The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 19, 1892, Image 3

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-martin by
West Si Publishing Compan
IWrivNtin. The next meeting of
i). MiwUwl and Literary rWMy of
Iitdcmwdcnce ha been Indefinitely
llnwiuoAt.. Am a our reirt--
orba fully recovered l "-"""l health,
we expect him to visit dlflereiit necllon
tf Ihe iiity, and report wttat I la
In place therein; mid al to give
life sketch of ueli old settler a he
may meet with. We havv-onccotitMll-
Injr delr in imhtUtiliiit the Vtr
Hihk, and lluil deal re K U make It
most welcome weekly visitor to every
llrvalde In the county.
Tmk I.kap-Ykak lUi.u-Tho leap
year hall jstven In the opra house IiwI
Friday nlulit was u ti He tony In It
iialurv. Then? were present aland
aeventy-flve couples, aud th gentle
men lu their conventional black with
awallow-talled coots, nnl the ladle lu
ttmxiJktr costume, made It exhibit tpilt
k Washinijtoiilan t. A tine aupper
wan served at the Little Falnee hotel,
and, take It nil In It wa a very
m-Am-A a It sir.
iVr.vrv Mtirrmo.-Ailianoe men
DnwyvM, aud all other person Inter
ested In th reform question of tli
ilny, will liulil a two day' meeting
at Italia, on March lt and d,
to discus railroad, tax, silver, bank,
land loan, and stil-trxwtiry qiawtlon.
Men of nil shade of opinion are lu
Ylted to artielpate III th dlseulon
of each topic, wh of which will be led
by aonte cue of the allet speaker of
the state. Programme next work.
A Mas Ktu.m I. lltJontry.ftttutl
Istrty mlK! "Isc," and who lived fur
many year at lVrrydale, wa shot a nd
killed at Willanilna lat Saturday
luorulng atmiit 8 o'cltH-k, by a man lirwi. ticiitry had Uo
cuinii! and iilmsiou'.Urwu't lHy, and
m thts ly Into lirwn yard, whim
Unvtt wt1 ut luto the lioums UMiHirwIJa
n-vulvf r, anil lsol titutry four tliuw,
klllhushlm. t!v(itryKttvw wi(Vand
thri chiMrt'ii, and ha.ln uotorlu
In o'Vi'ml iHHiuty frtimf.
Tub KAi.--VanHiwr k not th
only iliin that wxnh to jjvt a mov on
Itih'lf. (fth iHwly-ohoavu )Im In
ttt Uk-mI rlfviilt, Iult'vndiiH' l proh
altly thttiiioot at tlv. It has tutni t
tlrr!ii Itx'lf actively and tuwfully
to vura ditrlft ttr this fall. It
ha lvii awriU-d p ir'tty cliohv wwk
In ihv rtrrult. th ou afti-r th wtale
air. It wilt umloiibtitdly have a larg
atti-tutuiKv, and, If the IihiI aoMH-lation
tiirun It iurJiiit rlitht, idi-iily of
hrw..Vm..iy t)rfiMi'in.
81'ai.wrtuK ia Hbbk. "Sirlntrtmw
lia m, vutle Aunl," and the How
w are bltMiniliitf. Now If alt ottr prop-
rty owiu-rn wuiild ram ttu-lr fruit
anil h.iiit trtv, and fliau tho atrwtn
lu fnnit and atxuit their itmlMi, our
city wtwld I the uil Unuitlful any
whi'iv In the valley. V have a il
uinty uf water fur Iawii .urjx-, ami
thU mtirv town, If r"wr!y caml fur,
could U imnltf to MivMoiii am tll hw'
A little pride alwiit on' him U iivv.
r it. either In valu or umral tt.
Now la a kmii1 linn' to tlx up your lk
walk, and reimlr your feiion, and do
much In tlw way f useful Improve
incut. V hope to oe mueJi of till
kind of work dim thi aprlng.
Hcti hnkii. Mr. K Wiuuull anil
d.unhler, Mlw Ajtsj"'. ri'turned from
their vlit to Ohio lut Tuemlay. They
were alwent tlvu ui tuthi and had a
iniMt enjoyahtc trip throiigh iut, mwt
ina with no aecldont cither way.
While In ehitiS'othey heard th great
p 1um donna, I'ntil, and salt I her Uig
mtf mm simply U-yoiid ihs'riptl(iii.
They al Mated that when they left
Ohio, ncveii day prcvloua to their ar
rival In Imlepemleiiee, thero weru two
feet of Know un tho ground and the
weather very cold, and aUhoiiifh they
enjoyed the alelghing, they were
glad to K''t hiuk to thu Hiinny and
genial clime of old Orton where the
tree are huddiiiR and the flowew
aliinwt ready to htnoin. The Wkst
Hum welwmi d them homo again.
f Thealwilller Hoatf landed fifty tniM
of frel(jht her Monday evening. Till
la a llttw ahov tb daily avvrag, but
will not iHNiiiar with what will b
lauded her when tu aprliig binlnvaa
Mwaiu ntlrlyopvn, If any doubt th1 1,1 ta f'l'l-
1 l(XAl5. "
A Uniluvard.
A dUtrlet ilr.
A hoop faotory,
A tiwiull tilue,
A Meant laundry,
A hteyeU) touriianient.
An ax handl faotory,
llleyol riding ha oonimeuiHHl.
Itoad are. duxty lu Indowndenr.
A tarn uuniberof rwldeno bulldmir
Kulmerib for the WwrHU'i, thelltell earn by that ehlekon lnllluiatl) ,
ieoplt (taper. I all la rl(ilit, hut If h ha Uvn playing
Thl r.m.l. lu tat aiuither hutl.lliia WW eVllltllerU dry, W Will t tl it
avx for ludeiwiideiiee,
KMONAL MENTION. tif William Miwm, about otifl ami otio
k..mi....i .i.i. Jt wbloh h ODnlluuwl to rwdd until th
, , . . . . . dwiiiaofl.lwlf,wlileb occurred In
4HIHMIUIIIrfllUUIIUIOlllllnOIM liuil .1...- -,t.ll. II.... l.a l.n. III
hoiii aiuoiigit III ehlldren, having
bUKliixM aetlvlty uf lndiaudem, J. V. 0'limu)l and lady nrwiit a ftw wild til prevlou bom realdimc. li
makeavkltofa few day her ami " " mBtmiMiiui ttiin wwlt. wm a man uf iifleklbl InUviity, or
you will be convinced that w have a I'rof. Vnmy i on a building boom at liidotiiltabl will, but alaiv all h lvd
buiMite wnterof no menu imdeualon. nrewnt. and bl toll will b rvwardmt. lo obedlune w III command or Him
llw. 1U.II wa eeu wending til way Our follow towuaman. O. W. Wilnn. "I" u ,wf '
tbMugb UitnHtTuMlay with a fine, mad a btialiie trip to I'urlland tbl
fat ohloken dangling fnan tb end of I wwk.
ft. 1 . . II .. . .. . I
manngvr. ji cam near oemg ar-i VrMlk Uurch( of ()rgon City, I
rwtiHU.y in mamiiat. lira. vWUng frleudNand ndaUvw lu Imlii-
At th burial uf David Ireland, llro,
II, F. lkmuvll mad nie of the uut
practioal and Imprtwalv remark that
It lia vver Uen our lot to have listened
tu. WhIU pointing out wherelu death
wa th iiemy of mankind, and by
win pNilutnHut death wa th
that our ehlekeu rtawt a little higher.
