The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 15, 1892, Image 3

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-nwni v-
Vest Side Publishing Company
1 iwtvA black fur mutt' w hwtou
the.tage rud to fu, Myn" ,m,"
pemlenoe una about tnrce ima .,
liu two week wpk The finder will
to suitably kmW by Wvlii
ame at the Wwrr Mt'R wuoe.
, Phoik l'Au-Mr. T. II. Hetiddcr
I the rltfht umn In the rigin place,
ukliia care of our publle-eehool build-
luff. The other evening our reporter
Mm hulUllnir from bae to,
turrvt and found N m wl U.
j ..i.i.iWc eta. Mr. Walter
vh.i..r t the Waahtiuthm MM.
T . r..i.P.v Ma, for two year etHlcled
with varicose veina, accompanied by
,.,l,u.vmrt emotion, w completely
cured after Inking only eight bottle f
Ayer' faraaiwrllbt.
Mork larHOVRMWriH. M Wd
net A Wilson have www t
r flue flouring mill with
tccl brick. Thl I excellent l'
provemctit and on which wa uece
Jarytob made l tu l"wUH't
their property. Thla lean enterprising
llrm.'and on well worthy the patron-
age of the geucral pubilu.
The state teacher' aaamdatlou III be
beld at Portland, under the upervllott
of Prof. MoKlroy.thc flmt week In Jtj';
At meeting of the professor and
teacher of Portland public chol,
lu Purtland, rcauluUou were paased
unanimously rctueUng that the
cclatlou be held In Portland for th
y,-sj- isoi The Wt MfMuclnllou held hi
Portland wa In I HTS.
Til 8 8tkik.-TIw brakometi of the
cVntthern 1 V ile on the freight- trnlu
of the Kiwi sideMniek this week because
of order to ride ouhdde the ear, and
on account of some tuiaundcertnndlng
boot using the atr-brake next to the
engine, The fnlght train wcredelaycd
Monday, and on Tuly w train wnl
out from Portland at all Hoi't. elld
Ubusym'Ulug ww UHn to lake Ih
..f I lie atrlkrm. Latkh. The
brakenipu atrlke on tlw K 1'. It- H.
hw been duly adjibitttl .y theuipny
nwhulltiir the onl-r fir one hrakp-
man to ride on top of the train.
I' WulM.
The Mai enrollment of thwlndepen
dnuw puhllo aehotd U . All n'nt
IntcndliiK to nur children thla tenu
aliiHild do at once, as new work l
no UhiK U'tftiu by all grnd.
The following la a Hlaivmcut of tin
.iwultaof laHX'iuwr'a work ft lakeu
fnMu monthly examination and nntml
of daily utandtng, only the Uwt thrwt In
ucli grado bvlug gtvtn:
HMoud aradi-: Jwle IKahm, tlrlu
Bywro, Myrtle Fcrjtuaon.
Third grale, Mias Carnahan'a dt
partinout; Walter Ford, tivrlie Pru
dvn, lkTuard IXaton.
TlttrJ gmdo, Mr. Jacku'a tUjnrt
nwnt: Johnulo Van tm.hl, Fay Cov
erage, lura Chapman.
Fourth grade: Ijm-lle Kay,t.'; Ia
maw Know lea, ; Klton Kay, Wl.
Fifth gradu: Alta F-tea, Wlj; Maj?ga?
Poim-roy, 5 1-0; lUrdlo While, W.
8lxth graiU;: Nellie Walaon, U7; U
latul Young, 95 8-7; lu0 (hlell, Wl.
Hvwilh gradf: Ptarl HtHlxn, BTJ;
Willie Patton, 07 ; M.diie 8t.U, W0-7.
Mghth grado: I'turl Oaiper, 7;
Aa ltohlnjn, W; OeotKu Whlti-aker,
Flral year hlxh achool: MU Ida
Fjitea, 87 5-6; Walter Prud.-n, M;
MIhh IWrtle Whlteakwr, W.
Honlor olasa, Mia Mamlo Cooicr,
W 1 6; 4il !ra foor, 03 2-5.
The flwt primary not blng lu tlou
thla wevk ou aeoount of tlio lllntwi of
their teacla?r, the averag of this Aw
partmeut are not obtainable.
Ih Wortt ExpcrUncotI lot Many r
Ur Counlr).
Bt. Pacs Jan. 12. HHaula from all
parU any It Is the coldtut weather of tin
acaaon. At Parkera, H. I)., It waa L'.S
degree below; Ahcrikwu, 25 decree
lielow; Yankton, 30 ih-grwa; Huron, 27
degree below. Varloua other point
how a range of 2H degree to 82 degree
Mt:Mpnw,Tenii.,Jun.l2 TheHouth
U having the womt weather experienced
In four year, the cold airnp. Mug gen
eral; the thermometer Imlng only. 2o
degnx alwve with Imlleiitloiw of a
further drop of 10 degree to night.
Telegraphic commulentloim are bmlly
Interrupted. In thl eity teleplmne,
telegraph, (Ire alarm, and eleetrlc light
wire are badly broken down, and treea
and ahrubbery are largely dlatroyed by
snow and ttleet.
JIoiiston, Tex., Jan. 12 -.Special
from (Ify point aouth and eiwt to day
are to the effect that severe lee and
iilect itornware prevailing, the weather
being the womt experienced for yearn.
UK All TIIK I'ltOliKAtl.HK.
The following la tlie order of the liter
ary and miiMieal exurclae, to Ihj
held at the ChriNtlun church to
night. Everybody cordially Invited.
The ad m Mo ti In free. Tlio fun begin
at 7:30 o'clock, dull:
Hong By the (Jlec club.
Mualo By orcheatra.
Ilecltiitlon By MIhh Pearl (Jiaijier.
Maledueit By the furniture atore.
Ten-minute occoaioiiul itddrea l!y
Hon. P. W. Con na way.
Mixed quartette-By Wkht Hidb of
flee. Oultur duett By MIh Fennell and
Mra.Uea Webber.
Hesitation By Miaa Kiln Fennel.
Holo By Mina Eiwie JtoliliiHon, with
AddreH By PnmHldcnt P. L. Camp
bell, of the Htate Nonnul achool,. Mon
mouth. Holo-ByMlHaOraHoll.
MuhIc iiy the orclieHtra.
nuckln'n A rules Mulve.
The bent ulve lu tho world for cut,
brultte, aorea, ulcere, ault rheum, fever
aorea, tetter, chapped handa, chilblain,
cornn, and all nkln eruption, and poal
tively cure plica, or no pay required.
