THE WEST SIDE. ISMKtt V Vest tide Publishing Company FRIDAY, JAN UAUY 22, Dims 8mil.,Tlwni will I dime social at Mr. A. J. Utstdmsn's M dene. IWlwf wnliw.Jim. ! Every body Invited., A Hsit lunch will t served. I.wt.-A black fur iutr I'"' thaaUiitf road to (talent, between llldo- netutetiee and about three mile below, ahotit two week atro. Tho finder will I MuttMttly rewarded by leftvlim the asm lit the W Tj,lt,l,';,v' CVMiKn.-Khnwluiv In our column will be seen au extract from liwt Huu day' OnwwMttN In reference to ft com- imny of ftrUaUltml will, lu all proba bility, I lu Independence wlthlu the next ten day. Vt hlnjt, lu ' w cult work, 1 sold to rival W, trvli Bishop, nnd lu some respect It W said that Kin 'U itlsltott. ir u pany show here, the Waist Kt will give full lrtleutarncxt wcc. Tn8TKAVKKa. Hie "Mauptittllla" l now plying tlnity Mwwn!ttleui and Bucna Vint. This bout lake down raft of hit every morn Inn ami return with frvlirht 'd paasciiKcr lu the evening. Captain IK K. Wand ll to Wast Hai reporter thw week that the bntt would I here for atut two mouth KxeurslooUt would do writ to uw ttil steamer, when they de sire to make day 'a trip to the capital dty. ' ' Ha I.wt VA-M0r M. I, White unit family have moved to lortland The people of Imlepeudcue regret thHr ttoiurturi The Major wu the Jeweler In IVIteram'a drtiji store. Wc wish Bro. White and family the sreat est mi, t'ut after ono h become so familiar and highly rvstsvted a wa Air. White, It 1 uo small matter to (jet up and leave a place, We have no doubt tlmt Mr. White and family will find iimny uew friends, hut they never will he Wtor thuu the old una. A uumlwr of friend nceuniivuik-d thvm to lh txnit to lid iht tn f ir, NKW I)Kll KMHK.J. II. MX' tndor, formerly ft iurrbnt f Hn Vlittft, will oh n now drug lof In Monutouih. Tho rout met litw bvii ht for tlio iit'W hulldlnir. and ht wtut to .t'ortlmid jvtnln.v to pur- ehami hi toik of dru. Mr. Ah ndor htw t!o npotluttsl with tto- Wkkt tiK Company t print hi full lln of UtU U, ud UtUuiery of all kluiK nrythlug piaupMi?, Uln lu hl buKlitf. Wo wlidt Uio grt'ftit uovm may attvnd thk now tutor iurl. and It will, a Harlcy know bualnnw. A Tekriblk Aix'inMT. A tial train, earryiug tho Andrvwa Optra (xtipany from Wtt Htipfrir to Oram) Fork, Mlun., waa draild noar llralnard. oil the Northern IaoilU. arly Friday morning. Tlio cngluv and hKKa)t ar paimil over In itofi'ty, but the aleeplug far waa derailed. It toppled, breaking liaa from Hie train, and went down an embankment live feet high, lying ou ll aide, ami a OOll ftlVli)Kl In ltiuiov Alt t'1IJll with their Uvea, but wiih m riima in jury, except Mr. Edward Audrewaand Lillle, who were burned to death, and aome of the company were m badly burued that they are uol es'iectcd to live. Ax iMTKKtSTiJtu Mkktixu There waa a,n unuoually larKv atteudnuce at the ituxlnil and Literary miciety laat Friday evenlnK,umny havtugloatnud. The meeting wu oenel allli a cuupte of at))( from (hI Hymn No. fi, an I the recitatiuim, aoloa, duet, and ipmr tettea, were all excellently n'tulerel. An applause of appreciation went through the audience when President Campbell, of the Normal whool of Monmouth, waa imrialuml a the peaker of the evening. The auhject of Ilia addnaa, waa "1'oi la ftudl'wtry of Euglaud." lie aaid there were always twothlnpinmiwiary In the ciupltl)n of poetry the thought and the 1I11M1 aome ptx'ta. timklng the thought more promlucut lu their work and other the fluUti. Ho ke princi pally of Alfred Tennyaon and hi work, prominent among widiii waa'Trlnctiaa Ida." of which he gave a very graphic anal Interesting description, iimklng Oioat emphatic the beautiful l!nili of tboK'm. llenlw gnve a hort o graphical akeltdi of the author, which waa much appreciated. After the ad dren, tlie prcldcnt of the noddy made few rvmnrk. and idd tliut tlic a'lty would give another public meeting Friday evening, January , MnniMoiilb l.aitU, Saturday, the Kitli, we vlallod tlic meeting of the Loyal Temperance Le gion of Monmouth. Twenty member of tliclJx'glon Were prewnt, lanldca vln Itom, It wuoMiifd by Hinging a benu tlful ong coiniiieiicing with tlic lines; "What children can do." Their ding ing wu cheering and Inspiriting, and wc could but tnlnk of tlic future of the youth there oKMcmhh'd. A inutlful banner wn hung on the wall, with tin Inscription upon it: "Co. I!., L. T. I Temperance and Truth. I'urlly " Theiilgniflcance of tliono word contain much food for rcHcctlon. Mm. II. A. Elklna I superintendent of thi Legion, and ohe tithes much Intercut In its mem bership. The children repented the pledge In our presence, and we urged them to remain fulthful to It, ami to live life of temperance and purity. We wish this society Joy In their asso ciations, aud may perseverutiee In the good cause bo their motto. Friend of the cause af temperance should meet with these young people and give them all possible encouragement. Uod bless the youths of the Loyal Legion, J'rof, Itork, who was advertised to leak to the citizens of Monmouth, ("Saturday, the Will, on "Alliance" mat ters, failed to make his np'arance, to the disappointment of those wishing to hear him. He gained do popularity by falling to appear. Don't experiment with your health. You may be wire of the quality of your medicine, even if you have to take much of your food upon trust. Ack your druggist for Ayer' Hiirsaparllla, and no other. It is the standard blood purlflcr, the most effective andecouom-11, LOCALS. Itcad K. AiisMne'a auction ad, ou the editorial page tkl Week. 1 grlpiH' aecnm to liqutt prevulettt lu this vicinity at prwnl. The hum oflho saw of Prm-oll Yeliesa'aaawmill I, hetl tlAtiV!niUt the city this wevk.X , Th themrt of Uv, Poll ug In next umlaj" mornlug'a dtHHiaabm, will be, "Charity." l!ev, C. I'towitintt has ooiiuuetid ft protracted mivmtg at iwu i.a iii low ever ue