Quit a happy typographical error
wa dlaeovered In our dUirlo-tfidr r-
I u.m i... ie.. ............. .... I . . . ........ i ........ ..i.i. ...... i. ....
SffMttto H-' M W th.t,h.p.,.tw h.radjuattkn.l.
SitLlII tr.ifbrMeM.uv.k.,on..hrt ,&( flight wa a. wa. at rrt wa
i io tier uioiuer. i "rrj it,.. i h.w -vw
otairaged, which mail It appear rather
Several of our luduatrloucltlMn ar
Improving their prtnulae. 1, 1 toiler I arranging form
eral new cottage tbl uprlng
The ladle hould wait until the new
good at Ura "White lloune," arrive.
ear glad toehmuleletbat'niom wm,in Th amouut ahould
Judder I again ahk to be around. i.u tt.viit.
ork on the lem laundry la being 'e vUltwl th hard war Mow of Mr.
pumieit rtgiit along, anil tu niacin nery O'lKmnell thl week. On ourentrano
at xihhImI lu a lew daj. w were aitonudted at It lam dlmen-
Ther wlU be a h-aivyear iiarty given lon. II I doing a thriving bualtuw. vlalt to t,"wrvlll W edntwtlay.
hi the opera tiou ou th evening of Thl I indicative of buaiuoM atHlvlty Mr, and Mm. U W, ItotarlMin, of
Washington birthday, In lndewiuleni, a well a an I ml lea- mtlauil, wer In attendaue uaiu lb
Mr. T. lleukle I making hl "on of ait luereliig aeuiand on Ui I leap year party lat rrlday evening
home on of the inert dutiful lu the M ior agnimiiiirai ma- Ju Tuck, who la now at Vnmim,
elty Let other go and do llkewk. wuwy. w In Indepeudeuea Tuewlay, and
liev, v. Puling will eonduet K.vaii- called lu and uhaorllad for tho Wknt
A. It, Alklna UJuat recovering from
ipill a never attack of lagrlpp and dtx ,n m.irtallty, yet b premmted
neuralgia. in BUoh i,)W,t- word the final rent of
. l ....
Nla farrkt Munker went to t'oN I th truly mllhftil. that the anlleled
Mr. Wheeler, a brother of W. II.
Wheeler, I building dwelling lu
White1 addition,
O, IC, CliMlfelter, tb afiable anlewnau
at (ttouktou A lleukle', mail a flying
itear parent and ft lend, furewell
w meet again.
Mr, HLt'btlr baa a lot of canned
Iivb Yoi'H Wtvaft "Thero I one
thtiiK that I like aliout the Jewa-tlmt
U, their devittloii to their wive," nay
"IWi," a writer on thing lu general,
mnl f.whlon and maiiueni In particu
lar. "No men lu tho world are a con
alderute to women fr whom they care,
and no men gtve and create no mueti
love in the hearts of their wive a do
Uicho men. I wan talking to a Jewea
about happy marriage, and I put to
her the ipiwllon, 'Are you 'happy In
your marriage',' and ahe aimwereil, 'I
am so happy tho day are not leng
enough for me to lie glad In.' Now,
thia wa not a young girl who had
beeu married two week, a year, or Ave
yearn, but a woman who had grown-up
noun, mid who Htill loved the huoband
of her youth with greater ardor than
ah did the Hint year of her marriage.
I do n't know whom; fault It la, but I
MltotiM like to know-how many I Jen
tilt. could wiy thatV Stiy'tiiy.
Asotiikk Kactoiiv. W.A.AV'eiigcii
roth, proprietor of the Jndeeulcliee.
fence worka, anil 8. (Jrillllh, recently
of Kanaa City, Mo., uru fitting up the
machinery for un ax bundle factory In
tho building oppimlte Mitchell & Ho
hannou'H planing mill, on Muln at root.
They will be in full operation about
the laid, of next week. It will lai run
by Htcain power, arid the machine they
are netting up lit present U of Hultlelunt
cnpacily to turn out a handle about
every two minute; and un fat ax the
market In opened and require It they
will IncreoHo their rrmohliicry in pro
portion to the ileinuiidH. Mr. Grlltlth
ayH that one of tin) prlin.'lpal reoMon
lie liii'ivl.cil ln;ru waa tlie largo amount
of oak tiinliorin thin vicinity, which ho
tli iiikHiiiukin lailter huudlca than hick
ory u It will, afUT thorough aeiiHoiilrig,
Hpring to Home extent, and hickory
will not. Thin will las the only ox.
handle factory on thla count; In fact,
the only one tbl Hide of Kaunas City.
Now If our oak timber makca a gooil
liaudlcn iih imported mateiial, we do
not nee why tliin nliould not be made a
paying uulei'prlrfo. W'o winli it un
bounded HUCCehH,
fruit ftir aale. All rriia during to " 'rv, nnwian cuuren
purt'huao will liKiuIre of Mr.KJ.
UetK Imau. II 'it
The boy ahould reorgaiilw th lia-
twll nine before long lu order to get
uflleleut praetlee to earry on the prue
lu a wrk of ganiM with any nine in
the valley, oulald of Portland.
That lHulevanl between lndeiii-
hutee and alonmouth muat t begun
and completed. You can careely real-
Uewhatau attraction ueh a thing
will te to cltien and traveler.
.Mr, FUekenger, from Hoap Crevk,
watutown Tmialay, lie ha but
Jut rtHXtvered from a wvere attack of
la grippe. Kenny he I nut dup.w.1
to again have It follow In bl track.
We underhand that Hon. II. Y.
Iliinb, rtvently decapitated by the
Ilarrtwm adiiiluUtraiiou, wilt build a
ne h.mie residence lu MonnHHith,
taoe on, all ye In rarvh of a peaceful
home, and do likewliw.
