THE WEST SIDE' ruKxsmcm ss-ssss ' ' Xlnywmo lhiw was a ills J. A. K. EEIL tDITOR. i m institute hold ill IndotHMtiloncc, is- and to our mind it was the very iKsiKt m'v wtsi 1111 it uto we ever AttomuHl ii .1... Ilka P!J.'.t a uuui mo one Hold lust weeK at nesi oius ryuiisnin? uoiiiDaiiY Monmouth. The m vrai utfHiiifciiiNiiiujj leuiurea 01 in is iiim SUBSCRIPTION RATES. institute. The addrwtsca ( up . AlAM.ttIM A..YAWfc tO the H ifcmlitlHl. Tllft ...IV w lmn$ iwpwts the bout we ever luui. 1 lie experiments lu in ... . I .1 . . , . Ait tunrriAiw rtttii ittth hnii.w titi ot.i. i runiiiivi ri' vMt uikitti iiiit iv it in. n !.... ii .v.;.,;... a:., v..".:;-,' j H c limw will lw rlimwd itw is lm. I llltd lloforo. Tim full iimim-iitim i( M itt! f Itlllllljll'V IS..tlitll..l tk-(ll lb. .iltnr...l 1 . 1 Cm Viwf Mx M.miiM Tim Muni In lur n UU' row il Rv oviiin mr lui. A'l n nil in niinlitlm (r uhu,mili n iiiK Bir Mn.n.i iitKito nil (viumniin l"W" " IVIH VWIMJ! rutllllllll( Ctllll. KrltivO at tho In tmWiWtt v. ... v., nm WHmVIRMI II1H1IIT. i'UlDAY, Al'KIL 8, 1 sl the Sml Normal School wiw uaed during tho sivwion. AH tluwo fa eilitiosand opportunities gave groat satnduotlon. Kvery ludy ami gou tinman that had been aliped to special duty, had prepared well for the occasion. Tho chvw drills were especially instructive. There ia no question but uiul-r tho efHoleut Not irson.iliavoritism, but tho lagoinent of tho state suporlu best men, is tho Democratic motto. tcmlont, and by tho help of his co . workers lu the advancement of pub u hviu some oi our prom- u u.M oduoalion. thnt our ,-.. lU!ir. nrranmonia wlll Mot ,iljS , U iUmHiou of jmb tlw Wpgpst PourUi over hold in .sinoothostatoofCvgon hu lUilod ,.,,,, tuui iiiiviikh ivnwi-, rt i,.,.!.., o,v,.....1.ll.,., f . . . , lwid oiutohiv-h for tho 'Vomnli. ""tjoitn the aoliools of Urogon, iiionts." of a ftiond hist Friday i Mm Ui tilliwt collo to tho r Monmouth, it lninir tlu first d:iv of district noliool In tlio stiito, April. IWt moutiou it to thm. 4W 8iS b.ivo mi exhibit, - i mors wiituwettiiy:iiri,juiN4fo Amtt i;uh imi.s should U cool and m exhibit tt NWif fair next eollit tod. nnd iut tho In-sit men vear. And we would KiiirLit thnt forward for olfloe, and there eau while tho maiia''eni are eollwUnir 8i-.mviy to. my doubt of a mwf- iviiuoiis of art from tho differiHit ins i u-tory for Iho lVimwraey iu UeluKiIs of the state, that Prof, Con tamoiis old Polk uoxt June. don. our Iato L'eoliiL-ist. not oulv c r r -- - take fawiU of 'ttio wai6 te riotto of Oropni's evolvemont, but that lie l iimtruetwl to secure and clarify (If he cau) the inodt notetl foil known to the neieneo of ginilogy, namely, the "miKsbiek." We would kind- Tit K iitm'iu'c of a Universalis S direet tho iirofofwor to a pluoe minLster in the city reminds u ol wni,a,wl'' these djMjeimmis of the NijiuK of .mold lady. On hear- tiioity nm be found. (So to the in? the ire.)iher say "Everybody IMW,intf of the hist Oregon will behaved." h sighinjjly said, Megislatare, and look at tho name "'I h.nlhoi'ed foi so'inethiuirtHtterP' lw' tliuse who voteil iijialnst the - - - , -- world n-fuir niiroriation. The A ii ho can look