The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 01, 1892, Image 2

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    THE WEST SIDEW,?!'TSu)K,ril",8tdbel,WWHl wl,h
, J. . H. ItU, IDITOR.
West Sida Publishing: Company
On Yr' . tSAi
HI M.mtlia ... l,
Tltrva Mlll)
Al mairla ami tlh HHpa net avwit.
lug Hv Hi(.- will Iw iiiwrirtl fivn, All ovr
Kv Iiiim HI ho .-I1.wu.1l fly wul w Hm
(.Hltv uviitMrv nwum.i win iMmryvu
tut at lit mi ot five wt (wt Hue.
A.l.lrw ill for ituhUi'allnn
(o Tn Wt Sui,ml nmk all romttlatiw
a.vnol to U IVIR t'otlulf lIHMMU( '"
lwijr. .
. HibIpivI al the iwt.fflt In tili-w
rtiu.w, utvava, iw anotii(tfta mutter,
TltKgivat query is. How much
does Polk comity owet What is
1 her not indebkHlneast Who kuuwat
. -1 1 .. i ...
Tuft JWiWiKujw'f uuty wot
be ft "IliU orgjn,,J but its three
column editorials in David R
Hill's defense shows quite n han
kering in that direction.
M. A. C'KonKR'tON, lately de
ceased, was a member of the A. O.
V. V,f which gives his widow
f.00O. This order in urns of the
Inst benelleiiiry orders in the world,
TtlK Independence W&st Sidr
wants the Astoria railroad for that
e (terprisin; town. Amino doubt
the people there would lend sub
Mautial encouragement if called on
to do so. Staletmaii,
VTrwH notieetrie jtersonnel of
the Republican county ticket next
week. The ticket is made up of
good rtHens from the beginning to
thecn'd, f far'as wo are able to
judged We think the lK'nmcmts
win be. equal to the occasion, how
ever. ..... , ' "
txcE L'ml kilisliiuy has agreed
to Xhe proposition of our govern
ment, and as there is no longer any
nmvwity forour twisting the Brit
ish Hod's toil, that animal may
now rest in peace, and use his cau
dal appendage for (he sole purpose
of brushing the numerous flies from
olT his anatomy.
Jm kso.n' cocxty is in debt ISO,
000. .Wonder how much Polk
count? is in debt? w e have no
way of finding out. Our county
authorities are .''fominst" the peo
ple finding out. A large nunilwr
of our citizens throughout the
county thiuk it a good idea at the
next election to remove the ol
goose off from the nest and let the
people know how many eggs she
has under her.
1 ' 1
Quite a number of years have
elapsed ' since Independence has
. had a "clorious Fourth." Now let
committees bo appointed by a called
meeting ofourcitiens for that pur
" pose, and invite everybody, and
let the. eagle scream, and the Hon
roar, and the whangdoodle mourn,
but be snrc and let us have a glori
ons Fourth of July, which comes on
Monday, July -1, 1892, U. 8. A.,
north temperate zone.
This is not a billion-dollar con
gress. Yet all improvements which
merit appropriations will get them.
Oregon has no reason to complainof
Democratic parsimony, luo ap
propriatious for Oregon rivers and
harbors are more liberal than ever
before. Yet it is not done as a
favor to Oregon or to make politi
cal capital,but simply because it is
right. That is tho Democratic
plan for disbursing tho public
funds: - -
Mr. Cauxkoik is a strong lie-
publican. Ho regards the MeKin
ley tariff net as the greatest tlw-
ine the conntrv has ever nan. ice
gardingtho'coiuing national election
he is confident that the Republican
nominee, whoever he may tie. will
be elected. Oregon Htatr Journal
Xo doul)t of it. - Mr. Carnegie
lias made "Sn il lions by protection
and since millionaires are a great
"blessing'' (t) to the country, that
ccntleman Bhonlu import more
Hungarians, and pay them seventy
five cents a .day for their work,
and thus bless (?) this glorious conn
try of ours.. Of course, Mr. Cur
negie needs a Republican presi
dent in his business. '
Our friend, Rev. R. F. iionnoll,
in replying to our criticisms of his
speech in the Nmihwcri Vrwjrcm,
last week shows plainly that helms
(riven up. as untenable, his former
position, and the only one really in
the discussion namely, "that the
prohibition party is a party ol
great ideas." This is tho point
which tho Wjcnt Side said needed
"demonstration." Now we leave
it to the candid reader if he has
"demonstrated." We would - say
so far as Mr. Bonncll's strictures
are concerned, that a mere novice
in exegetics knows that our inter
pretation of the passage "know
ing, therefore, the terror of the
Lord, wo persuade men," is a cor
rect interpretation. The brother
gives this interpretation his atten
tion as a decoy, to keep tho main
issue, which we ask him to demon
strate from sight. Tho gentleman
- Yes, law is a terror, but always
to tho evil doers; and unless the
evil doers, and haply be found to
iigut ngninst Uotl, it will cease .to
pervert the twichtugn of Hod's word
tor the solo puriHwe of giving ahl
and comfort to the manipulator of
the leglaiaed saloon.
