The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 19, 1892, Image 2

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J. R. N, ItlL, EDITOR. ,
Ed Siij Kbta'K Cqiny
Ml Mmtllia
Tlm MiMtUta
AH mrrt antt dwtl ntlit wit n.w.1
t ttv llnoa will bo mwriiHl nv All vw
Bv (In will ! i'lmrw.1 flv iviiih tr Una,
KxMvljr wfolliiary tmoltilkiMa will b vhaiwil
M li ntt of n mt nr lute,
A(Mn all (Mmimutloatl.m lr tnltltlln
t Tni Wwr Sn.a.t irntkw nil rtmilHMtiwa
payable Ui u tvik ixxmijf runiuhtut im.
Kvcllind l Hi lvul-ixtlw in lNdn
4mii, Orvnu( m wnuil-lw manor.
Wk present our rwttlora this wwk
witb ftu iUustrotiHleditKin of Gon
er! Gvxrgo Washington, giving a
few events of the luvoluttonary
war. It la well to kwp our mliuls
vpon the history which give us our
liberty. '
Senator Crui.k wtiimttos
that Cleveland could poll 500,000
votes more than any othtr IVmo.
emtio andulate, and the KtwhvtUe
Amcritn say8"Orover Cleveluud ia
theforemoeit man of liia party and
his time,"
Sisck we cannot seriously answer
Uro, Ilork'n qmiitlon at tlio eonclu
ston of his artiele, we would say that
the proper do with that
barrel of flour, the one the rata did
not eat, Is to jjive It to some lean
editor, one of whom we are whieff.
L' 1
"The W'wt Sipk la the people'
pa,Hr,M said a man the other day.
Of ctmrse it is the people's paar,
and will see to it that no riugsters
and boodlers shall ro mwxpoml
liead the Wkst Him: closely every
wek, and you muy hear something
THKThompson lloutiton and the
Edison eleetrio comnnniea have
consolidated their capital and enor
nioua iuteresta. The terms of the
urreeiuent involve the surrender
of the stock of the Ed isou com imiy
to be replaced by stock in the
new company.
Oeeoos is some on phenomenal
wheat yields herself; but if her clti
sens have progressed as far as it is
possible for thorn to go in the mat
ter of telling "o'er true tales,"
they will have to yield the palm to
"Utah. It Is asserted that two
Mormon farmers recently raised
100 bushels of wheat to the acre.
Pexdletox may claim the honor
of having the biggest fool in the
state. 1 1 is name is E. I). McLaugh
lin, and he has a notice in the
local papers there headed "patriots
attention," in which he calls for
not lens than 5? nor more than 50
men to enlist in the United States
service to fight against Chili.
The next we hoar of the fellow he
will be applying for a peusion.
B(mbrg Review.
mi ." ..! . ... a
Toe Ashland Tiding and valley
. Record are having quite a time
concerning the eovernment of
their beautiful city. We remem
ber well when Uiere was not a
saloon in Ashland, and when the
"Ashland Academy'' was the con
ter of attraction. Now the "Al
hambra saloou" claims all the at
tention of Ashland's law-abiding
citizens. We never hear of the
Bchool now-a days.
The state of Oregon appropriates
150,000 for a reform school at
Salem, and which school contains
a couple of dozen of recalcitrant
youths whose parents should have
the ntate's oversight instead of the
children, and the $50,000 appropri
ated to make room for the 400 stu.
dents and public-school teachers
now crowding the State Normal
School at Monmouth, which would
go far to prevent crime among the
youths of our state.
Edihos claims that his new elec
tric motor will relegate the steam
locomotive to obscurity, and that
the use of steam for rail car propul
sion is at an end. Edison expects
to have his electric engine attain a
speed of 100 miles an hour. The
first railway will bo operated be-
tween Chicago and Milwaukee.
Henry Villard thinks that in two
years the Northern Pacific will
move its trains by electric power.
