The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, January 08, 1892, Image 8

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(CttnUnuwl tnua Tim tg.
ground haa Wn ommM lva drug
aloe. The old wooden tnilkfliig wae
removed aud a aubetantial briok ereeted
upeti tht premlM,and Mre. Hunter A
Hhelleyw now settled ft buaimw
" the ui. A look through tluir
eU0lihllKtlt BiVM evidence uf inxiri
etnarrauruient.nd 1m proof
HuumriuWi7W urujr ami UUilt-
ctnea m not lu wry llnilted tiiiatiUtle
nor of Inferior variety. Vtth th
growth of the city aud nrroundlnit
ountry the growth or the tmltiu
of uter A Shelley hM tncrwwod
Uinler able and liberal mnnitiniit.
and the howm tnd Unlivy a
th renrwntatlim of a tiinuiioa. iw
draw it cotnmodmca from all pnrta of
uw worm. it require all Clliut Hint
countrk to uply dru ft a flrot
oliuw etahlihuient aueu a lhmtor A
IShelley haw,
licury It rattemou and brothor are
two you nit uicu doluir a thriving tr.l
In the drug bualnra. THey keep a large
waRnuiut m aniiMf iwutitv Kopi in a
flrat-ehwadrujt house, including paint
and oils, rrniraery and toilet artlolo.
ahw a Hue Mock of watchea aud oihnr
Jewelry. Henry, theaeulor member of
me nrui, una naa mucn exporlono iu
j-hV?' f " M I w 1 1
Th. O OsbmII Block.
pharmacy, and ta fully oonKtn( to
oompound drug aud irttcrlUon
with uuorriiijr accuracy. Henry
turt?d In UitMlnif tnwliitvjt In Inde
pendence lu Jtl brother "IK"
waa taken Into parttternhlp lu Jmuuiry.
atuc which tltuo tbey haw
devoted themnelveii to tli til)li
nient of a house dtworYtng of credit
aud worthy Hie patrunaK of the pub
lic. Their liicreaxliiR bust ueati, ami the
utaivciuent of their atock, ro to show
that they hav wicmnled In their ef
forts to build up a good IumIikw.
Thotr activity ba lu eontlnwl to
their own diitiuctive bnmch of tntdo,
and they have aciulnd a tnsto aud
nWty of discrtuiinattou In the lco
tlon of durpt that mutit eventually
Stake them the peor of any driiKgiob)
in the state. Their ileteriiilimlkm to
kwp In the front In all that rtaiu to
their line I commendable, aud at the
aame time creditable to our city.
Tbey are youug men that give prom
im of uaemlnme ami eucceaa.
Their proliity lu buHlnoM trannaction
baa been met with warm personal re
gard. THE FOUtrrVM TRAMt.
W. a Cook, aueceaeorof A. J.Whit
eakcr, keep the ouly regular furniture
atablUthmetit In Independence. He
made the purvhane of the "tore and fix
ture about the tint day of June, ltfH,
aince which time he haa added largely
to the stock then tu baud. Ho now
baa a Urge and varied awmrtmcut of
furniture, consiMlug of bedyteud,
chain, lounges, tables, in fact, every
thing QeceMwtryto thoroughly funiLsli
par lore, bedroom, littlngroum, and
kitchens, to the reiiuiremeuta of any
householder. In tin branch of ImUw
try. Mr. Cook ha made great stridcn,
and he 1 now upon a baati that give
do fear of competition. The growth
aud artbrtic development of thl Iioum
repreamU the taitte and cbarnctvr of
the people by whom he la Mimiumlcd.
The grocery aud provision trade of
Independence tea nourishing one, and
Th. ClodftllM Bulldlnf.
Thomas W. Estea hna started In to
share a part of the pro lit arising there
from. On December 21, lflttl, Mr. Knle
bought and took poswwlon of the gro
cery busine establiMhetl by J. I).
Irvine, February, lHb3. Mr. Irvine Imd
eutabluihed a good trade In the grocery
and provision line, and Mr. EmIc pro
poxes, by attention to IhihIihw, by
keeping a supply efjual to the dcmium,
and by courtesy to customers, to m
that the reputation of the limine suiters
no discredit Mr. Exte I well known
In Independence as a spirited citizen,
and aa one who Is imbued with honest
and generous principle.
