The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 15, 1892, Image 2

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l R. I. IIU, tOITO.
rAVat.Bttt WA
On Tr .
iui Months .
Three alouuis -
i ....... Htt .Wt
All mejrrwie " : "Vifowr
h tU Urn wilt be "" K
v tmes will be fhnrHi y w PJ ""J
10r allhe ww ot nv Witt
Are ell ecmmiml.Mn fr
ttJf 1. ...
Kltmt at tha tVal-oWoe l tnHB
OCPe, M S-.OUlt-OieS mailer,
FWDAY, UNUAttY 15, Wtt.
OUR holiday cxcliaiigen ww
upMO, ud we shall give m
tended notice of each, next week.
True stsUwmnnshlp will place
title by aide the farm and work,
hop." f
Chaikcey DRl'KW think Flower
statute a good ehauce offering nom
inated by the Democrat for the
presidency. "
lion. J. W. Watts, of Yamhill,
has been appoiuted to fill the laud
offleeat Lakcview, vice Warren
Truitt, resigned to awcjtt the
judgeship of Alaska.
The law now in Portland la that
no saloon la allowed withlu 400 feet
of any school building. Thia
sounds something like the four-
mile law of Tennessee.
Al.fc persona dealing with those
who advertise iu tha Wrst Bws
cannot, as a rule, do any better
elsewhere. Thoy are reliable, re.
. sponsible, business people.
SixiE all parties have had a fair
aud square hearing, concerning the
management of the city affairs, now
we rest the case, hoping that good
may come of the discussion..
i 'i ' .
Tin Roseburtf i"dr makes
its exit this week, and will diseou
tinue its daily. We re sorry, as
the daily was a good exchange and
was always read. It did not pay.
a .... - J
Is a half column of local items
printed last week In a North Caro.
lina newspaper in a town of 3000
Inhabitants nino colonels were
mentioned, all residents of the town
IIox.JoHsr Sherman, of Ohio,
was re-elected IT. S. Senator last
week. Sherman is a man of con
Biderable ability. Foraker came
near defeating him, which would
have been a great pity.
De. W. 11. MiuirRX was elected
chaplain of the House of Itepresen
tatives at Washington this session
without a political nomination
This is as it should be. Chaplain
cies and churches should be forever
divorced from polities.
. The New York court of appeals
on Tncsday handed down a decision
Beating the Democratic candidates
for the legislature in the conteat i
that state. This gives the Demo
crala complete control of liotli
branches of the legislature.
i.. j
George Williams, the note
shaving banker, Jap Minto, tho
bulleving ward striker, and C. 1$.
Moores, who always luw his plate
extended to the office giving power,
like Oliver Twist, are a pretty trio
to represent tho wool growers of
"MY friends," said tho minister,
"the collection to-day will be de
voted to my traveling expenses, for
I am going away for my health.
The more I receive the longer I can
stay." And, strange to say, the
largest collection ever made was
then taken.
The Drain Erho and Cottage
Grove leader have been consoli
dated, and will continue as the
Evho-Leiukr, and published at Cot-
tage Grove. 8o Drain is without a
newspaper. Where is li. C. Hcald,
that was going to build that rail-
road all by himself!
About the only consolation that
we can draw from the meeting of
the Oregon Democrats in Portland
last Saturday, is, that they have no
"boss" politician nor "boss" nowf-
paper in the state. Every fellow
was trying to run his own boat,
We neither indorse the obstreper
ousnessof that meeting, nor that
flve dollar a-plate champagne ban
quet. A four-bit plate of good
grub is about all an ordinary Dem
ocrat of the Jeffersonian simplicity
type, can pay for.
Senator Dolpii has issued invi
tations to eighteen seuators to a
dinner, at which they are to meet
Senator Hill. When we read this
. announcement it took our breath,
but seeing the further fact stated
that tho two senators were boys
together and friends in their youth,
the matter was explained. No
doubt Oregon and New York will
be friends in mature ago, as Mr.
