The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 29, 1892, Image 2

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WSl'KD s
Csst Sb Pdisft; Ccpq
Oil Yea
Tllt UlHIthK
AU mmi and (teeth wil- tml o
l five Hum will be mwrUMt I. AU ttvw
live line wilt lw chiuwl H eenta wmf (tit.
IfewMy olitumiv tvwUmlona wilt to DUnreJ
rate l flveceute ht line.
Aitriittt tit (niMtnuntratlnn for tiuHlleattiw
tn TaaWwt n. oml make nil nwHIMwi
imynhio to Ue Ilk couutjr ruoitettMg (.xmi
Rrtl'lMWd M the INwWntnc tn lnilepeu
Yi's very kindly acknowledge
nweint of nubile documents from
Han. Binger Herwauu,
i .. ..hi -j.. -... 'i
llivw J. it. McClmx died at
Salem last week, aged 72 years.
He came to Oregon in 184", nd
as Salem's first postmaster.
- '. II i 1. ..t "l
Aktkr close calculations, Frances
'WUlard haa ascertained that the
amount of force exerted to com
nMH the waiata of women who
wear corsets would, If aggregated,
turn all the mills between Minneso
ta' and Missouri.
I), a K. Buck, of Konclmrg,
did not get tlie Lakeview hind office,
but has been removed from the
UU bv order of the lwwcra that
be, to Sonneberg, one of the smal
ler consulate in Germany. Thin is
about as good a disposition as the
Orwron dolt-irate could have made
of Mr. Buick, and the Iipatch to
leased that he has finally cot an
ofliee.- IWtfdiwl DutpatcA.
A game called "Editor's De-
liirht" w olaved in this wise; Take
an ordinary sheet of writing paper,
fold carefully, aud inclose a bank
note sufficiently large to pay up all
arrears and one year in advance.
What adds immensely to the game
is to send along the. name of a sub
scriber or two, accompanied by the
cash. Keep an eye on the editor,
and if a smile adorns his face the
trick "works like a charm. Now is
the time to play the joke.
The West SiM,of Independence,
gives the improvements in that city
during 1S91 88174,2-25. Among
them are; Public school building,
f.'5,000i Electric light plant,
120,000; -'Independence and Mou
mouth motor line, $20,000; Inde
pendence National bank building
and fixtures, 118,000; Independence
roller mills, $15,000; Preseott &
Veness's sawmill, 115,000; Inde
pendeuco waterworks, 15,000; J. F.
O'Donnell's hardware store, 13,000.
Albany Democrat,
The poatoffico department has
commenced to issue at the larger
postoftlces two new sizes of postal
cards. The small card is of a light
gray color, very strong, and bard to
tear. Tho large cards is or com
mercial yellow color, and said to be
of excellent quality. The stamp
bears the likeness of Gen. Grant,
and the enir ravine is the work of
the bureau of engraving and print
ing. All three sizes of cards will be
issued and the people will take
whichever they prefer. It is ex
pected that they will prove a great
accommodation to the public.
Fealty to party alone may not
be the best of grounds lor preierr
ment, but certainly disloyalty
should not be rewarded by appoint
ment to high and responsible
wwitions within the gift of the
party. Plaindealer
The above appears in the Rose
bunr Plaindealer, in an editorial
against the appointment of W,
Lair Hill to the judgeship of the
Xinth judicial district. The Plain
dealer is Mr. D. 8. K. Buick's pa
per, Mr. Buick has lately been
appointed consul to Sonneberg,
Germany. Mr. Buick should
remember his own "disloyalty'
when he threw the Republican
ticket in Douglas county only a few
vears atro. and went off after the
prohibition theory; and the Eepub
lican party was so fearful of Mr,
Buick's "treachery" to his party
that the managers hired Hon. O.
W. Colburg to conduct the Plain
dealer during tiie ensuing cam
paign. The criticism is not that
Mr, Buick is not a good Republi
can (for revenue only, mark that,)
now, but that his paper should
criticise others for doing just what
he himself did. Consistency is the
point. '
The New York World says "if
the McKinley act docs not raise
prices,it is of no practical use,either
to manulacturer, or wnge earn
er." Wnen a larmer ouuds a
fence around his fields it docs not
follow that he expects the act
to result in an increased crop of
grass, but there Is a reasonable
presumption that if be keeps tho
gate closed his animals will have
more to eat than if he allowed all
his neighbors' cows and horses,the
freedom of his pasture. Anhland
The Tidingi certainly is not so
blind as not to see that there lies
the trouble. We have too much
"grass" and no "animals" to feed
it to. Our "neighbors' cows ami
horses," ought to "have the free
dom of our pasture,'' to consume
the crop that is going to waste, so
ftr as the "wage earner" aud con
sumer are concerned. The pro
tective war cry is, "Close tho gate,"
protect the few and starve the
many. Our war cry is, Open all
the gat protect noltody the great
est good to the greaUwt number,
it I XL nr.