Another well-eshibliMhcd house In
the grocery and provision business Is
that of tbe Walker Him They nre
the successors of Jlenklc & Walker.
The firm of Walker Hros. commenced
business October fit li, 1MH1, under
very favorable auspieea. They are
young men of irreproachable character
and deserving of resect from their fel
low oien. They keep a large supply of
groceries, provisions, crockery, and
other articles, ou inind, wblcfi they
aim to supply to customers at lowest
rates. The grocery trade Is not the
creation of any economic Interest, but
only an ofllciutlng minister to our en
joyments. The Walker liroH. will put
forth their best effort toward those en
joyment by the people of Indepen
dence. Another Arm that enjoy a very large
grocery and provision trade 1 Taylor
Yp '". , f v
JL WIWiv Vnr an nittouled tnmitlon
of this deservedly popular firm, the
reader l- reierreu vj w aiuww on
"Uakew andConfcctioners."
miv tit a ti if i.rra.
' William l'ercivttl Usik possession of
trie rioneer meat marnei on murcn a,
1HD1, since which time he ha llubored
with earnest effort to supply the cltl
zens of Iiidijpcndence with rich, fat,
and Juicy meats, and the people can
testify that "Hill" has met with suc
cess In his efforts in- that direction.
Wm. Perdval knows good meat when
he sees it, although It lie hidden be
neath a tough hide, aud when "Hill"
with microscopic vision sees tho Juicy
tr an hlililjfl Ka n....u f,r O uiwl If
is mood laid on the block, to awnit the
epicurean appetite to make a grasp for
The City market Is owned and nitr
ated by h. Ijetnmons,who cabus to tho
want of hi eiwtoiuew with amtdutty
and care. L. Iiuinonenie to Oregon
lu isw, and at time ban been engaged
at funning, while at other time he ha
bvenengnged lu the meat-market bul
na, ami Ida bmg experiem baa en
abled him to tuulutuln a reputation lu
hU bulneof a moat valuabieonaraeier.
The readlne Willi which Mr. Immon
ha adapted hlmtf to ohangea In the
jvwt, argue thai he wttl,wlth true buU
uo iHlcut, open up ehanuela of tradu,
and ditvet their oiierattona with au eye
to the iuiiim of hlmnelf and tbo good
of ot bora,
Tbo tWb and fowl market ta run by
I H. Ibival, wbo ha beeu lu that
bustiuw alnee, 1HHT. He baa ou baud
ftwh million In lb proper aeanon,
cblokou at all time, and the ooltbU'r
whom oalknl for, and MHH'lally at holi
day tlniaa. No m!y!pirgod hiu tr
hiuiMimrrtHl roontom niovi with favor
at bin Wuht; but vvouii(r iulkta anil
pivtlyooektirota lie rwlvm with mhIU
!n laoo, and tbn with rUI h hands
tlimn owr to bU ixUroim. Vou who
hav mioh dainty fowla, brln ttu-ni
aloiiK to tbo flith and fowl market, and
oxoliiunfo thorn for flit by luoro,
Taylor A Wlloo l tbo Arm who
uily brtsul and cako to tbo lituitf ry
iwio of 1iiiIihihI'ii(. Mr. Taylor
ha ttocn entmKtHl lu tlt Imkrry and
provUion builuiMi alnoa April, 1WK),
aud at tbo utart ho wa aomvwhat
dtuibtful of iuhvm, hut tlmo hn ro-
ntovml tltoee doubt. Mr. Wllco ha
lately wini.teil liluimtlf with thl va
tablliihmeut, and they ar now doing a
lucrative ami nouruiung tiumuvna.
t rwh bread, plea, and eakea, tln'y 1
way have ou haad, and you who ex
txH-l to Mtart out thl new year In com
jutnlomdilp with a hamtMuiie young
bride, call on them fr your wedding
cake, ami tiiey will rurolKh you Willi
au article to that ieclal Hue that will
tie beyond all coinpariaoo. (to to Tay
lor A Wilcox ft luxurlea and ub-
atautlaU In the Hue of edible.