Dolph is a politician of the Hill
kind, the only difference being that
one is a stalwart Democrat and the
other Republican. Portland
ORiaiXAr.AXl) UXlijVE
Governor lVnnoyer, having
ftven his ideas of what the next
kuuocratio platform should he, it
ts perrecuy auto to predict that lie
will not have much of a chance to
assist in the building of it. The
governor's Democracy is of very
original aud unique pattern, so
much bo that it won t need a copy
right to protect ILStteberg'
Indeed the governor's Democracy
is "original and unique," for his
honesty, and determination to do
right at all haxards, is something
not very common with the rulers,
of Oregon, Uuique means "rans"
and it Is a very "rare" thing to get
a governor iu these United State
to do the right thing in spite of the
political hucksters. It would pay
the state of Oregon big ouey if it
would only "copyright" Governor
iVnnoyer'a administration j then it
would make fewer mistakes than it
has ever made iu its history, or Is
likely to do when ho retires from
When the editor of the Star first
eaiue to Klamath laud, ho found
Eastern hams, bacon, eggs, in every
store, aud saw that precious Klam
ath cash, and lots of it, went sailing
across the Rock let for farm produce
that should have been raised hero.
We howled and howled until the
eltinoiw had to raise a subscription
to gel uorse meuiciue for our sore
throat. We feel much better this
happy New Year reallisiug as we do
that, while editors in many other
sections of the state are stilt mak
ing their patriotic throats sore on
the same subject, we don't need to
"holler" any wore. We raise
everything we eat, except oysters,
and we simply don't want to raise
these bivalves, as we fediove in
giving the poor Eastern cUmdiggcr
a chance.
Hut we sympathize with llro.
Bell, of the Independence West
Side, who is thus shouting this
cold weather at tho Witless aud
heedlessness of mau in his own
"It is a shame and a scandalous
disgrace to the peopla of Oregon to
have whole carloads of egg alitpped
into the Willamette valley every
winter from Iowa. Think of every
man in towu this morning having
had 'Eastern' ham for breakfast.
luuiK oi the 'thousand and one
things' we can produce here which
we pay out money for. With the
climate, soil aud every natural
facility needed, we could save thou
sands of dollars every year, but our
improvidence ami downright laziness-
keep the figures balancing
against us." Klnmath Mir,
The oouucil niwtlug held Tucwluy
wulng, January 5, wan oue of much
importance, It wan the expiration of
the terniof oltlce held by vuwml mciu-U-nt,
the twearlntf Iu of the ucwly
elected mayor, M. Mcrwla. Ho then
dellvcriHl his iuniitfural adilrcm which
wat very appropriate.
W. I. Con nn way, on rellrliiK froiw
the ofllce of mayor made nomo very
cotiMcrvatlve and vxelleul remark,
11. C. Finch wa elected U) fill the va
tuiicy cnimed by the rralKiiatlon ot Coun
cllioan Merwlo; and the newly elected
eouncllmen, H. J. WIImui, Klrnt wanl;
A. H. IK-ke, Hsiid ward; A.AVIIwin,
Third ward; were wrn In to perform
the Untlcn of the ottlce to the Ixnt of
their knowledge and ability.
In rawing the accounts of the old
council there were $1,042.43 turned over
to the new hoard. An liiinano from
last year of about $100, while about
$2,900 were exended during 1H01, for
city Improvement. '1'bU U a gixtd
showing and ununrn well for the future
welfare of our growing city.
CO. Doughty Is now sole pro
prietor of the 7im ObHrmr. Mr.
Snyder is wile owner of the job de.
purtment. Success to you both,
Stands at the head of all blood med
icines. This poHitlon it hn secured
by Its lutriiiHlc merit, sustained by
tho opinion of lending physicians,
nnd by tho certificates of thousands
who have successfully tested its
remedial worth. No other medicine
so effectually
Scrofula, boll, pimple, rliomnalUm, ca
tarrh, and ill oilier blood dlacanon.
"There can lie no question a to Ilia mpa
rlorlty of Ayor'i Samnparlllii ovor ill otlior
blood-piirinuM. If tlili wm not tha c, tho
demand for It, Inntiwt of Increniilng yearly,
would have ccoaod long m, like to many
other blood mcdlclm-i I could name."
F. L. Nlckeraon, Drugglat, H Chclica t.,
Charlottown, Mans,
"Two yean ao I wai troubled with ialt
rheum. It wai all over my body, and noth
ing the dooton did for me wa of any
avail. At laat I took four bottles of Aycr'i
Sarsaparilla, and wa completely cured.
I can alnccrcly recommend It as a snltndld
blood-purllor."-J, B, Hurt, Upper Keswick,
Mew liruiiBwIck.
"My sister was afflicted with a sevaro
case of
Our doctor recommended Ayor's Sarsaparilla
as being tho best blood blood-purlncrwlUim
his experience. We gave her this medicine,
and a complete euro was tho result,"
Win. 0, Jenkins, Dewoeso, Mob.