It is possible. All things are pos
sible to unfettered intelligence,
Jon. PuimEB,editorof the New
York TTorfd, has the greatest
newspaper in the world; but ho has
no stomach, and his eyesight is
about gone a pitiable object after
all. People are beginning to real
ize that the man is the best off who
Is the healthiest, The following is
to the point: Many a man is rich
without money. Thousands of men
with nothing in their pockets, and
thousands without even a pocket,
are rich. A man oorn witn a
good, sound constitution, a good
stomach, a good heart, and good
limbs, a pretty good head piece, is
rich. Good bones are better than
gold,' tough muscles than silver,
and nerves that (lash fire and car
ry energy to every function are
better than houses and land. It is
bettor than a landed estate to have
the right kind of a father and
mother. Good breed &nd im
breeds exist among men as really
as among herds unit homes, lain,
catiou may do much to clunk evil
tendencies or to develop good ones,
but it is A emit tbllljr to Inherit
the right proportion of faculties to
start with,
Al.i. this talk about the retire
mentof Wauamaker, says the Tort
land IVfwniw, from the cabinet
la bosh. The cabluct ofttee is Mr.
Wanamakcr's own property. He
bought and paid for it. The prop
erty cost htm 100,IKK), or fl00,- yoHued with renewed life and
000 a year, aud Wauamaker Is a alon, eager to catch every
man to hold on for the frill term of UiongW presented to their mental
his lease. ' view.
1 Scholars may real the history of
Thk managers of the Portland Vtwhlngton uueoucernedly, but
exposition have fixed the date of hen the same facta of history are
the (air on the Wednesday follow- fntmM tumu wb,dly by dls
Ingthe close of the state fair. That mtxlH mmVk mv mm i
is, the state fair wilt open on Mon given to their thoughts, and they
day, Sept. 12, aud closeon the 17th, em ft(u,r wvfcw Ul0 lifo of NVasli.
aud the rortlwid vxpoaiUoii will ,ngUm wlth mm timH.Wlg inter
oiHnon U.e 'Jlst and hold for a ( Tiwhei thiukof thtsj letuot
month and day. This will pre- Uie name of Washington sink luto
veut any dash iu Ue date of the 0mnrly ln Ul0 ,umia 0f your
two fairs this year.
Many are saying that the first gun
of the presidential campaign will be
the election in Oregon in June
That is a mistake. Rhode Island
will hold her annual state election
on the first Wednesday In April,
at which slate oftleera will be
elected; also a legislature, whose
duty it will be to elect a
United States senator to succeed
Senator Aldrich. Louisiana will
held her regular state elcctiou on
Tuesday, April MR.
The resignation of Mr. Iteera, the
president of the New York Life
Insurance Company, has toen nc
copied, and he has been retired,
lie will set MT.IUHl a In his re.
tiremenf, the company paying him
that amount a vear. It la custom-
- -
ary for newsMHr men tola grouted
a mutter of ftt),000 or f 0,(HK a year
when thov retire: a mere modicum
of their former salaries; and now
- F
we note that the insurance compa.
nlesare following the sumo com
mcndable practice.
How illogical and senseUs it Is
that in the United Statea when high
wages are paid we should my we
need a Itl-otootivA turlflT tit itmtel
our labor against the pauper lulor
of Italy, France, Germany, and
Russia, and in those same couutrh
they say they want; a protective
tariff to protect themselves' against
the industrial products of the
I'uitcd Slates and Great Itritaiu.
If we need a tariff for protection,
they do not. If we are so fearful
that we cannot compete with them,
why should they lie fearful
they cannot compete with us!
Some of the llepublicau papers
think it is a calamity, and some
think it is not; that is, the declina
tion of Blalue. It is not exactly
a calamity, but It is the warning
. , .. , , ,, . "
of a calamity to ImMiean hope,
ii sucu a tiling can m called a ca
lamity. It is a sign that Itepubli-
can (loinlnalioii. aim with It mo
nopoly rule, is muring its end.
It brings good cheer to Democracy,
aud briditcna the gloom which
has so long hung like a pall over
the laborer, the farmer, and the mo-
chunic. Itcpuhlii-unism and class
. , , ., 1 . ., ,
legislation must go, and Itluine
knows It I'ortlaiul Dinjmlch.
