nianagvni of tht motor
lino iWrve uiuih cmtlt at tht hamta
of the citin-ua of Iuik-peudi-ai ami
Monmouth, and alao for thfir liberality
to the tracurn d (ring tht laat luntlt Jtt.
A 0hd Jok B. A irtKMlJokt or two
I cm-ping around " concumlng our
gHl frlt'iid A P. lUiny, who llvmon
hi farm out a few tula-a from our towr-!
One b, that tuot wwk he built a Ore In
hia cooking atove to Kt dinner, when
la a ftw mlnutra tlureaftcr he beard
vlgofoue criea of a cat aornewhert about
the hou.e, Indicating that it wa In
great agony, wheii Mr. 11. went nulling
to every department of the limine, but
could uot till from wht-nce the vok
prmfedwl. Fiimlly he bethought blm
adf aod nuhed to the atove, oieiied
the door, and sure enough there wo
tho cat, and out It aprang, and thua
our friend lt IibvIhk a dainty nwr
aid ofroant cat for dinner. We would
nlnonay, tlmt any oue wUhlng to know
howlo make good blat'ulta with baking
powders, pleae inquire ol our friend B.
liar Vlts Mat.
MkM Xota Blvena la exierted home
ncit week from Haleiu, to vialt ber par
ents, Mr.aud Mr. J. 8. 1U vena,
Mm. W.J.8(eel,ofMouroe, who haa
been vbdtlug her ireuU, Mr. and Mir,
Joe Miller, kavea for her home to-day.
There areneveral thousand bualieli of
potutoenln thin vicinity th it have goue
to wate, forwanlof a market
The hop men nay their hop vine have
all come up nicely, and nioet of them
are trainlnglbevlneaon the pole. The
outlook, ao far, la quite encouraging for
a good crop.
Mra. George MeLouKhlin and Mr.
Klmer Hull have been at Woodburn the
pat week, vWtlng frlcula and relative.
Urn. A. Torglaon and Mrs. Annie
ll!fl went toHulern loat Veliieluy.
Hugh liuldwln for county clerk, M.
O. Potter for JUHtice, W. W. Wlllianm
fortionntable.and II. M. Iilueafor cor
oner, we think la a winning ticket.
Voter, what think you of It?
A Mtttedlrl'i Kprlnc In A I.Ilithon.
Mr. and Mra. Ircn Trettcott are
keener of the government lighthouse
at Hand Beach, Mich., andnre blcaaed
with a daugliter, four yean old, Lai t
April he was taken down with mea
nil, followed with a dreadful cough
and turning Into a fever. Dwtora at
home and at Detroit treated her, but
in vain: she itrew worae rapidly, until
ahe waaa mere "handtnl of bonca."
Then (die tried Dr. Klnjr'a New Dla
co very and after I he uae of two and a
half bottle, waa Of)mr)letly cured
They any I)r, Klng'a New Discovery
la worth ita weight In gold, yet you
mny get a trial bottle free at any drug
A (IHKaT tiakoaih.
(iood fur '1 waintjr Vmj;
One tMimlred anrea of nrHt-cliuti land,
off the north end of the 1 1. F. Huron
farm, one and one-half mile aouthof
xnuepenncnw, all cloareo and in a
?;ood Binteor cuiuvuiion. Hon auitutiie
or raiMlng any kind of produce. Nota
fK)t but what can be utilized. Fine
building location, and one of the bent
location In Folk county. At 140 nor
acre, who could ak for a better bar
gain? Will also noil ten ana twenty
acre tract en" the aam farm at alike
reaaonahle figure. Inquire of II, K,
Jturcti lr ttmnoranly with M. M
Li riea. 21 2t
Children Cry tVPItcher'i CastorlaJ
IK n't ftirgvt lh fair,
(llowaat tht thuket atom,
K tht algu lu rattcraon ItrW, win
dow, It'i a novelty.
A targt dlxplay of ladlea and gent'
glowaat tht lUeket atorv,
F.niH'h Chambtrlala tmHighl lu umt
Aim meat blooki for Uat lu Ui new
market Sat u May.
lUv. I. lart will jireaeh tu th
Kvangtdtcal cliunjti rAmutay morulng,
and Mivnimmih at night,
O, T. Murphy haa ftiraale m flut
potato at ten rout a bualiet. Immlrt
at It. W, Murphy1 plaiw. It
Tht Walker tin, wvra doing a nutt
ing bualnea Halunlay , They will aou
Mint with aple fortuura,
The IuleKuilenc Mualoal Hiwkty
wilt rvuiter an exwllent anthwu at
tht rrwbytery next week.
Htoekton A llouklt had their hand
full lat Maturday atUHiiling to lh
want of their mi uwroua euahHuer.
IWv. H. H. IXbhliia,of IWrketty.CaL.
will iMtvaeh at tht lVabytertau churvh
next ttebbath, both moriiltig and even
ing. Ijkdk, It will pay you Well to call In
at Stockton A llonklo'a and mm their
elegant Hue of dreaagood, It la Juat
When you build your hou you can
rvnlueetht mat by unliadug your
nalla, hanlware, and tlnwork, from It
M. Wad A Co.
IVtteraon Bm. ntakt a Out dUplay
of elocka, watehe and Jewelry, lu
couuectlon with ttndr nip ply of drug
aud medicine,
Itev. 1. 11. FMier, of JettVraon, will
pxu li lu the Kvangvlteal rhuh on
jUturdny evening at T;30 o'clin-k, Tht
public b Invliiil.
Daiuou A tVA art considerably lin
pniviog their livery atable reetutly
purchawdofj. X. June, Itead their
new ad. thla week.
MUea IVrtvrfl. ld aud Hilly Moore, In
eoiwuttatkm Saturday, thought pola
toe a rather umvrtain crop. Ttiry
would rather ruk hop
Another article ootiMrnlug tht late
Rev, C II. Hpurgvou'e view will ap
pear lu the Vt 8m neat week, by
Itev, A. J. lluiomker.
