The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 26, 1892, Image 2

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-warn '
Vest Side Publishing Ccr.ipany
On Ymwp
tlt M n 111
XhrM Mom In
Atl mrrw nait wth wotl.v ml v,.v.
In flv llmw will t ilwrtol Ptv, All wrt
tv ItiM will h iplmnnHt tv win rwr Itnis
HuoMjf oliltimrv rwMliuton ltt Ih .-liaiKvil
kit ( Ui mi w Bvp r lm.
Ail-trw. tt !ttnmnlMilnn f.r tiitltiittin
T WwT 8ii, ml !" lt CimiMlatuf
tWl.terwl ftt Hi In lMil-wn
Lkt tUo city nmrslinl sh to it
that the Btrwts arOopt cloun.
Improve the county rotuU t
spring; uWt U till wlutor, luu
youcau't .
TitR Of?w, at (tinnta Fiuis,
coinea to ns this wwk iu flrst-duss
shape, Siuwss to 4 ho boys.
Tub KocJy Institute htm ntojotl
to Forest Grove. This work will
15 a great benefit to mankind. '
Evkuy person Itast wowlueatloiw,
ue which he iwoivest from others,
ami oue, more important, which he
gives himself. ,
Lkt not the necessities of tlie
Stat formal School Iks forgotten.
An addition to the building should
speedily be built to meet the re.
quireiuent of tlie students.
Tub Polk Omnia AVw h roou
to become all home print. We
rougratulute Bro. Ioughty upou
his enterprise. There is nuthing
wronjr alwut the (.fiVmr but its
politics. ' '
We w ill my all expenses of
vratudus and iostiii:e for our
holUtoy edition to your friends
East. It ia better than a hundred
letters. We only charge 5 cents
per copy.
Tub new presa of the (Vmitt
Timfi is turning out some fine
work. Bro. Bob u making oue
of the most readable county
papers in the state. We wish
the Time uubounded success.
M. Cil'liKK, Secretary of the
French Academy, pays the United
States the compliment of saying:
'Xo region on the glot hast wit
nessed such scientific discoveries
within the lust twenty five years
as have beeu made iu the United
THATOuce powerful institution,
the Louisiana lottery, will soon be
no, more. The statement is made
by John A. Morris, proiniueut in
the concern, that owing to the op
position in the state, they will
withdraw their application for a
Bro. I). M. Doty, of Dalian, in
a communication to the JVurAtm
I'royrcm last week, says that the
Prohibition party is the second
party, not the third paity. The
editor of the same paper, in the
same Issue, says that the Prohibi
tion party isthe third parly. Verily
they do not speak the same language,
and when they call for brick.they
take them mortar.
The .unpardonable stupidity
evinced by the Portland Dispatch a
few days since in criticising the
TelegranCt sensational article about
the "Cochnuie-Knight" affair,
while the columns of the DispaH
were reeking with the "Cot win"
scandal at .Salem at the same time,
was more than ordinary credulity
Hhould have imposed upon it. The
D'aqmkh man certainly deserves a
leather medal for consistency.
TtfEKEwasa gentleman taking
orders for groceries in town liist
week. Those groceries, were to
come from San Francisco or Port
land. We do not believe that our
citizens should patronize these for
eign retailers, and neglect patron
izing our homo people, all things
being equal. We are absolutely in
favor of giving our patronage, of
all kinds, to our home people who
have invested their labor and
money with uh.
The story that Speaker Crisp
came of a family of actors recalls
the fact that pretty Minnie Crisp,
the actress, who died at Helena,
Mont., on Christmas day, 1879, was
the speaker's niece. The Helena
Jndqwndvd says: Henry Crisp
was a famous theatrical manager
in his day. Ho had four children,
the present speaker, Henry Crisp
jr., now dead, and two daughters,
Jessie and Celia. Jessie's daughter
played under the name of Minnie
Crisp, and was tho wife of manager
French, now of the Park theater in
Portland. Her mother is still
alive. She played ingenue parts
In Sawtell's old stock company,
a member of which was Harry
Fiinery, now in Helena with his
his wife, Katie Putnam. He
remembers Minnie Crisp as an
actress of great promise and a
woman of charming personability.