ruooar, Hvavcrud A Co, begin tin pubilca - tlon of a display ad. ItUhla lue. To be up with the time you sltouid hm it The 8. P, company la putting In a switch connect In the IudewudenV and Moumotilh motor Hue with their roail, ; There will U m-rvlco lu the Chris. tian churh ou Huuday inorulug and evening, conducted ty Hvv, l. V, Pol tug. hpeclul nisulc by choir. ThcmcuiUunof the Kvaniiellcul choir will met fr practice at Mr Wllltiuns's ou r-aiuniav eveuiug, Jan. i, at S p. m. Im: every member be present, The Literary and Musical Koclety will meet to night fcr practice. Every mcmlwr should be there. Next Friday ulght another pnbllo mwling llltc given, Ewrytssly iuviled. There arc mo Fatem mv in lu dependence tiit wvk, who are Imiklug for A ImwlUm to can't an organ factory We hone our cltlnvua will be ou the alert and sccuie Its ligation here. Next wwk we will print the tahlreas of France IC. W UUnt before the eluhiecnth lint lotml atol first wttrld's CimveiKlou, held In Ibwlou, MiM We print theaddrw a the request of the prealdeut of the W, C. T. U. '-f thUcity. HiuJannn McCain, of McMlnnvllle; C. Wolvcrtou, of Albany; J. J. Isiiy, cf iliio; and N.L.llutler, of Monmouth! are lu town this week taking testimony lafore Hon.W. K.Mcl'adilcH, o, Coral lis, lu the lU-uttey.IliPwhls rg cams Ail who are troubled with eonili Hurt will tltul a safe, sure, and svdy relief In Aier'a I'lIK' Vtdikc noi other cathartic, theav pllla streiigtheu Ihe stomach, liver, and bowels, and r'ton the organ l normal and r-gu-lar action. Mr. F. W. Allen, of port land, will be In Itub'l n ! next Weilormlay at ;!:$) o'clock in the CliriUn church, to talk to the kdi of lsid pendent lu rcfereine tu the Ktcat Colunii-ian Ex tuition, l't all tle ldUiuieand (urn out, and hear what this ditlu gulohctl lady htw t aay. C. A Miller, of Ulcbrcall, callnl on u Moudnc. and rnaMirvd a couple of copies of our holiday t'r to nd KmI. He Sttbl he had n-cWved a letter from Kiinh lHtila ltnUiitng alxut Polls county, and thought the let way to answer the question a by aeiidlng Ihe holiday lia of the Wwr Hh-k. The twelve-Inch br .-ch loadlng rillc ftr the Monterey, has arrivHl In Chi cago, having Is-eu hlpd front the Washington gun foundry a few days ago. 'J ul la tlie tirsi fiuiiM " cauoiv etatiplwted by the navy, and the heav- lit piece of ordnance ever lraurted ftepMM theeoiitiuetit, IU weight Wng lilt.S'KI situid. Mrs. Anna Itlgir very tmieh desire the young jK-opleof Independence to t preMMitat the CtirUtinn ctiureh next Wwlnesthiy evening at "liUo'elm K to hear what she ha to y lu referentv to organising ft Young Women' W. C.T. t. In ibis pliuv. Let everyone go, but w'elidly the young pl We ls-.pek for Mr. Itlifg a g- d audience next Wednesday evening, to encour age her iu Iter noble work. We have a few eopl of our holiday Issue still on hand. One copy of It sent Eut I worth a hundred letter, so fur a inducing liiniilurntk'n Is tiunvrncd, ud If yiu have friends and relatives In the Fast scud ft copy f the holiday Issue of the WttT Hll to thctu by all means, We will send them to any ad dress you give, and pay the postmreour selves, for A cents per copy. K ud us a list of five or ten names, and let's get people here until every foot of available land Is utilized. Polk county can cosily support four times Its present population. "In buying a cough medicine for children," say. H. A. Walker, a prniu Inent druggist of Ogik-n, I'lah, "never lw afraid to buy Clmmls rliiln's Cough Heiuedy, There 1 no danger from It, and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chanils'riaiu' Isiiiuso I have found It lobe safe nun reliable. Fifty-ecul bottle for sate by nil medicine denier. " W hat do I get if I get n club of one?" will l asked. For one new huIumtIIht we will send free for one year two far mers' paper: The American Farmer, published nt Hpllnglleld, Ohio, ami the Rural Nortbwrst, published ttl Port land. We send both, wier, postage free, to any inldressyou designate, for one new subscriber to the Wwr Hikk at the regular price of i(Kt per year. Mr. C. V. liii'd, proprietor of Ihe Hotel iHlloue, Onialia, one of the 11 nest new and modern lintel In the west, siiysoft'liaui'sTlaln's Cough Remedy! "We have used It In our family for year with the mot satisfactory results, especially for our children fur wild and croup. It can bo depended upon; beside, It I pleioumt to take, and seem to bo free from chloroform and the oily substance put Into many cough mix tures," Fifty-cent and one-dollar bot tle for sale by all medicine dealers. Programme, of Teacher' Association to lie held lu Monmouth, Jauuury ,'10, 18i; " , Opening address. Prof. H, L, Murphy, Music, by public schisil. Bchool apparatus needed," and how to proctiro It, by Prof. Reynolds. Recitation, from public school, Music, O lee club. Intermission. Music, by public school. Drawing: how to teach, and with what end In vluw, by Miss Lcuu Butler. Recitation, from public school, Arithmetic! what portion of time shyuld bo given It, and what parts especially dwelt upon, Prof, J, W. Kiel!, of Dallas. Duct, by Rev, and Mrs, Poling. Question box prepared for miscella neous discussion, Lena G. Uutj.kb, Mcorelary. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Wwim-ott k Irwin 271 Coiumeai'lul street, Salem, supply their tublea with the beat lu the market. Meat, ' teiila. No until at all reached Ihteuft Vista lnJ rjid unlay, and last week's list of WtwtHiUK'a Have in )' iwu re wived. There U certainly rv tsuea aomewhere. ; Did you ever taeli n'hiKil? K j ou ever did. you know the vslue of a Hot elie dictionary, Any teaeher can get Woreoater'a uuubild'd, now the lead lug dictionary of the English language, by sending u a club of only twenty ifin,, Vwir pupils gel tliem and VOU timv wild them III OIIB at ft . mi. If yim want to, until July 1st. Every young man or woman who has desire far knowledge ought by all moan (ij have an encyclopedia. The Wicat Hum Company I ottering the tluiwt work of tbi kind wer priutrd a ft premium for seVeuty llve uhcr!Ur, It Is the great Encyclopedia Hrilutv nion, which WHt almut li'si. Every coms'lvalile ubjd't I trenlil at length, and the work I replete w ith map and engraving. Everyone h u Chiinils'in' Eney 1'lopie.llii, 1( 1 admitted by all to rank next to Ihe Itrltannlca. We boiai to some ymug lady or geutiemuit win this prUe. Hupw you want to know the origin of Halloween, or nad the hUtory of yellow fever, or to become eonverinl with the history of the tar- ItVj when cati you tlnd every lomgtiut tde aubjeet so fttlly treated? Fifty suit- Hritar arehll that are uecewiuv Toe philtws'phy cluw of the Normal wlosj vtltd our elei'trlc llght plant last Friday evening to get ft lesson In the si'lence of the generation of elec tricity, Hlnee the company have got ten located In their new tpmrtera, they have received considerable attention from the public, as It Is quite it sight to them make the light for our city, It I undoubtedly una of tlie la-l plants In the slate, Au exchange iy: "It aiw an Ore ijiiii Jn-tlt-e of Ihe w"C who wmtetieial a msti to the penitentiary; aiiothci who got Into rw with iili;lils,r while killing hog and Hoed biui for eon tempt of court, and au Oirgnti Judge lnsep'n apsilutmeul us consul to the Houdwleh Islands niouoUd hi old horse and tartel out for Id t of duty, having lo.irmd that Honolulu wo Just licyond Callfornl. And It was an On-got) htrtrt' a ho allowed hi prltsiucrcouvieted of murder, to go home and put in bl ero. Irusllng to hW honor to show up on the day of ex ft utlou. And the loan Imogvd, ti," M. Hvarverud A Co. have Jni iqu'tied a bard ware store lu the build ing recently Vacated by J F O'lloilliell. Mr, Ciiiiuts?il, niatisiter of the lode- isoidt nee house, ufriu u that they ill ctrry a stm'k swiid to none, Thi linn 1 already well known In Polk eoouty, having Uen lu theagrteultural ituptement busiuesalu lljsctty Ar wuiie time. Their trad lu hupiemcut lu the pant h Iweu very M(lon tiy,ainl Messix Hvarverud A Co. lutein! to their sales In that branch of their bulue and bImi to secure ft fair share of the general hardware trade of 1' county, if fair dellutaud honest good arc ctihshlered by buyer. No healthy jarou need ft-ar any dangerous eou pieiiees fhuil an atlat k of k grlp If properly (rented. It l much the same a a severe eld and rw- qulre pnel,-ly the sailH' trcalineot. I U-urn! n quietly at home and lake t'tiniolsTlalu' Cough Retmsly a di rected for a vere cold, and a prompt and eiuuplele recovery Is tore to follow, Thl remedy also counteract any ten dency of la grip- In result in pneumo nia. Among in,, many thousand who have ucd it during the epidemic of the ptut two jenr. we have yet lolearn of a single ojmw that ho Hot recovered, or that ha rcultel In pneumonia Fifty cent bottle for mil by all medl clmrdi-oler The lemM-rHls of Mnnuiouth met Monday evening for the purpose of or giiul.lng a Is'iiio riitle ,'luli. A tem js,rary orgnuintlon wa vffceled. Judge Ira F M. Itullrr was elected chulrmnn, ami W. A. Wun it, secretary. The club will tmt In the building Hotunlay evening, January ld, to perhs-t lis orgiiU itloo. All IH-uiis'rats are Invited tocomoaiid take jiurt In organizing the club Tho mil al present I a follow: (IT IWdhby, J II V Roller, O F Waller, F It Xeal, W A Mishead, John K Miller, J J ltucl, Jiiiimm Tiitom, Ira V M Jtutlcr, It T iMHithby, J M Wood, J O Holt, R E Hiu lib, J If Mulkey, W A Waim, M O Hawkins, W H Powell, W W Cur tls, N H Ilutler, C Uwreiiee, F Y Mul key, TO Waller, C P Jordan, A L Hta. ks, C C Hull', M K Weatlicrford, H V Turubow, John Jordan, J C Haney, Joseph Craven, J H Mulkey, V J Mul key, ! K Crowley, N I. Ruiler, II J IStltler. A Million lrl.11,1.. A friend in need 18 friend Indeed, and not less than one million people have found Just such n friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Coumiuii tlitu, Cpughs, and Colil.lf you have never used I hi Great Cough Medicine, one trial will coiwlnceyoii tlutt ll has wounilei'ful curative power In till diseases of Throat, ('11111 and Lung..' Each bottle Is guaranteed to do nil thnt Is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial Iioltlea free at any Drug store, Lurgu liottlcs 50u. and (l,mi, A pronounced vein of humor must have rim through tho curate who said to hi flock: "I fear, when I ex plained to you In my last charity ser mon tlmt philanthropy was the love of our species, you must have understood mo to say 'ss)clo,' which may account for tho slimline of tho collection, I hope you will prove hy your present contribution that you no longer labor under tho mime mWiiku." Leap year usually occurs every fourth ycarf but not always. For tho lieiicllt of the young ladles we might aUito tliut eight years from now will not bo leap year. A day Is added to Feb. ruaryon account of theexcess of the civil ycar(:i(IO d,, fi h., 4H in., 411.7 sec.) above .WiiluyN. Itut one day added every four y ea' s Is ei ul valcn t to si x hou rs each year winch Is 11 in., 10,11 sen, too much, or mom than 5 h., I8 in,, 40 7 sec. tho ox new of I ho real year, 1 fence tit tho end of every century divisible by 400, it Is necessary to retain tho bissextile day and to suppress It at the end of those i centuries which aro not dl visible by 4f)0, PtR90NALMKNTION. Mr. Ed Ikive lost ft flue two-year old mil till week, Zed Ilesendorf made ft Hying trip to Portland thl week. We are sorry to any that Mr, N. 0, Clodfcltcr I quite sick thl week. F. Austins In In Portland thl week buying gisst for the spring trade, Mm, Ilutler, of Albany; 1 visiting her daughter, Mr. J. F. O'lsinnell thl wwk. iHivetlelwIek tiaik Tuesday' north bound train for Colfax, Woh.