" When a boy I was troubled with a blood
disease which manifested Itself In tores on
the legs, Avar's Sarsaparilla being recom
mended, I took a number of bottles, and was
cured. I have never slnee that time had
a recurrence of the complaint" J. C.
Thompson, Lowell, Mass.
' I was cured of Scrofula by the ma of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla." John C. Hurry, Doer
field, Mo. .
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Dr. J. C, AVER & CO.. Lowell, Mass.
SoldbyIIIniflUla. I'rlosfl; iliboltl.i, 9. nnoAMim
A preliminary meet log by a
number of Democrats was held in
the opera house last Wednesday
evening. It was decided to have a
complete organlxatlon of the club
next Tuesday night at the same
place. There are fifty-three mem
bers now, and tluwe having the
work in hand will swell tho num
ber to oue hundred by next Tues
day eveulng, Let every Ikmiocrat
join in this work and orgnuUc, for
this is a momentous ju'ivr in our na
tion's history. Clubs should be or.
ganixed at once throughout the
county. So far, the club here is
the largest jet organised Iu the
county. Lot the good work go on,
TtlK first printing press ever nwd.
in America was run iu Mexico,
about l.VW, and the second at Lima,
Peru, atmut 1.VW.
There U inoru Catarrh iu this motion
of the country than nil other illwuw
put tif"tlitr, siul until the hut few
yw It w siigxwHl to be lumirahle.
tors gmtt umiiy years doctor pin-
nouuoed It a local dlM-aw, snd um-
oHUh! I(mI nmctlli, sod eoiwtautly
lallliiKlo euro with locut tn-wlmcnt,
prouoimoml It Incuruole. HcIciim hn
provct CHliirrh to te a coimtllullointl
.llixw, mid i thonnre hKiilre tnmtt
tutlousl tMlmeut. 1 lull'a Catarrh
Cur, mnmifiicturetl by F, J. Cheney
& Co,, Toltnlo, Ohio, In tlic only eonU
tutloual cum on the market. It
tki-n tntcrimlly In iW fruiii tcu
drupe ti a Uiwnwufid. It tu'Ui directly
ou tli IiIinh) ud mucous urfiicin of
tliajwlein. TlicynltVr om hundred
dollani for say cam) it full to cum.
Head fur clrcalani sad UwllmiailaU.
Addrvmt, F. J. Cheney A Co., Tulcilo,
Oh la Hold by drUK.M, "k
aturhkuMwr' Mtlna,
Tha atniiial iihvIIok of the aharv
holdcra of tli luilcia'tidciice Water
and Klectflc t.luht cniaiiy of Inde
pendence, tr,, for the election of dlrwi
tors will he held at the parlors ot the
liideu'iidciitw Niitltiiial bank 111 said
city wtwecu ten and twelve oVhs-k,
Sutiihlay the Soih day of January
atitl fur the transaction of aitt-h ntlu r
IiukIiii thai nuty eume Uftiro the
II. 1C. JAt'koios,8te'y,
f. mm.
Dealer In
Also, Dealer In
Lumber and Build
ing Material.
Great ninny wonder how wo
but to any ""
Of btiHiticKS it Ih eimy to tinilcrstiiiiil. lint to iniike it plain
to every ponton who buya groeeriea, wo will any tlutt we are
Attending fdrictly to biihiiicafl and wntcliing the mnrketri
for biirptitif, And m we bitvo tlio piimIi to plunk down
when a gcnulun biirguin ia ollercd, we can always buy
goods right. We do n't buy any
Stock ami try to put it olT as nioo fresh cooils, but invar
iubly buy tho bent the market afl'onlH, ami
Doing this wo plniwo thoao who deal with iih, as thoy got
the lieat tho market aflbrda at rock bottom prices. To our
country friends, when you como to
Call ami seo tw, and
produce, bring it to
if you
They will pay you tho highest market price for it, and they
of Hfliitling you away from their Hioro by refusing to buy or
trade for anything you have to sell.
Yours for Groceries,
Independence, Or.
