The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 12, 1892, Image 2

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. Cest Si-3 Publishing Company
Athl.K IS AttVAKt'tt.
Ttitm Moulli
All nrrls mt tfmMh uil not vxowtt.
Itilftv-n Hum will t rriwl rHi. All i-r
live linn will I i'liHivt llv hmi t-i- lt nhtitini-y vliuiiiui will l t-lmwtl
ftw t lii row tit AKVcviimiwrlliKN
Aditntw nil tsiutmiHlvtilinn(iir tllli-ittli
( I'd Wwt Kink, imuI motto nil rintiiium
)w.valt It) Ilia IVIH I'ouutj' l-uliluhliig Omi.
' ' ' '' ,,.,
UoilUlorml ftt tit INm-Hdli In lnt-u
ttUtv, un-tivvn, m nt-vliiM itiHtUT.
FRIDAY, KKWU-AUY 12, isoa.
TilK RopuMU'iui pivstt is tint
luuUiuilly aul Iwanse of Mr. IUtthto'a
letter declining to run for the
. j1 1 -
The way to liviiM up tiulcHui
douw is to "get in1' ftml build U up.
lttroiiio home Industries, mid you
Will BlllHWcd.
Tuk tnunery, tin hoop factory,
and tho district fitir, with oilier
enterprise on the. fujii. will gvio
M a push quite. tWIt-itlilo.
Ol.D Polk will co lVmocnttlc
uoxt Juno; at kwt Hint I what the
ht Informed polilirimis iy.
Of course "OKI Polk ' will go
, Democratic; why not?
The Imli'MiultiKH) Wivr sun: is
Cmlitublo Oregon weekly. I'olk
county hiv never htul a jm'r iw
good, and we are glad to ko in its
good sluiro nf local ndverliwiui'nts
Doiuething like an appiwiatiou ot
Its County Stttr.
We lmvealHUit Aim holiday iiuui
hers on hand yet and hope Unit all
part it Interested in tho lt rite
up I'olk county ever had, ill wine
at onoo aud swurc eopios and s-tul
thorn to their friends in other Mate,
aud thus assist iubiiiijjiiujaht-ultliy
emigration to onr country. Think
of it, only tlvo tvuts a copy.
We propound tho tjtiery to onr
county officers. Ought you not to
Bubmit any priuting, espeei.illy jot
work, to tho several job ollltv lit
tho county at loiut, aud lot it to
tho lowest possible ladders! If.
however, '"to tho victor belongs
tho spoils'' is tho proper thing, u
shall bide our time in pulieuce and
wait till the "tide comes in."
Mh. Hl .USK luts sent to Mr.
Oarkson a letter dectiiting to
ft nouiiuee for .the presidency of the
United States. This will almost
insure the renoini nation of
risou. It secnui that our Republic
an friomli are hard pressed for
presidential timlter. Xo one seems
anxious to enter the race, ami Mr,
lllaino would almost give his life
for tho presidency; yet ho realizes
the foreo of Solouian's proverb
which says, ''The prudent man fore
eeeth danger and hideth himself,
lint the simple pass on and are pun
ished." '
KEV. C. H. .Si"i"K i of London,
died February 1st , 1802. One of the
brightest stars in the coustellut ion
of the world's preachers has muted
to shine ouparth, except by reflec-
tion. His words will still reflect
his glory. He was England's siost
pungentorator. Mr. Hptirgcoa wiw
an open communion Baptist, and
Calvanistio in bis teaching. Ho
did more for the evangelization of
his country than anyone of bis
contemporaries. He will never hi
forgotten. Trnly a great man has
departed. He began prcwhing ut
the age of sixteen, and preached
continually for forty years.
. , j
To the citizens and patriots of
Independence we would kindly
suggest that since it has been
number of years sin no we celebrated
a Fourth of July in Independence,
would it not bo fitting and becoming
in us to'set alwut at an early day
preparatory to celebrating the glo
rions fourth in a manner never
hitherto attempted in our city!