It I guaranteed to give perfect aatla
faction. or money refunded. Price, 25
cento per box. For wile by any drug'
Se Austlue'i new line of ehalm and
do to Monmouth and buy furuHnie
of Anattue.
The Hoitthern IVIto l h ngtheneil
their platform at the depot, a nuieh
ind'd eonvYiilenee,
The ngular aervUx1 will lie held lu
the M. F.. ehun-h, Hnuth, tHhl Sunday,
J.M. Pwrker, paaior,
That lutkev dinner at ! t.Uilw
ratatHi laat nUinday, wa find ela.
I,ou la at the helm agdu.
Wtelley v Vandnyn aw cloalng'wit a
lot of ahoe without irW to wwt
Come audt them at half rtt.
The ItapUat ehureh ol-arved the
week of prajer by holding aervlee
every evening, aud they are enutlnned
thl week with aoine lntent
Hon. W. P. tVnnaway will delive r
the teit'iuluute taalonid addreaa ti-
ulghthforothe Mualeal and Mlerary
wH'kdy. All pome. You are cordially
John Young tautghlMnt. J. W. Kirk
land' resldeme pitiriy on A trtreel
thla week. Cotmlderatlon tl,, Thla
laatlneptiHw of projx-rty aud a g""1'
ftetiMMuher the mtvtlng of the
bnanlat the tudepiMolenee National
bank, Monday, January I.H, si2. All
thtaat having grtevaueea, pleoae do Hot
forget to pivwnt tnetu at that time.
Mm. Anna Hlgg prmldenl of the
W. C. T. I . of Oregon, delivered quite
a lengthy and Inlereatlug addrvaa to a
large aud attentive audleuee at the
Preabyteriat ehureh lat Mtmuay even
I.wr. A brown leather folio f
elnntra mule U'hvwen Independence
aud Monmouth, or In Monmouth
Anyoue lludmg the mono will he ult
ably rewaid by leaving It at Ihli
Our holiday Iwiio la not yet exhautt,
and you hould tanid for eople and
aeud them to your friend Kat, atol
eliwwhere. IW'tter than a hundred Ut
tew b our New Year' Ixaoe, tinly
Ave eviit a wpy.
M. V, Itork, Owgon etate leetim rof
the Firmer Alllmo-e and Industrial
t'nlon, will addnna the elilneu oflo-
ileiK'ielenoe at the eper hiiu', Satur
day, January lit, at 7 o'ehnk p. in.
l.adh aud KeiitleiiM'U Invited.
Prof. P. L Camfl'll will addrew the
public aildlenc at the ChrUllnli ehureh
to-night, Invited by the Miei.-i.l and
Utrrary atMety of m (iil.'iiiv.
Everylhxly luvltetl, AdinMou frw
No Htl.vtlon, exeept that of beauty
and ng.
Mr. F, Anatlne, of Monmouth, euw
(i mean bteoueiM, (v 1 already mk
lug friumU and doing quite a trade lu
hi line. He tell u It la liU Intention
to put lu the mit eompl. to tiMk of
furiiltiiri., ear)Ht, ami eurtalua, in the
To preserve a youthftd appenrunee a
long a paitite, it la liulli otible that
the hair ahouUt rolalu ita uaturul cha
and fullne. There l no preparation
eil'.-etive a Ayer'tt Hair Vigor. It
prevent Imldne, ami kee the ai-alp
clean, eool, and healthy.
At th meeting of th atta'kholdem of
the Flrt National lonk laxt Tmnday,
January 12th, the aame Imird of dlree-
tor were elected aa hint year Alm the
board of diieetont eheted the aamv
ollUvr aa lietl year. The aturkholder
expreKwxl themw'lv a well antltled
with the miwin.-Mlent of the bank dur
ing tlieyear
The primary depart un nt of our pub-
llem'leml wa dlmlwml en Wcdunatay
morulus for the remainder of the week,
a Mra. Turk la ill, aud no (iiiaUtletl
teaeher eould ! found to take the de-
IMrtuient In charge till her recovery.
Our achool law forbid the employ-
inetit, even temorarlly, of any but
teiieber holding eertlllcalea.
The Italia (m rvr went Into a lit
of byatertn bet wvk becauw the SkT
SntKaaid that "W.C. Brown had re
turned from California not much Im
proved hi health," when we referred to
C. M. Brown of thla place. Our mla
Uike In the Initial of Mr. Brown wan
no enune for ueh a apiutrn. Jut where
the "woolen mill" come In, we are un
able to aee.
Jaiiib Thomiiwiuaild Jalliea Bl.ieken-
ahlp left ou Monday for Independence,
Oregon, to looa; the country over wnn
a view of la-nting. Paw nee (lllinol)
Theae gentlemen are now In our
town looking at the country.. They
arc well plweted o far. Mr. Blacken
ahlp I a brother of Mr. (I. A. Hlnrk.of
the Utile Palace hotel.
In buying a cough medicine for
children," any H. A. Walker, a prom
inent druggUt of Ogden, I'tnh, "never
be afraid to buy Chnmticrlaln' Cough
itcmcdy. There la no danger from It,
and relief la al way auro to follow,' I
particularly recommend Chamberliilil'a
la'cauae I have fiaind It lobe aufe alio
reliable. Fifty-rent bottle fur aide by
all riK'diclnedeider.
"What do I got if I gel a club of one?"
will bo nuked. For one new aubaerltier
we will ttend free for one year two fur
mem' paper: The American Farmer,
publialied at Hpilngllelil, hlo, and the
ltural North weat, publialied at Port
land. We wild both jmpcra, pimlnge
free, to any addreaayoii dcalgnate, for
one new aulmcribcr to the WT Hum
at the regular price of $2.(X) per year.
At the atockhnlder' meeting of the
rudcpeudeiiee Natlouul bank, held laat
Tueadny; January 12th, tho following
men were elected a a board of d, rector
for the ciwuliig year: II. Hlracliberg,
If, H, Jaaperaoii, I. A.AIIen, B. l'
Smith, A. Nelaon. A, J, Ooodman and
T. J. J.eo. Director afU'rwurd held a
meeting nnd elected 11, Hlrachberg,
lireaident; A. Nelaon, vice prealdunl;
W. P. Connaway, caahler; Clare Ir
vine, Ixiok-kccpcr.
