The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 29, 1892, Image 4

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    TIIKW. CT, V,
; .
ttVOllntted from tut pArv)
Monopolist of history, No part dare
nominate a rich man for the presidency,
and for any high, oniee he la better
woulimett lo iimv who has not a Iiomvv
niiKimti rr wiilotitoorgtiieptitt-
He' pardon. Hut the rich w ho hold
thrlr castle iu tnut for th woiOw
happlnese a our Idy Henry ih,
they are Mowl, and humanity hold
them tenderly to Its great heart.
The newest Idea tn philanthropy U
the giving of one' self. A W'Mt play
fully said by aomeUidy, "Here's my
eheek, send eomettody i'W;" hut It f
rapidly coming, "Here am I, send me."
lly thi wna lueaiit, "eVml im across
the wide oceans luto wild and WW
Inland, "'ml im to me fhrelgu clime
and race," Hut In th fullness of time,
behold, all races have sought ua, the
KngMi-spcttklng people on our owu
ahoree, and Uh home missionary la a
foreign niixuloimry, too, Thira are to
day In thl country twenty-riv tllller
ut group of tlencoiiessiw who are be
ing tralited aud taught thrlr work, fmir
ticuominntiona at ht Having ornciaity
auctioned this old way newly restored
In the church. Tint women. In von
aldernUouof belug relieved from all
thmightof wttatahall we eat or what
ahall w drink, and wherewith aliall we
to clothed and sheltered, give their vn
lire time and ettorla to th vm fortu
nate classoe, gotus among them from
house to Ihhmo, counseling with them,
fading the word of lift', kneelluit lu
prayer, ana at the name tin learning
the practical limit of the household;
liulpiug the poor, nursing th alek. aud
In every way proving that the religion
of Christ I not a theory hut a reality.
All the theologian combined ar not
doing no imioh to niintatu tint p!1!
among tiio nutw m rv thi rvcry
day workra went out from Moody?
training m'hotl from tin' hoimn of Uio
dt-aoomwMit, frtxn th barrack of th
Kdvatlon aruij. WIh'U the dockmvu
had their KO'wt Htrlke In loiulon, a
kikxI t'hrlfttnn who wn among thoir
KiUrm a workman Ilka Mu-ntM-lvnt,
hut taught of Uod, gnihcmt around
him an audlt'uoe of Ihiiw ugli, no
couth moo who wvrv Mtanding Idly
alHMit.aml told thi'in wlmt ho thought
t'liriM would do If lu Hum I In thnt
grvot city aud owned th
whrv. Ho variut wrro hi wonU
and m mottoal U nnrtwiiUtlou of
tlw rhrtot-llfo that whi'ii h had tli-
ndird, one of Uiumo rough men took oil
lila hat aud cried out, ''I never hoard of
hliu bi'foiv, but here' threo ehwra for
him anyhow in which the mohlolued
w 1th a right piud will. What a lemon
waa In that atvno for the thoughtnil
Vhriotlnn nuiu ami womau! The
world will alwaya eheer fbr thomi who
comfort lis heart when It ai'hea, who
feed It when It la hungry, who go out
to It when it la hox-lr, mid tliU Ujut
what the dlwtplea of Chris: are for.and
UiiWia) they do thl llwy an a HU'I
u(kiu hint and an emUMllcd hUuhvmy
Ukiii HlagoiMl new UoapeU
Thone true-hearted women who have
.goiK' to the alum of London, New
York, t'htvttgo, aud who, la the iutdt
of thedivknem, have "put a light lu the
window for tlie,'' who could he more
trusted or beloved by the eople among
whom tln-y dwell thau they are?
Arnold Toyul. whtmo monument
! lu Toynbee'a Itall.ln the heart of Lon
don' hentlK'nbuu, waa a new revela
tion of the IxnL
The college aettlemeutii of young
women who make a home for them
aelvm after gmduattng from college, lu
aoiue darkene! ouarter of the great city,
are exponent or Uie gtwpel.
ML-af Jaue Addnm ami Miwi Kllen
Btarr, who have opened what l known
an Mull Mliwk'U, on Smlli llalitted
utivet, In i'tdmgis have ImiHiie home
lutwlonarle among Uie Italian; they
are an evangel.
So the good work got on. The new
territory la iiro-euniied and woniu
' mighty Raliu of philanthropy eiicronch
ea eaeu day uuiii the empire of ain,
dbwaw and mieery that ha ao long ex
feted we thought It mut endure fur
ever. Jttti there remain an Immvmte
territory to be poewaiied. The church
Itself niunt have a new cruwule. It
ntiMt become the people' home. lt
door of goeel grace muxt tand open
night and day; it must not lie a . huge
locked-tip cube of miisoiiry, with a
dead atmosphere luitide during nix
day of the week, for mich cannot be
the twentieth-century expouentof the
church of Him who went about doing
Kood. We muat draw the neoole to tho
church by having aomethlng there for
them which will lead them tin throtiith
the material to the perception aud love
oi xpmiuui oiewuiiK.