Soon after Hon. William Me-
Kinley was elected governor of
Ohio, the lb'publtcattaof Salem took
tt into their heads to show him their
appreciation of his) statesmanship,
and through a committee consisting
of Jan Mlulo, George Williams, ami
0. liMoores, money was raised to
scud him the finest pair of blankets
that could be manufactured In Ore
gon. The order was placed with the
Kiaiem.wooleu mills, and yesterday
the blaukets were completed, aud
will tie exhibited for a few days
before being scut East, at the wool.
eu nulls store. These blaukets are
perhaps the finest ever manufac
tured in Oregon, being of choice
Oregon wool. They are OtixSO
inches and cost 150, aud are as soft
and fleecy as down itself. They
are of pure white, the border being
or red and blue tessetlated. On
one side is woven the dedication:
"From the Woolgrowers of Oregon
to Governor MeKinley, of Ohio,"
aud on the reverse side is the an
nouncement that the blankets were
manufactured by the Thomas
Kay woolen mills, of Salem, Oregon.
.Wfw ijHnlemait,
This is a good advertisement
for the Salem woolen mills, and all
we have to say is, that if Mr. Mo
Kinley runs for president aud on
his protective-tariff platform, that
the election day will be so cold for
him thht it will take all the blaukets
the Salem woolen milts can spare to
keet him warm.
i. ..... ..i
RHi'inuaiss Fitaiimsm
Most certainly our Republican
brethren are troubled about the in
terest the Democrats are now tak
ing in potitics in Oregon. And
well they may, for the people
throughout the uatiou are aroused
in reference to the extravagance of
unnecessary expenditures, and the
unnecessary protection of the rich
monopolies of the whole country.
The "haudwriting on the wall," as
at BeLshaaizar's feast, is seen by
those who have involved our coun
try in financial conditions that
makes the wage earner receive less
for his labor, the consumer pay more
for his living, while at the same
time, tho rich man is given
protection from Alpha to Omega.
This condition of affairs cannot
continue, and the people of this
free government will no longer
bow to the scepter of monopolis
tie dictation. The executive com
mittee of the Young Men's Re
publican club, at Portland, has
sent out circulars all over the
State, urging immediate action
and quotes the instructions recciv
ed from Seuators Mitchell and
Dolpb, and Congressman Herman,
at Washington City. Below we
give a few extracts from this urgent
If there is no club in your pre
cinct, there should be one, and
that, too, at once. If you cannot
form a permanent organization tie
for the convention, form a tempo
rary one and have delegates to
repre.ent you.
Full information will tie scut
on application to Hon. John L.
Ayer, the president of the Young
Men's Republican uuo or uregon,
aud of the National League for
Oregon. His address is box SU7,
Portland, Oregon, or at the rooms
of the executive committee.
The need of an organization is
most urgent, and the time is now.
Already the Democrats and r arm
ers' Alliance are nSing every
effort to organize, aud we must
not lie behind. In the words of
our delegation at Washington,
"Unless we form party orguuiza
tiotis, and that, too, at once, the
result in 1802 is problematical."
Remember this, and take it to
Let us organize in each pre
ciuct, and do not wait for another
to do .he w oik tliiit lays at hand,
but yourself start the movement.
We trust that wherever there
is no club, immediate action will
be taken to form one.
By order of the president,
For the good of the party. The
executive committee of the Y, M.