W. H. Wheeler commenced buninni
lu the line of stationery, cigars, caudlca,
and fancy artlclcM, iu Jauuary, IhmT.
He ouumenced on a rather limited
scale, but hi buiiuem lucreaeed ranid
ly, aud he now keel on hand a large
and woll-aclectcd antortruent of
good In hi line. He alao deal In
sewluii machine and ortrnn. and will
till order for anything In hi line
promptly and with care. Ulve Wheeler
a call and he will attend to your want
with a cheerful smile. He keen none
but the choicest article In hi liue of
II. A. Miller opened up a shop lit In
dciwndeuce lu lSMO.toaupply the want
oi uiuee neemng worx iu maruie, gran
ite, aud other umterlid UMUailv found
In hniM of that character, lie now
hit ou baud some flue specimen of
neaa-ftioue, monumeut, auil lite like.
Tbey are of a good material aud a
fair win kiiuuiNlii pa can be found at
any ntlu-r xlut. No one should go
eluewhere for work In hi line when he
can fimiUh au article, at a low a rate,
sod with mahrial that will compare
wuii any stiop in me state,
The Qevere hotel wa the find hotel
erected In Independence. It w built
by W. c WbitMon metlnte In theWt'a
It I now owned and run by Mr.
Muliiwik tlurriifiw, who hna runtlntied
In the bintluem nine the death of her
buUud, In I.').
The Little Palace hotel, known at
one time as the licit House, aud then
ogidn a the City hotel, I now uuder
the care and management or Air, u.
A. (Stark, lteeently there ha been
1 1 u lie an atuiition mane m me nouse,
thus giving more room for the aecoui-
moilutlon or guests, l no iiousd na
Iwentv-four nicely furnished room,
and the table is supplied with edible
sunicieiit tosatisry tlie most vonirious
appetite. The hustesN pays part leu lur
attention to tier guestH, ami leave
nothing undone to make their stay at
the house unreeuble. '1 lie traveler can
lx assured ( a pleasant time at the
J. N. Jone is pmprietorof the livery,
feed, and side stable, and is prepared
to accommodate the traveling public
with nrst-ciuss turnout, lie Keefi
itckmI teams, and will supply the waul
of all wbo call upon him, at fair living
rates. Commercial traveler win no
well b cull on him, s he can satisfy
them wtl li goon aim inu-trniiti lenms.
ami will wait upon them wllh all
duo courtesy. Horse left In his charin?
will be fed and groomed In true artistic
order, (.'all on "Newt" with tbo as
surance that he will give satisfaction
in every way.
K. E. Krengel, successor to David
Mulonev, curries on an extensive work
lu tbebW'ksmithlug business. He 1
4' 1 Jw ,
Roller Mills.
always at the forgo and anvil, ready to
wait upon his patrons,, Wugou re
pairing done hi a neat and workman
like manner. All work generally done
In a blacksmith shop i (lone by Kren
gel personally, or under his Immediate
supervision. lie manufactures burrows,
plows, cultivators, and In fact every
thing that can be made out of Iron re
ceives prompt attention at hi hands,
lie is now putting together a new style
of potuto-dlgger, which probably may
supplant others now In use. Go and
ace It and 'order one for digging next
year's crop. -
J. A, Howman engaged iu the block
NMiltlimg business in Independence, In
November, WHO, and recently took In
to partnership. Wm, Weber. They
are now operating under the firm name
of Howman k Weber, and are
turning out first-closs work. Horse
shoeing U a sociality with them, and
thoy alo attotid to th nmtrliiK of vo
blob of awry dorltloti, I'alutluit
of ctUTtMKoa aUi dona wtl It artUtlo klll,
Ihey may be round ou U at root, ()
IhmIIo tbo potlofflo, wbc ro vim w
lud thorn InduNUiouily at work at tholr
trado, of wliloh thy are Mauler. All
kind of tnaobtnory rvnalrod with ll
tatoh, and to tba aatUfaotlon of tlmlr
I iron, KmvUlor ta thotr uiotto.
