The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 12, 1892, Image 3

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Test Side Piis&j Company
Hm Fihrb.-TIw Hotel lbval lu Nw
York wa burned thl week ami
number of live were KU The hotel
waa (Jth trap. Another lle tire
Mired ttt Memphis, Ton neee, Monday
night, and deaireyed aUiut fl,tm,iHi
wort h of property.
f No M Ktrt'i set Tv-niiiit. There will
: he no meeting of the Mulc.laud Mt
; crary Hoototy to-night at the church
' The puplie meeting will be posltsiued
. until next Friday evening, ou account
of not being able l get ready. There
will tie a good programme prcculod at
1 thooiiera house next Friday evening,
; and to tilt meeting the public I
cordially Invited to bo present.
I Ooi'NTW There will he a convention
f held In lfella the first Saturday lu
. March, at one o'clock, forth purpose
f of electing delegate to the Mate
I (iramre. which tuctta In Albany the
I fourth Tuesday In May. Fach sulatrdt-
tiato (lrHiige in thl county Is entitled
; to Nml three delegate to this couveu
tlou. ly order of J. C. White, stale
deputy master fPolk county.
Am Pt.ow.V-hapd contrivance,
to be placed on the front of engine ol
fast ex pre trains, are the latest
scheme to get more speed, by overeoiu
iua-much of the natural resistance of
tin- air to the front of the loeoitioiUY,
The plow exteiitl from a few luehee
above the track to the top of the smoke
stack, the sharp edge, of course, in
front. ''hoveling fog" is a coiuinou
expression among railroad men, but
plowing wind Ut now thing In rail
road agriculture. AXffiA JeA,i.'m
To Visit Tilts Cmt Andrew
Carnegie hit made up a tiriy to visit
Houlheru tliforila ttiul twn, Tlw
trip will Minipy ittontli nr itix wvk.
Thu party will mtiHUt of Mr, Mini Mix
I'ttrm-Rh', Antlrvw I). Whit, Mr Kil
want Arnold, Mr, Kh$, ami ChnrUw
HU'wartmltli. Tlu-y wtil trawl lu a
private cr furuUltMl 1th v ry hh
vt'iiiuw Th iturt will titkiW fioiu
X;w York Ffhruary li
Is Aliunv AiKKvory ihw.
ln'r man ha at tuirut'time tr othvr In
hi biiitinetM (xptritiKH run aulnl tin-
man who '"now Ukm umre ntlnin
tuMan rmol," Ho wa In town Ui
wivk. llo wlprtl hla ihw on th awn
lug, triwl to blow out tho i-UvtrU' light
at the hotel, fai! 1 to liht his Hgnr on
II, palil 3 cvwt for an aliuunac, put a
uU-kel In theolot at the ,m!,.iH.i ami
kicked lKV!iu-'th malt ill t nut appear,
waulfd to liok tlu i';iHilrr U-. t,ni lit
i'IimwI at 3 o'clock, ami alclusl tho
eWk aittn In front of the Jewelry tre
waltiuK for it to Ktrike, am) atill he
take more paper than h ran rtttd.
Tun Talk.
A Iloi'bRVABU. Hon. Van H. l
Ijwhinutt, w hen In our city a tew dtiyn
imv, nab! that we ahouM buihl a bu!u-
vnl between MonmiHith ami Itutepeu
(lenve at once. I-wml now U vheap ami
we could muni humlri fimt lnHile-
vanl now cheiiprr than at any future
time. The VTrH)K would ug(?itt
that a Joint nmimitUH) be appniutetl by
the rwjiectlveiiiayoinof eaeh town.aud
that mid commtttev rxumine Into
and avlvet theriuie at obit, and tb ter
iiilnerthe ciwt and report the Mine to
their Nwpwtive bmlie. A uj!jsetion
by Htoven HtaaUonly a few weekitaiiuv
in the W'txrt Si ik km of the mune na
ture ttn.this one. Now for the Uiule
vard. Diiii'l wait. iKlay ia etuth.
TitK C'amnihy Hikk. Iiulei.en
dune talkjllttland dnesuiueh. The
cannery lu box Urn mlti-ted and
deeded to J. C. t'oojier.of Me.Minuvillv.
The liKntlinriti Just MHith of hklnner A
WlUon'i llourinir milU ndjoiniiitr the
railroad track. , The RUlwidy knu been
euurautevd and the work on the build
ing will begin at ouee. Mr. ("per will
next week publkh in the Wbit r?u:
the klmliTof frulta and vej;etalilea to
plant, and tin we klndn he will buy ut
the cannery. Ho you mti Hie new en-
tcrprliHT nowlunder way w ill make our
city the biialnew point cm the road from
CorvullU to 1'orllanil. Ueul extale now
begin to climb. Our advk It, how
ever, to keep real eittate at a fuir price,
thnt more purehuwa limy lie made.
DON'T I.IKB IT A JUT. J). Arelu r, U
former Linn county limn, but now re
lillng lu ttie Hucrumento valley, I'nli-
fnrnlu, in a letter reuewiiiK liU xub
aerlpllon to the weekly Nlithnmnn, lum
aomethlng to nay about tin; letter from
Hiilem recently printed In the Suit
Ijike Trlhum, Mr. Areher aayu b
waa decoyed awny from thin glurlniiu
wuntry, to bin regret ever lnce.
"Furment on the Haernmento plain," he
ayit, "are wishing and hoping nil along
for rain. L'pto lutu (Jun, anh) my
rain gauge nIiows only four and u hull'
invhiM for the liiHt fiiur month. The
ground wu iw dry nx ii Ixine on the 'M li
of Ic(ruler. All In at aalundHtill. It
1m only Jtint damp enough to dig now,
ami five duy of wind mid mimdilne
will dry up three luelie of ruin."
1.LTI1KB IlKSmtt I'KI.I,. A few
motitliHago Luther Iletiwin lftund In
Albimy on temiieruuee. Ho wiw u
magnetic, eloipietit Hpeuker, and here
told how ho had continually Itceu un
uhlo to renlMtJ the drink hublt, once a
year fulllnjt before It. lie returned
Eiwt to hU home lu IndluuiipollH, und
in a dispatch of Jununry Z", the rcHiili
1M told U8 follows: Luther ItcriHon,
having Junt returned from a tcttier
aiiw tour In Washington, Oregon, and
Cttlifornltt, wound up atcrrlblu drunken
titiroe to-day and wa taken to the
Mpringfluld Drunkard' Home for treat
ment. "When the tiger corm," Hiiyn
he, "I cun no more renlt the tempta
tion than I can fly, und It cwnutt ulxiut
once a year. I see a real tiger, a tiger
iw natural an life, J t appear hefore mo.
