TOOK THK.WIMVft VWI BmIw1 at Yamma. tut tha Fll-at a Mia llfta CiMMt. ; Tltna Taco a, Jan. Sn.-Tlie white veil of the order of Nuiia of YlwtaUou of ueh lieet lufctng th dMrlot like a plague; lit dry oann their nutiao win stand lu the wry wtitorof plain of reeking oow, In tinwm of Hood the' muddy river will rlw totter wry vw( randa, and jot tluvopl aw roiui the CatuoUo church wa lawtowvd and healthy. I nave gone wmu uierw, .,.. n. Awi (. mi tim i..irt.i pmwt Hint a few week later vlatled Whiiw tinlay lu thl city, at the Visitation couvettt. The wll vm taken by Ml Ryan, daughter of Matthew Ryan, wealthy pork packer of Ctuolunutl. Theoercluony ww wmluotod by Fath er llylesbo, of tt. W church, who l vlcr general of tho CaUtolUj church for Waaliluirtou. The WUUiT. lady took the vowofvislulott of lady teacher of the academy. After tin wrcmouy tvwotlou u held In the convent ehaneL. Bin will be known HUtcr i -Mary Ague ni ... At la TIM 1U. Thr 1. at York. r.. an agrteul tuml-lmplonient manufacturer, named 1 It Wnnihar. This man Utut UUUl ui, under all the dUeouragtug rvatrlo tlon of our tariff law, an enonnou trade, not onto at homo, hut abroad T( who haa had the Bood for tune to follow Mr. Faruuhar' wrlllng nn t ami eoomuulo mieatlons, will perceive that while he know maxim that latoaay, the law of cleuoi Juat a Cobdeu and Itrlght ami UW atoue knew them, he to also not a little aoouaiuled with market In the Phil adelphia faront of June 14th, tin American Condon lay lit wrong iuuhi upou the tlu-plnte fraud and ainaahe It. Although the reader will find thl contribution reproduced lu the column of Un Saturday OMm, In It entirety, he will not object to the repetition, lu tin editorial column of onw of It Ut point. He yt It 1 time that thl tin-plate problem were Hated lu fact and llsur, 1I reganllng iuU fraction, the eac land a follows: lu the hwt two or three fiscal year we annually Imported tin-plate of which tho tteuturvd value averaged tit ,000,000; the tax awwaaed thewon yielded T.asn,iM. It U pro pueml to lucre tin duty from I cent to 2 2-10 cent per pound. Tht would add s,WS,urt to the tax, making the total tax l(t,OI5,tKiU. Tbet of tin U.I1I..I1 i..l..lit I tint! fur tJl.UtK).- ooo.wlth a iiwll amount addttt Ur freight, would theu tw 3T,wW,ooO a year If thl act should U'tHiuut a law. oil in in use oi unwaiv, umiuwiu marked au advauce In the ; but we may uppne, for the prtwnt, that thi Is to be otlm-t by the luervawvl demand of an iDcrettxlog population. It ha taken generation to eurtabllnh the rt of dipping sheet .metal iuto tin in Wale, where aciinsUli-ral'le wipulntluu tiave Inherited the aptitude for doing . ..." VF. KmHVt.: . ........ . comlUOUHl under very uau oouiiumhip i i t U.v,.r lllv, at luw rnnt n wnum atlvely small number are engitged lu making 11 the tin-plate umtl in the world uot exceeding about 30.WW men, women, and children, mrting from the naked bam. Children are employed and girls between tin age of twelve ami fourteen. These your little wulfii carry full boxes of tin, weighing W pouuds, restlug them on their hiiw when their arm are not strong enough. A portion or unworn m very uuueaiwiy. lu the Htdonvou group, or New 1 lebi Id1, wtere 1 have found a dry, coral son and high land, upon which tha pure hlowa fhahlv mouth after month; steep land, tot, from wutcu too in u -Ktr Is iiuli'klv borne tlowuwaro ... 