J. F- Hubliard haa told all hi livery
buaiuoa to Iamou A t'ook, and will
confine hia atteutlou atrlctly to tht
truck aud dray huaiueaa.
In iiaaslng over the motor line to
Monmouth th ttrnt of the week, we
noticed one teut already at retched for
the lVIk couuty fair thl fall.
For any and everything kept In a
hardware ator. from th amalleat
ahlngle nail to all kind of harvwllng
machinery, go to O'Ikmtiell'a.
iWper A William received a packag
from K Meeker 4 tV.Puyalltip, Waah.,
on April lt. On opening Ui pac kage
April foul wa fully displayed.
A light three-quarter Stadebaker
wairon, worth too, fr aale at (35 caab,
Auo a llglil buggy liarnew worth fcS)
for uh, Ili'iO. Inquire at thl office
I .ad ten, if yu wutli to aoiiiethlug
gay and hautboma In th line of aun
bade and iwraaola, do not fall to call
at Stockton Heukle'a, They have
The bent spring medicine la a do or
t o of 8t Patrick' plHa. They mrfonly
phyalc but clean th whole ayalem,
and purify the bkod. For aale by alt
medicine dealer.
W cull attention to the new furni
ture ad. of W. 0. Cook, and alo the
new livery ad, of Damon A Cook In
thla week baiie. I-o Uiem up and
what they any.
Hy an overnight, our reporter anid the
name of I. a Smith waa prevented to
the Itepubtlcan convention for county
treakun-r, which waa a mlatake, and
which we now corn-ct.
Skinner A Co. hlpied from their
mill lu thla city thla week SW barrel
offltRir, repreaenuug 1()V bimliela of
wheat. Tlila la the largeat car load ever
hipped from thew nllla.
Say! you fellow that have not paid
your achoot tax will have eome fun
paying aherifT fwa In a few day If you
don't alack up Immediately. Only a
few daya ol grace left. J. I). Irvine,
District Clerk.
Btockton A Ilenkle are Juhtly proud
of their large aud very handsome atock
of dnwa goiKl, ladle, gent', and chll
drcn'a fine shoe", mcu'a, boy' and chil
dren' clothing, all lu the luteal atyle
and beat of gtKala.
J. D. Irvine aay tome one will get
their foot In It If they don't acttle their
old grocery bill Immediately. Thl la
the very liutt call. Bo don't get hot If
he put your account In a collector'
hand for collection. 22-21
Quite a aerloua accident occurred aa
the motor waa making one of ita n-gu-
lar trip to Monmouth the other day.
It ran over one of I). M. Klemaeu't
"abickemi" and killed It. lieaayibo In
teiidH to oue the company for dam
The confidence that people have In
Ayer'a Sttrnaparllla aa a blood medicine
la the legitimate and natural growth of
many year. It haa been handed dowu
from parent to child, and la the favor
ite famllv medicine In thouaanda of
"What a debt of gratitude the world
owe to audi men aa Dra. Ayer and
Jenoer the latter for the great dlacov
e -y of vaccination, and the former for
bin Extract of SarHuparilla the beat of
blood-nurlflerel WhocaneatlmaU) how
much theae dlaooverle have benefited
the race! .
The editor of the Wkst Sidb aud-
donly became cnthufla tlo, and Joined
t la proccaalon of those making Im
provement in the city thl week, by
erecting a neat little barn and mak
Ing other minor Improvement about
bla residence property.
Mr. J. P. Blaie, an extensive real
en Ute dealer in Peg Molnca, Iowa, nar
rowly eHcaned one of the aevereat at
tack of pneumonia while In the north'
ern nurt of that atate during a recent
bliiward, ay the Saturday Review.
Mr. Watae bad occaalon to drive aovor-
al tnile during the atorm, and waa ao
thoroughly chilled that he waa unable
to get warm.and Inalde of an hour after
hia return he waa threatened with aae-
vere attack of pneumonia or lung fever.
Mr. liiaiise sent to the nearest drug
atoro aud got a bottle of Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy, of which ht had often
heard, and took a number of large
done. Ht tayt Um ttteet waa wonder
ful, and that In a abort Unit ht waa
breathing qultt taally, 11 kept on
taking the uitdlotut, aud tht neat day
waa abkt to ctaut to lkw Molnca, Mr.
ltlalm reganl hia ouia aa almply won
derful 60 cent bottle on aale by all
medicine deaWtt,
Wt havt mail arrangement with
the San FrancUoo whereby wteaa
give you Um Ikdly (W( for out year
aud tht Wht Hina both h H or wt
will tend you th Weekly (tiff and tht
Wnrr Smii out year Ibr fl5u, Th
(Wf taunt of th beat newapaper uu
th eoaat, and thla otter aliould bt
taken advantage of by anyou wlahlng
a nntMaaa dally paper.
A traveling man who chanced to be
In the atom of K. V. Wood, at McKeea
Hook, Pa,, aay while he waa waiting
to act Mr. Wood, a llttlt girl caiua In
with an empty bottky labeled Cham
berlain' Palu ludui.and aaldt "Mamma
wauta another bottle of that medldnri
aht aay It I the beat meillclne A r
rheumatlaiu all baa ever ttaed," 60
tent boltkw en tat by all tntdlelut
II. II, Wagoner ha uet about com
pleted hia handsome realdeiice In
IVtteraon'a addition, and occupied tht
anw laat Moiiday, Thla I among 11
nliHwt dwelling lu towu, costing when
fully completed, between twelve and
ttteeu hundred dollar, Wt art glad
to awe such residence a thla erected,
a they awk well ftr tht pnetwrily
of our town aud are .an ornament
t lereto a welL
BUhop W, M. Hlaiifnrd, aa per an
nouncement, preached In the Christian
church Tueailay. evening to a well
tilted houe, II very graphically aud
plaiuly expountWd hi text, ft Hind In
the second epistle of Peter, first chaphr
aud thirteenth verse, and hia eullrt ser
mon waa lilted with beautiful genu
of thought. Wt are certainly glad of
having had tht opportunity of bear
ing Bishop Stanford.