Ilubbanl A Van Moor, wbo are tb
aumieora of Klkln A I'o.. aro now tlie
owtiora and 0raU)r of tli t'lly truck
anil traunr iouiiauy, ami ara now
fully rvnarod to do all kind of haul'
Inttat fair trloo. Thoy hava good
toantt aud truck, careful driver aud
Rwtlilta of f.
attendant, and aim to do the correct
thing by all artlm, 'I'hey are agent
for the Oreirou l'acltle Ixails, aud will
afely transfer all kind of freight, Ug
gage, ana omer niatenai mirosuHi to
their care. They have engaged In the
tmaineaa to (y, ami ran oe munu at
their feed stable IJoiiilng the Little
Palace hotel, Urdur for the hauling
of wood receive prtaupt attention.
Their truck coumvt with th South
ern laci(to train at the depot ready
tor au emergeucie.
W. II. Whlteakerean alwayalie found
lu hi art gallery to take picture In th
most Improved style of the art. Hav
ing recently been burued out, lie haa
repaired ail damage, aud la now better
than ever prepared toptvnse those want
ing work lu hi Hue. Hi work at en
larging picture cannot he excelled, and
he I fully iilped for taking Picture
of farm residence a well a those In
the city. He eau give handsome pho
tograph on tlk, watch dial, ami can
do any work In photography eo,ual to
the best of artist, or which he I
one. Hive him a call ami receive proof
of hi ability a au artist.
P. C. Patterson, ucceMr to Oelwlek
A (loir, con t luu to supply customers
with the choicest cigar and eonftwtion
ery that are obtainable. He la a young
man of due apearance and gtsal bahtt
and will eventually make hi mark
among the biisiue men of Indepen
dence. He ha a neat and attractive
Th rtnt
place of buslnea, and clgnr of the best
brands, and line candle, meet the eye
on entrance to hi coey little stort-. He
keep on haud everything usually found
In a tlmt clasa eouieetlouery house.
Illltt'K MAKINM).
John It. Cooper ha always taken an
luterwtt in enterprise alU-etlug tlie pms
perlty of ludesjiidence. In IN7 he
commenced making brick, and ha con
tinued at It ever since. At the start
hi brick were made after the old style,
but that style being somewhat slow and
tedious, be adopted a tutslcm Improve
ment, and now with sleiiui a a motive
power, Jic turn out rapidly a gtssl
brick as can be fiwud anywhere. In
the old sty lu he usually put out ttooo
brick per "day, but uow with the latest
Improvement ho turn out 3,0oo, It
require nearly too cord of wiksI an
uually in hi kiln for burning the brick.
John It. Cooper' brick yard add a
much to the material Interest or Inde
pendence a any other industry carried
ou here, lu hi busy season It requires
from nftetm to tweigy hand to carry
on the work, thus giving employment
to that many men, who seinl their
earning at home, or rather among the
business men of the city. Thl 1 tbe
only brick yard In Iudewndence. Mr.
Cisqier I making asucucs of it, a well
as supplying tbe people with material
with which to erect handsome resi
dences and storehouse. John eau cast
hi eye alsiut tbe city and view the tine
brick buildings erected from the fruits
or his enterprise. jNoxt ummer mere
will be a great demand for brick, and
John will oe on nana.
Prcscott A Venrasruu the saw-mill at
ndiicmlcncc, and their annual output
Is' fU Thl firm look posee-
Riou or the mm iu ami lost u uy
the flood In M). The mill . wa re
built aud if'"! Imnroveiiieiit added,
and It I now doing It beat to supply
the demands for liimlwr made un
It. The coming season there will
Im) a irrcat demand for lumber, on ac
count of contemplated Improvements
at Monmouth ami Independence, and
It will require tlie greatest extent of Its
capacity to come near supplying that
demand. Necessity will soon demand
a railway to the moiiiiuiiu ror a sup
ply of lumber.
Mitchell A Hohuimon omrate a sash
and door factory near Jones's livery
stable. They are continually at work
lining orders made upon them ror sash,
doors, uinids, mouldings, stair runs, etc.
H. A. Parker Is another gentleman
engaged In supplying the market with
sash ami doors, lie is a skilled work
man and nils all orders promptly. II h
factory Is on llallroad street, where he
may be found to make speclul rates ou
contracts In architecture. He also
keeps on hand a full stock of glass.