Voak Womon
Owe t ihsntvWM a daty t UU Mee41
anapsnlla. la ftew tf the iTtat relief U
kasilvea Uiotewha suffur Iruia allawali
iwullar to the let. t amtfylug tka
blood, twlUl Ixipoo" 'al,
trengtlitiiliil Ih aervet, and taatiif tk
whole syMMa, 1 netuHt the SsMUlaMd W
After IS Tear.
fnr U yo ny Mhr has fceea wi
with mils leg. aiie went to 4 iAhhI
LarU ul t'ttllnrnis. U SMld the ell
!hl kale bcf. but II ( a
.H.1 I. MMi tkM av riruva-t
ka, to try Hu4 e SarMuaiiii.
lili abt had lalaa hell botueshe Ml
till wuiinhruvlMi.sntlierauOnuMl until
the i,k halt t Uixom KuliH-a, ana iww sue
MtlMtly w'll. Tot nMtrly tlten yeen
ahe wm ensltle la welt anmnd. btil uuw
elie wee aneele W wen anaina. mil now
he fan u wall u f Sj.a,
fn rin,.i.., ana u, r. tosnara wa.
Like a New Creature.
! have twa far ywoe tr ylm to ts keta
fra Oial tortllilascaanil ilrlillM, aud
i have I a
fit a ii
I m au euttimvn lo ', WUIila a yeet
lakan l Of iMuae oi
StiwixfUis, and I aw bow tH
I Itaw DTMIIiie.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
M kr CftifiWa lusts for ffr4
tnly by 0. 1. Utioll CO., AiMMkeowiat,
wU, klsas.
100 Dotot On Oollar
Iuduitiuix and MsHHioHlk Mittur tins
I .
The Umrd of echool director of dla
ttiet No. at will hold their revular
meetlnu Iu the dlroetor'a room of the
Indeiwndeuca Katlonal taiuk at
u riw. h ..... riiav, v'..fv. .raw.,
ami on Friday at the aam (tour of
every four wceka Uiereafter. Hlxned,
If Jfaaml of inmtlora.
ii ttt H.rtiti.riiip atrwuairw esiaiiiig h
Iwuvn J, W, lluainr end A. - tneka, of lad.
iMiiidMtm, nniiiiy, orerMi, li llila day
by muiual mmiMil, dlaailwa. All m.
Iii.l.l.ud hi III Mid RTiii will fmy Uw
itiiiiMiiiia u u m finmr r in. unaomsiiM.
Imtr-Uaii, I, iwl J, w, lii .raa,
A. ft tucaa.
Ih n MM' of Wni, Julta doeMunt,
Nlll'll'K I heraliy ivMi UiaJI It Mta
ninwrit Hint I liv lwii ituiiliHt t
ulnt l th ItMl will aud Lotamelti tt Wli
Jiaiira, talent aaid nmnlj, ttawauipd, by Ih
i .ii my jiKittMU ania niuri. an nua m.
dxbiiHl In Mid mum, will iiInuw wiak. ui.lm
iimtlxlK Mit iiirMl.miil nnMt. htUdlng fl.litia
uirv ajiioiit win tVM,iiot.amtu utequii
veillli-d at Ih. Itii(rwmlti.-w Najllunai bull
In ! ouaillia fi-iin 110. dale.
Ml .AH J ohm, KocuW.
Ao, fur Kuie.
klm-kkul.Ura' MmiI.
Tti. rti a III be a liiivllim of tha atnrk
holder of the Klral NatHmal Imnk of
ltiili-wnileatH, Polk cioiity, tirrxon,
on Tucadny, Jiimmry 1 a, IW'i at tha
Itarlora of Ilia iwnk betweun tha hours
of u n'elix-k a. m, and 4 o'cht-k p. m
of aald day, fur tha pur) of electing
dlrcetora, and trauaaetiiiK any ntiwr
iiualiona that may coma oerora .tlieni.
Ihttwl Ibis lull day of ItoeMula-r, A. I).
I'l. V. Jl. IlAWi.av, Canlilcr.
ftlnrltboldxre MMtlng,
NotliT la li.-n-iiv alvco that tbeannnal
nieeltnit of llie aliM-ktidldcraof the In-
li -li(li lKV .Nulluiinl twtiikt will la? held
at mid bank on Tueaday, January 12,
iwi ta twtvii the imuraiir 10 o'cIih-r a.
in. aud 4 o'clock , in. of aald day for
the nir of I'livtlnu a latartl of dl
rvctora and tranitaetiiitr auch other
busint-w an may coiim hefora the uiuel
lll((. W. I. OlN.VA WA V,
Iiuvo built np Hitch a big tnule,
have anything in tho way of
hm at w-' -,,-p'-., '
U hiaa f hull ilia m-lnal riuih alna f
puny proposes to give awsy to those
will Ik gtvou iwsy
To tha nsrtlea uettliis! us veariv eutiaerllwra t th WK8T HIWC, at tb rejruls r
prion of j per year, f hem ia not a Ihlnir ou tlia Hat that l 1h or traaiiy .