R. C. of O,
Republicans are very sore over
the selection of Judge Peffer to
the United States senate from
Kansas. And well they may be,
for in Senator Peffer that party lost
one of its most prominent and in
fluetitial members. For years and
years Senator i'ciier was not only
one of the most leading Republicans
in Kansas, but was also a very
prominent lecturer for the Ameri
can Protective Tariff League. In-
deed, it is only about Ave years
since Mr. Peffer publinhed, in book
form, quite an extended treatise on
the tariff question, which work was
indorsed by the League. But Sena
tor Peffer is one of those noble men
who would "rather be right than be
president." He began to realize that
there was such a thing as making a
tariff too high He saw wheat and
oats rotting in Kansas granaries be
cause of He saw Kan
sas corn being burned instead of
eoal coal that costless per ton than
Oregon;fir!costs per cord because
the corn was the cheapest. He saw
Kansas farmers raising crops ofi
wheat, oats, corn, rye, barley.
broom corn, sorghum, cotton, hogs,
cattle, horses, everything, aud
then not realising enough to pay the
interest ou their mortgages, much
lest the principal. What wonder,
then,;tlmt Mr. Pcffur modified his
views! What wonder that in his
paper, the Karmt Jtowtw. he took
aides with the farmers and pleaded
their causet Who could blame him!
Rut the writer knows from personal
knowledge that Mr, rotter was hon
est in his views, both before and af
ter he left the Republican party
Even morei when he left tho party
there was not a man tn Kansas who
hud the remotest idea that the
(armors would ever carry the state.
No, not even! week before election
was there any doubt of Republican
success in Kansas. Why should
there have beenf With 83,000
Republican majority out of a total
vote of 300,000, how could there
have been! This great Republican
vote-thls "beastly 80,000 majority"
as it was facetiously termed was
perfect gaurantee that anyoue who
loft the Republican party must lose
all chauce of reward so far at pollt
ioal preferrment was concerned.
And if Mr. refler had desired
political honors, he could easily
have secured almost any office
within the gift of the Kansas Re
publicans simply for the asking.
Rut he was not seeking political ag
grandizement His only thought
was to do his utmost to better the
condition of the Kansas farmer.
And the honors he has received are
honesty's reward, and not the
price of treason to his party,
Hit devltnnU uf the put
daystmvs eouipteUly dlmlpted
Chlllau ww cltHiii. PrxKldtfiit Karri-
tu wut his ullltimtum to th Chlllsn
government on th ti iunUnt. Tn
allent points of that document wer
that t'tilll niunt tpokitflM aud mak
rtpsreUou for the wwaH on tint Mill
on of lh AmcrUwn hlp RlUaio
an Oi'Mrimh Uwt; that the iuaohmt
(similar of Kx-Ulninter Malta, of Chill,
to ChlUau niiulHtem abroad, whleh
took the l'uitd 8UU very wvnly to
Uk on seeming of our Kuvtmineut't
pwUUon on the vhl ChllUa contro-
vemy, uiunt he withdrawn and the Uu
guax db vowed with m tuuuh puhlk
ity m It wm elrcuUUHl, or dtploraaUv
relation would ; that V. & Mlula-
ter Kfc-aa't recall wilt not be cuntid
eid until thto matters are dtpoHl
of. It was thought very Improbable
that Chill would aeoriit the tortus of
this ultimatum, and the (net that every
point wa agreed to oeouiont no little
urpri). The reply of Hciior IVrelra,
the Chilian nihil tor of foreign affair,
I a long and plndldly-writtu doc
ument, and thre is s wplrit of falnte
and goodwill toward the United Stab
manifested throughout Urn ntlre doo-
utiHtat that I extrvruoly gratifying
to the HHtpl of thto country. It
Is clear aud unequivocal. The
Malta note, which has been on of the
moat aggravating fixture of the eon
troveny, ia wlthilrawn and apotogiMid
fur. St'iior Ieretra, peaklng for Chill,
ay hi gowruraut niont lnonily re
gret the ltaltimore outragn, and a an
llliMtration of the friendly frrllug of
Chili toward the Unltod Btatea, oRers
to refer the matter of the amount of
Indemnity to the United HUleaiuprem
court. In fact, the whole document U
Mtlnor, eonclllatory, aud frleudly,
that it must h ad to an aniluabio adjiut
ment of the whole matter.
Every young man or woman who
ha a dVairv for kaowledir ought hy ail
Dimiii to have an encyriopdia. The
Vxr Bids ('oiniiy 1 otlerlitg the
flntut work of thl kind ever printed a
a premium for auventy-flve (ulmcrllxtni.
It I the great Encyclopedia Brltan-
nl, which omt about f'iO, Every
conceivable tubject Is treated at kngth,
and the work 1 replete with map and
Nollne In hitniiir tlvrn u mil MnHim know.
In tliemMlvm indrhtiHl u. tti lui flrm uf
Iluntor ln'ke. Ui 11 mum mil lit oiiiw acid nM.