1 ),.,.. siut all iht hut a few hun- I - . . .).! iiithw from the Mil itroup, anu iu the same lutltude. and blown Upon by 1 1... uoiis t ruiUt w lud. and yet in utcsc place it l almost death for a white utau tosptnd nmrotlnua few mouth lu tin year on hoi,aud pmcuenny m one who llw ashore at all can nope o ewwp fretjitent and severw attack of fever lu fact, It i outy ny wing wo- oughly awllmated, through a long period of time, that b van uun 10 me there at ttll.' lL FIRSTCLA" 5? W. H. WHIT ART GULL EAKER AU kinds of first-class work. Enlarging a specialty. Photos on silk handkerchiefs, hat bands, watch dials, dishesshells, book marks, etc-in feet, all t kinds i of work. WHEN OTHERS FAIL, TRY US. We are using The Queen posing chair. We defy ccmpeti- tion. uive us a uiai. C STREET, INDEPENDENCE, OR. NEW GALLERY. NEW INSTRUMENTS i '1 . rivru .iiiirt Ituw l KIU Town. Kick Keep kicking. And don't quit kicking. (hie pull one way and one t'other. do to other towns b purchase your goods, IVnouuoe your merchant tHue thev make a prollt on their good. Knife every man that disagree with you on the inetloHl of Increasing bu.l- tics. Make your own town out a very bad i,i.u. sod stab It ewy chance you get. l; in until) In a scheme fr tin iu.iil.piii.nt of the material Interest of IliM T.1II merchant that you can buy . ... .1 v..p mu a areat ileal cncaiwr m " other town, nud charge him with, ex K.M-ii virv tvnt vou ml and dou t 1.. ttiivtiihianf a nubile nature null's " ' .... ..i you ctin nialie something out w n m When you have anything t" )' ,,f Good grain and stock tarn cholct fruit lands; 110 mill! HI U. WWII yivjv.j w rtwnl.eoutlile uewipcrs w ..xphwlou of your own, and then de nounce them for not Mug a large a the city paper. i.ti . Ka i'ri-a. t bx isn't to live aud die a thorough PIONEER MEAT MARKET F B. LEVVIO, Proprlotof, porn, ciw. ' " Free delivery to all porta of tho city. Main street, - Independence, Oregon. laria the BLOOD. rt C0HWIP4TIOH.., l""wlX2' riafLES, Ml p1' irrRtJiivaa, DIHOBOEBKn ' SWMfCi. . , waiPPMkS - n(MiMaH4iwfliiwr"y" s"" PI P WV AM. MHWHW AWHttJM. GENERAL REAL ESTATE DEALER, Monmouth, - - Oregon. Those having property for sale, please call. A. VI I Prescott & Veness, raorairroM or Independent Saul mill. . b nwn FIR AND HARD WOOD, ROUGH AND DRESSED i.umuhi m ' IndeiwmUiM". Orgn. T. W, li 1 1 J. 0. IrvlM. 