Thiuk of It, "Wants to be
classed wlthevU doom," Ry whom
classed! Ry tho ndhoreut of the
prohibition party. Think of it
ftgalu! If we were in low we
would bo ''classed with evil doers''
by !HS2 out or 404,81 , Totei;
and in about tho same proportion
in every other state and territory
in tho rultd Sttttea. If you were
to go to Iowa to day would you x
lHHtto fliuUIIUi good Christian
people of all names and order
among tho tHUl Prohibit ion-party
voter, or would yon look for them
among tho 414,874 voters of the
IHuuoeratioaud Republican parties!
Any man not purbliud with preju
dice cause, where tho good people
are. The mainjpoint is, If you do
not fall lu with the Prohibition par
ty and with tho "great ideas' which
it enunciate then you are a whis
ky man, an associate ot "evil
doers," "fighting against God,"
"giving comfort to tho kgallxed
saloou," etc, etc, M iMtsilMw, ml
jkim.wmw, Tho spirit which inr
vades the Prohibition party is one
of force, not persuaslou. Tho per
versiou of tho spirit of (Christianity
is its great mistake. Francis Mur
phy is uot likwl by tho Prohibition
party, tHcauso his doctriue is Scrip
tural, his practice that of persua
sion. Mr. Murphy has m'laiitKHl
more tuen from their cups and
made moro happy homes in Amer
ica, than all the advocates of the
Prohibition party ever did, all com
bined. Our good friend, liro. Iwu
noil, says, in closing, that
A good sbed congrtvutional bee
"attending strictly to busiuoss"
will cans' giKnl men sometime, to
dosoinevery wickwl things.
Wo really thiuk so, too. Rro.
M. V. Rork Is acaso in jwiut. II
we are iueluded in tho allusion
above, wo have ouly to say that the
aspirations and expectations of our
"congressional hew" is on a par with
the hope of success of tho Prohibi
tion party in Orcgou. In other
words, wo expect to get to congress
as soon as Mr. M. V. Rork. We
also think that an inordinate: desire
to air one's political viewsisacauso
of "good men sotueliuics doing
some very wicked things,' and is
a more fruitful source of "doing
wicked thiugs" than tho hnwing
of "congressional IhW in Un
people 8 bonnets. We hoiw that
our brother will see tho "situation,'
and stick to his text of "great ideas,"
and writedown a few for wayifurd
humanity, and especially for the
good of those whom he classes
Theso two noted prohibitionists
held a mass meeting in the opera ut Monmouth last Tuesday
evening. Tho house was jammed
aim me spine 01 mo oceasiou was
at Hood tide. The songs of Mr,
Hacking were simply Immense.
His solos, ami duets with Mr
W'olfcnbarger, were abovoordiuary
to "point a moral or adorn a tale.
Mr. olfeubarger is a very lluent
speaker, but decidedly verbose, es
pecially so in relating an anecdote.