I If, Hither I'jf (iMh or niiUf. W cIcmw up our
bunlnmw, itnd llmmfurt dimiMid IiiibukIIhI
Mtllomt'iil. I J
Itiwaa Lova.
When not properly cared for, locs
Its lustre, become crUp, harsh, snd
dry, and fall out freely with every
combing, To prevent this, the bet
nnd niont popular dressing in the
market is Ayer't Hair Vigor. It
remove dandruff, heals troublesome
humors of the scalp, restores faded
and gray hair to Its original color,
and impsrts to it a silky texture
and a lasting fragrance. By using
this preparation, the poorest head
of hair toon
Becomes Luxuriant
and beautiful, All who have one tried
Ajrer'i tltlr VI(tor, want bo other drawing.
CJalbralth HUrk, DruxRlitt, Blwruii
ClroT, Ky.( writ i "We believe Ayer't
Hair Vigor to be the belt preparation of the
kind In the market, and icll more ol It thin
of all otlier. No drug iture li eomplet
without nupply of It." .
"I he tued Ayer'i Hair Vigor with
great benefit and know turenl other per
oni, between M and M yesrt of age, who
bare exporlenood similar good renultt from
tie uu of Uili preparation. It reatorei gray
hair to Iti orlglnitl eolor, promote! a new
growth, glrei Imtre to the hair, and oleaniei
the tnalp of dandruB." - Bernardo Ocuoa.
Madrid, Spain.
After Using
A number of other preparation without
any intlifaotory result, I And that Ayer'i
Ilulr Vigor l eulng my hair to grow."
A, J. Oiment, General Merchant, Indian
Head, N. W. T.
"Ayer'i Hair Vigor la the only prepara
tion I could ever find to remove dandruff,
cure Itching human, and prevent Ion of
hair. I can confidently recommend It,"
J. 0. Butler, Bpencer, Maaa.
"My Wife believes that the rnonnv imnt
for Ayer'i Hair Vigor waa the beat Invest-
ment ane ever made, It hat given her ao
much antUfnotlonjj'-Jainei A. Adama, St.
Auguatlne, Xexai.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
raPAiD bt
Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Uwell, Mast.
Bold by til Dniffglita and Parfumafi.
Puro Dlood
fa klwoliitvly neeeaaarf i rdr nkT P
twit hMalth. Hold a mrlll la Uw (real
piwnI purtSvr, nuirkly ootiquerUm aeruiuia,
Mil rhewm. and " InaWtoua waM
Wltlell attack U V,m and underwlM lb
tMiUt, H tla tMillda up lh hl ayateaa,
tare Syapepala and alvlt keatlMbe, aaS
verevwe UmI Urnl tUt i
Scrofula Sore.
My adopted boy, M I auSer4
terribly from icrurula sores en hi let,
whMi apmS UU they at on tiru formed
sua great sore trixa the vU of Ida teg up U
kl thigh, partially entered with eeeb, and
SlarhargMg wetlereonlluually. The inuaele
beeame eoatraeM that his log waa draws
up and he ewuld bantly walk. W tried
tmythlng we could hear of, without auenea
nlU we begft giving him tltwd'a Kriir
Mlla. In )ual t Monllt, ft be bad lake
Iwu-Uilrd of S bottle, lb urea entirely
Sealed, St teg tt pvfleetly lUalght and he
CJI Walk as WeU a Kve.
Bitod'i BaraapwIIU it the beat Rmliciu I
vet aaw tor aerofulotta bumor. It baa Sua
IUlWlrklrelhnatllltiUrlly., WlM.IMg
i tSON, loekaaie, MUam Ouuuty, Tea.
Hood's Saraaparillfli
IWdeyeneiisia. Histirefga. MvpandeMlf
by 0. 1 MOOO UO AwUiauis, Ueatt. Mask
IOO DoMi On Dollar
WD ,
la nt nwiwllr ta tl uiim 111 whirl! I but
trm la uHilwrly uaMt.bul pvrinMifuUy btit-
kin, and by lHy u iredtwlly niakM tlie
tttnipiesMin wtvrrni wniwr, MPi m.
taut iirtilfMn fnim ll eitiwU at "U autl
wlnd.aud prewnM auntiuru and fltvkl: and
blurbtiMdx will never mine while yott um it,
ttlHM the Am fur bottvr llin mu end
lr,,iimirl-llplHlliilllilullirl,m IMm,
and thus un-vtnu inerttmllii8 f wrinkia.
