The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 26, 1892, Image 3

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.ttVRtt V-
West Sids Publishing Company
1,,?. Yesterday between sunrise
and sunset, two troltk-ii hours, and each
on bedecked with witty uiamonu miii'
utcs. N reward
gen IW
ottered. They bit
A Nsw Moiwtmt lUu.Y.Tlte In
formation m from rortland ttmt on
or shout March lot, Tony Noll net will
mk hi Wimk Nif mfrA mwrutntf
dully. Thl paper ha been published
a au evcnliur dally slue IU eetnhlhdv
nient little over a year jph
Prntistkv.--L. I- White, lis lo
cated permanently with u and ould
be pleased to have all those In need of
dental ervtee 0111,00 htm In hi neatly
furnished ami equipped office ow the
ludeuendenc National hank. He I
thorouirhly proftoleut In his profession
and will irlv you eutire satisfaction
Price reasonable.
RniKvra ltuinHiNTKtK-tlovni(Mr
lVnnoyer appointed J.T. Apperami,
W. P. Keady, and J. K. Weatherford,
member of the board of rvtfeuts of the
Btate Agricultural College at Oorvalli.
The botuvl Is now endeavoring to Hint
nuui suitable to take the presidency
of Om wlleire. madel.vacant by lite
death of rwf. Ik I- Arnold.
Trti Ao K KT l.T i' h a i. I'oi.t.miR.
Governor lVnnoyer, Heeretary Mo
Briil, and Superintendent MeKlroy,
have returned from IVrvallls, where
they have been attending meeting of
the UstM of regent of the Wato Agrl
cultuml college. The election u" a pres
ident to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Piufcmor Ik L. Arnold wurnl
ferred forth present," A chair of Km
gUsh, Including Kuglbdi literature, wa
wtabllnhvU, aud IWwsor J. it. llor-
norslivUil to the vhalr.
A Fhki Lkiti'mk. O. M, IVIngW'
will (tv a frv loctuivllii Jh ojra
hount Saturday wetting at TA o'clovk
Hubjwt: "The Human frohWtn; th
Origin of Its Various tvk Its III-
tory Through th Ago ami ritlmnte
DcitUuy." lllutratrl by thivw largp
chronolnghwl chart. At a rxvh'W
of. th stlu'latlo and thcUtle pIiIUmo
phlw tbvrvou, with an ortgtimt and
novel Utvory thoroof, Uuntkn and
answers will be given by the audit-mi!
and speaker. Intvnavly tiiteri'attliig to
all Aoollvt'tion will betuken at the
Till! CoL Mixim. Messra. H. M.
and J. K. Coowr lat yvar spent
I In opening np some con I utinw at Spring
; Hill, atwut tlftwn mlU-s from lndt'en
:, deuoe. and also have bnuded, for two
years, tor developing purptww, the
ntlttea aerua live river, about two milt
dUtanUsnd are now making prepara
tions to briu work In earnest. Their
Dew drill arrived this week and ora
Mona, mom eitwtslve than ev?r, will
1m begun at out. This Is a big thing
Jbr our town and set'tiou, and the ros-
Dectsso fur show uumkttukMbly the
jupertor quality and an Inexhaustible
Quantity of exivlli-nt coal Witlioiit
loubt. thta section of the Willamette
galley I on the eve of prosperity not
hitherto enioved by any swtlou of
, The council meeting was atWiidcd by
I number of leading eliiwus. Mayor
lerwin was In the chair, and a full
oard was in attendance.
t Tlie committee ou Finance rejKirttHl
ivoralily on the following bills: F.leo
lie light company, fnt..V); W. 11.
JTheeler. i30; J. F. O'Donuell, fD.Ki;
i. B. Iiobinson, 3.U); tiomlmsti A
feuty, The report was adopt-
The recorder's statement fr the
Oiitbof January was received and
dered filed. -
Marshal Fennell reported that the
tt't of city taxes oolleoted was $ l,4sl
amount refundetl, f 11.73; amount
Unquent, t7.83. The rvinirt was re
Ived and ordered filed.
Die committee ou Ht reels and Public
operty rccoinmemied that the are
,ht at the nort h end of the f t bridge
I retained at Its present locution,
leb recomtnendatlon was adopted.
petition was flled remonstrating
ilnst the removal of said light.
The committee on Fire and Water
wnmeuded that the flre-Ml towr
Vxaited uimn the soutbeaxt corner
be city hall. Adopted,
he committee on Health and I'o
I recommended tliut the tltlon
log a rigid enforcement of the Bun
I laws be adopted. It was moved
I said report be adopted. Tim
r ruled the motion out of order on
grounds that said petition cimllict
wltb the statute laws of the statu.
fdlnance No., regulating the II
llDg oud sale of Intoxicating liquor
pance No., regulating the cou
jtion of side and cross-walks; ordl-
No. , preventing the running
rge of domestic animals within the
limits; and ordinance No., regu
j the (rice of bulldlngcrosH-wulks,
i a second reading, and were re
trespectlvely tocommllU'es on II
1, streets and public property, or
ces, and streets and public proji-
ott A VenWs andj. W. Kirk
, bills were referred to the commit
1 finance.
motion, the council adjourned.
I Dixib, February 22, 1HD2.
IOB West 8riB: Iteplylng to
iter In your former Issue regard
6 twenty-mill tax In Polk county,
lllas, Polk county, editor of the
man, says tho levy was necessary
nuritof the Most High washing
'dges, to tho amount of $.'13,000.
the records of the county, I am
1, can show no such figures for
bridges, (and I defy the editor
I it,) yet, if that be so, then our
hould In every wayeconomlzo,
jventofa cyclone or washout
nlng summer. To that end I
suggest that the printing of tick
the next election be not made
Meet of Jobbery, but let to the
bidder In the county, more es
jr as Independence and Mon
, have each one Job press, and
f two. f All.HKll,
3n Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
tirade the street.
I'miie your fruit trees,
A little rain this week,
I mtrove your aide ulks.
The bumper degree tu-iilghU
Garden making tiiut commenced.
I1,iiuuoii tuts a new ad lit tins week
Head It,
Iook for I'sltersoii Urns, big ad. ou
flrst wgc next wwk,
Hacks of new khmI at Klivlloy
Yuluyn'thU WMk..
Th r VKvttUjn'l" wwl ihMutih
I(uh'HiuUw IhuI Mtttuhty,
Knh milk vow wnitltM. Ailtlitw,
A, J. WiiMt, InilcooiitU'iux'. 15 "
MnOlr, IittvUlmm Is pivoting m-t
ltUt on hor lot on t' stix't.
TluKruil Immit'r th'tfr will I
conlriHl In full rvKitlltt to-nlnhi.