8he was very popular with players
and public alike. She was but
twenty four years old at her death.
A couple of weeks since the pro
hibition club at, Monmouth was
addressed by l!ev. Mr. Bunnell,
and he began his remark iu these
In the United States of America
well ve three great political par
ties.' llrottt ago distmgulslu'H the
first, great achievements the see.
end, and great Ideas the tliiut. 1
stand Iteforo you this evening as
an advocate of tho third or prohi
bition party, ttot Ihwuiho of lis
great ago or Its groat achievements,
but because of the great ideas by
wlilvh it Is uistmuuislied, Even
our political enemies' admit our
claim to great Ideas, In fact, they
claim that our hit as tuts so trail'
soondeidly great that we never can
roaliro their iuUlUmont.
We presume that Mr. Bonnet)
refers to the Democrat to party us
the oue of "great ago," and in thic
he is certainly right, for the doe
it it e enunciite.l Uvday by .that
party began iu the house of J ulius
CVcsar. It was there that, the
Kaipt r r's daughter suggested
division of ruling power, and it
was then that the first triumvirate
was formed and absolute monarchy
turned its luce towiuas wnat mc
eiyoy to-day as tho great Ikmui ol
civilisation, a republican form ol
government, with its comer stone.
Democracy. A woman's brain
and heart evolved the great idea
of the Democratic party, and hence
no oue can iruinsny our claim ol
Mug ancient and right. That the
Republican party is one of "great
achievements'' we will not deny,
But that the Prohibition party h
one of " ideas'' is a projHwl
lion which needs demonstration
Anidea'' may be practical or im
practical. An idea, or notion, as
.Sir William Hamilton calls it,
may le evolve! from tho mind,
or originate with circumstances;
and yet it must bear the test ol
logic, and depend upon testimony
for Its entertainment by reasoning
people. An idea may require but
little testimony fur its ex 1st cure,
when provoked almost wholly by
prejudice. Prejudice, as a distort
cd condition of the mind, forming
au opinion "without duo examina
tion, a leaning to one side of a (tin's
tion from other considerations than
those belonging to it," lends to
grave errors, and it is not ahvay
e!l to arrogate to oneself the pes
session of all the "great ideas'
which may be enjoyed by the pee
pie at large, csj wially so hen
there are so few in America who
have braius enough to hold these
"great ideas," nd so many "good
prohibitionists iu both the old par
ties" who have not It is a good
deal like the oue man who hangs
the jury: eleven men uro wroug,nnd
one man is right. Take Iowa us
prohibition state, and we find tlud
the "principle" carried; but here i
the record of the party as given
by the I'oiVv, by nil odds thostroi g
est prohibition Journal in the
Tailed .States, Dist Dcccmlx r
the Vwt had this editorial para
graph just after all the election
returns had come iu:
The lUiwjt'r of the rcwv of l't olii
bitioit in Joint in immrnxt ly ffmttt r
than it troiihl have brrn if th? 1'iiiliihi'
lion purtii, iiintitulofciltttintlMliit'iiti
for it utah-tirkrt, had itmt !),IHM) voli
It dmm't pit a to tote the uttl.jHlity tick.
rt i'junl thin wire,"
Now out of 401, I'M votes east in
Iowa last fall, only W2 persons in
all that state v ho had "great idea,"
upon the question of the hour.
There are Ki") newspapers in the SW
counties of that slate, and not a
county without a newspaper,
There are more than 2"J5,0iK pro
hibitionists iu Iowa who believe
iu the principle preventing iti ink -ing,
but they do not believe iu u
prohibition parly, or a party width
is only a party of "great ideas."
Wo all believe in the same object,
out unlet- as to method. Is it not
possible that we have lost to some
extent the sublime philosophy of
raid's statement when ho says,
"Knowing therefore the terrors oi
tlits law, wV pui suady niun"f J lave
we not in ucertain measure lost our
"persuasive'' powers, and are try
ing to bridge tho hiatus with legal
prohibition, administered by a pro
hibition parl-yf Ifthesaineaiuounl
of effort put forth to establish
legal prohibition, was employed
upon tin; real criminal, the drink
er, then our conviction is, we
would have tho problem nearer
solved than it is to-day.
