The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 08, 1892, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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No. U.
We send out thLutiprotoutlous la
sue. to our many subscribers and
friends la llk eouuty aud elsewhere
with some fooling of vM. While
the paper is not what we expect to
products by the return of another
New Your, yet it U by all odds for
iu advance of any attempt mude by
any county uowapnpor iu I'olk
county, or iu the Willamette valley
far that mutter. We hav hud
charge only five months, anil Imp
ami expect to more tbau duplicate
the improvement we have already
uiudo, during tho year lt'J. Let
every Iwdy iiteribo for the Wga'f
Siuk now,
Just why the Dallas list of the
'HT SuB failed to get to our
Mitweribera l.wst week is iiimocouiit
altle. The list was surely mailed
W'K leant that the Whiton
AJntmf plant reeently owned by J.
H, Stilus has been bought for $t.OO
ami wilt lai brought to Monmouth
at ouee, ami a new paper (darted
at that place. We wbdt the venture
succesw, and hope that its fullest
exiHH-tatioiw may Ih realised. The
nolities of the new imiiht will bes
prohibition to the cow, and we say,
"lay on, McDulT, and condemned
lie he who first cries.Hold, enough."
sH; yi a.VTIO AMt l;K.l.
Wl-hlnf Intarmallal, Rtruiu(
. kl.ould Uail Ik rulluulu
In corresponding with perna living
in the IKaat, we very frequently reeei
letter ot inquiry anklng great many
queatioiM m to climate, the general lay of
the country, fruit, gram, ete. Many ot
tlime auealion ire well lo the point, mi J
. ,.1 . I u i. ...I. I Hnnnt A VhmI
mount of mtoruiatiou to the on w bo j
ndted them, wliil other how very Iutiv I
ly the erroneou idea ud mipreiou llml i
"Am ther nv wild Indian ill Onif'
We would Miwr, No. All f on Uielr
rtwtBliun, tiring on Ibeir fnrmm !
are emtaired iu the different liue of
Anuther ak. "What i the u of the
Willamette talleyf To tlila wo would
tay, The Willameile alley pmper t
alwut t.Vl mile north and eontli, by
forty mile eiutt and went The Willam
ette river wind lU way from the oiith
rn part of the alnte, Ibromtb the valley,
and eniptie mU the lluiubia river a
tew mile north of Portlan t. The aaiid
oo both aide of the river M very pn
duotive, the toil being a rich aamly loam,
winch ia wpeoinlly adapted to the grow
ing of aereul ot all kind. Iu many
pluo-a the culture of bop h becoming
one of the leading rodmttric. Ewcially
m thi the cae on the botuim land of
folk oonnty. Vegetable of all kind
grow aud mature finely on thi aaiuly
(nam, and the last few yean the furiner
have foniid that peache can lie grown
uo!eiifully on Una aame txittom loud,
and a a reault, large peach orchard are
being planted which in the next five
year will yield Inrg protlt tor the
money tuveated. There ia alao the prairie
land, the noil of which w moally black
l am It i very rich and prodnctive.and
often produce from 40 to 60 bimhel of
wheut pr acre, and other grain equally
a well. We have uUo the rolling land,
which i either gray or red-clBy toam,
and l cooaiilered the beat fruit laud, hav-,
ma the I lent natural drainage.
Again, we are nuked, "Dk the chicken
bnaineaanavr We would anwer, Ye.
Chickena bring good price, good young
fryer bnnging from three to live dollar j
pr down, ami egg. ieu .o
eent Der dozen.
"Have yon good cboola?" Ye. In
dependence jinn a good eight-room c1hhI
building, if of them being now in one,
Then we have the Mate Normal acbool,
located at Monmouth, only two and one-
half mile went of n. being connected
by a ateiim motor, which make nlxmt
Ufteei) or aixtsen trip each day, carryiag
.m. ""k .r'now ' I m
!hohir, and hope be ulile to enlarge
their ouildmg m Hie next tew year.
Monmouth alwi ha n good four-room pub
lin-Hdiool building.
"1 there any government liuid open
for entryr No, not in the valley, but
you ciiu atill get Home either in the ('a
caile enat of n, or in the Coat llnnge
monntaiiiM, went of u.
"Have on good roadr Ye.
"(Jim I rent a farm near Indepen
dence?" Farm for rout are scarce, and
tliomi that are rented are muuilly apoken
for before hiind,
"What wage are paid for labor?"