Don't w ante time, nHinvy.and health,
trying every new medlclu you may
tteadvertiM-d lu the imtivr. It tb
cauae of your trouble ! lu tb blond,
liver, Klnuuu ti, or kidney, take Ayer i
anmiwrllla at on., and be ur of a
cure, I ake no oilier.
To the uueatlou, Which t your fa
vorite poem? there may tat a great va- t.f Aiku'..ft.r l.itl wlit.n
Which 1 your favurlt. bkaal purltler? IW-yterlan ehurcU nextHuiiday eveiv
there cau be only one reply Ayer
Ion thl coming Sunday morning only,
liwtead of iiHiruIng and evening. Her-
vie will oommen.v at eleven o'el.K'k
I The cluar will meet for practlc at Mrm.
Wllllani' UiU evening.
J. K. Hubbard baa laiught the Inter
ert of Van Meer lu th truck and feed
table. He i now ante proprietor
Ho expect to mak a life bunlneaaof It,
Jo I th bo, ami lie execute all or
der with ear and dlapatelt.
Itcv, (. 0, 1'ollng will bold hi tat
I quarterly uieetlug of th lwlvlllc
mlmlon at llueua Vlta, Hoturday, Feb
ruary 87th, at.auW p. w. rreaehtng at
night and Huuday morning and even
lug. All Invited
We are grieved to chronicle lite new
I that M. A. t ltobertoU U -till ipilte
kiw, but w hoi when th bright
warm day uf irtuK emie, h will
Improve aud be able warn to be around
The Ilkkrealt W. C. T. V, take tbl
mean to thank all who o kludly do
Haled, and other who aMbted lu mak-
tog their "Temperance Fair" a fluan
I da I Mlccea.
Tb of McCoy will give a fair
aud itlue Jay wxlable on Monday even
lug, February M. Kverjbody cordially
1 her will be a ng ervk at tb
Itcv. A. J. Hunaaker went to Cor
Valh Mulli'ay, lo amlat III til meet
luganiuduvteil by JUv. Wheeler tu
that city thki week. ,
Mr, Mat. Fkdierlefton Wwlnralay'
tmm iiirrau t pair,
A dUlrlct fair aud the exleiialou of
Ui circuit of th "Oregon Hlock Hrwl
era' AnaocUtlon" to ludewiideno will
prove of linnieiiwadvaiilBg to Inde-
leiideuce, a well ai to the entire eouu
ty. It will glv promliiein to Iml
la-ndeiice, It will llicreaae It bualuew
relation, and Uv all, It will give
advatitagc to the Inen of friendly
aud "'lal Inlercour among th pen.
I'olk county 1 the banner ci.unty in
Die atate, and now let th people of the
county lakii ad vantage of preMcnl op
rn.rih-U.und train for Helena, Montana, I"""'""- V foughly organising a
Uijoln her liukband, who had gone
there aeveral week ago.
A. 1. lUrniwy , of Kan Fraticbro, who,
It w ill be reuietnliered, ut ll uui-
Ulerlu Imleprudelii, returned again
Wedunulay to remain for mhii time.
Mr, (Irave, of North Independence,
dl.trutfalr aawwlatlon, and proving
by th reaull uf th warn, to cltlaeu
and to lrugvr, that we art entitled
to lb blgheat honor for our teal In
behalf of agricultural tndutrk aud
tli Improvement of Mock aud henl.
We feel fully coiindeut that th )tile
of tlw county are earneally anxlou lr
who ba lea quite lek for .im time mxvvW e,,i,ummtlon of uch a
with la grip ami fever, I able to b lVemeiiL and It only rwiulre the
ou theatreeuagln weareplewed to nay. Lma-, uf active, energetic meu to have
M. R Wtaalcuek, one of th Corvalll an exhibition tbl coining fall that wll)
lamkera, wa In town lat Haturday ou place old I'olk far In the van of all of
t.u.lnr, ami the cr HinKiiriUw ac- uur atater couiitk lu all thai (cud to
knowledge a pk'aMtut call from bint, I prouail the beat lulertvt and w.-l
Mr.W.F. Mitchell, a ten vear' re, far of It clllwna. It tn worg go
w 1 .... ...
kleut irfSalem. came to town hurt Hun- . h-t there 1 no limitation lu Htiiy
day ou a vMl to her Uer, Mr. L, !- completing a full orgultlon, aud the
mon Hh returowl home Wlulay mture win prove mat your ermn in
moruliiB. ' Uial direciion win nave nrntigui awiui
i mi... . . rwult moat gratliyiug to in aetnw or
!.... I. .. .1 ub In will. I.-. I "' I1"'!1' nmiwwiiniluiiimiiPl
... ..!.' WW" . ...I M . I. M M.'t I . . ., .
liomir lo me active movent iiauruaiu
Ptot, Kerb Itlli "What lhy JT..ei.
ilo Abaut it.
relailvm and friend. Mi Diar lia
bcenaltelldiug acluad at
part year.
IVrtUml the
Sarnparilla, Uhhuw It I the pureat, I
iafeiit, and mtwt eooleimlcal,
H. I. Fulton, of I'olkjcounty, w very
eiituie.littio over prune culture lu the I
Itor to Independence.
F.d Htitebln, of Kalctn, watln town
Tumlay and gave u a call. W are
aim pkuaed lo aunuunc that th g'V
lug All are cordially Invited to attend
The onter I now In aud the luinU-r
I twltig aawed for ttte cannery build
lug. It the g"l work go ou.
iell Ireland returned from Halem
Wlllamett Valley. Ha goe far a Monday, wtier lie uad been on a vlalt ernorand awreUry of lt received Uie
to any that Italian pruuea grown In I to liw inamorata. I building erected by him on lhaytuni
the valley are opcrkr to thorn grown I In lea lhu two year there will I i farm, lat Monday, amounting to f 1 5,-
lu Italy, The climate I omiared to twemy-nve hundred woile living IuIwk). F4 I a nrt-ela workman
that of Aula Minor, where prune, Independence. Mr. and Mr. A. M. Meljoiuhlln. of
Hon. It. P. Mclneh, ex -county Huena VWa, gave the Wwr Hunt
comiuMoner. dknl In Kalcut lat week. Ionic a pk-aaant call while In town
tw.k,ni,,. -....i.-l A.n, , WM Nomiay. Jie n. aovamag
'Iu buying a omikIi medicine for
I. Vauduyn wa lu towu a couple of children," aaya II. A. Walker, a
day Ihl we'k on bulu ami iika. Ineut druizHUt of tht'k'n, I tab. "never
ure. It l.kiiilte natural to eve hi I afraid to buy Chamlarlalu I ougl
familiar countenance ou our afreet Itemcdy, There I no danger front It,
again, aud he Ualway a weleom vbt- and relief Ualway ure lo follow. 1
particularly recommend Chamlrlalu,a
tnau I have found It to ta anfe nun
reliable. Fifty-cent bottle for aale by
all medicine dcak'r.
otlvt aud uluillar fruit cau be found.
