As aa Advertising Medium THE WEST SIDE Takes the Lead In Polk County. The Best Newspaper tt th out that git f fmtkrt wttr. 0mxirt IA WEST SIDS with w$ iur IV eoanff . 1 : 1 Ir Sr. VOL. IX. Hl'uH MlU-KlOtrw. VA I.I.RV MltmKNlU, I. IV, l. r mwl" to at .u,L ball rm Tlllir'Wl curdtftlly hivtted l a W, K. . teef-tary. I.UVS IXHHIK. No, A. r A A, M. Htatlnt eantnianieav I ton on Nattmtay " I .1 wmk Utomiflar, I .Wilna., W.r.Oeaaa- way,rtr?. $2.00 Tcr Year, Mitchell & Bohannon Hanufaeiarw l SASH AND DOCKS AIM M'MOM. BAWINU, Mai timet . lpniwne -ar. I VSJ H UOMKH MIIHtK. NO. K. ft "EK! vi.uiixnliroii an cordially In" aM tend C W. IU TUUV, "hi'! Mll.irK.Kof II.- V? rrwaitieni, U IVWA. Trwi.iirvr. tlie LEE & BUTLER, FRYSICUNS IKD 5ES, Home Premium rwolpta ttlnct oittiiiiUtitiou, Ijonmw tuklti kIhoo orirtininitloii, . SurpltM m HtHHtrity to policy luiUtcnt, U. 8. EXAMINING 8URQEON8. omt wi id of Mat vnvi.k-M iiicvric. ... OKKKW DR. J. K JOHNSON. Roaldont Dentist AU work wurrantwl iw la isnirnvMNiK. ORKOOSI Ptt. J. K. LOCKE, rhjsician and Surgeon. ss, ATTORNEYS. GEO. A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. win nM,.iUot In all state and federal courts. Otnot over Independence Na tional iMuk. Jao. J. Daly. J. . DALY. SIBLET S EAKIH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW w. L ...I. 1 .J rl hook IB PuU Saddles, Whips, Oils, Robes, and Brushes Bo&n. HALF-HOUR SERIES CIIAIiZSO MOBBIS. Dallas. A. M. HURIY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. H.r. Uun. W. U. Iluluiw. I lOIHtl. ft MOWS ATTORNEYS AT LAW or run w iii'a't wtoc", BlwwnHtt 1 Covin, ' MLRM. ON oa CuumfrUI "I. 5IISCELLAX EOUS. Tf L.IIATtM,ii1,iitrI(lv.,L M Wlnlor Hlnwl, !. Of. Alt 'l'loL?!l-Jli-'S ' nTi iuiw A 'wiuiAUIKMALKM.ORKUOy Rl tMilr In v.. liM and J Ciminien-lal Mirwil. Iwlln IB bilk llxl rf IIHI WNW. BITH 1KD C. T. HCNKLEi PRO". Hain street, lutaiiJciice, Or. Two xprincd workmtn In l-Undanct. beattts onemsE AMlixbMl. Writ llmaTal f . b- BAKKS. Commenced Business March 4, 1889. EUtilUbl bjf NbtlofliU Autwwlir. -TH&- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of tndodBc. Orajoa. Caaital Steak. Surplus, $50,000.00 $14.000.00 1 HALF-HarBM WITH TUB KBIT nraov AiTHoma, V. aluU. la ibaia I.M MM Of Dm tew man al ib WH Aawfc... .alal. i fc fcam.MMI. aai ua, M.r H bawat, MHn an A1J liat M WITH AUKUCAy H I WTO II T. tarn lbf4atw.u.Pa. mUKlka af AaiafkLaa kwMT JM W llMa. W Mil M WMl 'f " ). I. u u -ma a. a miianl al rtM erf M k Ikmr at katr ran u M MtriatM wf nWM bpatl. u4 uwHom wacanuia lb. tM bUuau l Aawtic. 1m ,Ma Mwtaau ktntWwiaM auKKUnatw. UALr-HOI KM WITH THE REIT llUU'il AtTHOR. Cmibn to fc oIim, Claik, ( . Mi Mum. ku cokKWd pm Maooal t ta. mta tmi Utunmmt mukn mum ikon M kMwl la alaaM aor M loM t4aw ikal can M wIkmI a M.t 1k IM w nary KmmM ih am M .Morn. po"nr. hook. bar. M Mlv ap. M ..mir bat ibiy in lull ol wud aaa ant wuauuua. UALT-ilOt RR WITH TIIR RUT rORKI4i!( AITIIOH. tarn mlvawa, Cfoam laa. CVxh, fll WP. r . Ila call, lio-oa. I unaj. , j It a ik. oat cofUruoa t iwtl nam Of nananualln fcni awhi. II u( r pml nulm ako WM mwuMM oi. at qmuauil uk itm i,u.lill. tad .ll ti mutm- aitli ik. aM iWliithiiul atunaUMHai, itnptt anl Imai lunar tuutv. ... rx ak trr all 8nawll.n, or will tat anil, paavptM, oa runt ib !. 4, B. UPrlXCOTT OOWI'AHT, rubllah.ra, fit tad Tif M.ik Si , PMUMt. j. a cooper. fraaldrot. W. H HAWLEY, Cbtr. K W. ROBKRTMOSI, Vlnfrrwlaaal. DIRCCTORS. J. S. Cooper, L. W. llolwrtaon, Uwta Ihlmlek O, w. Wblleaker.W. W. Collin- i h.ialnM tranaartcd a"'1."?:.... i. ...hlMt to cherk or on oer- Uinhuri a. m. to 4 V- - THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank ! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. From TKHMINAIj or IX rKilKm I'OINTS the KORTHERN PICIFIC R. R la tlx line to lako j all m w d ;: It is the DINING-CAR ROUlt. runs Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day In the Year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (No clmngo of cjirn) GompoHedoriHKIXO CA1W un- BurpnMwxI, ' ruiiiuan iruwiiiB lloom HlotfjxrH of lutwt equipmont, . - k.,.I..M. I A general banking no cDaiia t inn Innuflil' l.n. taall. Illll. dlMXtUnUld, flOtn- I TUUH O I Ol-CtrilVJ WE TELL INDEPENDENCE POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1602, Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. live Cents Per Copy. NO. 10 Capital Stock, $500,000. 0, F. Mmi-an. Vlii l,fMMlttl H, HUNIIKHM, An I pwcivtafy. J, i, Wmma t", M.y.aiiil Mllgr. K. A.MM.kN. t:'aallhr. a. .a., n A M M. Himlmii, rliW Jii.ilw f ilia iiwnit fi.iirti linn. Julia inirtiBti, -A"ito J, U, I'raal.h-Ml I II". f"ti.Hy Naibrtial ttj W, I. IUa.1 , MiU'luill, U. k. amiiwrn. ( nl'.l'.IUti M. HtmiilwH. lliiit J. U, VillUHiaM, V ' t.llal.H UfulPf, riillM. JMt,OK5,8i THE NEW Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. TMt I TRUTH about Seed. We will n J you Fit our SwiJ Annual for 1S0J, whli h trlli TMeWHOLC TRUTH. W lllulral nj glvt prkm In tlili Cfttalittu, wliUb It li4iiJomi-f than ever, It Irlli Nnrymn iiittu, WAtblkArTKUTni .M.rCRRV 4 CO., D.lrolt.Mlih. PATENTS I '! Mil ll Imim awiiMil, Traib. r. miManl. auil all .. i-modi iwuawi m ii I'atMil iin,tti Iwl .ia UiaHiKita i.ii.u).llx i iwi.dill, ii."'iii;l. rMin naH.l ul l"l nr w.vmui Imnkx rolul atamliiai km. iu ailla a. Ui linl..ill.mi, limii.l iharitn . Maiuvill.M ilitwli anna l"t !) I'alaW (Mlii-aa, alt allatlU.ia ( ,'lall IM l na MtnllllMiMI lat'lllllia lT ia. rulliuluar. mrrliM. ir I Im HMt Uut.HI. and M.WIIII IHW.-Ulimi Ml iHI. rai.,i iMInnt, A h alleti'I'Wt lo all ikaalbla lima, IU.)wHo4 eaa a m'liillf, Hm Miliuia au. "ntu.. li.ll..n guon I.. (mimiI H. ul ln(tnuiii..i atvl ail lira, i. iwlal Mominwa. al ailh...ll oliaiav U rwul. tl ,, b 1.1 I . D.ll0illlt Altattw, III ralattt I '"., Y0UNQ HORSES. DOUBLE 8INQLK TEAMS. NEW BUGGIES GOOD RIDING HORSES. finrt CUM TurauuU hi Comm-rrlal Traval-ra, lri riUa ma BaUiaa U4 guarantvau. vitw m a v... KOHTII END MAIS BTltEET, J. N. J0NE8, VQt . Manilua Jfe5JKSs. .at. Ot.iw.lla (!. 8. raimt !!., H. M. LINES, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 'AKt UNDERTAKER, ISl'EI'ESDF.SCK, OUK'ION, WATCHES. Iilciii, Waltliam, Sctli Thomas, Swiss, nr nnv movement ucSircil. m troltl Of v' ' j - . silver case, hunter or ojKn face. CLOCKS. Our line includes every kind ol dU hour and 0-tlay clocks. JEWELRY. m aaaaaai w " a Our stock is complete, and it will pay you to select your jewelry from it. SILVERWARE. w " - " A a a Our stock of silverware is the tinest in iw fountv. We sell at a ven' small j- margin of profit. SPECTACLES. Of Spetacles we have a large stock, . and can fit all kinds of eyes; MUSICAL GOODS., . We carry, a line of Hanjos, Guitars, Violins, etc., ot the finest quality. Wc also carry a large stock ol Lime, Plaster, Paints, Oils, and Uass. FINALLY, Our goods aro the best and our prices the lowest. Call and examine our stock whether you buy or not. PATTERSON BROS., DRUGGISTS, INDEPENDENCE, OR. A lull an4 eiiniip ll ol Funaral good. Alaaya oa liana. JUST to Iniir off portion of tlw "tub ui tli toiiottlio tiwllnt, Willi'Mit litilnf Mia In an Interview Mr, P.ingliam lixplains the Workings of the Australian Ballot Law. Luther. Grounds Da.lar It HlirilWiUf, tlUW'llltS tlnW)IN Muvtw, ttnl otlitT iiiimvlhiiitHitm ar Ut'lt. null tho ttttonttoii ti tti liiililie to hi tine alo-k of tlnulvt nrtli lcM tiuw 011 IuiikI. 