When I flrHt oe It, It m bhI(N!i, an pence
fu) tuta lumh. In alitltu while ltoMfiift
iU eye and look alxmt in a dreamy
way. Then It begin to move, and ilx
eye begin to glare at mo. 1'retty
woon it beglu to moVi) 1U Juw and
whowlt teeth. Then ltHprlngNut nie.und
With thone great paw around my neck ,
completely overpower me. No one 1
who meet that tiger can rcHlnt." Mr, J
JletiHon cried bltterlylubout IiIh failure
V resist the temptuilon, Town Talk.
A little, mlu thl wvk.
(Smlderoble travel over thl bmueh
of the 8, Mud now .
The new drug tutv bulhUng at Mon
mouth I about completed.
Anew butcher tmpiu Monmouth
will he conducted tiy Mr, Nell,
V r countiuitly lmphvlng our
J b department. tiiv una trial.
The pronpoet aiv brluhlcr ftir lude-
leiHlen'e to-day, than ever before.
Ther will U iMmilderable building
done In ludependene thl prlug,
U I currently rctrtHl that Mr.
Hlalius will retire from tin? odilnct.
Jtead our givt wdwrlptlon offer
found lu another column thi wwk,
IVto Tatoni, of Monmouth, tniidc
living trip to the metropolis thl week.
There r Tul jmilenta In the Oregon
Iiiiuc Asylum; Ml male mid Sin IW
Advcttiw lu tint WkT rtPK and
thu lei wcrytKxIy ace hat you hv
Rr mdc. ,
II10 conductor luforma unllmt the
motor Hue k at pivwiit doing a ginnl
Wc arc pltamtl to wy that Mr. Uw
, lieed, who IwW Uvu tiulto alck, b
licad tiu dUtrlcbfuir article, and
then In vnrlou waa lu lp th enter
priw along,
I!cv. 1. JVwrt will prcneh lu the
Kvajigelleal church tSuuday night.
All Invited.
Teacher: "NamcMiiticof the linwt
iuiMirtaut thingi cxillng to-day that
were unknown one luunlml ycara go,"
Knumy; "ou and me,"
To Mitovc tar pot from nuH t,
cover the l with butter; the tar and
butter will combine and rail l n(jl
nut with voup mid warm water.
Two ladle called on the Wjr Siuk
oJIUki this wc k and tivutc! tlie orv to
ainly all rxivpt the editor. The entire
force aay, 'Voitic again, ldU."
Kwfliutg will buiUI a (wnticry thi
year, aiut an ouporator, I he enter-
pricing city it the rtuun l no
low coach," Wccougrutuluteourold
frlemU ujn their prtwpcrity,
I', t', IVntliUid tt bavins a Hue
ltteUe-f.'t illnw'J aldcwalk laid ill
front of bl proju rty ou Main treet
thUttn k. Many proiwrty owner lu
(oxen luijdil vmuliite (hi example.
.mi. vaitiMmn; "I waul to gel a
pair of itht' for the UtiW bye," t leik;
"Kreneh kitlV" Mr, t l..,huu ilmtl
nuiiliyi; ' iic'umeowu
n, Imrn an' bredlu Ameriky. "t.if'r.
W't arc trry to wiy that our cfllekui
up nl and l'olk wuniy n jvirtcr, Hon.
Steven Stat, l at hi mm", vtry nick
with la grippe, wo r'jrtet to u by Mr.
I jiiih'!iry, win, (-alltil on him the tlrnt
of the week.
Annual oil. ring mr foreign mlmtoiiii
next Siddialh at (he IlttptUt ihuo li.
Subject In tb morning, "One hundred
year' iiMmi work." I n the evening,
"Holding " The ordiilaiKu uf
twptfann will follow the evening nervlcv.
Thu McthiMllnt IsplMVpal ehimdi
U making line prgre lu tmleprm
ileiHV. i'.levelt itav united Willi the
ehimh since conference. The young
Sunday tu'luwd ha nu attcudunec of
ixty-firtir. Mr. Skinner lUerlnlemb
I'voplc w ho u arMuleal prcpitratlon
for their complexion, do o at the rUk
of their live. Ayer'n Sarvisparilla I
K on ran !e.. I fitv from any iujurlou
drug, and l, tliereforv, wife! a well a
the unwt powerful blood imdielue In
the world. It uiuknt the skin clear.
yer' Hulr Vigor kci'rt the nculp
fn.'C from dandrulf, pa-vent the hair
front txviiiuliur dry ami hrh, and
make It llexltile and ghwy. All ele
ment that nature require, to make
the hair abundant and lienuttful, are
supplied by thlst Iiulruhlc preparation
Mm Maggie Mitehell, daughter of
Senator Mitchell, wn married yester
day to the French Hukw Itochfoucald,
ta thu bride rculdence In l'ak
Tl.o ViKsr S1IB extemw con
gratulation. Bird earnestly hup.n that
the sunny sldu of life may lie alway
On a Niagara utrw-t cwr.Uw other
day wa nu uged Irlxhmau, who held a
nils) in hi mouth. 1 he conductor
UiUl him he could not smoke, but he
paid no heed, presently the conductor
came Into the cur nl exclaimed, with
ashow of Irritation: "Hid n't I tell you
you couiil u t fUiioKo on tins car.-?
"Well, Oi'm not smoking." "You 've
irot a trot a nine In your mouth." "Ho
I have me feet III me lx.t, but Oi in
not WulklllV lUtliUnije.
Ou January 17th the state board of
nportlonmi'ut, composed of (Inventor
reiiunyer, Secretary McBrlde, und
State Treasurer Melai lum, completed
thn work of making thu atale levy of
taxes from the nssctwment roll iw re
turned U tlie secretary of state ami
corrected by the statu hoard ot equali
zation. Tlie total levy for state pur
pose will l five mills, as follows:
Current exK'nse, 4 2.1-;!." mills; uni
versity lax fund, & V of u mill; mili
tary tax, 7-!l"i of a mill.
Judiw HtouM'cr and Commissioners
HlniMon and (tlbsoii 'I'liursdiiy morning
made the county tax levy, ID mills.
Inkitiu the school, slate, nun county
tax, the entire levy will lie -0 mills.
t his Is lower I linn any oilier county in
tho state. J'olk Coutil.i Olmwer.
Not lower, by considerable, Linn
county' total levy I 18 mills, lam
hill' 17 mills, Marion' liJ mills, and
Kenton's uhoiitJIHJ mills, all lower, and
It Is possible a few others. hen n
paper boast that iiO mill Is low, people
who pay 18 mill should be and no
doubt nru satisfied. A litany Jkuiocrat.