Hut thcHC are day In which "the
Rtar In their courxe light HiiliiPit
blaera," The prognna of nclence re-
vciilliiB the rationale of the Irrei'rett-
aldle conflict between man and alcohol;
the prognna or Invention, putting lie
fore the public more and more
the IwHt and miwt luHinrinir words
of leader that we believe lu, M r. Itlt
and Anna Gordon will have a delluht-
ful booth decorated by the children of
all nation and the great petition with
11 (then) two million namra will I a
central curioelty, hung round by bun
nem brilliant aud varicU n a July gar
den. My thought reach out to the
general exhibit of philanthropy and
education. I nee a room titled up with
pnreles memorial of Mary Lyuu and
. Madum Kiiinit Willard, the two tin ft
famous women teHeher tiiut our con
tinent ha yet pnxluced. Their por
trait, book, and nuNlel of the two
great Mdmola they founded, oliould I
tiiftt). With whiita-vereiiceNliould we
gaze mmn the "Temple of Time" In
vented by the Troy teacher, and the
Hihleott' which ahe of Mount Holynke
Mtudled the leather cover half a dozen
time. Hut we have eighteen month
yet In which to plan the netting forth
of woman' worth and work, not for
eelf gmtulation, hut to limplre the
jtcriod' much-achieving girl to go ami
do far better If nhe can.
It Italwr moHt imixirhint that won
en should be placed on the committee
to select picture and Mtntuary for the
art department. It I due mother of
till and all land that mcture lu
which nudity Im the predominant qual
ity should Ite ruled out utile, iu the
opinion of hlKhmlnded art-exert
women, mo purity or me venu ai
Mil,, In nintd Hrtnupnnt, limn thn 1111.
veiled avoirdiipoi of the figure now
o often freely placed betore tlio eye
orcuriouH cmiuiioou and adveuiurou
To help bring It home to Jour white
rlbboner everywhere, I insert here
the preliminary addnm of the women'
committee on a world' tempurunce
Cfngreor women in connection with
tho exposition of lHIKi:
"It is a pity, fori hud aomethlng
ncre,'rcricu Aiiarea uiiemer, HtriHing
hi broad, whito forehead with hi
hand. Lnmnrtlne cull him "at flrxt
the hope, and afterward the evorlaHt-
Ing regret of French pocHy." and toll
u that on hi way to tbe gulllotlno,
C'hcnler uttered tticse piithotlo word,
Tbe poet' attitude and language are
a figure or immunity, wiiti it bcuutl
ful brain clouded by ceuturlc of the
alcohol hallucination, the Intricate
vagaries of opium nnil nicotine, and
poHMlon Htrange delirium.
The pharos of human reomn bum
Ins; with Uft clear, calm ray, llidited
from the mind of Uml, mind It lieam
far out over the wave of time, but the
eof It Ih, thnt thi guiding light
been otacured by poison tiiut mar
the brain's integrity, mankind no
called a halt at lust 111 it Haoehnnal
procewilon; the great revolt 1 growing
fuHt; Hclunce, with her pure torch,
pilot the way out of the wlldornem,
and Faith inarcbf beside her fearless
ulster with pure eye turned toward
It was fitting that wise men of the
West should say: " While we welcome
the world, to traverse the splendid pan
orama of what man's busy hand ha
wroughty let us also Invite all other
men to study with us 'whatever, his
thinking soul lias thought,' and in all
that thinking nothing shall outrank
tha Pclence Mini th art of a clear bralii,
a teady-beatlnn: heart, a baud that
doe not In'iiililo," For tlm white
light of truth ahlnea always through
th atnlitediilas window of the brnlui
witty and wonderful a mail' Inven
tion am. thev have been wrought at
lions ant. Ihcv 11
arlevoiut disadvantage, ami we ten
poranoe reform ho a purpose no le
rational than an to eleaww aud poluh
Uie ky light oT the brain; that Uod'
white light, undlmmed aud un re
fracted, may ahlne down upon au II
luimnutcu, ieveioHMi auu rmievimM
If In Uie lulerest of the race we trlve
to irather un mankind' Ut thought,
miKMhel and embluoued, that the
but should be brought to the knowl
edge the moat, how much higher i
Uie hope thai woum at uie name umv
convene the noble thinker them
elve; and what thinker could aem
ble for purisiee more prolwworthy
than those who" lint work It la to help
avt free from thralldom that sacred In
strumentof thiHight,the human brain?
Hut ha It come about that with
the official recognition aud approval of
the I'nitea Mate emigres aim oy
order of the World' Fair Directory, a
World' Temperance CougreM of wont-
eu to OMtperate with mat iiem oy
men, a well a to bold It own wcitaratc
aeaslousll hereby mil veiled lu Chicago,
for June, istkl, lu consider all liranehe
of thi greaunt among rtrorm, unuer
the m-nend heads of Preventive. ICdll-
catloual, Kvangellth fcioelal, and l
tral measurtv ftr imltinB away the In
dividual use of alcoholic aud iiarcotlu
tlmutunta, aud emrailug all govern
ment ironi ermlmave relation wun
their manuhteture, tmtiwiiortntlon. and
ale .