11 In irlrtlllisiiiimrofiivura1ily with nrict-t in tuiv oihor it y. (om nml m t uh ami you will If mttMlttl with frit, timititity, tttol tjuulity. " MONMOUTH, OR. J. A BOWMAN. BUCKSMITHINB OF ALL KINDS Naatly Dona. MACHINERY REPAIRING HORSESHOEING A Specialty Wood Working and Car riage Painting Done in First-class ordej. C STREET. - INDEPENDENCE. Th fiurpoati of Mil interview i to itiworitie tlio ntmiiwr In whlvli the Ana Irnliiin hntlot tivm i'rritJ iiitti r tipl ffil, nitl tlia motlioil m.loyetl hr Ui iitttividiinl olt.r in iftiiin tlm riwhht of aulTriiifii. (.Imai inlaw! w full in tha aj.ti.rn. whlcli fur Mia flft tima will N whihI into rffmiial th eomititf gauwal elottioii ou the lir.l MotiUny m Jiiuo. T tiny 7Wfi'iHi rojirtt;r eallwi on Mr, K..W. Hlnithiiui, who wtamW In framuitf th tie bllut law, ftii.l who ww ao htrgoly lii.truiiiiiiilul in wwuriuK it xtatnun, anil nl hi ooiiilou of tlm prtiotu'nl oiraliii of the ivm. A wtionu iMruBwtwii. "An arroutmtw iwprwbMt otetnila,' aitiit Mr. liiiiiiliiim, "Ibat the ao! of Feb ruary W, iHtit, rttltnl the Anatruliuu tl lot Inw, m euuilihratml ami will rova trjtthliiitm t ilri. Our nititutioa itiiuU it tha duty of tha H't'ia'ivo m iMiihly t etiiw! In U ittj'!10' the rilh'ifuf fit iiiffmsn mh jreTil lint iiiminof of rtf(iiUlii( anil ewnlueUug alttiuua, lrthihltlli( Uud.W ihltninit-e tbutfin fmra imwr. hrihery, or nthcr iui)rnf omuliirt. Thii tlm WW''" ill largo rt lirgh'rtwt to d. Jt rnaflml , nix .itiii.i.ii n'liiu tklu)i, hut It'll many 'y linKift!tiit lliiiitf to fa itmii, hy v..!uiitT- in t!wr wor,l, by Iht tirutiaalutiiil iibt K-itui nii.Mli.Mi iiiitmt. flit new law alii hiii.l.f iwhik.iin0r My orb'niiitHiu In rtmaliiK any uf thtr h'Kitimtt ftililioul rk-tita. bul duM Uko awny thrw tl.o uHintintity they have lm4 nf nqkiiK tut tKUulnaliunt aul triiitiw and di trilmtmg Hit btilh't. wlneU tlmy ahuwd. tnd il Alan tiiKf tl tuttiis ! bd Ci)lf dui'lrd in a rouiu, t thai vit ui") l lh.'if Imltul with ntcr.c), Tl. tUI ytvm wdt It pptlcclly wwy U ho 11"- tlfket fill lliti th filter' nml B MlW the Ihh, and tlma fiitalitutud btiUry ml ctwueion." MUIWU KOMIN.'riuNil. "IVrhtijwIhwj'tii't'ij'altitijirwt amird at In tht rwwiit Ur wr to j.liieo all nw li,.wa mi a f 11 ir biul rr. n fiHititiit, and Ul twtuiHd evry !trt..r U ut (."n tly. therrfur th tiibalilullon of lb tilttmnl ballul nriiitml and dulrltiiitwi by IU A.nulv elnrk in each elinlj for the t.ld- atylaor Dttrty ttokrt. In ordur that caudldala' liaut ihall appear u Ihi nOlotal liallol b ml I mtmttiatad III liniir lh viti-r will Ih'm ba otlia "Ortljiian cmlnliit' on lh Imllot, fr ouch ntlii, fur wlmitt h lo not wiU hi vtitc. and fold Iht hiilhilliKOoli a wny Hint tint ri'fiiitliiiiiK portion f tit tiih ran b rmly tloliii'liMl allliMit any one arcing hnw he hit temli'lmd tl ballot. Ho wilt then prwii! hi Ulhit b tho chiiirtiiiitt nf Mi judn m trndur lhe j f, II J. M. BECKLEY, livery and Sale Stables, Monmouth. Oregon. Itavlnu purclittmil tho Intetvat of (IwrRo Inutility in thti Miiitiiiiiutl) l.lvcry nml ftilo Ht.ihlc, I m.llclt a fitlr hr of tho juitrtnmgti uf tho jmldlo. t I nni iKtitwl to furniah K'xxl Iwt""1 and vt'lih lca at short liothv, tiny .or night, nnd ull tranalctit cuatnin will r wlvti duo nttcnt ton, rVml in your ur dora. Solentino Amnrloa- Agenoy for . iniwt:iiHEiio, AllKAM NKIOJ. W. r. CONKAWAY . . rrtwIdanU Vlo rrtwlitent. . Caabler. merctal cradn. gmnKd: A?tU rtralved on on time dxi.lla. tmnua: vpo. ra..T-1 , , mimintamiunuubjecttocliiirlc.lnuirwiipbia M)t mat van iw wiwm wi in which accommoimiiotm m both free and furninhl for holders of flmt or seo ond d'WH tickets, and UIRKCTOHH. imim. McDanlol. II. H. Jiuiwsraon, A. J. Chwtlman, H. HIrachbari, A. Nelaon, T. J. tee, I. A. Allen. INCORPORATED UNDER THE UwS Of OREGON. ELEGANT Dll COACHES. MONMOUTH, OR. J. A. M ArtUIM-.., V. I,.CAMPIIK.i,I.. 1IIA C.KIWKLU ..Prtwldenl ..Vltai-l'rea, .Xa.bter PAID CAPITAL, $25,000. . ' v DIRCCTORS. 