Farm brimlF, 815 to 2U per month
mul iu lmrmt tntin tl.80 in fi W
iwrdity. LtttMr iu town, I'J.W wr
ly j c-rjiilf, ilOO f djf ; nivtk mid
Mlmmeu, tnltt S'" lo i",ln Ht Woiiltl,
"Wtml do liouiHt rt-nl fo jwr mouth?"
Good llro-im tmtiw-i ah t lnul tor
from 8C00 lo fltUM wr woullu
Wiml m tl) rnlii of Itmilliin iu lliv
oiinjf" Klw mill llio swrrttn.
"Would nut ikIvumh lli UwtKiMif ot
liveiUH'kK No. .Vo mil iHiwIimw
liwirlv M clu-npljf liff iw Iu III Kit!.
"V'ttUiVln pnncil w iirown
ial'ollioouuly?" Wheal, wt. lriy,
Iuiji, hy. tl.H, d H kind, ut gif
dfii tt.ti)l.'.
IKw fruit rwUiiitf injr f. I Ihim.
prut), eh-rrie. !', I.'!!. tttlK
mid umny ollior IruiUniul brrn.A )Uld
hi r(iH'liii, and rvtnru mudMiuM
umtll,MUitllolnK 0rn (Md y
know firfiv ur IwU "Ill bt"wr A
il prima owlwJ will prwliit' 6,0w)
(h.iiikU of dnp4 prann wf now, mid
lliw pruuo will ell, a vry tow
liml, for ? 'it r tmid. m-ii8
J4AI tr f. Wbeayott eoMldr llmt
(tilt can tw pr,tiitvl no land that you
eati tiy rdy for plmiiiittf for 'l jr
MrtMir li, yo eutt Jttdii for yoiirMlt
M to wlu'llmr ttirr U auy prulU or Hot,
'1'hMMi sro it urwat Hmyolhertlou
I would It. U wir,tmttituBHd"pi,e
will not permit, ii tMuld ny mader
ottli WiiHt hum wm.Ii wiy uformiioi
not uivv'O ttrt titer r pmllr in iir.
lMerytiwn wbu ilral in riwu (Mime,
llml ara riUt in prwu-i and Ktiiim,
who would kit yon tlm iiiformaUoii de
alrnl. W fl Mtird Hint ty wrillui!
... ii.,... kirkl,H.t t.f',e.
Orvjfoii, you wouKt lw trvalrd fairly, and !
I do not think the editor of Wf Jj
Hioa woii d iret mad if nnoit d odd re:
tiiK m m tun i.uarr ft-isr.
A l,rlB Kr PiuheM Al"
wlib Vlar MeBel illl lh t or
n.t lt t-unt trll WmI1I t
l uttte In if.
The Independence Water d KUctne
I4-ht Cowpeny wa orgauiied nb"
itnte charier tome two year ago, hut the
eiikrprUe did not rutfiitll tnlo anh-
Uutial abape and form until l"trry.
mi, whenlheeityof Imhuden-e, by
apecial ordinance, granted ipeeial privi -
lege to the eowpaoy favoring the wain
loimnee of an ehwlrie-hglit ylem 'tho
it corporate limit for a gi.-u aumtier of
year. The wealth and population of the
City loul m materially luereaaed ,,lim
the hut few year that the need ot tne j
people called (urm orunuisu-J lutein of
.uj,,,, glu, or eieciuc light fr btwme,
jum,!,.). mu renideuce pufpoar.
- -.. -. T -
nclieme. Huiuo wf tu niwl eutefffwung
ftflJ wj,..wttlt oitiwtM of lml.ii.tein
.i..i,ih1 Iu IRe front. hoJ with eUnruclpr-
wlio niirir tiu tti Ult itt tunlion. Tbe
flrnt electne light plant wa put iu oper
ation about one year ago, and conited
of one are dynamo, with a capacity of
thirty are llgbta, each of W candle
power; the driving power tx lng nupplled
by the Independence Holler M ill. Thi
dynamo proving t be iiiiiiUkietit to up
ply the hglila, aud otherwwe unatifw
Uiry , the company then, at o additional
eipenne of aeve.-nl thotwiind dollar, pul
iu a much larger d) nnnio of the latent
improved putent, which hu given entire
ntifactiou, aupnlylng a "leHily and hrtl
l..,.t ti.,1. 1 Aii. unon the wall of
T.v . nnl.t L, have culled aloud to Zeu !