McKutght lu-ne. will again place
their tMttlng stallion Oneco, rreord
3,ln lliesiudat Indepeudeuce, and
It la to be Imped that breeder of Polk
county will reallat the wealth th e
atalltou will bring If rightly patronised.
Dclco, tht first colt Oueco ever aired,
hold the stallion record over all Ore
gon track, 8 23, and also bold to hia
credit the three fastest heat ever
trotted In Utah. Will be at Indcpen
donee Tuesday and Wednesday of each
week after next week.
tHafstsi tuiM Iw Cu-4
By local applloatU'iia, aa they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There 1 only on way to cure deafness,
and that la by constitutional remediea.
Dvafneaa ia caused by Inflamed cond1.
lion of the mucus lining of Hit F.ui.
tachlau tube. When this tub la lu
fjamed you have a rumbling sound or
Imperfect heartug, aud when It la
eutlrely dosed, drafuesa la Uie result,
and uulesa th lofiamatlou can bt tak
en out and thla tube reatored to Ita nor
mal condition, heariug will bt de
stroyed forever. Mm caaea out of ten
are caused by catarrh, w hich la noth
ing but an Inflamed condition of th
niueu surface.
Wa will glv flOO for any on of
deafueat (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cored by Hall' Catarrh Curt.
Send for circular; free,
F. J. Chbhky A Co., Toledo, 0.
itf-Sold by all Draggle!, ?So.
UTTLa rauica.
Tbnntday, March SI E II Anderson,
O W WblppM, J A Hellwood. A W Long,
Mis Msrr liejnolda. Mm Jeaait North.
up. Miss llwinne. Mrs. Iturk, A L Hod-
sun, Haiem: r Bi iiaagni, it a nmmuacr,
W H Ash, Haa Fraucisoo; W 11 Uiveo, O
Leidel, W V Bobiason, A Usroburgs-,
Portlaud; 8 A Handle, JefTontoa; M 8vr
verud, tuireoe; O W nnydnr, Astoria; O
W Todd, Dm,
i.-.. i t r n .... o..-
land: Oeorae K Brey, citr: It B tiaff,
Chioagoi J A Veneaa, Buena Viela; P J
Fransiah.Tsennai V it Adair, XsiUi
Pesroe, MUsifaippij D W Hear, MoOoy.
Hrtlusjr, April iJ V Mampal, Port
land; J B Uoruer, Corvallia; W It Cra
ven, Dallas: L Matney, oily; J J MoDan
tel. Lm McUaniel. Uocbran; A Jaokaoo
and wife, Unrry Wadkina and wife, Mo-
Mmnvlllei r V Urmliee, i:arltoo.
Monday, April . 0 L Doughty, L F
McCoy. Dallas: Frauk Morris, FA M
Creary,clty;M F White, Dixie; A U
KniHie, I'urtland; YU Blnriey, KudrvIi
W B lHty, A Disdiltle, Kings Valley.
Tmwtlay, Ap-il 6. Tom bpenoer, M B
Walhs. Adam Appsll, L Barman, Port
land; George A Hmilb, eity.
Wrdnemlnr. April 6. -J Porllar, II
IkKlger. J A Waddle, 11 1 Waller, Port
land; Lewis Mslney, J II lUuiey, city;
F M (Jooley, Hnlsm; Q W Oladwali, Han
nibal, Mo, '
Oar Msrca WsaUisr.
Tbrsi. Pearce, weather otawrver at
Eola, gtvea the following summary of
the weather during March:
The mean temperature wa 60.2 de
gree, which ia 4.6 degree above the
normal. Tht highest teperaturt waa
73. on tht 10th, and the lowest 80, on
the 8d. Three time during tit
mouth the temperature waa below
the freezing point
There were 3.23 iuchea of rain, which
la 1.43 lew than the usual amount.
There were two clear daya, fourteen
nartlv cloudv. and- fifteen cloudy
Itaiu fell on firteen day. Light frost
fell on the Zd aud aa.
A ooon DA HO A IN.
For aale In West Independence,
eight blooka from main street on Mon-
. . . -i ...... I,.t m Auilmmi
cottage, with barn and other outbuild
ing, nartlv act to young orchard and
small fruita. Thla la a good bargain If
taken toon, inquire at thla onice,
I will aoll at public auction, on Sat
urday, April 23, 1802, at the farm two
mile north of Indcpendence.tne follow
intr personal property; 4 cowl, 1 bull,
1 three-year-old atccr, 10 yearling
calves, 2 colta, 4 young horaca, 8 apan of
work horses, 8 double seta or harneaa,
l noialo nlow. 8 fourteen-lnoh plowa,
1 stallion, 1 mower, 1 wagon, and 2
twn-vear-old steer. All aumi over 110,
alx month" time, with approved
security; amount leas than fio, caan.
Mrm. Husan Jonks,
Executrix of the estate of Wm. Jone
22 at deceased.
Tha board of school director of dis
trict No. 29 will hold their regular
nie 'ting In the director' room of tht
Indetendonc National bank at 4
o'clock n. m.. Friday, Octola 2, 1891,
and on Friday at the aame hour of
every four wecki thereafter. Signed,
tf Board of Director
Mia Carrk Munkera went to Mo
Mlnnvlll yeatenlay.
M. Ik Hendricks, of Wheatland,
oamt up on Mouday morning's train.
Itev. It Fay Mill, the evangelist,
will be lu Salem until tha 12lh Inst.