0elrl helley & anduyn MRS. GRAHAM'S and la the nlekllmi riKMiMi the employe Uv their teeth, and are otherwise so sacri ficed as to appear more like beast than men. The rank odor of theoils ul I very unpleasonU IlereUaproptsuilontotas our peo ple sixteen million of dollar per au uum directly, aod no man know how much Indirectly, to establish arti ficially In thi country au Industry. the worker In which are unit cau 1 little better than slave. These work er are to furnish the fumed home mar ket to counterbalance the foreign one curtailed by our refusal to take tin-plate In exchange for wheat and Cotton and "other export. A'. J'. Olobr. SUsra Vmw Manual Lshur. ...iii.tii,..ii.i l.ut inv Hiuvtetltn I tht a filial mistake was made ii.n k-utslatloii to upprvi llouor wiling was made paromouiil to moral vHoH to niiims lliiuor unuamg. Intended Uml the pulpit and the churvh and the pns and paf ,4 (ltl m w,,Pij i u, u hirii u ental inll.KM.-e hould give plaoe l hi"! r''niT.! ... .rr...o iiiiirul iiilimei lor mumi. i.iiu and nv auUH iro"j ... j 1....;.,... i.. ,,..! II U.nm- ... .1... i.t,... i.riiiHiinUiviiiHU. liuumtir "! . ... ... ....... . 1,. .iu. .un mi law and Heaven', gi-ts-l mu.l go U.ra .. IV,... II la nr , . , ' . .1.. 1... II. mi. autn and g.-ini r. .m -,v. .. , :z .. k mut. Iiwn to atlvtunt tothww t"'eoi . , f,,f,,,B.,n ,rf riiii ... 'i 1 .. ... ..t.... iilntiuM aiif) lilll.HitU. pr.hll.ltioU aeross till lerrillC wgani ,V.4L: .a m Vl.-i V h.aTtltu. uri. while we are not du ng uiorelo ciieca u;rv ir. jru..r uki.ihisiu ... nuiii .i 'v n hiu aiiiwaiatKWlualiKlnily, . .1 .1 fit . U I .... I Ml ' " - ,t "It . . the trenienuou now 01 m """"s 1 ,, lh, ,.,,. i.u, 11 wnmuw a. "i, 1 i) .. f t I'll.!..! wiwili-r. wrs k II, ana iaa u.riuio.. usagiwi-ltcv. T. h. ( UJ lei . P u, , ,, lt, 1. , a, n,t 1-1.. liua tha true rlUit and H lrm naw. l-nw..'. al all aruii sail iiaie. """""" "" lal tastaallua, A Iteniocrattc state conveutlon will 1st bld In the city of Portland, Oregon, April 1U,1WI4 at lOo'cloik a. in,, f-r the purNie of placing lu noiulualion twocndldaU for eoiigresai one su preme Judge; one candidate In eaeh Ju dicial district fir circuit ju.ige anu pMwviitlug attorney, to I voted for at ilioomtng June eleellnu, and uch other buslmw a may property come ls-for said couentloii. The various couutleaareentllM to representation lu suld convention follow: ,T l.lnn l' H U.I . ... MrM IA K .1..M..M. R i U.iliuimiali O ttakor... . 1 1 laiu ......- I Ci.luitibU. i I'un. . ,i,-.r....rai M IimvsIw (.talmin' mail. tllUi; II IS ust'iw i" pnw "..a 1 ,ii,i, iim iiMi ...... ..1 ,1 1.. ....ll.l.i.a I .... Inu.1. Im.IIm. t 1,11111. I July aSfllM Slllrtl, Face Bleach Cutva m rl il fw kM,iiilirn !, rrt, l.(ll. Ilrml- anil fwll. n aniW can mwim ... MrAitlml. . The Orooal tin. to i n" Am a hill "t m nnaraihnlll Hawaii 1.1...I ... 1W1.,ltl. Uv itn-iv arnlliitt ar t"t liy wltlrnlv ilrunil.w III I ltlsti aim ffPry w-. Although steam was known to the ancient, It Is only about half a century Blocs James Xasmyth, the inventor of the steam hammer, .demonstrated to the whole world bow much time could be saved by It use. When the royal dock at Davenport were being con truoted, It was touud that a large por tion of the shore of the Huiimmu bad to be walled In so us to exclude the tide, The driving of o many pile by hand wa almost au end leu task, and the Knifllsh Government offered Nasuiyth an opportunity to test the value or his new steam pile-driver. The men em ployed In driving