Mr. 0. W. Iteed, proprietor of the
Hotel Dellone, Omaha, one of the A neat
new and modern hotel In the weat,
any of Chamberlain' Cough Jtomedy:
"We have uacd It In our family for
years with tho iiftRlantlafuctory rcaulta,
eaneolally for our children for cold
and croup. It can Ik depended upon
bexidea, it Ih pleaaaut to take, ami aocmx
U 1 free from chloroform and the oily
HuliHtunce put Into many cough mix
ture." Flfly-cent and one-dollar bot
tle for nolo by all medicine dealer.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
No lusdthy Hrm need ftar any
daugehuia tHinatHiuoutva from aft atiaek
of la grltn If proja-rly trwaleil. It la
niueu the aatne na a aeeere row auu rt
iiuir iirvelwly the aame IreatmeuL
Itemaiu ouletlv at home aud take
Chauiberlalu'a Cough Itemed dl
rtvled ftr a wvok eold, aud a prompt
aud complete rwoveiy I mm to follow.
Thla remedy nlwi eouuh raeta any ten
tleney of la grippe to Maull lu piieumo.
iiln. Among the many thnunaudi who
have uwtd It, during Ilia epldeinle of
the paat to yearn, we have yet to learn
'( eaae that haa not n-eovered,
or that haa rebutted In pneumonia,
Fifty-cent bottle for aale by all medi
cine dealer.
MtO 'Al.lrtlllNIA.
San Fham iihh, Ihm. so, inul
Klmm WNarSink! Awrtling to
promlws 1 will now give you an ac
count of my trio from yuur town to
thl city, t let your deimt with
lUckeitug gleam of auunhllie, hut before
we reached McCoy Ithere wa a tteady
downpour, which tMUtiuued until we
ncarod I'lullnnd, wheu for aoiuu little
time it craacd, My kind Mend were
at Alder atrwt to meet me, and con
veyed me to their bright, cheerful
home, w here I mvlvwl a warm wel
come, and enjoyed a very pleaaut
evening. Next morning, we milled
forth and took lu the alghta, many of
them la lng entirely now lo me, and
atoulidiltik me greatly. Friday It
rained again, and w did uol go ou
Saturday theeuti atmue brightly, aud
I tiik advantage of It to make aoiuv
farewell calia, alway a aad errand.
The hour for a final parting came only
too ii, and the carriage drova to the
loor, and whirled u to the dock.
There w ere in all, oue tmudnal and
forty iaHugtni ou board, ami the tlol
exciuitietit waa cauaed by th arrival
of two detective, hi m-areh of two
diamond thieve, who werveaaily cap
turtnl, and taken aole-tv. The "Orvgoii"
teaiiuHl ihiI at a quarter wl 10 o'clock
at night, and eouveyvl u wifely to
Ataia, but there It waa to utoriny or
fogjjy that we were deUlnel uulll
iiloeatiMV evening, the iwuMciigcr
making the mtl of the time by going
wltorv, and Captaiu Pohlinan In lylug
lu a lirgu atock uf turkein and other
Xuiaa gOAHltm, Thuhalay we alarteii
down the river a hort ditame, and
niii i..rtx iipHmtte Saddle inoualalu;
lliUwa I'lirwtuia eve, and uun of
the paatiigiM had a eolimlal time,
kwplug up their hilarity until mid
night; drinking, eating, ninglng, card
pitting, enjoying hllud-mau'a buff,
and other game. We who had
tired did not enjoy the ttolxt and hub
bub; however, we did not complain, a
thlfctiva come hut oihv a year.
Among the )Mut'iiger were twa pugtl-
Ul aud their lluloer. t.l tifiifrttolollal
ifninbUm and all their wive, divorced
wuuieu,graM wldoaa, and wane tli
Hghtful niplc al; ad-led lu lliU, atatir
rich mlnerw, ek-rk. lawyer, aud jai
pie writing up the coaat. Fridny
luuniiiig we enwl over the bar while
It mviihI atfihlng, and lunncillately
we enmtuuteml strong lnd liol,
which latl until Sunday morning,
driving tu-aily all the pttawnger to
their U'ltba, Wilier many of litem re
mained until Monday morning, and
very few etijy4 the elegant dluuer
prepnre.1 for tbeir Xma feaat; and, l
llcve It or not, oih anltl uf it unitel
me to the cm! of tho Journey. Two
alwrage jaiwugim were ativeroly hurl
from fulling, and one cabin pieMeugt-r,
a young lady, narrow ly eea-d being
tolled uvcrtitiurd. W had aiaue fine
iinn.lcl.-ina ou Umrd, w had lot of good
umaieaud alnglog ;but tin laat three
lay the only wcct aoutnl heard
were front n lovely, warliliug canary.
At lat Moiiilay at. luain we anchored
at the w harf here, ami how gladly we
left the atvamer, on which w had
been tvurliunl lilne day, cllly thoae
who were Inearivrated can tell, My
fltelid were th-ligtttcd to n.-eelvc lue,
and lu the afterniaiu I attended the
"Paelllo Ctaiit Women' Prin AiwR'la
Hon," in couiMtny with niy hoate,
Mr. Coptidn lluahnell, w ho I a mem
ber, and that ta-atitlful aa-m, "Sun-
act at Mt. Hliaata," waa for the Ural
time read In public You will And it
Hiaiid hub, O ye umiut, l.ifty nimiiilnlai
HllH'l l.-W, 11 f Vlll-) Ml kit. Il
aiilns oa, In mmtiiUtrvni iletuliir,
llrlnliUol auiiael wirlli ever lintli noii,
A ) klui llm Willi inlaU from Hi talloy,
l.lkea veil o'er llmrtiutiiiialii'iiueiw thrown;
Oh, l II a loueli of tlio hfmiijf
Aal alorjr raiiabl op from Itilaentra,
l.lfl Uir rlngj.vull Jimt for nn iniimoBl,
Hull ii liock from Hi aiuiinlnlii'i (ruail
Ami -lie nil I Ik- ro.ka lit lliy Bili-ii.l-r,
A lltiiugli tliuu wort klaaliiK wil nluhl,
ilnrnk forth, O ye dm-ii.loiint tliomlora,
Thai ii i rroin I ho dark cmiyuin roar,
Till Iho eeliova lu low, aluhlng wliln,
Ih ttieinxilve o'er anil null o'nr,
Thi-ii aofntr and miner tho iniiriinira,
Till Ihoy Join In hurmiiiiy hwik-I;
Wlillf we alniiil Iiy Ilia meiwiivurnl n-oiin-tuln.
Ami Kuttier brliilil lUrwnr nl lu fivt,
U yn hvAtilifut, benutllul iiiiniiilulu,
Niiinillng alomi, ilium- in lliy rlloi
Nolo wiivnuf oliliiri'ioi i'iiii ki thy while
That for no wnn- wiMhiil with Ita lhl, .