U. A. Smith, attorney at law, re
turned from a vialt to Portland hut
P, B. Haley, i-reprvaentatlve, paid
thtcaty a visit last wtek. lie I uot a
Hank MaiUaou and wife, from Luck-
tatuute, wart almpplug In tht city laat
T. W. Kate took a flying trip to
Walla Walla, Wash,, during tha laat
ten daya, on hualncaa,
Mr, K. W. t'ipr came down from
tlarrlahurg Wednesday to vialt relative
aud friends for a time.
Jay Dcming want to St lleleua Tuca-
day to accept a Miitlou on tlit .Vif
published c4 that place.
Mra. I). V. Poling la much batter
a iw, wt ant pleased to atate, after an
I lueaa of tw or three wetka,
Itev. Plowmau waa In our city Tues
day, He left yeatenlay for conference,
which will bt held lu IVrtlaud.
Mini Lottie HutU-r, one of th Wawr
Mion typua, nt laat Week vUiltng
la Dallaa with friend and relative, ,
Wm. Davidson waa doing tht town
Saturday. He will bt at our county
fair with something worth looking at.
Jams Alexander aud wife cam In
to do their nsual trading Saturday,
lit k ont of your II vt and thrifty farm-
Wt art aurry to slat that Ml Alhw
Maoaulay, of th millinery firm of Ma-
caulay A Ibibertaon, la quite III thla
week, -
Mr. Krltchkiw, from Lucklamute,
rewrta Hums' mill In good running
onler. Forty barret of flour a day la
tht output.
John Moran, th real-eatatt man, of
Monmouth, waa In town laat Saturday,
lit report several real estate sale In
Jap Ithoilea, lu town, aay he ha not
finished sowing bla spring grain yet.
lit ts waiting to take advantage of the
wild oata.
John McDaulel, toil ot F.IWia Mo-
Dan let, deceased, waalu town the last
of Die week Uylug In auppllc for home
L. W. Laughary came luto town the
laat of the week with a haul of corn-fed
bacon. !af laughed while the bog
fed Uiemselve,
Oeorge Ullssiu, from Well station,
waa patroutting uMMiman lamiy
Saturday. A fine stove waa takrn
home with hint.
J. P. Tethcrow aud daughter Ht
Wednewday for Watervllle, Wash., for
hia daughter' health. Ttie young lady
will be absent several week.
John Oaborn waa In tow n a few da)
ago. lit waa not reeling in neai, imi
ht expect to live to attend the meet
lug of the Polk county pioneers.
Word Butler, who baa lawn on the
sick Hat for a few daya, ia able to be
around again, though looking a little
pale, and aomewhat reduced lu avoir-
Prof. Mulkey waa In town Saturday
on hia way bom. Piaalbty be may be
our next county clerk; probably not.
Many vote will have to be counted ere
that event happen.
We art aorry to chroulcl tht lllta
of our fellowtownsinan, K. A. Parker,
who ha been qultt tick for over a
week, but trust he will soon bt able to
bt on tbt streets again.
W.J. Campbell, of this city, waa
grau ted a pension of twelve dollar a
mouth, and back pay from last July,
tht time of filing, for Injuries received
during service In the Civil war,
Mr. J. It. Cooper and daughter
Lillian, started to Portland Saturday
Uat. Mia Lillian la grievously af
flicted with a disease of tht throat, and
goea to Portlaud for treatment.
Jaaper Kennedy la a candidate for aa
tutor of Polk county. Jaaper la a son
of Mnrdecal Keuntdy, now deceased,
who waa In obk-n time one of tht
wheel horar of tht Democracy,
W. D. Scott la tht sole agent for that
otdebrated book just being Issued from
tbt prvsa, "Tha World' Fair," by It.
Q. Cutler. Any on will do well to
subscribe for thla meritorious work.
Mia Ernie Ilobertaou received the
appointment of poatmlMtnwe for this
city laat Saturday. Thla appointment
la a good mi, as Mlaa hsalt haa been
t'led and ha given good aaliafaction.
Mr. Metcalf, of LaCnuac, Wlsconalu,
uucle of Mrs, J. L. Stockton, of tide
city, paid a visit to relative lu Polk
county during th laat week. The gen
tleman will settle In Oregon, and we
think he haa made a wlae choice.
J, O. Btantr, ofLuokUniuto, la here
by announced aa a candidate on the
Democratic ticket for tht nomination
atone of Polk county's rpreeuttlvin.
He la a young man of good abilities,
and worthy the confidence of the peo
Messrs. II. 11. Patterson and Ira
Smith left on Monday afternoon's
train for Portland, to attoud the lfo-
publlcan state convention, of which
they are two of the delegates from thla
county, to bt held In that city this
Dr. T. J. Lee started Saturday morn
ing for New York, to be gone about six
week. He will attend a poet-graduate
course of medical lecture while absent,
and thua on bla return he will be bet
ter than ever prepared to heal the sick.
A pleasant trip to you, "Doc."
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Talhott, of Brook
lyn, Iowa, have been visiting the
fan. fie of their son and daughter, J. s.
Talhott and Mrs.-G. A. Smith, of this
city, tha paat month. They left for the
East Tuesday, but before returning will
vialt Portland, Astoria, Lo Augule aud
other pol n ta. They expect to return to
this state and make It their perma
nent home, Mrs. O. A. Smith accom
panied them aa far as Astoria,
Uueklsn's Arnlsa Sslvs.
The beat salve In the world for culs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skla eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 26
cents per box. For salt by any druggist,
Th Woman's Missionary Society, of
th Willamette Proabylory, will nt
lu this city In conjunction with tht
Wlllaniottt Presbytery, Weducatiny,
April 18th. The programme will b aa
Devotional exerolatw, led by Mra. Van
Ormlel, Inden h'iiw,
Address of welcome, Mra. Scrogga,
lUwpuiisc, M r. Job iisoii, Corvalll.