Who is, or was, George Wash.
ingtonf He was the defender of
our country's lilierty in the dark
est hour of her history. He it was
who caused tho British Lion to be
trailed iu the dust, and perched
the American Eugle upon
winner oi victory, no was who
taught tor aud gained our indo-
peudeuce, and bequeathed to us
thn riohwir inheritance Aver vmioh.
, ...,. ,, ,
... ........
., .., ...uK ...... m.i.Kun-
war, witn oeicat siaiing nun in me
nice, inspirited his soldiers with
practical zeal,
and drove the in
vaders from our shores. He it was
whom our forefathers, through
their devotion to his virtuous
character and unbounded patriot
ism, elevated to the highest posi
tion witiiin mo gut or man or
monarch. To-day lot our thoughts
be directed to the name of George
Washington, Unit name which
stands now, and ever will, humor
tal until timo shall liavo ccuscd,
and tho world shall again resolve
itself into chaotic darkness. Na Itfitiannrln nnnn ttn.'l ilw.l
1 'I
lI..HI .ll.!- - ,t , I
wiiiismiN own nau.o migi.t o-
come lost in the vortex of revolt!-
tions, the name of Washington It
would shine brighter and brighter
through nil succeeding ages. That
prediction has and is still being
1 , , r , ....
verified. We often wonder if the
teachers in our public schools over
call attention to the name of Wash-
ington. Do they ever attempt to
Impress upon their minds, the
why and wherefore ho was called
tho father ofhls country! Do they
U attention to tho fact that ho
was ever ready to sacrifice ease and
independence, and even his very
life, in defense of his country! Do to
they ever call attention to the f'
grand and sublime thought that
lie was first in tho hearts of his
countrymen, and that their dcvo-lwax. The ground should be well pre-
tion to his fervid patriotism,
uutrammoled by Hellish amltltlou,
caused them to regard him as the
preserver of the country from
despotic rule and monarchical
tyranny! Some three mouths ago
we stopianl at a publlo school and
mnihi a few rmmtrk to thn students.
Suspended at one end of the school-
room tt-iut & fmiiin lucluHlnir a
picture of Washington. We
directed the attention of the
pupils to the likeness, and spoke a
lew words in reference to the heroic
deeds of Washington and his
patriotic eomieers. The pupils'
' George Washington was our first
president. Oil Thursday, the 30th
!of April, 17Kt, the coremouy of
iuaiiguratiug the first president of
the United States took place iu
New York, which at that time
was the finleral capital. At the
proper moment the oath was ad
ministered, and Washington, bow.
tug down iu the presence of his
Maker, scixed the Holy llihte,
kissed It, aud exolaiuied with closed
eyes and much emotion, "I swear,
So help me God.".. v here In the
history of all nutious do we find
auothcrsuch example ofdevollou
to one's eonutryt Here we see the
owunguisium cuiciiaiu iivmi iroiu
U 0M of viclorwus war, uuicuj
i . . .i i . ....I
anmuiuoruig itiatworaio uie nanu
m which he revived it, and
phnlglng himself In the presence ol
his Owl that he would maintain, do-
feud, aud preserve, the honor ot the
people, and to us has Ishxi
Uetpmathed through his lustrninen-
tatity the priceless legacy or civil,
Jjiraotical, aud religious lilierty.
lie it ever our earnest thought to
transmit those bhMil rights and
pi ivileges to all succeeding genera-
h ions.
rvLLU " 1
The following letter shows that Its
I author Is a man of sense, a man
who has the courage of his eon
vietions. It is just what every
man In the eouutry should do
who finds himself out of hurmony
with his party oti this question.
livery protectionist in the lem.