His arraignment ofthe McKluley
bill was severe and masterly, for
said he, "I was an editor of a Re
publican newspaper, and studied
closdy the tariff for sixteen years.
and finally reached the conclusion
that the tariff robbery, and espo
cially the MuKiuley slxly-per oent
bill, is tho most nefarious piece of
legislation which has been imposed
upon any people during the nine
teenth century." The sneaker
hates the Democrats, and said there
wits but lit tle difference between the
country going to the dogs or to the
Democrat. Mr. Wolfeubargcr is
certainly correct and consistent
when he says that his mission is to
tight for Prohibition ouly, with
out any alliances with other reform
measures. If tho prohibition par
ty stands for anything, it must
siand for that, and that only, since
all other parties have refused to
adopt it as a plank in their plat
forms. The moral effect of those
Prohibition meetings Is good, but
their political affranchisement is
rather Utopian, and scarcely within
the pale of possibilities. The
speaker of the evening showed con
clusively why tho ltopublicans
should abandon their party and go
elsewhere, and ho also showed as
conclusively why the Democrats
should remain in their party to
serve tho people in this day and
generation. With the solitary ex
ccption of one point (that of prohi
bition) the speaker showed that the
Republican party was guilty of fas
tening and perpetuating tho untold
evils of bad government upon the
people; and we make bold to say,
that every reform measure which
he advocated, from tho beginning
to thecloscof his two hours' speech,
(prohibition excepted,) were the
selfsame and identical measures of
relief which the Democratic party
has demanded and petitioned for,
for lo these many years. Every re
form measure that is practicable or
worth the name, is today to be
found enunciated by the Demo
cratic party. This is the reason
tlw lHmocn.ta do not go 0r
strange gods, because In tho main
they are right, and their concep
tion o( a free republican govern
ment is the best evec, offered to
mankind. While iorfoctlou Is not
to lo found In any form of govern
ment, the tolling millions are look
lug for relief to that party that was
born in tho house of tho desars,
and that great. Democratic Idea
of decent ml beat lou touched the
monarchy of Roniej and as the
rolling years came on, intelligence
deepened, mental horlsous were
broadened, and as a glorious result,
tho republics of all Uie earth to day
are the dlssldcrata of all well gov
erned people. America Is in the
lead, and "America for Americans'
Is our motto, with an opjmrtunlty
to compete with earth's babbling
millions, Unit we may give thciu
ruxcnuK run hvimlk.
Several Deuiocratlcjonruals seem
to think that Hill, of New York,
said an Impressive thing the other
day when he remarked: "Other
political parties coins and go, but
the Democratic party is for ever
and ever." This, in fUct, is alxmt
the worst thing that can te said of
a political party. U is, in ellcot, a
confession Unit il has in it no germ
of proureaa, that It is Itit nimble of
development into any of the higher
or better forms of notion and life.
To that man who foolishly boasts
that his party is"for ever and ever,"
it may properly be answered) "So
is hell. ' The party that la iuca
liable of change has no moral organ
ism. It is a thing of negation aud
obstruction. All things change
except the worst of things. They
are stationary always. Attheheuu
of the list Is hell. Reed, of Maine,
made a bright answer the other day
to Mill's remark. Hosnid: "There
never was a time when the 1 Vino
erotic party was not shouting, 'For
Owl's sake let us get back to yester
day. We would like to go back
1800 veara. but we can't do that
we know we can't; but let us repeal
something; let us undo something
that it has taken years of toll to (it
let us make the world a little less
civlllxedthan it was.' Nothing
could better exprwM (he character
of the Democratic party during
forty years than this happy an
swer to the stupid bouvt that the
Democratic party has in it no pi in
ciples of progress, and t herefore
liever can chauge. OrrtjimUtu,
II ill's statement Is correct. "The
Democratic party Is for ever aud
evr." It is uot a stagnant party
but Is a party that is continually
adapting itself to the growing exi
genclesthnt must arise from such a
complex government as ours.
ttchangea Its attitude to surround
ing emergencies, and rises to meet
them. Its fundamental laws have
uever changed, and never will. Its
autonomy is to-day what it was lu
the days of Jefferson aud Jacksou.