We should invite every citizen in
the county to participate witli us
and assist in all the exercises. We
should also invite the citizens of
adjoining counties. Since the Chili
ans have recognized the proud fl ighfc
of the American eagle, should wo
not celebrtae the event on Monday,
the4thJof July, 18921 What say
you all! - -
The Fared Grove Times says:
"In changing the name of tho
paper, in order to incorporate tho
name of our city, we expected to
make it tho means of advertising
the special advantages of this local
ity. With this thought before
us, we also dropped its political
character and bare tried during
the yeai to servo all parties and
all intereste with impartiality,"
We should think that Uro. Rogers
had ahardtirneof it to "have tried
during the year to serveall parties,"
etc. A newspaper that tries to
"servo" everybody will jnako a
signal failure. No man can "drop"
his politics without losing bis
autonomy,no more than he can drop
his denominational ism, and hope to i
showtothe world that latitudiiiail I
aiilsin Is tho groat tsweep-all prluoU
pleby which tho universe moves aud
has its being. In this country a
man should I w a IMnoei ut, a Ke
publlean, an Alliauoer, or some
thing -not a nondescript.
Tiikius must U- a new building
at Moiiiimuth to accommodate the
shutouts, for standing room now
is ut a ttrcmiuiu. Isow Micro are
;b0 students, at Monmouth, and
.W will bo here next your. We
say Again, what are t!io regents
going to dot
Tim Salem Oiitftif-rAwMnl Is so
thlu sklntii'd.tliat if one of Its conn
trycousluseritieisoa )tsvaporlugs,it
at oiiee discontinues to exchange.
Tho VBt !SU)i ill try aud got
out) however, without tho privilege
ot midiug the delectable sheet, its
editors late of Iowa.
TllK Tin pltdo Consumers Aaso
elation, numbering 2i'.l of the can
ulng firms of tho country, say they
treat the tin plate ouo-siion iw mie
ofhiisluess, because whet hor they
are Kopublieuim or Iemoenits tho
MoKluloy bill luw oltvady ct
thorn $ltUHK,000 for tin phito more
thiiu thoy would havu had to pay
for it under tho foruierduty.
iUKiesuvo town cow is now
tho subject of street ronvrrsittion
ThoiniMion is, 'to K or nut to
he;" that Is, vi itl Indepondouee re
uiiiiit a w' :istmo mid hhoep
ranch, or will the town autlioriiios
protect the sidewalks, fiuit tnt-s,
riohuhhos, tlowors and shrubs from
the niViigos of the nm'timd, dim nut,
and one man sitid, "iulornal'towii
Hon. 1'l TKli I'Atjt t;ft of tVegoti
City, has tit la-t Isvn rowurded.
The Piwnleut sent Ids inimo to the
somite lat week for the pooitluii of
receiver of the l.iud otbeeut, tbut
phieo, Mr. rapiot takes tho plmi
or Hon. 1U' Iliirch of I'olk county,
w lio was nppoiutcd to that position
under tho Cleveland ndinini.tra!ioti,
If Mr. Uuich iMiild have remained
only it few months lotigi-r, theie
would have U-i-n no im of the
extra tfouldo of htepping nut, nud
thou Iu itiiiu. T.iit it is w oil enough
to have a few mouth' reM anyway.
We propose to make next week's
issue a specialty in reference to the
birthday of the father ot our coun
try. Tho following Monday will
lietho2Jd oflVbrii try, thi' mini'
voistry' of the birth of tieorgo
Washington. His real birthday,
however, occurred yefterilay, the
llth of February. Wo w ill m-xt
wtvk furnish nine portraits of
tieorge Waihingfon, taken nt dif
ferent times and by dim-rent artist.,
nud present them to our readers as
a matter of study. Send an order
fur extra copies. Five cent. each.