The little flve-year-old on of Helby
Ireland, who bad hi leg brokeu but
Saturday, a attemled UHl by Dr.
Crowley, of MotinuHittt, who rtwwl the
brokeu limb aud left him In oompara-
ilveciMe. Tlieprolmbllltlnare thai In a
few week a full reatoration to aouild
of the broken limb will bave taken
If you are troubled with cold In the
head, the following, from the Ixmdou
Lniutl, la very highly recommended:
Trinitrate of bUmuth, ix drama; pul
verized gum arable, two drama; hydro
chlorate of morphia, two grain,"
Thl la ucd a a amitf, create no pain,
and cauac. the Jstnrrt aaaerta, the en
tire diapjarance of the symptom In a
few hour.
On Haturday, the Mill, the little sou
of Helby Ireland (aUmt live year old)
fell from the hay loft In Win. I". Ire
land's barn, to the tloor, breaklug his
teg near the thigh. W are now look
lug an xlously for the physlclau' atteud
ance, Htdby Ireland was down from
Hodavllh to le preneiit at hi father
funeral when the ad accident occurred.
Truly we knowuot what an hour may
A Car f Tkaaha.
Totluae friends and neighbor who
o kindly ailnilulstcred to our nnl-
lie In the last dying hour and burial
of our father, Uavld Ireland, we tender
our kind ai'kuowkHlgmcut, and ex
tend our wannest thank. We wish
A. J. Wolcott, Independence. bV -t
llrnd Mr. Cherry' new jewelry ad.
lu tbl week' bnue.
The fiiniM-nt are doing well, and
every tiling prueper.
William Klrktnnd, of Dixie, wa In
towu last Kalurday.
Mt beautiful weather.
1 1.. I.w.ll ..t
.airomrui aeud the WrHma hy pimIkwI lift of health and
Weekly itrtytmUm uutll November I, haptttuc. Again we thank you.
or .:.o, Tiik nnuniKf.
I. It l'lanl and family kft yesterday
forHt. Iails, MIsMHiri, wherelliey will
mase tla-ir mtiire imme. lliryuo on
acnaiutofbi health, which ha beeu
null lasir for ome lime. W wish
' . S M
iiiem a pieaaaut j.airney ami a tare ar
rival at ineir new iiome.
too luwanl,
The reader of thl pnu-r
I.ltlle girl treadliiK): "'Nature
unadorned I adorned Die most.' What
d a lhatnienti?" I.lltle brother (after
deep thought I : " 1 gueaa it mean
a rat cnicken is nicer uiaii a ciianen
wlf It feather on." Mood A'nr.
Ili,rlla' Aralea Mali's.
bring forth
Mr. C, W. lUwd,. proprietor of the that It fall to cure,
Hotel Dellone, Omaha, one or me lineal ai of UntlmonlaUi,
new aud uiodi-rn hotels In the west,
says of Chamberlain' Cough llomcdy:
"We have used It lu our family for
yearn with the misit satisfactory rvaulta,
especially for our children for colds
and croup. It can be depended upon
III he
pleased lo learn that there I at least
one dreaded disease licit science ha
been able to cure In all It stage, and
that la catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure ts
ihooiilvnoslilvecureiiow known to I The best salve lu the world for cut,
ii... i,uii.i fmt..rnit v. ri..rri. uruise. mttv. uiccr, au riieum, rover
a constitutional disease, remilre a con- """ Mlr, cl.apH bauds, elillblain,
... . . . ... . I ....I utt .1. I.i .mill li,... ami
suiuimnai ireaimenv iinus i aiarrn ............ ,
Cure Is taken Internall v. acUmr dlrw tl v vcly cure plica, or no pay required
Us.n the blmal aud inuc.iu urfa-a of " " guaranteed to give perfect aatla
Mv.iem. ihert-l.e iimtnivliiir tl. faction, or money refunded, I'rloe, 25
foun.Utlonof the disease, and giving cwnUperlsix. For sale by any drug.
the patient strength by building up a'"1-
the constitution aud assisting nature lu iiaviii ihklanu,
doing It work. The proprietor have
so much faith lu It curative power, arlv settler who have nassed to the bod v should read and
. ..i i
Nappy lluolr.
Wm.Tlniuiout, tmaster of Ida-
vllk), Ind., write: "Kkttrlo Hitter
ha don inure for m than all other
iiKillclm combined, for that bad feel
ing arising from kidney and liver
trouble." John 1-esllo, fanner and
sUs kmail, of the same place, says:
"Find Klectrle Hitler to be the Ut
kidney and liver medicine; made me
fool like a new man." J. W. Gardner,
hardware merchant, aame town, aaya:
Klectrto Hitler Is Just the thing for a
man who I all run down and don't
car whether he live or dies; he found
new strength, good apiictito, and fell
just like he had a new lease on life.
Only 6o cents a bottle, at any drug
that they offer one hundred dollar for gr,,Ml u.yond ehould always I a mat
nemi lor ir tlf iHUtnwt to those who survive
We make you thl week a (I UK AT
A short sketch of the live of our presldentlal-elwtlon year, and every
be thoroughly
Address, F.J.CHF.NKYACO.,
Toledo, O.
iKflrHold by all druggist, 75c.
An Ex pom; kk. The most komloal,
kurlous, sidesplitting play ever wlt-
iHwlihw, It 1 pleasant to take, and aeem nested lu Independence will be pre-
to lie free from chloroform aud th oily tented by local talent next Friday even-
substance put Into many cough mix- ng at the oira house, Tho secret
them. Friend after fi lend depart, sev.
ered by the Icy hand of death from con
nection with all earthly friends, and
while we who are still subjected to the
toil and care of life, may be grevlously
stricken with sorrow at their departure,
ismtcd. Hy sulsKTlblug at once yu
can get the WrtklytMyimktn aud the
WnrrHiDK until November 1, 1X02, for
12.61), These paper will contain re
port of all conventions complete, aud
the Oregon state election, a well a all
the campaign and general telegraphic
new. This is the greatest oiler yet
U. Y. will be thor-
l,ouk out for ptMtem,
tun." Fifty-cent nu one-dollar oot- work of the A. O.
tie for Mile by all medicine dealers. oughly exposed.