PnnolilugHt the (iirUHou rliuMt
Sumlftjf moruloK by IUv, IK V, ISiltun
lo hihI t the jjnunl humr !i;r'
iMiifi'rrol nt lit o-m hmiw to ulntit
IttMlfoM eon!, clotl), soil tiov
lty tlrw twttvnw Jut nwlml l
Slo'lloy Vsiuluyu's.
Conrstl Moultoit's rvhibmlt hw
olnlty (ximny will tx hwrv tu'Xt Mw
dy sml TutDHlny night.
lVtr Cwk, f Portlftiul, w lit town
tkd'vt Am thl wt-k. 11 talk of
muvlnjt Uok to lixlon'inl.'niv,
Th low nrhvs nu tovn tit It, M
Vih 3t tVs hotiM will urirUt you
Vy ilown lowrr than pvi-r hfforo.
lii'Ull tll 10'W Wtlltf ltollot'Kil.on th
fourth mk of thl wtik' twins mo)
re vvhrti will .xu arrive In tiulqvn
A thonuiKh xHliton of
work of th A. K. I.t). I'.Mlll ikIvu
to-nlalit st tin? oimw hiu lKn't full
to It.
The boat ' company wntwnplalw
a lnv- ttnli-r tt lmrf nt thb
t lace soon, tiood; a much-needed m
lUv. I. IVart will pwteh In the
Kvangidleal ehureh lit tli'u ully, liMt
Siuitlny morning and vvvnliig. All
are cordially Ittvltl,
Hev. J. W. (Wlmrno will hld
Mb morning and evening nt thMera
hmim In Mommaith next 3undtiy
All arc In v lied to I prewtit.
The Utttom has fallen out of price
on every) Id ng at the dd staiul of U1
man ft Unity, w here It. M. Wndo A
t o, have the larttod. t'K;k of every
thing hi their liim.
J. F. O'lKmuell's Uantimi tlguml
curtains In the front window of hi
new builiM'- hou'W are certainly the
mt altmi'tlve In the tow n. The dc-
nlgns tainMil uHn them are very ar-
"When he saw the enemy coming he
turned and ran. I cull that coward.
lew," "Nut ut all, He renimtred thut
the earth Is round, and he Intended to
run around and altwk the enemy from
the rear."
The aiiuiiiil -1iimI itteetliig of dUtrlrt
No. 21 w ill le held at the seltootliiiiiw
on the Till of Man-It, at 7 o'clock p in ,
for the purH of elwiliig one director
atidM'hHl clerk Ik.ti't forge) thethile
Prlcn-sof adudssion to the exposition
of the A. K. 1. 1. I. workings to-nlsht,
at the oiiera hotuc, an general ailiuis-
iun, .V. cents; gallery S"i tvnts; nwved
iili, 80 cent. Tickets on sale at I'ut-
temn' drug store.
Iloru to the wife of J. I, ltogers, at
McMlunvllle, lal wwk, a I')". This
makes our friend, liev. A J. HuiinnUer,
of this city, grandfather another lime.
Mr. Hunsaker Is now at McMiuuvillc
on a vllt to bertlaiiKhter,
The result of tlie Irlul of Miss Agnes
Deuiimu vs. V. K. (r,m'y,chalnimn of
school directors, Is-fore Kupt. Iteyuolds
last week, was decided ill Mission
mull's favor. We learn Unit an nptxitl
will be tukeii to State Hupt. Mcl;iny.
There will I a shooting match given
by F. N. Hinlth, at Ia-wIsvIIIc, f..r lst f
and turkeys, on the 1st day of March
There will be several iilmrods from
abroad, and tho Folk-county boys will
have to do their best shooting If they
win any prizes.
Women who sillier from nervous and
physical debility find great help in the
use of Ayer's .SarHitparilla. it produces
tho rapid elt'cct of a stimulant, without
reaction the result being periniuii'iit
Increase of strsuuth and vltror, both of
in I nd and body.
People tniuhlcd with sick and ner
vous headaches will fl nd a most clllrii-
cloiis remedy in Ayer's Cntlmrtio rills.
They strengthen the stomuch, stimu
late the liver, restore healthy action to
the digestive organs, and thus nlliird
speedy and s?rinnneiit relief.
"Now, Willie," said limuiinil, "I
want you to keep very quiet. I don 't
want you to sr.y a word all through
dinner." "Ve'y well, mitmmn," rw
turned Willie. "Ou'y I link you ought
to help by glvin' my motif plenty of
flngs to cat, so's to keep It busy,
per louiifi jyitpw.
Iter. A. F, liott, pastor of tho Presbyte
rian church of this city, preiichfld an ex
cellent w;rinoii last Sunday In memory
ofltev.C. H. Spiirgcon. Ho showed
the striking si riiiliirlty Utween Appol-
lisi, of tho New TeHtiiment, and the
great English divine. All Christen
dom Is paying honor to ids memory.
ItoV, 0. C. Poling, presiding elder of
Orciron district, Oregon confenuice, of
the Kvangeilcul church, will hold his
lust quarterly rncctlng for this confer
ence year of Dallas mission, in Grace
church. Dallas, on the evenings of
Murcli 1st and 2d. Services at 7 o'clock
in. The public Is cordially Invited.
A programme of song and recitation
will be given at tho Christian church
on this coming Sunday evening, by
the Evangelical society. Tho pnstor
will deliver a short historical sketch of
the Institution of learning Iwulcd at
LaFuyette. In connection with the
Instrumental and vocal selections, Miss
Alia Estcs will sing a solo, untitled
Only Tired."
"In buying a cough medicine for
children," says H. A. Walker, a prom
inent druggist of Ogdcn, Utah, "never
be afraid to buy Chamlsjiiiiln's Cough
Itcmedy. There Is no danger from It,
and relief Is always sure to follow. I
particularly recommend Chamberlain's
bccmiHe I have found it to be sale turn
relluble. Fifty-cent bottles for sale by
all mcdiiiued'calcrs.
ThiAeiip.year hull given by several
of the ladles of ImlcH'lldctieo In the
opera mie ( Moiidsy iiIhIiI, Ilia
aniilvcrsafy of Whtiigtoii's blrthduy,
wnulle Inrgoly attended, and Bit en
joyable ilni.i was hud by all present,
tlood orler was ttiiitiitnlueil and excel
lent niude furnished, A line supier
wsiKcrvedal tiltisou'i resiatiraut. for
the occasion, iif whkit all pitrbsik to
their liil 'a content.
Th service id the ltptlt church
last HobUith were Ittnux'swlve, Two
gtssl sermons wercprcacheil by the as.
siKiiilii editor of the iSu' feiiW,
and bin address to the young (s'ophi at
3 u' clock p, in,, ought to have been
hoard by every one. During his vWt
here lie ivix-lved twenty-one new suli
avrlU'i to the ppr, thus show lug our
Istiiile to l a reading iwoile. We
y, valine agalu Uto, Sullivan.