I'ncover your lieaila, 0 ya inorlitlii,
Ami Ihiw to Moll ill Mhnattt illvlm-i
Then Join In I ho aoul'a dm-in-nt wurahlp,
Where the Km her hath tiulhh-il a hrln,
Now, Brother Bell, I will conclude
thl long cpiatle by wlahlng you, aud
all my old friend and acquaintance,
a buppy and proaH.-roua New Year,
and hope you will all keep a green
pot In memory for
Your sincerely,
A Million frlBlidi,
A fi le-ml in need I a friend indeed,
and not 1cm than ono million people
have found Juat audi a friend lit Dr.
King' New Iilacovery for ConMiinp
tlon, Cottgha, aud Cold. If you have
never uaed thla (Jreat Coiigli Medlulne,
one trial will con due, you that it ha
woumlerful curative power In all
diacaacH of Throat, Cheat and Lunga,
Each bottle 1 guaranteed to do all that
In claimed or money will bo refunded.
Trial bottle free at any Drug atore.
J. urge botllca 50u, and $1 ,00,
Tni)I-:i'HM)I-:,nch, Oh., Jan. 0. 1S02.
Notice to every body Unit owe J, D,
Irvine a grocery bill. Plea call at
the Indetaoideiico National bank aud
act tie tho Hiitno within the next thirty
daya. 1 have Mold out and tun very
uiixiou to cbme up my book. I mean
btiHlucHH, Your truly,
i J, I). IltVINK.
, Mr. Tin Fennell mad ft vllt lo
PiiHlaiut thl week.
W, V, Wllllama made llylne til
to Portland tin wwk.
MiUor M. 1- White made a flying
trip lo INirtlaml a few day aliuv.
1. M. Kleniaen went to Portland
ytwtenlay to lk after hi mill lit
It, II, t'iqK-r, of IudeHlldel-NeW
pori llatrlaburg, la auilllng uiain lit
thl week.
He mire and eiatic (o the Muleal and
Mlerary excrclar to-night at the
Chrlatiau church,
lie. t. V. Poling and wife left for
week' vlall to Port laud laat Wedtiea-
day, Hon vnyago.
Prof. Y'at, foimerly principal of the
publle m-hiail In thla city, came down
from t Virvalll Thiihulay.
Mr. 0, 0. CnuipMI Ita laan on the
lek Hat thla wHk, but we are glad to
report the gentleman Improving,
Win. William, of Alrlle, came down
Tucaday, and report that the fanner
are plowing, and are acting aa tlunigti
jiringtlmedroweth near.
Mr M. V. Itoliliiaoti and oii that
Wfl here January A, after a pleaaant
Journey of four day arrived at their
home lu Iowa the 0, and found all well,
I). M. Shelley waa selected preal
dent of the Com menial Traveler' A
aoclntloii at Portland laat week. Thl
auan-liitloii I now cuutpiiwd of 8'4
l W. Itol.-rtaoii and w ife of Port
land, iwKiulntw of Independence we
Itoia-i re mi a here to their (laugh
ter, Mm. Craven, aud alao to aee their
many ftieud.
Ford ISilter, a reaidoitt of our town
luring the iwut auntnier, but now
trawling for a uurry firm of Sakiti,
apetit, a day or two with U thla
week Ford makea otilte au altkble
Mr. (liHirge Slrtmg, of Independence,
and Mi M'na OltHK-rner, of Brook
lyn, New York, were niarrk-d laat
evening in F-at I'ortlaod, at the re4-
leti.-eof Itev. N. HhUtiv IVrtlcular
next week.
The Miller brother aud W. J. iW-ut-uret,
Uiarded Dm Thumday morulng
train for Ana-a, w here they InUxid to
hunt fhr old bruin and elk. They lao
thought they might (Mvaakmally pick
up tome iha-r,
Mm, MeAdam will be with u unlit
the llrt of February, tlw new wltool.
iniltdlng hi Snteiit not U-tng cone
plele at thla time, but will In by the
time alwive mentioned, when he will
J. T. Peti rwn one of Ha aawmilll
hand met with quite ft had acclia-ut
Wi.liHolsiy inoriitiig while attenqitlng
to hgulate the planer. Ilia hand allpja-d
aud the bit truck hi thtuuh culling
quite d.qi giu.ll,
air, (i. A. Smith i-anie up from Sa
lem Tucday to ik at our town, her
future home. We are much pleam-d to
ay that the lady 1 much ph-aiw-d with
our thriving little city. Her hualatud,
Mr, (i. A. Smith, I oue of our attor
ney at law, and xprcr hliiHH-lf a
aatlalled W ith the outlook for lndea-n-
ItatlM MoIm,
Tin; aua mill la agaiu in -full opera
Oil mile of plauk aldew alk la belng
J lilt Wflliauwtaay wheu the tullcer
of the wuuk-ii mill are elected, "then
the wool fill.."
Jim Mayer, who haa gone through
aw-riou )a.-ll of aicknea. may now be
eu on the Ktrveta.
The probabilitie are, that the Ihtltn
N'alioual hank will begin bualmw
alaitil Ihe flmt of February.
W.A. Waah, of the JttmUfr, hut
been awarded tho printing of the
county-Court proceeding, by the court.
All with whom we couvered, apoke
In term of comincudntlou of the wrlte
up of Italia lu tha holiday litllnta-r of
the Wkht Sunt.
The daughter of W. H. Klkliia, aged
about twenty yeai, I lu a very wrilleal
condition, Small Itoiaw are ellte
tallied of her recovery.
Take It all lu all, Dallaa I doing
well. The cltUen npa-r Colilelttcd,
full of vim, and view lite future with
anticipation of continual progroaa.
The IHih day of January ha la-vii -
Hiliited a the day for the atiajkholdera
uf the Dallaa woolen factory to meet
and elect iHTiniiiieut olllecr for the
Looking over the reglater of the Eu-
terprlae hotel we observed quite a Hat
of arrival and departure. It I a very
goud hotel, Mr. Crowley, proirletor,
la at prcacut con II tied to hia room.
J. I). Ik-It, It. Morrlaoit, Tom lUiwell,
aud L, Campbell, atarted for the moun
tain laat Tuewlay, to MHud a week hi
acareh of vcidaoii and lantr meat. We
Iioh- they may lay aucci-aaful. Scud a
Naddleof veuliHiii to the Wkhi'Sidk
Coiiveralng with Judge Stotiller
about plan for working our roada, he
Htiggcatcd a new Idea In relation there-
la, He HUggcated a drainage by ditch
ou each aide of the road, and drainage
Iiy tiling the center. Thl wa a
thought prcaouted. Something may
come of It,
W, C. Brown juat returned from
Hun la lloaa, California, and report very
dry t ime there, vegetal Ion all dried up,
anil farmer are uneaay . Oregon pohu
toe are highly rellahcd by the people
of that location. Having puivhaaed
the nmclilncry for tho Dullti woolen
mill, he think It will be In opurutlon
to work up tho coming aciwou'i clip.