at the styles iamwt fi,Hdiiioii of thn iii.sli1u.L' in lauira uoimeis itejuetiHl in the .March Dtlliuuht without t'Oiumittins Huicide or beeom- ing a raving maniac mut lie under the immediate care of the Tin: near future will see a revo lution in e!tnc lighting. The new s stem will do away with all wnxi or oIImt connections, anil SiNi K the republican ticket k not 'viiluvh" satisfactory, the lViiiiH-rats vhould he euroful not to niHat llcpuhiicaii folly iu polk county. Nominate a utrong ticket nnd tho voters will do the rest. variety the professor can find, is sit uated a few miles south of Kugeue, near the Soul hem Pacific railroad. Anyone iu Iane county can give directions as to the locality of this specimen, ow as curioet of past ages, those pja'ciuieim tthou'.d be taken to Chicago, and while they would attract much attention there, they would det met from the com the lamps w ill lie carried about the mereial interests of our stale more same in the ordinary coal oil lamp than millions of dollars. Th arc now. I hero will l absolutely N hmds, colleges, institutes, and no danger. friend t.f '" " .Mviou .Mi Kini.ey will need l,,iUM u,0'r 0WM lPprtatioint. those Saleia blankets to keen him M '",' l"lut. Tlierc warm nest winter, for next Xovem- ero mmJ ' " institute ber willlKJajiiiirlitv cold dav for we Bli,,t "'din had we space. the MeKinley hill in particular, and 1 " r,TllaI ,0,w weTO 'l'"1' "P the remiblicans in mnnml 'v Huidard, and v ilhout any hesita- will see icicles hiunrimr from rcntib- lio" wo V confidently that tie " ' I .: I. .1 j ... . . . , lican newspaper editorials about '"" U,,1U insirumeuiaianu vocai, IT LOOKS BMUHTt The business outlook Is unusu ally bright for tho omniiiir of spring. Usually a presidential year is consldertHl a hoodoo iu biwl nmdrcleH, but it (hs u't look that way now. Tho flnauclal condl Hon or tno eon u try wan never healthier. Thera 1m uo Hurry 1 tho stock market. Money plenty at reasonable rate. Trade is not booming, but lit good, nnd o the Inereoso. Tho wciihiton ara not active, but that Is all the bettor for tho country. Iu h.istern cities they are speak ing hoptifully of tho busluos for tho year. There k wrtalnly noth inR for dlsiH)uremeiit hem ia the West, Perhaps there will not btt ho utucli railroad lniildlnjai In some former yeurs, yet tho indications are there will bo iiwra tins, year than last. Kail road securities are set ll I ng dow u to IhhI rock . The po- rtml of trouble and readjustment Is over, which removes the cause for depression. It is a morbid nature Unit sees diredisiister ia the future. There ia nothing to justify It. The ex citementof a presidential campaign may distract the public mind little, but it will not Interfere with the progress of legitimate business. Trlrtjiyut. , To MuiiKow is the time of the Doniooratleoounty convention, and will bo held at Dallas. The doors will Ik le ojM'n at 10 o' clock a. m, and tho curtain will rise about :30p. m. Tho Domoerota have the material to put a good ticket In the field, and one that can win, and we honestly believe they will do so. that time. TT t... ma iio.v ihm;ek iikhmax.v was nominated for congnss hist Wed nesday by acclamation. Those fel lows in Southern Oregon it seems are mere pigmies along side of Ilinger. They ouht to shut up now, and go oil and dio. 