The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 22, 1892, Image 2

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1, K, . Kit, EDITOR.
tmiKD te
10 other iuihm- are Ihh, the lmlwttl,voflliowoiit
to bo In the race Bt orthnw wlttM 'l,iur plyl
to be In t w i cowirliiun.-Mmliflril h.
UK editor of the, MurHhfleUl
II oM llmiMi but , , ,
EestSiia Pdisfaj Cc:;mj
the letul thnt tho
uot considered
all. In Omahi
off between the Kopubllean tee and
tho Democratic;
the Jit gained Ua popularity be
cause, of its ikunocrutio attitude on
monopoly questions always taking
tho side of tho honoafc toller against
ti renreaentutlvo In our legislature.,
ml for years brigadier general of
tho Oregon Htuto militia, ami t
Uwyr;or oiuluviit ability.- Why his
mind Is in such a nebulous amto, to
On YMr
(tlx Month
TUrv aloultut
I i!... V.. ...
rapacious corininmu..!. ll(twwllwlA rtllln -t-Ui.
H anm it niv cither the assertion tlmt " , r ' 1. : .......
tHmiocrntsdoii't mull not well
founded, or else tho Keuubllcnns as
.T; rYifS rute take Iomocratie pftwm and
ttOTwa neglect- those of their own party,
M.u.Ltl ) . Ill 1 1. 1' ,
fw ol Bv wuu iwr lms
i.t.i. ll Mtmmimlwltna Ar nuMleallon
to Tut Wwr Siea, iuut nrnke all hwrnusn.-.
m,vHil to ma n vw mimi.ii.iiii v.-...
itutnHl t the IVwt-i
dnt Ohin, w Mcoutl-vliwi
The .W 0(rtftit' got, up in a
mechanical way, and excellent in
nienU nd Hcntliuonta, l ft query,
No "anarohlat'' cati be good,"
A revolutionist way be well mean
inir ami eminently right, but an
anarchist, never. . Teir notions are
of the very worst kind. They are
not tli oprwHHl "always. The
Chleiuro anarchist, the Js'ew Yolk
anarchists, tho Hun Francisco
nw m aei vwy wpeet, a uoiwny issue uiai Ij0(Un. n not attiout$ tho
mTl oulJ mnUt 0 ft"y dty f UM onim-sacd In this country. The
" I 1. .II... ........ 11, ...n mui ml liV Klwili4
IrUOl Wimnlft H1V1M ..' v
times the l0 of IVndleton.
iffMMtf frtiiAl prmluwHl moni es- aM . ,,.,.,,.,.,.... Th "uutlvo hue
- , I UllVi UV Wvvi J m m - -
wllent holiday lue, one mr in ad- f . -.utiou to 'eat brwui
vanwofany cllort ever aiiempiw Uieww,lof u.eirfuw," Itttlek
tin pnlo cant
rut: an lux affair.
Th Chilian dUtrnto, whloh tUiwt. I th Willn.nette valley, Mwpl m 0w wllU
I .1 ........ !.. 4 I til " . -
i..K.i..fn.i.w.I.l.nuM. amie anno ciHMUM ... ". .. . . w,.lHty, OJ
'inTdowo. AwwkMoth mwury the splendid effort of the Bulem mm wlaWvor, in tula repml
" " I ttJ..t-..u,.u nliuukili Aliri . . . hi . .
ortlwnarTawittod wr with Chill MB. CT . " """"'T"' their currcuta turn away, ami -ww
.voidable, but now It h hl MaiiloonT 1 . . . . V V thowinw oraenon," exeei.uo
- l J J
that war will be vertHl. While noth
ing certain h bwn nuul ubll, U In
yvt reHwnabl)ura that
governiiM-nt hat wnt dlmtatt'
dilatory natur to the VnlUnlPtalw,
and that Chill will mak wparatkn fir
ih nxwnt unnrovokwl munUr of
American millor by a mob of ChlHana,
Tho pnaldent will, In a lew daj-a, nd
a tuwe to congrew aking yetw
alon to aeiul au ulUinuUim to tho Chill
an government. W hen ttil l reel vl
didexi'el itseinnlta buiiuay wu- . . - .,i ninir Iwiubaof dlatrue
tioniandin tho w rite up of cram! . rf im,-t 0f ioimo.