0. A. Kramer, watchmaker and Jew
eler, Is snugly located with liuster A
Hhelley, druggists, All kind of re
pairing neatly done, and watches, rings,
silverware and all kinds of Jewelry solil
as cheap as the cheapest. Give him a
can and look over bis tine stock of gold
and silver ware.
M. L. White Is at lis old stum with
the Patterson Jlros., where ho will put
the "ticK" toyourwaton in snort order.
Mr. While Is au accomplished hand at
the business of repalrlnir watches and
all kinds of Jewelry. Oo aud take a
iook at himand tell mm to sell you a
line gold watch.
All know Jim, with his sainhel bann
ing from his shoulder. He Is one of
your active Insurance men that tends
to his business lu making out policies,
and Is also prompt In adjusting and set
tling damages when they occur from
the destroying element, lire. Not only
Is he a fire-insurance airent, but buys
and sells real estate and other property
when occasion oilers, lie has his
ofllce at Monmouth, where he may be
round, when not uimcnt on business
pertaining to his otllce, with smiling
race aud ready hands, to write a policy
of Insurance to your satisfaction. In
the adjustment arm settlement or dam
ages occurring by reason of tho lire lu
Mr. Whitcuker'g nbotoirrapli sallorv.
settlement was promptly and satisfac
torily made.
Mrs. A. M. Hurlev offers to tho
ladies of Independence anything lu this
line, Ulie keens on hand au exten
sive assortment of millinery und fancy
goous, suun as win sun mo uiste or the
most fastidious follower of fashion,
New good are constantly arriving,
aud she is determined to keep on hand
all of tho leading novelties, and the
F' ' ? t-.
k:z - -
most desirable article of got'sl lu linr
line, Mie aoiieit a share or tlie u mil
age of l ho p Hiple of 1 udctendciice, a,
miring them that her beat endeavors
wilt bo to serve them ratlhrully and
well, mid In aocorduiiee with the fash
ion of the season .
On tlie ooruer of Italtroad aud Mon
mouth tret will be Annul the fashion
able millinery shop of Mr. I'lillllpi
Udle and elitldren Palling vp in her
can have tlnM out and biu-d to
perAH'tloti, and made aceordliig to
order. Hbe ha also ou band an
amortmeut of furulshlng gissls which
h wllldlspoeeofat fair and reason
able prliH. (live her a call and you
will not go awny dltlllid. KxH'rl-
A, Plttroa.
cue lu the bulue ha given her an
aptitude In culling, filling and making
.i.-i ,l..,l. .o.....u.,nl,.,, ul...
ha also a variety of good suitable to
ladle' ami children' wear,
MUmc Macaulay A Ihawrtauii have
tsvn engaged In the millinery buine
lnce Novemlier, Ihsii, and have U-eoine
prollcient In the art of pleasing their
eustomer iiHiieirimeoigtsHis, iiyou
want a ulce hat iiitable fur mother,
wife, sister, or child, give them a call
aud the article you waut will he forth
coming. They know how to buy gotsls
to the beat advantage, and that give
them priority in selling ad vantageousty.
They may be found lu their handsome
millinery parlors, atnoimog wr. ibsi.
eti' IsMtt and shoe emporium. You
eau KHt t f gtsst tt( to adorn a
uuet'ii. Hut then all American gltl
are ueeu. Dou t fail to buy a lint.
I iKsn-s anp noKa,
W Jiere shall I ito to buy a nice mir
of btst or htie? Why, to (Jtssleir.
MKMwtr to 11. Waller. opM!te the
Ktrt National tmnk. There you will
Hud ihem In endlesa variety, fnsu the
mtest Rltl to the heavltwt tniwillile Pool,
HI tx'k I first class, ami bought with
a view to make hi establlshmi'iil m-v
end to no house lu the eon my. Ladle
and gentlemen can he tilted to a nicety
from a large eleetion of the tswl qual
II tJ uimhI. Iti'OiilHnir done bv a com-
neteiit workman, and satisfaction
itttarutecd. Hun t forget to ctill; look
over hi st's k. and you will not go
away without U'lug well ttitxi.
N.tlo, 0ak.