'ow let the Hem- ocrats nominate a good man for congress, and then in the election of either , the First district i3 iu safe hamlH. The prospect for the Buccasa ot Jiomocrats were never better thuu at present. Let all put their shoulders to the wheel and push. EVAXGKU.ST MlM-H liassueceed- ed in inducing Boine 2, OOU people of Portland to avow Christiantiy, It would be tho best investment Port land could make if the city would hire Mr. "Mills to remain there, for there is probably no city the size of Portland in this country which more urgently needs a purification of its morals. A -city whose crim . Jnals are so bold and power Ail that even ministers of the gospel dare not openly rebuke them, certainly ' stands in great need of the services of an evangelist. The MeKinley act placed more during the day and in the evening, was superior by far to any efibrta wo ever heard nt any institute, ana was only excelled uy one teachers' association, held at Salem three years ngo. 1 (alias, .Mon mouth, and Independence, each had an cvcuing. and then all mined together tho hist evening. The union of all the forces on the last evening was something highly ap predated by the audience, The kiudly spirit of emulation without contentons rivalry was apparent in the mush-ales and soires, and in fact it was the eprU le corp of the institute. Mak.s, our nearest neighbor among tho pluneta, is not only thought to be inhabited, but many of the most prominent ustronomers believe that tho people of that world have been endeavoring to signal ns for years. W'e know, at least, that tho seasons follow each other there much the same us here that spring, summer, autumn, and all the phenomena of nature so familiar to us. occur -here in tho same nover-ending cycles. The completion of a tele scope now in course of construction that will be much superior to that at E. C Pkntmsh, secretary of the State Pretw Association, 1ms moved his family to Frankfort, where ho propose to publls! a jwper for a towu yet to come, to le located opposite to Astoria. We wish Mr. Pentium! the lot of sue cess nnd Iiojks hm new towu may lie rival to its great immosake, W. C. T, V, Motlm la lb Loral I ulunauf ntk Cuuttly rreaidolits ot raeti Ulilmi mid nuner- tiiU'tulfiit of th-iutrtuieiil work more iint-i tinuitt iLo citiiity utIUvr of the . r. T. r. t Mmmimilh, April 10, isya, nt tlie revldenee of Mim. II. A Adklim, st 2 oYUx-k p. in., to swlt In nuMiliiB up the isuiiiiy work left lit the niton or urn extvutive oniiiiiilt( ,S'Viriil liiiKirtant nmiu-m wliU h lh un Ion urn IhitIh! In wlll I pre wilted nt till iiHwtliiK, All tiro rv ipHKteil toenuip (lint i-an, Mrs. WmiKAKiH, I'nulili'iit, M a. Akkixs, Cor. OINVKNTlu.M Norm Mm. Anns KIk'sh, tnte r-rraliU'tit of i ne i:. i. I., wnii uivltiHl to Ukc chnr or tln (iiiinly rtioviMillun, whh-h tliltil Kivittly to ll xiimw, t gnvv uvw inunip' nun iiiniirtlot to llio inaiiy Morki-m In out (iMinly, mid eu denred tier to nil henrls prtwut The Ixtyal 'IVmperiiiiet) UkIiui wm itnln