J. L Avkh, now of Portland, a
late import to run the Kepublican
party through the campaign of
1M2, was not "defeated," as he
calls it, but was smashed, sat down
upon, kicked out, run over, and
burled without tho usual cere
monies of interment. This was
done by the country liepubl icons'
of Oregon, and w o admire them for
it. The Democrats of Oregon did
the same thing to tho Portland (el-
lows a few days previously, and
this in a notice to all whom It may
concern of bot h parties, that Simon,
Lotan, mid Ayer, and their Demo
cratic contingent iu Fort laud, might
as well stand aside, for the better
clement of Oregon are tired of
corrupt methods and "boss" rule.
Domes, you now see the hand
writing ou tho Wall.
a noon .VAX mi: voxannss.
The editor of tho Kngmio Guard
has his eye. on an oft ice, judging
Irom the way lie is editing his taper
just now. He is particularly coin-
pIiiiK'titury to Democratic pohti
cians,AW Oreimn'mn.
Nominate fra Campbell for mem
ber ofemgros' If i! has more abil
ity, is possessed of more political
honesty, has a wider experience,
and would represent the interests
of the people better than forty such
overestimated, solfiullated men
like Vattch.-iYom(ci Went,
We concur. Ira L. Campbell
has a good deal more practical
sense than the men tho Democrats
are in the habit of voting for to
fill important offices. He could
never ho elected, but . he would,
get as . many votes as the most'
blatant deinngogue the party could
trot out, for t ho people are gel ting j
aiittlo Hick ot that kind el obstruc
tionists and hypocrites, and it
would no doubt bo a satisfaction to
many Democrats to have a chance
occasionally to vote for a man who
has some common sense instead of
voting every ti mo for a crank who
is badly addled ami howls contin
ually for reform and a new deal in
political business ami financial af
fairsassuming to lead and teach
others iu matters which ho knows
nothing about, is incapable of
comprehending, and in which he
has been a complete failure him-
HcU.Jitwane Journal, (Hon.)
Ira L, Campbell is editor and
proprietor of the daily and weekly
Eugene Guard We heartily "con
cur," and ooliovo that congress
should have a newspaper man to
represent us from Oregon. Ho is
certainly a man of ability, integrity
ind a mat) of consistent convictions,
We have had quite enough of
"roe's Haven" ever croaking
"never more," or "no," which is
only a variation of the bird's echo.
Till': Inter state commerce law Is
mora of a detriment to tho busi
ness interests of I his grout western
and northwisteru country, than
it Is good. Let public sentiment
outiutie lo grow against ll its cud
is not far off. in fact, practically It Is
a nullity now. Stale railroad com
missions can aud art! doing good iu
many stales, but this costly Inter.
stole coiumWIon is, llko tho law
creating it, ot no practical value
Wk would suggCHt that, the
county authorities publish an uo-
curat s exhaustive exhibit of the
condition of I'olk county. We
Imvo an increased tax levy, now
20 milts lor all purposes, and ut
the opening of spring, when wo tiro
asking for immigration, uro about
making invest luetits in the county,
we should be Informed upon these
subjects. The Wkt Hum will
irladly imbllsh.froe of charge, a
slatt'ineiitlu roforeneeto the con
dition of our county's lUinuoos.
.t ItlU oK
The lAtpayora of I'olk county
wilt have a 2( milt tax to puv
this voar, U is true, that Is a
little over two mills more than
tho hit levy; but with tlioudditloii
made, this county still pay the
lowcl levy of any county ut the
stale. We gin-Ni there Is no room
for kicking. I'olk County (itawr,
What a whopper. On account
of the now bridge, Mint county's
levy this year is 1 mills. The
ordinary levy In this county Is
15 mills, but 1 mills Is tho must
ever lev iwt in tho hiotory of
the county unn;n i'.uv.vw .v.n
If the Hi-publican pnss does not
let up on personal nhuso of Hill, it
w ill not only give him a consoli
dated Democratic parly, but may
make him president.--Sihm ,mir
imL ( ,Vi.."i
Dr. Ik I., linidley. a native of
iMugkis county, law just carried
away the fust iu pathology,
In competition with 7h( xtmb-nls oi
the lielb'Vtio college, .New
York oily.--.'j ',iiMf,
An illustrated edition of the
W'ti V SiOi:, u paper jititdistied at
liideiwudeiiee. I'olk oounly,Oivj;on,
tsiil tho NinetUlO, tilde.