Now if Uro. Uonnell will give us
some concrete, ellective measure
for the suppression of whisky
drinking, we shall lly to it as the
steel to the magnet. Wo must not
dual in platitudes; we must have
something that will stick. We
want to bo understood. We do
not believe that the Prohibition
party will ever effect tho destruc
tion of the whisky traffic und
whisky driuking. Prohibition is
one thing and the prohibition
party, as a political integer, is
quite another. thing. Solid facts,
not Utopian generalities, uro what
wo want. -
Wis are pleased to say that every
new enterprise that has been advo
cated by the Wkht Bidk,' has
started, and you can rest assured
that we shall not try to raise a
wild-cat boom about impossible or
improbable undertakings, either
for Independence or Polk county,
j Tn K superior intelligence found
iu the Kcpuliliouu ranks makes u
Impossible I'orany "boss" or "ring''
to dominate the party. Thorefoiti
let no man or set of men uttcmpt
toseleet thetieket.whiclunnst go be
fore the whole people for t heir sup
port Id't us have ft free exjires
slou rroin too raiiR anil me oi ine
whole parly, then will be selected
men aceeiuaiiie to every seeuon
and interest. We can win in June
if our party is prudent and ttw ake.
The above is an extract fitnu
communication to the Folk county
(Wweti last week. Is Is signed
15otiilic?un, and purports to
have been written from Dlxl Any
man seriously makiiiy tho statement
that "Uepubllean" does about the
"superior intelligence," ete,,ete., Is
not worthy of consideration of lu
eerily Iu a community, I Vies I.e
not know that the republican
pat ty iu tho state of Oregon for
years has been tho imwt"bW rid
den party ou earth! Docs he not
know that these Ivh-"btsse"
wereeouipollod;to let go only by the
united efforts of the better classes
of Ilepubllcans and Democrats
eoiubiuod! loes ho nut know that
the llepublieana, with ull their
"superior intelligence," etc., were
unable to cut loose from these
boodle leeches that were sucking
tho life-blood out of the party!
The IJepublicoupaity has had ten
bosses to where the Democratic
parlv has had oue. "!owt" Duck
ly's i Mmiioci at ic reign in Hau Fraa.
Cisco. etuTUot ns It was, was no
woi'sethantiie Hlnitiu.Uitun liepub.
liean reign in Portland, lie says,
"We can win in June if our jmrty
is itrudeut and awake," Indcisl,
We hud supposed people isissesstitg
ueh "stiiwriof iutclbj'oiiee," as is
ehiimed by "Pepuhlintu," could
not jet formally but "prudent
.li ls, and to go to bleep und not
ktvp "awake'' would be a very im
prudent thing, you know.
Jt st when every oue was expect
iogareductiou in the taxes of the
slate, and especially in Polk county,
they jumped up to 'JO mills on
the dollar. We are Informed that
this is the htghrot tax levy our
county has ever had. Whew is
this thing going totop! The tax
payers of the county should know
the exact financial condition oflhe
county. There ohould bo aa ex
hibit published sholnu the out
standing warrant upon which we
are paving Interest, and lite U'lai
assets and liat.llltitol "the vounty.
It is rumored, and was publicly
tinted by Prof, link, iu the opera
house, that the county was In debt
?oi,otsi, if that k tine we should
know the facts in the case.
We have received a very Inter,
estiug letter front so tttsuie in Mon
mouth signed "A Fanner," re
viwwing Pi of. Koik's recent lec
ture. Now w e w ould gladly pul.
li'ih the Kline, but tho real name
ot t lie writer does not nrcompaiiy
the article. No communication
will be published in the Wir
Slim without the writer's name.
We must have the real name,
while Ihe public need not know
who the writer is. A Hem ih plume
Is very well to write under, but
no respoiifdble editor will publinh
au article w ithout the real name
subscribed to the communication.