ocrutks jmrty should vote with the
Republicans ou the taritTquwtlon,
and every tariff reform Republican
should vote with the Itcntocrata:
Kmvu.t.K, Wash,, Jan. 2,
Mr, It. J. Neegiuird, WH-rvtary
Adamscotiuty I'epuhllcnn nimiuit
lee, IUt.ville, Wash. Dear Sir: I
h'wJ'y tender, through yoy- to the
Republicans of Adams county, my
mtloll M (,i,inimu rthe
Republican county committee, to
take effect at once. My reasons for
this course are that on national
matters I am no longer in accord
with the Republican party on the
tariff question, which seems uow to
bo one upon which the party has
concluded to stake Us existence,
(,u tat imit'rs, us rwora in
constitutional con vcnllon and
nrst and second legislatures, Is such
i emm.t ain,mvo ,v further
ItoKpeetfully yours,
Jlratltlreiin will hardly be pro
nounced a Democratic partisan pub-
ication, yet it closes a comprehen
sible editorial on the condition of
the treasury vs follows:
oXllf, ,,X(iminutjbn of the treasury
ofllciuls developed the' tact that
the surplus In the treasury at the
oi llio present Ilscal year will
ie a small one, to say uie leiwr, ami
m, (lK8Hlioll unvoting th tariff
rH ,Hr(iiy ihi made to rest upon
(lie ground of any need for re
duciug tho surplus
Tii oiii r om.
Tbo Illhlu on which wai nilinlnls-
tercd the oath of olllce to Waxblngton
now belong to mm of Mm Muxoulo
hxlgva In Now York, Written ujmui
uirchnii'iit In this simred volume Mm
fui.t Is cliroulolod that Mm ceremony
nfauinluiHturliig tbooitth of olllce to
WaHhlngton, tbo 11 rut prwldont of the
United Wilton, "was performed by tbo
Mont Worshipful (Irimd Mauler of Free
and Accepted Maaons of Mm state of
New York, Mm llouorablu Robert It.
Livingston, chancellor of Mm statu."
In Ar,l,t, fill- lltn f,ur.itnfv li.ilmiuu t n
mif,,,.,l thn mminrv .mist lH,k wall to
" v,,v w,...,iim r..,,,-nr,
the omilllv of Mm nroduots bmuaht to
for canning. In this age of sharp
conipetllion, Mm beat quality of wed
ami tne nignoHt ami nest cultivation
fn',,c,u'e 'V' " lf
In the markets of the eouutry, Skill
audcare In packing are also very es-
wmtlal elements.
Tbo full list of fruit that will be
wantud here when fully eslabllslmd Is:
u"'" P"i J'yl Ann cherries,
I)am7 - ffK I'1""'". ,0"'
'flie vegetables will be peas, beans,
pumpkins, and squashes.
It will be the policy of the cannery
furnih sued for Mm pous and beans,
Is doubtful whether I will be ready
fusn I 41. . fill
, ,, , ',, , ,v,
siring licaim mostly used are Karly V al-
eilt,MOi Eur.v Mol.awk. and iiim.-k
-pared ty thorough plowing and eu
rioiicii ny ruuiui iiwiiiiro, hiki ir ihwh
wiry by a llttlu tuiwr-plinKpliutv of lime.
The tsmim are (Implied nlimit thrtw
lilelit apart, In drllli thn'o Iiu'Iiom dinp
stid twofiH't iii t, tlioit (Hiveml and
the earth pivwetl uiwu (hem wllli the
ftd't. Tlioy will Keruiliiute much
qulokor If wiwM tlil wsy than they
will If tlx earth U tuwrvly drawu over
tlieui. Plant at vsrly m (hwhIIiW In the
ililir. Tli yield ilepoml upon thv
KtHuou and cultivntlou, hut l"o LuixlioU
pur sere Is a ntft iwtluiHte for fairly
good laud.
I'SAS.-Hnvld O'llmirke, Kxtm l"jrly
niidChninplon of Knutiuiii, or Mnrmw'
fut. The limt and i'0iiii1 uw known s
"Kjirly Juui-x," bihI are uwnl fur the
Aral pack, the other Is iiwhI for Mm lute
pok. J'ltty mmt (t put yumiff nml
kiulir. Tli soil vlioiild t well liitikou
up slid lllHTully mipplled with well
mtUMt iiiuiiiirtt ir Uiiie-diint. Seventy,
five to one hundred InmneU per aere U
Swifeeollnmlonr vi1. Tim pes are
auwii lii drills from two to two-nml-iiiie-Imlf
fttt tt"rt, lloili klmU cull fur the
mum nmimtjeiiiorit except that the Mar
rowfat retiilh iuklii(j, the otlier do
not, Tim ortqi should tie pluiilud In
wetloim a week or to tqnirt, m as not to
crowd Hie cannery all st mm time.