revival at thin place on Ihu Itwt dny of the iMiiveiiilon , afli r the chil dren' liHHtliiK. Mrs. Ads I tmih.Wate sup'riiittuileiit of Juvenile work, pre liled over the ehlhlrt'ii' imoftlng, V are fortunate In hnvltiit m eoo.1 a hti.l er In thentiitw work for th chllilren. I wo of our county nituvn were (- wot frniu the ennveutliiil, detaliusl hy nii'knewi. Mrs. lllihllo, of iHillim, the nssirdliiK neeretary, wiw very III, a nit had toaend a iilllluln. Mm. Ailkum wan jut rMiivirlii(f fnm a Iiiiik k-K of fevt-r, and nieliiii-M In lnr family ki'pt her from UIiik one of our valuable an NUiiintM. Vp ncn l vrv niiieli that we wpreili'iirlvml of the excellent er vine of them) two noted workers Iu our eiu ute. , lli'jxirt of Juvenile work for the coun- tty will I piitilmhed In next weekt pa per, simi me piau or worn! ami reaoiu tliiimwlll follow, lao retHirla on other iTetary, per, sImi the iilau of work; and renin line of work, which wrre erowilisl out of the convention for want of tlnw. The new unlona Just oriranliwd hy Mm. IMIa I'nx nr aa follow! Hiillnliiii union wm orintnled with eveii vmlnii ami two honorary niem taim, Ml Nannie t'hanuian ia prea Ident. and Ml l.uey Jllrkt la corro IKimlliiif Mvretry. I doliot know th date of orifiinlmitloii. lVrrydide union was oriranlmid Mured tali, with auven volliic aud on Honorary ineinOer rnwlileiit. Mm. I (I. A. Hiiiier; cornwiHiiiilliiK limVolf. Kiill ( 'It y union wwiorinoilited March lutn, wiin thirty votinir aim tweivaiion ornry iiiPinlit'm. 1'realileiit. Mm. Mar tha llrowu; eorteN.iudlug anvretary, Mm. iMiarsiuinweii. Itiiena V'it union wua itsirganlxed March llth, with twelvw voting and eleven hononiry nietiilH'm. I'lenljnlit, Mm, Mary Jlovoim, istrreioiiillng aeo. reiarv, nuiw ihwm nus ihiii, Haver union wna orvauliied Mnreh tilth, Willi lx voting and three hoiior- ary leeinlx-m, Mm, tsul Ilowem,! nrcohlcnt: MIm Anna Uulik. eorrv aiMiiidlmr secretary. The follow Inn -named plaism were aim 1 Rrenily lienetlteil, mid thn union trt'iiutlit'iint and eneouraaiHli Mon mouth. Unllna, lllekreall. anil Imhiien- di'iiee, a ii t'arker, wtiieli w lmw in the ncarfulurv will lo be counted on our 1st of union, We at iilad to note that the iieml at aeh plae where Mm. (Vx hwtured were itrvatly iiIi'SmhI with her work mid xnreMNid a dm I re to ttavtt her eomt Poculiar la OmabluUoa, frtawniiia am) FrMMt at raparaUoa, llixxl'i toriiullU pmnm lb full umll valua et lb brat kaowa . WMtitM of In TtUM klmilnm. lmllar in itrotixlh and iiioijf-!Ii4'l tanaiiarUla U lln onir m4ltta ot wblob a truly bo mid, " na iIimm dim doiiw. (HbM atnhflnwi rnulr ritr tat, ao4 U But pniduo M (will reulu m , Hood' Kurtaparllla TtfMu la IU wnllolnal murll, Runi'l anatiarllla aMomallihiNi earn bltlwrto oie knuwn, ana hM wna Ui UO of TM tV al bta4 aariar Ulioeid." . rullM la IU l nm al hnm" Dim Ii Mora ot Ituud't Hmwrlll loM to lll, wbr U U mad, Uiaa at au dUmt bkx4 purllm, rmllr la IU rbtnowtiAt rwient ol Ml abroad, ao eUiar irtrU(M au aUalwal ab poiulfli)( la no aboil Hum, ll i , b 1'aeullar le Itaatf. -; fMUtur In tti arlg1iillir nd tr? imm of iu adrUtiii. iu hhiUiimI at eme Uuoally bln nuflMl by tiaiwUiKrt, IHMuuar