Minutes of laat meeting, Mra. Wallace,
tlcsirt of delegate. '
Letter from Annie llhee Wilson, (Pcr-
ala.) Mr. Jones, Oervala.
P.per, "Christian (living," Mm. Jaeka,
Letter from native Koreau, Mr. Beam,
Paier, Mra. Miller, Eugene.
Appointing nominating committee.
Chsdiig hymn.
ArraMKonN swwniN.
Devotional exercl-rs, led by Mra. Den-
ham, Albany,
lUport of band secretary, Mra, Beetle,
Iteporl of twaaurer, Mr. Lamsnu, Eu
geu. lb-port of cm-nN,u(tlngseeri'Ury, Mra.
Itcdfleld, Albauy.
Iteporl of nominating commlilee.
Iteultatloii, "The lleallw-u Clilne,"
Mlaa Viola tlol ii, lbanon.
Paper, "flak and tbt Work Titer,"
Mr. Coiidlt, Halem,
Inciter fnxn Mlaa Kiwi, Chili, Mr.
Ambnaw, B'ownsville.
Paper, "Persia," Mra. Shaw, Corvallla.
Recitation, The Heathen Woman'
Cry," Ml Myrtle Scroggs, ludepn
dene. "Work In Alaska," Mr. Sear, Albany.
IHacuwlou, "How Shall wt Interval
the Children lu Mission?" 1-1 by
Mra. JU-stle, Mehama.
MimM missionary niwilng, couducted
by Mra. Wolverton, Albany.
Chsiliig n-marka,
Popular it)Nllug, consisting of address
ee, etc.
Hesitation, Mis Case Jeifhya, Hakitn.
Paper, "Voting l'eople In Mlsslou,'" F.
Fortmlllcr, Altiany,
A fine musical programme haa been
prepared for thla occasion,
Salt salmon al Walker Bros.'
Cox' gelatlue al Walker Bros.'
All kind of ganlvn seetla at Walker
Oanlen cultivators, plows, and drills,
at K M. Wade A Co.
Pumps, pla, A'tinga, aud plumb
ing, at H. M. Wade A Co.
Just received at Walker Bma,1, ete
luti-ly pure Ohio maple syrup.
For the fineet (-nudlea and cinfi-c-
tionary In the city, call at P. C. Patter
sou 'a.
If you w lh to buy trash do uot go to
Stockloii A Heukle'a a they have only
Uie best.
P. C. Pattoraon always kw ji ou
hand a full supply of Havana and Key
W est cigar.
Headquarter tor the largest and beat
stork, and lowest price In carpenter'
tool, ta at Ik M. Wak A Co.
Have you a broken meerschaum ple,
parasol handle, or anything (bat
needs a ferulcf 1 f ao, take It to Cherry
Try Strong restaurant, Wealacott A
Irwin, propitotora, when In Salem.
Meals, first clasa In every way, 2ft ceuta
Stoves! stove!! stoves!!! They must
go n-ganllesaof price, to make room
for the big spring atook of 11. M. ad
A Co.
Thteewlshlug to buy canned good
by tht case should call at Walker Brow.'
and get their price before buying else
When you want a well leave your
onler with tioodman A Douty, and
Cooper A Hlopt-r will drill It for you a
cheap aa anyone.
Stockton A Hankie bought their
clothing, sins, hats, gloves, suspend
era, aud some drvaa goods, dlrwt from
the nianufoctun-ra for cash.
hend your laundry to the Salem
steam laundry. Mr. (loff, driver of the
Salem atagc, will take It for yot.
Leave order at th upwr livery atable
Every Wednesday I give my entire
attention to ropaliing clock. If your
cloek needs retiring bring it to me.
A. 11. Cherry, Watchmaker and Jew
eler, Independence,
Wheu Ctopcr A Sloer drill you a
well they do uot endanger your rner-
ty and life by lire or expliwlon, or burn
your wood with a steam engine They
g mm n tec antlafuetlon In the future aa
they have given In the past.
When you want a well drilled, give
the contract to Cooper A Hlopcr; they
have drilled more wcl la thau anyone,
They underNlnml the business bettor,
can give you better satlnlm-llon, and
you can (lepend on them, becatiso they
arc sponsible,
If you are at all particular almut the
lixika of your collars, eufj's, and shifts,
you will send them to the Sulem steam
laundry, where they will bo turned out
with a gliswy finish tlmt ia elegance
Itself. Prices very low. Leave orders
at the Salem auigo bum,
Goodman A Douty begin already to
realize a large InerviiHc In their hard
ware business since they have incorpo
rated with K. M, Wade A Co, Their
prices are reduced much lower and they
have tho largest stock. When you
want anything lu their line see them;
they can save you money.
There Is no place lu Oregon where a
better meal la served than at the res
taurant of Wcatocott A Irwin, 271 Com
merclal street, Salum. Courteous at
tention, a fine meal, aud the popular
price of cunts, have mudo thla
house the headquarters of everyone
who hus occaalon to dine In Salem,
WH IT15AKEU. To the wife of B. F,
Whitcaker, a son, April 3, 1H92
Weight nine pounds. Mother doing
well, but no hopes fur the father.
KELLOOa. To the wile of B. A. Kol
logg, of Buena Vista, April 8, 181)2, n
girl. Weight, eight pounds. All do
ing well.
Republicans alsHJt her don't seem
to take much pridt In tht Uomlntes of
their convention. Well, wt bad no
hand In their nomination, aud If Re
publican feat discomfited they must
"grin and hear It," ,
, Mr. llallook la putting up a mw
house, and prolmbly before w furnish
nou for siuther lasut of tht Wawr
SiHK titer will btadoasu mora started.