imunH n u.i , I"
.... oiapouciaa n w mr (wu.w. T m,mm,i ,i sl H ftlui u hlliatH ro aa
itehMoreon. Wb r't!u,'vl th ,frt, WrU' "P uunvtuud murdennw lathe Amerle
mm iw gvurnu iiuiavut v f ,mtv. tirt In Meriuany ami
imperetlort, tho beat we have ever iauf dmiiintUm. Thel'Vmer
aHn by a couutry newsqap'r, ami Kmm aml k. of L. uowhero are
far ahead of many metropolitan ( mM o( tbe u,mn-i,lhta or
newmmpora. We may bemloued ihllis((l rrie miow' alliaueo
forsaytogtlo'twhenwetmtliehart. ml Kiiighw of Lalwr are
oflhe'iKmRlaa if-'jif HWIHi f mmi of meaiw and
uary, with W auiwriiM-i-a. tl(4lUoil!, Tlu.y fH, u,at tlio udl
nudonlyaix column of p)'i"B .il(im, .....t utaken theory of
by Ue Chilians the matter will be m-t- in aaeven-Hlnuin folio,ptent .)roUH.,ioi,( H harmful to them,
tied on way or another, ami not t- outside, and w hen in September, w.MMl4y ' n,e furmr(S and in
fotw. The talk of war which haa been if, the day we sold the IVi'iVm. are right. However, mmie
to freely Indulged lu was owing to the (for we hud changed Uienanus)we o( tl(,r .mtMjirt may not le feaai-
fact that the Chilian guvernmew ma tuut qnaiirupieti ine aunaeriiumn, h,0) i,t iuIr motivt, leading up to
notaoer theonteuU wrnwpoudeuc and a nine column folio, with nine Lmiuul rorrt K,,t,r HdmluiNtra-
ofthla country h'gardlug the went twn colnmiw of jtaylng " ton 0f goverttmeutai alUiw, are
utrageattie;bul,aatiove atateil, It wtw aomethiug to lie promt Of. by )() lmMllwniMlrohlcttl or itlhiHat
la now believed thai Uw CUIIlana have Now we aw plejwnl to Juty that tho w mism is tw antidote for
wntdeiMtchm which will nava the prrwnt management liaaBowetiwaj . , , , (lf (yiai V"e
way toanaiuleatile a.ljwtment of h ahead or our cHorta, ny puoiwuinj, i ( IHor0 true ttllniiain, ami with
whole matter. At any rate, ttwaetlv an eight-column folio twiiH) a week, ixe awa fi.-thoumtiid imagi-
harv wrong "thai l!H -. nt'ir
I mii w i. . .....ti..
ity which waa m orououueed In the aim uueu w hi in
navy department a few Uaye ago he. W VV ul '
,uMjlHlt Dotighw cotmiy know haw to ap
prH4alo enterprise ami wo wouiu
llARKY M t U.ER, J08QUin 8 Hon, say w mj, v.rnrir uiauugcns
huirolri! thn WrSlDK
was seutcuccu to iwo ytH1" " w w :
Quentin, for holding tip a Stage miruvcHug vui..vr
in Mendoeino comity. you will give ua room.
QtS. Bathbonb Btated recently irJtlOt'S, 1$ S'T ITt
that the records of his office now trious, ia n't it, that wagea in
showed the total number of post- frtn' trade Kngland are higher than
officca in the UuiUfd Stat to be tjiey ttre i hicb protection France,
I . . m . k
65,007, the first time in the history
of the department that figure had
been reached.
IIoodixms and hoodlnmism
must either go or I obliged to go.
It Is better for law and order to as.
Bert themselves in the beginning
thanjfor the town to be taken and
so hardly overrun as to call for the
services of Judge Lynch. Vlaiu.
Ovek the door of every house in
the large village, or Gojuinura, Ja
pan, is the motto, '-Frugal in all
things. Liquors prohibited." The
town believes in local option, and
as every one hajj joiued the ranks
of total abstainers, no spirits of any
sort can be bought in the place-
Every one interested in tho wel
fare of the Northwest will indorse
"the recommendation of Governor
Pennoyer in his letter to tho rivers
and harbors committee. The ap
propriation of tt.'U,500, which is
the sum needed to build a portage
railway from the foot of the Dalles
to above Cellio falls, on the Colum
bia river, would open an outlet for
the varied and extensive resources
of the Inland Empire, which would
doubly compensate the nation lor
tho cost.