( where hexeiio locate. Mr, Roblusoti was on Ihe sick list the hitler part of last week and lbs first of thl, but liU'tler now, J. W. Ferguson ha the grlpi In dead vanicat. He wu coiiflurd to hi l'd n part of the wwk. !ohod Hup'tW.J. Reynold, or lal. la, was In town Wednesday, In the he lereat of some school mailers, Mr. J, A. Wheeler l a been quite sick with la grip;, hut, we are pleased to state, I convalescent at present tlraudnm Irvine, who went to Mo- Mlntivilteft few week ago Ul S'lid the winter, Muruml to lndeHiuleuie ft few day ago, (). A. Kramer moved Into til new cottage last week It I nut yet fully completed, but will be ft sill the weather will rmlt, Mis Little Rutk r took the printer' veil lu (hi office last Monday, mill ! ready she ay "she la sorry she learned the printer' trade." We are glad to note that II, M. lJne Esq., who ha been sick fur soma three week, I now Improving, W hope to we hi familiar face on the streets again iu. . M.wsr. W. Ws William, E, K. Kwnglc, and T. F'cnnell, went to Ore gon Ciiy last Monday, to prove up ou nine land claim they had taken up Usii the Lueklamute, Mr, Frank Hhanuleftud wife Miirnetl b ludeicrtdntKH from Portland, lat Friday, to remain during the winter. Mr Hhaitgle say she inil'h prefer uir growing little dty of I nlcndeiie t Ihe great, mtrosll of tlw liorlh west. J, F. O'lMmel! k ft, via Halem, ! Monday ntorulug, for Portland, to re- niiiin adnyor two on lU"lin 'rheine be will goto Clieuvy, Wah, In ksik after sonic business there, and he will not return until iilsait the middle of next week, F M. (ialc, who left I ndes'udence lat fall lu ereh of Utter eountry, it turned yeatculay. After visiting Call fornl, iMkota, and several utherntale, he ty that Oregon 1 the l, audi lrfiiily Nitislted to remain lu Ihe WU tatnelte Valley. M. L. ThouipMi, of Oreenvllle, Mlelilgiiu, arrival In Imteiviidetice Ihe latter pnrt f lust week, and I the guest of (). A. Kramer and wife, lie I a flrst-cUi druggist, nod If writable po sition mil be found ltd will locate lu Oregon, a he ia very much phased with the country and ellmate so far, MS. frnm I IllMrnla, Ham Fai immi, Jan, fi, F'iutou VtT piiK! How gladly I welcome your good little paper each wwk, you can never umkrtaud, a It miiii to recall iiieinurhsi of the past, and give kindly Information of mauy lu whom I feel tniereated, Then there 1 ft Jolty tone -rvading 11, which make u think life Is worth living, and tlmt we may "latighand grow fat." I am glad to know that there lis been lllsjiat aker In !odea-iiilcnce, also a good test luislluui. It la high time that Ihe seals fell from the eye of the bigoted, ami that th-lrearwvrcfl'ucd to vgce from tlie Ureal Reyoud. Mr. Hushuell ami I were Invited I y Colonel and Mr. Hlveu to their luai.- nilleent home, at Llvtngstnue, III! tulle from here, to tul New Year's day. We arose early to catch the inoru lug train, and had ft delightful trip, free of exieie. We crossed four bridge, over the Han Joaquin, Htaul lail, Tuolumne, and Mcrocd rivers, and the scenery was flue. When the trail) arrived, the carriage, with elegant fur ml, awulted us, ami we were whirled otf lu it Jiffy, and were met by our hoit, hotto, and daughter, ou the sti i, who heartily welcomed ti to (heir domicile. After we hod removed our outside garment, we were ushered Into spacious dining-room, whew the appetlJng mlors arising from the roast turkey and other delicious condiment assured u that the comfort hud not been forgotten, and a we were hungry after our long rldo ami early rising, we lid full Justice to the delicacies set Is- fore u. In Ihe evening about twenty (Uncouple wssvuibll'd In tliclc ilimeiiig bnll III tlic basenieiifi ahd tripped the light fanfiwtlo bK uitll 1iree o'cl-iok a, m., uild tlieii left i llh regret, -'' Cob oilelaiid Mrs, lllcvii N k'l'g louu order calle.1 tlic "Huu AhKH order tf Jlirtlt." iiniJbavo,6lie MrgvJonnt' set asbh-l lor suanet!." i ue corji nnu,uinrte' fui'nlturs!iadc4,'" rfi-aiU'tKn, nnd -curtains, tlie pure whlt jivltlVjiJIItlo (MP 0to blue on tliut able citrf(ud large lamp shade. )il ciitcmng IlilsNipiirK mcnt a feeling awe raiuA nr Hue, ks i bd never before Hocn anything of thc kind, but after honing tho invoca tion, I felt nothing but plensum, and enjoyed the word of wisdom which fell from tho lips of some of the R'uk- era. My visit to lilts lovely uinxlo will not oon be forgotten, for violet and other lovely (lower were In bloom lu the garden, making one oblivion to the fact there Is such a thing a frost or mow. I um so delighted with Huu Francisco that I think I shall prolong my stay hero. Last evening Mr, Wm. Emmctto Colcmnii, one of the greatest savants and writura of tho age, spent the evening here with his fiicmls, and wns introduced to me, I feci proud to meet men of his caliber, iisono can gain knowledge from thcin. I wish a happy New Year to all your milwu'llicix, and liopo they will dully increase In num ber, to that your purse may become plothorlu, Your faithfully, Marian K. La Ranhihur , NOTK'R, Inukpkmiionoh, On., Jan, 0, 1802. Notice to everybody that owes J. J). rrvluc a grocery bill. Please call nt tho IndoiHUiiluuco National bank and settle the samo within the next, thirty days. 1 have sold out and nut very anxious to close up my books. I moan business. Yours truly, J. D, Irvine. W. V. T, II. irfM, lllf Ms, ft. A Ahsiss.l Mr. F W. Allen, or Portland, one of Oregon' lady coiunilloiiei for the CnhiiuUmi Fxisislihiu, to be held lu Chicago, It) l'fl; nlso Mr. A II. Rigg, state president of the W. (', T. I'., aUerimle of the exissiltlon will accompany Mrs. Allen on visit to Monmouth, and will meet the ladle of thw town and vicinity In the Interest of tin Columbian l'.pdilon, lu the Christian church nt iM i. in., for the pursw ofhilerestlng the ladle In the great Xsis)tloii, ud fo forming ft local amiety of the lady manageri All the won icu of the community ate cordially