All tompcrauce orgaulKatiou or
women In every nation are Invited to
send a delegate, their genetal ollloer,
(or proxies, who hull rcprvm'tit them.)
and hcaldc Iheaetme delegate ftir each
one thoUNtud member duly accredited
on the book of their ftfiteillve trea
urera. Wellkimwu leader, extierta,
aud smvlallsU In the tetnieniit re
form, whoso niimea will k publUhel
later, wuslltutlng the AdvUsiry Couit
ell of lite! hsal Chicago conuulttH
iKhUiuu this addnw, ami charged with
working p this WtmiMu'a 'IVmpcrane,
lungrvwt, aie nereoy inviieo w aueim
crii)hiit uaiililH'ra. with ftill power.
To thi committee we apnea! for
council aud eo otierallon In all way
thnt the wide otMcrvatlou and long
experience of It niembera tn ri'form
and philanthropic work will be ure
to suggest.
First of all, we ask them to secure
the publication of the present an
nouuivmeut aud addre lu alt papers
aud uiagailuv that they can tullueuee,
for the ursw of giving world-wide
recognition to the significant aud help
ful fact that by the desire aud decision
of men, women share equally with
themselve In all honor as well as la
bor and care of the great rxposiiloti,
and thnt the lemeraiiee cause ha
been given all Mnlble opportunity for
largeot hearing It has ever yet enjoyed.
With no Intention tu interfere with
the ugKc(ion earuratly ought by
our committee, we beg lo luv before
our advisory eouuetl the following
quextions, klng the oplnlouof eu h
one of It nieiuts-rs, w ith auy and
all other elueldallou of the great sub
ject that occur to their minds:
The World' Woman' lliristiitn
TeniM-rane I'nlon ha delermlnetl to
have au exhibition of temperance
literature, Iwnners, naittta-a, nn-ilals,
photographs, diN-ument. etc.; to ertvl
a fountain, establish a printing office,
restaurant, cafe, teniMirauce lipltal,
etc., at the World Columbian Kx-
ImmUIou. Thnt we may know what
tho women of you retain trv, society, or
locality, will do to help nil out this
great object lesson of the tellipernuce
reform, we desire frum each meuiltcr
of the commltlee detlulte a us went to
the following question:
1. What sicker do you eielnlly
retummi'iid for paillt-liiallou tu the
debate, specchra, slnuing, or other
fealure of the World' ometi' Tern-
wrauee Conirrcsa?
& What tuplrw do you uggt to be
treated by the congriw, and to whom
wouhtyou asslKii the Mine?
3. What lllottoe orth'Vice do you
4. What llieruture should beoiisule?
(We wUh to get the Ut from all
countrH-sand lu all laugunite.)
.V W hat are the best temH-mnce
drinks of which you are cognizant?
(I, What is your opinion a to the
partlclpat Ion of children In this con
irres "of the women by the women?"
Would you give representation lo their
ats'ictiea, slid iru, upon wnnt tmsls?
We are eontldent that In our ardu
ou undertaking (to which without
your help we shall m sure to prove
ourselves maucquaio) we may count
upon your warm j nipainy ami in
teitigeni aid. e win mererore go
forward with ulligeiiee aim: courage, In
voking nlsive all the Indwelling pres
ence or i 1 1 id in wiuwe image limn was
made and to whisw Imuuo and likeness
man I to be restored. In thi prayer
and thi endeavor we are comrade
worker. In the love of Uod aud of
Humanity Km' our most sacred cause
Frances F. Wlllril,pn,slilelit World'
W. V. T. li., chairman, Kvartntou, III.
Matilda llnidley Curse, president
Woman's ivms-rnnce I'ubiisiiing a
oclallon, vice chairman, CIiIckko, HI
Helen l. ikhsi, corresiHOidlug see-
relary, I'll La Sulle street, Chicago, HI.
A new match box I in the form of a
folded carpenter' rule.
A checker board of jt and diamond
I ihuwn in cuff button,
An expansible bracelet on the princi
ple of tbe toggle lever I exhibited.
Tbe bowl of a large spoon lately iliowu
I made in the abape of a rose leaf.
A partly open pn pod, showing pea
iu natural vulurs, is a recent design in
Tbe design of a novel brooch I a
white heart with a serpent of emerald
colled around IU.
A tolid bottom and a spout In a silver
trainer for tea and coffee recently ihown
obviate the spilling incident to the use
of the old fashioned strainer.
A novel bracelet ha on Ite btnged
links a rie of overlapping daisies In
white enamel and gold. The center
piece is a larger pink flower with a dia
mond center. Jeweler' Weekly.
Knnwlsd I. Wsalth,
Drugirist Voa might have chargsd
that young miin two dollar fur filling
that prwwriiition. Why did yon pnt th
pneeae iwenty-nve cents?