"Illilepeudeuee has utilwcrltsHl Ituhile
rittw) lowanl a county flr. IiidcNitt
leiuv and Polk county t wllviv
Mlmtty should Uv l.litn county I one
itflhe lct lu the state; we have larger
grotmd and l-l Imek, Why not we
have a fair tient fall,' .Itfwio.v '
eow, we are giati to say oini we
have but few Mleawbcra In Jnden.
teiieeaiid Polk ciuniy. Our siple
don't watt for something to turn up. ll.ll Mulv.
U, P. 1 lull lm moved to bl farm tit
Morrow county.
I'he general health of the commu
nity I exwllelit.
liev. .', V, Poling will hold quarterly
meeting here next Satimlny and Sun
Hmndpo, l Vk. l U very weak and
feeble and Is not expected to live bid a
short lime.
Mr. Handle, of Dallas, mevt.llo
town btsi wvk with Ida family, We
are glad to welcome lilm to our com
munity. Hev. IVart Is still with us, luiHirtng
fr the k"mI of our community. There
have leti 'Vend eonverlons, , The
iiirt'llo will cl Friday cwiilng.
Mr. and Mrs, Iv It. Jeter go to Mi
Mliiuvitle to d.ty ttud several days
wiih their .iittiijliti'r Claw. Net Moti
lity Mr. Jeter to i'oitlaod to lay
lu a supply oririug(oiHi.
The farmers are boy plowing and
newlng, and the hop men are busy
working their yard. The acreage 111
be largely lnereaed IbU year.
w ill have more to iy atsiut that Inter.
Jrtin Alexander cuoe Into our of-
tht ye!crduy, and after tnaMmtU hl
tebtr ft another year, mild Hint lie
had put In forty acre of itraiti In thcj
l.iM uusoU Mr. Ali xao.i. r l a
farmer of tbe gHil:;d kind.
Charley Moore's tmiu look a pln
totlttd town today, W libit rvstlltnl
rioifty. Charley ! iiK'vlug .and
liml a lomt or liuetioia KiMHiii, w lieu
llitf team mil away, leaking tln wag-
ill up twdly, and trea.iiB the fortd-
lire mul a iixiK niovej 8l ertppM O one
tw very ldty.
nil; run AU I Vlll'N.
Imimrtianl Mvttu llM, sn.l Ar-
Vn almrned uuvtliig of tlie district
fnir HwvM'Uitioii was laid tit the epera
ous-, on Saturday, the "joth lilt .
J. W, Kirktaiid, as cliiilruiiin, called
lite meeting to order.
M. Merwln, as chairman ol the com
mittee on stlliwriptloii of stuck, litaile
tttmther n-port, to the elfei t that IIh;
eoinmltt'-e w ere luet-tlog w till ucom.
nd tliey now hod live hundri-d and
tlfly-thnw Shan's suliwrltwd.
ihn folouin,( rcinloii wus lltell
ir. rd by Mr. Merwln:
..Wrr.f. That J. W, Kirkliuid, It.
D. iHHHr, Win. Divllui, I. S.Siutli.
Holotuoll Slump, A. ion, W. I..
llliiuiis, ami l. A. liiiren, 00 ap
Minleil as a committee to incorporate
ic ttwrlcl tuir aM iiition, oiitt iimi
old committee I utruct.d to innkn
liecnnital otoek of said eoriN.riiiioii
12,11, with imwer to iiicream. at any
time, and that the .luires U- lUacnl at
the pur value of Hi each, ami the prln
clil plats, of lilminewt of wild Corpora
lion to be In lmlt-itileiic,
Tho rtssdutloii Wits lliiimllilourily
Ou motion, a committee cotisixting
of the following ierson w hs appointed
by the chair, wiioe duty It was to sur
vey mid grade the race trai-k: K. D.
CisiH.r, W. W. l'erclvat, I. J. Morris,
H. HU-xchborg, W. Williams, ('.Van
Mcer, and I Ihiuimi.
On motion of H. Iliiwiils rg, the
name of J. W. Klrklitnd was ad'led to
the committee alsive named.
The chair was liintriictcd to notify
tht? stock breeders' association that the
tlmesi't by them In I heir circuit fur In
dependence would I' Hurt-cable to this
On motion, the persons natnetl to
prepare articles of Incorporation, logi-th
cr with the secniary, wercpsilnlcd to
prepare tha constitution and by-laws,
lu motion, the committee ou incor
poration was Instructed to have the ar
ticles of Incorporation piovldo for not
lc thitti fifteen illreclors,
On motion, It wiis il.-clilcil to tiuiiie
this corporation the Polk County Dis
trict Fair AsMsiailoii.
Itemarks w ere made by several per
sons In the way of suggestions, after
which the meeting adjourned,
eiiia iii'wioit, too.
The readers of this piqicr will lie
plotted to lcai'll that there Is at IcuhI
one dreaded iIIhcuhc (Ii it science luut
Is'cn alio to cure In all lis stages, and
that Is catarrh. J lull's t 'alarrh ( 'tire, Is
lint only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Calarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional trcaluictit. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
upon tliti blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient, strength by building up
the constitution and assist ing nat ure In
doing Its work, Tho propiiclore have
so much faith In Its curative powers,
that they oiler one hundred dollars for
any case that It falls to euro. Bond for
list of testimonials,
Address, F.J, CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
BtaTSold by (ill druggists, 7fi0.
A l.lulit-Di'.tft Slimmer JMitkea a 8110
fiflftil Trliil., Or., Feb. 22,-iiio steamer
It. C. Voting imidu a successful trial tin
the liver vestordav. This III tie craft
draws a scant twelve Inches, anil can
carry scvcnlyllva tons, Her route,
will' lai from Salem to 'Eugene, con
necting hero with the Elvvood. Jtls
tho Intention to run all season. She
Mr. It. M. Csiper,of I'aslern Ontgoti,
is now In our city,
Mix. 1 1, Vim Noit wick ami Mrs.
Doruslfe gave our ultlce a pleasant tiall
yiwteniuy uneriusm,
W. if. I .in., ui.d ruoille f,.luriill,M,rn, "'
front libation last week. Will think
tht I a goisl enough place for him.
M Iss Fred. Stout, of NwitrL who
visiting In Monmouth, gave tha Wwet
Sii.Kom.-ea pleasant call tin Thursday
Jlurt Kutiam Mil rued fnun e few
days' vll to his mniils tu Albany last
Saturday, He report that city
Mug quite lively.