Marrowfats should be planted a Utile
earlier than Mm others, as they take
longer to mat ura.
As to fruit, mwrly every culturUt
knows or thinks he know s how to
plant aud take euro of trees, iluMhoro
are very few wtio OHiiimt learn bow to
Improve the quality of Mm product by
trlet tmre lu tliwsebulon sod cultiva
tion of their onbank 'l'hr In no
fault In Mm wal lure, and If the product
In not fln.1 ola It will U the fault til
the grower, S'loet tpstl vartetle; buy
only from reliable iiurm-iln, pruua In
wuly spring Ufow the sap rlmn, aud
keep Irw aud berry enue clean,
Klually, do imt oiler to Mm cannery
lMiHrft-el or defective frull, touKh
Mtrtujf tieaiw, or ovvr-rl Kti. A stio
eewftil ludiiittry cannot lw built up oy
eaiiulng up nil Mm rill-Mi If that lti
county a HI phKlm-n witli Juqiorfivl
methods. We onnuot prnuiU mueh
Mm prewut year, but by mreful and
Judloluii effort t lon to ! tililu to
lblUli an ImliMiry tlmt III U of
great benefit l tint towu and county,
J, C'.Cuol'KU.
In the Vr Hik of IVbnmry tJih,
youttnvDM very kind nnil O4iiiloe'oiliille
nolli-t. of tlm iK-nlli of Hid lnU-K. v. ('.
II. tqairveon lu wlileh iiii- m "a.
an oh-u winiHiiinlon liq.tlL" W ill
you ii-um ill-line wlmt you immn by
oMn i-o Hint dImi j-lve jour
sullmrtly fur cliwxlnu Mr. i.tirt-wu n
an on eouituiiiilonlxl? Tim pi
tloiinnrv not n-hi-.l lu Mmpirit of eon
trovemy, but to arrUest Miefm tii,
Yuurs truly,
Indepeiideuee, On-ijoii, -Vb. IT, hvi,
lit reply to the Imvb would ay that
wo uiiilonitniid "open ooiiuimnlon" to
immi the ntliulMitoM of other ili'
imtloim Mian our own to t hn commun
ion board of Mm Lord Hup-r; and
wetuidly, froiii vnrltsM ouro we have
learneil Unit Mr. HpnrNHl una tx.t s
"oIomo eoinnitiiiiouUt," lu Mm m im
Hint the Ann-rleaii II iptUu regnid clone
eouiiniiulon. IU v. (, W. Uue, of
Urace MetbiMll.t flumh, In Portland,
Isnt Sunday Inn niemorlid m-rvUvof
Mr.SpurrftHiu, uwt MiU tatifUiivi "be
(SpurKeoii) m a lliiptifit met Mleved
in iiw iioiioiuitlnilou, nul yet lie wu
tm-(ulir retfnnliiig Mm aduilultr
tion of Mm Lord's miptr." Tim almve
ittUmt the Idea we bad of .Mr, Hpur-
K'ou' pnutli In refereiuw to the holy
cui liurlt, As soon a we have time
w shall look up the life of Mr. Hour
ri-oii, aud k'v extnutUhi re.'oreiioe to
the alxive queitttolis.
H..ll.llrli MKUiig.
Dallas, Onon, February hi, Isni
1.IUMH Wtxr Hilk: The Polk
county Hepiil.llottii eeulrnl eommllt.v
will meet at Mm eotirtlmiMv In liitlltm
on Hutunluy, Mawh Ath, for the pur
pose of trammeling i,ny biitfliiowi that
may properly come U-for the meeting
netting Hum of boltllng eoiinly ftin
venllon, npiriloiiliig il.-lofjnti- to the
same from the wvoral tirwlnetx, eta
The following person are the eoniiiilt-
teemen: p. t , IJiimpton, Holt Lake;
(U. Doughty. Ihilliw; U.Xhelloy, In
ili -lnli-liiv; Vawtalt, llrldgeporl;
A. II. Cliamlter, Jtiokitoii; K, tl. Mt
l.lmm, Hprlng Vulleyj J. II. IImwIov,
MoCoy: W. W.Colllim, Huvor: H. f.