f.,r-Weliubt." When the w-oplo of
Independence come to cotilriwt the calm,
mellow, exoteric hrilliuiioy of tiio motiii
denceut light, with the nputtering, dim,
and irrohgioit glura of the eominonplaee
old ooul-oil Inrhp, they, too, gnve voice to
the old Hellenic hero' prayer. "More
light," wu the ory, u "loud and deep"
that to u ply the inoreiwing demand,
the Electric Light Company wn under
tu(J neordty 0f putting iu two Mlra dy
nnmo for inoandtweeut liglila, which huve
already ken iu operation for eight
month or more, mid UII the domimd ia
,tea,iiy inoretwlng. The Klectrio Light
CoBipBliy (m. apurcd neither pal.. nor
eipenae to make their pluut on ot the
moat complete aud iitifiictory of it
kind anywhere in the alnte. Whenever
an incruiming demund nrnne, Hie want
wn inppllnd ut once with vigur nmi mi-
mm dlapiitch. TI'O li'!fit n'"v "'ia
j)ewt,1(( ut,w j)OW,,r Mm mu tie
onbandre.1 Imrae power Ituaael
aiitomiitic-mit-oir engine; iiIno, a huge
tubular boiler, aixty molnm In diumetor,
mxiliiitiing veiity lx lap-wcldud tube
three mcliea In duimclur find fourteen
feet long. Tho power Iioiihu i nboiit
oompleted, nod oontaiiin nil '.ho neoeHHiiry
improvement, etc. The nmin bmlilmg
hit a 2150 foiimliition, in one and
a half toric high, wilh mi ndilitmu
21x50, ono tory high, Tlifl engine and
three dynamo occupy tliwmiifii building,
while the mlditiou it ued for the boiler,
heater, (team pump, cold water pump,
walor huik, ote. Tti furiimw i built
tiimtt a aoliJ eouiwl foundation, ami oo
enplea r pao otimtlniiij crir teu f't in
width, IwBtity ft m bmitth, and elneti
f.wl in heittbt. The foiindaUon for Mi
dyiiamo and eiime w aimilnfly eoiv
truoitht. Indeed, all ttin apparatu and
future at (lrt elao tlirouiitiottt,
A, J, Ooodtiinn, U. UiralitwK, it. It.
JaHron, Aliram Kl-tu, and Jertmi
IHiriwife, aw tli peewit lHklioldtri IU
tti ei'Hipany. The people of tudeeo
de r U tie eortjtratulated uinm ba
iiiti m tieflo(l an eiiterpriw in their
mi.Ul; it All a long-felt want, ami k to
dy nrw-ailyi it add tone aud pre
til, to lli eity utiKwd, and uiree
vwilor with our fttklerti l"if'1 B
tttn-ad (,; reuvour. Tti tim hm
Hm wtiea Urvtfua fan ill lTnd to ride
w tlte war end of the ear of pfora.
The apini of the 4e a wuh he t
punliiiig o aloiitf, and our people re
bi-MlimntiJ to reiiliin that limy am living
tu new world. The IVItie Ktaie. by
a DrueeM of natural eleethu, am rapidly
j aMimilaliuir mueb of the wealth aud
eulliiw of the, aud the nal Vet
of to day M drmhit ll apteltdid ettariota
of eivilaalioa and empire iuh'J.eveiy
mountain ttue and down eeu tutu
the plwitiiiirt aurf of the. mtislily l'aeifie
The entire et! of tin eulerprwe to
Th- Mmuf ,,allt p,t
" . , , , ' , ,
d the laoVfaJew. plant
wake fully a el liht, lin only
imtller in eapaeity. Are huh! now in
riinhirtf order are twenty tlvln nuuitier,
and tliere are 175 ineaudeeeut IlK'td.
V. tt nl a t hr. h .! Mutt.1 Ikh
It.. ...t il.,.t iiittaiilrWiit iiririin Mre of.
frf M n lo n,,, jVnM,i, ,.r r
i, w ho -nd u the larseat lift ot
i gyiu,,, u,tw,H.u now and July Ui.
j vlm, TO)J(r ll)(U i,, flrtlm j0 t a
r M,tttllfuj MtMt ,Kl)-iried pl orguli?
f M vu,n,a B,,d everybody el-e to
1 mvUn, (ritr,, i w e are aure the
1,, w, K to r,e of the ittinieriHi
wketl of thb vMiilly. tJue
j j,,,,,, R, fifty uauirware not many,
jT,(, j, w,ul(j Blltwt ut.tnWied in
L verul of the ehuri-htut lit tla county
wi,tH( jn iiotMi!ottieorKaiiitloli.