polidcitce is the homo of 1-w l.s
(iilmoic, iWtnoily ol Sherman, and
la the low it dinvtory his name lip
pears as one of tho Uiard of school
directors. .N'A' mils (7'M'il) Vbhi
Harry II, Miller is to hate
perMUiul oigaii wlili-lt will Ihh n
him for coiit n-.Motial nomination
in this difiriit ngtliist Jlinger
Hermann. The Oakland (aWmvi
plant is to lie tinned there in xl
week, and the publication of a lot
pIlblllMIt sheet Will Im- tiegtlll iu
it short time. Him-burg 7,'rnVie,
SiK of the Delnoeiiitio pnjiers
are denouncing tho proposed lie
publieatt gen j inaiider of Ohio us
"infamous," SoiUy, brethren; the
mums-rats did the same thing two
yea in ago, mid you applauded, Jor
approved by silence, If it Is n't
ritiht now u was not right thou; it
it is not right for the Republicans it
was not right for the Democrat-.
Let us be cautlid ami consislont.
Tho Xew York IIVM thus
speaks of Senator Oorman; "Jseu.
utor Ciorinau was re-elected yesfeu
day by the legislature. Mary
land Is a sound Democratic state,
and knows a thoroughly good ami
most efficient Democratic senator
when she secures him. Mr, Gor
man Is the man who faiight and
won iu last year's splendid battle
against tho force bill and saved
the country from the most danger-
"ous invasion of popular right w hich
has been attempted of recent years,
He is one of the men who cannot
be spared from our public life,"
The New York UVM. tu speak
ing of PX-Presldeufc Cleveland's
speech at tho banquet given iu
that city in honor of the memory
of Andrew Jackson, says: "The
Speech is in Mr. Cleveland's best
vein. It is direct, forcible, expli
cit, and courageous. It breathes a
spirit of honesty and sincerity
which gives the ex president's ut
terances great weight in tho coun
try. The spi-eeh is admirable and
interesting." Cleveland is the
greatest living representative of
Jacksonian principles, hence his
fitness as a Democratic! leader is
unquesl loned, End Orryoinnn,
An Astoria woman in a paper
read before a mother's meeting in
Astoria saicli A tew days ago a
Minneapolis paper clipped the fol
lowing: "J. R Foster made forty
live speeches in the Iowa cam
paign," The editorial comment
runs thus: "Aud while J. K. Foster
was riinting oveivthe stato milking
Kepublican speediesfor republican
boodle, her neglected son was In
tho clutches of the law, and made
to pay a fine for gambling. His ar
rest occurred Nov, 2, and be was
tried and fined at Cedar ltnpids.
At tho trial he said he had not
known what home was since he was
nine years old. She is a finosped
men to preach for the home, and
not nuiko one for her own oil',
spring," There is a lady living in
Astoria whose sister married a
brother of J. K Foster. I inysel f ouoo
had charge, on a short railroad trip,
of this same little innocent boy who
was gambling at twenty. It keeps
coming closer and closer. Per.
haps it may come right to our own
door. IMmnff,
Fit t!K n: a nil.
l'"rmn llm Ik-iiton l,itor.l
CoiiVAU.iH, Jan. 21, 'H2.
Ki). TjHADEK: Nothing is more
certainly written in tho book of
fate, than that this country is to bo
eventually a free trade country.