la lb y ll lu lit (sweU' tnaaln, wm bvUU alvayi Ida tuuUiu. Hood's Sarsaparilla fcMbrrwaw. ft i Mi tut at. rnimrfwir by tt L uoou a oo.,iuo uint 100 Dote On Dollar I. la iBBHMlla, A lK'nioeratle.Ut eonwnlhm will he held In ttiaiHty of I'orUwid, rgon, April 1, JHiti, at liioVUwka. m-, M lheiiirHsiof iilaelng In 6mulotbm iwoeaiidl.late for coiucnsaji wi preme Jiiilgi une l d "'"JS Jllclal dWrli-t ft ciriiult Jwlge and i.nwemiting attorney, b wi viitinl r at theiHin.big Jime kniUou, nnd un other laialiiMaaM my I'jfrly ls.for aald ooiiveutloii, Tlw varioua iountlea aw entitled to reprweiitaUon In Mild emivwitlon w f'tllowat iiiuuii.'. Miiiif l'la'kaiiiaau.....ll)-,i'l"n . ... a UiMiHl On ,il',,l . i'fi..l SHi-r hi I thmalna X I'lnallUa . oillUie .........e i irant Walloara, lUrnny W.liluuu Jiiililn ........... 4 1 aniblll inmoiH ............. ;i Mltm 1-1. Tela) It ia'rVssiiiiuieni ed. Hlllw otherwlae J F. 5Dimm)(3ll SOE AGENT FOR POLK COUNTY. J Oliver chilled and steel plows. Monitor drills and seeders. I HIM-! I liens center-cui uist naiiuwx i. ..v.l....l i, ii.m I.u.mI luuoniltnMia. that the iirlnmrli- III lint varum mum, Ii,... tiriYAHO Im lu lil on Saturilay, tlw Mb day of NJlJ Wd!iUIlb. llvordr of lli iH'inoiiniUe Hut Coot ml ('omniltliw. A, Nol.TMKk, 1I.UOI.W0WITH, KsiruUiry. Clwlruwu. IBB SUES. given In therein ofismuty pMwident Stwllh TuMOUtS AlWflVS in Read ndSt. Columbus and Racine buggies. Deerinsi binders and mowers. V- again, a run rexiri r in tour w SoreThroat Itroitchltla, eolda, COUgli. MthttUL awl even oousuuiption, la the early tagra, yield to Aytr't Cherry Ptctoral. Singer, acton, auction era, public, apeaker, clergymen, teacher, lecturer, and all who are liable to disorder of the vocal organ; Dud a ure remedy lu thtt wonderful and well .known preparation. A an emergency medicine, In com of crotin, whooping cough, etc, it hould le In every bouwhold. 'Two yr tt I uKvrcd Nttrtlf trow aa aiuwa h ton uiniai And Bronchitis II MMHt U tt I MM set arlY, tn lb luual iwntdi proviii ol a atail, Al but I Ibouitii o Ayf Clwny IVelonU. awl nr labia iw butUM al thU awdiria I rMlr4 la Ulih."-Cb, UaatbUL MUia t HMMll. B4HHMM c, on. "Then I aollilni bUrftWMtb uua A ft Clwry INtolnmL I w no oiber w- iimoi."-luol a tlirtlsf. rrolkw, k. I. W, It. Clntt a Co.. traUl. CMtn. !, MMUy Uial aU loroal mi lu trea vii am iwui Cured By Using ArvrtOMtrryrwlor. II hd$ all o(hn. " la January, nw, I wa Uka dowa wlUl Ktojulc ao4 avarhil lm, aad aipoalnx aiy. oil In tooo, eaugbl a Nnn uM hkk I0"1 oa aiy lui I m Mewl to Uk to my b4 aa4 u M III Uial Uw aVMiort a4iit o my imowij, titppMinc aw to b la qakk ontmipoon. rbann al (Haul wa mcamnMMMfcMl, but I taa I aa yr Cbarry fvetofal. aaa aooa rhumi KIM Atinr mint Mmral IxSllr. 1 M uchI, an UuU I m m a wll aad rttR4 iir."