The Democratic club or Dallit look
for a lively time lu the coming cam
paign fnrHUprciuucy in the county, and
tlicy will bo prepared with gun aud
wadding of a political diameter, toaa
atill the rntik of their ltd veranrle. Lot
the Democracy of every precinct In the
county organlne, concentrate their fttll
trength , and victory will be their.
In tho reul-CHiato oflloo of Mr. Wright
we huw a aamplo of ICngllah millet,
with head averaging thirteen 1 lichen
In length. It wa rnlacd by Mr. Den
nla, uoar Full City. It waa the llrat
We bad ever acen, ana it KhiK b
though it would make a No. 1 forage
crop herein Oregon, Let farmer try
It, Mr. Wright report real catale in
towu lot in Dullit going readily,
Munmimlh Itauia.
The ttludeiit of the Stale Normal
aclnad, alter a week' vacation for the
holiday, have ago I it taken tip their
atudlea with nMiewed vigor, and a lie
tcrnilnalioii lo be no laggard in the
path that lead to knowledge, Every
county In the elate I rcpnwentcd
by the Unlt'iit. and It I
pk-iuure to liaik at the bright and
glowing face of the young ladle ami
gentlemen aa they inarch Into the
chat to go through their morning ex
erolaea, 1'iielr trict atteulloii to the
vxerelw) glvi- evidence that they are
under careful preceptor, and that they
are eager to receive lualrucUou from
them a to their duly a tudc nt. I lie
haa. exerelacaof ft inoriiliig nIkhiIiI
he mom fnipa-ntly vlalu-d by parent.
la-ll Ireland a graduate of Wl of the
State Normal chai, pjut the holi
day with hi imretita near Moiunotilh
IM1 haa lavu attending the biialne
college at Portland, and for a little
recreation wine up to imu1 a few
day at home. From all account he la
making rapid progroa lu hltudhHt
Portland, and w III mi come out a
full-Hedged buaiu man, Many of
the atudeiita uf the Norniid have gone
through a like euume of liiatruetlou In
the liulne college, at portluud, aud
are now i-rupylug prominent ltln
lo bul tie circle. May Dell't hlghiwt
hotta n ice t w ith hill realisation.
Hilly Mulkvy, after Ulng bunlly en
gagtnl during the linltduya pamlug
giaala over Hie counter to hi cuatumer,
ailll a yet ha no ndaxatkin, He yet
aland with mlllug face and buy
hand haudliig over bundle after bun
die U) hi crowding pat ron. It tm
lavu feared by wane that Billy would
become, a lullllounln, aud forget hU
uld-tbue frletnU, but he la made of
better metal, aud will have no forget
ful iiea of friend when Itercachra the
apex of wealth aud honor. Billy 1
giaal boy, and eutliled lo n large aud
growing Kttroutige,
The hotel at Monmouth I IHI pro-
gremiug towanl complethui. Buay
haud are ever at work to haaten on
the time when It may be opened for
the aivoinmodalloii of gnctr. TheliM
pniveineiil Contemplated for .Moll
ototKh next -uoii, w lieu carried into
rxetMtlou, wllleoine near making her
the queoll city of the ci-uuty. Helioe"
forth there will U no tatidaiilt for
Monmouth. The mi; and vim maul-n-att-il
by her rltlo u the ml few
mouth ha come to atay, aud ncxl
unnner will la the livdht lime ex-
pc-rti-ueed lu her w hide hlalory, IHwh
I the Word.
Smith 4 Jufdau r-a.rl bualia live
I'uelo Charley tlravea, who lift lawn
pretly low fiH' ome time w llh typhoid
fever, w aa repialvd better laat Friday,
He bi under the cure of lira. la-e and
'row h-y.
The board of trade uf Monmouth
met lal w wk aud taik Into mldcnt
lloll ft aewerage ytelll for the eity.
A committee wa appointed lo atltlou
the council to raiae fund for mich pur
jmHt. There I oUMlderahle talk of publish
ing a Prohibition piqn r a Moninoiitli.
Ik-tter ealalillah ui-h a publlintloii
ucaror aaliam, aud where ilriuktug
whlaky la prevailing cuatotu.
The tatlouery t(tt ha Juat been
0wmed III Monmouth, with C. i.
Whw-ler, proprietor. Book aud ta
tlouery are nltnble eummiallilea for ail
educational wider like Moiimoulh.
Morun, the rel-ctnt agent, report
throe aale ofptopcrty lu town the
imat wi-ck. Johnny la a live agcnt,Bud
attend tri.4ly to biwincim,
E, Maiah arrived in Monmouth Frl
lay friaii Idaho. He I ou a vlalt, aud
I much pleiua-d wltlt Oregon and ea-HH-lally
with Moiimoulh. Hope he
may make III home amougat ua. W e
bid him w elcome to our city.
Mr. ('out w ho ha for aome time
pant n-ahletl III Moiinioutli, ha Juat re
turned from the Blue Uuartx ml ne In
Northern California. He w ith other
here are lutcreated tlnnnelally In tlioae
mine. He report proapeet proinl-
J.T. Murphy, on of J. E. Murphy,
lujvaaed, I ill town. He w aa heie In
attendance at hi mot her' funeral, lie
came from Ollllam county. We ex
pect In the mar. future to give a bio
graphical ketch of J. K. Murphy and
hia wife.
W. M. Hyatt, a ioug-Unierealdfutof
Salem, with hi family, were sojourn
ing for a few day lu town hut week.
We made a call on Luke Mulkey laat
Friday, and apent a pleaaant hour with
htm. He gave Nome graphic dcacrl
tlona of hi travel aortaui the plain lu
1847. He I fully Imbued w ith the old
pioneer aplrlt, mid apcuka with much
animation when alluding to hi hiut
ardotta Journey acrowt tho continent,
He la the oldit man lu Monmouth, la
lug now clone to N2 yearn of age. He
waa not in very vigorous health at the
Unto we called on him, but he I well
preserved foroneof hiagc, aud bid fair
to continue with na yet for aome year.