Mr, Ked llusendorf returned from
Suit Francisco last Monday. HI uew
giMH am now arriving, and the rush
to til store Is quite perceptible,
Mls Alice MscauUy, of the millinery
(1 rut of Macauuty A Hobertsou, wut
l IS) land last Friday to atteud the
"opening" which commenced Mouday,
She will las alssmt alsiut two week,
liev. Frank l Sullivan, iMwaiaU ed-
ltoroftlu!We7oj.rf,ssiit a ftw
lavs lit our cltv. lcavltitf for Corva Ills
' ...
ou lWIuvofltil. wwk. He Is hluhlv
pleaMxl with bis visit, tbe people, and
what he saw of the surroiiudlngeoun-
M,-. W 1' t'L.rk of IHmI... iMr of
Mr. F. A. Patterson, uf Indepeiideni,
rr vui,.K,v.m.vw .....,..
ulhlseliythlswwk, MIssHatUe is
the misit lliorotigli buionewiUi,,,,, mT erected ber. and issisibl J
young ia.ii. iii tne
J. Ii. siorrison, or ihmi, was in our
omee yeswmay sou. Mmm ih m
...,-....-... . . 1 1 ... -
or ma wora in itrawing jus on ami
.... .111....1..... .11.11. .
,-.,. ""-"""
llil- iimii, lu e,r, J iwiMoiwt wi, wMi-
. , . . ... . . I
soy w no may comempiaie nniioum
. , 11.11 ...
will save moiM'y by giving him a call aud wife relumed
from their two nioiitbs' vWt to Southern
Calllortiia Inst Friday. They pent
mt of their lime at Santa Barbara, as
Mrs Madison' health would not permit
tliein to travel a great ileal. Mr. Madl
on tell ns that durtnir the whole
winter tit. In I tin orenelil time llirv I
... . . 1
have bad only three small shower In
that caintry
, slid a mrl or me lime
it wn. eveu uncomfortably warm.
W, O. Crw.y, of Newport, was vWll-
log reliiiivc ami frtemls In Indcpeii-
deuce the nrt of the week, were
the nvlpteulsof a pbiotatit call Tuce-
dityiornltig ami had quite a lengthy
iimi with him He said that the new
hunt to ply the hay betwecu Vaqulna
i'liv unit NeutKirl wniilil sot.U be Ull-
der wv of c..utructloit aud would t
.,....,.. t,d in al-ut elhty day. It
will ttt IT.tMi r ,. ami will make
the trip In liif twelve minutes, Tlie
tiitnie of tbe hew lt will probably I
"Newisirt'althougli they have
yet fully decided ou Jhe nanw.
1.1 rri ri4.a
TucamtAV. 'isruary l,- t. B, Uat, I""!.
ImhI) II. J, IHirltat.ili J, I', a, Smllh.
hirltttu.1, A. J. IttK.Us, IHwilaiitti A. tl.
Kit..l. Iittlnli lorn Sijiur. IWIUnd.
w, I. ttrjeoij imiimi A, , faiiwi, njr;
, n.jamiwn.Aaoij'ta. jrman. nawto.
K., 1,1, H A tl. S.nrr. fhL I
.. . .. . . . i , ..... m .
ei it A. II.Mwru.a, A. u llruwn, turn I
...,i.., uBi.r iwuudt w. 11.
t,e mmjiwrty. i,i.iat r.u. o.ii, Ab.
t)f.i-. w iMti.i n. in w in, ,.meB 1 117.
HAreseAV, robrtiary at, r, 11. Illshy sad
ld, Iv.rllnixl. W, II, lta nu.nit, Curilatnti C.
II, I ..rtrr , irtlint,t; II. H, riatify, IVrryilalBj
J. A. Wn., Uim VUlat J. U. TonulrltRe,
IWvallUiUW. (',1114111, Iw.Uti.l, C1U.1 A. A.
!t, t'lia .'itr, rlljr,
M. .!. rDt'Iiiarji l,lt,i. Weir, A.M.
Urol. IVtftlaiHl; I. I'. M.rtt,, -u)rallup,, II. A, WiiilMiy. Hau KhtcU! J, A.
Vrtim, Itttriia V lalai J. tlaniliU, W, It llnatn,
j. A. lUaitt, f, K. IU.kaltii!li. tialvmi J. I.
l..,TlIHIi 4. Van Mtlrr, tillai till,
linwil.M. f. It. It,i W.O. Kcaiiub'.ellyi II.
A.l'srr. l-arSam.
Tt lAV, riiary IR-Julia lut, (Vs-trat.
ti.. II. . . . .. ..... VI .,, .. L.ll. . . 1
n. i.i.Tt.i.iiJiit..4.'tiiy, ii. w.Krar.tsu.
r?m-lZ?L,f ,w. ...Huitui, J,
M.Hi y, I'orilsndi II, t. Kahla, K. II. MoT-1, llli II. K.Sinllti, twnorlllsi f.
h'Svll, .'an. Tul'.Hl, Fnuik Milter, Mon
titouilit T. I- M, :-.lit"i. sad tf, CiutloUi
II. tin kiti.ti, Huli'in.
A t'amtnuHlraltoti.
I,isti.i.s, February 1, li2.
Eto rtiH Wasr Sihb: We are at the
ext reme Nortbeaslern part of the eouii
ty aud have never heretofore dt iiinndod
nityofllce from the cltlxctis of Polk
count v. We have ever been loyal to
principle and voted our jmrty ticket
,.. ... . , '. ,
WIU10111 rewtirti, or reyiunt, j v
we think ourselves entitled to a fair
share of county offices, a thing which
hit been denied us In the past. It Is I
true tlfe DeiiiiM ratlc party owi-s no man
anything. It is bused upon tho great-
est g'"l to the greatest numlsr, and
recogules only merit nnd proiHT qual-
Went km of lis candidates far the varl-1
...... .1,1.... f..M ...1, 1. ,1k II, ..U I.C, ,.kt.,l.l
tinted. With this oljcct in view, I
111, . ,. r,i,, v,v .v ...-1
p!me In nomination for the position of
clerk of Polk county, J. 1). Purvltie.
.. . t .1 ... r. .... I
nets a young man, raisuu ill iui I
county, and comes of giMsl old Andrew
Jackson stis k, who try to know the
rignt, unit Knowing, tutro maintain iu
1 111 mis no siiisrior 111 ciencni auiuty in
a I .. 1.. I .1 I I III... I..
Polk county, is honest and honorable,
unit the clerical interests or 1110 county,
If placed III bis hands, would uotsiillcr.
Ilting farmer himself, he understands
the farmers' needs, and would be found
ul Ids tilllce ten hours a day, attending
0 the farmers' wants. The word hw
,. ,. ., . .. , , ...
gone fortli that the town rings must
go, and this being a county of farms,
It ought to go, Fellow-farmers, break
the present combination and place
some responsible farmer In every office
In the county and you will see the
cheap levies of fanner year again In
augurated In J'olk county. Will you
do ho, or he tools of a ring us before?
Hl'ltlNO Vam-ry,
Tuilclior'n Axaix'lillloil,
Progninimo for Polk County Teach
ers' Association, to bo held at Indepen
dence, February 27, Ml!:
Opening address, Prof, MoAdams,
Class drill, Miss N. Cariialian.
What should be taught outside of
text books, Prof, R. L. JMurphy.