Invite,! to attend, mid hear w hat these Iodic have to say, The occasion will l one of lutirest. Miw, lllgg wishes t iutstiill, ei- clully the young ladle and gentlemen, at 7 ii. ui. sain day mid nlace, lu the Interest oftlie Young Wt. men's Chris- (Ian Teiuiwratice Assncluiiou, (I. H. caver, after forty years" hilmr in i ne i nrisiiuu nuuisiry, w riu inns In the I iitim Miwit eoni-crulng wo limn' work: "No nival and iil work of moral ami reliulou nature is done liy iiuui alone, and dune a well a It ought to t. Men are not eumii to the evangelical work Ihu world lieida. Woman w llio last llliule, and made a the eniupleuient of man with quicker ami atmugvr evangelical sensibilities, With euual opporlmilllis. Woman I tint Is'tter evaliiielist. "Tim great mistake of the ago Is that the woi Id lia Mcen irvlnu to ! saved by inell ulnlio. '1 tin woman ele ment, and iwer,auil work, are needed a much In the ehuivb bona, as die domewtic home; a much In evangelical worn, a in iiimiiosiiu worx. "Hince the lairtt oiatued the great modern crusade against liquor, by call ing womaii to work In her own way. there In, Usui more eltoct uol work done fur temis-rauce, than lu all the ucs lMnrw, r.lghttsui year of womau III (hi work, ha Ueu Worth more than all lime ts'fore w Ithout her. Tlie world never saw sin h au nwakcniua a we now have ou I lie sulijtvl of umsr. nee, and pmiiliiitlMii, and wc all cheerfully confess that weftwu lli liirlly lu woman. Men work ts tirr and are worth umre with women by their side Our teuiHrauee men w ere never so bruad, tlirti't, and werfut, a now that lliey are quickened by woman cooxrnliuu, "Mum womau ha enteOMl into liter ature, It ha greatly Improved. More (Miiu bs tss'ome a leat her, clue tlou tuts rapidly ademn.,, and the school lis beiiaoe Ihe third estate of tlie world. "Men hve been running (heir gov ernment without women, and lliey Oieutselve wdiuit that tbey are full of (dumb-ring, weaknews ami corruption. U t womau lu, i;!i brisim and duster, mop and illli'li,ti, and lti house of; sllt would la a ch atter plats In a altort lline." Jjwl Hatimlay, the Loyal Iagloit were ftmiuliling lu the church at Monmouth, Wi plwu Hlaat walktsl lu, Uik hi ( al the (aide, and so meius'd w riting. S,miu found out ,e was htklng note or tile W Ml' illK and now for fear he will ts- tst nitHlest to tell II hiilM'lf, we want to tell (he rend ers of 1 1 b- Wir HuK (bat he made a MihmI httl lein.mii(V ssrch 10 the U and girt. Mauy tlmnks, Mr. Maul, ('omeagaiii. fX MMOMIM. In the city of Halem, ouihe Hth day of January, S2, as "Morn, waked by the circling hours, with rosy hands un barred Ihe gale of light," ihe beautiful spirit of Mr. Muttlo Hmlth, wife of Dr. J. N. Huilth, Journeyed on and pasmsl the istrtaU of life. Although lu the early hlouiuniul fu I lues, of w miuuiiIhkkI, she fulfilled every duty, and was ready (o take ber itepitrtore. Earnest, sincere, loving, and lovable; xt-almis, In telligent, and thought Ail, she garnered with busy hand the full brief uinmcr of her life lu the heart wfatMiiislwnd, father, mother, brothers, sister, and i frletidi,-gissl il.sils, kind wonl, sweet iiiemorlcx, thought "that Into glory ep," and lmMrlshable love for her elf. With her the key of life w not, Iwll ;bu', I ihu t-l must mtit;tid, I do It. How well she did it, oh, htt bNiid, father, mother, brother, ulsters, and f i lends, your love for her can alone answer. A one "w ho garner quietly and slugs song (but all the hushed with music thrlllj," In her work she glory lied the common ollltv and duties of life, ihe grandest pct of woman's work III this world. Her sweet prvseoee wa the chief eharm of her home, and her hu-liiiiid and home were lint chief de light of her heart. To him she was nil ol t ruth, ts-auty, ami love, and for him earth' lost aradls w restored lit Ihe green Isiwcr of tln-lr home. Many lsnutiml imliitliurs, the work of Iter own hiilids, declare (lie lolly puiitv of her soul and (hat nature was wltli her In every charm supremo. With this noble woman then was a pleasure lu the pathless woods: there was a rap More on the lonely shore; there wtts so ciety wiiere none intrude tiy tlie deep sea and music lu ita mar. Her gentle niitiire found sweet coitiaiilushlp with (lie llswersof the gulden; of them and with tlicui she talked a wit It fa miliar friend. Willi tender and loving solicitude' she watched (heir growth, ami their fragrance and lawny lilled and adorned Iter homo. !( u believe lhat she now walks In their midst, and that her gentle bauds lire gathering Mower of immortal blisau fast-liy tlie throne of Uod. Uiaalhve. dear mo'ther; your ineniory Is einlMiiined In our heart. The bright messenger that railed you hence hath left the precious yrouilsti tliut wc, too, shall soon lie culled. Yes, darling, A liil' will I IhhiI, l,'p nur liolil, Oiiiiwii in ivave lline Ui tlie Ueowr ntsl, the iiler fnlili Tji Jiij IniiiHirtal; Jfouth while we rnw old, "Hhc was his life, tho ocean to the river of his thought," - - -- MIliil-llrHilhiK anil Miinle, Thei'titsrtuliiuicnt by the Carl King combination hist Thursday evening wu beyond all question one of the most unique and clever ever seen In this city, Consisting, a It did, of feats of thought reading by Cart King, t ho mlnd-rcudcr. and musical selections Icy thttcclebraloil Hptinlsli Troubadours, headed by the r icu t luaudolli) artist, lion Jose Ram Ire. There waa at every point some thing to uiiuihc, entertain or Interest the lurgo audience. The trtmiim ha ou several occasions snoken In glowing tonus of the wonderful faculty possessed hy Mr. King. He 1 simply a marvel. The liglitulng-lllto rapidity with which he perforins his various feats. Booming to catch tho thought of his suhjeui al most before it 1 thoroughly formed lu tha latter' mind, iHlmjly astonishing. He gave the plu test ilndlug a pin hidden In an obscure