Billy and Frank Mulkey, of Mon
mouth, are hi anna. We gathered
aome note from him connected with
hi life which lire cntereatlng, ami
which wo will present to the reader of
tho Wkbt Sin at emtio future time
Anyonujvlio wlahea to oo a pretty
alght, let mm go upon the knoll weat
of town near Mr. Duller' realdence,
and he will ace aprend out before him a
a InndNcnpe audi a would gratify the
ambition of an nrtiat t- paint upon can
vas. No fairer sight could meet the
eyo. There He Monmouth before ttlui,
and tho beholder I filled with an as
surance that there 1 the abode of pence
and domestic Joy. No oue animated
by humaul.lng Influences, can, from
tho standpoint refered to above, stand
and gaze over Monmouth without be
ing Imbued with feeling of gratitude
and Joy that ho Uvea In a land where
such pleasing sight meet the eyo, and
where In contemplation ho can retro
spect the past, mid indulge lu bright
untlcpallmiM of tho future of that thriv
ing city,
HhurtleiTifc lliiraeo, the real-estate
agent, report tho sale of three lots, ou
which la to bo erected a Baptist church,
Thus the good work goes on. Tlicy al
so report the salo of a lot to Glen
U raves, ,
Numo of ponton? over seventy years
of age residing in Moiimoulh: H.
Ncnly, L. Mulky, W. Perclval, D.
Work, W. Maaon, Mr, Mweiii, H. H.
Whitman, Mra. Whitman,'lehol,
Mr. I!ed well, Mr. Sheltnti, Mm. But
ler, J). Martin, Ira J, M. Butler, Jl. V,
Perclval, 0. W(mI.
Four of William Ireland' children
have been autre ring from an attack of
la gr!pi during the past week, but are
now wmvaleaciit.
Quite niiitila-r of MoiiiiioutU clll
reiia, men and womeri.t.-ated tlm hilairl
ona work of walking hi lnd-a-ndctioH
and law-k laat Saturday, Tlio U iielll
of tlio motor line, no doubt wtui well
eoiialdered by them w hilo atpplng
A letter fiiati Charlie Staala, of (.'paik
wiimty, formerly of Monmouth, report
hlba k In good condition, and alxty
ton of hay on hand to bring tlieiu aafely
through the winter. 11 apprehends
no oa of atia-k, aitdex'CU to move to
the valley lu the ipring.
A gentleman from Baltatoii ha
iMiughl a lot here, am) exiwct to build
antiinU-r one I'liickamlth ahop ou the
same lu the spring.
W are now fully aured by ft twirty
lutereied,tliat ft Prohibition paper will
bit abirted lu Monmouth lilamt the laat
of January, or tho firat of Fcbrtmry,
Speed the cauae of lnta-ranco.
We would aiiggeat the DcooH rat of
Monmouth product call a looting, and
orKaulse a club at an early day. Club
am being organlwd elaewhere, and 1
not Monmouth lagta-hind. I-et la-iuo-
criila lamp and doing, make prepara
tion fur the coming camiadgii, aud re-
aolvu (o gain H victory lit (4k m-xt
t M W ail.y In a.iulli Italiniit,
Ht ltox, R I), Jau. 12.-It waa 21
degree ladow xero here thl morning,
and from 13 to 21 degree below nt var
lou NilntH lu the Male, making It the
coldest day of tlie aan. At Itftgrnde
thermometer n gUten.-.! 4ii Ih-1ow iro
yeaterilay. Snow I Iwo feet deep.
New line uf denomted ware at Walk
er Itrta.
New Oilcan ruoliii In Iwrrel at
W. Una,
Bock Candy yrop, the l-l In the
city at T. W. I jtn'.
T. W. I te want all the butter aud
egg in Polk county.
Hot and cold water bath al any hour
at Heiikle bath houae. If
Wheu It coliM- to low prita-a, T. V
le fairly In It. He nay ctieh for
hi gtaHla, aud wit way down.
To laa.iile who pay rah for irroet-riw,
t w ill pay you to call on T. W. I-j.t
and get hi price. He can knock Vin
all out.
When In qiitwt uf a shave or Imlr cut,
call lu at Hciiklc'a barta-r ahop. Hank
building, Main atnvt, udcH-mlcnce,
(iregon. tf
Ib-itn uiUr when I u Salem to call lu
al Sthuig" niaurant, now Wcwtacott
A Irwin, aud get a meal tmt tube ex
celled mi the Pacific coaat for lib ecnta,
-ttSTlConmierelalatroet, tf
W Dul a t'hwrvk anil umit ftrhval
To g(d that magnllleent organ of
fer a a premium to the pernim or per
son who send ua tho largeat Bat of
iilwrll-r tar-tween now and July 4th.
What easier plan can la- found to get a
ta-autiful aud tilgh-prlecd pipe organ?
Oct the children aud every laaly vim to
cure subscriber, nd we are tuns the
organ will go to one of the uumcrou
church societies of thl vicinity. Oue
hundred and fifty nuiiKware not many,
The lit cotild alntoat I obtained lu
several of the churohe In tlw (Ktunty
without going outaldetheorgaiilzitlioii.
And If you fall a lit tie abort of Uh num
ber neeeaaary to secure the organ, you
will get oue of the other valuttblo pro
mlum. Try It.
Tim rrtora' Alliance
Orgaubuttloiisof thl section attoiibt en-
h-avnr to get aome of the premium the
VrrSiiic Company oiler for ub-
si-rlia-ra, Oeiitlemeii, why not get that
organ, or that Britannic? We don't
.-are whether one mau or a thousand
men send In the name. You no send
theaiilwerlpllon In the name of the
association, and without any cost to you
can secure n very valuable piece of pn
crty for your taadety. Why not try it?
See the list uf premiums lu another col
firstly' riniiiM inl Organ.
Hon. Daniel F. Itaatty, the great r-
gitu and piano manufacturer, la build
ing and shipping more organ and
lain than ever. InlK'OMr. Hcatty
left home a Hniil!os plow-taiy, and by
his Indomitable will he ha worked his
way upso na to sell ao far, nearly loA,flO0
f Bi-atty' organs and piano since 1S70,
Nothing s(cma to dlHhcarten him; oil-
Ntacle laid lu hi Way that w ould have
wrecked any ordinary niim forever, lie
uriistoan advertisement and come
out of It brighter than ever. Ills
Instrument, la well known, are
very popular and arc to lo found in nil
part of the world. We are Informed
that during tho next ten year he in
tend to sell 200,000 more of hia njako.
That iiieana a biUnesa of 20,0tk,(KM) if
we average them at JUKI each. It la nl
ready the largest business of the kind
n existence, Send to Daniel F. Hcwtty,
Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue.
1I0DOE. To tho wife of I). A. 1 lodge,
near Independence, a son, January
The child lived only a few hours,
when Its aplrlt wa wafted to tho celes
tial ollnui above.