Psychology, Pre, P. L. Campbell.
Each teacher to ask two questions
upon tho same subject.
lnlcrsS)i'Hed with music, and recita
tions. Luna ti. mrrum, Secretary.
Misses Tutliill, Hinlth, and Mr. 0. A.
Hliiioutou, oommittco.
r " ; ..,,...,.
Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. I
rtMiu umiersiamis ins proicwiou, eunipuwer ww vigut r"o Horm. ioui
Moawsstll Ruls.
What shall we say of MonniotiUiTl
I W will say that tieratar uf pfogresi
t shlneabrltthtoriiid briirhter day
I y. IIuImc M foo MllaiM
" iimijoi u wi
w. J.Mulkej.ouranterpriaiug nter-
tcr our mug attaca orawaneai,
la . ,ww'" Ul mriJ m"V m
" ""'l0 " "l' "TT -
- past rour or nve wm. my a lace
looked aa
11,-l,oit,n., r..P n,. . no ab,rs
Miming h w-.oaiooinmuiiiiy. t. v, nuaisr, wibwi ' -
urn iw A
w ill not I- lone bsfare our friend,
ll-M..u AI.......I... UH. ....
ortmenl of dru and nasllolnea In
and then Monmouth will be aupplled
with Mteh ooninioditlea lit abundance.
ll.rlev .,o. h,.,,i lliune. VUta.
where for sii Unit he had been tn
LBttwi 0 tlt mm busluesa.
Kuaene Catlnm la UtI on hand,
ready to nrmuote tha oomi.letlou
any enteriirls that will prove
advantage to tliaclty. Kugene will
I ....
levetitua v be thaarc t teet of an
I Immeinw fortuiu,. Kara 'a our aaap.Ku
I geue; shake.
Hlmw Uie cniiipletion of the new
I hotel here, traveler And a nleasallt
nUiofrLand where boefd md
I refnwhnwnbj are supplied them to their
OnlastWedneadayweealled nt tbe
b. n. whitman, who suit reside 10
Monmouth, put up Has fir blacksmith
i "
tlut flrst In the wuinty. lt also started
1 ine nrsi aaw-niiti var run in louepsn
I .1 , . . ... I... .1..
wnn, t wmm v,
1 iihiKii jui at wie uvo m w unifii luwiwuu vu utiwnn, now
1 1...... 1. ..i. t, iu.a. .. ti..,.lri.n.i.i i.u xi. ui.. iuui
; "T" -
wi wwh ,u .fvnH,, . wwir
,1. 1.,. . J, I. . V....
1 .1. t ...,..... . a ... j .. . .
leiuseusoi iniiewnueuen, uu jrou ktiiwsuu pnivwioiw, nan auminisierea 10
I any dirfl-rence In your city, miiaiiug
that time wltli th pnveut If you
not lite change, Iniagtu what Imie -
pciidciice will b In twenty-five year
lawyer of Albany, was In town this
ww on 01 Winer, ill
name has been mentioned In oniineo -
t .... . ..
tlon with th nomination ft oongrea.
on me lu-puoiuwu ueaet ror inw ms-
triet, but we believe htha no very
ardent aspiration In that dlrectiou,
but Is willing to again accord that
honor Io Hlitger Hertnano. Y, ou
tdf, Uiotiith a Deiuonral, tklsk Umi
if the Republican hav a majority in
Hie district, no better man among
tticiii than Blnger Hermann own be
elected. Our own Individual prefer-
e,",e I"o'rat,far lb nouilnatlon
ta. J- " berfd, of AHny.
Talking with William Ftiqua,Tbur.
day morning, w Inquired euucerolng
1.1. nauner'. health, Althmigb having
l.ttn I net! to th an of elir lit v-vtn
I - "
mi. .i,..iin nu,v. .in.i .i.,.,i i.l
ft..ilw r..U.l I.....U tu. ...... n.,m.
' ". J I--.-
that emits her heuee to that abo.1
where the toll of life
for tver-
Wt visited Ui Stat Normal School
; last week and wer received cordially
by Professor Cmpbll,and were shows
ttie various ticpsrtuieul or the school.
..... ! .. . ......
AU SAwiiMon to tn cnooi oiiiuiiiig
, , ..... ...
Iim become a matter of iieceseity. W
Io stepd Into th public achooL
profe-.r Murphy ami students seemed
active aud attentiv to tlielr dutlc.
Don't forget that th public school I
w her the foundation Is laid for higher
.. . ..
P.O.Murray ha engaged In th
tiaktry business a well as conducting
til ooiifectlonery tnule, lie contein-
platiw otamlugup a new tore,'probably
In II,. l.rl.l. I,l,.,b VM.I.w ll.. lull.
be added hi nam to the sulacrlptlon
11. 1 r,i.. U' u,... I
.... v. ...... . t 1
. ... . . .. I
Mr. Orluuold. formerly of Ha Islon.
Polk count v. ha moved lo afonmouth. I
and will probably engage In tbe black-
W.M. Hoots W week Umght two
- ' I
Iota adjoining th WsterhiHia prop-
erty. Ho will engage In tbe same
kind of business.
Luther 0 rounds 1 putting up a tin
hop aiolnlng hi hardware store.
He hi determlued to make thing
Charles I-anklreols buildings new
home residence.
joun Moran,:me real estate man of
Monmouth, reporu, two- aaleef of prop-
I oeoe
erty for last week. Truly Monmouth
.iiiiog quuea cnier 01 atirac
Mr. Hockley, the livery man, reports
ousiness in litti mis improving.
The litllo son of Selby Irelaud, who
had bis leg broken some ten day ago,
Is In a flue way far a full restoration
of the broken limb to soundness,
We stepped Into the
offloe of tb.
lay, and Vers
'....(. tL....... , ..
.t or 11 ir. .1 j TiHirFim i ruiitv. iiu were I
kindly received by Mr. Bunoe.'who was I
Uislly engiigtHl in seeing to the Issue of
the third number of his paper. Prog.
... ...... .71
rese Is the WStCllWOW Of AlouniOUth.
and oliaervatlon shows conclusively
tlint her destiny must be onward aud
j(,,.n Moriin i... . i..,,. mltr un.
glvluga dsccrlDtlon of lands hs liss 1
to dispose of.
James (llbson, president of the
Willamette Real-Estate Company, was
around town two or three days lost
wm.k, showing to would-be purchasers
lots he has at his disposal.
Six-weeks' plowing among the
fanners has placed them In advance of
most former years for their spring
Tho prospects for Polk county at 11..,.. an. hriniiN.. ii...;-. n.., i,.
boon at any fanner period In her mg.
. .
The aUKiklioldon of His 1'tilH County Dli.
trim Fair AnsooluUnn will holds meotlnj
st ins epora hoii" In Imuip.ndnae,Monday,
Msruh aHth, wta, st 9 o'clock p. m., for tlm
ptiriHuoof (.ItMilliigt board of dlraeton, and
tu trammel mich other biiilness as may oouie
beftira His meeting.