C'uHloriit I truly a marvelous thing
for children, Doctor prescribe It,
medical Journal recommend It, and
more thun a million mother are using
In place of 1'nrcgorle, JSutemiin'
Drops, Ho-ctduld soothing syrups, and
other nai'cotlo and stupefying remedied,
Castoi'ln Is the quickest tit n to regu
late the stomach and bowel and give
healthy Bleep, the world lum ever seen.
It I pleasant to the taste and absolutely
harmless. It relieve const Ipat ion,
liilcUpalu, cure dlnrroiha and wind
colic, allay feverish iich, destroy
worm, and prevent convulsions.
soothe the child and give It refresh
ing and natural sleep. Custorla I the
hlldrcn' pitmu'cii-tho mother'
The lnsip factory promltlon U meet
ing wiiii very encouraging um,
mid those having the matter In hand
ny that It I now ntimwt a certainty
All should lend aid to this enterprise to
help keep the hall uf pngiv rolling In
Indeiieiidence, They will commence
w ith a caweity able to anw front 10,11
to ii,uou, and liicrcaM In loo.uoo, thu
Ktvlugcmplovineut to oiilte a bttmU'r
of men,
Kstocktoii A lb iiklc, our cnlcrprUlug
merchant, re very busy nverhattllng
their largo aturv, and availing them
aelvcii of cwry jiarticlc uf Mont they
cau acetiiY In imter to niaku nsmt for
their luinenttoek of aprttig giHKlslhat
they re now Beeurlng front New
Ymk, t'hleugn, Hu I''rauelci, and
other phe,
Mr. mid Mm, Stark' twin weighed
Jut twenty lx potiml thl week, one
wclgbliig thlrtiH'tt and nucfottrih
imuud, the ether twelve and three-
tiHirtlm (Miunils, The paivul am very
pwud of their Imblca,
Next Hunday I 81, Valentine' day,
"Th llth day uf February,
Wo pasmnl the evening very incrry
Lot were cast and you t drew,
Kind fortune ayt It must he you,"
IW. Itork gave a flue addrw at the
or hotiM) last Wedncuduy c'iilng
from the Fariucr'Altlauct iaudHitut.
lie lii good lecturer, ami hi cause 1
worthy of coulderHtlo.
Mr. Kl llalr ha a lot uf canned
fruit for wile. All pcrwm dirlng to
purchasw" will lluonim of Mr. H. J.
Hcltbtmiin. IIS
The new hotel at Monmouth I now
ready for hustuc. It 1 a hostelry uf
which any towu might I proud.
JtMcphu Coleman til"! at Mon
mouth January 25, lM2, agn ftfty-tblt
Tho ladle nhould wait until the new
good at the "Whit Hou," arrive.
The Sitrihutut 'wye. Is moving to
the tVi'td.
The polltlnd -t 1 tliiHocrlutf
l'leaoaut weather.
It,ull.lfi Kr,
Mm Michael Curtain, I'lalutleld, III,,
make the Blalemeltt that he CiUlitht
Cdd, Which nettkHl on lr lung; hc
wiw treated for a mouth by her lainlly
pbvclt,ti, but grew , he told
her )c was hoptdcji vl. tim of ton
umptioti and that no nuMlelne would
curolwr. Her tnikii ug-eicl lr
King' New hiwivery fr Cotnuiiup
Don; she lsUght a bottle and (o lurde
light found berw lf benefited fiom the
OMdiMts She continued it tti and
after hiking ten Is.ttk. found herself
Aouiid and well, now da her owu
bmi'wiirk and U a well ah ever
wa - Free trial lttle .of thl tih-al
Diwovcry at any drug rtoru. Irge
lsttlt, .Vie. ami f 1 no,
t ll!tth." ObnKNt SIHil.-TifA0ll It.
"the tc;.Mi .Vt Aisif Jauntnl low fur
some time lvii casliug about lu Mnre)i
of the olilml Oregon iH'hiHil teacher;
and Ullcvi It ha found him
lu the person of l"nf. Jukn I),
Wmut, who, at the age of lxleen, In
Kan teaching In lkntuu county In K"V
He hn taimhl '' moittb on publle
money, and wvcml term of "uhcilt.
tlon book" All tbi work, with the
exemption of one term, twbtch wa
tauahtln Wasco vouiily.) wa done
within a rmllu!of sixty! inllc, taking
CorvallisVa center. While thl ca
rwrhasJU-eii entirely In tb many of the leading linen and
women of tlie Male received lnlruc
lion fnun hint, l'rof. Wom1 say he
ha nu Buibillon to l rel long
etiouuh Biiihnl he may tliiUb" hi ittm
mouth teaching oij public money
A iKl LwTfRB, Uf. Taylor, of
Portland, lircsidellt of the Slate Medi
cal Society, of Oregon, U Mt the Little
Inb hotel, and will remain a few
day. Dr. Taylor Is js-rnmncntly located
at lH Morrison trect, rortlaml.aiel I
out for nvreatlon and bnslne com
blneft. Twenty-four yar of buccw-
fill prnt-tlee ho given the iba-tor a rep
utation second to none In the state.
All tluit are afflicted would do well to
call and e him. The doctor gave free
lecture lust night at the opera buue.
flic lecture wimof lllsrnt character ami
highly moral, entertaining, and gave
uutny fact a to ism'IuI, tnond, spirit
ualand physical being, ttd thesis-ailed
science of medicine from the liberal
Tim Tiiormu Ctucrtr. Indcn
ik'uc I Included In the trotting circuit
for next fall by the North Fuel tin Horse
Itrwdcr' Association. The newly
elected meinls'i of thl asoclatl"H
from Folk. county are: T. ! O. Itlcli
moud, Dallas; It. W. 1'hllHp, Amity;
It. C. Hmlth, A. Nelson, Win. l'crclval,
J. W. Klrkland. Indcis udcncc; W, (1.
Nesmilh, iK'rry. The following tire
the dote for the circuit:
Wwk Ix'ulniilnt Auioial l.i, olvmpl.
Wwtt IikIiimIiik AhuiinI Vi, T'ueitu.
Wcl, lictftioiliitf Aitguwl 'ill, Kent.
V,'k lu'itlnioiig (ti'iiirmlMT h. t'orlliinil,
WfwB Im mIiiiihiii Mi.iii.inljpr 11, H.Uimi.
Wtk tHvinuliiii Bi'i'loinlicr III, tieliifii. '
Wirk Ik'kIioiIiiii Bi clnnilwrSH. Knt'ne,
Wi U bi'itlnnlini ili hils'f , ltfchiiru.
Ww k iH'Ullllilliu th'Uilmf III, Vaiimilivor, liKKlimliiK Oi iiiiinf 17, Walla Wnlla.
Week IwgluiiliiK (M.iliiir it, Moi(w,
Si i.vkh Doi.i.aiw i!7.ri M t i.k II m it.