No inanition in tho Democratic
party. Aud besides, has not the
erudite editor ofthe Qrrgmia time
and again showu that the policy of
the Democratic party is not what It
once was, or what it was only a few
years ago! There is no U'tter wit
ness than the files of the Qrrgon'M
to prove that the Democratic party
is one of chajigc; ami so it ought to
tie, aud so it Is. Hence, Mr. Scott
in the above editorial, proved too
lunch, and breaks down his own ar
gumenr. He takes the position
that the Democratic party does not
change, and yet he has proven
thousand times that it docs change;
and then he, rather irreverently,
sneaking of a place that he does
not believe exists, says, Ko is hell."
Why not say, 80 Is heaven! Heav
en never changes, any more than
hell. Roth have always been there,
injour recollection. Tho truth is,
the Omjim'mn sometimes gets a sour
stomach, and then it belches forth
a few puffs of sophistry, highly
tainted with a vituperative gaseous
overflow of hate, which gives it
consequent relief. Mr. Rood, of
Maine, did not make a "br'ght an
swer" to Mr. Hill. Nothing is
"bright" that docs not contain truth
When any party lieglns to feel
symptoms of decay, its stomnch
is affected first, aud it is soon dis
cemnble by tho sour breath it
emits, to wit, tho above breathings
of Messrs. Scott and Rood.
llnaeflO uf Good lltmili,
8un Dh'Ko Union: Tbey would make
It poNfltile for the furmers to take ad
vantage promptly of the highest niur-
ki-t, no mutter at what nenson of the
year. They would allow him days and
werks of time that he wanton every
yuAr wallowing through the 111 Ire of
dirt road. They would reduce to s
minimum tho wear slid (ear on wagont
and currlugoM. Thny would letweu the
expense of keeping homes In working
order, nnd vtuttly tern hornen would lie
required In a eouuty to perform the
furmers' work. They would require
less expedite to keep them In repair
than do dirt road. They would iimke
It euxler for a team to pull several toil
over their nmooth Rurface than to drug
wagon through the mud. They
would afford ready communication
with the outside world at all season of
the yeur. They would spare the farmer
iiiauy vexations and nervous strains,
and practically shorten thedlMtuneo to
the local murket. They would be free
from dirt In summer, and mud and rut
n fall, winter, and spring. They
would bring every furmuig community
Into closer soclul relutlou. They would
make an evening' drive a pleasure, In
stead uf a vexation , bd now.
Vainnorntto Vrlmnrlsa.
Tho DfJimxiriillo primary mttitlnffH
for all the precincts, will bo held 011
April 8, IHU'2, ut 2 o'clock p,
in., m ui
all attend
UHtiul votlmr pluuc. Lut
sud send tliei r bunt men .
Chairman Democratic Coimultteo,
Th WurUI'i Columbian RtHlll4iH.
Pt'iitl 80 wnlslo Roiiil A t., ATO
llookery, t'hlesgts and ytHi will re
ovlvti, pt mUI, a four hundred pntfu
stlvimoD Guide to lbs F.xptltlon, with
tnVgenl eiigravliign of the ground and
building, portrait of II leading uplrlt,
ami s amp of the city of Chlt'sgo; Slid
sit of llis rules gowning thtiKltltu
slid uluhtUirs, and sll Information
which esn b given out lu sdvsiiee of
11 Nuliig. Abut, other iigrvlng
sin! printed tuforiuslhtu wilt U sent
you s publlnhed. H will tie a very
vslusul took, sud every person should
eeurs a copy.
To U wuiUon la tlis clinic of moilt
dIsm. Many sn Injured bj trying
porlmenU wlUi tHiiiiHmnil purpriltin
to U blood-jtiirlflom, tit tlnetal
rmommn4atlon ol whlob would tortn
to ho llwlr "ehi(ioi," lltiliig tttait
up ut WMrtiilww, tUmigh stit lwy
hurmluM, IngrtMltniiU, (lioy siy wall
b "chwtpi" but. In th nd, tlivy ar
tlxar. Tb Bio I rallabl nintllf luot ar
foully, sntl ran b rotalled at siml
rl prion, ouly whan III mamiowtur
tng chawtal bandla Uia raw malKtial
Is larg quauUtloa. It I ecououiy,
To Uso O .
t- -
Ajit'i SurMpsrtlla. Hid vluallMnnttnl
al whlnh ar Importwl. wliokule, by Ilia
J, a Aft Co. (ruM Ui rriti mim Uivm
uiKkt r rlehoat lit attHttrlual Bnwr(lw.