And If you full a little abort of the man.
Ir iHSYwsiry to ctire the orui, you
will get one of the other valuable prw
uitiiui. Try It.
Auy rwl ai.My.
If Uiere la a aoctely of (Hid Fellow,
Miwoim, Knli;bUtf I'ythlaa, Workiueii
or any other organization, no matter
what It imliire, that 1 CJntellldllli
the puri-haM of an organ, the chittuv la
now ollVreit to gtt the limtriuiieni tree
Hevernl WK-letlve tueetllltf In the (Miti
hull fan go In torfolher and gi'l It, If
they wUU. For l") m-w Kubw rllH-rw tu
the WtvtT HtDK, at tl JmT year, we w ill
give a (tVuu oriiiti alawdutely free, de
livered fn-lutit twild at any railway eta
lion. See Ueaeriptloll of thi liiatebh-M
liiHtruini'iit Iu niiotlier coluuin.
The 'arnter' ,llim
()ruuiil.tloii of llil wctlon nhould en
dcuvor to gitt aome of the premium the
VrrHi!iit Company olK r for ub-
rrlwr. t ioitth'iiien, why not g t that
organ, or that Hrltaniih-a? Wo dou'l
care whether one man or a llioiimutd
men aeiid III the name. You can mw
the DUlnwrlptlon lit the uamc of the
UMMX-iiitlon, and without any iiwt to you
can neetirt! a very valuable pleveofpro
erty for your wadety. Why tmt try It?
rk-e the H"t of preiiituin Iu another col
umn. Mamtiii.tli (arrul,
(lilwott A Klrkhuid have on cxlilbl -lion
a carrot, grown by J.M. I'ratber,
of Itueita Viet a, weighing eight imuiuU,
ami till wiw no good year for carrot
Latkh. Hince tlm tilmve wa Imudi'd
In, we find that A. J. Wulcot, of ludo
Mmleimu, lrln toCJtlwon A Klrkhuid,
two carrot, ouo weighing eight and
ono hnlf poutiil, and the other ton
pound al x ounce. Como again Hr.
Prathor. m
llin Tl'itNiin. The writer III looklug
for niatutm of Inbinut for thi edition
vihIUhI Uio roiil-CHtnteollli'Uof Klrkhuid
A (llbHoii, nmi to hi aurprlae found on
exhibition aoniii nimnmotli tunili" and
polali. The turnli were grown by
C. P. Well, throe lullca auuth of ludo
lamdunee, from niihIm sown the lust of
Julv. and iifUir licliig out of the ground
wveral day, the combined weight of
foiirufthcHu wua thli ty-two and ouo-
half aaind; the largint tibm and one
btdf pouud,aud the aiuallet aeven aud
one linlf Niumk They alao allowed u
one KKalo welghluK nit and one-half
pound, and tlioe are by no meana
Ol-ptlOllltl ItUM.
With hi thumb, a buy I aatd to have
utvwd the NetherlainU from luundalhut.
Many a'ople have U-eii ave from the
liivaehai of dteai by a lttle of Ayer'a
Haraararllla. Thi HUHlhlne biart
lotto to the ayvtent and alrengthen
every urunn and fltrw of thetxKly,
Mai aiim,- Fall City ha tweuty
live, Italia thirty, and now lei Inde
pendence full In Hue w ith a tunny a
With uf thoae town. We are ure If
you luveatlgnie, tliere w ill I no trouble
of planing with a charter IU of fifty
iiieiulH-r. which will entitle you to a
full iwaphernalla for Initiatory work.
"What do I get If I gel a club of one?"
w ill t ak-d. For ue new ubcrilr
we will m-iiiI free for one year two far
mer' iiaiier; Tlie Auierhan Fanner,
puldlaheil at Hprlngtlehl, Ohio, and the
ltural Northel, putdWuil MTurv
land. Weaeud UHli pai-r, otae
free, Ui any addr you ilwlgnate, fr
tme new milnariW-r l the Wkst Hikk
at the regular prbw of ti.M per year.
The New Year" tlidl, given by the
Independence flrw d trtHient- wa a
grand mi.-m l-tb thmuelally and In
iHitnt tif onler, tliere being 'veiity
eveu Ili Kel ol.l. Al a ochk vhw
lance oiaiied with a Brand niarvh.and
itMcertlml with the uiial round of
dance until li o'cha k, when tliey all
n-tilrwito Mr, flit ' reataunutt.
mit'liwt, whei there wa iwrvwl a
irrand .upper, after which they agalu
ammibbd al the ball to enjoy a tew
luHir more of the fiiw lnailng enjoy
menu Mutc furtiUtied by Prof. Cre
v' on'ltr.i.