Tho treasury count It silver by
weighing It, which I part of wlsdiim,
In view of the fact that a man, count
lug at the rule of 3 HI dollar piece tier
minute steadily for eight hour per
day, Hunday Included, would be kept
busy for considerably over eleven
ycurs. riled one iimiii ttui outer, the
KKi,(KMl,(MM) In the treasury would
attain a height of 075 mile, mid placed
side by shin they would carpet a room
50 feet wide and nearly 24 mile long,
(loi.t) Watch Loht. A gold wnloli
and chain were lost last Saturday even
ing In Independence. Tho cumu No, of
tho watch Is 1HIH1.1. catnloguo No. of
movement I HI), It Isnn Klgln wutch
I t karat II no. A ttillublu rewind will
le paid In cash for the return of the
prierty to tho Wisht Sum olllce,
Spot on Hi Hun,
Lick Oiihkhvatoky, Mount Hamil
ton, M, Feb. O.ThoMO who are In-
IcrcHtcd In sun simis will bo ahle to
IH't'ccive tin ciiormou one on tho sun's
face at the present time. It can be seen
with tho naked eye, protected, of
course,! bysmokod glas. Hpccl roscoplc
copies that have been taken hero ot
the observation of tho now tar that
hiiH'Iiituly appeared near Chi Aurlgal
are Imrdiy sallsl'actory a yet, but uro
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,
Heott Laitghary returned front IVrt
laud Tuesday,
W.O.Cook ieiit a day or two lii
Albany thl Week.
Mr. J, H, CiiHf, returnwl Monday
front b several day' visit In Fort land.
Mr. A, J. Ikuulng left for l'ortland
yesterday, V liope o sec hint return
We are aorry toay that A. W. Lum,
of Monmoulh, ha Isvn tpilto so k for j
aonie time.
Henry I'Bltttreon reltirnvd fruiii b
business trip to Salem Bint Fort laud
last Monday,
Mr. Wluiiull nd daughter, Ml
AukIc, will return luMiivatsiut thu '.nth
of thl month,
Mm. UH'ke uticui b few day visiting
her brother, ttev, j), (', McFarland
ami fiuiilly, m ar Albany thl week.
uwl Mutiiey, hffidliig a ptwltlmt
In b wholinle drygood house
Sidem, wa In town B few day IhU
r. A. lamly bihI wlfu niient b few
day lu Altmny lt wwk vlilug
friend and relative. They returned
IM Ireland, of Mouinouth, returtuxl
from l'ortland last week, having eoni'
pleted the course at lh buine ml
tcg with high tumor.
.Mr, name Well. ofTaouiiia. tin
b visit to lu'r parents, Mr. and Mm. I
Cbiett, for b couple of week. Mr,
Well I expccttHl lu b few day.
Mr, Atkins, of Monmouth, mir tnr-
pondeut for the V, C, T. If. ctilutnn
l;veryl k w ith la grtppc, wprtury
to ay. W hope the lady w III aoon
recover to hotllUC her dlllle.
Mr. Zed tbMcuitorf lll bav hi new
spHng gssl herein a few'wtfk, Bin
the Indie would do well to wait until
they arrive, a an extra Hub Detection
of holies' gisst will be In t'k.
Zd Itiwetidnrf, one of our imt en-
tcrprialug merchant, will leave ovor-
:,nd bvmitrrow for Han Frucieo, to
lay In b largo Bbwk of spring gtl.
(to tmt fad to vUit bl ttorv and look
at hi new gKt when they arrive.
Mt, F. M. Oatr and iliiughler nod
moilter, Mr.T. H.Hlraltoti, arrived In
udcndeuctt last Saturilay, Mr.
tiatc' many friend welcome her re
turn, ami her mother will remain here
If her health will permit.
F. Austtuc, the furniture man at
Monmouth, wa lu Fortlwud thl week
biyiug In more new gtssi with which
to hi customer. He litis tsvn
very buy ttclltng the urs-ti ami fur
niture ready br the new hotel In Mon.
lu-rt Luca rctiiruetl by wav of
Yaiutim from San Francisco lat Mon-
lay, Jle wa atwciil aiun nrvu
weeks, Hiid reirts having had a iut
enjoyable He al"otatel that be
vHted with Warren Crey, wlnwc
many friend hew will U deai ttt
kuw that be Is gfttiug along nicety lu
hi new ptsiition, and that he will
probably make a visit home sometime
thl coming ummer,
Tll htW I.AtMHlV.
lioleuMilHe lu lluv a BtcatM t.anilrr
Ciiiiiiik wltlt all Mmli r tin-triHul.
"In buying a eo'iinh medicine for
children," say H. A. Walker, a prom
incut ilrueglst ofOgih-n, l tali, "never
I afraid to buy Chniulsirtnln' Cough
lieioedy . Tlicre bt no danger from It,
and relief I alway mire to follow.
particularly recommend ClminU rbilu's
Ismui-o I have found It lobe wire and
reliable. Fifty-cent bottle for ante by
alt medletlie dealer.
II on tjur.ili.a Tim Htrnf,
An el. I man was on thewtluc stand
ami wa U lug crwexiinilni-li-y the
"You ay you are a doctor, lr?''
"Ye, lr; ye, nir "
"What kind of doctor?"
"I miikc lutiin ins, sir, I make lot
"What' your ointment gisid for?"
"It's iphI to rub on the head to
strengthen tho mind."
"What cffl-cl would It have If you
were to ruliBome of It on tuy bead?"
"None nt all, air; none at all. We
must have something to start w ith."
A ( hAtlnnmiK
It ttuls
J,lg nils TMHjr-lwe
nt mi siiiiim.
CiiArrAN'MKJA, Tciiii., Feb. 7. The
divorce court record wa broken by
Judge Misiii, sitting on the circuit
bench. The docket contain HI ruse
lu which separation were asked by
husband or wife. Work Is'gan at nine
o'ciocK, and in n jiiuge .mihui iki
Joiirned court at noon he had exhausted
the docket. In the three hour he wa
sitting he granted thlrty-thrco di
vorce, refused sixty-three applicants,
and continued the remainder until
HI III! ItsttKI-.l, BI00,
The reader of thl paior will l
pleiiscd to learn that there I ut least
one dreaded disease tint science ha
Is'cu able to cure lu all It singes, and
that I catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure Is
the only (sislllvo cure now known to
tin- medical fraternity, Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, require a con
stitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
iikiii the blood and miicoim surfaces ol'
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient treugth by building up
the constitution and assisting nat ure in
doing Its work. Tho proprietor have
so much faith in It curative power,
that they oiler ono hundred dollars for
any case that It full to cure. Bend for
lltt of testimonials,
Add res, F.J, C'll KN K Y & C( ). ,
Toledo, (.).
jwSMold by all druggists, ire,
Kl IMl ltiniC AT (INCH.