,n. 1.1. ...... t. ,, I -.11... A.M.lf,il
lueau.aerU,aueY.!io,r,u,v..-v. An.i.i.-.AII nenums ,
san incuiius. ine Kicaer iiicm, i we.-kly.or land, who a few daye ago was eum
imi.rovemeni; inc crwiaer w in ..gna-. orrmmlan, will find it to moned Into the presoneeof his Maker.
lion ami reneiiimeui. ine aicaer is , . . ... i. n,, lh 10th of Kehruarv. with a sil,
,.. , . ..i 1 1 ... "'Mil a'iauiiK -' " M......K.. - .,....,......-..,,,......
o.ny i.e..i o i.b..r.u ... . w Hum uni.. A lso den stroke of paralysis, lie yielded up
ninin ami lnoiilro aliout Oreiron' sec- his breath, aud while his Imtuortul
vet he. full of year and rlue for Im- given you and you should not fall to
mortality when the summons come, embrace the opportunity. Huliacrlp-
ylebhi up hi life with Joyous autlelpa- tlon taken nt the Wkht Hidk olllcc.
lions of an eterultv of hlls with lllni
lu whom he had alway put hi truat ANNOUNCEMENT!
for the salvation pnunlaed to the faith- ye Uko.thls metliwl of Informing
ful. Hueli wn the case of David Ire- the nuollo In aeueral tluil wa have en-
modatlons at 3 rates; the croaker
would be Just as noisy If he were get
ting $3 accommodations and paying
nothing. The kicker la a lively, Jovial,
progressive fellow; the croaker I a dis
mal nuisance who lags aupcrlluoui on
the stage. 'Rah for the kicker; a bm
the croaker.
I'ho editor of the Harney Time ha
the following to say concerning him
self: "We are married. Ml Uarrio
Laiiiw Cawllleld, daughter of I). L.
tered luto and Incorporated our hard
ware,loveft, tinware, aud Implement
business, with tho old aud reliable firm
of It. M. Wade A Co., under f'i.'VO.tHM)
capital, whn now have largo and ex
tlonal map given by the OnyonUm to plrlt took It flight, the bills, theonrea, tonaive hountw In rortlund, Halcin, Al
each yearly tubacrlber for the low prloo the pains, attendant upon mortal life, bany, Corvalll, and MoMinnvlllo,
of3H0, The paper for one year and ceased forever, inougn ciiiiuren, rcia- Our ubjeot hi entering luto this com
lives, aim inoiuis, may ue sincaen i,a,iV. u ton uce ourae vc In a position
with sorrow at the sudden separation, to buy all our goods direct from tho
vet tlicv can triumph In the oonaclouH- i,'ui irn In i..,F.1(iiol lots
i .w. , I- I - i
" .it ...i,,. . i .i
Tiiuasnr, February U.-D, W, Woodbury, "" "v1 "' " a Clieap as any WUOlesatO nouso on ine
Maa J(mi, t'al.i J. M. Ilarrltua, Dallas: K. C. U0W, IllslcaUOl UCIIlg UU0CMK! W III
Merrill, Puysllup, Wasli.i Mrs. Wlillo, Malem. pains of mortality, he
the map for the almve price.
Hotel Arrivals,
1 clothed In
Kbiiiav, February U.-J. llaadle, 1. W. ,. 0f lrtallt .and nwls
??'"' ""'"" 'o,!"'!?''!;,T- happy, blest with a Rcdeciner'a love.
iiwlfleld, of Kuterprlso, consented to H PorU,r p,,rtBnjt Den. W. Kamp, Port
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. patronage.
la-come Mrs. Kdltor, and mmre uie
glad iu!sh and sadness, the glory and
defeat, the happiness and sorrow, the
vicissitude and complimentary tickets,
of a sanctum dweller. Hoou the 20lh
ult,, about noon, a near a we cau
reim-mlmr, wo were married, with
the assistance of Itcv. T. V. H. Kmbrce.
Exchange please be lenient,
A. It. Cherry, Hllvcrton'i popular
Jeweler, starts Monday for Indepen
dence, Oregon, to engage In the Jewelry
bunluesn at tliut place, During his
stay lnHtlvcrtoii he has made a host
of friends, who regret to sec him leave.
Mr. Cherry to located with ratUirsou
ii . (! it it f ii run nmirira r rra mhii v riLiiiumuii lifiiiir v nu i"n a
jros , a.iu r, ..-.. U), a i,i,i,lau,' Wlllainliia. Or.i Joe Martin
lu..lru Hnimrlmnnt. Ha will CarrV a N., Vi.rk, A. M. Hiiill.ii. Portland! A. Ham.
" . , , hi iv', ri,,u,,,lrtf anil bir, 1'nrtlaad; J. A, Veiis, llimna Vlstaj
largestiKikofallklmWofJowuiry, and M.o. pW, Portland, a., Haiimii w.
I. mill an nxiierlcneed optician. We It. I'l"ii, I'lilloinaihiM, It. Ibtlibliia, Halnin;
. iihw. i.iinur, w. wacuay, urvmni ii. nnia,
exleud lo llini a coruiai weiuomo w ou, laiwisvuie,
midst, ami predict for him a liberal
About five days before his death, Mr.
landi M. V. liork, Halem. Ireland called upon the writer of this
BA-rtiaiur, February lil.-P. W. Boars, Mo. .rtlclo. wboat the time was moat an.
uoy, u. u, ror.r, roruaaa, ....., a...... , m fcd w,Uj dllltWMalng
miiiifh. I "
acaiiAr. February H.-.O. W. Hlilnii. oily i (unease, ta gripiw. tie simae oi our an
W, A. Mitt, Oak View, Arisonai W. K. King, yaucwl ages, talked of the punt, of the
Mokhav, February;ia.-J. J. Dallas, Dan'l
W. Kamp, Portland; (i. A. Httldoaipirt Port,
land) it, A. Konkle, oily; b. U White and
wife, Portland; B, Wtsirnse, Man Franolsooi h.
C. Parker, Portland; A, P. Bradbury, Portland;
Abe. Huliimon, Han KranoUooi Thos. Ralies,
MnMliinvlllas F, F. Post, Mulkiy.
Towiiav, February is.-l), F. llolinan, Port
land: Leo B. tiong, Han Kranolneoi Joe Miiyer-
Uitn, Han Franl!0 K. It, Prlciisrd, Albany:
KJ.TIianiiiMia, (jorvalllsi lira. Taylor Coen.
or, Portlaad: Ja, MeCane, MoMinnvlllo.