ItglvM tlirrelittM,tiMrtim, and iiukuIi,
nvMuf km llmt u hud whU a IHUe girl
Kvery laxly, yMitii rl4iiht kiuw It. n
glvrn e tMW jrwififtil pwriii l ldy,
and that pernianeaity, It nxitalna no anld,
pwdr,nnralkllt unit IwrtMlmu M dw,
and M nourublug to Ihv .iu ait dw U I,' lite
Soww, fruHi, at, i all drutu and Iilf
dnwrra, r at Mrm llvrvnU iiohiu eaialx
luiinmut, lilt W atrtl,Sn VmnrlMti. wlwre
alt troal Iwllo all bliiillM (lie ln
r flaunt, l4t41 at a duianm InwU'd bjr Ink
rt Mvnd (tamp Kir hot little buuk. "How tu
be llntuortll."
8amwMI f" )'
on rit ia Iw In ititti in (w)r r puainaw
and pack lug. ldy aaruU wnil.
Face Bleach
(urea Ute w,rt trf frnrkM. unburn
biuMa, Btulh Mitrhni, pim jiliw, and ell kin
MimiiIiIh. I'rlw,. l, o, llamilnM anil
twiive tin MMiipto mo tw vtit, I jtdy iwvuta
Tha Drufflit tn lh! hs who Dnl at
dera a bill uf my pnpral!"iia will ttavohta
nam addod h lb la drrtMntet, My prop
arntmna are r m! by li,,li druaguu iu
( ttmHtti and every eiiy ami tt.
Dealer let
Al, 0lr In
Lumber and Build
ing Material.
Have ba od all ever Ute fwlflo N,wihwwtt
Bit Ute paal laliiwn yn. Ham U.
lor. Kewaoauoit,
rnrnm Pure! Aw tmotnl Cnlwlixue hrm.
aaarna, iifctnini-. mta ituii rr.
natte ejia, ntwit
Mr. Jtnnl Johnton, Prop.
I. II. llw!iRt? fll
My nlnB.ll,lffw!l)BiMTiTf,iorciiro.nd K.
S.Oiugh eure.aadliwled fnrnride. They re
sktlal VrV fllil latflliU lnalltiiia(i(iilai i.t t lit.iv n.iuua
I nvnr timi uiiwium &tv m muni, rrht VHK HlIU
lUftl Market Kt.,Hi,
uo and learn huw wonUertulle
you are made and how to avoid
itkneas and diseases. Museum
enlarged with thousands of new
object. Admission as cts.
Private 'Om,,,, 9 II Oery Ml. Diseases of
ineniairkiture.lnasof maiili(Md,dlse..aof the
skin and kldnoya qulnklyennid without the
K'r! b,rmSUl ,m'ma"ilr nbt
Portland, Oresnn. A. P. Armttrona, Prln.
Branch krhiad : (UriT,i, ln, Oiixxiik, BhImii, Orraun,
karat ouurwa of ituily, miii tc at lultlou.
Jinslness, Mhorthanu,
iwi, unit KiflnA Drfarlmtnli
aerln stuwlon thrntiglumt ths VMr. fltuiii,ni uiiiiit.
kM at nj tln, tJaMlnsus fratu tltliar k IiikiI, (tn.
Null la hereliv arlvnn Hint I will mi.,,1
the tuxpnyera of J'olk muiuty, Orntnm, at
theusunl pltuie of voting In tliolr Mainwdve
Dreetnaut, mr mo purione or (uilliwtlng
,aratftir the year imil.ii ml will raiiiniti nt
sulci pliMMis from the himr nf 1(1 a, tn, until 4
p. m., at the following tlnitw una plitcun, to
Douglas, Wednenday. Folirnary 17, IHtU,
.iitriiHwi, j iiiirnntt'-, ronruttry in, tMtrf,
8ll liUk, Krlilay, Vtdiruary 111, lKlfi,
Hi I, lKlfJ,
Kola, TiKffirttiy, Kulirunry 113, lrliri,
Idxlo, Wednnulny, Kelmiary IH. 1S1I2,
Stiver, Thuradny, rnhruitry IB, ite.
lliiiuia Vlata, Friday, Kuliruitry !W, 1U.
IiidittiniidnntKi, Hiilui cliiy, Fitliruiirv U7, INIW,
IitinklatnuU). Monday, KobrimrV ill, I Htta.