Wo make you thl week a (IHKAT
0AM FA KIN OFFKIt. Thl i the
presidential-election year, and every
body should read and he thoroughly
posted, lly subscribing at mice you
can get Iho WrH-lj) (kfjnnlan and tjje
WliHT Hum until November 4, 1HD2, for
5(1. These paper will contain re
port of all convention complete, nnd
the Oregon Htnlo election, as well ua all
the campaign and general telegraphic
now. Thl I tho greatest odor yet
given you and you should not full to
embrace tho opportuiilly. Subscrip
tion token at tho Wkht Hints oltlco.
Another link In the chain or Improve
ment In Independence I the new
laundry which will, In only a few
weeks, bo In full o'nu!ou, The work
nu the building for the same, which I
located near the water Works, lu Souih
lndeientleiiiv, wa commenced the fore
part of the week and will tie completed
and ready for the placing uf the ma
eh I lie ry J n a week at fartlnwt, it be
lug rapidly pushed by several bauds,
The machinery ami Hiring complete
have all hecu ordered unit will bo here
In b few day, and will Is' placed In po
sition as riwt as thn work eati lie dl
ialched, Otireucrgotlo and eiiterprl
ing ellUeli, F. M, (late, I puslilug tin
work a fast as posnlhlo Btid should re
ceive thu siipiiit uf Folkcoiiuly entire
this Is the only one lu the county
and we cannot wee but that he ran and
will get work enough to make ii prove
b very profitable I u vestment, The
plant will be one nf the best, contain
lug nil the latest improvement In It
Hue, which will enable him Ut do all
kind nf laundry work In first elm or
der. We wish the eitleiirluii.
Hut ream ih o, a. it, .
The Buoletle gave an open session kl
rrlday evening. The programme con
slstett of songs, h-cltttlloc. thpreaillng
of tliews-lcty pas-r by "the devil," and
the detail, "AW,,, That t!w I'niled
State should adopt fnw and unlimited
coinage or Bllver," I he mmtiuit wa
letldwt in favor nf the negative.
The drama given under the manage
incut of the hand boy, wn welt at-
A number uf tudeut Intending to
tea. li during the spring, left at the clow
of the term.
Fniimlualloii cIowhI last Friday and
most of the iwr have Uen gradel.
A meeting of thu 1 loan I of Id gents
Wa hcM lt week.
A liuinUr of the nipre taking
private It-iMoiM In elocution from Mine
Tuihlll. ,
A red and gun club won urgiinld
The following nflUvr bnve teeu
liH-twl fur the ensuing year in the Ath-
let In Awsiclatioii! K. A. Miller, pre!-
lent; A, N. Ftilkenton, vice president;
r, Htiiuton, sceretary; (, S. Dwkr,
treasurer; T, Maats, director, On bc
ismnlof the bud weather, the exhibi
tion to Ui 'given at Corvalll ha beell
lwtiHiiicd until Boiui tluie in the near
future, 1ot.
WcMliicott & Irwin U71 Coiumcrohil
street, Hiilem, Hiipply their table with
tho best In tho market. Meals, !M cent
We hike this method of Informing
the public in general that we have en
tered Into and InoiirpoMted our bard
ware, utovini, tinware, and implement
bu.liM-wi, w ith the old and reliable firm
f It, M. Wade A Co., under ti'iO.onn
tipltal, who now have large and ex
tensive hou In Portland, Siileui, Al
bany, Corvallis, and McMiiiuvllle.
Our object in entering Into this com
pany, I to place nunadve lu a position
lo buy all our good d I reel from the
I Vlern manufacturer In car l-mil lot,
a cheap a any wliolcnale bouse ou the
1'iielilo count, thereby saving our cu
tomer tlie prolli heretofore paid the
Portland and San Frainlx-o liH relmnls,
In the near future we bail liiercase
our stock, ami add many now Hue
never ls-fore carruxl lu I'ulk cuuuty.
In alt we shall make this houe second
to nu retail hoiiae In the Willamette
valley In tpiautlty, iitialliy, and prhx"
of good.
In view of t bene fuels, wo ran Nt re
ly ny that we are now In a Is-tlcr m
slttoii tluiu any Imiiw In Folk county
to handle the trade, and we shall I
plcasnl ti e all our old customer.
and a numy new one, at our old
stand, where we ran guarantee fair
and honest dealing to all at a low price.
(Iihiuman A DotTV.
MlTlt K,
Having incorporated our busltics
with It M. Wado A Co., It become
neeiwiiiry that we should closiour old
hook AT ONCE, All penton indebted
to II for tho year iwg, w ill please call
and iH'ltle either by cash or note.
(Ioohma Dol'TV.
A IVltllun.
The follow ing js'tltlon lu regartl to
thecuforccmeiit of the atute Hunday
law wa presented to thu city council
at its last nicellng:
7b fi (bnieW t,ric eltjf of Jmli jirn-
ifiini-Ihmimthlc ami lh'ur Sirm
Uist wwk the president of tho mini-
terlal union of this city extended tin In
vltutlou to the iiublio to iiiei'l In the
llapthd ehurcli.for the purimwof con
hlcrlng a (iicstlon relating to the
moral stutu of our city. Accordingly,
on Thursday, the -Kb lust., n fair repre-
iitutloti of our ctllxcn met togetlicr
and discussed the Hunday question A
unanimous opinion prevailed. The
sentiment of the meeting wo that the
way In w hich the Sabbath I desecrated
Is dcplnrable, and that wo use mean to
have this day n rest day for nil, We
feel that It U a duly we owe not only
to find, but duly wo each owe to our
Therefore, ft loyal citizen of Inde
pendence, wo most earnestly request
your honorable body to order the town
marshal to see to It that during all the
hntira uf Sunday ami Hunday evening,
saloons and all place where liquors and
beer aro Hold, (except (Irinr store.
bleb may U opened only for tilling
prescription,) bikI all plniK of bust
lies, and hop, Iw tnlurlu Htm-d.
We believe that thu enforcement of
thl tiilo law, which our law-maker
so wisely tint upon tho statute, will be
an Inmlimiililti ban fit lu every way.
The better clus of xuplo neck place
which have a high moral tone, and
good hoIiooI. They want to nutko a
homo In town which luivon good nt
niosphoro for bringing up their chil
dren, Wo have good school, hut wo
I'.ii'k Ihi: rlylu moral tone, Thl we
must all admit. Our town I growing
and will continue to grow. Let u Sec
to It that It grow In tho right direc
tion, May we not rid It of those
things which make It so unattractive?
Now I tho time to do It.
Viewing It oven In tho light of a bus
iness proposition, wo sincerely pray
that your honorable body may grant
tho above request Tho Christian peo
ple aro ready to give their hearty sup
port lu what may bo duno lu thl di
rection. A.J. HuMHAKBit, Chuim;::u.