J. W. Klrklsnd, M. A. Buroh, It. I). Cooper,
I. . Mtiinip, W. K, Williams, A. Nelsua, W.
M, Davltlwin, IiiMiriwroUirs, '
Indi)pndtmo,Or,,riib, 3.1, lsw.
Having Incorporated our business
with It. M. Wnde dt Co., It becomes
necessary that we should close our old
books AT ONCE, All ixirsous Indebted
to us for the year 1801, will please call I
and settle cither by cash or note.
iioodman a Douty.
. -
fin ll,M 1a il Immiimvw itiiUm
I u tt.H,4Li h turn
by ;.,ii ...a. r .l- ti t bi.-ii
s,, orwon, Iwvln; twnihae!
' lake's Interest In tht busluea.
I Nliellev la no stramrsr to tht older
Uooofour ninuulty, as lie pmlJvmmnummimiMm'iiiuygM th membership
th greater part of I
immediate vicinity or innepeuaonce.
T. um "OU0"mQ w twmn T'rl ZZluZL 1 . .r ' V, ""7. '
- wwaewaw mwim aw, wi
iUr to make bis personality roil in
Inwuits-rof thsflrm, Uonairf our beat- rMwn' VWa, Motiinoulh, and
known eitlanna. and a swnUeman ofl"vr prwincts, lro Townseud was
n I w.II.uIiIImIimI monl and buatiiaaa
tetrlty. He ha had iiswlat training
u. In iiluuniuw U.n nartoliAnd dru.
It. fist, and waa ediHwted At lb. Western
: IT . - . . .
Industrial University, of Arkansas.
Abram . Icke U n Oregonlan
birth and eduction. This Outnmuultv
- ba known htm from but boyhood
I manhood, audit! personal record
I bit best luMaisirt. 11 needs no word
of of recotnmeudatlon from u. Mr.
of Lockeeipeoui to engage In bualneaa
I again In Independence In the near ft.
I. . . . . .
lure. Ana w can safely say. Itiai
- 1 whatever Hue of bunea be mav en
gaga til patron will always find him
smitOs arid courts. ami a man of uo-
wervlng Integrity. He la reliable and
I WlslWorUiy, and Uial I all
I necesjiary to aay of any man.
mreor 1. w. mux, ana tnenrwiiung
that attracted our attention was Uie
I mlHnsr countenance of our old friend.
I J. I). Irvine, Cteub bad wlmig been
- 1 pernianem nature were, uiat w nai
,,wntm u, u. u-m w
I .1..,. A....t.-w tl., 1.. .A
7n 1L7 LuZl'ZTJ .uZ,:
.iuii.iu wih, momn im.wiiuv p.,
I .1.. ... . I
uie "iiw waui m uieuneui grocer
11 ..... . t t ..... tui... . . .
thnsj want wilb undevlating udg-
mwil and care. The protaxblUtltsi are
ltisitepti will continue among wand
Uiigsg Inaonte line of buslnesa. W
bop and trust that such la hi lnteu
tlon. Tlie fact I, tliat we cannot do
wunoui uepli. Stiouid Ui beam of
I I 1.1.1 M..II..1..M 1.1. ...I......
" o... wuwu
l1 obmmrl, the ttreet of Iudepen
(," PI"' gloomy Indeed.
"-, ,.., . ""
somewhat fwm Impaired heeJib, wlU
I ""P' ' '. w K
"7 01 rwreauou reetore nun to
: , u - t.: tvasar -i. -i..a:s
t''-w a itu.-4in lost saouetn
momma;, reiwuary si, tmis, air.
If. MM. XI f - ... 1... I . ... u U. ... .. I
J UTUietirmi
o-f, mum jnuiuv . jiowbtu.
1. . i .. .
The cerviuony took place In the par-
- u, J ,n t 'u
1 -"" -ww "J I
I .,.. MM . . . I
,WY- r ' i rum van. i lie ooiiiract-1
. ... .
p oiau rauuenia 01 roia
r"' w !. favorably
anown. 1 n vt kst bid a wianee uiem
much bapplnesa,
SHANK. in thl city, Sunday morn
- KebruarvJI lHtl" ailo'ektek
" ""l " O ClOCa,
Mrs. Emma Shank, wife of Samuel
Shank, of lagrlinw. Ajred g7yr.
10 mouths, snd Id days.
Mrs. Hbankwaaan Invalid fura num.
hnr of vmm. )...rin. .11 Mii.m. ..i
wtu,outa murmur, until she wu m.
unVMl r l,r ...rr.ri,,. l, . ..
-.w.w -v-
tack of la grippe which hastened her
death. She leaves a kind and devoted
husband, aud two daughters, fifteen
and twelve year of age, to mourn her
untimely lusa, Slie was married to
U Uh.nV In lk.l.. L -
maiden name Uing Bruuk. Tliey
i. . i.t...... ..e t...i,
.... v m ....... ..M v, mupwiiuoiM
... . , . .. a . . . .
sevenu years, ana ner many menu
o' be grieved to learn of ber death,
fv. Bonnell, of Monmouth, preached
the fuueral In th Christian church last
lotttln o'clock, when
, . . ..... ..
the remain were taken to the Kick re-
all cemetery far Interment, where the
concluding ceremonies were held. Mav
shs rent tn peace until
I.. J .,
His trumpet call shall awaken
all 'at
Uie resurrection morn.
Itoekl.a'l Aralaa Salve,
Ilia best alve In the world for cuts,
brulaoe. sore, ulcers, salt rheum. Atvnr
-ire, udter. ehamssl hand. hiii,ii.
Urns, and all k n enmtlon; and nosll
uvlv mnm ..m d. I10 . v ...1.
u guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money n.funded. Price, 25
cent per ox. For sal by any drug-
MsoMbllaaa MUn(,
Dallas, Ortgon, February 16, 1802
KnmiH Wiatr Hmie- Tl, ltfc
rtrtlllif W TIatllli1ltan Aanieal noimlli.u.
will meet at the courthouse In Delia.
on Saturday, Mah 6th, for th. pu
ml suliimav. March ami. n,r tl.a nun.
man nf iranauetlmr an. h.i,.. 11..1
mav nronorly come before tlie moetlmr
UniUn Horn of hnldlnir r,intv
Iventlon. annorlionlmr du eimt tn lh
Um fnim tha several nmntnei. m.
The following persons are the commit-
Ii.m..n: n. V. Ifamntn. H.11 rWa.
C. 0. Doughty. Dallas: It. Shellev. In-
4,l"JSI,0s,i.W' i Vsutwll, Jl;.wort;
A. B. Chandler, Jackson; P. O. Mo-1
Mnoh, Spring Vslley; J, H. Hawlcv.
a. lk n in' n .. ' I
Mouoy: w, w.uiiuns, Puver: 0. v.