Notice to III Tax-iXvin-a et School Ota-
Me No. nil,
Thebonrd of directors of school
district No. 2H, l'olk county, Ore
gon, will Bit na nn tjquah.iitiou
board, lit tlio JtHlepeiulonoo jnii
tionnl bunk, January 18, 1802, at
2 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of
oqwilizinp; tlio recent ussosaiutnit
ol Rind uiutricD, and iuho to mako
such corrections an may have be-
como nnceowuiry since tho last city
aicastuoiit was takoti,tlie district na
rWHsmont within the city limits
hnviiig boon Ukoii from the city
iisHOKHinont roll by order of the
said board of directors.' All persons
having any corrections to bo made
in their mweMsmont will appear be
fore the board at that time. By
order oi tho board. J. T.Ford,
Dist. Clork.
Dated January 8, 1892,
1 StotilTcr, J. ' ,
In th matter of the Isaac Zumwalt,
Sarah Ztiiuwalt, Jl 3, Grant, and John
Nichols esUtUw, final ccouuw wr
tiled and February (lib set for the dual
The will of Wm. June wo admitted
to probate, and Susan Jonui wa -poltitial
executrix, with Y. A. Patter
son, I), L, Hcdgi- and Jerom Horn-
alfu a sppmlaer; personal property to
lold at puhlla or private aale.
In the matter of the J. K. D vldxon
ealnle; final receipt flka) and adminh-
trator dlM-harged.
Plica estate aale hi occur at court
liouae diair III Dulla at 1 o'clock of Jan.
uary Nth, aud Torgnrsen estate at aame
place at 10 o'clock on January 1 Hli.
(V)M M laaiOM kH' COI'HT,
The following' road iuja-rvia.-(r were
appmiiU'd for IW2j
Dial, No. I O. (ireen.
81 ,
82 ,
C. W. Beckett.
(J. W, Chapman.
John Lyuu.
Ueo. llogiir.
J' P. Uwluu.
leo. Bouthby.
John Kurro.
A H Holiuan.
C N Tharp.
Henry Berry.
A II SIuiion.
J J Brown.
J M Parry.
U W Mcllec.
J V Wagner.
MT Iturob.
W II Conk.
Oco Itk-luirdttin,
H It Tingle
P Bartholomew,
Cyril Buell.
J a Savage. t
Jb-n Windsor,
Joint Fawk,
W W William.
L M Wallace.
II F Smith.
Wm Caluer.
It toad.
F A Wester.
II I Caroy.
AM Miller.
Perry Conner.
Dalla precinct w as divided Into two
voting prvclucta, Main street being the
Uvldlug line, aud the new prod net
bring known a East and Meat Dalhu
ludepeiidL-iuv precinct waa divided into
North and South 1 ink-pendence pro
ducts, the aouth line of the Thorp
loiialtou claim being the dividing Hue.
Judge aud clerk uf election were
chosen as follow:
Dougla precinct Judgiw, II CVaul,
Wm Itldgeway, P A Syron; ck-rka, J C
Ellis, Buford Stono.
Jackauu-Judgin, J L lUgg, Cj ru
Buell, FA Wcatcr; clerks, D C Soling,
I-jura Coiiuor,
Salt Uke-Judg!-,! BTownaeud, E
Keyt, C P Zumwalt; clerks, i) L
Keyt, Win Tow im-nd.
Spring Valley Judges, DO Henry,
John Walling, J C Iwla; clerk, R L
(.ireen, Jonlan Purviue,
Eola-Judgea, J Ii Emittett, S W
McDowell, J W Alien; clerk, William
I'earee, 11 D Bruitk.
Dixie-Judge, M M Burch, W K
Clark, M F White; clerk, C A Miller,
OF White.
Smith Iudendenoe Judge, I M
lluller, J W Kirkland, Geo Whlteaker;
Jerk, J T Ford, Ja tillMon.
Monmouth Judges, F 8 Powell, J
II Moran, II J Butler; clerk, John K
Miller, E SCat tron.
Bueua Vista Judge. A J Itiehard-
oii, J M Prat her, It I' Hall; clerk, E
S Lotigacre, O W Mclaughlin.
Suver-Judge, WWColllus, WF
Cauthorn, II Fllcklugcr; clerk, W It
lllrk, J R Hubbard.
Lucklaiuute Judge, BF Smith, H
C McTlinmoud, W E Wlllliun;clerka,
O A Wolvertoii, II DStaat.
Bridgeport-Judge, J M Parry, W
EBurn, It F Maaon; clerks, W O
Vaasall, Oeo Gardner.
McCoy-Judge, J H Hawley, A II
Holmes, J P Emmet! ; clerks T J
U raves, Mark Holme.
East Dallaa Judgea, JD Smith, L
C Parker, Henry Howe; ck-rk, 11 O
CatnpUdl, II L Crlder.
West Dallaa-Judge, T J Hay ter,
Ibiltert Howe, II Ilolmaii; clerks, 11 C
Cosper, E Hay ter.
Nortit IndeiHUidence Judge, A Nel
son, Ueo Bogera, A 1) Atklus; clerk;
W K Cn-ssey, M Merw In.
The Racket 1 rumbling all over the
town, ,
The Backet la puttiitg the prioisi all
The Backet la causing the people to say,
'If you want to buy cheap, come see us?
The Racket lace curtains one dollar
per pair,
The fabric so flue, tho pattern so rare.
Tito tine Racket shirt, as white aa the
They sell for a dollar, how fast they do
Ladles' hairpins, two doxen for a dime,
Two thimble for a nickel, O my! what
a time.
Shoea, trinkets, and notions, we sell
Ull-Uiao elicit p,
Our customer ltttigh, and competitors
You can And ua on miiu street, Inde
pendence, Oregon.
B. F. Andrews.
Any Stioret Soeloty.
If thero is a society of Odd Fellows,
Masons, Knight ot Pythias, Workmen
or any other -organisation, no matter
what It nature, that Is contemplating
the purchase of an organ, the chance ia
nowoll'ercd to got the instrument free.
Several societies meeting lu the same
hall can go in together aud get it, if
they w ish. For 1"0 uew subscribers to
the Wkst 8idk, at f2 per year, we will
give a fllK) organ absolutely five, de
livered freight paid at any railway sta
tion. See description of this matchless
Instrument In another column.
WhonBiibywMsick,we gt her GMtoris.
When lite was a Child, ah erled for Castori.
Wlton ihs became Miss, ah olnng to Castori.
When ill had Children, ih ga Ustm Castor!,
Ilaaa Vlala Maw.