Hultr Iu III f -l)frt at al III-
Thelaaird of dim-torn of M-hmd
di.Htricl No. 2!, I'olk eoiinty, Urw-i
cmt, will nit iw ait wUiUittlon ,
Waird, at the 1ikIch'IuIi'Iii
tiotml Iwnk, Jatiuary is, IWl'i, nt
2 ti't'lmk p. m. i for the ptirjKiao of
eoualliua; tho reeetit naatwameiit
or aald dii.trliU tttul ulwi to tnako
atit-h (wrrw'tiuna ua may have la
come ueeeeaaary aiiii-' the bwtcity
a-Hveuueiit wu Mkin,the diatrii-taa
Mvwiuetil within the city limit
having been taken from tho city
tt.HNrauieut roll by onlerof the
Hnid Wiaid of tliwotora. All im-iwoiis
having any correct Ions to bo made
Iu their AKMeeameiit will appear lav
forn the I hiii id nt Unit time, lly
order ufthe Iknud. J. T.FoKtt,
Hint. Clerk.
laled laittiury8, , 1WJ,
A T lvy of aehmU IH.Irlel !. .
At thenchmd iiioctlng held In tbl
city on the evening of January 4, iMi-,
a levy of eight mill on the dollar car
ried by unaiiliimu vote. Total etirrvitt
Intlehtedlieiw of tlie district, $il,dM; net
iMMwahli! ro'rtv almiit fnai.tiou
f 4,at;prolmble public fund.IV!; total,
K),7tii leaving a dellclt of Mitt; kweh
erx'wilary and other nweenary exHuw,
ll.'a'i; approximate ludchtednee to
carry over next year, t-il "'-
lUwpit-irtilly, J.T.Kottn,
1MU clerk.
mu m v.,
IatiKPKMi'K, Otu, Jan. 0, Isif-.
Notice to everylaaly lhat owea J. I).
Irvine a grocery I'1"- l'l'se call at
the Independence National liank aud
wttlcllmaamo within the ncxl thirty
dav. I haveaold out and am very
iiuxioim to cloee up my lax'k. I mean
IiunIiich. Your truly,
J, J), lllVlNK.
Tho"hlKget log" lumli'di out again.
II wa cut on the aoiind and acahd
11,13) feet.
I lev. U. L. Hhellcv will occupy the
pulpit nt the ClirlMhwi church next
Hundiiy, morning mid evening.
A large anion til of eorrvmiondenoe Ih
crowded over u mil next weea, wiien
all will iiiH'iir Iu gtiotl ahaai, Ho tt-
tlent, ui it all will be well.
Min. Itlgx, alnte pnwhleiilof IheW.
(!,T,! will apend next weea iceiur
lug In Polk county, l-gl lining at Imto
iH-nih'iicc Monday, January inn.
II, J), Waller, a former rcaldoiit of
thi phiiH', but now of Portland, Ore
gon, ciiiiio up on to-day' (Friday')
tralntoHia'tidafewdayalii till oily.
MIhh Cora Hindi gave a small whW
party al her home lnt Friday evening,
In honor of Mi Clara Irvine, of Mo
Mluiivllle, who was vlHltlug frenda In
A i.rK-iili, lelter from Prof. H. F.
I'.mIi ilm i.lii'enoloirlHt llllelv 111 0111
lufnrniu im that lie I lit lircaullt 111
Fo'rt-Hltlrove. tlila atate, anil that the
,.,.,,i,i nriiiuf. cit v urn Inking much In
t4''ret Iu hi work. The profoaHor Im
The memiier of the Muehvd anil
Llterars ata'lety are rei mated lo I fleet
for practice thi evening, al the Ciirla
tian church.
Without eiagireratlou. tlie Kaleiu
.Vfo(om'f holiday hmli 1 tlie beat
which ha come to our table. Mauy
excellent effort have been made along
una line in uregou una year.
Provide vourelf with a witle of Ayefa
Cherry IVtoral, aud m hav Ui mean
at liana nr eoiiiemiing turweauuiiy
w It h a udden euld. A an ittemMiey
medlciiai, 11 baa rwieual, and leading
phyalclaiw everywberw reoujuoarud It.