I "II U voadar lo (bat any tnWr
(hut AyarM Saraiaiill ba a ihuw In Ui
atarkat. II aat eutiaulud llielr own Cn.
tnMt, (boy would sr um ny vUivri lor
H h) nut uly lb bi, but, an aocounl ol lu
aowwiOMtHl lrnlli aitd I'mlir, Il U Ui
mot HHJtHitnloal." Jaim4 K I Hi By, (mi.
' U(, WabltMl(OB at., f rovltlauoa. H. I.
Ir. A. I- Almond, IHitftiUt, lltwrly, Vs.,
WHIaii "Uailtii plijik-latu In UiU liy
- Ayer's
ampulll. I bar ld It tor etMwa
wan, and baf (ha btM( r(aid ior It
bvallng quallUM."
"Allhough (b formula I known In th
tnwla, lhi ran be tto ihhwiuI bnllalktt
el Ajrar'i lUruinlla. " WiUwu( liaviu Uia
taormoiM tarlliom ut Ilia i. V. Ayof Co., II I
ImpoMIM lor olbnr partiM (o put kHlolhar
ueh valutbl limmllvuu, tl (ha low oa
o Ayaf
II ilanili l Uia bvad oi all ilntlUr iff par.
tlona. "-Mark A. Jna, M yoan a iiiiiilt,
m Caaibrhlta l C, Cauil.rl.l(, Ma,
vawraaao av
Dr. J. C AVER A CO., loiell, Miss.
SWyaUtir(W4. I'rtMtl; ii kotilM..
On huudrvtl oumva of old ll
vr. lu tmU. A. Ik ( Iwrry. Waleli
maker sutl Jewelt-r, wlili I'atlvrwoo
Hn., liidi''inloee, (rvirtm,
In Ui rtrrull court iiflhaatalaof Or Sw
.V.Hta NIfkola, rialiillrt, va. Malltvw Nlrkola,
Tn Malhaw Mrfenla. ttt bnva.nammt dn.
S1111U11I: In tl nama i.l Um Mala ( !'"- 'O
yil are hen-btf miulnxl l.. nr and aiwwrr
mi. ntmpiaiiit nmi aaaiiKi yim in ui '""
aiMMInl mil, wiiltln ilia II". uwin n"i"l.
lowil, nil Uio 11 ilnv ( ilia nol Ivrm ut
lh rlrruii Muirt nf ISilk nmntv. tin.min.
W NkUI tin Ilia W li .1v "t Uan-h, lJ. A H.l If
..u rail an lo an.wrr r want lli'mt.f, tl
Ilrf .ryr.l (or III llto niitiplauil, hi wit, tlia
(1l..lul..u ..( tlie u.arriaai' muuiu-t aalaiio
btwm.ii plalntlSand I, and lut al
Klalouir lll auolv lutlia nxirt fr tha m.
alio in.imrM.mama in tiiia cmu,
I'liiiiuiinl i.r an rlr r pui.iKwilon im-l
by Jmlia K I', Hlu, pln-nll Ju.l H.f aald
ouimiy, Uatad Man li la, ImU,
Je-n . A. M, lieautr.
Attomay r I'lalnlirr,
Of Independence, having a steam
engine, a brick machine and se vend
arifs of flntst (dav. is now ureimmt
to keep on hnml a fine quality of
Ilrlck, which w ill tw sold at mison
able prices.
We can drill you ono that will las a
"joy jorever." e have
the only
In (hit wwtlon, and If yon amplny na ymir
nnl win not l.nik ilka a dracrim rui
when wa arv thruoa-li.
Wells of any size, through quick-
Baud, gravel, or. bedrock. Icnve
orders ut J. F. O'llouiieH's,
Hall Hloper, Independence, Or.
Claggett's Ferry.
Tlia piilillc ! hert'lir nnllllrd Ihnt lliaundi-r.
Kii.-.f liiia IhiiiiiIiI Inn ferry at Inil.-iH.ndeni'a
ami will lia alway on Imnd tn at-iittnntmljiUi
Ilia lravallii( punllo at ilia iikwI rrnwuiniila
ran. I. ('i.Aiii.n-T.