Bro. Belt stoma to havt taken by
atorm the affection of the taxmlt In this
vicinity. Th motor still runs,
Jennie?" Jeuulti "I do n't expect to j
marry a man who needs to wear
darned stocking "
Professor Mulkey, candidate for
county clerk on the Republican ticket,
waa In town laat week. H I pleasant
and genial lu manner, aud It will take
a strong man to beat him for tht posi
tion of clerk. Next Saturday hi oppo
nentwlllb named. Democrat, no
foolishness lu your nomination for
clerk. "
Bksa Hraaet! Another Ore, aud the
Prohl party will oomt boldly to tht
front, firUomiuf.
Ak'tter from Dell Ireland report
snow at tht meadows ou tlie Dea
Chutes, tht 24th of March, 1 feet deep.
He baa not yet engaged as teacher, but
haa th pnupeet of taking charge of a
school at 76 per month. School duo
not begin titer aa early as here,
Morulng and evening, Ben Church la
seen wending hi way with hi milk
wagon to supply tht people of Mou-mo-iih
with Um richest of lacteal fluid.
Mr. Ibsa's new storehouse will soon
be ready for occupancy, when a new
branch of bualuns will probably be
oiwned there.
Wonl from Ham Collins, brother of
W, W. Oolllua, of thla county, report
Ham aa having brought hia atock safely
through tht wlutor.
Th road Juat south of Monmouth Is
sadly out of Joint Huprvlaur, can
you not mak th approach to the city
a little leas liable to break vehicle?
We visited tht normal school Mou
day mo.nlug, and were much pleased
with the excroUe that took place. It
is a groat pleasure to listen to tht ad
dream of Pnwldent Campbell to the
studeula. Hia address Monday morn
ing was exceedingly Interesting.
On last Saturday, Ben Whitcaker
waa bhrnsed with another young Demo
crat uiiliig to hi house. Hia wife
pnwtited him with a beautiful lathe,
aud all art doing well Ben feela aa
though he ought to be governor.
We were show n some work of some
of the scholar of tbt public achoot. A
map of South America, by Oecar Rua
ell, ta worthy of eeeiat mention. He
is thirteen year of age.
Mis Padbeerd, who baa been 111 ao
long at the Monmouth hotel, la now
almost convalescent.
Am at H ainan was In town Monday
morulng, looking fur the possibilities
of lnrmwlug bis worldly goud.
Uucle John (ftiborn ttaaaed through
town Monday. He haa no great tx
pictalloiis of bt-liig elected senator, but
h has g.vat hope of Cleveland for the
Your reporter base all hia hopes for
Uie success of Hit Democratio party In
the coming presidential conflict In tht
nomination of U rover Cleveland, tht
honest man, tht patriot, aud the great
lea ler of tariff reform.
D. O. Quick, Republican candidate
for repntacutative, waa lu town but
week, He must quicken bla step er
he nach the desired goal, a scat In our
leglslatlvs assembly, . "Quick" step;
maroh to Die front or rear of the ad vane
lug column.
L. D. Jone, the touanrial artist of
Muumouth, passes bla rasor over Uie
lucuiiibeiita of tht chair with ease, ce
lerity, and pleasure to said lucumbeub
Th l. S. Mall la Ksrly Tlws.
lu IHTil Um first contract for carrying
the mall iu Oregon waa let by the V,
A On-gou waa then under territorial
government, sparsely settled, and mall
matter had Uot assumed pnqiorUone
Uiat required great mall facilities. The
writer of this, conjointly wlUi a part
ner, received the first contract for car
rylng the mail from Lafayette to Cor
valls, In I8A. At that time poatofuotw
were few and far between. There
Wert but two regularly eetabllahed
oftlje between Lafayette' aud Corvallla
at the time of our taking the contract.
Oue of these oftlcoa was at Col. Nathan
iel Ford's, ou the La Croolo, the other
waa at "Lliivlllc," ou the Lucklamute,
the polm where Parker Is now al lu
ted. The mall was carried on horse
back ouca a week from Lafayette and
return. Our townsman, Harry Chris
tian, waa the contractor for eoutluulng
the mall from Corvallla to Sootteburg,
leaving the mll at Star's Point, Ben
Richardson's, Sluslnw, oncolla, and
thirty miles from thence to Scottaburg.
Iu these early time there were uo
bridges for crossing streams, and mall
carriers were frequently obliged to
swim dreams hi order to reach post
office. Crossing Pas creek, In the
Umpqua, when the stream was high,
Hurry bad recourse to a log on which
he led his mule to the opposite aide of
fie stream lu safety; the log being
washed away by a Hood, hia only alter
native wa to swim the stream. Harry
waa fresh from okl England wheu he
took the contract, and he carried the
mall eighteen months before he be
came naturalised American citizen.
Ho took the contract ,for three years,
and during that time made but one
failure In promptly delivering accord
lug to cotitiaot.
To-day there Is more mall matter de
llvercd at tho Independence paHtofflce
d illy than was carried at that time ou
the entire route from Lafayette to
Soottaburg weekly, We look back to
thoso times wheu the Oreyoiilan, un
dor T. J. Dryer, and the Oregon State
man, under the control of A. Bush,
were the only pniers published in
Oregon that had circulation; but to-day.
tho Wbht Shim would give us a heavier
mall between nuy two given points,
even In Polk county, than we carried In
the whole length of the valley lu 1831
Wtwa Baby wsslek,wa cats bar Outorla. -Whea
shs was a Child, shs orlsd for Castor!.
Wbsa ih bwams Miss, shs clung to Csstorla.
Whea sUs had Chlldraa, shs gave them Cadoria
Maim h 81.
McMlnnvilhj will build a
school house,
Cliloo, Cel., was visited by a wind,
thunder, and hall storm yesterday.
Wlaoonaon will send Cleveland delo-
gstos to the national Democratic con
At Portland to-day tht state Prohl
bltlon convention nominated a full
atato tliket,
A New Jersey reform school bus
adapted electricity aa a mode of pun
lahmg refractory children.