Clork Ho uiidmstund Latin, Oood
rrlghthil Hliliwr(k.
BUiunoli ships strike mid fouudur, tho
fHinu winds und umuiituinou wave
sweep noble inuriner' "hearts of oak
to shipwreck aud to death, yet thnt
doe not prevent the lublwrllest liiuds
niuii from risking his HA) on the
stormy Atlantic In the role of tourist
or commercial traveler. lut If he shall
reach his destination sulely ha will
scarcely have escaped some- of the
qualm of sea sickness, unless he takes
with him llostutter's Htomnch Hitters,
that Inimitable simcifla , for uausoa.
Bad water on long trip Is a threat to
the voyager, but thi may be deprived
In a great measure of lis disordering ef
fects upon the stomuch, bowel and
liver hv the Hitters. Airul list tho lira.
judlclul cll'rets of nuilui'la, bud diet, fa
tlgue and exposure it is ulso enicHclous,
It averts, moreover, rheumatism and
kidney complaint. Don't travel on
sea or anu witnout ir.
!!.IOl)!tMISS,l.l:R COII'I.UiT!t.hU I HliiDACIIE. fOLWH,
I'llt'LES, all KalM irrncHOJIil.aad UISEAliliil AKISlJiU Aroa
vitk factimik AN'srsoiere e M ILF Kt:Sh.
MOINOTO! 00. Aotwre, tAM raststsMO.
IMi.P wv A LI. arwitiT Ann naerrat.
MLJII III II II III III m H. Illi I ! Ill IW Will I III mil i III '11111 in i i 1
Wall Paper, Picture Frames.
Monmouth,' -
Good grain and stock farms and choice fruit lands;
. town property of all kinds.
Those having property for sale, please call.
Successors to Honkle i Walker,
Carry a complete line of
. We aailoit a share of yeur patronage.
W,uililU!tnn, N"W Ji'lm j.
in nminTitrywIipm.
Vit rnl.l't nttilriMn
llallicl V.
fW?'.r'cs rSl
Jn It Worst form. I .
UsirrO, It. Co., Wl., Dm,, W.
IUt. J. a Botk Tnoh tnt th f(ilnwlni
"" Hooiwjr, who w .nltrlnj from VHus
Wnos In it srorrt form fr lUmi 1W wmr, u
trMUd br anrarsl,,, iliflt itt,
Two ImiiUm of Tutor Kuuil'i Mmtv 'Jonlo
A Itcrerrnd Ket'ominanil It.
I's OITT. UMh. Jan. lSHB.
I bwt txsin 111 for elulitwn moniln with .
iwh sua UrrlbM Lorvon.tioi. hi.n I onm.
BwniMd tskin yotir niMllolue, Vutnr Kosnlii'i
ioiiw; na i oiten prsy for l's.Uir Ko.
Bl. M I think I could not hsvs llvl wlllinnt
ihli matloln. Th pwiple turn hm nam th
tooa wmon I aarlved 1mm It, nd Hot. 01.
luju noommnidi It to bl.hlv tlist tt ia now
tUog wj popuUr.
A Tslnnble lino n Nsmmt
lruna Mint fin lo any adilnuia,
And tHr iintienu ran al.u otualo
tills iiiodlulu Irs of olmi'K
Thla nmlT hoa haan nranarad bv tha Uiiverand
Paauir Kiwni. of fori wayna, Intl., aluca Uie, aud
is now pnparud unilur Ula dlmuUun bv tua
K0ENIG MED. CO.. ChlcnG'O, I!?,
told br DruiiKlst at St per Ilottl. I) for 85,
TArls.l.m anotiWaluJXU-
For Catalogue, address, '
DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N J.
F. H. Morrison,
reasoneble, and flret-elait
. work guaranteed.
All kinds of first-class work. Enlarging a specialty.
Photos on silk handkerchiefs, hat bands, watch dials.
dishes, sheila, book marks,
are using The Queen posing
tion. Give us a trial.
Pmelimt JYrtlttllMI Is
rx lessei. I TN
txprM Trstoj Ur Porllsud Dally.
ll'JA A. M
lull P. M,
111:121 1'. M.
S:IH A. M.
Xv, l'nririiiuT
l.v. Altiniiy
A r. Ksn Kriini'lai'ii
7:im r. n
AhoV train atnp only t fsllowliif tlalluna
nnriiun viaomir; rciwt eonisn'i, ihki)u ;;ty,
WiHlIiiiru,NiiMn, AUiir, 'laiincnl, snwiiia. n al
lay, llairl.bum, JuticUuu City, Irving ul Ku-
Roseburg Mail. Daily.
lifltVS, .
Pnrllsnd .... 8:IV a.m.
UiiKi'lnirK.,.,:'2iiA. M,
tom-htirx ...,5iin H, M,
1'iirtlnnd ,.,.4:(A. H,
Albany Loeal. HsllyoxwptHumlsy.
I'orlliviiiL, h:M p.m.