Jfbuny Volke hu opened np new
Nsiitml alioe shop opposite the Vr
Sim office. All know Joliiiny lo 1st pn-
neieu la Hi bool ihI stioe hiilns, and
tli II be give but vtrou render
mg djout town rare pleasure,
LwAtik wuA wuuoy areWwA'aiatitvw1
that always have and alway will ruk
the world. Money Itself is jMiwerless
until It I put lu operation. Locked in
a safe and umiaed.gnld I an Inert maa.
tlraiu, a repreacntcd In tlie grandest
scheme for human gissl, are powerkas
until they have acquired a urtlu lu
materbd stiUlcleul to organ Ue and
mnintaln eoiitluueil physical action.
Until)) ami capital united- Intelligence
and purchasing siwerthat suppllea the
needs of lulsir when working tmrm.i
nloiisly, iinau wllon, power pros-rtty.
The fact remain and cannot be refuted
that the first value paid for anything
1 the labor producing It. If It I used
at once It Is-eomt an element of pro
duction. If hoarded It I capital, and
can be used at any time, or exchanged
for anything of equal value. The man
agement of the capital by loaning ll to
person who return a little more than
they revived, Is Unking. IudcMn
dunce ha two banks, the First .Nat ton
al liauk aud the 1 udciHmlctice Nation
al bank. These bank have been In
stgHxwful operation for tome time, ami
they have lavn an advantage to the
commercial Interest of the city, a welt
a to the farmer wbo occasionally re
quire a loan to carry on his work with
oiiie assurance of profit. These banks
have been the eustisllaus of the snvlngs
of tho stockholders, which Is their nqt
I tnl, aud the savings of the js'ople,
which become their deposits, and as
uch custodian they hove lson faithful
to their trusts, ami have facilitated the
operations of commerce to the lneflt
of the people and Willi prllot totheiu
selves, Tlie vstnbllslimeiit of these
bank lu lndcsiiidcuee and their sue
ccssfiil oM'rutlon, tends to show to the
outside world that we have a commer
cial mart here,, its time moves on,
will cause the concentration of great
wealth in our midst. Hank are a ne
cessity In commercial relations, and
there tun be no refutation of the fact.
Thomas Iteeves opened a randy store
and lunch counter Inst NovcmU'r, and
asks the old aud young to come and
partake of hi sweet thing almost
without money and without price,
They are going very fiud, and hu w III
lay in a new supply (sitter than ever,
(lo and got acquainted with htm, aud
he will doll' his lint to you a politely a
the prince of Wale.
(In and visit the Fair: not the agri
cultural fair, but the Fair near the First
National bunk, (leo, W. Iteed Invite
all to come mid see the wonderful Imr
galns he Is offering. (In and look at
his five-cent counter and be astonished
Everything Is there lu great profusion,
and he will array you lu the best ha-
biimeiits ever donned by num. Don't
rorget me fair,
W. O. Hlmrmnn, the merchant tailor,
is eoniiortauiy situated near the post
office, on 0 street, where he will ninke
you a tine suit of clothe in the latest
raeiiion. Any stylo milt yon may de
sire he will nuike Willi exactness, and
warrant It not to rip. Ilia charge are
moderate, and he asks a share of your
custom. His cutting and fitting cannot
be excelled, sod wittini tie is a snntle-
inso that reciprocates favors. Try him
Conolmlod on Pas' own.
Frltflitral Slilwrseks,
Btuituch ships strike and founder, tho
fierce wind and mountainous waves
sweep noble mariners' "hearts of oak"
to shipwreck und to death, yet that
does not prevent tho lubberllust lands
man from risking his life on the stormy
Atlantic In the role of tourist or com
mercial traveler. Hut If he shall touch
his destination safely lie will scarcely
have escaped somo of the qualms of sea
sickness, unless ho takes with him
Hosteller's Blomach Hitters, that In
ImllttbloHpoelflo for nausea. Hud wutor
on long trips I & threat to tho voy
ager, but this may he deprived In a
great measure of Its dlsordcrdlng effects
upon the stomach, bowels and liver by
the Hitlers. Against the prejudicial
effects of malaria, Imd diet, fatigue and
exposure 11 Is also efllcaclou. 1 1 averts,
moreover, rheumatism und kidney com
plaints, I)on't travel on sen or land
without it. !