Mra. Anna C'.Khaw and her sister,
Mra. Johnson, were murdered lu (lot
voslon, Texas, by a depraved sou of
Mrs. Shaw.
A prairie Are tu Nortou county,
Kansas, rcudcred hundreds of families
homeless, and Wllllum Dunn was
burned to death.
11. II.ShuIlK, a brakettiau ou the
I'nlon Pacific, while attempting to un
couple cars, at Walla Walla, Wash.,
stumbled and fell, and was killed by
the whcela.
Part of Nubrisk were visited by a
cyclone this evening, and lu the vicin
ity of Nelson, the damage will reach
loO.OOO. At Edgar, Clay county, two
men art roportcd to have been KilUd.
Since gaining control of all the re
fineries, the sugar trust has advanced
tht price of sugar a half cent a pound,
and raw sugar has declliied, for the rea
son that tbt trust Is the only buyer.
The sixty -sworn! annual ooufereiiceof
the Mormon church Is lu session at
Salt Jka City, and over !2,oo0 Mor
mons art In attendance.
A. Kirk and M. McUowan, of West
Melville, Ia, fought a duel with Win
chesters, at 100 yard. Mirflowan I
dead and Kirk la In Jail.
Ten miles from Birmingham, Ala.,
a train, on tht Georgia Fuel flu, was
stopped by train robber, aud every
registered letter wa taken from the
mall car. The amount aggregated
32,000. '-.'
Tbt steamer Uoldcn Rule butned
at Cincinnati unlay, aud Miss Nellie
Maloney, while attempting to escape
waadrowne. Sdeveral other ja-rson
art missing, and are (bought to havt
W, H. driest married in Washing
ton. Losing hia Job, w ith bis wife he
went to Kan Fmnciaco, There neither
one could obtain work, and In order to
atavt offactual starvation, Mr. Orltet
accepted a position aa pianist In a
dive. This so preyed upon driest
mind that bt attempted suicide. Hia
life waa barely saved.
Al Kll. If
JtituUtrtftt reporta trade very dull
al! over the United States.
Hoarlet fever haa apjs-arod In Ii
Oraucd, In the family of S.F. Wallace.
Eight people were drowned from the
steamer tiolden Rule, which burned
at Cincinnati ymterday.
Charles 1). Drake, ex-chlcf Justice of
the court of claims, died at Washing
ton to-day, aged eighty-one years.
At Oakeadale, Wash., tJco. Miller
shot and killed Frank Know Miller
claim that he did It In self defense.
The fire at Mauda!ay,Iiidta,iftnycd
two and a half mile of the city. No
live were hwi, but thousands are
tarttdonne Oaliarde, an Italian, of
San Francisco, while temporarily
Insane, shot bla wife aud brother In
ltw and Iticu killetl himself. ,
III the Kvangidlcal church fight,
Judge I'paou decided to-day that
Uie general conferonoc of the Bow
mamtea at Indlauaailla was the true
general conference.
Considerable excitement was caused
tn New York by tlie grand Jury charg
ing tht police force with dereliction of
duty. The charges are due to the
sermons of Dr. Parkburat, of the
Madison Square Presbyterian church.
At Chicago to-day a cloud-burst,
destroyed a seven-story building at
mislead and Pierce streets. The
building crushed a number of small
frame buildings surrounding it, killing
Horace Mott, aged five; Eddie Mott,
aged two; and David Hulett, aged six
moutha. James McOowao and 'wife
aud son, and Mary Walh,are miming,
and are supposed to tw crushed beneath
tharulua. Alice Hulett, aged eight;
Mrs. Alex Keown, Homes Wygant,
Mary Wygant, James Mott jr., aud
Mamie Mott, will probably die from
iht effects of their Injuries,
A cyclone In Southern Kansas yes
terday destroyed the town of Towanda,
But kr county, and did groat damage
In Augustn, Kiowa, and Wellington,
Full particulars have not yet been re
ceived, but the storm la said to have
done great damage In Barbour, Fnuier,
Sumner, and Butler count Ich. At
Towanda four persons were killed and
forty or fifty Injured, some fatally. At ,
Augusta, Herman Haskins, James'
Barnes, and a child of Will Rhodes 1
1.11, ...I - . T
were suii-ii, null ijiiuiii-r iii ii-i?iiiie
were Injured. At Wellington, four
children of Wm. Little were killed In
the wreck of his house. Owing to the
fact that the telegraph wires are almost
all down, particulars are meager. A
serious tornado rsged over tho whole
of Eastern Kansas, Northern Missouri,
nd Southern Iowa, at the same time,
doing groat damage to buildings, aud
a train on a narrow gauge railroad near
Burlington waa blown from the track
while going at full speed.
Ai'uil 2.
A revolution Is in progress In Ven
The tndti time between San Francisco
and Chicago Is to be shortened alxtcen.
At Plttalurg to day 200 blacksmiths
lit Andrew Carnegie's rolling mill
ruck against a reduction In wages.
James Taylor was arrested lu New
York to-day charged with polygamy.
He Is said to have married stxty-oue
women for their wealth.
Two hundred aud fifty employes of
the Oregon City woolen mills are ou a
strike becuso the owners insist on keep
ing an unpopular boss weaver.
So far as particulars can learned,
forty-eight people were killed lu the
storm In Kansas. Tho storm was ggn
eral from tho Colorado line to Chicago,
and extended as far south as Texas.
In Chicago eight deaths have resulted
from the destroying of a building by a
Justice I.nmnr, of the United States,
supreme court, Is sick.
N. Johuson, a Taooma tailor, In jail
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
for wife beating, aulcided by banging
Tlie Argentine Republic ia on tht
verge of a civil war, A state of siege
haa been declared.
It 1 reported thsta rsvoluUoa bat
broken out In Equadof, and la Peru,
una la Imminent,
Four block near th river front In
New Orleans were burned today. Tht
loss Is over f.1,O00,000.