F. X. Mattweu still owns thti
land in Marion county, between
Butteville and Aurora, where the
first crop of wheat grew that was
ever raised in the Northwest This
piece of land illustrates the i ichws
of Oregon soil, for it has grown
' seventy-five crops of wheat in
seventy-six yeais, and it still pro
duces thirty-five bushels to the
acre. The wheat grown on this
land, if spread on the surface,
would occupy as great a depth as
tho soil him been cultivated.
A Republican paper makes the
statement that the Democratic
party is an illiterate organization.
If this is true there are reveral mil
lion Republicans reading a great
deal of good Democratic literature
in theoe degenerate days, for tho
circulation of Democratic news
papers outnumbers that of the Re
publican papers two to one. io
tice tho great Kew York dailies.
The Tribune prints less than 50,000;
the Vrm not overl00,Q00. Compare
these two Republican papers with
the Democratic World, IfmtU, Run,
&n&Tim. Tho World and lterakl
have each over 200,000, wh ile thc0
and Times follow closely in ' their
wake. And in Chicago tho Herald
and News and Times, all with Demo
rsit.irt svmntoms. have more than
twice the circulation of all the Chi
cago papers combined. In only one
largo, city, St Louis, is the race
close, and . there tho Republican
Globe-Democrat and Democratic lie
public are "neck and neck" in the
In Kansas City tue uouio
miMa Times and Star are so far in
Germany, Italy, or Bussla, and that
the workingmen of free trade ha
claud aw as much worried over
'pauper" labor from these high.
protection countries as tho protec
tion organs of America claim to be
over "iHiurer"iinmiirrniits from Fn
gland to this country! Curious, is
n't it, that after experimenting
with protection for 500 years after
having tried every conceivable kind
of a tariff-that Rugland should
discard 'it as utterly worthless!
Curious, is n't it, that after repeal
inir all tariff laws, Engluud s manu
factures and commerce increased to
an extent never even dreamed of,
and that wages of workingmen in
creased under free trade almost fifty
per mit over what they were under
protection! Curious, is u't it, that
while theic was a tariff about one
third as high as now in this country,
the carrying hade of the United
State was one of tho greatest in the
world, but that when we increased
our tariff, and England ubandoned
hers, our commerce waned to prac
tically nothing, while England's
became the greatest on earl h! Cur
ious, isn't it that wo uro so dull
that we can't turn an experience of
500 years of tariff tinkering to our
advantage, but must go over tho
game old road and stumble over
the same old obstacles! Curious,
is n't it!
to." Brother Higlin, put on your
oittimisile elasseaand your pewd
mistiu motes will vanish as thetiew
before the rising sun.
I! 'I
Thn lua- for toiblishinc the cx
nenditnrea of the county court takes
effect this mouth. Ih" 0!rvr
consider county-court proceeding
a pure matter or news, ana win,
in the future us in the pud, furnish
Ua reader with, a full report eucn
mouth without money and with
out price from the taxpayers. One
tmperonly asked this favor from
Polk eoUllty. IHWM mrnr
The Wkt Si oe take the same
view of the publication of the
county proceedings as dm the
(U'irtr, The Marion county court
designed the tftilmna and that
"oilier pupr" in which to publish
the proceeding, at one cent jht
line, or 21 cents per column of the
Wkst Hi utl This I ft farce, and
the court so regarded it The
WkstSihk will publiHh'tho county,
court proceedings jusjl tho, same as
if there were "millions in It."
his wife hack East, There Is no
room in the broad Vest for such
men. They had bettor remain near
tho idd homestead and close to
their wives' relations. The Wit
emunds tho lsst Xwl Incest iV.
Tit K origin of card playing Is un
certain. It Is aldto have been
hrouuht to Vitoibo in 1370. Cards
were Illuminated for Charles v I,
of Frunoo,ln l.'ttl'J, then depressed In
uiiud. Cards were first taxed In
Engluud In 1710.