Alliitny. fiim
,.Hi(10 p.m,
, aim a. in,
Tullman Buffet Sleepers.
tot Aocommnnatirm n, HMond-alsas pMNii(rt,
sttsuliad t Xxpraw Trains, .
' Went SideDiviBlon. '
Between Portland and Corvallla
MAIL TRAIN DAILY (Iiocpt Sunday.)
7;n. m.
1:110 d. m.
11:11a. h.
U:10r, M,
i : p. m.
U W p, in,
At Athsnr and CnrvaJlla ennnnnl with
Oruffuu I'aotflo JUUroa.
, ' Lvsv
Portlsnd 4:40 r. M,
UoUlliiiTllt..t:toA. at.
HsMtrniTlll 7 r. M,
furtiaug :ao a. k.
CWFor tlrketo and Information raaardln raui
niapa, tto., oll ou ooupauy'i aaaut at Uiilaoaa
K., ft P. 1O0IRS.
Ajst IA. I. a faaa. At
etc. in fact, all kinds of
We defy ccrrpcti-
. raaacorr.
Prescott &
I A, Waaatn, Vattgr.
Are llin lnlirs, ami Uiclr Kail 8twk l ready
fur liiMii'fllon, They art! atill In Hit front
milk w ith the mortl Cdiiiplele atoek tif
In I'olk ttmiily. Thia lniiim lma tliv ult!t
rmiMl of any liotisw in the city, ami their fit
cililic fur doing Imik1ihh are uutHjiiitltMl by
any firm in the valley. Their large fudlitit
for dnliiR biminera, together w ith tho fuel that
their iuit1ii!.m art nioHtly imtde dinn t from
the fiu'toriett, Liking ndvunlne of till the did
eouuta there are iu alglit, eiuiblea them tu
8jH'itk with eonflilcni'e m to their pluco Uing
a wile one to nil iimiiint or to
Keeling aura thai you are gelling value re
ceived. In tho ful tire, an In tho past, kind
nnd courteous, nlleiition will U given to their
etmtottii'i-H, Their flm k in large and varied
that to mention article, would be an impossi
ble, tatik. And they rtjni'l fully invite the
public to take ft look before juu vhnrtiiig I heir
f.tll abH'k.
UC Mltwftl hi OiMmHMNUyl IOYT WIm
Illi 1 uHr. ICfintt r. it-w mnj""l bRflWl ihwir u
Bfittnitla), tit f ibtl ea-taw iw in fvvirtr ! In
rtbtenrltvl Urtwirfl ilenir la tltej ll f fiwjr. ih
Itmk hHi-RUfi t(il. (ornver li'il, HftHirtoittif . I.I I win itMki
Ins I Heh tutt Mt Hft will tHt)t. lnnrtttv..iir ti-rotn.
Biif, ktltt ilTl4prwinfMf , pi'WHMOlilOj)ieft It M -iJ
ttjT i Jiiilloafn'.er, tlmt "tlia t)n.d of KhIHIi Pltee
tltHip HmnHjt Inwli pia t artrn iiwrh4 vt t
iiibrat trfe tituieo, anil l ). enl bwr rtftina , Uit tmtu
Mi nn4 aim tlpnrta, tnltltit n " Ili-W Ua)I (the.
li uim itipttiiiilit IhvmIIhni t r)itK thai
kinr itflif. fttulof rttr ttntiuif), tl.nt la li
en atitl ntottil Iti'raUMll tivptu UtitH, Httetl narii mfl
within ilieretHi liol lulnnliiar iw'l) )iii(ihvt., K will m,
kllAt, fraud atnit In tl. TtittfiiM lit tti.fwtrtni.tiy nr
nmiie it liar. U mil tn l rtiada niiiilv anol ttnatrablr
kritiiwIiMlnaltliMitir'xiii'fitUbaraei. Vrm ran
In th Juik ftiid live at tiotne. W bet ever vot) or RMi n
BftttiNri ni m(It fMniinit (r.nn .1 Mt N 10 M Ur, Votk
ffnii do m wtt if will wintt, imi timtt but liidnaiH
s!f ) him) cttn liiernna) fonr iiir.mnt ytt ir'n. Yntt
mitil"jmi-)tiiitiiljf,ttt'all juitirttmn lot It work- Ka
tolontn, inpitnl not roiinttwl. atari ttm, Alllifmm
paratiTttljr mow tiiot ren'lf wnnilerhtl. ttittntfl utid
ItnW f iH lum, Kalliir unknown ttnwtf mtr Worli
trt, Sa nsun to eiiaio bwa. Writ m4 lwan nil .,
hf rninm mill, Uiiwit t Mny, Aiblrnaa m r' ,
lluilstl V 4 o, Hu VHO, Poi llHti.l, Mulit
Jolinii) Volkt's, the old reliable limit-
uiitker, ben leave to Inform his
limn v old fi'liiitls. and tlicnt'ii
ernf )iilili" tlmt he Im until n
Commenced business In Imlc pomlt'iice,
ami wilt lie ulud to rucelvo a mIiiiio of
their imtroniige.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly done.