-Joba DIIUMhir, I'iimuw l Vtrnua etwtvL ILlllMLlt. JiwUa, Ttaaa. Havlnir Intel IJonee, we are lit,. am I IU" IU,'lll-, Hf HIV ll'l" I autiNtantlttl Improvement. I Traveling men a sHS'lalty ly pimhasiMl thn entire luteii'st in the lahl of J. N J m fli I now Utter prenared ll.nii ever to meet the deinaiideo' 1 0 fl flH 60 fl fill lfl .NTMnl I .51 11 1111 Tlf we are now muting mid ro tireparlng (o make many 1 JUIq Uy Jl UuilLQ NLUAIU tUulUiU Vl uprovemeut. Tmms Umrdeil by the day or month. CaUBaaM WiWlJ UWUHH1II i M ItikJtrtliitt V -" JUST OPENED. DAMON & COOK, Proprs. READ THIS Will be ready to do all work in the tatimlcrlng Hue iu a tuat and firH ciax manner Our deli rery wegon will rail for and deliver woik tb in lodepeo deuce and Munmouiu. Mihifaction guaraiiweu. Tlie best place thl side of Portland to buy Urngs, Htatiotiery, Jewelry, " ana Hook is ui THE PIONEER DRUG STORE Wo will be responsible for all goods or , : . damaged. k s I H K A", vJHk kY "UUitJ1ia i.i a. low as anv Cttv. In... 1.. I. 1 1...... ..I ....... 1 ,.! -.I.I..I. r- i 1 !. l.,.o tu WWW WIW w .. . Iyfnt tivnviij 4111111107111, 11 n ntvii 111. r jiiiii;i hwi v.iw.fcv, full and complete. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cutlery, Sil verware, Canes, etc. Repairing a bai'liilty, nnd dispatched with prompting and aatifaction. F. M. GATES, Prop. Main St., Independence. lis, F&ids, l, l: L Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Remember, our motto is Quick Sales and Small Prnfilo Aak I ' - V Cher Pectoral BUSTER & SHELLEY, """"" iNrvrDrMnriMr.r n. i n turn a m .... - w a.. in, j. u men a m., um, kxu, oMbyaUOranlM. r-rtM 1 Hi kiAllM,i. SUMMONS. la Hie rir.nn court of lb mi of OmMon l iiiia nii my. MdIIIi. Nh-kuK, I'Llutitr, t. Malli.w Kli-kiil. To Mmliw Nu u, Hi liT.nmiil do. I tVntlanti In Hit nom.nlUi. urn ( Orvra yB r nviilrrt ii ipntr and iuwr I lhi cwniilttlul niml mralnal yuu In III ! I .ntlllnl mill. a-iUtln III Urn hi-rrln named wit, nil tho Ll rtny f , null Irrm irf I lh i-lmill mini iif IVitk nmnly, nnin, lu I l"-l'l mi Hi Hill itm ill Mnn-li. Iwl And II I Tin mn mi iu iirr nir kiii lliimr, lh I miiiliir win with miirl .r Hi m.1 I rnyw n.r In Hi r.nn.l n n BAKERY!. ,(., JjYU&mMi Imp Taylor & Wilcox, Proprietors. in. ti it. Hi. Ilunlulkiii nf ihff nirrlnii ciilnwl l.lln tHlrmn lilalnlllTniiil drlmuUnl. uid lur ra.L. tifi iii.i,iiri-iiirtll. In nil. itmrt. l-nhll.hrrt l nil IMllnr or tHll.ll.allilll .((IIMl T Jn.lm. It I' llolae. clmlil lu.Ua H.r uld miinijr, nniru mait-u lit, i'i ito-U A, U. Heai.r. Atmrn.y 11., t'lalnlllT, If you want Faraitiire, Be Jig, Carpets, Wal I articles on the free list nod made tho fanioua Lick olwcrvatory will, it grearer remictions entire on those is thonght, do much to clear up "'f ui r,u)r jtm. t tutnut'ui- I iniMC lUyHt'H'l'H ''-,( I ''p. ) - - Just so. Then MeKinley i a The Prohibition party lina with better democrat than Milk liiitMi'awii from the Peopled party in wherein your Iwmlcd protectior f Oregon and will proceed indejicnd It is "going, going," and next No- fiUy. The party haa ndojited the vember it will all be "gone." The N'ihicc4 l'r!rt:n,nt Monnioutli, as only elciiieut.s of (loiiiiiii'iidalioii in it8 official organ. What will tho the MeKinley bill, are those "free nominees do now which havo been list" elements, and the dear re publicans are clinging to these with the same tenacity that the drown ing sailor clings to a hencoop. Tin-: Ilcpublican stale convention nominated Hon. liingcr Hermann, of Kosebiirg, fur member of con gress