Inherited by few, Is pure Mood, free
from hereditary taint. Catarrh, con
sumption, rheumatism, Scrofula,
and many other maladies born In
the blood, ran be cffeetmilly eradi
cated only by tho use of powerful
alteratives, Tho stamlnrd hih-cIHo
for this purpose tho otm is'st
known and approved Is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, the compound, eon-
ccntrnted extract of Honduras wir'
snparilla, and other powerful altera
tives, "I comlil.-r thai I harp Imk-ii '
iiY!tal hnmlrwl diillari' Miwrntfl, !y lng
Anr'( S.uiiiarilla, and ntiultl mrnin-ly
wP nil wliu am tmtiMnl lih lann-iM-M ur
rli--imuiiio min in It a trlul. 1 am tura
It will da tin-Ill mt iimiii-nl iiikkI, ft It lial
di.iie mi'." Mm. Jot"ph Wixxl, West I'hitti.
Iurli, N. Y.
Dr. J. W. fililrlila, f Smltlitlllo, 'Ti'im.,
)! "I n-Kiirrt Ayi-r' Bamiiiinlll nitlid
l)it MocmI iiii-clirlmi on fnrlli, mill know of
Dwnjr wumUirful cure, cfli-cteil l.y It uc."
" For ninny ynnrn t u Inlil up with Str
iil, no titiatmimt being I Buy biiii flt, At
lr-nitUi I van rwoimiti-iiildil to give Aycr'H
Sjh suimr Ilia a trial. I aid no, and
By Taking
Blmut a doicn bntUoft, wa roWiiwil to pnr-Ii-ot
limltii wmiililiiK 2 iiiiiiiiln nuil nm
now a believer In tlio inn us ol Aycr'n Sirwv
fiiirlllit." Jiimim lvwy, Mlno lions, llroclt.
enrldgA Coul Co. (l.linlu-d), Victoria, Ky.
" My nlnco, Barnh A. Ijmoo, wait for yrara
nnilcuid Willi mirnliiloun liiimor In the blood.
About 18 montlia iw lm bi'Kim to una
Aynr'a Snrpnrllla, anil alter taking tlirco
botllo wan t-omili)U!lycurod."-K, Curtail,
1'. M,, Lowe, UUili.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all I)njgnlt, IT Ice 1 : nil bottle, S.
Proprietor of
-All kimln of fresh nicut; nlo, Jmnm,
biicon, lard, etc. Don't forgot tho
lilaco, oppoHito H. II. rattorHon'H
drug Htoro.
lien I ill wiiilc III all II bran i Iiih oxi'i-n li'il In
u llrht.i-liiBH imuiiHT, All wiirli Kiiiiruiiliind
In I'V-nry imi'ili'iiliir, (illli'u over IihIi'ihjii.
ilunuo Nullimul liuiilt, liidi'iH'iHk-ncu, or,
In It Wont FormirhlU
g writ I ns" Currtl.
Th rewiokai't l')0,''i lama
Mrtlla In th fi)Uwl MS lIlmtratB th
twwM ot tblt wrllalu vr all bluuil 4 If
Wrinn.T yart eld, ht.1 wlilU
lint w w UI rltl h-l M Ui a,
whlt'li tmntrat'tut lh iommIm ll hl
t vrna drtt uu at rtabl amttrti riiyal
clan Utnwil iwHltt. wbb'h SI
than4 frly, bid did But llr hlia mat
rlaUy. 1 wimdorwl hlm
A Confirmed Cripple
1 wat almilt tn Uk Mill In I'luvliinnU fnf
an tiiwattiia, i'0ii hl wnld ba
i tw UV..II ir, anil Vi htm
II.hkI'. tWiHMrUI III ihvW to"l up lila
imtuftlv, lllmim'itli' lilaarj
iw, and "on tawn el b""" "'t
Oliawml rnvut 0i , W'aiwlillllllMlWll
Itml SarMiailll. , l fmr.l to b
film, hlnniiiu.'lml, and Oiili'hai
tim notn iiwiwi. w,.,- -----
d ii, tb fc-f MiaiKiitonml , ami In
lm tnoniha h bad iwrtwluw al hli tfifj
John l. al.-MnHAt, hWt tfuWn t
tviwwvvMl, W, Va.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I.!m by dttia. HjtHfor,riiar4
jnlyj J, UOOU ) Co., AiwUitai
. 100 Doo On pollor
cuiunly .'.'' I"-' I" !' fW. Wafcma a
I i-.l ! r.u-, t-l HVII -" i'sil a M.
fu-ud iim(s r-.f ..I'.it-it- i.i.d full ,--iii uiir,
uuiu l.iu.' h.Minni I iit-n,
and U linwilaay, w utk.