Gibson. Kola; B. B. Branson, Douglas;
u. a. woivcrton, iiiicKtamute; A. J.
Klcliardson, Buena Vista; II. C. Fox,
Dixie; VhTw! Tffif5;
J., Chalrmi
C. C. Doughty, Hooretary.
All those indebted to me will find
my books with H. M. Lines for settle
ment Please call and settle at once.
ah acoounw not somioo on or ifore
the nwt f Mah, 18fa, will be placed
l flia ltttl.fl. nr . A.,ll,u.,r..
Ill the bauds of a collector.
This Is positively the lost notice that
we shall give to those owing us to oome
ror want ana settle by tlie iiikl or March,
181)2; and those falling to do this will
have to settle with our attorney. The
books can be found at Duster A Bhel-
ley's drug store.
... .
A. 8. IiOTKK.
Itulcpciidonce, Feb. 18, 181)2, 15 4t
Whsa Baby was slok, w gav kr Cattorla.
Whsa sh wa Child, ah orlad for Outorla.
Whan (he bsoains Hln, ih olunj to OMtorla.
When b bad Oblldran, sin gsre tbem Caitorla,
On this bwauUful day, tlie Zid of
Feb -
nnu twu9 theelUaensofDalliia are mov.
lug about with elastic step, The town
Mr. l,!,v wllull,' lum rf lllrf
nor - we aiwmiea ui meeting or
-f .
- ; 7 "7
in - 1 i reprimmt Iluci.a VUta, J. J,
Wllhaina, Buver, and Stephen Htaata,
MonttloUtll. The aiqiolntlliotlt of
Oafc-giiW rnm lUe various procfnoU
I , i .i .... at. !.....
" " 01
by "J".r " " ' "
wgaNea a the last eleellon. Tlieap
to portjonuiciit mm made giving each
fa prednrt one kdgate for every ten
votca.and onevotefor the Iractlonal
,h nflfln of ten cast M V ebb. This
v M verlmw prediiet the follow-
mg n-proswiMiuon in me 1 01a omimy
I riatlniusfMl Im AfiM Hiil ltti Itiili.fUilldlofiiMi
- "i t,ana ""1"',"B " "UK'as.
4i Mi Uk, 8i Ml,r1" vlk,)r' 8i
Vlata, 5; LuckiamuU, lo;
McCoy, 8; Weal Dallas, 12; Kasl
y uum, io; jacawun, t, rxiia, 7; jjixic,
. .... .....
Monmoutn, 7; Buver, a; itrtilgeMrt,
. Tlie time act for the primary meet-
,0pi WM rUUy April Wh, at 2
A,llim)t. Th-iim- t. o,. ,.,,.i. ..
viitkn wmmm-t for Hutnrduv. th tsh
Lr i..rii . m..i.u.b m....
a .h.iimirH!i .n I. tn ...oiio.,
' IVI nHMU Mf V W j y wm-m?
1 u.,i wa k. tlmt we kmtt
1 . . . .
fidllng until IJeniocrallo orflulal take
poMon after th 1st Mouday In June.
17. ... ...
miml Wi-nwiant iu.ynoiai
,rftL.H of CamlUIate lor COUOtV
- 1 elork. He has clerical ability
M. I). Mil is talked of for sheriff,
tH T. Burcb la mentioned In cm nee
I Uou with th nomination for county
J, II. Townseud Esq. went to Hide-
isjndeoee to-day on buslmssi
laintngw nia proiuwumi.
I . ... II. . Uf...
Among uie auueeriuer 10 me vt kwi
Mum r'tten here to-day was J. B.
IMsger, of the Ialla hotel. He want
nisguesus to euowwoavw bi"k h
hD IVIk oounty.
I W met our old friend, 11 Glaze, who
bM tM.w n!i,Bllt 0f Dallas
m oue 0f iuo 0j ww.10rwN,
Uf the Democracy, aud he I now put-
ting on his armor for th approaching
battle. He with S, T. llinvh, walked
from the Blue mountain Into the
al,, in iwss, Thcv had Uvn to the
wlncs In that section of the country,
1 ,, !.... ,1.. .....I.. .ol
I lUDWWUtWUUUU. MtW W , ......
her will be all done thl week.
rah for the woolen mill. ,
W. G. Brown Is recoverinir front la
grlpt. Ill wife' mother, Mr Towu-
eud, eighty-two year of age, I quite
low. Her advanced age preciude
ntucn ni or ner nsnorauun w
WUIIanilGrant, son of Dvld Grant,
Davy, now deceased, settled uear here
In lhH. We often mis hi once-
familiar lace.
I Kvery member of the ceutrtd com-
M Uiat met here today was, I
believe, an enttiusiastio nieiui oi uov.
Pennoyer, as la 111 whole Democracy
haf Polkoountv.
The postmaster here Inform roe that
lb bualne of the oftlce has Increased
boul thirty -turee ana one-tut w js-r
during tlie iat year.
lr Towusend, from Perrydale,
Henucd. Uie commitu meeting lo-
day. lie auUcijuiUMS glorious victory
1 f,,r Ihn TV.tni.-mev
Our acoom modal lug county totJUmvlt.!v
rvu.1 i,. r.,iiuin ,.,.Htl.,n r 3 ourau ppnoa. &very
I . .. . r... ....
u hbwi,- uuibihiiuiiik
I ntnts, w,oiNi; delinquent taxea, f!i,w);
... j.,., . . I 1
"h In treasury, fa,); to be raised
from taxes tins year and now Uing
HecUHi;f, ceointy pur, Ha,l5Tf.
Tlie above Is given as approximately
correct. Tbe taxes now being col-
hvtcd, when fully paid, will come
HM,.nLiriii. II... mli.l, l.wli...r 111.,
1 "
We looked over tlie 'register of tho
Enterprise hotel, ami It Indicate an
increase in travel for the past mouth,
The sun 1 shining brightly to-day,
a !!" 1110 iie iv-..iuci at.te
. ... ..1.......1 .1.1..
hill atsiut Dallas look plesslug to the
M JT? ?J" 0! Vn".
eye as well a giving promise of a rich
tan(l , i.,,..
Now Try Thl.
It will cost you uothlng ami will
surely do you good, If you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest,
or lungs, in. iviug iew i.isw.vvrjr
foroatittumntioti. oouirhs, ftiulwUU, ia
u kM wJn7)
will Is, paid l?ck. St.rn.rer from id
grtpite found It Just
uuder ,li Us0 ,md "ix-wly 1 Pfect
recovery. Try a sample bottle at our
I..... ....1 ...trt...., 1
wus mm ietu en jfoiu-i.juv u
ffot' thing It Is. Trial bottle free at
ny drus 8to,u Largu s,i!0 5000,1,8
This is the Candidate af
ter he has taken the
Grand-Bumper degree.