Mi-liillli rublmr honta aiim'tntty, limit
ul Uil ami iii'IikIu'iI.
Itulldlngoppnalte the WkmtHidkoIIIw,
Mtitn street, - Ind(Hndenr'e.
Muiiiifuctiiror unit doulorln
Sash, Doors, : Mouldings, : Etc.
Full stock of Glnsa, nil kopt nnnstiintly
on hand. HuoitlitlrnUisnuooulruuta.
KwcUiry on It. K. strnotlunivr iU'1mU
C Street
I now ready to furnish a No. 1 meal
for iiS cents, at the now stand, two
door west of postnllloe.
I 1
I a. VKKr
Saui mill.
Indrirn(luce, Oregon.
One Dollar Weekly
tiny t rsit rl'l tju-h liyoitr plnh ayatvm
iir ll.kHrst solU. fillet rawa nn wrnrmnt,',!
fur a ynara, Finn Klijlli ur Wnlllmm miivo.
nintit, aii'tit win. I nmi t, lity iirgKnt's
!, Kiiml lu sny p wnlrlt. To aitir
stinita where w hsvs ii.m, a i. una of th
liiuitliiK'iM witti lin, fur Hip oltili prliv, gat.
an.l Mnl f.t), i. ti) rxn-m with prfvlle of
iuulimlliii Ucinn. paying for tli anmo.
Our s'it t lliirhsin, X. C, writes;
"or Jwrlirs hv ronhwH Ut,-y rlon't
smiw huw yu ran ntrnlalt surlt work air the
tlur sgfltt l Hrsth 8prluji, H, 0.swrllPS!
"Your wtfhw tk t tlit. Tim ;tntln.
nmn whottnt Hip liwt vnirli nl.l Hint Tie .
smliii'il iin.l tirlii-il ji-wlT's WHh-lit in
l4iiicrtir, tlisl wvre tu l-itrtliun your. but
tlu prlttt wal5,''
(hr nt t lViiiiliiKtuu. Tuxss, wrllwi
"Am In rwiolptof thcnirli,iul urn iiItob.mI
wlllinnt tiiriitv. All who lutve ar.'it It any u
wmiia be 1'hrap ul tw." ;
o'n (rmut Mlnlil,, hkpiiI wnnlcd ftir faiih
ploiKj. Write fur tmriu ulura,
-. Kai-ina WateM Co., New York.
Of Independence, having a steam
engine, a brick nmcliino and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be Hold nt reasou
ablo prices.
Willamette Deal Estate Co,
Indopeiideiice, - Oix'jrou.
Triinsiu'ts a general Keitl Estule Dual
ntiss, buyauud mils Piopurty, ctleota
i Insurance and doe a general
Conveyance. UusIih'sh,
rnrtlcs lmvtiiir LamUftfor aalo will
Hud it to tlielritdvtuibtge to
List Their Property
With this Company, a they are dully
sending lists of littul east, thus plac
ing desirable property before the resi
dent of the Kast.
J.W.KIUKLAXJ). President.
mi .i it.- ..,.i.a u waii-ia ni
wlli Imi gmu away
T Hie twrtk r-Ulix uJMirly wilsrll -
Kulry tf your ihmU't In ml.-r U venfy
a.i l.i- ,J it. but we will slve tliero away tl ndltUii M
m i awilint ofthe UrKe nuifay t actual twh, we maae a .w iim.miun, u,u.
of ul rllsL.r im- U c.-ure eai h pa-itiluni.
1 the dv ou wlileh we will award tin imm, and you can rid In IU
nan mie a" a mi, t at a lime, or a many at a In a y k, ;!;,
5" Xu! - d ver (a.n..t.W by U .) I
"Beatty'a Beef Parler Waa Oraa,
Prlee 9JBUU.UU.
Thi lorKnn I Ihe frowning trt
oiiiiti of vwtnitjf exiwrtenea In eatrfud
oru biilVlliiR. It i by tar llm -t
totted and iiHsit jtowerful or(o Jrt
uiitdM. 'Hie eusc to manuiiM'tiirwl Irum
t hu eholM-st of aantted and ktln-tlrled
blark walnut, aud built so a not to ab
orb dirt or dust. Tbe ease U built on
a tie and eniitiftc lan, of thin e
vtHl WMiiint wood, a to render the
M-ttle of rettl o a to exactly inauh a
t-lmreb -l orasn. Tbe HeHrh tstf
ili, chime of Hwls tudlii, orekcutra,
l.raw Und, Ole Hull lolln, a niunhul
box, the biiiimn wl. eatbmlral organ,
all are eactly Imitated. Tbie a real
pipe organ, and tbere M a aweatnea and
yraadeurut il neludy that M aimpiy
We will ombality 1 able to how a
nlfturr uf tlil onmu oia. There not
mi liitruitinl br the whole elate of
Ortirtm that tsoinparea with it, exorpt
lite grmt vitui iaw ...