FttoMlMiNT Democrats of this
slate talk ol establishing a Demo-
emtio organ t Salem. They m
it Charley Nickel nt Jacksonville,
J. It N. Q. X. T. Z. Bell at inde
pendence, and Comrades Sllles and
Nutting of Albany, are conducting
about the only genuinely Demo
crat ie newspaper lu the state.
They are of the IIouiIhiu order
sufficiently o as to draw the mug
wump linn at distressingly sharp
angles. ;Other wise tho unadulter
ated are without representation,
exeeit thronirh. the columns of
Fort laud dailies of the half -breed
Ilk. Mercniu,
Tiik ()ryoMi cuter a very inlld
half hearted tirolest against the
proposed gerrymander of the eon
gmtsional districts in Ohio in such
a way as to give the republicans
seventeen and the democrats four
memlHrs of congress, lis of
position is clothed with words,but
there is no spirit norw al in them.
We repeat what we before said:
Democmls of Ohio have uo right
(o complain, for they did just what
the Bepublicuus propose now to
do. Democrats are neither iwm
nor less fair than Uepulillrau alsmt
mutters of thisk iud. But uallartrson
protested so strongly in his message
agnin.4 the ".Michigan plan," tho
least he can do is to protest against
Ohio Republican doing those very
thing which, if done by Demo
crats, amount to a crime. But
tho president is a flist-class poUti-
cinn, and will were ly bid Ohio
Hepubliran tiod speed. .ifMay
Mako No Mistake
1 1 vim dild. f mm Ht n have "
U nurva f im1 ut H sioill. Ui' '
Uk llutMl-a HnrsntinitH. da "t h linlii',"4
tu buy iwnrtliltm Iw Wrh m b Im'4
tu Ik "alfwl lli m"r -ut
u.iu.iiilwr thai III mil tm M irt U
! ym to iuiH-h inm hhImIHuU ! il
mnn iirufll mi I i-la. "
IimIimmmmM ni UM !' ' I'"1
wlml yutl WA tut, Hiiwl'i wMrlll.
Thll Jill Ul m ,nm'm'H rt
bow trllf l, tr Iloud'a SrnrlUi I '
Tried ! TrMf.
In an aloe ll el-rk Irlftl U IwltK la
tu buy thi-lr own liull t lhsirt i
riiik. but b nhW n" t'rn a w .
thai. I t'lit blm t !" '' Uotf't
r.irlll I M Hkw U, M P
Iwlly shIUSimI UI tl. ami M wl "t
eU,r Mm. Ki.u A. Otirf, 1 Trre
BUwl, BimU'M, Mum.
Wa Are All Taking It.
W wwM nut wltlsHit llnwl'i Sri.
Mrlll, It l H Iwrt Mil!"'" ""
loiut la U. lil. Ny rmxlly ' twlt
Mm, i, M. luabna, Jiwiula mi
rroBMMit SliwW, SUwkUMi, Vh
Hood's Sarsaparllla
by ft i. noon a rsMiw. -IOO
Dote Ono Dollar
j witiarw 1
In nl a nim.-tle In Ihnv-nwln wlitrli (hl
b-rin l i'iii(ifl "t.'"" iwniisi"-"") '''
kill i'l ly 'tally il " riliill mnkM Mn-
Knit iin.twtluii b Vtt'Ht uf ii 'J
wiitil uil iin-vrou untiufii in frwkl; i";l
r.' .. . ' ,v.,, i iiiio V..UH... it
ItolxMiuwIliel"'')'' ,M,,lw ""!'
ninl ilm iirnwiiu ih i'"iiu.M irt wfinliu-.,
i. .1... v-Iiii.m. i-lMtrht-w, Mttit kiiiiH'IM. .kilt tl.Mt 'M "'! lif UlllB mH
rv.-ry li", orM,iwbi Uimm' . II I
nvp.miiw' jmilliliil ,wriiittMHn iw. I
. ...... Il Aiiu.lli. .... te.tlll I
Mini lllttl W'rii' i" M i ?
?. I 1 Ulknil HI. J I IWIII M. a ll.
nil u K"HW" I.. Ili "kill ! I ' O'"
H..rr, l'rir, l. l ll ilful.i ml huir
rtr.r, nr i Mt (l.-rvnlw limltmii wil
i. i. ....... i,.i isui .ir. i sii KrniH i-m.i. Ihm
ori. lnli ft-r u i.iMiii.ii.-rf ilwrwy
... nBni. IjhIIw l ilUOilUf ln-Hr.l l. M.