Keep your eye on the goat
his evening at the Op
era House,
NiM mm (b o. a. v. .
Mr. Mutt, traveling secrsUy for tbe
International College Y. L C. A,, via.
I ted our school Wednesday Mid Tliora-
day of lost week. II organised two
association In oonneetloo with U
oollege, one for the young men and om
Frank Murch, of Oregon City. ibr
7. mw "tudo,t P"
a visit on Thursday of last week II
contomplatoa attending achool bere
Tlie glue club ha been reorganise!
for this term.
The choir now has a regular period.
and la conducted In the earn way a
i i o caoe arc e, pecuag llieir gun
I . i . . ...
iog very aoou
- I The ooa hundred eiul flft IJI.m
I worth of uew asiratus which waapur-
arrive, and the apparatus for tbe chem
Utry ehuat I already ttera.
Threejuolor will appear In ebapel
each rrlday thl term.
A number of the siudenU were fa
"Itrel the other
vored with a aerenade from nnknown
from tbe Monmouth
. n v u i .1 . - ..
7; . v. w? h nr eenTenuon
associauon in ue auue, new in
returned Monday. They report
vlng had a very entbiialtte meeting,
with near two hundred debar! from
I the different colWircaof tb suta. The
O. H. N. fi Awicl.Lion rril nrr th
1 - -
I banner for the knrest delentiotL
u Tha studeni. h r.f,i-l .h-
1 -
tounls club, which makes the third or
Iifaniied till sorluir.
1 e
The Khool choir will hereafter hav
song or two each week In Uie chape L
lite song ou Wednesday morning waa
appreciated, and showed the good work
b-iug done by th choir.
Salt salmon at Walker Bro.
Cox' gelatin at Walker Bros.1
All kluds of imrden naad mt Wi Ike
1 ouakeroata. ten cunt nor nuura
at iitee . pge
Fine line of hosiery at Bbelley A
i uuuyu .
rive uuis orrresU grocertea Just
celved at Est'.
Imported irlnirlianii and 1am
oueiiey vauduyn'a.
Just received at Walker Broa., abso
lutely pure Ohio maple syrup.
I. test tjie In bate and sprint-over-
coat at Shelley A Vauduvn1.
ew Home and White aewlne
machine at Whesler'a book store.
(io to T. W. EsUV for vmir flue
cookies, rcsh from the Portland bakery.
for tlie finest candles and confec
tionary In the city, call at P. C Patter.
do to Wheeler's and set one of Inne
White Labor cigars. OulyAo. Best In
low II.
P. C. Patterson always keep on
baud a fullsuuolv of Havana and Kv
inn uigari.
I A fine hue of owrden tool at R. W
's j store. Independence; tbe
wk of goowln uiosunty, and their
priove are alway rlghU
Try Strong's restaurant, Westaoott A
I U)..,tl..n 1. ...,.. ... , A
Ifw ln, proptietors, when In Salem.
"every way, weenie.
Those wishlnu to buv canned rood
by the case should call at Walker Bros.'
aud get their prices before buying ea
If you want an elecrant side-board.
hall-Uree, bwk-case, Becretary, chtffb.
..,. MJ, ... !,, L- I ..1..,.
. ainj , K- a-w
mm luuudry. Mr. Uoff, driver of th
Salem stage, will Uk It for you.
i"v oraers at in upper livery atani.
I PeOtde lust mOViOff to town will
1 eusuinier imiuHi wifn MniirtMv mna
I ,.. .1 .!.., . . "
guoumicnvvreu iree 01 coaxge.
A grtt reduction In Oliver plowa,
1 .liu. . ...I ...fLm t...,U k. . I.. . .
disc aud spring-tooth harrows
tv" jtodwS
are im.tortera, and make o.
at II. M. Wade
Remember we
ake our mica
Where do you buy your groceries and
provistonsr vuiy, at 1, w. JuMs'a;
"""I"' iu wwu. uu
iiiiimr 11 tin am
thlllir lllon Mint frrah OrHun. AIIju4
promptly aud goods delivered free on
short order.
If you are at all particular about the
wok or your collaw, cuttk, and shirt,
I ..... H,lll ......I ....... . . .1. t. t .... .
Lo.mtrv u i...r n,v .-in k. ,..n ..
- -.-j ... ... v.
uitli a ir liwtv Hubth that la
is elesanea
Iteelf. Price very low. Leave order
at the Salem stage barn.
There is no place In Oregon where a
better meal Is served than at the res
taurant of Westaoott A Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Courteous at
tention, a tine meal, and tbe popular
price of ir ceuts, have made thU
house the headquarters of everyone
who has occasion to dine In Salem.
- Think iHitivelv the last call io &I1
U Jt Lamh of a? attorS
for immediate collection. I will be
found at the Independence National
bank. Yours truly,
J. D. Invars,
Imlepradeno and Monmouth Motor Ua
Notlethirbr(lveaU)ths taxpavws
wh.s.l dlslrtot No, , llk county, inoii.
Hint the M'h.xil.uix or Haiti district lbr th
jviir lNfJ will liwiine dltnineat tin th ltta
duyofMnreltoraald year, and all tax ra
iiiittntiig dellntiiioiit sfiar said data will So
nliuwtl In tlielianttaorthe sliarltr tor tom
llon. TaxiH)-era will flud the dlatrlcl dark1
btintliiunrlcra at W. K. Uotslell't booUan.
alitsi, more on and after the Ud or Marah,
J. T. roan,
Clorkot District No..
There art- Al II1BTPD
tledinBa-UUAUl Cn
kercottbty, (Jre- AJJ II
ion, near what t
Ul II '
la now linker City
iiy, a rrUTHBV
1 man who has tinea LL.illUrlI
become tdentltied with the resource an
develonraentorthatcountrv. Thlatuaa
la no other than Mr. John Stewart, on of IB
wvalthieM and moat influential dUaeas la the
county. In a recent letter he aaya i "I had baaa
utlerlnff from pnini in my back and general kkt
ney complnint fur aome time, and bad sard auay
remeitiea without any but temporary rellaC Th
palm in tnv buck hnd become ao aevcrtthatlwaa
prevented from attending to my work aa sde
not more about without the u of a caaav Haa
hig, through a friend, of the wonderful ear a
fected by Ore(on Kltluey Tea, I waaladttetdllf
a box, and from that very first doae I (band tnataai
relief, and before uiing half the contents at the
boa the pains tn my back entirely dtaappearaaV
I have every faith in the virtue! of the Orayoo
Kidney Tea, and can cousctetitioualy recommend
1 to my rricuda, I would not be without It for
anything." ,
Oregon Kidney Ten curea backache, mcoati
nenre of t -ine, brit k duit sediment, burning or
painful mniwtion while ttrtnatinf, and all affec
tion, of the kltlnevor urinary organtuf eilheraea,
1 iaa.aaaaaaa