place, and, blind folded, placing It lu tho hole from which It had been taken, with all case imagin able. Articles woro collected from a number of person lu tho audience,, and Mr. King, blindfolded, found them and returned them to tho owners, Not tho least enjoyable feature of tho enterlalnniciit was the delight ful iiiiinilolln in id guitar playing of Eon Jose Riimlrcx and the Spanish troubadour, from Madrid! Mr. Rum- Irex Is I lie champion niando- ltnisMil the world, unit thu cuso with wlilcli he play the tnost dltllcult oper atic sclootions. which are attempted iiy no other artist on the mandolin, stainim him as the king of artists lu his line. Mtutny uregomnn, MAllltA(,K or (ikIIHliK f KOH4I. M Wu AeMlil hf M'lrs, soil rlsd J.l Klghl, tt M There I ft romance connected with the marriage of ( leorgc Hi mug, baker of Initi peloletii', which waa solemn lyicdhy the Ib'V, N. FIiiipp, of Fist portlimd, last evening, On the I'.tliday of last lkietiilier, W, II. Hawlcy, ft banker of 1 uli.mdenee, caaiially reumrki d toHtroug: "I would Ilka to st you get insrrled. If you will get married, I will buy you ft ' suit." "How tsain will I have to got mar ried lu order to gel Ihe will?" ftkd Ht mug. "In month," was the reply. "Can't you give me few day long er?" fked Htroiig, who was Isglunlng toeonnlder the proHMltlou with an eye toliUslues. Hut Hawlcy would not extend the time, ami all bough pracliml banker, he would not even allow Htroiig the usual throe day of grace. "Roy, you have ail heard Ihe agree- itM'iit," said Htmng, turning to aeveral frlciiils, w ho wcrelislcuiug to the con versation, "and In case I get married Inside of a mouth. I w ant that suit of elothc," All considered the proposithui In the light or ft Joke, mid thought nothing more uhout the matter, hut Htroiig fisilid them all. Like ft great many other young men who leave the East to s'k their for tune out III the West, Wrong left sweetheart at home, fur whom he still had tender feeling that neither time nor distance could obliterate. Hbe lived In New York, lis wnrte her ft litter the following day. making formal proHisnl of marriage, with In struction U answer by wire nt once, He also Inclosed it draft with which to buy a ticket to Portland and lefray other Incidental traveling ex- Sllc, In cose her heart was still In the right place. The answer came back, " ." The brhh-clcet arrived Wednesday evening, and lost night h was made Mr. Htroiig, Htroiig' month will I up to-day, o he I one day obetnl of time, ami ho well curneil the f-VI suit be wu promlm'd a mouth ago. Ore ijtmlun, Jumumj , The htppy rwiple arrived In inde pendence on hist Frlilay' train, and are for the prewmt stopping at D. II. Tay lor's, the groom's fonner Issinllng place. They will, however, go to housekeeping In the near future. The bride expniw herself as being very well phased with our little city, nnd, although it will not compare with Rnsiklyu, her former home, In lnt of population, yet, for natural beauty ami equable climate, It exceed anything in New York. The WmstHU'K extend heartiest congratulation, nd wUhc that (heir voyage over life' ea may Is? without ripple. ii, v not ii r That ist organ, w e mean. We ex pect to give R to some church society, you know, and most any one of them can get IU Why, there are several churcbe In Polk county thai can get the requisite nuuiis'r of sultscrils-rs w ithout going outside of their organ isation, Oct the children out, and M M m help. Just think, dear readers, bow much easier and quicker It I. to get a beautiful organ lu thl way than by taking up collection and giving en terttillililelits. Rut VOU Heed not stop (he collection and entcrtalimieut. You w ill have Just that much mote money left for other purpose. Re mcmlH'r, thl I actually ihe very finest oigwn that money can buy, Aud we award It with (ho guarantee that If at any lime wihm thrrr jrmn you aw not sat Idled w ith It, w e w ill refund you the money ami tou six )rr trot wrcr rfor rAf mc of ll. Thl organ I the crowning triumph of (he great house of Daniel F. Realty, or Washington, N. J. llml-KiUls Trsautellau. Polk County IjuuI Cotupany' sale tho mst w k arc: Four lota In Talitiiigetolevl W. Ellis, consideration lino. , Four lota lu Tiilmiigo to E. N. Thompson, consideration $ tu. Two lot in Tiilumge to J. L. Peter sou, consideration f.isi. Twelve acre tract, near 1ihIcs ii dence to Alice Whlteomh, consideration M, L. White to F. A, Pat tenon: res idence proriy In Independence: con sideration tf 1-tsi V. A. Patterson to J. D. Irvine nnd others, HI acres adjoining Indepen dent', consiiieratloit js'N.. W. V. Per.4val to F. P. and E.I. H. Rversi'M li-ltHl acns uear I ndeiaMideiicc. consideration if-IKHI. HoiiKaty I Hi llrt 1'olliy. This Is ii pnlent-mcdlcliie ailvcrtlse mcnt, but your nttcutlon one moment may save you much suH'erlng as well its money. We euro tlmt cough. Wc euro that tickling,, Wc cure that hacking. Wc cure that throitt olcnrlng. We cure Croup, We cure Rroncliltls. Wo cure tlmt La Orlppn Cough, We help you to slug and Hiuk. Wo aro not tho H. R. Loauigc. Wc are a pleasant Cough Hyrup, Weureplit up InfiOand 75 -cent but ties. We are the 8. B. Cough Cure. Gaurauteod by all druggist. llsattyi Pinion sail Orgsn. lion. Daniel F. Ilciitty, the great or gan am! piano manufacturer, Is build-' lug mid shipping more organ nnd pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr. Realty left homo a penniless plow-boy, and by his Indomitable, will he ha worked his way up so its to sell so far, nearly lOO.OtH) of Reittty'g organs ttnd pianos since 1870, Nothing seems to dishearten him; ob stacles laid In his way that would have wrecked any ordinary umn forever, he turns to an advertisement nnd conies out of It brighter than ever. His Instruments, as 1 well known, are very popular nnd aro to bo found lu all parts of the world, Wo are