-: THE 1-
Willamette Ileal Estate Co,
Independence, - Oregon.
TrniiMtet s general ltinil 1'Mnte IUihI-
newt, liuyMUllil at-llH Property, elleclH
liiHiirunee and doe a K""enil
Conveyanee JIiihIih-mh.
I'urllcH Imvlnir LnmlH'ifor Mtlo
nnii It to tutJir HdvnuuiKu to
List Their Property
With thl Company, ns thry sro tlnlly
wilding llnlH of luud eiutt, Hum pinn
ing dcMlnililu property k'fore the ri'Hl
dunts of tho Kiutt.
J. W. KIRKLAND, PrwtMonl.
New Grocery!
W. J. MULKEY, Prop.
Satisfaction guaranteed In prices
and goods.; Htock tresh ami bought
for cash. I1 air aeating ami gooa
bargains. , '
FREE DELIVERY at the houis
ot 0 to 11 a. m. and 8 to 5 p, in.
Y. H. Morrison,
Charge raonabl, and flrtt-olais
work guarsntMd..
Otoady .Progress
KaufhurK-lrrlird Bnnd'i Sanaparllla tf
Inn It waa plaead hafttrt (ha publla,
Wbaratat Inlrudunad Ita tain bar ru
liuat yaat lo ymr, antil now II It lb mwt
popular tud iunwwlul wadloln olfurrd.
Any druanlai Miidrm Hill tlaiauiaul.
The kh-M si Dill auwaaa llat I n Ui taut Uiat
llood'i MaiMparlll U nadlvlnaal naill.
tl liwa antually ativompllah all lba( I
llmd lot It, and whi'n lan t lair trial,
It MHinably aurtaln lu Im ol tMtteab
VnalUt VisteittenU.
ntno lluod'a Sanaparllla hat baa I
Sir btudi fur aalt I bava bad ttaqtteni and
uuraaarirad kmtlnionlala In II (aor, Al
tliuuah nylu tola pwparallou lurfca
thau ona year, my aalri bar bw reaaf
(ban ol any Imllar preparation, and lb
taallnivnlala In lu lavnr aival unv ponillv
aud Mraniiatly nutlraabbi." A. WaniHT,
Mvldbut(, Cat,
I Hells On Its Merits.
" Uy br ear, ' Cat, why don't yn buy
nie ol IUkhI aattnpuHlf al a ttiuni w
atvalaaye hort.' It n-lle on II own tnaf
Hi" K. Ilati., Portland, Ore(uU Inuold
aai dtull lu Orwmu.
: M.S. ba aura Ui ( only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold b drtbfala. II; alt lor. I'refared
nly by 0. I UlMU A ApoUiwariaa,
aall, Mata.
100 Dotos On Dollar
Jn.l rnmlvcl, li.oln.liii lieiuliful lt of Ilislfor.1 tVird. Orel, CVumI
mrm, llnnrtfiu. Mull, ntul mny olbrr kind of tlrw anode, tint noni-r
on bt wnlloB, A but, au olek'unl liti of Inetw, ctirwU, slow, llk mill,
lad 10' bnnUknrehit'f. via.
V bv s ouniplnts linn of Imlle', eliiblrrn', snd Bent biMMt, of (I tmt
nmliea, wlueli w UhikIiI diwi from the mnmifiu-lurera, and n linmiuiatt
kHk of meu'a, youtlta' and bo)'
IStt Cffij, fifiisj ttt,
W r aule RtrnnU fur tlm Kasw w trnlsn Mill, of lrtwr.ill. M-b-nd
sn lu vital 1.111 hi ntrarybetly lo call at.. I cinmiun our vnrmu lima, 1111.I
bf etiuvinenl thai w r I lie Icadlim merelmiila ul I be oily,
Opera House Block.
Main street,
Taylor &. Wilcox, Proprietors.
That describes our stock
tut honest goods at honest prices, and that ac
counts for the popularity of TAYLOR & WILCOX'S
store. Shrewd and bright buyers and shoppers
will not he duped or remain at the mercy of Ori
ental business methods, but will shop around and
compare prices and depend upon their intelligence
to discern where to leave an order.