Rkv. A. F. Lorr, Secretary,
An adjourned meeting of time Inter
ested In thn urgnulratloti of a district
county fair wa held In tho ire
house, on Hut unlay, the ttlli lust,, at
ii o'clock p, m. On motion, J. W.
Klrkland wn elected chairman, and
U. A. Hmlth Becrclary. Mr, Klrkland
suited the object of the meeting w to
take action toward orgnulKlng
district fair at-lallnii, He advised
that Immediate !ot be taken In that
direction, lu view nf the fact that the
North Faclllu 'fretting Horse llreed
era' Asociuilnu were now form
ing a circuit, nnd If projsr action
wo now taken, thl place would
be Included In their circuit, licmurk
were made by M. Mcrwlu, Uen, Shlnu
Abe Nelson, J. 11, Cooper, and other.
all of whom aiKike entliuslasllcally of
the propriety ut organising u fair bk I
Btlou, Mud of the advantage our county
would derive from the holding of such
b fair, und ho-d that Immediate t'
would lie taken toward forming such
an nrgHnlntloii, on motion, commit
tee nf five was apixiliited by the chair.
enu.Utlng of M. Merwln, J. H. Stuiui,
Harry Christian, J, It. Cisitier, and
rrattk Morris, whose duljr It wa
solicit lilMcrlillou for tlie orgaulta-
lion of a Joint Muck company, Bud t hai
the committee rewirl at the next iii-l-
lux of cltlwiis, nine held at the tqsra
hou, Monday, I'ebrimry Nth, at 7,So
p. in. Ou motion, the meeting ad
Meeting called to order by Chairman
J, W, Klrkland. ' M. Mcrwlu, chair
man of (be committee appnluted at the
lost meeting to solicit BUlwertptious,
made a verlwl reqsirt. He atutwd that
they had smiwled In obtaining ult-
erlitloiM to the amount of f uou, but
on account of the abort tluas In which
they bad to work, they had confined
themselve u the oily wily; but they
bad rixH-lviKl word from Mr. Htuuip,
of the committee, to (he effect that a
reason in i lo amount or eld eould tm ex.
IK'ctcl from lh country. M. Merwm
Ihougbt that there would be no dim
vully lu raising ten or twelve thou
wind dollars. Mr. Abraham Nelmiu
stated that he wa siirnrlmil at the
sucees th w hich the eonnullti-e bad
met in o abort B lime, and he now
felt thai thu fair waan amured thing,
aiid that we should proceed at once to
orgniiire. On motion, It was unani
mous by the mil ling that a
fair l held III Folk County. The sec
retary then Klatfd everal prosisillous
that lusil keen made by (write ow n
log luud, for the local Ion of a situ for
the greund which were m f How
Henry Hill, land for track, etc, at the
rate of f;i -r acre; Al Nelou,
northwt'wt of lmlccutlciice oiieuille,
laud at IliW 'r acre; Ittley Cooa'r,
about one and one-half mile north
west of tltU city, land at fW per acre,
wtid bind himself to sis ikIh fHUi In
building Minis to groumls; Talmagc,
the old track and ground, at lui per
acre. On motion or L. C. ( iilmore, it
unanimously adopted a thes.-n-
of thl meeting that wheu a rma
neut orgnltioH I cllw ietl, that the
BwHH'latioii amqit the reNiltion of
tlie ralumifu petqde. Moved by M.
Merwln, that when thl meeting ad
JtHirncii, that It adjourn to HaturUay
evening Fibrimry Mill, at 7 o'clmk,
for lhrpureof ciTwiing b jiernitincnt
orguuiiiuttiou, and that thecoiimiltlec
herein ai)Hilnletl to soiled sili-ri-lions,
lie coiitluuetl, and that they
make another rerl at the next m t
lug, which wa carried.
Mr. Tow nsciid, of Dallas, wa pre,
flit, and stated that ho was a farmer,
born and nilseil In Pol k ct,unty, and
thnt he would advocate anything that
wa to the Interest of Folk county, and
lie lielleved thl Wa B move Irf the
rlkdit direction, and that aid could I
exwted from hi M-otiotiol tlie enuuty.
Ou motion of J, H, Towiisend, the
chair wa Instructed to notify the stock
breeder' associat'Oli, at l'ortland, that
Folk county w ould have a fair, and in
vito tin in to Include thl county In
their circuit, On motion, the nuiiic
of (1. H. Towiisend wa added to the
committee to eollcli subscription.
Ou motion, the meeting adjourned to
Saturday evening, February 1:1th, at
7 o'clock.
h-. r, t, v.
Knur lsb-rof the W. C. T. U., I
know yoti will feed iorry to hear our
dearly-! loved sister mid faithful work
er, Mm. it, Adklu, of Monmouth, is
very h-k. Let u Inqsi and pray thnt
he may yet tie permitted blay with
im, chwrlng and helping us in our
work for the Master, as In day of obi
Mn. L. Ia Wiiii kakkh.
rillille-s, i,hi,I Mutes.
The biiul number of pupil enrolled
In the ImleMiudeiice public bcIiooI to
date Is Shi,
Fully thlrly were aU-nt last nKiuth
on Bccount of In grljiH, but tho Biteinl-
auce I much better now,
The following Is b reisirt of the work
done January, a tnkeu from record of
dally recitation and monthly exami
nation, giving the three In each grade
that ttttaUnil the highest BVcrage:
Flint grade, (luy Walker, Juliaa
Hurley, Oolille Irvine. Scctuid grade,
Iterutird Iiwitou, (Icrtlo Frmleti, lb
NeUoti, Third gmdc, MisCaruahau'
dep'i, J,,.),,, Deatoii, Nellie SbelU-y,
Cliiude Hubbard; Mr, Jackson' dep't,
r.VB Itoblmiou, Nellie Whlieakcr.
Johnny ((entry. Fintrth grade, Im-
velle Kay, Amy Ityer. Fhlllp Kerry.
Fifth grl, Alln lit., Ikira Hotlgin,
Maggie I'omeroy. Six Hi grade, Ji-we
Whellcy, Lutle Mlddlebom, Nellie WaJ-
ton. Heventh uradc, IbiU'rt lowe.
Ultra Wilson, Nellie Jtoydsbm
Fighth grade, l,rge W hlUnkcr, Fearl
(s-r, Floreiuw Wagoner. High
ki..i.....i ... i . , .. ... ..
eviiwi, ursi grauc, ,illi iiertie V lilte-
ker, Mis Ida l"Mm, Chnrle Irvlw,
Seiilom, Ml DnraCoois-r, Mis Maude
MH llllHIMlil.