Local Aganta Wantad.
S . A P A R K E R7
t.tiititiu'tun-t and diabf III
Sasli, : IHwrs, : Moulding. : Be.
Knll !. a nl i iln-.., all k-i4 r..iilnlilly
on haiiil. i,-aiiil rip h, niii--l
KaiUir)? uh H. U. utiwIjiiMf i!iU
HHMM ' : tail
f- U z 1 in
O s
OS y . To
CO ul
mas0 ts
m I 1-
Taylor &. Wilcox, Proprietors.
Ve again call pur attention to our estab
lishment. You may think w& are rather
lersistent in claiming that we are the
eaders in low prices, quality of goods
considered. k still hold to the prop
osition, and can demonstrate any day in
the week that n can give you more for
' your money than any ether house in Polk
HH Kill
get a snap, and yon may hot ysur spot
cash m are always en the lookout for
bargains, and when we fcuj hsto market
price our customs, get the 'benefit. Ii'e
carry everything-in the . grocery line that
is sold in any other store, lie have
. sharp competition, which stimulates us to
meet all propositions. And more: we are
here to 'stay and to sell goods. Call and
see. us; you are always welcome.
Onnn dliac(1 whi'i. i-ImiiVi1 IihihW, oiff
lltw, l.liril. Ill-Ill. r. litldMm, I'liM,, l-l'lllli, Uv
liinufftKii. oitft fMntii)' .liih-s,2.:i ililbi aiamiM
l, ll rnlil, t Imil.imlh'M,
i, 4, PIKE 4. CO., Chtl, Mn.
Vbiili'.MlrlivHii.-l.lli.llm W'aulnni Co.,
IHii-iIkiiiI, ur.',
U1H k llllVl
Suits In Any Style Male to Order
Proprloto of
Uiiuling nf ull Kinds t)tni ut
lie.iMiniililn Hud's,
.- Agents for the 0. I Hoats,
All WlUmuat lieaettlod by thu 0th of
. twteli uinuih.
A Hearse may be ordered
from Deckfcy's Stable,
Monmouth, Oregon.
The New
M. A. Dudley,' Prop.
Cor. Fourth and lir streets.
C IHril!jf bn-al..!. Si aljf furnUti.4 t,d r.
M'l, ( bn .i uiul tit.ui til irtuiitand
II. , l.i ,ut h. .lul -iii ifl IS! i-" -..lrllr,
anil rt y n!iirin i.iiiit.iiirtU i-i Un ir ,,t-r
i.rr Mii,i diM- ." til bin."!, I'll-', a- and
S4e ptt lrtti', I-. aala hf oil drusnMa, .
CityTruck and Transfer Co
lOii lOn Is
(tula l'ntl".
A l tnmt'ttlli'atl WMiwtitlon will
I l..llnllio.'Hy..fl'tl'.0f,'',l
April III, IWi-J, nt HloVhak .., I'
lltn ..iiM iif ItwlM in n.miluMl"tt
twiinllltt Tor it-. tm tt
.niini JmlKi'i iu' fuii'lNlitl mi xi'
dl.lul tli.tiU't for flwult Jle '"'
lM(Ha.fullii!fittl.'riii'y, tn f
nt IhitotituliiK Juii" I'l'HHtiiit, U'I "O''1'
i,tliirhualnaiw n.ny ir'l'rly ''
la.fnrM tHihl winvtmlliin. 1h vnHott
w l.i r tnitltli"! It h l.ft..lHtli'
In anlil wttvcutli'ii an follow!
t Mim
l MaUilir .-.v.
, Morl'in ......
m a M.irv.iw .
,. 11 MnllU'iiiiati
1 flllrHllttll
, 9 I ill..ii)''li
,,.11 t niilll....
,., I'llli'il .....
I, Wnll-'wa ....
, t vviiiiiat
, ii -,..-
ilrllloil ,
I ttu-haiiiaa
i i,n.i .. .. .... .
I'nri-y ,....,....
,, t Vamltllt ...
" Tutsi.