Providence so intended it and the
selfish schemes of men can only
delay It. When wo look around us
and see the vast resources of tho
United States, their ability to supply
tho world with food, their capacity
to enter into coinpnlitionin nil lines
0f skilled labor ami mechanical In
volitions with tho nations of the
world lunll markets, their superior-
it v in producing everything needed
or demanded In tho world's mar
kets, and thou turn to tho discus
sion of t he childish schemes of the
McKlulcy bill and the Mills bill,
and the l icccmoul
clprocity scheme of Mr. Illalne;
thoy appear to bo puerile and un
worthy the attention of a great
nation. IjUxui'Icm and Income of
the rich rather than the wants and
iieoetedtlortol' the working people,
ought to pay tho taxes and Airuish
siiillcleut revenue to support the
government. These art ieles prop
erly taxed w'ouldftiriiish reveniiesuf
llei'i-ul, to wit, w hisky, tobacco, and
The cry of "free trade" no longer
alarms anybody, ami tho annoy
ance and oppression of Urn high
protective-tariff policy has given
to free trade a safe and hopeful
moaning. The lalsirlug until and
wage-earner will laugh in the face
of one who now sllgmuttacsthcintts
frto traders, when they know that
free trade cheapens everything they
are compelled to buy, (,See the price
of sugar.)
Tho present tariff system of t he
Culled Staleo, whereby the wants
of tho laboring poor tire taxed to
sweeti-udie luxuries nud soften the
cotichosof the Idle rich, Ut a hide
ous abomination that can end Iu
only one of two things, either ,n
creating a revolution that will
swamp the country into free trade,
where she ought lo las or iu the la
boring jM-oplo consenting to be the
slaves of protected masters. If tho
Democratic party bail tho courage
of Its conviction mid would nail llm
free-trade Hag to the heart uud stand
by it, theywouhl achieve a victory
that would ln worth something to
(he country; lhoiiaiil of men
would Dock to such a standard
who never voted a Democratic
A Democratic limine pused the
Mills bill; n Kepublican congress
piWHsl the MeKlnley bill. Thcjs-o-ple
want neither; 'thoy are iMitlt
against I h producing chtHsm and
especially (he agricultural inte-eat.
specially iiieagrii'iiiiiirai iiuoieitiii. j
iccipm-lty has proved a "blessing,
it tll.'gniw, ' Iu that it has opened j
lu iinguiNC, to that it has oi
the eye ol thousands to the great
hem-tits and bloNtings of free trade
w ho would never see through any
other glares. And How if yon
could Mtve $10 ou every suit of
clotlu-s you buy as cany its you now
save l ou every barrel of sugar
you buy, would wo not all lie iu fit
Mr of tecipioeily ou every article
of f Ami that would U lice
trade, Fi:k Tllvio.u,
A iOMMt Ml 1 1 ION,
luxiK, ur Fcby. tl, ls'C.
Tho I'olk ceiuil y inlloiK-l of tlioWi.
ikki, the mini w ha exiU to have tho '
cltWelimif IVIk coaly HOlmcriU fornix
tlml ,,,,,-V m.L M U-,.r.t fHUiiti, 111.. '
lo rolli'K K''id ItiHiliiitlott, I he Hate
Noroeil K-liool.wiyn in bl at li-tler:
Piilitim are fitllly nu the Imnmii
ltinOkliiul lite county, 'l'lu-rw mw
m-vi-fitt iiMiie flint will tsiliw tin,
no Hint, im Iu llie hint elet-lloll. jaiUticni
I'liw ill ctii Imt n very nmnll tin tiro.
It Is t!-!oonilulntf lollm wttoliUHiuiilry
llml the vcxisl tsaiol. v nt oiiei!i
t-iionot U-ilone mwiv with nt once unit
fon-M-r, for unlll H lit tle'lniiely i-t(lel
in mie y oraiiiilber, U rovWal evt-ry
elci-Hoii hclji lit a groat mino r to re
Uirit His grow th of nil the .m an i-oo-o-rnetl.