(lilwon, l-jila; II, 11 HroiiNou, liongliw;
. a. oi vol ion, i.ui'hliiuiiito; A, J,
lllebanlwin, lliiona Vlatn; II. ', Fox,
Dixie; J. II. Morau, Monmontli.
J, II. Hawlkv, t'lmliiimn.
I'. V. iHiruiiry, HeeitHary.
In modern pharmacy Is, undoubted,
ly, Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Except
in extreme canon, physicians have
nnaimoiiou the us of drastic purga
tlvos, ami recommend a milder, but
no loss effective medicine. Tbo favo
rllo Is Ayer'l Pills, thn superior
medicinal virtues or which havn
len cortlllod to under tho official
souls of statu chemists, us well as
by hosts of eminent doctors and
pharmacists. No otlier pill so well
supplies tho demand of tho general
publlo for a safe, certain, and agree
able family medicine.
"Ayr' Hill r tlm bt mmllclnn I ewr
iixnI j mt la my JiiilVmunt uu utltir guuvral
Ever Devised
I hnrs iim-d tlir-m In mjr family n,l cnum-it
Hi m to ho imd amonu my Irloniln and em.
Miym tor more twenty yearn. To my
corinln knowloilico jnny nw t llin follnw
liiK (imiipliilMln luivo bean ooiiipluliily ,!
iwriimui'iilly iilimil liy tho im l Ayor'ii I'llli
nlmioi Third ilny chilli, iliimh bkuk, bllluun
invor, nick linaclwhe, rlinunmtliini, flux, dyt
rnpiiltt, ooiiHtlpnllon, nnil Imirl coldn. 1 kmm
tlmt moilcnile uh ol Ayor'i lllla, oontin
WA I for few dnyi or wnoki, M tho nntiiro
of tlm ooinplnlnt rwiiilred, would lis found
in Kluoluto ours for Urn dlmirdom I huvo
r.a1m.d Al)ovii ,r. o, Wilson, Contractor
and llullilur, Sulphur HprliiKii, Toxun,
For olKht yearn t wan amictod with con
llpiitlon, which Rt last lioonnifl io bad that
tho donuira eould do no moro for mo. Then
1 liogau to tuko
Ayer's Pills
and loon tho bowoli rooovowrt tliolr nntural
mid ruwilar aotlon, no that now I am In ex.
cnllent health."-Win. II. DeUueott. Dorset.
"Ayer'l Pllli are the beat ealhartla I trot
mnd m my nracUoo." J, T, mk, M, v.,
Yeddo, Ind.
rnMD at
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggliti and Dualera in Uodloln.
a It Wont rorm-irbtt4
The nuaartmhta irwt ol lloed'l Hn
Artlla la lh fullawm mw lllimmtM IM
power t ilil wedlalue oyer alt bUwd dlf
' ,
" Myna,T yean eld, had while iwW
lint wine on bin rlht N taUtw Uie knee,
Which imlral. the wuerlee a Uial bit
Ut drawn up i riaht !. t hr
laua ImiM tb ewelllu. wuleh d'
hartnt treelf. but did not Uely kirn Mtv
Iteily, I eonalderad him
A Cuiiflrtned Cripple.
wa abnul to lk Mm eilrinH M
an upurnlion, ih'Mi.i all lW "'d he
to u ukBB ir, and l" "n li' '
IIiuhI'i Hnnillla III !" t""l up hie
iroiwih. The unlieli .;. up bit em.
tile, and I
.hannl l
(ihI tun
FK.mlhrt.iN. Wetkltl-lltMIM Wlia
a twiMtmrilla. It .-uird " ' lilut M.ti. li and the dneet
iimn doi-f '!, lite eosllltia we
!.. maiiihi he li.l iMUlentaee ol
le le now ei'pewUy a well M. ."
.NH I. M' MKaaal, HaWt HMo, k
VviMWood, W, Ye.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
t m' " AwUl'''
IOO Doset On Dollar
iwa. Hie Ine trMm"iH, w,. ,i
. rf e e
rtut-tiv wf ! ttinr' r-.i, Mnltm
!im.i1 P-f f.t !-., tiMtt win Mint vt ini It nit
alaounu'iurvr and dilrr In
Svish, : IWrs, : Moulding, : Utc,
full euk-k nf all lr. ki-M tmnniaiitly
,m l.eli.l. l-, folio ii r.lilr,-l,
ttt,-lfr ihi It, II. trwl.uiur dt't'it.