by the oUfinetlusl laughed at the inventor and hU new machine, and when they challenged him to a contest In driving down a pile, looked forward to un easy victory. Two seventy-foot plies were selected andatagivm signal the novel race began. The four-ton hlock of the ateam mui'liine ruined dowu blows ut the mtc of eighty a minute, and In four and a half minutes the pile was 111 place. When Nasmytb hud completed his work the men with Hie contrivance hud only ju4 begun to drive. It was not until twelve hours later that they hud finished driv ing the pile. Never before Imd the power of steam been so conclusively hownaatlmesuvcr, and the work men who started out with sneers ended by giving "three cheers" for Nasmyth aud hi steam pile-driver. prutsclivs Mimicry In Splilir.. 'ntll.l. OniMI, A r A.BM.IWW. rna, ftr.Bf l. rb."l l'rltl III CWli, ltalm, Itt'tal- .. u. d.lh Mia tahlSa ftl iUttlUtl. iwnittwiwiM - --- - ItuMincNM, rsiiortiianu, G 0 A ATUAX UMXDT K EpDeptlc Fit, Falllnf SkkneM, HtUf lea, St. Tltiu Dance, Henoumeu, Dypocbondrlo, Melancholia, Id tbrlty, 81eplesine, Dli ttncM, Brain ud Spi nal tfcakneu. ti,i. mmlinln li direct action upon tho norve centers, allaying all Irritabili ties, and Increasing the flow and power of norve nuld. It I ponocuj oarnno and leave no unpleasant effect. I Vatnahls Hno Harron llMaMM inl rraa 10 ui "''J"" ...Mtiifiiia fiaa uf oliarst. n,,. nmalf hu biws Br.ptr.0 07 n n-""4 r, I '. i t.lrt Wtl. IOd MII0.1WUIB ana leave no FREE lu the journal of the Elisha Mitchell Bockity, Mr. Atkinson culls attention tn tan nw eases of orotectlve mimicry In spiders. A VyHararMe tuke shel ter In summer and autumn under Wve. where It has absolutely the as pect of a small unlvulve inollusk which Isextremolv abuiidunt, and which of ten fixe Itself in au analogous position. The second example Is found In asmall spider, ThomlM ulmlorlm, which Is remarkable for the length of IU fore leg, the bind ones being, on the con trary, very short. This spider, which lives upon grasses, ascend the culm, etops suddenly and disappears from night. Itsuftlces to fasten itself to the Hplke by it hind legs, and to bring to II fore lciru. extended, and form- ' lug an angle with the culm, In such a way as to mukejtaeir nearly uiinisun- j guishablo from the splkclcts. Mynterla. or iWslarls. Walter Cooto, author' of "Wander ings, South and East," who bus been at the FIJI Islands, ha the following note upon the vagarle of what Is called malaria the strange ways of which, T)i ChriMlan at Work adds, are often past finding out: "I have scon Englishmen living In . FIJI, on the borders of almost stagnant estuurlcs, with the densest and most rank vegetation around them on til aides, with mosjultoo and a hundred Ulurvlng Womuii ,"I must some heln or I'm bound to die," Hvimmthl.liiK Hlster-"Oh, I know you must hu In need. I shall send for Wiicou Loveull and have htm ask(.lod to help you."