btnreelltf. W etUlivrr rt few of haTfe
at any railway slntton lit the I nhra
Mat to i lie person who m-tmm im tr
L..u. .,t..t. ..r ..MMrlv nli.r1la.rM' tin I
vl.l.xl. I hst (o iM-t the first iirroiltiin ine
club muat not be kit than 1 'sJ yearly
The Enoycloeaadla Brltannlea, Prlee
Tins I tbe oldest tad Ibe largrat eoey.
rb'paalis in the aorkJ, andoualaia more
limn UirM time a mub matter a aay
oilier eno)cli lis pniilwbed. It M re-
The folluwltig rouar all front The' J, li UmtineoU Publishing Com put
one of lite laruest iiulilllilnir house In the world. "Llmtlueoll" t a Loowrbiji
word, ami to say a work I published
Ut that can be oblttlned:
Wereeater'a Unabridgew Dlotlonary
Uf Ibe EntfluU lanatnage. Profuaaly . II
histtitteiL .Si w e.liiHni, with suppleraewt,
etiulaitiiuit l'J.Si'l new words. Aim a
meabnlsry of yiitiey me of word la gen
eral use. Uslf iiuasia. HlB fre for
tl fourtb lurtfost club, of not lew tbaa
211 subscrtber. 1'rioe 1'J.
rirrn prize:.
Llppinoott' Dictionary of Biography
A com pint orutiotiocing diettonaiy of
bioiirnpby aud tnjibolotfy, eonutiuiag
iiiitio.-suffiDilu'iil t-rMjtiiif of all age
ami eoUulrit, witb the correct pn.uuu
eiationof tbei." imuies, Nw edilKtn, re-
isa-d and eulnrged. 'iTsjU page. Library
sheep, (liven fur tbe liftli Inrgest elub,
of uot lew tbttu 20 iilsnbera. Price SIX
Llpplncott't Catetteer of tha World.
A eoruplt't nrotionucine "gate! leer or
geographical ilicllonary of Ibe world,
I'oiitamuig nolicet ot over 125,000 places,
with leeeut and autbentto lufurniiilwii
iespoing the eotintrie, islsuds, river,
mouulius, cities, biwns, etc., in every
portion of Ibe globe. New edition.
Tiioroiighly rertsed, rewritten, and en
larged. To wbivb i appended a aerie
ol supplementary tublrtshowiog tbe pop
ulntmti, etc., of tbe principal eittea sud
(own ol the world, based upon Ibe most
leecul ifumis returns. One imperial
ontiiTo voluuie. 2tW0 page. Libntr)
sheep, (liven frte for Ibe sutli largest
club, of not les than 'XI sulwcrilwrs.
Alllbone'a Quotation.
Craittiiiiiug: I. PtHtic4il qnotntions;
2, prose piottitioti;3, great author of
ell age. Complete in three Yol nines.
Cloth, (liven free for Ihe sixth htrgtut
find, of not Its Uihu 17 sutsoriliers.
Price 80,0(1.
Chambera'a Book of Daya.
A miscellany of popular antiquities
connected with the ealendar, including
anecdote, biography, history, etlriofitiea
of literature, odditie ot life, eta. Edited
by Holier! Chamber. Profusely illut
trsted. Two Toltinits, Oiwn free for the
eighth litrgttrt club, of not lea tbao 15
subscribers, price $8.00,
Half-Hour with the Beet Amerleaa
Containing the best samples from every
American itutlmr of note in history, poet
ry, ttrt, tlctioD, and philosophy. Four
volume. Oiveu free for the ninth Isrg
est club, of not Im thtm 10 suUonbtT,
Price eu.tXI
Half-Hour with tha Beat Foreign
The only collection affording a gcueral
survey of represcntHtive foreign work.
Four voliinu. Cloth. Given free for the
tenth Inrgcst oltib, of not less than 10
subscriber, PnceJOOO y
Half-Hour with tha Beat Humor
; eua Authora.
EiubrBcing some of the choicest writ
iiig of the best American, English, sud
foreign huiiKrists. Foarvolumt. Cloth.
Uivcu free for the eleventh largest olnb,ot
ootlcs Hum 1Q snlisoribcnt. Price 86 Oil,
Brewer'a Reader' Handbook
Of fuels, chriiottrs,plo,;ud references.
One of the niusi useful hih scholarly
hmk t.f the ceiitnry.n-philBdclphia
iimejt. (live free fer the twelfth largest
o uh, of not Wag tbno 6 subscriber. Prioe
Gleanings for tha Curious.
A collection of "excerpts" covering
The awards will be made-July 4, 1892, and ne
names will be received till July 1st.