for the First district, anil 11, Jl. Ellis, of Hcppncr, for congress man for the Second district. J. F. Caplcs, Portland; If. p.. Miller, (iranta Pass; W. I). Hare, HiUs boro; and I'ev. G. M. Irwin, Union, were nominated for presidential electors. Geo. J I. Burnett, of Mar ion county, was nominated for cir cuit judge of this district., over It P. Boise, of the same county, the present incumbent. For prosecut ing attorney, James McCain, of Yamhill county, was nominated, Ifcxt week we will give the ticket complete. put forward up in the ticket before tho separation! What will our friend It. F. liamp do at Itoseburg, who has been with b ith parties. and Professor M. V. llork, and also our tariff friend J. I. liobertson. Wehaveseen feataof equestrianism where men havo ridden a large number of horses at once, but the horses were always going in the same direction; just what kind of a forward or backward somer sault will le required to light on these horses going in different di rections is a question of more than ordinary importance. We have received a copy of the pamphlet of Polk county in general, gotten up by Mr. Snyder, of Dallas, and we arc much pleased with the effort. Tho written description of the' county is as good as we have ever seen anywhere. Paper or Picture Frames, GO TO W. O. COOK LOOKING AFTER THE DOLLARS. I bJ all right to km AHTR lb dai, fcul If pm n mOly 4mtrmn ot mvUtt Uma. sua ll a.n-ta a mo .ibi and buy j,wr Sc6c2l B::ks, Tablets, Inks, ad Schc;l Supplies. mi! DiCHINES. ORGiNS. PIANOS, IhMB W. IL ffbnlur, 11 ami no nrihoi o ll Ih.l if mi bb nr lb dwllar now. Owr IUIouhaflwyuuibMyuaaaiairaiit. CONFECTIONERY AND TROPICAL FRUITS. W. H. WHEELER, j . independence, ur. CITY BEAT MARKET I have bought the meat market and accounts of I Lemmon, and will keep constantly on hand all kinds of the choicet II , ,.r i i mi i "us muc oi i oruanii, anu win always treat you right. Wall paper trimmed tree of charge. THE IMPORTED SHIRE HORSE LINCOLNSHIRE LAW7ER (2128 STRAIGHT GOODS. That describes oiirstncr of mmm . Knthin hut hnnMt ttnnils j hm nrieae anil H.,1 ... FRESH AND SALT MEAT mm iiwiiww WWHV HI UVIIVVb UVV HHU Hint, flu c has the best and most complete stock' COUlltS fOf til Mwl Of Till & t'ILCOI'S a viumiu, auu win uiwuys ircai you 1 ol i i i n i' i. . ? sure, dnrewa anu mm , outers ana shunters will not lie duped or remain at the mercy of Ori- RICHARD TTlPrTFR Ppm eotal Mess methods, but, will shop .around and 1UlKLK' Pl P- ..Mil. AAA mml J.J ....... lL 1 . ' I III I fumjiait; jiiiucs anu uepena upon ineir inn to discern where to leave an order. A liberal share of your patron age Is desired. llill8 collected motiUily. Free city delivery. )Vill miike the rnn of 18112, eommoncuiR April 1 nnd muling Jul 1, a Ml, WKUNKHDAYS, AT INDKPKNOENCK. HATUHDAVH. AT tlAI.T.AM i.Li imim, AT MI OWN I'LAOK, l'ff" milv wont of Monmouth. f. .. I. I... II. .1,11.. . !.... iwiuii'ii; uwiicTtl vjf XklUUlU at iHj, DESCltlPTION.