Wo aro not running a broad gango business
on narrow gaugo principles, but wo depend
on the standard of Intelligence and economy
of our customers as a guiding business prin
ciple, which insures to thorn every ndrantngo "
obtainable, both in prices and quality of
goods. We carry everything In the lino of
groceries that como under that head. We
solicit! a sharo of your patronage, and you
can depend on fair treatment and honest
. dealing.
State tHnHun.
A Ibtmocmtlcntwle wmvi.utlou will
1 1,1 1 .,ltytrfrrtlttml,(mf.M,
April 111, lsi, st loo't'loek S.m., for
thtipuriKUHtttf plsoln In (lomlmillo t
twoettiiillduWS for eonur-!
limine Jmlip"; taie 11 J;
lllelul illairlct for circuit JudH sd
priHanmtluK attorney, U Iw viiletl f.n
il the wmiliiK Jims eUattltm, sud
other lamlutais an limy V"'rtf
iK-fom imld eoiivuntlon. lh vsr oii
nineties smeulllliHl to mpmatnlilou
In nld eonveiltloll M follow!
Makar -'! ' n
Ibnlnii ;-wUiaur -".?
1 'lio-k anin I ' ' Marnm
llntami "V "iS
(Llumbla. .MuiiWHiinn
T Sliarluan
u i-iii,.H.iu.a
Curry ..
llrdliL .
..4 I'm. ot .
........... 1
Ilnrimv ... tl
jli,..-.... Tolal
it bThMTtioml'nilfd, uuh olls-rwl"
onlt-rt-il by the Ita-st commlttm-, thnt
il,., urtt.mrl.M hi tlitt vnrlotl eoUllllf
1st held on mutirdny, (ha th dny of
My order of the IVmocnttle Wst
Cculrnl t'oitinilltee.
A. Nol TSKn, Jl. CJctl.laMMITIt,
HtH-mtnry. fhnlrnmn.
im mourn iw awo tkiksu amt
ma eitrr sax as am
titi br wet mum tvuwi
tilincsrac0ff4t0.98ti mmmnl
BIsx, Mb d !aS:.
of Groceries. Nothing
JB F-.O'Donnell
Oliver chilled and
Monitor drills and seeders.
Bell's center-cut disc harrows.
Bain wa?ons.
Columbus and Racine buggies.
peering' binders
Independence Steam Laundry
Will be ready to do all work lu the Laundering line In a w-at and firtt-
dans milliner ,
Our delivery wagon will call for and deliver woik Jwth In Indepen
dence and Monmouth, Hatlufut1ing(wratml.
We will be responsible for all goods
Prices as Low as any City.
F. M. GATES, Prop.
Main st., Independence.
It la all rllit In haik A(TKR llir Sotlan, l.ui If .o an. rltr dMlmua ot nvlng tbrtn, jrou
, will aafwvlaa a llllhi lrlaht aiul dujr juur
School Books, Tablets, Inks, and School Supplies.
front W. it. Wtwli r. It twl no im.l to I. II that If y lk after (he 4llan oow, (hay
vill luuk alter uu alien you nred tlifir iil.
Independence, Or.
I have bought the meat market
and neeountu of I Lominon, and
will keep constantly on hand all
kinds of the choiee&t
A liberal share of your patron
age Is desired. Bills collected
monthly. Freo city delivery.
if,, Liy 1 U1 ",wInU 10 ai,''l to the public that wo have a full
line of Kumwarp, .tinware, notions, gents' furulnhlng odH. and nianv
other art.eUss which we are Helling at, prices never iMe oflw Jil S
city. N e have more than fifty mtielea on our
Second door south of First National Bank.
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
sled plows.
and mowers.
flnS'ft .!!? " llft-", -n.l would not
tlie V wt f .11 1 U ,H y,,l,r trtomU In
niliiiJ?'' ni1 1 10 KtvM 'lliiiiilKmtl..u
AnmrTmn $mml w n( twill Hie
Walt t r v"ir h,,'y" I'uyliig Kr Ilia