OnUido of Dullm and Its little tmml
of !t. -piiMli-ai) tool t ViiMK-rnlli- mnguali
who i lit Hilit!c lilt itiituey to tsi
made, I Iter Is mi fi-eltllg tmch St tho
foregoing ludlcntvw. Wo In Dixie, who
mitlerisl thnnitili tho ttvaehwry of onr
iK-niocriitle fii. ioln In IHilttui, ftiidth
friend of Utst, Myers, wIhim nltinulitcr
watt attempted, tint did not ucctsid, nr
Your Couch
IfiUt not yielded to the various rem.
edict you have been taking. It
troubles you day and night, break
your rent nnd reduces your strength,
Kow try Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral,
before tho bronchial tubes become
enlarged or the delicate tissue of
tho lungs sustain fatal Injury. As
an anodyne and expectorant, title
preparation has no equal. It soothes
the Irritated membrane, promotes
exwctoratlon, and Induce repose,
The worst cough
Can Be Cured
tijf ttie twit of Ayr' Clwrry IVtnml, lr.
J. o. itordnn, Cmwl Co., Vs., rlu-i "t
inn Ayer' t-lwrry tMirnl In Biy jimrtln),
Kiul iitimuuncD It tu ,i nm-ijuaU-il n ttt.
tiily (or )Wi and wiugln,"
"After th (trliipo emih. Tlill m my
lrlno- lim'kliijf, dry cotigh, with nn
Inoi-o-iant llokllm In tltn Ummt, kiliiK m
awnk nl!iU, unit itbturMni llm hmim-hnlil,
I trloil it nrnttt liumtwir of 'miuitli-eiitvs,1 hut
tlif y tinve mn only tunipnrary relief. At lint
I eoni-linlcit to toko Aynr'n Cherry I'orinrHl,
nud lt-lore I hud wwd halt twtlln, I hud
my Drat nH-tilaht lc-i. 1 cmuluui-il t Inw
prove, And imw (wnlilr myn-lf cured,"
A, A. Hliormnii, Cwyinuiu, N, V.
By Using
Aynr' ('hurry pi-i-toml, mnny Imvo ht-i-u
Kivnd from utiil IUui-iu.
E. D. Kutdhnxikii, Canlorlmry, N. B.,miyn;
" In tli wlulr at W 1 win & nurvi-yur iif
luinbiir In Sm-miiK-ntn, Cnl. llnliia ounld
emldy nxposcd, I took a bml oolil Bcimi.
iwnlud with it torrlljlo miil!tl. J ti lc-d aeveriil
rt'tnmlliM, but tin y fnlli-d to euro mo, nud it
wn lliouitht I wim going lulu a Otivlliitt, On
Uio nilvlco ol n frlimd, I bt-iritn to into Aycr't
Clu-rry I'ecitornl, mid lew tlma hull hulllo
oomplojcly curod mo."
Cherry Pectoral
Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Driii(lli, l'rlon 1 1 j alt koillit, IS,
A Hearse may be ordered
from Beckley's Stable,
Monmouth, Oregon.
Oiiroii (llHiwml mtulp, .elmppoil IiiuhIh, Buro
HpH, lmi'iia, ImilNiiN, bunliiiiH, pile", eui-iin, oU
JrilillliMl.H Mlltl (H)UIllr-V MloreH. nfilllMt Alinv,
41 1 , l"t )ihIiI, t'lri'ulni-B I'ruu,
J. J. PIKE 6. CO., Chilaea, Mm,
Wli(iliiiil(iiyHiioll,lUiltliu St Womlunl 0i
miliiud, Uragun,
' 1 1 "" iiriii-i amt
now on tho uleii, ami will frown down
any ntUiuit lo rciH-al the hlxiory of
Tho liemoemlln pmty Is xtnuut
onnuult to sliiuil upon IU own bottom,
wild Itjiioru 1 1 in county -iit ipieion,
that bulliK A ore ul toe of I lit) piml ; bat If
the leiKlers of cither nuiy In J'allan st
tempt torvmirroet ttie mntter, they will
find Unit Dallas !' In both parth
will meet the fai of the rlngsteis In
t'orUsiid, Would It not b a kkkI
thing for tint t'olk comity tslltor of tin
Sliummm, (Dallas villtloii.) to x plain
why tho taxes for the comma year r
JO inllln on the dollsr? H wmihl Ut fur
inoiti Intel-cut log rending limit Iim b
Klven so for,) - 1'a iim sit.