I..r, srml iwt Sr '"l- IIIUo 'M'K -Hi
.... HibIIwI fit In lll
III, iVwIiilTil l" ill im' I" t't (""Ine"
mil kin. l'l' ii'm K
Face Bleach
i -.. n, i,n.i nl trwkli-s, huiiIiiihi ml
,. ,!,., Mt.ill) iwlrhnt llliimniit U klll
1. 1-rl.o. a I. AO. lrin!irf i)il !
l ll, No in'i' "l b I'l 1111
Th Druaalit 1" ''u '"n hrt rtr' (r
dpf k bill ! m .r-irnmit hnv bl
mint. Dililnt lu ilii iivw-iiinini, My i'fl
till Inll. Klf AH IMlm I.V llnln.l llfUijuM. Ill
I liiiagu ttMU ?,rf rliy ' "I H.
A ckut.US young man.havlng re
ceived his proportion of his father's
estate, amounting to 12,000, con
eluded to marry a wile and come
West Ile had great expectations,
The whole West was ready to lw
harvested, and he was the reajicr.
1 Tu met o Id ncouaiiitaiices who
had preceded him a few years,
were poor young men, but now
had fine homes an d prosperous
businesses. "If these," says he,
"can succeed so well on nothing,
what can I do with my l2,00or
Hero was a question that a matl'
ematician might not solve, but
thn author furnished the answer
himself,' He spent the 1 2.000,
and that was all he ever did do,
event)!, U borrow money .to send
AN opportunity lo preach acr
mou from the text, "Who Hath
Sinned.tbese Children or their Bar
ents!" is presented in the story of the
Ureckenridge Iwys, one ot wiiom,
aged 14 years, Is now In the peni
tentiary; another, aged 11. Is in the
state reform sehool.and still another
Is in charge of the Buy' and Girls'
Aid Society, It is useless, however,
to sM'iid time in sermonUing upon
an example, the effecls of which
points so conclusively to the cause.
The question in this instance Is one
which is answered in the simple
statement that follows it. The ac
cepted reform luetlualsof an Intelli
gent community will have an oppor
tunity to prove what, can o wm
in the wav or fllmltintlng criminal
tendencies from the minds of this
trio of brothers, who, like Tojy,
"were born so." (hrmmmn.
We wero well acquainted with
this Ureckenridge family ot Hose-
burg They lived there for a mini
lMr of years. Dick Breckeiiritlge
once broke ohu our postoffice. lxist
and stole some cuts and mail. We
then believed 'that our leniency
with him led him on to worse
crime. JCot altogether, but largely,
like Topsy, they "wero born so."
More good roads, is the cry.
And why not! (Jood roads are the
arteries of commerce, lioth local
and general. The highways upon
which commerce puss, are siudied
and improved from year to year,
and from century to century, and
tho county roads are not improved
in the least, but worse, because of
increased travel. Ict us lax our.
selves, and work the roads by a
money-tax, nnd improvement will
soon be noticeable in our roads.
The road laws of Oregon are nogood.
It has become known that the
bond given to the United Stales
government by J -ffursou D ivls, to
answer to tho circuit court in Rich
mond, Vu., is missing from the com t
records. Th is bears tlicsk'nat tires of
Horace Greeley, John Minor Bol ts, j
flerrit Smith, and other prominent
persons. The present clerk of the
circuit court, M. F. Pleasant, who
was chief clerk of the Department
of Justice in Washington at the
time of his appointment to his pres.
ent position, in 1870, found that
the document was missing soon
after his advent ai clerk , and ever
since has made diligent efforts to
find it, but without success. lie
has many offers for tho origlual,
or a fac simile of tho paper,
tho most tempting one being from
a magazine). lix.
Brother Boll, of tho Weht Sinn,
regrets that all the auarchistn were
not present when that crazy man,
whom ho calls an anarchist, tried lo
blow np Russell Wage, but blow his
own head off instead. This is say.
ing too much, und wo bellevo you
do not mean it, or that you have a
wrong conception of these people,
Brother B. There fire good and
bad anarchists, the same as other
people. Germany's down trodden
kickers are called anarchists, and
RuHHia's,nihilists; here we call them
Farmers' Alliance, K. of L., etc.