-AiorA. A Vei'J Cum inon Winit. "Out of sorts." "(Ilstralt," "the blues," these are famillur iipisillatlves for un comfortuble, undiifl nablo seiiHations, acraimnanlcd with lassitude, nervous- dcsh, IndlgcNtion. Poverty of the i.ion.1. to remedy which nu effective stomachic iK'rslstently used Is the par amount need, Is conclusive evidence Unit thelHvstem is Insufficiently nour ished, becuusc and for no other cause where organic disease doc not exist ilm food Is not assimilated. Ikilnforce the tliiirulnir encrgle of tho stomach, .,.c.r, nn irmim iir conil tloli or llie tmwels. keen un a healthful stcrotlou nflhabllo with Hosteller's Btoniach idiiora For over thirty years this popular medicine lm supplied the common wunt of the nervous Invalid, the dyspeptic, and of persons dejlcleiit i, vitnlilv. au efficient tonic. To 11 power of imparting strength I attribu table IU efficacy a a preventative o malaria and la grippe Thoroughly effective It Is too for rheumatism, kid ney complaint and neiirulglu. lnl. t-ao mni-lwo. w hr ai.,.,t ..rohlbltlon. and theu do nothing inu iru. ,j MSSnS. to Inculcate by precept and example h,, s- n.l .lam ftr ir lU "'. to the cur of the 1h. I'rwlence and 'sla". ibottl u , , .. .1 tt..l I.. ... i I In. nn r,.-iVt .4 Ilk' III Manilla W'W aw i-i- ,.,,.,,,..... . atiU imIIii. uwy as-niia wan., great pnhibitlou wm;-ll I earnest, Mft3. GRAHAM'S ralthful work, vrMeui euoru mnur of our loudest sjieaking prohibitionist iii. i. ulihthlvr Utile lluiier ainitlB burden for the uiiliWiigof fiillen hiniuiultv. vet for a iiretext win mae loim nravei. ami loud street pnsia 1....- '11... aulllrt IllnV lie Stllll Ol Itinuuiih .-- ' the moat of those who are blowing the Farmers' Alliance trumpet In our midst. Thev never ow tied and success. fully cultivated a farm lu thler live, twv absolutely know (nothing hy expc rliiii.of a farmer' llfo.exiierlcncea.aiid dinicultle.uiid yet they are the ioiitiiv ...aiiiL' tliniiiu oni of the liiriucr' eau. wheu really they have no ym pnthywlth the farmer but to get til nioticv or hi vote We know that the runner hasmiiny wroi.izs that should be righted, many burden that should be tukeu off, slid we believe the alliance Is all right; hut thev are u ureal danger of being idbblci to dentil by succulent uewspa- pcr,who have no stink In trade mil m -Ci.rUiiilc gns nl that. J tie w liy poiiu tielmi are putting a hook In the fann er' none to pull him around, while making all kinds of lluelit lieeclics and sweet promises. We need more old-fashioned honesty lu i-cligloti, In prohibition and politic; we wunt men and women to live they preach. We want a religion tlnil will visit the sick and help the ills tressed. We wunt a prohibition that v. HI stand iH twcell the poor drunkard uml the abominable saloon with kind ivonU imd ii Induing hand, and in t -tli- I (.(on of he policeman" or a club of law, We want men to vindicate and lend the Farmers' Alliance who are reiil.imt liniiuliiiirv. Diwlucers: true men humlsuru browu with honest toll, and whose hearts arc ull uglow with purity of pursisp, who live on tho farm, and whoso homo life Is lust wtiiii iney nrciich. Tim Tlmm, in Uhmum have ts.u.taa., UlUiaie 1 1 ran I . ItarikttV Jarhn J.yH.lhllia Slaiiialu IS.Ik "Z.i t'lllaiiimi ..11 iniaiina. . 