Wkiinshiiav, Kebrnarr n.-w. j. piniiin,
tn FraiinliMioi Ilnnry van moier. i-oriiaiiu
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
present, and the niture, ile "wa
ready' he said, whenever Ood called
him hence. Ills only thouuht was
separation from hi children, whom he
dearly loved, and which love was fully
reciprocal between pareut aud child.
We cau truly suy, from long personal
observation, that we huve seldom aeon
such a strong mutual attachment exist
between parent and children as existed
between the departed one aud his off
spring. David Ireland was horn In Ohio, In
1N1I). He removed from thenco to Il
linois, and from thence to Iowa, which
state he left In 1M04 for Oregou. A
abort time alter hit arrival In Oregon,
he purchased the donation land clulru
1'aclllo coast, thereby saving our cus
tomers the profit heretofore paid the
rortlund and 8ati Francisco merchants,
In the near future we ahull Increase
never before carried In I'olk ooimty.
In all we shall make this house second
to 110 retail house In the Willamette
valley tn quantity, quality, aud price
of goods.
In view of these facta, we can safe
ly say that we are now In a better po
nlllon lhau any house In Polk county
to hand le the trade, and wo shall be
plensed to see all our old customers,
and as many new ones, at our old
at and, where we can guarantee fair
aud honest dealing to all at alow price
Ooohman & Dorrv.
Having Incorporated our buMinisg
with It, M. Wade & Co., It become
neecHHiiry that we should close our old
books AT ONCE, All persons Indebted
to us for the year 1H01, will plcanccnll
and settle either by cash or note.
Goodman fe Pouty,
EiiiTim WksT Hinu; Homo gentle
men came lute lo my lecture and soon
left, saying, "We knew all llittl ; w hut
w wanted was to hear him tell what
the farmer proMw to do alsiut It."
Wilt you kindly glv me spneo lu
which they may And a little of our an
swerT ,
A bunk of Issue Is but a contrivance
f to let one man or set of men loan their
debt toother men, Th hanker gels
ten per cent on his debt whllo the
farmer pay ten ia.r cent on his. The
farmer has learned that money must
bear Ihe stamp of government and
have th law back of It making that
stamped article legal tender. He now
know that no man or set of men can
make money; that our Unking aystom
Is and alway ha been only a base
fraud -a moiioiMily of tho vlli-at kind
1I know that the government alone
cau make money. He know that all
oeIM money that ha depredated,
such Ik certain gacuhck ami the
trade dollar, were not money, fur they
lacked th law making them b gid ten
ler. II knows thai a dollar needs no
lollar back of It to redeem It, He
knows that Venice made patar money,
and that It wa not redeemable aud
had no gold or silver hack of It, and
that for x year It sttsal twenty per
cent above gold aud did the hanking of
th civilized world. Ho know that
France a few years since put out mimty,
twper money, and let the farmer
have it on farm security without Inter
l, aud that only five farm in one
hundred are mortgaged, while there
am t,i),ooa mortgage on American
farms, or about H.fMsi.ixxi.mxj. Jt.
now that the Culled Hlate, public
nd private, are paying Kuglaud lu
n-l on Ifl.wxi.ouo.oi) of her bunk
drtit, called money, or about,ii,.
OUU annual Interest, white our gold out
put wa 1:1,000,000,
Now the furmer ato know that
"gold U cowered," and I forcing all
rice below the coat of production aud
making It Impowaihlo lo pay debt
that the i lilted Htate Is axon, like
urkey, tlrveee, July, rgcntlue, ami
score of others, to live only to itay In
terest to I he money erat. Ki he pr
km that the goverumeiit shall make
moiiey aud lonu It on gssl ecurity
at a ar cent uot larger than can be
made by farming, say two jar cent
This two er cent will godirvet to the
guveruUH'iit, and stop all tax. The
taUtrer cau get w ork and my hi ib bis.
Now we y two per cent tax: ten
sr cent ou the tninkm' . w hli-h he
loan as national IvMik bills, eveti ar
cent on the bonds, and sixty one x r
(vol ou McKinley; L two phw U n
plus aevcu plus lxty-oue equal eighty
ar cent kwa. Tlie farmer prKiM to
kill the McKinley bill, aud If he can't
live at free trade, protect hiuiwlf by
simply refusing to trade with old Fug-
laud, and so do away with a system of
"protection" which wa deviwd only
to skin the producer and to fatten the
rich. Thul la, the farmer pmmc to
do away with making one set of men
pay interest to another set of meu. He
will no longer uphold a bonking sys
tem which enable the banker or auy
scoundrel to dislge his taxes, maklliK
the farmer who own only tweuty-lwu
pcrcvutof the proja-rty ay eighty
per cent or tlie laxca Hie govern
ment might make money and pay It
Into circulation by building railroads,
at the rate uf one million dollur pt r
day, for fifty years, and then we would
uot have enough money to do budm-m
ou a Imm.1... Then we would not
have tu pay the railroads f.v.7,oi,i.m
net, a we did this year. Instead of
only Improving little puddle tributary
to the l'aetllc, we might have "Internal
improvements" by constructing rail
muds and operating at coat.
I have two bamlaof flour, one for
use; the rat are eating the other, and
I w ill give U n cent to a mau w ho
will store and returu safe next year.
Now, llro. 1UU, will you kindly tell
me, If 1 sell that barrel of Hour, why 1
am entitled to leu per ceiit Interest?
Auou I uiuy tell my friend further
what we proixne to do.
M. V. lb.UK.
Can't Cook as Mother Did!
How many a young wife's heart hat bees aaddraed
by hearing tho abovo remark ! And yet bow often the
worda are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are
la question! The reason Is plain, yet It is like iejHiif
Our mothers used and are using Dr. IVlce'i Cream
Baking Powder. They cannot bo misled Into using any
of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow
complexions, when mother did the cooking.
Tho first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says t
New York paper, which appear among those who work la
ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore
head, This gradually extends over the face until the com
plexloa has a stained, blotched and unsightly appearance
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure
cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggsi
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant In fact the
purity of this ideal powder has never been ques
. V. T. IV
inaiirnaTniw; lam glad to note
the fact that Mr. Adkln la muo bet
ler, and we have hojai of ln.r recovery,
but It wilt he ome time before kite will
be able to rcaumehcrdiitleaiMprcaldctil,
upcriutcmleut, and eorrentioudllig aeo-
relary, for the county work of the W.