Itev. Parker l ln-n- litis week -hUIIiik
Kov, pearl In. hi mwlliiip".
J, II, Wlllhimn tin ft-fill-idpibeil nnd
Iwiinillli"! bin Immu by .IHdk s l"t 'f
now furiilliiro.
j. 11. A It- under snd w lf wers In
tuwu over isimday vlltiiiK old frh-inln.
John Kitys bus Usiitltt (ho Flunk
line iniM-rlv and now ho and mother
lisvtta iikwhille I ion i. -
Mr. Culver will leave for tlldeptU.
donee th llnd of Slun li.
Mrs, (lo,, inMlslud by lne
IiitvbtHioi, nave s ' liil psrly st their
resldomti, one who Wel-of her
ninny fileinli, tin lust Tliursdsy wen which s uiosl i-aant Uoie wim
lisd, MlH, Kxilt In A ift-nlul hiMcHii.iind
all who vUii tier hoiau until Imvea
pleaiwtnt tiino,
Orsndm I'like), wlo U sti yoiirn old,
Is Iu tWltlw health, mid feant set enter
Uttuetl for hi recovery,
OMIalil!r IJ.IO l-f l"l ilrn l.-t-(. Mult.i II
,M rir yimr. toi.l .utiait i-mi nii li t.u,
M.tatt IM.iili l f ktitioilw tout atll mrll.-iilam, L
liinil M.o Ui.tiom i .itue.inv ,
m uml ll llniHtlnny, 7it Mrlu
1aI AgtnU Wwlti.
The New
Holton House.
M. A, Dudley, Prop.
n r J II I 1 I
jjljr, fCLT.Il ailii Ml 1111
(Vttunklv Wat 'I Newly iri!hmj M(J r,
nurd, in. ,. ,i b itiHi fm nit im'm k4
f H!nK M H,li- t.i.. D. ni-.j .m r "ir Ami 4.
Uih tn't sffn tart iiw i fil( ut rsj.-pv (-iti 'in h
Afll Wf ll tliftUta tr(lMHMliH!i.t tttPlT i W t I
tWT llwl il i f itt U-tni irt-. U l
Taylor & Wilcox, Proprietor:
Vc have fast received a crate cf iescratei
ware -semi porcelain af tlie most beautiful
design. It s China decoration, and fer
beauty it can't bs beat
WELL it e
To k thinking of making garden, anil of course
p win want g
early potatoes.
ii! cur sesds, and
recommend. l!e have
grown from ths seed,
1 tig consignment of syrup till lis here in a few
days, and joi can get any kind yoa want.
Our sugar has come, and we are loaded,
but will sell it as if there had been
no advance in sugar.
The Druggists
on.,rW-ll"oin.. ""ITJ",-, iu,
t. V. O.ioMI ' I "' " '
..III. llinu ll Wli l-'i'lt'
JI.W, C,I llorittol-OHM
r !) tHIiwr riailU. ,.,.
o. r. ms' n""'! w"0" ,u
H.k,,j u i i ot ur ot''"'1"'1'
r, t- 'LT c i Httr'ii'
b ouo Ml llllr Hliclll'lllM.
iOim.fuS Uvir: l.4'!