Itev, H, D.Orant, late of Waltbam,
Muss., ha accepted th pastorship of
the First Baptist church of Portland.
Ueo, Hpauldlng, of St. Paul.wa mur
den d at Portage, Wis., by Geo, Whalcn.
The murdorcr escaped. The motive wsa
Mrs, James Hughes, of Port Town
miikI, ws drowned by a squall striking
and overturning a host la which ah
wa sailing.
' March 4.
Mft. Wlllh-a Little Spragu died In
Boston to-day, aged 103,
Flvt ople wert swept over ft dam,
slid Ureenfleld, Mast,
Sir Adolph Caron, postmaster gener
sl of Canada, has been lmjeacbed.
A young son of Louis II. Manning!
of Portland, waa accidentally drowmd
Storms still rags In Kansas, Two
people were killed and six hooae de
stroyed, In Cherry vale, last night.
It is reported from St, Petersburg
that a steamer, on th Black sea, with
200 passengers, was lost, with all on
Two men robbed tbt Boise City,
Idaho, jxmtofTlce of f 1200 In cash and a
number of jssdal notes, and money
Three persons of Fulton, IU., at
tempted to cross tlie Mississippi river
In a skiff. A high wind upset tht
bout and all were drowned.
Oeorge Wiggins murdered hia wife,
st Meredith, New York, to-day. On
account of his brutality, Mrs. Wiggins
bad filed suit for a divorce.
Geary's Anti-Chinese law haa passed
(he house. Its provisions are very
strict, aud If it becomes a law, Chinese
will become conspicuous solely by their
An attempt on the part of anarchists
to blow up the government buildings
In Madrid, Spain, was frustrated to
day, and two of the anarchist wert
arrested. .
Near Salmon Falls, Idaho, alx slater
were am-sled while holding up a stage.
The sheriff and ten deputies were hid in
the wood and surprised them. Tbt
girls say their father compelled them
to commit the robe lies.
A blizzard Is raging In Western
Nebraska and South Dakota.and many
trains are snowed In. Barnblll, Illi
nois, w as almost wholly destroyed by
a cyclone. Tht stonn rsged In Penn
sylvania. Arkansas, aud Wisconsin.
Aphil 5,
A doctor with a stomach pump foiled
Mrs. J, McDonald's attempt at auiclde
iu Seattle to-day. .
The city election of Taooma resulted
iu favor of tlie Republican by majori
ties ranging from thirty six to 15S, for
all except the city council, which la
about evenly divided. -
The strike In Uie Oregon City woolen
mill is ended. The company la al
lowed, by the terms of the settlement,
sixty days lu which to secure a boss
weaver to take the place of Mr. High,
now In charge, and tht refusal to dis
charge whom was the cause of tha
Bill Murphy, a desperado of the
mountains of North Carolina, declares
his Intention to kill ten men, and ao
far has met with success worthy of a
better cause. He killed bla brother in
a fiimlly quarrel, aud since ha fatally
wounded a woman and killed three
He la still at large.
Daniel Lament is able to be out of
Ex Senator Saulsbury, of Delaware,
Tho Hosteller's Bitters company has
been sued for almost 2,000,000,
A locomotive at Long Island, New
York, exploded, and five men will die
At Olcan, New York, a woman waa
killed and a number Injured by a cy
Anarchists In France and Spain are
still active, the police being unable to
apprehend them.
The striking steamboat men on tht
lower Mississippi have won their point
and roturued to work.
The llodhoiaters' union won ita
strike in New York, and four thousand
men will return to work.
Tho notorious Captain Hatfield,
Kentucky mooushlner aud murderer,
w as killed in a drunken row.
Owcnavillc, Indian Territory, waa
blow u away by a cyclone, and two peo
ple killed aud several Injured.
John A. Torrcuce, deputy customs
collector at Boise City, Idaho, haa dis
appeared. I lis accounts are short.
The Southern Express Company is
discharging all employes who belong
to the Brotherhood of Expressmen.
Charles Whalen, who killed Gerald
gpaulding, at Portago, Wia., for S25
aiut a gold watch, has been captured.
8, V. Kutchcn and family of seven
were burned to death at Fort Madison
Au explosion of powder prevented
their escnw.
In Mississippi and Alabama tnun
rain has raised the streams to heigh s
never la-fore kuown, aud railways are
washed out for miles. A number of
people were drowned,
The vote is so elose In Rhode Island
that there was no choice, and the elec
tion Is thrown luto the legislature.
Tills will probably elect a Republican
governor. The Democrat gained
ilwut seven thousand votes over any
p cvlous election In twenty years.
.er wui Oi'c-
nm. nci . Wllttt
i uow uuker city, s rCNTlIHY
I nun who has since oLJ I 1 U l I
nrcome identified with the resources snd f f
tevelopment of that country. Thlsaua ITV3U
,i no other thus Mr, John Stewart, ot of the
seulthiest and most influential ciUsens in the
Miinty. In a recent letter he ssys : " I had bees
tuflerW ftom pnbi In my back and general kid
ney complaint for some time, qd had used aun
remedies without any but temporary rellet Ths
pnltw in mv buck hd become so severe that I wu
prevented from attrndlnirto y work and could
not move about without the use of a enne. Hear
ing, through a friend, of the wonderful cores ef
fected by OrcRon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try
box, and from that very ftrst dost I found instant
relief, and before using half the contents of the
box the pains in my back entirely dlsspfesred.
I have every fnith in the virtues of ths Oregon
Kidney Tra, and can conscientiously recommend
t- to my friends. I would not be without it for
Oregon Ktdnev Te cures backache, Inconti
nence of t -ine, brick dust sediment, burning or
painful sensation while urinating, and all aiTec,
Hons of the kidnevor urinary organs of either sea.