Informed that during the next ten years he In tends to sell 200,000 more of hi make, Thnt menus tv business of liJO.OOO.OOO If wc average them al $100 eiiclt. It Is al ready thu largest business of the kind In existence. Send to Daniel F. Bontty, Washington, JTew Jersey, for catalogue, Hsllu llsms. A new butcher shop I about to lie opened up. Y M. Evo was hero hi the Interest ot the Portland JJinifvh. Jacob Rukrr, of Liirkliunule, wo lu tlie city on busiues nssmtiy. The tax lew ho not yet been made. Our court Is will ling on the action of the state, Monday waa fine day, -and time psarcd very lively In Dallo. It teemed lmot a holiday season. Dr. Hite suy be ha quit the prac tice of medicine. He I ft t's kbolier In the pnwpm tlve Dulls woolen mill. W. I. Wright, tha llvft rcal-eaUU agent, reixrrui the asle on Monday of two lot in towu, prle recelveil for same t'M. ' Jim MAgeraoonUunplaUwftddlug mm sidt-ralily Ul the I'lty lioiel lu the spring. At the pri-sout liuiu It Is pleasant re treat for the hungry. Mail 'mitraetor T. A. Fark-y nqsirt the nsuls ts'tweell Dallas and Halem tlie worst he ever aw them. Jiut be make his trip on time ocverthclcs. Carey Enibivc I the oldest cltiwn of 1 )n Has, be Is lnif now eighty-Mix year f aire. He 1 also the oldest ploms-r, having lived near the town since 1Mb i We notlcetl our old friend I. Km luoli, walking sIkmii. Heat one time w as It-adiiiu men huiit of Italia. He ! now carries grubbing hoe iiisleatl of a lelillng Hie yardstick. The Dullo llourlmr mill I operated Isiut Ilfleeu hour out of the twenty- four. 'They turn out about threo bar rel of tlour to the hour. Not very large supply or wueat on nauti. The Democratic club of Dttluut now numia-r seventy-live member, with Ihe prosia-ct of there soon Wng a hun dred. '1 hey are HauKiiiue of great victory in roiK county in June, Pat Huulie, the pioneer boot aud siiiK-iimKer ot iNtiios, uiii keei "peg. glugaway." J lei now sixty-one year or age ami yet can put soli under your reel, in lite !eiice of any elsewhere. LlmUiy Kohl, in still move around. Ill slithl hd Uxsime very defective. making ll ditlleull for him to mxieuliw the limn or mentis. Iu olden times lie wa III chief and only teacher of vocal iiiusiu in i 'oik county. . We had ft very pleasant chat with Hon. T, J. Hayler about time past ud prc.-iit. Jin was luemls-r of the leglsfsture the w-s-ion ufls'rt, and elosely guurdisl the loU-reisnr bis con stitiieiit. Ho hi no (ireeley iH-nua-rat, neither is he protectionist. W. C. Rrow it A Hon are doing gl busllicHs. MissHaltle Williams, daugh- l-r of J. J. William, is head clerk. Hie move ts'Iilud the counter w lib much gmee, aud with pk-aslug smllea bands over uie many eotiimislltii purcltattetl by the pat rons of the house, J. M. Oraut wear his star gracefully. Tliut star wbervver borne command rtsct, and Mr. (Jrant sees to It that peace reigns In the city. Hi having servtsl a innrstial over six year con tinuously, gives evlileiioe that be 1 the right mau in (be right place. He read (lie WlxrHiun. A (elegraui fnaii Halcm announced Ihe death or Mr. Hmllh, wife of Dr. J. X. Hmlth of that city, and later of M. M. Ellis, of Dallas. Mr. F;ill started tmmisllatt-ly for Halem. The cause of her deatlt wa piareml fever. We extend lo the bereaved out our heartfelt condolence. Jialy, Hlbtcy & F'jtkln have nice and com modioli ortliw here, Thl Is a strong firm, and most of the time they recugai;cd In atlemllng (o (be want of (Ins needing legal eounatd. Mr. Daly huajust returned from Portland, where he iuilills-d much Jelfersouuin !vinsracy. He Hunk Polk 1 all rlh'bt. Cli ITord i Irk at riek , a patriot ic you n g mau of Dallas, Its cooitm-uot-d to raise a coutauy of voluuttsT to make for Cbiliasstsui ft the disturbance com-metu-in. F'rtan lust acvounta he bad si-veuty-two iiamesenrolitsi. He I a bright yoting man of martial apiiear anct, and I now ready at the call of (he government, to take up arm In her deft-use. Hurrah for the Italia volun teer. We find the people of Italia annar- ently contented, quietly itly contented, quietly pursuit untuiug uielr usual vocation and hots-fiil as to the future. We claim that Folk county Is I In- liest eooot to Ihe slate liolvtllli- standing trtlcs in and alsnit Salem won nt (iiscoiirucemuniirrauui trom set tling on Itils side of the river. They point to the F,la hill andsny, There Is polk county, 1 1 Is a jssir platv to settle. 1'iimtux? ThestiH'kholdersof the woolen mill mot at the court hou Monday at 1 o'clock and elected the following direct ors: W.C. Rrown, Peter Allison, M, M. Ellis, H. V. Craven, T, K. Wll.m, W. P. Wright, and J. F. tlravea. The wisileu mill will he built, aud It will add much to the business Interests of Hut whole county, when we left the courthouse fsni.jQ of stiK'k had been taken hy partiea present. 't Rkportkk, llii. klrn't Arnlea KsIts, The lawt salve In the world for cuts, bruise, soft, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give iierfoct satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per Ikix. F'orsaleby any drug gist, j ftloekliolilcrs' Moellnf. The annual meeting of the sbaa- holders or Ihe Independence Water? anil I'.iecirio l.tglil company or Inde pendence, ur., tor me ekcimn ol tttrec tors will is' held nt the parlors ot the iiKicisMHicucv rsititouai taink iu said city Is-twtH'u ten and twelve o'clock, (Saturday the 30th day uf January 1S!U, ami for tlic transaction of such other business that may come before the meeting. J l. J l. J ASI'KKSOK, N'C y. lM)KI'KNl)KS(lH'C,ailh, WU. I.ISTKN TO TUN HAl'KKT. The Racket is rumbling all over the town, Tho Racket Is putting the prices all down. Tho Racket is causing the people to say, "If you want to buy cheap, come see us to-day." The Racket luce curtains, one dollar per pair, The fabric so fine, the pattern so rare. The lino Racket shirt, as white as the snow, They sell for a dollar, how fast they do go. Ladies' hairpins, two for a dime, Two thimble for a uickel, O ray! what a time. Shoes, trinkets, nnd notions, we soli themso cheap, ; Our customers laugh, and competitors weep. . You can llnd us ou nciln street, Inde pendence, Oregon. B.F. Andukws. When Baby was sick, t e gate her Castorla. W hen she was Child, the orled tor Castor:. When site became Miss, the olung to Castorla. When ihe bad CblUrou, site gave tbum Castorla. An A$4 L4j. NrwOHt.r.A, Jan. 14.