,, f til. I!t HH-lll-ISW
K, r. .M,.uri Wetrtl lwl '", w'
tlwr.Hfwiom ) snylnw "!-"";
C, A Si t4' " "l""r
MLi(Htlll8lltl"t'0. , ,
tnmi utt.nArttuW-"''"'h"'f-n-ifMi-flif
!!mfl U'"'r
S.r.l.inl il IU y(y'iur h' l"
tiiiiwii (,.r Bim'r '. e"''l iwifin'Min II
tho ru-lif M u-4 -" siwa.
thi,. -! ttioutil MI1llllT tivll,r t"i'S
IH ott.T.inU"l- llitS-ltH ",l"'t,
4iMt.rlll ! g"ll, tiHli! Binlioll.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
,!,1 t.y 1iMl-', Hi ! ' fs
i.iy l.y o, I. UUOU i. tu AyuUmtn-,
lOO Dooot One Dollar
or INTKIltolt
m PiCiFIC 1 1
tll lite- itk
ui.s umt was v
run Through Vt-itibiilid Train
Every Day in tho Year to
Composed of DIN INtt CAt.'S uu
hiii parsed. Pullman Drawing
lltioin SIcepei-l of latest
l-ipli inuil',
liet that cm be eoimti tided, and
ill which utcoiiitiiod.i'lotw are
Ir ii k t'us-au'l funii-.lii-d for
ho'dcM of fiist or M'l--oild
eri.-s tirkels,
!l Gontinuajs Lks, Gannssling
with a!l lir,8s,
rrinNliiisj fl(rf-t w!n(rfipll
t'liiltttrtii wim-wf rvrtti n vn '
Ml ft itipi; (f in tugh ! Hjji ill nf tfiv rL
I lltit, r-itt I )iUTt(rt, ttt Mrt t I t net UlU'f
if fittn rwtsiipiiiiv olt lfil'iHitHmt r'jfr'U
inii crt'fsrtj tvi'-ir'.it. rii ANt ttttifi iJ
POitfLANO, on,
Indapo-xlenc, Ortgon,
out tiiao
seeds, ciiicn sets, and
Be kve k M you afejs
teen vsry careful in select-
havs soicetbics
plenty cf cnia
riiik are considered tie
6j uif 1 LIjOIIh
J. O'Doniiell is now
located in his now build
ing, opposite tho Indcpon.
dence National Bank, and
will be pleased to welcome
all old as well as new cus
tomers to his elegant new
tr.Ai.tta in
, -'i . I AND
My lnrk U now mom thuit nwr U-fiin-. Hlial! iv jdeawtl to bav
nil tlie cui.toioi'r of 1 1 nlorciiillniietrietliik', od Imim to iudUM " to
trade wlw never did U-Ii.n-. I u cunnt-ctlitii wllli tuy Utv I a
Wlteni Im and lc n Ij rrisdtvtl or timinifiu't unl undi r th tnann-imiit
of M. A. I1AKKIC.
ltcmt-iitU'r fli uatiif and I'hut,
W, E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
Tltn- public: is mtpcctfully InviUtl to coum anl tm the Komlcrful
harptiiit tu Ik- had in holiday !mK lnicry, umlcrwcar, dtwa hirtK,
calicos and jiiluirns uotuuis tinware, p!a.- ar, and other articles
too iiuutcruna to iiicnlioii. li Mtr to w the immense
New jcHKbt ore iH-iiijr receive! all the time. We will wive you from
2a tn .10 icr cut on every purchase. Scrontl tloor from Vwtt National
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
complete livery business
in Independence.
Kycrything is complete and in first-class
runninjr onlcr aiKl t10 l)USincss s g00j jjlc
location is the best in Polk county. If you
want p. paying investment it will pay you to
investigate. ;.
For further particulars, call on or address,
Independence, Op.
Itlniill-Ih v ',.
School Books, Tablets, Inks, and School Supplies.
(i run it a iiiAiiiiipn . ... rr
mm mwi
- w vvu tiivu ni,
Independence, Or,