0. T. U , no the work La liceo plid
In my hand for the present,' mo any
uewi or work from Hm dlil'cieiit pari
of the county Will find a place In (In
VVwr Hun-: a U fore, Ho hero I wl.h
Ut mention ihe fact ;fnln that wo have
all Die cpii.t) we wlab for the wnrk,
iml many liianK to our ifciicroti-
rilc Itlble cIim In connection with the
lT Ii. Their regular meeting la
every Kunday, at three p. m., Id lb
church. They have given ooa enter
uiimiieiit, which wa very nice, and
brouKht them a profit of aumetbing
over fourteen dollar.
CorreMuding Hecretary.
A farehaae.
William I-coiiard, now nwlding near
the Oak li rove whool houe, thl Week
purchased the i harl.n lauktre Usn
icre tract of laud adjoining Talmago.
VVeare tikiaaed to note thl fact Mr.
lAiiuard la a live, energetic citizen, and
will aoou Increaw! the value of bit pur
chase a hundred fold. Come on,
friend and Hlranger, and aecure a nice
bcarleil eiiitor for Ihe tunny kind thing I i'l?Jl0,Vtt.imrft,,,,,,M' t!'.'tMfll!, tha
, , , , , , , l Keiicy of the W llluinctte Ileal 1-jttate
ho ha done for ua. He, ha a very (mnm,JVi f whMl jmm(lilmBlt
warm corner In the heart vt the V. f iihldeut aud J. W. Kirk land I aeoro-
Our CrrnM.a.lal,
We have now pamed through four
weeka of the varloim phai and
aymptom uf that moat formidable dla
eaae, la grlpa, and during thai
lime our thought occiiKloiiaHy wtiu
dered lo the "aunctuiu" of the WiiiT
Sinn. We have regretted our Inability
to keep up a continuation of our re
port to ha column, but wo now hope
that ere muny day we may contribute
our humiilo vllort lu promoting
tho nt III further advancement of the
WkhtHii to popular favor and pat
ronage. Under lla present maniige
meul the WkktHikk la receiving the
liluh commendation of the petipic, and
It U Wganled iw tho cipial to If uot the
auperlor of ftny ba-al paper In the
atato. The patronage now given the
WshtKiiik airorda renewed evidence
that It will not wait to be driven along
the path of pmgnw by ahnrp compe
tition, but will keep ho far in tho lead
that competition will be 1111 lm)uitvtl-
blllty. IlKIMHTKII.
CAM TllKLL. To the wlfo of 0. T..
CamplK'll, In thla city, lhuraday.
bV'liruary 11, tmi2, an eleven pouiul
boy, All doing well.
CAllPKNTKU. ltorn to tho wife of
J. II. t'arpenter, I'cbruary 1H, l.siy,
an eight-pound glii. All doing well.
AlltlioHO Indcliled to me will Hud
my laaika wltli II. M. Line for acttlc
ment. .Plcaaecall and acttlcnt once.
All acemintH not ael tied ou or la'fore
tho tlrat of March, WX will bo placed
In the lunula of a collector.
'fliia ly niuiltlvelv IiimI llollre tliut
wc ahull give to tlioae owing un to conic
forward and acttio ny tne-it or Marcn,
Willi; and tlioae failing to do this will
have to aottlo with our attorney. The
laioka can be found at Minder & Bhcl
ley' drug store.
J. W. BltHTKIt,
A. 8. Loi'KK.
IndoHndonoe, Feb. 1H, 18112. W It
Whro Baby m lck, wi gave her Paitorl.
Whoa ihewaa a Clillik'nIiB orletl tor Coatoriu.
Whrn ihe betm Him, alts oiling to Caaturla.
When bo Inwl ClillJren, alio gave tbuia Caatorta
(.'. T. U. In IVilk canity. I wlh !i to
ay no olio la to blame but ourxclve If
our aiweche and new of thl great
cauMci not In the column he ha
given u.
Mil. I,. I WltJTKAKKH,
t'ounty l'nidciit.
The convention Of Ihe I'olk County
W. C. T. V. w ill I held lo Indepcn-
Iciuv, March !.! and Slth. ISery-
Ualy luvlu-d to utti-iid. Ivk-gatca will
U cnletialited free uf charge. The
un ini-s are to Iw m tit to the president of
llldcpeudeiicc union, Ma Momblo, by
theluthof March; alwi canity due
artit to Mr. F..S. l'uwcll, of Monmouth,
Ihe llt of otllivr and nut eriutendcntu
if departiiHu( to Mr. L. L. White-
ker, of Iude-lidcltee. Huialiutelid.
eutaare nipunieil to end their ft-jnirla
lo the county up-rlii(eii.U nt by the
I'uh of Maa-h, o ihey may lx able to
n-iMirt to Ihe county and state eon ven
lion what w e have lvu enabled to do
In the last year, l'ft-siilcuta of uuloim
iiniat do all Ihey can to aeeure a full
port of all line of w ork in tho county,
brliik'liiu a rcta.rt to tiio convention of
her union, date of organltntlon, ly
crea of mcmljrhip, and money
raided foreharltaiilc work and other
CKpcniM, and gait accomplixluHl, not
retried by departnieiit auperlutend-cut.
Halt aalmou at Walker Mru.
Cox' gehttlnejit Walker Broa.'
All kind of garden aeeds at Walker
thinker oat, ten cent
at 1'j.U-n'a.
The report of the Mlckrvall Union
which In given In this week' pr
ahould have been reported two wwk
ago, but alckucMi pre-euted. This I a
new union, organized by Mr. Major
Ht-ott last April, after the county. con
vention, aud we are g'nd to note they
have la-en a live, working union.
Their I,nyu1 Temperance I.egioij wa in May and wa Ihe banner
legion of the county ut tho legion pic
nic at lWla, a It deserved to be, hav
ing In the rank young men and young
ladle not ashamed to ahow their color,
who carried the county banner w ith
pride. We will give tho report iw
written by the eorrcwpondltig secretary:
The Kick n ail W. C, T, U. was or
ganized April 0, sia, with seven
charter mciuU'iK, nnd held their flrot
regular meeting April il, 1H; Mr.
l,l.ile Htoncr la-lug elected prealdcnt,
aud Mr. Sa-He I lurch vh president.
The ladle hcTc have given two K-la-blca
which bMiight them tu a neat lit
tle aillil for nceoamiry cxKnaca, the
community nilatltig them very UUr
ally, and the cornet bund lending their
acrvlcca without any a ward whatever.