Monmoulli, Tiitimlity, Mnri'li 1, IHW,
Hrldgeport, Weriiieaday, Mttrnh H, 1HU3,
Dul I uu, Thuradny, n, ntl,
w, u, WHM,H,
HlmrltTof Polk County, Or,
W, I
Dallas, Oregon, Jnn, US, 1HW,
Notice 1 hortiby trlvon tlint I will
not be rt.'HponBlliUi for any bill con.
traotwl by my liiiuliand, Juniiur Ken
nedy, from till (lute on.
IntlMiHindenoe. Oregon.
Januury 20, Wl
P. MB,
mm sv
A complete livery buolncoo
in Independence.
Everything is complete and in first-class
running order, and the business is good. The
location is the best in Polk county. If you
want a paying investment it will pay you to
For further particulars, call on or address,
F. B. LEWIS. Proprietor.
Dealer In
Highest market price paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal
pork, etc. All bills must be settled monthly.
Free delivery to all
Main street, -
Taylor cV Wilcox, Proprietors.
The Bakery
A 1U', Aprlwila, I'rat'lwH, Tottintoot, Corn,
Hjrtiji, Crui'kem, Itrvad, llmm, Cookie, I'kw,
Candy, Fltra, CotlVe, Ton, Kuptr, Uttlt, VliiBr,
BikIh, IU'iiiih, lVan, Stnrcli, Ttt)liM'ii, Htigii, Cuu
ot'iitniUHl Ley, lVuilinc, Oultl l)ut Haip, Itn),
Hhooii, llitiiw, lirt'itkfimt Itiu'oii, liollud Outs,
Flour, Cirtiliiini, wheat (loniia, rickek, Orongt e,
Lctiioim, Salmon, Corned liti'f, Luiiuti Totigue,
(Jlitiw C'liow, I'i'piK'r Btiuoo, Ctiliiiii), Milking
; Powtler, ('renin Tnrtnr, Extnutl, Sugar, lUtx),
(oiitleiiaed Milk, (iurdfu BtHnld, Cmuuorrloa,
Broom, Laiii)n,' TonmUwa, Twtixils, Dlnhtfi,
Qtiuuiiawan), Cottl Oil, Clgnm, Tubnooo, rototuea, ,
i , Tuuh, lluukelH, llrimlics, l!ukctH, Eggs, Itutlvr,
Hiilova, .Hurdluw, Mutehes, Ritlnlnti, Yciist, Ver
micelli, rruiieH, Dried IYucIicn, Lump C'ltlin
ueyn, Colored Hugur, Onions, CodflHh, Herring,
ClotheHplnn, and u tlioiiHiind other tiling tlint
you need.
Independence, Or.
parts of the city
Independence, Oregon.
J. F. O'Donnell ia now
located in his nev7 build
ing, opposite the Indepen
dence National Bank, and
will be pleased to welcome
all old as well as new cus
tomers to his elegant new
whJJm v LLU Vsli vL! U )
fife It :JJ; ; ' : AN0 '
jgzl m ( mmm
rv-irvr3 W to i Isitt s3Sf
My trk la now inure onnii.Wt lUu vr Mora. Htutll be pk-aed to hav
aJI tlie ruetnrueni of ibe ur eontluusi Irtadlnir, and bt to tnduw aiany to
lr4i who never did More. I n oouuevtioa wtU my iUrt to ft
Wlun Wxjm nnd ebotii mn be repadrvd or nianufrturel uudr Ui ninaueut .
of M.4.UAKK1L
lU'tneinU-r the niuiie iid pUm,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
T. W,
tuts ws ar to
I liave oo baud lrg kit pt cwoed (ooda Uiat will tm aold by Uia mm w
ebettp. Alto, lot of ry Am Umpt, that will bt aold ry oeau coat
Remember the old stand of J. D. I.
Tho public la mtpectfully lovitM to come and see tbe vonderfal
bnrinviim to lx hnd in holiday cwkIa. hoirv. umlorvmr dwu shirta
mHwm and Rlnglmtus, notions, tinware, glassware, and other article
too nunicrotu) to niention. 15o sure to Bee the immeuse
Now trootls are Ixdnff receivorl all t)m tl ItlA WA Will BtklaK ejtMN ar
a to 50 per cent on every purchase.
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
l SlfflRUEflUD & CO
Daaltra In
and Vehicles of
TV a tnnl a ii.. . -
ot tbe ntiblio patronage, ud ,IBPlen",Bt dwtlera. We iurita ahare
W. J. CAMPRFI I nnr.o
Clodfelter Building, Cor. C and Main sts.,
all m.iw or
J. D. tnie,
Second door from First National
all kinds.