1. A. Marram, P. Ii. Campbell, i. U. V. Bulla', ttu'"P. Juagpb Craven, I.U.HImiiann KM. Powell A aeneral banklnit and exchange hiulneu ran!tdi loan maUe; deiNmlt rtawlved ulilwt to ehei:k or on wrllfliMteof dexwlt; ',..iu,ut naiii tn lima dnnmlni. a-KIre in.f vault and burglar proof aafe, notuirea uy TMie nine im-a. lIU Jluurw a, ui. to I p. m. 1 Continuous Line, Connecting with all Lines, Affording dlriwt and nnlnlerrupli'd rvliw. Pullman liiiHir riwurviiilonn mn l, aaiyirao In advance inniugn any egi'iitui n." THROUGH TICKETS to and from all polnlx In Anierl nit. Knirliiml. and If ii nine, nan be iur'Miu.. at mi y I i kiii oimw of tlila coniiatny, run iiiioriniiiion r.'Kru. Inn rate, tone Irani, n.iiua, ami oumr iu UiU, furnlabed on appltotlun lo auy agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, AwlntHnt (teneml I'lwm'njinr AMlit, No. Ul Flntt treet, cor Waaliliigbin, PORTLAND, OR JAMES GIBSON, LOCAL AGENT Indtpandtnot, Ortgon. . A A . OAVEATt, TtAOl MARkt. DtaiON -ATINT OtVRIOHT, ato. iTnr l,if.TOll.m an free Handbm write l MI NN i tl., atil Hii.HiiWAr, Nw Imrwiu liw Mwilllii ilt. " '""'" Kt.ry iwtMit UkMi .ul l.f u I. hm'wlit wilora tb iu6llii U a iiotlo. (,veu fine ot ulianie la tn Scientific pmuu Jret elreiil.tlim of ny arteall pnaf la tn w.ifld. Hvlendldlr IHiwlirted. N" ''i'S11'".""! linn .hniil.l l. It, Wehk It, a.,ll(l a jnari ,1.611 all ninnlln. Addraai MIINN a t-O l'uiiuauaiu,lliuutuailay,fl. lur. Arnfl fifin HKAITT-H tlriwn at mmain. h (1 1 1 ri.r.-trlknlr.n.lealWi.H.t. 9UUv,UUU.dr Dunwl V. Uwlly, Wa.l,lug lon, Ni.w Jereoy. . NOTICE. Tlie board of achoul director of tll- trh't No. a will holit llifir rt'Ktinir minting lu tho dlrcotor'a room of tlm ItlllCpClltll'M iMIItlOIIIll IMIIIK lit 1 o't:lm!k p. tn,, Frhhiy, ontotnir a, iwi, and on Friday ut tha hour of every four weok llwrwiftcr. Hlgnwl, H JHIltrU III lM'--' EXECUTRIX' NOTICE. In m taUtte of Win, Juiim rtei.aia, NOTICK l herebv glvi'n nmll whom It inny nnma'rn that I have been ii."lilU"t utrln r the hwt will and "'"''"'""".."L'i'"' Joi , bile of iild wnmly. dw.w.'d, by I lie irtinlV Judge, nfeiild eonrl, All wraona In. d I . il b ld eliil", will 'ie rniike me lio- ? "payn',..i.d .r;.ii ngebt mi liere ngi lnl will im..ntlht'Wimi;l iimduly "irlflTal tlie Iii1i.....n.l.'t.mi N.illoni.1 bunk lg.non.h.rrou,ihl.du!e.iMiExraHitrUi WOODBURN NURSERY LARGEST STOCK OF TREES IH THE NORTHWEST. ' . One and Three-fourths Millions. 100,000 prune Trooa (uioatly Frouoli.) 05,000 Iloyiil Ann chorry. 10,(KK) Enrly Crnwforo pencil. 10,000 Moorpnrk nnd lloynl npnoot. 85,000 KanptH SpilMiilxirg nppln. 20,000 Oriivmnitnln npplu. 25,000 Yellow Nowton I'ippin appl. 10,0(K) Hod luvl nppln, Lnrgmt Stock of oil Other Leading V- riotiti of Ftimt. Free From Insect Pests CATALOGUE FREE, MRS. A. M. HURLEY, Millinery Fancy Goods Neil to Indepradeuo Katloiial Dank. iNDHPaHDMCI, 0aOI ADDRESS, J. H. Settlemier & Sn , Wodburn, Or. One Dollar Weekly il....- ,! waiih bv imr rlub .yalcin iiur U.kiiriil unlil.nitiil w" . warranieii fluWjin K li. I. 1,11 or V. HIlOll.ll 1. .".'