The West Side Company
Independence, Oregon. i
. . . : .uu ..tHt. UWtf Ri!ru
inn Dreuuums w-, wmf
r U. the WWffl ' HIM. t thtr rryiiW
mir prUm, TN premium. ett im ;,
of Jiaiy
plte itb eolorrd nap of every part 4
ibe known world, and beir miU,
tbeleitieillttlratslby woodeuu Tbea
ar tbtrty larae volnuca. It t so ru
reprudnetiwa of the Utost Bnikdieditmi,
bivtt tsstla from W ar baj
to bindina. It eold eiieeper in tba
onaulry beeanMot tbefael tbal aut Ism
of type bad lo be aet, it being prtatej
from oIhUw mwle direct from tbeonpug
book by tbe aid of pbotoprapby. Tj
Henry (1. Alien Co.. He Torn, ar tt
publisher. W dlirer the work frete)
ebarge to any railway tisa ia u
Vnlted Htale lo tbe pron wtto mk
na tbe areond largest Iwt of uWriba)
betaeea now aa4 July lb. 1W, bi
njtut nave at least 75 aiibsertbere brio)
w eao award tbl prttniooi.
,:THIrtO Milt, ";
Chamber' rneyelaa1l, Prlee
30.00. r
Even bod know tbe merit of
ber'a eoeyekipiedia. It rank wit a
h, Briunaic, and in ita pev mty hi
,ma& eooowvable cabiMt tally d
i euirI . ail-p8e itiasinuiOD atxl eu
l Urodurd mto tbe work '
j vbrtr tbey will aid lb etadrot u tut
gni, fof kituwiwliie. Tbe work eue
nrtftw teo larye volurorw, abtiaii
boned In library ebefp. It t pulilltbtd
by tbe great buaa oi ibe J. u. Lspts.
eult Curopaoy, I'biladelpbia, wbirh w
probably tbe Ixxt gtiarsolee of II worth.
We deliver it free at any railway stats
in lite United HUltw lo tbe peiaua U
will mod na the third largt last of yeas
ly awbscriber Uilb West htoa, be I wen
now and July 4th, bat most hurt at hm
SU aohaenber before tbe work
awaidd. , i
by "l.lpplneoll ' I to any it U the vrrj
every breaeb of literature; ao tncrelieT
mount of coram and iwtructtve mute
Half uoroeeu. Otveo free for tbe Urn
leeotn largest eiao, or cot ieaa iba
ubwerloera. Price $J U)
Brewer'a Hiatorie Note-Book.
An invariable baod-book for nU
and atudenu, and eonuiniug a v
amount of iutormation for tbe geonf
readier. Half nmrucoo. (iiren fresh
tbe ntleenlh birgest club, of not lew tin
5 subset ibe r. Piioe iM
Half-Hour with Americas HI
A record of important btsUirtc-.l r
that occurred during Ibe last thirty
forty yearn, t onr voUinie. Cbab. O
rree fur ttie Drteeotb large! club, ot a
los Wan 0 aubecriber. I'rtce 3 00.
Brewer'a Diatlenary of Phraae as
OivinB the derivation, aourco, oronf
of abont 2O,0UO eoumoQ phraara, Hi
sinus, and wont that have a lale to tt
New edition; (eveuteetb.) Revived a
corrected. In thai new edition be be
dded aeoucue bibliography of Eogli
literature, baited upon tbe larger work
reference on tbe same tnbjtvt by '
Davenport Adam, with additions, (hr
lea than 4 ubscribcrs. Prioe Si 5tl 1 1
Brewer'a Dictionary of Mlraele
Imitative, realistic and dogmatic. Wii
"It i a nutst valuable addition to fcf
library ut the stu.leut, ud to tbe clerc
itonglit to be pe0ially useful, Srt
aotk Herald.
Uiveu free for the aeventeetb law
club, of not lean thau4uboriber. Pod
Edwarda'a Work, Facta, ant
Phrasea. .
A dictionary ot ourioua, qusiut, v
ou-et toe way mutters.
"A mine ot enriou and valuable
formation. New York Cnrofiun .4tleJ
Oieu tree for Ihe eighteenth larfH
elub, ot uot lea thau I subscriber Prst
Writer' Hand -Book.
A guide to tbe art of ooinixMition.
brucing a pnersl treatise on oomptviiM
aud style, English composition, and W
epistolar art. Half morocco. OiieJ
free for tbe niueteeuth largest eluh.uf a'
less than 4 subscribers, f rice $'i SO.
English Synonymea. I
Newedilmn. A dictionary of Engk
yoonjuiea, nd ynoo,vmon or psritlii
expression. Designed a a prscus
guide to iiptues aud vanely of phr,'
ology. Extra cloth. Given free for ta
twoutielh largest club, of not less U
8 subscriber. Price ,2.00.
Great Trvtha by Great Author.
A dictionary of aids to reflection,
tutlona of maxima, uicUtpliora, wun
cautions, aphorl8iti,proverb, etc., fn
writera of wit age and isith liemir
phere. Cloth, (liven free tor the twer
ty-tlrst htixtist chili, of not loss than k
sulsteriliora, 1'rioe $2.00, I
Dlotlonary of Quotation ?
(New) from the Gret-k, Ijttin,
uitslcru languages. With au ludei
every ImporUiH word. Kxtra cli '
Given five for the twenty-second ln!
club, of not less thau 8 uboilWi
Price $2.00. f"