4 I nam . 4 W alkiwa . , I .lllllUMl .lit M.XI , :.M.uiii 1 Tout. " ''i M.. Are the lwulom, and tbelr Fall Stock Ih rt'ndy for inMH!tlou. They awi ntlll In the frottt , rnuk with I be uitwt fomplcl stock of GENEfUL MERCHANDISE In Folk county. .Thl lioti luw the oldM mtiril of any house lu the city, and their fa dlitio for doing tnutlmwa are tuicnittlcd by any firm is tho valley. Their largo fuciliUce for iMug bimlnww, together with the fact that their jmrcluwMi are montly mude direct irom the fiii lorh, taklug advantage of all thedia tHiuut tlicru are In sight, enable them to sjx-ttk with coufideuee m to their jiIiumj Using a wife one to pkee au accotiut or to It ia nvoitimvlidoil. Ulllea Ollu'rwlse onlcrtHi by the local committee, that tho nrlmarle III the varlou countle be held on Halurilay, llie utn uay April IHtl'A Hy order of the IVmneratio Nate Central Committee. It.lioi.nsviiu, A.Noi.tsk, ' tlialruian. Hecretary. Groccrico Glassware Quccnovvarc Tobacco and Cigars I bar oo b.od a bug kt of tooU. that will t aoU by tb om. m cbep. AUo, a lot of Vary flu lamp, that will b m& wry a out. Remember the old atand of J. D. I. JUST OPENED! H.SVARVraUD:;:CO: PSS 0 NOTICE. N'ollce 1 hereby lllven that I will uot bti rusponslble for any bill nni traded by my husliaud, 3asr Ken lunly, from this date on. Mahtiia A. Kknskicv, lodeneiideuce. Ureuoll. Januaryjsua; TAXPAYCB8TAHC NOTICE. Koo la hun-liy WfU llial 1 lll meat Ihata.imym u( INS. nmiiiy. ore.n, al Ilia uaual iila .if nllii In tliolr nwiM-llva niwIIK'U, hir III. imn' winaelUi laiNi ftir lbs frur lVl. anit will ramaiii al . . . . . ... ......a ... Ill M 111 Ulllll i p mi al Ui. tnlliiwlii Uiilta) sua araa, to Will .. . .. IMHIlIM, Wflnmklf, rnimiary k, i"M. JaeSaim. ThiirMla'. rdiruary J. Iwi, Halt l-k., Krltlay. Vnliruary !, last Mi ny, Hatunlay, rrtimay k IM'J., Mnuilar' F.'hniry SU, l""J. Kola, Tuaaitay. Knhnmry A tsrt. Inula, WwliiMiilay, Miruary l, 1W. Huvar. Tlmrnilay, rmriinry , llu. ua Vlala, f'rlilay, liriinry . liulclHmili'nw. Saliirilay, Irlirimry 117, IWJ. (.ueklaniiiu., Mimilaj, Kuliruary W, im. Monmouth, TiiMilay. Mar. li I. OiVJ. Ilrulsnl'irt, Wnlnwiilay. Warell im. Dsllaa, t liunnlay, Msreh. t- HherllTor I'nla Ooiiuiy. llr. Pallas, )rarn, tun. , In MetiM. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY Feeling uttrc that you am getting value re ceived, lit the future, tw In the pant, kind and courteou attenllun will 1 given to their customer. Thei r stock 1 ho large and vartwl that to mention articles would Iki an Impotwi ble tnnk. And they reeiieet fully invito the public to tako a lH)k In-fore purclitwlng their full Htock. HAILItOADH. EAST AND 80UTH Vti Panitir Kiw nl. ol firt Wna. IM. io "wi.ipiniuDiiria.ainoUi)n firlli. KOEN10 MED. 00.. Chicago, III. Bold br Drug UU t ! Pr Bottl. fl Bj Si tar Sl. t.13. 