We iflva tha aetual Mall prlea tif awry article, and s- Uiat ytsj maka pwaona I
nUiry or your tieaier to orxier u vanry
And lota of It; but wa will give thoiu away on the eoiidltiona iiieutloiied Utlow.
Ou aceoiint of Uia larx outlay of actual, wa ittnktj a low inliilmuiu nuinlx-r
of autiaerUatra uvwmmry to ti'cura each prviulum,
The 4th
Is tha day on which wa t ill award the premiums, anil you can aciid In lh
names ona at a time, two at atlma, or aa inauy at a tins as you UK only so
you dou't wudu over lo,ooo (auoompauiad by tha eaab) Id any one installment.
rinsT pmzt.
"tatty's at" Tartar PIm Organ,
rlN S800.0O.
Thai plM organ la Mm crowning trl
uuutli of veara of exiwrletiet In oabluet
oritau bulldliiK. It la by far lit awaet-
eat Uaied ami most powerful organ yet
made. Tha eaaa la loanufatHurwt lnu
the cholceat of aeaaiined and kllntlrteil
black walnut, and hulltao aa not to ab
sorb dirt or doaU Tha eaae la built on
a new and acteiillflo plan, of thlo a
k-cted walnut wu.l, ao aa to render the
seale of rwda an as lo eaactty match a
church jil organ. The Hooteh bag
till, clilote of Hwliaa India, oreheatra,
lirasa latml, Ole liull violin, a uiualoal
bun, tha human voice, eatbmlral organ,
all are exactly Imitated. Tina a real
pipe organ, awl there ia a eweetues aad
grandeur in ita melody that M a!nny
Wa will protatbty be able to show a
picture of llila organ soon. Tlu-re la not
an Instrument in tha whole alata of
(Iregiai that ciiiiaree with It, -aoept
the great church oil orgaiia Iu our
large elllm. V f deliver it free of charge
at any railway etui Ion In tha I'ulu-d
Hlalea to the perwin who aenda ua the
largcat club of yearly aubacrlta-ra; pro
vlilnl, that to gel tha flrat premium the
club niti.t not l lew than 1W yearly
Tha Eneyalaasadla BHtanaloa, Prlee
, S4S.00.
This la the oldest anil tba largeat eney
oloraetba in tha world, aadoonlaina more
lliau three linitas aa muelt matter aa aay
oilier eocfolopaijia published. It la re
. The following prises are all from Hit
one of the Urgeel pulillaliltig liousve In
word, and to any a work la published
beat that can be obtained:
Wereeatar'a Unafcrldaee Dlatlenary
Of tba Euglteti language. Profusely Ii-
lualraled. New edtlain, with supplement,
enulainiug l'i,S00 new worda, Alan a
vocabulary of aynonymea of wuida ia gen
eral naa. Halt Ituaaia. Ulven fret (or
(lie fourth largeat club, of not km than
Mi subacribera. Price Hi.
nrTH prize
UaalneaU'a Dlctleaary ef lagraaky
A eompleta pronouncing dictionary of
hiiiuraoliif and nurtboloav. eonlainiug
nolKJeaufeminentpersonageaot all ages
and oountrtea, with the correct pn.uun
aiaitonof tbei.- namea. New adition, rt
Tiawl and enlarge.1, 'M pagea. Library
sheep, (lieen lor the fifth largeat elub,
of not lose iban ) subacribera. l'rioa HI
Llpplneatt'a Gasettear af tha eVarlf
A oompluta prononnolng gaaelksr or
oMiuranlittuI diotlonarv of ibe world.
Conlatuiae? nolioel of over l',000plsoia,
with leoent and autbeutio InfurmaUoa
respecting tba oonntrwa, ialanda, rivers,
nuintitilna. eltiea. towns, etc. la every
norlion of Ibt glooe. Mew tditain.
tnoroughly reviaed, rawrtllen, and eu
lamed. To whlub ia apoendad a aenoa
nfaiiniilnmnnlarv tables .bowing tba nop
nlatiou. eta., of the principal cities and
towns ol tha world, based upon tba most
reoeat eensna returns, uua imperial
Miami volume. iiWO pagea. Library
sheen. Qiven free for tba siith largeat
club, of not lose than 30 aubaorlbera.