Fine weather for mid-winter.
J. A, Veiun and family ar down
with bt grippe.
School re-Mnil Tmlay of last
week with a good attendance.
Mr. Im, of Jum,iloa City, wa rllt
Ing We laat week with Mm. H, E.
(irandma Kay ha been lo bad
health for nne time, hot I trnnt better
at present,
Mr. Culver aud Cieo. Bcott Icrft for
San Fraucisooon Monday of laat week,
on a liualni-M trip,
Prvacott A Vene have about eight
million feet of log In boom at the Dv
IdMoii bridge In th Lucklamute.
Mr. Wm. Davhlaon and daughter,
Inez, have been quite tick for ft week,
with la grlpiw, but they are both re
ported a better.
C. E. Herrau wm shaking hand
with old friend here bait week. Char
ley ha many friend here, and we are
always glad to tee blm.
Our community I again Infest ted by
mokehoue thieve. Our people have
baai (he marauding fur several
I year, and If the partlc should b
caught, they will be severely handled
Our friend, J, il. Alexander, wa up
to -e u the other day. He Inform
us that be will go Into bus! new at Moo
mouth, by putting 10 a tlnavclaisi drug
store. W predict that Harley will
make t sucui-a of It, a he I Unit'
class druggUt.
A, J. Itichardaon and family left last
week to make their future home In
Portland. We are orry to lime such
extimahlo ijeopl sod neighbor, but
what cau not be helped must be en
dured. W WUili them fuccea in their
new home, but expect to see them
move bat k In the spring.
Mr N. K. Tyler gave one of her ex-
eidleut dlnuer on Wednesday of last
week, to ft few of ber intimte friend,
which consisted of all the deUcacie of
the eauu, and to wbk-h all did ample
Justice, but more than Justice wa doue
to th old-fashioned English pudding,
which Mr. Tyler can make to perfec
Ijoit Saturday eveulng Mia Route
McCialn gav a aocial tupistr and
"Cabinet party" to a few of ber moat In
timate friends. All present voted It a
being about the moat pleasant evening
everi?nL The ladle present were
Mi Emma Hughe, Mary Shlves,
Nettie Halt, lUith McDIvett, Boaie Mc
Clatu; Messrs. Oeo, Weil Jr., Mr. Bed
ford, Fred Vene, Jo. Bhivea, Prof.
F.mmetl, Charley Mc lain.
Laat Saturday evening Buena Vkta
Lodge, No. 24, I. O. O. F-, Inetalled
their offlcer for the ensuing year, by
Ci. M. Morse, D, D., assisted by & U.
Dorria, of Bornum lodge. Those In
stalled were Wm. Wells, N.O.; E. H.
Jeur, V. O j E. a Longacre, R. 8.; J.
M.-Prathcr,T.; J. A. Yeneat.C; J.D,
Shaw, W. O.; W. Mclaughlin, J. O.;
Scott, R. 8 a; W. 8. Bennett, L. 8.
8.; Jo. Milton, R. atoN.O; B.A,
Kellogg, It. 8, to V.G. -
The firm of Alexander & Jeter waa
dissolved January 1st, Mr. Alexander
disposing of but lute rest to Mr, J antes
William, of Linn county. We regret
wry much to have Mr. Alexander and
family k-ave us,, a they have been
amoug our foremost people for several
year. Tlicy leave many firm and solid
friends behind. Mr. Wllllama come
to u well recommended a an honest,
wide-awake bustuesa man. To Mr.
Alexander and family we say "good
bye" and may success ever be with you;
aud to Mr. Williams and family we
say "welcome," and may success at
tend the new firm.
Matt I ver, who live in Marlon
county, t ar here, brought to town the
other day some haxel aud Iudian peach
limb that were leaving out just like It
were springtime. The hazel bad youug
leave over au Inch long. We were '
also show u some rose bushes that were
leafing out, and tome elder that were
putting forth their leaves, Oregon
against lite world to match the above.
On Jauuary 1, 1802 Wm, Davidson bad
ten bushels of apple picked from hi
orchard, all good aud sound. Your re
porter also picked oft some January 12th
that were sound, and still as nice as
any apples. Again we say, Oregon
against the world.
On the eve vt January 1st, It was
our pleasure to attend a supper and
sociable, given by the ladies of the
Union church, of this place, under the
leadership of Mesdamea A, Shines, R,
Hall, Geo. McLoughlin, aud N, E.
Tyler, which means success to have
these ladles at the head. The supper
waa good, with an abundance of It for
everybody. After supper a short pro
gramme of songs, furces, and declama-
Hons, was rendered, and then the gen-
Tend social hour. was greatly enjoyed by
all. The singing of the evening de
serves special locution, as it was first
class. The proceeds of the evening,
which were about $30, were for the ben
efit of the Sunday school and church.
Vssarrtni Pmlae,
We desire to say to our cltbsens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King'sNe w Discovery for Consumption ,
Dr. King's Now Life Pills, Bucklcn's
Arnica 8ulve and Electric Bitters, aud
have never handled remedies that sell
as well, or that give such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, and we
stand ready to refund the purchase
price, If satisfactory results do not fol
low their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on
their merits. All druggists.
UtdtaBa! QUnRTER
kcrcoui i;,on- rr n
m, nenr wnat J I 1 1
la now Baker City, a
s man who has sinee
become Ulcutilicd with the resources snd n f fl
development of that country. Tht maa JIVlU
ia no oilier ttmn Mr. John Stewart, ona of th
weaKliictt Mid moil Influential citiient ia th
comity. In recent letter he y i "I had beea
lult'ci tni! fiom :ilui in my hack and general kid
ney complaint for aome time, aud had used many
remedies without any but temporary relleC Th
patnalu mv tuck hud become o severe that I waa
prevented fitwi nttendltiR to my work and could
not move ntwut without the use of a cane. Hear
hut, tlirotisrh a friend, of tlte wonderful cures efV
fected by Ore-oil I" id . icy Tea, I wna Induced to try
s box, and from t!ir-.t wry first dose 1 found Instant
relief, aud before uvltis! half the contents of the
bo the p:tm in u;M;!; entirely disappeared,
t have every f .i.b i t the virtues of the Oregon
Kklury Tea. r.dv"ecacieuttoaly recommeud
I to my frletid-v X wpul t not be without it for
anything' -
Oirsw7;i i. - -p, r trea, incontt.
unrllilt" I 'nM'' imt aciliment, bunilng; or
jt rvusavastaadQ,, wUic uriaaua. nd all sffeo.
to kUUieviH uvIt,tyorfe-.Haof citheraea.