0otUfur9. BElTTY'S Clbrtd ORGANS AND PIANOS. Tor Calaloirue. addn'ss, DANIEL F, DEATTY, Washington, N J. F. H. Morrison, IB ni 1MB Charges reasonable, and flrt-ol work (uranta. DALLAS, ; OREGON SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE, ttfm Train. Lmt PorlUad D.lly. u, C'Jil A. M 710. M helley & Dealer In Vanduyn. Hardware Agricultural Implements Engines Threshers Binders Mowers Drills and Vehicles of all kinds. We tusk pcialiy of builder' bardww. nd, in fact, keep on hand rrerythim usually carried by url-cl hardwar aod nnpkmwol dealer. 'nTll a Halt of the pnUllfl pslromme, W. J. CAMPBELL, MGR. Clodfelter Building, Cor. C and Main sts., INDEPENDENCE, - ORGON. HE SI" OiM.rlnMjrl UOVT Min flrtUl4, nJ Uem itl ftiM Iit Id t"t? 4 Hw W Pb4illft Itwrtiwlnt dplf l lb l ot ?. M hjr BuihTT T Tii 6 c. m. wa v. m. KID A. H. nrllioiiT Alliaiiy Ar." Rim Kraiii'lm'O IrT Ar. I.v. tr.iiii ibm nnlr .1 following trton nntlli ot Hoaebiir: Km! I', "il cur. W.""ll.iini. ln.j AUi.iiJ, TjMiint, h,l.l.. HaW ay. ll.rrl.burg, iuuulloa City, irtlug mil Roseburg Mail, Daily. urn Vuur fltttMll tll- nitr, Mn-rt nrotf . TowTnwie, pr- li i4 hy fMtHt. thai "tb OwitUM mnamm ap rbij wen pnm a- " "'- ...bra t'i chant-, unit altpr tti ti iivh i , fall l 4 an Hit4 ibt t)parli. -18 rbiirn " Hum tmll w 4 U nuLttlM ttpfMrltinllvr- tnitlol tliaf thai miiri wttbf. md "Hair trmu; llil ! what all ao. trl man lo II arc It an ppirluttltv, au'ti m ta o na wlllil llta rrhl tabolln ("!. Iiprtfa4, (1 will tl laaal, ft ranr1 atMri in Ufa. Tha flnnutt apMrlunlijr fr maitf la tiara, Mtmy l ba matt lapbllt un ttnrabl hf attf ln.tinlHa parBnf tlliaT aai. All aa Son ra (to Iba ark aiiJ lira al Imtna. haraw tn ar.naH llanar ara aa- llf aartitnf hm ftA l ft I par tr- ! eaa do a wall If ytxt will work, ltd loo hard, tmt, tuUalr attalr i t4 n iiteraaaa ynnr tnma at jfntl . Y m oanglaapratlBiaiiHly,orall)i)rirllmalotlia"Tk Kaa? telaarn l-apital nl rintrl. Waiurivnu. Alt It ram. ttaratlvalv w and raallv wutirlt(l Wi ttiatnial and how hw, IV. r(mr wtiaium amort out wnrk arc n ranm to aapiatn nar t rat tit ntMl llallalt M luve. Portland .... Hflrt a.m. ItowlHirg.,,. !):) a, Arrlvn. Howthurii .. ) r. . I'orllHIHl ,...4KA. M. Albany Lcal. Daily pt "l"",By- I Elavil Porllanil 6:00 p.m. Allimiy fiitmiuii. XrTP Allni'iy-.... 1'iirllniiit ... .11:00 p.m. . H:fiA..lil. STARRETT'S GARDEN SEEDS Hiivo tici.i'ii(-(l all ovurtlin Paoltln Northwurt for tliu piwl .(ilglilwn ymirK. NoliobgU 1'i'W mi koikI. bb, kz and tes hi Ki'OhIiI Purol AM'lona""" 'i"'". 'X .V '"' i'ullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST BLEEPING OARS. For of anoaa-cl., altwba lUprw. Twin. West Side Division. Between FortianA and Corvallli MAIL TBA1M DAILY (Ixeept Sunday.) THE INDEPEHDEHCE 11. Mr. Jonnl Johmon, Pro. COURT STREET, DALLAS, ORE. ;W A. . 11:114. 13:10 r. M. IniltiKUilnno uorrauii. TCrT Ar. Lt. 1:80 p. m. 1 it n. m. M..jP.'i i . i ii,. n ,a nnrrallli eon DM t with train ol Oregon raoino naiimau. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILT (Except Sund'y) Titf... MoMlnnvUl 7. Furtlwid :). lUy . Portland ,4:40 f , M. UoMIiiiitI11...:U..M- THROUOH TI0SXT8 TO ALL POUTS EAST AKD BOOTH. a-nf tlk.l..n4 InlormttloangBrdtngrttu Eliot, at.. OaU a wmpaui'i afaul t uidapu dauoa. X. KOKHLia, EP.100IM. A.ciarM.i m io a plain tira. V i lta and taarn all ill. Unl lo iil a y. Atlilraaa atrntna, II li;,, Utt . rrllJ, Muln One Dollar Weekly liny. rd wnli-h liy our cliib yltm Our ll-knral iriill.lllll rn nrf warranlnl lliryrr. Una Kljtln r alllmin inova. mi'iii, m.Mii wlmt and art. Udy or ganf. im. Kiiml lu any . wali'li. To xtnira atfi'iita wliwa . Iiavp miii, wa 'll oiiant Ilia luiiiilnjii wati'hi'a rr lit aluhiirlra.fji, ami m-iiiI CO, 1). liy min.. wild irivllia of MinluaMa txilora uty tug fur Hip Mime. Our agaiital tmrliam, N.l"., wrlUw: ....... t. .... r 1 .it.n .1 . . 1 . kunw tiuw yuu oao lumlrli awli vrork Air Hi iimmy," Our at tl.utth Htirlnira. H. C... wrttMli "Your nlt'tu. laka ill night, Tim gunllo. man lio gut Hi" lii.l wnli'h alit Dial lis fx- aiiiiuiii nun priiM'n a ji'miiti winniia in lam'ler, thai wr no UHWir tliau yuum, but Ui prli waa tO," Our at IVmiitnu dm. Tta. wrltm: "Am in iwrlnt of thawnli'li.aiirtAiiinh-awd wlilimil maiwiira. All who have awn It aay It wouiu ue iMiimii ai tu. One rd rvltahl nui'iil wHiiled w rue nr Hiruiuiar plana, Air earb Km hi a Wati-ii Co., New York. NEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP Johnny Vol km, the old rollable boot- inakor, Iiokh H'iivh w iniorni ma many old frloinl. and the iron- At-til Lllllllli.thllt. tin luiMiiiriilo comniiMiooii liiiMlniiaH lu liHloiioniloiice, BI1U Will ou Kl'l 1" n'".'iv u nuiiit) iu their patronago, Repairing Neatly and Promptly don. Mewling rublwr honl. a .iiaolalty. UmiU oiled and polUhedi DulldlngoppuilU) the WKSTBtnKollloe, Mulnatroot, - Intlojionaeure. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER Of Independence, having a stenm ongiuo, a brlfk mnchine andaovoral acrts of finest clay, is now prepared to kwp on linnd a flno quality of Iliick, which M ill be sold at reason able prioefl. S. A. PARKER, Miuuiraoturorand dealer In Sash, : Doors, : Mouldings, i Etc. Full .took of Oliwi, all altwi, kopt ooinlunlly on hand. Bpeillnl niUmon eontriiou. Faotory on R. R. trotneBr dopot C Street Restaurant! JAMES GIBSON, PROPRIETOR. Ta now niadv to Ainilnh a No. 1 inciil as cent, at tho new stand, two door went of poHtollloo. -t THE !- Willamette Real Estate Co, Iiidonondonoo. Oregon. Tranwid a general Ileal Eatute Biml- no, buy and sells rronerty, elleot IiMumnoe and doe a general Conveyance Uimhies. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT W. O. COOK'S IN CARP MATTINGS, Furniture, Wall Paper, Picture Frames Walker IB Partlu havlno- T.atiilH'ifnr milii will una it to tnelr lutvnuUigo to List Their Property With this Company, a they are dully sending lists of lund east, thu plac ing doHlrulile property before the resi dent of the Kant, JAMl'xS GIBSON, J. W. KlttKL AND. rrwddont. Boorotary. 60S., successors to Henltle & Walker, Carry a completo line of TABLE LUXURIES, CANNED GOODS FRUITS, VEGETABLES, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. We aollolt ahare of your Batrenage, ht tftno rail ctmbmc. forThormwh , Pnwlwil IViUniittf 0JjE f,mriMit B00.1EEP1Q. SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP. K....a xm ul