- iiu'iil .inn wind nnd !. Udy .r gi'iit'. lu.. K.iml t any l wai. n. i" . agi'lil wliiw we haven.nie. wewll one of Ihi' liunting i'e wn n i..r u.o , nnd u-iul M. Ii. by M'"' .wllli inivlli'Kn ol etniiilliullou iM R.te pHJ'ing Rr me aauie. Our egenl al Inirhain, N. tt, write! win, iw.ii..r have r.infiMi'd Ihey don'1 know how you ran euuli work for the money. ' . Our agent al Henlh Spring, K. C, write: "Votir wntrlii. liike al luhl. The gentle. ....... utioimt III., hut Wllll'll .nld Kiel lie ex uuilned unit priced a Jeweler' wnl.'ho in Idtneaeter, IhiU were no ueiiei'tniin your, on the prlee wile ,1.., Ourauenl at Pennington, Texaa, wrlnw: "Am In welptof the wiili'h, and iimiih'a'd wllhoul inrnre. All who huvenren (I )' II would be uhenp at IHi,'' One good rellHhle agent wiinted ftir taeb pile wrllo for pnrili ulur, KMi'iH Watch Co,, New York 0 SioL Oppoaltt Pattaraon't Drug Start, on Main atraet. 1.1. Ilittl Ihe Pealrctl riTcrll II CinnotXTON, (liiKira Co., Ill,, Nov., "BO, I highly reooniiuend 1'a.tnr Koenlg't Nnrn Tonlo to anybony mat nai luunred rrom mi. aeh a. my aim did for year, boenme 11 bnttloi Of UiDMdlolnouredbnu. ' U. liuTlUUU. A niUalonnry Ilonouuncnda It Heartily. ftr. riot,'. Miwitoa, ChoUan CIO,, Mont,, Deo. Ill, VU. rutor Koenlg' Mem Tonlo tt wcwdarful In shacking aathma or auy nerrnut oanaud by nervoui debility or ovnreiertlon, Thraoohll. dren ot my aehnol had falling itckneii ; the naa of the toulo itopiied tlie naroxyam. at one and onred tuein. In all eae. of weakneaa It trengui ni the ny.tum without full, I recommend It MMt heartily, JflUJD JtUKliaWKILKll. FREE1 -A Valuable nook an Nervotii 1) lene. out fi eo to tny .dilmiw, nui, nntlMiilii n.n .Imo ohtalll Uil. n.oUli liie nee of eimrge. m.i ha iMfln bv the lteverenn eior Kiwuig, of Kort W.yue, luil- mo Wia, and Huow prepiinid under Ull uireouou uy tua ROENtQ MED. CO., Chlcaso, III. . ,1,1 i,v iiruirulat. at 111 tier Iloltlo. 0 for tt Lara 1.13. 0 Uotlle for ) lii irdr to rtttnlfi thntn tn the country. Tho valonofllvla tbt dollar pUw wit nevi changed. It la true that tlnrw worn not many Ilvw dollar coliK..! and clnuhiUMj, but the rnaaon wit tlie ellvcr wa wild tnd hippe4 nway tn'tauae at 18 to I It waa worth iiri'inliiru ovi gold. The ataUirtM tit of the rawaftge of the law of 1878 1 corivft, with the itp I luii that olio i!tioii whkh provided one ot tbrwi ) : Uy mm of In prt wrnvt'iitiun ur t a wi nuwlmg cow iMawJ of not lee than M0 elecU.r or by maper ik'n"l by not lwi ttwn i" Hrw- orm, if th UoiuliinlloU ia fur atitne l'IHcit.1 loltitil for thnniKlmiil tho hole lute, nr fur menilx't of euiigreas: bul if it t only cmnty nfTI, ll"' fifty bailor .ijinntf tha imi'er will tntlioe. In the c of iiotuiualiun by eonvtMi lion or inatat wwlinga, tUeohalrnnin nnd eeilry will oertify to lb m.tniiinti.m. audi oath. Ihey niiil be tlltHt llllie Willi the itwolary t.f atnte or county elk. but lli oclaila II unniij orth while rotapiltilallug hero, a the) :o not piirticuinrly inlvrval tha tolor. Tim oi rh'un uuit "The fiinnly olork in taoh eotiuty will mint and dwtrthute theae ofllcml twllota euntntniug Ih nm t'l a" idea for tnoh nnie. They will he printed on two kind tf pnr, llioee dreiijiieil to be voted all! be printed oa a good amility of while pnjn r ami win only be obtainable by ToU'i nflfr Ihy bnve paAifd within tho gtiiird rnil in the polling pliw'o on Ihe day of election. The other kind, tyled omiple Imllot. w'H t printed on colored paper, nnd will t iliUihiiUHl a uou aa uriniej, nmy week In-fore the eleotwii, for tlw in formation end convenience of voter They will lie duplicate iinpretnnof the white ballot, only dinVriug in tin color and ninthly of the pper n which they are printed. Tho iniiin-a of the enmli dntea for each plllco will lie nrranged alplmbetically under Ihe liend ot eoeh ullUie imj it to preaout to the eye and mind ofench Tutor nil the cmnlidiitwi, nnd lu ill be compelled, in order to Vole, In wgnify hi choice by aorntelnng out te naniu ot the cnudidute lie Unea