It la rimmmit'tlihil. Unlf hUmTIim
tinli'tt'il tiy tliv ItHitl ti.iiiiiilitt, that
1 1,. i iiriiiiurli-a III lli vnrMi diuntlw
iHihtliluu Httturihty, tlw.Wh l'y
l!ynrU-r ut tlm lVuwcrt.Uo HtU
(Viilrut Ciiiiittilltw.
A. NOI.T.VKK, C litiiriiitto.
Not h l hprt'l.y niwu that I will
. . I, , . I.... ..i. l.lll
imi tit rtHmiiii" ir nij ,,. ..,...
irnriiMl l.y my lnilinil, Jijnr Ivif
i.t. lliittt llll.
MAUtllA A. Kkknkdv,
mli'luilttH, titt'giui.
jHittinry !!t, I
lUoli. 1 htftby thai I will iw
lbl.niT u uih', nii '
ihvu.tutl iiimv 4rf,u in "" r"-U
mlu.-u, tur tlm ri.e of
l,M.r !). jrmir ll.iid lll r.'iiinin at
wld idiuoa (mm lb )""f "f W '"
Km,, at Uie Inllowlli tlm and 1"
k.iitfl, W.ln.lay. Kt-lmiary IT, l-wl,
Ju. -an, H,lir.dil. triirtmry l. IwJ.
,,.l l.a. K.i.lay, IM.rumy n, I"',
M.i iv, Hiilni-lut , f.iiufy v l-i'A
y.-ma,' l'lmtiiijr JJ, lA
Tiwinf, I'.-iiiiuM-y i, t'i
luk, VVl,i.-..ii,.v, ,i-!iri' i, ln.
i.i.r, lluir.,li... l-fMi .'! S". !-'
ll.Kim Vl.lM, lflil.,1-. r(.nir it. law.
ti1iir-ii tu., aiiinl. y-it.iiv j:, IMS,
j ii. klnlnliU',, I flit hair , IVA
t , ... ,.-,i i t . t ib.r, " I, faJ.
.(i l,.-i -.i. W' -, Siimli S, it'i.
i,iii.., iiH'i- t.), .v..i.ii t M.
w, I wn i.
ili,w. liM'j"ii, J t--i-i WiUW,
Vilfamalle Real Estate Co,
liuli-jf iiili'ilcv, Dii'piU
Trniiani'U n riiml tl"iil l'j.tti Hitoi-
lli w, lilt) a ami m il" rii .i fty,-lt.i-ta
lllntllitlKV Htlil ! H K' Ill-till
('Mtivvyittiio timhua,
J'nrtl hnvlm; l4ti't fir U will
flint it li, llu lr nilvmiU ge l'
List Their Property
Willi tlib (Vtttpalty, tut liny lirv dally
ai'iiillnjr Utf html tfiwl, Mum 1o
lni( tliwlml'lt' prujH'ily tifuni tlw r-l-
i!i lit l.f t!n l '(iit.
J, W. KIKKt.ANt'. l'r.l.h nl.
Of Imli i-ii'li ni ', having ti strain
enyrlno, ft brit k iimi hinonmlwvenil
atnn of fiut-ht rlity, is now jut'iartH
to lijq OH liitnil ft Clio qitulity of
Ilrii-k, ill Im ohl ut rtniwn
itlilti ju itm
For Reliable Fire Insurance
Apply to h old
San Francltoe.