Price Sl'i
Alllbene'a QuaUtlaija
UonUlnlngi 1. Ptatlwal qnoUtioM;
I nnaa ouolatioDS: 8. great authors of
all .una. . Comulele in tbrca volnmea.
Cloth. Oivau free fur the sixth largest
fllnh. of not leea thau 17 aubaonbera.
Chambera'e Beak ef Daya.
A mlsoelianv of popular antiquities
ounneated with the calendar, including
..u.,llu hinoranhir. htatOTV. OUrlla-ltiee
I of lileratnre, odditiea ol life, eto. fcdlled
by llobert Cbambera. Profnaely illua
I tmlnl. Tarn volumea. Given free tor Ibe
eighth largeat elub, of not leea tbao 15
subscribers. Price 18.00.
Half-Houre with tha Beat Amarlaan
Containing the beitaamplea fwm every
Amerioun author of note in history, poet
ry, art, Uction, and philosophy. Jour
volumes. Uiven free tor the muth lurg
eal oluh, ot not lest than 10 subscribers.
Half-Houre with tha Beat foreign
The only collection affording a general
survey of representative foreign work.
Four volumes. Cloth. Given free tor the
tenth Inraeat olub, of not less than 10
subscribers, price 10.00
Half-Houra with the Beat Humor
oue Authora.
Embracing aome ot the oholoeat writ
ings ot the beet American, English, and
furaion lmnioriata. Four volumea. (Jlotli.
Uiveu free for the eleventh largest olnb.of
notions than 10 subscribers. Price 0 UU.
Brewer'a Reeder'a Handbook
Of facts, character, plobsjand references.
Una of the moat useful ana acnoinny
bwks of the century." Philadelphia
Time. Uiven free fur the twelfth largest
oluh, ot not lesa than 0 subscribers. Frloe
Gleanlnga for the Curloua,
A oolleotiou of "eioerpta" ooverlng
The awards will be made July 4 1892, and
names will be received till July 1st.
The West Side Company
Independence, Oregon.
llm tiMtlllluillS th West Hldfl fJolll
isUlnir up clubs. Tbeso prcmioms
our pneaa. i iiaaa prunoHnw
of July
plete with eohired maps of every pari of
Ibe known world, aud wberaver powoult
the tail iallliMlratd by wood aula. There
are thirty lafe volamea. It at aa eiaot
reprtidueikHi of the latest Hnlieli edil Ion,
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to binding. Ilia aold cheaper In Ikw
oounlry becaneeof tba fact that nut a bo
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Chambere'a Cneyolopssdla, Prlea
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irolMibly lb boat guarantee of ila worth.
We deliver it fr at any railway alulion
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ly anbacribera lo tba Went Hide, belween
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00 sulieoriuers before the work la
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Uiu wort
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Given free for the twenty-second ltirgeat
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J. F. O'Donnell is now
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dence National Bank, and
will be pleased to welcome
all old as well as new cus
tomers to his elegant new
liKAl Kit I.V
My stock la now more mpl le than ever before. Hhatl be pleaeed to have
all the cukUaiicra of the store ooiitlntie tmlinx, and bote to ludu many to
trade who never did before. In couiieotlou with tuy atom tea ,
Where 1km aud alna-a can be h-ialrel or nianufucturcd under Uie management
of .M. A. 11AKK1C
llcmeuibcr the uaioe and plu(e,
W. E. GOODELL, - Main Street, Independence
T. W..
ucc.Mor to J. D. Irvine,
Dealer In
and Cigars
I have on band a large lot of canned goods that will tie aold by the eaae rery
Cheap. Alao, lot ot vary fine lamps, that will be aold very near coat.
Remember the old stand of J. D. I.
T1.0 Public is IVSnmlftllk' invito,
bnrgitina to Im hud in holiday goods, hosiery, underwear, drws gbirts,
cnlieoa aud jringbiti'iM, notions, tinware, glassware, and other articles
too numerous to mention, Ho sure to seo tho immense
New goods at linir recoivod all Mia Mm a. w BvA r.
to to 50 tMr cent on every purehtuw. Second door from First National
GEO. W. REED, Proprietor
Successors to Honkle 4 Walker, '
Carry a complete line of
We aollolt ahare of your patronage.
Monmouth, -
Good grain and stock farms and choice fruit lands;
town property
Those having property
IVnrtaml TmiauM a
vaia eciieot t. tms
in iv.i.m ntwl 1.
- Oregon.
of all kinds.
for sale, please call.