-Ianoolnalnra LawvaJ M ft anlnnillil liriukt Imv avnl..l.l lulfl poiindM, Willi liliidk f(irole, mn, and tnil; wtiito hind fnt. atrip down f(ifl. He mm K"wu Hill mint!, Willi linn 01 13(10. KV till f. ntllllllH In hnnila 1 Innh hiitlt II. in a ninHt poworful, compnot, mid perfoot spooiroen ot uu Enliiih alilre home, with ironil Htylii nnd iicticm, ' lawyer win roi.lod m May, 1881; bred hy Win Newton Kq Nwark-on Trent. LltlColtlHtllro, JMlllHIIll. llllil wim illlllortnil from h'.nulnn.l l,u T,m(I..I,I . 1 - 'J "......., u. .,,uav,,uillll. enmpton p. o., Uutnrio, Cinmdii. in AugiiNt, 1H82. Hince importntinn. Lawyer bni martin nn, I iliA T2.u..i. : 1 n m m , ....... mni.Du .no ...iMiwiiiu J..1, prize hi wmorn coiiniy nur, imj; aeound price at UorobOMlor fair, 1HH2; mioond prize at Iiondon WenUirn fiilr. 1HS11 n,l ihri uuiera ounipniiiiB; aecoiui prize nt jjoroiiester nur, lnHili (Imt pria in aneoinl and uweepitiilieii nt tho Houtli Oxford spring fiiir, 1HH4. Extndi:d iilli;re, o entored in the ICnuIinh Shirs Rtnd Hnnk mwl a. .. oejved from Mr. Nowton, Kan., Knifliind: Lawyer (mi): ahlrs bone- hnv. l.ii. i,i,,.i fiwt; fouled 1881; breeder, Wm. Newton, Itillaide HonH, Newnrk-on-Trent: aire. weiiMiurn Hweep (aitri)i iliun, ennerlor cart mure, by 1'renident Linoolo (1800), aire ul nmuuuiu i.ivikii i,wii, uj living Krem-freiu Biro, mnuiii (rreiit-mre, Active (2'J). .)Hm by Htiifford (liOt'.t), he by Hoi Honest Tom (107!)). lie by Honest Tom f 10761. ha hv Knuln -HoncNt Tom (KKKI), he by Milton Colley ImrHo, of BiiMlnirham. areiit-BreHt-Brand mre, Active (20), by Fiirmora' I'rollt (878); dnm by Abmra Newliind (10), he byAbrnn Newlimd F M"it "J in mum 1 win nio;i uiim oy Aunim iiiiwiaini (ill), lie l)y Abruro 1 (8), lie by K (B), he hy Klankwell. Farmer' Frotit (8711), by liownrd't 1' l'roflt; dmn tiy Eniliiiiil'l Glory (7051. he bv Hnnnat Tom fionnv i. h. iiiigence We are not running. a broad gango business on narrow gango principles, but wo depend on tho standard of intelligence ind economy of our ciiHloincrs aa n culding btwlnewi pHn ciple, which iiiHures to them every advantage obtainable, Initli , lu prions and quality of goods. We carry every thing in thu lino of groceries that como under that bead. We solicit a share of your patrounge, and you can depend on fair treatment and honest dealing. , THE FAIR nrZwarT that we have a full other articles, w h leh we are imli i 11 du, i ,urnwK pwta, and many city. We haVe 2 "than nSni 'f Ub a an M j a v 1 more than fifty articles ou our 5c COUNTER None of which have Second door south of ?i3ftiW&Sr iirmnrs ilton Oolley'i brown horHft. lliim'a aire (08), uriiud aire (10871. armik-omni.or.i (MM), BK-K-rnndHire, Fnrmere' Olory (815), be by David (505). he by Honnt (1002), he hy (John Hull), l'lHlier'a bhmk hoMH. Greiit-0rniir-riin1liiii- 7Ji Hire ora l-irn ft B-BriitKiHlre WW), B-B-B-K-Bmii(lnlre, (1008), b-b b-b B-irrnndmre, Lion (liintnni IbAmn. W) it piild when nmre ia known to be with fnnl: KM in lnir. u.,.. oolt. l'enmiw diapoaiiiK of their mare before evidenoe i (jlven n to whether they lire with fonl or not, will be held respond! ble for iiwurnnoe. All aeoidetit at rink of owner. Free piwturuflo for mare till bred. J. E. DAVIH. Monmouth P. 0., Oregon. TAYLOR & KJILCOK, GEa w-REED' Proprietor BAKERS AND GROCERS, INDEPENDENCE, OR. A IN Might rrch ft.ra IIMIme, and wouhl not