The union secured Mrs. Adah Unruh,
of McMlunvllle, for two Iccturi-a, which
were paid for by the union; have also
hadta-vcrtd other lecture where collco
tlon have lan-n taken. .Scut one dele
gate to the atale convention lu May,
paying Iheexpensea of thcaamc. Have
teu dollar towards the alatc president'
salary; thtw dollars for nalioiial dck-
gitto fund, Hulwcrllicd through the
union for eleven copies of tho "Owoti
H'AiVc JtiMmn" nlaoono of tlie " Von
Hjilivtl," la-sUlcs several menilH-rs tak
lug the Sijtittil and other temperance
papers ludlvldusilly. fVcurcd budges
(or each member lu tho union, l'rc-
sented the Ii. T. I,, with 1111 elegant
banner, also bought themselves a love
ly banner. 1'rwcutcd tho church wifli
three-dozen song books. Distributed
several hundred page of literature.
The report from tlie lloral superintend
ent, October "1th, consisted of nine
bouiiiut given to tho sick, and sixteen
for church.- Our union nt present num
ber eighteen active luciubci-H, with
twelve honorary mouthers, making a
total membership of thirty. Kuperln
lendenta for aeverul dcpurtuicnU wore
appointed, but us yet have hud very
(ew rcpoita from them. Have not alli
ed tho Itofuge Homo yet, but hope to
do our part nt aoiuo futura time us well
as tu all other temperance work.
Total amount of money paid Into the
unroll since organized, sixty-six dollars;
total paid out, -"it 80.
Wc havo nn Interesting T, T. L.wlth
about lll'ty mcuilicis, Including young 1
ladies ti 1 ill gentlemen 11a well 11s chil.
divn. It Is comlucied on the sumepliu)
as 8. M, First, rcsjiouslvo rciuling,
thou classed oil', with "White ltlbbon
ladles" to Instruct thorn; also have a
per package
I'lve ton of froth groccrlea Juut re
ceived at Katee'a,
Jut rewlvedjit Walker Bro., abo
lutcly pure Ohio maple tyrup.
ew Home, and White sewing
.......LI...... - . 'V. . . . .
um oiuva i ncuif r a oook aiore.
Ufio to T. W. Eauw' for your fine
Cook lea, freah frtim the Portland bakery.
For the flnewt caudic and oonfeo
llouary lu the city, call at 1'. V. Fattrr
sou'a. Try that fine five-cent Queen of
Quecu cigar at 1'. C. l'atlernon' candy
Ho to Wheeler' and get our of those
White Labor clgara. Only 6c. Beat in
F. C. Patterson alway keep on
hand a full supply of Havana and Key
V al cigar.
Try Wrong restaurant, Westacott A
Irwin, pmpiietor, when lu Halem.
Meals, first cliuw in every way, 25 wots.
ijTluwew billing to buy canned good
by the case should call at Walker Broa,
aud get their price before buying else
where. If you want an ek-gant side-board,
hall-tree, iawk-caac, secretary, chiffo
nier, or parlor auito, ko to F.Anstine'.
at Monmouth.
fend, your laundry to the Ralem
steam laundry. Mr. Ootr, driver of the
Nilcm stae, w ill take It for you.
U-nve order at the upper livery stable.
l"eUle Just moving to town will
do well to call at the old trroocrv house
of J I), l.'a to get yourauppllca. Every
customer treated with courtesy aud
goods delivered free of charge, .
W here lo you buy your groceries and
provisions'.' Why. at T. W. Katea'a:
chcaH-st place In town, aud every
thing nice and fresh. Order filled
promptly aud gtaxla delivered free on
short order.
If you are at all particular aliout the
ooks of your collars, cutis, and sblrta.
you will send them to the Salem steam
laundry, where they will be turned out
with a glossy finish that la elegance
Itself. Price very low. Leave order
at the Salem stage barn.
There Is no place lu Oreiron where a
U-tter meal is served thau at the res
taurant of Westacott A lrwiu, 271 Com
mercial atrvet, iSulem. Courteous at
tention, a line meal, and the popular
price of 25 cents, have made this
Inaise tlie headquarters of everyone
who ha occasion to dine lu Salem.
This Is positively the lost call to all
who owe J.D.Irvine a croc-en-bill.
All bills not paid by February ailn will
le placed In the hand ofau attorney
for immediate collection. I will be
found at the Independence National
bauk. Your truly.
Iallnlt-ne and Monmouth Motor Line
Not Ire t hprt-bv glx-en to tli taxnarcrs o
lil dlHtrUii No, ai, IVilk county, Uragnn,
Hint Hip of luitd dUtrU't for the
vwir 1st! will Um-oniw uauutat on Ilia It'll.
ilayot" Mnr-h of salil year, anil at4.ta.vp11 re.
iiiitliiliiK dcltn.Uf nt after said dine will be
mum! in inn mums 01 m anerlil rot ooIIpo
ion. TaMmverK will find tlii. ilMrlc nlnrli'a
lit-nilioiHrteni at W. K. U.hhIoII'ii btH.Uand.
Hhuo storo en and iiflor tlie !! of Mun-li.
J. 1. roKD,
Clerk olDt-itrk-t No. .
.11(1 lllll..- VV l
rcu-.i Oi-e-rrj n s
1011, no. Ul l f
i now linker City, IfPU Tt IB
1 111.n1 who haa niiice 1 Uil I
iiccoiui lilci:tiiU-il with the reaourwa and p, f A
kv-liimH-nl of that country. This man 11V3VS
110 o:!.cr thaa Mr. Toha Stewart, ou of the
.wjitluot no I most inllueatial cUiieas la tot
umitT, In a recent letter he aaya: "laadbeea
milVilnrr f m iwhia la iuy back and general kid
ley couipUil nt for some time, ami had uaed many
.Wnvdu-awUhoiitanybiit temtiorary relleC Tha
rains tn inv luck h.itl become ao severe that I wmi
.irevoated iVoia ctteaillair to my work and could
lot move nboiit without the use of a cane. Hear--iit,
tlirou.' h a friend, of the wonderful curea cf-Wi.-.l
hi- oreron K'llrcv Tea. 1 waalnducedtotr
ibrtx, ninl fio.ulhr.t wry first doael found iltntant
f, oa 1 liOi.irc hair the content! ot tn
tox tho t'ltivj l-i in vows entirely disappeared.
I hfle ev r- l iih i 1 the virtues of the Oregon
.U!m' v;i. p:i.. c ti con wionliously recommend
to i.'.y I" J wint t not be without it for
nvthi. j; " , .
Ck'k-' J " V 'in tar: 1 l-ids-crlsr, IncontU
'ear of 1 '1. i.V striliueiil, burning or ivus.itlo.1 .'.,i'..:.;i!iuun', nnd all affeo-
tiuaa of Hie V'.' -u-r r 1 rlni vorpiinsof eitheraea.