inn wish to vote for.' IX A ItAlHOAb CflAHUB. - "Thi i. a yon t', ft radieal change from the old .vleiu, nnd it ia hoped it will have the clTtHit of electing omuli- lub' upon their merit- their UtiwMi Kt the ollk'o, nml with lee rt'iiitut a to how they were nomin'ited. It hi tlwiight that fully W pur cent of the ballot ciwt in Oregoti ' ,he dcethm ' ere .eriitehed; if eo, it iudicivte that elector wero dleaittiafled with tho noiniiialion made by the regular party convention. The new form of ballot will be a con. retiionee rather than otherwise to Ihi DO ner cent. The law pornul eleelort to dike thin oflloinl oolorcd ballot into the polling place end booth, and to ue It e guide in soriitohing tho ollieml white ballot, but it require thoin to sonttoh ,.il vula the white ballet with absolute secrecy." what Tim VOTKIl MUHT oo, "On cleoliou day, naminmig that ench voter lin iilrendy cen oho of the colored or aample ballot nud ha made up his mind how ho want to vote, ull he will uiivo to do will he to go to the polling liliinivlliiit election preeinot whore he In entitled to voto and enter the room. It ia made unlawful to do any electioneer ing within fifty foot of nny polling place, mid lie will not be.diatiirbod or Insulted a liu oflon beou the cane in appruueb- ing tlie poll under the old ayatem. lie will find in the polling place ft guard rail, and the juduea nod olorka, hud tho booths or compnrtnients m which tlielml lota to be voted nuint be enriched. Only the dhnllengor and a few apoelaturs are imweutontlieoiitmdoof tho gnnrd-rnil. ''He will p in the gnunl-raU, and on application to one of the elorlta will leceive ouo ot the while ballot, the clerk having Qrat taken the precaution Id .r.tem. and if the indgo art ant' lttftiKl tlwtt it I the Identical bullot which lie jiit Imfiire rtieved frtiin the clo'k sn lthnthel rnlltled lo Vole t Hud til!ing pluce, hl ballot will imiutdiatoly go into the boi, Hie chairman linvlng prcVioiily tlotaoUed the feuntining ior lion of liie tuh. Thi tul i itnply margin iiltnl two lulie wide at the top f tha ballot, perfwated m to facililat it removal nnd the'olwk in ituing the hiiilot War off !i.-u.ilf of the tnb and pni it to tlw chairman and teeuod hik, who ui ot tbe portion mi oh to hhiutify the ballot when II W preaeole l, It l the ol I priuelplo or uidentiito applwd m election to make lt thnl the Votr U voting tlie identiral ballot given him and hw crau?ljeJ H etfetly." , tun viia nti ii'i.. "A on a Ihe voter hint ea hi bal lot go Into tho im he la ritilre4 to kpart At Uwt Mi Voter nmy bo en gaged in aeratchmg lliir ballot at the unite tiiiie, and w fl a Ihey ere reedy wvnlelliey may prew nt them to the ebairmau. Thtu It ia thought voter will not Im occupied ruoio than BU.ut five ni.uiit.-o in votinjf. Kv.-ry nati-li lotfl on luotiflkitd bullot hi a mkU lo be pre i 1 .. . eitt p. f.iuaiy or by tits agem, onwme in ilie goartj ruil, from the time of In ojmg of the ti'll etilil the count w eoiuplt tfd ami the rat tirwi certified. The new htw provi.b for the appoiutment of ihree jmlgw end two clerk for eaeU nulling idatt pr'i.'ly a the old law and t ieyaie t" ntxive wie aiitue pay," ll.rMI.MUlV lOVOKAJtfK, , friend eiid u dipping fnm the I'lirthiiKt tO.i O.-17oooii, willed W an edlttoiol of that K'i r, uu.Wr the above .liii. . . Wemuotaay thotditor, by lUetii'tuilti, give aage hint In ad- vaiuv of what hi nrticlo I. It lli it follow : A eviiiU iimii In P!k county ak tlw (hxUtmiiiH to aimwi a iiuinlar of iiui limi ivhttiiiK to -tlv.-r eHi;itft ami ct-r- i.iio hi.ioi loul incident ami economic prliiflph- ii'iiiiixUd ( Tlieae Uirav (hut our frlfiid I .-.111.IK-ii'iiiiittiii of uomnum fact f " ' . V ........ . .i....i..i.. ,.r hi. i,rv mill eu'ini'lllllir in nivim.- liiiniii liil tcoiioniyanil. v. .nil l ur, . I,,. i ii... fui iioiu of liU'fliliif uiarv ig i,..r.iinv hti i. n IllUd itli a i iidir- 1,,., ..1,1.,,. f llllaf I I'VOll llllHIUIorillB- in, i, 'ilioanaWll of almlluW lliitut of lonii tb iiiiiL'oi;ii and Impudent pre Ifinltr to new KiiowiHi;f. i tfiiiiit will be made to ntinttcr brhtly . .i ... ... .1.1 .1. it i. ir a di.lhir pl.'oa of tht weight tnd none- of a French five franc pteea, whit ti won In the bill when It pa-aetl, a lrh k.-n nut whoa tha bill wa u griMM-tl; whl.'li aft, It I believed, wa l rfnrmed by John J. Knox with tlw eonrurri'iuff or J"im Kiienriau. lot Ori jitnlun proctd to tht exmd quo. thm, m follow! Meruad -fllierenloror wiwnlr, tlv. it ut ,1-w.l. won in puaaioia ttrrpium 01 olii, MheritiMO. that aver ha admitted thai he voted with ueh If a, wbo kt bet li.iaa. ,ilKKtlll! fliiin whh'll It i I.I,, tn ..viriu-l nnv nifiiliinir. for the k.t..f rfi..tliiL. fur the lliousaililtti lliuc, nrtniii flfinenlary fu.1 and i.Hi... Ii, !.' I lilt lllllll l lit UIU IX'IIOIH ufall lutflltgeiil iil-ufloo of Hieae iildoct. Here llifV nro: , lt Va mil Ihe of illver ... i:'. t .tt,i.o...itn. or hi !.- .... aiMwledgv. wi.MUt or nyiii't ut the (miple iiv mi iii. 'mi. In the first tdnce ell vi-r wk not '! 'iiHinctlMil in Hot. It win. .It'inom-ti!, If ever, in 1 s:tt. whtn ii uu. uiiiicrvaliiiil in tho coitiace and ,.iit out of elivuluilonlniiiiiueiic for forty venr la-foi 1173 there wo no eltwr cunwiicv In the I niiw mio, fXrt-i.t fiiifiioiml 'ln, only l'i!tl ton dtr' to the amount of f". lint our friend probably refer to the wiiiae hiw HiiiflldiiKiit of bT;i hlH-nliiig Ihe iiuthority to coin ailvcr itvdlnr, whiflt hmt btfii a denit h-tu-r nr nun n wn inrv S., fur from U'lna claiidcetlne Ihotilll for (lint aot wa ovforo twotitc ... ,M.,.,reiMi una iv m-ntixltv df. btitl, rcforrt!. mneudetl, rt'imrtAl and v., niMiii. Few law lm recfivwl It lit t U'lltu nitt'lMlwiil.Tntioll or hirge iiutilteitv nmong thoughttul mid cnpit' i, I. i, nl, Hi' men. it ill, I not tltt'ii ul (met the intention of cheap and frothy ih.ini.mii'it,'. Ufam) tli.'V eiiw no po- fni-ltal to he made by howling about U ill that lime. H Is mictatrange to road niiyililng like tlw forvgoit'K I" "y iiowxpiiiwr, ... . . ....... .1..,. WOt'CUItiy 10 ft lU'WupaiK't liniv vmn' othi piiplc for thflr ignonuice. The truth I the ellver dollar rtmiiiiuiii the unit of value and perfect log' ten dcr for debt, dp to tho dcinonctiwitlnn ufis:;l. Again, In 1S.1I to prevent tho buying tip of the wilwldiury silver by futvlgncw, tho' col nx, the half nod (puirtf r piece, were anlucod In weight lAerv hommt and InlDlllgeut rtK-m- Urof Uio l-'orty-tlrat or Jrorty-tuooud tuiigreen moat ailnilt lhat he voted for thiaMJJ with full koowlodge of It meamiiK miki punxMe or ma n rave no manner of altoutlon to the boainoa f kgialiitloii ifolng on around him. lie wnntor and repreaontatlve of tlmt time who join tlie abaurd cry that .liver wa ih'iiioiiellztd clandeatlmdy, either He flatly or confeat Uieuawtvet Uopciemiy atupid ana indolent. ( U true, oeverthelinH, that John Hhcrman I the only member of either howm of cougn-a who bat ever admit ted Unit he knew the bill derooncthtod the .liver dollar. On tht other hand very one proU-at that be did not In am of any ui h thing, and General (iniiit, then prealdfiit, averred that be algitfd tlm bill under a uthmpprehen. Uin of that aluhttor fact Again: t hlnl . If It would now ba oalled letfiala- lk.n kt Inrlallon lo tau a rreiMeiluaga bill, limild not if... ImUlatlon whlrto dfnoneUia Uer be enlled luaaiion for