They differ mostly tn proportion as
they are oppressed. When our
own poor have been imposed on to
the extent that anarchists, socialists
and nihilists of the old world have
Bronchitis, colds, coughs, asthma,
and even consumption, In the early
tiuris, yield to Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Singers, actors, auction
eers, public speakers, clergymen,
tencliors, lecturers, and all who are
llalilo to disorder of tho vocal organs,
find a Bare remedy in this wonderful
and well-known preparation. A
an emergency medicine, In cases of
croup, whooping cough, etc., It
should bo In every household.
"Two ymn iiro I niftoroil Mvorely from
mi utuiok ot loro Uirunt
And Bronchitis
It iMmnd Mill could not inrvlve, nil tits
luunl rcnioilloi proving ot no bvhII. At lout
I tlioiiRht ot Ayor' Cherry reotoral,
allor taking two botttiia at tlili nicillcliie I
ni riMiarad to banUli'-Clma, liainblnl,
Smilli'i Hunch, Sonoma Co., Cut
"Tliors It nothing hotter for cough thim
Ayor'i Cherry Peotoml. 1 iko no other pro
paratlon." Annlo8.1)utlor,frovlilonce,B.I.
W. II. Omit '& Co,, DniKRltii, Carson,
Iowa, cortlfy Unit all throat and lung trou
llc are speedily
Cured By Using
Ayon Cherry roetornl It lentls nil othow,
11 In January, mao, I wan tukon down Willi
mcrvuli-s and scarlet favor, anil oxponliiR my
mlf too noon, onnglit A tovere oiild which
lettlod on my luiign. I wan forood to taka
to my bed and wai to III Unit the doctors
dcupalrod of my recovery, uipponlng mo
to bo In quick Consumption. Chango of
cllmnto wan raoomtnondud, but I organ to
usb Ayer'a Cherry l'octorul, and soon found
relief, After imlint aovornl .bnttlw, I wni
cured, io that I am now as well and nigged
as ever." John Plllandor, Crnnesmun ot
Steam Shovel, O, B, A B. F, It. It. Co.,
Justin, Toxai. ,
Cherry Pectoral
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Dntgslata. rrloe tl nix bottles,
MitmiriM-liireriind dealer In
Sash, : Doors, : Mouldings, : Htc.
Full stock of Oliuw, all slues, kept eonslmitly
on Imnd. Hpeillul riitini on emit met.
'-Uryin K. lUstieellueHrdepnU
Oaalar In
Alae, Daaltr In
Lumber and Build-
Jng JVIatej-jaK
F. H. Morrison,
Chargta raaaonabla, and tlrat-elaaa
work guarantaaa.
Tliere la niorw Catarrh lu thla m-etlon
of the country than nil ittlier iIU-iimh
put tiyelher, and uulll the luxt few
j enrs It iihw tu l lnitirulle,
Fur a great ninny yvara iliM'tuin pru
iKitnieed It a lis-nl illm-Bse, and pn-m-rlUsI
liienl remedies, and iiutstniitly
fallliiBto euro with lurid tn'ntmeiit,
pMtMiuml It liicunil'lu. Heleni hns
pMveit entiirrh t tw a innntltutloual
dlsrAM, and It therefore reiiulnn iHinstl
tutlonat trentment. JlnlPa Catarrh
Cure, nmnufaeturwl by J. Cheney
A Co., Toledo, Ohio, U the only eoiistl-
tutlonnlcurn on the market. It In!
tnkea Internally lu dim from ten j
droii to a tenapnoiiml. It nets directly
on the hl'Ktl and mucoua surfaeea of
thesjstetn. They fitt'er one hunilii-d
iliilliirn for any ease' It full to euro.
Send for ehvulnrs nnd ti'nlinioiiliils.
Aildresn, F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo,
Ohio. HoldhydrutBMs,73e,
Wishing to close old my aleck of pil
lows, blnnkela, eoliifurta, pillow cnaea,
towela, Mnpkina. hniiRUiR liimpa, lnntertia,
KliiHuwnre, elo., I will (tell at nihlio nne
lion, at my atom in Monmonth, on next
Wednesday Afternoon nnd evemnu, Jnn
tniry IH, nil the nltove gooila. Come And
buy good at your own prlee,
F. Anstinh.
Dcalara In
Agricultural Implement
and Vehicles of all kinds.