UP MUw t.U ,,,,, t,n.lf ! llOVT Mla
Ilk uitr. livMtltT. iti WalillJ1 MutltH'niion-fw-rlwrtUIti,
nt.d t.m (i.tit t n li in(t.niin aui ile in
'l.-nhr! lUfi.wiiit tt..,rir la (lml"Hf m).r. Utof
ti..k t.rt. knti lttl, llv 'l't t'liiliy I .t lt 1m tn
till I ltuh Pufc Mnp mid dinit li.(inWTitir finmti
Imi, tiacnitiftr6i.oiitr pwmiiinnr!. pi-i H Mtd
liT pMloh..Mr, timi "iii itm((lti tf t,tttm flm
tttilcu ri s-itHrtilT tt turM petiiui nl tMt r UU
vitilirMi t t.iMt'timii-t, oti.l nlifp.'tat.iit hor li'ti: tail (tula
in uitd ttt('rit, urti' iti tdiiun " ifw tM y ttuil
tlit.),PhK 0)-Ailiiivr ltiMHilfitn nttf rltiKKd tltH
i.p " -rU.y 01l ..fluir piv-'ii-m; Hut utttntl nil miv
cs'iltii nteti .1,1 Hi t mi oppocUHM'T, 1M it nl Hm
wltMnlitM-r4ltHt lalmiitttf p-.i.l., U rill
M lfwt. A Brand t In tU. turn Ci urn Appttrliinhr ISr
mnhv la ituid, 1Hmt v t" I'w wmt rnpiill? nml lnmopntii
vrnt.lii.('itlM.v k. Afl V cbB
S ili wi'k nmt llvo nt tiiHHit, ii.(.vr visn hi. Kven .
1'liinr.rtnnnt) liTdnn.ln limn fc i ,mr yoa
run no fti (-tt if tii will wi'tli, mil tit iurd, tint tn.lmirl-
wwti nm vn mtt nt'nn- v-Mir Uthtwua yu Vi
t;n ulvwumr llii)ftttty, tr ul y.-iir tlmn In il iritrlr K
it. Irmii f'npiul ri"inlfd. V ainrl v..o, A 11 ( cm.
imrittivuljr ttr-w m,i rtllv wmlmful. W ti jur-ttoi attd
ilium "H l.nw, fi-i-i. rr.iliirm,vii.iwnni,.rtt1,i,rw.(r,,
ma, N n i iiuki I m ptnltt lnr, W i itn nml lunrn Mil ft-r.
li rfiiirt, i: ii win t ilt.Ujr, Atlte Nf ou
II nl lull Ai Cm, UK HUt l.rHniia, Mikluni
Dolr In
Alto, Dtmltr In
Lumber and Build
ing Material.
C Street
In now reuilv to rui nl)! a r 1 i
for i!5 units, ut llio now Btttuil, two
doom went of iioHtolllw.
--k :r . .til . . , it A
J. F.
Oliver chilled and steel plows.
Monitor drills and seeders.
Bell's center-cut disc harrows.
Bain wagons.
Columbus and Racine buggies.
Dcering binders and mowers.
W. JS. G
... . i. i.. . .....Ui.. tl. .,, lK.r,iM. Khll lm tik-aar-d to bkv
IllU't H UIIW HUH W'm''w I"h.m . , -
nil Uh. iul(Min-ri i.f lli nioncwiuUntw Imdlnt. d h1 ltatK many to
trwdo lia iirvi-r di.l U-for. In roimMluu Uh my lr U
It.10PAT.3l SHOP
VhfM Immi ami hin ran U r-twlr.-l or tnni.ufVtiirvJ ontl'-r tli nmnngwuiit
of M. A. It A K Kit.
lU-ihciiilnr lha naiw ntul I'laif,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
lit fulrly In It! M'o wihli to aunouuo to the puWic that w have a full
lino of j!asN, urn, tiuwurc, notiuiiH, jjiit' furiUNhinf good, and many
otlu-r arliliH, wbiclt arid wiling at prices iievw before offend in Uitk
city. We have tnoro tliuti fifty mtickit cui our
Nouo of whirli have evr kn sold for cs$ than a dimo, and many for
qutirtcr. To m is to know. (Vmte In, inquire prices, and Iw convinced.
Second door south of First National Bank.
r" III mm mm mm mm. . . .
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
A complete livery business
in Independence.
Everything is complete and in first-class
running order, and the business is good. The
location is the best in Polk county. If you
want a paying investment it will pay you to
For further particulars, call on or address,
Independence, Or.
i WAmimtr -
School Boaks,- Tablets,
0 dill tin li i nniiirn
otninn niAbttiNtd,
. H. Whoclw, It niwli. nonnmluit
from W,
Will look iiftur yu Wlt,u- j-ou iie tlii!!? inS ,0"P' n0W' thf '
Independence, Or,
life-jt,uut isr
Jt'C M S '
THE nm I m
; mWW- mM.m
Inks, and School Supplies.
m..i. rr
tt..ii (i,... ... . '