it r I' -
Is not a isstmsils la Pibwiiw la wliMi thai
frill U MOtulsrly uowl.tml H,riiisuvnllr Imu.
t,,, ,prwfii,nn),wi,i.-H.'w-., -
klll.siol by dally UM srailimlly liisSi- lli
miiiiulimlna ssvpral thsiliM whiter, ll l mn-
lain uroinxuin inan uiiieiis oi sun win
wlloi.siul iruhl uhlnlrn still rrw'Slw sad
lis4ktiwU will UKVer Dolus srlilla yuu um It,
II rlMMum ins rucsmr twiivr limn rnrno ana
wslor.iiuurUliMsndlMilldnuiiMivolila llMiint,
sail tliiis ureviniMtlisAiriiiKllnn i( wrliiklM,
II slvw His rrwInivM.iilmriiiNM, Mia musiiii
iimuI sslti Ihsl you had whon IHUs aflrt.
Kvrv liolv. ymiii nr old, ihisIiI lo um II, as II
slvns murs yeiiililul iswiraiiis Ut any Isily,
sad Ihsl iwriiisiivnlly. It sniilaliis an eld,
pnwdfr.iHirsllisll, slid ! hrml"M d,
snd nourlahlhg Ui lli aklli M dw Is to III
nisr. Trim, el, si sit ilriigli snd liulr
trMra,orst Mrs, lisrvslM umham'i wlsb
lUliiuvnl, (ill INmI liwI.Hun PraaelMn. whers
li Irntl isdlM Sir all lilauilahMol III fwt
iw rtaiir. lullu al s dlalautw lrsaUd by leU
ir. , nu maiiip a ur nut nuua, -now u
ue imoimtii.
limila kaltla BtslM frw to say lady
tut rwelfd oOue 01 uniim bi ty Air ssiliM
siiu HHains, Miuy hsiiui wiuium.
Face Bleach
OurM llio wont ihmhsi ot nwklm, imliurn
iowiiws, mom mii'iim, iiiiiiimm, ana u ski
tliiiUlu, I'rla. I ,ftu. Ilarmlxu and l
na'llvn, NaMiiiilf ma bvtenl, jidyaul
wan led.
The DfMtalet la this town who first or
dm a bill l mv uroiMtrsllims will hav his
nam aildnt lt till sdvartlMnivnl, My prt
srallons ar Ar al by whulnaala aruslaU iu
V iiiesfo sua errry euy wmi m IU
LiYery and Sile Stttblss,
ranicoii, torn
Having purcbastHl the Interest of
Ueorge tlomtiby In the Mounmuth
Livery and Hale Htahlca, I solicit a fair
hare of the patronage of the publlo.
I am prviwred to furnish eiasl team
and vehicle al short notice, day or
night, aud all traiuUeiit cutoi will re
ceive due attention. Hernl In your or
Wall Paper, Picture Frame
Fine Fruits,
Nuts, or
North Main street,
PnrlflM th ni.OOD. fntw
vith FacrimiU Sianaturt of EMIL FRE&E. '
W. 0. H II A R.MAN, Merobnut
Tiiilur, 0 itrvot, Imlepwdono,
Oregon. Suit in nny styla moJe
to ordor, nt reasonable rate. Tb beat grade of importej
mn! Amorionn woolem to select from. Also, sample of
flrat-olMs OreRon oasiimorei from
tbe Solum woolen mills, Anyone
minting a very durable suit at
moderate cost won Id do well to
examine those borne .manufac
tured goods. ,
Independence, Oregon.
tu " a- "White House' has always been to tike stock
A I IV Ulb v - -
l I,., ; nr,W
selves much work, this
consists of a complete
Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.
n rrtV
large stock. Now remember, this offer stands
good from Friday, January lot,
until Saturday, Jan. 3092,
LNow is the time to buy the above
articlesT and-you will always find that
I do what I advertise. Remember,
e white Hous-.
ZED ROSENDORF, Proprietor.
nnTlPiTinv iviiwiruTinv
tn mvc the nubile a Lx;nefit and to save our-
year we postpone it to
line of
I offer at cost price any article you may
, choose. I do all this in order to save
the trouble and
OMlar in
Highest market price paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, pork, veal, etc.