-Mr. I.ydla Rean, reprmenting many of the best famllle In New Orleans, on Tuesday otipl,rutd Um l'Hb tnulveraory of kcr birth. A retx'ptlon wa held and ft ooti- J gri-gatlon of her deacelidanU gfttliered bout ber to celebrate tb event. The old lady 1 remarkably well prwerved. Her hair I full and not completely white. Her eyesight I only beginning to fall, while Ih poaacsat- all ber facul ties lu a vlgopKi degree, : At 1km Holm, Iowa, on January lath, tha thermometer showed thirty degree below xero, Ttio ooldtut t on tlie earth 1 at Werkbojausk, In HIIstu, whert tha llieriiiometcr ho regtaUtred 81 degree Isrlow xera The soil there la froxen to a depth of four hundred feet. A ftmki VmtUtr. Makvhviu.1, CaL, Jan. 14, 1C F,imii Wixr Hib: In the JJalem Si(ilrmnn I noticed an lu-m alsmtyour Issue of a bollday number, Aa I Intend to remove to soma part of tha Willam ette valley, I would be pk ased If you would end mo that holiday Issue, in order to get soma Information about your country. I Inclose ten cent in postage stamp. Yours truly, A. Ladvnmki, THE CRAOLC. MII)1JLKHAM.-In Independence, January 0, W2, to the wife of R. H. Mlddlehsm, a girl; weight, olna pound. Mother and child doing well, but the father's case Is quite critical NOTICE. Notic I hereby given that I wilt not I responsible for any bill con. trai ted by my hmtljand, Jasper Ken uedy, from thl data on. Martha A. Kkmukuy, Independence, Oregon. January 2n, 1M2. TIMR TAHLK. ladrada 4 Msa-aoatb Mahsr Lis lsss Imw lndn-ii,lttiet, MonniiMKh. slo : rl llnll 11:14 I2:l , I SO A S:ti ' iit, b'O 1.1 . IkU .4 . BUSINESS LOCALS. F. Anstlne, tlie house furnisher. New line of decorated ware at Walk er Rru. New Orleans molaaaea in barrels at W. Ilrtta. lUa-k Candy syrup, the best in the city at T..W. Kates'. T. W. Estea wants ail the butler and eggs in Folk county. Hot and cold water baths at any hour at Heukle's bath house. ' tf Public auction at F. Anstine's In Monmouth next Wednesday. Please note and act accordingly. Hetid your laundrying to the Salem steam laundry where It will be done In the best of order. When it comes to low prices, T. W. Estc la fairly in It. He pays cash for his goods, aud sella way down. To people who pay cash for groceries, It will pay you to call on T. W. Estea and get his prices. He can knock 'em all out. When In quest of a shave or hair cut. call In at Heukle's barber shop. Bank building, Main street, Independence, Oregon. tf Halcm steam laundry, 230 Liberty street, Halem, Oregon, docs all kinds of laundry work In a flrst-cuuw niauner. Free delivery to and from Indepen dence. Remember when In Halcm to call lu at Strong's restaurant, now Westaoott A Irw in, and get a meal not to be ex celled on the Paclflo coast for 25 cents, st 271 Commercial street. tf Westaeott A Irwin, 271 Commercial street, furnish the best meals to be had In Halcm, for 25 cents. When in Halem give their restaurant ft trial and get your appetites satiated with all the delicacies the market affords. It. A brown leather folio of or chestra music beteewen Independence and Monmouth, or in Monmouth. Anyone finding the same will be suit ably rewarded by leaving It- at this office. Bee Anstine's new line of chairs and stands. Qo to Monmouth and buy furniture of Anstlne. Hhcllcy A Vanduyn are dosing out a lot of shoes without regard to cost. Come amljret them at hair price. Our holiday Issue Is not yet exhausted, and you should scud for copies and scud them to your friends East, aud elsewhere. Better than a hundred let ters is our New Year's Issue. Only five cents a copy, Denervlaf lrUe. We desire to say to our eltlsens, that for years we have been selling Dr. Ktng'sXewDiscovery forCousumptlou, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklcu's Arnica Halve and Elcctrlo Bitters, and have uever handled remedies that sell as well, or that give such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee thorn every time, aud we statid ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not fol low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merit All druggists. A Me niere stl, ...QUARTER tlrd in 11, kcrcoBt tj". Ore f-in JJ sun, ni -what Jl l is now Itakrr City, PCMTlI D V d'man who has sine LCll I U It I become ttknlliicd with tlic resource anil JJfrt development of country. This man flVlvJ ta no oilier th.iu Mr, Jotia Stewart, one of the wealthiest tout man influential citliens i Ihe county. !n n rsontt h-tter he say ! " I had been rmltertue; from litis i:t my back and general kid ney coiuptuint l'ir Hinic tiine, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pnina in my t wit It id hecome so severe that I wa prevented from (.Ib-nrtlng to my work and could not move about without the nae of a cane, Hear h,K. thromrh a file nd, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregou Kidney Tea, I wna induced to try a box, and from thnt very first dose I found instant relief, aud before ti 1ms' lialf the content of the bo the palus nybaci entirety disappeared, I hnve every fiviih i:t lite virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, an t cati conscientiously recoiumeud h to my frki.ds. 1 would not be without it for anything." Oreguit Kidney Tea cures bncka;he, ince-'t. nence of t lite, brick dust sediment, buruir painful sensation while urinating, and all lions of the kidney or urinary organ of elu