Wo nmke a speoiiilty of bnildora' lmrdwnre, nnd, in fiiot, keep on liAiid everything
UHtiiilly curried liy lirHt-clws lmrdwnre and nnplenient denleni. We Invito a slmre
of the piihlio pntronnge, ,
Clodfelter Building, Cor. C and Main sts.,
J. J? O'Donnell is now
located in his new build
ing, opposite the Indepen
dence National Bank, and
will be pleased to welcome
all old as well as new cus
tomers to his elegant new
Wa am lomli 1 fir"l)w." Ian
tli"tiutnl jHiiinit of !,' eow
Ing While the msrket is aff mi
iugar, we jmnp tu ami hay l"U
lag. It 'a lot of augur, but wa
r goiiM lu noil It nt fli priewi
tiiwt It will g lib hut token.
(V-e aiid gei a lw, you il
got tho I enilll of thu deal.
Tinil 'a wheat we ate here for,
W l,na iwuiia deeorat4
glatttwuro, Cotno anil lake it
at your own price; won't
kick, Wa bw a lig coii.ign
went of nui-ctiwfc duo Lura
in a few tnj. mid niit-.t iimku
room for il,
We hht Irtuotis Alii or
ange now, and g""d imea, too.
FitiiUima pie fruit w the
M in iho wiiukel. We've
got it, auJ pleuty of it of
all kind. You can have gallon
cans a ay dnwu . I'.ver) Unly can
eat pieA at (he prnva we mill p.e
Ti:. -There in no finer van
aty,nf tea In Folk county Unla
ws) have, either io hulk or pack
agea. Oh ye! H"W ara you off
for aoapf We have neventj-llve
, Ikjc, Thnt "atHituli, a lillle
flehy, but il 'a a fuel; ntl gooil
anap, loo. Every box boa otir
owu iitnne on it iu big red letter.
nml that's gnnritntfoeiiKnith thnt
it's the bet iu l he market.
We putnmutn hotna iniliw
triea and sell the Im sthenic Hour.
Vuu May not think it good na
aoma Hour, but just ask otir ba
ker! be knowa, and will tell you
it'a A No. 1. We Lave Enalern
Oregon llonr, and it's n good aa
nti? Dour made iu thin uluto or
any oilier, Try a bug of our
We have viuegnr aotir
eniHigU tomtikea pigsinenl,ntid
pieldes thnt will make you iijtnut
your cyaa like llarnnm'i clowo.
Well, wa will closo,
Cull and are na,
DKALER l!f ''
Wv .tuck la mm- more cotopkt. than axr U-fore, tUM tapJjo
all the eiiU.uiera of the atore continue tmll ig, auu V" '
trade w ho never ilia It-lore. I n councniuu - v - -
Where Unm. and ahcaa -n U n-.ireO or nwnuianum. -. .
oi m . ...-w
lU inemkr the name and ilnw,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, independence
aY30 Hf ItTMSift.
flira rfrtrri
rmttral TVttMHUf iB
THia Mimt w tw(
T. W.
SucceMr to J. O. Irvtoa,
Dealer in
and Cigars
I hard on hand a large lot ot ciuued gooda that will be aold by the case ver
clieap. Mao, a lot of vry flue lnmpa, that will be aold very near coat
Remember the old stand of J. D. I.
. "'Is ' j I i
The public is rospodfully inviUnl to come and ee tho wonderful
bat'Kaiiw to lo had in holiday good., hosiery, underwear, dress shirts,
calioos nutl ginj;haris, notions, tinware, plassware, and other articles
too numerous to mention. Ie sure to sec the immenso .
New goods are being m-eiNtnl all the time. We will saVfe you from
2.r to 50 per out on every purchase. Second door from First National
Dank. , .
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
Successors to Henkle & Walker,
Carry a complete line of
Wa aollolt a ehare of your patronage,
Monmouth, - - Oregon."
Good grain and stock farms and choice fruit lands;
town property of all kinds.
Those having property for sale, please call.