He wa only a Chinaman. Yet he
wa one of tiod' crcatun, and made
III HI OWU ItliBtfM. ,
11a walck unto death, He arrived
mini Astoria In the night lluo. He
wa thken from the tsat and plied up
on the wharf along with other freight.
Iho fever parched hi throat; the
death dew dampened hie brow; yet
there wb no bund t help ami no eye
to pity,
A few of hi pngau countrymen
came along ihut w ay end irfnppcd to
Inquire hi uame, lie wa Ballanger
lo ilieiu and they psnwd on.
In the early morning light a police.
insiiaaw u I binumu lying ou the
barf. There waa a vigorous kick of
the tssly, accompanied with a com
maud to gel up. There w a no move
ment, and then another kick. Still
there w a no movement of tho btxly,
and then -rlng into the faw of the
mini, tlt! policeman tlimoveixtl that he
bad U-eu kicking a crpe.
IVath hud been more merciful lo the
frieudles oul than hi fellow creature,
and gave him relief from hi nurt'ering,
AH till hupi'ned, too, in a city full of
UirMlau people who, omitribute thou
aliibt of dollar auimully to spread the
get'l among tlu; heathen.
The story hiIui to It own moral.
WWontf Ttlrymm,
Mr. C, W. Ibsd, proprietor of the
Hotel Ikdlonc, Oimihn, one of the fluent
new and modern lintel In (he went,
say of Chamberlain' Cough Itemcdy:
"We have used It In our family for
year with tho niont satisfactory results,
especially for our children for colds
and croup, It can bo dcictidcd iihiii;
ticslde, It i pleasant to take, and meenu
to Is) free from chloroform and tho oily
substances put Into many cough mix
ture." Fifty-cent ami oiiiHlollar lsit
tie for sale by all medicine dealer.
lli-nlty ' riKiiim suit Organs,
Hon. Daniel F, Kcalty, the great or
gan and Haiio manufacturer, I build
ing and shipping more organ and
piano than ever. In 1S70 Mr. llentty
left homo B HuiillcM plow-boy, and by
hi Indomitable will he ha worked hi
way upo a to tall so far, nearly 100,000
of lU'iitty' organ and piano since 1870.
Nothing seem to dishearten him; oh-
tuclc laid lu hi way that would have
wrecked tiny ordinary man forever, ho
turns loan advertisement and conic
out, of It brighter thun ever. Hi
Instruments, u I well known, are
very popular nud are to bo found In till
part of tho world. We nro Informed
that dining the next ten year ho In
tends hi sell 200,000 more of hi make.
That means a business of $1:0,000,(100 If
wo average them til f 100 each, It I al
ready the largest business of the kind
In existence. Send to Daniel F, lteattv.
Washington, New Jersey, forcatidoguo.
Fur Mnaleul I'dipla.
Tho .Vim Friend for January I at
hand, with It wealth of vocal ami lu-
Mlruincnlid miislo, nnd it bright, In
teresting, and limtructlvo, paragraphs
and article mi clitirolmnd Instrumen
tal niuslj, voice culture, theory, music
al new, do. Among tho piece of
choice music In thl number 1 "Song
Wit hout Word," by Hewitt; "O, Fat It
er Keep V," n new and excellent
church milo, for tenor or soprano. The
S'tmtf Frlrml I a 3l!-pnge Journal of rare
excellence. Tho mibscripllon prloo I
only $1 a year, with premium of
three piece of select muslo, Tho puh
llHlier, H. W. Htrnuh & Co., 215 State
Street, Chicago, otl'cr to send one mini
jile copy for ten cents, and make liber
al ImhicenienU to canvassei's.
lltunmirwlls t'tivaljr ramulll Mll(.
A liieethig of the committeemen frirfii
the everal preclnctB at Folk eounly,
will be held at the courthouse Bt Dull
on Tuesday, February 23, IM2, at on
o'clisk p.m., forthepurpoifl"apiidnU
liigdelegab from the nvcral prer-tm U
bi the county oonveiilloa, and fixing
lime and place for the iiomlnatlou of
deleguttw to the state convention and
tho iiomlimtloii of county officer.
A. V, It. Knyder, tlie Job printer of
Dallas, assisted by hi brother, O, W. ,
Huyder, I compiling fact and figure
preparatory to Iwulng a sketch of l'olk
county, showing the nmmtcen, ad van
lege, growth et.,of every icetlon there
of. The work will be In book form
and wllleotitttiri a complete a l.Utory
a practicable to give of Folk oue of
the best enunlie lu Oregon. Every
section of the county will be visited
nd given a allowing. "Ixmk out for
the train when the bell rlnirs ,"
(TtOTF.AN Lionel J. Cmfesn.erand.
nou of Mr. M. K. Im Itansk-ur, age
four years.dled in New llavt ii.Conn.,
Jiiminry i, of dlphthcrl afu-r a
week' illue.
ALliKCKKIt. Horn to tho wife of
Ikrtht-1 Allaxker. wear Alrlie, a
daughter, weight eight pound.
SMi ni.-llorn to the wife of F. J,
Hmlth, Bt lluctia VUta, a ton; weight
twelve pound. All doing well,
VAN NOHTVICK.-Uorn to the wife
of L. I Van Nortwlck, in thl eity,
Thursday, February 11, 1SD2, a nine
pound boy. All doing well, aud Lou
1 happy a a king,
This I positively the last call to alk
who owe J. D. Irvine a grocery bill.
All bill not paid by February 3HI) will
be placed In the baud of an attorney
for Imnietliute collection. I will be
found at the Indcpeudeuoe National
bank. Your truly.
J. D. larik-B.
ladMtadva aatl Maomanlh Mulur Lin
litil- H-n,iinfe.
II 14
lit. I)
Children Cry for Pitchor's Castorla,
t llj- t'ttunell lnvvillug.
The oily council convened lu regular
csdou ou Fcliruary tith at Uie uutd
hour, with Mayor Merwln In the chair
ami the full couuell in attendance.
The chalnmin of the committee ou
fire and walor submitted revised plan
for a new bell tower. The nqsirt wai
resubmlttwl todd committee.
Stivend resirtof minor ImiKirtance
were passed ui)il under the head of
licjsirt from standing committee."
A petition from tho Second ward
asking that a fire hydrant lie located
t the Intersection of Fimt and Sag
street was referred to the committee
ou Fire and Water.
A iK'lltlon from the ministerial union
meeting held In tbi city in the 4th In
stant, asking thai the city Sunday or-
liiiauee I strictly enforced, re
ferred to the committee on health and
police, Ou motion, the visitor pres
ent were luvlled to uddrea the council
lu relation to the aUive iietiiioti, (ie.
kiiiuer and ltcv. V. J. Huusakcr
made a few brief remark.