AH bills niiut be settled monthly.
Mitchell & Bohannon
MuuUelamn ot
Sash and Doors
Mala tr . . . In4wndrB
Do friionU dray biu.lm t roo
awe raum, aimo we he on Imnd
Merchant Tailor !
Suits in Any Style Made to Order
Main street, Independence, Or.
Two experienced workmen in t
tndnc. NEW BOOT
Johtiii) Volkc, the old rellnblo bnoU
nmkor, Iioot loave to Inform his
many old friend, and thegin
eml publlc.tluit lie hM airiUn
ooinni.-iiwl bimlncw lu Indt'HiHUnoe,
ana will be ((lad to rvoWve oiuire of
their patronage. '
Repairing Neatly and Promptly done.
mt.mii m ruoixir boon (pwlkllf. DouU
oiled and noliahad.
Dulldlng oppolto the West 8i d oftlce,
iviiuuirtM, - iiiaopeiuienro.
Rnndi rliuiil : (UritAt Bm, Ouu.mii, H Urn, Orm.
- .
llnslnesn, Shorthand,
M-ln Mil tfarnuihuul lh ), Hludnu Hloill.
M l wur unit. uulmnM rrout tlUnt whwlTfrM,
Millinery j Fancy Qootb
InDiruiDnoi, . . 0Ma01
Jno, J. Dly. J. t, Blbliy. H. C. Iikln.
W hkV thfl nnlv .., n ilutMnl Ka..L. . I, . ,L
Mumtv. iiLii.iVi ." "ri'
..',tw,D aiiaim,., lurHiHitmi, una
nioniiy to liuin. No commiwiliin cl.Hrunl on
liwwi. OIHon, roomi 1 ud I W ilaon'i block.
Dell, . Oregon,
February 1. My stock
work of invoicing my
uj UVJl
Oregon Pacific Railroad
T. K. HOOP. Rtcwv.
Orison Dm!ops::t Ci't Steers.
8hortUato OaUfonla.
Freight and Fares the Lowest
Imivhii FnutrlMn: Dm, , hm.
lvn Vialn! Dm, 11,0,11,
V? m ... . .
win run iiiMHuurm, TAUIVUT.
. 1i.!?,0 " lr, W4nM.
TbU fnmiav nmm thm rtctl ki -
lliudM.ltliot noW. "
iYiMwiwptiiiiitiiar. k. a. 4 im
nou u Coonlllt ud ilbtaj.
0n. K. P. Ax. Oil. Co, &r"iTRAit.
M Moill,lnry Ht, O. P. R. RT
Mmji FnuiolMO, OoraUU, Or
tx-pnm TralM Lmt fortUad DaJtr.
"i.ut. i : :
1 MortL'
lifl r. m,
lrtjj r. m.
PorflhiiA Ar. 1 1M A. M,
Allwny Af. 1 4.1.1 A. H
Ar. Him Krnoleo L. lr.
At train ttn only M tollowlnf tutlou
rninh ol KiwborR: tu rorU.nol, Onrw CIIt,
my, UwrUbuif
" hw;( injvm, moo, una
bum, JaaeUoa City, Irving A Kit-
Roseburg Hail, Daiff.
A .
Rmmbury .... $:'A a, m. KrUitnJ .".tMk, Z.
Albany Looal. Dally except Sunday.
Prtlnd MO p.nv.
Albany Q.-CO .m
Alhny...MO p.m.
Pnlnd .".
fullman Buffet Sleepers,
htaeeoaaoaatiea r tkMoadlM) kNm
iHwaaa Ki IWM,
Between Portland Imd CorVaUU
l;NA,a. Lt, rortlna Ar. I
11:114. M. A. Iapn4na Ar. Y.4tZ. m.
kio r, a. AH, Cornau. RlaggS
At Altany ud CemUlt eoaaMt Witk ami al
Umat ma MILT (Except
atoiiiBnTin.. lan. i.i '
umiaiBi TV 114
wr-Fwueytind lnlomHontrdtf mtu
duo5k " 0OB1,' llaJrw
B.K0IHLU, 9, 100IU,