out, traction. There we mi allver currency to con- nii't in S7X Free coinage now would not In Mule t he total volume at onot of iirn iicy, tm-auwa It would inatantly drive out all the gold. It might do to vveiitiittllyjbiit (he nuiin objit-tlon to It ia, now aa lu ikth, that, atuoe tut great full in value uf allver, It would act up a now Ktiiudnrd of value, dilll reut from tlmt of the civlllml world, from which It would cut u off contnierclally. There wa a much ailver a gold cur- reii. y In tlie world in 1873. Tlie corn- blue of England, ticnimny, tad th Culled HtaUw to due troy that silver aa money ha reduced the volume of ailver two er cent per annum ever aiooe, and w lth it every other product of labor, for products are rated by tut amount of money In circulation. We mean tiioueyof ultimuto redemption. The Oirgonum can tott the truth of the above by comparing It price Hat of to- lay with that of the same day In 1873. It will find that all the staph) of Ore- goniumuer, wheat, bops, nan, ituii, or anything elae art at a discount of piito thlrty-alx per cent below the prkv in 173. If it will study the mutter a little further, It will find that the Ion which the producers of the l iiiUsl Hate snller annually because of till depreciation of value, ainouuta to more thau all the gold in the coun try amount to. Then tlie aiwertion that the rvmouctlxation would drive out gold haa no evidence behind It to Its truth. It wa a cry raised when the Dlaud law was pawed, and tins been worn thawlbarcainoe. Again: Fourth I tld not the resumption aet and tha I. in..ii..iifjiU..n m l work a bankblp uponUia l. elaan and producert There I no such thing a a separate debtor and producer claiw. Every debt or l. abto a ca'ilitor, If only fw a doUar- -n-tlny wage earned by mm. J".very protlmx.r is abto a copsumcr, If only of what be eats and wears. If he must my morv value lu a dollar, ho receive umru value in the dollar that cornea to him. 1 f he rt-ooive fewer dollar for a given value of products, he pay fewer for a given value of artlck-e of consump tion. That i merely an evasion. Tho txtndholderaof the world In 1873 held more than $200,000,000 of Interest bearing Indebtedness against the coun try ; as much more against the railroads, bile the debt of states, cities, and in dividual amounted to as much more, which the producer wero holdeq. for. W'hon five bushel of wheat are worth $1 per bushel they will pay a debt of ?,. With that wheat reduced thirty- three and one-third per cent In value, it would require seven and a half bush- As to pay the debt, and the difference between the five and the soveu-and-a-lutlf bushels represent all the profits of lOoneluded on fourth pa. Docs it Contain Ammonia? Tho charge is being mado that tho Royal Baking Powder contains ammonia, We would have supposed that tho emphatic condemnation of ammonia baking powders by tha most eminent physicians throughout the land, and tho fact of the three leading chemists of Minnesota mak ing their report to the Senate Committee recently showing that broad baked with the "Royal" contained ammonia and the hostility now being manifested by the public against all ammonia and alum baking powders would have driven them permanently from the market. . In view of the fact that Baking Powder has become on indispensable, article in every kitchen, it ia gratifying to know that there are brands in the market to which 00 suspicion of any kind has ever attached. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is a pure cream of tartar powder free from every taint of ammonia, alum or other harmful substance. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been que tioucd. . .; . . " .