A lcti!ion fmiii Hi.. Tl.lnl ......I
, I -.- .null ,i,ll, iv.i-
lug that the electric light located at the
north end of the f.sit hrithm
one block further north, wa referred to
tlie committts.1 ou street and public
nronertv. lieo. Kl,liu, ...,1m r,..
of the iet!lion, and extdained the ex-
IKniciicy oi re-locating tlie light,
lkHnnlcr Ford's moni lilv rv-iitirl r.,i-
Jununry, lsui, nud .Mundud 1-cnncll'
supplciiieiitarv rcsirtoftaxec illecttHl,
nuiv mcrivu id me comm Itee on n.
A. S. Locke gave notice that at the
next regular m.-etiug of the council, he
would int roduce an ordinance regulat
ing the miming at lure of stock with
in the city limit. Juiues Oilwoti gave
notice that lie would Intrislucc an or
dinance regulating the sale and lleena
inr ot intoxicating liquors, etc
Wall paper trimmed at V. Anatlne'a,
F. A null lie, the Monmouth bouac
furulsher. (io to W. O. Cook' and ace that con
versation chair.
New Home and White wwlug
machines at Whewlcr'a book store.
Wantku. To exchange cajvh for
forty doen chlckena. C", M. Ukowx.
For the fineet candle aud coufeo
llottary In the city, cull t P. C. pBttcr
ou". Try that tine five-cent Queen of
Queen cigar at P. C. Patterson' candy
(lo to Wln-elcr' and get one of those
White Itiibor cigars. Only 5c, Best in
P. C. Pattcrmm always keep on
band a full supply of Havana and Key
West cigars.
Send your laundrying to the Salem
stam laundry where It will bo dono
ill thebi-st of order.
T. W. Fjtte ha a large supply of
that liock Cantly syrup on band
which he Is selling out very low.
If you want nit ekgnnt ide-board,
hall-tree, book-cone, eccretary, chiffo
tiler, qr parlor suite, go to F. Austlue',
at Monmouth,
Tho Chilian war Is about settled, but
the grocery war is jut started, and T.
W, F-sto wants 300 new customer (o
buy grvK.vrie cheap for cash.
Talk is cheap,' but it takes money to
buy groceries, and T. W. Eatee baa got
the mouey, and Is ablcto sell you gro
ceries for cash cbcaixT than ever be
fore. '
Salem Ktcam laundry, 2:10 Liberty
street, Salem, Oregon, doe all klnils of
laundry work in a flint-class manner.
Free delivery to and from Indepen
dence. .
Sugar lias advaueed, but T. W. Etca
ha plenty of It ou baud which he will
give his .customers the benefit of; so
come along and get your supplies before
it gets out of reach.
Westiicott & Irwin, "71 Commercial
ordinance regulating tho building of etrwt, funilsli the beet meaw to be had
aniimatk. 1'.. c.. Kivngcl gave notice In Salem, for 25 cento. Whcnlubalctu
that h! ; wuubl I Introduce nu ordinance give their restaurant a trial and get
deticiicies the market allord.
Our holiday lusuo Is not yet exhausted ,
and you should scud for copies aud
scud them to your friend East, and
elsewhere, Hotter than a hundred let
ter l our New Year's Issue. Only
five wilts a copy.
olllce rs.
a tiuniocr of lull were referred to
the committee on 11 nance, and, also, a
number were ordered )aui without rev
terriug to sold committee.
On motion, the council adjourned.
llmMeii' Aritlt-a Sulvr.
The best salve in tho world for cubs,
bruises, sores, ulecru, salt rheum, fever
soft-s, tetter, chapped baud, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption, and posi
tively cure plica, or nu pay required,
It I guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price, 25
cent pur box. For wile by any drug
Humility the Iti-at l'uttt-y,
Th Is is a pnteiit-niedlcino advertise
ment, but your attention one moment
may save you much sintering as well as
We euro that cough.
We euro that tickling.
We cure that backing.
We cure that throat olcarlnjr.
Wo euro Croup.
We cure Hronehllls.
Wo euro that La (Jrlppc Cough.
Wo help you to sing and speak.
We tiro not the H. 11. Lozenges.
We are a pleasant Cough Syrup,
We are put up InSOand 75 -cent but
We tiro the S. B. Cough Cure,
(Juiirnutccd by all druggists.
Wlwn Ttalijf was sick, wo gate hor Custorla, ,
Wlwn ohe was a ClillU, she cried (or Cnstorl.
When slie bm-aino Miss, alie clung to Cnstorl.
Wheu slit; hud ChllttKn, sbo gnvo Uicm Otiatoiia.
Foil Sai.k. Milk dairy, twelve cows,
horse ond wagon, and all necessary
eqnipoge for carry lug on a general dairy
business. Inquire ono - milo north of
Independence, on premises of J. O. Vwn
Orsdel, fur terius. cto. izu 1
Not lee is licmby nlven that the oo-nftrtiKr
lilp litiretoruRitixIsilnn between J. E. Hulk
lined and K. C. V Moor Is hetvliy (llssalved.
All dclil and Hci-ounu mlrae(d previous
to t-Vtirimiv lt, 1SIIJ, by thn above nrin,
will lie pnld nud culloeted by said tlnn. The
busliiinw, sluro tl above dale, hs beeu amt
wilt lie omUuiUHlby J, K. Hubbiml. lkfil
(SlltiH'd. J, H IlcHiuitn,
February V, WW, K. C. Van Mmta.
- n
H" i I
ttedtini,..wunni cr
tf.Ore rir? n
n, ticur whnt I
rr itiinir
mun who hna since L.CJ I 1 Un I
There set.
is now Bulter Cltv, i
become tdtiitllitd with the resources and RffA
development of thnt country. Thin mon VlU
ia no other than Mr. Joho Stewart, one of the and mo.t influential cltUena ta the
county, tn a recent telter he sys : " I had been
s'.uRiuiR from ri.dus In my bnclt nnd Renerst kid
ney cnmpliiint for some time, and had uted many
remedies without any but temporary relief. The
pains in my bnck had become so severe that I wa
prevented from uttcndiun to my work and could
not move about without the ue of a enne. Hear,
hi(t, throuRli a friend, of the wonderful cures ef
fected by Oreiroti Kidney Ten, I waa induced to try
a box, and from thnt very first dose I found instant
relief, and before vising half the contents of the
box the puliw In my back entirely disappeared.
I have every faith lu the virtuea of the Orcfrou
Kidney Tea, and etui conwientlously recommend
I. to my frieuds. I would not be without it for
anythinir." '
bregna Kidney Tea cures back;he, ineontk
neure of I 1ue, Irick dust sediment, hunilng or
lnlufnl wnmtion while urinating, and all aiTeo
lliinsof the kiitnevoruriuaryorKanaofeitheraex,