-3 DC
O (0
1 n W
Trim en
Taylor &. Wilcox, Proprietors.
He again call your attention to our estab
lishment. You may think we are rather
lersistent in claiming that we are the
sadsrs in low prices, quality of goods
consiilerei. life still hoi. to the prop
osition, and can demonstrate any day in
the week that we can give you lore for
your money than any other house in Pol
get a snap, and you may let your spot
cash we are always on the lookout for
bargains, and when we buy below market
price our customers get the benefit. We
carry everything in the grocery line that
is sold in any other store. We have
sharp competition, which stimulates us to
meet all propositions, ind more: we are
here to stay and to sell goods. Call and
see us; you are always welcome.
cSilil SALVE
citnui t. twM.. w 'I', - , , . .
III.., uittn, iiruiM. i,"--' ii,,.
.... -.. - , n. Miff... M'
,!,,"! Ild, ur.'Ul.rt.
J. J. PIKC 4 CO., GMiM
Wl.i.i- i.y Hiu'll, iwuba Woedera
Merchant Tailor I
e imiT, opfotiT! wnof net
Suits in Any Style Made to Order
lliiulliiif f nil Kluila Ihiurt
Jooiiallii Halo.
Agents for the 0. P. floats.
All hlile muel Ik- at-ttlwl hy U" !' (
, tmidi iiiunlli,
A Hearse may be ordered
from Beckfcy'a Stable,
Monmouth, Oregon.
The Now
liolton House.
M. A. Dudley, Prop.
Cor. Fourth anJ.llier streets,
IVntrull hweiml. N'fwly rmnl.tif.l and re.
nu,-,t. Yrnm l"i !' end lr.u Ml Irani wd
Itv (uin MlljiT-wiiiu iif ttiTTl.utrmnjtnd
U...1 lu ntn u, l a"!')"-' 'lulvl.lll
end ery lltilirtlna l.,llin. llir p,.wrr
.v.r ii. i iiimmum- u i I'ri.w, kwanci
x-ft uutuv. r ur eitle !) ell druaaUl.
J. E. Hubbard,
Frprltor of
& ilLCOi
J. P, 'DoBioiell
Oliver chilled and steel plows.
Monitor drills and seeders.
Bell's center-cut disc harrows.
Columbus and Racine buggies.
Decring binders and mowers.
W. 31
My Unk l now nmw tnmk'ti lhn vrr U'fiih, Hlmll 1 l hv
all 11m rueUmtrw nf His UrCT'iilluue tnuluiK, ml hi! lo iu.Juiv many U
irnile who ntvi-r UU Mtm. lu counceiiuu llh y tin I
Wliore Ixkm m! hw mil I ixalltl or iniiutil'iii luriil uu.l. r I lie in.-iliunin nl
JU-iiHiuU r the tianie lm,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
Thfl puhllo hi rwtfully lnvltl to ome aul wj the wonderful
barKftliM to tw luul iu holi.lay gnhi, hosiery, underwear, drm nhirti,
eailkiw and gingham utiiw, tinware, (fliumware, and other article
too iitiiiicroiw to iiH iit ion. U Riir to mv the imuu-tihe
Xew gooils are Mur reeeivwl all tho time. We will nave vou from
23 to M jmt cent on every inm hiLse. Seeoml door from First Nationul
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
A complete livery business
in Independence.
.'Everything is complete and in first-class
running order, and the
location is the best in Polk .county. If you
want a paying investment it will pay you to
For further particulars, call on or add
... mtU, ftirwigiu una bv you, mylas lmm ),u
cliool Books, Tablets, Inks, and School StiGpfies.
will l.k W yn who" yi ,i,tn!!l!irkir,,r lhe
Independence, Or.
m m k mma l. m t m m 1.1.
1 -j in 1 ii 11 11
' I Ax kim or
business is food. Tho
Independence, Or.
i?Cli, Bill?
THF nniiARc