N wedding prassttt t o tboMuiruly
appreciated by a young gwlhwiaa a
titi tiut of elolhea for tne mmUm,
given by a highly vaJeed frtead. Tun M
a nebuloa local, only to Uwae to wkuta
It may eouoeru.
Pratt aud Iteevm will oiwn a kuUu
rink Iu the building nnwutly vacated
by Campbell, the liuplemeul man,
puille patteraou' drug utare, Iodei
dence. 1 be find entertalumenl will be
given Hntunlay eveulug, January etb,.
The lantltut for the Thlrtl JudlelaJ
dUtrlct will I held at Monmouth and
Independence aoimitliit about the ttret
of April, lavi Ttil will be iwut a
K-rval educational event, a ad no paiue
wilt beiared to make It of the greateal
ailvautage tu the tvaebeni who may at
tend. A Tent of lb Knight of tti Mv
tieea will be luatltuied Iu till placa
wuiie evening next week, by Deputy
Hunreme Coiiiuiamler, H. anMet,
amlateit by J. V. Hberwwd, geuerwl
organliier, from Michigan, for Oregon,
Wadilngton aud Northern Callftanla,
and a C. KllliHl, of latllaa. (let Iu
am) luvmtlgate, and lawvime a etiarte
memlvr, and fnrulh your family the
protection which I their due, and
which ttie Maembani offer cheaper
than any oilier, and fe a lb fnt.
on wmiiiVWm kti
rifta Mllllaa Hahl Wr Rata4 I
lUl -yieM ream Thin-
Ilia Oregon weatlwr bureau baa for
the hut fiair mouth been exleualvet
engaged In collecting tathnica of all
the cmi imHtuced in thai atale Uil
aeawui. It ha no far received over,
mm n-ixirt. which cover altuud every
eh-et Ion prvt-liict in the Male.
The report are now being ciauptled,
and the following figure relative lo
Oregon' wheat product are furulthed;
l'Ut eouuty baa the hlglieat ave
age yhld of laialieta to the acre In the
tale, that of W, although I lie report
repreaont only imj acre.
Wco eminty ou the other baud,
with report from 2ft,nou acre, baa Hi
leaat average yield, Dial of 11.7
budiel er acre.
Iu tlie cnuiille where Irrigation la
umhI to aome extent for the raising of
croiM, a Malheur and Harney, the re
turn uliow a remarkably high average
yield, 81.8 aud SUA tnihubi respectively
ia-r aim
Among the valley oountlea, Polk haa
the hlgbeat average yield, tat of Wl
buxhel, white Laue regUtera the leant
at Hi 3
The following la a Hat of the ilirfUr-
etit couutle tl,roUKhouttheUb,Rhow
lug the acreage under cultivation aim
the average yield of biiahel to the acre
A.ttt a
eaftom fAnotry.
niitlll .........
li am .......... .
44.UI J
sts lt
In 8
Wiuni , ..........
Wllnw,. .......
Hlicrinmi ...........
TlllKinntia ... i
Unlliptir -..
I Ui Nnllliu ...,,,11. ...... ........
I'olk .
Mint, III -,......
Wn.lilngUin. ........
illlllam ..-
.In, kw.ll
JmHiililn. ...........
I'n,k ................
('ihm . ...........
( mtMp
MuKiir ...........
I ,iike .............
UdliiinUla, ..........
ffiTamakiia tho avenwe yield iu
wheat front the thirty-one counties In
the mate of Oregon to be a little over
11,000,000 biiHhel, and tho average
yield per county I twenty-four buahel
iwr acre. The Utal acreage of wheat
u Oregon In 1HI1 from tlieae ngure
amount to (IIU.KIH acre.
Mr. Viola Hloper, ouemlle aouth of
town, ha four-foot aah wotxl for aide.
Jiellverud In lndopendeneo or Mon
mouth. Addrea Indcmiudeiice,tr
; r (Mlate of Win. Jbm dcoeated.
NOT I (IK la lieretiy glvea toall whom It may
miuitirn that I Imv been pKilU'd tieo.
utrlx or Hie liu.1 will and tmtiiiul of Win.
Jiinra, lale of alrt county, deneaMNl, by tu
miiinly Judge, of wild court. All per inn In.
dflilertlo ld Mlal, will pleaw make malm
nindlale paynient.aiKt Mirim tHildlng elalia
Ihem iiiiliil will prmiiMiUhciiamo'n In duly
vnrlned al tlie innriwniipni-o
111 l iniiiil In from llil" dat.
rfriiendrntie allaal bank
huban Joaa, Exeeutrlk,
Aiiyn. forElate.